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#912 : Une faim de loup

GARTH EST DE RETOUR - Alors qu'ils découvrent que Garth est à l'hôpital, Sam et Dean décident de lui rendre visite. Toujours sous le poids de la culpabilité par rapport à la mort de Kevin, Dean demande quelques explications à Garth sur l'absence de celui-ci. Garth invente une excuse, puis sème les boys. Surpris du fait que Garth essaierait de leur échapper, Sam et Dean décident d'enquêter, et ils sont abasourdis par ce qu'ils découvrent.


4.29 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Sharp Teeth

Titre VF
Une faim de loup

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Photos promo

Garth (DJ Qualls) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Garth (DJ Qualls) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Garth (DJ Qualls) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Garth (DJ Qualls) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Joy Meyers (Eve Gordon)

Joy Meyers (Eve Gordon)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) arme en main

Dean (Jensen Ackles) arme en main

Sam (Jared Padalecki) prisonnier face à Joy Meyers (Eve Gordon)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) prisonnier face à Joy Meyers (Eve Gordon)

Jim Meyers (Tom Butler) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Jim Meyers (Tom Butler) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Dimanche 09.10.2016 à 01:55

Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 28.01.2014 à 21:00
2.76m / 1.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Adam Glass
Réalisateur : John F.Showalter


Casting :

DJ Qualls... Garth Fitzgerald IV

Sarah Smyth... Beth Meyers

Tom Butler... Jim Meyers

Eve Gordon... Joy Meyers

Matt Hamilton... Sheriff Pat

Adam Lolacher... Russ

Peter Benson... Joba

Bill Croft... Fermier

Lisa McFadden... Infirmière







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Grantsburg, Wisconsin. En pleine nuit, dans une ferme, nous entendons des vaches mugir de terreur. Le propriétaire sort, un fusil à la main, quand il voit un homme sauter par dessus la clôture et se réfugier dans les bois. Tout en tirant, le fermier le poursuit. Soudain, l'homme traverse une route, et se fait renverser par une voiture. Nous apercevons alors son visage : il s'agit de Garth.


Sam retrouve Garth à l'hôpital. Dean est déjà dans la chambre. Malgré la tension, les deux frères restent cordiaux l'un envers l'autre. Sam se rend compte que Garth est attaché par des menottes au lit. Dean lui apprend qu'il a mutilé une vache. Toujours endormi, Garth n'a pas pu répondre à ses questions, aussi Dean s'apprêtait à lui injecter de l'adrénaline pour le remettre sur pieds. Mais Sam décide d'employer une autre méthode. Il gifle Garth, qui se réveille en sursaut. Il semble ébêté et surpris, et prétend qu'il était en pleine chasse lorsqu'il s'est fait heurter par une voiture. Alors que Dean lui demande ce qu'il chassait, Garth est pris de nausées et coure aux toilettes.

Tandis que Garth semble vomir ses tripes, Dean et Sam se donnent les dernières nouvelles. Sam raconte à son frère que Gadreel lui a laissé un morceau de sa grâce avant de partir, mais que Castiel a réglé le problème. Quand à Dean, lorsque Sam aperçoit la marque sur son bras, il avoue avoir rencontré Cain, et lui raconte son aventure avec Crowley. C'est ce dernier fait qui interpelle Sam, mais la conversation n'ira pas plus loin. En effet, ils n'entendent plus rien provenant des toilettes. Ils y entrent, et se rendent compte que Garth s'est enfui par la fenêtre.

Dean et Sam tentent de comprendre ce qui est arrivé à Garth pour que, après six mois d'absence inexpliquée, il préfère les fuir plutôt que de leur parler. Dean avoue ne lui avoir pas fait passer de tests, puisqu'il était inconscient. Ils trouvent sa chemise d'hôpital sur le sol. Dean se charge de voir ce que la caméra de surveillance peut leur apprendre, tandis qu'il envoie Sam interroger le fermier à qui la vache mutilée appartenait.

Le fermier apprend à Sam qu'il n'a pas perdu qu'une seule vache, mais plusieurs animaux, aussi ne s'est-il pas posé de questions lorsqu'il a vu Garth s'enfuir, et a tiré sans hésiter. Il apprend également au jeune Winchester que celui qui a perpétré ces massacres a volé les organes de ses bêtes.

Sam appelle Dean pour lui raconter l'éviscération des animaux. Dean prétend n'avoir rien trouvé sur les vidéos de surveillance, mais les photos qu'il tient à la main prouvent le contraire. On y voit clairement Garth monter dans une voiture, dont la plaque d'immatriculation est lisible. Malgré son stratagème, Dean ne peut maintenir l'illusion lorsque Sam le surprend, caché derrière une ambulance. Dean lui avoue qu'il ne veut pas qu'ils chassent ensemble, pour les raisons qu'il lui a donné la dernière fois qu'ils se sont vus. Sam n'argumente pas, et promet de partir, une fois qu'ils auront réglé le problème lié à Garth. Dean cède, et donne le lieu d'où provient le véhicule.

Ils retrouvent Garth et débarquent en trombe dans l'appartement, armes à la main. Garth tente de les calmer tandis qu'ils fouillent les environs. Lorsqu'il semble qu'ils soient prêts à écouter, une louve-garou débarque d'un placard et saute sur Sam. Garth les sépare, et supplie les boys de ne pas la blesser. Il révèle alors qu'il est, lui aussi, un loup-garou.

Le calme enfin revenu, Garth s'explique enfin. Six mois auparavant, il s'est fait mordre par un loup-garou qu'il chassait. Il était prêt à se tuer lorsque Beth, la louve, et désormais sa femme, l'a trouvé. Il survit désormais en mangeant le coeur d'animaux, et non pas d'humains. Beth précise qu'il est difficile pour un loup-garou "mordu" de contrôler ses instincts. Elle révèle au passage que certains loups-garous sont nés tel quel. Les boys demandent à Garth de lui parler seul à seul. Une fois Beth partie, Garth tente de convaincre les Winchesters que la meute dont il fait partie est clean et n'est pas dangereuse. Mais les boys, Dean, en particulier, sont sceptiques. Aussi Garth invite-t-il ce dernier à venir prier avec la meute.

Sam attend le shériff, tandis que Dean arrive devant la maison habitée par la meute. Il entend des chants venant du salon, et est accueilli par Joy, la belle-mère de Beth, l'épouse du révérend Jim et chef de meute. D'abord réticent à entrer, une fois que Joy lui ait assuré qu'il ne risquait rien, il finit par se place à l'entrée du salon. La séance se termine, et Garth fait les présentations entre Jim et Dean. Ce dernier se montre agressif, ce qui lui vaut quelques regards désobligeants de la part de Garth. Comprenant l'appréhension du chasseur, révérend Jim l'invite à partager leur déjeuner.

Pendant le repas, Jim raconte son histoire à Dean. Il dit qu'ils ne sont pas vraiment religieux, mais qu'ils partagent des croyances similaires à celles des amérindiens. Il révèle que lorsque la mère de Beth a été tuée par un chasseur, il voulait se venger, mais il s'est rendu compte que cette route ne valait pas d'être suivie. Puis il a rencontré Joy, par le biais du père de cette dernière, l'ancien révérend de la meute. Joy est ainsi de la quatrième génération de loups-garous, tandis que Beth est de la seconde. Dean remarque la balle en argent que chacun porte autour du cou. Il lui est expliqué qu'elle leur sert à leur rappeler que leur vie, si fragile qu'elle soit, est aussi très précieuse.

Le shériff n'a rien à révéler à Sam. La famille du révérend Jim est une famille importante de la ville, mais ils n'ont rien de criminels. De plus, la ville est plutôt tranquille. Sam est dans une impasse.

Tandis que Dean jette un oeil dans le réfrigérateur, il est surpris par les deux cousins de Joy. Ils se toisent respectivement, et les deux cousins deviennent menaçants. C'est alors que Garth débarque. Les cousins s'en vont. Garth tente de comprendre pourquoi Dean se montre si dur. Ce dernier est persuadé que cette atmosphère confinée et familiale n'est rien d'autre qu'une illusion. Garth tente de le convaincre que ce n'est pas le cas. C'est alors que Dean lui reproche de n'avoir donné aucunes nouvelles, à personne, durant son absence. Garth ne savait pas quoi leur dire, mais il lui assure qu'ici il a trouvé une famille. Seulement, il n'a jamais cessé de penser aux Winchesters, et à Kevin. Dean doit alors lui apprendre que Kevin est mort, ce qui peine terriblement Garth. En expliquant comment cela est arrivé, Dean dit qu'il n'était pas là au moment où Kevin a eu besoin de lui.

Sam a rejoint Dean. Sam semble penser qu'il n'y a peut-être rien à voir ici, finalement. Dean lui dit qu'il peut s'en aller si il veut, ce à quoi Sam réplique que ce ne serait pas la première fois qu'ils auraient rencontré des monstres sympa. Il reçoit alors un appel du shériff et fait signe à Dean qu'ils doivent y aller.

Sam et Dean arrivent sur les lieux indiqués par le shériff, qui les y attend. Sur le bas-côté d'une route, à l'orée d'un bois, une biche a été éventrée. Sam et Dean s'approchent et constatent que le sang est encore frais, et que le corps de la biche est encore chaud. Ils se retournent pour voir que le shériff est un loup-garou. Mais il n'a pas le temps d'agir que Dean lui a déjà planté son couteau en plein coeur. Autour du cou du shériff, ils trouvent une balle en argent. Dean signale que la meute du révérend Jim porte la même balle eux aussi. Sur celle du shériff est gravé le mot Ragnarok, qui est le mythe de fin du monde de la mythologie nordique. Dean est prêt à se débarasser de la meute, mais Sam tente de le convaincre d'amasser plus de preuves, avant d'inscrire Garth à leur tableau de chasse. Dean accepte, et envoie Sam chercher Garth tandis que lui-même part fouiller l'église.

Dean arrive à l'église. Après inspection, il trouve un livre parlant de Ragnarok, et se met à chercher le mythe sur internet. Sam l'appelle pour lui dire que l'appartement de Garth est vide, et qu'il a été saccagé, ce qui indique qu'il a sûrement été enlevé. Dean, de son côté, lui apprend que la meute forme en fait un culte secret envers le loup Fenris, qui, dans la mythologie nordique, doit dévorer le dieu Odin, déclenchant la fin du monde. Les loups-garous ont inventé ce culte afin d'extérminer la race humaine, et dominer le monde. Dean pense qu'il est temps de tuer le révérend Jim. Sam acquiesce. Dean lui demande de chercher Garth, tandis que lui-même va s'occuper du révérend. Sam raccroche, sort de l'appartement, et se fait surprendre par les cousins de Joy, qui l'assoment.

Dean confronte le révérend sur le culte de Fenris. Jim lui assure que ce culte est mort lorsqu'il a pris la tête de l'église, mais Dean lui prouve le contraire en lui parlant du shériff et de sa balle au nom de Ragnarok. Jim semble sincèrement surpris. Dean vérifie la balle du révérend, qui ne contient aucune inscription. Puis, il lui apprend que sa fille Beth, ainsi que Garth, ont disparu. Jim commence à réaliser.

Garth et Beth sont enchainés dans une grange, tandis que les cousins ramènent Sam inconscient, et l'attachent à un poteau. Ils sont suivis par Joy. Dans le même temps, Dean se met en route, et tente de joindre Sam, sans succès. Sam se réveille, Joy envoie ses cousins faire le guet à l'extérieur. Elle raconte qu'elle était prête à suivre son mari lorsqu'il a pris la tête de l'église, et à faire la paix avec les humains, à coexister avec eux. Mais, l'hiver dernier, son frère, Charlie, a été tué par un chasseur. Depuis, Joy ne cesse de se remémorer les sermons de son père sur le culte de Fenris, et a décidé de remettre le projet en route.

Dean se débarasse des cousins, tandis qu'à l'intérieur, Joy s'apprête à tuer Garth et Beth, avec une balle en argent, afin de le mettre sur le compte des Winchesters. Mais elle n'a pas le temps de mettre son plan à exécution, car Dean, qui a enfilé le manteau de Russ pour cacher son odeur, pénètre dans la grange et tue Jobah. Joy se précipite sur son arme, mais Dean est plus rapide, et la tue d'une balle en argent en plein coeur.

Jim et sa fille se sont retrouvés, Sam dit aurevoir à Garth, puis le chasseur rejoint Dean pour s'excuser de ses erreurs. Il se sent coupable, pour la tragédie qui a touché la meute, mais aussi pour Kevin. Dean lui assure qu'il est lui-même le responsable de la mort de Kevin. Cependant, Garth regrette de ne pas être revenu vers eux, et de les avoir abandonnés. Aussi propose-t-il à Dean de reprendre la chasse à ses côtés, mais Dean refuse, lui disant qu'il a trouvé une famille et qu'il ne doit pas les laisser tomber. Ils se donnent une dernière accolade, avant le départ des Winchesters.

Dean ramène Sam à sa voiture, mais il le rattrape. Maladroitement, il tente de s'excuser, de lui demander de revenir, mais les mots que Sam attend ne sortent pas. A la place, Dean dit qu'il se sent perdu, et que peut-être, ils peuvent se dire quitte et passer à autre chose, parce qu'ils sont une famille. Mais Sam refuse de laisser passer les derniers évènements aussi facilement. Il dit à Dean qu'il ne peut plus lui faire confiance, et que le fait qu'ils sont une famille a été la raison première de tout ce qui est parti en vrille entre eux. Il accepte de revenir, mais uniquement pour travailler, car leur relation fraternelle est brisée. Dean n'a pas le choix, et accepte les termes de l'accord proposé par Sam. Sam monte dans la voiture. Dean suit, et ils repartent ensemble.


Ecrit par Deanlove35.

[Episode opens with a wide shot of a farm at night. The tagline reads "Grantsburg, Wisconsin." We hear a creature snarling and flesh tearing. Cows lowing loudly and bells clanking from the barn. The house door opens and a man runs out with a shotgun.]


FARMER [Shotgun cocks]



[A figure rushes from the barn and the FARMER gives chase, shooting at him but missing and hitting the fence. They run through the woods with the FARMER shooting after the fleeing figure. Suddenly the person runs out on a road; tires screech and a horn blares. The car hits the person full on and he flips over the roof and rolls, bloody and unconscious. We finally see his face and it is GARTH.]





[Scene opens with a front view of the Grantsburg Memorial Hospital. 
SAM, in a FBI suit walks in the front doors.
Camera changes to inside and the front desk.
Sam approaches the receptionist.]


SAM [showing his badge]

Afternoon. I'm looking for a John Doe that was admitted here a few days ago. He's a, uh... skinny...Ichabod Crane-looking kind of guy.



I know just who you mean. Room 113, agent.



All right, thanks.


RECEPTIONIST [to herself]

Sure is a popular fella.


[Scene changes to GARTH, still unconscious in a hospital room. DEAN is there with a syringe. He is about to put something in GARTH's IV. But when he hears the door open he quickly hides the needle behind his back. SAM walks in. He shoots DEAN an annoyed look and DEAN returns the glare. There is a long silence as both brothers watch the unconscious GARTH and exchanging wary looks with each other.]


SAM [finally]

Saw Garth's John Doe on the police wire. You?



Yeah. Where you comin' from?



New Mexico.



Well, that's a haul. Especially considering that I got this, uh... pretty much covered, so if you want to...

[Clicks tongue and motions to the door]



You spoken to him yet?



No. Assload of painkillers. He's been out since I got here.


SAM [noticing that GARTH is handcuffed to the bed]

What's he being charged with?



Killing a cow.






I was about to see if I could find out. Lock the door.


[SAM move to lock the door but rushes back when DEAN pulls the syringe from behind his back.]



Whoa. Hey. What is that? Adrenaline?



Yes, sir.



You trying to jump-start him or kill him?



I want some answers. He walked out on Kevin. He walked out on us. So if you got a better idea...


[SAM sighs and then slaps GARTH full in the face. GARTH shoots awake, screaming.]


GARTH [completely confused]

Aah! Aah! Aah! Dean? Sam? What is this? A hospital? Wait. Am I in Heaven?



All right, take it easy, Garth. You're in Wisconsin.



You were hit by a car. Do you remember anything?


GARTH [Groans]

I, uh... Vaguely. [He pulls he hand up to hold his head but its stopped by the handcuffs] What's with the hardware?


[Sam unlocks the cuffs and removes them]



You tell us. And while you're at it, why don't you give us the lowdown on why you went AWOL for the past six months? Only way we tracked you down is that you offed a cow.



Offed a...what? I -- I -- I was on a hunt.



Hunt for what?



I -- oh, no. [GARTH turns green and looks like he is going to throw up.] Oh, get back. Ohh. Oh, God. [In a panic he pulls all the monitors and IV off, jumps out of bed and rushes to the bathroom; shutting the door behind him. We hear gagging and retching.]



Good thing I didn't give him the adrenaline.

[Short time later the boys are sitting in the room and Garth is still vomiting and coughing in the bathroom. The silence is deafening so they start to make small talk.]



Anything on Gadreel?



Actually, uh, yeah. Turns out he, uh, he left some Grace in me before he bolted.



You know how wrong that sounds, right?



Wouldn't worry about it. Cas took care of it.


DEAN [Chuckles]







Nothing. I'm gone for two weeks, and you're like an episode of "Teen Mom."


[From the bathroom; retching and coughing]



Just breathe, Garth! Work it out.


[SAM notices a part of a scar on DEAN's arm]



What happened to your arm?


DEAN [pulls up his sleeve so he can see it better]

Oh. It's a... Gift from Cain.



Like...the wrestler?



I wish. That would be awesome. Uh, no. The, uh...The old testament dude.

[Toilet flushes in the bathroom]


He got all biblical on me and gave me his mark.



What does it even mean? How -- how did that happen?



Crowley and I found him, and he gave me this so that I could eighty-six Abaddon once and for all.



You worked a job with Crowley?



The devil you know...


[Suddenly realizing there are no sounds coming from the bathroom.]








[They rush into the bathroom and GARTH is nowhere to be found and the window is wide open.]



Son of a bitch.


[Scene switches to outside the hospital and the WINCHESTERS walk quickly out. They are both looking around for any sign of GARTH.]



Why would Garth run from us?



Why haven't we heard from him for the last six months? Did you test him?



He was unconscious. No, I -- he steal a car?


SAM [noticing a pair of boxers on the ground]

Did he...steal a car naked?


DEAN [taps SAM and points to the roof]

I'll see what I can find on those cameras. Why don't you go talk to farmer Brown, see about that cow?





[Scene changes to SAM at the FARMER's house and he is fixing the shot fence which SAM stands by.]



Last week, it was a couple of chickens. Goat the week before that. So when I saw that boy tearing out of my barn, hell yeah, I was gonna ask questions later.



Now, the animals -- were they all killed in the same manner?



More like sacrificed.



What do you mean by that?



Their organs was ripped clean out.



Only the organs.



If this wasn't some kind of devil-worship thing, I don't know what.



Mm. Well, thanks.


[Scene switches to DEAN walking out of the hospital with several papers and photos in his hand. His cellphone rings.]





[On the phone: SAM - So, the cow wasn't just killed. It was eviscerated.]



Well, why was Garth there?


SAM [we see his standing by some trees]

He said he was on a hunt, right? Maybe he was hunting whatever killed it.


DEAN [back at the hospital]

Why would he run? This whole thing's starting to stink. You know that, right?



Yeah. What about you? Any luck?



Uh, nada. Cameras were pointing in the wrong direction.


SAM [unconvinced]

You're kidding.



Wish I was.



Hmm. So...



...so Garth's a hunter. If he wants to stay gone, he's gone.



We got nothing?



Well, what can I say, Sammy? We lost this one. Send me a postcard.


[DEAN walks around an ambulance and runs right into SAM who immediatly snatches the photos out of his hand. SAM looks through them and they are perfect shots of GARTH and his escape. There are pictures of the car he got into and full shots of the license plate.]


SAM [angry]

Wow. Make, model, license plate. Really, Dean?



I told you we can't hunt together. It's for your own good.



I hear you. And after we find Garth and get to the bottom of this, I'm gone. But until then, no more games.


DEAN [nods]

Ride belongs to a girl named Bess Meyers. She lives in the next town over.


[Scene immediatly switches to DEAN and SAM kicking BESS's door down; guns drawn. GARTH is inside.]



Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa! Hey, guys. I can explain. Everything's cool. Just a simple misunderstanding.



Who you talking to?






The girl?



What -- what girl? What the --


[DEAN pointedly grabs a bra from the table and holds it up.]



what, now?


[DEAN motions SAM to the right and he goes left. They swiftly clear the room. They find no one.]



All right, all right. Guys, everyone needs to take a chill pill and put their guns down. You see? Let's all be grown-ups here and have an adult conversation.


[Suddenly a female werewolf leaps from the closet behind SAM and attacks him. DEAN looks for a shot but GARTH tackles the gun from him.]





[GARTH leaps between SAM and the werewolf as SAM nicks her with a silver knife and the wound burns.]



Sam! Sam, please -- don't hurt her.



What are you doing?! She's a werewolf!



So am I.



[GARTH and the werewolf sit on the couch as he tends to her arm.]



It's okay, baby. Hold it like that.



What are they doing here, Garth?



They're friends. I promise.



They're hunters.



All right. We've all gotten off on the wrong foot here. So let's do things right. Boys...this is Bess...my beloved. And, Bess, that's Dean. Now, he could start a fight in an empty house, but deep down inside, he's just a big ol' Teddy bear. [DEAN looks annoyed and SAM chuckles] And Sam here -- Sam can be

a bit insecure at times, [SAM glares] but for good reason. Bless his heart.



That's sweet. Werewolf?



All right, guys, look -- about six months ago, I was outside Portland, Maine, hunting this big bad wolf.

I took him down, but... He bit me in the process.



And you didn't call one of us?



And tell you what? That I messed up? No, I-I knew the deal. There's no cure, so I accepted my fate. Ate my favorite dish of egg fu Yung, watched the world's greatest movie, "Rocky III"" and then...

was ready to eat a bullet, when Bess here found me.



And how'd she do that?



Smelled him. How else?



Yeah. She talked the gun out of my mouth, and, as they say, the rest is history. We've been married for four months now.



You're married?



To a werewolf.



Yes. And my pack has taken him in as one of our own.



Guys, it's not what you think. We don't hurt people.



No, you just go all Wolverine on cattle.






At least he's not eating human hearts. Do you have any idea how hard it is for a bitten to control his instincts, like Garth does? How well he's doing?



Thank you, baby.



Well, it's the truth, honey bunny.



Wait. A -- a "bitten"? You're all bitten.



Not at all. You're either born to it, like I was, or you're bitten, like Garth.



Hold on. You said you were -- you were born a werewolf?



Second generation.



Garth, can we talk to you for a sec? Alone?



Honey, why don't you go find some ointment for that arm? Okay?


[BESS nods and leaves the room]



What the hell?



Look, I know you guys want to shoot first and ask questions later, but I checked everything out. This pack is clean. Everything's Kosher.



Right. Uh, minus the part where your wife attacked me.



Yeah, because you two came busting in here like a house on fire. Guns waving, the jawlines and the hair -- it's very intimidating! What'd you expect? Dean, no one wants any trouble. You got my word on that.



Oh, no. That ship has sailed. We're gonna need a hell of a lot more than your word.



Okay. Okay. Tell you what. You want proof? Come pray with us.


[DEAN and SAM exchange looks]


[The IMPALA pulls up outside a farmhouse. DEAN gets out and walks back to the trunk as his phone rings. It's SAM. We see SAM walk out of the police station. The camera switches back and forth as they talk.]



You there?



Yeah, just pulled up. Nothing too sketchy yet.



That's a good thing, right?



Not betting on it.



Or are we just that jaded? I mean, maybe Garth's right.



Well, ain't you a glass half full. Any luck with the cops?



Uh, sheriff should be rolling up any second. Be careful.





[DEAN hangs up and approches the house. A choir is singing inside. They stop and a man's voice says "We need to come in strong on the second verse. Let's try it again. Garth, play it from here. And..." The singing resumes. DEAN walks up the stairs and knocks on the front door. A woman answers it.]



You must be Dean. I'm Joy, Garth's mother-in-law. Uh, stepmother-in-law, which I always thought

sounded so silly. Please, come in. We're just finishing up.


DEAN [looking greatly uncomfortable and on edge]

Why don't you just tell Garth I'm here?



Dean, you have my word -- you're safe under my roof. I only ask the same in return. After all...I'm not the one carrying silver.


[DEAN slowly enters and walks to the doorway of the living room still looking very uncomforable. JOY joins the group in the room singing.]



♪ Bringing in the sheaves

♪ bringing in the sheaves

♪ we shall come rejoicing

♪ bringing in the sheaves

♪ bringing in the sheaves

♪ bringing in the sheaves

♪ we shall come rejoicing

♪ bringing in the sheaves

♪ bringing in the sheaves

♪ bringing in the sheaves

♪ we shall come rejoicing

♪ bringing in the sheaves


[GARTH plays an off-key conclusion on the piano and DEAN chuckles slightly]



Uh...Thank you, brother Garth. Wonderful accompaniment, as usual. And I'll see the rest of you in the pews -- 9:00 a.m., sharp. No stragglers...Sister Amelia.


[ Laughter ]


GARTH [joining DEAN at the doorway]

Oh. Hi. So, what'd I tell you? It's all good, right?


DEAN [in low tones]

Everyone here's a wolf?






Yeah, not all good.



Oh, come on, Dean. You just got to meet them. [GARTH points out to men] That's Russ and Joba, Bess' first cousins on sister Joy's side. [RUSS and JOBA wave. GARTH points out the GROUP LEADER] That's reverend Jim, Bess' dad -- leader of the pack and a good man.


REVEREND JIM [coming over and holding out his hand]

"Dean," isn't it? Welcome. Jim Meyers. Folks usually call me...


DEAN [not shaking his hand]

Reverend Jim. Yeah, I got it.


GARTH [chuckling uncomfortably]

Oh. Uh, my bad. Dean's got this crazy fear of germs.



I understand your apprehension, Dean. Hunters and our kind don't have the best history together.


JOY [standing by her husband]

But I think you'll find we're not much different from you.



Oh, sister, I highly doubt it.



Why don't we break bread and see?



Why would I do that?


[REVEREND JIM and JOY sigh and then leave for the diningroom. GARTH is shocked at DEAN's rudeness.








[A short time later all are seated at the table and JOY is serving raw animal organs to the entire table but DEAN who has an overcooked steak, corn and a burnt biscuit. DEAN watches with an almost sick look.]



Now, everybody eat up. But make sure you leave room for pie.



Sister Joy's pies are famous throughout the badger state.


GARTH [eating]

Mm. Dean loves pie.


[DEAN glares daggers at him for even mention that fact. He continues to watch the people around the table hungrily enjoying the raw meat. He continues to look more sick and uncomfortable by the second.]



Don't you guys say some sort of a Grace or something?



We're more spiritual than we are religious. We believe, much like the American Indians did, that nature and man are one.



Yeah, really worked out well for them.


[GARTH glares at him and DEAN tries a different tactic after seeing silver bullets hanging around every person's neck.]



So, why are a bunch of werewolves wearing silver bullets around their necks?




Sorry, Dean, but we don't use the "W" word around here. We prefer the term "lycanthrope."


DEAN [pointedly]




He's entitled to his opinion, Garth.



Many of our kind see themselves as indestructible. This is a constant reminder of how precious our lives truly are.



Yeah, but it's silver. I mean, doesn't it burn?



Yeah, it does a bit, but that's kind of the point. It reminds us of our fragility.



My daughter, Bess, was born a lycanthrope. It was one of the proudest days of my life. [Inhales deeply]

Which soon turned tragic... When a hunter killed my wife. Believe me when I tell you, I wanted to make someone pay. Then I looked at Bess, and I realized the road to revenge is a dark and lonely one, which you never get off. And that hole in the pit of your stomach, you never fill it -- ever.



Hey, no, I get it.



So I chose to look forward, not backwards. And the minute I did that, the powers that be brought this beautiful, compassionate, amazing woman into my life. [He smiles at JOY] And she helped me raise a little baby girl as if Bess were her own.



I can't take all the credit. Daddy had a hand in it, too. He saw your potential.






My father -- bless his soul -- was the previous reverend of our church, the third generation in our family to serve.



So, you're fourth-generation werewolf?





[Scene switches to SAM talking to the SHERIFF outside the police station.]



Look, the good reverend Jim and his family are all a little new-agey and hippie-dippy like, but they're clean as a whistle and pillars of our community. Why is the FBI even interested in them?



I just go where they send me, sheriff. Truth be told, I'm more interested in, uh...Murders and "X-files"-y stuff. Anything of that variety around here?


SHERIFF [Chuckles]

No, sir. We're just a small town. Not much crime of any to speak of. I'm sorry, agent. I wish I could be more help.



Ah, that's all right. But if you do think of something, give me a call.



Will do.


[Back at REVEREND JIM's house, DEAN opens the fridge and sees platters of raw organs. He turns around when he hears people behind him. He turns to see RUSS and JOBA.]



Still hungry?



Yeah, I was just, uh... seeing if you had any beer.


RUSS [They move in threateningly pinning DEAN in the corner. DEAN keeps his gaze steady.]

The sooner you realize that all is good here, the sooner you can go.


DEAN [evenly]

Don't you two have a chew toy or something to go play with?


GARTH [coming into the room]

Hey, guys. You mind if I grab a second with Dean, here?


[RUSS and JOBA leave and GARTH and DEAN move to a window.]



Why are you being so hard on everyone?



Because there's no way that all of this is what it looks like. No way.



Why not?



Come on, man. I know you drank the kool-aid, okay? But come on.



Look, amigo... I know this is all looks nuts, but I found it. Love and a family? Who cares where that comes from?



I do.



I get it. When I first got here, I couldn't let go, either. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. But when it didn't, I had to accept the truth.



Well, I got another truth for you -- we were all left in the dark when you went AWOL. I didn't know whether you were dead or worse. You should have reached out and sent someone a message.



And said what, Dean? That I was a werewolf? I was embarrassed. I thought it best for everyone if I just stayed away. But that doesn't mean that I didn't think about and miss you and Sam...Kevin.


[At Kevin's name, DEAN meets GARTH's eyes and there is a empty blankness to his eyes. GARTH immediately knows something is wrong.]


DEAN [softly]

Kevin's gone.






Gone for good.



What happened?


DEAN [sorrowfully]

When he needed me, I wasn't there. That's what.


[That night DEAN and SAM are outside REVEREND JIM's house leaning against the IMPALA watching the house.]



Okay, Dean, they gave you lunch, they gave you pie. Why are we still here?



Uh, yeah, you're right. Yeah, Garth's good. You want to hit the road, it's square by me.



Look, I'm just saying, this wouldn't be the first time we came across a friendly monster. Or a-a family of friendly monsters -- whatever this is.


[SAM's cell phone rings ]


SAM [answers]

Agent Perry.



... [DEAN watches his brother]

How can I help you?



... [SAM motions for them to hit the road]



[The IMPALA rolls up to a side of a field where the SHERIFF is standing looking at a gutted deer. The WINCHESTERS get out and walk up,]



Well, you wanted weird, agent. You tell me what tore up that deer. Nothing that runs in these parts.


[DEAN and SAM walk over to the deer and squat down to look at it closer. They have their backs to the SHERIFF.]



Fresh blood.



Yes, it is.


[The SHERIFF takes his hand out of his pockets and the nails grow long as the SHERIFF turns into a WEREWOLF.]



DEAN [quietly to SAM]

Still warm. That means it died after we got the call.


[SAM's puts it together as well and they swing around. DEAN pulls a silver knife out of his jeans but keeps it behind his back as the SHERIFF already has a gun trained on them.]



Couldn't just accept that all was good and move on, could you? You have no idea what you've walked into, do you? No matter. You won't be walking out.


[The SHERIFF quickly draws his weapon but DEAN is faster. He throws the silver knife right into the SHERIFF's chest and he falls to the ground dead. The boys move to the body and DEAN removes his knife. SAM notices a silver bullet on a chain around his neck and yanks it off.]



Hey. Look at this.



I've seen that before. Yeah, that is a favorite accessory of the good reverend and his flock.


SAM [reading a work etched into the bullet]




Yeah, that's, uh, Thor, Loki, Odin stuff, right?



Yeah, it's Norse mythology's end of days. But why is it etched onto a bullet?



Who cares? We got all the answers we need.



I don't know, Dean. I think we need more.



Oh, what? Sheriff Andy Taylor here wasn't good enough for you?



Enough to kill Garth? Come on, man. Let's do this right.



All right, fine. Clean this up, grab Garth, lock him up until we figure out what's what. I'm gonna go check out that church.


[The IMPALA pulls up to a white church and DEAN enters the sanctuary. He walks around pointing at things with his flashlight. SAM walks through the hallway leading to GARTH's apartment door. He rattles the handle put it is locked so he takes out his lock pick. DEAN enters REVEREND JIM's office and SAM enters GARTH's apartment which has been wreaked.]





[DEAN finds a book about Norse mythology. He skims until he sees a chapter about Ragnarok. He turns on the desk lamp and shakes the computer mouse to wake up the screen. The monitor shows a picture of GARTH, BESS, JOY and REVEREND JIM.]


DEAN [rolls his eyes]



[He does a search for Ragnarok and starts to read about it. He cell phone rings and he picks it up.]



Hey. Did you find the lovebirds?



No. Place is a wreck. No Garth, no Bess.



What, they were taken? Well, that's fan-friggin'-tastic.



Tell me you got something.



Well, this, uh...Ragnarok, end-of-days crap -- star of the story is a wolf named Fenris, who kills the God Odin before the world ends.



Okay. And that helps us how?



There are cults that consider Fenris a wolf deity and worship him. They call themselves the maw of Fenris.



A cult of werewolves? [Chuckles] What do they want?



Well, Ragnarok is not just a Bible story to these nutjobs. It's an action plan -- human extinction, total and complete werewolf domination.



And...what? This is the -- the ground-zero for their movement?



Freakin' Wisconsin, man. Well, time for reverend Jim to go down.



Yeah. Need any help?



No, no, no, I got it. You just, uh, you find Garth.



All right.


[SAM goes to leave the apartment but is attacked and knocked unconscious with a tire iron. We see RUSS and JOBA. DEAN starts when he hears a car door shut and then REVEREND JIM enters the church. He walks up the isle but pauses when he smells DEAN.]



It's no use, Dean. I can hear your heartbeat. You must've done this countless times, yet you still get nervous.


[DEAN steps out of the shadows with his gun drawn.]



Nothing wrong with a little fear. It's what makes us human.



Fear is not a purely human instinct. Even monsters know fear. I came to work on my sermon.



Well, why don't you start by preaching to me about the maw of Fenris? Yeah, that's right. I know all about you and your pack's little plan.



I assure you, we are planning nothing.



No? Well, then, why did I read about it in your good book?



Because generations ago, that hate and misplaced anger was part of our beliefs. But ever since I took over here, I have eradicated it from our congregation.



Yeah, well, apparently, some of them didn't get the word -- like the good sheriff, who just tried to off me and my brother.



Sheriff Pat?



Let me see your bullet.

[DEAN pulls REVEREND JIM's silver bullet necklace closer but when he turns it around there is nothing etched on it.]

Where is it?



Where's what?









It was etched into the sheriff's bullet.



That's impossible. The maw is dead.



Yeah, well, tell that to Garth and your daughter, who are missing.


REVEREND JIM [something suddenly dawning on him]



[Scene changes to GARTH who is tied up against a ladder in a barn. He looks up to see BESS tied to a wagon wheel. She is struggling.]





[Door opens an RUSS and JOBA drag in an unconscious SAM and tie him to a tractor.]






What are you two doing? Russ? Joba?!

[She sees JOY walk in with a satisfied smile on her face.]

Mom? What is going on?


[JOY walks over to BESS and slapping her full in the face]






First off, I'm not your mother.



You leave her alone! You hear me?! You want to hurt somebody, you hurt me!


JOY [Laughing]

Oh, that is so sweet. But I am going to hurt her. And him. [She points to SAM] But especially you, for bringing these hunters here. [Chuckling] I'm gonna hurt all of you.


GARTH [looking at BESS, voice breaking]

I'm sorry.



[DEAN rushes from the church trying to call his brother but SAM isn't picking up.]



Sam, pick up, damn it!


[DEAN jumps into the IMPALA and squeals the tires as he speeds off.]


[Back in the barn, JOY is slapping GARTH]



Unh! Please -- don't do this. Not to Bess. She's your daughter -- Unh!



How many times do I have to say this? "Stepdaughter"! I'm the last of my bloodline, thanks to you and your kind out there.


[SAM's head jerks as he starts to regain consciousness.]



He's awake.


[SAM groans]


JOY [walking over]

Well, don't you just look good enough to eat.



Why are you doing this? I mean, me, I can understand, but these people are your family. Your pack.


JOY [motioning RUSS and JOBA to guard outside as she loads silver bullets into her gun]

Last winter, my little brother, Charlie, was killed by a hunter. [Inhales sharply] My husband counseled patience, restraint. Just as when he took over our beloved church, he preached a new direction -- lycanthropes and man would co-exist. Peace was more important than dominance. I tried so hard to make his way work... to be a preacher's wife. But then... Charlie was murdered. And I couldn't help remembering my daddy's sermons. And, by golly, turns out he was right. As long as there is a man, there can be no peace. Because man destroys. And I, for one, am sick of it.


[Outside the house, RUSS smells someone and walks around the hedge. DEAN's jacket is laying on the fence. RUSS turns to pick it up and DEAN stabs him in the back.]



I get it now.Why co-exist when you can rule?



Bingo. But my husband doesn't see it that way. See, he was bitten, not born into it, like I was. He still holds on to his humanity. Which is why I am so pleased it will be his claws that start Ragnarok, not mine. You and your brother coming here was a blessing from Fenris above. The two of you cornered Garth here, and then when Bess came running in to see what the fuss was about... [Gasps] You killed her.






Here. Silver to the heart.


GARTH [starting to turn to a werewolf]




You're gonna frame their murders on me.



My husband turned his cheek once. I don't think he can do it again.


[She walks over to BESS and points the gun at her]



Hey! Get away from her!



Killing you gives me no joy, but Ragnarok -- it's bigger than all of us.



You're sick.


[JOY goes to pull the trigger but SAM stretches enough to kick the gun out of her hand. JOY pulls back in fierce anger]



You're just dying for me to get my claws dirty, aren't you?


[She turns to a werewolf and then we see DEAN slide in through the side door. But JOBA flies from the hayloft and tackles DEAN; sending his gun flying. They wrestle around in the hay but DEAN gets the upper hand and stabs JOBA. JOY turns to him.]



Wearing Russ' coat to hide your scent -- smart.



Oh, I'm full of surprises.



As am I.


[DEAN and JOY both dive for their guns and draw them on each other. But DEAN is faster and shoots her in the chest. JOY gasps and then falls dead.]



[GARTH, SAM and DEAN watch as BESS comforts her father.]



Be good. Hear me?



I will. Thanks, Sam.


[SAM and GARTH hug and then SAM coldly glances at his brother as he walks by him through the door. DEAN's shoulders slump and his eyes follow his brother out the door but he covers quickly when GARTH walks up.]


DEAN [motioning at BESS and REVEREND JIM]

How's he doing?



He's taking it pretty hard. Feels like he should have seen the signs earlier.



Yeah, well, maybe you were right. Yeah, he seems like a good man...considering.



Yeah. And you were right. Everything around here wasn't copacetic. I screwed up again. First Kevin, now this.



Hey. Kevin? That's on me. I'm the one that pulled him into all this. I'm the one that should've been there to protect him.


Well... I guess there's enough of that blame to go around, then.


[DEAN nods and heads for the door. GARTH stops him]







Um...I know this may sound a little crazy, but... Maybe I could come back and hunt with you. I mean, with my werewolf mojo, we'd have an advantage.



Yeah, look, Garth --



No, Dean. I want to make this right. I never should've left you guys, especially Kevin. Kevin was my friend. Friends don't do that.



Well, hey, you said it -- you know, who cares where happiness comes from? Look, we're all a little weird, we're all a little wacky -- some more than others -- but...if it works, it works. You got something here. Okay? Even though they are werewolves. Or Lycanthropes -- whatever. Don't let that go. Okay? You'll never forgive yourself. Besides, somebody's got to live to tell this damn story someday, and who better than you?

Now shut up and come here. [DEAN opens his arms for a hug.]


GARTH [surprised but grinning]




Hurry up before I change my mind.


[They hug and DEAN leaves out the front door.]


[The IMPALA drives in to the parking lot of GARTH's apartments and pulls up to SAM's car. There is uncomfortable silence as SAM prepared to get out.]


SAM [opening the door and getting out]

I'll send you that postcard.





[SAM almost reaches his car before DEAN gets up the nerve to get out as well.]



[SAM turns around]

Uh, listen, that night that, uh... You know, we went our -- our separate ways --



you mean the night you split?


DEAN [nods]

Fair enough.

I was messed up, man. Kevin was dead, and I...I don't know what I was.






Hell, maybe I still don't. But, uh... I know I took a piece of you in the process, and for that...[DEAN struggles to say the right thing. He finally just vents] Somebody changed the playbook, man, you know? It's like what -- what -- what's right is wrong and what's wrong is more wrong, and... I just know that when... When we rode together... [He pauses, looking for the right words.]


SAM [finishing his sentence]

We split the crappiness.


DEAN [sighs]

Yeah. So...


SAM [decides]







But something's broken here, Dean.



I'm not saying that it's not. I... I just think maybe we need to put a couple W's on the board and we get past all this.



I don't think so. No, I-I wish, but... We don't...see things the same way anymore -- our roles in this whole thing. Back in that church, talking me out of boarding up hell? Or -- or tricking me into letting Gadreel possess me? I can't trust you -- not the way I thought I could, not the way I should be able to.



Okay, look. Whatever happened... We are family, okay?



You say that like it's some sort of cure-all, like it can change the fact that everything that has ever gone wrong between us has been because we're family.



So, what -- we're not family now?



I'm saying, you want to work? Let's work. If you want to be brothers...[He pauses, letting DEAN fill in the blank] Those are my terms.


[DEAN stares at him in silence and then nods once. SAM gets back into the IMPALA and DEAN slowly follows.]



Source : SuperWIki

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schumi  (13.05.2021 à 10:40)

Je ne m'attendais pas à ça en voyant que Garth était de retour! J'espère juste que cela n'empêchera pas de le voir plus tard! J'aime beaucoup ce personnage!


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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Bonsoir ! Qui dit nouveau mois sur HypnoClap, dit nouveau film du Ciné-Emojis à découvrir !

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