Opening Sequence scenes of young Sam and Dean prepping to hunt, fighting with various vampires:
(Dean’s voice) Vampires [ Scoffs ] Gets funnier every time I hear it.
(Dean’s voice) Vampires nest in groups of 8 to 10. Victims are taken to the nest where the pack keeps them alive, bleeding them for days or weeks.
Ketch: We don't decapitate vampires. We irradiate them.
Sam: Cool.
Ketch: The toys are the fun part.
Sam: For obvious reasons, we don't trust the Brits.
Dean: What the hell? Aren't we supposed to be on the same team?
Ketch: I know all about the Colt.
Mary: You know, there's only five things in all creation it can't kill.
Sam: You think Mom would've wanted this for us?
Mary: Nothing comes before my family, not with me.
Ketch: Really? Or is that just what you want to believe? You're an excellent liar, Mary.
Sam: Too bad Mom couldn't make it.
Dean: Yeah. I feel like something's going on with her, and she ain't talkin' about it.
Mary: I have sort of been working with the British Men of Letters.
Dean: So where does that leave us?
(At the bunker, Mary stands faces the Boys across the map table. Sam sitting, Dean standing)
Mary: [ Sighs ] Just hear me out. Please.
Dean: Wow.
Sam: [ Clears throat ]
Dean: Just wow.
Mary: Dean What the British Men of Letters are doing what we're doing, it's a better way. They [ Sighs ] Look, I'm not blind to who they are or what they've done, but –
Sam: When? When? When did you start working with them?
Mary: Since before the lake house.
Sam: [Scoff]
Mary: It wasn't Wally. They brought me that case.
Dean: You were runnin' an errand for the Brits. And you kept it from us. Cass almost died.
Mary: I –
Sam: A Hunter got killed.
Mary: You think I don't know? I'm the one who burned his body. I'm the one who told his wife. I watch him die every night.
Dean: Good.
Mary: [ Sigh]
TITLE CARD: Supernatural
Black asphalt, barbed wire fencing, a sentry waling patrol at a gate….(three days later)
A van drives up, Ketch is passenger, Mary’s driving.
[ Velcro rips, engine turns off ] [ Side door slides open]
Ketch: Nice work today. I must say, this little beauty certainly worked as advertised. We barely had to lift a finger. Ah, the AVD. I do love a new toy.
(Flashback scene of Mary and Ketch watching a man die as smoke eminates from the AVD, he falls down stairs) [ Air hissing ] [ Coughing violently ] [ Gasps ] [ Groans ] [ Thud ]
Ketch: Mary? Everything all right?
Mary: I'm fine.
(Inside the compound, Ketch strutting down hallway, passed by woman)
Woman: - Ketch.
Ketch: - Serena. Oh, you're headed past the Armory. If you wouldn't mind. Unpack, reshelve, and my Sig Sauer could use a good scrubbing.
Serena: I have three PhDs.
Ketch: And we're all very proud of you, luv.
(Mary sitting on a cot in her cell, shot of her cellphone with multiple unanswered texts to Dean)
(Scene flashes back to the confrontation in the Bunker)
Mary: I'm doing this for you. I'm playing three decades of catch up here.
Dean: And we're not? How do you think this has been for us? We're your sons, and you've been gone. Our whole lives, you've been gone. You said that you needed time. No, you said you need space. So we gave you your space. But you didn't need just space. No, you needed space from us.
Mary: That's not true. Dean, I'm trying –
Dean: How 'bout for once, you just try to be a mom?
Mary: I am your mother, but I am not "just a mom." And you are not a child.
Dean: I never was. So between us and them –
Mary: It's not like that.
Dean: Yeah, Mary, it is. And you made your choice. So there's the door.
Mary: Sam
Sam: You should go.
(Back at BMOL Compund)
Ketch: (to Mick) Another nest terminated. No complications. Bitboring, really.
Mick: Good. Well, boring's good. And how's Mary?
Ketch: Excellent. As always.
Mick: She say anything about her boys?
Ketc h: As I've said many, many, so many times, we don't need them. We already have the best Winchester.
Mick: Yes. But that's not your call, is it? Or mine. The old men want them on board.
As far as London's concerned, where Sam and Dean Winchester go, the rest of the American Hunters will follow.
Ketch: Hmm.
(Back at the Bunker, Sam working on his laptop)
[ Descending footsteps ]
Dean: Dead guy in Akron. Body found two days ago. Throat ripped out, ear-to-ear.
Sam: Well, good morning to you, too.
Dean: Read it.
Sam [ Chuckles ] [ Sighs, muttering ] The guy was a-a known drug dealer with enemies. His throat wasn't ripped out. It was slit with a knife. I'm not really sure this is our kind of thing.
Dean: We don't know that. His blood could've been drained.
Sam: It could've been?
Dean: You know what? You find us a case. 'Cause I need to hit something.Now.
Sam: You wanna talk about it?
Dean: Not really. What was she thinkin', man?
Sam: I don't know. Maybe we should ask her.
Dean: What?
Sam: Look I-I am pissed and -- and frustrated and confused, too. But we've frozen her out for days.
Dean: She lied to us, Sam.
Sam: I know.
Dean: For months.
Sam: I know, but it's Mom! I mean, whatever she was doing, she must've had a good reason.
Dean: A good reason? A good reason for working with those ass clowns? Look, I hear you, all right? But -- but at the end of the day, she's family. We owe it to her to at least –
Dean: All right, you know what? Screw it. I need a drink.
Sam: You [ Sighs heavily ]
Dean: No, I need drinks. Plural.
Sam: [ Scoffs ]
Dean: And this whole peacemaker shtick that you've been running, first with Cass, now with Mom, it's getting old, man.
Sam: What's that supposed to mean?
Dean: You're always playing the middle, Sam. For once, why don't you pick a side?
Sam: [ Scoffs ]
[ Ascending footsteps ] [ Door opens ] [ Door creaking ] [ Door closes ]
Sam drives up to the BMOL compound
[ Engine turns off ] [ Ignition alert chiming ]
Mary: Thanks for coming.
Sam: What's so urgent?
Mary: Sam, I messed up. I know I messed up. But what the British Men of Letters are doing, this is bigger than us, Sam. We've got a real shot here.
Sam: Shot at what?
Mary: A world without monsters. A world where you and Dean don't have to hunt, where you can have normal lives.
Sam: I chose this life.
Mary: I know. But you were going to school, to college. And I get why you gave it up. But what if you didn't have to? What if there was a different future for you, for us? That's why I'm doing this. That is what I'm fighting for. I am not trying to recruit you, but you need to know. Things are changing. Please.
Just let me show you. (Entering the compound) It's, uh, just in here.
Sam: Wow.
Mary: Believe it or not, this is just their temporary base. The Brits talk like they're roughing it.
Mick: Sam Winchester. (to Mary) You didn't tell me your son was stopping by.
Mary: Didn't know I had to.
Mick: Anyway, welcome.
Sam: Yeah, um, you know, I really dig the whole low-budget Mission Impossible vibe, but I'm gonna head back.
Mick: You sure? You're just in time for the briefing.
Mary: Mick.
Mick: I mean, that is, if you wanna hear how we're gonna exterminate every last vampire in America.
(Back at the Bunker. Dean comes in)
Dean: Sammy? Lucy! I
(reads note) "Went out. Back later." Whatever. (turns to liquor cabinet-empty) Oh, no.
[ Bottle thuds ]
[ Knock on door ]
(At Compound)
Mick to Serena: Where's Ketch?
Serena: I don't know. He wasn't in his room and isn't answering his mobile. Should we wait?
Mick: No.
(At bunker, Dean goes to open door)
Dean: What'd, you forget your key? [ Door creaks ]
Ketch: Hello, mate.
Dean: How'd you find us?
Ketch: Well, this is a Men of Letters bunker. The location's no secret to us.
Dean: Okay. Cool. Well, good talk.
Ketch: And whilst I understand that you're not feeling warmly disposed to me, I wonder, what's your disposition to this incredibly rare, unspeakably expensive, bottle of barrel proof Scotch?
(At Compound, group sitting around conference table)
Mick: Before we get started, we've got a few new faces. This is Pierce Moncrieff, a hunter out of Baton Rouge. Pierce meet Alton Morehead, our head of R&D -- weapons development, spell work, that sort of thing. And Serena Colman, our Head of Security and Surveillance. And, of course, you know Mary Winchester and her son. Sam, please. Plenty of seats.
Sam: I'm fine.
Mick: All right, then. Let's begin.
Serena: As most of you know, Phase One of Project V is nearly complete. Over the past months, we've focused our efforts on the NWR.
Mary: Midwest Region.
Serena: When we started our operation, there were 241 vampires active across 12 states. We've killed all but 11.
Sam: Wait, what? Seriously? How?
Serena: You American hunters tend to see vampires as criminals, rogues. One gets out of line, you show up, lop off its head, and leave town. We treat them more like terrorists.
Alton: [ Clears throat ] Uh, vampires may typically hunt alone or in small nests. But scratch the surface, and they're all connected, from the lowest drone all the way up the chain to the top.
Sam: To the Alpha.
Alton: Mm-hmm.
Mick: When we find a nest, we don't just charge in a la John Wayne, guns a-blazing.
Sam: [ Clears throat ]
Mick: e wait, we watch.
Serena: We determine the size of the nest, its relationships to other vampire groups.
Alton: They tend to trade amongst themselves -- information, victims.
Serena: We're constantly expanding and refining our intelligence. And when we've learned all we can, we go, we assemble a team –
Mary: And wipe them out.
Serena: Now all the remaining NWR vampires have bunkered up in an abandoned building near Wichita -- the Morest Hotel. They think they're safe.
Mary: We've got the AVD locked and loaded.
Alton: AVD -- Anti-Vamp Device.
Mick: Tomorrow, we ship out, raid the compound, terminate the colony, and, uh, complete Phase One.
Mary: And then we move on to the rest of the country. By the time we're done, there won't be a single bloodsucker left in America.
(A woman, brokenly)
Vampire Woman: They're dead. [ Voice breaking ] They're all dead. My whole nest.
Vampire Man: I know, dear.
Vampire Woman: [ Crying ] They got them.
Vampire Man: Drink. Get your strength back. It's human and fresh. You're safe, you and all the others. See, I didn't choose this place for its ambiance. Obviously. This? It's a fortress. No one gets in here without me knowing about it. No one.
Vampire Alpha: Is that so? Hello, my children.
(Back at the bunker, Dean drinking with Ketch)
Ketch: Mmm. Nice place. Quaint. Cozy. Not much for small talk, are we?
Dean: Nope.
Ketch: Well, surely, you have some questions. Why I'm here, for instance.
Dean: You're here to recruit us. You already got Mary playing your game. You want me. And Sam.
Ketch; Well, I don't, but the old lads have taken quite a shine to you.
Dean: Mm. Well, maybe they shouldn't have sent some chick to try to kill us.
Ketch; Yes -- Toni. No one predicted she would go rogue. No one but me. I had a sneak peak at what a neurotic, overreaching, time bomb she was. We used to date.
Dean: [ Mutters ] Huh. Yeah, I can see that. [ Chuckles ]
Ketch: Dean, I don't give a toss if you sign up. Honestly, I don't care if you live or die. But since we're such jolly good pals now –
Dean; Jolly good, huh?
Ketch: Let me just say that the Men of Letters is an excellent fit for someone with our inclinations.
Dean: "Our"? As in you and me?
Ketch: You're a killer, Dean Winchester, and so am I. And if we go too long without something to track or trap or punch or gut, well, things get a bit ugly. Don't they? The Men of Letters keep me busy. They point me in a direction and bang. Off to the races. It's not a bad life. Speaking of …(takes drink) Mmm.
[ Whispers ] Oh. Now that you've heard what I have to say, places to be, vampires to behead.
Dean: You got a line on vamps?
Ketch: I do. Interested?
(At Compound)
Pierce: Damn. Sam Winchester. Rufus told me all about you. See, him and me worked a case together down the Atchafalaya.
Sam: I heard.
Pierce: I tell ya, sure do miss that crotchety old son of a bitch.
Alton: Pierce? Mary? A question.
Mick: (to Sam) So? Thoughts on our little operation?
Sam: Mm-hmm.
Mick: And our team?
Sam: Serena and Alton seem smart.
Sam: Pierce [ Scoffs ] You know he calls himself "The Hunter King of Baton Rouge"?
Mick: I do. Unfortunately.
Sam: A buddy of mine knew him. They worked together. Once.
Mick: Right, you see, truth is, your mother excepted, we've struggled to attract the, uh, top shelf of American Hunters. Like you.
Baby pulling up at beat up More Rest Hotel; Ketch on his motorcycle
[ Engines rev ] [ Engine turns off, cellphone rings ] [ Car door opens ] [ Car door closes ]
Dean: So what do we got?
[Ketch’s Cellphone beeps – a text Where are you? ]
Ketch: 10 bloodsuckers, give or take.
Dean: 2 against 10. I like those odds.
Ketch: Yeah, the sun'll be down in an hour, so we should move fast. Keep the rats from fleeing the ship.
Dean: (eyeing Ketch’s large gun) Fancy.
Ketch: You're right. This is too easy. Got another of those? (gestures to Dean’s machete)
Dean: Ready?
Ketch: Always.
Dean: Place seems empty.
Ketch: Yes. Curious.
(Back at compound)
(Sam and Mary walking through hallway )
Mary: Sam, this is why I asked you to come. Even if you want no part of it, you needed to know.
Sam: So it wasn't a sales pitch? Ha. 'Cause it was a good one.
(unmonitored surveillance screen shows sentry) (Sentry sees something in bushes, is attacked)
[ Weapon clicks ] [ Weapon clatters ] [ Rustling ] [ Growls ]
(At more rest motel)
Dean: I checked the areas upstairs. This place is a ghost town. You got anything?
Ketch: Indeed. [ Grunting- drags out Vampire woman ] I found her hiding in the basement with the corpses.
Vampire Woman: Let me go!
Ketch: [ Chuckles ]
Vampire woman [ Growls ]
Ketch: [ Chuckles ] Where are your friends? (punches her)
Vampire Woman: I don't know.
Ketch: [ Grunts ] Where are they? Tell me now. (more punches)
Dean: Okay. All right, that's enough.
Ketch: Enough? She's a monster.
Dean: I know. Just - let me. (turns to woman) You're gonna need to tell us where your friends are.
Vampire woman: And you'll let me go?
Dean: I'll make it quick.
Vampire woman: Hunting. They went hunting.
Ketch: Hunting whom?
Vampire Woman: The Hunters.
(Back at compound)
Serena (notices surveillance screen) Where's McGillicuddy?
(body suddenly slammed into screen view)
Serena: Aah!
Mick: What's happening?
Mary: It's the More Rest vampires. They're here.
(Several vampires use Mcgillicuddy’s body to scan his hand and open the gate)
[ Indistinctl Shouts ] [ Beeping ] [ Growling ]
Sam: We gotta lock this place down, ASAP.
Mary: (0ver intercom) Fall back.
Sam: Lock this place down now!
Mary: Fall back. Secure all exits. Do not engage. Fall back now.
[ Growling ] [ Beeps ] [ Door locks ] [ Doors lock ] [ Door locks ] [ Growling ]
(Sam and Mary take on vamps outside)
Sam: (as Mary takes one down) Nice.
[ Growling ] [ Growling ] [ Beeps ] [ Loud thud, beep ]
Sam: Wait! Wait. (stops Mary from taking out one – the Vampire from the more rest)
(In the meeting room, Sam secures the vampire they’ve captured)
Pierce: Doors locked?
Mary: For now.
Alton: The rest, they're spreading out, surrounding the building.
Mick: How'd they find us? How'd they even know who we are?
Vampire: [ Laughing ] He told us. He's back to save us all. Our father.
Sam: Your father? The -- the Alpha?
Serena: No, that's impossible. Our Intel has him in -- in Morocco. He's been there for at least a decade.
Sam: Wrong. I met him five years ago in Hoople, North Dakota.
Vampire: You're dead. You're all dead.[ Laughing ] [ Growls ]
Mary decapitates him [ Knife thuds ]
Sam: Your, uh, extermination plan, did it have any contingencies for this?
Mick: No.
Sam: [ Chuckles ]
Serena: Comm's still out. What about a scrying spell? If we can get a message to England –
Sam: No, we can't wait for backup.
Mary: No, he's right. This place was not built for defense, and those doors will not hold long. Okay.
Who here has ever killed anything? [ Sighs heavily ] Great.
Sam: All right, we gotta arm up. Everybody, weapons on the table. Blades, guns, spells……
Is this it?
Mick: Yeah.
Mary: That's not enough.
Mick: Most of our weapons are in the Armory, including the AVD.
Mary: We could set it off in the vents. Maximize coverage, use the gas like the bug bomb.
Mick: Will that kill the Alpha?
Sam: Kill? Doubt it. Hurt? Maybe. You got anything stronger?
Mary: Where is it?
Mick lifts a case onto the table [ Case thuds, latches open ]
Sam: [ Exhales sharply ] [ Exhales sharply ] Where'd you get this?
Mary: I stole it. From Ramiel.
Mick: Yeah, but it doesn't work. We've no bullets.
Sam: Right. Right. [ Sniffs] Right, um Okay. We make some, then. Got the recipe from my buddy.
Mary: - Bobby Singer?
Sam: Yep. All right, Mick, you're gonna need holy oil, sage, and myrrh. Do you have that here? Yeah.
Okay, uh, make a tincture, coat a silver bullet. Use this spell. It'll mimic the original etchings.
Mick: And that'll work?
Sam: [ Scoffs ] It better. If not, start praying, 'cause we'll need a miracle. Where's the Armory?
Mary: I'll take you.
Pierce: I got your back.
Sam: Get to work. Keep that door locked.
(in the hallway)
Mary: This way! The Armory's out there.
[ Door beeps, unlocks ]
(A group of Vamps trying to rush in – Sam holding them off, blocking the door)
[ Hisses ] [ Grunts ]
Pierce: Is there another way? Is there another way?!
Mary: Back there!
Sam: Go! I got 'em.
Pierce: Come on, come on, come on!
(in the meeting room)
Mick: All right. Let's get this spell going.
[ Door beeps, unlocks – into the Armory]
Mary: (grabbing the AVD) Got it.
(Flash of the impala speeding through the night)
(In the meeting room)
Mick: Signum est im-- imitandum. Signum est imitandum.
[ Knock on door ]
Pierce: It's me! Open the damn door!
[ Door beeps, unlocks ]
Alton What happened?
Pierce: It's bad out there.
[ Squish ] [ Groans, gags ] [ Thud ]
(The Alpha stabs Alton in the back with his claws, drops him and enters the room)
Pierce: Pretty bad in here, too, huh?
Serena: No.
(Alpha grabs her and drains her)
[ Grunting ] [ Growling ] [ Thud ] [ Growling ]
[ Sam in the hallway - grunting ] beheads a vamp [ Panting ]
(In the meeting room)
Mick: Pierce! you're a Hunter.
Alpha: Yes. My hunter. Pierce and I have an arrangement. He keeps me off the radar, and I pay him very, very well.
Pierce: Alimony's a bitch.
Alpha: I'm old. I like living quietly. You've been making my life awfully noisy lately. You've killed so many of my children. I've seen your work. In England, I didn't get involved because, well it's England.
But America yes. America is my home. And it's time that you get off my lawn.
(Sam finds Mary collapsed in the Armory)
Sam: [ Panting ] Mom? Mom. Mom, hey. Are you all right?
Mary: Sam.
Sam: What happened?
Mary: Got it.(grabs the AVD)
[ Grunts ] [ Crunch ] Pierce hits her, then destroys AVD)
Pierce: into radio All clear here, big daddy.
[ Static hisses ]
(end flashback)
Mary : We have to go.
Sam: Yeah, right. [ Grunts ] I got you.
(back in meeting room)
Alpha: Here's what you're going to do. We will bring your communications back online. You will make a call to your superiors in London. You'll admit defeat. You will tell them to cancel this American incursion.
Then they'll watch as I devour you, live, onscreen. Hmm, yes, it's a bit messy, but sometimes one does have to make a point.
Mary and Sam enter
Mary hits Pierce [ Groans ] [ Thud ]
Sam: Don't!
Alpha: Ah, my, my. [ Chuckles ] The Colt. Powerful weapon. Sam, you are aware that there are five creatures on this Earth that gun cannot kill. I'm one of them.
Sam: If that were true, I'd be dead already.
Alpha: That gun can't save all of you.
Sam: Who said I was here to save all of us? My family and I, we kill vamps when they get out of line.
And you've let us.
Alpha: I have many children, Sam. What's one, two, here or there?
Sam: Exactly. So? Let my mom and me go. We'll walk away, go back to the way things were, to the way things are supposed to be. Hunters and vampires, cops and robbers, a fair fight.
Alpha: And the Brit?
Sam: You can have him.
Mary: Sam. What are you doing?
Sam: Picking a side.
Mick: You bastard. (lunges for Sam)
[ Both grunting ] [ Growls ]
Alpha knocks Mary aside
Sam: Mom!
Alpha: Sam you and I both know that gun isn't loaded.
Sam: [ Chuckles ] You sure?
(Alpha remembers – Mick passing bullet to Sam in scuffle)
Alpha: The gun can't save all of you.
Sam: Who said I was here to save all of us?
Mick: Bastard.
Alpha: No. [ Laughs ] Clever, clever boy.
[ Chuckles ]
Sam fires – Alpha falls
[ Thud ]
Sam: [ Exhales ]
Mary (coming back into meeting room) : Mick. Mick. All clear out there. Took out a few stragglers. The rest must've run when we dropped the Alpha. Come on.
(In the parking bay – Dean and Ketch have arrived)
Mick: (to Ketch) Where were you?
Ketch: Following orders.
Mick: That's not [ Sighs ] People died.
Ketch: Yes. Well, I don't know how it is in your ivory tower, but down here in the muck, people die. The old men want the Winchesters, so I made a play for Dean, and it was working until your operation went sideways. Ah, well. [ Pats arm ] Better luck next time.
(Dean, Sam and Mary off at the other side of the bay with Baby)
Dean: (to Sam) So "went out, back later," huh?
Sam: Just getting a drink, huh?
Dean: I was with him when we heard this place was under attack. We drove like a bat out of hell.
Sam: How come? I mean, you don't care for these guys. You didn't even know I was here. (Dean looks hard at Mary ) Ah, Right, of course.
Dean: (to Mary) When I thought something might've happened to you, nothing else mattered.
Mary: Dean, the things I said –
Dean: No, Mom, you were… It's not your job to make my lunch and kiss me good night. It's - We're adults. You're gonna make your own choices, even if I don't like 'em. Even if I really, really don't like 'em.
That's just something I'm gonna have to get used to. Okay, Mom?
Mary: [ Whispers ] Yeah.
[ Chains rattle, shuffling footsteps ] (Ketch brings Pierce in in chains, to a vehicle)
Sam: Where you takin' him?
Ketch: We have ways of dealing with hunters who go rogue. They aren't pleasant.
Mary: Good.
Sam: Good.
(Mick calls Sam off to the side of the bay)
Mick: Sam. If you hadn't been there tonight
Sam: Yeah, we got the kill. That's what matters.
Mick: Hardly an advertisement for the British Men of Letters, though. Or my leadership. Caught unawares with our proverbial pants down. Believe it or not, Sam, we're not –
Sam: I'm in. Look, tonight was bad, no doubt, but the Alpha Vampire is dead. You're changing the world, and I wanna be a part of it.
Mick: And your brother?
Sam: (looking at Dean with Mary) Give me some time.
Source : SuperWiki