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#12.17 : Erreur de jeunesse

LES WINCHESTER TROUVENT KELLY KLINE - Sam et Dean ont enfin une piste sur Kelly Kline. Mick débarque au bunker et souhaite rejoindre la chasse.


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The British Invasion

Titre VF
Erreur de jeunesse

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Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Arthur Ketch (David Haydn-Jones)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Arthur Ketch (David Haydn-Jones)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) se servant à boire

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) se servant à boire

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Mike Davis (Adam Fergus) une arme à la main

Mike Davis (Adam Fergus) une arme à la main

Kelly Kline (Courtney Ford) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Kelly Kline (Courtney Ford) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Kelly Kline (Courtney Ford)

Kelly Kline (Courtney Ford)

Dagon (Ali Ahn)

Dagon (Ali Ahn)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern), Renny Rawlings (Darren Adams) et Mike Davis (Adam Fergus)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern), Renny Rawlings (Darren Adams) et Mike Davis (Adam Fergus)

Dagon (Ali Ahn) face à Kelly Kline (Courtney Ford), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dagon (Ali Ahn) face à Kelly Kline (Courtney Ford), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Renny Rawlings (Darren Adams) et Mike Davis (Adam Fergus) tendant une arme à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Renny Rawlings (Darren Adams) et Mike Davis (Adam Fergus) tendant une arme à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Mike Davis (Adam Fergus) dans une casse

Mike Davis (Adam Fergus) dans une casse

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern) face à Renny Rawlings (Darren Adams) et Mike Davis (Adam Fergus)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern) face à Renny Rawlings (Darren Adams) et Mike Davis (Adam Fergus)

Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern)

Eileen Leahy (Shoshannah Stern)

Mike Davis (Adam Fergus) un verre à la main

Mike Davis (Adam Fergus) un verre à la main

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Baby

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Baby


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner
Réalisé par : John Showalter

Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Nous voyons Mick, alors qu'il était un enfant étudiant à l'académie de Kendricks. Il rentre dans l'école avec son meilleur ami, Timothy et tous deux sont convoqués par la proviseure. Elle les accueille dans une pièce, où elle leur montre une dague. Puis, elle leur explique que pour accepter au prochain niveau d'apprentissage, seul l'un des deux devra sortir de cette pièce. Le but étant de tester leur capacité d'obéissance et de dévotion au Code des Men of Letters. Elle les laisse seuls. Puis, quelques instants plus tard, c'est Mick qui ressort, taché de sang et la dague à la main. Il est visiblement secoué, mais assure à sa proviseure que Timothy s'est bien battu. La proviseure le félicite.

Quelques années plus tard, Mick, adulte, se réveille en sursaut dans le QG des Men of Letters. L'homme qu'il est devenu est resté traumatisé par l'acte qu'il a été forcé de commettre étant enfant.


Les boys sont sur la route du retour et reçoivent quelques informations d'Eileen, qui a retrouvé quelques traces laissées par Kelly Kline et sa protectrice, Daegon. Puis, ils retournent au bunker, où Sam suggère qu'ils devraient peut-être faire appel à Crowley dans cette affaire, mais Dean refuse catégoriquement. C'est alors qu'ils s'aperçoivent que Mick est ici. Il leur explique que la clé du bunker ouvre tous les lieux appartenant aux Men of Letters, partout dans le monde. Puis, il leur dit qu'ils ont détecté la présence du néphilim et est choqué de voir que les boys savaient et n'ont rien fait pour arrêter cela. Les boys expliquent qu'ils n'allaient pas tuer Kelly pour quelque chose dont elle n'est pas vraiment responsable, peu importe ce que le Code des Men of Letters exige. Puis, ils tentent de calmer Mick en lui assurant qu'ils vont gérer la situation. Mick se calme et Dean propose qu'ils boivent.

Lucifer prend des nouvelles de son enfant auprès de Daegon qui lui assure que tout se passe bien et qui se voit sommé de ne pas échouer, cette fois. Dans le même temps, Mick rêve encore du meurtre de son meilleur ami, quand il est réveillé par la sonnerie du téléphone. C'est le Dr. Hess, sa proviseure et sa chef, qui lui dit qu'avec le néphilim en route, il est temps de changer de plan ; si les Winchester ne veulent pas coopérer, il devra faire appel à M. Ketch pour s'en débarrasser. Mick tente de protester, mais elle ne le laisse pas terminer et lui dit que c'est un ordre, avant de raccrocher.

Kelly se réveille avec des douleurs dans le ventre et exige auprès de Daegon d'aller voir un médecin. Daegon lui assure que ce n'est pas nécessaire, mais lorsque Kelly dit qu'elle n'ira nulle part tant qu'elle ne sera pas sûre que son enfant va bien, Daegon finit par céder.

Au bunker, les boys se remettent difficilement de leur nuit de beuverie en compagnie de Mick. Quand Sam demande des nouvelles de leur mère à son frère, Mick arrive et leur assure qu'ils n'ont pas à s'inquiéter pour elle, car elle forme une parfaite équipe avec Ketch. Quand Dean lui demande si il voudrait que sa mère travaille avec Ketch, Mick avoue qu'il n'a pas connu ses parents. Les Men of Letters l'ont trouvé dans la rue, alors qu'il faisait les poches d'un de leurs membres et qu'il est tombé sur une pièce ensorcelée. Les Men of Letters l'ont recueilli et entrainé ensuite. Mick s'évade dans ses souvenirs, y compris les plus douloureux. Sam lui demande si tout va bien et Mick revient à la réalité en prétendant que oui.

Daegon et Kelly sont chez le médecin. Daegon est un peu nerveuse quand le médecin décide de faire une échographie de l'enfant, mais elle ne peut lutter contre la volonté de Kelly. Au début, tout semble parfait, mais le médecin fronce les sourcils. Daegon contrôle alors ses pensées afin qu'il ne perçoive pas les anomalies et qu'il assure à Kelly que tout va bien, ce qu'il fait. Puis, il décide de collecter quelques informations sur le père de l'enfant.

Pendant ce temps, Crowley s'amuse à humilier Lucifer. Ce dernier, à la grande surprise du démon, décide de se soumettre et de lui accorder la victoire.

Ketch téléphone à Mick pour lui faire son rapport après que lui et Mary aient tué huit polymorphes. Une fois fait, il sert un verre de vin à Mary et ils parlent de leur vie respective. Ketch explique qu'il connait Mick depuis l'école, tandis que Mary dit qu'elle a quitté la vie de chasseuse parce qu'elle désirait une vie plus calme et plus normale. Mais Ketch pense qu'elle est attirée par le danger et qu'elle ne pouvait rester confinée derrière une barrière blanche et les quatre murs parfaits d'une maison de banlieue.

Mick est de retour au QG, lorsqu'il est surpris par l'assistant personnel de Hess, qui a été envoyé ici pour soit disant l'aider, mais Mick sait qu'il est plutôt là pour le surveiller. Mick lui demande de rester hors de son chemin, mais l'assistant ne cède pas.

Le médecin ayant osculté Kelly Kline est tué par un démon.

Au bunker, Dean tente de joindre Cas', sans succès. Puis, il rejoint Sam et Eileen. La chasseuse leur explique qu'elle a retrouvé le démon travaillant pour Daegon, chargé de recouvrir ses traces, ce qu'il faisait lorsqu'il a tué le médecin. Avant qu'Eileen ne le tue, elle a pu obtenir le numéro de téléphone de Kelly. Les boys la complimentent.

En Enfer, Crowley expose Lucifer aux autres démons, croyant que l'archange va déclarer sa soumission au Roi afin qu'aucun autre démon ne cherche à l'évincer. Mais Lucifer, sans que Crowley ne se rende compte de rien, fait comprendre à l'assemblée démoniaque que c'est à lui qu'ils doivent obéir.

Tandis que Kelly a envoyé Daegon lui chercher des compléments alimentaires, elle reçoit un appel de Sam, qui se fait passer pour l'assistant du médecin et lui demande de revenir au cabinet. Elle accepte. Eileen et Sam se sourient, alors que Mick arrive, accompagné de l'assistant de Hess. Mick explique qu'apparemment, ses chefs ont quelques soucis de confiance. Puis, il tend le Colt à Sam et lui fait promettre que l'arme reviendra au QG. Pendant ce temps, Dean attrape Kelly sur le chemin du cabinet et l'emmène dans l'Impala.

Ils retrouvent Sam, Eileen et Mick le soir même. Puis, ils tentent de parler avec Kelly, de la convaincre que son enfant est un danger mais qu'ils peuvent l'aider sans lui faire de mal. C'est alors que Daegon apparait et attrape Kelly après avoir fait voltiger tout le monde. Eileen attrape le Colt et tire en direction de Daegon, mais le démon disparait avec Kelly avant que la balle ne l'atteigne, et c'est dans le coeur de l'assistant de Hess qu'elle va se loger. Mick se précipite auprès du corps de l'homme, puis, il tend son arme vers Eileen, qui lui assure qu'elle n'a pas voulu le tuer. Mick dit que le Code exige qu'elle meurt, car elle a tué un des leurs, mais il est clair qu'il est déchiré et Sam vient lui parler. Sam lui demande d'agir d'après son propre code, et d'oublier celui des Men of Letters, car il sait au fond, la bonne chose à faire. Mick finit par baisser son arme et leur demande de partir. Ils partent sans chercher à discuter plus longtemps.

Lucifer fait inspecter son vaisseau par un démon, qui lui assure qu'il tient le coup, mais c'est aussi le cas du système de sécurité voulu par Crowley pour garder l'archange prisonnier. Et malheureusement, Crowley a pris soin de faire tuer le démon qui a construit ce système. Mais Lucifer fait promettre à son nouveau sbire qu'il trouvera un moyen de désarmer ce système assez rapidement.

Pendant ce temps, les boys et Eileen rentrent au bunker. Eileen est toujours secouée par ce qu'il s'est passé. Sam lui fait comprendre, en langage des signes, que c'était une erreur et rien d'autre. Eileen se jette dans ses bras et Sam la serre contre lui.

Daegon attache Kelly avec des menottes à son lit, afin qu'elle n'ai plus à lui courir après. Kelly lui explique qu'elle voulait simplement s'assurer que son bébé allait bien. Daegon lui dit que son bébé est fort, bien plus fort qu'elle ne le pense et qu'il n'a pas besoin d'elle. Puis, elle lui révèle que sa souffrance ne fait que commencer, car donner naissance à un néphilim est toujours fatal pour la mère.

Mick est de retour au QG et il est supris d'y trouver Ketch, encore plus de voir arriver Hess. Elle lui explique qu'elle est là pour mettre de l'ordre. Pour elle, Mick a échoué dans sa mission et elle doit désormais s'assurer qu'Eileen sera éliminée et que les Winchester fassent l'objet d'une enquête. Mick sait comment cela se passe, les chasseurs sont toujours reconnus coupables et leurs enquêtes ne sont que des farces. Il tente de convaincre Hess que les Winchester ont sauvé des tas de vies grâce à leur sens de ce qui est juste. Mais Hess ne se laisse pas convaincre, seul le Code compte. Le Code, dit Mick, n'est pas ce qui les sépare des monstres, comme elle le prétend, c'est ce qui oblige un jeune garçon à tuer son meilleur ami et à obéir aveuglément. Aujourd'hui, Mick est un homme et il décide de faire ce qui est juste. Il n'a malheureusement pas vu le signe de tête que Hess a fait à Ketch et il n'a pas vu le tueur se placer juste derrière lui. Alors que Mick termine à peine sa phrase, Ketch lui tire une balle dans la tête.

Au bunker, Sam et Dean partagent leurs inquiétudes à propos de Castiel, qui ne répond toujours pas à leurs appels. Puis, Sam dit qu'Eileen est partie, qu'elle va prendre un peu de temps pour se remettre. Enfin, Sam tend le Colt à Dean, qui est ravi de retrouver leur arme fétiche.

Au QG, tandis que Ketch tourne autour du corps sans vie de Mick, il demande à Hess ce qu'elle veut qu'il fasse. Elle dit que leur expérience concernant les chasseurs américains est terminée. Il faut désormais tous les éliminer. Elle laisse des dossiers tomber sur la table où Mick repose ; le premier est au nom de Dean.



Ecrit par deanlove35.


FLASHBACK: Outside London, England, 1987

EXTERIOR: Kendricks Academy

Two school boys approach stairs to Kendricks Academy. They are dressed in long robes.

Timothy: What do you think she wants?

Young Mick Davies: Nothing good.

INTERIOR: Kendricks Academy

The boys walk down the corridor, passing the Kenricks Academy coat of arms, which includes an Aquarian Star, a rampart lion and two crossed keys.

Timothy: Going home for Christmas? [He glances at Mick, before adding] Sorry. Forgot.

Mick: I’ll be here, as always.

An older woman walks down the corridor towards the boys. They look at her, anxiously.

Dr Hess: Gentlemen.

Timothy/Mick: Headmistress.

Dr Hess: Come with me.

The boys follow her down the corridor and into an office. They notice that a section of the floor is covered with plastic. Mick closes the door.

Dr Hess: Timothy, Michael, you have both conquered many trials here at Kendricks, either through natural talent or good old-fashioned hard work. But today, today we’ll learn which of you matriculates to the next level of training. This organisation does important work, gentlemen – work which allows millions of people to sleep safely in their beds at night. But in order to do this work, to protect those people, we need cadets who will employ their skills and execute orders without question. And, so [Dr Hess goes to the table and opens a piece of cloth to reveal a knife] only one of you will be leaving this room. Good luck.

Dr Hess leaves the room. We see the knife on the table.

Later, young Mick Davies walks down the corridor towards Dr Hess. She looks up. Mick is splattered with blood.

Mick: He fought well. He didn’t want to die.

Dr Hess: Yet the Code demands otherwise. Well played, Mr Davies.

We see the knife, covered in blood, in Mick’s hand.

Present day: Mick Davies wakes suddenly from a dream. He is in the British Men of Letters US bunker.


The impala tears down a rainy road. The boys are inside, chatting to Eileen Leahy via Facetime. She is in a motel room, looking at Sam on the monitor.

Sam: So, uh, after we talked, you went back to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho?

Eileen [speaking and signing throughout]: Right. The last place anybody saw Kelly Kline go. I figured I'd take a look.

Sam: Hmm. And?

Eileen: And turns out, right after she left, somebody burned down an old warehouse. I did some digging. [Eileen picks up her phone and starts typing a message]. Check your phone.

Sam: Okay. [He takes a look]. What are those? Security shots? Oh, yeah. There's Kelly goin' in. Huh.

Dean: Wow. [Sam moves the screen so Dean can see Eileen]. Nice work, Eileen.

Eileen: Thank you.

Dean: So this chick with her, that, uh, Pat Benatar wannabe?

Sam: It must be Dagon, I guess. Yeah.

Dean: Awesome. Okay, so [he stretches across to chat to see Eileen on the monitor] So... Kelly and Dagon go crash this place, and then it gets torched. Coincidence?

Sam: No.

Eileen: Hell, no.

Dean: All right, well, what are we lookin' at here?

Eileen: Working on it.

Dean: Well, go get 'em, Eileen.

Eileen: That's the plan.

Dean gives Eileen the ‘thumbs up’ and Sam shifts the monitor back towards him.

Eileen: Bye, Sam.

Sam [smiling]: Bye.

Dean [smirking]: That's cute.

Sam: Come on.

INTERIOR: Men of Letters bunker

Sam: Just saying, Dean, even with Cas and every Hunter we know working this, we still got basically nothing. At least, you know, maybe Crowley...

Dean: No, dude, we're not calling Crowley...

Suddenly they notice they are not alone.

Mick: Hello, boys. Do come and have a drink.

Sam: Did you break into our house?

Mick: Our house. Men of Letters. Did you know your key opens every chapter house in the world?

The boys stare at him incredulously.

Mick: Well, you did say you'd give me a second chance.

Dean: Yeah, that doesn't mean we wanna hang out.

Sam: You here for a reason?

Mick: I am, and it's a bit urgent. Some time ago, the home office recorded some sort of cosmic shock wave. Very rare. And after a few months of...

Sam: Nephilim.

Mick: You knew?

Dean: Yeah, we knew.

Mick: How?

Sam: Sort of a long story.

Mick: Well, I've got time.

Dean: Well, Lucifer jacked the President...and then knocked up his girlfriend.

Sam: And now, she is on the run with Dagon, who is a Prince of Hell.

Mick: I see. And you didn't tell me this because...

Dean: Cause it's kind of a need-to-know kind of thing.

Mick [agitated]: The Devil is having a... child. It seems like something we'd need to know. Where is this woman now?

Sam: Not sure. We had her. Tried to help her, but, she, uh...

Dean: We lost her.

Sam: Yeah.

Mick: I'm sorry. You... you had her? And you let her live?

Dean: Look, it's not Kelly's fault, okay? She didn't know Lucifer was her boyfriend.

Mick: Oh, sure, yeah. It could happen to anyone.

Sam: Plus, she'd agreed to end the pregnancy. And I guess she changed her mind. Even with everything Kelly knew, it... it was still her kid. She couldn't.

Mick: Then you should have! You should've shot her between the eyes immediately.

Dean: Oh, why? 'Cause that's what you would've done?

Sam: Kind of like you killed that werewolf? 'Cause from what I remember, that really messed you up.

Dean: Yeah, 'cause you're so big on second chances and all.

Mick: Yeah... yes. I'm not saying it was gonna be easy, but the Code demands it.

Dean: Oh. The Code.

Mick: This is not some werewolf. Do... Do you have any idea what will happen if this abomination is born?

Sam: Mick... we're handling it, all right? We'll find her.

Dean: So until then... I say we drink.

INTERIOR: Crowley’s Lair

Lucifer: Dagon. Dagon... Hear me.

INTERIOR: Apartment building

Dagon [hearing Lucifer telepathically]: I do, sire.

Lucifer: News of my son... All is well?

Dagon: As can be expected.

Lucifer: And the, uh... container?

Dagon: She should last as long as needed.

Lucifer: Well, she better. Don't fail me, Dagon. Not again.

[Dagon looks anxious]

INTERIOR: Men of Letters bunker

Mick is asleep. He is dreaming again; back at Kendrick College in 1987, in the room with Timothy.

Timothy: Mick, no one's out there. If we run, we might not get caught. We can go to my father. He'll...

Mick: Close the door, Timothy.

[We hear Dr Hess’s words repeated as Mick makes his decision: “We need cadets who will execute orders without question.”]

Timothy [pleading]: Mick, we have to go.

[Dr Hess: “Only one of you will be leaving this room.”]

Timothy: Mick.

[Dr Hess: “Good luck.”]

Mick [picking up the knife]: I'm...I'm sorry.

A phone rings. Mick wakes up in the bunker, present day.

Mick [answering his phone]: What?

INTERIOR: Office in England

Dr Hess: You didn't report in last night, Mr Davies. Is there a reason?

Mick: No, ma'am. No, I was, uh, I was still in investigation mode. I was gonna inform you.

Dr Hess: And the Winchesters?

Mick: Making some progress.

There is a knock on Dr Hess’s door.

Dr Hess: Come in, Mr. Rawlings. [She resumes her call] You are aware that Lady Bevell feels that they are hopeless.

Mick: I'm the one cleaning up her mess. Dr. Hess, last I heard, you and the rest of the leadership felt getting the Winchesters was key to bringing the American Hunters on board. I'm just trying to make that happen.

Dr Hess: Yes, well, things change.

Mick: And that means?

Dr Hess: This... nephilim. Something big and bad is on its way, Mr. Davies. We need the situation in America settled now.

Mick: What? I don't understand.

Dr Hess: Then let me make it blisteringly simple. We don't have time to court a handful of mangy Colonials. Not anymore. So either Sam and Dean and the rest of their ill-bred lot learn to obey, or you turn them over to Mr. Ketch... and start fresh.

Mick: Look, I don't think...

Dr Hess: This is not a discussion. It's an order. Are you hearing me, Michael? Assimilate or eliminate.

INTERIOR: Apartment building

Kelly Kline is lying on the couch. She is in discomfort. Dagon brings her some food and drink.

Dagon: Do you need a pillow or...whatever?

Kelly sits up, groaning.

Dagon: What's wrong?

Kelly: I keep getting these weird little pains.

Dagon: I'm sure everything's fine.

Kelly: Why? Because this is how you felt all the times you were pregnant? I need to see a doctor.

Dagon: No doctor will understand this child. You barely do. We've been here too long. We should go.

Kelly: No! You said that you would help me. I wanna see a doctor. I'm not going anywhere until I know my baby's safe.

INTERIOR: Men of Letters bunker

Sam walks groggily into the kitchen, where Dean is asleep at the table. He wakes up as Sam grabs a coffee.

Sam: Wow. You look like crap.

Dean: Yeah, you look crappier. I gotta hand it to Mick. Man, you get him started, that guy can drink. I mean, we can drink, but he's got, like, the Can Drink gold medal.

Sam: Hey, you talk to Mom lately?

Mick [cheerily walking into kitchen]: Oh, shouldn't worry about your Mum. Her and Ketch make quite the team.

Dean: Would you want your mom working with him?

Mick: Well, I can't say. I never really knew my mum. Or my dad. I was on the streets till the Men of Letters found me.

Sam: How did they find you?

Mick: I, uh, picked a member's pocket. Not on purpose. I was just after a couple of quid. But I got a cursed coin from Ancient Babylon instead.

Dean: Yeah, sure. That could happen to anyone.

Mick: The Men of Letters decided I showed promised and signed me up. They gave me a life. They, um... [he gazes into space]

Sam: You all right?

Mick: Yeah. Always. [Picking up his glass of tomato juice] Got any vodka?

Dean groans and rests his head back on the table.

INTERIOR: Doctor’s office

Doctor: Hello. You must be Kelly. And you're her...partner?

Dagon: No.

Doctor: Birth coach.

Dagon: Sure.

Doctor: Well, Kelly's vitals and preliminary labs were great. So we're just gonna do a quick sonogram.

Dagon: Is that really necessary?

Kelly: Of course it is.

Doctor: Want the baby to be a happy camper. Right over here. Okay, Kelly. Just lift up there, please. Thank you. I'm gonna put a little bit of gel on the camera, so it might be a little bit cold.

The doctor prepares the sonogram.

Doctor: Okay. Say cheese.

Dagon: Cheese.

Doctor: Okay. Uh-huh. Ah. It's looking good.

The doctor notices something on the sonogram.

Doctor: Oh. Hmm. Hmm.

Kelly: What?

Dagon [eyes turn yellow and she telepathically instructs the doctor]: Everything looks a-okay.

Doctor: Everything looks a-okay!

Dagon: See, Kelly? Your baby is a little angel, just like I've been saying.

Doctor: Now I know this can be a little bit awkward, but for the little champ's medical record, what can you tell me about his father?

Kelly and Dagon just stare at the doctor, not saying anything.

INTERIOR: Crowley’s Lair

Crowley: How the mighty have sunk, eh? Good puppy. [Crowley rubs Lucifer’s hair and then throws a ball] Puppy want to play?

Lucifer says nothing. Crowley pats Lucifer on the cheek.

Crowley: What's the matter?

Lucifer gets up and shuffles forward, his chains rattling. He gets to his knees and starts licking the floor.

Crowley: What are you doing?

Lucifer: I'm giving you what you want... submission.

Crowley: Why?

Lucifer: Why not? I figured out the rules of the house, and...well, all things considered, think I'd rather be here than rotting in the Cage with my drooling, insane – and not in a fun way – little bro Michael.

Crowley: Really?

Lucifer: Yes. It's your game, your rules, so, uh... I figure I can work with that. You win. What now... sire?

INTERIOR: British Men of Letters US Bunker

Mick is walking down a corridor and his phone rings.

Mick: Ketch.

Ketch: Quick update... the skels turned out to be shape-shifters. Killed a clan of seven.

INTERIOR: Motel room

Ketch is talking on the phone to Mick. Mary is packing her bag.

Mary: Eight.

Ketch: Eight, she says. I've learned not to argue. Um, you'll make with the typey typey, yes?

Mick: I'll file the report.

Ketch: Splendid. Ciao.

Mary: So you and Mick... longtime friends?

Ketch: More...survivors than friends. We were in school together.

Mary: Ah. Major in murder, minor in mayhem?

Ketch: Mm. Yeah. Mm. I gather your training was a bit more...improvisational?

Mary: We learned on the job.

Ketch: And then you... gave it all up.

Mary: I wanted a quiet, normal life.

Ketch: Mm. And yet, there you were, up to your elbows in shifter guts. Mrs. Winchester... I believe you're drawn to danger.

Ketch hands Mary a glass of whiskey.

Ketch: Cheers.

INTERIOR: British Men of Letters US bunker

Mick is sitting at his desk and he’s hears the door opening. Mick draws his gun. A stranger enters.

Renny Rawlings: Sorry to interrupt. There's really no need for that, Mr. Davies.

Mick: We know each other?

Renny: I'm Renny. Rawlings. I've been working directly for Dr. Hess since I graduated Kendricks. Top of my class.

Mick: Oh. Cheers. What do you want?

Renny: Dr. Hess sent me on the overnight. Thought you could use an extra set of hands.

Mick: Oh. Oh, to put it another way, you're her lapdog. Here to keep an eye on me.

Renny: I'm here to help.

Mick: You want to help? Stay out of my way.

Renny: I'm afraid that's not an option.

INTERIOR: Doctor’s office

A man walks into the doctor’s office.

Doctor: Sorry, we're closed for the day.

Man: Those your patient files?

Doctor: My patient history is none of your business.

The man pulls a knife out and slashes the doctor’s throat.

Doctor: Aah!

INTERIOR: Men of Letters bunker

Dean is on the phone, listening to a message.

Cas [voicemail]: This is my voicemail. Make your voice a mail.

Dean [into phone]: Come on, Cass. I've called you three times now. Will you call me back? We've got a line on Dagon. We need your help.

Sam and Eileen are sitting at the table, drinking beers and chatting.

Sam: So you ran the plates of every car that drove past that warehouse in Idaho just before it burned down?

Eileen: Yeah. Most of them were local, but one wasn't. It came up registered to Dermott Culp.

Sam: So...

Eileen: So he went missing a year ago.

Sam: Okay.

Eileen: I tracked his car to Iowa. Found him coming out of a building carrying a dead body.

[Flashback to the scene Eileen is describing]

Dean: So Dermott's a killer?

Eileen: Dermott's a demon.

[Flashback to Eileen confronting the demon]

Demon: Hunter.

Eileen: Demon.

Sam: Uh, one of Crowley's?

Eileen: Works for Dagon. Covers her tracks.

[Flashback to demon in the doctor’s office deleting the patient file of Kelly Kline]

Sam: Smart.

Dean: Dude, don't compliment the bad guys.

Eileen and Sam laugh.

Sam: Uh... So do you know where Kelly is now?

Eileen: No, but before Dermott got stabbed in the heart...

[Flashback to Eileen killing the demon]

Dean: Nice.

Eileen: Mm-hmm. He gave me her phone number.

Eileen hands Sam a piece of paper.

Sam: Yeah, nice.

Sam and Eileen smile, toast, and take a drink of their beer.

INTERIOR: Crowley’s Lair

Crowley is talking to a group of demons.

Crowley: My loyal...ish subjects, these troubled times, I'm aware there might be some confusion as to where you're supposed to place your loyalty. Even with Lucifer back in the Cage, there are those of you who would try to help him... because he scares you or engorges you. Just the chance that Lucifer could come back, the rumor, would've been enough to keep some of you working against me, undermining me, being a royal pain in my... pert, royal ass. But lo, the beast has been humbled.

Crowley snaps his fingers and the doors open. Lucifer, head bowed, feet and hands chained, shuffles into the room.

Crowley: From his own lips, you will hear proclaimed the one, true leader of all Hell. See... I didn't just beat the Devil. I tamed him. This is all done of your own free will, is it not?

Lucifer: Yes, my Lord.

Crowley: Look, kids. He goes where I tell him. He does what I tell him. He is my dog. Showtime, Marmaduke.

Crowley indicates to Lucifer to turn around and address the demons.

Lucifer: Yes, my Lord. He's right, my friends. There is only one true ruler of Hell. [Lucifer silently mouths me. Crowley cannot see what he is doing.]

Crowley: And that is me, is it not?

Lucifer: Oh, yes.

Crowley: And you surrender your heartfelt support to that one true ruler?

Lucifer: Absolutely. [He winks at the demons, who look confused.]

Crowley: And what do you have to say to those who are still unsure of whom they must obey?

Lucifer: I say this – anyone who does not support this one true king, can be assured of suffering unendurable and everlasting agony. [Lucifer’s eyes burn red]

Lucifer [smirking]: I don't hear applause.

The demons begrudgingly, and in apparent confusion, slowly begin to clap.

INTERIOR: Apartment building

Kelly: Dr Turner was very specific. I need zinc and iron.

EXTERIOR: Dagon is walking down a city street, talking on the phone to Kelly.

Dagon: Yeah, got it.

Kelly: And this article says calcium.

Dagon: Cool. Bye.

Kelly’s phone rings.

Sam [using an accent]: Ms. Kline.

Kelly: Yes?

Sam: This is Oliver in Dr. Turner's office. He'd like to see you in the office today.

Kelly: I, uh, I was just in there. He said everything was fine.

Sam: All right, well, he looked back through your test results and there are some things he'd like to discuss. Does 5:00 pm work for you?

Kelly: I-I-I don't think I can get away.

Sam: Well, he said it's very important.

Kelly: 5:00 pm? Um... sure.

Sam: Good, see you then.

EXTERIOR: Junkyard

Sam and Eileen are happy that the phone call worked.

Eileen: Cool.

A car pulls up. Mick Davies and Renny Rawlings get out.

Sam: I thought you'd be coming alone.

Mick: Well, I thought we'd gotten past our trust issues. Look, if Dagon shows, we're gonna need all the help we can get. [He nods towards Renny]. This is Renny Rawlings. New man.

Sam: Right. I'm Sam. This is Eileen Leahy.

Renny: Ah, the banshee girl.

Eileen looks surprised.

Renny: We have a file. From what Mick tells me, neither of you have any formal training. Fascinating. I was top of my class at Kendricks...

Eileen: No one cares.

Sam smirks.

Mick: I, uh, brought the Colt just like you asked. But it's gotta go back to HQ.

Sam: Gee, Mick, I thought we'd gotten past the trust issues.

Mick: Hmm.

EXTERIOR: Kelly is walking towards doctor’s office and Dean falls in alongside her, grabbing her arm.

Dean: Stay cool. Walk with me.

Kelly: Dean?

They get into the impala and drive to the junkyard where Sam, Eileen, Mick and Renny are waiting. It is now night-time.

Dean: This everyone?

Sam: Yeah. Still no word from Cass.

Dean: Right. Great. [Pointing at Renny] Who's this?

Sam: He's with Mick.

Renny: I'm Renny Rawlings. Graduated Kendricks top of my...

Dean: Right. I don't care.

Dean opens car door for Kelly.

Dean: Come on.

Kelly: Don't.

Dean: Okay.

Sam: Kelly... Listen, we... we all know you're in a really... difficult situation, and we... we just... We wanna help.

Kelly: You call this helping?

Dean: Look, Kelly, that kid, it's... I mean, it can't... I mean, it's Lucifer's.

Kelly: Yeah, I know. You think I wanted this to happen? He used me. But I love this child.

Mick: You will mean absolutely nothing to that child. That child will kill us all.

Dean: Hey.

Sam: That's... that's not happening, okay? We're... we're gonna figure something out. We will. We...

Renny [reaching for his weapon]: This is absurd.

Dean: Don't.

Suddenly the wind picks up, as if a storm is approaching...

Kelly: She's here.

The wind gets stronger; lightning flashes in the sky.

Dagon appears from nowhere...

Dagon: Hey.

She thrusts her hands in the air and Sam, Dean, Eileen, Mick and Renny get flung through the air, landing heavily. They slowly get to their feet. Dean and Mick try shooting Dagon but bullets don’t slow her down. She throws them aside again and walks up to Kelly. Eileen sees the Colt, which Sam dropped when he was thrown. She inches towards it. Dagon reaches Kelly, takes her by the hand, and begins to walk away. Meantime, Renny is also reaching for his gun.

Eileen has Dagon in her sights. She fires, just as Dagon disappears, taking Kelly with her. The bullet from the Colt continues on its path and hits Renny in the chest.

Sam, Dean, Mick and Eileen slowly realise what has happened. Renny collapses. He is dead.

Eileen: I didn't... I didn't mean to. I was shooting at the demon. I'm --

Sam: No, no, wait up. It was an accident. It's all right.

Mick pulls out his gun and approaches Eileen.

Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

Sam: Hey!

Mick: She killed a Man of Letters. S-she has to die.

Sam: It was an accident!

Mick: It doesn't matter! The Code.

Dean: No, hey, screw the Code.

Mick: Don't make this harder than it already is.

Dean: Mick, you don't have to do this.

Mick: Yes, I do!

Eileen: Please. Don't.

Mick has a flashback to Timothy and Dr Hess.

Timothy: Please. Please don't.

Dr Hess: The Code demands otherwise.

Timothy: Please. Please!

Mick closes his eyes as he remembers his younger self stabbing Timothy to death.

Sam: Mick, Mick, listen to me. Mick, look, I-I know you guys h-have this Men of Letters Code you blindly answer to, but... look, you don't have to do that, Mick. You're better than that. You only have to answer to yourself. You only have to do what you know is right. You only have to answer to your own code.

Mick slowly lowers his gun.

Mick: Just go.

Sam: Yeah.

INTERIOR: Motel room

Ketch is in bed, while Mary is getting dressed.

Ketch: Well, that was unexpected. But invigorating. I must say, when I first met you, I didn't see this coming. My thought at the time was, I'll end up shooting this one. Hmm. Life is full of surprises.

Mary: Ketch.

Ketch: Yes?

Mary: You're not...reading anything into this.

Ketch: Like?

Mary: Like... it means anything.

Ketch: Oh. It... You really needn't worry. I... Truth is, I'm not... built for that. And I suspect you aren't either.

Mary: You're wrong. But that was a long time ago. So we're good?

Ketch: We are. And I notice you took my advice.

Mary: Advice?

Ketch: You had a choice to make... your work or family ties.

Mary: You know what? It's not either/or. I have the same discussion with my boys. I'm not choosing hunting over them. Why does it have to be one or the other?

Ketch: So you want to have it all?

Mary: Tryin' to.

Ketch: Good for you.

INTERIOR: Crowley’s Lair

Lucifer is talking to a demon.

Lucifer: So how we lookin'?

Demon: You're sure Crowley is occupied elsewhere?

Lucifer: Yeah, he's on his rounds. Crowley's got, like, two and a half more hours of gettin' his pert, royal ass kissed.

The demon is inspecting Lucifer’s body and we see an almost x-ray type vision of his internal organs.

Demon: Well, upper left quadrant is sound. Restoration's holding. No laminations detected. Lower left, likewise.

Lucifer: You made the right decision, you know. 'Cause when the dust settles, there's only gonna be one of us standing... and it ain't gonna be the guy with the accent, if you know what I mean. I'm very, very impressed.

Demon: Uh... You'll be happy to know the... the vessel is completely sound. The repairs are secure.

Lucifer: And the security system? Whatever it is that lets Crowley turn me into his own personal sock puppet.

The demon looks uncertain.

Lucifer: I don't hear words.

Demon: The... the s-system is very much i-intact.

Lucifer: But you can disarm it?

The demon hesitates and Lucifer grabs him by the throat, choking him...

Lucifer: I'm not really known for my patience.

Demon: I don't quite have the means...

Lucifer: Who does?

Demon: Spivak. He designed...

Lucifer: Where is he?

Demon: Dead.

Lucifer: Dead?

Demon: Dead.

Lucifer releases his grip on the demon, who coughs, trying to regain his breath...

Demon: Uh, yeah, after the system was installed, Crowley killed Spivak to safeguard its secrets.

Lucifer: Mm. Well... You can crack it, right?

Demon [nervously]: Y-yeah. I just need some time. I'll... I'll be quick.

Lucifer: Good. 'Cause I am gettin' stir crazy. And I'm about to be a dad.

INTERIOR: Men of Letters bunker

Sam, Dean and Eileen walk down the stairs into the bunker.

Dean [to Eileen]: You okay?

Eileen [nodding yes, but then shaking her head, tears welling]: No. He wasn't a monster. He was... I...

Sam [turning Eileen to face him]: Hey... [signing and speaking] It was a mistake.

Eileen reaches for Sam and he pulls her into a comforting hug.

INTERIOR: Apartment building

Dagon hand-cuffs Kelly to the bed.

Kelly: Why are you doing this?

Dagon: Oh, don't even. I tried, but clearly, you can't be trusted.

Kelly: I was worried about the baby. I'm trying to protect him.

Dagon: Oh, honey. You can't. I mean, you don't need to. I wasn't lying. Your baby's strong, so strong. Whatever happens, he is going to be just fine. But you... won't. Yeah, those weird little pains? Just a taste of what's to come. 'Cause, you know, birthing a nephilim? Fatal. Always.

INTERIOR: British Men of Letters US bunker

Mick enters the headquarters to join Ketch in the room.

Mick: Ketch. Why'd you call me here?

Ketch: Oh, I didn't.

Dr Hess appears out of the shadows.

Dr Hess: Mr. Davies.

Mick: Dr. Hess. I didn't think you left London.

Dr Hess: I don't. But I have been tasked by the other elders to fix this rapidly deteriorating situation.

Mick: Ma'am, please. I'm...

Dr Hess: Are you about to tell me that you are doing the best that you can? Two days ago, according to your own report, you let a Prince of Hell escape and the mother of Lucifer's child. And one of my best men was murdered by an American Hunter, whom you allowed to live.

Mick: If I might...

Dr Hess: These Hunters are out of control. The brothers Winchester, in particular, which Lady Bevell has exhaustedly documented.

Mick: Ma'am, if... if you could just listen...

Dr Hess: To what? More excuses?

Dr Hess: No. I don't think I will. Hunters are dogs, Mr. Davies. You give them an order, and they obey. That's how it works. So tell me, do they? Do they obey you?

Mick doesn’t answer. He looks at Ketch, but doesn’t get any assistance from him.

Dr Hess: No. Of course not. So... this Eileen Leahy will be found and killed in accordance with the Code. As for the Winchesters, like any rebellious Hunter, they will be investigated. And, if found guilty, executed.

Mick: If they're found guilty? Aren't Hunters always found guilty?

Dr Hess: Be careful, Mr. Davies.

Mick: No. My entire life with the Men of Letters, I never broke a rule. And yes, at first I was shocked at how Sam and Dean operate. But what Lady Bevell doesn't mention is the lives they've saved, monsters destroyed, and outcomes made better not because of the Code, but because of Sam and Dean Winchester's sense of what's right.

Dr Hess: And that is the crux of the matter. The Code is not a suggestion. It's an absolute. The Code is what separates us from the monsters. It is the order by which we all live.

Mick: No. The code is what makes a young boy kill his best friend. When I was a child, I had nothing. I owed you everything, and I obeyed. But I'm a man now, Dr. Hess...

Dr Hess nods discreetly to Ketch

Mick: ...and I can see the choices, and I choose to do the right thing.

Ketch shots Mick in the back of the head. He dies immediately, his blood seeping across the table.

Dr Hess nods to Ketch again, and he acknowledges by nodding back.

INTERIOR: Men of Letters bunker

Dean enters the library. Sam is sitting at the table looking at his laptop.

Dean: Mornin'.

Sam: Mornin'. Hey, you, uh, you hear anything from Cass yet?

Dean: Mm. No. Still MIA.

Sam: You think he's all right?

Dean: I don't know. [Looking around] Where's Eileen?

Sam: She took off. Uh, said she's heading back to Ireland for a while. Just needs some time, I guess.

Dean: Mm. Yeah, I get that.

Sam: Mm.

Sam picks up an object in a cloth and hands it to Dean. Dean opens it to reveal the Colt.

Dean: Ah. Welcome back, sweetheart.

INTERIOR: British Men of Letters US bunker

Ketch walks slowly around the table, looking clinically at the body of Mick.

Dr Hess: The grand experiment recruiting American Hunters has failed. Utterly.

Ketch: Mm. What would you like me to do?

Dr Hess: Exterminate them. Every...last...one.

Dr Hess drops a file onto the table. It says ‘Authorised Personnel Only’ Case No. 23 – DEAN W.




Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (25.08.2020 à 23:07)

Oh ben mince alors... Juste quand je commençais à bien aimer mick... ce sont vraiment des fanatiques ces men of letters... mary s'en rendra t elle compte à temps?


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