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#12.18 : Black Bill

SECRETS ET MENSONGES - Sam et Dean enquêtent sur le cas d'une personne disparue dans une petite ville. Le témoin principal raconte aux Winchester que le suspect était un homme à tête de chèvre. Sam et Dean ne savent pas quoi penser mais lorsque le témoin disparait à son tour, ils réalisent que la ville cache un noir secret.


4.22 - 9 votes

Titre VO
The Memory Remains

Titre VF
Black Bill

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Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) tenant en joue le sheriff Bishop (Steve Boyle)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) tenant en joue le sheriff Bishop (Steve Boyle)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) tenant en joue le sheriff Bishop (Steve Boyle)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) tenant en joue le sheriff Bishop (Steve Boyle)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) prêt à faire feu sur le sheriff Bishop (Steve Boyle)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) prêt à faire feu sur le sheriff Bishop (Steve Boyle)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) questionnant Daryn Boston (Antonio Marziale)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) questionnant Daryn Boston (Antonio Marziale)

Carmen (Aliesha Pearson)

Carmen (Aliesha Pearson)

Carmen (Aliesha Pearson) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Carmen (Aliesha Pearson) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 13.04.2017 à 20:00
1.55m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénariste : John Bring
Réalisateur : Phil Sgriccia

Casting :

¤ Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester)
¤ Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester)

Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Tomahawk, dans le Wisconsin. Darren et son ami participent à un feu de camp avec d'autres jeunes. Fatigué de voir les couples s'embrasser, l'ami de Darren décide de s'en aller et dit aurevoir à Darren. En marchant à travers bois, il découvre un sac à dos rempli de billets. Il prend une liasse, mais lorsqu'il veut la sortir du sac, un mécanisme se met en place et il se retrouve ligoté à un arbre. Il appelle Darren, pensant qu'il s'agit d'une blague, mais très vite, il se retrouve face à un homme affublé d'une tête de bouc, qui lui assène un coup de massue à la tête. Darren, attiré par les cris de son ami, assiste à la scène, impuissant. Lorsque l'homme à la tête de bouc se tourne vers lui, Darren fuit.


Dean essaie de nouveau de joindre Castiel, sans succès. Sam tente de le rassurer ; ce n'est pas la première fois que Cas' disparait sans prévenir et il est sûr qu'il va bien. Mais il tente également de se rassurer en disant ça, et cela ne convainc pas vraiment Dean, qui décide de s'occuper en nettoyant le Colt. Dans le même temps, Sam a fait quelques recherches sur les démons. Si Daegon est mentionnée dans quelques livres, il n'existe pas de réelles informations sur elle ou sur les autres Princes de l'Enfer, qui sont décidément doués pour rester incognito. C'est alors que Sam reçoit un email signé de Mick. Ce mail leur envoie l'affaire de Jared, l'ami de Darren, disparu dans le Wisconsin. Si cette affaire est étrange, c'est qu'il y a vingt ans auparavant, plusieurs disparitions similaires ont eu lieu chaque année. Les boys décident de se mettre en route. Pendant ce temps, au QG, Ketch reçoit la confirmation de Sam que les Winchester sont sur l'affaire. Alors, Ketch signe le point de départ de la traque des chasseurs.

Les boys rendent visite au shérif de la ville de Tomahawk. Le shérif leur explique que selon lui, Jared s'est tout simplement enfui. Sa mère est partie des années auparavant et son père l'a battu durant des années avant de faire une attaque. C'est Jared qui a dû prendre soin de lui par la suite. Si le shérif a bien essayé de libérer Jared de son père abusif, il n'y est jamais parvenu. Alors, il ne serait pas surpris que Jared en ai eu assez et soit parti loin de cette ville. Malgré tout, le shérif accepte de leur dire où se trouve Darren, l'ami de Jared, afin qu'ils puissent l'interroger.

Les boys interrogent Darren. Ce dernier leur dit que Jared a été enlevé par Black Bill. Au restaurant, Sam fait quelques recherches sur Black Bill ; c'est une légende locale, un homme à tête de bouc vivant dans les bois. Dean ne se tracasse pas. Peu importe ce à quoi ils ont affaire, ils ont le Colt et n'auront pas de mal à se débarrasser de Black Bill ou de quoique ce soit d'autre. Une fois cette affaire réglé, il se donne tout entier à la séduction de la serveuse. Pendant ce temps, Darren finit sa journée à la boucherie où il travaille. Il est surpris par Pete, son manager, qui lui demande d'être à l'heure à son travail cette fois et lui conseille d'arrêter l'herbe. Darren s'en va, remonte dans sa voiture et se fait alors attaquer par l'homme bouc.

Dean rejoint Sam au restaurant après sa folle nuit avec la serveuse. Sam lui apprend qu'il a trouvé des informations sur la possible créature qu'ils chassent ; d'après lui, cela pourrait être un satyre, une créature mi-homme mi-bouc, qui emmène ses victimes au fond des bois pour participer à une orgie avant de les dévorer. Sam lui apprend également que Darren a disparu.

Ils se rendent à la boucherie, où ils rencontrent Pete, le manager, qui leur dit que la dernière fois qu'il a vu Darren était la veille, afin de lui rappeler combien ce jour était important. Pete explique qu'ils reçoivent l'inspecteur des services d'hygiène et de santé public. D'après lui, ils cherchent à faire fermer l'usine, car, bien que l'endroit soit propre, le matériel est obsolète et l'usine n'a pas les moyens de s'en racheter du neuf. C'est alors que Pete leur apprend que c'est le shérif Bishop qui est propriétaire de l'endroit et du groupe, mais il n'est pas investi le moins du monde dans sa prospérité. Les boys retrouvent le shérif sur place et l'interrogent sur la disparition de Darren et sur ce qu'il leur a dit à propos de Black Bill. Le shérif confirme qu'il n'y croit pas et il dit que les disparitions sont tout simplement liées au fait que les gens arrivent en ville pour travailler, se lassent, puis repartent pour trouver leur bonheur ailleurs. Il est certain que Darren est de retour chez lui désormais, sain et sauf.

Tandis que les boys se demandent comment le shérif est lié à l'homme bouc, Darren se retrouve enfermé dans la chambre froide. Il y découvre le corps mutilé de Jared. C'est alors qu'un véritable homme bouc apparait. Darren a beau taper sur la porte, rien ne le sépare plus de son sort funeste désormais.

De retour au restaurant, où Dean dévore un burger, Sam lui dit que les Bishop étaient propriétaires de toute la ville, des années auparavant. Mais récemment, les business leur appartenant ont été vendus les uns après les autres, sauf la boucherie et la maison familiale. Les boys décident de s'y rendre. Pendant ce temps, Ketch reçoit le message de Sam, comme quoi ils sont toujours sur l'affaire. Ce qui laisse du temps à Ketch et à son équipe de fouiller le bunker.

Les boys fouillent la maison des Bishop, et la trouvent vide, hormis quelques meubles recouverts de draps. Ils se rendent à la cave et y trouvent des instruments de torture. Dans le même temps, le shérif Bishop arrive. Mais, voulant surprendre les boys, ce sont eux qui le surprennent dans la cave.

Le shérif finit par leur explique que ses ancêtres ont emprisonné un dieu, nommé Moloch. Ce dieu est devenu tellement affamé qu'il a promis aux Bishop de leur accorder la richesse en échange de nourriture. Bien entendu, Moloch se nourrit exclusivement de sang humain. C'est ainsi que Black Bill est né ; les Bishop, de père en fils, sacrifiaient de jeunes hommes, affublés d'une tête de bouc. Mais le shérif a décidé de mettre fin à cette tradition sanglante et a enfermé Moloch au fond de la cave, espérant que le dieu finirait par mourir de faim. Mais, comme Sam le constate, Moloch n'est plus dans sa prison. Le shérif est surpris. Un bruit à l'étage interrompt la conversation. Dean décide d'aller voir, armé du Colt, laissant à Sam le soin de surveiller le shérif. Dean se retrouve en face de la tête de bouc et se fait surprendre par Pete, qui l'assomme. Sam entend son frère tomber et se précipite en haut des escaliers, mais Pete l'enferme, lui et le shérif dans la cave.

Grâce à l'aide du shérif, Sam et ce dernier parviennent à sortir de la cave. Sam parvient à localiser où Dean se trouve et ils partent. Dean se retrouve ligoté à une chaise, face à Pete, qui explique qu'il s'est allié à Moloch pour sauver le business familial. Ainsi, Pete est le demi-frère du shérif, mais ce dernier a eu plus de chance que lui. Il n'a donc pas hésité à sortir Moloch et à le nourrir, même si l'état du dieu lui a demandé plus de sacrifices qu'habituellement. C'est au tour de Dean de lui servir de repas. Sans pouvoir rien faire, Dean se retrouve dans la chambre froide et s'il parvient à se détacher, il doit désormais échapper à Moloch dans la pénombre. Tandis que Sam et le shérif arrivent à la boucherie, Ketch et son équipe analysent les moindres recoins du bunker. Ketch trouve la photo de Mary dans la chambre de Dean. Avant de partir, Ketch pose un micro sous la table. Puis, ils s'en vont. Pendant ce temps, à la boucherie, Sam et le shérif luttent contre Pete. Le shérif le supplie d'arrêter et il avoue qu'il pensait que lui donner la boucherie lui suffirait. Mais Pete pense que le shérif lui a donné l'entreprise parce qu'il savait qu'elle était mourante. Avant que Pete ne tue le shérif avec le Colt, Sam lui tire dessus. Puis, il récupère le Colt, entre dans la chambre froide et tue Moloch, juste avant que ce dernier ne fasse qu'une bouchée de Dean.

Le shérif leur demande de partir et leur assure qu'il prendra soin d'enterrer Pete lui-même. Après tout, c'est son héritage. Une fois rentrés au bunker, Dean et Sam se demandent quel sera leur héritage, ce qu'ils laisseront derrière eux lorsqu'ils seront partis. Est-ce que les gens se souviendront des Winchester dans 100 ans ? Qui portera leur souvenir, leur mémoire ? Sam pense que les personnes qu'ils ont sauvé font partie de cet héritage et eux se souviendront d'eux, jusqu'à ce qu'ils disparaissent à leur tour. Cela lui convient, car après tout, ils laisseront le monde dans un meilleur état que celui dans lequel ils l'ont trouvé. Dean décide alors de laisser leur marque dans le bunker. Il grave ses initiales sur la table, Sam fait de même, comme ils l'ont fait jadis dans l'Impala. Puis, ils décident de faire leur rapport à Mick mais à leur grande surprise, c'est Ketch qui décroche. Ketch prétend qu'après ce qu'il s'est passé avec Daegon, Mick a dû repartir à Londres afin de répondre de cette affaire. C'est donc à Ketch qu'ils devront faire leurs rapports désormais. Une fois fait, les boys raccrochent, sans savoir que Ketch peut toujours les entendre. Ainsi, Dean avoue qu'il ne l'aime pas et que cet homme le dégoûte. Ketch écoute la conversation, tout en regardant la photo de Mary, prise dans la chambre de Dean.



Ecrit par deanlove35.



JARROD: Yeah, I think I'm gonna go.

DARYN: What?

JARROD: I got work tomorrow, so...

DARYN: Naw, dude. Stick around. Have another beer. Enjoy the show. (smiling while looking at the couples kissing)

JARROD: You know you're a freak, right?

DARYN: Oh, yeah. (toast and clink the bottle of beer)

JARROD: Cheers, bud.

Jarrod leaves anyway and is walking alone through the woods when he hears a strange noise. He notices a backpack with a glow stick attached to it abandoned by a tree. The bag is filled with money, and when he picks it up it triggers a trap that binds him to the tree. He shouts out for Daryn, believing it to be a prank

JARROD: Hey. Ohh, man. Dude. Daryn! What is this, man? Hey, real funny, daryn! Ha ha! Hey! Daryn?

Daryn goes to investigate his friend's shouts, and we see through the eyeholes of a mask as a creature approaches and bludgeons Jarrod unconscious.

JARROD: No. No. No, no, no!

Daryn runs away, having witnessed the whole thing.



At the bunker, Dean is still trying to reach Castiel on the phone and leaves him yet another message.

DEAN: Come on. Cass, it's me. I've been trying to get ahold of you for days. I don't know what's going on, but we got a line on Dagon...And we got our asses handed to us, even with the Colt. So...Could really use the backup. Call me back.

SAM: So no luck with Cass, huh?

DEAN: Yeah, still AWOL.

SAM: All right, so let's find him.

DEAN: I've been trying, Sam. The GPS on his phone is turned off, and there's nothing in the system about some weird guy in a trench coat getting arrested or turning up dead.

SAM: Right. Dean, it's Cass. I mean, this isn't the first time he's dropped off the map, you know? And whatever's happening, he'll be fine. He always is.

DEAN: Yeah.

Dean is unconvinced and continues cleaning his guns.

DEAN: What 'bout you? You got anything there, reading rainbow?

SAM: I stayed up all night, going through every book we have on demons, and it turns out we have a lot of books on demons.

DEAN: Anything on Dagon?

SAM: Mentions here and there, but nothing we can use. I guess the, uh, Princes of Hell are pretty good at staying off the radar.

DEAN: Well, yeah, isn't that kind of their thing?

SAM: Hmm. Just got an e-mail from Mick. It's a case.

DEAN: Good.

SAM: Looks like a guy named Jarrod Hayes disappeared in tomahawk, Wisconsin, a week ago. No witnesses. No body. But Mick says this place has a history.

DEAN: Meaning?

SAM: Well, it means a lot of people go missing in tomahawk, one a year, every year, from 1898 to 1997, and then nothing until now.

DEAN: So 20 years?

SAM: Yeah. So maybe they're starting up again? Maybe it's a cycle of some sort?

DEAN: Well...One way to find out. (while pointing the gun) Pew.

MR. KETCH: (who receives Sam's message, and announces to a group of associates). It's time.

INTERIOR: In Tomahawk, Sam and Dean visit Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.'s office. He’s preoccupied with sewing a taxidermy animal, and seems disinterested in Jarrod's disappearance.

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr. : I'm sorry, but why the feds interested in Jarrod Hayes?

DEAN: Just followin' orders.

SAM: Yeah, um...So what can you tell us about the case?

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.: Well...Nothing much to tell. Jarrod and his friends were hanging out at Weathertop. This make-out spot the kids use out at the woods. And then he ditched his pals to hoof it home. Never made it.

DEAN: So somebody snagged him?

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.: Mm. Maybe.

SAM: Maybe?

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.: Look, maybe Jarrod did get got. We're working every lead. But you ask me, he just bailed.

DEAN: And why would he do that?

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.: Jarrod's had it rough. Mom left years ago. And his dad...Well, let's just say Jarrod "fell down the stairs a lot," you know what I mean.

SAM: Wait a second.


SAM: If you knew he was being abused, why didn't you –

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.: We tried. Trying to take a child from his parents, even if they're the worst people In the world, not easy.

DEAN: Did you talk to his old man?

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.: Can't. Not really. Guy stroked out a couple years ago. Breathes through a tube. Guess who gets to take care of him? Can you imagine having to spoon-feed the guy that wailed on you for all those years? Everybody's got a breaking point. If Jarrod did blow town, I wouldn't blame him.

DEAN: You said that he was with friends the night Jarrod went missing.

SAM: Yeah, did any of them say anything?

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.: Nothing worth repeatin'. Ain't he precious?

DEAN: Uh-huh. Any idea where we can find these friends?

Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.: Oh, yeah. Sure.

Sam and Dean go to Daryn Boston to interview him to get information about what happen to Jarrod Hayes death.

SAM: Daryn Boston? Agents Stark and Martell, FBI.

DARYN: Hell.

DEAN: Yeah, no, it's cool. Medicinal purposes, right?

DARY: Uh...Yes?

DEAN: Yeah.

SAM: We just, uh, wanted to talk about the night Jarrod Hayes went missing.

DARYN: What about it?

SAM: Well, the sheriff says you were with him.

DARYN: Yeah, well, the sheriff is a jackass, all right? Look, he thinks Jarrod just skipped town.

SAM: You don't?

DARYN: I know he didn't.

DEAN: Did you tell that to the cops?

DARYN: Man, sheriff bishop's not gonna believe me. We got...history.

DEAN: History?

DARYN: Any time something happens in this town, he brings me in for questioning.

SAM: Why is that?

DARYN: Why do you think?

SAM: Right.

DEAN: Well, look, if you won't tell the sheriff what you saw, how 'bout you tell us?


Jarrod: Hey! Daryn!

DARYN: Look, I ran to save Jarrod, okay? But...

JARROD: No, no, no!

DARYN: The monster, it got him.

DEAN: Monster?

DARYN: Black Bill.

INTERIOR: In a cafe that evening, Sam is researching the local legend of Black Bill while Dean is visibly distracted by their waitress.


SAM: "Black Bill" is a local urban legend, dates back more than a hundred years.

WAITRESS: Warm it up?

DEAN: Thank you.

SAM: A folklore story from 1907 that – that mentions that... Uh, back then, he was called "Black William." So it looks like some time between then and... Dude, focus.

DEAN: I am focused. Yeah, Black Bill. What do you got?

SAM: all right, well, he lives in the woods, so he's like a local Jersey devil. And apparently, he has the head of a goat.

DEAN: A goat? Like... . Goat?

SAM: Yeah, a goat.

DEAN: Well, maybe that's what Daryn saw.

SAM: Unless you think he was lying.

WAITRESS: Yeah. Be right back.

DEAN: Mm, nah, I think he's a little too freaked out to be lying. So we got a, uh, goat dude with a name like a pirate, which is a little insane, even for us. And that bar is... super high (whistling while looking at the waitress). So if it is real, what the hell is it?

SAM: I’m not sure. I mean, there's tons of human-animal hybrid lore dating back all the way to ancient Egypt.

DEAN: Right, well, why don't you figure out what the hell it is, and I'll figure out a way to kill it. Okay?

SAM: All right.

DEAN: Right. Don't wait up.

SAM: What?

DEAN: I already figured out a way to kill it.

SAM: How did you – you don't even know what it is.

DEAN: The Colt. Dusts anything. Work smarter, Sammy, not harder.

SAM: Oh, don't do the hot coffee thing.

DEAN: Boy, this coffee is hot. Kind of like... Hi. What's your name?


INTERIOR: at the meat-packing factory where Daryn works, Daryn was shocked when his boss, Pete Garfinkle, appeared out of nowhere while closing the fridge door.

PETE: Sorry.

DARYN: Damn it, Pete!

PETE: Daryn... I don't wanna be the bad guy here, but... You clocked in late. Again.

DARYN: Yeah, and?

PETE: And you're really painting me in a corner here, pal. Look, I know – I know that you and Jarrod, you were close. And I liked him, too. He was a-a valued employee and he was a friend.

DARYN: Really?

PETE: Yeah.

DARYN: 'Cause after you put him on part-time, he pretty much hated you.

PETE: Well, I would say that that was his prerogative. But you can't keep using him as an excuse to blow off work. Okay?

DARYN: Yeah. Okay.

PETE: Daryn, Daryn. One more thing. You gotta lay off the reefer. All right? At least for tomorrow. It's a big day.

Daryn leaves work and walks out to his truck in the snow, but before he can start the engine, the goat-headed creature smashes his window, drags him out of the truck, and bludgeons him with a mallet.

DARYN: Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!

INTERIOR: The next morning, Sam's already in the cafe eating breakfast when Dean and the waitress from the previous night enter. She looks very pleased and Dean looks very rumpled. Sam: Yeah. No, no, no. I understand. Yeah. Well... Yeah, gotta go.

DEAN: I'll see you later. Okay.

SAM: Mm.

Man: Order up.

DEAN: Ahh.

SAM: Good night?

DEAN: Awesome. It was an awesome night. So awesome. Ah. You gonna eat that?

SAM: Uh... (while Dean steals Sam's veggie omelette) Guess not. Be my guest.

DEAN: I mean, would it kill you to order pancakes? Once?

SAM: Okay, fine. You — (Sam tries to take his food back)

DEAN: No, no. No. I'll deal. How was your night?

SAM: Busy. A different kind of a busy, but good.

DEAN: Right. Books. Anything on goat dude?

SAM: Yeah, little bit. I have some idea what we're dealing with. Look at this. It's a satyr – half man, half goat from Greek mythology.

DEAN: Oh, come on. This guy's adorable. He plays a freakin' flute.

SAM: Yeah, Dean. That's – that's Pan. It's his flute.


SAM: So listen, satyrs are creatures of uncontrollable lust. They would lead people to the woods for massive orgies.

DEAN: Nice.

SAM: And when the fun was over, the satyr would, "feast upon the flesh of his victims until his belly was full to bursting with their moist, slippery meat."

DEAN: That's descriptive. Uh... All right, what do we do?

SAM: Well, I was thinking that maybe we could go talk to Daryn, see if this is, indeed, what he saw.

DEAN: But?

SAM: But his mom told me Daryn never made it home from work last night.

INTERIOR: They return to Billhook Meats and speak with Pete looking for Daryn.

PETE: No screwups, right?

SAM: Excuse me, sir. Hi. Agents Stark and Martell, FBI. Uh, we're looking for Daryn Boston.

PETE: Uh, Daryn? Is he in trouble?

SAM: No, no, no, not at all. We – we spoke with him yesterday. Just wanna ask a few follow-up questions. I don't suppose he's around.

PETE: No, Daryn – Daryn didn't show up for work today.

DEAN: So when was the last time you saw him?

PETE: Oh, last night. Closed up. Talked about our big day today.

DEAN: What big day?

PETE: You see that walking clipboard over there?

Sam: Yeah.

PETE: That's a health inspector. He's trying to shut us down.

SAM: How come? This place is spotless.

PETE: It cleans up pretty nice, but our equipment, it's a little out of date.

DEAN: Can't you upgrade?

PETE: We would if we could. Business isn't exactly booming. We had to shut down half the plant three months back. Meanwhile, our owner would rather play sheriff than actually take care of business. SAM: Wait a second. You're telling me that Sheriff Bishop owns this place?

PETE: Yeah. Barrett Bishop, Jr. Heir to the bishop meat empire. His family, they've owned this plant for...forever. Barry's inside. He's hopin' to sweet talk the inspector. You ask me, it's too little, way too late.

Man: Mr. Garfinkle.

PETE: Excuse me.

SAM: Sure.

DEAN: So we roll into town, look into a case, talk to the local badge...

SAM: And then our one witness goes missing. Last place he was seen owned by the sheriff. Sound like a coincidence?

DEAN: Oh. You hungry? I'm hungry. (While roaming around, they find Sheriff Bishop a few moments later.)

SAM: Excuse me, sheriff.

Sheriff Bishop: Agents. What are you guys doin' here?

DEAN: Well, we could ask you the same thing, except...Oh, right. You run the joint.

Sheriff Bishop: Well, my name's on the paperwork. Pete handles the day to day. Are you still trying to chase down Jarrod Hayes?

SAM: Yeah, and, uh, now Daryn Boston.

DEAN: Yeah. Seems to have gone missing, too.

Sheriff Bishop: Jeez. First I've heard of it.

SAM: Yeah. So tell us, what have you heard about Black Bill?

Sheriff Bishop: I'm sorry.

SAM: Black Bill. Daryn told us he saw Black Bill attack Jarrod Hayes.

DEAN: He didn't wanna tell ya 'cause he didn't think you'd believe him.

Sheriff Bishop: Well – well... Yeah. He's right. Look, 'round here, parents tell their kids not to go into the woods or Black Bill will get 'em. He's the bogeyman. Everyone knows that the bogeyman ain't real.

DEAN: Sure about that? Seems like a lot of people go missing in this town. Yeah, one a year every year up until '97.

Sheriff Bishop: Yeah. Okay. I mean, people come to town, they work in the plant for a while, then they get bored and restless, and they, you know, move on.

SAM: And Daryn?

Sheriff Bishop: You know, maybe Daryn thinks he say Black Bill, but let's be honest. Kid was drunk, high, or both. And I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts, Daryn's just holed up, sleeping one off. Hell, he's probably waking up right now, safe and sound.

INTERIOR: Meanwhile Daryn is waking up, but he's not safe and sound. He's in a red-lit freezer inside the factory. He bangs on the door yelling for help.

DARYN: Hey! Help, please! Help! Help me!

DEAN: Well, sheriff's not acting suspicious at all.

SAM: Right.

DEAN: Yeah, but how is he connected to goat dude?

SAM: Now that's a good question.

DARYN: Help! help! Help! Please! Help me! Help! Help! Help! Help! Aah!

INTERIOR: Dean's eating a burger at the cafe.

SAM: Seriously? Dean? After what we just saw, how – how can you eat?

SAM: Grow up, Sam, okay? Burger's beef, bacon's pig, Soylent Green's people. But this – this... This is heaven.

SAM: Wow. Right. Um, so, uh, what's the word? You find anything?

DEAN: Mm. Yeah, kind of. So I cross-checked all the names of the people who went missing with the employee roster at Billhook Meats.

SAM: And? Any more of the vics work at the plant?

DEAN: Try all of 'em.

SAM: All of 'em? Seriously? So I guess that means, safe to say that, uh, Black Bill is definitely connected to the plant?

DEAN: Yeah. Or the family that runs it. Or both. Well, maybe they just run an evil petting zoo on the side.

SAM: So I, uh, spent some time at the hall of records. The Bishops founded tomahawk. Everything. This is a company town. If you lived here, you worked at the plant. The Bishops owned all the houses, all the businesses. Or they did until a few years ago. Looks like the sheriff has been selling off all of their family property. Uh, everything, really...

DEAN: Hmm. (continues eating)

SAM: ...for the plant and the family estate.

DEAN: Wow. So who lives at the Addams family house?

Sam gets a text from "Mick".

SAM: It's Mick.

DEAN: Okay. Tell him we're cool.

SAM: So creepy house?

DEAN: Creepy house.

INTERIOR: Ketch again receives Sam's text, as he and his men break into the bunker to investigate Sam and Dean.

KETCH: It's clear. Onward. Now remember your orders. By the time we leave, Dr. Hess wants to know everything about our "friends" the Winchesters – their allies, their habits. How does Sam get his hair so shiny? How many ratty flannels does Dean own? So work quick, work quiet, and leave no trace. Oh, and apparently, Mick let Sam and Dean get their hands on the bloody Colt. Find it, huh?

EXTERIOR: Sam and Dean arrive at the Barrett family mansion and break into the abandoned house.

SAM: Looks empty.

DEAN: Well, why don't we check inside? Maybe we'll get lucky.

SAM: Dean.

Sam discovers the locked basement door

SAM: Dean, I'd say we just got lucky.

Dean: Wow. Hello? Goat dude? Why is it always the rich ones? I mean, what, are they, like, "Croquet's all right. But you know what'd be great? Murder." (Sheriff Barrett arrives while they're exploring what looks like a murder room.) Hiya, sheriff.


INTERIOR: Inside Barrett family mansion, Sam and Dean question the Sheriff.

DEAN: Talk.

Sheriff Bishop: This is not what it looks like. Really?

DEAN: 'Cause it looks like a straight up murder room to me.

SAM: Sheriff, what's goin' on?

Sheriff Bishop: Oh, you... You won't believe me.

DEAN: Try us. We're pretty open mind.

Sheriff Bishop: My family, we... got a secret.

DEAN: All the best ones do.

SAM: Is this about Black Bill?

Sheriff Bishop: No. I mean, yeah, but...He's not real. Black Bill, he's...us.

DEAN: Come again?

Sheriff Bishop: Uh... Growing up, my father'd tell me stories about a monster. Lived under our house and made our family rich. All we had to do was – was feed it.

SAM: Feed it what?

Sheriff Bishop: Blood. Human blood. My dad, his dad, and all the way back, they'd go out and grab some poor son of a bitch, bring 'em here and... when they did it they wore a mask. Black Bill...We made him up.

DEAN: So goat dude is just a dude?

SAM: Then who's the monster?

Sheriff Bishop: Moloch. God of sacrifice.

DEAN: What, I'm sorry. You – you have a god living in your basement?

Sheriff Bishop: Yeah, one of my people way back, they bound Moloch, locked him away... Starved him. My family, that's what we did. We let the god get so hungry that he'd do anything for blood.

MAN: Aah!

Sheriff Bishop: Moloch used his power to make us rich. After my father died in '97, I put a stop to all of that. Look, I couldn't...I never killed anybody. I just wanted to help people to make up for all the bad we've done. I wanted... To leave a legacy.

DEAN: Well, aren't you just a peach?

SAM: So what happened to Moloch?

Sheriff Bishop: I kept him locked up. Hoped he'd starve to death.

DEAN: Locked up where?

(Sheriff Bishop looks at the cellar)

SAM: (checks the cage) It's empty.

Sheriff Bishop: What?

SAM: It's empty.

Sheriff Bishop: No, no. No, no, no, no, no.

DEAN: Stay here. Keep an eye on him.

SAM: What? Dean, there could be a god up there. I'm cool.

Dean goes to investigate a noise upstairs. He sees the Black Bill costume and goes to take a closer look when he's attacked from behind by Pete. He pushes Dean over the stair railing and knocks him unconscious.

DEAN: Aah!

SAM: Dean?

Pete runs down and locks Sam and Barrett in the basement.

SAM: Hey! Hey! Open up! Hey!


INTERIOR: Sam tries to break the door down and Barrett brings him a meat cleaver to smash the door.

Sheriff Bishop: Here. Here.

Sam and Sheriff break the door and got out while Sam is tracking Dean.

Sheriff Bishop: What are you doing?

SAM: I'm trying to track Dean's cellphone. All right, got it. Let's go.

Meanwhile back at the bunker, the BMOL team is photographing everything, Ketch verifies that he can't see anything through the telescope

KETCH: Just as I thought. Can't see a damn thing.

Agents plant listening devices in various locations. Ketch searches Dean's room himself. The only thing he seems interested in is the old photograph of Dean with Mary.

While at Billhook Meats plant, Dean is waking up with a wound on the side of his head, bound to a chair with plastic wrap.

DEAN: Mm. Hiya, Pete. Nice digs.

PETE: I didn't expect to see you again, agent. I went to the house looking for my brother.

DEAN: Brother?

PETE: Barry. Different moms, same daddy. Old man Bishop, he, uh, he had an eye for the ladies. Everyone in town knew about it, but didn't make a difference. Barry grew up in the big house. I grew up in a double wide. Does that sound fair to you?

DEAN: Honestly? Sounds like a bad episode of "dynasty."

PETE: You got a lot of jokes.

DEAN: Yeah, right now, that's about all I got.

PETE: Right. You know what I got? A god.

DEAN: Moloch.

PETE: Bingo! With Barry giving away the family fortune like that, I had to get creative. I went to the old house, trying to get my hands on. anything I could sell. But I found somethin' else. Moloch. He told me he'd make me rich. He told me he'd solve all my problems. All I had to do was feed him. And hell, I'm a Bishop. That's what we do, right? Hunting people. Killing them. The family business. Moloch's been starved for 20 years. It's gonna take a few meals for him to get his mojo goin', but then... Oh, we are back, baby. Yeah. I'm savin' this town.

DEAN: Well, I'll tell that to Jarrod and Daryn.

PETE: Jarrod was a screw up. He got what he deserved. And Daryn? Well, sorry, bud, but once he talked, he had to go. Loose ends, you know? Loose ends. Come on!


PETE: My jackass half-brother was supposed to be the next meal, but you'll do.

DEAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. W– Pete, let's just talk about this. Listen... Let's –

PETE: It'll be over soon. Thanks for helpin' out!

DEAN: What...

Pete leaves and locks Dean in the freezer for Moloch food.

INTERIOR: In the bunker, Ketch and his team finish their inventory of the bunker.

BMOL: The sweep's complete, sir. We've photographed and catalogued every inch.

Ketch: And the Colt?

BMOL: I'm afraid not. The Winchesters must have it. Bugger. Shall we go?

Ketch: Yes. Just one last thing. (Ketch plants a bug under the war room map table.) Now then, I could use a pint.

INTERIOR: Back in the freezer, Dean wheels himself around and spots Daryn's body being dragged away by the monster, and he fights to break free of the plastic bindings.

DEAN: Pete! Pete!

Sam and Barrett are just outside in the plant searching for Dean.

SAM: Dean?

Pete is also lying in wait for them wearing the Black Bill mask.

Dean picks up a meathook to defend himself.

SAM: Dean?

Dean play cat and mouse inside the freezer with Moloch.

Sam hears the monster roar coming from the freezer.

SAM: Dean?

DEAN: Come on, you son of a bitch. Huh.

Pete bludgeons him as he approaches the freezer. Barrett tackles and unmasks Pete.

Sheriff Bishop: Pete! You have to stop.

Pete: Don't act like you care.

Sheriff Bishop: I gave you the plant.

PETE: Aw, because you knew it was failing. What a bunch of crap. That's what I get. I get that my whole life! The crap!

Pete throws Barrett off and aims the Colt at him while Dean's frantically trying to escape Moloch in the freezer.


PETE: Not anymore. I'm saving this town. I'm the hero. And you're dead.

Before Pete can shoot Barrett, Sam shoots him. Dean scores a hit on Moloch with the meathook, but it barely slows the monster down and it rams Dean's head against a post. Sam collects the Colt from Pete's body, shoots his way into the locked freezer, and kills Moloch with the Colt.


SAM: Colt. Dusts anything.

Dean collapses on the floor in relief.


INTERIOR: At the Billhook Meats plant, While Barrett crouches over his dead brother in the background. Dean holds a frozen steak to his bruised temple.

SAM: Hey. How you feelin'?

DEAN: Like I just went 12 rounds with a god. So, you know...Normal.

SAM: Yeah.

Sheriff Bishop: You should go.

SAM: No, sheriff, uh, we can help clean up.

Sheriff Bishop: No. This...I'll take care of it. It's on me. This? This is my legacy.

INTERIOR: Back at the bunker, Sam and Dean sit in the library wondering what their legacy will be, if they’ll be remembered a hundred years from now.

DEAN: Hey.

SAM: Yep.

DEAN: Next time you hear me say that our family is messed up, remind me that we could be psycho goat people.

SAM: Yeah, that's true enough.

DEAN: You know, I was... Thinking about what bishop said. About...What do you think our legacy's gonna be? When we're gone, I mean, after all the stuff we've done, you think folks will remember us? You know, like, a hundred years from now?

SAM: No.

DEAN: Oh, that's nice.

SAM: Well, I mean... Guys like us, we're not exactly the type of people they write about in history books, you know?


SAM: But the people we saved, they're our legacy. And they'll remember us and then I guess...We'll eventually fade away, too. That's fine, because we left the world better than we found it, you know.

DEAN: I wonder what's gonna happen to this place. After we're gone, you think some hunter'll move in, keep fightin' the fight?

SAM: Yeah, I hope so.

DEAN: Yeah. Me, too.

Dean gets out his knife from his pocket.

SAM: What are you doin'?

DEAN: Leaving our mark. Here.

Dean and Sam carve their initials into the library table like they'd done to Baby as kids.

SAM: Hmm.

DEAN: Guess we gotta call Mick, debrief or whatever.

SAM: Right.

Sam calls "Mick" to report in on their case, but Ketch answers and tells them Mick flew back to London and that they'll be reporting to him now.

Mr. Ketch: Hello, Winchester.

DEAN: Ketch?

Sam: Where's Mick?

KETCH: Oh, he didn't tell you? He flew back to London last night. After all the... Oh, unpleasantness with Dagon and Renny, well...Mick has a lot to answer for. So for the time being, you'll report to me.

DEAN: Seriously?

KETCH: I don't like it any more than you do. I'd much rather be with your mother. Hunting. For...Chupacabra in Texas. But for now, I'm what you've got. So...Wisconsin?

DEAN: We fought a god and won.

KETCH: Well done. We'll be in touch.

After they hang up, Sam and Dean complain about Ketch, saying that he creeps them out, and Dean disses his bike while Ketch listens to them on the surveillance monitor and stares at the picture of Mary and Dean that he stole from Dean’s room.

DEAN: So now we're reporting to low-rent Christian Bale? Seriously? I don't like that guy. He creeps me out.

Sam: Yeah.

DEAN: And he rides the oldest, worst, most unreliable bike.


Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (27.08.2020 à 23:02)

J'ai aimé cet épisode qui rappelle les "monstres de la semaine " des premières saisons. Et puis les humains sont aussi tordus que les "monstres ". Par contre mary et le grand méchant anglais j'aime moins... et bizarre que sam et Dean ne se rendent pas compte de l'espionnage... et sinon : ou est castiel bon sang!


Merci aux 4 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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