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#10.02 : Accro à la mort

CROWLEY DIT A DEAN QUE LA MARQUE A BESOIN D'ETRE NOURRIE - Crowley remarque que Dean devient de plus en plus agressif. Dean rétorque que cela fait partie des effets secondaires liés à son statut de démon, mais Crowley sait qu'il s'agit d'autre chose - la marque de Cain demande à être nourrie. Pendant ce temps, Sam est capturé par Cole, un jeune homme qui est persuadé que Dean est responsable de la mort de son père des années auparavant, et qui veut désormais se venger. Cole torture Sam, espérant que ce dernier lui révèlera où Dean se cache. Hannah constate que Castiel s'affaiblit de plus en plus tandis que sa grâce continue de se mourir, et elle décide alors de demander de l'aide à Metatron.


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Accro à la mort

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Photos promo

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) à terre

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) à terre

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) blessé

Sam (Jared Padalecki) blessé

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) hurlant

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) hurlant

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en voiture

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en voiture


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 14.10.2014 à 21:00
2.13m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Andrew Dabb
Réalisé par : Thomas J. Wright.


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Erica Carroll... Hannah

Travis Aaron Wade... Cole

Curtis Armstrong... Metatron






21 Juin 2003. Le jeune Cole est réveillé par des cris et des bruits de lutte venant du rez-de-chaussée. Il se lève, descend, et trouve son père allongé sur le sol, la gorge tranchée. Puis arrive Dean, un poignard ensanglanté à la main. Retour dans le présent. Cole raconte que cette nuit-là, il a vu Dean tuer son père, et que c'est pour ça qu'il veut le retrouver, pour se venger. Il demande encore une fois à Sam de lui dire où Dean se trouve, sachant que ce dernier ne semble pas se soucier de ce qui peut lui arriver. Mais Sam refuse, non pas pour protéger Dean, mais pour protéger Cole, du monstre que Dean est devenu, et c'est de cet argument qu'il essaie de convaincre Cole. Sam lui parle de montres, ce à quoi Cole répond qu'il en a vu suffisamment lorsqu'il servait en Irak et au Congo. Mais Sam lui dit qu'il parle de vampires, de loups-garous, ce genre de monstres. Puis, il invite Cole à jeter un oeil dans son sac. Quand Cole trouve la gourde, Sam lui répond qu'elle contient de l'eau bénite. Malheureusement, Cole ne croit pas un mot de ce que Sam raconte, et décide de passer à l'étape supérieure. Il sort un marteau.


Killdeer, Dakota du Nord. On retrouve Dean dans un bar, profitant d'une stripteaseuse. Lorsqu'il devient un peu trop proche, la jeune femme décide d'arrêter la séance. Alors que Dean tente de la retenir, le videur intervient. En parallèle de la bagarre entre Dean et le videur, nous retrouvons Cole en train de frapper Sam, afin de le faire parler. Voyant qu'il ne dira pas un mot, il décide d'utiliser le marteau. Il est prêt à lui briser la rotule gauche, mais son téléphone sonne. Il le prend, fait tomber ses clés, et répond en sortant. C'est son fils. Pendant ce temps, Sam remarque les clés posées sur le sol, dont l'un des portes-clés est un couteau suisse. Lorsque Cole raccroche et qu'il réapparait dans la grange, Sam a disparu. Mais Cole ne semble pas surpris. De retour avec Dean, qui sort du bar. Crowley apparait. Il souhaite lui parler de son incapacité à contrôler sa colère.

Castiel se rafraichit, et tente de guérir ses blessures, mais son énergie résiduelle est si faible qu'il n'y parvient pas. Aussi Hannah prend le relais. Castiel la remercie et lui dit qu'il ne la retient pas, mais Hannah répond qu'elle souhaite rester. Castiel reçoit alors un appel de Sam, qui lui apprend que Dean est un démon. Le chasseur lui demande de le rejoindre dans le Dakota du Nord, afin de l'aider à gérer la situation. Castiel accepte.

Sur la route, Hannah avoue qu'elle est réticente à l'idée de rejoindre les Winchesters, et elle pense que ceux-ci ont une mauvaise influence sur Castiel. Ce dernier lui répond que les deux frères sont ses amis, et bien qu'ils soient un peu rustres parfois, ils sont aussi les meilleurs hommes que l'ange ai connu. Tandis qu'Hannah se tourne vers la fenêtre pour admirer les étoiles, Cas' s'endort au volant. Il ne voit pas le camion qui arrive en face. Le bruit du klaxon de l'engin, et le cri de surprise d'Hannah le font réagir. Il tourne le volant brusquement, et la voiture va se crasher sur le bas-côté.

Au bar, Crowley tente de sonder Dean et de l'amener à accepter sa proposition. Sachant que la marque a besoin d'être nourrie, et qu'en conséquence, Dean a besoin de tuer, le roi de l'Enfer lui propose de le faire pour eux deux. Ainsi, il lui parle de Mindy, femme de Lester, qui a trompé ce dernier. Mindy a ensuite demandé le divorce, et 50% des biens de Lester. Ce dernier a donc vendu son âme afin que sa femme meurt, et qu'il ne perde rien. Dean se laisse convaincre, et accepte de tuer Mindy.

Castiel et Hannah sont invités à rester chez la dépanneuse qui les a secourus, en attendant que celle-ci se soit procuré les pièces mécaniques dont la voiture de Cas' a besoin. Hannah est surprise par la bonté de la jeune femme. Cas la remercie, et tous deux entrent dans la maison de leur sauveuse. Tandis qu'Hannah part chercher le plat resté au frigo et proposé par la dépanneuse, Castiel s'allonge sur le canapé, et s'endort. En voyant cela, Hannah, avec un sourire attendri sur le visage, le couvre avec son manteau.

Dean s'apprête à exécuter sa tâche : tuer Mindy. Mais avant de pénétrer dans la maison, il se rend compte qu'une voiture s'est garée tout près. Il entre dans le véhicule, pour y trouver Lester. Ce dernier explique qu'il souhaitait s'assurer que le travail serait fait correctement. Dean n'a aucune sympathie pour lui et lui fait savoir, et de plus, il révèle qu'il sait que Lester a trompé Mindy en premier. Lester part dans un argumentaire misogyne, ce qui lui vaut une droite bien placée. Lester s'énerve, et ordonne à Dean d'exécuter son travail, le traite de monstre, au passage. A ce moment, l'on peut voir dans les yeux de Dean qu'il en est fini de Lester. Dean sort sa Lame, et le tue, lentement, le sourire aux lèvres.

Sam interroge le videur attaqué par Dean, qui lui confirme le passage de ce dernier, mais aussi son départ. Sam lui donne son numéro et lui demande de l'appeler si Dean devait repasser dans les environs. Sam repart. Un peu plus loin, Cole, dans sa jeep, observe la scène. Une fois Sam parti, il le suit.

Chez la dépanneuse, Castiel se réveille, et trouve une petite fille assise à ses côtés, en train de regarder des dessins-animés tout en grignotant des friandises. Ils se disent bonjour, et la petite lui demande s'il a rêvé. Une fois que Castiel lui a répondu qu'il ne rêve pas, la fillette lui raconte l'un de ses derniers rêves. La réponse de Cas' l'a fait rire, et elle partage ses friandises avec lui. Hannah observe la scène, aussi intriguée qu'attendrie. La dépanneuse est entrée et a également été témoin de ce joli moment. Elle glisse subtilement à Hannah que Castiel est un homme bien. Hannah saisit l'allusion et répond qu'ils ne sont pas ensemble. La dépanneuse semble le déplorer.

Tandis que Crowley meurt d'ennui, Dean revient. Il apprend à Crowley qu'il a tué Lester, ce qui met le roi de l'Enfer en colère, car il a aussi perdu l'âme qu'il devait récupérer. Quand Dean, qui se soucie peu de ce que le roi pense, lui tourne le dos, ce dernier le provoque. Dean le pousse violemment, le faisant trébucher. Crowley se relève, et prévient Dean qu'il devrait choisir s'il est humain ou s'il est démon, car il ne peut pas être les deux. Dean s'approche, menaçant, exhorte Crowley à agir, puis lui dit qu'ils ne sont pas les meilleurs amis du monde, et qu'il n'a pas d'ordres à recevoir de lui. Crowley décide mettre fin à leur relation. Puis, il s'en va, escorté de ses deux sbires.

Tandis que Castiel et Hannah partent de chez la dépanneuse, et qu'Hannah prend le volant, Crowley rejoint Sam à la sortie du motel. Crowley est prêt à lui livrer Dean, car celui-ci est devenu incontrôlable, et que ce n'est pas bon pour ses affaires. Mais bien sûr, il souhaite quelque chose en échange.

Castiel se réveille sur le siège passager, près du parc où le portail menant au Paradis se trouve. Hannah n'est plus là. Lorsqu'il sort, la gardienne du portail lui apprend qu'Hannah est allée au Paradis. Hannah, pendant ce temps, tente d'obtenir de l'aide de Metatron. Celui-ci lui dit qu'il reste toujours une partie de la grâce de Castiel, et qu'en échange de sa liberté, il la rendra. Il promet aussi de fuir dans une autre galaxie. Hannah hésite, mais Castiel intervient avant qu'elle ne décide de conclure le pacte. Il fait tout pour la convaincre que Metatron est un menteur. Hannah tente de protester, mais elle lâche prise, et s'en va. Une fois seuls, Metatron dit à Castiel qu'il reste toujours une part de sa grâce quelque part, qu'il n'a pas menti à ce sujet. Castiel rétorque qu'il n'en veut pas, qu'il a accepté son sort. Metatron n'y croit pas, mais sent bien qu'il ne peut convaincre l'ange. Aussi prévient-il Castiel : il parviendra à sortir de cette prison, et lorsque ce sera le cas, il tuera tout le monde. Castiel s'en va, avec les dernières paroles de Metatron pour le hanter.

Tandis qu'installé devant un piano, Dean repense aux paroles de Crowley, Sam entre dans le bar. Sam tente d'abord de convaincre Dean de le suivre, mais Dean refuse, il ne veut pas être guéri. Il se moque méchamment de Sam, qui se sent blessé, mais persévère. Il sort les menottes anti-démons. Cependant, l'interaction est interrompue quand une bombe fumigène est jetée dans le bar. Sam et Dean sortent. Sam se retrouve face à Cole, qui l'assomme. Puis, enfin, il confronte Dean. Il se présente, raconte pourquoi il est ici, mais Dean s'en fiche et lui fait savoir. Il ne présente aucun remords. La bagarre commence. Dean s'amuse à provoquer Cole, mais a facilement le dessus. Puis il révèle enfin ses yeux noirs. Il pose sa lame sur la gorge de Cole, mais l'épargne. Sam en profite, jette de l'eau bénite sur Dean, et lui pose les menottes.

Dean est prisonnier dans l'Impala. Sam donne la Lame à Crowley, qui promet de la cacher là où Dean ne pourra pas la trouver. Sam prévient Crowley, ce n'est pas terminé. Crowley jette un dernier regard à Dean, qui ne le lâche pas. Plus tard, Cole recherche tout ce qu'il peut trouver dans une bibliothèque, à propos des démons.

Au bar, Crowley regarde une photo de Dean et lui, pensif, quand ses sbires l'exhortent de partir. Dans l'Impala, Sam se rend compte que l'Impala n'a pas été entretenue, ce à quoi Dean répond que c'est juste une voiture. Malgré tout, Sam croit encore que Dean peut être sauvé, car il a pris pitié de Cole. Dean répond, avec un sourire, que ce n'était pas de la pitié. Il demande à Sam comment il se sentirait s'il faisait face au meurtrier de son père, celui qu'il a recherché toute sa vie, et que celui-ci le battait aussi facilement ? Pour Dean, c'est la pire chose qui puisse arriver à Cole. Puis, il prévient Sam : pour lui non plus, il n'aura aucune pitié. Malgré la peur, Sam continue de fixer la route, déterminé à ramener son frère.


Ecrit par deanlove35.


[June 21, 2003 - A young COLE wakes up in bed hearing sounds of a struggle downstairs. He leaves his room following the sounds of fighting. He sees a body on the ground downstairs and as he gets closer recognizes it.]

YOUNG COLE [as he rushes down the stairs, slipping on a pool of blood at the bottom]

Dad? Dad. [his father's throat is cut] Dad?!

[He starts to cry]


[Around the corner comes a figure with a bloody knife. The camera pans up to see it is DEAN]

[COLE is in the barn recounting the story to SAM who is still tied up.]


And that was the night that Dean Winchester murdered my father. And that's... that's why he's gonna die.


I'm sorry.


I'm not looking for your sympathy, Sammy. I'm looking for your brother. So, why don't you tell me where Dean-o is, and then I'll let you go.


That's not gonna happen.


Really? Now, you know your brother gave me the, uh, green light to put one between your eyes, right?


Dean...Dean isn't Dean right now. Now, look, I don't know who you are --


Name's Cole. Listen, Sam...Every night...since I was 13 years old...Every night, I close my eyes and all I can see is your brother and all that blood...and my daddy. Now...I know Dean's family and all, but he gave you up. And you have no reason to protect him -- none. So help me. Please.


Look, I'm sorry about your dad. Whatever happened... Dean had a reason. I don't know how to tell you this. There are monsters out there.


You don't think I know that? I did two tours in Iraq. Special Ops, Darfur...The Congo. I've seen suicide bombers and child soldiers so hopped up on speed that they could barely talk! Oh, but they could sure as hell shoot an A.K.


Not that kind of monster.


Don't tell me about monsters! 'Cause I've met my share.


I mean vampires! All right? Werewolves. Monster... monsters. Look in the bag. [motioning with his head to his duffle sitting to the side] Go on. Take a look. It's right there.

COLE [pulling a flask of Holy Water out]

I guess even psychos need to hydrate.


It's holy water.

COLE [rolling his eyes]

Holy cow.


Look, I'm not a psycho. And I'm not lying.


Well, you see, that's exactly what a psycho liar would say, so... See my dilemma?

[COLE sets his own backpack on the table and pulls out a ball peen hammer.]

I guess...We are just gonna have to do this the other way.



[Interior of a strip club in Kill Deer, North Dakota: DEAN is watching a pole dancer and he is drinking. He reaches up and touches her. She slaps his hand away.]


No touching. House rules.


You sure about that?

[DEAN pulls a $20 bill out of his wallet and lays it on the stage. He dares her with his eyes.]

Go ahead. Pick it up.

DANCER [disgusted moves to leave]

And we're done.

DEAN [grabbing her]

Hey, hey, hey. Song's not over, sweetheart.

SECURITY [intervening]

Time to go, jerkwad.

[Scenes switch between DEAN beating up SECURITY and COLE torturing SAM]

COLE [punching SAM in the face]

Where's Dean, Sam? Where is he?

[DEAN is mercilessly beating the SECURITY guard]

COLE [punching SAM in the face again

Where is he?!

[DEAN beats the SECURITY guard unconscious and then kicks him for good measure. Then DEAN finishes his drink and picks his $20 bill up from the stage]

[COLE chokes SAM with his right hand and pushes torturously on his injured shoulder with his left. SAM screams in agony.]

SAM [gasping]

Shove it up your ass.

COLE [releasing SAM]

Okay. Okay. Okay, okay. I guess it's time to crank up the volume, then. Huh?

[COLE pulls the hammer back out and taps it on SAM's left knee, getting ready to swing. SAM is shaking in pain but tries to steel himself for COLE's blow.]

Right there.

[COLE's phone rings]


Ain't you lucky, boy?

[He answers it and walks outside]

Hey, darling. No, I'm good. No, everything's fine. Everything's just fine.

[SAM realizes when COLE pulled the phone out of his pocket he pulled out his keys too. And on his keyring is a pocket knife. SAM looks to make sure COLE has stepped out of the barn.]


Go ahead. Put him on. Hey. Hey, big guy. How you doing? Now, no, no. Listen, daddy's really busy right now, okay? I love you. All right, I got to go, okay? I'm gonna have to call you back.

[COLE re-enters the barn but the chair is tipped over and SAM is gone.]

[DEAN leaves the strip club and runs into a few teenage boys. One bumps into him.]


Move, grandpa.

CROWLEY [appearing]

Kids. Am I right? In my day, we respected our elders. Of course, back then, anyone over 30 was ancient. Now 40-year-olds are still living with mommy, lying on OkCupid, and taking pictures of their food.


What do you want, Crowley?


A chat. We need to talk about your... Anger-management issues.

[Scene changes to CASTIEL washing his hands in a sink on a dock. He tries to heal his chest wound himself but his grace flickers out.]

HANNAH [approching]

Here. Let me.


Thank you. Hannah, you don't have to --you -- you can go. You don't owe me anything.


I know. But I want to stay...and help.

[CASTIEL chuckles]

Is that wrong?


No. It's just...very human. It's a compliment.



[CASTIEL's phone rings and he answers it]


SAM [walking down a rural road]

You need to get to Beulah, North Dakota -- now.


I do?


Yes. Crowley and Dean were there. We got to pick up their trail.


Good. Great.


Yeah, um...not so much. Cas...Dean's a demon.


Dean's a demon? How?


The Mark --I-I guess it --it just messed him up. I don't know.


That is a vast understatement.


Right. Now, Cas, listen. I know you're not feeling so hot, but this is kind of an “all hands on deck” situation here, so...


So... I'll meet you there.



[SAM looks ahead and sees a truck sitting at an abandoned house]

[CASTIEL and HANNAH are driving down a road at night]


Are you sure about this?


If you wanted to stay behind...


I didn't. I just...Castiel...I think the Winchesters are a bad influence on you.


Sam and Dean may be a bit rough around the edges, but they're the best men I've ever known. And they're my friends.

HANNAH [looking out the window at the night sky]

I never get tired of looking at them. All those stars.

[As she talks CASTIEL nods off in the driver's seat. He is awoke by the horn of an oncoming semi-truck and he swerves to miss it. His car slides into a ditch.]


[DEAN and CROWLEY are sitting at a bar. DEAN motions to the bartender]


Two shots here. He'll have something fancy, with your tiniest umbrella.


So...How you been feeling? On edge? Pent-up? Unfulfilled?


You sound like a Viagra commercial. You know that, right?


This isn't about...Little Dean. It's about the Mark. It changed you.

DEAN [flashing black eyes]

I've noticed.


And I know that you want to keep the party going. You want to have fun, fun, fun till daddy takes the black eyes away. The fact is...you need to kill now. Not want to, not choose to --need to.

BARTENDER [setting DEAN's shots down and some girly drink in front of CROWLEY]

There you go.

CROWLEY [with a withering look]


Face it, darling. You're an addict. Death is your drug. And you're gonna spend the rest of your life chasing that dragon.




So...I'm here to facilitate.


You want me to kill for you.


I want you to kill for us. Look...You're going to snap eventually. The anger, the bloodlust is gonna build up in you until you can't take it anymore, and then... So, the question is, do you want to spike a civilian or someone who has it coming?


Like who?


Like...Mindy Morris. Caring mother...Loving wife...Cheating trollop. After her husband, Lester, discovered Mindy's liaison amoureuse, heated words were exchanged. In the end, Mindy wanted a divorce...And 50% of everything. But Lester --


Lester would rather give up his soul than half his junk.


We live in a very materialistic world. Mindy's gonna die one way or the other. Why not take the job -- feed the beast?


Fine. One-time deal.


Oh, there's something else that I need to share with you.

[CASTIEL and HANNAH get out of a towtruck and the driver gets out too. She seems very kind and friendly]


I'm gonna have to run in to town for a new set of tires. Could take a while. You want to head inside and watch TV or something, you're more than welcome. Oh, and there's leftover three-bean surprise in the fridge, if you're hungry.

HANNAH [impressed]

You're very kind.


Well, makes up for me being an ax murderer and all. Uh, sorry. Kidding.


Ah, I see.


Thank you for everything.

[Inside the house, HANNAH opens the fridge and CASTIEL takes off his trench coat and lies down on the couch. HANNAH pulls the casserole from the fridge.]


I understand the three beans, but...What's the surprise?

[She walks into the other room and sees that CASTIEL has fallen asleep. She gently lays his trench coat over him.]

[DEAN is at LESTER's house watching MINDY MORRIS through the window. Just as he is about to make his move he is distracted by headlights turning in. Scene changes to LESTER sitting in the car waiting. Suddenly DEAN opens the passenger door and gets in.]


Hey! Hey!


Let me guess -- Lester?


I...Who are you?

DEAN [eyes flashing black]

Who do you think?


Whoa. Ohh!

DEAN [mockingly]


What the hell are you doing here, man?


Well, my contact...Yeah, he, uh -- he told me that, uh, this was happening, so I just wanted to come down and make sure it gets done right.


Ah. 'Cause you're the expert, huh? Listen --and this is murder 101 --when you hire someone to kill your wife, you don't want to be around when the hit goes down. It's called an alibi.


Yeah, I know what an alibi is. I watch “Franklin & Bash”.


Super. Listen, you sold your soul for this crap, so --


It's not crap. It's my life. And she flushed it down the toilet.


Les... I'm gonna say something to you. I need you to really listen to me. You're a loser. Your lady in there -- she's a North Dakota 8. You're a 4 1/2, Max. Now, I don't blame her for stepping out -- especially if she found you were messing around first.


No. Oh, no. I-I wasn't...Uh -- How do you know?


Well, you just got that, uh, pervy, “I'd do anything to nail my secretary” look.


Oh. No. T-that -- it's different when guys do it.




Yeah. It's called “science”.




Men aren't built for monogamy...because of evolution. We're -- we're -- we're programmed, you know, to --to spread our seed.

[DEAN punches him]


Ohh! Ow!


Like I said -- loser, with a capital “L,” rhymes with “you suck.”


Yeah, well, you're a punk-ass demon! And you work for me now. So get in there and do your job, you freak!

DEAN [fixing an icy glare at LESTER]

And what are you gonna do? You gonna watch, huh? Is that what you like to do, Lester? Watch? Well, watch this.

[DEAN pulls out the First Blade and buries it in LESTER's chest.]

[SAM is showing DEAN's picture to the SECURITY GUARD who DEAN beat up. The guy has a black eye and has an arm in a sling.]


Hmm. That's the guy. I called 911, but he was gone before they showed up. That dude get to you, too?

SAM [looking at his own sling]

Oh, uh, no. This is, uh, just a...hunting accident.




Yeah. Would you do me a favor? If you do see him again, will you give me a call?


Yeah. You bet.



[SAM gets in his stolen truck and pulls out of the parking lot. COLE is watching him from his own vehicle and pulls out to follow him.]


[CASTIEL wakes up to find the tow-truck driver's young daughter sitting at the end of the couch eating cereal and watching cartoons.]






Did you have a good dream?


Well...I, uh...I don't really dream.


Why? One time, I dreamed that my snot was a rocket, and it shot into space and knocked down the stars to make room for more rockets!

CASTIEL [smiling at the little girl]

That sounds like some very special snot.

[She giggles joyously]


All right, you're good to go.


We appreciate that.


Great guy you have there.


Oh. We're not... That.


Too bad.

[CROWLEY is listening to a boring progress report from a stunt demon. He looks immensely bored.]


At the end of the day, we have to strategically calibrate expectations. And so, by making these 64 small changes...I believe we can increase our demon-conversion rate by 0.03%.

[Phone rings and STUNT DEMON #2 picks it up]

Uh, sir?



Kill me.


Uh... It's Sam Winchester, sir. He's close.

[DEAN enters]


Dean! How did it go?


Fine. Fine. Uh... He's dead, and you're right --I-I feel amazing.




Uh, Lester.


The client? You killed the client?


Does it matter? He was a douche. Now he's a dead douche.


Of course it matters! The deal was one dead wife for one soul. The wife's not dead, I don't get the soul. It's math.

DEAN [turning to leave]

Well...There you go.


Hey! don't turn your back on me!

[DEAN turns around with cold eyes and with one shove sends CROWLEY sprawling on the floor. DEAN chuckles coldly.]


Is something funny?


No, sir.

CROWLEY [getting up]


What do you think you're doing?


Oh, whatever I want.


Really? Because I think you don't know what you want. Tell me, Dean -- what are you? A demon? If so, why isn't Lester's wife dead? Did you feel sorry for her? So maybe you're human. Except you have those pretty black peepers and you're working alongside me. Why don't you do us all a great big favor and PICK A BLOODY SIDE?!


Or what? Hmm? Go ahead. Make a move. See how it ends. I ain't your friggin' bestie, and I ain't taking orders from you. When I need to kill, I'll call. Until then, stay out of my way.


Fine. It's over. What can I say? Crazy ones -- well, they're good for a fling, but they're not relationship material.


Are you done?


We're done. You know what, Dean? It's not me. It's you.

[CROWLEY and his stunt demons leave the bar]

[CASTIEL and HANNAh go to get in the fixed car.]


Maybe I should drive?


All right. Good idea.

[SAM is leaving a hotel when someone calls to him]


Hello, Bullwinkle. You miss me?


So much.


You're here for Dean. I'm here to give him to you.




The little prat's bad for business. He's...uncontrollable. Must be the Mark. Anyway, Dean's your problem now -- again, forever.

SAM [desperately]

Then where is he?


First, there's the small matter of my finder's fee.

[CASTIEL wakes up in the car with HAHHAH missing. He gets out and discovers he is parked at a playground]



ANGEL [guarding the portal]

She's gone, Castiel. She took the express elevator upstairs.


To heaven? Why?

[HANNAH approaches METATRON's prison cell. He is in a straightjacket.]


Mm. Hello, beautiful.




I knew you'd come back. That white-hot spark between us -- I felt it.


I'm here about Castiel.




After you cast the spell to close the Gates of Heaven, was there any of his Grace left?


And if there was?


Then I want it.


Well...Everybody wants something. Question is, are you willing to pay for it? Are you willing to...I don't know -- let me out?

Oh, come on. don't look so shocked. You knew what I'd ask for. And you wouldn't have come here if you weren't willing to pony up.


It doesn't make it any easier.


Fair enough. So... Let me sweeten the pot. I have had time to... think. And I've decided -- screw earth. You pop that lock, I'll give you Castiel's Grace and then scamper off to another planet -- another galaxy, even --and you will never see me again. And in return... you get Cas back at full power -- large and in charge. And that's what you really want, isn't it? Somebody big and strong telling you what to do. Poor little Hannah. You're so desperate to be dominated.

[HANNAH grabs him through the bars and smashes his face into the bars]



Watch your mouth.


Ah. Like I said -- white-hot spark. So, do we have a deal?


No. What are you doing?


Ugh. You know perfectly well what she's doing, ass-tiel.


I had to. You are dying.


She's right. You totally are.


You shut up!


He said your Grace -- it's still out there.


He's lying. He is a liar.


Hey, words hurt!


Listen to me, Hannah. You don't want this. I have seen what -- I've made deals born of desperation, and they always end in blood and tears -- always.


So I'm supposed to let you...


Yes. It's my life, and it's my choice. And I don't want this.


I...You're right. I'm sorry.

[HANNAH leaves]


You're wrong. Not about the lying part. I am a terrific liar. But there is some of your mojo left. Not a lot... But enough. And it can be yours for the low, low price of --


Keep it.




I've made peace with my fate.


Who's the liar now?


I enjoy thinking about you locked up in here, rotting until the end of time. It's my...happy place.


Yeah? Uh...No. I'll get out. It may take a century. May take a millennium or two, but this dump will not hold me forever. And when I'm free -- here's a little sneak preview -- everybody dies.


You... You talk too much.

[CASTIEL turns and walks out of the prison]

METATRON [yelling after him]

You should have killed me when you had the chance, Castiel. Dead man walking! You heard me! Dead man walking!!

[DEAN is sitting at a piano in the bar. He plays a few notes but his mind is elsewhere. He takes out the First Blade and slices open his left palm. It instantly heals. In DEAN's mind he hears CROWLEY yell "Pick a bloody side!!" Suddenly in the background we see SAM slowly step into frame as he sees his brother from the first time.]


Hiya, Sam.




Hey, Harv, why don't you go grab a smoke?

[to SAM]

Who winged you?


Does it matter?


Not really. I told you to let me go.


You know I can't do that. By the way, your, uh, pal Crowley...Sold you out.


Sounds like him.


Dean, hold on a second. You don't have to do this. Look, we know how to cure demons. You remember that?


Little Latin, lot of blood. It rings a bell. Did you ever stop to think that if I wanted to be cured, I wouldn't have bailed?


That was Crowley.

DEAN [smiling]

It really wasn't.


It doesn't matter, all right? 'Cause whatever went down, whatever happened, we will fix it.


Will we? 'Cause right now, I'm doing all I can not to come over there and rip your throat out... with my teeth. I'm giving you a chance, Sam. You should take it.


I'm gonna have to pass.


Well, I'm not walking out that door with you. I'm just not. So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill me?




Why? You don't know what I've done. I might have it coming.


Well, I don't care. Because you are my brother. And I'm here to take you home.


Hmm. Ah! [mockingly] “You're my brother, and I'm here to take you home.” Yeah, what is this, a Lifetime movie? Huh? With your puppy-dog eyes? [laughing] Oh, thanks, Sammy. I needed that.

[SAM takes out the sigil etched handcuffs]


You really think those are gonna work?


There's one way to find out.

[Just then, tear gas comes flying in the window and SAM dissolves in a fit of coughing. He stumbles outside where COLE is waiting to knock him unconscious. DEAN appears behind COLE]

COLE [pulling his gun on DEAN]

Wow. It's really you.


We met?


Talked on the phone.


Right. Right. You're the guy who's supposed to put a bullet in Sammy's brain. Did you miss?


Well, I had a better idea. I figure if I let your bro escape, he'd go running to you, and all I had to do was just tag along. And now here we are, finally -- Dean Winchester.


Great. A groupie.


You remember me?


Yeah, yeah. You're that guy from that thing.


Nyack, New York, June 21, 2003.


That supposed to ring a bell?


It was the night you gutted and murdered a man by the name of Edward Trenton. He was my father.






Well, hey, I'm not saying I didn't slice and dice your old man. I'm just saying that he wasn't the first, and he certainly wasn't the last, and they all just kind of get blended up.


I saw you...That night...After. You let me live. That was dumb -- real dumb. I spent half my life training for this moment. I've played out this fight a thousand times in my mind. And I know all about you, Dean-o. And you're good. Oh, you're real good. But, you see, I'm better.


Prove it. Take a shot.


Now, that's not payback. [He holsters his gun and draws his knife] This is payback.

[COLE leaps to attack DEAN who fends off his attack easily. COLE attacks him again and DEAN easily pulls the gun from the holster and drops the clip from it and empties the chamber.]


You know...And I'm just spitballing here, but, uh, maybe...you are not as good as you think you are.

Oh! You know Kung Fu?


I know everything.


Well, come on.

[COLE attacks him in a fury and DEAN again easily throws him to the ground.]


What did you think was gonna happen, huh? You just stroll up here and say “my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die,” And I'd just roll over? Well, that's just -- it makes me sad.

[DEAN leans mockingly over COLE but doesn't see him pull another knife. COLE slashes DEAN's face with it]


[DEAN quickly gets COLE into a throat grip against a car as we see the cut on his face instantly heal]

You have no idea what you walked into here, do you? None.


What are you?


I'm a demon.

[DEAN take out the First Blade and holds it to COLE's throat]


Do it! You said if you saw me, you would kill me, so do it!


I guess I changed my mind.

[DEAN releases COLE and steps back. But at that instant SAM throws holy water on his brother and DEAN starts to burn. SAM rushes in snapping on the sigil etched handcuffs.]


Stop! It's over! It's over.

[DEAN glares daggers at SAM but is completely helpless.]


[Outside the bar, DEAN is handcuffed to the backseat of the IMPALA and SAM and CROWLEY stand outside the car. SAM has the First Blade in his hands]


A pleasure doing business.


What are you gonna do with it?


Toss it into a volcano, leave it on the Moon. I'll get creative. Believe me, I don't want Dean getting his hands on the precious any more than you do. Your brother knows I ratted. He tends to hold a grudge. I don't want to get...Boned.

SAM [handing over the First Blade]

This doesn't make us square. If I see you again --


Oh, stop it, Samantha. No one likes a tease.

[COLE is in a public library bleeding all over the books. He is gasping in pain as the librarian looks on.]


Give me every book you have

on demons.

[CROWLEY sits alone at the bar. He is looking at a picture of DEAN and himself.]


Sir. It's time to move on.

[CROWLEY nods and they leave the bar]

[SAM is driving the IMPALA toward home and DEAN is quiet in the back]

SAM [looking around the car]

This thing is filthy.


It's just a car, Sam.


“It's just a...car”. Wow. You really have gone dark.


You have no idea.


You know what, Dean? I saw what happened back there. You could have killed that guy, and you didn't. You took mercy on him.


You call that mercy? Imagine you spend your whole life hunting down the guy that knifed your father. When you finally find him... He whips you like a dog. How do you think that feels? That kid's gonna spend his whole life knowing that he had his shot and that he couldn't beat me. That ain't mercy. That's the worst thing I could have done to him.

And what I'm gonna do to you, Sammy... Well, that ain't gonna be mercy, either.



Source : SuperWiki

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faith  (19.12.2022 à 04:36)

Team Crowley et Dean? J'aime à part que Dean est un démon!!!!!!!

Le jeu de Jensen est incroyable, on y croit trop bien


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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