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#10.07 : Rowena

ROWENA REAPPARAIT - Sam et Dean rencontrent un démon qui fuit Crowley. Avant qu'ils n'aient la chance de l'éliminer, Rowena apparait et prend les choses en main. Réalisant que Rowena recrute des partisans afin de leur enseigner l'art de la sorcellerie, Sam et Dean doivent préparer un plan afin de la stopper avant qu'elle ne provoque trop de dommages. Pendant ce temps, Hannah tombe sur quelque chose venant du passé de son vaisseau, ce qui complique les choses pour elle et pour Castiel.


4.83 - 6 votes

Titre VO
Girls, Girls, Girls

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Photos promo

Castiel (Misha Collins) à la station service

Castiel (Misha Collins) à la station service

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Hannah (Erica Carroll)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Hannah (Erica Carroll)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Hannah (Erica Carroll)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Hannah (Erica Carroll)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Hannah (Erica Carroll)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Hannah (Erica Carroll)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine bagarre

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine bagarre

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Elle (Kirsten Comerford)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Elle (Kirsten Comerford)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) entourée de Catlin (Chelsea Hobbs) et de Elle (Kristen Comerford)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) entourée de Catlin (Chelsea Hobbs) et de Elle (Kristen Comerford)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 25.11.2014 à 21:00
2.30m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robert Berens
Réalisé par : Robert Singer


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Erica Carroll... Hannah

Travis Aaron Wade... Cole

Ruth Connell... Rowena

Michael Antonakos... Raul

Chelsea Hobbs... Catlin

Kristen Comerford... Elle

Elusia Rotaru... Shaylene Johnson

Steve Belford... Joe

Viv Leacock... Gerald







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Dans la nuit, une jeune femme prostituée tente de fuir son proxénète. Il finit par la rattraper dans une ruelle sombre. Elle le supplie de ne pas lui faire du mal, et promet de revenir, mais le proxénète ne l'entend pas de cette oreille. Il veut envoyer un message aux autres filles qui tenteraient de désobéir également. La jeune femme essaie de se défendre, en plantant le talon qu'elle a perdu dans sa course, dans l'oeil du proxénète. Mais celui-ci étant en fait un démon, il la rattrape avant qu'elle ne s'enfuie de nouveau, et lui brise la nuque.


Dean et Sam sont en train de déjeuner. Sam tente de comprendre pourquoi Dean les a emmenés dans le coin, mais Dean reste coit. Sam remarque que le téléphone de son frère ne cesse de sonner. Dean prétend qu'il s'agit simplement d'une application lui signalant des signes d'activité monstrueuse. Sam, sceptique, attrape le téléphone à l'insu de Dean, et découvre que son frère s'est inscrit sur un site de rencontre, et qu'il communique via l'application avec une jeune femme séduisante nommée Shaylene. Dean semble fier, mais Sam le prévient : les sites de rencontres sont souvent trompeurs, et pour ce qu'il en sait, Shaylene pourrait en fait cacher un routier canadien nommé Bruce. Mais l'arrivée de Shaylene, en chair et en os, dans le restaurant, détrompe Sam, et fait gagner l'argument à Dean. Sam comprend alors la raison qui a poussé son frère à atterrir dans le coin. Dean laisse de l'argent à Sam pour payer le repas, et s'éclipse avec son rencard.

Pendant ce temps, Castiel et Hannah font le point sur leur mission : retrouver les anges rebelles et les ramener au Paradis. Tout semble se dérouler comme prévu. Castiel a également trouvé des signes pouvant démontrer la présence d'un de ces anges. A ce moment, Hannah décide de se mettre nue. Embarrassé, Castiel lui demande ce qu'elle compte faire, ce à quoi elle répond qu'elle compte prendre une douche, bien qu'elle n'en ai pas besoin, en tant qu'ange. Elle s'amuse de la gêne de Castiel vis-à-vis de la vision de son corps dénudé, et file dans la salle de bains.

Les choses ont l'air d'avancer entre Shaylene et Dean, jusqu'à ce que la jeune femme lui demande de payer ses services. Dean répond qu'il a pour règle d'or de ne jamais payer pour coucher, mais les choses prennent une tournure différente quand Shaylene lui rétorque qu'elle ne veut pas d'argent, mais son âme. Il suffit qu'elle appelle son proxénète, Dean signe le contrat, et ensuite, Shaylene et lui pourront s'amuser. Elle prétend ensuite aimer son travail, mais Dean voit clair à travers son jeu. Shaylene finit par tomber le masque.

Castiel part à l'extérieur en direction de la voiture, tandis qu'Hannah se charge de remettre les clés de la chambre et le paiement à la réception. Lorsqu'elle sort sa carte de crédit, un homme l'interpelle, en l'appelant Caroline. Il explique qu'il a activé une alerte sur les débits de sa carte, afin de la retrouver. Lorsqu'il a su où elle se trouvait, il a conduit toute la nuit pour venir.

Le démon responsable de Shaylene débarque dans la chambre, prêt à signer le contrat avec Dean. A sa grande surprise, il se retrouve face aux deux Winchesters, puisque Sam les a rejoint, et Shaylene leur a tout dit. Sur comment les démons kidnappaient des jeunes femmes pour en faire des prostituées. Les boys veulent savoir s'il y a d'autres femmes comme Shaylene. Le démon prétend que non, mais Shaylene explique qu'il y a un bordel quelque part. Tandis que le démon insulte copieusement Shaylene, elle perd son sang-froid, saisit la lame angélique que Dean tient, et tue le démon. Malheureusement, le démon était le seul à pouvoir leur dire où se trouve le bordel. Toutefois, Shaylene fouille la veste du démon, et en retire une carte de visite au nom de Raul's Girls. C'est le genre de cartes que le démon, d'après elle, distribuait dans les bars.

Chez Raul's Girls. Raul, le chef, revient dans son bar, et ordonne à son sbire de corriger la jeune femme qui vient de refuser de porter les vêtements choisis pour elle. Avant que le démon n'agisse, Rowena fait son entrée. Elle s'assure qu'elle est bien au bon endroit, et réfute catégoriquement vouloir faire du business avec des parasites tels que les démons. Elle lance un sac à sorts à Raul, qui recrache littéralement son "âme" sous forme de liquide noirâtre et épais comme du pétrole. L'autre démon fuit. Une fois Raul mort, Rowena invite les deux jeunes femmes présentent à la suivre. Elles n'hésitent pas trop longtemps à accepter l'invitation.

Hannah est retournée dans la chambre d'hôtel, avec l'homme, afin de s'expliquer. L'homme explique qu'il l'a recherché durant toute l'année où elle a disparu, et tente de comprendre pourquoi elle est partie. Hannah refuse de lui donner la véritable raison, expliquant qu'il ne comprendrait pas. L'homme refuse de partir tant qu'il ne saura pas pourquoi. C'est alors que Castiel, s'inquiétant de ne pas voir Hannah revenir, pénètre dans la chambre. Hannah fait les présentations. L'homme s'appelle Jo, et c'est le mari de Caroline, le vaisseau d'Hannah. Elle ne précise pas cette dernière information, mais Castiel comprend vite ce qu'il en est. Jo présume d'abord que Caroline l'a quitté pour Castiel. Hannah attrape la main de son compagnon, et profite de cet argument en espérant que Jo parte. Mais Jo ne croit pas à cette explication, persuadé que sa Caroline n'est pas du genre à se volatiliser du jour au lendemain pour suivre un autre homme. Alors, Hannah embrasse Castiel, sous le regard médusé et atterré de Jo. Elle s'excuse, et sort, suivi de Castiel.

Dean et Sam arrivent chez Raul's Girls, pour découvrir que Raul est mort d'une bien étrange façon, tandis que son sbire a quitté son hôte. Sam trouve le sac à sorts de Rowena à côté du corps de Raul. Ils savent désormais que la responsable de la mort du démon est une sorcière.

Au Bistro des Moules. Rowena a invité ses deux protégées à dîner dans ce luxueux restaurant. Les deux jeunes femmes ne s'y sentent pas très à l'aise, et cela ne s'arrange pas quand l'un des serveurs vient à leur table pour leur signaler que le restaurant répond à un standing élevé impliquant une certaine tenue. Les deux jeunes femmes s'apprêtent à partir, mais Rowena leur demande de rester. Elle pose un sac à sorts dans la main du serveur, prononce une formule, et le serveur devient aussi docile qu'un chien de compagnie. Lui, ainsi que toute une file de serveurs et serveuses, viennent servir les trois femmes d'une ribambelle de plats succulents, et de grands crus. Rowena explique alors aux deux jeunes femmes curieuses que tout est une question de magie.

Gerald, le sbire de Raul, s'est trouvé un nouveau vaisseau et a prévenu Crowley de l'attaque de Rowena. Crowley est d'abord furieux à l'idée que deux démons aient ouvert un bordel en son nom, sans même lui en parler. Gerald explique qu'il fallait faire grimper le nombre de contrats qui était en baisse constante depuis la guerre contre Abaddon. Le bordel fonctionnait bien. Jusqu'à l'attaque de Rowena, qui a tout fait tomber à l'eau. Gerald a pensé qu'une sorcière si puissante représentait un ennemi dont le roi voudrait se charger.

Dans l'Impala, Sam fait des recherches sur le sort qui a tué Raul. Celui-ci est spécifique et nommé "Enchainer et Purger", et a été créé quelques 300 ans auparavant par une sorcière nommée Rowena, dont elle seule connaissait la formule exacte.

De retour au restaurant, Rowena explique aux deux jeunes femmes captivées qu'il existe trois types de sorcières : celles qui trouvent la source de leur pouvoir via un pacte avec des démons, celles qui sont nés avec un don comme elle, et celles qui n'ont aucun don mais qui, avec suffisamment d'entrainement et la bénédiction du grand coven, peuvent apprendre et assimiler des pouvoirs. Malheureusement, Rowena n'a plus le droit d'enseigner la sorcellerie depuis qu'elle s'est fait bannir du grand coven parce que ses pratiques étaient considérées trop extrêmes. Depuis, elle est recherchée par les membres imminents du coven. Mais elle refuse d'obéir aux règles, et promet aux deux jeunes femmes qu'elle sera leur mentor. C'est alors que le serveur ensorcelé revient avec deux nouvelles assiettes, mais semble s'étouffer, puis brûler, et finit par tomber, mort, sur le sol. C'est le signe du départ pour Rowena et ses protégées.

Dans un endroit isolé, Cole torture un démon à l'aide d'eau bénite, et observe ses réactions. Comme le démon le fait remarquer, Cole est un chasseur amateur en plein entrainement. Mais ce dernier est bien déterminé à faire parler la créature, dans le but qu'elle lui dise tout sur son monde, et sur Dean Winchester.

A une station-service. Tandis que Castiel fait le plein de son véhicule, il tente d'engager une conversation avec Hannah sur ce qu'il s'est passé au motel. Hannah explique qu'elle n'avait pas le choix, il fallait qu'il croit à son histoire, afin qu'il parte. Elle a d'abord pensé à lui effacer la mémoire, mais elle a écarté cette idée parce qu'elle n'était pas à l'aise avec ce procédé. Le baiser a été efficace. Elle sait qu'elle l'a blessé, mais ça a fonctionné. Pourtant, elle a des doutes et se sent prise de remords. Castiel tente de la rassurer. Elle lui a donné une raison de faire son deuil et d'avancer. Il parle de sa propre expérience, du fait qu'il a dû arracher Jimmy Novak, son propre vaisseau, par deux fois à sa famille. Si c'était difficile, c'était nécessaire, car la mission est leur priorité. Tandis qu'il lui tourne le dos un instant, Hannah en profite pour s'éclipser.

Dean et Sam enquêtent au Bistro des Moules. Dean apprend que Rowena était présente au restaurant au moment du décès du serveur, qui a vu son cerveau bouillir, littéralement, et qu'elle était accompagnée de deux prostituées. Sam, de son côté, a parlé à un chasseur nommé Daryl, qui a enquêté sur deux cas de meurtres dans deux hôtels de luxe. Toutes les victimes ont eu leur cerveau réduit en bouillis. Rowena doit être responsable de ces meurtres, et apparemment, elle aime les palaces. Aussi les boys décident de visiter les cinq étoiles des environs.

Castiel retrouve Hannah dans un parc. Elle explique qu'elle décide d'abandonner la mission. Avoir expérimenté des émotions humaines, auprès de Castiel, mais aussi auprès de Jo, le mari de Caroline, avoir senti la jeune femme réclamer son compagnon, réclamer de lui rendre sa vie, lui a fait se rendre compte que leur mission première, comme ils l'ont toujours clamé, ce sont les humains, leur protection. En habitant leurs corps, ils les sacrifient, au nom de missions qui ne sont pas vraiment importantes. Aussi Hannah décide de se retirer. De rendre à Caroline sa liberté. Elle dit aurevoir à Castiel, puis s'envole, retour au Paradis. Caroline se réveille, et reconnait Castiel. Elle semble surprise, et soulagée d'être de retour.

Dans un palace. Rowena s'apprête à donner leurs premières leçons à ses protégées. Quelqu'un frappe, elle s'attend à ce que ce soit le manager qui lui demande de payer la chambre, mais lorsqu'elle ouvre, elle se retrouve face à un cadavre et deux démons. Les démons capturent Rowena et les filles, dans le but de livrer la première à Crowley, et de tuer les deux autres. C'est alors que les Winchesters interviennent. Ils se débarassent des démons, et veulent récupérer la sorcière, mais Rowena est rusée. Elle pose un sac à sorts dans la main de la blonde, récite une formule. La jeune femme hurle, puis se jette, avec un rugissement, sur les boys. Rowena et l'autre jeune femme en profitent pour s'enfuir. Dean les suit, tandis que Sam est chargé de maitriser la jeune femme transformée en animal.

Rowena entraine la jeune femme dans sa fuite, mais celle-ci s'arrête, et veut savoir ce que la sorcière a fait à son amie. Rowena avoue qu'elle a utilisé un sort de chien d'attaque afin de créer une diversion. Peu d'humains sont capables de résister à la magie, et la jeune blonde était faible. Mais pas la seconde. La jeune femme approuve, donne un coup de poing à Rowena, et s'enfuie. Rowena s'apprête à lui lancer un sort, mais Dean intervient, en plaquant un revolver sur la tête de Rowena. Cependant, Dean perd vite la main lorsque Cole arrive par derrière, et pointe à son tour un flingue, cette fois sur Dean. Dean est alors forcé de laisser Rowena partir. Puis, il tente de raisonner Cole, mais ce dernier ne veut rien entendre, persuadé qu'il a un démon face à lui. Cependant, rien ne se produit lorsqu'il jette de l'eau bénite au visage de Dean. Cole demande ensuite au chasseur s'il était un démon lorsqu'il a tué son père. Dean répond que non, mais pour Cole, cela ne change rien : à ses yeux, Dean est toujours un monstre. Dean se voit forcé d'engager le combat, afin de désarmer Cole.

Tandis que Sam s'apprête à tuer la jeune femme enragée, enfermée dans un placard, celle-ci finit par mourir, tuée par le sort dont elle était victime. A l'extérieur, Dean propose un marché à Cole : il lui tend le revolver, et lui demande d'écouter sa version de l'histoire. Si celle-ci ne lui plait pas, libre à lui de tirer. Dean raconte qu'il est un chasseur, et que l'homme qu'il a tué cette nuit de juin 2003, n'était plus le père de Cole depuis longtemps. C'était un monstre, qui se nourrissait du foie de ses victimes, et qui s'apprêtait à tuer de nouveau cette fameuse nuit. Ca aurait pu être Cole, ou sa mère. Cole ne croit d'abord pas à cette histoire, mais se laisse peu à peu convaincre. Sam arrive, prêt à abattre Cole, toujours menaçant, mais Dean ordonne à son frère de baisser son arme. Sam s'exécute, sans pour autant la ranger. Dean joue la compréhension. Il sait ce que c'est que de se forger une histoire. Elle peut servir à avancer, mais elle peut aussi s'aveugler, et le conduire dans des endroits sombres dont il est presque impossible de revenir. Dean se considère chanceux, car les personnes qui l'aiment l'ont ramené de ces ténèbres. Pourtant, il sait qu'il ne peut pas être sauvé, que sa vie se terminera forcément avec une lame, ou le chargeur d'un flingue. Est-ce que ce sera ce jour ? Est-ce que celui qui tirera sera Cole ? Dean conseille cependant à Cole de ne pas franchir cette étape. Sam intervient à son tour, rappelle à Cole qu'il a une famille qui attend son retour. Cole, désemparé, finit par se laisser convaincre, et baisse son arme.

Castiel ramène Caroline chez elle, et de sa voiture, observe la scène de son retour. Caroline se retrouve face à son mari, peine à trouver les mots, mais cela importe peu. Jo sait qu'il vient de retrouver sa femme. Ils s'enlacent, et Caroline rentre enfin dans sa maison. Dans sa voiture, Castiel se décide : il tape le nom de Jimmy Novak dans le moteur de recherches.

Cole rentre chez lui, et Rowena a disparu. Voilà le bilan de la journée pour les Winchesters. Mais Sam est préoccupé par autre chose. Il souhaite savoir si Dean disait la vérité, lorsqu'il a dit à Cole qu'il ne pouvait plus être sauvé. Dean, pour rassurer son frère, prétend qu'il a simplement dit à Cole ce que ce dernier désirait entendre. Sur ces mots, il annonce le départ. Sam ne semble pas convaincu par l'explication de son frère, et l'inquiétude se lit sur son visage.

Gerald conduit Crowley à sa prisonnière. Il raconte tout sur la venue des Winchesters, et semble fier d'être parvenu à capturer la sorcière. Crowley lui rappelle qu'il n'a fait que nettoyer le chantier qu'il a lui-même créé. Gerald, soudain penaud, se retire, tandis que Crowley pénètre dans la cellule. Rowena le provoque, alors que Crowley en a perdu toute sa verve. La sorcière n'est autre que sa mère.


Ecrit par deanlove35.


[The scene opens on a dark alley, a drunk lying on the ground drinking out of a bottle in a brown paper bag. A woman - Tiana - runs into the alley. As she turns a corner she stops, looks behind her and sees a shadow on the building across the street She resumes running, breaks a heel on her boot and falls to the ground.]


[She grabs her broken heel, resumes running, turns another corner and runs into a man dressed in black.]




You better think fast, Tiana,'cause this looks bad.


I'm sor--I'll do anything. I'll come back. I'll make it up to you. Just please don't hurt me.

[Raul moves in and runs a finger down Tiana’s lips]


Now… What kind of message would that send the other girls, huh?

[Tiana places her broken heel between her fingers like a spike and stabs Raul in the eye with it]



[Raul covers his eye]

[Tiana pulls out the heel and it is covered in blood and eye ‘goop’. Raul pulls his hand away from his eye and smiles]

Oh, Tiana, Tiana. I'd say I'm sorry to lose you, but...

[Raul places his hands on Tiana’s face…]

There's plenty more where you came from.

[and snaps her neck]


[The scene opens in a restaurant. The camera is looking over Sam’s shoulder and we see Dean looking at his phone and eating French fries with a fork. The camera pulls back to show Sam reading a paper]


What? This? Um, cattle deaths a few towns over? A demon possibility or something?


No, it says right there. It's probably just 'cause of the drought.


So, what are we doing here?

[Dean looks at Sam’s plate and points to it with his fork]


Uh, reason's right on your plate. Lizardo's porterhouse --U.S.D.A. prime.

[Cell phone chiming]

It's the only place between Connecticut and the bunker you can get a decent steak under 10 bucks.

[Cell phone chiming]


[Sam leans over to look towards Dean’s cell phone.]

Dude, you are blowing up. Who is that?


[Dean is scrolling on his phone]

Ah, it's just, uh, you know, these alert thingies.


For what?


You know, monster...stuff.

[Sam nods his head, smirks and grabs Dean’s cell phone]

Hey, hey. Unh-unh. No. Give it back.


[Sam hold Deans’ cell phone against his chest]

What? Wh-why?


Because privacy...And stuff.


Oh, priv—

[Sam looks down at cell phone. We see Sam’s view of Dean’s phone-A picture of Dean with the caption ‘Impala67’ and Dean’s status information:

Dean Winchester

Age: 35 Years old

Location: Lebanon, Kansas Unites States

Seeking: Woman

Status: Never Married

About: Rolling through (can’t see if this says anything more)

No strings attached]


You're on a dating app?


Yeah, and you know what? Don't knock it until you try it.


Nice screen name, Dean --

{Deep Voice] Impala67.


[Dean reaches for the phone]

All right, give it back. Come on.


Shaylene, huh?

Dean, there are like a million messages here.


Yeah, uh, check out her pic.


Uh...Oh. Wow. Okay.

[Camera view of phone shows a beautiful woman with dark hair in a blue dress]

Um, okay. She's hot. But...


"But," what?


But she seems, um... Kind of...available. Like too available. "Oh, baby, whatever you want. I'm burning up just thinking about you."


They get raunchier.


Yeah. Yeah, I -- I see that. It's like a, uh --like a Penthouse letter.


Yeah. Is that bad?


No, it's not bad, Dean. It's too good to be true.


I'm sorry, is it --is it so hard to believe that an attractive, red-blooded, American female could be interested in someone like me?


You realize there's no guarantee "Shaylene" is even Shaylene. I mean, for all you know, it could be some...

Canadian trucker n-named Bruce.

[Sam gets distracted by something behind Dean. Camera pans around to show “Shaylene” in a purple dress smiling at Dean]


[Dean looks over his shoulder and smiles. He waves at Shaylene and she waves back. Dean turns to Sam]

That look like a Bruce to you?

[Dean starts to get up from his chair]


We -- we detoured eight hours so you could get laid?


Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and, uh, you know what? Lunch is on me.

[Dean takes some bills out of his wallet and puts them on the table]

And, uh...don't wait up.

[Dean walks over to Shaylene who appears to be talking with another woman and puts his arm around her waist.]


Excuse me. Hi.



{Dean and Shaylene turn to walk out of the restaurant. Dean looks over his shoulder and smiles at Sam. Sam ‘checks her out’ as they leave]


[Scene changes to a wall covered with a large map. There are photographs of faces pinned to the map. Some of them have ‘X’s’ through them. We see Hannah pin up another picture of a man and then place a large ‘X’ through his face with a red Sharpie marker.

Camera turns to Castiel sitting on the bed (in what is now revealed to be a hotel room) behind Hannah with a laptop on his lap. The camera turns so we see the web page ‘Websummon’ and the search string ‘Tennessee, miracles’. The mouse hovers over the first entry ‘Why Pastor Chris Miracles May Be Fake’.


It's getting easier.

[Castiel clicks on the link and opens to a the page ‘NEWS WebNET’ with the headline ‘Local Pastor Christopher Sherman Works Miracles in His Parish’]


Isaac came back willingly --didn't even resist. There are still some angels down here, but the higher-profile rogues

are back.


We find them all --that's the mission.

[Castiel gets up and brings the laptop over to Hannah and shows her the page]


Here. Christopher Sherman --pastor. Local paper in Tennessee says he's working miracles in his Parish.


Figure of speech?



[Hannah walks away as Castiel looks at the pictures on the wall. As she’s walking Hannah removes her suit jacket and hangs it on a hook on the wall]


The best lead we have. Until we find something stronger, we should...

[Hannah is undressing as Castiel talks. As he turns back to face her she drops her shirt. The camera view is from behind Hannah so we see her naked back and Castiel facing her from across the room with a surprised look on his face


...uh...check it out.

[Castiel is trying to NOT look at Hannah]






What are you doing?


I'm taking a shower.


Um...We don't need to shower.


I know.

[Hannah looks confused by Castiel’s reaction]

Are you --Does this bother you?


Bothered? I...I'm not.


[Hannah smirks]


[Hannah turns to enter the bathroom. A door closes and we hear water running].

[Scene changes to the Impala parked outside a motel.]

[Scene changes to Dean being slammed up against the motel room wall. Shaylene moves in and talks off Dean’s button down shirt. Heavy kissing and panting]


I forgot something. We still need to discuss my terms.


Oh, like, rules? Like, sexy rules?


Um, more an issue of payment.





[Shaylene moves away from Dean and turns her back to him]

Sweetie [laughs] thought you figured it out. I mean, shy of coming out and saying it, I thought I made it pretty obvious.


Yeah, yeah, no. I-I just, uh... See, I have this code. Uh, "No cash for ass."


[Shayene faces Dean]

Oh, well you're in luck, honey, 'cause I don't want your money.

[Shaylene walks back to Dean and leans into his chest]

All I want from you is one little thing --a trifle, really.


I'm listening.


Your soul.


My soul?


[Laughs] It's nothing, baby. Who knows what a soul is, really,

[Dean rolls his eyes]

if it even exists? All I know is you say yes, my guy comes up, you sign some papers, and then it's you and me --good to go.



[Dean moves away from the wall and Shaylene]

So that's it?

[Dean has his back to Shaylene and is looking around the motel room as if looking for something]

Just...sign over my life.


It's a signature, baby.

[Dean turns to face Shaylene. Shaylene is now leaning against the motel room wall in a sensual manner]

What's a little paperwork compared to absolute physical bliss?


Well, you make a strong case.


I love my job.


Do you?


[Shaylene looks nervous]



'Cause it doesn't look like love to me.

[Shaylene clears her throat.]

[Scene changes to Hannah and Castiel walking through the motel restaurant]


Get the car. I'll check us out.

{Hannah opens her wallet. We see her driver’s license as she pulls out a credit card. As she places it down on the hotel desk a hand comes across and grabs her hand. Hannah turns around with surprised look on her face.]






I -- I put an alert on your credit card. Saw a charge here. I drove all night.

[Camera turns to Hannah who looks upset]

[Scene changes to a man entering Dean and Shaylene’s hotel room.]


How we doing?

[Dean and Shaylene are sitting on opposite corners of the hotel bed, backs to each other]


Everybody ready for a good time?

[Man walks further into the room and pulls a blue paper out of his jacket pocket]


Okay. John Hancock right here. Then we can get this party started.

[Dean stands up and faces the man as Sam walks into the room and stands next to Dean, who has an Angel blade in his hands)



[Sam and Dean look up towards the ceiling. The man looks up also and sees a red Devil’s Trap painted on the ceiling directly over him.]


She told us everything.


Abduction, forced prostitution -- it's pretty gnarly, even for a demon.


She's got her version, I've got mine.




Let me guess --she came to you begging for you to pimp her out.

MAN Yeah, 'cause that Harvard degree was working out so well for her.


How many girls are there, hmm? How big is this?


Just me and Shay.


He's lying. There's a brothel. I heard him on the phone. They told me what you are -- a demon from hell.


Beats trash from the street. Face it, Missy -- without me, you would've been dead of drugs or worse in a year. Frankly, this little ho should be thanking me.

[Shaylene grabs the demon blade from Dean, jumps up from the bed and stabs the man (demon).]



[The demon dies in typical manner and falls to the floor]


Okay. Well, that just happened.


Yeah, and he was our best shot at the location of the brothel. Do you have any idea where it is?


No, but, um...

[Shaylene goes to the dead demon, reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out a business card and hands it to Dean]

I saw him give these out at the bars.

[We see the card-‘Raul’s Girls-1482 Willis Blvd.’]

[Scene changes to the inside of a bar. A man is holding a skimpy outfit on his hand]


What did you say?

[Camera turns to CAITLIN – Caitlin - sitting in a chair]


I said, "If you like it so much, why don't you wear it?"

[Raul (wearing an eye patch) enters from door behind ‘man’]


She won't wear the clothes you picked. What should I do?


Gerald, what do you think? Don't leave any marks.

[Gerald turns to girl and smiles creepily. The door to the bar opens and a woman with red hair, in a black dress walks in (she is the woman from the end of 10.03 Soul Survivor - ROWENA)]


Hey, lady, I think you're in the wrong place.


[Speaking with a Scottish accent]

This is Raul's girls, isn't it? Clever name, by the way.


Sorry, but we're not hiring at the moment. And, no offense, but even if we were, you're a little...old. Unless you're here as a customer.


No disrespect to your girls, but I'd sooner die than do business of any kind with filth like you.

[Rowena throws a hex bag with red markings to Raul, who catches it.]



[Raul starts gasping and groaning, black goop comes pouring out of his mouth. As he collapse to the floor we see a blonde woman – Elle - come in from the other side of the bar area, behind Gerald]




Ladies, you may want to stand back. This will get messy.

[Black smoke pours out of Gerald’s mouth and exits through the air vent while Raul continues to vomit black goop on the floor. He falls to his back, convulses and dies]


Hardly the most appetizing process in the world, but killing demons always makes me hungry.

[Woman turns her back to the women and then looks over her shoulder to them]

You coming? I mean, you're welcome to stay here.

[Caitlin and Elle, looking horrified, look at each other, nod their heads and leave with the woman]




[Scene opens on Hannah and the man from the hotel lobby, now in a hotel room]


Caroline, you've been gone a year. Disappeared.

I don't know what's happened to you, I don't know who's gotten into your head, but something's going on, and I'm not walking away till I know what.


Well, there is a reason, an answer for all of this.


Th-then tell me.


I can't. You wouldn't understand.


Then I'm not going anywhere.

[Man sits on the bad as Castiel enters the hotel room]


I waited at the car, but the desk man said --


Castiel. This is Joe...my husband.


Oh? [looking puzzled]



Who is this guy?




You saying you're...together?


What? Yes. [Hannah takes Castiel’s hand in hers] I left you. For him. He's the reason.


No. No, I don't believe it. This guy? You? No, there's something... You're not that kind of person, okay? You wouldn't do that. You couldn't do that.

[Hannah turns and kisses Castiel passionately. As the break apart we see Joe, looking devastated. Hannah and Castiel look at each other]


[To Joe] I'm sorry.

[To Castiel] Let's go.

[Hannah and Castiel leave the room]

[Scene changes back to the bar. We see Gerald (dead/unconscious) on the floor and Raul laying in a puddle of black goop]


Can't believe somebody got to kill this Raul tool before we could. Check I.D.s.


All right.

[Sam kneels down by the bodies while Dean goes behind the bar and pours himself a drink]

Uh, Dean, from the look and...smell of it, pure demon. I think this is Raul.


What? Did he puke himself to death?


Yeah, literally.


Okay, so... Something went down here. There was a standoff. One demon smokes out and Raul... What can even kill a demon like this?



[Sam reaches by Raul’s hand and picks up the hex bag]

A witch.

[Scene changes to woman drinking champagne and sitting with WOMANs in an upscale restaurant. French music is playing in the background]


Uh, ma'am, why are we here?


I thought you'd be hungry. I doubt that swine Raul fed you properly.


Yeah, but... We don't belong here.

[Waiter walks up to the table]


Apologies for the interruption, ma'am.


That word again.


But I'm afraid that the bistro des moules has a very strict dress code, a sartorial standard certain members of your party fall well short of.


Now can we go?


Stay in your seats. We're not going anywhere.

[Woman turns to reach into her bag]


Excuse me?


You heard me

[Woman hands the waiter a small hex bag]

[to Waiter] Famalatus

[Scene changes to plates of food being laid on the table. Camera pulls back and we see a line of waiters coming to the table with plates of food and drinks]


A Krug '95 -- an excellent vintage. With our compliments, of course.


This is awesome.


How did you do it?



[Scene changes to Crowley sitting on his throne.]


[Crowley gets up and walks toward ‘Gerald’ who is now a construction worker]

A bordello? You opened a whorehouse in my name?


Well, technically, the place was called Raul's girls, but...Yes. Look, Raul said that --


Oh, Raul said?


Your decree last month -- soul deals way down after the war with Abaddon. Said that you were looking for proactive and out-of-the-box strategies to get numbers back up.


So, you and your half-wit pal threw me into the sex trade? I'm evil. That's just tacky.


We tried running it past you, but we were told you weren't taking meetings, that you were distracted. I mean, busy. Look, this witch took Raul down like that. Whole operation -- kaput. I smoked out.


Ran away.


Possessed the nearest meatsuit I could find.


Apparently so.


Because I thought that you should know what happened. Act of aggression like that didn't seem like something you could let stand.


[Rolling his eyes] Hmm.

[Scene changes Sam and Dean driving in the Impala at night]


Here we go.

[We see Sam’s laptop open to a page ‘Witchcraft and the Occult…To Bind and Purge]

Um, so it looks like in the 18th century, there were accounts of demons killed by witchcraft. Apparently they were vanquished by a spell called defigere et depurgare which is Latin for "to bind and purge."


You think that's the same kind of spell that took out Raul?


Sounds like it. But from what I can tell, that spell hasn't been used in over 300 years. And it was only ever known by one person, the witch who created it.


That is?



[Scene changes back to Rowena and the WOMANs in the restaurant]


According to the grand coven, there are three recognized kinds of witch in the world. Most common are the borrowers -- those who harness the power of a demon in order to practice the art. Owing to recent experience, I doubt you'd have the stomach for that.

Secondly, and rarest of all, are the naturals -- those who are... Born with the gift.


You're one of those.


Well you are correct.


And what's the third?


The students -- those with no natural ability who, with enough practice and training and a grand coven-approved mentor to show them the path, can eke out a modicum of witchly power.


Will... You be our mentor?


Well...I'm about as far from grand-coven-approvedas it's possible to be. They threw me out many years ago. Disapproved of my methods. Said my magic was too extreme. I was forbidden from using magic, from taking students, from forming a coven. I've been on the run from those utter fannies ever since.


So, you can't teach us?


Screw the grand coven and their silly rules. You two stick with me, and you can have anything, do anything you want whenever you want.


When do we start?


[Waiter 1 is walking over with two plates and starts to stumble, looking confused]

Soon, but not here.

[Waiter 1 starts to sweat. His eyes and head are turning red and the plates drop to the floor. People in the restaurant turn to look]

Whoops. I believe that's our cue.

[Rowena and the womenm get up to leave. Waiters’ head is now bright red and peeling. He collapses to the floor]


Did you do that?


Oh, he'll be fine -- worker's comp and all that. Are you coming?

[Voice off scene]

Call 911!

[Rowena walks past dead waiter]

[Scene changes to a Demon tied to a chair over a Devil’s Trap]


I'm not afraid... 'Cause you're a noob.

[Person off screen throws Holy Water on Demon. Demon hisses in pain]


[Laughing] I'm your first. That's why you're drawing this out. 'Cause you're studying me. You're training.

[More Holy Water is thrown on the demon. Demon grunts in pain, his face is burning]

It's gonna take a lot more than that to make me talk.


Boy, you will talk. You will talk, and you will tell me everything you know about your buddy Dean Winchester.


[Scene opens with Castiel and Hannah at a gas station. Castiel is putting gas in the car. Hannah is standing at the front of the car]


At some point, we have to talk about what happened. The, uh...

[Camera changes to close up of Hannah]


He wouldn't listen, Castiel. He wouldn't let me go. I didn't want to hurt him. I could've erased his memories, but... It didn't feel right. I thought if he truly believed we were together, he'd give up. And it worked. So, why does it feel so bad?


You did the right thing. You hurt him, but you gave him a reason, something he could use to move forward and make sense of his loss.

I had to take my vessel from his family -- twice, actually.

Jimmy Novak. He was a good man. He was married, had a daughter...Claire.




And it was difficult, but necessary.

The mission comes first -- always.

[Gas nozzle clicks and Castiel turns away from Hannah to replace the nozzle on the pump. When he turns back Hannah is gone]

[Scene changes to Dean (in FBI suit) talking to a waiter at the restaurant where the first waiter died]


Middle of my shift, there's Marty falling down, clutching his head, stroking out right there on the floor, sweating, turning red, like...like...


Like his brains were boiling? Was there anything else unusual?


More unusual than our head waiter dropping dead in front of me?


Before that.


I don't know, I mean I thought getting two hookers in here was pretty damn unusual, but that was before Marty keeled over.


Uh, two hookers?


Based on what they were wearing, yeah.


Were they alone?


No. Came in with a lady.


Thank you for your time.

[Scene changes to Sam (in FBI suit) sitting at an outside table talking on the phone]


No, that is strange. All right, I hear you. Thank you.

[Dean approaches Sam]




So, it looks like our witch was here with two new friends.


Really? Raul's girls? What does she want with them?


I don't know. What'd you get from the Hunter network?


This guy Darrell's been working a case, a series of grisly hotel murders one at the Kensington, another at the Waldorf in Cleveland -- bodies stabbed, impaled on the ceiling.


Sounds a little more homicidal maniac than witchy.


That's what Darrell thought, too, until the autopsy came back. Actual cause of death --


Let me guess -- boiled brains.


Yeah, same as our waiter.


Well, I'll give this to the witch -- she's got deep pockets. The Kensington, the Waldorf, this restaurant -- that can't be cheap.


Yeah. Let's get.

[Sam gets up from his seat]


Where we going?


Check out every five-star hotel in the area.



[Scene changes to Hannah standing on a wood bridge over a stream. Castiel approaches her]


What's going on?


I'm sorry, Castiel. I'm not going with you. I'm done.

[Scene changes to Hannah and Castiel walking on a path along the stream]


It's hard letting go... of a story, a mission. But what of the humans whose lives we sacrifice in the name of that mission?


What of them?


We always said the humans were our original mission. Maybe it's time, Castiel -- time to put them first.


Where is all this coming from?


Being on earth, working with you, I've felt things. Human things -- passions, hungers. To shower, feel water on my skin... to get closer to you. But all of that was nothing compared to what I felt when I saw him.

Her husband -- his anger and his grief. And Caroline was inside of me, screaming out for him, for her life back. These f-feelings, they aren't for me, for us. They belong to her. I know it's time to step aside.

[Hannah smiles, leans forward and kisses Castiel on the cheek. Castiel nods.]

Goodbye, Castiel.

[Hannah leans her head back and a bluish white light comes out of her mouth and rises into the air. Hannah collapses onto Castiel for a moment and then stands up again. She looks at her hands and then Castiel, slightly confused]


Caroline, I'm --



I know.

[Caroline looks at her hands again, smiling and laughing, and places her hands on her stomach, as if feeling her body]


[Scene changes to the exterior of a hotel. There is a knocking sound and the scene changes to Rowena and the WOMANs in a hotel room]



You two ready for some practice?


Who is it?


Probably the hotel manager, probably here to complain that I haven't paid the bill. You have those spells I gave you?


Yeah, about that? I don't read Spanish.


It's Latin. Phonetics are on the back, darling.


[Looking puzzled] "Phonetics."

[Rowena walks to the door and looks through the peep hole. She sees the face of a pissed off looking bellman]


Get ready. And on my word...

[Rowena opens the door and sees the bellman with his throat slit. He falls forward to the floor. The WOMANs look scared. A man and woman lean into the doorframe, their eyes turn black.]

[Scene changes to the WOMANs and Rowena being led down the hotel hallway. Rowena’s mouth is covered with duct tape.]


You're in for a world of hurt when we deliver you to our boss.


What about us?

I'm not going back to that place.


[Turning back towards the women]

Operation skank has been terminated. The only place you two are going is the dumpster out back.

[Female demon faces forward and turns right into Sam and Dean. Dean stabs the female demon in the stomach with the angel blade. She dies and falls to the ground. Rowena and the women run to the end of the hallway. The male demon moves forward and throws Dean to the ground. Sam fights with the male demon and is thrown to the ground. Dean comes up behind him and stabs him in the back with the angel blade. Sam and Dean move down the hallway to the women as Rowena removes her gag.]


Who are those guys?



Let's get out of here.


That's not an exit.


Don't worry, ladies. Our beef's not with you.We're here for the witch. Rowena.


Always nice to be recognized.


Do something -- a spell!


[Looking towards the blonde WOMAN, placing a hex bag in her hand]]

That's an excellent idea.

Impetus bestiarum.

[Elle bends over with her head down and screams]


What did you do to her?

[Rowena laughs as blonde WOMAN lifts up her head. Her eyes are read and blood is dripping from her nose. She snarls and punches Dean in the head and then Sam. They both fall to the floor. Rowena and the CAITLIN run past them down the hallway. Sam and Dean get up and face ELLE.]


[to Dean] Go! Go!

[ELLE advances toward Sam and the scene changes to Rowena and the CAITLIN running down an alley]


What'd you do? What did you do to her?


Attack-dog spell. We needed a decoy.


But... But she'll die, just like the waiter. Probably.Few humans are built to survive magic like that, and Elle was weak. But you're not.I saw it the second we met. You're strong.


You're right. I am.

[CAITLIN punches Rowena in the face and walks out of the alley. Rowena lifts her head and points towards the CAITLIN]

Occideris ingrat


Not another word!

[Dean has a gun pointed to the back of Rowena’s head. She turns and faces Dean]

Lady, your luck has just run out.



I'm pretty sure that's not true.

[Camera pulls back and we see a gun pointed at the back of Dean’s head. There is a whistle and Dean turns his head to see Cole holding the gun on him]


Pal, we got to work on your timing.


Drop the gun, Dean-o.


All right, she may not look like much, but letting this one go -- big mistake.




You heard the boy.

[Dean drops his gun to the ground. Rowena smirks and walks away. Dean turns and faces Cole]


Look, man, I am sorry about the last time we met, okay? I'm sorry about a lot of things. I'm not the same person that I was.


You're not a person at all. See, I know all about your kind now.


My kind? Listen –

[Cole throws Holy Water in Dean’s face. He looks confused when Dean does not react.]

I'm not a demon anymore.


So, were you a demon when you murdered my father?



Then you're still a monster.

[Cole hits Dean in the face with his gun. As he pulls back Dean grabs Coles’ hands to control the gun. They struggle and Dean grabs the gun, throws it to the side and punches Cole in the face.]


[Raising his hands to fight]

Let's go.

{Dean and Cole start to fight]

[Scene changes to the blonde WOMAN (Elle) in a linen closet. She’s hitting the door with her hands and body. Sam is on the other side trying to keep her inside]




Look...Whatever she did to you, you have to fight it.




[Scene changes to Dean and Cole fighting. Cole gets thrown to the ground and makes a move to grab his gun. Dean kicks it away, grabs his gun and points it at COLE]



[Scene changes to Sam leaning against the closet door as Elle tries to break it down. He draws his gun and aims it at the door. He waits several seconds and the banging stops. He opens the door and sees Elle, bleeding from her eyes and nose. Her skin is white and her eyes are open. She falls dead to the floor]

[Scene changes back to Cole and Dean in the alley]


What are you waiting for? Do it.


No. Now, I'm gonna clean this mess up once and for all. You're gonna give me five minutes, and we're gonna talk.

Get up.


After that... If you don't like what you hear...[Dean turns his gun and hands it to Cole]…you still want me dead, you take your shot.

[Cole takes the gun and points it towards Dean]


What I do... is hunt monsters. Your dad, Cole -- your dad was a monster.


Yeah, you say that now, but last time we fought, you couldn't even remember his name.


2003, Nyack, New York, Ed Trenton. I was working a case. Three dead --livers ripped out and eaten by your father.




Yeah, I tracked him down that night to your house.


Well, you say he was a monster.

What kind of monster was he?


I don't know. Never seen that kind before, never seen it again. All I know is that he came home that night looking to kill -- could've been you, could've been your mom.




The only reason that didn't happen is because I was there to stop him.


I heard his voice. It was a human voice, and he begged you to stop!


It's a ploy. It's a monster's trick.

I know what you heard, but know this -- that was not your father, Cole. Your father was already gone.


[Looks over Cole’s shoulder and points.

Put it down. Sam, put it down!

[Cole turns and sees Sam aiming a gun at him. Cole aims his gun at Dean]


Cole, it's fine.




Put it down!

[Sam lowers his gun and Cole turns his gun back towards Dean]


Cole, hey, right here. We're talking, okay?


How can I believe you, huh?

{shouts] How can I believe you?!

My whole life, I've been...


I get it. That was your story. Look, man, I got one of those, too. Okay, but those stories that we tell to keep us going? Man, sometimes they blind us. They take us to dark places --the kind of place where I might beat the crap out of a good man just for the fun of it. The people who love me, they pulled me back from that edge.

Cole, once you touch that darkness... It never goes away. Now, the truth is... I'm past saving. I know how my story ends. It's at the edge of a blade or the barrel of a gun. So, the question is, is that gonna be today?That gonna be that gun?


You've got a family, Cole.

[Dean and Cole face Sam]

I heard you on the phone that night. I'm guessing they need you to come back, and they need you to come back whole.

[Cole, crying, hand Dean back his gun]

[Scene changes to Caroline standing at the door to a house and Joe on the other side of the door. Joe opens the door and the look at each other. Camera pulls back to show Castiel sitting in his car at the curb in front of the house, looking at Caroline and Joe]







[Joe and Caroline hug and walk back into the house. The door closes. In the car, Castiel open his laptop to ‘Websummon’ and types ‘Jimmy Novack’ in the search bar. Four pictures come up, one which shoes him as ‘Missing’]

[Scene changes to Cole driving his Jeep out of the alley. Sam and Dean remain in the alley]


He say where he's going?






In the wind.


What you said earlier, back there, about being past saving -- were you really --


I was just telling the guy what he needed to hear.

We better go.

[Scene changes to Crowley and Gerald walking down a staircase. As they’re talking the approach a cell door]


Winchesters showed up. Alpha team went down. But Beta team's working contingency -- Had a perimeter around the hotel. We got her. Right in there -- tortured. If you'd like, I could finish her off.


Wipe that ridiculous smile off your face. What do you want, a medal? A "thank you" for cleaning up the mess you made?!

[Gerald walks away]


Everyone working for me touched?

[Crowley opens the cell door and walks through]

Bunch of needy, squalling, incompetent infants.

[Rowena is chained to a wall in the cell. Her face is cut and bruised]


The king at last. King of what? Lilliput? I mean, I'd heard you were short, but...[laughs] Well?! Get to it. Time for the coup de grace. Wee boy, is something the matter with you? Cat got your tongue, hmm? Meow.




Source : SuperWiki

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