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#10.01 : La vie rêvée des anges

DEAN PROFITE DE LA VIE EN TANT QUE DEMON ET SAM TOUCHE LE FOND TANDIS QU'IL RECHERCHE SON FRERE - Dean est un démon et crée la pagaille en compagnie de Crowley, tandis que Sam tente de comprendre ce qui est arrivé à son frère. Pendant ce temps, Castiel lutte contre le temps, tandis que sa grâce s'affaiblit.


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La vie rêvée des anges

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Dean (Jensen Ackles) en train de chanter à un karaoké

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en train de chanter à un karaoké

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade) au téléphone et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade) au téléphone et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) à un karaoké

Dean (Jensen Ackles) à un karaoké

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki) attaché

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki) attaché

Dean (Jensen Ackles) au karaoke en train de parler à une serveuse

Dean (Jensen Ackles) au karaoke en train de parler à une serveuse

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en train de chanter à un karaoké

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en train de chanter à un karaoké

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en train de chanter à un karaoké

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en train de chanter à un karaoké


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 07.10.2014 à 21:00
2.50m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jeremy Carver
Réalisé par : Robert Singer


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Erica Carroll... Hannah

Travis Aaron Wade... Cole

Emily Fonda... Ann Marie

Jud Tylor... Adina

Jakob Davies... Fils de Cole

Christina Gooding... Epouse de Cole

Nigel Vonas... Le démon

Sean Baden... Lt Dugan

Giacomo Baessato... Daniel

Raquel Riskin... Dar

Zachary Gulka... Mickey


Personnages mineurs :


 Hannah est un ange qui est tombé du ciel à cause de Métatron. Elle demande de l’aide à Castiel. Le paradis est en reconstruction mais certains anges ne souhaitent pas revenir au paradis.






 Cole Trenton est un ancien marine qui veut se venger de Dean Winchester pour avoir tué sous ses yeux son père, Ed Trenton qui était un monstre, le 21 juin 2003. Il a grandi dans l'esprit militaire et avait comme ami proche Kit Verson





Ann Marie

 Ann Marie est serveuse dans le bar où Dean a trouvé refuge. Ils vont avoir une brève liaison. Il la prévient de ne pas s’attacher, de manière assez grossière. Mais dès qu’il l’a voit emmener de force par un homme dehors, il va la secourir en se défoulant sur l’homme





 Adina est un ange qui ne souhaite pas revenir au paradis. Elle et son compagnon Daniel préfèrent rester sur Terre où ils sont libre de leurs choix. Cependant elle attaque Hannah qui est venue les ramener de force au paradis. Elle blesse Hannah et Castiel avant de s’enfuir.





 Daniel est avec Adina. Ce sont des anges qui ont chuté sur Terre mais qui ne veulent pas revenir au paradis. Hannah, accompagné de Castiel, vient les ramener de force. Il se fait poignardé par Castiel car celui-ci allait tuer Hannah.




 Dar est un démon que Sam torture pour connaitre la localisation de Crowley et Dean. Il cherche son frère pour pouvoir le sauver car celui-ci est devenu un démon









Résumé de la saison précédente.

Sam torture Dar, un démon, afin de lui faire révéler l'endroit où se trouvent Crowley et Dean. Le démon le provoque d'abord, mais tandis qu'il devient de plus en plus agressif, elle se met à pleurer et le supplie lorsqu'il veut la forcer à appeler Crowley. Dans une dernière tentative, Sam lui hurle de lui dire où se trouve son frère.


Quatre semaines plus tard. Sam est à la recherche de la moindre présence démoniaque, mais il semble que l'activité satanique ne soit pas nombreuse ces derniers temps. Fatigué, il se rend dans la chambre de Dean, et y relit la note laissée par son frère, où il lui demande de le laisser s'en aller. Puis Sam reprend ses recherches, et finit par tomber sur le cas de la disparition d'un homme, après que celui-ci ai tué sa famille. Pensant à une possession démoniaque, Sam appelle Cas' pour lui faire part de ses découvertes, mais il se rétracte lorsqu'il se rend compte de l'état de santé déplorable de l'ange. Cas' craint que Sam ne lui reproche ce que le démon a fait à son épaule, nous signifiant ainsi que les deux amis ont travaillé ensemble auparavant dans leurs recherches pour retrouver Dean. Mais Sam le rassure, il veut simplement que Cas' prenne soin de lui. Cas' avoue que Dean lui manque, puis demande à Sam comment il se sent. Sam souhaite simplement retrouver son frère, mais il partage l'inquiétude de Cas' sur le fait que celui qu'ils vont retrouver ne sera peut-être plus son frère.

On retrouve Dean un bar, où il s'adonne avec passion au karaoké, ignorant totalement les huées des clients. Il salue au passage la serveuse, Anne-Marie, puis, quelques temps plus tard, se retrouve au lit avec elle. Il la prévient cependant de ne pas s'attacher, de manière grossière, comme elle le lui fait remarquer. Crowley débarque dans la chambre, qui est la sienne, tandis qu'Anne-Marie s'en va.

Dean retourne au bar avec Crowley, et ils jouent une partie de babyfoot avec deux autres hommes. Crowley tente de s'assurer que la petite aventure de Dean avec Anne-Marie ne signifie pas le retour de relents d'humanité. Dean le rassure, elle ne signifie rien pour lui. Toutefois, lorsqu'il voit Anne-Marie se faire trainer de force à l'extérieur par un homme, il accoure à sa rescousse. Mais au lieu de se contenter d'un coup de poing, il frappe l'homme à de multiples reprises. Crowley le rappelle à l'ordre et Dean rentre dans le bar, non sans avoir attiré certains regards.

Castiel reçoit de la visite. C'est Hannah. Elle lui apprend que le Paradis se reconstruit pas à pas, mais elle n'est pas là pour cela. Elle lui parle de certains anges restés sur terre, et refusant de rentrer chez eux. Elle en nomme deux : Daniel et Adina. Ceux-ci ont tué d'autres anges qui tentaient de les ramener au Paradis. Hannah demande à Castiel s'il accepte de l'aider à faire ce que les anges envoyés n'ont pas pu faire. Castiel accepte immédiatement.

Après que le disparu de l'Ohio, nommé Drew, ai été tué, Sam se rend au commissariat chargé de l'affaire afin d'en savoir plus. Le détective lui montre la vidéo surveillance du magasin où Drew a été tué. Sam constate, à sa grande surprise, que l'homme que Drew attaque sur la vidéo n'est autre que Dean. Un peu après, Sam demande à regarder de nouveau la vidéo, mais seul. Le détective s'en va. Sam fait tourner la vidéo au ralenti, et il voit alors les yeux de son frère devenir noir. Le choc se lit sur son visage. En parallèle, nous voyons Dean tuer l'inconnu du bar qui l'observait. Cet inconnu est un démon, loyaliste d'Abaddon, tout comme Drew.

Nous rencontrons Cole, tandis qu'il fait de l'exercice, alors que sa femme et son fils déjeunent dans la salle d'à côté. Un fax arrive. Le petit garçon va l'apporter à son père. Le fax est une photo de Dean, tirée de la vidéo surveillance vue plus tôt. La femme demande si c'est lui, et comprend au visage de Cole. Elle se met à pleurer, puis fait demi-tour. Cole préparer ses affaires de chasseur, et s'en va.

Sur la route, Castiel et Hannah s'arrêtent, car Hannah a du mal à supporter le trajet en voiture. Elle en profite pour faire remarquer à Castiel qu'il s'affaiblit de plus en plus, mais Castiel refuse de l'entendre. Il veut faire passer leur mission avant leurs besoins, et surtout, il ne veut pas qu'un autre ange meurt pour lui permettre de vivre. Hannah remonte en voiture, visiblement contrariée.

Sam se rend dans le magasin visité par Dean, mais le vendeur ne peut rien lui apprendre d'autre que le fait qu'il a assisté à la scène, juste après que Dean lui ai demandé où se trouvait les magazines pornos. Mais le vendeur finit par donner à Sam le téléphone portable de Drew, qu'il a retrouvé un peu plus tard.

Sam trouve un message indiquant une adresse suivi d'une phrase prêchant la loyauté à Abaddon. Il appelle le numéro, et tombe sur Crowley. Sam prévient Crowley qu'il le retrouvera, et croit que Dean a été possédé par l'un des démons de Crowley, mais ce dernier lui révèle que ce qu'il a vu, c'est Dean et uniquement Dean. Puis, Crowley le provoque, prétendant que ce qui énerve Sam, c'est que Dean puisse apprécier l'amitié qu'il a avec le roi de l'Enfer. Une dernière fois, Sam le prévient : une fois qu'il aura sauvé Dean, il s'occupera de lui. Crowley lui souhaite bonne chance, puis raccroche. La longue conversation a permis à Sam de tracer l'appel, et de trouver un bar nommé le Black Spur, dans le Dakota du Nord.

Hannah et Castiel trouvent Daniel en train de pêcher au bord d'une rivière. Il assure qu'il ne voulait pas tuer l'envoyé, mais il voulait simplement qu'on leur fiche la paix. Il s'est adapté à la chute, et apprécie sa liberté et sa possibilité de faire des choix, ainsi, il découvre qui il est vraiment. Hannah ne comprend et le fait savoir, mais Daniel continue son discours. Hannah, impatiente, est prête à le ramener de force et sort son épée. Castiel lui dit de se calmer, qu'ils ont le temps et qu'ils doivent discuter sans faire couler le sang. De plus, ils ne savent pas où Adina se trouve. Daniel les invite à le rejoindre pour regarder le coucher du soleil.

Crowley a avoué à Dean que les démons qu'il a tué ont été envoyés par lui. Il lui explique de nouveau que la marque a besoin d'être rassasiée, et pour cela, Dean doit tuer, afin qu'il puisse garder le contrôle. Le but de Crowley est de construire le parfait Enfer, et il veut le faire avec Dean. Il tente de convaincre son nouvel associé de se remettre au travail, mais Dean ne souhaite que s'amuser, bien qu'il se montre intéressé par la proposition de Crowley. Puis, le roi de l'Enfer mentionne l'appel de Sam. Il avoue s'être laissé traquer et prévient Dean que Sam est en chemin. Dean pense que Crowley l'a vendu à Sam, mais Crowley lui dit, légèrement excédé, qu'il lui a fait une faveur. Puis, il lui demande de réfléchir à tout ce qu'il lui a dit, avant de s'en aller.

Sur la route, Sam tombe en panne, et gare sa voiture sur le côté. Il est rejoint par Cole, qui lui propose son aide. Lorsque Cole ouvre le capot, il révèle un engin qu'il contrôle par une télécommande. Sam se sachant en danger tente de réagir, mais Cole est plus rapide, et l'assomme, avant de lui mettre un sac sur la tête.

Au bar, Dean enchaine les karaokés et les bières. Le lendemain, il se réveille avec la gueule de bois, tandis qu'Anne-Marie lui propose un verre d'eau. Dean lui demande de l'accompagner autre part, mais elle refuse. Elle se montre perspicace, et sait que si Dean clame avoir défendu son honneur en frappant son ex, elle sait qu'au fond ça n'a rien à voir. Une fois de plus, il se montre grossier, et elle s'en va, en déclarant qu'elle est tellement abimée à l'intérieur, qu'elle part en pensant qu'elle a peut-être méritée d'être traitée de cette façon.

Daniel essaie de convaincre Hannah et Castiel que de la sagesse peut-être trouvée sur Terre. Hannah se montre très sceptique, mais Castiel comprend ce que Daniel veut dire. Hannah concède l'envie de liberté de Daniel, mais dit que cela doit être décidé par les anges. La conversation est interrompue par l'arrivée d'Adina. Hannah et Adina se tournent autour, prêtes à se sauter dessus. Elles attaquent, mais Adina a le dessus, avant qu'Hannah ne la frappe à coups de pierre. Daniel vient défendre Adina, mais Castiel, pour protéger Hannah, tue Daniel. Adina, après avoir blessé Hannah, blesse Cas' à son tour, avant de s'enfuir. Hannah souhaite la rattraper, mais Castiel lui dit qu'il est trop tard.

Cole emmène Sam dans une sorte de grange. Il l'attache à une chaise avant de lui enlever le sac qu'il porte toujours sur la tête. Il ne dit pas son nom, mais il sait qui est Sam. Il lui révèle que Dean et lui se connaissent depuis longtemps. Sam le prévient de ne pas rechercher Dean, car il risque de le regretter, appelant son frère un monstre. Cole lui accorde ce terme, mais il ne compte pas abandonner sa chasse.

Castiel est mécontent de leur mésaventure et le fait savoir. Hannah proteste en disant que de la liberté émerge le chaos, et du chaos émergent des anges comme Bartholomew, Naomi ou Metatron. Castiel lui accorde ce point, mais lui dit que certaines choses qui naissent du chaos ne sont pas toutes à jeter, comme l'amour, les rêves, l'espoir. Hannah lui fait remarquer que ces choses sont typiquement humaines. Castiel acquiesce.

Cole appelle Dean, qui a repris la route, avec le téléphone de Sam. Croyant parler à son frère, Dean décroche, et dit qu'il lui a laissé un cadeau au bar. Quand il se rend compte que ce n'est pas Sam, il tente de savoir si ce dernier est en vie. Cole tend le téléphone à Sam, mais ce dernier reste silencieux. Cole le frappe, afin de lui arracher un cri, et prouver à Dean que son frère est toujours vivant, du moins tant que Dean se plie à ses conditions. Mais Dean refuse catégoriquement, et promet à Cole qu'il le retrouvera et le tuera. Puis, il raccroche, laissant Cole dans une impasse.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

[We open on someone's hands suspended above their head with chains. The camera pulls back to reveal what appears to be a woman, bleeding from several wounds]


I heard the rumors. I said "no, that can't be." A Winchester, one of us? But it's true, isn't it? Whatever soul you had; whatever boy scout code you cuddled up to at night; it's all gone. Leaving what? Look at you!

[The camera pans around to reveal: surprise, it's SAM, holding a bloody knife]


Where is Crowley?


Eat me.

[SAM nods and smirks, hesitates, then steps forward and plunges the knife into DAR's stomach]


One more time! Where is Crowley?!

[SAM twists the blade as DAR moans in pain]


Where's my brother?


I don't know!


Then you're going to call somebody who does!

[SAM cuts DAR's neck and holds a cup to it to catch the blood]


No one knows! They won't answer!


Make the call!


We're under orders!!


Make the call!!

DAR [crying]


[SAM drops the cup and grabs DAR's face and screams at her]


Where's My Brother?!!??!!!



[Exterior of Men of Letters Bunker. Now inside, we pan over the table with books on "Demonic Possession" and "Rituals of Human Possession" amid stacks of files and papers. SAM is on the phone]


Right, right; so, no noticeable crop failures, no mass cattle deaths, nothing?

VOICE [on phone]

No, nothing on the radar, nothing on the scope. I'd say that's a good thing.


No...yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. I hear you, Mike. Thanks. That is a good thing. Alright, well keep me posted if anything does pop up.


Alright. Watch yourself, Sam.


I will. You got it. Thanks.

[SAM hangs up the phone. We notice that his right arm is immobilized in a sling. Cut to SAM slowly washing his face with his one good hand, and staring into the mirror. Cut to a police scanner on a desk, more open books, and SAM researching crop conditions on his laptop. More time passes; SAM opens the door to Dean's bedroom and turns on the light. He picks up a folded note from Dean's pillow, which reads "SAMMY LET ME GO." Cut to SAM now in the kitchen, with breakfast and a cup of coffee, still researching on his laptop. Something catches his eye: a page about a "Missing Ohio Man Found Slain in Wisconsin." He snatches up his phone and dials}

[Interior of a crappy motel room. We look down upon CASTIEL lying in bed, half-wearing a robe. His phone lights up and starts to vibrate on the nightstand next to him.]


Sam. Hello.


I think I might have found something.


Oh good, good. [coughs several times painfully]


Cas? You there?


It's okay, I'm...um...I'm okay. Go...go on. [coughs more painfully]


Alright, get this. A "John Doe" who was murdered in Wisconsin a week ago turns out to be this guy named Drew Nealy who went missing from religious order in Northern Ohio...okay?


Yeah? [more coughing]


Now, Drew Nealy had been missing for 3 years. Killed his wife, his kids...just disappeared. I know it's thin, but...if this guy was possessed...


That would make him the first [another coughing fit]


The first lead, the first anything we've seen in... [Sam stops himself, hearing CASTIEL's nonstop coughing]


[coughs] Sorry.


Actually...you know what...now that I'm looking at this more I think I uh...I think I jumped the gun here, buddy.


No, Sam, you said it was something.


Yeah...uh...it's...it's not. I was wrong, sorry.


I can help.


Cas...we tried that.


Sam...you can't blame what that demon did to your shoulder on me; you were out of...


I'm not, I'm not blaming anything on you. What happened, happened, and...you need to be worrying about yourself. I really shouldn't have bothered you.


How are you, Sam?


Good. I'm alright. I'm just...tired, you know. Be better when we get him back...after...after I kick his butt.


I miss him.




Why would he just disappear?


Who says he had a choice?


Well then, who wrote the note? If there's any chance...any chance at all that Dean is still...


Still...even remotely Dean?

[SAM sadly hangs up the phone, as does CASTIEL. The somber music gives way to the sounds of Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy," and we then cut to DEAN, singing karaoke.]

DEAN [singing badly]

I'm too sexy for my love; too sexy for my love; love's going to leave me.

[The crowd is booing DEAN's terrible singing. DEAN, like honey badger, don't care. He smiles at a waitress, ANNE-MARIE. She acknowledges him with a smile as she walks by. We see that CROWLEY is sitting at a table in the bar, talking to two other men]

DEAN [singing even more off-key]

I'm too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts. And I'm too sexy for Milan; too sexy for Milan, New York and Japan!


Turn it off!!

DEAN [taking a swig from his beer bottle]


[Cut to DEAN in bed, rolling off of ANNE-MARIE, both naked except for the bedsheet and very satisfied]


Okay. Wow! What time is it? Daryl's going to kill me if I'm late from my break again.

DEAN [reaching over to look at the clock]

Oops. Heh-heh-heh.

ANNE-MARIE [sits up and hurriedly gets dressed]

Damn! I told you to hurry it up! But then you had to go and do that thing with the...thing.


Oh, you mean that thing that you were begging me for?


Begging you to hurry it up, maybe.


Well, let's not argue about good sex.


It was good, wasn't it?


Mmm hmm...just uh...don't get too excited, you know. Or too attached...cause I'm just...rollin' through.


You know, there's about a million other ways you could have said that.

[The door suddenly opens; it's a perturbed-looking CROWLEY]




Woah? What's going on here?


What's it look like?


In my bed?


What? [looks around, shrugs] Oh yeah...heh heh.






Get a room, you two.


Had a room...until you two soiled it.


Love you, Crowley.


Love you more...sweetheart.




Knew that.

DEAN [stands up after pulling on just his shirt]




[DEAN rolls his eyes and obliges.]

[Western showdown music plays as DEAN and CROWLY face off at foosball against two other guys.]


Best of three. Losers buy the beer.


Lots of beer.


Girl seemed nice. Slightly damaged. I could see the old you falling for that.


Yeah, well, not to worry. She means nothing.


Good, good. 'Cause you and I, we're rolling stones. No distractions.

Lock it down!

Lock it down!


Stop talking.


You're bodging it!

[The other team scores]


Aw. If you'd shut up --

keep talking --I can't play the game.

[DEAN is suddenly distracted by a man grabbing ANNEMARIE and hauling her out of the bar. DEAN and CROWLEY follow them outside. The man is getting rough with ANNEMARIE]]


Get off me.


Why are you doing this to me?!


You need to calm down.


Where were you?


Stop it!

DEAN [approaching]

Hey, is this him?


There a problem?


Yeah, are you Matt?

[DEAN grabs MATT and throws him on the hood of a car and starts to punch him.]




You need to get away from here. Don't try and contact her. In fact, don't even think about her. You understand me?!

[DEAN punches the guy til his is barely conscious. He then turns to ANNEMARIE gives her a look and walks back inside with CROWLEY.]

[CASTIEL is still laying in bed when there is a knock on the door]


Just a moment.

[He opens the door with his robe hanging open to find HANNAH standing there.]




Hannah. I'm sensing awkwardness.

[she motions with her eyes to his open robe and he quickly pulls it together. Scene changes to CASTIEL getting dressed and HANNAH fills him in with the state of heaven.]


So...There's no -- no leader? You're governing yourselves?


Mostly. There's lot of meeting on rebuilding and reorganization -- lots of reconciliation.


And Metatron?


Still in jail. His door has been made permanent. I would've thought we'd see you sooner.


I would've come sooner but --


I'm glad you didn't. You see, I...I need your help. Heaven needs your help.




Most of the angels who fell during the fall have returned to heaven. A few have not. Some out-and-out refuse. Rogues. Two of them have killed one of our own for only attempting to bring them back home.


Who were they?


Daniel and Adina. They must be found. They must be brought home, and they must be punished for the sake of all. Will you help me?



[Scene changes to SAM entering a police station with an officer.]


Appreciate you coming down, agent. But I'm afraid you may have just cost Uncle Sam a tank of gas.


Oh, why's that?


You came up here to investigate Drew Neely's murder, right?




Problem is, no one's certain it was a murder at all.


Okay, then what are we dealing with here? A suicide?

OFFICER [as they stand in front of a computer]

Self-defense, more likely. Uh, the surveillance footage was corrupted. Our techies finally managed to clean up the file. Hold on a sec now...

[Scene flashes to DEAN exiting the bar 'The Black Spur' in the dark...talking to an unseen person.]


We can do this however you want. Don't pretend I didn't see you this afternoon Did you get a good look? You see my moves? I hope so, 'cause I sure could use the competition.

[A man steps from the shadows.]

[Back in the police station]


That John Doe right there is the one you want to keep your eye on.

[The surveillance footage starts showing DEAN in a gas station reading a magazine.]

SAM [staring at his brother]

Son of a bitch.



[Back to DEAN and the man]


Well, all you Abaddon groupies are the same, you know that? You, the douche that jumped me at the gas station, you can't just can't accept that the queen is dead, can you?


Maybe we just can't accept that a douche like you was the one who killed her.


Ah. Yeah, that's got to hurt, doesn't it?

[DEAN removes the First Blade from under his jacket. The man's eyes flash black.]

[Back at the police station]


Okay, now, porn guy's just minding his own business. And there's Drew Neely. See the knife?




That's intent right there. Now watch this.

[Drew Neely jumps DEAN in the surveillance footage at the same time as the demon jumps DEAN outside the bar. Both are instantly killed by the First Blade and its owner.]


Looks like a cutlass or something. I don't know what the hell this is. Problem is, we don't know if this guy's a hero or a psychopath.

[The OFFICER stops the tape on a closeup of DEAN's face. SAM just stares at his brother's image]

That's the image that's getting uploaded to the wires.

SAM [recovering his voice]

Detective, do you mind if I, uh, take another look at this?


Knock yourself out. I'll be back in a few.


All right.

[SAM rewinds the tape and slowly goes frame-by-frame on the closeup of DEAN. He starts back when DEAN eyes flash to black. Then anger flushes SAM's face.]


[A man works out furiously in his house. His wife and son eat breakfast at the table in the other room. A fax comes in in the office and the son brings it to his father.]


Fax, Dad.


Who's it from, buddy?


Doesn't say. There's a picture.


Thanks a lot, bud.


Is it him?

[COLE just looks at the surveillance picture of DEAN and then up at his wife. She begins to cry. COLE begins to pack an arsenal of weapons into a military duffle bag.]

[HANNAH and CAS pull over at the side of a highway.]


I didn't know angels could get nauseous.


I just need a moment.


It's my fault. I'll take the curves faster.


And you, Castiel? You're feeling well?


Oh, yes. Like a million dollars.


That's not true.


It's my truth.


When you left heaven, your borrowed Grace was failing. By the looks of you, you've only gotten worse.


I'm fine.


You're dying, Castiel. You need more Grace.


And we have a mission in front of us that supersedes my needs -- all of our needs. Don't you agree? You're a good soldier, Hannah... And one of the best. Metatron certainly could not have been brought to heel without your bravery.


Or yours. You must take care of yourself, Castiel.

CASTIEL [lashing out]

And another angel should die so that I can be saved?! Is this really that hard to understand?


HANNAH [getting back into the car]

I'm feeling better now.

[SAM is questioning the attendant, MICKEY, at the Gas-in-Sip]


Oh, yeah. Porn guy was an animal. Bro came at him like, “what?!” and he was all like, “wh-a-a-at?” “say my name! Say my name! Say my name.” And there was a lot of blood.


Right. Um...When the guy, uh -- when -- “Porn guy” came in, did he...say anything?


“W-where's the porn”.


That's all he said? Did he buy anything? Did he -- did he use a credit card? Nothing?

[MICKEY stares at SAM blankly]

So some guy comes in, kills another guy in your store on your watch, and you just -- you what? Just keep on keepin' on?


You mean when porn guy was stabbing the other guy to death 10 feet in front of me, and I was having a total code-brown moment in my favorite freakin' pants because I thought I was next, did I conduct a field interview?...No.

[MICKEY pulls a phone from behind the counter.]

Oh, hey. Uh, can you do me a solid? Found this wedged under the T.P. I think it's the dead guy's phone, and, uh, if you're heading back to the station...

[SAM stands outside the Gas-in-Sip scrolling through Drew Neely's phone. He pulls up a text message that reads "Winchester. Amherst Junction, WI Gas n' Sip B/W 11a-12p. Long live Abaddon." SAM calls the number.]

[A phone rings next to CROWLEY as he watches DEAN playing darts in the bar. He looks at the ID and then picks it up]


You're dead.


Nope. Just using a dead man's phone.


Moose. Took you long enough. Your brother and I were beginning to wonder if you'd hit another dog. You know?


My brother is dead, Crowley. I know you have some freaking demon parading around in his meatsuit, and trust me, you are gonna pay for that.


Moose. Moose. I'm afraid you haven't allowed yourself to dream quite big enough here. Your brother is very much alive, courtesy of the mark. And the only demonized soul inside of Dean is his and his alone.

Wee bit more twisted, a little more mangled beyond human recognition, but, I can assure you, all his. There, now. Feel better?


And the, uh, Abaddon supporters you've been sending to kill my brother, how does Dean feel about that double-cross?


If that's what you think is happening, then you're more out of your depths than I thought.


I don't know how you did this, what kind of... Black-magic stunt you pulled, but hear me --I will save my brother or die trying.


You know what tickles me about all this? It's what's really eating you up. You don't care that he's a demon. Heck, you've been a demon. We've all been demons. No, it's that he's with me and he's having

the time of his life. You can't stand the fact that he's mine.


He's not your pet.


My pet? He's my best friend, my partner in crime. They'll write songs about us, graphic novels. “The Misadventures of Growley and Squirrel." Dean Winchester completes me, and that's what makes you lose your chickens.


I am going to find you, I am going to save my brother, and then I'm going to kill you dead.


Well, that's the operative phrase, isn't it? “Find you.” good luck with that.

[CROWLEY hangs up the phone and SAM looks at his. SAM then lays the phone next to his own on the hood of the car. SAM's phone has traced the call and it reveals they are at The Black Spur in North Dakota]



[CASTIEL and HANNAH pull up to a camping site. They get out and find DANIEL fishing in the river.]


Daniel. What are you fishing for?


Trout, mostly. They do love a good curlytail grub. Trick is to find that special spot just outside the run, where the big ones -- the smart ones -- are holding low.


Do they -- do they put up much of a fight?


The ones who truly want to be free? They do. You're here about our brother who died.


Does that surprise you?


I can assure you...Had he just left us alone, no one would've been harmed.


His orders were to not leave you alone. And you killed him.


And heaven sends two more. What is it about us angels that we can't seem to get the message?



Perhaps it is you who has failed to get the message? All of us serve at heaven's command.



I suppose. But that was before the fall, wasn't it?


You are an angel, once and forever.


Dropped unwillingly...Unknowingly...Into a strange land, a land that, as it turns out, celebrates the free, the individual. For the first time in thousands of years, I have choices. And with each choice... I begin to discover who I really am.


This is nonsense.


Because they don't teach you this in heaven? Perhaps they should. Then you would understand why it's worth fighting for.

HANNAH [drawing her angel blade]

He's taunting us.


And then what? We kill him?


Or he kills us? There are orders.


And there is time.


To hear more of this?


To convince him to do the right thing. Besides, Hannah, we still don't even know where the other one is --the woman.


You'll have to stay for sunset. Nighttime around here is a revelation.

[DEAN is sitting at the bar with CROWLEY]


You sent those demons to kill me?


To keep you sharp.




If it wasn't for me throwing demon chum your way, what do you think would've happened? The mark needs to be sated. Otherwise --


otherwise, I turn into a demon. Yeah, yeah. I sort of got that six weeks ago.


Just trying to help.


You lied.


Who do you think you're talking to here? Does the tin man have a sheet-metal Willy? Of course I lied.

DEAN [getting up]



Hey. Sit down. Sit.

[DEAN just stares at him]


I needed to keep you sharp for our future, about which we need to talk.


Our future?


Our professional future. How to put this? If I have to spend one more night in this fetid petri dish of broken dreams and B.O., I will cut off my own face.

DEAN [sitting back down]

I don't know what you're talking about. 'Cause I'm good. Hell, I'm great.


Really? How many suicide wings can you eat? How many one-hit wonders can you karaoke to death?


Okay, see, the deal was we howl at the moon -- no time stamp, no expiration date.


We've howled. We've bayed. We've done extraordinary things to triplets, all of which have been massively entertaining. I will treasure our Flickr albums forever. But now it's time for us to accept what we are and go back to work.




Think of it --the king of hell, Dean Winchester by his side. Together we rule. Together we create the perfect hell. And all of this that's bloomed between us never ends. We're not ending the party. We're just moving the party. Out with the club circuit, in with the stadium tour.


Did I forget to mention I spoke to moose earlier?




Yes. Uh, apparently, he's been tracking us for some time now. He got my text from the cell of that demon that you stabbed in blah, blah, blah. It was --words were spoken -- emotions. I realize, in retrospect, perhaps too many words, too many emotions.


He traced the call.


My bad. I guess he'll be here by morning -- the latest.


You sold me out. Well, that's just lovely.


I don't know what's going on with you. I truly don't. But I've had just about enough of it. Sold you out? Try “doing you a favor.” everything I've done for you for the past six months -- the mark, the First Blade,

midwifing you back to life, offering you a seat by my side -- has been a favor, a gift, whether you see it or you don't. Take the night. Decide. You know where to find me.

[SAM is driving down the road at night when suddenly his car dies. He pulls the car over to the side and gets out. He struggles to open the hood with only one arm. Another car pulls up behind him and COLE gets out and appoaches.]


Hey. Need some help?


Uh...Yeah. I-I think so. It just died on me.


Out here?




Your ride really has it out for you, huh?


I guess so.


COLE [motioning at the hood]

Give you a hand with that?


Yeah. Yeah, I'd appreciate it. Yeah. Thanks.

COLE [lifts the hood]

Ah...These new cars and their computerized brains, huh? One zero out of place, and the whole thing just goes kaput. Well, right there. There's your problem.


What the hell is that?


Well, that's a kill switch. This here is the remote. [holds it up in his hand]

[SAM jumps to defend himself but his right arm is in a sling and he isn't fast enough to avoid COLE's knockout punch.]


Guessing you're a righty.



[DEAN again is singing karaoke terribly and drinking heavily.]


- Tone deaf! Awful!

- Enough!


You all suck.

[Security comes to remove him from the stage and DEAN knocks him out.]

[DEAN wakes up in a bed still hammered and ANNEMARIE is there to hand him a glass of water.]


Drink, tough guy.

DEAN [pushing the glass away]

Nah, I'm good.


Your funeral.






Let's go somewhere, you and me.


We are somewhere.


No. Somewhere else.


Sweetie... We barely know each other. And you're drunk.


Yeah, but, uh... I-I protected your honor, didn't I?


Yeah. I thought so, too. Seeing you take on Matt, I was like, “wow”" no one's ever done that for me before. But then you kept going and going, and I realized whatever is going on with you has nothing to do with my “honor” at all.


Hm. You got all that from a bar fight? Wow. You're good.


I wait tables at a roadhouse. I meet the bad guys. I meet the good guys. And maybe for a second there, I thought you were a good guy playing bad. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Maybe you're just --


The kind of guy who sleeps with every skank in every small-town dive that he passes through? Well, you really do know how to read people, 'cause that sure as hell sounds like me.


Now, see? I'm so screwed up myself I'm gonna walk out of here thinking I actually deserved that.

[CASTIEL, HANNAH and DANIEL are sitting around a campfire]


What I'll never understand is why angels won't acknowledge the wisdom to be found down here.


What wisdom is to be gained from humans?


I'm not speaking to you.


Do you understand what he's... Fine. But if you are to be free, that is to be decided by all angels.


There's that angelic irony.


We're not going back there. Not ever.


Adina. This is Hannah and Castiel. Stow the blade, please.


When she stows hers.


Hannah, what are you doing?


We'll never get a chance to argue our freedom from a prison cell.


You should've thought of that before slaughtering one of your own.


No, no. We were talking. We were getting somewhere.


Okay, everybody just --


You want to be free? Go ahead. Be free.


Hannah. Stop this. No. Daniel. No!

[They fight. HANNAH gets hurt. CASTIEL kills DANIEL. ADINA runs away.]


We have to get her.


She's gone.


We have to.


Hannah. It's over.

[COLE leads a blindfolded SAM into a barn. He roughly shoves him into a chair and zipties his legs to the chair. He then whips the hood off SAM's head. SAM's nose is bleeding and he blinks in the sudden light.]


Okay. Home, sweet home. Breathe. There you go. You good, partner? How's that chicken wing?


Who are you?


First time I broke my arm, my older brother, Davey, had me riding on the handles of his three-speed. Decided to pop us a wheelie, look real fancy for all the little pretties outside the DQ. Well, we were looking mighty good for a little bit. And then, “whoop”" ass end over teakettle, boy. Hurt like a son of a bitch.

You're Sam Winchester. I think we both can agree on that. And your older brother, Dean, well... He and I, we go way back.


You're a hunter?


Sure. Yeah, we can go with that. Hunting your brother counts, right?


I wouldn't do that.




Trust me. Look, buddy, I-I don't know who you are, all right? I don't what you want or what my brother did, but if you got any sense, I suggest you turn tail and run back to that army recruiting ad that spit you out in the first place. He's a monster.


Well, he was. Yeah, he was... Many, many moons ago. But now he's prey. And I'm the monster now.



[HANNAH and CASTIEL discuss as they drive away from the campsite.]


We have to report this.


And say what? Things got out of control? Another angel has died.


He was going to kill me, Castiel.


They just wanted to be left alone.


Without rules, there is chaos. Out of chaos rise angels like Naomi, Bartholomew...Metatron.


Well, perhaps I've been down here with them for too long. There's seemingly nothing but chaos. But not all bad comes from it. Art. Hope. Love. Dreams.


But t-those are human things.



[DEAN drives the IMPALA in the dark. His phone starts to ring beside him. The caller ID says 'SAM' He holds it and then finally answers it]


I left you an open tab at the bar. Knock yourself out.


Well, hell, I just may take you up on that.


And who is this?


Me? Well, I'm karma, brother.


On my brother's phone?


On your brother's phone.


Is he dead?


No. Not yet. And as long as you show up where I tell you to show up, your brother will be just fine.


And how do I know he's still alive?

COLE [holding the phone out to SAM]


[SAM just looks at the phone with heartbroken eyes and doesn't say a word. COLE punches SAM in the face and his head snaps back with a grunt of pain.]




Proof of life.




Got a pen?


No, you listen to me. There's no trade. There's no meet-up. There's no nothing -- except the 100% guarantee that, somewhere down the road, I will find you, and I will kill you.


Well, that'll be a cold comfort to your dead brother.


I told him to let me go. So whatever jam he's in now, that is his problem.


Yeah, well, I'll be sure to pass that on to him as I'm slitting his throat.


Yeah, you do that, 'cause he knows me. And he knows damn sure that if I am one thing, I am a man of my word.

[DEAN hangs up the phone and COLE is left standing in the barn.]



Source : SuperWiki

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