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#913 : Les Pishtacos

SAM ET DEAN JOUENT LES AGENTS SOUS COUVERTURE DANS UN SPA - Sam et Dean enquêtent sur des meurtres dont les victimes se sont retrouvées allégées de plusieurs kilos après leur mort. Suspectant de la sorcellerie, les deux se rendent dans un spa où les victimes allaient pour perdre du poids. Tandis que Sam est engagé en tant que professeur de fitness, Dean est envoyé en cuisine. Après que Dean ai piqué de la nourriture et se soit évanoui, les boys réalisent que quelqu'un drogue les clients, avant de littéralement aspirer toute leur graisse, jusqu'à ce que mort s'ensuive.


4.67 - 6 votes

Titre VO
The Purge

Titre VF
Les Pishtacos

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Sneak Peek


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Photos promo

Sam (Jared Padalecki) menaçant le cuisinier

Sam (Jared Padalecki) menaçant le cuisinier

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Donna (Brianna Buckmaster) et Larry (Corey Sevier)

Donna (Brianna Buckmaster) et Larry (Corey Sevier)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) au téléphone

Sam (Jared Padalecki) au téléphone

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) cuisinier

Dean (Jensen Ackles) cuisinier

Dean (Jensen Ackles) cuisinier

Dean (Jensen Ackles) cuisinier

Dean (Jensen Ackles) cuisinier

Dean (Jensen Ackles) cuisinier

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en plein cours de gym

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en plein cours de gym

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en plein cours de gym

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en plein cours de gym

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en plein cours de gym

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en plein cours de gym


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 04.02.2014 à 21:00
2.46m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Eric C.Charmelo & Nicole Snyder
Réalisateur : Philip Sgriccia


Casting :

Anabelle Acosta... Maritza

Corey Sevier... Larry

Joseph Julian Soria... Alonzo

Briana Buckmaster... Sheriff Donna Hanscum

Lindsay Gibson... Carol

Breann Grainger... Mala Morgan

Rebecca Olson... Tawny

Kurtis Maguire... Slim Jim Morgan

John Trottier... Wayne McNut

Giles Panton... Adjoint Cooper

Brendon Zub... Cuisinier

David Mott... Client Cafeteria

Haroon Khan... Client Yoga







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Stillwater, Minnesota. Deux hommes, l'un bien portant, l'autre mince, s'affrontent dans un concours du plus gros dévoreur de hot-dogs. L'homme bien portant est déclaré vainqueur, tandis que l'autre l'accuse de tricherie. Un peu plus tard, le gagnant rejoint sa voiture, et tire de sa poche le hot-dog qu'il avait effectivement caché. Satisfait, il le mange, quand soudain, quelque chose l'attaque du siège arrière, et on le voit se dégonfler à vue d'œil, jusqu'à se ratatiner entièrement. L'agresseur s'enfuit.


Au bunker. Sam interrompt Dean dans ses recherches qui se sont déroulées toute la nuit. Dean n'a rien trouvé sur Gadreel, ou sur la marque de Caïn, mais il a trouvé une affaire. Elle concerne notre mangeur de hot-dogs. Sam accepte d'enquêter, et Dean s'éclipse rapidement, prétextant le besoin de prendre un bain. Sam lui demande s’il va bien, il essaie de déclencher une conversation, mais Dean, sur la défensive, esquive.

Dean et Sam se rendent au commissariat de Stillwater. La shériff, très coopérative, répond à toutes leurs questions. Le légiste a conclu à une mort par arrêt cardiaque, mais Wayne, la victime a vu ses organes détruits par ce qui a aspiré la graisse de son corps. Il avait un rival : Jim Morgan, mais ce dernier a un alibi.

Les Winchesters rendent visite à Jim Morgan, qui prépare déjà la prochaine compétition en dévorant de la laitue. Jim ne regrette pas la mort de Wayne, mais il n'a pas l'air d'être un suspect. Puis il parle de Mala, sa femme, qui est une romanichelle, quand Dean aperçoit toutes sortes de gris-gris posés sur l'étagère. Sam prétexte avoir besoin des toilettes pour aller fouiller la chambre conjugale, tandis que Mala prend sa douche. Il ressort rapidement, rejoint Dean, et les deux s'en vont.

Au motel, Dean et Sam inspectent ce que ce dernier a pris dans la chambre de Jim et Mala. Des ingrédients pour faire un sac à sorts putsi, censé lancer une malédiction sur la victime désignée. Les boys pensent alors que Mala a jeté un sort sur Wayne. Cette dernière vient leur rendre visite pour récupérer ses biens, et leur explique alors qu'elle avait une aventure avec Wayne, et que le sac putsi avait été fait pour lui porter change, afin qu'il gagne la compétition. Leur plan était de remporter l'argent, et de fuir tous les deux pour Orlando.

Un soir, alors qu'une jeune fiancée s'entraine pour perdre du poids, elle est attaquée par un mystérieux monstre, le même que celui-ci qui a tué Wayne. Et de la même façon, elle se ratatine sur elle-même alors que toutes les graisses de son corps sont aspirées par une créature inconnue.

Dean et Sam arrivent au gymnase. En inspectant le corps de la victime, ils remarquent une marque étrange que Sam pense être une marque de succion. Mais ils ne savent pas à quoi ils ont affaire, pour le moment. Ils décident de se séparer, l'un devant aller à la morgue pour voir si Wayne a une marque semblable, l'autre devant interroger le staff. Ils se querellent pour savoir qui fera quoi, mais c'est finalement Dean qui a le dernier mot et qui reste pour l'interrogatoire. Il demande à la jeune coach ses explications, et elle lui dit que Carol, la victime, était restée pour s'entrainer en vue de son mariage tandis qu’elle-même avait un rencard. Elle avait donc donné les clés à Carol pour qu'elle ferme derrière elle. Lorsqu'elle voit le brancard sur lequel le corps est couché passer devant elle, elle se met à sangloter et se retourner pour attraper un mouchoir. Dean aperçoit à ce moment-là une marque de succion semblable à celle de Carol.

Sam retrouve Dean au motel. Il a constaté la même marque de succion sur le corps de Wayne, et Dean lui parle alors de la coach sportive rencontrée au gymnase. Dean précise que la jeune femme a récemment perdu beaucoup de poids, après un séjour dans un spa nommé Canyon Valley. Les boys regardent la vidéo de présentation du spa sur l'ordinateur. Les deux propriétaires, un homme et une femme, aussi sveltes l'un que l'autre, promettent une perte de poids rapide et miraculeuse sans chirurgie, ni entrainement extrême, et encore moins de privation alimentaire. Les Winchesters décident immédiatement de s'y rendre.

Dean et Sam se présentent à Maritza et son mari, les propriétaires du spa, comme postulants à des postes de coach sportifs. Une fois les présentations faites, Larry annonce qu'il n'y a qu'un seul poste de coach disponible, et il propose alors à Dean de travailler au self.

Sam rend visite à son frère, occupé à servir, bien malgré lui, la nourriture aux clients. Sam taquine quelques minutes Dean sur son poste, puis se rend au cours de yoga qu'il doit animer.

Maritza accueille le shériff pour une séance de "cupping" et la rassure immédiatement : le traitement n'est pas douloureux, il laissera juste quelques marques sur la peau. Le shériff s'installe sur la table, puis s'endort rapidement. Profitant de son sommeil, Maritza fait sortir une sorte de trompe de sa bouche. Celle-ci vient se coller sur le dos du shériff, et elle commence à aspirer les graisses.

En cuisine, Dean se fait sermonner par Alonso pour son manque de dynamisme dans son travail. Alonso vient lui amener un plat de pudding avec quelques ramequins, et lui ordonne de les remplir. Dean profite de l'absence d'Alonso pour goûter le pudding, et en vole une petite boîte.

Durant son cours de yoga, Sam inspecte les rangs, et constate que tous les clients ont des marques de succion sur le dos. Pendant ce temps, dans les réserves, Dean mange son pudding à l'abri des regards. Mais lorsqu'il se relève, il se sent étourdi, et finit par tomber.

A la fin du cours, Sam croise Larry et le shériff, qui le reconnait immédiatement. Sam prétend ne pas la connaitre, puis il reçoit un appel : c'est Dean, avachi dans les réserves, et drogué. Sam cours à son secours, et Dean lui explique qu'il a mangé du pudding réservé aux clients. Sam s'en va chercher des infos en cuisine, et oblige le cuistot à lui dire ce qu'il a mis dans le pudding. Le cuisinier répond qu'il a ajouté des suppléments pour booster le métabolisme, d'après les dires de Maritza et Larry. Sam part montrer la boîte de ces suppléments mais Dean sait que c'est de la drogue sédative. Sam lui apprend alors que les clients ont tous des marques de succion.

Sam et Dean discutent avec le shériff. Elle annonce fièrement qu'elle a perdu 10 kilos en une seule journée. Après que son mari l'ait quitté à cause de son poids, l'année d'avant, elle a décidé de faire quelque chose, et a trouvé Canyon Valley. Elle comprend que les boys sont là sous couverture. Ils expliquent qu'il y a un lien entre le spa et les meurtres perpétrés en ville, ce lien étant les fameuses marques de succion. Le shériff leur montre les siennes, et explique qu'il s'agit d'une thérapie appelée "cupping".

Larry part chercher Maritza et lui explique que Dean et Sam sont des chasseurs. Il lui montre alors pourquoi ils sont là grâce aux articles de journaux. Maritza est soudainement inquiète. Larry lui promet de gérer la situation et il lui demande de se débarrasser des preuves.

Tandis que Sam inspecte la salle de cupping, Maritza est surprise par Dean en train d'avaler de force des pots de graisse. Dean l'attache à une chaise et lui demande des explications. Elle explique qu'elle est une espèce de parasite péruvien qui se nourrit exclusivement de graisse, appelé pishtaco. Elle a fondé Canyon Valley avec Larry pour pouvoir se nourrir modérément, tout en permettant à des gens de perdre du poids. Elle avoue que c'est son frère, Alonso, qui est responsable des meurtres.

Larry a une petite discussion avec Alonso, et lui ordonne de partir. Mais Alonso ne l'entend pas de cette oreille. Tandis qu'il passe à côté des cuisines, Sam entend Larry hurler. Il entre, mais trop tard : Larry est mort.

Sam rejoint Dean pour l'interrogatoire de Maritza, qui vient d'apprendre la mort de son mari. Maritza explique qu'elle a fait venir Alonso du Pérou pour lui montrer qu'ils pouvaient coexister avec les humains et qu'ils n'avaient pas besoin de tuer pour cela. Mais Alonso n'arrivait pas à se contrôler, alors Maritza l'a envoyé en cuisine, où il ne devait plus se nourrir que de graisses collectées dans des pots. Elle ne voulait pas la mort de ces personnes, et insiste auprès des boys qu'elle est de leur côté. Alors Sam lui demande comment tuer Alonso.

Les boys se rendent au sous-sol, armés de lames en argent. Ils se séparent. Dean trouve la chambre d'Alonso, où plusieurs pots vides sont étalés sur les étagères. Sam trouve le corps du cuisinier mort sur son chemin. Il suit les traces de sang jusqu'à une pièce où Alonso le surprend. Ils se battent, mais malgré les efforts de Sam, Alonso finit par avoir le dessus. Heureusement, Dean arrive et coupe la trompe du parasite, qui meurt instantanément.

Une fois l'affaire terminée, Sam vient soutenir Maritza, qui vient de perdre toute sa famille. Dean et Sam se concertent : faut-il tuer Maritza. Dean semble persuadé que oui, ne voyant en elle que le monstre, mais Sam n'est pas d'accord. Maritza les a aidés, et elle vient de tout perdre. Elle ne mérite pas de mourir, pas plus que Sam aurait mérité de mourir lorsqu'il était sous l'emprise de Gadreel. Dean cède.

De retour au bunker, Dean déclenche une conversation. Il dit à Sam qu'il l'a sauvé, à Canyon Valley, dans l'église, mais aussi à l'hôpital, et qu'il le referait, sans hésiter. Sam essaie de lui faire comprendre que le problème est bien là, malgré toutes les conséquences négatives que ce sauvetage a eues. Dean est persuadé que c'était la bonne chose à faire, mais Sam n'y croit pas. Il insiste pour dire qu'il était prêt à partir, et il pense que la véritable raison pour laquelle Dean l'a empêché de s'en aller, c'était qu'il ne voulait pas être seul. Il a sauvé Sam pour lui, pas pour son petit frère. Dean dit que dans un cas inverse, si c'était lui qui aurait dû être sauvé, Sam aurait fait la même chose. A la grande surprise de Dean, Sam répond que dans les mêmes circonstances, il n'aurait pas empêché Dean de mourir. Sur ces derniers mots, voyant que la conversation était terminée, il se lève et part se coucher. Dean, resté seul, accuse le coup de ces dernières révélations.


Ecrit par Deanlove35.

[Scene opens with the tagline "Stillwater, Minnesota" on a black screen. The sound of an crowd counting down.]



15, 14, 13, 12...


[Suddenly we are at a Hotdog Eating Contest and two contestants, one large man and one thin man, on stage are still chowing through their hotdogs.]


11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...


REFEREE [yells to the larger contestant]

No chipmunking allowed! Swallow or you're disqualified!



...2, 1...


[Buzzer, whistle blows. The crowd cheers and the REFEREE counts the hotdogs still left and then announces the winner by holding up the large man's hand]



Looks like we got a winner!






He cheated!



Hey, back off, Skeletor. I won fair and square.



Like hell you did, Jabba! I saw you slip a hot dog in your pocket!



Well, I hate to break it to you, pal, but that's no hot dog.





[The LARGE MAN laughs and then he is handed his trophy and winner's check for $1,000.00. The THIN MAN storms off the stage.]


[Later the LARGE MAN gets into his car with his trophy. He laughs in glee and then pulls the extra hotdog out of his pants. He takes a large bite still laughing in triumph. He hears a sound and looks around. Seeing nothing he goes back to eating. A dark figure sits up behind him on the back seat and the LARGE MAN is jerked back and starts to choke. His face starts to shrink and then his chest and belly. All of his extra pounds look to be sucked away and he dies in the seat. The scene ends with an outside shot of his bumper with a sticker on it which says "Bacon makes everything better."





[Scene opens in the Bunker's kitchen. DEAN is sitting at his laptop with his head in his right hand staring at the screen. SAM enters.]





DEAN [barely looks up and raspy answers]



SAM [without much concern]

You go to bed last night?


DEAN [Clears throat]

What? Uh, no. No, "Rudy" was on. "Unforgiven," and then I was too jacked to sleep, so...research.


SAM [still rummaging around the kitchen getting breakfast]




And Metatron and the mark of Cain and...

[he looks up and realizes SAM isn't really paying attention]


I did find us a case, though.



Oh, yeah?



Yeah, was a strange death in Stillwater, Minnesota. A competitive eater died after a hot dog-eating contest.



So, what? Death by tube steak?



If only. He got attacked in his car, but, uh, get this -- he shrunk from 300 pounds to 90 pounds.






Or a heavy-duty laxative. You game?






Good. Looks like it's a whore's bath for me. I'll be ready in five.


[DEAN gets up to leave but SAM stops him in the doorway]



You sure you're okay, Dean?



Why wouldn't I be?



'Cause -- I don't know you... This isn't about what I said the other day, is it?



Oh, about that we're not supposed to be brothers? No, don't flatter yourself. I don't break that easy.



Oh, good, 'cause I was just being honest.


DEAN [sarcastically as he leaves]

Oh, yeah. No, I got that loud and clear.


[Scene starts with the Winchesters are in a Police Station dressed as FBI. SHERIFF DONNA HANSCUM comes over with two reports and hands one to SAM.]



Thanks for your patience, agents. Coroner's report finally came in.



All right, thank you. All right, let's see. Did Wayne McNut really weigh 300 pounds just moments before time of death?



316 to be exact.



And the official cause of death?



Cardiac arrest. But between you and me, that's just a guess. The vic suffered massive organ damage.

[She turns around and hands the other report to a girl at a desk]

Here you go, Jenny. Ruptured spleen, pierced liver, collapsed lung. Looked like everything was just sucked right out of him.

[She pours herself a cup of coffee]



Like he'd been hoovered?



Yeah. Yeah, you know, I got to be honest, fellas -- hm?

[She takes a powdered donut out of a box and offers them one. DEAN gladly walks over and grabs one for himself]

We're stumped. This type of thing just doesn't happen in Stillwater.

[The SHERIFF takes a big bite of her powdered donut and it covers her mouth and black tie with white powered sugar.]


SAM [looking at the report]

Now, did Wayne have any enemies?



Hmm. More like an unfriendly rivalry.


[DEAN takes a huge bite out of his donut and white powder covers his lips and face.]



A guy named "Slim Jim" Morgan. Like Wayne, he was pretty well-known in the competitive-eatin' circuit.


[SAM looks up from the report and notices DEAN's face. He tries to subtlety motion DEAN to wipe his face and DEAN wipes the side of his mouth; taking off exactly none of the powdered sugar. SAM tries to stay focused on the SHERIFF.]



Competitive-eating circuit? Is that a big thing out here?



Oh, yeah. You betcha. Folks take it real seriously -- train for months. Eat all sorts of wackadoo stuff, you know, like, uh... Baked beans, buff wings, butter.






Yeah. Sometimes deep-fried.


DEAN [taking another huge bite and spreading more powder everywhere]




This year alone, Wayne won the Butter Bowl, the Wing Ding, and Shrimptasia. Anyhoo, point being, Wayne McNut was the only one Slim Jim couldn't beat in the whole Great Lakes region.



So is he a suspect?



We checked him out, but Slim Jim was in the Hot Doggery at the time of Wayne's death, and we got 15 witnesses to prove it.








[DEAN and the SHERIFF exchange looks and then take simultaneous bites of their donuts and chew contentedly.]


[Scene changes to the brothers interviewing SLIM JIM MORGAN in his house. He is eating a gigantic bowl of lettuce.]


SLIM JIM [with his mouth full]

Training. When I gear up for a competition, I eat lettuce -- stretches the stomach.


DEAN [grossed out]

Yet another reason to stay away from salads.



How well did you know Wayne McNut?



Well, well enough to know he was a weasel and a cheat. I hate to say it, but, uh, karma's a bitch.


DEAN [looking at a shelf full of spell jars and funny shaped boxes]

This is interesting.



Mala's good-luck charms.



And Mala is...?



My old lady.



Is your old lady superstitious?



Yah. She's Romanichal.


DEAN [confused]







But don't call her that. She says it's reductive. But I think it's a compliment. I mean, gypsies are all the rage on TV --"My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding," "Gypsy Sisters"..."Keeping up with the Kardashians."



Um [Clears throat] you mind if I use your bathroom?



Yeah, go ahead. But use the one upstairs at the back. Mala's taking a shower in ours.


SAM [leaving]




Did you really lose the "Wiener Winner" by one dog?





[SAM walks into SLIM JIM and MALA's room. The shower is running so he takes a look around. SAM notices a hex bag on the nightstand. The show stops and MALA walks out of the bathroom, but SAM is gone and so is the hex bag.]


[Back in the kitchen]



And what are we talkin'? Six inches? Foot-long?



Look, agent. Am I a suspect here or what? 'Cause unless you got a warrant --


SAM [returns and clears his throat]

You, uh, ready to go?



Yeah. Uh, Mr. Morgan, thank you for your time. If you remember anything else, this is our number and

where we're staying locally.


[DEAN hands SLIM JIM their card and they leave.]


[Back at the motel, DEAN picks up the pieces of the hex bag on the table. There is human hair and marbles and other weird things.]



All right, so, we got what appears to be Wayne McNut's hair and... a bag full of weird.


SAM [reading from the laptop]

In Romanichal culture, the pouch is called a putsi bag. It's used for hexes.



Okay, so, what? Mala's putting hexes on hubby's competition?

[SAM shruggs]

I mean, what do we got ourselves? A "thinner" sitch here?



Slim Jim might not even know.





[There is a knock on door. The boys exchange looks and DEAN gets up and draws his gun. He looks through the peephole and shruggs. He opens the door and it is MALA. She smiles]






I believe you have something of mine.


[Few minutes later, MALA is sitting in the hotel room and DEAN hands her a glass of water.]



Kill Wayne? I loved him!



So...you were...



Yes. Okay? We were having an affair -- for years, actually.



I don't mean to be rude, uh... But how is it that Wayne McNut is your type? I mean, you're married to a man who's barely a buck -- wet.



What can I say? Sometimes it's nice to feel a little give...



Oh. Yeah, I get that -- a little extra cushion for the, uh...


[SAM shoots him a bitchface glare and DEAN stops awkwardly.]


SAM [trying to regain the conversation]

Help me understand something. If you loved Wayne, why did you put a curse on him?



It wasn't a curse. Putsi bags are also used for blessings. I wanted Wayne to win. Plan was, take the prize money, get a quickie divorce, and then tie the knot in Orlando. [quietly] Wayne used to call me his "Princess Jasmine."


[DEAN smiles almost wistfully but quickly hides it when SAM looks over.]


[Scene changes to a lone girl working out at a gym late at night. She finished her bike workout and walks over to the scale to weigh herself. She steps on the scale and it reads 180 pounds. She looks very discouraged.]



I gained weight? How is that even possible?


[There is a noise behind her and she steps off the scale and turns around.]


Hello? Anyone there?


Let's try this again.


[She steps back on the scale but it still reads 180 pounds. Suddenly she is hit from behind with a dumbbell. She falls onto the scale. We hear a sucking noise as the camera stays on the scale monitor and the poundage starts to drop dramatically to 74 pounds. We see her shrunken body.]



[The next morning SAM and DEAN and the police are at the crime scene in the gym. DEAN is looking at the body.]



Any idea what the vic weighed beforehand?






So...180. Known fact -- all women lie about their weight and age.



Wait, you told that waitress the other day you were 29.






Need anything else, agents?



Yeah, is Sheriff Hanscum around?



Sorry. She's out for the rest of the week. Hell of a time to take a vacation, right?



Okay, so, we have two victims, with seemingly nothing in common except, uh --



a love for eclairs. Check this out.


[They both bend down to look at the body and DEAN pulls up her shirt a little to reveal a large, circular red mark.]



What is that? A birthmark?



Huh. So the weight had to come off somehow, right? What if it's a suction mark?



A suction mark? Okay. Uh, changeling?



Yeah, but changelings only take over kids. Neither of the vics had any.



And we don't know if Wayne McNut had a suction mark.



Unless we missed it.


DEAN [noticing a hot girl walking in and talking to an officer.]

Yeah. Well, we should, uh, split up. One of us should hit the morgue. The other should stay here and question the staff.


SAM [noticing what DEAN is staring at]

I'll stay.



Ain't gonna happen.






Because you're weird around girls.



What does that mean, weird?



You're awkward. You know, weird -- Sam Weird. Sorry, man. I'm just... being honest.


[DEAN walks away and SAM sighs]


[LATER. DEAN is talking to the hot gym girl]



So, you were scheduled to close the gym last night?



Yeah, but I didn't exactly lock up. Carol was still working out, and [sighs] I had a date. I didn't want to shortchange her, you know? I mean, the poor girl has been working so hard to lose weight for her wedding. I slipped her the key, and I told her to lock up on her way out.


[She starts to cry. When she leans over the counter to grab a tissue her shirt rides up and DEAN notices the same red suction mark on her back.]



Oh, it's all my fault.


[Back at the hotel, DEAN is sitting on the bed with his back to the headboard and the laptop on his lap. SAM enters.]






Find anything at the morgue?



Yeah. Uh, so, Wayne was banged up pretty bad. But on the back of his neck, just below his hairline... suction mark -- identical to Carol's.



Okay, so, they both had marks, just like the hot trainer at Rollz.



But she was skinny...and alive.



And just recently lost a ton of weight. When I asked her about the mark, she, uh -- she clammed up, got all embarrassed. So, uh, I did some checking. And it turns out that she took a couple of "me" days last month and went here.


[DEAN turns to laptop around so SAM can see a website advertising a day spa called Canyon Valley.]



Canyon Valley?



Hm. Yeah.


[DEAN pushes play on a promo video. Mid-tempo music plays and a voiceover with a female Peruvian accent "When you look in the mirror, do you recognize the fat person staring back at you? Have you tried every fad diet, every fitness trend out there, but nothing seems to work? Here at Canyon Valley, we guarantee weight loss with no surgery.. No extreme dieting...and no intensive workout regimen. Guaranteed results in one week! You CAN reach your weight-loss goals. We did. But only if you reach for the phone and call Canyon Valley...Now."]



How far away is that place?



Couple of hours.


[The IMPALA is seen driving up into the Canyon Valley Spa. Then SAM and DEAN are being interviewed by the two people from the promo video. A tall man, LARRY, and his wife MARITZA.]



We were really, really moved by the online testimonials.



Oh, yeah. That was some powerful stuff.



And you boys are both certified personal trainers?



Yeah. Yeah, personal training brothers. Kind of like Hans and Franz, but, uh, less German.



And you're certified in...



Makin' people sweat! Yeah. Kickin' ass and takin' names! [He slams his hand on the table] That's how we do!



Uh...Uh, to clarify, uh, what my brother's trying to say is, we both have a passion for fitness and helping people.



Oh, us too. In fact, that's how we first met.



I was Maritza's first client back in Peru. I was on a student visa -- homesick, stressed, eating my troubles away.



Oh, he was the size of a casa.



Oh, it's true! I was one empanada away from a heart attack. But then this... gorgeous godsend made me the lean, mean, fighting machine I am today.

[LARRY goes crazy with some kungfu fighting techniques.]



Ho! Oh...



But I digress. Now, the good news is, we are hiring. The bad news is, there's only one trainer position available.

[He looks at DEAN]

How do you feel about working in another department?





[Scene changes to a shot of the back of someone's head looking out over the lunch room at Canyon Valley. When the person turns around, it is DEAN wearing a hairnet. Sam approaches from the hallway dressed in a tan-top and workout shorts.]


DEAN [smirking]

Nice shorts.


SAM [quickly shoots back]

Nice hairnet.



Yeah, why do I got to be the lunch lady?



Since when have you ever complained about being around food?



Okay, this is not food.

[Another kitchen staffer named ALONSO gets DEAN's attention.]


Hey, new guy. Quit flirtin' with the trainer and keep scoopin', huh?


[DEAN glares at him. SAM checks his watch.]



It's all right. My, uh...Ashtanga yoga class starts in five minutes.



How the hell do you know anything about yoga?



You're not the only one who's ever dated someone bendy. [he leaves]



Hey, you have any oatmeal?


DEAN [Chuckles]

Yeah, I wish. No, but we have, uh, something that's tofu over there. I -- what is that? It's a pancake. It's tofu.


[Scene changes to SHERIFF DONNA and MARITZA entering a treatment room at the spa. SHERIFF DONNA is wearing a robe which she takes off to lie on a table.]



I feel like a baby asking this, but...Will the treatment hurt?



Not at all. The only drawback of cupping is, it leaves a suction mark. It can bruise a little.






Yes, ancient Chinese secret. All the celebrities do it. It draws out toxins, boosts metabolism. You'll feel good.


SHERIFF DONNA [Exhales deeply]

Who knew? [Yawns] Oh, excuse me. It's just so relaxing in here.



It's the aromatherapy. The lavender really packs a punch.


[MARITZA heats up a glass bulb and sets it on SHERIFF DONNA's back.]



Huh. Ahh. Geez. That's wa-a-a-rm.


[SHERIFF DONNA slowly falls asleep as MARITZA heats and lays another 4 bulbs on her back. When she can hear her snoring soundly, MARITZA suddenly opens her mouth and a long translucent suction tube slithers out and starts to suck fat out of SHERIFF DONNA's back.]



[Scene opens with DEAN in the kitchen. He is leaning against a counter and typing on his phone. ALONSA is buttering some kale on a tray but looks up to see DEAN slacking. He throws a towel at him hitting DEAN in the neck. DEAN jerks upright.]



Flojo. You got time to lean, you got time to clean, huh?


DEAN [annoyed. Starts wiping the counter.]

I'm starving. What do we get to eat?



Same as the clients.



They expect us to eat this rabbit food?



It's not rabbit food. It's super food.


DEAN [mumbling]

I'm not eating it.


ALONSO [Sighs and sets a bowl of orange-colored pudding next to DEAN with a bunch of empty bowls.]

At Canyon Valley, we're supposed to lead by example.



This is leading by example?



It's not for us, stupido. It's for the clients. They're allowed to have pudding on their spa day. It's like a -- a last hurrah before the real work starts. Get to work.

[ALONSO walks off


[DEAN sighs and starts to fill the bowls with pudding. He looks around to make sure no one is watching and then takes a small mouthfull of the pudding.]


DEAN [to himself]

Mm. What do you know? Looks like it's my "spa day," too.

[He chuckles lightly and slips a bowl of pudding into his apron.]


[Scene changes to SAM and his Yoga class. Tranquil music plays.]



Okay, good job, guys. Go to, uh... Downward dog. [Grunts as he shows them.] Hold for five minutes.



Five minutes? It's usually 30 seconds.



Right. Yeah, 30 seconds. That's what -- that's what I mean. Okay, uh, I'll just come around, make sure everybody's form is okay...

[as everyone's shirts ride up because of the upsidedown position, SAM notices that they all have suction marks on their backs.]

...make sure you're, uh, keeping your cores tight, and, uh, your -- uh, good job. Great. Straighten that back out.


[DEAN has hid away in some small pantry to eat his contraband pudding. He looks very please with himself.]



Mmm. Mm.


[DEAN tries to stand up when he is finished and he suddenly turns pale and sways sideways. He then completely loses consciousness and falls to the floor.]


[SAM is greeting everyone as they leave his Yoga class]



Well done today! Good job! Good work, guys! Good work! Okay. Good work. See you all soon. Good job.


[LARRY comes down the hallway towards SAM wheeling a pretty loopy SHERIFF DONNA in a wheelchair.]


How was class?



It was, uh...great. Yeah.



Agent Frehley? What are you doing here?


LARRY [questioningly]

Agent Frehley?



Uh, I-I-I don't know. She must be pretty out of it, huh?

[SAM's cellphone rings]

Oh, excuse me. Sorry. I got to get this. Have a good one.




DEAN [Slurred]




Dean? What's wrong with you?


DEAN [is face down and limbs tangled on the floor of the pantry]

I need your help.



Where are you? Dean?!


DEAN [squinting to see a label on a bag that reads Sweet Potatoes.]

Sweet potatoes!! Sw...


[DEAN loses consciousness again and his phone drops to the floor.]


[SAM runs through the back hallways of the resort looking for his brother. He starts to check doors.]

Dean? Dean!


Dean! [starting to panic]


DEAN [from behind a door]



SAM [bursts in the door and sees his brother still halfway out on the floor. He runs up and slaps his shoulders]

Dean! Hey! Hey! Wake up!


DEAN [Groans]

What took you so long?



What the hell happened?!



I was drugged.



Dru-- what?


DEAN [still loopy and lying on his stomach]

Pudding. It was supposed to be for the clients, but I couldn't resist.


SAM [picks up the bowl and smells it]

What, salted caramel?



Yeah, man. The best of both worlds -- salty and sweet.



Right. Uh...All right, you stay here.



No, no, I'm gonna come with you. [He tries to get up to follow SAM but has no balance. He falls back to the floor.] Go ahead, man. I'll catch up!


SAM [rushing into the kitchen and address the Chef.]

Hey. Did you make the pudding?






On what?



Whether you liked it or not.


SAM [angrily slams him up against a fridge]

What's in it?!



Relax, Jack Lalanne. It's low-cal. Nonfat milk, sea salt --


SAM [still yelling]

No, no. Not the ingredients. The something extra.



Chill, man. Supplements, okay?


[Back in the pantry, DEAN is sitting up but looks like he has a monster headache.]



What kind of supplements?


SAM [handing him an energy drink which DEAN open and drinks]

Here. Hey. To boost metabolism, per Larry and Maritza.


DEAN [looking in the supplement bottle]

These aren't "supplements", they're roofies.



What? How do you know what roofies look like?



How do you not know? You think I want to end up in a hotel bathtub with my kidney carved out? In Chechnya?

[Groans] Did you find anything out in the yoga?



Yeah. Yeah. "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Every single person in class had one of those freaky-ass suction marks.



What the hell's goin' on here?


[Scene changes to the Winchesters talking to SHERIFF DONNA in her room.]



You know, I didn't mean to bail on you fellas, but I've been waiting over six months to get into Canyon Valley. And let me tell ya, it was worth it. I already lost 10 pounds!



In -- in one day?



No offense, Sheriff -- 'cause you look great -- um, but aren't you the least bit curious as to how you dropped 10 in a day?



Well, to tell you the truth, Agent, I don't really give a flyin' fudge. [Chuckles] My husband, Doug, left me last year 'cause he said I loved cookie-dough milkshakes more than him.



Sorry to hear that.



Yeah, Doug's a dick. You deserve better.



Thanks. But he was right. That was a dark time for me. Whoever said you eat your pain? Not me. I guzzled it. [Laughs] Anyhoo...I guess I just wanted to feel pretty again. And Canyon Valley did that. Only question is...What are you doing here?



We're, uh, uh... We're undercover.



Yeah. Sort of got that.



We think that there's a connection between Canyon Valley and the murders in town.



What kind of connection?



Suction marks.


You mean like this? [She pulls up her shirt in the back and shows them her suction mark.]



Yeah. Where did that come from?



My spa treatment. Cupping.






Yeah. You know, I thought it was gonna hurt, but honestly, I snoozed through the whole thing. By the time I woke up, I was down two dress sizes.



Before the cupping, did you eat any pudding?



Darn tootin'. Licked the bowl clean.



Donna, do you remember who did this treatment?



Oh, yah. You betcha.


[LARRY rushes through the lunch room to his wife who is sitting with a client. He addresses the client.]



Evelyn, you are looking great. Just 10 more pounds till your goal weight. Do you mind if I borrow my wife for a sec?



I'll be back.


LARRY [to a random table]

Looking good, ladies.



Thank you.


[LARRY pulls MARITZA into the entryway]

The new guys aren't personal trainers.



What are you talking about?



I did a little digging. I found this in their glove compartment. [He pulls out the fake ID box]



They're Feds?



Worse. They're hunters.



Why are hunters here?


LARRY [holding up the news article about WAYNE MCNUT]

Maybe because of this.



Oh, my God. Do you think --



I do.



What are we going to do?



Relax. I'll take care of it. Just get rid of the evidence.


[Scene switches to an inside shot of a refrigerator filled to the brim with containers of human fat. MARITZA starts taking them out and dumping them in the trash. She is tempted to eat one but startles when she hears a sound behind her. DEAN stands there with his gun drawn.]



Okay, I'm no health nut, but that is just wrong.


[He ties her to a chair.]

All right, talk.



This isn't what you think. I'm not a killer.



Well, then, what are you?



I'm a Pishtaco.


DEAN [highly confused]

A fish taco?



A Pishtaco. It means "Peruvian fat sucker".



Never heard of it. So, what, you're like vamps with a sweet tooth for cellulite?



Vampires kill. We're just... Parasites.


DEAN [sarcastically]

Oh, well, in that case --



Look, I would never hurt anybody! Okay, this -- this is why Larry and I started Canyon Valley. We could help people lose weight, and I could feed. It was a win-win.



Yeah, except for the two you dysoned to death.



That wasn't me.



Well, then who was it?






The dude from the cafeteria?



He's my brother.


[LARRY confronts ALONSO in the kitchen.]



I knew you were a lost cause. Unlike your sister, you're weak.



Good to see you, too, Larry.



How could you do this to her? To us?



Do what?


LARRY [Scoffs and holds up the article again]




Oh, that.



Oh yeah, that. You know what that means? Huh? Now there are hunters here!



It's your fault, blanco! If you didn't starve me, maybe --



Listen, freak! Your sister and I spent years building this operation. And if you think I'm gonna let your gluttony destroy it, you got another thing coming. I want you out. Now.



I'm not leaving Maritza.



Well, I got news for you, pal. She doesn't want you here, either. Either you leave... or I'll make you.


[From outside the kitchen SAM is walking by and hears a man scream. He runs in to find LARRY dead on the floor with his neck bleeding out into a drain.]



[Scene opens with both DEAN and SAM in the room with MARITZA who is still tied to the chair. She is crying.]



I brought Alonso here from Peru to show him a better way, a more civilized way. One where we weren't monsters. That the secret to coexisting with humans was just... eating enough to get by.



Let me guess. Alonso wasn't a big fan of portion control, was he?



No. During a routine treatment, he almost killed a client. He sucked out too much fat. I demoted him to kitchen duty -- no human contact, just fat from a jar. But he said the more I deprived him, the hungrier he got. [She starts to sob] And now three people are dead. My husband...



Where's Alonso right now?



The -- the basement? That's -- that's where he spends most of his time now.



What about her?



Well, till we figure out which side she's on, she stays put.



I am on your side.



Okay. Then how do we kill him?


[SAM and DEAN search the basement in the dark by the light of their flashlights. They silently nod to each other to split up to cover more ground. DEAN finds ALONSO's hideout with all his empty fat jars. SAM runs across the killed CHEF. SAM looks into a wardrobe but it falls from the wall trapping SAM underneath it. ALONSO is on top of it.]



You and stupido have no chance. The fat makes us stronger.



Your sister didn't mention that when she ratted you out.



You're lying!

[He growls at SAM and leaps at him but SAM manages to roll away.]



I guess after you killed her husband... you were too monstrous, even for her.


[SAM and ALONSO have a knockout drag down fight in the dark by the light of SAM's flashlight. ALONSO finally gets SAM pinned down with his knees and is about the suck his neck with his Pishtaco tongue when DEAN arrives and slices it off. ALONSO screams and falls dead next to SAM.]



[As the Coroner's gurney rolls by, SAM, DEAN, SHERIFF DONNA and an OFFICER stand in the entryway.]


OFFICER [to the brothers]

We'll let you know if we need any other information. Thanks for everything. Appreciate it.


[As the Winchester walk away, SAM sees MARITZA sitting alone in a cove off the hallway. He walks over.]






What did you tell the sheriff?



The usual -- psycho killer on the loose. They, uh... usually buy it.


MARITZA [quietly]

I lost my whole family today.



I'm so sorry. I...

[DEAN enters]



Can I steal you a sec?


[They walk out in the hallway]



Once this place clears out, we're gonna make this a family affair. [nodding in MARITZA's direction]



Wait, Dean. We're not gonna kill Maritza.



She's a monster.



Yeah, who saved our asses.



You said that you wanted to keep things strictly business. Well, last I checked, we were in the business of killing monsters.



I wanted to keep things strictly business between us. But I still have a heart. What if I had crossed paths with a hunter back when I was possessed by Gadreel? I could've ended up dead, too. Would I have deserved that? Would I have deserved to die?


DEAN [gives up the argument seeing it is a losing battle]

So, one-way ticket to Peru?


[Back at the Bunker, DEAN is sitting in the kitchen drinking scotch by himself. SAM appears in the doorway.]



I'm hitting it.



Yeah. Hey.






About what you said the other day.


SAM [with an "I knew it" face]

I thought it didn't bother you.


DEAN [softly]

You know, Sam, I saved your hide back there. And I saved your hide at that church... And the hospital. I may not think things all the way through. Okay? But what I do, I do because it's the right thing. I'd do it again.



And that... is the problem. You think you're my savior, my brother, the hero. You swoop in, and even when you mess up, you think what you're doing is worth it because you've convinced yourself you're doing more good than bad... But you're not.

[DEAN's blank eyes stare at him]

I mean, Kevin's dead, Crowley's in the wind. We're no closer to beating this angel thing. Please tell me, what is the upside of me being alive?


DEAN [shocked]

You kidding me? You and me -- fighting the good fight together.


SAM [sighing in frustration almost leaves but then decides to explain. He come into the kitchen and sits down across from DEAN, who draws back unconsciously]

Okay. Just once, be honest with me. You didn't save me for me. You did it for you.


DEAN [totally confused]

What are you talkin' about?



I was ready to die. I was ready. I should have died, but you... You didn't want to be alone, and that's what all this boils down to. You can't stand the thought of being alone.


DEAN [drawing back and standing up]

All right.



I'll give you this much. You are certainly willing to do the sacrificing as long as you're not the one being hurt.



All right, you want to be honest? If the situation were reversed and I was dying, you'd do the same thing.


SAM [very softly]

No, Dean. I wouldn't.

[He looks up and meets DEAN's shocked eyes.]

Same circumstances...I wouldn't. I'm gonna get to bed.


[SAM leaves and the camera fads to black on DEAN's devastated face.]




Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (13.05.2021 à 10:47)

Donna est très drôle et assez attachante... mais elle a failli tout faire foirer lol!

C'est dur de voir une atmosphère aussi tendue entre les frères. LEs mots de Sam sont très durs, même s'il n'a peut-être (sûrement même) pas tort sur le fond! Mais de là à laisser Dean mourir... non je refuse d'y croire! Ils se battent l'un pour l'autre, toujours, quoi qu'il arrive! Et même si Dean a eu tort de mentir à Sam, il a juste voulu le sauver!  C'est Metatron le vrai coupable!


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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