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#10.03 : Traitement de choc

JENSEN ACKLES REDEVIENT REALISATEUR - Sam continue ses efforts pour sauver Dean de la marque de Cain. Crowley réalise que les exploits démoniaques de Dean sont en train de lui causer quelques problèmes en Enfer, aussi fait-il appel à un allié inattendu - Castiel.


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Traitement de choc

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Sam (Jared Padalecki) soucieux

Sam (Jared Padalecki) soucieux

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins) au sol blessé

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins) au sol blessé

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Hannah (Erica Carroll)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Hannah (Erica Carroll)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) attaché

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) attaché

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à un démon des croisements (Raquel Riskin)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à un démon des croisements (Raquel Riskin)

Hannah (Erica Carroll) blessée

Hannah (Erica Carroll) blessée

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) attaché

Dean (Jensen Ackles) attaché

Sam (Jared Padalecki) injectant un traitement à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) injectant un traitement à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) attaché

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) attaché


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 21.10.2014 à 21:00
2.08m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming
Réalisé par : Jensen Ackles


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Erica Carroll... Hannah

Jud Tylor... Adina

Ruth Connell... Rowena

David Nyki... Lester Morris

Rachel Riskin... Dar

Stephen Huszar... Démon

Russell Roberts... Démon

Adam Boys... Démon






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Sam fait bénir du sang à l'hôpital par un prêtre, puis embarque le sang, direction le bunker. Il rejoint Demon!Dean, bien enfermé dans le donjon. Demon!Dean proteste, tente d'abord de convaincre Sam de le laisser partir, qu'il ne veut pas être guéri, mais Sam ne se laisse pas amadouer, et lui injecte la première dose. Si, au départ, rien ne semble se produire, l'injection commence son douloureux effet.


Castiel et Hannah sont en route pour le bunker. Hannah tente de convaincre Cas' de s'ouvrir, mais il refuse et prétend que tout va bien. Hannah est outrée par le fait que Sam puisse lui demander de faire ce long chemin et de l'aider alors qu'il n'est pas bien. Castiel avoue que Sam ne sait pas à quel point sa situation est grave, mais peu importe. Sam est seul à lutter contre le démon qu'est devenu Dean, et il ne peut être sûr que le remède fonctionnera. Si ce remède échoue, il va falloir se débarrasser du démon. Hannah conclue en disant qu'elle est simplement inquiète pour Castiel.

Les injections se poursuivent. Dean provoque Sam, mais le jeune Winchester ne se laisse pas faire, convaincu qu'il ne parle pas à son frère, malgré les assertions de ce dernier. Puis, Dean évoque ce que Sam a fait dans le but de le retrouver. Nous assistons à des flashbacks nous montrant où en est venu Sam dans ses recherches : ne pouvant invoquer lui-même des démons, Sam a utilisé Lester, afin qu'il invoque lui-même un démon des carrefours. Si Sam a voulu intervenir avant que Lester ne conclue le pacte, il était trop tard. Malgré tout, Sam ne s'est pas inquiété pour Lester outre mesure, et s'est mis à torturer le démon, Dar. Dean se fait alors un plaisir de révéler à Sam qu'il a lui-même tué Lester. Et Sam a beau protesté qu'il n'avait pas l'intention de laisser Lester vendre son âme, cela ne change rien au résultat. Sur le point de perdre son sang-froid, Sam injecte un peu plus violemment une nouvelle dose de sang à Dean. Ce dernier le prévient : si le remède ne fonctionne pas, il devra le tuer. Il lui demande s'il a les tripes pour le faire ?

En Enfer, Crowley passe son temps à signer des papiers et à rendre justice. Tandis qu'il s'ennuie à mourir, il reçoit la visite d'un démon qui lui apprend que Castiel est mal en point, car sa grâce se meure. Crowley envoie ce même démon surveiller l'ange et l'informer sur son état de santé tant qu'il se dégrade. Puis, tandis que Crowley se perd dans ses rêveries du temps où il était associé à Dean, un autre jeune démon approche, et prétend pouvoir remplacer Dean en tant que bras droit. Mais Crowley ne l'entend pas de cette oreille, et se débarasse du gêneur d'un claquement de doigts.

Castiel et Hannah sont arrêtés sur une route, au milieu de nul part. Hannah tente de se repérer sur une carte, mais elle semble perdue. Elle se rend compte que Castiel s'est de nouveau affaibli. Elle lui rappelle qu'il existe des solutions, mais Castiel refuse de trancher la gorge à un autre ange, ou de demander de l'aide à Metatron. Hannah trouve noble la volonté de Cas' de mourir pour ses principes, mais elle lui dit que cela n'a pas de sens s'il ne peut faire du temps qu'il lui reste quelque chose de juste, comme l'aider elle à ramener les anges rebelles au Paradis. Cas' lui dit qu'elle devra continuer seule, mais elle ne se sent pas de taille. Elle lui attrape le bras tandis qu'il trébuche, et un moment de gêne s'installe. Moment interrompu par l'appel désespéré de Sam, qui prévient Castiel que le remède ne semble pas fonctionner correctement. Dean est en souffrance, et Sam pense qu'il est peut-être en train de le tuer. Castiel le prévient : il ne peut arrêter maintenant, et il doit se rappeler que ce n'est pas vraiment Dean qu'il a en face de lui. Si le remède échoue, Sam devra le tuer. Sam demande à Cas' de se dépêcher, puis raccroche, et s'apprête à repartir au combat.

Sam se rend compte que Dean est inconscient. Il le secoue, et Dean finit par revenir à lui. Malgré la douleur, Dean n'a rien perdu de son sens du verbe, et décide de taper là où ça fait mal, afin de stopper Sam dans sa tentative. Il lui dit que tout est de sa faute : le fait que Mary soit morte, qu'il n'a pu avoir de véritable vie parce qu'il a dû la consacrer à le garder en vie. Il n'hésite pas non plus à taper sur John, au passage. Mais cela n'arrête pas Sam, qui réitère sa foi en sa famille, et injecte une nouvelle dose à son frère, avant de sortir.

Crowley continue de rendre la justice. Soudain, un démon se présente, et proteste contre le règne du roi, qu'il ne tolère plus. Pour démontrer son honneur et la cause qu'il défend, il s'immole, devant Crowley et sa cour. Crowley avoue être surpris par ce geste, mais ne se montre pas plus ému que cela.

Hannah et Castiel s'arrêtent à une station-service. Castiel profite de cette pause pour prévenir Hannah qu'ils doivent rester concentrés sur leur mission, et qu'ils ne doivent pas se laisser distraire par la tentation des émotions humaines. Hannah reçoit le message et entre dans la boutique, tandis que Cas' fait le plein. Hannah se rend compte du silence qui règne dans la boutique, et découvre le cadavre du propriétaire derrière le comptoir. Castiel, une fois le plein fait, entre à son tour, pour trouver Hannah aux mains d'Adina, qui a décidé de se venger. Elle jette Hannah violemment contre des rayons et décide de s'occuper de Cas'.

Sam s'accorde une pause dans le rituel. Il entre dans la chambre de Dean et s'apprête à débarasser le reste de tarte posé sur la table de nuit, quand il découvre plusieurs photos de famille cachées sous les feuilles d'un bloc-notes. Il les prend, s'asseoit sur le lit, et les regarde, un sourire triste habillant son visage. Puis, il soupire, les repose, et sort.

Laissé pour mort sur la chaussée, Castiel ouvre les yeux pour voir Crowley qui le dévisage, un sourire intéressé aux lèvres. Pendant ce temps, Sam repart au donjon, mais à sa grande surprise, Dean n'y est plus.

Tandis qu'Adina torture Hannah, Crowley arrive. Adina se retourne, et Crowley lui tranche alors la gorge, afin de récupérer sa grâce. Puis, il la tue, et sort, sans un regard pour Hannah.

Au bunker, un jeu du chat et de la souris commence, tandis que Sam tente d'échapper à Dean à travers le labyrinthe formé par les couloirs et les nombreuses pièces de la demeure. Si Sam ouvre un tiroir pour y récupérer des clés, Dean en trouve un autre pour y trouver une arme, et jette son dévolu sur un marteau.

Crowley force Castiel à accepter la grâce d'Adina, et lui assure que c'est lui-même qui l'a récupérée. Une fois de nouveau sur pieds, Castiel veut savoir ce que Crowley attend de lui. Crowley lui dit qu'avoir transformé Dean en démon ne lui a causé que des problèmes, et il demande à l'ange de réparer les dégâts. Castiel le prévient : il se pourrait qu'il ai à tuer Dean, au pire des cas. Crowley prétend qu'il s'en fiche, puis s'en va.

La poursuite continue au bunker. Sam parvient jusqu' à la salle des machines, où il actionne le système de sécurité permettant de bloquer les portes. Puis, il profite que Dean entre dans la pièce pour l'y enfermer et tenter de le raisonner. Mais malgré la perte du démon, Dean a des envies meurtrières plus fortes que jamais, et tandis qu'il défonce la porte à coups de marteau, Sam s'enfuit. Les deux frères se retrouvent dans un couloir. Sam pose le couteau de Ruby sur la gorge de son frère, mais se refuse à le tuer. Heureusement, Castiel arrive par derrière et attrape Dean afin de le maintenir, mettant fin aux souffrances de Sam.

Castiel et Sam ont ramené Dean au donjon. Sam profite que son frère soit inconscient pour lui injecter la dernière dose de sang. Sam se demande ce qu'il se passe, après les protestations de Dean quand au remède. Castiel avoue qu'il comprend : être un démon, un être dépourvu de sentiments, est plus facile que d'affronter la peine liée à la condition humaine. Tandis que Sam réfléchit à cette déclaration, Dean se réveille. La noirceur de ses yeux s'évanouit, et il se démontre surpris par l'inquiétude qui se lit sur les visages de Sam et de Castiel. Pour être sûr, Sam lui jette de l'eau bénite à la figure, mais celle-ci n'a aucun effet. Avec un sourire soulagé, Sam accueille le retour de son frère. Dean semble réaliser petit à petit les derniers évènements, et la consternation peut se lire dans ses yeux.

Sam retrouve Castiel dans la bibliothèque. Il dit que Dean est épuisé et encore dans les vappes après les derniers évènements, mais il a aussi faim, alors Sam décide d'aller chercher des provisions, et il demande à Cas' de garder un oeil sur son frère. Cas' prévient Sam que les ennuis ne sont pas terminés : la marque de Cain est toujours là. Sam en est conscient, mais pour le moment, il envisage seulement de nourrir son frère et de boire une grande quantité d'alcool. Sur ces mots, il s'en va.

Castiel vient s'assurer que Dean va bien. Ce dernier tente de savoir quelle est la réaction de son frère, s'il lui en veut. Castiel lui assure qu'il en faut beaucoup plus à Sam que de le poursuivre avec un marteau pour le faire fuir. Dean remercie Cas' d'être intervenu et d'être là. Castiel, avant de partir, conseille à Dean de se reposer. L'Enfer et le Paradis sont en reconstruction, et il serait bien de profiter du calme pour penser un peu à lui.

Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dans un salon chic, une femme lit un livre, assise dans un fauteuil au coin d'un feu de cheminée. Une goutte de sang tombe sur son avant-bras. Parfaitement, calme, elle l'essuie avec une serviette posée sur la table à côté d'elle. La caméra nous montre d'où vient le sang : au plafond, deux hommes sont cloués. La femme sourit, sereine, et se replonge dans sa lecture.


Ecrit par deanlove35.



Open your eyes, Dean. Let’s go take a howl at that moon.

[Dean opens his completely black eyes]


Heaven needs your help.




Daniel and Adina. They must be found. They must be brought home and they must be punished, for the sake of all.

[Castiel kills Daniel with his angel blade as Adina looks on in horror.]


Think of it: The King of Hell, Dean Winchester by his side. Together, we rule. Together, we create the perfect Hell. And all this that’s bloomed between us never ends.


Hey! Don’t turn your back on me!

[Dean pushes Crowley to the ground]


What do you think you’re doing?


Oh, whatever I want.

[Crowley meets with Sam]


You’re here for Dean. I’m here to give him to you. The little prat’s bad for business. He’s uncontrollable. Must be the Mark.

[In the bar]


Your pal Crowley sold you out. We know how to cure demons, you remember that?


Little Latin, lot of blood. So, what are you gonna do? You gonna kill me?


You are my brother, and I’m here to take you home.

[Sam pulls out the Devil’s Trap handcuffs]


You really think those are going to work?

[Sam hits Dean with holy water, which makes his skin sizzle and smoke. Sam slaps the handcuffs on Dean’s wrists]

SAM: Stop! It’s over! It’s over, Dean.


[Inside a hospital.]


Hunc sanguinem sacro, et donantibus sanguinem, debita demitto. Dolorem remitteat et voluntati de serviat.

[Priest puts the crucifix to his lips, then nods to Sam, wearing a white coat, who nods back. The priest walks out of the room.]





[Sam walks over and picks up a cooler, then fills it with donated blood. He drives away from the hospital in the Impala, and arrives back at the bunker. He goes down to the dungeon, where Dean is strapped to a chair in the middle of the Devil’s Trap on the floor.]




For whatever it’s worth, I got your blood type.


Sam, I know you think you’re gonna try and fix me, but … did it ever occur to you that maybe I don’t want to be fixed? Just let me go live my life. I won’t bother you. What do you care?


What do I care?

[Sam gets the holy water, splashes it on the floor as he begins chanting in Latin.]


You think I’m just gonna sit here like Crowley? Getting all weepy while you shoot me up? Well, screw that. I don’t want this!


Yeah, I pretty much figured that out


You don’t even know if this is gonna work, do you? You know, I got a hell of a lot more running through me than just demon juice.


Mark of Cain, got it.


That’s right.

[Sam has a syringe of blood in his hand as he walks closer to Dean.]


Buckle up.


Sammy … You know I hate shots.


I hate demons.

[Dean’s eyes go black a second before Sam hits him with holy water. Dean yells as his skin sizzles, and Sam plunges the needle into his arm. Dean groans as Sam empties the syringe into his arm.]


Look, we got a whole bunch more of these to go. You could make it a lot easier on yourself.

[Dean’s eyes widen as he grunts and groans, the blood already taking some effect.]


[In a car, Hannah watches Castiel, who is driving. They smile at each other. Cas is pale, doesn’t look as up to par as he normally does.]


How are you holding up?




You say you’re fine, but you don’t … look fine.


It’s what the humans do. They say they’re fine. And even if I—I don’t look it, you say I look well, and that way, we avoid talking about something we can do nothing about.


I’m sorry. I just can’t see how Sam Winchester could ask you to drive all this way to help with his brother, knowing your condition.

[Castiel glances at Hannah, then turns back to the road.]


He doesn’t know … about how badly your borrowed grace is fading, does he?


He knows some. And he didn’t have to ask. Sam is alone in this. He’s attempting to change Dean from demon to human with a cure of sanctified blood, but … There’s no guarantee that will work. If it doesn’t, then Dean is gone and the demon must be dealt with.


I just … I worry about you.

[Back in the bunker, Sam slides another needle into Dean’s arm as Dean groans in pain.]


For all you know, you could be killing me.


Or … You’re just messing with me. Either way, the lore doesn’t say anything about exceptions to the cure.

[Dean chuckles]


“The lore.” Hunters. Men of Letters. What a load of crap it all is! Oh, you got nothing?


You want me to debate you? This isn’t even the real you I’m talking to.


Oh, it’s the real me, all right. The new real me—the me that sees things for what they really are. Winchesters. Do-gooders. Fighting the natural order. Let me tell you something—guys like me, we are the natural order. It’s the way it was set up.


Guys like me still got to do what we can.


Don’t be so full of yourself, Sammy. ‘Cause, see, from where I’m sitting … There ain’t much difference from what I turned into to what you already are.


And what exactly is that supposed to mean?


I know what you did when you went looking for me. I know how far you went. Crowley told me all about it. So let me ask you … which one of us is really a monster? Hmm? Starting to come back to you now?

[Sam lets out a breath as he thinks back.]


[In a bar, Lester is drunk.]


What am I supposed to do now? It’s like my life is over. Thank you. Bitch. I should’ve seen it coming. Why doesn’t anything ever work out for me? Huh?


Hey there.




Sounds like things have been a little rough on you lately, huh?


Rough? My wife kicked me to the curb.




We haven’t had sex for four months. Four. Well, not that—not that she hasn’t been having plenty… with a guy in her bowling league. Guy with tattoos. Did him right there on the kitchen table while I was at work.


Man, that’s uh … That’s cold.


Now all I think of is revenge. Payback. But that’s not gonna happen.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. It is possible that you can have your revenge. I mean, hell, it’s possible you can have pretty much anything you want.



You were trying to get a twenty on Crowley and me from any demon you could snag. But Crowley didn’t want to be found, and no one showed when you summoned. But you found a way, didn’t you, Sam?


[Sam buries a box, covering it with dirt, glancing around the crossroads. He motions to Lester.]


All right. Stand right here. When I say so, read the words off the paper.


A—are you sure about this?


Yeah, trust me.

[Sam walks behind some bushes, crouching down.]


All right. Go ahead.


Okay, um … Demon esto subiectus voluntari—


Tati! Voluntati.


Oh. Voluntati.


Who summons me, and for what purpose?

[Sam stands up as Lester walks towards the demon.]


Kill my wife …




And my soul is yours.





SAM: No!

[The demon kisses Lester, sealing the deal.]



You would have liked to have gotten there before the deal went down, but you didn’t really care about poor ol’ Lester, did you?


[Sam has the crossroads demon strung up from a tree. She’s breathing hard, like she’s in pain.]


Why don’t we try that again?


Nobody knows where Crowley and your brother are. They’re off the radar!

[Sam pulls out a knife, then cuts into the demon’s chest. She screams in pain.]


Kill me if you want to! That’s all I know. I got nothing for you. And you made that poor son of a bitch sell his soul.



Oh, and so you know, I killed Lester myself. And that wife of his married the tattooed guy.

[Sam slams his hand down on the table.]


I never meant—


Who cares what you meant?! That line that we thought was so clear between us and the things that we hunted, ain’t so clear is it? Wow. You might actually be worse than me! I mean, you took a guy at his lowest, used him, and it cost him his life and his soul. Nice work.

[Sam plunges the next needle into Dean’s neck, and he screams in pain. Sam tosses the syringe onto the table, leaning over it, pain and regret on his face.]


Let me ask you this, Sammy: If this doesn’t work, we both know what you got to do to me, right? You got the stomach for that, Sam?!


[In Hell, a demon guard holds a young girl before the throne.]


You stand accused of high treason. Take her away.

[The demons leave, and another demon hands Crowley an envelope]


So what’s this, then? Oh, goody. Something else to sign. “Henceforth and forthwith … for the furtherance and expedience and regulation and …” Yeah. Sure.

[Crowley hands over what he just signed as another demon walks up.]


Majesty, supplicants await without.


Without what?


… Outside.


Let them wait.


They’ve waited a long time.


It’s Hell. You wait. It’s what you do. You’re still here.


I have an update on the angel Castiel. His grace seems to be fading. He’s losing strength. If one were so inclined, this would be a propitious time for one to eliminate him.




You, sire.


Borrowed grace does have a puny shelf life. Castiel should have read the warning label. Follow him, and keep me informed as to his decline.

[The demon leaves, and Crowley is alone.]


[Crowley opens the door to find Dean in bed and Anne-Marie getting dressed.]


What’s going on here?


What’s it look like?


In my bed?! Jerk.



[Playing foosball]


Knock it down, knock it down!


Stop talking!


You’re bodging it!

[They lose the game. Scene changes to the bar.]


The King of Hell, Dean Winchester by his side. Together, we rule. Together, we create the perfect Hell.



Great One?

[Crowley is still deep in thought.]


Your majesty!

[Crowley blinks, comes out of his thoughts.]


Are you … all right?


I was thinking of better days.


Yes—your sabbatical.


My what?


Uh, we were worried, of course. Your misadventure with the older Winchester was quite the topic of speculation. Uh, if you’ll forgive my boldness… I could now be your wingman.


Could you?


I, too, love to party. And I do love the ladies. And the classic rock-and-roll. Most importantly, I could debauch by your side without being a personal embarrassment. You’ll see what I’m worth!


Oh, I can see already.

[Crowley snaps his fingers and the Demon disintegrates into smoke. Crowley waves his hand in front of his face, then looks around.]


Anyone else care to comment? [On the side of a road, near an empty field.]


Sorry, I … missed another turn. I have no idea where the main road is. These things—they’re so confining and primitive. It’s …It’s getting worse, isn’t it? Castiel, it’s time we stopped avoiding the obvious. You and I both know how to fix this—both you and the situation.


I will not slit some angel’s throat and steal its grace. Before you say it—we definitely are not going begging to Metatron.


What about helping your friend? And sending the rogue angels back to Heaven? Your preference to die for your principles, it’s very noble, but it is meaningless.


Then you carry on.


I’m not enough!


Sometimes enough is whatever you have.

[Hannah nods. Castiel stumbles back, and Hannah reaches down to take hold of his wrist. Cas’ phone begins to ring.]



[In the bunker, Sam steps out of the room where Dean is chained to the chair, into the hallway.]


Cas. Hey, are you still coming?


I’m a few hours away. Is the treatment working?


No, not very well. Look, it—it’s not like it was with Crowley. Dean is in pain. I mean, he’s in bad pain. It’s like he’s barely holding on. Cas… I might be killing him.


It might be.


So … what? Should I stop?


And do what? He’s not possessed. Exorcism is out of the question. The ritual of purified blood is the only treatment I know.


Cas, did you not hear what I just said? I could be killing my brother.


Sam, he’s not your brother. At least, not now. You have to be prepared for—


Killing my brother.


I’ll be there as soon as I can.


Yeah, all right. I’ll, uh … I’ll leave the entry unlocked for you. Just … hurry.

[Sam hangs up the phone, turning around to see Dean exactly where he left him, but completely still. Sam walks over and slaps Dean across the face.]


Hey! Hey! DEAN! Come on! Come back.

[Dean’s voice is only a whisper.]




Come back to me. You there? Hey! Dean, you okay?


Yeah, if you … consider drowning in your own sweat while your blood boils “okay.”

[Dean gives a weak cough, and Sam stands up.]


Look, I can’t stop doing this.


Sure you can. You just stop! There’s no point in trying to bring your brother back now.


Oh, I will bring him back


In fact, your uh… guilt-ridden, weight-of-the-world bro has been M.I.A. for quite some time now. But I’m loving the new model: Lean, mean, Dean.




You notice I tried to get as far away from you as possible? Away from your whining, your complaining. I chose the King of Hell over you! Maybe I was just … tired of babysitting you. Or always having to yank your lame ass out of the fire since …

[Dean laughs.]


Forever. Or maybe … Maybe it was the fact that my mother would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. That your very existence sucked the life out of my life!


This isn’t my brother talking.


You never had a brother! Just an excuse for not manning up. But guess what: I quit.


No. No, you don’t. You don’t get to quit. We don’t get to quit in this family! This family is all we have ever had!


Well, then, we got nothin’.


Would you say that to Dad?


Dad? Oh, there’s a prize. There’s a man who brainwashed us into wasting our lives fighting his losing battle!

[Sam turns away and prepares the next syringe.]


Oh. Ooh. Is this you manning up?


This is me yanking your lame ass out of the fire.

[Sam jabs the needle into Dean’s arm, filling his veins with the purified blood.]


You’re welcome.

[Sam walks out of the room, leaving Dean gasping in pain behind him.]


[In Hell, a demon in chains is standing before the throne.]


You have coerced others into aligning with Abaddon. You’ve spread rumors and fostered doubt as to the competence and authority to the crown. Guilty of treason. The sentence is death.

[Another demon stabs the one in handcuffs, and he lights up from the inside as he dies.]


Anyone else hungry to betray me? Next.

[Another demon is brought before Crowley.]


You’re guilty of … something. Which I won’t tolerate. Whatever it was. You are condemned to—

[Another demon rushes in, standing between the prisoner and Crowley.]


Stop! Stop!




You cannot do this.


Weren’t you watching? Of course I can. I just did.


This is your idea of ruling?




We’ve killed and tortured for you. Stolen souls. Destroyed lives. Tempted and tormented with distinction. And for all this, what’s our reward? A slap in the face.

[He reaches into his pockets, lifting something in each hand, and the demons gathered around step back, murmuring amongst themselves.]


You disappear. Binge on blood. Approach the edge of becoming human. And the salt in the wound? You run off with your boy toy, Dean Winchester. And now he’s running amok and you can’t control him or the kingdom!

[Demons in the background are asking what he’s doing, what does he have in his hands.]


You’ve squandered our loyalty.


What will you do?


Not live in the Hell you’ve made.

[He opens the bottle in his hand, pouring the contents over his clothes. A demon behind him exclaims that it’s Holy Oil, and the demons try to get further away. The demon flicks a lighter on, and Crowley’s eyes widen when he brings the lighter to his chest, setting himself on fire. The demons tell each other to “Get back!” as the demon burns in Holy Fire before the throne.]


Did not see that coming. Huh.

[Cas and Hannah are stopped at an old gas station. Cas is looking even worse, pale with dark circles under his eyes.]


Um, Hannah. You know, this—this road we’re on… It—it’s dangerous.


All right.


Um… We can’t afford to lose our way.


I know that. I’m sorry about the map.


No detours of any kind.


Castiel, if these are metaphors and you’re attempting another human communication … It isn’t working.


I’m just trying to say this mission is everything.


I know that.


Getting to Dean and hunting these rogues … I—I’m not at full capacity, so I … we n-need total focus.


Like a laser. Got it.


Just … I’ve been around humans for long enough to see how easily distractions occur.

HANNAH: “Distractions.”


Emotions, feelings … They’re dangerous temptations.


How very Biblical, Castiel.


I don’t mean to be unkind.


You don’t need to be kind.


I just … I’m trying to keep our priorities clear.


Not to worry, then. I’m very clear on my priorities. And yours.

[Hannah goes inside the gas station. She looks around, noticing how quiet it is.]



[She notices the overturned coffee cup on the counter. Stepping closer, she sees a man behind the counter, on the floor, his eyes burned out. Outside, Cas finishes filling up the car, then makes his way inside, stopping just inside the door. Adina is standing there, her angel blade pressed against Hannah’s throat.]


Hey there.

[Castiel goes to step closer, and Adina tightens her grip, brings the blade closer to Hannah’s throat.]


I’ve been tracking you for days. You will be punished for what you did.


Daniel’s death … That was unintentional, Adina. I feel you know this.


“Unintentional”? You killed him!

[Adina throws Hannah into a shelf behind her and lunges for Castiel. He brings his angel blade down his arm.]



[Castiel swings weakly at her, and she easily blocks it. She punches him, and he falls onto a shelf, then turns around.]


Just … kill me. But let her go.




“Stop.” “Kill me.” I mean, so many suggestions, I don’t know what to do. I know—I will kill you, Castiel. But very, very slowly so your—your honeybunch can watch. Sound good?

[Adina kicks Castiel through the glass door, then walks through it. Hannah makes it to her feet, watching as Adina punches Castiel, who cannot get up from where he’s lying on the ground.]

[In the bunker, Sam goes to Dean’s room, looking around. He walks over and fins a slice of pie, flips over a page in a notepad to see pictures of Dean and Mary, Mary and John, Sam, Dean, and Bobby, and two pictures of Sam and Dean. Sam has tears in his eyes as he looks at the pictures of himself and his brother, then sighs as he drops the pictures back where he found them, walking from the room.]

[Cas is lying on the ground, bleeding, watching blurry feet walking towards him. He looks up to see Crowley standing there.]


Hey, champ. Look at you. Talk about roadkill.

[In the bunker, Sam walks back into the dungeon to find the chair Dean has been sitting in …



[Hannah is bruised and bloody, and she screams as Adina draws the angel blade just under her neck.]


Attagirl, Hannah. Suffer. Just like my Daniel suffered before you killed him.


Daniel’s death isn’t on my head. It’s on yours!


We did nothing. We wanted nothing but to be left alone.


You killed an angel. You had to answer for it!


An angel would have hauled us back to that Heaven of yours.

[Adina pulls Hannah’s head back, placing the blade right under Hannah’s chin.]


You should have left us alone.


And that will do.

[Adina stands up, walking towards Crowley. Her eyes grow wide when he pulls out an angel blade, slicing it across her throat before she can say a word. Adina stands there as her grace leaks out through the cut, and Crowley catches it in a vial. Then, he stabs Adina through the heart.]


Why can’t you people just sit on clouds and play on harps like you’re supposed to?

[Crowley lets Adina’s body fall, then puts the top on his vial, walking out as Hannah watches.]

[In the bunker, Sam has his back to the wall, a knife in his hand. He hears a door open, and he makes his way down the hall. Dean is walking through the bunker, opening doors, seemingly looking for Sam. Sam opens a drawer and grabs a set of keys. Dean is in the kitchen and grabs a hammer.]


Come on, Sammy! Don’t you want to hang out with your big brother? Spend a little quality time?

[Back at the station, Crowley has the grace near Castiel’s mouth, but Cas leans away, lifting a hand to push Crowley away.]


Don’t be an idiot. Yes, it’s hers, but she was killing your girlfriend. Your hands are clean. As much as it pains me to say this … You’re useless to me dead.

[The grace goes in Cas’ mouth, and lights up his body. Hannah comes to the door, just in time to see Cas stand up, injuries healed.]


You owe me.


Why did you help me?


Purely business. Since you’re five miles away from the Winchester’s Clubhouse, I can only surmise that you’re headed there. And that Dean has become a handful. Having him as a demon has caused me nothing but grief. Fix the problem.


You realize, worst come to worst … That means killing him.


I’m not sentimental.

[Crowley walks away, and Hannah comes to stand by Castiel.]

[In the bunker, Sam uses the keys to unlock the door to the control room. Dean comes walking down a hall. He kicks a door in, the door to his bedroom. Sam flips a switch and the lights suddenly shut off, leaving red lights flashing as an alarm begins to sound.]


Smart, Sam! Locking the place down. Doors won’t open. I get it. But here’s the thing: I don’t want to leave! Not ‘til I find you!

[Dean hears a clatter in the distance and goes walking down the hall.]


Sammy! You’re just making this worse for yourself, man! Oh, by the way, you can, uh… blame yourself for me getting loose. All that blood you pumped into me to make me human… Well. The less demon I was, the less the cuffs worked. And that Devil’s Trap? Well, I just walked right across it. It smarted, but still.

[Dean opens the drawer, sees that the keys are missing. He walks off in the direction Sam had been. Inside the control room, Dean flips the switch, turning the power back on.]


Yeah, that’s more like it.

[Sam rushes over and pulls the door shut, locking it, locking Dean inside. Sam throws the keys on the ground, standing at the door with the knife in his hand.]


That’s your big move?


Listen to me, Dean! We were getting close, okay? I know you’re still in there somewhere. Just let me finish the treatments.

[No answer comes from inside the room.]



[Sam jumps back as the door begins to splinter. He watches as the door begins to break, from the hammer Dean is wielding.]


You act like I want to be cured!

[Dean continues using the hammer, until he can look through the door at Sam]


Personally, I like the disease.


Dean, stop that! Look, I don’t want to use this blade on you!


That sucks for you, doesn’t it? ‘Cause you really mean that!


Look, if you come out of that room, I won’t have a choice!


Sure you will! And I know which one you’ll make. Isn’t that right, Sammy? But see … Here’s the thing: I’m lucky. Oh, hell, I’m blessed! ‘Cause there’s just enough demon left in me that killing you? Ain’t no choice at all.

[As Dean breaks down the door, Sam goes running down the hall. Dean pushes a hand through his hair, then walks after his brother.]



[Dean comes walking down the hall, still holding the hammer.]


Come on, Sammy! Let’s have a beer, talk about it. I’m tired of playing. Let’s finish this game!

[Sam is breathing hard, back up against the wall. He chances a look down the hall, but finds it empty. He turns back around, ducking just in time, as Dean swings the hammer at his head, instead lodging it into the wall. Sam reacts on instinct, pushing his knife against Dean’s throat. Dean smiles.]


Well … Look at you. Do it. It’s all you.

[Sam lets the knife fall, and Dean smiles as his eyes go black. He takes a step towards Sam, grunting when arms suddenly come around him.]


It’s over.

[Cas’ eyes begin to glow blue with his grace.]


Dean, it’s over.

[Dean begins to yell, and Cas just holds him.]


It’s over.

[Dean is once again strapped to the chair, and Sam pulls a needle from his arm. There are needle marks on Dean’s arm now, close by the Mark of Cain. Dean is slumped over, head hanging.]


What the hell are we doing to him, Cas? I mean, even after I gave him all that blood, he still said he didn’t want to be cured, that he didn’t want to be human.


Well… I see his point. You know, only humans can feel real joy, but … also such profound pain. This is easier.

[Dean wakes up, and his eyes are black. The black dissipates, and Sam unscrews the flask in his hand. Dean looks up to Sam and Cas, groaning and letting out a breath. He looks around, uncertain, while Sam and Cas watch him carefully.]


You look worried, fellas.

[Sam splashes holy water on Dean’s face, and Dean looks up at him when nothing happens. Sam smiles.]


Welcome back, Dean.


[Castiel is looking at the book of Demonic Possession. He picks up the Practitioners Guide to Exorcism and flips through it. He sets the book down when Sam walks in.]




How’s he doing?


He’s uh … He’s still a little out of it, but better, I think. I mean, I think this whole thing—the blood cure, and the … all of it—really wrecked him, you know?




On the plus side, he’s hungry again, so I’m just going to go pick him up a big ol’ bag of crap food and stuff it in his face myself. You mind keeping an eye?


Yeah. Sam?




You realize one problem is solved, but one still remains. Dean is no longer a demon, that’s true. But the Mark of Cain… that, he still has. And sooner or later, that’s going to be an issue.


You know what, Cas? I’m beat, man. One battle at a time, you know? So I’m just gonna go grab my brother some cholesterol. And then, I’m gonna get drunk.

[In his room, Dean is looking through his pictures. A knock sounds at his door.]



[Cas opens the door.]


You look terrible.

[Dean laughs.]


You know, it wouldn’t kill you to lie every now and again.


No, it wouldn’t kill me. I just … You …


Forget it. Well, you, on the other hand, you… Looking good. So… Are you back?


At least temporarily. It’s a long story. Crowley, stolen grace. There’s a female outside in the car.

[Dean stares at him, and Cas shakes his head.]


Another time.


Well, thank you for, um… Stepping in when you did.

[Cas nods]


What did Sam say? Does he want a divorce?


I’m sure Sam knows that whatever you said or what you did, it wasn’t really you. It certainly wasn’t all you.


I tried to kill him, Cas.


Dean. You two have been through so much. Look, you’re brothers. It’d take a lot more than trying to kill Sam with a hammer to make him want to walk away.


You realize how screwed up our lives are that that even makes sense?

[Cas laughs.]


I’m glad you’re here, man.

[Cas starts to leave, then turns back.]


Hey, maybe you should um … take some time before you get back to work. Allow yourself to heal. It’s, uh … I don’t know. The timing might be right. Heaven and Hell—they seem reasonably back in order. It’s quiet out there.

[Tulsa, Oklahoma. Classical music plays in the background as a redhead sits in front of a fire, reading a book. Something drips onto her arm. It’s blood. Two men are pinned to the ceiling above her, dead and bleeding. She wipes the blood away, then smiles.]



Source  : SuperWiki

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schumi  (06.09.2021 à 09:38)

Jensen est génial quand il interprète ce Dean démoniaque et inhumain mais aussi en tant que réalisateur! J'ai tout simplement adoré cet épisode plein d'émotions et de suspense !

La scène finale où Castiel vient le voir dans sa chambre est si douce... et ce pauvre Sam, ça n'a pas été facile pour lui non plus et voilà qu'il veut se saouler lol!


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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