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#12.11 : C'est qui Dean ?

DEAN PERD LA MEMOIRE - Sam fait appel à Rowena, afin de retrouver une très ancienne famille de sorciers, après que Dean se retrouve frappé par un sort qui lui fait progressivement perdre la mémoire.


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Regarding Dean

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C'est qui Dean ?

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Sneak Peek


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Dean (Jensen Ackles) sur un taureau mécanique

Dean (Jensen Ackles) sur un taureau mécanique

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Elka (Lindsay Winch) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Elka (Lindsay Winch) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Elka (Lindsay Winch)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Elka (Lindsay Winch)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Meredith Glynn
Réalisé par : John Badham

Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Dean poursuit un homme blessé dans la forêt. L'homme se cache derrière un arbre et téléphone à quelqu'un pour lui demander de fuir. Enfin, Dean retrouve sa proie. Mais lorsqu'il s'apprête à tirer, l'homme a tracé un sigil sur le tronc d'un arbre avec son propre sang et jette un sort au chasseur. Dean s'évanouit.


Dean se réveille au petit matin, toujours dans la forêt. Il parvient à rejoindre un parc rempli de joggeurs et de mères avec leurs enfants. Il tente d'arrêter l'une d'entre elles afin de lui emprunter son téléphone, car le sien est cassé, mais elle croit avoir affaire à un SDF alcoolique et lui tend un billet. Alors, Dean se tourne vers un joggeur qui court avec son chien. Le joggeur est un peu méfiant, vu l'état de Dean, mais il accepte de lui prêter son téléphone. Dean peut joindre Sam et lorsqu'il repère un restaurant nommé Waldo, il demande à Sam de le rejoindre là-bas.

Sam s'exécute, et retrouve Dean en train de dévorer des gaufres. Dean ne se souvient pas de ce qu'il s'est passé durant la nuit, donc Sam croit qu'il a trop bu. Dean ne peut vraiment démentir. Il a tellement la gueule de bois, qu'il a du mal à se souvenir de Kelly Kline, mais aussi de leur affaire en cours. Sam lui dit qu'ils doivent se rendre à la morgue, afin d'examiner le corps de leur victime. Alors qu'ils s'apprêtent à sortir, une fois que Dean a payé ses gaufres, une jeune femme s'approche de lui. Elle semble le connaître, mais Dean est incapable de se souvenir d'elle. Alors, la jeune femme le gifle.

Les boys sont à la morgue, en train d'examiner le corps de Barry et les preuves qui accompagnent le corps. Officiellement, Barry est décédé de suffocation. Dans son ventre, les médecins ont retrouvé un sac entier de billets verts, ainsi qu'un sac à sort. Les boys en concluent donc qu'ils ont affaire à une sorcière, ou un sorcier.

Les boys sortent de la morgue. Barry était un conseiller financier qui travaillait pour les plus riches familles de la ville. Il a probablement dû se faire quelques ennemis, un mot que Dean a bien du mal à retrouver. Ils montent dans l'Impala et Dean commence à chercher la bonne clé pour la démarrer. Sam le regarde faire, perplexe. Enfin, Dean parvient à démarrer l'Impala, mais au lieu d'enclencher la marche arrière, il enclenche la première et fonce dans une borne, manquant de peu de percuter une jeune femme qui passait par là. Sam commence donc à faire la morale à Dean ; il sait qu'ils n'ont pas eu la vie facile ces derniers temps, mais Dean doit se reconcentrer sur leur travail, au lieu de le faire sur la bouteille. Dean écoute à peine. Sa vision se trouble. Et quand il entend Sam l'appeler par son prénom, il lui demande qui est Dean.

Les boys rentrent au motel. Dean assure à Sam qu'il va bien, mais Sam lui fait remarquer qu'il a oublié son propre prénom. Puisqu'ils ont affaire à des sorciers, peut-être que Dean a été victime d'un sortilège. Dean n'y croit pas ; il pense que le sorcier ou la sorcière l'aurait tué, plutôt que de lui faire perdre la mémoire. Mais quand Sam lui demande de nommer les membres du groupe Bon Jovi, Dean n'y parvient pas. Il ne s'affole pas pour autant ; il montre à Sam qu'il sait ce qu'est un revolver, ainsi qu'un manteau, mais lorsque vient le tour de la lampe, Sam doit afficher un post-it dessus avec le mot approprié. Dean lui fait promettre, cependant, de ne prévenir ni leur mère, ni Castiel.

Sam appelle Rowena, tandis que la sorcière est en pleine partie de poker qu'elle gagne, grâce à la magie. A force de persuasion, elle lui dit que son frère a effectivement été victime d'un sortilège de perte de mémoire et que pour le briser, il faut tuer le sorcier ou la sorcière qui a lancé le sort. Sam raccroche, prêt à annoncer la nouvelle à Dean, mais celui-ci est sorti. Sam se précipite à l'extérieur et trouve son frère en train d'essayer d'ouvrir la mauvaise porte tout en tenant un pot de glaçons. Il va le chercher, lui dit que ce n'est pas leur chambre et ils descendent sur le parking. Sam en profite pour expliquer ce que Rowena lui  a dit. Dean n'était pas saoul la veille, mais victime d'un sortilège. Afin de retrouver le ou la responsable, ils doivent retracer le parcours de Dean. Avec quelques efforts, Dean tente de se souvenir.

Sam emmène Dean au bureau de Barry Gilman, là où ils ont commencé leur enquête. Dean se souvient un peu d'avoir été ici, mais lorsque Sam lui demande de regarder les photos sur le mur, il ne reconnait personne, pourtant, il y a une photo du sorcier qui l'a ensorcelé. Sam lui rappelle ensuite que, pendant qu'il était parti faire des recherches, Dean est allé se manger un burger. Mais Dean ne se souvient pas où, alors, son frère et lui font le tour des restaurants de la ville. Au bout du troisième, ils finissent par trouver le bon, lorsque Dean reconnait la jeune femme du restaurant de gaufres qui l'a giflé le matin même et qui est apparemment serveuse. Ils s'approchent d'elle. Au début, elle ne se montre pas coopérative, mais lorsque Sam lui dit que Dean a été drogué et que c'est pour ça qu'il ne se souvient pas d'elle, elle accepte de les aider. Elle leur dit ce que Dean a fait ; il a mangé des burgers, s'est enfilé quelques shots de tequila et a ensuite fait du rodéo sur le taureau mécanique nommé Larry. Puis il a dragué la jeune femme et normalement, ils auraient dû se retrouver à la fermeture, mais Dean ne s'est jamais montré. Sam lui demande s'ils peuvent avoir accès aux vidéos surveillance. Lorsqu'ils l'ont sous les yeux, ils voient Dean sortir après un homme, que Sam reconnait comme étant l'une des personnes sur les photos de Barry, la victime. Lorsque l'homme fait voltiger Dean dans les poubelles, il ne fait aucun doute aux boys qu'ils tiennent le sorcier responsable de son état.

Les boys sortent là où Dean a été attaqué par le sorcier et où il lui a tiré dessus. Sam trouve une douille de balle anti-sorciers. Dean s'étonne de l'existence des sorciers et tandis qu'ils se rendent dans les bois où Dean a auparavant poursuivi le sorcier, Sam a dû lui rappeler l'existence de toutes les créatures surnaturelles qu'ils ont chassé. Dean apprécie beaucoup d'apprendre qu'il est un chasseur. Ils finissent par trouver le sigil tracé par le sorcier et non loin de là, ils trouvent également le corps de ce dernier. Mais il y a un problème ; Rowena a dit que tuer le sorcier devait briser le sort. Hors, le sorcier est mort et Dean perd toujours la mémoire. Sam décide qu'il est temps pour eux de rentrer.

Boyd et Catriona, tous deux des sorciers, trouvent le corps de leur frère, Gideon. Boyd comprend que les chasseurs sont après eux et que c'est pour ça qu'il leur a demandé de fuir. Mais Catriona ne l'entend pas de cette oreille. Elle a l'esprit de vengeance et elle veut retrouver son frère.

De retour au motel, Dean aperçoit la photo du corps de Gideon et réagit comme si c'était la première fois qu'il voyait un homme mort. Rowena débarque. Sam lui avait simplement demandé des informations, mais elle lui assure qu'il la remerciera le moment venu. Elle examine Dean et explique à Sam que le sigil qu'il lui a montré est tiré de magie druidique. Cette sorte de magie n'est utilisée que par une seule famille qu'elle connaisse ; les Loughlin. Des siècles auparavant, les Loughlin sont venus en Amérique et ont fait d'une petite ville au bord du Mississipi leur propre territoire. Ils utilisaient un livre de magie druidique très puissant appelé Grimoire Noir. Les Loughlin ont trois enfants ; Catriona, Gideon et Boyd. Rowena pensait que les chasseurs les avaient tous éliminés, que les rumeurs comme quoi certains membres de la famille avaient survécu et avaient emporté le livre avec eux étaient fausses. Pour soigner Dean, ils auront besoin de ce livre. Rowena pourrait faire sans, mais Dean n'a pas suffisamment de temps devant lui, le sort finira par le tuer. Pendant ce temps, Catriona et Boyd ont ramené Gideon chez eux et s'apprêtent à faire un rituel.

Sam prend Dean à part et lui rappelle qui il est, ce qu'est sa vie et comment il a été touché par un sortilège. Dean n'avait pas imaginé que sa vie se terminerait comme cela. Sam est touché par la détresse de son frère et tente de le rassurer, mais lorsqu'il sort de la salle de bain, il confie à Rowena que voir son frère se perdre lui-même est pire que de le voir mourir. Rowena lui rappelle une nouvelle fois qu'ils auront besoin du grimoire. Sam sait ce qu'elle a en tête : ce n'est pas une altruiste. Elle est venue aider parce qu'elle veut le livre. Sam se lève et s'apprête à partir ; il sait où Gideon vivait, il va donc aller chercher le livre seul, laissant à Rowena le soin de veiller sur Dean en son absence. Rowena proteste et lui dit qu'il aura besoin d'elle pour traduire les secrets du grimoire, mais Sam dit qu'il forcera plutôt l'un des Loughlin à l'aider. Il a de quoi se défendre en cas de besoin. Rowena proteste toujours mais Sam s'en va quand même. Dans la salle de bain, Dean se regarde dans le miroir et tente de se souvenir de son nom et de ceux de ses proches. Au début, il y parvient, mais il finit par tout oublier.

Tandis que Sam est sur la route, Dean est seul avec Rowena. Elle sort ses instruments et ingrédients magiques et Dean tente de toucher à tout. Pour qu'il se tienne tranquille, Rowena lui tend une poupée vaudou et les aiguilles qui vont avec. Puis, elle lui raconte son histoire ; comment elle a été chassée par les Men of Letters britanniques, comment elle a trouvé refuge dans une ancienne famille de sorciers et comment cette famille a fini par la virer également. Dean se montre compatissant, ce qui fait sourire Rowena. Elle lui dit que de ne pas se souvenir de certaines choses qu'il a pu faire, c'est un don. Quand Dean lui demande ce qu'il a fait, Rowena lui dit que c'est un tueur. Dean en perd son sourire.

Tandis que Rowena assure à Dean que tout ce qu'il a fait, il l'a fait pour sauver le monde, elle lui dit que de son côté, elle a fait de terribles choses, afin de satisfaire sa quête du pouvoir. Mais lorsqu'elle a rencontré Dieu et sa soeur et qu'elle a constaté qu'ils ont pu trouver une certaine forme de contentement, elle s'est dit qu'elle avait peut-être de l'espoir d'être heureuse. Dean lui demande pourquoi elle lui raconte ça et elle répond qu'elle sait qu'il ne se souviendra de rien. Puis, Sam les appelle. Rowena met le haut parleur, afin que Dean puisse entendre. Sam est dans le manoir et remet le portable dans sa poche, toujours sur écoute, afin que les deux puissent entendre ce qu'il se passet qu'une fois qu'il aura obtenu le sortilège nécessaire à la guérison de Dean, Rowena puisse faire son travail. Sam trouve la pièce où Catriona est occupée à fixer un papillon mort parmi sa collection. Sur une table, le corps de Gideon repose. Sam la prévient que son arme est pleine de balles anti-sorcières et qu'il vaudrait mieux qu'elle lui donne le sortilège qu'il cherche si elle veut rester en vie. Catriona n'est pas inquiète. Elle dit que son frère Boyd voulait partir à sa recherche, mais elle savait que le chasseur finirait par se montrer de lui-même. Boyd débarque, fait voler Sam contre une étagère et Catriona récite une formule qui fait s'agiter si bruyamment les ailes des papillons, que Sam hurle en se tenant les oreilles, du sang s'écoulant entre ses doigts. De l'autre côté du téléphone, Dean appelle son frère, mais ce dernier ne peut pas lui répondre.

Dean se réveille dans l'Impala. Plusieurs messages sont attachés au pare-brise et aux vitres de la voiture. Le premier dit que Sam a été kidnappé par des sorciers et que Rowena a laissé Dean dans l'Impala. Le second lui demande de rester dans la voiture. De son côté, Sam fait semblant d'être inconscient, alors qu'il est attaché à une chaise. Boyd accuse Catriona d'avoir fait tuer leur frère, mais cette dernière lui dit qu'ils pourront le ramener. Quand ils entendent la porte d'entrée claquer, Catriona tend le poignard à Boyd et lui demande de faire le rituel. Elle sort et trouve Rowena dans le hall. Elle finit par la reconnaitre ; elle se souvient de la femme aux vêtements rapiécés et sales que leur famille a recueilli, comment cette femme a essayé de les convaincre de lui apprendre leur magie et comment elle s'est donné à chaque membre. Rowena ouvre alors les hostilités et fait voltiger Catriona. Dans le même temps, Sam tente de convaincre Boyd de coopérer, mais ce dernier ne veut rien entendre. Il s'apprête à ramener son frère, en échangeant son âme contre celle de Sam. Pendant ce temps, Catriona prend le dessus sur Rowena, mais heureusement, Dean, qui a fini par désobéir et dont les post-its l'ont guidé jusqu'à l'arme et aux balles appropriées dans le coffre de la voiture, arrive et tue Catriona, libérant Rowena de son emprise. Boyd est attiré par le coup de feu. Sam qui a réussi à se libérer, lui saute dessus, mais Boyd parvient à sortir. Lorsque Dean voit Boyd, puis Sam dans l'escalier, il hésite et tend son arme vers chacun d'eux. Sam lui dit qu'il est son frère et lui désigne le sorcier. Alors, Dean n'hésite plus et tue Boyd.

Sam attend dans le hall tandis que Rowena est monté pour guérir Dean. Quand ils redescendent, Dean fait croire à Sam qu'il ne se souvient toujours de rien, mais en fait, tout va bien, il est de nouveau lui-même. De retour au motel, les boys accompagnent Rowena jusqu'au taxi. Elle demande à Dean de lui dire, s'il jamais il se souvenait de conversations qu'il aurait pu avoir durant le temps passé sous le sortilège, mais Dean lui assure qu'il ne se souvient de rien. Puis, elle monte dans la voiture, mais Sam ne la laisse pas partir tout de suite ; il veut d'abord récupérer le grimoire. Rowena lui dit qu'il n'est pas drôle, mais Sam lui répond qu'ils lui en doivent une. Puis, elle part. De leur côté, les boys retournent à l'Impala. Sam avoue à Dean qu'il l'a un peu envié : avoir oublié certaines choses lui a enlevé un poids des épaules, et il semblait heureux. Mais Dean lui dit que, malgré la noirceur de leur travail, ce qu'ils font est important. Et oublier tout ça, ce qu'ils sont, pourquoi ils font ce qu'ils font, ce n'est pas son idée du bonheur et si c'était vraiment ça, le bonheur, il passe volontiers son tour. Les boys repartent pour de nouvelles aventures.

L'épisode se termine sur un montage de Dean faisant du rodéo sur le dos de Larry, entrecoupés d'images du chasseur pendant son temps passé sous le sortilège.



Ecrit par deanlove35.

Wounded man running through the forest as fast as he can. He is bleeding from a wound on his side. He stops to make a call.
Cellphone ringing
MAN: You have to. No! Listen to me...Get out of there.
Dean is seen running after the man. He sees the man stopped by a tree and fires a shot at him.
MAN: Just go! Now!
The man runs off again, leaving behind a smear of blood on the tree.
Dean appears again looking for the man. He sees where his bullet hit and the smear of blood. He hears a rustling sound and heads towards it gun drawn. He comes upon the man on one knee facing another tree.
DEAN: You people. You never learn, do you? Always trying to run.
The man turns around, and we see that he has carved something into the tree which is beginning to glow with a purple light.
MAN: Dearmad!
There is a flash of purple and Dean is knocked to the ground unconscious.

Scene begins with Dean laying on the ground. There is a rabbit sitting beside him. Dean wakes up suddenly, looking hung over.
DEAN: Ohh...
Dean starts to sit up a bit, brushing leaves out of his face.
DEAN: Ugh.
He looks down and sees the rabbit.
DEAN: Hey, buddy
He moves the rabbit behind him and stands up.
DEAN: Mm. Ah. Wow.
He looks around, unsure of where he is. He pulls out his phone to make a call and sees the screen is badly cracked and his phone no longer works.
DEAN: Oh, come on.
He turns around and sees a walking path not far from where he's standing. There are several people walking/jogging along it.
WOMAN (with stroller): And I was like, "Andy, the dog's vegan."
DEAN: Hey. Hey.
WOMAN: "How could you give him -"
DEAN: Excuse me. Do you mind if I -
Woman gasps and recoils from Dean. She reaches into her purse hanging off the stroller and hands Dean some money.
DEAN: Wh--
WOMAN: Just don't buy a drink.
The woman's baby makes some noises as she starts walking away.
WOMAN: I-I know, Stacey.
DEAN: Huh.
Dean looks around again and sees a man jogging towards him with a dog. He walks up to him to talk.
DEAN: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Excuse me.
The man stops jogging
DEAN: Look, uh, uh, I'm not a – not a bum, okay?
The man removes his ear buds to hear Dean. Dean looks at the cord from the headphones going into the man's pocket.
DEAN: Just somebody who really needs to use a phone. Do you mind?
The man hesitates, and then unplugs his headphones and hands Dean his phone.
DEAN: Great. Thank you.
Dean walks a short amount away from the man to make his phone call.
DEAN: Okay.
Dean dials a number and the phone starts ringing. We then see Sam's phone light up with a phone call. Sam picks up.
SAM: Hello?
DEAN: Sam?
Sam is relieved to hear from Dean, and concerned about where he's been all night.
SAM: Dude, where the hell have you been?
Dean looks around the park confusedly, and at the man jogging in place.
DEAN: I’m not really sure about that.
SAM: You—Well, where are you now?
Dean looks around again.
DEAN: I'm not real sure about that either. I, um...
He hears truck horns blaring and sees a Waldo's Waffles sign
DEAN: Oh. Ha ha. I'm starvin'. How you feel about waffles?
Sam makes a confused noise.
SAM: What?
DEAN: Dumb question. Right. What psycho doesn't love waffles?
Sam is totally confused by what Dean is saying.
DEAN: I mean, they're fluffy. You got the little pockets full of syrup. You just cover 'em in whipped cream. Am I right? Anyway, meet me at Waldos', okay?
Dean hangs up and gives the phone back to the jogger. Sam is very confused and tries to say something, but Dean has already hung up.
SAM: Hey—M--

Scene starts with a view of a stack of waffles with strawberries and cream being passed out from the kitchen with the ding of a bell, and being placed next to Dean. We hear the murmur of quiet conversations and the door closing as Sam walks in and heads towards Dean, who is sitting at the counter, eating waffles.
Dean turns towards Sam as he walks up to the counter.
DEAN: Oh. Hey, did you bring any, um...
Dean grimaces and motions to his head.
Sam holds up and shakes a pill bottle.
DEAN: Yes.
Dean grabs the pill bottle as Sam sits down next to him.
SAM: Sounded like you could use it.
Dean nods as he opens the pill bottle.
DEAN: Oh, man.
SAM: Rough night?
DEAN: Rough morning.
Dean takes the pills out of the bottle and takes them with his coffee. Sam watches him bemusedly.
SAM: Wh-What happened? I mean, you just went out to get some food.
DEAN: I don't know.
SAM: What does that mean?
DEAN: I-I guess I blacked out. And judging from this hangover, it was epic.
Dean motions to his head.
SAM: Well, I tried to call you
DEAN: Um....
Dean pulls out his destroyed cell phone and holds it up for Sam to see.
SAM: Oh.
Dean tosses his phone on the counter.
DEAN: Not sure how that happened.
SAM: Great.
Sam pulls out his own phone.
SAM: All right, well, I'll text mom, make sure she knows to get a hold of me in case of emergency. And Cas, in case he tracks down Kelly.
Dean's face screws up in confusion at the mention of Kelly. Sam looks at Dean incredulously.
SAM: The mother of Lucifer's love child?
Dean suddenly remembers who Kelly is.
DEAN: Right. Right. Yes, the Devil baby mama drama.
Dean grins, looking quite amused with himself.
DEAN: Say that five times fast. Devil baby mama drama.
Sam turns towards Dean and glances at the plate of waffles he's eating and the one that just arrived.
SAM: All right, Dean, you know, uh, you had a good run, but maybe let's pump the brakes a little bit. I mean, you're not 20 anymore.
Dean just stares at Sam for a moment.
DEAN: Okay, one, the Rat Pack partied till the day they died. And B, I can still kick your ass.
Dean turns to face the front again and takes another bite of waffle. Sam scoffs at him. Dean, with his mouth still full calls for more waffles. As he does so, a group of young women enters. One of them appears to recognize Dean before joining the rest of the group which has sat down.
DEAN: Mm. Got a man who needs some waffles down here.
SAM: --Oh, no. I'm—I'm fine. I'm...
DEAN: --You can just take these if you want.
Dean pushes a plate of waffles towards Sam. Sam puts his hand up to get the bill, and checks his watch.
SAM: No, Dean. Look, the morgue opens in, like, 10 minutes.
Dean takes a sip of his coffee and again looks confused.
DEAN: The morgue?
Sam stares at him.
SAM: The autopsy results. Are you still drunk?
Dean turns his head slightly towards Same, but doesn't look at him.
DEAN: I don't think so.
Sam leans over and sniffs Dean. Dean looks slightly offended.
SAM: All right, our—our case?
SAM: The dead guy, throat stuffed full of money. Any of this right a bell?
Dean seems to remember what Sam is talking about and is nodding his head.
DEAN: Right, yes. Right. Um...the accountant. Barry Gilman.
SAM: Right.
DEAN: Right.
Dean turns towards Sam.
DEAN: Uh, and you think he got his ticket punched by a demon.
SAM: Maybe.
DEAN: Okay, but when we went over to his place yesterday, we got a whole bunch of jack and a little bit of squat. There was no hex bags, no EMF, no sulfur, which means no case.
Dean turns back to his waffles as Sam sighs deeply.
SAM: Yeah, but if it's not a case, then what is it?
Dean picks up his coffee and turns back to Sam.
DEAN: I don’t know. Death by money? You know, maybe the guy got whacked by, uh, some mob dude with an ironic sense of humor.
Dean takes a sip of coffee. Sam chuckles and turns.
SAM: All right. Well, I'm gonna go scope out the body. If you wanna spend some more alone time with, uh, your waffles...all right. Have fun.
Sam gets up from the counter. We see another shot of the group of women that previously walked in, with the one woman turned to face the boys. Dean wipes his mouth with a napkin and turns to get up as well and follow Sam.
DEAN: Fine, hold up.
Sam turns to Dean and motions to the counter.
SAM: Did you pay?
Dean stops and reaches for his wallet.
DEAN: Oops, no. Right.
SAM: You got it?
Dean tosses some cash on the counter. Behind him we see the girl from the group approaching.
DEAN: I got it.
Dean turns around with a bewildered look on his face. He looks at Sam and raises his eyebrows quickly after seeing the girl and turns back towards her with a smile on his face.
DEAN: Hi. And who are you?
The woman looks disbelieving, and the angry. She then smacks him across the face and storms back to her friends.
Sam gives Dean a questioning look, watches the girl as she walks away and then looks back at Dean. Dean stands there for a moment, then nods once.
DEAN: Yep. Epic night.
Dean walks past Sam out of the restaurant. Sam stares after him.

Scene opens with a view of the body of an older man on an autopsy table with his upper torso uncovered. The boys are in their FBI suits standing beside the body. One of the morgue staff walks in carrying a box with evidence from the body in it. She hands it to Sam and turns to leave.
DEAN: Hey.
Sam takes the box the staff member is holding.
SAM: Uh, thank you.
DEAN: Great. We'll let you know if we need anything else. Thanks.
The staff member leaves, closing the door behind her. Dean looks slightly uncomfortable.
Sam places the box on a stand beside the body.
SAM: All right
Sam begins looking through the autopsy report.
SAM: So cause of death was suffocation. Officially.
DEAN: Okay. We already knew that.
SAM: "See evidence bag B 1-4." All right.
Sam puts the report down and opens the box and looks through the bags in the box, which all contain items that are covered in blood. Dean cringes and turns away.
DEAN: Ugh. Mm.
Sam pulls out a bag full of very bloody money. Dean looks like he may throw up.
SAM: Huh.
Sam turns and shows the bag of money to Dean.
SAM: Says they pulled all this from his stomach.
Dean is trying to avoid looking at the bag while trying not to throw up.
DEAN: Mm-hmm – Mm. Big breakfast.
Dean looks briefly at the bag and then turns away covering his mouth.
DEAN: Okay.
Sam looks at Dean and turns to put the money back in the box.
SAM: All right.
Dean continues to make gagging sounds while Sam looks through the box. He finds a small bag with a small pink hex bag inside.
DEAN: Mm. Ugh.
SAM: Well, well.
Sam takes the bag with the hex bag inside out and shows it to Dean.
SAM: You were saying about an ironic mobster?
Dean sees the bag and sighs.
DEAN: All right, so...a witch force feeds old Barry here a hex bag and then casts a spell.
SAM: Yeah, a spell that pumps him so full of cash, he dies choking on it.
Sam turns and puts the bag back in the box.
DEAN: Ugh. Witches.
Sam picks up the report again and looks through it.
DEAN: Well, I guess it's true what they say. Mo' money, mo' problems. Right?
Dean smiles and chuckles to himself and walks past Sam and out, as Sam just stares after him.
SAM: I hope you're still drunk.
Sam follows Dean out.

Scene starts with the boys leaving the morgue building and walking to the car.
DEAN: So why would somebody want Barry dead? I mean, what, did he screw up a tax return?
SAM: He's actually more of a money manager.
DEAN: Well, whatever he was, looks like he, uh certainly made one hell of a...uh...
Sam stops and looks at Dean he tries to remember what word he's looking for.
SAM: Enemy?
They reach the car and continue talking briefly before getting in.
DEAN: Enemy. Yeah. Those guys.
SAM: Maybe he blew the wrong person's savings.
DEAN: All right, well, let's check out his clients.
Dean fumbles around with his keys.
SAM: Which one? Barry worked for the richest families in town.
They both open the doors and get into the car. Dean is sitting in the drivers seat looking through his keys as though he doesn't know which one he needs. Sam watches in disbelief.
SAM: Wow. Man, you were serious about epic. It's the square one.
Dean seems slightly confused.
DEAN: Yeah. I know.
SAM: Y--
Dean starts the car and puts it in gear. He looks behind him, getting ready to back out. He gives it gas and ends up going forward and crashing into 2 newspaper boxes, where a woman is looking at a paper. Sam looks up startled.
DEAN: Son of a bitch.
WOMAN: Come on!
SAM: What the...
WOMAN: Really?!
SAM: Sorry! Our fault. I...
Sam looks at Dean in shock. Dean seems to be quite confused as to what's going on.
SAM: R for "reverse," Dean.
Dean just sits there confused occasionally looking up at Sam. He seems unable to focus on what Sam is saying or to what's going on around him.
SAM: Listen, man, I-I know we haven't had it easy lately. This thing with the Devil's kid and getting tossed into West Guantanamo makes me wanna crawl into a bottle, too, sometimes, but...dude, you're wrecked.
Dean's gaze is wandering and unfocused.
SAM: And we got a case to work so get it together, all right?
Dean doesn't respond.
SAM: Dean? Dean?
Dean looks up and turns towards Sam.
DEAN: Who's Dean?
Sam looks very confused and concerned.

Scene opens with the boys walking into their motel room.
DEAN: I told you, I'm fine.
SAM: Dean, you forgot your own name.
DEAN: For a second. Okay, yeah, that was weird.
Dean walks over to one of the beds and takes his jacket off. Sam closes the door and walks towards Dean.
SAM: All right, look, we know we're dealing with a witch, right? Maybe you got hexed.
Dean tosses his jacket and gun of and tosses them on the bed. He turns to Sam in slight amusement.
DEAN: Dude...If a witch got a clear shot of me, I would be dead, okay? I wouldn't be freakin', uh...Dory.
SAM: Dory?
DEAN: I'm not gonna apologize for loving that fish. Not to you, not to anyone.
SAM: Right. Okay. All right. If you're doing so well, name all the members of Bon Jovi.
Dean scoffs.
DEAN: Okay. Uh, we talkin' circa 1983?
SAM: Sure.
DEAN: Done. We got Bon Jovi.
Dean pauses, unable to remember the rest.
DEAN: Whatever. This is stupid. Sam, I'm fine. Okay?
Dean turns and walks back towards the bed.
DEAN: I feel great. Look, Uh...
He turns and picks up his gun and looks back at Sam.
DEAN: This is a gun.
He drops the gun back down and points to his coat.
DEAN: This is a coat.
He walks over to the lamp in their room and gestures at it.
DEAN: This is a...a...a...light stick.
Sam is startled at Dean being unable to remember the proper word.
SAM: A light st--
Sam turns to the desk and pulls out a sticky note pad. He writes something on it.
SAM: All right. We're gonna get you some help.
DEAN: Look, we could figure this out, okay? Don't go callin' mom or Cas with this.
Sam pulls off the sticky note and stands up. He walks over to the lamp and puts the sticky note on it. It says Lamp.
SAM: Fine, but until you get better...
Dean looks at the note and snaps his fingers.
DEAN: Lamp. Right. So close.

Scene opens to a poker game taking place in what looks like a server room of sorts. Rowena is playing with 3 men. Camera pans to show her hand. It's not a good one. Camera then pans to the one remaining player, who has a much better hand. He pushes all his chips to the center of the table.
MAN: Shall we end the suspense?
He lays his cards down. Rowena lays her cards down and suddenly they are much better than the mans. She laughs.
ROWENA: What's that? Six in a row? Beginners luck.
She reaches over the table to pull all the chips towards her.
Her cell phone rings as she's collecting her chips. She looks at the number and excuses herself from the men to take the call.
ROWENA: Oh. Gentlemen, if you don't mind.
She walks a short distance away and answer the call.
ROWENA: I'm a wee bit occupied at the moment.
SAM: Yeah, well, we need your help, Rowena.
ROWENA: Oh, really?
DEAN: Come on, man. Rowena? I mean...
Dean is inspecting the mini fridge as Sam speaks to Rowena.
SAM: Yes. Really.
DEAN: Hey?
Sam turns to Dean.
DEAN: Tiny vodkas. Score.
Sam shakes his head.
ROWENA: Am I saved to your contacts now? Tell me. Have I got my own ringtone?
SAM: This is serious. Look, I think Dean's been hexed okay? He—He's been forgetting things.
Rowena turns to look back at the poker game as she speaks.
ROWENA: Maybe he's just drunk. Oi!
SAM: He's not drunk.
Dean picks up the ice bucket and points inside it.
DEAN: We need ice.
Dean continues pointing at the bucket. Sam just shakes his head at him and ignores him.
ROWENA: We could do a memory spell. But did his hair fall out? His body too?
SAM: What?
ROWENA: From the neck down, is he smooth like a Ken doll?
Sam looks grossed out at the thought of that.
SAM: I don’t know. Uh, and I'm not checking either.
ROWENA: Rules out a mnemonic curse. The obliviate spell wipes the memory clean over time, but it's intricate magic. I...
SAM: How do I break it?
ROWENA: Theoretically? Kill the witch.
SAM: Got it.
Sam hangs up the phone and turns to talk to Dean only to find out that Dean has left to get ice.
SAM: All right. So...Dean? Dean!
Sam runs out of the motel room and looks around outside.
SAM: Dean!
He runs up to the second level and keeps looking.
SAM: Dean?
He walks around a corner and finds Dean trying to get into another room with the ice bucket tucked under his arm.
SAM: Dude, what are you doing?
Dean turns to look at Sam.
DEAN: Getting ice. What are you doing?
SAM: That's not our room.
Dean looks around confused and then shrugs and walks away.
DEAN: All these dumps look the same.
They start walking back down to their room.
DEAN: So this spell, I'm stuck in some sort of "Momento" crap?
SAM: Right. The fix sounds fairly simple. You just find the witch who did it and kill it.
DEAN: Oh, Halle-freakin'-lujah.
SAM: I think you got hexed last night.
DEAN: Yeah?
SAM: Yeah. We need to retrace your steps. All right, think.
They stop just outside of their room.
SAM: What's the last thing you remember you did?
Dean thinks about it and the taps the ice bucket and opens the lid.
DEAN: Uh...I got some ice.
Sam looks frustrated with Dean.

Scene opens with the boys looking around Barry Gilman's office again.
DEAN: Okay, from yesterday, the last thing I kinda sorta remember is us being here in um...
He snaps his fingers to try and remember as he wanders over to the desk.
DEAN: big guy's offce. Uh...
Sam is looking through shelves in front of the desk.
SAM: Barry Gilman.
DEAN: Yes. And...we were here and we were, uh, we were looking for leads.
He opens a red lacquered box on the desk and finds cigars inside. He takes one and puts it in his coat chuckling. Sam is now standing in the middle of the office.
DEAN: Yeah. Douche tax.
SAM: Yeah, you did that yesterday, too. All right, come here.
Sam walks over to a wall with pictures on it. Dean joins him there.
SAM: Check these out. Do these shake anything loose, these pictures.
Dean looks at the pictures. He seems to look at one a couple times, but doesn't remember anything. The camera pans over one photo in particular of the accountant and another man in a blue jacket.
DEAN: No. None of them.
SAM: Okay, think hard. What happened next? I went to hit the lore. You went out for a burger. So...
Sam looks hopefully at Dean.
DEAN: So....
Dean gets frustrated that he can't answer.
DEAN: What do you want me to say? I-I ate 'em?
Sam is getting frustrated with the lack of information.
SAM: Okay, okay. You know what? It's not a big town. How many burger joints can there be? Come on.
The camera pans across the pictures again as the boys walk out of the office.

Scene opens to the boys walking into a pub. The sound of billiard balls and cheering are in the background.
SAM: All right, anything?
Dean looks frustrated.
DEAN: No. I mean, this is the third place we've been to. I-I...No. It's...
Dean turns to walk out again, but stops when he sees the woman from the Waffle house. He points her out to Sam.
DEAN: Wait. It's—It's her from, uh, from the waffles.
Sam grabs Dean's arm and they walk towards the woman.
SAM: All right, come on.
The woman looks somewhat unimpressed to see them. She is a waitress and is busy getting drinks at the bar.
SAM: Excuse me.
DEAN: Hey.
SAM: Hi.
WOMAN: If you're gonna apologize, you better make it quick.
DEAN: Me apologize? Uh, you smacked me.
WOMAN: You were being a dick. We're even.
SAM: Even for what?
WOMAN: That's none of your—who are you?
She walks away with the drinks she just got, and serves them to a table as Sam and Dean follow her asking questions.
DEAN: Okay, look, whatever happened with us, um, I'm sorry. Okay? See, here's the deal. We're, um, we're...
SAM: We're FBI.
Sam takes out his badge with Dean following suit after, to show the woman, but she doesn't seem to care much.
SAM: Uh, Agents Moon and Entwistle.
She turns and looks at them.
SAM: Yeah.
She looks right at Dean who is not looking at her.
WOMAN: Last night, you told me your name was Springsteen.
She turns and starts walking away.
WOMAN: Like the boss.
The boys continue to follow her around the bar.
DEAN: Uh, yeah, see, sometimes, we have to lie in order to, uh, to...protect our cover.
She serves another customer their drink and walks on, clearly not believing what they're saying.
WOMAN: No way.
SAM: Okay, listen, this is actually sensitive. We—we think my partner may have been roofied.
She stops and turns around.
WOMAN: Seriously.
She turns and keeps walking.
DEAN: Seriously?
SAM: If you can tell us anything about what happened that night, it would be a big help.
She walks over to a table by a mechanical bull and stops and turns to face them again.
WOMAN: Sure. I...
SAM: Great.
WOMAN: He ordered burgers to go. It was gonna be a minute. We were slammed. Then you knocked back...four shots of tequila?
She looks at Dean and he seems pretty okay with that amount.
WOMAN: Put some "sick jams" on the juke, and then you hit the bull.
Both boys seem somewhat confused by that statement.
SAM: He what?
DEAN: I what?
The woman turns to look at the mechanical bull. The boys follow her gaze and watch a woman on the mechanical bull for a few moments.
WOMAN: Oh, yeah, you had the hots for Larry as soon as you walked in here.
Sam turns back to her, then looks at Dean.
SAM: He—You rode Larry?
Dean looks uncomfortable and doesn't answer. He looks at the woman.
DEAN: Was I good?
WOMAN: You were...amazing.
Dean looks quite pleased with himself. The woman smiles at him a bit.
DEAN: Hmm.
Sam rolls his eyes at the situation
WOMAN: Anyway, we got to talking, and...you know. We blew off some steam.
Dean looks confused for a moment, but then grins when he gets what she means.
SAM: Did you see him talk with anyone else?
WOMAN: My bartender said she saw him run out of here like his pants caught fire.
The boys seem surprised by this.
WOMAN: We were supposed to meet up after close-up, but you never showed.
She gets a look of concern on her face.
WOMAN: Oh. Poor thing. You were all roofed up. I didn't...I am so sorry if I took advantace of you.
Dean grins. Sam is looking aroun the bar.
DEAN: It's okay.
SAM: Does this place have security cameras?
WOMAN: Yeah.
The boys start looking through security footage as the woman returns to work.
Dean looks at the woman as she walks by and then turns back around.
DEAN: First action in I don't know how long, and it's like it never even happened. Figures.
SAM: Ha. See, now that's comedy.
Dean doesn't find it funny.
DEAN: Okay, whoa. There I am.
SAM: Yeah.
Dean leans closer to the screen.
DEAN: Wait, wait, wait.
SAM: What are you doing?
DEAN: I'm trying to read my lips. "Now salsa you mittens".
SAM: You can't read lips.
Dean leans back.
DEAN: I can't read lips.
The man in the video uses magic to throw Dean back.
DEAN: You see that?
SAM: Yeah, of course. I think we got our witch. What you don't remember any of this?
DEAN: It's like watching myself on Netflix.
Dean shakes his head and grins at Sam.
Sam pauses the video to get a better look at the man Dean was following. He remembers seeing the man in a photo in Barry Gilman's office.
SAM: That guy look familiar to you? That jacket?
Sam looks at Dean, who shrugs.
SAM: Never mind. Stupid question. I think Barry had a picture of him in his office. I might be how you recognized him last night.
They continue watching the video and see Dean fire a shot at the man. This fact seems to greatly surprise Dean.
DEAN: And I take a shot. I know how to shoot a gun?
Sam looks concerned and doesn't answer.
They go out the back of the bar to the area they were watching on the security tape. Sam walks around with a flashlight looking for the place that Dean was and what direction he ran off.
SAM: All right, so...you crashed there. Uh...you ran that way. Uh, shot, uh...here.
Sam bends down and picks up a bullet casing.
SAM: Yep. Witch-killing bullet.
Dean appears to be losing focus and more memory.
DEAN: Wait.
Dean walks over to where Sam picked up the casing.
DEAN: Wait, wait, wait, wait. There are witches?
Dean seems quite excited by the prospect. Sam is even more concerned that Dean can't remember that, and puts his hand on Deans shoulder.
SAM: Dean...witches are real. Vampires, werewolves, witches, they're all real. And we kill them.
Dean takes a moment to process this information and then grins.
DEAN: Awesome. That's awesome.
Sam seems satisfied with that answer for the moment.
SAM: Right. Right. Come on.
Sam heads into the woods following the path Dean took before. Dean looks in his jacket pocket and is happily surprised to find a flashlight.
Dean turns the flashlight on and follows Sam into the woods, asking questions along the way.
DEAN: Okay, so wait. So—so djinns don't grant wishes, and sirens aren't all hot chicks?
SAM: Yeah. Sorry to break it to you.
DEAN: Huh.
They wander through the woods looking for clues. Sam scoffs at the way the conversation is going.
SAM: This is crazy.
DEAN: What?
SAM: Me giving you "the talk." You know how many times we've had to tell some civilian that monsters are real?
DEAN: Yeah, but monsters are real. And we're the guys that kill 'em, man. I mean, come on. Best job ever.
SAM: Yeah. If you like greasy diner food, crappy motel rooms, more than one Apocalypse.
DEAN: I don' t know. We kinda sound like heroes to me.
They come upon a tree that has a bloody handprint and a bullet hole in it.
SAM: Hey
He points to the tree. Dean touches the bullet hole.
DEAN: Whoa.
Suddenly he turns around and smacks Sam on the shoulder.
DEAN: And our best friend's an angel. What?!
Sam turns around concerned.
SAM: We just gotta get you cured.
He starts walks again.
DEAN: Yeah. Okay.
He follows Sam through the woods.
They come up to another tree with strange markings on it. They stop and look closer.
SAM: Hey.
DEAN: Whoa. Okay, now, these? Freaky.
Dean laughs, but Sam is distracted by the markings.
SAM: No, they're just, uh, glyphs. Witches use them in spells, but I've actually never seen anything like this before. Maybe Rowena will recognize 'em.
DEAN: Maybe. Who's Rowena? That's a weird name.
Dean starts to wander a bit as Sam takes a picture of the glyphs to send to Rowena.
DEAN: S-S-Sam! Sam!
Sam goes over to where Dean is standing.
SAM: What?
Dean looks up at Sam and points down at the ground.
DEAN: Is that a dead guy?
SAM: Yeah. I think that's our witch.
DEAN: Cool.
Dean seems slightly scared/excited about seeing a dead body.
SAM: No, Dean. Killing the witch was supposed to be the cure. So if he's already dean, they why aren't you...you.
Dean has a stricken look.
DEAN: Not cool. Okay, what now?
SAM: Now we get out of here. Let's go. Come on.
DEAN: Okay.
They turn and head back out of the woods.

Scene opens showing the body that Sam and Dean found earlier. Two people approach him. They are distraught at finding him dead. The woman seems more upset and angry than the man.
WOMAN: Oh, hunters!
She crouches down to put her hand on the dead man's head.
WOMAN: Poor Gideon.
MAN: This is why he told us to leave the accountant alone.
The woman looks angrily up at the man.
WOMAN: That tub of guts stole from us. He deserved what he got.
MAN: They're on us, Cat. We have to run.
She stands up to face the man.
CAT: I am not going to run! And I don't care what Gideon said.
MAN: So what? You wanna kill them, too?
She exhales angrily and then looks down at Gideon sadly.
CAT: I want my family back.

Scene opens on Sam's laptop screen which has a picture of Gideon's body on it from the previous night. Dean is also looking in fascination at the screen.
DEAN: Is that a dead guy?
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: Whoa. Never seen a dead guy before.
Sam shakes his head slightly and laughs.
SAM: Uh, yeah, you have. Trust me.
DEAN: Hmm.
Dean stands up. There is a knock on the door and both boys turn to look at the door. Dean heads towards it.
SAM: Hey! No, D-Dean, wait a second.
Sam pulls out his gun and aims towards the door as Dean opens it to reveal Rowena standing there. She steps through the door.
DEAN: Who are you?
Rowena turns towards Sam.
ROWENA: Spell's progressed, I see.
Sam doesn't say anything and Rowena walks past Dean into the room.
DEAN: You --
Dean closes the door and walks back to the center of the room.
SAM: I wanted intel, Rowena, not a house call.
Rowena turns away from Sam to look over Dean to assess the spell that's been cast on him.
ROWENA: Oh, I have a feeling you'll come to thank me.
Dean reaches out and touches Rowena's hair.
DEAN: Mm, your hair, it's all so bouncy.
Dean grins at Rowena's hair as he lets it go. Rowena laughs and smiles widely at Dean.
ROWENA: Why, thank you.
DEAN: Mm-hmm.
Rowena turns her head to look at Sam behind her.
ROWENA: Do we have to fix him?
Sam looks unhappily at her.
SAM: Rowena.
Rowena turns back to Dean to continue assessing him.
ROWENA: Samuel. Those glyphs you found are an archaic form of Celtic. Ogham Chraobh. The Druids used it in their rituals, calling it the "Language of the Trees."
DEAN: Wait, wait. Now the trees are talkin'?
Both Sam and Rowena look up at Dean. Sam seems a bit startled. Rowena moves around behind Dean.
SAM: Uh, Deah, do you remember HBO?
Dean gets a confused look
DEAN: Um...
SAM: Cinemax?
Dean's face clears and he grins.
DEAN: Skinemax.
Sam give Dean 2 thumbs up and then grabs him by the should and guides him to sit on one of the beds.
SAM: Great. All right, come here. We're just gonna --
SAM: We're gonna sit you down right here. And, uh, yeah, go ahead. Um...
Dean looks around at Rowena and Sam amused.
DEAN: This like live Skinemax or...
Sam grabs the TV remote and turns it on. Scooby-Doo comes on screen.
FRED (on TV): How 'bout two?
The screen shows Scooby cowering on the ground. Dean looks at the TV happily.
DEAN: Hey!
SCOOBY-DOO (on TV): Three?
FRED (on TV): Okay, three.
Sam walks past Dean who is now watching TV.
SAM: Perfect. Stay there.
He motions Rowena to follow him to the desk area.
SAM: Come here.
Rowena walks over to stand beside Sam as he sits on his laptop.
ROWENA: There's only one family of witches versed in this kind of magic. I thought them all dead for years, but when I saw those glyphs...
Sam shows Rowena the photo of Gideon's body.
SAM: Is this one of 'em?
ROWENA: Gideon Loughlin
Sam turns to look at her hearing the tone of her voice.
SAM: Did you know him?
Rowena looks a bit angry.
ROWENA: A bit.
Sam turns back to his computer.
SAM: All right, tell me about this family.
ROWENA: A hundred years ago, the Loughlins came over from the Old World and turned a small town on the Mississippi Delta into their own personal fiefdom.
As she speaks, the camera pans over a large secluded house. There is an SUV parked out front. The man and woman from earlier are standing at the bottom of the steps as one of their servants carries the body of Gideon into the house.
ROWENA: Their children—Gideon, Boyd, and Catrina were like three rotten little peas in a pod. The family possessed a powerful spell book, a tome of Druidic magic called the Black Grimoire.
As Rowena continues to speak we see the man and woman (Boyd and Catrina) follow their brother's body inside. He is place on a large table and black stones are placed on his closed eyes. Catrina is seen placing a large book on a stand and looking at a particular spell. She looks up from the book and gives a determined nod as Boyd continues to walk around Gideon's body, placing objects around him.
ROWENA: Witches came from around the world to live with them and study its secrets... for a price.
SAM: So what happened to 'em?
Sam turns to look up at Rowena. She gives him a look.
ROWENA: Hunters happened. Of course, I'd heard rumors one or two survived, stealing away with their book, but I-I dismissed them as gossip.
Dean starts laughing at the TV and Sam and Rowena turn around to look at him. He sees them looking at him and turns back to the TV to keep watching. Sam and Rowena turn back around.
ROWENA: With Gideon dead, if you want to break the curse on you brother, we need to find that book.
Sam looks up at Rowena a bit surprised.
SAM: Wait a second, you can't break it?
Rowena looks insulted and makes a face at Sam.
ROWENA: Oh, of course I could, but witchcraft this complex would take time.
She turns to look at Dean still watching Scooby-Doo.
ROWENA: More time than Dean's got. He's already begun to forget himself, everyone he's ever known, ever loved.
She turns back to Sam. Dean looks away from the TV to watch them talking.
ROWENA: Even you. Soon he'll forget how to speak, how to swallow, and then...Dean Winchester's going to die.
Dean makes a slightly concerned face.
DEAN: Sucks for that guy.
Rowena and Sam turn to look at Dean. Dean shakes his head a bit.
DEAN: Huh.
Rowena and Sam turn back to look at each other with looks of growing concern on their faces.

Scene shifts to the bathroom of the motel where Sam and Dean are sitting, Sam having just told Dean his life's story. Both boys seem worried about the spell's progression.
DEAN: So after everything... that's it. This is what nails me.
SAM: No. No, no, Dean, I-It...
Sam takes a deep breath.
SAM: It's not gonna happen, all right?
Dean turns to Sam, starting to look a bit scared at what's happening.
DEAN: Well, you just told me my whole life story. And I gotta be honest, man, I... I can feel it, slipping out of my head. I mean ganking monsters is one thing. But this...
Dean covers his face with his hand.
SAM: You know, uh, we're gonna, um... We'll figure it out. All right? We will.
Both boys look upset. Sam puts his hand on Dean's shoulder, then stands up and exit's the bathroom back into the main room where Rowena is sitting on a bed waiting for him. She stands up as Sam walks into the room.
ROWENA: How is he?
Sam stares at her and then walks past her.
SAM: Like you care.
Rowena looks offended.
Sam walks over and sits on a bed.
SAM: You know, I'be seen my brother die, but watching him become... not him... This might actually be worse.
Cut back to Dean in the bathroom. He is splashing his face with water and looking intently into the mirror at his reflection.
DEAN: Ahh. Okay. My name is Dean Winchester. Sam is my brother. Uh, Mary Winchester is my mom. And Cast—Cas is my best friend.
He sighs and looks unsure about everything he just said.
Cut back to Sam and Rowena. Rowena is standing in front of Sam.
ROWENA: We need to find that grimoire.
Sam looks up at Rowena. He shakes his head and looks away smiling angrily.
SAM: Of course. Of course. That's your angle, isn't it?
Rowena looks at Sam as though she doesn't know what he means.
SAM: Oh, come on Rowena. A powerful spell book shows up and all of a sudden, you’re here to help? Altruism isn't exactly your style.
Rowena looks resigned and give a small smile.
ROWENA: True. Also, it never hurts to have a Winchester owe you one.
Cut back to the bathroom where Dean is still staring intently into the mirror.
DEAN: My name is Dean Wi—Winchester.
He looks down as he realizes he barely remembers his name. He looks up again to try agin.
DEAN: My name—My name is...
The fear on his face is visible as he doesn't remember his name.
DEAN: My... My name is—is...
He stares into the mirror completely disbelieving and lost.
Cut back to the main room. Same stands up off the bed and grabs his coat.
SAM: Gideon Loughlin's address was in his accountant's file. If the book is there, I'll find it.
Rowena smiles and starts to follow him.
ROWENA: Of course, you'll need me there to help--
Sam walks past her and holds his hand up to her.
SAM: No, no, you're staying here with Dean.
Rowena is quite upset by what he says.
ROWENA: I most certainly am not.
Sam turns to face her.
SAM: Well, he can't come with me, and I'm not leaving him alone. And I obviously don't trust you.
ROWENA: Well, obviously.
Rowena calms down a bit and starts to smile at Sam.
ROWENA: The Black Grimoire's written in ancient Druid. How do you propose to find a proper spell without me there to--
Sam cuts her off.
SAM: Well, you said a few of the Loughlin's survived, right?
ROWENA: That was the rumor. So you expect one of them to—to what? Translate their ancient super secret family spell book for you? You just killed their brother. They'd sooner use your skin as an outfit.
Sam nods his head and pulls out his gun to show Rowena, who is unimpressed.
SAM: They can try.
Sam leaves the hotel room and Rowena rolls her eyes at him.
Cut back to Dean in the bathroom, still staring in fear at his reflection.
DEAN: My... My... I don’t know.

Scene opens with the impala driving by. Cut to the inside of the motel room where Dean is now standing restlessly inside of a circle while Rowena gathers things, apparently getting ready to do a spell. Dean keeps moving the items around. Rowena is getting annoyed with it.
ROWENA: Stop touching everything.
Rowena takes a small bottle from him.
DEAN: Sorry.
Dean spins around in a circle and when he faces the table again, he grabs the same bottle again. Rowena grabs it from him again and gives him a voodoo doll and some pins to play with while she does her spell work.
ROWENA: Ugh. Here. Play with this, and I'll tell you a story.
Dean takes the doll and turns away from her.
DEAN: Okay.
She continues what she was doing while talking to Dean. Dean is playing with the doll.
ROWENA: Once, a beautiful witch was, again, run out of her homeland by those pompous, self-righteous, murderous hooligans. You know them as The British Men of Letters.
Dean looks over at her and nods slightly before turning back to the doll
DEAN: Hmm.
ROWENA: She sought refuge with a family of witches. All she wanted was a roof over her head and a safe place to hone her magic. Yet they threw her out like... like she was common trash. Said she wasn't up to snuff.
Dean turns to look at Rowena again.
DEAN: Oh, these witches sound like dicks. I think you got plenty of snuff.
Rowena seems surprised by his statement and laughs.
ROWENA: You can really remember nothing, can you? What a gift not to recall the things you've done.
She looks away from Dean back down to the table with her things on it. Dean looks back over at her.
DEAN: What have I done?
She stops and looks back up at Dean.
ROWENA: Oh, you're a killer Dean Winchester.
Dean seems unsure about this information.
The camera pans over the large house the Loughlin's live in. The black SUV and the servant are still out front. The man is drinking something when Sam comes up behind him, gun cocked. The man raises his hands.
SAM: Who's inside?
Cut back to Dean at the motel. He looks confusedly at Rowena.
DEAN: Wait, I... I kill people?
As Dean speaks, we see the man Sam was behind fall to the ground, dead.
ROWENA: Scores.
Cut back to motel.
ROWENA: But... but... though you may be a stubborn pain in the arse with the manners of a Neanderthal and the dining habits of a toddler, everything you've done, you've done...
She stops and makes a disgusted face behind Dean's back.
ROWENA: for the greater good.
Dean doesn't seem impressed by this.
DEAN: Oh, and that's supposed to make it okay?
Rowena scoffs and turns away.
ROWENA: I wouldn't know. You help those other than yourself.
She walks around behind Dean and stands beside him. Dean still looks unsure.
ROWENA: But me I've done horrible things, and I told myself it was fine. It was the price of power. And power's what matters, right?
Rowena looks as though she's trying to convince herself that what she's saying is true.
ROWENA: Then I met God and his sister.
Dean gives her a "you met who" disbelieving look.
ROWENA: The two most powerful beings in the universe, wasting it on squabbling with each other. I thought, if—if they can't be happy, or at least satisfied, how can there be any hope for me?
Rowena looks at Dean as though she's hoping for an answer. Dean looks baffled as to what she wants him to say.
DEAN: Why are you telling me this?
Rowena smiles at him.
ROWENA: Because I know you won't remember.
She taps him on the nose with her finger and walks back around the table has her cellphone rings. It's Sam calling from the Loughlin house.
ROWENA: You're in?
Cut to Sam walking quietly in the front door. His phone on speaker and he's whispering.
SAM: Shh. Yeah, I'm in. All right. As soon as I get the translation, you cast the spell.
Rowena nods her head and Dean is leaning on the table listening to the conversation.
Sam tucks his phone into his jacket pocket and starts heading up the stairs. We see Cat inspecting a blue butterfly.
CAT: Hmm.
She pins the butterfly into a collection case. Sam slowly opens the door to the room she's in and slowly walks closer to her, gun drawn.
SAM: This gun is full of witch-killing bullets. So why don't you go to your grimoire and tell me how to break the memory spell.
Dean and Rowena wait in the motel room and listen. Cat turns to look at Sam, seemingly unsurprised that he's there.
CAT: Boyd wanted to go after you, but I said, "Why bother?" You're hunters. You'll hunt us down, right at our doorstep. Hot and... fresh like pizza.
She turns back to her butterflies.
SAM: I'm not asking you again.
Boyd walks into the room behind Sam. He casts a spell that throws Sam against a bookshelf.
BOYD: Abi!
Dean and Rowena are still listening through Sam's phone.
Cat starts to chant a spell, Rowena hears it but shakes her head at Dean. As Cat is chanting, her butterflies start to flutter their wings and a high pitched noise is heard, causing Sam to stop trying to get up and cover his ears.
CAT: Age nunc intellectum. Age nunc intellectum atque voluntatem omnem meam.
Cat looks satisfied with herself and laughs as Sam Screams in pain. Dean grows concerned hearing this over the phone.
DEAN: Sam?
SAM: Aah!

Scene opens at dusk with Dean just waking up in the passenger side of the Impala.
DEAN: Hmm?
He groggily looks around the car. And notices a note stuck to the windshield in front of him. He takes it down and reads it.
DEAN: "Your brother's been kidnapped by a witch. I found your stupid car and left you here." Stupid?
Dean looks around the car, and is about to open the door and get out. He sees another note on the passenger side window.
DEAN: "Stay."
He makes a face and leans back into the seat.
Cut back to the Loughlin house. Sam, apparently unconscious, is tied to a chair in the same room as Gideon's body. Boyd is checking Sam's bonds.
CAT: Boyd, you promised.
She picks up a long old looking box and walks back over towards the table
CAT: Without Gideon, we are not a family.
Boyd looks up at Cat.
BOYD: Well, you should'be thought of that before you went behind his back and pinata'd the accountant.
Cat looks over at Boyd and scoffs.
BOYD: Gideon told you to let it go.
Cat turns back to the box, now on the same table as Gideon.
CAT: And let us be cheated by some sniveling, weak human nothing?
Boyd finishes with Sam and walks over to Cat.
BOYD: You got our brother killed.
Cat doesn't look worried by that fact.
CAT: Mm. Well we...
She opens the box she just moved and reveals a black knife.
CAT: can bring him back.
They hear the door close and both turn to the sound. Cat seems annoyed at the interruption. She hands the knife to Boyd.
CAT: Do it. Please. For me?
She gives him a smile and he resignedly takes the knife from her. She leaves the room to go down to the door, brushing her hand against Gideon's head on her way. We see that Sam is pretending to be unconscious and has been listening to what they were saying. He quickly puts his head back down as Boyd turns around to face him with the knife in hand.
Cut to the foyer of the house. Rowena stands there expectantly. She turns to look up as she sees Cat coming down the stairs.
ROWENA: Catrina Loughlin. The years have not been kind.
Cat seems disgusted to see Rowena.
CAT: Who are you?
ROWENA: Rowena.
Cat doesn't recognize the name. Rowena is annoyed by that.
ROWENA: Rowena MacLeod?
Cut back to Sam. He is no longer pretending to be unconscious as Boyd begins work on the spell to bring Gideon back. Sam looks up and watches as Boyd cuts his palm with the black knife.
SAM: You don't wanna do this.
Boyd is not surprised Sam is awake and doesn't stop what he's doing.
BOYD: Well, well, well. Look who's awake.
Boyd squeezes the blood from his palm into a bowl as walks to Gideon's head as Sam speaks.
SAM: Okay, so whatever your sister has planned, you don't have to do it.
Boyd looks up at Sam
BOYD: You mean, swapping your soul for his?
Sam looks startled at this information. Boyd smiles slightly as he looks back down at Gideon and continues.
BOYD: I'm afraid I do.
Boyd draws a glyph on Gideon's forehead in blood. Sam looks worried and starts working to loosen his hands from the rope they're tied with.
Cut back to the foyer. Cat seems to recognize Rowena's full name.
CAT: Raggedy Ann.
ROWENA: Excuse me?
Cat starts to descend the stairs as she speaks.
CAT: I remember you – a rag doll all huddled up on our doorstep. I swore I could see the fleas nibbling away at whatever the hell was left of that dirty little body of yours. And still... still, you thought you were worthy of our magic.
Rowena watches her coming down the stairs. Cat gets to the bottom and stands facing Rowena. Rowena turns to face Cat as Cat step closer to her taunting her.
CAT: And when we disagreed... Oh... how you begged, how you threw yourself down and... offered yourself to each of us.
Rowena closes her eyes, trying to contain her anger. Cat makes a disgusted face at her.
CAT: Boyd almost took you up on it, too. But I told him, it would be cleaner with the pigs.
ROWENA: You know what they say?
CAT: Hmm?
ROWENA: Nothing heals old wounds like opening fresh ones.
CAT: Hmm.
Rowena pulls her hand out of her jacket pocket and hurls magic at Cat, causing her to go flying into a mirror hanging behind her and breaking it. Glass shards litter the ground around her.
CAT: Oh!
Cut to Dean out in the Impala. He looks again at the note saying "Stay" , takes it down and decides to ignore it. He gets out and opens the trunk, where he finds another note saying "Open Me". He opens the hidden compartment in the trunk and finds all the weapons, his gaze immediately falling on a very large gun. On the gun is a note saying "NO". He sighs and keeps looking. He sees another note that says "witch-killing bullets" and one last note that says "This Gun".
Cut back to the foyer. Cat, still on the floor, pins Rowena to the wall. She starts to get up while tauntingly singing.
CAT: I'm just a little girl, I'm Raggedy Ann. Oh, Raggedy Ann. Falling apart
Cat gets up off the floor.
CAT: At the seams.
Cat picks up a shard of glass and throws it at Rowena. It lands very close to her face and she moves her head away quickly.
Cat looks disappointed that she missed.
CAT: I've never been very good at darts. Do over.
She claps her hands excitedly and begins to sing again as she looks for another glass shard.
CAT: Just a little girl, Raggedy Ann. Oh, Raggedy Ann.
She bends down and picks up another shard. She stands up to inspect it. She is about to throw it at Rowena when she hears the sound of a gun cocking. She turns and sees Dean standing there with a gun pointed at her. She seems to think Dean is an idiot for trying to shoot her with a gun. She laughs.
CAT: A gun? You really think that's gonna work on a...
Dean holds up the note that says "witch-killing bullets". Cat just scoffs and turns away. Dean shoots her and she goes down. Rowena falls to the floor. Boyd and Sam are both startled by the gunshot. Sam gets his hands free and throws himself at Boyd knocking the knife out of Boyd's hand. He punches Boyd, knocking him further away and picks up the knife. Boyd makes the knife too hot for Sam to hold and he drops it again.
SAM: Aah!
Boyd runs out of the room and down the stairs, Sam follows. Dean sees them coming down the stairs and aims his gun at them. Boyd freezes on the landing, Sam freezes a few stairs up. Dean is confused as to who he should shoot. He point the gun at Sam.
SAM: No, no, no. Brother.
He points to himself.
SAM: Witch.
He points to Boyd. Dean trust him and shoots Boyd, who goes down. Sam looks extremely relieved. Dean looks quite proud of himself and gives Sam a thumbs up.

Scene opens to Sam waiting impatiently in the foyer. There is a flash of purple light at the top of the stairs. We can hear Rowena saying a spell. Rowena and Dean emerge from the room and start walking down the stairs. Sam looks anxiously up at them.
SAM: Hey. Is that it? Is—is it done?
DEAN: Who's this hippie?
Sam looks horrified that Dean doesn't recognize him. After a few moments he and Rowena chuckle.
DEAN: Look at his face. Oh! Kind of like the time when i ate all your Halloween candy. You remember that? Classic.
Sam is not amused by Deans joke. He shakes his head and half smiles.
SAM: Not funny.

Scene opens to Rowena carrying her bag to a waiting cab from the motel. The boys follow behind her.
DEAN: I can't believe you called Rowena.
SAM: I can't believe you rode Larry.
DEAN: Hey. I was awesome on that bull. I was like a god.
Rowena is standing at the open door to the cab and turns to face the boys.
ROWENA: Now, should you experience any odd memories from when you where hexed, conversations, you let me know?
Dean stares at Rowena.
DEAN: It's blank, mostly. Really.
Rowena seems satisfied with that answer, and gets into the cab and closes the door. Sam goes up to the open window of the cab.
SAM: Oh, just a second.
ROWENA: If you want to thank me, you can send a wee gift basket.
SAM: The book.
Rowena stares at Sam for a moment, then sighs and reaches over for the book and hands it to him.
ROWENA: You're no fun.
SAM: We owe you one. Small one.
The cab drives away as Sam tucks the book under his arm. Dean walks up beside Sam and they watch the cab drive away.
SAM: So how you holding up after the spell?
DEAN: That thing kicked my ass.
They start walking over to the Impala.
SAM: You know, I gotta be honest. I was actually, uh, a little jealous at first.
DEAN: Oh what? The curse that nearly killed me?
They reach the Impala and speak over it. Sam places the book on the roof of the car.
SAM: No, just, you know... some of the things we've done, we've had this weight for... forever. And seeing it gone, uh, you looked happy.
DEAN: Huh. Well, look, was it nice to drop our baggage? Yeah, maybe. Hell, probably. But it wasn't just the crap that got lost. I mean, it was everything. It was us, it was what we do, you know? All of it. So... that's what being happy looks like? I think I'll pass.
Dean takes out his keys and has them in his hands as he places his hands on the roof of the car. Sam looks at him for a moment.
SAM: It's the, uh, the shiny one that's--
Dean rolls his eyes at Sam.
DEAN: Get in the car.

We see a video montage of Dean riding Larry, Dean looking at the rabbit when he woke up after the spell, Dean gagging in the morgue, back to Larry, getting smacked by the woman at the waffle house, back to Larry, Dean watching Scooby-Doo in the motel, Larry, Finding out they have an angel for a best friend in the woods, Larry, finding mini vodka bottles in the motel fridge, Larry, Rowena tapping Dean's nose, finishing with Dean laying back on Larry.
Music during the montage is Broomstick Cowboy by Bobby Goldsboro.



Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (10.10.2019 à 22:16)

Même si le thème de l'amnésie n'est pas nouveau ni très original il est très bien amené et le fait que ce soit progressif est très intelligent. C'est vrai que ça faisait longtemps qu'on n'avait pas vu Dean si détendu et heureux. J'ai adoré la scène de scooby doo qui appelle un futur épisode.  Et il n'y a que moi qui ai un doute sur le livre remis par rowena ?


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