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#10.05 : Fan Fiction

SUPERNATURAL FETE SON 200EME EPISODE - Lorsque Sam et Dean enquêtent sur la disparition d'un enseignant, ils sont surpris d'apprendre que l'école est en train de créer une comédie musicale basée sur leurs vies. Des visages familiers apparaissent dans cet épisode anniversaire.


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Fan Fiction

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Fan Fiction

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Behind The Scenes

Behind The Scenes


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Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Siobhan (Alyssa Lynch)

Siobhan (Alyssa Lynch)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Marie (Katie Sarife)

Marie (Katie Sarife)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Maeve (Joy Regullano)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Maeve (Joy Regullano)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Maeve (Joy Regullano) et Marie (Katie Sarife) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Maeve (Joy Regullano) et Marie (Katie Sarife) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Maeve (Joy Regullano) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Maeve (Joy Regullano) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Musical : The Road So Far

Musical : The Road So Far

Musical : The Road So Far

Musical : The Road So Far

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles), Maeve (Joy Regullano) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles), Maeve (Joy Regullano) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Kristen (Nina Winkler), Tammy (Rachel Warkentin) et Siobhan (Alyssa Lynch)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Kristen (Nina Winkler), Tammy (Rachel Warkentin) et Siobhan (Alyssa Lynch)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) montrant une vidéo à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) montrant une vidéo à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) armé

Sam (Jared Padalecki) armé

Musical : The Road So Far

Musical : The Road So Far

Musical : The Road So Far

Musical : The Road So Far

Musical : The Road So Far

Musical : The Road So Far

Tammy (Rachel Warkentin) dans Musical : The Road So Far

Tammy (Rachel Warkentin) dans Musical : The Road So Far

Marie (Katie Sarife), Katie (Vivien Elizabeth Armour) et Alice (Kelli Ogmundson)

Marie (Katie Sarife), Katie (Vivien Elizabeth Armour) et Alice (Kelli Ogmundson)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Kristen (Nina Winkler), Tammy (Rachel Warkentin) et Siobhan (Alyssa Lynch)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Kristen (Nina Winkler), Tammy (Rachel Warkentin) et Siobhan (Alyssa Lynch)

Kristen (Nina Winkler), Tammy (Rachel Warkentin) et Siobhan (Alyssa Lynch)

Kristen (Nina Winkler), Tammy (Rachel Warkentin) et Siobhan (Alyssa Lynch)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Maeve (Joy Regullano) et Marie (Katie Sarife)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Maeve (Joy Regullano) et Marie (Katie Sarife)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 11.11.2014 à 21:00
2.17m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robbie Thompson
Réalisé par : Phil Sgriccia


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Katie Sarife... Marie

Joy Regullano... Maeve

Alyssa Lynch... Siobhan

Ron Benedict... Chuck Shurley

Natalie Sharp... Maggie

Hannah Levien... Calliope






Pilot, écrit par Eric Kripke.

Dans le théâtre d'un lycée. Des jeunes filles répètent une scène tirée des livres Supernatural, où Sam et Dean viennent à la rescousse d'une jeune femme attaquée par un fantôme. Mais le résultat ne plait pas à la jeune metteur en scène, Marie, qui demande à l'actrice incarnant Dean, nommée Siobhan, de mettre la samulette. Marie perd son sang froid quand Siobhan avoue que sa participation est simplement motivée par les points supplémentaires que la pièce peut lui apporter. Marie bouscule Siobhan, Siobhan bouscule Marie, mais l'altercation est stoppée par la professeur d'arts dramatiques, Mme Chandler, qui en a visiblement assez de Supernatural, et déclare qu'elle ira demander l'arrêt de la pièce chez la proviseure, Mme Salazar, dès le lendemain. Malgré les protestations de Marie, Mme Chandler s'en va sur ces mots. Malgré tout, Marie décide de persévérer, et envoie ses actrices au travail.

A l'extérieur, Mme Chandler se plaint de Supernatural à son interlocuteur téléphonique, tout en buvant à une gourde, quand elle entend des bruits étranges dans les fourrés. Elle s'approche, et soudain, des branches l'attrapent et l'emportent, ne laissant derrière elle que le téléphone, et une fleur violette. Pendant ce temps, Marie donne son avis sur le titre lumineux créé par Maeve.


Dean est occupé à prendre soin de Baby quand Sam le rejoint. Dean lui apprend l'existence de l'affaire de la disparition de Mme Chandler, et pense qu'il y a une affaire pour eux. Sam n'est pas convaincu, mais Dean insiste : sa normalité à lui, c'est la chasse, et il a besoin d'activité. Sam finit par céder.

Les boys arrivent au lycée et se rendent directement au théâtre pour y découvrir qu'un musical consacré à Supernatural, et donc à leurs vies, est en train de se créer. Ils croisent Bobby, Castiel, puis assistent aux répétitions d'une chanson intitulée The Road So Far, qui résume leurs vies, de la naissance de Sammy, à la mort de Mary, et tout le reste. Puis, les boys sont accueillis par Mary et Maeve, et tandis que Sam, malgré son choc, tente de rester professionnel, Dean ne peut se contenir et déclare qu'il n'y a pas de chansons dans Supernatural. Il argumente face aux deux jeunes filles qui défendent becs et ongles leur oeuvre. Sam calme le jeu en proposant à Maeve de l'accompagner, tandis que Marie est chargée de montrer à Dean le bureau de Mme Chandler. Avant cela, les boys apprennent que Mme Chandler était portée sur la bouteille depuis son divorce, l'année passée. Si Sam semble apprécier la production, Dean est outragé.

Marie fait visiter les coulisses à Dean. Il surprend la répétition de la BM scene (soit Boy Melodrama Scene), que Marie tente de décrire poétiquement, mais tout ce que Dean retient, c'est que "Dean" et "Sam" sont très proches l'un de l'autre, trop à son goût. Marie lui dit qu'il s'agit de l'interprétation du sous-texte, mais Dean n'est guère d'accord, et demande aux deux actrices de s'écarter l'une de l'autre.

Pendant ce temps, Maeve et Sam sont dans la loge sons et lumières. Sam lui demande si elle a remarqué ou entendu des choses étranges dernièrement, propos que Maeve illustre par des exemples concrets de bruits bizarres. Puis, Sam tente d'engager la conversation sur la production de théâtre à l'école, mais Maeve est appelée ailleurs. Avant de partir, elle ne manque pas de demander à Sam de ne toucher rien. Malgré cela, Sam ne peut s'en empêcher, et tandis que les actrices incarnant les Winchesters sont sur scène, il s'amuse avec les projecteurs.

Marie et Dean sont dans le bureau de Mme Chandler. Dean découvre un certain nombre de bouteilles d'alcool entamées, mais aussi la tête d'un robot de l'espace. Marie avoue qu'elle a inclu un certain nombre de choses qui ne sont pas canon dans sa pièce, dont des robots, des vaisseaux spatiaux, et même certaines transformations pour les boys puisque Dean devient une femme dans certaines scènes. Elle explique, devant l'incrédulité de Dean, qu'après avoir lu Swan Song, le dernier livre écrit par Chuck, elle avait besoin d'écrire une fin plus satisfaisante.

Tandis qu'ils parcourent les couloirs jusqu'au retour à la scène, Dean explique à Marie ce qu'il s'est vraiment passé après Swan Song. Du retour de Sam sans son âme jusqu'à Dean devenant un chevalier de l'Enfer, il tente de lui donner une liste plus ou moins exhaustive. La réaction de Marie ne se fait pas attendre : elle pense qu'il s'agit de fan fictions, et elle pense aussi que ça a l'air très mauvais. Au même moment, Dean surprend Siobhan, aka Dean, et Cristina, aka Castiel, s'embrassant. Marie le rassure au début : ceci ne fait pas partie de la pièce, les deux jeunes filles étant en couple dans la vraie vie. Cependant, elle rajoute qu'ils explorent la signification du destiel dans la pièce. Ce qui vaut à la caméra un regard blasé de Dean.

Dean retrouve Sam et lui explique la découverte du destiel, ce qui a l'air de beaucoup amuser Sam, qui imagine même ce que cela donnerait si Cas' et lui-même étaient considérés comme un couple potentiel. Dean lui demande de se taire, puis ils reviennent à l'affaire : il n'y a rien qui indique qu'un évènement surnaturel soit à l'origine de la disparition de Mme Chandler. Avant de monter dans la voiture sur les ordres agacés de Dean, Sam suggère un autre nom pour le "couple" : Casdean.

Le soir venu, Marie tente de retenir Maggie à la sortie du lycée. Cette dernière en a assez du caractère autoritaire de la metteur en scène, et décide d'aller voir Mme Salazar afin de mettre fin à la pièce. Marie laisse Maggie partir, sachant qu'elle ne pourra pas la retenir, et entre dans le lycée, quand elle entend les cris de Maggie. Elle sort, et voit alors un épouvantail emportant Maggie. Lorsqu'elle coure pour porter secours à sa camarade, il est trop tard : Maggie a disparu. Ne restent que son vélo, et une fleur violette.

Sam et Dean sont de retour au théâtre. Les vidéos de surveillance n'ont rien montré, et le seul indice qu'ils ont, c'est la fleur violette, mais ils ne savent pas d'où elle peut venir. Ils interrogent Marie, qui leur raconte ce qu'il s'est passé avec Maggie et ce qu'elle a vu. A sa grande surprise, Dean et Sam la croient, puis Sam décide de leur dire la vérité : les monstres sont réels tout comme eux, les Winchesters. Si Maeve et Marie sont prêtes à croire à l'existence des monstres, elles se montrent plus sceptiques concernant les Winchesters, qui sont encore des personnages de fiction à leurs yeux. De plus, elles pensent que Sam et Dean sont trop vieux pour être Sam et Dean. Dean rattrape le coup en confirmant l'existence des chasseurs. Puis, il veut en savoir plus sur l'épouvantail : Marie dit qu'il n'est pas basé sur celui des livres, mais sur sa propre version, tirée d'une légende locale sur un épouvantail du coin, dont on prétendait qu'il capturait des enfants. Cette légende locale les dirige alors vers la possibilité d'un tulpa.

Ils se rendent à la bibliothèque. Les boys expliquent aux filles ce qu'est un tulpa, puis Marie leur apprend que leur propre épouvantail est enfermé dans la salle des chaudières. Sam leur demande de lire la page sur les tulpas, puis prend Dean à part : il est sceptique à cette idée, car un tulpa a besoin d'une énergie collective conséquente pour exister et prendre forme, et il doute que les livres Supernatural ou la pièce qui en est tirée soient suffisamment populaires pour en créer un. De plus, il est persuadé que la fleur violette est un indice capital, et qu'il l'a déjà vu quelque part dans une légende. Dean lui demande de faire des recherches à ce sujet, tandis qu'il entraine Marie à la salle des chaudières.

Dean et Marie se rendent à la salle des chaudières, détruisent l'épouvantail, puis remontent à la bibliothèque pour apprendre de la bouche de Sam qu'ils n'ont pas affaire à un tulpa. La fleur, appelée borage, l'a amené jusqu'à la légende de Calliope, l'une des neuf muses de la mythologie grecque. Celle-ci se manifeste à travers l'une des créations d'un auteur, afin de l'inspirer et de le protéger. Une fois que l'auteur a terminé de réaliser son oeuvre, Calliope apparait pour le dévorer. Marie décide de tout arrêter, mais c'est aussi ce que Mme Chandler et Maggie ont tenté de faire, et l'épouvantail de Calliope les a capturées. Celle-ci ne se manifestera que lorsque Marie aura terminé son oeuvre, et ils ne pourront se débarasser d'elle que lorsqu'elle se sera manifestée. Aussi Marie doit-elle faire en sorte que la pièce se joue.

Marie est prise d'une crise de panique. Sam laisse Dean gérer tandis qu'il part chercher des pieus en bois pour tuer Calliope. Dean fait tout pour rassurer et encourager Marie : elle doit croire en son oeuvre de toutes ses forces, afin que Calliope se manifeste, et qu'ils la tuent. Marie pense aux Winchesters, et en particulier à Sam, et au fait qu'ils ne reculeraient pas devant un combat. Et puisque c'était Maggie qui interprétait Sam, elle décide de reprendre elle-même le rôle. Elle est prête.

Les spectateurs entrent dans la salle, tandis qu'en coulisses, les acteurs se tiennent prêts. Toute la troupe est réunie pour entendre Dean leur donner un speech d'encouragement, afin de réaliser la vision de Supernatural appartenant à Marie.

Marie entre sur scène pour donner un speech de présentation au public. Cela devient trop long, alors Dean demande à Maeve de lancer le show. Marie s'en va, et le show commence avec The Road So Far. Sam et Dean sont aux aguets. Tout semble calme, quand soudain, l'épouvantail apparait, et capture Sam. Malgré les efforts de Dean, il est trop tard.

Sam se retrouve au sous-sol, où Maggie et Mme Chandler sont également retenues prisonnières. C'est alors que Cassiope apparait et immobilise Sam, qui ne peut lutter.

Pendant ce temps, la chanson de Castiel, "I'll Just Wait Here, Then", est jouée. Marie demande des nouvelles à Dean, qui lui demande de continuer à jouer jusqu'à ce que l'épouvantail vienne pour elle. Puis, il repart.

Cassiope explique qu'elle a senti quelque chose de spécial autour de cette pièce, malgré toutes les histoires et leurs auteurs qu'elle a consumé. Elle pense qu'il s'agit entre autre de la présence particulière des personnages qui ont inspiré l'histoire, et elle décide de se faire un met des Winchesters. Sam est surpris : n'est-elle pas supposée attendre que la vision de Marie se réalise ? Cassiope répond avec dédain qu'elle détesterait devoir assister une fois de plus au second acte.

La chanson consacrée à Dean "Single Man Tear", interprétée par Siobhan et Marie, entrent en scène. C'est ce moment que l'épouvantail choisit pour apparaitre. Dean réagit immédiatement et saute sur le monstre, sous les regards surpris du public. En coulisse, Maeve gère la surprise et ses équipes.

Sam tente de gagner du temps en faisant parler Cassiope. Elle explique que Supernatural est une histoire qui contient tous les thèmes, le primordial étant celui de la famille. Elle considère cette odyssée comme épique. Tandis qu'elle parle, Maggie et Mme Chandler décident de tenter quelque chose. Maggie étourdie Calliope à coups de livres, tandis que Mme Chandler fait glisser le pieu jusqu'à Sam. En parallèle, Dean se bat toujours avec l'épouvantail sur scène, jusqu'à ce que celui-ci décide de s'attaquer à Marie. Au moment où Marie prend son courage à deux mains et poignarde l'épouvantail, Sam fait de même avec Calliope. Un moment de flottement arrête le temps, puis Calliope explose, et son épouvantail également, éclaboussant d'une substance violette les gens assis aux premiers rangs. Un silence choqué s'installe, puis, un homme habillé d'un poncho se lève, commence à applaudir, et rapidement, est suivi par la salle entière. Dean encourage Marie à profiter de ce moment et à saluer le public.

Maeve remercie Sam d'avoir sauvé ses amis, tandis que Marie remercie Dean, et lui remet la samulette. Dean lui assure qu'elle n'a jamais fonctionné, et qu'il n'a pas besoin d'un symbole pour se rappeler ce qu'il ressent pour son frère, mais Marie insiste pour qu'il la prenne. Il accepte, et rejoint Sam, tandis que la scène BM se prépare.

Sam dit à Dean qu'il avait raison : ils ont besoin de travailler. Au même moment, Marie!Sam demande à Siobhan!Dean de reprendre la route : tous les deux contre le reste du monde. Sam approuve, arrachant un sourire à Dean. Vient alors le moment de Carry On Wayward Son, sous les yeux des concernés.

Les Winchesters reprennent la route. Pas un mot n'est prononcé, mais Dean accroche la samulette donnée par Marie au rétroviseur de Baby, avec un regard entendu envers Sam, qui sourit.

Après la représentation, Marie reçoit fleurs et compliments, alors que Maeve coure vers elle pour lui annoncer que les tickets envoyés à la maison d'édition de Supernatural ont été pris par quelqu'un. Ce quelqu'un arrive, Marie est surprise, et Maeve l'encourage à aller le voir. Marie s'exécute, et lui demande ce qu'il en a pensé. La caméra se tourne vers le personnage, qui n'est autre que Chuck en personne. Avec un sourire chaleureux, il répond : "pas mal".


Ecrit par deanlove35.

[On the screen, we can read a few words while they're typed ]
Created by
Eric Kripke


[Curtains open, and we see a stage where a scene from a Supernatural musical is rehearsed. While a young lady is reading on a sofa, the lights start flickering. A spooky music starts to play.]

ACTRESS : Oh, no ! Whatever could that be ?

(A fake ghost falls from the ceiling. The actress screams, and through the fake door, "Sam" aka Maggie, and "Dean", aka Siobhan, burst.)

DEAN!SIOBHAN : Ghost ? Meet Winchester.

MARIE : Cut ! (The camera turns around, and we see Marie, her assistant Maeve, and the drama teacher, Ms. Chandler, sitting in the audience.) Maggie ? Siobhan ? Is this some kind of a joke to you ? Siobhan, this scene takes place before the events of Carver Edlund's unpublished masterpiece, "Dark Side of the Moon".


MARIE : Meaning, where is the samulet ?

SIOBHAN : Oh ! (She takes off her wig.) I took it off. It kept hitting me in the lips, and...

MARIE : That amulet is the symbol of the Winchesters' brotherly love ! You need to take one for the team.

SIOBHAN : Look, I'm just here for the college credit.

(Marie gasps in outrage.)

MARIE : How dare you ?!

(Marie pushes Siobhan, who pushes her too.)

MS. CHANDLER : Hey both ! (They don't listen.) Hey, both ! Ok ! I've got three weeks of this crap show, and I am done. There is too much drama in the drama department. I'm going to principal Salazar in the morning.

MARIE : No ! Do-No, no, no, no... Ms Chandler, please !

MS. CHANDLER : It's over, Marie.

(On those words, Ms. Chandler leaves. Marie turns around to face her actresses.)

MARIE : Alright, everybody back to one ! Until we are all suspended, the show must go on.

(Ms. Chandler gets out of the school, and walks while on the phone.)

MS. CHANDLER : Why couldn't they just do "Godspell" like good little skanks ? Instead it's this... awful, unbelievable horror story. (She drinks from her flask.) Hmm ! Like that stuff really happens ! Huh, theater is about life. You know ? Truth ! Truth ! Where is the truth in Supernatural ?

(A noise coming from the bushes catches her attention. She tries to see what did it, when suddenly, some branches grab her and make her disappear through the bushes. Her phone falls on the floor, at the same time as a purple flower.)

(Meanwhile, Marie and Maeve take a look at their title card : an neon Supernatural sign.)

MARIE : I mean, it's close, but it's just.... It needs a little more grrrr !



[Dean is working on Baby, while Bob Seger's Travelin' Man is playing. Sam comes out from their motel room.]

DEAN : Hey !

SAM : Hey ! How long have you been up ?

DEAN : Long enough to find us a case.

SAM : Long enough to... I take it that means you're feeling back to normal ?

DEAN : Yeah, whatever normal is in our world. So, huh, right here. (He takes a newspaper to show it to Sam.) A teacher in an all girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since.

SAM : Dean, there's nothing here that even remotely suggest there is a case.

DEAN : There is nothing that even remotely suggest there isn't a case. Boom !

SAM : Come on, man.

DEAN : Sam ! Out there, hunting. It's the only normal I know. (They look at each other, then Dean puts his rifle in Baby's trunk.) We got work to do. (He closes the trunk.)

(They drive to the girls high school in the state of Michigan. While Dean stops the car, Sam is on the phone.)

SAM : Yeah, of course ! Yeah, I certainly appreciate it. You got it. Thanks, officer. (He hangs up, then, they get out of the car.) So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher.

DEAN : Ugh, theater kids. Great

SAM : What ? I was a theater kid.

DEAN : Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool. But then, you did that crappy musical.

SAM : The - Oklahoma ? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma.

DEAN : You ran tech, Wolverine.

SAM : Shut up.

(A sign is held up on the entrance of the school, while Sam and Dean enter. Principal Salazar leads them to the auditorium.)

SALAZAR : If you gentlemen need anything else, let me know.

SAM : Great. Thanks, Ms. Salazar.

(While they get in, they hear a familar word. A young actress rehearses the character of Bobby.)

ACTRESS!BOBBY : You, idjits ! You, idjits. You are idjits.

(Dean looks at Sam, but then, another familiar expression is heard.)

KRISTEN!CASTIEL : Hey, ass-butt ! Hey ! Ass-butt !

(Suddenly, a few notes are played on a piano, and some scenes on stage, while Siobhan sings what we can see.)

SIOBHAN!DEAN : John and Mary, husband and wife
Bringing home a brand new life
His name is Sammy,
I'm big brother, Dean.
The perfect family, or so it seems.
The demon's visits had begun
He believed Sam was the chosen one
It burned my mother,
And it cursed my brother
Leaving us in tears
On the road so far,
Yeah, the road so far !
We are in Dad's car-

MARIE : Cut !

(Marie goes on stage to direct her actresses. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean are trying to deal with what they just saw.)

DEAN : What in the holy....

SAM : If there is case... It probably has something to do with all of this.

DEAN : You think ?

(Maeve sees Sam and Dean and goes to tell it to Marie.)

MAEVE : Amateurs ?

(Marie runs to Sam and Dean, followed by Maeve. Meanwhile, Siobhan complains to Maggie.)

SIOBHAN : Maggie ! Marie just never stops !

MAGGIE : I know. You were great.

MARIE : Hi ! Oh my gosh... Are you guys from the publisher ? I'm Marie, writer slash director. This is Maeve, my stage manager, and I was just, uh, dir-

(She stops when she sees Sam's badge. Dean tries to show his own badge, but when Sam realises the actresses who play Sam and Dean are doing the same, he stops his brother.)

SAM : I'm special agent Smith. This is my partner, special agent -

DEAN : Smith.

SAM : Smith. No relation. We're here to look into the disappearance-

DEAN : There is no singing in Supernatural !

(Sam looks embarrassed. Maeve and Marie just look confused.)

MAEVE : Well, this is Marie's interpretation...

DEAN : Hah ! Well... I mean, if there was singing, you know... And that's a big if ! If there was singing, it would be classic rock. Not this Andrew Floyd Webber crap -

SAM : (whispering) Andrew Lloyd Webber.

DEAN : What ?

MARIE : Well ! You know, we do sing a cover of Carry On Wayward Son, in the second act.

DEAN : Oh !

SAM : Really ?

MARIE & DEAN : (together) It's a classic !

SAM : Right. Anyways. We're here to talk about the disappearance of Ms. Chandler. Any chance you two saw her, before she vanished ?

MARIE : Hum, yeah. She left around, like, what ? 9.30 ?

SAM : Any idea where she would be headed at that time of night ?

MAEVE : A bar ? Or a liquor store ? Both ?

SAM : Wow. Really ?

MARIE : She had a nasty divorce, last year. Most of the time, she's sipping on her, uh, grown-up juice, or passed out. Usually, in that order.

DEAN : Yeah, well, I don't blame her. I'm gonna need fifty yellow shots and a oz down to get this stick off of me.

(Sam laughs awkwardly, while Maeve tries to jump at Dean.)

SAM : Maeve, right ? You're the stage manager ?

MAEVE : And I understudy Jody Mills.

DEAN : What ?

SAM : That's great ! That's great. Jody Mills, that's great. So ! How about you give a... behind the scenes tour, while your director show my partner Ms. Chandler's office ? Deal ? (The girls nod.) Great. Give us a moment, please.


(Marie and Maeve leave.)

DEAN : I'm gonna throw up.

(Maeve gives a nasty look to Dean while going back to the stage.)

SAM : I mean, I gotta say, it's kind of charming. The production value, and the... No ? (Seeing his brother's look). No, no. I'm gonna check for EMF. You look for... cursed objects.

(Sam leaves. Later, Dean follows Marie and gets a glimpse at the behind the scenes, especially at the fake weapons.)

DEAN : How did you get all this stuff ?

MARIE : Some parts homemade, some parts repurposed. All of it, awesome- (Dean can't help himself and tries the fake rifle. Marie runs to him and takes the rifle from his hands.) Don't. Please, don't.

(Dean then sees Siobhan and Maggie rehearsing a scene.)

DEAN : What are they doing ?

MARIE : Oh ! Hum, they're rehearsing the B.M. scene.

DEAN : The bowel movement scene ?

MARIE : No ! The boy melodrama scene ! (Dean looks confused.) You know, the scene where the boys get together, and they're-they're driving, or leaning against Baby. Drinking a beer, sharing their feelings. (The Americana theme is playing, while Dean is looking at the B.M. scene.) The two of them. Alone. But together. Bonded. United. The power of the brotherly-

DEAN : Why are they standing so close together ?

MARIE : Hum... Reasons.

DEAN : You know they're brothers, right ?

MARIE : Well, duh ! But... Subtext.

DEAN : Why don't you take some substeps back there, ladies ?

(Siobhan and Maggie look at Marie, confused, and awkwardly put some distance between them.)

(In the sounds and lights room, Sam asks some questions to Maeve.)

SAM : Now, have you noticed anything strange during the production ? I mean, any odd noises, or, huh-

MAEVE : You mean, something like this ? (She pushes a button, we hear a scream.) Or perhaps, this ? (Another button, another weird voice.)

SAM : Right. Of course.

MAEVE : How about this ?

(She pushes another button.)

SAM : I-I got it. Thanks. You know, back when I did tech in school, we had two CD decks-

(Maeve hears someone talking to her through her headset.)

MAEVE : I'm sorry, I have to go sign the delivery. Please, don't touch anything.

(She leaves. Sam can't resist and plays with the lights, while Siobhan and Maggie are on stage.)

SAM : Sorry !

(Maggie and Siobhan look at each other, amused.)

(Marie lead Dean to Ms. Chandler's office. Dean looks at the empty bottles, then stumbles upon a robot's head.)

DEAN : Is this hers ?

MARIE : No ! That's a prop from act two ! I've been looking for that, actually.

DEAN : There's no space in Supernatural.

MARIE : Well, not canonically, no. But this is transformative fiction.

DEAN : (smirks) You mean fan fiction.

MARIE : Call it whatever you like, ok ? It's inspired by Carver Edlund's books. With a few embellishments. But, as you know, Chuck stopped writing after Swan Song. I just- I couldn't leave it the way that it was ! I mean, Dean not hunting anymore, living with Lisa ?! Sam, somehow back from Hell, but not with Dean ?! So, I wrote my own ending.

DEAN : You wrote your own ending. With spaceships ?

MARIE : And robots. And some ninjas. And then, Dean becomes a woman. (Dean stares at her.) It's just for a few scenes !

(They're getting back to the auditorium.)

DEAN : Alright, Shakespeare ! You know that I can actually tell you what really happened with the-the Sam and Dean ? A friend of mine hooked me up with the, uh, unpublished unpublished books. So, Sam came back from Hell. But without a soul. Then, Cas' brought in a bunch of leviathans from Purgatory. They lost Bobby. And then, Cas' and Dean got stuck in Purgatory, Sam hit a dog. They met a prophet named Kevin, they lost him too. Then Sam endured a series of trials, in an attempt to close the gates of Hell. Which nearly cost him his life. Then Dean ? Dean became a demon. Knight of Hell, actually.

MARIE : Wow...

DEAN : Yep.

MARIE : That is some of the worst fan fiction that I've ever heard ! I mean, seriously, I don't know where your friend found this garbage ! I am not saying that ours is masterpiece, or anything, but geez ! Ha ! I'll have to send you some fic links later.

(Dean sees Siobhan and Kristen, still with their Dean and Cas costumes, kissing.)

DEAN : What are they doing ?

MARIE : Hum... Kids, these days, call it hugging.

DEAN : Is that in the show ?

MARIE : Oh, no. Siobhan and Kristen are a couple in real life. Although, we do explore the nature of Destiel in act two.

DEAN : Sorry, what ?

MARIE : Oh, it's just subtext ! But, then again, you know, you can't spell subtext without.... s-e-x.

(Dean lets the words sink in, then gives a "seriously" look at the camera.)

(After that, Dean comes back to his brother, outside the school. He just explained everything about the "destiel" part.)

SAM : I don't understand.

DEAN : Me neither.

SAM : I mean, shouldn't it be... Deastiel ?

DEAN : Really ? That's your issue with this ?

SAM : (smirks) No, of course it's not my issue. You know... How about Sastiel ? Samstiel ?

DEAN : Ok, alright. You know what ? You're gonna do that thing, where you just shut the hell up. Forever.

(Sam laughs.)

SAM : Look, man. No EMF. No hexbags. None of the props are even remotely hincky. Other than the Charlie Kaufman of it all, I got nothing. You ?

DEAN : In Ms. Chandler's office, there's just a pile of empty bottles and regret. She's just probably face down in a bar, somewhere. Or a ditch. Alright, so what ? This-this all... This whole musical thing, everything, it's... It's all a coincidence ? There is no case ?

SAM : Unless you're seeing something I'm not, no, Dean. There's no case, here.

DEAN : Ok.

(He goes back to the driver's door. Sam looks at him.)

SAM : CasDean ?

DEAN : Shut your face ! Get in the car !

(Sam gets in, followed by Dean who made sure nobody heard his brother. They drive away.)

(Night's in. Marie follows Maggie outside of the school. Maggie seems pissed.)

MARIE : Maggie ! Come on ! Please, don't do this !

MAGGIE : Everyone else is willing to follow your little dictatorship. But not me. I've been telling you all along, Marie. If it's not canon, then it shouldn't be in the show. You know, we should've done The Outsiders, like I told you.

(Maggie takes her bike and is ready to leave.)

MARIE : Just... Come back inside ! We can make this work !

MAGGIE : I'm going to principal Salazar's in the morning. Gonna do what Ms. Chandler was too drunk to finish.

(Maggie starts to walk away, while Marie goes back inside. Suddenly, Maggie faces a scarecrow. The monster grabs her and takes her away. Marie, who heard Maggie's screaming, comes back outside, just to see the monster leaving with her friend.)

MARIE : Maggie ? Maggie !

(Marie runs, but it's too late. Maggie disappeared. All that's left is her bike, and a purple flower.)


[Sam and Dean are back to the auditorium. Dean comes to Sam, just after the latter was done with an officer.]

DEAN : So, I checked with the principal. There's nothing on the surveillance tapes. What the -what the cops think ?

SAM : You know, the only clue they found was by the dumpster. They found the same flower, near Ms. Chandler's cell phone. (Sam show the flower to Dean.) You recognize it ?

DEAN : No.

SAM : Yeah, me neither.

(The boys go to Marie and Maeve. Maeve got Marie a coffee. Marie looks pretty shaken.)

SAM : Hey.

MARIE : Let me guess. You guys came here to laugh at me too. Right ?

SAM : Why don't you tell us what happened to your friend ?

MARIE : Maggie quit the show. She was trying to get it shut down, so, we were fighting. Then, she-she left, and I heard her scream. So, I ran outside to help. And... And I saw a scarecrow. It looked just like the one from our show. But... Alive.

DEAN : Then, what ?

MARIE : It wrapped her in vines, and took her behind the dumpster. And then, there were both just... gone. So, I called the cops, and a bunch of adults just told me, I have an overactive imagination. But, it's all real. Ghosts. Angels. Demons.

MAEVE : I wanna believe.

SAM : You should believe. You both should. Cause, it is all real. And so are we. I'm Sam Winchester. That's Dean.

(Maeve and Marie look at Sam and Dean, then at each other. Then, they start laughing.)

MARIE : Ok ! Now, look. I'm willing to accept that monsters are real. But those books are works of fiction.

MAEVE : And you guys are way too old to be Sam, or Dean.

MARIE : Oh, yeah !

MAEVE : More of a Bobby/Rufus combo ? Maybe.

DEAN : Ok. Alright. Little miss sunshine. We are what the books called hunters.

MAEVE : FBI hunters ?

DEAN : Yeah.

(Maeve and Marie look at each other.)

MAEVE : You guys are X-Files.

SAM : Sure. Yeah, you can say that. So, this scarecrow, from your musical, is it based on the one from the books ?

MARIE : No, I changed it. I got scared of a local legend, when I was a kid. There was this old creepy scarecrow, on an abandoned farm, oustide of town. Kids used to say, if it caught you, it would take you away.

DEAN : Ok. If this scarecrow is based over your version, then Ms. Chandler and Maggie might still be alive.

MAEVE : You think the scarecrow was created by the play ?

MARIE : You think... It's a tulpa !

(They all go to the school's library. Sam puts a book, opened on the tulpa's page, in front of Marie and Maeve.)

SAM : Tulpas are monsters that are created by an intense, focused energy on an idea, or-

MARIE : Or a story.

MAEVE : Great. How do you kill an idea ?

MARIE : Well, in Hell House, Sam and Dean burnt the house down, to take out the one tulpa they hunted.

DEAN : Yeah, yeah, you kill the symbol, you kill the tulpa. It's a- actually, a pretty good start. So, the scarecrow on your play. Is it a person, or a prop ?

MARIE : Prop. And it's terrifying. We keep it in the boiler room.

SAM : That's, uh, great. Hum... Can you guys read up ? Just, give us a sec'. (Sam and Dean goes away to have a conversation.) Fine, so, this doesn't add up. Tulpas require a ton of psychic energy to juice up.

DEAN : Yeah.

SAM : Well, it's not like the Supernatural books are tearing up the New York Times best-seller list. And I seriously doubt this play has even sold out.

DEAN : I hope not.

SAM : Well, but, you know what ? This flower. I know I've seen it in the lore, somewhere. There's gotta be a connection.

DEAN : Alright. You get on that, I'm gonna take a shot at burning man.

SAM : Yeah.

DEAN : Yeah.

(Dean goes to Marie.)

DEAN : Can you show me to the boiler room ?

MARIE : Yeah... Sure.

(Dean and Marie enters the boiler room. The scarecrow is hidden under an old blanket.)

MARIE : Gird your loins. It's horrifying.

(Dean comes closer to the thing, takes off the blanket, to reveal the monster. Which turns out to be less terrifying than expected.)

DEAN : Really ?

MARIE : I know. Scary, right ?

(Dean doesn't even know what to say. Then, he grabs a tool.)

DEAN : You wanna pinata this asshat ?

MARIE : Asshat ? Nice ! It's, uh, very Dean. No. He's all yours, agent Smith.

(Dean cut the thing in several pieces, then, with Marie's help, he puts it through the fire.)

(Once they're done, they go back, victorious, to the library. Dean opens the door for Marie.)

MARIE : Thank you !

DEAN : We came ! We saw ! We kicked-

SAM : It's not a tulpa.

DEAN : What ?

SAM : It's not a tulpa.

DEAN : Say it one more time, but just a little bit more Arnold, like - it's not a tulpa.

SAM : Dude, come on. It's Calliope.

DEAN : Who ?

MAEVE : The goddess of epic poetry ? The muse.

SAM: She's associated with this - the borage, or starflower. That's the picture.

DEAN : Ok, wait. If this is a god thing, then what's with the scarecrow ?

SAM : According to the lore, Calliope manifests creatures from the story she's tuned into.

MARIE : So... The scarecrow is still alive, and we burned my prop for nothing ?

DEAN : Oh, that thing needed to burn.

MAEVE : The only way to destroy the scarecrow is to kill Calliope.

SAM : Right. She uses these manifestations, like the scarecrow, to inspire the author, and protect them, until their vision has realised.

DEAN : Then, what ?

SAM : Then, she eats the author.

MARIE : Ok, that's bad ! Um... Well ! You get your wish. Let's cancel the show.

SAM : That's what your teacher and your classmate did. They tried to shut you down, and the scarecrow took them. Protecting you, and the show.

DEAN : Ok, so, the scarecrow is the boogeyman. We got to take our shot with this, uh...

SAM : Calliope.

DEAN : Calliope. But she won't show herself until - your vision has realised.

MARIE : So... What are you saying ?

DEAN : The show must go on.

(Marie looks terrified.)


[Marie goes through a panic attack.]

DEAN : Hey ! Why don't you-

SAM : Why don't you guys rally Marie ? I'm gonna, uh, grab some wooden stakes in the trunk, an do the blessing.

(Sam leaves, letting Dean and Maeve with the challenge of calming Marie down.)

MAEVE : Is Marie gonna get eaten ?

DEAN : Not gonna happen. Soon as that curtain rises, we're gonna be there to take out this Calliope. (He goes check on Marie.) Hey ! Hey. How are you doing, champ ?

MARIE : This... This is all my fault. If I hadn't written this dumb play, none of this would've happened.

DEAN : Ok. First of all, the play is not dumb.

MAEVE : I thought you didn't believe in this interpretation ?

DEAN : Yeah, I don't. Look, like, at all. But you do. Ok ? And I need you to believe in it with all you got. So that we can kill Calliope, and we can save your friends. Can you do that ?

MARIE : Yeah. You're right. If Sam and Dean were real, they wouldn't back down from a fight. Especially my sweet, brave, selfless Sam. There's nothing he can't do.

DEAN : No...

(Marie turns around to face a mirror. She sighs.)

MARIE : Ok. Let's do this. I understudy Sam, so... (She grabs a wig.) I used this for my one-woman Orphan Black show, last year. But it's gonna have to work for Sam. (She puts the wig on her head.) Writer. Director. Actor. I'm gonna Barbra Streisand this bitch.

(It's time for the show ! The audience comes in. Flyers are given to them. Behind the scenes, Marie, Dean and Sam give the last instructions to the actors, before they come on stage.)

MARIE (checking on the costumes) : Ok ! Good. Good. Ok. Good. (To Siobhan.) Alright. Samulet ?

(Siobhan shows off the samulet.)

DEAN : The... samulet ?

MARIE : That amulet is a symbol of the Winchesters' brotherly love.

(Sam comes in with two wooden stakes. He gives one to his brother.)

SAM : Hey.

(Sam looks appreciatively at the actresses, now in their costumes.)

DEAN : Ok.

SAM : Pretty good ! Wait a second... Where's Chuck ?

MARIE : Oh ! I-I, I love him. I do ! But honestly, the whole author introducting himself into the narrative thing, it's just not my favorite. I kind of hate the meta stories.

SAM & DEAN : Me too.

DEAN : Alright, listen up, girls. Now, you're all here, because you love Supernatural.

ACTRESS!MARY : Actually, I was hoping we'd do Wicked.

DEAN : Yeah, that'd have been easier. I know I have expressed some differences of opinion, regarding this particular version of Supernatural. But tonight, it is all about Marie's vision. This is Marie's Supernatural. So, I want you to get out there, and I want you to stand as close as she wants you to, and I want you to put as much sub and add text, as you possibly can. There is no other road. No other way. No day, but today.

MAEVE : Did he just quote Rent ?

MARIE : Not enough to get us in troubles.

DEAN : Now, you get out there, and you kick it in the ass !


MARIE : Bring it in !

(They get together.)

EVERYONE : Ghooooost-facerssss !

(Sam and Dean look at each other.)

(Marie goes on stage to introduce the show.)

MARIE : Good evening, everybody ! Welcome to our production of Supernatural. I'm not gonna lie. It might be a full on Gallagher show opening up this piece. Uh, so, those of you in the front rows may want to use the ponchos we provided for you, under your seats. You may, in fact, get wet on this ride. (While she talks, Sam gives some ok signs to Dean.) Um, I would like to thank the, uh, cast and crew-

DEAN : Ok. She's stalling, let's do this.

MAEVE : Copy that. Curtain, kids. It's show time.

(The music starts, interrupting Marie, and making some people laugh.)

MARIE : Ok, um... And-and, that, concludes our introduction for the night. So, everybody just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

(The music for the Road So Far is playing.)

MAEVE : Everyone, in places ?

SIOBHAN!DEAN : John and Mary, husband and wife,
Bringing home a brand new life
His name is Sammy
I'm big brother, Dean
The perfect family
Or so it seemed.

(While she sings, Sam is searching for the scarecrow.)

SIOBHAN!DEAN : The demon's visits had begun
He believed Sam was the chosen one
It burned my mother
And it cursed my brother

(Dean is enjoying the song.)

SIOBHAN!DEAN : Leaving us in tears
On the road so far
Yeah the road so far
We are in Dad's car

(Dean tries to warn Sam that the scarecrow is behind him. Sam doesn't understand.)

DEAN : Turn around !

(Finally, Sam turns around to face the scarecrow.)

SIOBHAN!DEAN : On the road so far
Dad was driven, no turning back
He wouldn't stop without the payback
He trained us both to track and hunt and kill
He took away our own free will

(While the show is still playing, Dean runs backstage to try to help Sam, but it's too late. Marie sees Sam disappear with the scarecrow.)

SIOBHAN!DEAN : So, that's where we are
On the road so far
Saving people, hunting things, family business
Back in swing
Driving down the road so far

(While the first act ends, Dean has to realize that his brother disappeared.)


[Sam wakes up in the school's basement. Maggie and Ms. Chandler are looking at him, worried.]

MAGGIE : Agent Smith ?

SAM : Where the hell are we ?

MAGGIE : School's basement. The scarecrow brought us down here.

(Sam stands up and goes to the door. He tries to open it, but it stays closed.)

MS. CHANDLER : Yeah, I tried that days ago.

SAM : So what ? We're stuck in here ?

(That's the moment Calliope chooses to appear.)

CALLIOPE : That's right. You're gonna miss the big show.

(Sam walks toward Calliope, but with her powers, the goddess pins him to the door.)

(Meanwhile, the show keeps playing.)

SIOBHAN!DEAN : Ok. So, you can pop in tomorrow morning.

KRISTEN!CASTIEL : Yes. I'll just-wait here, then.

(The Castiel's song starts playing. Dean goes to Marie, who looks very worried.)

MARIE : What do we do now ?

DEAN : Just, stick to the plan, ok ? Keep singing, until the scarecrow comes for you.

KRISTEN!CASTIEL : I'll just wait here, then
That's what I'll do
I'll just wait here, then
Wait for my cue
I raised you from perdition
To be God's ammunition
But now, you need some rest
So, I will do what's best
I'll just wait here, then
That's all I'll do
I'll just wait here, then
I'll wait for you


(Back to the basement.)

CALLIOPE : I've consumed many authors. Many stories. But tonight, soon as that curtain opened, I knew something special was brewing with this one. Maybe it's because the story's actual inspiration's here. I don't know. I guess I'm gonna have to kill you and your brother to find out.

SAM : Don't you have to wait, until the vision has been realized ?

CALLIOPE : (smirks) Oh, gods ! If I have to sit through that second act, one more time... There's robots, and tentacles, and space. I can't even.

(A Single Man Tear is playing. Time for Marie to go on stage and sing. Dean is keeping an eye on her.)

MARIE!SAM : A single man tear's slipped on his face
He shows emotion without a trace
He hides behind a mask so strong
Worried that he could be wrong
I wish that he could see the way I see him
The perfect brother, a man without sin
Cause underneath the manly sheen
He's my brother, a boy named Dean
A single man tear, A single man tear, A single man tear
That's all we fear

(While Siobhan is ready to sing her part, the scarecrow appears. Dean sees him and jumps on him, forgetting he's on stage, right in front of the audience.)

SIOBHAN!DEAN : A single man tear, that's all I'll spare

MAEVE : Ok ! We're through the looking glass, here, people. Strike the wendigo set, let's prep the priests costumes. And Sarah ? Get understudies into hair and makeup.

(While Dean is fighting the scarecrow, Sam makes Calliope talk.)

SAM : So, why this story, huh ? Why, uh, Supernatural ?

CALLIOPE : Supernatural has everything. Life. Death. Ressurection. Redemption. But above all, family. All sorts of music you can really tap your toe to. It isn't some meandering piece of genre dreck. It's... epic !

(Siobhan keeps singing, despite Dean still fighting the scarecrow on stage.)

SIOBHAN!DEAN : But underneath this broken mask
It is my father, with all his wrath

(A member of the audience takes the poncho and puts it on.)

(Back to the basement.)

CALLIOPE : And that.... Well ! That is my bag of tea.

MAGGIE : Bag this !

(Maggie hits Calliope on the head with a book. On stage, the fight isn't looking so well for Dean. The scarecrow throws him away, and starts walking toward Marie. A Single Man Tear keeps playing. Ms. Chandler gives back the stake to Sam, while Marie grabs the one Dean let down.)

MARIE : No chick flick moments !

(At the same time Sam stabs Calliope, Marie stabs the scarecrow. For a moment, it seems like the scarecrow will fall on the people sitting in the front rows. But then, Calliope explodes. So do the scarecrow, throwing some purple goo on the audience. Silence falls on the audience. Then, the poncho guy stands up, applaudes, followed by the whole audience. Marie smiles, surprised and satisfied.)

DEAN : Take a bow, Sammy.

(While the audience give them a standing ovation, Marie, Siobhan and Dean take a bow. Curtains close. Time for an intermission.)


[Sam is back, behind the scenes, following Maeve.]

MAEVE : Usually, this is when Sam and Dean take off, before anyone asks any questions.

SAM : That's probably a good idea.

MAEVE : Thanks for saving my friends.

SAM : Sure.

MAEVE : You know ? If you'd cut your hair a little, you'd make a pretty good Dean.

SAM : Thanks.

(Meanwhile, Dean says his goodbyes to Marie.)

DEAN : Well, you did good out there, kid.

MARIE : Hmm, you're not so bad yourself.

DEAN : You know ? This has been educational. Seeing the story from your perspective. You keep writing, Shakespeare.

MARIE : Even if it doesn't match how you see it ?

DEAN : I have my version, and you have yours.

(Lights start flickering.)

MAEVE : One minute, folks. One minute.

DEAN : Ok.

MARIE : And, Dean ? You never should've thrown this away.

(She gives him the samulet. He takes it, then tries to give it back.)

DEAN : It never really worked. And, I don't need a symbol to remind me how I feel about my brother, so...

MARIE : Just take it. Jerk.

DEAN : Bitch. (He quickly realises that's not Sam he's talking to, and tries to say something, but can't find the right words. Marie doesn't seem to mind as she laughs at his awkward reaction.) Right. Ok. (While they're getting ready to play a new scene on stage, Dean comes back next to Sam.) Well, I guess we can go back at staring at motel room walls.

SAM : You know what, Dean ? You were right. Staying cooped up isn't helping us. We need-

(At the same time, something very similar is happening on stage.)

MARIE!SAM : We need to get back on the road, Dean. Doing what we do best.

SAM : What is that ?

SIOBHAN!DEAN : It's just... I don't know anymore.

DEAN : It's the, uh... The B.M. scene.

MARIE!SAM : Saving people, hunting things. You know ? The family business.

SAM : The... bowel movement scene ?

DEAN : No ! Just... Shh !

SIOBHAN!DEAN : You're right, Sammy. Out on the road. Just the two of us.

MARIE!SAM : The two of us against the world.

SAM : What she said.

(Then comes the cover of Carry On Wayward Son, sang by Mary, John, Adam, Bobby, Sam, and Dean.)

ACTRESS!MARY : Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done

ACTRESS!JOHN : Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more

(Bobby, Sam and Dean come on stage, quickly followed by Adam.)

TOGETHER : Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse behind this illusion
I was soaring ever higher

(Sam and Dean are watching the scene. Sam, seeing Adam.)

SAM : Who's that ?

MAEVE : Oh, that's Adam. John Winchester's other kid.

TOGETHER : But I flew too high

MAEVE : He's still trapped in the cage, in Hell. With Lucifer.

(Dean and Sam look at each other. They kind of forgot about Adam.)

TOGETHER : Masquerading as a man with the reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man
It surely means I don't know
Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
Carry on

(As the song plays, we see the emotion on Sam's and Dean's faces, while they understand how the song really makes sense regarding their lives. Lights fade while the audience applaude the show. The last thing we see from that scene, is the proud smile Marie wears on her face.)

(Back on the road. No words are said. Instead, Dean puts the samulet on Baby's rearview. The brothers look at each other and smile, while the Impala is driving away, on the horizon.)

(Marie is busy receiving compliments from some audience members. Maeve runs to her. Marie says goodbye to her fans.)

MARIE : Oh ! Bye ! Sorry, thank you !

MAEVE : The ticket you left for the publisher ? Someone claimed it !

(We see the arm of a man. When Marie sees him, she's shocked.)

MARIE : Oh my gosh ! But wait... That means that- Calliope came for me or for- ?

MAEVE : Who cares ? Go, fangirl !

(Marie leaves her flowers to Maeve, and runs up the stairs, to the man who came for her.)

MARIE : Hum... Hi ! Thank you... so much for coming ! Uh... I know the second act is a little bit wanky, and the first act has some issues, but.... What did you think ?

(The camera finally reveals who is the man. Turns out it's Chuck. He salutes Marie with a kind smile.)

CHUCK : Not bad.

(The camera shows us Chuck's smile one last time, then, the screen fades to black.)



Ecrit par deanlove35.

Kikavu ?

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faith  (20.12.2022 à 03:26)

Wow! J'adore comment ils ont emmené tous les éléments. En même temps, ramener les frères au début de leur quête, rien de mieux pour qu'ils se souviennent de ce qui compte!

schumi  (06.09.2021 à 09:41)

Episode à la fois drôle et émouvant qui retrace bien l'évolution de la série en 200 épisodes! Et la comédie musicale en tant que telle est vraiment chouette aussi ! Reprendre les grandes scènes marquantes en chansons: super idée! Et puis c'est plein de clins d'oeil pour les fans donc ça vaut vraiment le déour !

Quand on y pense, 200 épisodes : qui aurait pensé à ça au tout début de la série ?


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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