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#10.09 : Au nom du père

CASTIEL RETROUVE CLAIRE, LA FILLE DE JIMMY - Castiel retrouve Claire Novak, la fille de Jimmy, dans un foyer, et elle réussit à le convaincre de la faire sortir. Après qu'elle lui a échappé, Castiel appelle Sam et Dean afin de leur demander de l'aide pour la retrouver avant qu'elle n'ai des problèmes. Pendant ce temps, Crowley fait face à son plus grand challenge.


4.83 - 6 votes

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The Things We Left Behind

Titre VF
Au nom du père

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Castiel (Misha Collins) et Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Castiel (Misha Collins) tenant par le cou Dustin Tate (Jake Guy)

Castiel (Misha Collins) tenant par le cou Dustin Tate (Jake Guy)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) prisonnière avec Trish (Monice Peter) et un démon (Viv Leacock)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) prisonnière avec Trish (Monice Peter) et un démon (Viv Leacock)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) face à Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) face à Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) prisonnière avec Trish (Monice Peter) et un démon (Viv Leacock)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) prisonnière avec Trish (Monice Peter) et un démon (Viv Leacock)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 09.12.2014 à 21:00
2.62m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Andrew Dabb
Réalisé par : Guy Norman Bee


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Ruth Connell... Rowena

Kathryn Newton... Claire Novak

RoarkCritchlow... Randy

Viv Leacock... Gerald

Jennifer Copping... Sandra Phelan









Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Dean, perdu dans ses cauchemars, où il se voit agenouillé et ensanglanté au milieu d'une véritable boucherie, finit par se réveiller en sursaut. Affolé, il jette un oeil sur la marque. Pendant ce temps, à Pontiac, dans l'Illinois. Une adolescente est ramenée de force dans l'institution dans laquelle elle est internée. La directrice, habituée aux frasques de la jeune fille, demande à ce qu'elle soit mise en isolement pendant 48 heures. On apprend alors que la jeune ado n'est autre que Claire Novak, fille de Jimmy Novak, le vaisseau de Castiel. D'ailleurs, le lendemain, c'est Castiel lui-même qui vient rendre visite à Claire.


Les retrouvailles entre Castiel et Claire sont pour le moins tendue. Claire raconte qu'après que Castiel soit parti avec le corps de son père, sa mère l'a déposé chez sa grand-mère et a disparu à son tour. Lorsque sa grand-mère est décédée, Claire s'est retrouvé ballotée d'une famille d'accueil à une autre, pour finir par être enfermée dans ce foyer. La jeune fille est en colère, et cela ne s'arrange pas lorsque Castiel lui annonce que son père est mort. Le savoir au Paradis est une maigre consolation. Castiel veut l'aider à tout prix, afin de racheter le mal qu'il lui a causé. Finalement, elle accepte, et lui demande de la sortir de là.

Après que Claire ai demandé à Castiel de jouer le rôle de son père, ils ont rendez-vous dans le bureau de la directrice. Celle-ci veut savoir pourquoi M. Novak a disparu toutes ces années, pour finalement revenir aujourd'hui et demander la garde de sa fille. Castiel prétend qu'il voyageait pour son travail, Claire l'aide en prétendant qu'il était exterminateur de nuisibles, mais ces mensonges évidents ne passent pas auprès de la directrice, qui demande à Claire d'aller dans le couloir le temps qu'elle s'entretienne avec Castiel. Une fois seuls, la directrice déclare ne pas vouloir laisser Claire, adolescente perturbée, entre les mains de Castiel. Vouloir être son ami ne suffit pas, car elle a besoin d'un père.

Au bunker, Dean rit à gorge déployée en regardant un épisode des Three Stooges. Sam lui apporte un sandwich et s'asseoit auprès de lui. Il est heureux de constater que Dean semble aller bien, peut-être même trop bien. Un peu inquiet, Sam jette un oeil à la marque tandis que Dean apprécie et son sandwich, et son épisode, puis finalement, il chasse ses inquiétudes et partage le visionnage de son frère.

A Pontiac. Claire entend des bruits de lutte dans le couloir. La porte de sa chambre d'isolement s'ouvre pour laisser entrer Castiel, qui l'invite à s'enfuir avec lui. La jeune fille n'hésite pas très longtemps et le suit.

Rowena, toujours enfermée dans sa cellule, est rejointe par une jeune femme que Gerald, l'un des sbires de Crowley, vient enchainer au mur à son tour. Rowena tente de convaincre Gerald de parler à Crowley en son nom, mais le démon se montre complètement indifférent. Rowena ne décolère pas.

Castiel emmène Claire dîner dans un restaurant, et tente d'établir le contact. Claire reconnait qu'il a changé, mais refuse catégoriquement de nouer des liens avec lui. Elle sait qu'il a fait tout ça parcequ'il se sentait coupable, et le remercie, mais souhaite reprendre sa vie de son côté. Castiel insiste. Il ne veut pas la laisser seule, en particulier après l'avoir sortie du foyer illégalement. Claire semble se résigner, lui demande d'acheter de quoi tenir la route, puis prétend devoir aller aux toilettes. Au passage, elle le bouscule tandis qu'ils se lèvent en même temps. Castiel achète ce qui pourrait convenir à une adolescente, passe à la caisse et se rend compte que son portefeuille a disparu. Il réalise alors que Claire s'est enfuie. Et en effet, tandis qu'il sort du restaurant et tente de la rattraper, il la voit monter dans une voiture grise avant de s'en aller.

Castiel appelle Dean et Sam à l'aide. Ils apprennent toute l'histoire alors qu'ils retrouvent l'ange devant le restaurant d'où Claire s'est enfuie. Les boys ne sont pas convaincus de l'urgence de la situation, mais devant la culpabilité et le sentiment de responsabilité de Cas', ils acceptent finalement de l'aider. Dean et Cas' resteront au restaurant au cas où Claire repasserait par là, tandis que Sam se rend au foyer.

Au restaurant, tout en déjeunant, Dean et Cas' discutent. Dean conseille à Cas' de se délester de certaines charges : les gens qu'ils ont blessé, ceux qu'ils n'ont pas pu sauver, il faut les oublier, afin de préserver sa santé mentale. Malgré tout, Dean avoue qu'il ne suit pas ses propres conseils, mais il ne pense guère être un modèle à suivre. Castiel n'est pas d'accord avec cette assertion. Puis, il demande à son ami comment il va, ce à quoi Dean répond d'abord qu'il va bien. Mais Castiel souhaite la vérité, et finalement, Dean avoue que la marque est toujours là, que c'est un problème. Il repense à son cauchemar, et demande alors Castiel, que s'il retourne de nouveau s'engouffrer dans les ténèbres, l'ange devra le tuer. Et surtout, il ne devra pas laisser Sam s'interposer. Dean abhorre l'idée de redevenir le monstre qu'il était, et préfère mourir que de redevenir comme cela.

Dans les cachots de l'Enfer, Rowena entreprend d'entamer la conversation avec sa colocataire. La femme en question est un démon, enfermée ici parce qu'elle est sortie de l'Enfer sans autorisation. Rowena, quand à elle, prétend être ici parce qu'elle fut une horrible mère. Assertion confirmée par Crowley, qui raconte à Gerald comment Rowena a tenté de le vendre contre trois porcs. Gerald demande pourquoi il ne la tue pas, puisqu'il la déteste autant. Crowley, sans plus de détails, dit qu'il a ses raisons. Gerald propose alors ses services pour se débarasser d'elle.

Sam interroge Sandy, la directrice du foyer. Sandy tend le dossier de Claire à Sam, et raconte que l'adolescente est une jeune fille intelligente, et qui cache sous la surface de colère, un grand coeur. Elle dit que ses fugues étaient fréquentes, et c'est pour cette raison qu'ils n'ont pas pu lui trouver une famille définitive. Elle dit aussi que Claire a pris sous son aile un jeune garçon du nom de Dustin Tate. Mais malgré cela, elle ne sait pas où Claire pourrait se cacher.

Claire retrouve le dénommé Dustin dans une maison, où les ados logent avec un homme nommé Randy. Claire lui tend le portefeuille de son père. Randy accepte l'argent, mais il dit qu'il n'y en n'a pas suffisamment pour rembourser Sallander, qui vient collecter son dû le lendemain. Randy reproche à demis mots à Claire de n'avoir pas voler assez d'argent. Ils s'apprêtent à partager leur dernier repas ensemble, mais Claire insiste pour agir. Après un regard à Dustin, Randy s'engouffre dans la brèche, et parle d'une possible, mais dangereuse solution.

Castiel et Sam attrapent Dustin au détour du Wiener Hut où le garçon travaillent, dans le but de lui soutirer des renseignements sur Claire. Dans le même temps, Dean, après avoir de nouveau acheté de quoi manger, sort du magasin les rejoindre.

Nous voyons Claire entrer dans un magasin, un sweat à capuche sur le dos, une arme à la main. En parallèle, nous voyons Randy lui expliquer comment braquer le magasin. Claire, terrifiée mais déterminée, s'approche du comptoir, mais elle est arrêtée par Castiel qui l'attrape par le bras.

Cas entraine la jeune fille dehors, où les boys les attendent. Elle vide son sac, reproche à Castiel d'avoir tué son père, aux boys de n'avoir pas bougé quand l'ange lui a pris son père et a détruit sa famille. Elle braque son arme, d'abord sur Cas', puis sur les boys, puis, en avouant avoir prié Cas' tous les soirs de lui ramener son père sain et sauf, elle la baisse. Castiel avoue avoir entendu ses prières. Mais Claire refuse d'entendre la vérité sur Randy, sur le fait qu'il l'utilise pour ses propres besoins. Car Randy a été le seul présent auprès d'elle lorsque la situation a dégénéré. Sur ces mots, elle part.

Gerald emmène Rowena auprès de Crowley. Rowena clâme sa fierté de voir son fils sur le trône de l'Enfer, mais Crowley ne croit guère à ses déclarations. Il lui rappelle qu'elle l'a abandonné à l'âge de huit ans, et qu'il n'a jamais eu de père. Rowena prétend qu'elle s'est enfuie pour le protéger, parce que les habitants locaux ne la portaient pas dans leurs coeurs, quand à son père, il faisait partie d'une orgie donnée lors du solstice d'hiver. Crowley n'a pas non plus oublié les mauvais traitements infligés par sa mère, et celle-ci déclare aussitôt que c'était pour le motiver. Elle lui assure qu'elle l'aime, qu'il peut lui faire confiance, et qu'ils ont désormais une chance d'être de nouveau une famille. Elle s'approche de lui, prétend accepter qu'il la déteste, et même qu'il la ramène au cachot, si tel est son désir, mais que cela ne changera rien au fait qu'elle est sa mère. Elle conclue en lui déposant un baiser qui se veut tendre sur le front. Crowley semble quelque peu désorienté.

Dean, Sam et Cas' se rendent dans un bar. Les boys tentent de remonter le moral de leur ami, et les pères sont rapidement évoqués. Si Castiel ne peut pas dire qu'il a des souvenirs d'un père qu'il n'a jamais vu, les boys en revanche, en ont plein. Des mauvais, mais des excellents aussi. Malgré les erreurs de John, ses deux garçons l'ont aimé tendrement, autant qu'ils ont pu. Et John a tout fait pour les élever correctement. Sam et Dean racontent alors à Cas' la fois où Dean a pris sa première cuite, dans un CBGB, à New York, et comment John est venu le chercher, comment sa présence a impressionné tout le monde, comment Dean lui a reproché de l'avoir embarassé, comment il lui a dit qu'il le détestait, et comment John lui a répondu que son rôle n'était pas d'être aimé de ses fils, mais de les élever comme il se devait. Les boys portent un toast à la mémoire de John. Puis Cas' demande si Claire a des problèmes. Les boys acquiescent.

Claire retrouve Randy, attaché à une chaise, encerclé par Sallander et ses hommes. Elle sort son arme, mais est rapidement neutralisée par l'un des cerbères de Sallander, qui s'approche, visiblement intéressé par la jeune fille. Claire lui crache à la figure. Sallander ordonne à son sbire de l'emmener dans la chambre, puis il se tourne vers Randy. Il lui rappelle qu'il lui doit 5000 dollars, mais qu'il est prêt à lui faire une offre. La dette est payée, si Randy lui cède Claire. Randy proteste à demi mots, mais semble vouloir accepter l'offre.

Rowena est ramenée en cellule par Gerald, assisté de Crowley. Soudain, Rowena dit à Crowley qu'elle sait qui aide des démons à s'enfuir de l'Enfer, et accuse Gerald. Gerald proteste, mais Rowena est appuyée par la démone encore enchainée au mur. Gerald perd son sang froid, et étrangle Rowena. A plusieurs reprises, Crowley lui dit d'arrêter, mais le démon n'écoutant pas, il finit par le tuer. Puis, il invite sa mère à le suivre. Rowena promet revenir pour libérer la démone, mais il est évident qu'elle n'en n'a pas l'intention.

Sallander rejoint Claire dans la chambre, et s'y enferme avec elle. Claire n'a pas l'intention de se laisser faire, le frappe, tandis qu'il s'approche d'elle, et se débat, mais il est plus fort. Heureusement, Cas' et les boys arrivent. Tandis que Sam et Dean tiennent les cerbères de Sallander à distance, Castiel va aider Claire, et l'emporte, d'abord au rez-de-chaussée, puis à l'extérieur. Sam les suit. Dean s'apprête à faire de même, mais les sbires s'approchent dangereusement, et Sallander arrive par derrière, frappe Dean avec une bouteille. Dean sent le pouvoir de la marque le traverser, et conseille à ses assaillants de ne pas aller plus loin. Mais ils ne sont pas sensibles à la menace, et frappent de nouveau.

Sam, Cas' et Claire montent dans l'Impala. Claire se blottit contre Cas'. Sam entend alors des bruits de lutte provenant de la maison, se rend compte que Dean n'a pas suivi. Les trois accourent, entrent dans la maison, est c'est une boucherie qu'ils constatent. Dean, désorienté, étourdi, est à genoux au sol, plein de sang et entouré de cadavres. Sam s'approche, force son frère à le regarder dans les yeux, et le supplie de lui dire que c'était de la légitime défense. Tout ce que Dean parvient à dire, c'est qu'il ne voulait pas les tuer. L'épisode se termine sur le regard perdu de Dean.


Ecrit par deanlove35.



Dean, what was that all about back there? All those extra shots after the shifter was already dead. Sure it wasn’t something to do with the Mark?


No, no. None of that.


Look, man. I got to be honest—


I was a little anxious. Wanted to make sure it was done right. Why am I even explaining this to you?


Dean, I …

[The waiter’s head turns red, basically boiling.]


How did you do it?




We’re here for the witch. Rowena.


Always nice to be recognized.

[She says Impetus bestiarum and the girl beside her turns into an animal-like creature, attacking Dean and Sam.]

[Rowena is chained up in Hell.]


We got her.


Time for the coup de grace!

[Crowley is staring at her, like he’s seen a ghost.]

Something the matter with you?



[Flashback from episode 4.20, The Rapture.]


My name is Jimmy Novak. I’m from Pontiac, Illinois. I have a family—Amelia and Claire.

[The scene flips between Jimmy’s life and his accepting Castiel and becoming his vessel.]

Bless this food and ourselves to thy loving service. Amen.


Hi, Daddy.


You’re possessing some poor bastard?


Castiel, you promised me my family would be okay!


What of the humans whose lives we sacrifice? Maybe it’s time to put them first.


[Dean is kneeling in a room. He is covered in blood, and decimated bodies litter the ground around him. A blade is in his hand as he glances around at the carnage surrounding him. His face is a mixture of shock, sorrow, and something like acceptance.]

[Dean wakes with a start, gasping as he sits up in bed. He looks around, breathing hard, and he’s in his bedroom at the bunker. He looks down at the Mark of Cain on his arm.]

[Youth Transition Center in Pontiac, Illinois. A teenage girl with curly blonde hair and too much eye makeup is brought through the doors, a policeman holding her by the arm.]


Get your hands off me, perv. I’ll sue your ass.

[The policeman hands her bag off, then leads her further down the hall. They stop in front of a woman, Sandy, who looks to be in charge.]


What was it this time?


Shoplifting. The guy ain’t looking to press charges, but I figured you’d want her back.


That’s forty-eight hours in isolation.


Oh. Scary.

[She sighs as the policeman leads her down to a room, then pushes her inside. Sandy stands at the door, watching as the girl walks over and kicks the bed, before she walks over and punches the wall. An orderly walks up beside Sandy.]


Who is this girl?


One of our frequent flyers. Claire Novak.

[The next morning, Claire is sitting on the floor when the orderly opens the door.]


Novak. You got a visitor.




Your father’s here to see you.

[Claire looks shocked, and her breath catches before Castiel walks through the door. When she sees him, Claire has a flashback.]




I am not your father.

[Back in the present, Claire manages a small smile.]


Hello, Claire. It’s been a long time.


[Claire stands up, never taking her eyes from Castiel, and he turns to the orderly.]


Can we have a moment?


I’ll be outside.

[He leaves, closing and locking the door behind him. Castiel steps towards Claire.]


I’m not your father.

[The hope immediately disappears from Claire’s eyes.]


Right. “I’m not your father.” Those are the first words you ever said to me, remember?


I remember everything.


So do I, Castiel. My dad … Is he still in there?


No. The human soul, it can only occupy a body while it retains a certain … structural integrity, and this vessel, it was … It was ripped apart on a subatomic level by an archangel.


Well, then how are you …?


I was reassembled. Your father is in Heaven.


Well. Yay for him. Anyway, good talk. You can get the hell out of my life now.




What? Huh? What? You took everything from me. What do you want now?


Nothing, I just—I came here to help you.




Because I’ve hurt you so much.

[Claire is trying not to cry.]


Where is your mother?


About a few months after you … She took off. Dropped me off at my grandma’s and went to go “find herself.” I guess she’s still looking.


And you’re in a … child prison?


It’s a group home. After my Gran died, I didn’t have anyone, so… I bounced around to different foster families. Places like this. Living the dream, you know?


Well, Claire, I’m—I’m sorry, and … I can never replace what I took from you. But if there is anything you need, anything at all…


Get me out of here.




Do you own a tie?

[Castiel is fidgeting with the tie around his neck, loosening it.]


Stop it.

[She reaches over and fixes the tie.]


There. Now you look like a dad.

[Sandy walks into her office with a file in her hand. Castiel goes to stand up.]


No, no.

[Castiel sits back down.]


So… Mr. Novak. I understand you want custody of your daughter.


Yes, that’s uh—

[Cas clears his throat, makes his voice less gruff-sounding.]


That’s right.



CASTIEL: Excuse me?


It’s a simple question. You vanish, for years. No contact, not even a Christmas card. Why come back now?


I, um … I didn’t, uh … I was traveling.


For work.


Work. Yes.


Long trip. And what is it that you do exactly?


I … uh … I fight certain deadly threats to humanity.


He’s an exterminator.


I’m an exterminator.

[From the look on her face, it’s obvious Sandy doesn’t believe their story.]


Uh-huh. You know, I think I might have bedbugs. Any tips?


Of course. You should sleep tight and not let them bite.

[Castiel winks at her, and Claire rolls her eyes.]


I’ll try that.


It doesn’t matter. He’s my dad, and he wants to sign me out, so I’m out. That’s the law, Sandy.


Claire, wait for me in the hallway.


You can’t—



[Claire gets up and stomps from the room. Cas watches her go, then turns back to Sandy.]


I don’t do well with liars, Mr. Novak.




Save it. I’m denying your application for custody. I’m not trying to be the bad guy here. I’m not. But until Claire turns eighteen, she is my responsibility. I know you’re trying to do what you think is best. I know you want to be her friend.


I do.


And that’s our problem, Mr. Novak. Claire’s troubled. The last few years have not been easy for her. And she doesn’t need a friend; she needs a father.

[In the bunker, Dean is sitting at the table, watching an old episode of “The Three Stooges” and laughing.]


What are you laughing at?


Oh, hey. Hang on. You gotta see—this is a classic.


I’m glad you’re feeling better.


Oh, yeah. Better than ever.

[Sam puts a grilled cheese sandwich down in front of Dean, and he immediately goes for it.]


Oh, hello, beautiful.

[He pulls the sandwich apart, takes a bite.]

Oh, yeah. Mmm.


You want some alone time with that thing?

[Dean shakes his head, mumbling with his mouth full.]


You sure?


Yeah, yeah. Watch this.

[Dean turns the computer around, and he and Sam laugh as they watch the stooges. Sam gets serious when he catches a glimpse of the Mark on Dean’s arm, but he ends up laughing again when Dean laughs at the computer screen.]

[It’s nighttime, and in the detention center, Claire is lying on her bed, wide awake. She sits up when she hears a disturbance outside her room, and she gets to her feet, breathing hard. The doorknob to her room rattles, and she’s scared, until the door opens and Castiel is standing there.]


It’s you. What’s going on?


I’m getting you out of here.

[Claire grabs her jacket and follows Castiel down the hall, stepping over a guard. She stops, looking back at the unconscious man.]


Is he …?


He’s sleeping.

[Claire hurries to catch up with Cas.]

[Rowena is chained to the wall in Hell. She’s pale, with dark circles under her eyes. The door opens and Gerald walks in, with another demon. He pushes the demon into the room, and she goes over to the wall near Rowena.]



[The demon does, and he shackles her to the wall as well.]


Stay. Good dog.

[Gerald goes to walk out.]



[Gerald glances back.]


My son… I need to talk to him.

[Gerald laughs.]


It’s been weeks! Tell him I’m sorry. Tell him—

[Gerald slams the door behind him as he leaves. Rowena and the other demon lay back against the wall.]

[In a restaurant, Claire is dragging her fries through ketchup as Castiel watches her.]




Nothing. It’s just … You could eat a vegetable.

[Claire smiles.]


Ketchup’s a vegetable.

[Cas gives her a look like he’s not quite sure whether to believe her or not, and she laughs.]


You’ve changed. The Castiel I met? He was crappy. Like super stuck-up and a dick and you just wanted to punch him in his stupid angel face.


I don’t think I was THAT bad.


You totally were. And now you’re just … I don’t know. Nicer. And kind of a doof. No offense.


Yes, well, um… Before, I was very self-assured. I was convinced I was on this righteous path. Now I realize that there is no righteous path. It’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it’s far too easy to do your worst.


Wow. Deep.


Yeah. For a doof.

[Claire smiles, and the waitress walks up, giving Castiel the check.]


Thank you. So… where do we go next?


Look. I appreciate the meal. And, you know, the felony. But you don’t need to babysit me. I can take care of myself.


What do you mean?


I mean you felt guilty, so you busted me out. So thanks, but we’re good. Even Steven.


No, we um… We committed a crime, and you might need me again. So I—I think we should stick together.


Okay. You want to get some stuff for the road? I have to pee.


Oh. Okay.

[They stand up at the same time, and Claire bumps into him when she crosses to his side.]


I’m sorry.


My bad.

[While Cas goes over to grab a few things, Claire slips out the back of the restaurant. She glanced behind her, and when the coast is clear, she runs away. Cas, meanwhile, lays some distinctively girly items on the counter, receiving a look from the cashier.]


It’s for a teenage girl.

[The cashier just stares at him.]

She’s urinating.

[The cashier forces a smile, then begins ringing up the items. Cas pats his pockets.]

My wallet’s gone.

[He looks around, and notices that Claire is gone. Outside, Claire’s trying to flag down a car.]


Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Hey, can you help? Damn.

[As a car passes by, Castiel walks out of the restaurant. Another car drives up.]

Help! Please?



[She climbs into the car.]


Go, go, go!

[The car drives off, and Castiel starts after it.]


Wait. Hey! Claire!

[As the car disappears, Cas stands in the road, watching it go.]


[Sam, Dean, and Castiel stand outside the restaurant Cas and Claire were at the previous night.]


This is why you called us? THIS is your emergency?




No, Cas! An emergency is a dead body, okay? Or—or a wigged-out angel, or the Apocalypse, take three. Some chick bolting on you is not an emergency. That’s … that’s every Friday night for Sam.






This isn’t just “some chick.” I’m responsible for her.


Since when? You met her once, how many years ago?


Look, Cas. Even if we do find Claire … Then what?


She rolled you, and then she ran, okay? It’s pretty clear that she doesn’t want to play house.


I understand. But I need to know that Claire is safe. And I need your help.


All right. Uh … Why don’t we go ask around at the group home?


Uh, you know what? We’re going to stick here in case she circles back. You go ahead.


Thank you.

[Inside the restaurant, Castiel is studying a ketchup bottle intently.]


Is ketchup a vegetable?


Hell, yes. All right, so spill. What’s with the family reunion?


I don’t know. I’ve just been … thinking about people.

[Dean glances around, then switches their plates, taking Cas’ burger and setting his empty plate in front of Cas.]

No problem. I’ve helped some, but I’ve … I’ve hurt some.


So you’re having a midlife crisis.


Well, I’m extremely old. I think I’m entitled.


Cas, listen to me. There’s some stuff you just got to let go. Okay? The people you let down, the ones you can’t save … You got to forget about them. For your own good.


Is that what you do?


That’s the opposite of what I do. But I ain’t exactly a role model.


That’s not true.

[Dean looks at Cas, then laughs, clearly not believing him.]




How are you, Dean?



[Cas gives him a look.]

I’m great!


No, you’re not.


Yeah, well, I lost the black eyes, so that’s a plus. But I still have this.

[Dean reaches over and gently slaps the Mark on his arm.]


Is the Mark of Cain still affecting you?

[Dean flashes back to his dream from earlier, of the blood covering him, the dead bodies lying around him.]



[Dean blinks hard, coming back to the present.]


Cas, I need you to promise me something.


Of course.


If I do go dark side, you got to take me out.


What do you mean?


Knife me. Smite me. Throw me into the freakin’ sun, whatever. And don’t let Sam get in the way, because he’ll try. I can’t go down that road again, man. I can’t be that thing again.

[In Hell, the demon is trying to get out of her chains.]


That won’t work.


I didn’t ask you, Braveheart.

[Rowena laughs, imitating William Wallace.]



[The demon gives up.]


So … What are we in for?

[The demon gives her a look, and Rowena shrugs her shoulders.]

Small talk, darling. Just passing the time.


I’m here because … I shouldn’t be here.


Is that a riddle?


Crowley only allows certain demons to come Earth-side. I wasn’t on the list, so I had to get myself smuggled up.


And what did that cost?


A favor.




Bloody. Now … I figure the King lets me stew for a while, then he starts asking how I Houdini-ed Hell. And he ain’t gonna ask nice. What about you? What’s your sin?


I was a horrible mother.

[Away from the cell]


She was a HORRIBLE mother! Did I tell you the time she almost traded me for three pigs? THREE! I was an attractive child. I could juggle. I was worth five pigs, at least.


My ma used to burn me with cigarettes.


Nobody cares, Gerald. And don’t get me started about the name. “Fergus.” It sounds like a venereal disease, and not the fun kind.


Look, Boss. If you hate this Betty so much … why not end her?


I have my reasons.


Well, I killed my old lady. Because of the cigarettes. I have no problem doing yours.

[Back in the detention center]


Claire’s a good kid, detective. She’s smart, and underneath it all, she has a big heart.

[She hands a folder over to Sam.]

You know, there used to be a boy here. Dustin Tate. He was older, but Claire really took him under her wing.


Is he around?


He works at The Weiner Hut. We tried to place Claire, but she always ran away. Sometimes for a couple of days … One time for six months.


Wow. Where does she hide out?


Wish I knew.

[Inside a house, a boy in a Weiner Hut uniform sits at a table, texting on his phone. It’s Dustin. He looks up and smiles.]


Hey, Claire.


Hey. Is Randy here?

[A man, Randy, steps into the room.]


Oh, look who’s back. It’s been, what? Three days?


I know. I got busted. But I come bearing gifts!

[She hands Randy a wallet, which he immediately opens.]

There’s like two hundred bucks in there.

[Randy stops when he sees the driver’s license.]


“James Novak.” Any relation?


No. He’s just a guy.

[Randy nods, ticking the wallet away in his back pocket.]


Well… I appreciate the elbow grease, but, uh, we’re still short.


How much?


Too much.


When’s Salinger coming to collect?



[Fear is evident in Claire’s eyes as she looks at Dustin.]


It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have borrowed so much money. But, uh… The holidays are coming, and I like to spoil my kids.

[Dustin gets up and leaves the table.]


Maybe he’ll give us some more time.


He’s a loan shark. They’re not so big on second chances. Kinda thought you were gonna … steal enough to pay down the debt, like we talked about. But, uh…


I tried.


Not hard enough.

[Dustin sits back down, and Randy forces a smile.]

Come on. One last family meal.


There’s got to be something we can do.

[Randy and Dustin share a look.]




It’s nothin’. It’s crazy.


I’d do it if I was still under eighteen.

[Claire looks from Dustin to Randy, who’s looking back at her.]


Tell me.

[Sam and Cas are standing outside the Weiner Hut. Dustin comes walking up.]


Dustin Tate?


Nah, man.


Oh, really?

[Sam put a hand on Dustin’s chest, and Cas comes up and grabs the back of his jacket.]


Yes, you are.

[He pushes Dustin back against the brick wall.]

And you’re going to tell me where Claire Novak is.

[Dean comes walking up, eating, as Cas grips Dustin’s neck and lifts him off the ground. Dustin is gasping and choking.]



[with a mouth full of food]

I’d do what he says.

[Sam gives Dean a look, and Dean points back to the Weiner Hut, then gives Sam a thumbs up.]

[In a convenience store, Claire has a dark jacket on with the hood pulled over her head. She’s wearing dark sunglasses. She walks slowly around the store, and flashes back to a little while earlier.]


Quick in, quick out.

[Randy lays a gun on the table as he explains the plan to Claire.]

Watch out for the cameras.

[Back at the convenience store, Claire is seen missing the cameras.]

Be careful. Wait ‘til you’re alone, then you hit that register jockey hard. You put the fear of God into him, you understand?

[Claire nods, reaching over to take the gun.]


[Randy lays his hand on top of Claire’s.]

You come back to me, you hear? You and Dustin—you’re the only family I got.

[Claire nods and takes the gun. In the store, she opens it, checks to find that the gun is loaded with bullets. She closes the gun and watches as the customer leaves, leaving her alone in the store. She walks towards the cash register, pulling the gun from her pocket. She gasps when her arm is grabbed, and she turns around to see Castiel staring down at her.]


[Castiel and Claire have a stare down in the store, until the clerk glances over at them. Cas takes Claire’s arm and nearly drags her outside.]


Excuse us.

[Outside, Claire takes the hood off her head, then starts walking away.]

Claire, wait!


Screw you.


Whoa, hey, Miley Cyrus. Settle.


Eat me, Hasselhoff.


Claire, hold on a second. Look, my name’s—


Sam. And you’re Dean. We’ve met, remember?


Claire. You were going to rob that convenience store?




“So?” So … it’s—it’s wrong!


You want to talk to me about wrong? You killed my dad. Is that “wrong” enough for you?


No, I didn’t.


Really? Because without you, he’d still be here. And my mom would still be around.


Claire, I’m—

[He takes a step towards her, and she pulls the gun from her pocket, cocking it and pointing it at him.]




That won’t hurt me.



[Claire turns the gun on Sam and Dean, who both take a step back.]


Whoa! Hey, come on.


Hold on a second.


Why? Like you don’t have it coming? You stood there while this monster took my dad.

[She puts the gun down, then turns to Cas.]

I used to pray to you, Castiel. Every night. I would beg you to bring him home safe.


I know.


You know … My father was a good man. In what messed up world does he have to die and you get to live?


I’m sorry.


No. You feel guilty. There’s a difference.


So what? Now you run back to Randy? The guy you steal for?


How do you know about that?




Claire, that man is using you.


He was there for me. When things got bad—and they got REAL damn bad—he was there when no one else was. HE’S my family. And you’re just … you can go to hell.

[Claire walks away, leaving Cas watching after her.]

[In Hell, Gerald opens the cell. Rowena and the other demon look up at him.]


The boss will see you now.

[Rowena smiles. Gerald leads her into a room.]









[Crowley lets out a laugh.]


So you haven’t changed.


But you certainly have. King of Hell, bravo. I always knew my boy was meant for big things.


Really? As I remember it, you said I would die in a gutter, covered in my own sick.


I was motivating you to do better, aim higher. And clearly, it worked. How did you die?


The point is, you hated me.


Oh, please.


You said you’d be back in a flash. Then you disappeared. I was eight years old. EIGHT!


Oh, now you’re being dramatic.


I didn’t even have a father!


Of course you had a father! You were just conceived during a winter solstice orgy, and it’s not like I was taking names. What do you want me to say? I … I had a disagreement with the locals and when they set their hounds on me, I had to leave!


And never come back? For hundreds of years?


But I’m here now! We have a second chance. We can be a real family again, Fergus.


CROWLEY! And I have a family.


Who? The demons? Any one of them would stab you in the back if they thought they could get away with it.


And you wouldn’t?


No! Because we’re family! We’re blood! You can trust me. I can help you!

[Crowley gives her a look, and she makes her way up to him]

I understand you’re angry. I understand you … hate me. And if you want to keep me locked away, then so be it. But understand that I’ll always be your mother. And I’ll always love you.

[She kisses him on the head, and Crowley stares at the ground.]

[In a bar, Sam, Dean, and Cas come walking up. The bartender walks over to them.]


Give me a shot of … um …


Three whiskeys.


Cas, don’t beat yourself up, man. Claire was …


Right. She was right. Who am I to tell her how to live her life?


Well, somebody needs to. It’s not like we’re talking about Mother Teresa here. The girl just about knocked over a Gas n Sip. She’s got issues.


Because of me.


Well, you are wearing her old man’s meat suit. Probably didn’t help.

[Sam shakes his head at Dean]


I thought I could make it up to her.


I don’t think you can. I mean, Iimmy was her father, and to some people, that’s … That’s everything, you know?


No, I don’t. I never knew my father. He was distant, to say the least.

[Cas turns to Dean.]

What about you? Did you love your father?

[Dean looks to Sam, then back to Cas.]


With everything I had.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t always easy, but yeah.


I mean, look. John Winchester’s not going to win any “Number One Dad” awards, you know? But you know… damn if he wasn’t there when we needed him.


Hey, uh … Tell him about that time in New York.


Oh yeah. Yeah, okay. So, uh … We were working this haunting in Long Island, and me and Sam begged the old man to let us go to the city for once.


He had this thing about New York, right? Too big, too loud, too dirty.


Yeah, and he hated the Yankees.


Big time.


Somehow, we convince him to let us go. So, we all go. We all, you know, see all the sights, and uh, ride the subway, eat too much pizza. The whole nine. Well, by about midnight, Sam and Dad are zonked, and I figure… Screw it. I’m going to CBGB.


So CBGB is—


I know. It’s where The Ramones and Blondie got their start.

[Sam looks to Dean, both of them taken aback.]




Wow. Anyways, he was WAY underage at the time.


All right, so I get there. I sneak in, and it is nuts. I mean, people are drinking and they’re smoking and they’re—they’re snorting whatever. There’s a five-hundred pound guy on stage with a Mohawk just screaming. And, uh, my mind is blown. I don’t even know what to do. Then this girls walks up and she says “Hey, why don’t you come over and sit down with me and my friends at our table?” All right!


Yeah, and they get him drunk. First time.


But not fun drunk. I’m not quite sure what was in that stuff, but the room starts to spin, and I feel like I’m going to puke … forever. And right about that time, I hear him. “Dean Winchester!”

[Cas looks confused, but Sam just smiles.]

My old man. I don’t know how, but he found me. And now I’m really freaking out, because he’s just standing there, not saying anything. I look around, and everybody else is freaking out, too. In fact, nobody’s even looking him in the eye. And finally, this one guy with, like, a safety pin through his nose and a—a “Kill Everything” tattoo looks up and he says, “Sorry, sir.”

[Cas smiles, and Dean shakes his head.]

Yeah. “Sorry, sir.” To John friggin’ Winchester.

[He and Sam take a sip of their whiskey, while Cas throws his back like a shot.]


He saved you.


Yeah, and you know what he got for that? Me whining about how much he embarrassed me. Me telling him that I hated him. But then he stopped and turned around and he looked at me and he said, “Son, you don’t like me? That’s fine. It’s not my job to be liked.”


“It’s my job to raise you right.”


Yeah. And he did.


Do you think Claire is in trouble.


She’s hanging out with a guy named Randy. She’s in trouble.

[Dean motions to the bartender, who says their refills are coming up.]

[Claire walks into Randy’s house.]



[She stops abruptly when she sees Randy surrounded by three men. One of them turns around to her.]


Hey! Evenin’, little lady.


Honey? Do you have something for me?

[Claire shakes her head, and a man near Randy flips open his knife, putting it at Randy’s neck.]



[She pulls the gun out of her pocket, but is quickly overpowered by a big man from behind. He gets the gun from her easily. Salinger laughs.]


Guns blazing, huh? That was your plan? Trust me. This pile of crap? He ain’t worth it.

[Claire spits in his face. Salinger laughs.]


Put her in the other room.

[He walks back to Randy.]


She’s got fight. I like that. I married the last girl that spit in my face.

[He takes a drink of the beer in his hand.]

Last few months, you’ve lost a bundle on the ponies. How much do you owe me now?


Five thousand.


So how about I give you a break? And you give me the girl.

[Randy shakes his head.]


That’s a joke, right? Claire’s like family to me.


Please! I know the con, all right? You find some kid with Major League daddy issues and then get her to steal for you. Cut the proud papa act. I’ll make you a good deal.


Like I said, Claire’s family. So it better be a damn good deal.


[In Hell, Gerald throws Rowena back into the cell. He tries to get her back into her shackles.]



[She turns to Crowley.]

I know who’s been smuggling souls up from Hell.


Really? Pray do tell.

[Rowena turns to Gerald.]





[The other demon in the cell stands to her feet.]


It’s true, Mister … My lord. Gerald, he—we made a deal.


She’s lying!


Why? Why would she lie?

[Gerald grabs Rowena and pushed her against the wall, closing his hand over her throat and choking her.]


That’s enough of that, Gerald.

[He continues choking her.]


I’ll kill you, bitch!


That’s enough, Gerald.

[Gerald continues choking her until he lights up, gasping and choking himself, a knife through his neck, out his mouth. Gerald falls, and Crowley is left standing there, holding the bloody knife.]


I said, that’s enough, Gerald.

[Crowley turns to walk away.]


Thank you.

[Crowley stops at the door, turning back to her.]



[Rowena follows behind him.]


Rowena? You said that if I lied, you’d get me out of here.


Oh, and I will, darling. I’ll be back in a flash.

[She walks from the room, closing the cell door behind her.]

[Claire is sitting on a bed by herself when she hears footsteps. The door opens, and Salinger is standing there. He motions for his men to leave, and he turns to Claire.]



[He finishes off his beer, then turns and locks the door.]

It’s Claire, right?

[She won’t look at him, until he’s standing in front of her. He reaches down, taking hold of her chin, making her look up at him.]

You really are a pretty one, you know that?

[She lifts her leg, kneeing him in the groin. She runs to the door and tries to unlock it, but Salinger is right behind her, grabbing her as she screams.]

[One of Salinger’s men opens the front door to find Cas, Sam, and Dean standing there. Cas lifts a hand, and the man goes flying backwards. Randy and another of the men look towards the door. Cas and the Winchesters walk inside, and another man goes towards Cas, stopping when he sees Sam and the gun in his hand.]




Back it up.

[The man does as he says, and Sam and Dean hold the men at gunpoint. Cas looks around the room.]


Where’s the girl?

[They hear screaming come from upstairs. In the room, Claire is screaming, trying to fight Salinger off. He’s trying to hold her down, and the door flies open. Castiel is standing there, and Salinger turns to look at him, giving Claire enough of an opening to kick Salinger in the face and get up. She kicks him, over and over again.]


Claire. Claire!

[Castiel grabs her arm, and she finally stops kicking. Cas leads her from the room. They walk downstairs, and Claire moves away from Cas.]



[He looks at her, then stares at the floor, guilt on his face.]


Get her out of here.


Yeah. Go.



[Sam nods, following after Cas and Claire. Dean starts to follow him, until Salinger’s men start to move forward. Dean raises his gun again.]


Hey, back up! Back up. Don’t be as dumb as you look.



[Dean turns around and Salinger smashes his beer bottle over Dean’s head. Dean falls, bleeding from his forehead. He looks up, then flashes back, to receiving the Mark from Cain, the feeling of holding the First Blade, killing Abaddon. The men crowd closer around him, and he remembers beheading Magnus, holding the First Blade, waking up a demon, the ritual of the sanctified blood that made him human again. Back in the present, Dean shakes his head.]


You guys … don’t want to do this.

[Salinger laughs, then kicks Dean in the face.]


[Claire climbs into the back seat of the Impala, and Castiel sits beside her. Claire smiles.]


Are you okay?



[She moves over, laying her head on Castiel’s chest, wrapping her arms around him. Cas hugs her back. Sam climbs in the front seat and glances back. He turns his head back towards the house as he hears shouting, then leaves the car as fast as he can.]

[In the house, Dean is kneeling in the living room, a bloody knife in his hand. In a horrifying sequence, it’s revealed that his dream from earlier, the blood-covered bodies surrounding him as he kneels in a room, has become a reality. Salinger and his men, along with Randy, litter the floor around Dean, their bodies sliced and bloody.]

[Claire screams, and Cas pulls her to him. Sam puts his gun away as he walks to Dean.]


Dean? Dean. Hey.

[Sam hits his knees in front of Dean, then takes his brother’s face in his hands.]


Tell me you had to do this.


I didn’t … I didn’t mean to.


No. Tell me it was them or you!

[Cas has a horrified look on his face as he looks from Dean to the carnage surrounding him. He leads Claire back outside, leaving Sam and Dean alone, the bloody bodies surrounding them. Sam’s hands fall from Dean’s face, as Dean seems to be realizing what he’s done.]



Source : SuperWiki

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