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#915 : Façon Scooby-Doo

LES GHOSTFACERS SONT DE RETOUR - Une jeune adolescente est tuée, et son dernier selfie montre une figure spectrale derrière elle. Cherchant quelque chose pour rester occupés, Sam et Dean se rendent à Washington pour retrouver le fantôme. Alors qu'ils interrogent la mère de la fille, Betty, ils sont surpris de l'entendre parler de points froids. Alors qu'ils lui demandent d'où elle tient ses informations sur le paranormal, Betty répond que les "supernaturalistes" qui l'ont appelé en ont parlé. Arrivent alors Ed et Harry, les fameux supernaturalistes.


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Façon Scooby-Doo

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Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley)

Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley) et Harry Spangler (Travis Wester)

Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley) et Harry Spangler (Travis Wester)

Harry Spangler (Travis Wester)

Harry Spangler (Travis Wester)

Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley)

Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley)

Ed Zeddmore (A.J. Buckley)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 04.03.2014 à 21:00
1.93m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Jenny Klein
Réalisateur : Jeannot Szwarc


Casting :

AJ Buckley... Ed Zeddmore

Travis Wester... Harry Spangler

Nicholas Carella... Adjoint Tom Norwood

Giovanni Mocibob... Roger / Thinman

Maria Marlow... Betty Miles

Ali Webb... Casey Miles

Ben Wilkinson... Trey

Arlina Rodriguez... Femme à l'épicerie







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Springdale, Washington. Casey, une jeune fille, s'amuse à prendre des selfies, dans sa chambre, en écoutant de la musique. Elle entend du bruit dans la maison et pense que c'est sa mère, mais il n'y a personne. Elle repart dans sa chambre, regarde le résultat de ses photos, quand elle constate que sur plusieurs d'entre elles, un homme sans visage se tient derrière elle. Elle se retourne, aperçoit l'homme brièvement, quand les lumières s'éteignent. Effrayée, elle se cache dans son placard et appelle le 911, mais l'homme, présent dans le placard, l'égorge. Nous entendons ses cris, puis le silence, tandis que le sang s'échappe par les battants de la porte.


Au bunker. Tandis que Sam est sur son ordinateur, il constate que Dean est sur le point de partir. Dean est forcé d'admettre qu'il s'en va chasser, sur une affaire dans l'état de Washington. Sam veut venir, ce qui a l'air de surprendre Dean. Puis finalement, l'ainé partage le cas avec son affaire. Il lui montre l'un des selfies de la victime, où se trouve l'homme sans visage. Dean pense à une affaire de hantise. Sam décide de l'accompagner.

Dean et Sam se rendent chez la mère de la victime, Mme. Miles. Elle leur montre la chambre de Casey, où elle n'a pu venir à bout de la tache de sang dans le placard. Sam commence à lui demander si elle a constaté des évènements étranges, et elle précise qu'elle n'a pas constaté de points froids. Les Winchesters sont surpris de l'entendre parler de ces phénomènes paranormaux. Elle explique, que, l'enquête n'avançant pas, elle a accepté d'écouter des "surnaturalistes", qui eux, semblaient avoir une explication. Ces surnaturalistes doivent passer dans la journer pour venir inspecter les lieux. Dean demande les noms de ces spécialistes.

Tandis qu'ils se rendent au restaurant, ils trouvent la camionnette des surnaturalistes, qui ne sont autres que les Ghostfacers. Ed et Harry sont attablés, alors que Harry continue de suivre l'actualité de son ex petite-amie. Les Winchesters les rejoignent, et leur demandent de s'en aller rapidement, au lieu de vouloir profiter de la situation. Ed et Harry, entendant parler de fantômes, affirment qu'il ne s'agit pas de ça. Mais au lieu de donner leurs informations aux Winchesters, ils préfèrent leurs suggérer de faire quelques recherches mercantiles. Tandis que le serveur se fait sermonner par son manager, les Winchesters, avant de partir, ordonnent une dernière fois aux Ghostfacers de quitter les lieux, avant de créer plus de problèmes.

Au motel, Sam trouve le livre des Ghostfacers qu'ils ont écrits sur une créature mystique appelée le Thinman. Un genre d'apparition fantomatique qui n'est pas un fantôme, dont plusieurs photos semblent en témoigner l'existence. C'est le net qui a parlé en premier de Thinman, mais Dean n'y croit pas. Il campe sur ses positions : ce qui a tué Casey est un fantôme. Pourtant, un problème subsiste, si c'est bien Thinman qui est sur les photos de Casey, comment peut-il apparaitre sur d'autres photos qui proviennent du monde entier ? Dean se met à rechercher les morts locaux pour trouver son fantôme, malgré les réserves de Sam.

Chez Mme. Miles, les Ghostfacers "enquêtent". Harry reste bloqué sur le facebook de son ex, mais Ed le rappelle à l'ordre, avant d'émettre quelques réserves. Le cas de cette apparition de Thinman est sérieux. Les Winchesters sont ici. Harry balaie les doutes d'Ed et lui dit qu'ils sont tout proche de prouver l'existence de Thinman, ce qui devrait leur apporter la gloire, la consécration, et l'attention des femmes. Finalement, Ed se prête au jeu. Tandis qu'ils se gargarisent, Mme. Miles les interrompt pour leur servir de la limonade.

Au motel, Dean n'a pas trouvé de morts pouvant potentiellement devenir des esprits vengeurs. Sam, de son côté, a constaté la mort d'une personne dont une des photos montre la présence de Thinman, mais rien d'autre. La plupart des photos d'ailleurs, semblent être des fakes, sauf celles de Casey. La photo que Dean a trouvé après la mort de la jeune fille a été postée sur un forum de fans de Thinman, par un anonyme dont l'ip est intraçable. Les boys sont perdus.

Les Winchesters se rendent au poste de police local. C'est un officier qui leur donne le dossier contenant les pièces à conviction liées à l'affaire Casey Miles. Ils constatent que les photos de Casey ont été postées après sa mort, ce qui parait impossible. L'officier parle de surnaturel, expliquant que deux spécialistes sont venus lui rendre visite. Lui aussi a entendu parler de Thinman. Dean est blasé.

Au Johnny's Appel Country Diner, le manager vérifie les recettes du jour. Il entend frapper à la fenêtre. Il va voir, mais il n'y a personne, alors il repart à ses activités. Puis, de nouveau des coups. Il regarde alors les vidéos des caméras de surveillance, quand il voit un homme sans visage passer devant l'une d'elle. Très vite, il remet la caméra de la salle de restaurant, et voit l'homme derrière lui. Il se retourne. Thinman l'égorge, puis repart aussitôt.

Dean et Sam se rendent sur les lieux du crime, où Ed et Harry se trouvent déjà. Sam demande à l'officier de lui montrer les vidéos surveillance, tandis que Dean s'entretient avec les Ghostfacers. Ces derniers clament que leur enquête est destinée aux bloggeurs et aux croyants du net. Ils ont l'air sûrs d'eux, et assurent que ce n'est pas un tulpa. Dean doute toujours, quand Sam l'interpelle et lui montre la vidéo du meurtre du manager. Ed et Harry ne peuvent s'empêcher d'être choqués. Dean commence à remettre la présence d'un fantôme en question. Les Ghostfacers quittent rapidement les lieux.

Sur la route, Harry constate qu'un inconnu a posté la vidéo du meurtre du manager sur leur forum. Harry souhaite partir à la recherche de Thinman dans les bois. Ed doute encore plus après ces deux morts bien réelles, et souhaiterait laisser Sam et Dean se charger de l'affaire, mais Harry refuse catégoriquement. Ils touchent presque au but, ils ne peuvent abandonner après tout ce qu'ils ont sacrifié pour leurs recherches. Ed finit par céder.

Au motel, après avoir appris que Thinman pouvait se téléporter, d'après les Ghostfacers, Sam pense à un démon des carrefours. N'ayant aucune autre piste, Dean acquiesce. Ils trouvent la vidéo du dernier meurtre sur le net, comme si quelqu'un cherchait à tout prix à attirer l'attention des gens sur Thinman en pleine action. S'ensuit une conversation sur les habitudes refoulées voyeuristes des gens, et une évocation du passé : étant enfants, habillés en super-héros, Dean en Superman, Sam en Batman, ce dernier avait suivi son grand frère alors qu'il essayait de voler et s'était cassé le bras. Dean avait dû l'emmener aux urgences en vélo. Ce moment de nostalgie est interrompu par l'arrivée d'Ed, légèrement paniqué. Il souhaite leur expliquer quelque chose avant de les laisser s'occuper de l'affaire.

De son côté, Harry est partie seul en exploration des bois. Il filme son aventure. Ed explique aux Winchesters qu'après le départ de Maggie et Spruce, Harry allait s'en aller avec sa petite-amie, qui n'appréciait guère les Ghostfacers. Ed a refusé de voir les Ghostfacers s'arrêter, alors il a créé Thinman pour donner une raison à Harry de rester. Ed dit que tout a commencé avec une photo qu'il a lui-même trafiqué, puis rapidement, d'autres personnes ont suivi le mouvement et ont posté leurs propres photos. L'intérêt de Harry était relancé, ils avaient de nouveau des fans, c'était l'idéal. Sam insiste pour qu'Ed dise la vérité à Harry, car les secrets ruinent les relations. Ed avoue que Harry est partie seul dans les bois à la recherche de Thinman. Sam rappelle que "Thinman" a tué deux personnes. Ed essaie de se rassurer en disant que Harry n'a rien à craindre, mais l'air déterminé de Sam et Dean annoncent le contraire. Ils partent à la recherche de Harry.

Dans les bois, Harry tombe sur Thinman, qui lui donne un coup de couteau. Harry parvient à rejoindre la route, où il croise l'Impala. Sam et Dean se précipitent à son secours tandis qu'Ed ne peut que constater les dégâts. Harry, après avoir été soigné, renoue avec l'excitation. Dean revient de son escapade après avoir trouvé la voiture de Thinman. Harry est persuadé que le mythe n'est pas qu'un mythe. Sam et Dean insistent du regard auprès d'Ed, qui se lance enfin et dit toute la vérité à Harry.

Au motel, Ed et Harry s'expliquent. Ed ne semble pas mesurer la gravité de la situation, tandis que Harry lui rappelle qu'il aurait pu être marié, et mener une vie paisible et confortable, mais qu'il a tout lâché pour le rejoindre dans l'aventure Thinman. Il lui dit qu'il ne peut pas lui faire confiance maintenant. Ed part chercher des cafés, espérant que Harry serait calmé quand il reviendra. Sam prend des nouvelles de Harry. Il comprend sa situation, il comprend qu'il ne peut pas juste balayer la situation et l'oublier, et lui dit que certaines choses peuvent être pardonnées, et d'autres non. Mais c'est à Harry de savoir quoi faire dans cette situation particulière. Dean revient. Il a trouvé le nom du propriétaire de la voiture. Thinman semble mener une vie de monsieur tout le monde, et Dean et Sam sont décidés à découvrir la vérité. Ed rejoint Harry, qui s'apprête à mener l'enquête avec Sam et Dean pour réparer les dégâts causés par Ed. Harry accepte de se joindre à Ed pour ce faire.

Dean et Sam se rendent dans un entrepôt abandonné, rejoint par l'officier. Ce dernier profite qu'ils ont le dos tourné, il leur donne un coup de taser. Plus tard, ils se retrouvent attachés, tandis que l'officier prépare un décor et des projecteurs dirigés vers les boys, Dean étant le premier à se montrer devant la caméra. Puis vient la révélation : Thinman est constitué d'un duo, constitué de l'officier, et du serveur. Blasé d'être invisible aux yeux du monde, ils ont profité de l'engouement suscité par Thinman pour devenir des stars. Le serveur enfile son masque, et s'apprête à égorger Dean devant la caméra, tandis que Sam hurle impuissant, quand des bruits se font entendre. Le duo meurtrier baillonne Dean et Sam et partent à la recherche de ces bruits.

Ed et Harry ont pénétré dans l'entrepôt, entreprenant l'enquête de leurs côtés. Thinman trouve d'abord Harry, mais Ed arrive par derrière. Cependant, l'officier arrive à son tour, et les Ghostfacers sont faits prisonniers. Le duo Thinman emmène Ed et Harry jusqu'à leur "studio", où ils constatent que Dean et Sam ont disparu. Les boys neutralisent Thinman. Dean tue le serveur, tandis que Harry tire sur l'officier, avant que celui-ci ne puisse tuer Sam et Ed.

Dean a tout remis en ordre, afin que les preuves indiquent que les deux psychopathes se sont entretués. Sam et Dean assistent à la dernière conversation entre Ed et Harry. Ed espère toujours qu'ils pourront remettre les Ghostfacers en route, mais Harry avoue qu'avec Thinman, il voulait y mettre fin. Au final, il a dû tuer un homme, un humain, pour sauver Ed, tout cela parce que ce dernier refusait d'être seul. Harry décide de partir de son côté et demande aux boys s'ils peuvent le déposer quelque part. Les Winchesters acceptent et ils partent, tandis qu'Ed reste seul, les larmes aux yeux, et doit faire face aux conséquences de ses actes.

Harry partage ses sentiments avec les boys, et demande s'ils comprennent. Si Sam et Dean peuvent répondre par l'affirmative, ils restent silencieux, mesurant l'impact des paroles de Harry, et l'écho qu'elles provoquent par rapport à leur propre situation.


Ecrit par Deanlove35.

[The episode opens with an outside shot through the window of a teenage girl taking pictures of herself with her phone. Tagline reads Springdale, Washington. Music is playing loudly in the room. The girl hears a door shut downstairs and goes to her bedroom door.]



Mom? Mom, are you home?


[She receives no answer, so she goes back inside her room and shuts and locks the door. She starts taking pictures again. She pauses and scrolls through them on her phone but stops suddenly when one of the pictures has a faceless figure in the background. In fright, she slowly turns around and just as she sees the figure behind her the lights go out. She gasps and runs for the closet, shutting herself in. She dials 911 on her phone.]



911. What is your emergency?



There's someone in my room.



What is your location?

[The girl is too frightened to answer.]

Can you give us a location, ma'am? Are you still there? Ma'am, please do not hang up. I've begun tracing your call, but I need you to stay on the line for me.


[From an outside shot of the closet we hear her gasp and then scream. The closet doors shake and slowly blood begins to trickle out of the slats.]



Stay on the line. We'll send out an officer...





[Scene opens in the main library of the bunker. SAM is sitting at one of the tables doing some research. DEAN enters the room with a duffle slung over his shoulder.]



All right. I'll be back.



Wait. Where you headed?



Washington. I caught a case.



You want me to come with?



Do you want to come?



On a hunt? Why wouldn't I?



I don't know, man. 'Cause lately with you, up is down and down is sideways, you know? I-I -- I don't know what you want.


[SAM glares at him and DEAN walk over to the table.]



Okay. You want in? Fine. Sure thing.

[He pulls a paper out of his jacket and slides it at SAM.]

Photo leaked from the crime scene. Girl was murdered in her room, doors were locked, the windows were locked.


SAM [looking at the selfie the girl took with the figure in the background]

Who's the wallflower?



Exactly. Best guess -- ghost caught on film. So, you're coming?


SAM [gathering his laptop]

Does it look like I'm staying?


[In the girl's house, the Winchesters are standing talking to her mother. There is a large blood stain on the carpet. MRS. MILES just stares at it while she talks.]



I scrubbed for hours. I'll have to rip up the carpet. My daughter, Casey... She picked out the color herself.



We're...very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Miles. You mentioned Casey had no known enemies. What about at home? Anything unusual you may have noticed? Uh...Electricity acting up or lights...flickering, TV on the Fritz?



No, no fritzing. No cold spots, either.



Sorry. Out of curiosity, uh... Why do you mention cold spots?



I'm sorry. That must sound strange, but...it's been three days since...And the police have found nothing. I'd h-- I'd have to sell my house to afford a private investigator, so when the Supernaturalists called --



Whoa, uh, sorry, the...Um...Supernaturalists?



I know to the FBI it's not exactly orthodox. But these men had answers that no one else had, and I --I owe it to Casey... to listen.



Now, they -- they brought up cold spots in relation to...?



Signs of the paranormal, I suppose. They're coming by today to take a look.



And did these Supernaturalists give you a name?


[The scene changes to a long shot of a large white van outside a diner with the name "Ghostfacers" written across it in large letters. The theme to the Ghostfacers plays. The Winchesters walk up to the van. DEAN is more than slightly annoyed.]



Son of a bitch.


[Inside the diner ED ZEDDMORE and HARRY SPANGLER sit at a booth. They are browsing the web on their phones.]



Oh, wow, look. We got two more followers.


HARRY [engrossed in whatever is on his own phone]




Yeah. Harry, I think it's from that library interview we did.






Hey, pal.






What did Dana post?


HARRY [turning his phone around to show ED a picture of a girl]

No, it's just -- she changed her profile pic, and it's cropped, but you can clearly see a guy's arm around her. And she's smiling like the dickens.



Yeah. Uh, it -- it could a platonic... arm that's touching her.


[At that moment, SAM and DEAN slide into the booth with them. Their faces are annoyed and the Ghostfacers respond in kind.]


HARRY [sarcastically]

Ah, the Winchesters. Yay.



Says nobody.






All right, shut up and listen. This is how it's gonna go. You two clowns are gonna get into that mystery machine outside, and you're gonna leave town or I'm gonna put holes in your knees.


[ED and HARRY roll their eyes as the WAITER walks up.]



Can I get you guys anything? Something, uh...



Uh, we're ready for the bill.



Hey. There's still crud on this plate. Now, hit the sinks and do it right.



Sorry, Trey.



Ahh, first of all, you guys don't scare us.



Not at all.


HARRY [lifting his shirt to reveal a gun in his waistband]

Say, "hola" to my little pistola.



Am I supposed to be impressed with that treasure trail or the lady gun you got hiding in your, uh, pants there?




Look, whether you like it or not, we are handling this situation.












'Cause I see a couple of fame whores who are pointing their camera at a mom who just lost her kid.



Guys, we are investigators, and we have every right --



No. No, you don't. You know why? 'Cause you're just gonna get in our way.



Or you're gonna get somebody else killed.



That's right. So, you can either walk out of here...or crawl. Up to you.



Oh, my God, Menudo. Will you guys relax? We know what we're doing.






Really? And what about the rest of the Bad News Bears, huh? Where's the -- where's the fat one? And -- and the girl? There was a girl, right? [SAM nods.]



They -- we dropped them. They were -- they were dead weight.



Well, t-they're still alive.



They're -- no, they're totally alive.



I see. So, it's just the, uh, the dumpy duo, then. Well, that's great. So, here's the deal. A ghost... Will land you two dead in five seconds flat.


HARRY [chuckling mockingly]

A ghost? Oh. They think it's a ghost. It's so not a ghost.






Okay. We'll bite. What do you think it is?



Can I -- can I do it this time?



You got it.



Okay. I've waited all my life for this. Amazon me, bitches.


DEAN [beyond annoyed]

I will shoot you... Bitches.



Like we were saying, you were just going, right? Great.



Good talk.


[The Winchesters get up and leave.]



50 shades of whey too much protein!


[Back at the brothers' motel, SAM is reading off the laptop while DEAN takes off his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves.]









Ed and Harry wrote a book.






Yeah. Uh, "The Skinny on Thinman", by America's foremost Supernaturalists.



What the hell's a Thinman?



I don't know. Um... [He pulls up a Black & White picture of a runner with the same figure from CASEY's selfie in the background.] Whoa. Check that out, though. That does kind of look like whatever was behind Casey Miles, right?



Or Garth if somebody shaved his face off. Big whoop.



Here we go. Uh, "Thinman -- "an urban legend started on the world wide web --lurks in the background

of his victims' lives until he's ready to kill them."



Yeah, because everything started on the Internet is true. Like, uh, oh, the shark attacking a helicopter - they write the book on that one, too?



Dude, real or not, thousands of people have posted to the site. It's like Thinman is the new Bigfoot or something.



Or Thinman is just a ghost with a brand name.



You saying that 'cause you really think it's a ghost or because you don't like the Ghostfacers?



Hey, don't forget -- we hit EMF in Casey's room.



Right, but the house was next door to power lines, which can affect the read.



A girl died in a locked room, Sam -- spells "ghost" right there.



Maybe it got in there before it was locked up. Who knows, Dean? But how can people all over the world see the same ghost? Spirits don't exactly hop around.



I know that. But right now, the veil is all kinds of screwed, okay? Ghosts could be popping up anywhere.



Yeah, but, Dean, Thinman sightings date back a couple years. The veil's only been a problem for, what, the last six months?


DEAN [pulls a laptop out of his bag and sits at the other table.]

Well, you know, people still see Elvis all over the damn place. Look, all I'm saying is those douchewheels ain't experts on crap.



What are you doing?



I'm checking the local deaths to see if there's any candidates for ghosts.


[SAM sighs.]


[Scene changes to ED backing up from the Ghostfacer camera and talking in a dramatic voice.]



The closet -- the setting of the sunset of Casey's life.

[He pauses when he realizes Harry is enamored with something on the laptop.]







Come on, man, would you please stop Facebook stalking your ex-girlfriend?



I was right.






She changed her relationship status to "it's complicated." What does that even mean?



Who cares? You broke up with her. Everything about that girl is complicated. Okay, I mean, she gets the cream puffs, she tells you to take out the filling. They're just puffs.



Yeah, that was some pretty messed-up stuff.






Uh, okay. I'm -- I'm sorry. Mm. Okay. I'm good.






Back on game. Yeah. We're so close to finding Thinman, Ed.






I can smell him. I can smell his musk.






Closer than ever.



This is really serious, Harry.






I mean, the Winchesters are here, and, you know, I don't want my knees blown off by Sam and Dean. Have you ever thought that we might just, you know, bail on this?



What? What the -- what the hell is wrong with you?! We can't let those jockstraps steal our glory. No one cares what they think. They don't even have a Twitter. We're gonna find Thinman, Ed, for our families, for Dana.



Oh, so, it's about your ex eating her words?



It's about making all the haters eat their words. Maggie and Spruce -- the just -- deserters. They want to lead a "normal life". I mean, what is that?



Screw them.



Screw them.






When we find Thinman, are they gonna be on "Dr. Phil"?






We're gonna be on "Dr. Phil."



Hell, yeah. Press "record," buddy.



You got it.


[ED steps back into the closet and HARRY moves to start the camera.]



Wait for it.



You ready?





ED [stepping out of the closet]

The bedroom of a teenage girl is meant for two things -- giggles and joy. Until one night, Thinman turned the giggles into blood.



Oh! You are so money right now.



You like that?



This is good stuff. And it's gonna pay off in ladies, Ed -- lots of ladies. We're gonna need -- we're gonna need snorkels, 'cause we're gonna be swimming around in so much --


[At that moment, MRS. MILES enters the room with a tray of lemonade. HARRY pauses in embarrassment.]



Thought you boys might be thirsty.



Please. That sounds delicious.


[Back in the motel, DEAN looks up from his laptop to SAM who is sitting across the table from him.]



Okay. All right, over the past six months, there have been three unnatural deaths in Springdale, none of them connected to Casey Miles, and none of them violent.



Okay, that's not exactly a recipe for a vengeful spirit. There have been a bunch of unexplained deaths pinned on Thinman. Um, a vic dies, then, a couple weeks later, a photo pops up of the vic with Thinman photobombing.



So, Thinman's stalking folks?



According to the lore.



According to the idiots. How come none of these vics pinged our radar?



I'm pretty sure the mysterious deaths can be chalked up to non-supernatural causes. That and, honestly, most of these photos look pretty fake.



Even Casey's?



Except Casey's. Casey's photo wasn't doctored. Whatever was behind her was really there.



Okay, well, that doesn't make any sense. I mean, how could something be both real and fake at the same time?



Well, a girl is dead, and that's about as real as it gets.



All right, so, the last thing she did was she took a photo on her phone. How did that photo end up online?



No clue. It was originally posted to a Thinman fan forum, but the I.P. address was blocked.



Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. This thing has fans? Of course it does. Okay, well, then somebody wanted this photo on the Internet, and I'm guessing that the ghost didn't hop online to post it.


[At the police station, SAM and DEAN stand at the front counter as a Sheriff Deputy brings over a case file box and sets it on the counter.]



Is the, uh, sheriff around? There's a couple questions we'd like to ask him.



Uh, sorry to disappoint. Sheriff's on a hunting trip. But, uh, I appreciate you agents being here. I could use all the help I can get.


SAM [picking up CASEY's phone in an evidence bag]

Wait a second. Was this cracked when you found it?



Yeah, man. Maybe she dropped it? 911 call went dead at 11:59.



Wait, what time was the photo posted?



Around 2:00 a.m.



But the coroner has the death at midnight. How could she have posted the photo from her phone? That -- that's impossible.









Why would you say that?



A couple fellas came by, uh, asking questions about the girl's death, suggested they might be able to help. They, uh, gave me a book they wrote about, um...






Yeah. Just...


[DEAN turns around and walks away.]


DEPUTY NORWOOD [pointing after DEAN]

Not a fan?


[Scene changes to TREY finishing up work at the diner after it has closed. He is working at the counter when he hears a knock or some sound. He goes to the window to investigate but finds no one there. He returns to the counter and opens up the security link on his computer. He scans a couple of camera feeds but sees nothing. He then gets to a shot of the parking lot and there is a brief flash of a head walking by. Then TREY flips to the security shot of himself at the counter. He can see that the THINMAN stands behind him. He turns about and the THINMAN flashes a hand and cuts his throat.]


[Scene opens the next morning with the Winchesters arriving at the diner which is now a crime scene. The Ghostfacers are also there taking film of TREY's dead body.]



Agents, thanks for coming.


DEAN [nodding toward the Ghostfacers]

What are these two crapshoots doing here?



I figured it wouldn't hurt to go a little "Medium," you know? Uh...two counties over, folks were combing the place for a poor little dead boy back in August. The cops let a psychic do her thing. Shish, bang, boom -- found a body a day later.



Uh-huh. Excuse me.



Is there any, uh, security-cam footage.



Uh, yeah, just...


DEAN [walks to the Ghostfacers and slaps HARRY's butt.]










I thought I told you to beat it.



Oh, well, what are you gonna do. You gonna out me, "agent"?



Okay, look, playing paparazzi at a crime scene -- who does that help but yourselves?



The bloggers, Dean, the believers -- everyone who needs just a little proof to know that Thinman is out there.



Wait, so, you're saying there's a lot of folks online that are pretty die-hard about this thing?



Oh, yeah.



Oh, yeah. Uh-huh.



You throw the right Tibetan symbol into the mix, you dumb asses ever think the Thinman comes to life as a Tulpa?



Because thousands of people can agree that Thinman is any one thing? The lore changes blog to blog. He's not a Tulpa.



Okay, all right. All right. Right here, right now, cut the crap. Do either of you actually know what Thinman is?


ED [deadpans]

No. We just play Supernaturalists on TV.



We have no idea what we're doing... Of course we do!!



Thinman, is part man, part tree.



Some people believe that he emerged from the nightmare of an autistic boy.


DEAN [rolling his eyes]

All right, so you have no idea.



Fellas, you want to see this.


[DEAN, ED and HARRY walk over to where SAM has been viewing security tapes with DEPUTY NORWOOD.]



All right, check it out.


[He replays the security footage showing the THINMAN stabbing TREY.]









All right, so, how did he jump from the parking lot to the diner. The doors were locked?



The footage shows Trey locked them 10 minutes before.



Locked, not locked, it doesn't matter. Everyone knows Thinman can teleport.



I didn't even get a blip on my EMF.



So, maybe it's not a ghost.



You Feds believers now?



Okay, uh... We're gonna go. Uh, good work, deputy, agent. Let's go. Let's go, man.


[ED and HARRY leave in a rush.]


DEAN [motioning to the tapes]

See it again.


[Scene changes to ED driving the Ghostfacer van down the road. HARRY sits in the passenger seat.]



Holy wow. Someone posted the diner footage of Thinman in the comments section of our blog.






Who cares? Maintain current velocity.


[HARRY jumps in the back of the van and we can hear him shuffling around.]



Hey, wh-why are you putting your ninja outfit on?



I'm not gonna wait for someone else to die. I'm gonna find Thinman tonight.






The woods, obvi.



Uh, that's kind of general.



Well, the lore says that Thinman hangs out by trees, and the woods is where trees hang out. Two kills in town -- local woods is the best bet.



Two people are dead -- really dead. And I just keep thinking that, you know, maybe Sam and Dean should just take over.


HARRY [appearing from the back of the van]

First of all, hell no. And -- and quit raining on my rainbow.



Rainbows can't happen without rain.



Don't try to use science with me. This is about a-a feeling. And we can't quit when we're so close to finding Thinman and finally making up for everything we've lost because of...what we do.



Okay, it wouldn't be the worst idea, though, you know, if we leave it to the professionals.


HARRY [putting on his nightvision goggles]

We are the professionals, Ed.



So, the woods?



Any woods, Ed. Any woods.


[DEAN and SAM are sitting in their motel room eating dinner and discussing the case.]



Okay. Just grasping at straws here, but when I think "teleport," I think "Crossroads Demon."



Mm. Demon that likes to stab and watch YouTube. Why not?



Oh, by the way, speaking of which, the video of, uh, Trey getting knifed it's already online. It has, like, 2,000 views. It's like somebody wants people to see Thinman in action.



It's 'cause people will watch, 'cause people are sick.



And when did "viral" go from that baby chimp falling out of a tree to killer "Candid Camera"?


DEAN [with a sudden relaxed smile]

You know what video would have gone viral, if we still had it? When you were five and you got dressed up as Batman and you jumped off the shed 'cause you thought you could fly.


SAM [grinning]

After you jumped first.



Hey, I was nine, and I was dressed up like superman, okay? Everybody knows that Batman can't fly.


SAM [chuckling]

Well, I didn't know that. I broke my arm.


DEAN [laughing heartily]

I know you did. Man, I drove you to the E.R. on my handlebars. Hm, good times.


SAM [suddenly sobers and we can see he is thinking about something else...]

Yeah, they were.


[A knock on the door interrupts their thoughts. DEAN gets up to answer it but before he can reach the door, ED comes barging in.]


DEAN [exasperated]

Come on in.



I got to tell you guys something important, and then the case is yours.


[Camera switches to HARRY in the woods. He is filming and running a commentary throughout.]



Harry here, solo Ghostfacer, investigating a possible Thinman habitat...in the woods. All alone, deep in the woods, a man could lose his marbles being so close to the blade of doom. Lucky for us, I'm really good at marbles.


[ED is sitting on the bed trying to explain his story to SAM and DEAN.]



All right, either you bleed Ghostfacers red or you don't. If Spruce wanted to start a startup and Maggie's heart was in the roller derby, who am I to stop them? But Harry -- I-I couldn't let him give in to his girl. I mean, she -- she called the Ghostfacers stupid. Stupid! Can you -- can you believe that? You know, I-I don't care how much money her daddy's hedge fund has. I just couldn't watch Harry become a corporate stooge.


DEAN [losing his patience]

Okay, this all sounds like sad times at Bitchmont High. What does this have to do with the case?



Harry was gonna leave, so I needed to give him a reason to stay. I-I made up Thinman.


[SAM and DEAN stare at ED with shocked faces as the camera switches back to HARRY.]



Thinman stalks his victims, but the tables have turned, my friends. The stalker is now the stalkee. [The camera reveals THINMAN standing behind a tree, watching HARRY.]


[Back to the motel]



So you're saying that this crap is actually crap?



One old photo of a butler, a lot of Photoshop later, and I posted on one of those horror forums under "anonymous". And it blew up. Yeah. I only faked one case for us, and then we're packing up to go home when somebody posted a sighting of Thinman, so...we went after it, and that's how the Thinman became a crowdsourced legend.

Look, we were at the front of it. It felt like something. It -- it was so awesome to have a following, and Harry -- he was just -- he was so into it.



Ed, you have to tell him.



You don't get it. We were the Thinman guys. Without the Thinman, we're just...guys --just -- we're just puffs.









If I tell Harry, he's gonna leave the Ghostfacers.



Listen, if you don't tell him, he's gonna leave anyway. Trust me here. Secrets ruin relationships.


[DEAN glances at SAM.]



Okay, well, I'll just tell him when the time is right.



Time's right now, chief.



Well, he's -- he's not here. Uh, he's -- he's out in the woods, uh, searching for Thinman.



Okay, because Thinman, or whatever the hell this thing is, has killed two people, and now Harry is in the woods alone.



Well, actually, it's more like "wood," um, 'cause I dropped him off by some trees behind a grocery store. Guys, come on. He's gonna be fine. Guys?


[SAM and DEAN (followed by ED) rush out the door and the camera switches back to HARRY.]



All right, what we have here is a, uh, -- it's a -- it looks like a formation of sticks in the shape of a pile. Could have been left here for us by Thinman. What was that? Oh! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. We are not alone.


[As HARRY turns the camera on himself we see THINMAN standing behind him. HARRY leaps out of the way but is still slashed across the ribs by the THINMAN's knife. HARRY takes off running for the parking lot clutching at his bleeding side. He reaches the parking lot and is almost run over by the IMPALA coming to the rescue. DEAN, SAM and ED jump out and HARRY almost faints from blood loss but SAM and DEAN catch him in time.]


[SAM has patched up HARRY's side and wrapped the wound.]



Too tight?



Nope. No, I'm good. I'm good.






I'm good. All right. I think I'm just gonna have to staple it when we get back to the motel.

[He turns to ED.]

We were right, Ed! Thinman's real.


ED [quietly]



DEAN [running up from the woods]

Some fresh tires tracks back over there. I took some photos.



What for?



Because that car might belong to whoever knifed you.



Well, whoever cut me was Thinman, and Thinman doesn't drive. It was Thinman, jackass! I mean, I shouldn't have to connect the dots for you guys. I figured, you know, you're both intelligent, m-maybe.


[SAM and DEAN both look pointedly at ED.]



Um, Harry.





[Back in the Ghostfacers hotel room, ED has explained things to HARRY.]



Why didn't you tell me that before?



Because -- I-I don't know -- I thought you were gonna get mad.



Oh, good guess, Ed. I am mad. I'm really, really mad at you right now.



I-I can see that.



You crashed the Jenga Tower of our lives. I was gonna get married. I left her to run around with you, living some lie.



Well, at least we were living it together.



Seriously? Seriously?



If I hadn't struck gold with Thinman, you'd be doing a boring job, doing boring numbers, answering to Dana's dad. Okay? I saved you, bud.



Saved me? From what?! From living a nice life? From not getting stabbed? How selfish can you be?



Well, maybe it's not too late, you know? You could call her and see.



That's not gonna work.



Well, maybe -- maybe it will.



No, it's not. You want to know why? 'Cause she's got some guy's arm wrapped around her neck, and it's "complicated", okay?



Look, Harry, we didn't know from the start if Thinman was real or not. I -- okay, look, maybe I had some inside knowledge, okay, but does it really make a difference if we keep it going for the fans? They'll never know.



I'll know. You made a chump out of me, Ed.



Harry, we can get through this. We just debunk Thinman and then we go back to Ghostfacers.



I can't. I can't trust you anymore, Ed.



Oh, come on, Harry. I get it. You're pissed, okay? And -- and you don't mean what you say. But, Harry, just tell me what you need.

[HARRY sits down and doesn't answer.]

I'll go get some coffee, and -- and you can stay here and chill.


[ED leaves the room and meets SAM outside the door.]



Hey. How did it go?



It, um, went, uh...Um...


[He walks off in silence. SAM goes in to check on HARRY.]



Hey. You okay?



I just got punched right in the feels.






None of it was real, Sam. Ed was just pretending, and now he wants me to pretend, like this is just something I could get past.



I know what you mean. Look, there are things you can forgive, and there are things you can't.



So, which one is this?



That's something you got to figure out for yourself.


[DEAN knocks and enters.]



Hey. Uh... I got a bead on those tire treads, if you want to...


[SAM steps into the hall with DEAN.]



What's up?



So, the tires were only made for one kind of car. It's a 1989 Geo Metro. Town this small -- there's only one registered here. Deputy says it belongs to a guy named Roger who works night security down at the mill on the north side of town.



So, this thing teleported, but it has a job and car. What are we dealing with?



Let's go find out.


[ED overhears the conversation from the hall and goes to tell HARRY.]



So, Sam and Dean caught something, so they're gonna clean up your mess.



You're right. It is my mess. I should be the one out there cleaning it up.



You'd just make it worse. Oh, what? You were fine leaving Sam and Dean before. Why not now?



I don't want to be a jellyfish spine anymore, Harry.



Jellyfish don't have spines.



Exactly. Before the heartache, before the lies we set out to help people, right?



Yeah. Mostly.



So, there's no reason not to get out there and do what we mostly set out to do. Harry, I-I can make this right for the both of us.



We can make it right.



Y-you mean you want to come with me?


[DEAN and SAM pull up to the mill and see that DEPUTY NORWOOD is already there.]



I thought we said my partner and I would take care of this.



Look, guys, my boss is AWOL. We don't have a warrant. My ass is on the line if this thing goes sideways.



All right. Just stay back.


[SAM goes to pick the lock on the mill but realizes it is already open. SAM and DEAN draw their weapons and enter. But before they can do anything, DEPUTY NORWOOD tasers them from behind. They drop to the floor.]



Always wanted to use these things.


[DEAN is handcuffed to a chair in front of a woodsy tapestry hanging from the ceiling. SAM is handcuffed to a column off to the side. DEPUTY NORWOOD is humming an annoying song as he buzzes around and sets up lights and a camera.]



So, you're Thinman, huh? That would make sense if it didn't look like you just ate a fat camp.

[DEPUTY NORWOOD continues to hum without answering.]

Oh, God, Sam, make him stop.



Hey, so, what's the deal? What are you, Norwood? You a demon? I mean, how did you teleport back at the diner?



Team effort.


[THINMAN walks around a corner and SAM and DEAN stare. THINMAN then lift his hands and removes a mask and it is revealed to be the waiter at the diner, ROGER.]



So, there was no teleporting -- just a couple of douche bags doing the "Scream" thing.



Wait, I know who you are. You're the busboy from the diner. So, what, you just wanted to kill your boss?



Trey was a dick.



And what about Casey? What did she do?



She wouldn't go out with me, so I set her up with someone else -- my knife.



Good one, Rog.


DEAN [noticing another body lying off to the side]

I see the sheriff didn't make it out of town.



Well, he really should have given me the time off I asked for.



So, you killed him?!



I didn't kill anyone. Roger did. He's the psycho. I'm the visionary. I don't blame you for underestimating me. Everybody does. Fancy Fed, coming in here, treating me like a paper monkey from the get-go. But I was Thinman the whole time. Do you have any idea how good that felt?



No, sicko, I can't say that I do.



Yeah, pretty boy doesn't know what it's like to feel invisible -- to grow up in a town of 300 people and nobody sees you.



They didn't see us.


[SAM is working on breaking out of his handcuffs with his lock pick tools he was able to reach in his back pocket. When DEAN looks over SAM motions to him with his eyes.]



So, how did you two meet? Wackjob.com?



No. Just a couple of schmoes in an empty bar. We hit it off. Turns out me and Rog -- we're both total conspiracy-theory junkies.



And then we found Thinman, and, bam, we blew up all over the message boards.



So, what is this, then? Some sort of a twisted cosplay?



Cosreal. You know, blogging was fun, but...



But, let me guess, you wanted something more.



You realize what you two jackasses are doing doesn't make you Thinman. It makes you copycat killers.



It makes me Thinman. And you're not telling anyone I'm not, 'cause you'll be too dead to talk.


DEPUTY NORWOOD [moving back to the camera]

Show time.



You two are lucky ducks. You're the stars of our best video yet. And when it goes viral, everyone will know Thinman's real.


[ROGER moves behind DEAN and puts his mask back on. SAM starts to struggle harder when he realizes what is about to happen. DEAN figures it out too and starts to steel himself for the worst.]


DEPUTY NORWOOD [standing at the camera]



[ROGER draws his knife and yanks DEAN back to slice his throat. SAM yells in a panic.]



Wait, no, no, no. Don't!


[Suddenly a door is slammed somewhere in the mill and ROGER stops his knife. Camera switches to ED and HARRY coming in the building.]


ED [motioning to HARRY to go one way and he another]



[HARRY walks forward checking things with his flashlight. When he rounds a corner he runs into ROGER dressed as THINMAN. ROGER kicks him between the legs. HARRY doubles over in pain.]



Oh, he got me! He got me back!


[ROGER raises his knife to finish HARRY off but ED's gun clicks behind his head.]



It's Scooby-Doo time, douche bag. Take off the mask. I know you're not Thinman. You're just a "me-me".



Ed, it's pronounced meme.



It's spelled m-e-m-e, though.



The second "e" is silent. Yeah.



You're a me-me -- a-a man-meme, and I invented you.


[DEPUTY NORWOOD suddenly appears and knocks ED over the head.]



Oh! Good to know.



Oh, sh--


[ROGER and DEPUTY NORWOOD walk ED and HARRY back to where SAM and DEAN are tied up.]



I'm a lover of the classics, Ed. And what we have here is a "Frankenstein" situation. I'm a lover I mean, wow, the creator. I mean, we -- we were gonna let one of you guys live to tell our story but now, once you two are dead, there'll be no proof that Thinman was your brainchild.


[But when they get back to where SAM and DEAN were, the brothers are gone and their handcuffs lie on the chairs.]





[As they stand there in shock, the Winchesters attack. DEAN grapples with ROGER and stabs him with his own knife. SAM knocks DEPUTY NORWOOD to the ground but he is able to draw his gun on SAM. But ED sees it and steps into the path of the gun.]



Wait, no! No! No! No, look. Look at me. This is all my fault. Okay? It's all my fault.



I got enough bullets for both of you.


[Then a shot rings out and DEPUTY NORWOOD drops dead from a gunshot to the chest. Everyone looks up to see HARRY holding the smoking gun.]


[DEAN is loading the trunk of the IMPALA outside the mill. SAM walks over.]



So, are we good in there?



Yeah. With the Thinman footage and the way I set the bodies, there should be enough breadcrumbs to make it look like those two psychos offed each other.



They were just people, man. They weren't...demons. They weren't monsters. They...were just frickin' people.



Yeah, well, like I said, people are sick.


[Over by the Ghostfacer van a few feet away from the Winchesters, ED and HARRY are talking.]



S-so...Are we cool?



I don't think we ever will be.



I mean, you know, we made it right. We, uh -- we beat the guys. This could be our shot to start the old Ghostfacers again.



I came here with you to finish this thing with Thinman. I wasn't just closing a chapter, Ed. It was the whole dang book.



But you saved my life back there.



I killed a guy, Ed.



He was a bad guy, Harry.



He was a guy, Ed. Too many people have died 'cause of your crap.



I've done all this crap for us. I-I don't know why you don't see that.



No. No. You did this for you. [Camera shows SAM and DEAN listening in on the conversation from over by the IMPLALA.] There's a lot of things I can forgive, Ed, but this isn't one of them.



So, what does this mean about us?



It means... It's complicated.


[HARRY walks off with ED staring after him. HARRY walks up to the Winchesters.]



Can I get a ride from you guys?



Yeah, sure.


[They get into the IMPALA and drive away, leaving ED standing by the Ghostfacers van with tears in his eyes.]


[In the IMPALA, DEAN looks in the rear-view mirror.]


Harry, you okay?



Yeah. I mean, no.

You roll with a guy so many years, you start to think he's always gonna be next to you. Like, when you're old and you're drinking on the porch, he'll be in that other rocking chair. And then something happens, and you realize that other chair has gone empty.


[SAM and DEAN both have looks on their faces that tell us they are no longer hearing this story about ED and HARRY but are painfully aware of how this applies to the brother right beside them.]



You know what I mean?




Source : SuperWiki

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faith  (18.12.2022 à 03:55)

J'ai bien aimé voir les Goshtfacers être un peu plus "adultes" dans leurs réflexions et plus réalistes quant aux dangers de la chasse. 

Je suis d'accord avec schumi concernant les frères.

L'idée du " méchant classique des Scooby-Doo" était bien mis en scène.
schumi  (13.05.2021 à 10:54)

Retour des Ghostfacers et même si je n'ai jamais accroché avec ces personnages, ça fait bizarre de les voir se disputer et se séparer comme ça... mais bon ça ouvre les yeux à nos deux frères, c'est sûrement un mal pour un bien!


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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Hi^^ Nouveau jeu proposé par sondage chez Torchwood et aussi Kaamelott bientôt, merci de passer voter ;-)

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Locksley, Avant-hier à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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