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#10.06 : Secret d'alcôve

DEAN ENTEND UN MESSAGE SURPRENANT SUR LE TELEPHONE DE BOBBY - Dean est surpris lorsqu'il écoute un message sur le répondeur de Bobby qui explique que Bobby, ou son plus proche parent, a été désigné héritier sur un testament. Espérant obtenir des fonds supplémentaires, Dean finit par convaincre Sam de se mettre en route pour récupérer la fortune qui devrait leur revenir. Toutefois, ce qu'ils découvrent en arrivant à la demeure est loin d'être ce à quoi ils s'attendaient.


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Ask Jeeves

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Secret d'alcôve

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Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Colette (Pippa Mackie)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Colette (Pippa Mackie)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en discussion avec Philip (Kevin McNulty)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en discussion avec Philip (Kevin McNulty)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en discussion avec le detective Howard (Doug Abrahams) et Philip (Kevin McNulty)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en discussion avec le detective Howard (Doug Abrahams) et Philip (Kevin McNulty)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) en discussion avec Heddy (Gillian Vigman)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) en discussion avec Heddy (Gillian Vigman)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 18.11.2014 à 21:00
2.54m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder
Réalisé par : John MacCarthy


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Pippa Mackie... Colette

Izabella Miko... Olivia

Kevin McNulty... Philip

Debra McCabe... Beverly

Marcus Rosner... Dash

Doug Abrahams... Inspecteur Howard

Matthew Harrison... Stanton

Wendy Abott... Bunny Lacroix

Robert Underwood... Lance Lacroix







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

New Canaan, Connecticut. Après le décès de la richissime Bunny LaCroix, ses employés se préparent à accueillir la famille pour la lecture du testament. Le majordome donne ses ordres aux deux gouvernantes : Collette est chargée de préparer la tenue de Bunny pour ses funérailles, tandis qu'Olivia se voit incombée la tâche de nettoyer le manoir de fond en comble. Collette choisit deux tenues, et les bijoux qui vont avec. Puis, elle se sert dans la boîte à bijoux et prend un collier de perles, avant de le mettre à son cou. Soudain, elle entend du bruit dans la chambre, et va voir ce qu'il se passe. A sa grande surprise, elle se retrouve face à Bunny, qui s'avance vers elle, lui arrache le collier du cou, et la repousse jusqu'à la rembarde de l'escalier. Collette passe par dessus, et vient s'écraser quelques mètres plus bas. Le majordome accoure, et sans avoir l'air surpris le moins du monde, sermonne Bunny.


Dean est de nouveau affairé à prendre soin de Baby. Sam le rejoint avec deux gobelets de café. Il apprend à son frère que rien de suspect n'a pu être trouvé sur le net ou ailleurs. L'activité surnaturelle se fait bien silencieuse, ces derniers temps. Dean a, de fait, autre chose à proposer. Il a capté un message sur la boîte vocale d'un ancien téléphone ayant appartenu à Bobby. Ce dernier a été nommé légataire dans le testament d'une riche femme appelée Bunny LaCroix. Dean a pensé, étant donné que Bobby n'est plus, que son frère et lui pouvaient faire office de plus proches parents, et devraient donc pouvoir récupérer l'héritage. Ils décident donc de se rendre dans le Connecticut.

Les boys arrivent au manoir. Ils sont accueillis par Olivia, qui les conduit dans le salon, afin de les présenter au reste de la famille. C'est Eddie, une femme d'âge mûre et visiblement très intéressée par les Winchesters, qui fait les présentations : elle nomme Beverley, autre femme d’âge mûr intéressée, Stanton et son épouse Amber, et Dash, le benjamin de la famille. Amber s'étonne de ne pas voir Colette, ce à quoi le majordome répond qu'elle a démissionné, trop bouleversée par la mort de Bunny. Dash demande ensuite aux deux frères comment ils connaissaient Bunny. Ils précisent que leur père adoptif la connaissait. Le majordome leur demande de le rejoindre un peu plus tard pour une conversation en privée, puis Beverley arrive pour draguer Sam, devant le regard amusé de Dean.

Le majordome, une fois en privée avec les boys, leur remet une enveloppe qui était destinée à Bobby. Il leur demande ensuite de partir, soit disant pour leur bien, afin de ne pas avoir à supporter la famille, et pour éviter que les membres présents ici ne viennent picorer ce que Bunny leur a laissé. Puis, à la question de savoir comment Bobby et Bunny se connaissaient, le majordome ne semble pas pouvoir répondre. Il s'éloigne en compagnie d'Olivia, et laisse les boys découvrir ce que cache l'enveloppe. Dean en retire une croix sertie de pierres rouges comme des rubis. Les boys pensent que Bunny et Bobby entretenaient une relation amoureuse, et qu'en conséquence, cette croix devrait valoir son pesant d'or. Immédiatement, les boys montrent leur croix à un expert. Mais celui-ci leur apprend alors que c'est du toc. Cependant, il révèle également que la croix cache en fait une clé. Les boys décident de retourner au manoir, afin de découvrir ce qu'elle peut bien ouvrir.

Au manoir, Amber et Stanton se disputent dans leur chambre. Stanton accuse Amber de le tromper. Celle-ci réfute, et clame que Stanton est aussi parano que feu le mari de Bunny, Lance. Stanton réplique qu'il l'était, à juste titre, puisque Bunny le trompait. Il insulte sa sœur décédée, au passage, ce qui choque Amber qui finit par s'enfermer dans la salle de bains. Puis, Stanton entend quelqu'un prononcer son nom. Il croit d'abord que c'est Amber, mais comme ce n'est pas elle, il décide de sortir afin de découvrir qui l'appelle. Au détour d'un couloir, il croire alors Lance, réincarné, tenant une hache. Amber arrive juste à temps pour assister à la décapitation de Stanton.

Sam et Dean sont de retour au manoir, pour découvrir qu'un inspecteur enquête sur le meurtre de Stanton. Ayant été présents ce jour-même, les boys sont retenus par le policier, comme tous les autres occupants du manoir, pour interrogatoire. Les boys se rendent alors dans le salon pour trouver Eddie et Dash se disputant. Le sujet ? Amber, qu'Eddie accuse d'avoir tué Stanton. Dash ne semble pas y croire, mais Eddie assure que cela reste plus logique que l'histoire qu'Amber a raconté, à savoir, que le fantôme de Lancer a tué Stanton. De plus, Amber semblait vouloir quitter Stanton. Mais les boys se fichent de cette information. Ils retiennent la présence d'un fantôme comme possible, mais ne pouvant se rendre à la voiture pour prendre le capteur d'EMF, ils décident de se contenter de leurs sens et de chercher des points froids. Dean décide d'explorer le manoir, et laisse le soin à Sam de garder un œil sur les autres membres de la famille.

Sam interroge Dash. Il est surpris de constater qu'après avoir perdu deux membres de leur famille, ils ne semblent pas bouleversés. Dash lui explique qu'ils se détestent, et semble croire que toutes les familles sont comme eux. Sam lui assure que ce n'est pas le cas pour son frère et lui. Puis, il demande à Dash ce qui lui fait croire qu'Amber est innocente. Dash pense qu'elle est trop idiote pour être capable d'un meurtre. Pendant ce temps, Dean continue son exploration. Il s'arrête devant une étagère pleine de livres, et remarque que l'un d'eux porte une croix ressemblant à celle que Bunny leur a légué. Il essaie de le prendre, mais déclenche un mécanisme d'ouverture. L'étagère est en fait une porte secrète donnant sur une autre porte avec une serrure. Sam demande à Dash ce qu'il pense de l'histoire racontée par Amber. Dash assure qu'il ne croit pas aux fantômes, mais s'ils existaient, Lance aurait des raisons de les hanter. Personne n'aimait ce personnage, hormis Bunny, qui a vécu recluse dans son manoir après la mort de son mari. La conversation est interrompue quand l'inspecteur vient chercher Dash, après avoir interrogé Amber.

Dean ouvre la porte cachée, et découvre des escaliers montant dans un grenier. Il saisit une matraque, et se voit intrigué par une corde enroulée sur elle-même, puis monte prudemment les marches. Il examine les objets autour de lui, dont une assiette contenant un reste de sandwich, et son oeil est attiré par des pieds dépassant de derrière un meuble. Soudain, Olivia surgit, visiblement terrifiée. Elle raconte que Philipe, le majordome, l'a enfermé ici parce qu'elle ne voulait pas mentir à l'inspecteur sur ce qu'elle a vu. Elle clame que Philipe a enroulé le corps de Collette avant de l'emmener dans ce grenier, et assure que c'est le fantôme de Bunny qui a tué la jeune femme.

Dean rejoint Sam, avec Olivia. Sam était occupé à jouer aux cartes avec Eddie et Beverley, et se retire avec soulagement du jeu lorsqu'il aperçoit son frère. Dean lui explique tout ce qu'il a découvert, du grenier, à Olivia, en passant par le corps de Collette, et la présence du fantôme de Bunny. Il dit qu'ils doivent trouver Philipe, le majordome, car il semble que ce dernier dissimule les faits, et soit complice des esprits hantant ce manoir. Sam décide de prendre l'étage, et laisse le rez-de-chaussée à Dean.

Sam se dépêcher de monter à l'étage lorsqu'il entend l'inspecteur l'appeler. Il croise alors Beverley, qui compte bien prendre du bon temps en attendant son propre interrogatoire. Et elle propose à Sam de participer. Sam tente de se défiler, mais elle insiste. Il finit par prétendre qu'il va la suivre dans sa chambre, mais une fois Beverley dans la pièce, il se dépêche de filer. Lorsque Beverley jette un oeil dans le couloir, Sam est déjà parti.

Dean parvient à trouver Phillip, qui assure qu'il peut tout expliquer. Il dit qu'il ne pouvait voir les funérailles de Bunny salies par une autre mort, et une voleuse, ce qu'était Collette, alors, il a tout caché. A ce moment, Dean reçoit un message de Sam lui apprenant qu'il vient de trouver le corps de Phillip. C'est ce moment que le majordome choisit pour attaquer Dean et s'enfuir. Quand Dean se relève, il découvre des restes de peau et de chair, ainsi que les habits du majordome étalés sur le sol. Il appelle Sam : ils n'ont pas affaire à un fantôme, mais à un polymorphe.

Les boys se retrouvent dans la cuisine, où le corps de Phillip git toujours. Tandis qu'ils décident de la marche à suivre, Olivia débarque, et s'affole lorsqu'elle aperçoit le cadavre. Après l'avoir calmé, les boys lui demandent son aide : elle doit leur trouver des couverts en argent. Elle leur présente l'argenterie, prend le couteau que Sam lui tend, et Sam en tend un autre à Dean. Chacun observe la réaction des autres, afin de vérifier qu'aucun d'entre eux n'est le polymorphe. Une fois fait, ils se mettent en action.

Sam rejoint Beverley et Eddie dans le salon. Il prétend avoir seulement voulu jouer les difficiles, dans le couloir, tout à l'heure, ce qui a l'air de rassurer Beverley, qui pousse Eddie et invite le jeune Winchester à venir s'installer sur le canapé à ses côtés. Sam joue les séducteurs, pour mieux faire en sorte que les lames d'argent cachées dans ses manches entrent en contact avec la peau de ces dames. Mais rien ne se produit.

Dean pénètre dans un autre salon, et entend du bruit dans un placard. Il saisit un chandelier, ouvre la porte, pour trouver Dash et Amber en train de s'embrasser. Amber avait donc bien trompé Stanton, mais assure qu'ils ne l'ont pas tué. Dean leur demande de toucher les couteaux en argent qu'il tient dans la main. Ils s'exécutent, mais rien ne se passe. Dean promet de conserver leur secret, puis leur demande de le suivre.

Dean retrouve Sam dans le salon, qui en profite pour se débarrasser des deux cougars lorsqu'il aperçoit son frère. Ils ont vérifié tout le monde, sauf l'inspecteur. Soudain, ils entendent un cri. C'est Olivia, qui a découvert le corps de l'inspecteur, la tête dans les toilettes. Les boys sont désorientés. C'est alors que la famille décide de régler ses comptes. Eddie accuse de nouveau Amber, puis Amber et Dash révèle leur relation au grand jour. Sam et Dean les font taire et tentent de les convaincre qu'ils peuvent aider, quand les soupçons se portent alors sur eux. Dash sort un revolver, et enferme les boys dans un petit bureau. Sam trouve des clés, mais elles sont inutiles, car la porte est fermée de l'extérieur. Dean tente de l'ouvrir avec son couteau en argent, et découvre alors que ce n'est pas de l'argent, mais du toc. Cela signifie que le polymorphe a pu passer le test. Ils doivent aller chercher les balles en argent qui se trouvent dans l'Impala, mais il faut d'abord qu'ils sortent d'ici.

Pendant ce temps, dans le salon, les LaCroix sont enfin d'accord sur une chose : Dean et Sam sont suspects. Finalement, leur théorie est réfutée par Olivia, qui vient leur révéler le pot-aux-roses. Dans le même temps, Sam et Dean observent la scène via les écrans de vidéo-surveillance. Ils réalisent que la gouvernante les a trompés.

Tandis que les boys cherchent un moyen de sortir tout en surveillant le salon, Olivia raconte son histoire aux LaCroix. Elle est en fait la fille de Bunny, et a vécu cachée dans le grenier toute sa vie. Une fois Bunny décédée, Phillip a pris pitié et l'a laissé sortir. Mais une fois qu'Olivia a tué Stanton, il a décidé de la remettre dans le grenier, jusqu'à ce que Dean la fasse sortir de nouveau. Elle a alors tué Phillip pour l'avoir trahie. Quand à Collette, c'était un accident : elle voulait seulement lui faire peur, après qu'elle l'eut pris en flagrant délit de vol. Maintenant, elle veut se débarrasser des autres membres de la famille pour leur cupidité.

Sam et Dean trouvent des armes à feux dans un casier. Ils sortent, et commencent une poursuite avec Olivia dans le manoir. Sam confronte la polymorphe dans la cuisine. Elle raconte que Bobby a tué son père, voilà des années. Lance n'était pas son père, puisque Bunny a eu une aventure avec un polymorphe. Lance a d'abord cru à l'histoire de Bunny, que le bébé était le sien, mais il découvrir la vérité lorsque Bunny ramena Olivia de l'hôpital. Puis, le vrai père d'Olivia vint récupérer son enfant, et tua Lance. C'est alors que Bobby est venu tuer le polymorphe. Il accepta néanmoins de laisser l'enfant en vie, à la demande de Bunny, à condition qu'elle la garde enfermée pour sa propre sécurité, et celle des autres. De plus, Bunny fit promettre à Bobby de prendre soin d'Olivia, si quelque chose devait lui arriver. Mais Bobby est mort avant qu'Olivia n'ai pu se venger, et elle a décidé de se contenter de tuer les Winchesters. Sam la supplie de ne pas franchir cette étape, en lui disant qu'être un monstre est un choix. Mais Olivia réplique qu'on a fait ce choix pour elle il y a longtemps. Sam se découvre, et lui fait face. Olivia comprend que s'il ne tire pas, c'est qu'il n'a pas de balles en argent. Mais Dean oui. Il arrive silencieusement, derrière, et tire. Puis, une fois Olivia à terre, il s'acharne, sous les yeux choqués de Sam.

Tout le monde sort du manoir. Sam et Dean sont prêts à partir, mais Dash tient à s'excuser. Il a contacté leur avocat à propos de l'héritage. Dean lui redonne le pendentif en forme de croix, en lui révélant que c'est la clé menant au grenier. Lorsque Dash veut savoir comment les remercier, Dean lui dit de ne jamais mentionner leur présence ici, et de les oublier. Sinon, ils reviendront pour lui. Sur ces mots, les Winchesters s'en vont.

Dans la voiture, Sam tente d'engager la conversation. Il souhaite savoir ce qui a provoqué ce besoin pour des multiples coups de feu, chez son frère. Il évoque un résidu de démon, ou la marque de Caïn, ce qui fait réagir Dean. Ce dernier assure que le polymorphe étant son premier monstre tué depuis son retour, il était anxieux et voulait s'assurer que les choses soient bien faites, qu'il n'y a rien d'autre à voir dedans. Réticent à l'idée d'en parler, il coupe toute possibilité de discussion en mettant le son de la musique au maximum. Sam n'insiste pas, et tourne son regard vers la fenêtre.


Ecrit par deanlove35.


New Canaan, Connecticut [We see the exterior of a mansion then the interior hall with a portrait of a woman holding a dog. Phillip, the butler, walks up to two maids who are standing in the hallway.]


Now, now. I know it’s a terribly sad day. Bunny LaCroix was a good woman, a fair employer with a kind heart. [The two maids look close to tears.] But there is work to be done. In less than twenty-four hours the LaCroix family will descend upon this estate for the funeral and the reading of the will and it is our duty to make sure this manor is in tip-top shape. [He looks at the portrait] We owe that much to Bunny.

[To the first maid] Colette. To the master closet. I’d like you to select Mrs. LaCroix’s wardrobe for the burial. [To the second maid] Olivia. Please make sure all the lavatories are spotless.


Why do I have to?


Now, now. You’re still the new hire. Colette has seniority. [he claps his hands twice] Chop chop, there’s no time to waste. [Colette hurries up the staircase and Olivia heads in the opposite direction. Phillip looks in the direction Olivia went and then walks away.]

[Interior of Bunny’s walk-in closet in the master bedroom. Colette selects a suit and then a blouse. She opens the jewelry box and chooses a brooch. She then takes a pearl necklace and puts it on. She hears a door open and looks around. She goes back to admiring the necklace on herself in the mirror but then hears a door close. She walks out of the closet into the bedroom toward the door and hears footsteps. She turns around and gasps. Bunny LaCroix is standing behind her.]


But….you’re dead. [Bunny is glaring at Colette and takes steps toward her. Colette keeps backing away until they are out in the hallway. Bunny rips the pearl neckace off Colette’s neck. The necklace breaks showering the pearls on the floor. Colette tries to back up and falls over the banister screaming. She falls through a glass table on the first floor. She lies dead on the floor surrounded by broken glass as Bunny stands by the banister on the second floor looking down.]

[Phillip runs up to where Colette is lying looking at Colette and then up at Bunny]


What have you done? [Bunny just turns and walks away.]



[Shady Hills Motel parking lot - Dean is tightening a screw on the Impala’s headlight. Sam approaches carrying two tiny cups.]


Hey, yo. Individually brewed. [hands one cup to Dean.] Technology, man.


Real men don’t drink out of cups this small. [He smells the coffee.] What is that cinnamon roll?


It’s uh glazed donut. Look man, if you don’t want it, I…


Nah, it’s…got it. [takes a sip of the coffee] So, any leads on the scanner or the Interweb?


Nothing. Not even a cat up a tree.


So right when we’re ready to jump back into it, it goes uh—radio silence.


Murphy’s law.


Well, Murphy’s a douche. Hey, feel like taking a detour to Connecticut?




[Dean holds up a cell phone] Found it while I was dustbusting. [hands phone to Sam]


One of ours?


It’s one of Bobby’s. And, in total, 27 messages. The only one that counts is from two days ago. Apparently Bobby’s been named a beneficiary in Bunny LaCroix’s will.


Bunny LaWho?


Attorney said she’s an heiress and Bobby’s presence or next of kin is being requested in New Canaan. I figured we qualify. [Dean takes another sip of coffee]


How did Bobby know an heiress?


Bobby had secrets, man. Like loving on Tori Spelling. If he only knew Dean cheated on her. Anyway, road trip? Who knows – maybe Bobby earned us some beer money.

[The Impala is speeding down a road. Then Sam and Dean park the Impala in front of Bunny LaCroix’s mansion among other very expensive cars.]


Wow. Think we’re a little underdressed? I mean the Fed threads are in the trunk.


You kidding me? For once, we don’t have to wear suits. [They walk toward the front door] You’re lucky my waist band’s not elastic.

[Dean presses the doorbell. Beethoven’s Fuer Elise plays. Olivia opens the front door.]


May I help you?


I’m Sam Winchester. This is Dean Winchester. We’re here on behalf of Bobby Singer.


Mr. Singer won’t be coming?


No, he passed away.


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.


Uh, condolences for your loss too.


Thank you. Well, you just missed the funeral, but the family’s relaxing inside if you’d like to join.

[Olivia leads Sam and Dean into the billiard room where the LaCroix family are. She clears her throat.]

Allow me to introduce Sam and Dean Winchester.


Sam and Dean Winchester of the Westchester Winchesters?


Uh no. I don’t think there’s…




…any relation. Sorry


No matter. You two are adorable.




I’m Heddy, Bunny’s cousin and this is my sister, Beverly.


Charmed I’m sure.


[indicates to man playing pool] And that’s Bunny’s youngest brother Stanton. Stan for short.


Come on in fellas, join the mourning.


And his child bride…Amber.


Go Stan!


[misses shot] Babe, don’t. You’re breaking my concentration.


And then there’s Dash. That’s the baby of the family. He’s Bunny’s great nephew – Harvard business.


How did you guys know Aunt Bunny?


We uh…


We – we – we didn’t personally know her. Our – our surrogate dad, Bobby Singer did.




Bobby? Never heard of him. But you can fill us in over the weekend, huh.


The weekend?


Didn’t the attorney tell you? Service was today and the reading of the will tomorrow.


Oh but you’re welcome to spend the night. All the rooms sleep two.


[slaps Dean’s butt] Or three.




Where’s Colette?


She quit. Poor dear was so distraught over Mrs. LaCroix’s passing. Went off to find herself.


Ashram in India?


Uh, clown college in Sarasota.


Good choice.


[walks up to Sam and Dean] May I have a word with you in the hall in five minutes?






So Sam, tell me…do you work out?

[Phillip is walking down the hall with an envelope as Dean and Sam exit the billiard room into the hall.]


Charmed I’m sure…what are these people?


I think they’re called W.A.S.P.S



[Sam sees Phillip approaching and clears his throat]


My apologies for being so oblique back there, but I’m doing you boys a favor.




As you know, Mrs. LaCroix bequeathed something to your Mister Singer. But the reading of the will isn’t until tomorrow and I would hate for you to have to stick around and be forced to – well mingle with the family.


Don’t worry Alfred, we know which one the shrimp fork is. Kind of.


Oh Mr. Winchester, if you’re implying that I don’t think you’re good enough, it’s quite the contrary. You’re far too good. The LaCroix family is… How shall I say this politely? …money grubbing leaches.


What are you talking about? I thought they were all loaded.


Loaded – yes; Rich – no. The recession hit every one of them and I’m afraid it they knew what Bunny left you, those vultures would try to stake claim. And since the attorney kindly agreed to a hand-off, you don’t have to be subjected to their scrutiny. [He hands the envelope to Dean]


Do you have any idea how Bunny and Bobby knew each other?

[Olivia enters hallway]


Not in the slightest. Um, now if there’s nothing else, shall I have Olivia show you out?


No, no. That’s uh…we got it. Thanks. [Olivia and Phillip head back down the hall. Dean opens the envelope. He pulls out a large jeweled cross on a chain.]


Huh. Kind of fancy to leave a guy like Bobby.


You thinking what I’m thinking?


If Bunny was banging Bobby, then maybe these rocks are real.

[Interior of a pawn shop]


What do you mean it’s not real? The old bag was rolling in it.


Well, looks like the old bag’s got a soft spot for fake rubies and cubic zirconium. This is interesting though. [pulls the top of the cross off the neckace] It’s a key.


[to Dean] A key to what?


There’s one way to find out – Ask Jeeves.

[Interior of a bedroom in Bunny’s mansion]


Beverly saw you sexting at dinner!


Bev doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. I was texting my mom.


An emoticon of a peeled banana?


She like fruit.


Just admit it. You’re cheating.


And you’re drunk. Not to mention paranoid. [points to portrait on wall of Bunny and her husband] Just like Lance. He was always accusing poor Bunny of sleeping around.


Because she was. My sister was nothing but a two-bit hooker in Chanel!


How dare you? Your sister’s dead. [she goes into the bathroom and slams the door]


[at portrait] What the hell are you looking at? Good riddance to you both. [a voice says “Stanton”] What?!

AMBER [from behind closed door]

I didn’t say anything

[voice: “Stanton”. Stanton opens the bedroom doors and walks out into the hallway. He hears the voice again as he walks down the hall looking around. Suddenly Lance is in front of him with an axe.]


No, Ahhh

[As Amber comes out the bedroom door into the hall, Lance chops Stanton’s head off and Amber screams.]


[Sam and Dean park the Impala in front of Bunny’s mansion and see a police car. Sam rings the doorbell. Phillip opens the door.]


Everything okay?


Not really. [Holding the door open as Dean and Sam enter]






I presume you gentlemen left something behind. I’ll check the front closet for burlap.


I got news for you Mr. Belvedere the jacket’s canvas.


You two were here earlier?


Yeah, who wants to know?


[flashes badge] Detective Howard. New Canaan P.D. Congratulations boys, you’re now officially murder suspects.


I’m sorry, what?


Yeah, Bunny LaCroix’s brother Stanford was killed this evening. His body’s just gone to the morgue.


And you think…


I don’t know what to think. And that’s why you two and anyone else who stepped foot in this house today is being detained for questioning.

[Dean and Sam enter the Lounge]


Beverly let go of me. It’s so obvious she’s guilty.


You’re off your rocker, old lady.


Old lady? I… [notices Sam and Dean] I’m 39.


And you have been since ’03.


How – how dare you?


I’m sorry to interrupt but – but who’s guilty?


The town slut, Amber. She killed Stan.


And what’s her motive, Murder She Wrote?


Oh everyone knows that Amber was sleeping around. She wanted to leave Stan but her prenup was ironclad. So she killed him.


Sounds logical.


Well, unless you believe that ridiculous story that she’s been peddling. A ghost killed Stanton. Honestly.


Uh, a ghost?


She’s claiming that Bunny’s late husband, Lance did it. Have you ever heard such a thing? What a panic! So stupid.


You’re nutty as a squirrel on those synthetic hormones.


Nutty? How appalling of you. Don’t they teach you manners in Harvard?


So uh…


Looks like we might have a case here. Vengeful spirit?


Yeah. Think we can get to the car, get the EMF?


Not with uh Detective Friendly. Not a chance. Guess we’re gonna have to go old school.


All right, cold spots it is.




You stay here. Keep an eye on Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard. I’ll sniff around.


Alright. [Dean exits and Beverly is waving at Sam]


For your information I already own a big, beautiful yacht.


Oh, is that what you call that thing?


Fine, it’s a mahogany sunfish.

[Dean is walking down an upstairs hallway. He peers into the helmet of a suit of armor.]

[Back in the Lounge Sam walks up to Dash]


Hey. Got to say for a family that just lost two members, you all seem…fine.


Well Sam, I’ll let you in on a little family secret. We don’t really like each other. Then again, what family does?


Mine does. Uh, for the most part. It’s just my brother and me, so…


Then you’re lucky. Trust me, it’s a miracle we’ve been under the same roof for 24 hours and haven’t – Oops…my bad.


And, uh—why are you so sure Amber didn’t do it?


Because Amber’s not a killer. She has trouble using WiFi. I don’t exactly think she’s capable of murder.

[Dean is walking down another hallway past a bedroom to where the outline of Stanford’s body and head are. He sees a book in a bookcase with a cross that matches the necklace on the cover. He pulls out the book and the bookcase opens revealing a hidden door.]

[Interior of the Lounge]


And her story about the ghost?


I don’t believe in ghosts. That said, if anyone would come back to haunt, it’s Uncle Lance. Heard he was a real bastard. No one really mourned his death except Aunt Bunny who became a recluse after he died. So maybe the old goat has a chip on his shoulder. Who the hell knows?


[walks in Lounge with Amber] Dash, you’re up. [Dash passes Amber and exits with the Detective.]

[Dean pulls the key from the cross necklace and uses it to open the secret door behind the bookcase. As he enters, he picks up a pipe and then some rope. Holding the pipe, Dean climbs the stairs and switches on his flashlight as he enters the attic. He sees a rolled up rug with feet sticking out then hears footsteps.]






Thank God! I thought you were him.


Him – who?


Phillip, the butler. He locked me in here because I wouldn’t lie to the detective about what I saw.


What did you see?


I saw him roll Colette’s body in a rug.


Clown college Colette? The butler killed her?


No, no. He just – he just hid her.


Then who killed her?


I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I saw it with my own eyes.


Let me guess - Lance’s ghost.


No – Bunny’s.

[In the Lounge, Sam is playing cards with Heddy and Beverly. Dean and Olivia enter.]


You know what, uh, excuse me.


No, no stay.


Hey. So?


You seen the butler?


No. Why?


Cause if anybody has answers it’s him. We’re dealing with two vengeful spirits. Apparently Aunt Bunny had a bee in her bonnet as well.


Uh husband and wife tag-team killer ghosts?


Well, got to keep the marriage alive somehow. The key is to a hidden attic.


Why would Bunny want Bobby to have a key to her attic?


I don’t know. It gets weirder. I found Olivia and Colette locked inside.


Clown college Colette?


Yeah, but she ain’t studying balloon animals. She’s dead.


Now what does the butler have to do with all this?


He’s the one who locked them in there. Now I don’t know why, but he’s covering for the spooks. He’s acting like their Renfield.


Alright, we’ve got to find him. I’ll take upstairs. You take down here.



[Sam heads upstairs]


Sam Winchester! [Sam hurries down the upstairs hall] Where did you run off to?


Well, well, well. What do we have here? Whatcha doing snooping around these halls, hmmm?




Up to no good? Why don’t we get up to no good together? You know they say women just get better with age. Like a fine wine or – or cheese.


Uh, I – I uh – I’m lactose intolerant, so.


Oh come on, Sammy. Don’t be coy. We have a good ten minutes before my interrogation. And I bet a young buck like you can do a lot in ten minutes.


I’m right behind you.

BEVERLY [entering the bedroom]

Right behind me, oh. Could you just give me a hand with this zipper. I always have such a hard time… [Sam is already gone – he had rushed down the hall.]

[Dean on the first floor finds the door to the Butler’s quarters. He picks up a large wrench and enters.]


Uh, leaky faucet’s down the hall.


Cut the crap, Wadsworth. What are you doing hiding dead maids in secret rooms?


I know it all looks rather peculiar, but I can explain.

[Sam enters the kitchen. He sees blood on the floor and takes a knife. He finds Phillip’s dead body with a knife sticking out of his back. Sam pulls out his cell phone.]


[Interior of Phillip’s quarters]


So you hid Colette’s body in the attic so that she wouldn’t steal Bunny’s thunder?


I couldn’t stand the thought of overshadowing Mrs. LaCroix’s funeral with another death. She deserved a proper farewell. I owed it to her.


Well that’s crazy.


No, Mr. Winchester, that’s loyalty.

[Dean receives a text from Sam: “Just found Phillip. Dead.” Dean turns toward Phillip and Phillip throws him across the room. As Dean gets back up, he sees the pile of clothes and skin by the door. He dials his cell phone]








It’s no ghost.




It’s a shapeshifter.

[Sam and Dean are standing near Phillip’s body past the kitchen.]


So the shifter’s getting its jollies by impersonating dead people.


Yeah. First Bunny, then Lance, now Phillip. Guess we can rule out “the butler did it.”


[Sam and Dean re-enter the kitchen] And the creep just shed so now it could be anybody. Even you.


Or you. We need to find some silver.

[Olivia enters and sees Phillip.]


Oh my God!


Hey. He was like that when we found him.


Who did this?


We don’t know yet, okay? Now, listen. Calm down. I know you think he was working with ghosts but there’s something way worse going on here.


Worse than…What is going on?


If you want to help, then help. Can you do that?

[Olivia opens a silverware case.]


Why do you need the silverware?


For protection.


Butter knives?


Trust us. There’s a method to our madness.


[hands silver knife to Olivia] Can you – uh – hold this? [Olivia holds the knife. Sam picks up another silver knife and hands to Dean.] Dean. [Dean holds the knife.] All right. [Sam picks up another knife]. Let’s do this.

[Beverly and Heddy are sitting on a couch in the Lounge scrolling through men’s pictures in a dating app on an iPad.]


No – No – No – No! Ugh!


Wait, wait, wait. Go back. He owned an island.


And a harelip.


Who cares if he’s ugly if you’re drinking Mai Tai’s in the lap of luxury?


Hey. Hey, ladies.




What are you doing?


Trying to find Beverly a man.


I’ve resorted to fishing online because the live ones won’t bite.


You mean back there? I - I was just playing hard to get.


Well, then…you’re a very convincing actor. [motions for Sam to sit on the couch] Come.


Sure. Alright [Sam walks over to the couch.]


[Beverly pushes Heddy over ] Sit here. Yes. [Sam sits between them.]


Ah. Oh. Mmm. [Sam has a silver butter knife under his shirt cuff to the underside of his right hand. He puts his hand on Beverly’s bare leg.]


Boo. I’m feeling so left out.


Well then, uh, come on in darling. Water’s warm. [Sam has a silver butter knife under his shirt cuff to the underside of his left hand. He puts his arm around HEDDY with his hand on her bare shoulder.]


Oh. Oh yes.

[Dean enters the Billiard room. He’s about to exit and hears something in the closet. He takes a silver candlestick and opens the closet doors to find Amber and Dash kissing.]




We can explain.


Let me guess. You two got bored last Christmas.


New Canaan clambake, actually. We were in line at the buffet, they ran out of steamers. One thing led to another, and, well…


But we didn’t kill Stanton.


We may be guilty of cheating but not murder.


[Dean pulls two silver butterknives out of his pocket.] Touch these.


What? Why?


Do it or I go cards up on your whole clambake. [Dash and Amber touch the knives]


Did… we pass?


Yep. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Come on you two.

[Interior of the Lounge. Sam is still sitting between Beverly and Heddy on the couch. Beverly is touching his hair and Heddy is touching his fingers.]


Did you see how long his fingers his fingers were?


There…there’s just.


First of all, did you see this? Look how long…


Should I come back when you’re done?


Oh, he’s – he’s – he’s calling to me, so…[Sam gets up from the couch].


And it’s all going to hell, right here, right now. [Sam is now by Dean.]

Sorry to interrupt.


Pfft. Gray Gardens cleared.


Okay, well so is Dash and Amber. They’re a thing, by the way.




Yeah, W.A.S.P.S.


Well, so that’s everyone. Except for… [Olivia screams.]

[Sam and Dean reach Olivia down the hall. She’s pointing in a bathroom. Sam and Dean enter the bathroom. Detective Howard is dead with his head in the toilet. Everyone else is in the doorway.]


Well, we got a floater.


Great. [Everyone else comes in the bathroom.]


Yeah, he’s a goner.


Drowned in a toilet? How filthy.


What kind of monster would do such a thing? [Heddy and Beverly turn to Olivia.]


Don’t look at me. I was just trying to pee.


Okay, hold on. Before we start pointing fingers…


Amber has motive. She killed the detective because she knew that it was just a matter of time before he figured out she killed Stan.


Bravo Rizzoli! You solved the case. Want to weigh in too, Isles?


I didn’t kill Stanton or the detective. And I have proof.


Okay, guys…


My alibi is in this room.


Ooh, wait for it.


Amber couldn’t have killed the detective cause she was with me. We’re in love.


We’re sleeping together.


I knew it.


Well then you have motive too. You offed Stan because you were diddling his wife.


Oh. The old lady doth protest too much. You’re only pointing the finger to distract from your own guilt. And you probably got Baby Jane to help.


Well I never! I’m leaving.


All right, hang on. First of all, who talks like that? Second of all, no one’s leaving, okay?


[grabbing Dean] Ohh, get your hands off me young man.


Okay, see - I don’t trust anyone. And leaving just makes you look guilty.




Dean is right, okay. We have four corpses now.


Four corpses?


Yes. You can add Phillip and Colette to the list.


Clown college Colette? But I thought she…


She’s dead! Alright, she’s dead.


And we can’t help you unless you stop arguing with one another. You need to trust us.


Trust you? Uh, we don’t even know you. Look Buddy, I’m trying to be objective here, but we’ve had countless family functions before, and even though we wanted to kill one another, we never did.


Dash is right. Our get-togethers never end in murder. The only thing different this time around is you.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. First of all, whoa. Whatever you’re suggesting…


[grabs detective’s gun] You two! Let’s go. Don’t even think about it. I….hunt pheasant. [Dash holds the gun on Sam and Dean and puts them in a room.] Sit tight until the cops get here.


You don’t want to do this. We are your best shot at making it out of here alive.


We’re not the bad guys, Dash.


I beg to differ. You’re wearing flannel. [Dash shuts and locks the door.]


Hey! [Dean tries to open the door. He takes a silver butter knife and tries to force the door open. Sam is rifling through drawers and finds keys.]


Hey. Keys.


No, it’s locked from the outside.


Are you kidding me? Great.


[Dean stops trying to force the door open with the silver butter knife and sees the knife is bent.] Made in Taiwan. Freaking stainless steel.


So that’s why no one sizzled? They’re not even real silver?


First cubic zirconium and now this. No wonder the rich stay rich. How we gonna kill this thing?


You know, we got silver bullets in the trunk.


Yeah, assuming we ever make it out of here.

[In the Lounge]


I don’t get it. Why would Sam and Dean want us dead?


Isn’t it obvious? [waving the gun around] They wanted our inheritance. Guess whatever Aunt Bunny left them wasn’t good enough.


For the love of God Dash, put down the gun before you kill someone!


It’s okay. I….Hunt….Pheasant!


Put it down! [Dash puts the gun down on the coffee table.]


I knew those boys were trailer trash the moment they rolled up in that American-made.


Not to mention homosexuals.


Ugh. Homosexual murderers. Like Leopold and Loeb.


Only hotter.

[Olivia enters the room.]


Oh. Call the police at once.


Oh, I don’t think so.


Excuse me, young lady? Killer or no killer, you’re still on the clock.


You idiots couldn’t be more wrong…about everything. Don’t you know, if it’s not the butler, it’s the maid? [Olivia picks up the gun and points it at them.]

[In the locked room, Sam sees Olivia with the gun on the Security feed.]


Dean. You gotta see this.


We got played by the maid.

[Dean throws himself against the door]

Both doors are reinforced.

[In the Lounge]


I’m not the maid.


Well, that explains the dust.


I’m Bunny’s daughter.


What are you talking about? Bunny didn’t have a child.


Oh, yes she did – a very devoted one. I loved mother more than anything, which is more than I can say for any of you.


Then where have you been hiding all these years?


The attic.


Like in the movie.


Oh, Amber.

[Sam opens a cabinet while Dean watches the surveillance video.]


Outside of mother, Phillip was the only one at the manor who knew. So after she died, he took pity on me, and he let me out. He told me to pose as the new maid so I can hide in plain sight.


That’s why you killed Colette – for her job?


Oh no, no, no, no. Colette was just an accident. I just wanted to scare her because I caught her stealing.


Well that doesn’t explain wanting us dead. None of us are thieves.


Oh, no. You’re worse. Your greed. Your disdain. Your blatant disrespect for mother. Oh. You all had it coming!


But, why kill Phillip? I mean, if he was on your side…


Because he turned on me. After Stanton, he locked me back up. Lucky for me, the cute, dumb one let me out.

[In locked room, Sam opens a cabinet.]




Hey. [tosses keys to Sam] Try these.


No wonder you were locked away. You’re a monster!


Oh, you have no idea.

[Sam opens the gunsafe and takes out a gun. He’s pointing it at the locked door.]

[In the Lounge, they hear the gun blast.]


What in God’s name.


Shut up! [She’s aiming her gun at the entrance to the Lounge. As Sam enters, she shoots at him and runs out a different door as the rest of the family cowers.]


Stay here. [He exits the same door that Olivia used.]


Did anyone else wet themselves?

[Sam enters the kitchen and Olivia fires shots at him. Sam ducks down behind the kitchen island.]


You don’t have a clear shot.


Neither do you.


Killing you is the next best thing to killing Bobby Singer.


What’s your beef with Bobby?


For starters, he killed my father.


Lance was a shifter?


Lance wasn’t my father. Mother had an affair with a shifter. She got pregnant, told Lance I was his. He bought it….until she brought me back from the hospital. My real dad was waiting. Lance put up a fight, but he was no match for a shifter. And just as my dad was about to take me….the hunter became the hunted.




After Bobby killed my father, he came after me. Mother pleaded with him to spare me. He agreed, under one condition.


That she keep you locked up.


For my safety, and the safety of others. Mother told the family she lost the baby. And she locked me in the attic. But she remained devoted to me until the very end – Even got Bobby to promise to take care of me if anything happened to her.


Wait a minute. Then, Bobby spared you. You should be grateful.


For what? Keeping me locked up my whole life? It would have been kinder to kill me.


Olivia…you don’t have to do this. Being a monster is a choice.


That choice was made for me a long time ago. Why haven’t you taken a shot? Oh, you don’t have any silver bullets, do you?

[Olivia is now pointing the gun directly at Sam. She’s shot from behind by Dean. After she drops, Dean shoots her 7 more times.]

[Sam, Dean, and the family are walking out the front door. Dash is talking on his cell phone.]


Yes, officer. Yes, thank you very much. Yes, no you can’t miss it. Big house on the end of the street. Alright, bye now. [Dash heads to Sam and Dean.] Guys? Police are on the way. What a mess. I owe you two an apology.


Don’t sweat it. I mean, you were just protecting your family and…there’s nothing wrong with that.


So I spoke to Aunt Bunny’s attorney. He said outside from the pendant, everything was left to Olivia.


Hey, you know what? Speaking of that…you guys should keep it. [Dean hands the pendant to Dash.] It’s a key to the attic.


Bobby must have really meant something to Aunt Bunny. How can we repay you?


You know what? Just forget we were ever here.


But you saved our lives. I want everyone to know what heroes you…


Look pal, the fact that we pulled your bacon out of the fire is nobody’s business. Okay? Hey. I’m serious Izod. Put a pin in it. Or we’ll come back for your preppy ass.

[Sam and Dean drive off the estate in the Impala.]


Dean, what was that all about back there?


What are you talking about?


I mean….all those extra shots after the shifter was already dead. What was that?


I don’t know. Target practice?


Come on, man. I’m serious. You sure it wasn’t….I don’t know, demon residue or something to do with the mark, or…


No. No, none of that.


Right. Look man, I got to be honest…


Oh my God, Sam. It was my first kill since I’ve been back. You know, I got a little anxious. I wanted to make sure it was done right – plain and simple. Its… Why am I even explaining this to you? [Dean blasts the stereo.]


Dean, I… [Sam stops talking, shakes his head, and looks out the window.]


Source : SuperWiki

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