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#12.16 : Émancipation

UN LOUP DANS LA NUIT - Sam et Dean laissent Mick Davies les accompagner tandis qu'ils sont sur une affaire de loup-garou. Les trois hommes tombent sur Claire Novak, qui travaille sur la même affaire. Toutefois, les retrouvailles sont écourtées lorsque Claire se fait mordre et que les boys doivent se dépêcher de trouver une solution pour la soigner avant qu'elle ne se transforme.


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Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Mick Davies (Adam Fergus) discutant et buvant avec Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Mick Davies (Adam Fergus) discutant et buvant avec Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Mick Davies (Adam Fergus) discutant avec Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Mick Davies (Adam Fergus) discutant avec Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton) et Mick Davies (Adam Fergus)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton) et Mick Davies (Adam Fergus)

Mick Davies (Adam Fergus)

Mick Davies (Adam Fergus)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton) et Justin (Matt Visser)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton) et Justin (Matt Visser)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Mick Davies (Adam Fergus)

Mick Davies (Adam Fergus)


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Meredith Glynn
Réalisé par : Amyn Kaderali

Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Hayden sort d'un bar, lorsqu'elle est surprise par son frère Ben, qui se donne pour mission de la ramener chez eux. Ils traversent un chemin forestier, lorsqu'ils entendent des bruits derrière des buissons. Ben assure à Hayden qu'il ne s'agit que d'animaux et pour le lui prouver, décide de partir en exploration. Hayden en profite pour envoyer un message à son copain en lui disant qu'elle s'apprête à revenir. Mais tandis que Ben cherche dans les buissons, Hayden se met à hurler. Ben se précipite vers sa soeur et la trouve allongée sur le sol enneigé, inconsciente. C'est alors qu'un loup-garou masqué surgit et arrache le coeur de Ben. Puis, il s'intéresse à Hayden, toujours inconsciente.


Dean et Sam sont au QG des Men of Letters britanniques. Mick finit par les rejoindre, juste avant que Dean ne décide de s'en aller. Il leur tend un dossier : c'est celui d'Hayden, la seule survivante d'une attaque de loup-garou durant laquelle son frère a été tuée. Mick précise que l'attaque n'a pas eu lieue durant la pleine lune, ce qui veut dire qu'ils ont affaire à un sang pur. Dean n'est guère impressionné, pas plus que de savoir que Mick a étudié à l'école Kendricks, une sorte de Poudlard pour Men of Letters, et également la plus grande collection d'informations sur le surnaturel au monde. Sam, au contraire, ne peut s'empêcher de sourire. Mais Dean veut se mettre rapidement au travail. Il assure que cela ne devrait pas prendre trop de temps à être résolu. C'est alors que Mick décide de se joindre à eux. Les boys sont réticents à cette idée. Mick est conscient de ne pas être un chasseur, mais il souhaite apprendre afin que ce qu'il s'est passé dans leur QG ne se reproduise plus. Les boys se parlent à part. Dean ne veut pas de Mick car il craint qu'il ne se fasse tuer et qu'il ne soit un poids mort qui les ralentirait. Sam pense qu'ils pourraient être gagnants si Mick apprenait à chasser, car après tout, leur coopération sauve des vies. Mick s'introduit dans la conversation. Dean cède, mais laisse cette responsabilité à Sam.

Sur la route; Mick partage ses connaissances et ses podcasts, avec Sam et Dean. Sam est ravi d'en apprendre plus tandis que Dean est agacé et ne le cache pas. Mick lui assure que les connaissances qu'ils ont acquis sur les loups-garous leur ont permis de tous les éliminer en Grande-Bretagne depuis le 20ème siècle. Les boys lui font remarquer que tous les loups-garous ne sont pas mauvais et que c'est l'une des rares espèces de créatures qui peut apprendre à se contrôler. A vrai dire, ils connaissent un de ces loups-garous du nom de Garth. Mick est abasourdi, lui qui pense que les monstres ne cessent jamais d'être des monstres. Ils arrivent à l'hôtel réservé par Mick. Ce dernier s'excuse car il n'a pas pu faire mieux qu'un trois étoiles, mais il ne sait pas que pour les boys, c'est un luxe. Ils apprennent ainsi qu'ils dormiront dans de vraies chambres séparées et que l'hôtel dispose de tous les produits de soins nécessaires, de bonbons à volonté et même d'une piscine. Cela suffit pour que Dean mette ses réticences de côté.

Le lendemain, Dean et Sam discutent à l'entrée de l'hôtel en attendant Mick. Si Dean a largement profité de sa chambre, Sam a passé son temps dans les bouquins. Il a découvert que dans les années trente, les Men of Letters ont testé un antidote possible sur la lycanthropie. Mick arrive à ce moment là et précise que cet antidote était constitué de plasma sanguin et que malheureusement, il n'a pas donné les résultats escomptés. Lorsqu'il leur demande si les chambres leur ont convenu, Dean prétend qu'il dormait mieux dans sa voiture. Mick est déçu et monte dans l'Impala. Dean en profite pour glisser à Sam qu'il n'allait pas donner cette satisfaction à Mick. Sam secoue la tête et tous montent en voiture.

Les boys et Mick se rendent à l'hôpital, où Hayden est veillée par sa mère. Les boys demandent à Mick de se contenter de regarder, tandis qu'ils demandent à Mme. Foster s'ils peuvent interroger sa fille. Mais elle refuse catégoriquement. Alors, Mick entre en scène dans la peau d'un médecin et demande à osculter Hayden. Tout le monde sort, les boys et Mme. Foster y compris. Tandis que Mick inspecte les blessures d'Hayden et constate amèrement qu'elle a été mordue, les boys entendent la mère leur dire qu'elle a été interrogée par une jeune fille, à peine plus âgée qu'Hayden, qui se faisait passer pour le service des eaux et forêts de la région. Mick les rejoint et leur assure qu' Hayden n'a pas été mordue. Ils font alors le point sur la jeune fille dont Mme Foster a parlé ; blonde, avec une attitude de jeune rebelle. Il s'agit sans aucun doute de Claire Novak.

Dean appelle Claire et ils la retrouvent ensuite à l'hôtel, où elle fait la connaissance de Mick. Elle explique qu'elle est sur cette affaire depuis quelques temps et qu'elle a pu découvrir qu'Hayden avait passé la soirée dans un bar où elle a fait la connaissance d'un homme pas vraiment fréquentable aux mains baladeuses. Mick prétend qu'il doit aller se coucher et prend congé. Puis, les boys demandent des nouvelles de Jody. Claire assure qu'elle et Alex vont bien et qu'elle les appellera bientôt, mais elle esquive la conversation rapidement. Quand Sam lui demande si elle mange correctement, Claire avoue que non. Alors, Dean lui lui tend le menu posé sur la table et lui dit de se servir, car tout est aux frais de Mick.

Mick se rend à l'hôpital et décide de tuer Hayden. Mais alors qu'il s'apprête à lui injecter une forte dose d'adrénaline, la pleine lune se découvre et Hayden, maintenant transformée, se réveille. Elle saute sur Mick et le griffe à l'épaule gauche, mais il parvient à lui enfoncer la seringue dans le coeur. Hayden meurt. Mick sort rapidement de la chambre, alors que Mme Foster découvre sa fille, morte, et hurle.

Les boys, Mick et Claire se rendent à l'hôpital le lendemain pour inspecter le corps d'Hayden. Le médecin leur explique qu'elle semble être décédée d'une embolie ou d'une crise cardiaque, ce qui est un peu étrange étant donné son jeune âge. Mais ce n'est pas le plus bizarre ; toutes ses blessures ont guéri spontanément. Tandis que le médecin s'en va, le débat commence entre les membres du groupe. Dean est furieux après Mick que celui-ci ai pu manquer une morsure. Claire met fin à la dispute imminente et leur demande de se concentrer sur le loup-garou responsable de l'état d'Hayden. Ils concluent rapidement que le loup-garou n'avait pas l'intention de la tuer, mais de la transformer, ce qui signifie qu'il la connaissait probablement. Dean envoie Sam et Claire parler à l'amie d'Hayden chez qui elle était censée passer la soirée, tandis que lui-même et Mick se rendent au bar visité par la jeune fille.

Sam essaie de tirer les vers du nez de Claire, mais elle prétend toujours que sa vie lui convient. Puis, elle lui demande de rester dans la voiture pendant qu'elle part interroger les amis d'Hayden. Pendant ce temps, Dean et Mick sont au bar. Ils interrogent le premier barman qui les renvoie rapidement vers Connor. C'est lui qui était en contact avec Hayden. Connor leur assure qu'il la laissait venir de temps en temps et qu'il n'y avait rien de plus. Il assure également ne pas lui avoir fait de mal. Dean profite du moment pour interroger Mick tout en essayant de faire parler Connor. Mais ce dernier n'a rien de plus à dire. Avant de partir, Dean prévient Connor qu'il ferait mieux de ne pas toucher Claire une fois de plus, sous peine d'en souffrir terriblement.

A l'extérieur, Mick se retrouve au pied du mur. Dean sait qu'il a menti et veut savoir ce qu'il a fait. Mick avoue qu'il a tué Hayden et qu'il n'a pas eu le choix. C'était un monstre et le code des Men of Letters les oblige à tous les tuer. Dean tente de lui faire comprendre que, contrairement à ce qu'il croit, les choses ne sont pas aussi simples ; parfois, les "monstres" ne le font pas exprès. Comme Magda, la jeune fille qu'ils ont laissé partir ; elle méritait sa seconde chance, car elle tuait sans le savoir, sans le vouloir, car elle était victime de maltraitances. Mick ne dit pas qu'ils ont tué Magda également mais réitère que le code exige des résultats. Dean lui fait remarque que son code vient d'obliger une mère à enterrer son deuxième enfant.

Claire retrouve Sam et lui dit qu'Hayden a été harcelée par un gars récemment, au point que sa meilleure amie a prévenu son frère, ce qui explique la présence de Ben, cette nuit-là. Puis, Sam demande à Claire pourquoi elle a menti à Jody et prétend être en fac de médecine. Claire explique qu'elle a essayé la chasse avec Jody, mais la plupart du temps, elle se retrouvait coincée dans la voiture tandis que Jody faisait tout le boulot. Alors, elle est partie et a prétendu être en école d'infirmière, comme Alex, parce que d'après elle, c'est ce que Jody voudrait. Sam lui demande de l'appeler et de lui dire la vérité. Il se montre insistant, mais Claire se met en colère ; pourquoi faut-il que les boys s'immiscent sans arrêt dans sa vie ? Elle lui demande d'arrêter de la prendre pour une enfant stupide et Sam rétorque qu'elle devrait alors arrêter de se comporter comme telle. Claire préfère s'en aller de son côté.

Elle se retrouve dans le chemin où Hayden et Ben ont été attaqués et se retrouve de même attaquée par le loup-garou. Ce dernier lui saute dessus et la mord à l'épaule. Lorsque Sam la retrouve, il ne peut que constater la blessure et ses conséquences.

Ils retrouvent Dean et Mick à l'hôtel. Dean promet à Claire que la lycanthropie se contrôle, mais Claire n'est pas sûre de pouvoir y arriver, elle qui peine à se contrôler en temps normal. Elle ne veut pas prendre le risque de faire du mal à quique ce soit, et surtout pas à Jody ou à Alex. Sam trouve alors plus de détails sur l'antidote testé par les Men of Letters. Le rapport dit qu'un patient sur dix a survécu et a guéri. Mais Mick rompt leurs espoirs lorsqu'il dit que ces patients n'étaient que des souris et que l'antidote n'a jamais été testé sur les humains, hormis une fois. Ce patient là est mort, dans une souffrance terrible. Claire veut tenter le coup, mais Dean s'y oppose. Claire lui dit que c'est sa vie et que le choix lui appartient. Sam la soutient. Dean demande ce qu'ils devraient faire et Mick explique qu'ils auront besoin du sang du loup-garou qui a mordu Claire. Dean et Sam décident de partir à sa recherche et laisse à Mick le soin de veiller sur Claire. Mais Dean le prévient ; si quoique ce soit arrive à la jeune fille, Mick est un homme mort.

Tandis que Dean et Sam trouvent Connor et découvrent qu'il ne s'agit pas de leur loup-garou, Claire fait face à la douleur de la transformation et supplie Mick de l'abattre. Mick tend l'arme, mais il finit par l'abaisser car son instinct l'a trompé dernièrement et il n'est plus sûr de la bonne chose à faire. Il demande à Claire de s'asseoir. Il lui explique qu'il va l'attacher et préparer une dose suffisante pour l'endormir jusqu'au matin, sans la tuer, dans le but de se protéger. Mais avant qu'il n'ai pu faire quoique ce soit, le loup-garou débarque ; c'était l'autre barman. Il fait voler Mick à travers la pièce, assomme Claire et emporte cette dernière.

Quand les boys reviennent, Claire a disparu et Mick tente de leur faire comprendre qu'il a essayé de la protéger mais que le loup-garou l'a emportée. Il dit qu'il a placé un mouchard sur Claire ce qui leur permettra de la retrouver.

Ils se rendent au repaire du loup-garou, où il a tenté de nourrir Claire, sans succès. Cette dernière se transforme, et attaque Dean, qui tente de la maintenir tout en résistant. Pendant ce temps, Sam permet à Mick de prélever du sang sur le loup-garou. Puis, tandis que ce dernier s'attaque à Dean, Mick le tue. Il ne leur reste plus qu'à injecter le sang à Claire. Ils y parviennent et la ramènent à l'hôtel, où elle traverse une longue souffrance. Dean ne peut plus supporter de la voir comme ça et préfère sortir. Lorsque Sam le rappelle, la souffrance de Claire est terminée, mais elle n'a pas réouvert les yeux. Ils la pensent morte, quand ses griffes se rétractent. Cette fois, ses paupières se lèvent et soulagés, ils constatent qu'elle est redevenue humaine.

A la sortie de l'hôtel, ils disent aurevoir à Claire et lui demandent d'appeler Jody mais lui laissent le choix de ne pas le faire. Dans le même temps, ils accordent à Mick qu'il leur a sauvé la vie et le remercient. Ils lui accordent une seconde chance mais le préviennent qu'il n'y aura pas de troisième. Mick a compris le message.

Claire appelle finalement Jody. Elle lui laisse un message sur son répondeur, lui explique qu'elle chasse et qu'elle est prête pour cette vie et la remercie d'être sa mère. Puis, elle lui dit qu'elle les aime, elle et Alex et raccroche, avant de reprendre la route.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

(Bluesy rock music playing)

(Scene opens on the exterior of the ‘Ale House’. A young woman walks out of the bar and onto the sidewalk, texting as she walks.)

(Cellphone beeps, touchscreen clicking)


“Are you calling me a liar? Seriously?”

(A hand grabs her shoulder from behind. The woman gasps as she spins around. A young man is standing there. He chuckles as he holds up his cellphone)


Yeah. Seriously. You're so busted.

(The woman and man are walking on a dark road, animal sounds can be heard in the background)


You are beyond lame, you know that?

Let's just go back. Please?

I'll get you in.

Ever had a Moscow Mule?


A Moscow Mule? (Scoffs)

Will you just, for once, act your age?


Says the guy who doesn't even have his own car.


Stop hounding Mom about buying us a car, all right? She's doing the best she can.


Two more years, I am so gone.

(Branch snaps)


Hold up! Did you hear that?


Yeah. They're called animals.


Let's just go back into town.


No, Hayden, we're going.


Have you, like, never seen a horror movie?

Two kids, dark road, creepy noise in the woods?

We keep walking...and boom!


You are such a drama queen.

All right, there's nothing there.


But I --


No, fine. I'll prove it.

(Man starts walking further down the road)

WOMAN (Singsongy)


(The woman turns back the way they came and texts ‘Coming right back’. The man continues to walk, using his cellphone as a light.)

MAN (calling out)

See? Told you.

(Hayden screams and the man runs back to her, finding her laying on the ground)




(Stammers) No.

Oh, my God. Hay.


Hayden, Hayden, Hayden, Hayden.

(A growl comes from behind the man. He turns and sees a figure in black from head to toe with a white skeleton skull on the face mask. The figure lunges forward and stabs the man in the stomach.)


(Squishing sounds and gasping)

(The figure turns towards Hayden and growls)


(Sam and Dean are waiting, impatiently, in the British Men of Letters bunker.)


All right, that's it. I'm waiting in the car.


Dean, dude, wait a second.


No. You know what?

Getting jobs from these dicks is one thing, but I didn't sign up for this reporting for duty crap, especially when they're late.


Sorry I'm late.

(Door locks, beeps)

My report to the home office ran long. We've had our hands full since...

(Dean and Mick look down at a blood stain on the floor)

Well, best not to dwell on that.


Wow. That is some world-class repression. You are British.


We prefer to call it a stiff upper lip.


Okay, okay. Enough.

Mick, what's the deal with the bat signal?

MICK (Sighs)

There was an incident in Wisconsin.

'Animal attack.'

(Mick hands Sam a gray folder)


A girl named Hayden Foster's in the hospital, and her brother lost his heart.

Looks like a werewolf.


Well, they don't usually leave behind survivors.


Freak probably got spooked before it could finish the job.


Well, perhaps.

But it usually takes more than a fright to put your average werewolf off his supper.


Oh, you'd know that, would you?


Actually, I would. I did extensive research into lycanthropy at Kendricks.

(Mick walks across the room and pulls two books out of a cabinet)




The Kendricks School. It's where the British Men of Letters train their operatives.

It's like our --



(Mick places one book on the table and hands one to Sam)



Kendricks is the largest collection of occult lore in the world.



(Sam looks to Dean enthusiastically. Dean is unimpressed.)


So when it comes to werewolves, I'm not entirely ignorant. For example, we know that last night's attack didn't happen on a full moon.

Therefore, we're looking for a pureblood.


You think?

It's like a milk run to me.


Then you don't mind if I tag along?


Mick, um...

Listen, I-I don't think... I don't think it's really your kind of thing.


Oh, no, maybe it should be.

I had the best team, but most of us, we were thinkers, not fighters.

And let's be honest --you and your mum, you're the only reason I'm still alive.


So now you wanna be like us?


No. I just want to be ready for whatever's next.

(Sam and Dean are in the hallway while Mick packs up in the main room)


Dude, he is dead weight, and you know it.


Look, Mick's inexperienced, sure. But these people have some serious knowledge.


So? Dude, what we do, you can't learn this crap in a book. You put on a flannel, you pick up a gun, you go out there.

Either you get good fast or you get dead faster.


We're working with these people now and -- and we're getting wins. We're saving people.

The better they are, the better we are.

Look, Mick held his own with the Alpha. Why not give him a shot? Maybe he'll come in handy.


And what if he gets himself killed?

MICK (off-screen)

I heard that.

(Mick approaches Dean)



If he's coming, you're babysitting him. (points at Sam)

(Sam and Dean are driving down the road at night in the Impala. Sam is shining a flashlight on the book Mick gave him. Mick is in the backseat listening to his cellphone.)


In Luther's 27th thesis, the word “jingle” is an obvious nod to a canny 15th century monk...

(Speaking indistinctly)


Had to let him listen to his podcast, huh?

(Stops podcast)


Dude, it's educational.

And besides, I've been wanting to listen to this one.


You know, monks like Martin Luther are among the earliest Hunters. He even wrote parts of that book you're holding.


What? This lore dates back to the 16th century?


Yeah. Well, in Europe, everything’s old.

Though we do have our fair share of new tricks for dealing with wolves -- sulfate gas, silver nitrate lethal injection.


Take a handful of silver bullets over any of that fancy crap.

MICK (sighing)

Yes, well, thanks to that “fancy crap,” Britain's last werewolf outbreak was in the '20s.

We rooted them out, bitten and pureblood alike.


Wait a second. You killed them all? Even the ones that weren't hurting anyone?




I mean, werewolves aren't like most monsters.

Some can control it. I mean, we -- we have a buddy got bit.

Nothing but beef hearts ever since.


And you trust him?

Well, killing is a fundamental need for werewolves. And monsters don't just stop being monsters.


Well, Garth did.


Oh, turn here.

(The Impala pulls in front of the ‘Wild Elk Lodge’. Sam, Dean and Mick get out of the car)


This place, uh, seems a little...


Shabby? Yeah.

Three stars was the best I could do. Least our bean counters will be happy.

Booked us all suites.


Wait, you... We're in separate rooms?


Yeah, of course.


You say three stars?



So we're talking fresh towels, little baby shampoos?


Uh-huh. And I believe there's a pool.

BELLMAN (opening the door)

Welcome, sir. Mm-hmm.


Cheers, mate.

DEAN (tosses the keys to Sam)

Get the bags.

(Sam grunts as he ‘bobbles’ the keys. In the lobby of the hotel, Dean grabs two fistfuls of mints from a jar on a desk and shoves them in his pocket.)

(The following morning Sam and Dean exit the hotel and stand outside)

DEAN (to the bellman)


(to Sam) Man. Those pillows, right?

The little chocolates that they put on? I mean, I'm ruined, Sam.

Those limey sons of bitches ruined me. I even took a swim this morning.


You brought a swimsuit?






What'd you get up to?


I read through more of Mick's lore books.


Really? Wow. Those three stars are wasted on you.


Anyways, listen to this. It's crazy.

So apparently, back in the '30s, they were working on this treatment for werewolves. This, like, blood therapy.

(Mick joins Sam and Dean)


Plasma therapy. Useless, I'm afraid.

So how were your accommodations, lads?

(The Impala’s engine is heard purring as the valet pulls up to the front of the hotel)


I've had better night’s sleep in my baby.

(Engine idling)


Get in. Let's go.

(Dean leans over to Sam as Mick gets in the car)


Not gonna give him the satisfaction.

(Scene change to Hayden’s hospital room. A nurse is checking the monitors and a woman is at her bedside. Sam, Dean and Mick approach the entrance to the room. The nurse leaves and Mick goes to enter)


Wait, wait. Let us.

Talking to a grieving family, it's tougher than you think.


Oh, I'm a quick study


Well, good for you. Okay, stay here, keep watch.

Anything comes up...I don't know, whistle.


Ms. Foster? Sorry to bother you.

Agent McVie.

This is my partner, Agent Fleetwood.

Um, we'd like to ask your daughter a few questions.


She's sleeping.


We'll be quick. Promise.


I said no.

Hayden needs her rest. She's...

(Mick enters the room wearing a white doctor’s coat)


Good morning. And how is our patient today?


I'm sorry. Who are you?


Dr. Buckingham. Hayden's attending doctor, Dr. Markum, asked me to look in on her.

Um, would it be okay to ask you just to step outside for a moment?


I, um...Of course, Doctor.




Thank you.

(In the hallway, Dean hands Mrs. Foster a cup of coffee)


Here. Please.


Thank you.


No problem.


I'm sorry, about all that.


Oh, please.

After what you've been through, you have no reason to apologize.

(In the room, Hayden wakes up)


Where's my mom?


Your mum's just outside.

Just gonna take a quick look, make sure you're okay.

Brave girl.

(Mick pulls back a bandage on Hayden’s arm to reveal two nasty slices)


I don't know what happened. It was so fast.


You've had quite a shock.

(In the hallway)


I just -- I don't even know what my kids were doing out there.

You know, Hayden was supposed to be sleeping at her friend's house, and -- and Ben...

(Inhales and exhales sharply)

I just keep thinking this is a nightmare, you know? That I'm gonna wake up.

(In the hospital room Mick pulls a bandage of Hayden’s other arm to reveal a long gash)



(In the hallway)


I'm just glad the FBI is here, not those crazies.




Bigfoot truthers.

Calling, sending e-mails. They thought Hayden was...

Like I said. Crazy.




Some girl even came by here saying she was from the Fish and Wildlife Service.


Barely as old as Hayden.

I mean, like I'm gonna buy that.

(Sam looks towards Dean, raising his eyebrows)


You remember what she looked like?


Yeah. Blonde. Bad attitude.

I actually -- I have her card right here.



(In the hospital room Mick pulls back another bandage and sees a deep bite mark on Hayden’s arm)


Ah. (sighs heavily)

(Hayden wakes up as he replaces the bandage)

MICK (Softly)

Okay. You're okay.

You relax, okay?

(Mick joins Sam, Dean and Mrs. Foster in the hallway)


Is she...


Wound's healing up nicely. Nothing too serious.


Oh, that's so --

Thank you so much.


Pleasure. Excuse me.

(Mrs. Foster goes back into Hayden’s room)

DEAN (sarcastically)





Was Hayden bit?


No. No, she's a lucky girl.


Good. What about, uh, Fish and Wildlife Service?

Think it's another hunter?


Young, blonde, pissed off. Sound like anybody we know?

(Scene changes to Claire leaning against her car outside a ‘Gas ‘n Sip’. She’s reading a text message from Jody that says ‘How’s the trip? Go Badgers?)

CLAIRE (texting back to Jody)

'Campus is nice.'

(A cellphone rings from inside the car. Claire rushes to answer it)


Hello? Uh, this is Agent Beatrice Quimby.

(A man’s voice is heard speaking with an exaggerated Canadian accent)

Oh, thank God. There's a bear. It's the size of a freakin' tank!

(The same voice imitates [Yogi Bear]

I think it wants my pic-a-nic basket!



Hi, Dean.

(Sam, Dean and Claire are sitting in the lobby of the Great Elk Lodge)


So Fish and Wildlife? Really?


Claire, what are you doing here?


Same as you. Werewolf case.

(Mick approaches and places four beer bottles on the table)


Now. Beers all around.


Who are you?


Oh. Mick Davies.

(Mick reaches out and shakes Claire’s hand. She looks confused and amused)

Men of Letters. British.


Long story. And, like, “Downton Abbey” boring, so...

(Claire leans forward and reaches for a beer. Dean leans forward and takes it from her)


No. Unh-unh.

CLAIRE (sighs)

Okay. Anyway...

I've been on this a day. And guess what?

The girl, Hayden?

Her story about what happened the night of the attack? One big lie.


Her mom said the same thing.


Where was she?


She was at the local dive bar, gettin' trashed.

I tracked her phone and asked around and...

(Mick takes a sip of his beer and grimaces)


Bartenders love me. It's a gift.


Right. You get anything else?


The guy I talked to was a scumbag. Tribal tat, motorcycle, grabby.

DEAN (annoyed)


(Bell dings in the background)


I'm a big girl. I handled it.

MICK (standing up)

Right. Think I'm gonna call it a night.

SAM (looking at his watch)

D-dude, it's 5:30.


Yeah, but my report's due at 6:00 sharp.

All work, no play.

(to Claire) Nice meeting ya.

(Light jazz playing in the background)


So, your foreign exchange student is totally lame.


Yeah. He's Sam's best friend.

(Sam sighs deeply)

They're like nerd soul mates.


Anyway, why are you alone?


Jody's busy with sheriff stuff. And she said to call if I found anything.


So you called her?


You called first.

And she's great, by the way. And so is Alex.

So, should we go to the morgue?


Take it easy, Clarice. Morgue's closed.


By the way, when's the last time you had a hot meal that didn't come from a-a Gas-n-Sip microwave?


Not that there's anything wrong with that.


It's been a while.


Well... [ Clears throat and hands Claire a menu that was on the table)

Go nuts. It's on, uh, Harry Potter.


(Laughs) Cool.

(Scene change to Hayden’s hospital room. She’s sleeping and Mrs. Foster kisses her on the head, leaves the room and walks down the hallway. As she leaves, Mick (in his doctor’s coat) enters the room. He stands by her bed and pulls a large syringe out of his coat pocket. Monitors are beeping steadily in the background)

MICK (Whispering)

I'm sorry.

(As he injects the syringe into Hayden’s IV line, the clouds clear and the moon shines in the window. Hayden’s eyes pop open and turn yellow. Her nails grow into long, black points. She attacks Mick, shrieking and growling. He turns quickly and plunges the syringe into her chest. She falls to the floor with the syringe still stuck in her. Her eyes turn back to brown as she stops breathing.

Mick leaves the room clutching his shoulder which has been clawed in the fight with Hayden. As he heads down the hallway Mrs. Foster and some nurses enter Hayden’s room)

MRS FOSTER (screaming)


(Sobbing) No!



(Sam, Dean, Mick, Claire (all wearing suits) and a doctor are in Hayden’s hospital room They are standing around a gurney with Hayden’s body on it.)


Thanks for coming by so quickly. Ms. Foster gave us your number.


You have any idea what happened to her?


Autopsy's tomorrow, but it could be an arterial embolism, cardiac arrest.


A heart attack at her age?


It gets weirder.

When we admitted her, she had defensive wounds to her arms.

Now... (the doctor pulls back a blanket covering Hayden, exposing her arms) they're gone.

(Cellphone rings)

DOCTOR (walking out of the room)

Just, uh, give me a second.




Okay...what the hell?


You checked Hayden out. Did you notice anything weird?


No, but, uh, the girl could've had internal injuries or...


But somehow, her external injuries all healed? No way.

This is almost like, uh...

You know, what if she turned?


What, like, “wolfed out” turned?


Explains the whole Wolverine healing factor thing.


Yeah, no, but that'd be crazy because that means she would've been bit.

And Mick here says that that didn't happen.

Right, Mick?

MICK (looking nervous)


Uh, no, not -- not that I saw.


Are you 100%?


Unless I made a mistake.


Hell of a mistake.




No, I told you we shouldn't have dragged him along.

I told you!



Whatever got Hayden is still out there.



So let's say the night of the attack, wolf ices big bro, chomps down on a little sis, and then...poof, vanishes?

Does that make any sense?


Maybe he let her go.


On purpose? Why?


Perhaps he didn't want her dead. He wanted her turned.


Right. Which means this wasn't random.


Which means it would've been somebody who knew her.

Friends, family.


Or someone from the bar.


Okay. All right, Sam, you and Claire, you go talk to the girl that she was supposed to be crashing with, and me and amateur hour will hit the bar, see what shakes loose.

(Sam and Claire are sitting in her car, Claire is fishing around in the backseat and pulls out her headphones and places them around her neck)


So... (Sighs) really? Things are good?


Yeah. They're awesome.


Really? You sure?


Dude, take the yes.


Okay. (Sighs)


So, you wait here.




Sam, no offense, but who do you think the kids are gonna wanna talk to?

Me, or some old skeezer?

(Sam looks offended)



Be right back.

(Claire leaves the car and walks towards the high school)



(Scene change to Dean and Mick walking along the sidewalk towards the bar)


Dean, what happened back there...my mistake, it won't happen again.


Better not.

(Mick goes to open the door but pulls his hand back, sighing)




The old carpal tunnel.


Well, allow me, your lordship.



(Dean opens the door and he and Mick enter the bar. The bartender is unpacking bottles of alcohol from a box)



(Dean shows his FBI badges)

Agent Strummer. This is Agent Vai.


Uh, hi.

(Mick places his phone on the bar. There is a picture of Hayden on it)


Do you recognize this girl? She was here three nights ago.


Yeah. Not really.


Yeah, I'd lie if I served underage girls, too.

(Dean stares at the bartender pointedly)


Look, man, I... (Sighs)

I really need this job. I... (Inhales deeply)


(Dean continues to stare)

She started coming in a few weeks ago after Conner got hired.




Yeah, the other bartender. They're having a thing.


What kind of a thing?

(A door opens and closes in the background. A man in a white t-shirt walks around the bar. He has a large, tribal-type tattoo on his neck)


Ask him.


Hi, Conner.

Oh. Nice ink.

So you like high school girls, do you? Hmm?

(Conner looks surprised and confused)

You get older, they stay the same age. Is that it?


That's not how it was.

(Dean, Mick and Conner are now sitting at a bar table)


Oh, so you weren't dating Hayden Foster?


Dating? No, I let her in from time to time.

She is stupid hot. Okay?

But that's it. I swear.


And the night she got attacked, did you let her in that night, too?


Look, I don't know what happened.

I was behind the bar the whole night.

I didn't even see her leave.



And then what'd you do?

CONNER (looks from Mick to Dean, questioningly)

Guess I went home.


You guess?

Well, it's a simple question, Conner.

I ask what you were doing, then you tell me.

For instance, what were you doing last night?

(Dean turns toward Mick)






Oh, I was writing my report.


And then?


Well, I watched an episode of “The Great British Bake Off” and went to bed.


Ha! See?


CONNER (defensively)

I went home, man.

And I didn't do anything to that girl, okay?


Yeah. Well, we'll see.

(Dean gets up as if to leave and then turns back towards Conner)

Oh, one more thing. Um...

Did you happen to meet a, uh, blonde girl the other night?

About yay high. Feisty?


Yeah, yeah. Said she was Hayden's cousin.

Crazy bitch threw a beer at me.


Huh. Well, from what I heard, you earned it.


What are you, her dad?

Dude, come on. Girls like that? (Snorts, laughs)



You ever touch her again, (Dean leans in to speak directly into Conner’s ear)

I'll break your face.

(Dean and Mick leave the bar and walk down the sidewalk)

Nice work in there.


Thank you. Yeah, that alibi --

I almost bought it.



(Dean stops walking and turns towards Mick, stopping him with his arm across Mick’s stomach)


See, here's the thing about 16-year-old girls, especially 16-year-old freshly minted werewolf girls -- they don't just die.

And you've been acting sketchy all day.


Oh, I don't know what you're talking about.

(Dean grabs Mick’s injured shoulder and squeezes hard)


Oh! (Groans)


What did you do to her?


I did what needed to be done.


And that means?


(Grunts) Last night, I injected her with silver nitrate. (Groans)


So you killed her?


Well, she attacked me.

She tore up my shoulder. And... [ Sighs ]

I had orders.


You had a choice.


Did I?

Killing monsters is what we do. Or maybe palling around with demons and witches, you've forgotten.

(Dean pushes Mick back against a railing and points a finger at him)


Don't tell me how to do my job.


Well, then do it.


You think it's that simple, huh?


I really do.



I used to think the same thing.

Well, here's a little tip. Things aren't just black and white out here.

All you have is a case in front of you, like Hayden.

A few months ago, there was this kid, this psychic.

(Flashback to Magda flailing herself as her mother watches. Magda grunts in pain)

She was killing people, but she didn't mean to hurt anyone.

She was being abused.

So we gave her a second chance because it was the right thing to do.


Well... (Grunts) that's your luxury.

We have a code.

(Flashback to Magda getting off the bus and going into the bathroom. Silenced gunshots are heard. As the shooter leaves the bathroom, Magda is lying dead on the floor. A cellphone rings and Ketch answers)


Thank you, Mr. Ketch.


Well, now Hayden's mom, she gets to bury two kids instead of one, thanks to you and thanks to your code.

Nice work.

(Dean walks away from Mick. Mick grimaced and sighs heavily]

(Scene change to Claire walking away from the high school. Sam is leaning against her car as she approaches)

CLAIRE (smiling)

I was kidding before, but you really do look like a creeper.


Funny. How'd it go?


BFF found. Beans spilled.

Hayden was hooking up with this older guy on the DL, and she was really into him, but he was a total stalker.

Texting constantly, ultra possessive.

Skeeved her friend out so much she narc'd to Hayden's brother.


Guess that explains why he was there.


I did good, right?

(Claire walks around the car and opens the driver side door. Sam stands up and turns towards her)


Claire, why does Jody think you're in Madison looking at colleges?


You called her?

(long pause)

Did you tell?


No. Not yet. But why are you lying to her?

CLAIRE (closes the car door)

Look, I-I know, okay? I know how much I owe Jody.

But we tried the whole hunting thing, and I just ended up sitting in the car while she does everything.


Guess she's taking it slow.


She wants me to be normal, go to nursing school like Alex.


Did she actually say that?


She doesn't have to. I'm better off on my own. This way, everybody's happy.


Claire, Jody's not gonna be happy when she finds out.

And if something happened to you...


I'm careful!


You need to tell her the truth.

CLAIRE (walks toward Sam)

You know what? Screw you.

I'm so sick of you guys dive-bombing my life, pretending like you care.


We do care.

CLAIRE (raising her voice)

Then stop treating me like a stupid kid!


Then stop acting like one.

(Claire walks away and Sam shakes his head, as if regretting his words)



(Claire is walking down a path towards the school field. Music is playing in her headphones)

♪ ...everything

♪ Opportunities for eternity ♪

♪ And I could belong to the night ♪

♪ Then your eyes, your eyes ♪

♪ I can see in your eyes ♪

♪ Your eyes ♪

♪ Everything in your eyes ♪

♪ Your eyes ♪

(There is a crunching noise and Claire stops walking and pulls her headphones down. We continue to hear the music as she starts looking around)

♪ You make me wanna die ♪

♪ I'll never be good enough ♪

♪ You make me wanna die ♪

(She turns around and sees the same masked, figure that attacked Hayden. Claire pulls a switchblade out of her pocket. The figure lunges towards her but she turns out of the way and faces the figure.)

♪ ...you love will burn up in the night ♪

(The figure lunges again and Claire makes several attempts to cut it with her knife. He grabs her wrist, pulls her arm behind her, shoves her to the ground and sits on her back)

♪ Look inside your eyes ♪

[Claire is screaming and the figure is growling)

♪ You make me wanna die ♪

(Claire screams as the figure leans forward and bites her on the back of her shoulder)



(Claire is lying on the ground gasping in pain. Her headphones and knife are on the ground next to her. She sits up a little to reach around her shoulder and we see a large, bloody bite)


Oh, my...

(Claire looks at her hand and sees the blood from her wound. She falls back to ground, gasping in pain.



(Claire rolls her head to the side and blurrily sees someone running down the path towards her. She rolls over and struggles to grab her knife off the ground. As she rolls back over Sam comes into her line of site, grabbing her hands)


Claire. Claire.

Hey. Hey. Claire.

Hey, it's me. It's me.

(Claire whimpers as Sam pulls her into a sitting position and puts his arms around her)


It's me. I gotcha. I gotcha.

I gotcha. You're safe.

(As he holds her he sees the wound on her shoulder and looks around angrily)

(Scene change to Sam, Dean, Mick and Claire in a hotel room. As Dean talks off screen, Claire is sitting on the bed, looking at a bandage on her shoulder)


We gotta cool her off. She's burning up.

MICK (grabbing a blanket)

No. No, no, keep her warm.

SAM (turning angrily towards Mick)

Back off.


Shut up.


Look, I understand you're angry --


Mick, you killed a kid. We're not angry. We're done!


How long have I got until...


Sometimes it takes a full moon.

Sometimes it just takes time.

(Sam inhales shakily)

(Claire sniffles)

DEAN (kneeling down in front of Claire)


Hey, listen to me.

Look, nobody said this was gonna be easy, okay?

But you can live with this.

(In the background, Sam sits at the table and opens a book)


No way.


Hey. Look, so you -- you have to stay locked up a few nights out of the month, okay?

The rest of the time, you're you.

CLAIRE (whispering)

Unless I break out.

Maybe some people can control this, but I can barely keep it together on a good day.

(Voice breaking)

So if there's any chance I could hurt Jody or Alex...

or anyone...

(breathes shakily then raises voice)

I'd rather die.


Claire, there may be another way.

There's -- there's the blood therapy that you talk about. (points at Mick)


I told you, it doesn't work.


It says right here, uh, (reading from the book)

1 out of 9 test subjects was cured.






That study was on mice.

DEAN (standing up and walking towards Mick)

You want to tell me what the hell he's talking about?


We experimented with the blood of sire werewolves.

And we found it was possible to reverse the early stages of lycanthropy...in rodents.


So you never tested on humans?






The subject died in agony.




Maybe second time's a charm.

DEAN (turning towards Claire)

Hey, no, no.

You don't get a vote in this.


It's my life. I get all the votes.


Sam, you wanna back me up here?


It's her life.


I bet you think this is a great solution. Hmm?

It works, or she dies.

Either way, one less monster, right?


I don't think there's any great solutions here.

CLAIRE (crying softly)


Please? I can't.


All right.

If we do this -- if... how do we get it done?


We need blood, live blood, from the werewolf that bit her.


Good. Great. Who we lookin' at?


Tribal tat. Back at the bar.

We shook him down about Claire, and right after, she gets bit.

That's not a coincidence.


Timeline fits, connection to both victims.


Then we should go. The full moon rises in less than an hour.

And if she turns and feeds, our cheery success rate drops to zero.


Let's go.

(Sam, Dean and Mick walk towards the door. Dean stops and turns toward Mick)

Not you.

You stay with her.


You trust him?


Mick's a smart guy.

So when I say that if anything happens to her, and I mean anything...


You'll kill me.


Like I said, smart.


Sam, if you're not back...


We'll be back.

(Sam and Dean leave the hotel room)

(Scene change to the exterior of the Ale House/Lucky Badger Bar. Conner walks out the door. The camera follows him from behind as he walks over to a motorcycle. As he goes to put on a helmet, Dean approaches)



(Den punches Conner in the face, pushes him up against a wall and the turns him around, holding him in place with an arm around his neck. Sam moves in holding out a knife)


All right, don't move, don't move. It's silver.

(Sam makes a small cut on Conner’s hand)

SAM (looks surprised)

He's human.

(Scene changes to Claire looking out the hotel window as the full moon rises from behind the clouds. Animal calls can be heard)

(Mick sits down in a chair and fills a syringe with liquid from a bottle)


Let's give it time.

(Claire is breathing heavily. She grabs her stomach and bends over in pain)


Aah! It burns!

(Claire grabs at her shoulder. She goes to the mirror and pulls off her bandage. As she turns to see the wound, it starts to disappear. She turns around and moves toward a gun on the table. Mick sees her and grabs it before she can)


You don't understand. It's happening!

Give it to me!




Then you do it, please! It's happening!

And you don't understand how this feels!

(Mick points the gun at her)


I know a man who would shoot you right now without a moment's thought.

And every instinct I have says he's right... that I ought to do my duty.

(Flashback to Hayden laying on the floor in the hospital, gasping. Mick looks on as she dies)



But my instincts haven't been so grand of late.

(Mick sighs) Sit down.

(Claire wraps herself in a blanket and sits on the couch, hugging her knees)


Now okay, here's what we're gonna do.

Firstly, we're gonna restrain you, right?

(Mick picks up leather straps)

For my protection. Okay?

And then...then we're gonna sedate you.

(Mick holds up a small brown bottle)

Also for my protection.

With any luck, when you wake up, this will all be over.


If I wake up.

I gotta call Jody.

(crying softly) She's gonna be so mad at me.

(The door to the hotel room opens and the masked figure storms into the room)


Claire, get back!

(Mick goes after the figure and he is thrown across the room. Claire shatters a glass vase against his back. The figure faces her and pulls off its mask to reveal the original bartender. He punches Claire in the face. She falls unconscious to the floor and is seen being dragged away.



(Sam and Dean enter the hotel room and start looking around)



(Mick, who was unconscious on the floor groans and starts to get up)


Where is she?

MICK (standing)

The wolf, he took her.

DEAN (lunges at Mick and grabs him by his shirt)

What did I tell you?!


I tried to stop him, okay?

I can find her. I put a tracker in her pocket.

SAM (in disbelief)

You planted a bug on her?


Look, you can kill me later, after we find Claire.

(Scene change to nighttime exterior of a house. Inside, the bartender has Claire tied to a chair. He’s walking around, throwing items into a small duffle bag)


I know this is sudden, but you and your friends, you should've let me have Hayden.

She was miserable here.


We had big plans.

CLAIRE (straining against the ropes)

Yeah? Was that before or after you bit her?


I had to know if she could survive the change.

Not everyone does.

(Claire pitches forward in the chair, groaning)


It hurts at first, but eventually, it's like the best drug ever times a thousand.


Right. Eat me, Teen Wolf.


It's not like I want to do this.

My pack, we were happy. We didn't hurt anyone.

And then hunters with weapons that I've never seen before, they show up and...

(Claire groans again)

...take out 20 of us, just like that.

The ones that made it, we split up, but we weren't meant to live like that.

A werewolf needs his pack.

You'll see, I'm a nice guy.


Yeah? You know who says they're a nice guy?

Clingy, insecure bitches with mommy issues.

BARTENDER (Walks over to the refrigerator)

That's just the change talking.

(He pulls a package off the shelf and walks over to Claire)

You'll feel better once you eat.

(He takes an animal(?) heart out of the package and shoves it in Claire’s mouth)

Try it. You'll like it.

(Claire screams, muffled)

As soon as I saw you, I knew...you're just like me.


(Claire spits the meat at the bartender, her mouth covered in blood)



I have a family, and they love me.

(Claire pitches forward again, gasping in pain. When she sits up her eyes are glowing yellow and she stares at the bartender. Sam kicks in the door and tackles the bartender to the ground. Dean and Mick rush in after)



(Claire turns around, growling and showing her fangs)



Hey, all right. Easy.

(As the bartender and Sam continue to fight, Claire breaks the ropes holding her and goes after Dean. He picks up a pan and she swats it out of his hands, it crashes to the floor)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh!

(Sam punches the bartender and gets behind him, grabbing him around the chest)


Mick, hurry!

(Mick runs over and jabs something into the bartenders back. The bartender snarls, rears back and slams his head into Sam’s. Sam falls back against some furniture and falls to the ground, unconscious. Mick moves in but the bartender throws him aside as well. As the bartender turns towards Dean, Claire lunges at Dean. He throws her against the refrigerator and she falls to the floor)


Sorry, kid.

(The bartender lunges at Dean, grabs him and throws him to the floor. As he goes to move toward Dean, Mick shoots him in the back)

(Mick runs over and helps Dean up. He then grabs the ampule he stuck in the bartenders back, that is now filled with blood, and loads the blood into a syringe. Meanwhile, Claire wakes up and gets up from the floor, growling and snarling)

DEAN (to Mick)

Move, move, move, move, move.


Claire. Claire.

(Sam wakes up and joins Dean and Mick standing opposite Claire. He’s holding a backpack out in front of him)


Okay, Claire, it's us. You know us.


That thing ready yet?


It's ready. It's ready.

Go, go, go.


She wanted this, right?


Oh, yeah.

(Mick hands the syringe to Dean. Claire lunges at Sam who uses the backpack to protect himself and pushes Claire away from him. As she passes, Dean jabs her with the syringe. She falls to the floor screaming, then rises to her knees, growling and screaming)



(Claire is lying on the couch in the same house, convulsing, as Dean, Sam and Mick look on. Her voice alternates between werewolf snarls and her whimpering)

DEAN (standing up)

Gonna get some air.

(Dean walks out of the house. Claire writhes some more and then is completely still and silent)

SAM (looking despondent)



(Dean comes back inside. He looks on, as Claire’s werewolf nails recede to her natural nails. There’s a pause and then she opens her eyes)

CLAIRE You guys look like crap.

(Sam looks relieved and exhales audibly)

(Scene change to Sam, Dean and Mick leaving the hotel room. Dean hands the valet his ticket)

MICK (looking across the parking lot at Claire loading her car)

All right, give this to you.

That girl is a walking miracle.


Yes, she is.

Listen, uh...thanks for the win back there.




So we're good?


Not quite, but we'll give you a second chance.


Just don't mess it up. There won't be a third.



(Claire approaches)


Hey. How you feeling?



I'm sort of craving a Milk-Bone right now.

(Sam and Claire chuckle)


Look, um... what I said before... you guys are here when I need you and that's all that matters.


You gonna tell Jody what happened?


I don't know.


Well, whatever you decide, we got your back.

(Claire is standing next to her car, cellphone by her ear)


Leave a message after the tone.

CLAIRE (nervously)


It's me, Claire.

Okay, um, here it goes.

(As she’s talking, there is a flashback to Claire hugging Dean in front of the hotel, saying goodbye to him and Sam)

I've been hunting. Alone.

And I know it's not what you want to hear.

(Back to Claire next to her car)

And I know it sounds scary.

It scares me, too, sometimes, but... this is something I have to do on my own.

Just for a little while.

But I'm ready, and I never would've been if it wasn't for you being my mother.

Well, I better go. Um...

Tell Alex she better not touch my stuff.

I love you guys.

(Claire ends the call and drives away)

(Joan Jett & The Blackhearts play as Claire drives away) ♪ I'm a wild one ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah, I'm a wild one ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, I'm a wild one ♪

♪ Gotta break it loose, gonna keep 'em movin' wild ♪

♪ Gonna keep a-swingin', baby, I'm a real wild child ♪


Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (24.04.2020 à 10:49)

Claire a vraiment du caractère et Mick semble prêt à mettre la main à la pate et il ne se débrouille pas si mal que ça. Il fait des erreurs mais comme dit Dean, lui aussi voyait tout en noir et blanc au début. Qui a oublié Madisson le loup garou?

Le seul truc un peu bizarre, c'est que Sam et Dean ne préviennent pas Castiel que Claire a des problèmes. C'est un peu sa fille quand même...


Merci aux 4 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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sanct08, Avant-hier à 15:05

Hello :=) les sondages de The X-Files, Le Caméléon, La Roue du temps et Star Trek attendent vos votes :=) Pas besoin de connaître pour voter !

Viens chatter !