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#10.08 : Shérif fais-moi peur

JODY MILLS REVIENT - Jody Mills doit à contrecoeur prendre du recul sur ses fonctions de shériff, et devient la partenaire d'une shériff trop enthousiaste nommée Donna, qui souhaite se lier avec elle. Alors que Jody pense que les choses ne peuvent pas être pires, un corps, dont quelques lambeaux de peau et de chair sont encore rattachés aux os, est découvert. Tandis que les shériffs locaux pensent à une attaque animale, Jody sait qu'il n'en est rien, et appelle Sam et Dean.


4.67 - 6 votes

Titre VO
Hibbing 911

Titre VF
Shérif fais-moi peur

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Première diffusion en France





Photos promo

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes) à la morgue

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes) à la morgue

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes)

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes)

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes) et Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes) et Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes) et Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster)

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes) et Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster)

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes), Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes), Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes), Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) sortant de voiture

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes), Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) sortant de voiture

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes), Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes), Donna Hanscum (Briana Buckmaster), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes)

Jodie Mills (Kim Rhodes)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) attaché

Sam (Jared Padalecki) attaché


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 02.12.2014 à 21:00
2.33m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jenny Klein (& Phil Sgriccia)
Réalisé par : Tim Andrew


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Kim Rhodes... Sheriff Jodie Mills

Briana Buckmaster... Sheriff Donna Hanscum

Morgan Taylor Campbell... Starr

Fred Ewanuick... Sheriff Len Cuse

Aren Buchholz... Adjoint Brice Graham

Ellie Harvie... Dr Shelly Pierson

Michael Karl Richards... Sheriff Doug Kontos

Noah Beggs... Howie

Keith Mackechnie... Chaz

Andy Nez... Sheriff Kevin Ott







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Hibbing, Minnesota. Un jeune graffeur fait son œuvre sur la porte d'un vieux bâtiment, en pleine nuit, en dessinant des smileys. Il entend un bruit, se retourne mais ne voit pas personne, et reprend son travail. On aperçoit alors une silhouette qui s'est glissé derrière lui. L'inconnu attrape le graffeur, le bat jusqu'à ce que mort s'ensuive. Une giclée de sang vient s'agglutiner sur les smileys. Le dernier pochoir tombe, laissant apparaitre un smiley dont la peinture est, cette fois, d'un rouge vif.



Jody Mills arrive devant le bâtiment où les sheriffs de différents comtés sont accueillis pour un weekend détente. Après avoir donné un peu d'argent à une jeune mendiante de dix-neuf, Jody entre, non sans réticences. Elle est accueillie trop chaleureusement par le shériff Donna Hanscum, de Stillwater. Il se trouve que Donna a grandi à Hibbing et promet à Jody de lui révéler tous les secrets de la ville. Elle pointe la présence de Jody sur sa fiche, puis lui propose, avec beaucoup d'insistance, une sucette. Jody n'a pas d'autres choix que d'accepter. C'est alors que Doug, l'ex-mari de Donna, se pointe. Non sans quelques réflexions bien senties sur le poids de la jeune femme, il salue son ex-femme, sous le regard atterré de Jody.

Au bunker. Sam rejoint son frère, qui est plongé dans ses recherches concernant la marque de Caïn. Dean s'en trouve d'ailleurs exaspéré, car il trouve toutes sortes d'informations, comme un traité complet sur la transsexualité chez les loups garous, mais rien, pour le moment sur la marque de Caïn.

Pendant ce temps, le shériff Lane Cuse accueille ses collègues dans la salle de conférence. Visiblement mal à l'aise face à ses confrères peu réceptifs à ses paroles, il leur propose de passer le weekend avec un partenaire. Seul critère requis : que le partenaire en question officie à au moins 50 miles de son propre poste. Jody, au téléphone avec Alex, a raté l'occasion de se choisir un partenaire. C'est alors que spontanément, Donna se propose à elle.

Tandis que Donna et Jody jettent un œil au tableau du planning des conférences, l'une d'entre elles étant visiblement plus enthousiaste que l'autre, elles croisent Gavin. Celui-ci leur apprend qu'un corps a été retrouvé près de bennes à ordures. Le corps en question a été quasi entièrement dévoré, et aucunes traces n'ont été laissées par l'agresseur. Officiellement, il s'agirait d'un animal sauvage, mais la bizarrerie de l'affaire interpelle Jody, qui s'éclipse.

Jody appelle les Winchesters, afin d'avoir une idée sur le coupable mangeur de chair fraiche. Elle apprend, au passage, que Sam a retrouvé Dean, qui la salue, et donne quelques nouvelles d'Alex qui semble vouloir rattraper son adolescence perdue. Dans le même temps, les Winchesters tentent d'aider Jody à éliminer des pistes. Suivant la description qu'elle leur a donné, ils excluent les vampires. Puis, Dean propose de la rejoindre pour prendre l'affaire en main, mais Jody leur assure qu'elle peut gérer seule. Sam raccroche, et Dean en profite pour convaincre son frère de se rendre à Hibbing.

Jody se rend à la morgue pour inspecter le corps de la victime. Ou, en tout cas, ce qu'il en reste. Elle se heurte à une jeune médecin zélée, mais l'arrivée de Donna change son attitude. Elles se connaissent visiblement bien, et après avoir lancé une petite pique en direction de Jody, Donna assure à la scrupuleuse employée que la shériff de Sioux Falls l'accompagne. Le corps leur est alors révélé. La plupart des organes abdominaux, ainsi que le cœur et les poumons, ont disparu. Alors que Donna mesure les morsures, Jody jette un œil aux affaires de la victime. Elle constate que la ceinture censée maintenir le jean très large en place a disparu également. Puis, elle retrouve Donna. Cette dernière est surprise, car elle ne connait aucun animal capable d'infliger de telles blessures. Précisément ce que Jody craignait, mais elle ne donne pas de détails sur ses pensées, lorsque Donna relève cette remarque.

Un homme sort de chez lui, le soir, des sacs poubelles pleins à la main. Il profite de la nuit noire pour attraper un paquet de cigarettes dissimulé dans un conduit d'aération, mais il constate avec colère que la dernière cigarette est cassée et donc, non consommable. Il jette le paquet, en plus de ses sacs, puis s'apprête à rentrer chez lui, quand il entend un bruit provenant d'une benne à ordures. Il s'approche, ouvre la benne, et soudain, quelque chose l'attrape par le col et l'entraine dans le container. On entend la lutte s'engager, puis silence. Le sang coule abondamment par un trou au bas du container.

Donna et Jody retrouvent le shériff Cuse au bar, et tentent de savoir ce qu'il sait sur l'affaire de l'attaque animale. Il prétend que les services de la faune et de la flore vont prendre en charge l'affaire, puis il s'éclipse, aussitôt que son adjoint vient le chercher pour un problème dont il ne dit rien. Le shériff Cuse semble comprendre, lui, de quoi il s'agit. Si Donna prend pour argent comptant les paroles de Cuse, Jody semble plus suspicieuse. La conversation change quand Donna voit son attention attirée par Doug dansant avec sa partenaire. Ils semblent très proches, ce qui apparait comme une blessure pour Donna. Jody tente de la réconforter, en lui disant que Doug était un con, mais Donna reste visiblement très éprise de lui. Un peu étourdie, elle s'éclipse quelques minutes. Jody en profite pour en savoir plus aux côtés de Cuse et de son adjoint. Les deux hommes avouent alors qu'une autre attaque s'est produite, mais demandent instamment à Jody de n'en rien dire autour d'elle. Les deux hommes, visiblement gênés, s'en vont. Jody les suit à l'extérieur. Quand Donna revient, elle n'est plus là.

Jody se dispute avec Alex au téléphone. L'ado lui raccroche au nez. Donna surprend Jody sur le parking et pense qu'elle a l'intention de la laisser tomber. Jody lui avoue alors qu'une nouvelle attaque a eu lieu. Elle comptait se rendre à la morgue, pour inspecter le corps, mais la morgue est probablement fermée à cette heure tardive. Donna propose son aide à une Jody visiblement fatiguée. Jody se confie alors à elle, par rapport aux difficultés qu'elle rencontre vis-à-vis d'Alex. Donna lui propose une soirée entre filles. Jody sourit, cette fois sincèrement, remercie Donna, mais préfère aller se coucher.

Dean et Sam arrivent à Hibbing. Ils retrouvent Jody, et lui apprennent que la seconde victime a été quasiment mangée entièrement, tout comme la première. De même, son portefeuille a été dérobé. Les boys remarquent alors la présence de Donna Hanscum, qu'ils ont pu croiser lors d'une enquête à Stillwater. Avant que celle-ci ne vienne les saluer, ils demandent à Jody de garder un œil sur elle le temps de leur enquête, afin de ne pas entrainer Donna dans le monde surnaturel. Jody, à contrecœur, accepte, et finit par proposer à Donna d'assister à l'une de ces conférences qui l'intéressait. Un peu surprise, Donna rappelle à Jody qu'elles devaient se rendre à la morgue, mais Jody lui dit que finalement, le service de la faune et de la flore vont s'en charger. Bien que perplexe, Donna accepte, et Jody la suit.

Dean et Sam interrogent le shériff Lane Cuse, et son adjoint. L'adjoint se moque allègrement de l'intérêt du FBI pour une affaire d'attaques animales, ce qui n'est pas du goût de Dean. Sam demande à Lane s'ils peuvent consulter des enregistrements qui pourraient contenir des images des attaques, mais Lane prétend qu'aucun enregistrement n’existe, provoquant chez son adjoint un regard en coin. Regard qui n'a pas échappé aux boys. Lane prétend devoir parler au service de la faune et de la flore pour savoir où ils en sont, il salue Dean et Sam et s'éclipse, avec son adjoint, et deux autres sheriffs. Dean et Sam sont d'accord, le shériff semble mentir. Sam décide d'aller jeter un œil sur le serveur de la police, afin de retrouver des traces de vidéos surveillance. Dean, de son côté, va tenter de faire parler l'adjoint.

Jody et Donna admirent des armes à feux, sous le regard de l'homme tenant le stand. Légèrement mysogine, l'homme croit leur expliquer l'intérêt de ces armes, et leur montrer le modèle idéal pour les femmes. Jody et Donna ne manquent pas de le faire taire en étalant leurs connaissances sur le sujet. C'est alors que Doug débarque, taquine Donna, jusqu'à se moquer en lui passant les hanches. C'en est trop pour Jody qui, face à l'inertie de Donna, décide d'intervenir. Elle affiche Doug devant tout le monde, le traite de "connard", et attend sa réaction. Doug, surpris et gêné, préfère s'en aller. Au lieu de remerciements, Donna reproche son comportement à Jody et défend son ex-mari, ce qui est aberrant pour Jody. Donna, en colère, finit par lâcher que Jody ne pourra comprendre que le jour où elle aura perdu un mari. Cette pique lancée abruptement réveille en Jody des souvenirs très douloureux. Face à son regard chagriné, Donna comprend qu'elle a commis une bourde, et tente de rattraper son erreur en proposant à Jody d'en parler, mais celle-ci, au bord des larmes, ne préfère pas évoquer le sujet. Donna décide d'aller prendre l'air.

Tandis que Donna sort, elle passe devant Dean qui se dirige vers l'adjoint du shériff. Dean prétend être sur une grosse affaire, et fait miroiter une récompense au jeune officier s'il coopère avec le FBI. L'adjoint se montre intéressé, et lorsque Dean lui demande s'il existe des traces des attaques, via enregistrements ou autre, il finit par avouer que le shériff Cuse a changé le mot de passe donnant accès aux vidéos surveillances enregistrées, après qu'il ait suggéré de jeter un œil aux vidéos. Ce à quoi le shériff aurait répondu qu'il s'en occuperait lui-même, mais l'adjoint ne sait pas pourquoi. Malgré cela, il prétend que le shériff Cuse est un homme honnête, et insiste sur ce point. Dean rassure l'adjoint, le remercie de sa coopération, et le laisse partir.

Tandis que Donna prend l'air, elle remarque des traces de sang frais sur le sol. Elle les suit, et les traces la conduisent derrière le bâtiment, là où sont entassées les ordures. Elle aperçoit un cadavre, et au-dessus, le shériff Cuse, qui arbore des crocs de vampire. Lorsque Lane perçoit un bruit, Donna se cache rapidement et reste immobile, jusqu'à ce que le shériff s'enfuit en courant.

Tandis que la victime est emportée par la police, Jody prend des nouvelles de Dean. Il lui assure qu'il va bien, et prend note de la proposition de Jody, à savoir, venir lui parler s'il en ressentait le besoin. Ils sont ensuite rejoints par Sam, qui leur apprend que les vidéos surveillances ayant pu enregistrer les attaques ont été supprimées. Soudain, Donna débarque, visiblement affolée, et demande à parler à Jody en privé. Les boys prennent congés, tandis que Donna entraine Jody au bar, afin de lui faire part de ce qu'elle a vu. A savoir, le shériff Cuse, au-dessus de la victime, et dans sa bouche des tas de dents pointues. Jody assure à Donna qu'elle la croit, et que ce sera également le cas des agents du FBI. Donna lui apprend également que le shériff a déplacé ses affaires dans la chambre 304. Jody passe un coup de fil à Sam, et laisse un message sur le répondeur résumant les découvertes de Donna. Puis, elle donne rendez-vous aux boys dans la chambre du shériff.

Jody et Donna pénètrent dans la chambre du shériff Cuse. Perplexe, Donna trouve plusieurs tubes de crème solaire sur le lit, puis, elle entreprend de discerner ce qui est gravé sur le bloc-notes du motel. Elle y découvre une adresse. Les deux femmes sont interrompues dans leurs recherches, quand la porte s'ouvre. Sous les yeux médusés de Donna, Jody sort une machette, puis Donna braque son arme sur les arrivants, qui ne sont autres que Sam et Dean. Les deux femmes parlent en même temps, et Jody apprend alors aux boys que le shériff Cuse est un vampire. Nouveau choc pour Donna. Les boys décident de laisser Jody lui expliquer.

Une fois les explications faites, le groupe se retrouve sur le parking. Donna apprend alors que l'affaire de Stillwater était également due à un monstre. Elle tend le papier colorié du motel, et Sam découvre que l'adresse mène à une vieille ferme, à la sortie de la ville. Donna et Jody décident d'accompagner les boys, mais ces derniers sont réticents à l'idée de laisser Donna s'engager dans cette affaire périlleuse. Donna insiste, Jody donne son aval, les boys cèdent, à condition que les deux femmes suivent leurs ordres. Une fois l'accord conclu, la petite troupe monte dans l'Impala.

Le groupe arrive à la ferme. Furtivement, armés de machettes, ils arrivent à une fenêtre brisée. Sam jette un œil à l'intérieur, aperçoit le shériff Cuse, et fait signe à Dean. Mais lorsqu'il regarde de nouveau à l'intérieur, le shériff n'est plus là. Il surgit soudain à la fenêtre, demande à Sam de courir, mais il est trop tard. Ils sont attaqués par d'autres vampires. Dean est inconscient, tandis que deux des montres retiennent Jody et Donna en otage. Avant de s'évanouir, Sam a le temps d'apercevoir l'autre vampire, une toute jeune femme qui s'avère être la mendiante que Jody a rencontré sur le parking, à son arrivée.

Les boys, Jody et Donna, sont retenus prisonniers par le nid. La jeune fille raconte que c'est Lane, qui les a transformé, et qui leur a enseigné comment ne rien gaspiller des personnes qu'ils dévoraient. Mais Lane, un jour, a disparu, sans laisser de traces, jusqu'à ce que sa photo paraisse dans un journal, indiquant la tenue d'un weekend relaxant pour shériff, à Hibbing. Opportunité que la jeune femme et ses acolytes ont saisi, dans le but de ramener Lane au bercail. Lane raconte qu'il a cessé depuis longtemps de dévorer des humains, parce qu'il ne supportait plus l'idée de tuer. Mais la jeune femme ne l'entend pas de cette oreille, et tente de convaincre Lane de tuer leurs prisonniers. Lane refuse, alors, la jeune femme le décapite. Mais, pendant le temps qu'a duré la conversation, Dean, et Donna ont tous deux eu le temps de se libérer de leurs liens. Dean décapite deux vampires, et Donna décapite la jeune femme, sauvant Jody des crocs du vampire, in extremis.

Une fois la chasse terminée, le groupe se rend près de l'Impala. Donna tente de réaliser ce qu'elle vient de vivre, et reçoit fièrement les félicitations de Jody après son premier vampire tué. Elle avoue toutefois que savoir que ces choses existent rend le monde plus grand, et plus sombre aussi. Jody lui propose de lui enseigner ce qu'elle sait du surnaturel. Donna accepte volontiers. Dans le même temps, Dean prétend que tout va bien. Il dit même à Sam que pour la première fois depuis qu'il est redevenu humain, il a eu le sentiment que c'était lui qui a tué ces vampires, et que la marque ne l'a pas poussé à le faire. Sam semble apprécier ce point positif; et veut pouvoir croire que c'est un signe qu'ils pourront désormais aller de l'avant. Dean acquiesce. Tout le monde rentre dans la voiture. Tout le monde, sauf Dean, qui, avant de rejoindre les autres, se frotte le bras portant la marque d'un air inquiet.


Ecrit par deanlove35.


Ext. Dark Alley in Hibbing, MN

Young kid spray painting smiley face tags on a wall. He hears a noise behind him - looks around, and continues painting. Figure appears behind him and attacks him. Proceeds to beat the kid to death. Characteristic blood spatter covers the smiley face tag. When the stencil falls off the wall, it leaves a smiley face in blood.


Ext. of a lodge

Jody is entering a lodge with a sign for the Sheriff’s retreat. Jody does not look pleased to be there.

JODY: (sighs) You can get through this.

JODY: (addressing a young girl who appears homeless) How old are you?


JODY: (hands her some money) Get yourself some lunch.

Int. Front lobby of the lodge

DONNA: Thanks a lot for coming. Yup. Thanks. Here ya go. Have fun!

DONNA: (addressing Jody) Hi! Hiya. Yah, welcome. Come on. Sheriff... Sheriff Jody Mills, Sioux Falls. Okay. I'm Sheriff Donna Hanscum. I work out of Stillwater, but I grew up here, so you have any questions --

you know, best burgers, cheapest gas -- just ask.

(after no response from JODY)

What's wrong? Left your smile back in Sioux Falls?

JODY: I left a kid back in Sioux Falls. Plus a pile of work. But when the mayor insists you go --

DONNA: (interrupting) You gotta go, yeah. Yah, yah yah, I hear yah. Here. Have a sucker.

JODY: No, thank you. (after a pause in which DONNA continues to hold out the sucker) O-okay.

(enter DOUG, Donna’s ex-husband)

DOUG: Donna.

DONNA: Doug.

DOUG: Well, aren't younlooking good, huh?

DONNA: I lost 6 pounds.

DOUG: Hey! You're a quarter of the way there!

DOUG: Hey, you, uh -- you think you could toss me

a couple extra meal vouchers? I mean, since you won't be using them? (After Donna hands him the meal vouchers) Oh. You are true blue as ever,

Donna, huh?

(exit Doug with a handful of suckers)

DONNA: Doug and I used to be married.

JODY: Got it.

DONNA: Have fun, yah.

(Exit Jody)

Int. Bunker

Sam enters the library carrying his laptop. Dean is already sitting at the table, having been ensconced for what seems to be a number of hours. He’s surrounded by books and papers.

SAM: Hey. We good?

Dean: Aces. (After a pause) Yeah, I love the smell of parchment in the morning.

SAM: I mean, how much lore is even left? We've got nothing on the Mark?

DEAN: Right? You'd think these eggheads, with all the crap they amassed over the years, would have actually collected something important. (Picks up a collection of papers and reads the title) Uh, here. "He-wolf/She-Wolf: A Study in Werewolf Transgenderism." 600 pages, volume 1. But, uh, not something important, like -- I don't know -- maybe the oldest symbol known to man. That's not worth our time. It's not weird enough.

Int. Conference room at the lodge in Hibbing, MN

Sheriff Len Cuse is standing at a podium, addressing the room full of sheriffs. He appears very uncomfortable.

LEN: Uh, good morning. Uh, excuse me. If I could get you all seated, please. Uh, good morning.

AUDIENCE: Morning. Morning.

LEN: I'm, uh, Sheriff Len Cuse, uh, Hibbing P.D. I'd like to say first off, uh, what an honor it is to have you all here in Hibbing this year.

It, uh (his cell phone rings with the sound of a police siren, which he hurries to turn off) Sorry. Sorry. Uh... Uh, sorry, folks, sorry ‘bout that. Uh... What was I, uh -- Oh Right. Right. Um, s-seeing as how this is, uh, m-my first time hosting one of these things--


LEN: I thought I'd like to try something new: (pause to clear his throat) partners. Uh, f-find -- find an officer from 50 miles outside of where you hail from and be a team this weekend. Go on, uh, a-and make a friend.

JODY: (On her cell phone at the back of the conference room) Alex, I know you'll be okay. You are totally capable of not throwing a kegger while I'm gone -- totally, totally capable. (pauses to listen to Alex’s response) My faith in you astounds me too. I'll call you later.

(Jody turns around, examines the group, and turns to go, running straight into Donna.)


DONNA: Hiya!


DONNA: Looks like you didn't get a partner.

JODY: Looks like.

DONNA: Well, you got one now.

INT. Lobby of Lodge

Donna, Jody, and Sheriff Kevin examine the events board for the retreat and discuss the previous night’s grisly findings.

DONNA: Hey, Kevin.

KEVIN: Hey, Donna.

DONNA: Hokay, what do we got? "Cops vs. Winter: The snow must go on." (laughs) "Establishing a K-9 unit." Okay. Ooh! "Preparing for a riot -- why not try it?" (laughs again) Why not? I don't know.

KEVIN: Hey, Donna.

DONNA: Yeah?

KEVIN: Hear about the body?

DONNA: What body?

JODY: Yeah, what body? (introducing herself to Kevin) Sheriff Jody Mills.

KEVIN: Trashmen found it behind the hardware store this morning -- eaten.

DONNA: (gasps) Eaten how?

KEVIN: Like nothing left but the peach pit, you know?

JODY: Any idea what did it?

KEVIN: Uh, Coroner's saying animals out of the woods -- bobcats and whatnot. No wonder Sheriff Cuse was so out of sorts back there. Got this whole mess to deal with.

JODY: Attacks like this common for the area?

DONNA: Heck no! When I lived here, we kept our critters in check. (turning back to Kevin) Did it leave any tracks -- you know, any hairs?

KEVIN: Not even a claw mark on the body.

JODY: I'll be right back.

DONNA: Okay. Yah. Save ya a seat, Jodes.

INT. Bunker Library / Ext. Retreat Lodge

The scene alternates during the phone call between Sam and Dean in the bunker and Jody outside the lodge at the retreat, respective to who’s talking. The scene ends with the brothers in the bunker.

SAM: (cell phone ringing) No way, heh! Jody! How's it going?

JODY: Oh, you know. Having the time of my life at a sheriff’s retreat in Hibbing.

SAM: Wow. Sounds like a blast. (Dean waves at the phone) Uh, Dean says hi.

JODY: You found him? Thanks for telling me!

SAM: Yeah. Uh, right. Sorry about that.

JODY: How's he doing?

SAM: Good, good. Yeah, you know. Uh, you know, hold on a sec, I'm gonna put you on speaker. (beep of phone going to speaker phone function)

DEAN: Hey, Jody. How's Alex holding up?

JODY: Awesome. Already head of the cheerleading squad.

SAM: Wow! Really?

JODY: No. Sam, she smokes grass under the bleachers. But at least she's not luring men to their deaths.

SAM: Right.

JODY: Listen, this may not be your kind of thing, but a body was found here this morning, and something had gone to chow town on it.

SAM: Uh, was the throat ripped out?

JODY: Worse. I'm hearing that all the flesh had been eaten down to the bones. Any ideas?

DEAN: Well, it's not a vampire.

SAM: Yeah, I-I don't know, Jody. I-I got nothing.

DEAN: Jody, um...We could head that way. Wouldn't be any trouble at all.

JODY: Nah, it's okay. I can handle it. I promise I'll call if it gets to be something I can't.

SAM: All right. Well, uh, enjoy the retreat.

JODY: Screw you, Winchester.

SAM: Talk soon. (Sam hangs up the phone with a chuckle)

DEAN: I'ma swallow a bag of knives if I got to keep looking at this stuff. Let's --

SAM: (cutting Dean off) Jody said she was on top of it, Dean.

DEAN: Uh-huh. (pondering the books around him, throws Sam the dreaded Puppy-Dog Eyes.)

SAM: All right. Let's take a drive.


Int. Coroner’s Office

JODY: (introducing herself to the coroner, Dr. Shelly Pierson) Hey. I'm Sheriff Jody mills. I want to take a look at the body they brought in this morning.

SHELLY: Sure. Soon as you become a member of the Hibbing police department.

JODY: Look, I'm just trying to help here.

SHELLY: And I'm just trying to not lose my job.

(enter Donna)

SHELLY: Hey, stranger.

DONNA: Hiya, Shelly. How are the kids?

SHELLY: Ah! Little jerks. Love them to death. Need something?

DONNA: Oh, I just came to check out the vic.

SHELLY: Oh, where's Len at?

DONNA: Oh, he's tied up with the retreat.

Big surprise, right? But I figure what's the sense in having a hotel full of sheriffs if yah can't help out?

SHELLY: Someone's got to get you a halo or something.


SHELLY: But, um...(indicates Jody with a glance and nod of her head) What's her deal?

DONNA: Oh, Sheriff Mills? Might say she left her manners

back in Sioux Falls.


DONNA: But she's with me.


DONNA: So, what do you say? Curtains up?

SHELLY: Hold on to your breakfasts. This one's grisly.

DONNA: Ufta.

JODY: (whistles)

DONNA: Ate the whole kit and caboodle. That's for darn sure. Ya got

a measuring tape? (sounds of Donna snapping on some examining gloves)


JODY: Can I see his personal effects? (holds up victim’s pants) That string bean wore these? Where's the belt?

SHELLY: He wasn't wearing any.

JODY: These stayed up without a belt?

SHELLY: Or...wild animals stole it.

DONNA: Jodio. Check this out. Yah know, I've been huntin' since I could hold a mini rifle. Seen darn near every bite in the book, but I couldn't tell ya what did the bitin' here.

JODY: I was afraid of that.

DONNA: Meanin'?

JODY: Nothing. Got me stumped, too.

Ext. Back yard of a house.

A man is taking the trash out, with his wife nagging him from inside.

WIFE: Don't you go smoking, Howie.

HOWIE: Uh, just watch your "Top Model."

(Howie proceeds to get his hidden pack of smokes out of the dryer vent, hears a sound from the dumpster, and investigates. He subsequently gets yanked into the dumpster and eaten. Screams and squishy tearing sounds emanate from inside the dumpster)

Int. Bar in the lodge at the retreat

Jody and Donna flank Len at the bar.

DONNA: Hiya, Len. How's that seltzer treatin' ya?

LEN: Oh.

MUSIC FROM THE DJ: ♪ All I know ♪

LEN: Something I can help you with?

DONNA: That animal attack last night sounded real bad, huh?

LEN: Yeah, sure was.

DONNA: What kind of animal you thinkin' did it, now?

LEN: Oh, uh, I don't know. We got animal control on it.

JODY: And that's it? (introducing herself to Len) Jody Mills, Sioux Falls.

(enter Deputy Brice Graham)

BRICE: Sheriff Cuse. We have, uh...an issue with the...raffle.

LEN: Right. Excuse me. I should go see to this. Uh...Enjoy your night,


(exit Len and Brice)

DONNA: He's got about as much idea as we do -- squat. You know, maybe he's right. Just let animal control take the lead.

WOMAN DANCING WITH DOUG: Whoo! Push the cart!

DONNA: I used to put the cans in his cart.

JODY: Are you really missing much? Wait...Honestly, Donna, I just met the guy, but...Doug seems like kind of a dick.

DONNA: But he was my dick. (pauses to watch Doug dancing) I'm gonna go

hit the can -- you know...where it's less gross.

DANCE FLOOR: Yeah! Whoo!

(Jody leaves the bar to find Len and Brice talking near the lobby.)

LEN: Let's keep this to oursel--

JODY: Everything okay?

LEN: Yeah, it's all good.

BRICE: All good with the raffle.

JODY: Can we get real, please?

LEN: All right, um, you want real? Um...Somebody else turned up dead.

BRICE: Looks like another animal attack.

LEN: Please, don't spread that. We -- we don't want to spoil everyone's good time.

JODY: Or get too many cooks in the kitchen?

LEN: Exactly. Now, uh, Deputy Graham and I got to go make a few calls, uh, so...try and have a good time, all right?

(Exit Jody. Enter Donna from the restroom. Scene changes.)

Ext. Parking lot outside the Lodge

Jody’s on the phone with Alex. Enter Donna.

JODY: Alex -- Stop. No! D-- Why do I hear firecrackers? Hel--

DONNA: So, maybe your life's not all cupcakes, either.

JODY: Never said it was. (holds up her hands in defense of herself, revealing her car keys)

DONNA: Uh-oh. Flyin' the coop without me? Again?


DONNA: No, I get it. I do. "Take a hint, Donna," right? It's okay.

JODY: There's been another animal attack.

DONNA: Shut the front door. Says who?

JODY: I just talked to Sheriff Cuse. I was on my way out to the morgue, but it's probably closed by now, anyway. And-- But it'll wait til tomorrow.

DONNA: Anything I can help with there?

JODY: Not unless you got any gems on how to handle a teenage girl,

'cause mine is...

DONNA: Kind of a dick?

JODY: She's got a whole lot more in there, too. Really good stuff. I was 17 once. Yeah, hair up to here, attitude up to here. Why can't I get through to her?

DONNA: You let anybody through to you at that age?

JODY: Joey Demoupied. Drove a motorcycle. Smelled like...Mm. Yeah.

DONNA: She'll come around. You did, right?


DONNA: So, fresh corpse,jerk ex-husband, out-of-control teen. Want to get blingo'd on my minibar and watch pay-per-view?

JODY: Thanks. I'm gonna crash. It's been a long day.

DONNA: Don't I know it.


Ext. Forest transitioning to the inside of the lodge.

Scene opens with the Impala (Baby) driving up the road through the trees. She pulls into the parking lot of the Lodge where the sheriff’s retreat is being held. Sam and Dean get out and enter the lodge. The music playing is “The Weight” by The Band.

“I pulled into Nazareth, was feelin' about half past dead

I just need some place where I can lay my head

"Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?"

He just grinned and shook my hand, "no" was all he said”

Int. Front lobby of the lodge

Sam and Dean talk with Jody in the lobby.

JODY: I said I could handle it.

DEAN: Nice to see you, too.

SAM: Hey.

JODY: Hi. Okay, I'm headed to the morgue. You want in?

SAM: Uh, we just came from there.

JODY: And?

SAM: And flesh was eaten off the second vic, too.

JODY: Anything missing?

DEAN: Eh, His wallet. Why?

JODY: Because I think a belt was missing off the first kid.

SAM: A belt? So...what? We have monsters eating and then robbing people?

DONNA: (in the background) Jodio, you take sugar?

DONNA: No. No sugar.

DONNA: Okeydokes.

DEAN: "Jodio"?

JODY: It's -- ah -- Don't ask.

SAM: Wait a second. Isn't that, uh, uh, Donna?

DEAN: Fat-spa Donna! Right.

DONNA: You guys know my stalker?

SAM: (groans)

DEAN: She nearly blew a case for us last time.

JODY: Yeah, I haven't been able to shake that ray of sunshine since I got here. She's actually been pretty helpful, but, you know, it's just tough keeping her out of this nightmare stuff, you know?

SAM: Right. You mind distracting her while we poke around?

JODY: You show up, and now I'm a babysitter?

DEAN: Look, she hasn't gotten mixed up with this crap yet. Let's just try to keep it that way.

JODY: Fine. But if she tries to show me her sticker collection, I'm out.

(Donna comes over from the coffee table)

DONNA: Agent Frehley? Agent Criss?

SAM: Hey. Sheriff Hanscum.

DONNA: I thought that was you! Well, ain't this a kick in the pants? What dragged you in?

DEAN: Uh, well, uh... We can't talk about it.

DONNA: Oh. Yeah. I hear ya. Anything I can help with?

SAM: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Uh, nothing.

JODY: Actually, Sheriff, I was thinking you and I could go check out the gear expo.

DONNA: What about the morgue?

JODY: Well, you know, like you said, animal control will handle that.

DONNA: (hesitantly) Well, if it's cool with you, it's cool with me.

JODY: Great.

DONNA: Did hear they're packing some pretty serious heat in there.

(exit Donna and Jody. Sam and Dean head over to a group of sheriffs by the coffee, including Sheriff Len Cuse and Deputy Brice Graham)

DEAN: Hey, there. Agents Criss and Frehley. Looking for the sheriff...of...Hibbing.

LEN: That'd be me.


SAM: Well, we're here investigating the attacks over the last couple nights. Just wondering where you're at on that?

LEN: On the, uh...animal attacks?

SAM: Yeah.

BRICE: Wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me the FBI’s got nothing better to do?

DEAN: Well, we go where the boss tells us to.

BRICE: To what -- arrest a bobcat from Hibbing?

DEAN:Is there a problem?

BRICE: No. No, there's no problem. You ain't the first feds to roll through here and come up with nothing. Sure is cute to watch you try, though.

DEAN: Oh, pal, the FBI doesn't do cute.

SAM: Uh, Sheriff Cuse, we are just hoping there might be some surveillance footage of the attacks. Maybe a traffic camera caught something.

LEN: Right. No. Sorry, I-I-I don't have a record of it. Speaking of, uh...Can you keep an eye on the expo for me, uh, deputy? I got to check in with the guys at animal control. Agents, good to meet you. Uh...help yourself to a bear claw.

(exit Len and Brice)

SAM: Sheriff's lying?

DEAN: Deputy douche seems to think so.

SAM: All right. I'll go try and crack the police server. Maybe something showed up on surveillance.

DEAN: Yeah, maybe I'll go crack the deputy.

SAM: Right, but this time, try to be a little less defensive of your "pretend job."

DEAN: You know, this badge means something.

SAM: I made it at Kinko's.

DEAN: Yes, you did. Be proud of that.

Int. conference room with the Gear EXPO.

Donna and Jody stand at a booth displaying a variety of handguns.

DONNA: Son of a gun.

VENDOR: Uh, officer ladies, check this one out. You can take it to lunch, to the gym, have your nails done. She's always by your side.

JODY: How about this puppy?

VENDOR: Oh. Well, it depends. Think you can handle a big one?

JODY: Sigma, right?

DONNA: 10 pounds pull weight. Cute.

JODY: Call this a big one? Hope you drive a Porsche.

(enter Doug)

DOUG: Chaz.(Addressing the vendor) If you're trying to pull the wool over this one, you got the wrong girl. Sheriff Hanscum here is a wolf in sheepskin, right? (chuckles)

DONNA: Thank you. Wolves are majestic creatures. But save your flattery

for other female people.

DOUG: Oh. Oh, Sheriff Goodhill. No. No. I mean, yeah. But, you know, we just met. Cufflinks -- you know how it is.

JODY: Cuff what?

DOUG: Cufflinks! It's a dating site for cops. Y-You on it, Donna?

DONNA: Me? No. Not quite there yet.

DOUG: Oh, you still, uh, getting in date shape, huh? Huh?

DONNA: It's more like trying to get through the stuff on my DVR first.

JODY: Oh, for the love of god. (addressing Doug) What is wrong with you?! You get off on fat-shaming chicks? (turning to Donna) You are so not fat, by the way. (Back to Doug) And you -- you are just a douche.

DOUG: Uh, okay. I'll just, uh... Okay, then.

DONNA: What the h-e-double hockey sticks, Jody? Calling my ex a douche to his face?

JODY: It didn't look like you were gonna do it!

DONNA: What would be the point? We're divorced! You really think I'm gonna change him now?

JODY: So he gets to treat you like a doormat forever? Is that it?

DONNA: How about this? ‘Til you’ve actually lost a husband, you keep your mouth zipped about mine.

(Pause where Jody remembers how her husband died)

DONNA: Did something happen... To your husband?

JODY: We all have our crosses to bear, right?

DONNA: Hey, I'm sorry if I --

JODY: No. It’s fair. I certainly went there.

DONNA: You want to talk about it or --

JODY: Not right now.

DONNA: All right, then. I'm gonna go get some air.

(The camera follows Donna out, and catches Dean coming into the gear EXPO room, where he approaches Deputy Brice Graham at one of the vendor tables.)

BRICE: Agent. Are you looking for some teeny-weeny handcuffs to slap on some paws?

DEAN: I think we got off on the wrong foot.

BRICE: Right. How's that, exactly?

DEAN: Well, this investigation that my partner and I are here on, it's -- it's big. And, uh, we're looking for some local help -- you know, someone who's not ah -- not afraid to talk shop with the big boys back in D.C. Think that might be something you'd be interested in?

BRICE: Might be. What can I do?

DEAN: Well, first of all, I'm gonna need you to be totally straight with me. Is there any footage of the attack -- anything?

BRICE: Sheriff Cuse changed the password on the server yesterday. It's got the live feed from the traffic camera across the street from where that first vic got attacked. When I went to go check the footage, sheriff said he'd do it himself.

DEAN: Did he say why?

BRICE: But, you know, sheriff's a-a straight shooter. I'm sure he had his reasons.

DEAN: I'm sure he did. All right, well, I appreciate the cooperation, Deputy, and, uh, when I need you, I'll come find you, okay?

BRICE: All right.

DEAN: All right.

Ext. Lodge

Donna, getting some air, sees Sheriff Cuse crouched over the body of Sheriff Goodhill with his vampire teeth out. She hides behind the porch pillar and freaks out while Cuse runs away.

Int. Lodge Lobby

Dean and Jody are talking at the reception desk.

DEAN: Animal attack, my ass. You seen Sheriff Cuse around?

JODY: Not since the expo.

DEAN: Yeah, me neither.

JODY: How you doing, kiddo?

DEAN: Me? Fantastic. Why?

JODY: Word 'round the campfire is you went off the rez a couple months back.

DEAN: That right? You and Sam been passing notes during class? It's nothing I can't handle.

JODY: Just sayin'. I make a mean bowl of chowder if you ever need to talk.

DEAN: I appreciate that.

(enter Sam)

SAM: Hey.

DEAN: You got something?

SAM: Uh, well, there was something. I hacked into the surveillance server, but the files had been deleted.

JODY: I thought you said that sheriff Cuse was the only one who had access to those files.

SAM: Um, hi.

DONNA: Hi. Jody, can we talk a sec? Alone?

DEAN: Yeah, we'll go -- we'll go look around.

(exit Dean and Sam)

JODY: Okay, first of all, back there, I was wrong to butt in. I know it hurt you, and I'm -- I'm sorry.

DONNA: What? Oh. Yah. "Quit being a doormat." Yah. I hear ya, Jody. It's okay. We're okay. Only... There's something else I can't quite wrap my head around. You ever think there are things out there -- things that...don't end up on the police blotter?

JODY: Can you give me some specifics?

DONNA: Yeah. Okay. Uh, well, I was -- I was kinda far away, so maybe I didn't see it right, but what I think I saw... were teeth. (taps her own teeth) It was Sheriff Cuse. I saw him standing over Sheriff Goodhill's body, and his mouth was full of... Shark teeth, like some kind of...

JODY: Monster?

DONNA: You think I'm crazy.

JODY: Not at all. Did he see you?

DONNA: No. I hid -- like a chump. You really believe me?

JODY: Yeah. So will those guys from the FBI.

DONNA: If you say so. Hey. Yesterday, I saw Cuse taking his stuff into a room down the hall from mine. Must have been...304.

(Jody pulls out her phone and dials. She listens to Sam’s voice on the voicemail recording)

SAM ON THE VOICEMAIL: This is Agent Frehley. Leave me a message.

JODY: Sam, Cuse is our guy. Donna said she saw him check in to 304. Hit me back.

DONNA: What now? Just let the locals handle it?

JODY: Oh, trust me -- the locals should not handle this.

Int. Lodge - Hallway and one of the lodge rooms

Donna and Jody break into Sheriff Cuse’s room and start snooping around.

DONNA: (whispering) Look at all this sunblock. You'd think he's at the Copacabana or somethin'.

JODY: I'll explain later.

(someone starts jiggling the doorknob from the hallway. Jody pulls out a machete. Donna pulls out her gun)

DONNA: What the heck is that for?!

SAM: Whoa. Whoa. Got your voicemail.

JODY: (simultaneously with Donna) Sheriff Cuse is a vampire.

DONNA: (simultaneously with Jody) She just pulled out a machete.

JODY: Donna saw his teeth.

DONNA: What the cuss?! A vampire?!

DEAN: (to Jody) You want to give her the talk?

Ext Lodge parking lot

Sam, Dean, Jody, and Donna discuss next options for the hunt

DONNA: Heck. Just...Heck.

DEAN: We good?

DONNA: Wait. So, when we were at the weight-loss spa --

DEAN: Monsters. Sucking on your fat. We took care of them.

DONNA: Ah, jeez. I knew losing 10 pounds that fast was too good to be true. (pulls the note from Cuse’s hotel room and hands it to Sam) Here. Maybe this is where sheriff...vampire went.

DEAN: It could be anything. (beeping of Sam putting the address into mapquest) What do you got?

SAM: Looks like it's an old farm outside of town.

DEAN: Could be something.

DONNA: And it's the only lead we got.

SAM: "We"? All due respect, Sheriff, but vampires are far more dangerous than the johns you throw in jail.

DEAN: You're gonna sit this one out.

DONNA: Stuff you, Dean! Or whatever your real name is.

JODY: Hanscum's good.

SAM: Jody --

JODY: (cutting Dean off) I said she's good.

DEAN: Okay. All right. But you're staying back. We're taking the lead,


(everyone piles into the Impala)

Ext. Old farm outside of town

Dean distributes weapons from the trunk, and they proceed toward the buildings.

DEAN: If you're gonna swing, swing hard. With vamps, head's gotta roll.

DONNA: Got it.

(Sam peeks in a window, sees Sheriff Cuse. When he looks back, Cuse is gone only to pop up in the window right in Sam’s face)

LEN: Run!

(everyone gets jumped and knocked unconscious. Sam struggles and the homeless girl from the beginning, Starr talks to him)

Starr: Well, hi, there, sunflower.

Act IV:

Int. Barn

Jody, Sam, Donna, and Dean are all tied up around the barn.

STARR: It's all love, pretty boy. All of you will become all of us. We won't waste one bit.

DEAN: Okay, Mufasa, enough with the "Circle of Life" crap. You're a vampire.

STARR: Mm-hmm.

DEAN: You're scum. End of story. (Starr starts to take off his belt) Yeah, I'm not in the mood.

JODY: Wait -- it's not enough that you kill people. You've got to rob them, too?

STARR: We scavenge. We don't sip and go. We use every part of the buffalo.

JODY: And to think I gave you lunch money.

STARR: But you came in time for dinner.

LEN: Starr, please, let them go. I helped you out. I-I ditched that video o-of Catfish killing that man.

STARR: We didn't want favors, Len. We wanted you.

LEN: What use am I now? I don't even kill people. I-I'm on bagged blood.

DONNA: Uh, I beg your pardon? I saw you with your vampire face standing over Sheriff Goodhill.

LEN: No, no, I-I-I found her. I -- I s-smelled her blood. I-I couldn't help my -- my fangs. But I didn't bite.

DEAN: Well, aren't you a hero.

STARR: It's your nature to eat people. A vampire who doesn't feed is like a -- like a...

MALE VAMPIRE: Tiger eating salad.

STARR: We're not gonna stop, Len. We'll take down every person in your sweet, little Hibbing till you come back to the nest.

SAM: So, what'd you do, Len? You, uh, break up Burning Man?

STARR: More like Woodstock. Len found me crying on the curb after my daddy kicked me out. I got in Len's van, and the rest is wavy gravy.

JODY: So, what -- Len's like your Charlie Manson?

STARR: Ohhh. Charlie couldn't hold a candle to Len. He taught us everything.

DEAN: Yeah, I'm sure it was all Kombucha and Kumbaya.

STARR: Liberating is what it was. And then, one day, poof! Len's gone.

MALE VAMPIRE: Till he landed his photo in the paper. Stupid.

STARR: For running a police retreat, of all things. You didn't just go straight. You became a damn cop. Now, that is wild, man. Are you feeling dirty, Len? 'Cause we're about to have ourselves a bloodbath.

LEN: Don't you want to know why I left?

STARR: I already know why. You got boring.

LEN: I got a conscience.


LEN: Prey that begged for their lives -- I-it was like even if I used every part, like I taught you, I mean, it's still wrong.

SAM: So you walked away.

LEN: I tried to protect people. After so many years of...gutting them. That's why I'm here. I'll join your bloody caravan... If it means you won't kill these people.

STARR: We aren't killing anyone. You are.

JODY: You don't have to do this.

LEN: Kiss my ass.

STARR: Mm. We love you, brother. But we don't know who you are anymore. (Starr beheads Len) Can't say we didn't try.

DEAN: (breaks free and takes out two vamps) Unh!

STARR: (Hisses in Jody’s face)

DONNA: (also breaks free and beheads Starr as she’s about to bite Jody) Hakuna matata, lady.

DEAN: Now, that's what I'm talking about.

Ext. Woods outside the farm

Jody and Donna stand at the hood of the Impala talking. Dean and Sam stand at the trunk. The camera moves back and forth between them, their conversations paralleling each other.

JODY: You okay?

DONNA: Yeah. Other than feeling like I want to hurl, sure.

SAM: Hey.

DONNA: I just...chopped off...a vampire's head.

JODY: You were great at that.

DONNA: Thanks.

SAM: You good?

DEAN: Yeah. Yeah, you know, for the first time I've been back, I didn't feel like the Mark was pushing me.

SAM: First time?

DONNA: Knowing that these things are out there makes the world seem -- I don't know -- bigger...darker.

DEAN: All I know is, back there, killing those vamps... I felt like me again.

SAM: All right. So, that's...good, right?

DEAN: Yeah.

JODY: You know, if you want any pointers on how to fight this crazy crap, I'm willing to fill you in -- you know, what kills what.

DONNA: I'd like that.

SAM: Okay. Well, let's go with that.

(everyone piles into the Impala again. Dean has a moment where he feels his mark. Headlights on, and role ending credits!)


Source : SuperWiki

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Bonsoir ! Qui dit nouveau mois sur HypnoClap, dit nouveau film du Ciné-Emojis à découvrir !

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Hello, calendriers + sondages + actualisations forums chez Star Trek, Roue du temps, Caméléon et X-Files !

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