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#914 : En attente du Paradis

LE BUNKER EST HANTE - Sam et Dean sont surpris de constater que le bunker des Men of Letters est hanté. Leur enquête les mène à un entrepôt où ils découvrent que les démons ont gardé un certain trophée. Pendant ce temps, Castiel est capturé par Bartholomew.


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En attente du Paradis

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Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Del (James Immekus)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Del (James Immekus)

Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington)

Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington) en pleine discussion

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington) en pleine discussion

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington)

Castiel (Misha Collins) face à Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington)

Castiel (Misha Collins) face à Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) se battant avec Del (James Immekus)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) se battant avec Del (James Immekus)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Del (James Immekus)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Del (James Immekus)

Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington) donnant la lame de Castiel (Misha Collins) à un ange

Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington) donnant la lame de Castiel (Misha Collins) à un ange

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 25.02.2014 à 21:00
2.12m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Robert Berens
Réalisateur : Jeremy Wanek


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Osric Chau... Kevin Tran

Adam J.Harrington... Bartholomew

James Immekus... Del

Lauren Torn... Linda Tran

Dustin Schwartz... Eliah

Lina Roessler... Candy

Reid Morgan... Ange 1

Ben Sullivan... Ange 2

Brendan Riggs... Barry

Guyle Fraizer... Prêtre







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Au bunker, tandis que Dean est tranquillement installé dans son lit en écoutant de la musique, les lumières se mettent à clignoter, et une forme étrange parcourt les couloirs. Sam sort de sa chambre lorsqu'il entend son frère l'appeler. Il se rend au rez-de-chaussée, dans la salle d'alerte, et saisit une arme en passant. Soudain, une forme brumeuse fonce sur lui, mais elle est arrêtée par un tir de Dean qui débarque. Les boys doivent le constater, le bunker est hanté.


Les boys discutent de la situation des plus étranges. Le bunker étant protégé, aucun esprit n'a pu pénétrer de l'extérieur, il provient donc d'une personne décédée dans le lieu-même. Ils pensent d'abord à un Men of Letters, mais ceux-ci s'étant éteints voilà plus de 50 ans, pourquoi se manifesteraient-ils maintenant ? Il s'agit donc d'une mort plus récente, et il n'y a pas trente-six solutions. Mais Dean refuse d'y croire. Cependant, lorsqu'il prononce le nom de Kevin, la cafetière disjoncte, et lorsque Sam répète ce nom, une tasse explose.

Castiel attrape un ange par le col tandis que ce dernier assistait aux funérailles d'une jeune femme. La jeune femme en question était possédée par un ange nommée Rebecca, et cette Rebecca était une amie de Metatron. Castiel pense que son accolyte pourrait lui donner des renseignements précieux sur l'endroit où Metatron se trouve. Mais l'ange clâme que Rebecca a rompu tout contact avec Metatron après la chute, et a arrêté de suivre les politiques du Paradis, afin de renouer le lien avec leur mission première. Les anges qui l'ont suivi ont formé la faction des Pénitents. Malheureusement, Bartholomew a tué Rebecca, et de nombreux membres du groupe.

Sam fixe la cafetière, en attente d'un signe de Kevin. Quand Dean le rejoint, à part quelques bips et des traces d'EMF, rien à signaler. Kevin étant un nouvel esprit, il lui est difficile de prendre contact avec le monde des vivants, contrairement à un esprit plus expérimenté. Sam passe le relais à Dean, qui entreprend alors de demander pardon à Kevin. Il s'en veut terriblement de l'avoir laissé mourir, après tout ce que le garçon a sacrifié, et il en est profondément désolé. C'est alors que Sam revient pour signaler à Dean que les lumières ont clignoté. Soudain, Kevin apparait. Sa silhouette se brouille de temps en temps, mais il parvient à tenir suffisamment longtemps pour apprendre quelques petites choses aux boys, notamment le fait que les esprits sont coincés derrière le voile, car le Paradis leur est fermé depuis la chute des anges. Puis, Kevin leur demande un service. Il a obtenu des informations par le biais d'un esprit récent, celui d'une jeune femme nommée Candy, qui aurait vu sa mère à Wichita une semaine auparavant. Il demande aux boys de se rendre sur place, d'invoquer Candy, et de retrouver sa mère. Puis, Kevin disparait.

Castiel se fait interpeler par deux anges. Lorsqu'ils apprennent l'identité de celui qu'ils détiennent, ils décident de l'emmener à leur patron.

Les boys se rendent à Wichita, dans le Kansas. Ils se trouvent au milieu des bois, là où la présumée Candy serait décédée, il y a une semaine. Sam se montre sceptique sur les informations obtenues par Kevin, mais Dean déclare qu'ils lui doivent bien ce service. Et afin d'aider Candy à communiquer avec eux, il a ramené quelques appareils électriques, comme la cafetière.

De son côté, Castiel confronte Bartholomew. Bien que ce dernier garde l'arme de Cas' de côté, il n'étreint pas moins l'ange comme un frère.

Sam et Dean attendent un signe de Candy, après avoir pratiqué le rituel d'invocation. Dean tente d'appeler Crowley, afin d'avoir des informations sur Mme. Tran, mais le démon ne répond pas à ses appels pourtant répétés. Les boys commencent à s'impatienter, quand la radio se met à grésiller. Ils finissent par entendre une voix féminine.

Bartholomew et Castiel se remémorent le temps de la guerre civile contre Raphaël et ses troupes. Barth faisait parti des loyalistes de Castiel, bien que parfois, il s'était demandé si l'ange n'était pas devenu fou. Castiel lui reproche alors d'avoir torturé et tué les captifs laissés sous sa protection, et Bartholomew lui rappelle qu'il faisait ce que tout ange se doit de faire, suivre les ordres. Mais maintenant, c'est lui qui les donne, les ordres.

Candy raconte aux boys qu'ils étaient trois personnes enfermées dans des boxes, qui pourraient être des entrepôts privés. Linda Tran était des prisonniers. Elle raconte la visite de deux hommes, l'un étant Crowley, qui faisaient tous pour les garder vivants, parce qu'ils valaient mieux vivants que morts. Mais Crowley a cessé de venir, et ce fut l'autre qui s'occupa d'eux. Un jour, Candy profita de la visite de leur geôlier pour s'enfuir, mais il la rattrapa dans les bois, et la tua. Quand à Linda, si elle confirme qu'elle était bien vivante il y a une semaine, elle ne peut pas confirmer que c'est encore le cas au moment où elle leur parle. Dans l'un des boxes, Linda est enfermée. C'est alors que le geôlier lui rend visite. Tandis qu'il s'approche, elle se met à hurler.

Sur la route, Sam repère trois lieux possibles correspondant à la description faite par Candy. Cette dernière était liée amoureusement à un politicien. Les boys comprennent que les prisonniers de Crowley lui servaient de levier. Quand à savoir pourquoi Candy est morte, Sam pense d'abord que Crowley a voulu en faire un exemple, au cas où d'autres auraient eu l'idée de vouloir s'enfuir, mais Dean réfute un peu trop vite au goût de Sam, qui s'interroge sur les affinités qu'il semble avoir pour le roi de l'Enfer. Dean prétend que ça n'a rien à voir, qu'il est simplement en train de travailler sur l'affaire, rappelant ainsi sournoisement à son petit frère les conditions que ce dernier lui a imposé.

Castiel s'interroge : pourquoi Bartholomew ne l'a pas encore tué ? Ce dernier prétend que ce n'est pas ce qu'il souhaite, car après tout, Cas' et lui ont le même but, à savoir, tuer Metatron et restaurer le Paradis selon leur vision. Castiel lui reproche tout de même d'avoir tué Rebecca et ses pénitents, dans la mesure où ils ne représentaient aucune menace. Bartholomew l'admet, mais il ne ressent aucun remord vis-à-vis de ce qu'il a fait. Ce sont des concurrents au trône en moins, tout comme Malachi ne le sera plus une fois qu'il s'en sera débarrassé. Et il prévient Castiel : s'il décide de s'opposer à lui, Bartholomew n'hésitera pas à lui réserver le même sort. Mais il lui propose de s'allier à lui, et de partager la récompense suprême.

Dean et Sam entrent font face au gérant des entrepôts privés, et lui demandent de leur amener les listes des noms des propriétaires. Del, le gérant, hésite d'abord, puis demande à son collègue, Barry, de lui amener les classeurs. Dean le fouille, tandis que Sam inspecte les plans des bâtiments accrochés au mur. Il repère un couloir de trois entrepôts alignés les uns à côté des autres, qui pourraient correspondre à ce que Candy leur a indiqué. Il appelle Dean, lui montre, et celui-ci regarde dans le registre. Le propriétaire du Corridor Q est un certain D. Webster. Le gérant prétend alors que le dénommé Daniel a également d'autres entrepôts de l'autre côté, et il accepte d'emmener l'un des agents les visiter. Dean décide d'accompagner Del, tandis que Sam est chargé d'aller au Corridor Q.

Sam trouve le boxe où Linda Tran est enfermée. Mais tandis qu'il la libère de ses chaines, la porte se referme. Sam repère alors la caméra au plafond. Sur son téléphone, Del observe ce qui se passe dans le boxe. Pendant ce temps, Dean, perplexe, inspecte les objets entassés dans l'entrepôt. Lorsqu'il voit le nom d'un certain Bob sur un carton, il se rend compte qu'il n'est pas dans un entrepôt appartenant à Crowley. Il n'a cependant pas le temps d'agir, car Del l'assomme.

Bartholomew entraine Castiel dans un salon, où plusieurs écrans sont reliés à un écran plus grand, affichant une carte des USA. Bartholomew explique que les points rouges indiquent les endroits où Metatron a été aperçu. Castiel se montre vivement intéressé par le pouvoir fourni par ce genre d'informations. Bartholomew s'en montre heureux. Il propose de nouveau à Castiel de s'unir à lui. A eux deux, ils pourront interrompre la guerre, et montrer aux dissidents que toute résistance serait futile. Les anges seraient unis sous une seule bannière, et pourraient conquérir le Paradis, et d'autres endroits. Soudain, des sbires de Bartholomew emmènent un ange dont les yeux ont été bandés par un sac posé sur sa tête. Barth lui enlève le sac, pose une lame sous sa gorge. Cas' se rend compte qu'il s'agit du pénitent qu'il a rencontré au cimetière. Barth explique à Cas' qu'il s'apprête à le torturer pour lui soutirer des informations, puis il le tuera. Et il annonce à Castiel qu'il va l'aider à entreprendre cette action.

Sam libère les poignets de Linda, puis, sur ses indications, ouvre le petit panneau électrique qui relie les fils au panneau de contrôle de la porte. Impatiente, Linda entreprend de tripatouiller les fils à la place de Sam. Elle espère que malgré que Kevin a dû insister, les boys l'ont laissé dans un endroit sûr. Sam lui confirme cela, d'abord, mais en l'entendant si enthousiaste de retrouver son fils, il décide de lui annoncer la mauvaise nouvelle. Il n'a pas besoin de dire quoique ce soit, elle comprend à son regard qu'un drame s'est produit. Elle souhaite tout de même le retrouver. Et sur ce, malgré le chagrin qui l'étreint, elle reprend son travail.

Dean se réveille attaché à un poteau, tandis que Del a égorgé Barry et écoule son sang dans un récipient, dans l'intention d'appeler Crowley. Quand Dean se réveille, le démon se plaint que Crowley n'a pas tenu ses promesses, que le travail si fourni en récompenses n'était rien qu'un leurre, qui ne lui permettait même pas de tuer. En plus, Crowley ne répond jamais à ses appels. Mais il espère qu'avoir capturé les Winchesters à lui tout seul attirera enfin l'attention de son boss. Dean le contredit, et lui annonce que Crowley et lui sont plutôt proches, depuis quelques temps. Que le démon ne s'attende donc pas à une récompense, car Crowley risque d'être en colère. Del décide alors de faire fi des ordres.

Castiel assiste malgré lui à la séance de torture imposée par Bartholomew. Il plaide en faveur du supplicié, et c'est alors que Barth lui ordonne de le tuer. Il explique à Cas' que s'il a été éloigné des champs de bataille, à l'époque, c'est parce que leurs supérieurs savait que l'ange ne serait pas capable de tuer les prisonniers, malgré les ordres donnés. Bartholomew lui demande de prouver qu'il en est désormais capable. Castiel clâme qu'il n'est plus le monstre qui fit tant de morts, qu'il n'est pas comme ça au fond de lui. Puis, il comprend que jamais Bartholomew ne lui a laissé la possibilité de partir libre. C'était soit il obéissait, soit il mourait. Alors, Castiel choisit la mort. Bartholomew saisit la lame tendue par Cas', et tue le pénitent.

Del s'apprête à tuer Dean, mais Sam débarque et neutralise le démon, juste à temps.

Bartholomew pense que le refus de Castiel est sa façon de lui dire qu'il est supérieur à lui, mais Castiel dément. Il veut simplement que la tuerie d'anges cesse, et si cela doit cesser avec lui, qu'il en soit ainsi. Barth l'attaque, Castiel résiste. Les sbires de Barth veulent s'interposer mais leur patron leur demande de rester à l'écart. Castiel prend le dessus mais refuse de tuer Bartholomew, et le jette au sol. Bartholomew profite que Cas' a le dos tourné pour de nouveau l'attaquer, mais Cas' est plus rapide, et finalement, Barth meurt. Les sbires, abasourdis, laisse Castiel partir.

Les boys ont attaché le démon, et laissent Linda Tran lui régler son compte. Linda le tue, puis, froidement, demande aux boys de la conduire à son fils. Dean et Sam se regardent.

De retour au bunker, les boys annoncent à Kevin qu'ils ont retrouvé sa mère, bien vivante. Linda Tran fait son entrée. Les boys s'éclipsent pour laisser mère et fils se retrouver, malgré les circonstances particulières de ces retrouvailles. Plus tard, Dean remet les affaires de Kevin à Linda. Celle-ci retrouve une chevalière, qui a appartenu au père de Kevin, que ce dernier n'a jamais connu. Elle est persuadée que si Kevin est lié à un objet sur Terre, c'est à cette chevalière. Dean la prévient, les esprits restant trop longtemps en dehors du voile ont tendance à devenir dangereux. Mais Linda lui dit que c'est son travail de mère de le garder en sécurité, quoiqu'il puisse arriver.

Castiel rend hommage à Rebecca, sur la tombe de son vaisseau. Quand il est interpelé par l'un des sbires de Bartholomew. Celui-ci lui annonce qu'il n'est pas là pour se battre, mais pour le suivre. Castiel réfute son rôle de leader. L'ange lui rétorque qu'il est fait pour ça, et qu'il a choisi de suivre Cas' en raison de ses propres choix. Et tandis que deux autres anges s'avancent derrière lui, Castiel constate qu'il n'est pas le seul.

Kevin est prêt à partir, mais avant, il a deux trois chose à dire aux boys. Tout d'abord, il assure à Sam qu'il sait que c'est l'ange qui l'a possédé qui l'a tué, et pas lui-même. Ensuite, il fait promettre aux Winchesters de cesser les querelles stupides et de se réconcilier, tant qu'ils sont encore vivants et ensemble pour le faire. Une fois qu'il a obtenu l'approbation de Sam, puis de Dean, il s'en va avec sa mère. Une fois la porte refermée derrière eux, Dean tente d'engager la conversation avec Sam, mais il constate que ce dernier s'est déjà éclipsé. Blessé, il retourne dans sa chambre, et pose le casque sur ses oreilles, afin de s'évader dans sa musique.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

In the bunker kitchen, water is slowly dripping out of the faucet. The lights suddenly flicker. Then there is a shot of the empty dungeon and the one overhead light is also flickering. A shot of the long hallway reveals a faint flickering apparition. Then the map table in the main room flickers. The camera walks down the hall with a ghostly sound following. It pans up to a grate in a door and we see into DEAN's room. DEAN is lying on his bed, eyes closed, with headphones on. As the camera moves to a close up of his face the music playing in the headphones suddenly turns to static. DEAN's eyes fly open.


From the hallway, we hear DEAN shout for his brother.





SAM [bolting out of his bedroom]


[He rushs to DEAN's bedroom but sees that it is empty. The lights in the whole bunker continue to flicker.]


[SAM rushes to the main room and sees one of the chairs spinning on its own. SAM grabs a iron sword from the wall and we see the apparition slowly walking behind him. Before SAM can swing around the apparition is blown to bits. SAM whips around and DEAN stands there with a smoking shotgun.]






Yep. Bunker's haunted.





[Scene opens with SAM packing rock salt rounds at the kitchen table. DEAN enters]



How is this possible? I thought you said this was the safest place on the planet.



Look, I know nothing got in. I mean, the bunker is warded and sigiled from top to bottom. There's no way something came in from the outside.



Okay, so whoever's haunting us died here.



What, dead man of letters?



No, that doesn't track. I mean, we're the first people to occupy this place in 50 years. Why would a ghost wait so long to get its spook on?



Must have been a more recent death.






How can you be so sure?



Because I burned his body myself, okay? It's not him.



Okay, so you cremated him. We cremated Bobby, too, and he came back.



Sam, I'm telling you -- this ghost, it's not Kevin.


[Suddenly the coffeemaker next to DEAN starts going crazy with lights flashing on and off and the digital clock speeding through different numbers. DEAN and SAM stare at it.]


SAM [speaking to the coffeemaker]



[A coffee mug next to the machine explodes.]





[Scene changes to a shot of an outdoor funeral. The priest is talking.]



We commit her body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, with a clear and certain hope of resurrection into the eternal life, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue

all things unto himself. In ne patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti.


[A man walks away and the camera follows him as the PRIEST continues.]


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, Lord.


[The man is suddenly grabbed and shoved into a tree by CASTIEL]



What are you doing here?



Please, she was my friend!



Who? The dead human or the angel who was killed while possessing her?



The angel. Rebecca?



Rebecca had a lot of friends. Friends like Metatron. Where is he?!



You're looking in the wrong place. Rebecca and Metatron were friends. That was a long time ago. Had no contact since the fall. Naomi, Metatron, heavenly battles, politics -- she gave it up. All of it. Rebecca taught us the angels have lost touch with our true mission.



What do you mean by "us"?



The penitents. Her followers.



Another faction.



Not like the others. We don't make war. We live humbly among these humans. Or we did. He killed all the others. And he killed her.



Who did?



Who else? The monster. Bartholomew.


[Back in the bunker kitchen, SAM is keeping vigil over the coffeemaker. DEAN enters.]






Eh, a couple of dings. A little EMF activity, but mostly...silence.



So, he's back in the veil.



I guess so. Fumbling to break through. I mean, you got to figure it took Bobby months to make contact.



Kevin's only... He's new at this.



Right. [He gets up from the table] All right, you're up.


[As SAM leaves the room, DEAN sits down and sits his head in his hand and stares at the coffeemaker.]



Kevin? Kevin. All right, I can't do this. Coffee-buzzing, bump-in-the-night crap. I got serious things to say to you, okay? And I'm not gonna say them to this.

[DEAN gets up and turns his back on the coffeemaker]

Kevin, I'm sorry. You did not choose this life. You busted your ass, you lost everything, everyone you've loved... And your reward? Getting killed... On my watch. If I... It was on me. It was my fault, and...


[DEAN closes his eyes and tries to keep his emotions under control. But the lights start to flicker behind him.]



And there's nothing I can do to make that right. I am so sorry.


SAM [rushing back into the kitchen]

Hey, did you see that? The -- the lights were...


[SAM stops and he sees across the room, the ghostly apparition finally starts to take shape. It is KEVIN TRAN muttering to himself.]



No, this is not happening. Didn't spend months struggling to break through the veil just to get stuck listening to Dean Winchester having a self-pity session. Didn't hear enough of those when I was alive.


DEAN [staring at him]




You can see me?



Hey, take it easy, Kevin. You might not hold this form for too long, okay? I-it takes a while.



Then we should talk fast.



Wait, wait, wait. Why aren't you in -- in heaven? I mean, if anybody deserves an express pass to paradise --


KEVIN [still momentarily flickering in and out]

I couldn't. I can't. No one can. Heaven's closed for business. Everyone who's died since the angels fell are just stuck inside the veil, waiting. And it's bad in here. Like DMV-line-times-infinity bad.



Well, I mean, what can we do?



I need a favor -- big one.






Find my mother.






Crowley only told you she was alive to mess with you.



I'm not going off his word. All right? I have my own sources. It's crowded in the veil. All of us are stuck near the sites of our deaths. But I've been able to pass messages spirit to spirit. I made contact with another new arrival. She said she saw my mom just a week ago, alive.



Okay, this -- this spirit that you're playing ghost telephone with, I mean, what do you even know about her?



Her name's Candy. Says she's in a forest in Wichita.






That's it? That's all you got?



Long-distance communication within the veil -- it's not ideal. That's why I need you to go there, summon her, see what else she knows. You say you want to make it right? This is how.


[KEVIN flicks away]


[CASTIEL is walking out of the cemetery but it met with two angels with their blades drawn.]



Where did your friend go in such a hurry?



You're too late. He's gone.






Our boss has been looking for you.



[Scene opens with SAM and DEAN walking through the woods by a train trestle.]



All right, that's the trestle. Candy said her spirit was stuck nearby.



She died here?






Dude, what got her? A bear?



I'm still stuck on the fact that we're trying to summon a ghost named Candy. You know, just 'cause Kevin said he heard his mom is alive doesn't mean she --



Hey, we at least owe it to the kid to try, right?



What'd you bring?


[DEAN digs in his bag and pulls out a radio and hangs it on a nail on a tree.]



Well, she's only been dead a week, right? So I figured she could use as much help as she can get, so...


[DEAN pulls the coffeemaker from his bag.]






Whatever works.


[CASTIEL, ANGEL #1 and ANGEL #2 are sitting in a waiting room]



How much longer?



You have someplace to be?


[The doors swing open and BARTHOLOMEW walks in.]



His blade.


[ANGEL #2 hands it over]



Standard security protocol. Can't be too careful these days.



Hello, Bartholomew.


BARTHOLOMEW [with a big smile]



[They hug]



It has been too long.


[Back with SAM and DEAN in the forest. Its dark and they are waiting.]



You feel that? I think I felt a chill.



Yeah. It's 'cause it's cold.


[DEAN dials his phone and waits to leave a message]



Crowley, it's Dean. Call me when you get this.



Really, Dean?






That's your third unanswered voicemail. You ever think maybe he's just not that into you?



Well, he is our last confirmed link to Ms. Tran. Yes, he is a flaming douche, but at least we know he's real, which is more than we can say for this Candy no-show.


[Suddenly the radio on the tree buzzes to life and they can hear clipits of a woman's voice through the static. The brothers jump up to investigate.]



Candy? Are -- are you there? Is that you, Candy?


CANDY [from the radio]

Hello? Hello?


[BARTHOLOMEW and CASTIEL sit in the waiting room talking.]



Madness, wasn't it? A puny force of 20 behind enemy lines, launching an incursion against Raphael and his loyalists.



It was a calculated risk.



I thought you'd gone insane, and I questioned your leadership, second-guessed every step of the campaign. But you were my commander. I held my tongue. I followed orders. Raphael fled. Most of his loyalists, dead or captured. Your gambit paid off. You...Won.



We won.



Word of your victory spread. You got called back to the garrison. You became the great Castiel... While I stayed behind, just a grunt.



You gained a reputation for yourself, as well. The captives I left in your care, you tortured and killed them.



I was ordered to kill those captives. You've been flying solo for so long, you've forgotten that's what angels do. We follow orders.



Not you, though. Not anymore.



That's right. I give them.


[SAM and DEAN are trying to adjust the radio buttons to hear CANDY better]



There. There. There. Stop. Stop. Stop. Candy?



...in the box. They put me in the box. All of us in boxes, side by side. Me, Jerome, Linda.



Linda's --



Ms. Tran.

Candy, these boxes, where were they?



I don't know. They were cold. Dark. There -- there was a vent. We could talk to one another.



Okay, and the walls, can you describe them?



Bare. Cement. Except for the door. That was...metal, but...like, ridged.



Ridged? You mean like corrugated?



Yeah! I tried to lift the door, but I couldn't. Locked from the outside.



Like a storage unit?




Candy, who was holding you there?



Two men. It was so dark in the box. When they came, I could barely see. The -- the first guy was British, I think. Kind of short, loved hearing himself talk.



Crowley. And what do they want?



Said I was worth more alive than dead. But he stopped coming. Then it was just the other guy. We thought with just him...we'd try to escape. I ran so hard, so far, but...



Candy? Candy, are you there? What about Ms. Tran? Candy?



I don't know. Maybe she survived.



Maybe? That's not what you told her son.



I said she was alive. I don't know what happened after. For her sake, I hope she's dead.


[The scene changes to MRS. TRAN scraping at her chain with a file. Suddenly the storage door opens and she jumps back screaming as a shadowy figure walks in.]



No! No! No! No! No!



[The Winchesters drive down the road in the IMPALA]



Okay, there are three storage facilities nearby. The closest one is about a mile up the road. Oh, and I, uh -- I dug up some stuff on Candy. Turns out she was the kept woman of a powerful Congressman. Gossip blog said he worshiped the ground she walked on, literally. He, uh -- had a foot fetish.



So, Crowley was holding the beloved tootsies of a powerful politician?



And the beloved mother of a powerful Prophet.



Human leverage. But why kill Candy?



Well, you heard her. Uh, she tried to make a break for it. Maybe Crowley wanted to make an example.



No. No. The guy left in charge. Crowley wanted the victims alive.



So, what, you want to give him a medal? I mean, Crowley's the one who put them in the cells in the first place.



Yeah, I know. I'm just talking it out. You know, working the case. Businesslike.


[SAM grunts and rolls his eyes.]


[Scene changes to BARTHOLOMEW and CASTIEL still talking while walking around BARTHOLOMEW's facility.]



Realizing they were more trouble than they were worth, we purged our human allies, then commandeered Boyle Ministries, Inc. For our own use.



Buddy Boyle. So, you killed him.



No. We made him and his colleagues vessels. At least those who didn't go "pop."



You nervous, Castiel?



Your followers want me dead. I'm not entirely certain you don't, too.



If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead.



So, we're friends here?






And I'm free to go?



Of course. Though, I don't know why you would. What's out there for you, Castiel? What do you really expect to accomplish on your own? You'll never find Metatron that way.



How'd you know about Metatron?



I figured that's why you were pursuing Rebecca, engaging with her follower. We have different methods, Cas, but we want the same thing -- to find Metatron and restore our kind to heaven.



Then why kill Rebecca and her followers? They're no threat to you.



Perhaps, but better to nip a fledgling faction in the bud than let it grow into a bigger threat down the road. A drop of blood to save a gallon.



I don't agree.



I'm not asking you to. I will outrace Malachi in the hunt for Metatron, and I will certainly outrace you on your own. But if you can set aside your qualms about methods for one second, there's no reason the two of us can't take him down. Together.


[DEAN and SAM enter a storage facility office and DEAN is making a guess about what they attendant is going to look like.]



Let me guess -- 5'5", pasty white, black-rimmed hipster glasses just like the last place.


[DEAN rings the bell and a guy exactly matching DEAN's description pops up to help them.]


DEAN [smugly]

Nailed it.



Can I help you?



Yeah, hi. Agents Nicks and McVie. Need to take a look at your, uh, rental records.



Uh, my manager's not here. I really don't think I should --



Hey! The records, pal.



Yeah. Barry! Bring out the rental binder!


[BARRY walks out holding a large binder in his hands. He also fits DEAN's 'storage-unit-attendant-description' to perfection. DEAN and SAM exchanges amused looks. BARRY hands the binder to DEAN]



There you go, sir.


[As DEAN thumbs through the binder, SAM walks over to a map of the storage facility on the wall]



Hey. Okay, check it out. Corridor "Q." Three adjacent units separate from the others. I mean, Candy said there were three hostages, right?




[He finds the records in the binder]

Okay. It's all leased by the same guy -- a D. Webster.



D. Webster? Wait. As in, like, Daniel Webster?



Well, I know a lame Crowley in-joke when I see one.



You guys say "D. Webster"?



Yeah. Yeah, you -- you seen him?



Uh, no, just... I know his name from the records. He's leasing another unit on the other side of the facility. I could show you.



Yeah. That'd be great.

[to SAM]

All right, why don't you take corridor "Q"? I'll go with, uh, Del the funky homosapien.


[DEAN and DEL enter another storage unit and DEAN slowly walks through it. He picks up a scythe and looks it over.]





[SAM walks down Corridor "Q" and picks the lock on the last unit. As the door opens, MRS TRAN shrinks away in fright. SAM rushes to her.]



Ms. Tran! Ms. Tran! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey, it's me. It's Sam. It's Sam.






Oh, my gosh.



Sam? We have to get out of here before it comes back. Is Kevin with you?


[DEAN is still roaming the storage unit while DEL watches SAM and MRS TRAN on his phone through their units security camera. He locks the door from the phone, trapping SAM and MRS TRAN inside.]



You sure this is the one leased by Webster?



Yeah, this is it.


DEAN [reading a name on a box which reads "Bob Gunderson"]

This isn't Crowley's unit.


[DEL pulls a knife out of his belt and knocks DEAN unconscious from behind.]


[CASTIEL and BARTHOLOMEW enter a office with a large map on the wall with dots on it.]



What are these locations?



Sightings of Metatron.



He's been on earth?



Three times we know of so far. That's the benefit of a massive ground operation. Eyes and ears everywhere. It's only a matter of time before we get an active location.



Why wait? With this kind of information, I'd lure him out.



I knew you'd be an asset. No one's as motivated as you to take him down. I've had my hands so full with the factions, it's distracted me from the real goal. But with you by my side -- the new boss and the ultimate rebel working together -- think of the message that would send to would-be dissidents. They'd finally understand that resistance is futile. Think of the bloodshed we could avert... What a united angelkind could accomplish in heaven... Elsewhere.


[The doors open and ANGEL #1 and ANGEL #2 drag in the angel from the funeral. BARTHOLOMEW kneels and puts an angel blade to his throat.]



Bart, what are you doing?



What needs to be done. I'm gonna torture the rebel, find out what he knows, then kill him. And you're going to help.



[SAM removes MRS TRAN's shackles with his Swiss army knife.]



Here we go. All right.


MRS TRAN [rubbing her wrists]

Oh. There's a -- there's an electrical line, leads to the control panel.


SAM [pops off the cover and a mess of wires fall out]

Okay, this might take a while.


MRS TRAN [takes the Swiss army knife from SAM and starts to work on the wires]

We have to unplug the ground wire first. If this is standard U.S. color coding, it should be the green one.






Helping Kevin with his engineering-club assignments, I picked up a thing or two. I'm sure he insisted, but I trust you weren't foolish enough to bring Kevin along on this mission. That you left him someplace safe?


SAM [quietly]

Of course.



Good. Now all we have to do is get this door open, get the hell out of here, and you will bring me to my son.


[SAM can't lie to her anymore and so he gently takes her hand]



Listen. Ms. Tran.


[His eyes tell the whole story and MRS TRAN shattered face shows she knows what his is trying to tell her. She starts to break down and then steels herself. She goes back to the wires]



You will take me to my son. Flashlight. Flashlight!


[SAM raises the flashlight to light the box.]


[DEAN regains consciousness on the floor. The first thing his sees when he opens his eyes in the site of BARRY bleeding from his slashed throat into a bowl. DEL is muttering.]



"Trust me," he says. "You definitely want to be a part of this -- "a chance to get in on the ground floor of my operation, "a real learning experience. Consider it a stepping stone, my lad -- like an internship."

Should've known. Internships suck.


DEAN [painfully sitting up as his hands are tied behind him to a post.]

So, you're the one. You're the one who Crowley left in charge.



Yeah. What a privilege. Feeding the apes, hosing the floors, washing out the honey buckets, and for zero credit. The boss, M.I.A.


[As DEL monologs, DEAN slowly moves his right leg up and we can see Ruby's knife stuck in his boot. DEAN pulls at his bonds trying to get his hand free.]



Too important to show for work, to even return my calls. And you know the worst part? I wasn't even allowed to kill anyone. I was told to protect them. I mean, how sick is that? Am I not a young, vital demon with basic demon needs and rights? And when I call Crowley to inform him that I've single-handedly caught the Winchesters, if he even answers my call, think I'll get a thank you? Ha!



Yeah, you're right, kid. He won't give you credit. If anything, he'll be pissed.






Well, me and Crowley, we're -- we're tight now. Thick as thieves. Saw him just last month. We, uh, had a grand ol' time.



So, that's where he's been. Out partying with humans, with hunters?! While I languish here in this go-nowhere, no-kill joke of a job.



"Partying" is a bit of an exaggeration.



This job blows! [He rips off his nametag] I quit.


[Scene changes to BARTHOLOMEW torturing the Funeral Angel]



Tell me where they are.



I told you. They're dead. I'm the last.



Can't you see he's telling the truth? He's done.



Yes, I believe he is.

[holds out the angel blade to CASTIEL]

Now finish him off.



Bartholomew, it doesn't need to be like this.



Castiel, get your head out of the sand. Do you know why they brought you back from the battlefield? The truth?



Yes, I know the truth.



Our leaders wanted those captives killed, and they knew you'd stand in the way of their order. Said you didn't have it in you. That you couldn't do what needed to be done. But I know different. I know you've changed.



I'm not a murderer.



You weren't. Not then. But since then, you've slaughtered thousands of angels. You killed Malachi's man

for his Grace.



Who I was, what I did, that's not who I am.



No? Then who are you? I want to work with you, Castiel, but I need proof. They need proof that they were wrong. That you can do what has to be done. This has to be done.



I was never free to leave. My only choice was to obey or be killed. Well, I choose.


[CASTIEL hands the angel blade back to BARTHOLOMEW]



I am truly sorry to hear that.


[BARTHOLOMEW swings around and stabs Funeral Angel in the heart. He flashes and then dies]





[Back to DEAN and DEL in the storage unit. DEL is straddling DEAN on the floor and holding a knife to his throat]



Do you know how long it's been since I've done this? I thank you for reminding me what I truly am.


[DEL digs the knife into DEAN throat right below his right ear and drags it an inch or two. Blood seeps out of the gash. DEL then raises the knife and goes to stab DEAN in the heart but at that second, SAM raises the door and rushed for DEL. DEAN kicks him away and SAM knocks him against a shelf.]





As your refusal makes perfectly clear, you always thought you were better than me. Shall we put your superiority to the test once and for all?


[BARTHOLOMEW punches CASTIEL in the mouth twice]



No. Angels fighting angels has to stop somewhere. Might as well stop with me.


BARTHOLOMEW [picking up an angel blade]



[He lunges for CASTIEL but CASTIEL is able to grab his arm.]


BARTHOLOMEW [as ANGEL #1 and #2 come to the rescue]

Stand down! This is between me and the rebel.


[CASTIEL does a trick move and suddenly has BARTHOLOMEW in a headlock with his angel blade to his throat]



To the victor. Do it.


CASTIEL [letting him go]




What are you now? A penitent?



I'm nothing.



You never did understand, Castiel. There can be no peace without bloodshed.

[BARTHOLOMEW draws another angel blade and lunges for CASTIEL again. CASTIEL wrestles with him and finally stabs BARTHOLOMEW and kills him.]

CASTIEL [turning to leave]

Let me pass.


[ANGEL #1 and #2 let him leave]


[Back at the storage units, DEL is on his knees in front of the Winchsters.]



Do it. Kill me.



No, we're saving you for someone else.






Much worse.


[SAM holds the knife out and MRS TRAN walks in]



Do the honors, Ms. Tran.



With pleasure.



Hey, lady. I swear. I was just following ord--


[MRS TRAN stabs him in the heart]



Take me to my son.



[SAM and DEAN walk through the main room in the bunker.]



Kevin? You here? Kev?


KEVIN [appearing]




We got her. She's alive. She's here. But we wanted to give you a moment to... You know, process.



Oh. I, uh... Does she know?


MRS TRAN [coming up behind KEVIN]

Kevin? Hello, son.


KEVIN [gently]

Hey, Mom.


MRS TRAN [crying]



[Later MRS TRAN and DEAN are going through KEVIN's things.]



So, this is, uh -- this is all of it. You know, hunter's tools -- notebooks, papers, pencils, P.S.A.T. results. Perfect score. Way to go, kid.


MRS TRAN [takes a ring out of a box]

This. This is it. His father's. Mr. Tran died when Kevin was a baby. It's the only piece of his father Kevin ever had. If Kevin's s-spirit is bound to some object here... This is it.



Listen, Ms. Tran. There's a lot that we don't know about this heaven situation. There are risks to taking Kevin home with you. Now, spirits, the longer that they're in the veil, they have a way of... Well, it doesn't end up well.



He's my son. It's my job to keep him safe for as long as I can.


[DEAN nods.]


[CASTIEL is standing in a cemetery talking to the grave of Darlene Foster]


Sorry I created this chaos. Sorry I couldn't do more to fix it. You may have lost the war, Rebecca, but you tried a new way. You have my respect for that.


[A hand drops on CASTIEL's shoulder. It is ANGEL #1.]



I don't want to fight. But if I have to, I will.



I didn't come to fight. When I fell, I thought I had no choice, but yesterday, you've showed me that there is a choice. And I choose you.



I'm sorry. I'm no leader.



Yes, you are. If you will have me, Castiel, I will follow you. And I am not the only one.


[More angels walk up to join]


[Back in the bunker, Kevin is talking to the brothers at the foot of the stairs.]



She was held and tortured for a year because of me. Now that I found her, I'm not letting her out of my sight. She's my responsibility.



And you were ours. And we failed you. I --



Sam. I know that wasn't you. Go put a blade in that asshat who possessed you and we'll call it square.

[SAM nods gratefully]

Guys. Thank you.



You can thank us when we get you to heaven where you belong. Okay, until then, enjoy your time with your mom. The, uh, uninterrupted, 24/7, no-escape quality time.


KEVIN [smiling wide]


Hey, before I go... Will you guys promise me something?








Can you two... Get over it? Dudes, just 'cause you couldn't see me doesn't mean I couldn't see you. The drama, the fighting... It's stupid. My mom's taking home a ghost. You two... You're both still here.



Of course. Promise.








[KEVIN and MRS TRAN walk up the stairs and out the front door. DEAN watches them go.]


DEAN [turning around]

Well, that was...


[But SAM has already left the room]



Yeah, okay.


[SAM walks through the hallway to his room. He pauses at the door, considering something and then opens it and closes it behind him. DEAN enters his own room and lays back down on the bed. He turns on his music and puts his headphones back on.]




Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (13.05.2021 à 10:52)

Le retour de Kevin était nécessaire et émouvant! La scène finale est déchirante. Le voir partir avec sa mère, comme ça, après avoir pardonné Sam. Mais les relations sont toujours mauvaises, Sam n'arrive pas à pardonner Dean... C'est trop triste!!!!

Bon côté anges on est enfn débarassé de Barth et ce n'est pas un mal, j'avais du mal à le supporter!


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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