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#11.01 : Amara

LES WINCHESTER FONT FACE A LEUR PLUS GRANDE MENACE - Les choses reprennent là où la saison 10 s'est arrêtée et Dean et Sam doivent faire face aux Ténèbres qui viennent juste d'être libérées. Castiel doit gérer les effets du sort jeté par Rowena et se remémore son brutal combat contre Crowley.


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Out of the Darkness, Into The Fire

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11.01 Promo

11.01 Promo


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Crowley (Mark Sheppard) face à deux démons

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) face à deux démons

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) sortant une mitraillette de sa voiture

Dean (Jensen Ackles) sortant une mitraillette de sa voiture

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en dehors de l'hôpital

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en dehors de l'hôpital

Mike Schneider (Aaron Hill) montrant son bébé à Jenna Nickerson (Laci J Mailey)

Mike Schneider (Aaron Hill) montrant son bébé à Jenna Nickerson (Laci J Mailey)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) à l'hôpital avec Mike Schneider (Aaron Hill) et son bébé

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) à l'hôpital avec Mike Schneider (Aaron Hill) et son bébé

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Castiel (Misha Collins) s'apprêtant à se battre

Castiel (Misha Collins) s'apprêtant à se battre

Castiel (Misha Collins) blessé

Castiel (Misha Collins) blessé

Dean (Jensen Ackles) protégeant  Jenna Nickerson (Laci J Mailey) et le bébé

Dean (Jensen Ackles) protégeant Jenna Nickerson (Laci J Mailey) et le bébé


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jeremy Carver
Réalisé par : Robert Singer


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Emily Swallow... Amara

Lacy J. Mailey... Jenna Nickerson





Résumé de la saison précédente.

Dean se retrouve entouré par les Ténèbres, quand il aperçoit une femme. Il l'appelle, lui demande ce qu'il se passe. Elle se retourne légèrement. Puis, Sam se réveille dans l'Impala, interpelé par le bruit incessant du klaxon. Il sort pour l'arrêter et se remémore le moment où les Ténèbres ont submergé la voiture. Il se souvient avoir vu son frère disparaitre et puis, il s'est évanoui. Sam part alors à la recherche de Dean, qu'il retrouve allongé au milieu de fleurs sauvages. Là, il le réveille, l'aide à se relever. Dean se souvient à son tour être passé de l'Impala, au milieu des Ténèbres, après avoir aperçu la silhouette de la femme qu'il a rencontré. Il tente d'expliquer à son frère que les Ténèbres, c'est-à-dire, la jeune femme, l'a sauvé.


Sam et Dean, en retournant à l'Impala, tentent de faire un point sur les événements. Dean explique à son frère que Darkness l'a remercié de l'avoir libérée. Sam lui fait remarquer que c'est lui qui a mis le sort en place, mais Dean lui rapelle que c'était lui le porteur de la marque. En revanche, il ne sait rien de plus. Ils ne savent pas non plus ce que Darkness peut savoir, puisqu'elle a été enfermée depuis la nuit des temps. Mais Dean est sûr d'une chose ; Sam et lui lui ont permis d'être libre, ils doivent régler le problème. Il remonte dans l'Impala sous l'oeil perplexe de Sam, puis ressort immédiatement en se rappelant que la roue arrière gauche est toujours coincée dans une flaque de boue.

Castiel, toujours affecté par le sort jeté par Rowena, est planqué dans une cabane de fermier. Tandis que le fermier et ses deux fils sont à sa recherche, après avoir découvert le cadavre de leur chien, Cas' se rappelle du moment où il a attaqué Crowley et lui a planté sa lame angélique dans le dos. Il revit le moment plusieurs fois jusqu'à ce qu'il se rappelle avoir vu la fumée rouge du démon sortir du corps avant le coup fatal. Crowley est toujours vivant. Castiel se relève quand le plus jeune fils entre dans la cabane, armé d'un fusil. Cas' le prévient qu'il vaudrait mieux qu'il s'enfuie, car il ne peut se contrôler. L'ange s'approche, force le jeune à lever le fusil en l'air. Un coup de feu part et le jeune s'enfuie. Dans le même temps, le fermier et son fils aîné arrivent, alors que Castiel sort de la cabane. Il part en courant en évitant les balles qui fusent dans sa direction.

Dean et Sam arrivent sur une portion de route en travaux. Là, ils découvrent un véritable carnage. Plusieurs cadavres sur le sol, et une famille entière décédée dans leur voiture. Sur place se trouve une voiture de police, également. Tandis que Dean et Sam tentent de comprendre ce qu'il s'est passé, un ouvrier sort de derrière un camion. Ses veines sont noircies sur le côté droit de sa gorge et il avance, menaçant, vers les boys. Alors qu'il est au plus prêt d'eux, malgré leurs avertissements, il s'écroule, touché par une balle en plein coeur. Une jeune officier de police sort de derrière sa voiture. Elle exige que Dean et Sam lui montrent leurs cous, afin de vérifier qu'ils sont cleans. Une fois fait, elle accepte de voir leurs badges. Après quoi, elle leur explique qu'elle et son équipe ont été appelés sur place après qu'une famille a été attaquée par des ouvriers municipaux. Lorsqu'ils sont arrivés, ils ont eux-même été attaqués par les ouvriers, qui se comportaient comme s'ils étaient enragés. Ils ont tué tout le monde, sauf elle, qui a réussi à se cacher, mais qui s'est blessé au flanc en le faisant. Dean lui propose de l'emmener à l'hôpital le plus proche, afin de la soigner.

Arrivés devant l'hôpital, ils découvrent un désert. Tandis que Dean s'approvisionne en armes de toutes sortes dans le coffre de la voiture, Sam tente d'échafauder une hypothèse : Darkness est probablement responsable de cette mystérieuse infection. Les Winchester n'ont pas été touchés parce qu'ils étaient à l'abri dans l'Impala et aussi parce qu'apparemment, Darkness semble vouloir protéger Dean. En revanche, ceux qui étaient à l'extérieur au moment où la fumée noire a envahi le terrain ont été exposés. Donc, ils pourraient avoir affaire à une sorte de mutation. C'est tous ce qu'ils peuvent déduire pour le moment. L'important en cet instant est de soigner l'officier et ensuite, ils travailleront à connaitre leur ennemi. Ils entrent dans l'hôpital, après avoir installé l'officier dans une chaise roulante. Comme à l'extérieur, l'endroit est désert. Sam décide d'aller inspecter les environs, tandis que Dean va s'occuper de la blessure de l'officier.

Lorsque Sam arrive dans un couloir, il se cache derrière un comptoir quand il aperçoit un infecté frappant furieusement une porte pour l'enfoncer. L'infecté l'entend et se retourne dans sa direction, mais lorsqu'un bébé se met à pleurer, il retourne à son activité première. Pendant ce temps, Dean nettoie et recoud la plaie de l'officier. La jeune femme se sent coupable d'avoir tiré sur des hommes qu'elle connaissait et dont elle connaissait les familles. Dean tente de la rassurer en lui expliquant qu'elle n'avait pas le choix, que ces hommes n'étaient plus ceux qu'elle avait connu. Pourtant, dit-elle, son job consiste normalement à sauver les gens, pas à les tuer. Dean réplique que la réalité est plus compliquée que cela. Puis, il se rapelle son entretien avec Darkness. Celle-ci lui a dit qu'elle se sentait en paix en sa présence et ici. Elle semble surprise que Dean lui dise qu'il sait qui elle est, elle qui était enfermée depuis si longtemps. En revanche, elle ne connait pas le dénommé Death dont Dean lui parle.

Lorsque tout redevient silencieux, Sam sort de sa cachette. L'infecté est tombé, raide mort. Sam frappe à la porte qu'il cherchait à enfoncer. Un homme lui répond en lui demandant si l'assaillant est mort. Sam le rassure, lui dit qu'il peut sortir et pour lui montrer qu'il n'y a plus de danger, il glisse son badge du FBI sous la porte. L'homme sort, un bébé dans les bras, et supplie Sam de les aider.

Pendant ce temps, Crowley se trouve un autre vaisseau ; celui de Marnie, femme mariée vivant dans une banlieue pavillonnaire et rentrant juste de ses courses. Même s'il vient de retrouver un corps, Crowley ne peut pas utiliser tous ses pouvoirs. Mais lorsqu'il aperçoit un pied de biche dans le coffre de la voiture, il retrouve le sourire. Il entre chez Marnie et est appelé par son mari qui lui explique qu'il est prêt à réaliser son fantasme d'une petite fête avec un couple d'amis. Crowley se montre très intéressé par la proposition.

A l'hôpital, Mike, le père du bébé, explique que l'accouchement de sa femme a mal tourné et que les médecins n'ont pas pu la sauver. Alors, il est sorti pour essayer de reprendre ses esprits, quand les ouvriers de la route sont venus attaquer les gens à l'hôpital. Mike a alors été chercher son bébé et s'est enfermé dans le placard du concierge où il est resté jusqu'à ce que Sam le trouve. Tandis qu'il parle, Sam se rend compte que les veines du cou de Mike sont en train de noircir. Il le fait remarquer à Dean puis demande à Mike si l'un des ouvriers a pu saigner sur lui. Mike le confirme. Jenna, l'officier, a l'air sceptique sur le fait que cette mystérieuse infection puisse se transmettre, mais Mike lui assure que c'est le cas, car il peut sentir l'infection se propager en lui. Il dit que cela fait environ trois ou quatre heures qu'il a été infecté. Reste à savoir combien de temps il lui reste avant de devenir enragé.

Castiel se planque tandis qu'une battue s'organise pour le retrouver. Il se met à prier pour obtenir l'aide des anges, en leur disant qu'il confesse toutes ses fautes et qu'il est prêt à accepter n'importe quelle punition qu'ils jugeront bon de lui donner, à condition qu'ils l'empêchent de faire plus de mal.

Dean sait déjà ce qu'il veut faire de Mike, mais Jenna s'y oppose. Sam propose d'enfermer Mike quelque part, jusqu'à ce qu'il meurt, car, d'après ce qu'il a vu, les infectés ont une espérance de vie très faible. Jenna est d'accord, à condition qu'ils mettent ce temps à profit pour trouver un remède, mais Dean lui fait remarquer que ce n'est pas une maladie que la médecine humaine peut soigner. Mike a pris une décision : il demande à Jenna de prendre soin de sa fille, tandis que lui partira trouver un coin tranquille où il attendra la mort. Jenna ne peut qu'accepter et prend le bébé, tandis que Mike s'en va. Dean sent que cette "solution" va mal tourner pour eux, mais ils n'ont plus le temps de se poser la question, ils doivent partir. Sauf que de la compagnie débarque.

Dean déballe ses armes, Sam tente de le raisonner. Dean est formel ; ils ne peuvent pas prendre le risque d'épargner les infectés, au risque qu'ils contaminent d'autres personnes et que tout ce chaos tourne à la tragédie. Ils sont responsables de ce qu'il se passe et ils n'ont pas le droit de laisser les choses empirer, pas plus qu'ils n'ont le luxe de se poser des questions. De plus, ils doivent sortir d'ici afin de sauver le bébé. C'est alors que Castiel appelle, il souhaite prévenir Sam que Rowena est partie avec le codex et le Livre des Damnés puis prend des nouvelles de Dean et veut s'assurer que la marque a disparu. Il est soulagé quand Dean le lui confirme. Puis, Sam et Dean lui demandent des informations sur Darkness, mais Cas' a du mal à croire qu'elle soit libre. Il ne semble pas en mesure de leur apporter des informations pour le moment et surtout, il n'en aura pas le temps, car il a lui-même de la compagnie. Il fait ses adieux à Sam et à Dean et raccroche. De part la conversation qu'elle a entendu, Jenna comprend que les Winchester ne sont pas du FBI.

Tandis que Castiel est interpelé par deux anges, Crowley reçoit ses deux sbires qu'il a appelé, après avoir profité de l'orgie, comme le lui fait remarquer l'un d'eux. Mais Crowley n'a pas l'intention de s'excuser de s'être amusé. En attendant, l'autre sbire lui confirme que son autre vaisseau est entre de bonnes mains.

Dean est toujours borné sur le fait qu'ils n'ont pas le choix ; ils doivent sortir et tirer dans le tas, mais Sam n'est pas d'accord. Ils doivent arrêter de répéter les mêmes erreurs ; ils doivent se souvenir de pourquoi ils font ce job, pour sauver les gens et ils ne peuvent pas faire une sélection. Les infectés sont malades, ils ne sont pas responsables de leur état, leur devoir est de trouver un remède, pas de les tuer. Sam assure à Dean que même sachant qu'il libérerait de nouveau les Ténèbres sur le monde pour sauver son frère, il le referait immédiatement, peu importe ce que Dean a à en dire. Mais la responsabilité n'incombe pas à son frère seul, mais à eux deux. C'est ensemble qu'ils doivent réparer leurs erreurs et c'est ensemble qu'ils doivent changer. Dean se radoucit et laisse Sam exprimer son idée ; Sam dit à Dean qu'il doit sortir Jenna et le bébé de là et les emmener en lieu sûr. Pendant ce temps, Sam fera diversion.

Dean s'oppose d'abord à cette idée, mais Sam finit par le convaincre que c'est la seule solution. Sam sort et emmène les infectés dans sa course, tandis que Dean et Jenna en profitent pour sortir discrètement de leur côté. Sam finit par s'enfermer dans un placard, tandis que les infectés essaient d'enfoncer la porte. Soudain, une infectée, présente dans le placard, saute sur Sam. Sam se débat et sans d'autre option, lui tranche la gorge avec le scalpel qu'elle tient. Le sang gicle directement dans la bouche de Sam. Peu après, les trois autres infectés sur ses traces entrent dans le placard et le maintiennent contre une étagère. L'infectée le sent, puis le lâche, imitée par les deux autres. Ils s'en vont, laissant Sam tranquille. Pendant ce temps, Dean et Jenna sont presque arrivés à la sortie, quand ils sont surpris par Mike, qui semble vouloir reprendre son bébé, tout en luttant de plus en plus difficilement contre l'infection qui se propage dans son corps. Jenna et Dean le tiennent en joug. Il leur dit alors que le bébé s'appelle Amara, puis il s'écroule et meurt. Dean et Jenna en profitent pour sortir du bâtiment.

Crowley récupère son vaisseau et tout semble aller pour le mieux, jusqu'à ce que ses sbires lui apprennent que les Ténèbres ont été libérées. Si cette nouvelle ne semble pas interpeler Crowley, l'autre nouvelle est plus inquiétante : en effet, la libération de Darkness a créé de l'agitation dans la cage de Lucifer et la rumeur veut que l'un des deux archanges tente d'avertir l'Enfer à ce sujet, ce qui commence à créer la panique chez les démons.

Castiel, à sa grande surprise, est fait prisonnier par les deux anges qui n'ont pas l'intention de le ramener au Paradis. Dean, de son côté, s'arrête à une station-service afin de permettre à Jenna de changer la couche d'Amara. Jenna confie à Dean qu'elle n'a aucune idée de ce qu'elle doit faire. Dean sait que les choses semblent confuses pour le moment, mais il lui assure que grâce à Amara elle pourra retrouver son chemin. Le bébé et elle vont s'aider mutuellement. Jenna s'éloigne pour changer Amara et Dean en profite pour téléphoner à Sam. Celui-ci réitère sa volonté de trouver un remède. Dean lui, explique que la ville dans laquelle il se trouve semble épargnée par l'infection pour le moment. Il explique qu'il va emmener Jenna chez sa grand-mère, puis qu'ils se mettront au boulot ensuite. Sam acquiesce et Dean raccroche.

Dean se remémore son entrevue avec Darkness, partie qu'il a omis de raconter à son frère ; en effet, Darkness lui a expliqué que lui et elle sont liés par la marque et que par conséquent, peu importe la distance qui les sépare, ils s'aideront toujours mutuellement. Sam, de son côté, a également omis de raconter à son frère que l'infection était en lui ; il s'approche d'un miroir et observe ses veines en train de noircir.

Pendant ce temps, Jenna change la couche d'Amara. C'est alors qu'elle se rend compte qu'Amara porte également la marque de Cain.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

Ext. Dean is surrounded by the Darkness cloud that was hurtling toward the car. He looks around wildly until a woman appears in front of him.

DEAN: Hey! The hell's going on?!

Ext. The camera finds Sam unconscious in the Impala, horn blaring.

SAM: (groans when he touches his face where Dean hit him) Ah! (Sam looks around and the scene of the Darkness coming out of the ground and rushing toward the car replays)

DEAN: Hold on!

SAM: (Dean disappears from the car) Dean?! Dean?!

SAM: (coming out of his reverie, he looks around) Dean?

Ext. Field of Flowers. The camera pans over and Dean is unconscious on the ground. Sam comes walking up the hill and sees Dean on the ground.

SAM: Hey! Hey! (Dean wakes, groans, and stands up.) You okay?

DEAN: Yeah. Where's the car?

SAM: I-i-it's . . . About a mile that way.

DEAN: What?

SAM: Seriously? The -- the darkness hit. You disappeared. You remember none of this?

Dean thinks back to the Darkness hitting.

DEAN: Hold on! (Dean sees the woman from the Darkness outside the car, and then he’s standing in front of her, outside in the cloud.)

DEAN: (Out of his memory) She saved me.

SAM: What? Who?

DEAN: The Darkness.


SAM: Wait a second. What do you mean, she saved you?

DEAN: You were there. When the storm hit, everything went dark.

SAM: Yeah, but you just disappeared from the car.

DEAN: I don't even remember that.

SAM: Well, I don't remember some woman pulling you out.

DEAN: Well, what do you want me to say, okay? I was in the car, and then I wasn't in the car. I was in the field, and she was there.

SAM: And she told you she was the darkness.

DEAN: No. She was wearing a nametag. What do you think? She thanked me.

SAM: For what?

DEAN: Setting her free.

SAM: You didn't set her free. I set her free.

DEAN: Does it matter? I mean, yeah, you said the spell, but I had the Mark, so lock and key.

SAM: So, what, now she feels indebted to you or something?

DEAN: I don't know. She's a Darkness. Does she feel anything?

SAM: And that's all she said? Thanks?

DEAN: Yeah. She was weird. But she had this energy about her, this -- this focus. But, yeah, not a talker.

SAM: So we know jack.

DEAN: Well, we know what she looks like, and we know that she's evil. The question is, what does she know? I mean, she's been locked away since the beginning of time. Does she even know what a cheeseburger is? All I know is that we set her free, and we're gonna put her back in, no matter what it takes. (Dean gets in the car, which is still stuck down in the pothole.) What the . . . Just gonna let me get in the car?

SAM: You were on a roll.

Ext. Camera pans on a shack in the middle of the woods. Castiel is crouched inside, remembering his altercation with Crowley. He flashes back to the building where Rowena left them.

CROWLEY: (as Castiel approaches) Don't! Please! (he blocks Castiel’s blow) You think you can kill me? You execrable -- (Castiel knocks Crowley onto the ground and stabs him with an angel blade.)

Ext. A hunter and two kids examine a dead dog on the property where Castiel is hiding. They split up to search the buildings. The camera flashes to Castiel who again remembers killing Crowley. But this time, the scene portrays Crowley smoking out of his meatsuit and escaping. The scene then returns to Castiel.

CASTIEL: No. He's still alive. (The door opens and the youngest of the three steps in, holding a shotgun on Castiel.) Don't make me hurt you. Do you hear me? I can't help myself. You have to run. (Castiel escapes)

Ext. Sam and Dean are in the Impala driving down the road when they come upon a gruesome scene.

DEAN: What the hell happened here?

SAM: (at a sound from behind them) Hello?

DEAN: (at the approaching creepy guy) Oh, that's not a happy sight. Hey, easy, buddy. Just stay cool till we figure out what's going here, okay? (creepy guy approaches) Kind of narrowing my options here.

SAM: We don't even know what he is.

A deputy shoots the creepy guy from behind and points her weapon at Sam and Dean.

DEPUTY (JENNA): Weapons on the ground. Slow.

DEAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, officer. We're FBI, okay? We got badges.

JENNA: (pumping shotgun) Don't. Show me some skin.

DEAN: Huh?

SAM: What?

JENNA: Both of you.

DEAN: Is this, like, a "Magic Mike" moment?

JENNA: Your throats!

SAM: Oh, you think we're -- we're . . . Look, we don't even know what these are.

JENNA: I need to know you're not one of 'em.

DEAN: One of what?

JENNA: Let's go!

DEAN: Okay, all right, look. Huh? See?

JENNA: Good. Let's see those IDs.

DEAN: Yeah, whoa. All right, take -- take it easy, okay? (gesturing to the deputy’s wound) Bad guys?

JENNA: Rebar. I sought cover. I fell.

DEAN: Okay. Why don't you tell us what happened here?

JENNA: 911 reported a family in distress. I arrived to find several hostiles attacking said family. Oh, God, it was horrible.

DEAN: How long you been on the job, deputy?

JENNA: Uh . . . Okay, three weeks.

DEAN: Okay, ah. I'm Dean. This is Sam. Just breathe. Okay? Speak plain. What happened?

JENNA: They killed them all.

SAM: Who?

JENNA: Road crew. It was -- they were like rabid dogs. I fired off a warning, but they didn't stop. They . . .

DEAN: You killed all these?

JENNA: I knew some of the boys, but they didn't look -- something was wrong. They were . . .

SAM: They're not human.

DEAN: Hey, look, I can stitch that up, but, uh, it's gonna be ugly. You got a hospital around here?

JENNA: Up the road.

DEAN: All right. Here we go.

Ext. Sam, Dean, and Jenna drive up to the hospital, which does not look encouraging. They get out of the car and enter the hospital.

DEAN: Well, this is encouraging. (gesturing to Jenna) Wait here.

SAM: So, what are you thinking?

DEAN: I don't really know what to think. And I don't know what to expect either, so I'm just gonna chuck it all in.

SAM: This is the darkness, right? It's got to be.

DEAN: So, what, she shows up and everybody goes "28 Days Later"? We didn't.

SAM: Yeah, but I was in the car, and you were -- you said she protected you. So, I mean maybe it wasn't her. Maybe it was the smoke, and anybody who was outside, like the road crew, they were exposed. I mean, you saw that. That wasn't human.

DEAN: So, what? The smoke mutated 'em? Sure, why not? Just a couple hours ago, I killed Death. I'm pretty much open for anything. But mutated into what? All right, you know what, one thing at a time. Let's just get her some help and then we'll deal with whatever comes next.

JENNA: I got to call this in. (referring to the destruction and bodies all over the hospital)

DEAN: No, bad idea. More people, more bodies. We'll deal with this.

SAM: You know what, Dean, I'm gonna take a look around. You sew her up. (Sam walks off on his own)

DEAN: All right. You know this place?

JENNA: This way.

DEAN: Okay.

Int. hospital hallway. Sam sneaks down a hallway and finds a one of the road crew trying to break its way into a supply closet. It approaches where Sam is hiding, but then a baby cries and it goes back to pounding on the closet.

Int. hospital exam room with Dean and Jenna. Dean is prepping supplies to sew Jenna up.

DEAN: This is gonna hurt like a son of a bitch.

JENNA: I knew those boys' sisters, their parents.

DEAN: You did what you were trained to do. It's all right.

JENNA: They don't train you to shoot your friends. I panicked. I could have . . .

DEAN: Those boys weren't boys. They were monsters, and they were a threat. Anybody could have panicked. Not anybody could have done what you did.

JENNA: This job is supposed to be saving people.

DEAN: Yeah, well . . . It sounds better on paper, doesn't it?

Ext. Darkness Cloud Flash back: Dean is back in the cloud with the Darkness.

DEAN: Well, now that you've said your thanks, let's talk about what happens next.

DARKNESS: I like it here. With you. I haven't felt this peaceful in a long, long time.

DEAN: Well, let's get something straight -- I'm not here to bring you peace. I know what you are.

DARKNESS: Really? I've been gone so long, I didn't think anyone remembered.

DEAN: Well, Death painted a hell of a picture.

DARKNESS: I don't know this death, and he doesn't know me.

DEAN: (holding up a knife) So, are you saying I shouldn't try and kill you right now?

DARKNESS: Am I saying that? Or are you?

Int. hospital hallway. Sam is hiding behind the desk, when he hears a large crash. Peeking around the corner, the road crew monster has collapsed and died. Sam knocks on the door of the closet.

SAM: Hello? Hello?

MAN IN CLOSET: Is he dead?

SAM: Yeah, um . . . Yeah, he's dead. It's okay to come out. I'm, uh, FBI. Here. I'm gonna slide my badge under the door, okay?

(the door opens and a man with an infant comes into the hallway)

MAN: Help us, please.

Ext Residential neighborhood. Red smoke comes pouring out of a sewer and flows into an SUV parked on the street. A woman gets out and goes to unload her groceries, only to have Crowley possess her. He snaps his fingers, but nothing happens.

CROWLEY: Bollocks. Hmm. Old-school it is. (he picks up the tire iron and goes into the house.)

CROWLEY: Vanilla spice?

MAN: Marn? Down here!

CROWLEY: Hmm. (walks down the stairs to find three people waiting) What's going on?

MARN’S HUSBAND: You just sit your tush down, okay? Just let me get this out. I've been thinking a lot about what you said -- and -- and I know, I lost my chickens when you put it out there. But it's not every day that your wife tells you that she wants to watch you get a party started with your best friends. I mean, am I right?

CROWLEY: Hmm. Go on.

MARN’S HUSBAND: So, I slept on it and I prayed on it, and then it came to me. YOLO.


DALE: "You only live once."


DALE: Sorry.

MARN’S HUSBAND: So, I called Dale, and he said . . .

DALE: H-E-double-hockey-sticks yeah!

MARN’S HUSBAND: Dale ran it by Deb . . .

DEB: We were only gonna get buffet anyway.

MARN’S HUSBAND: And here we are. I didn't think I'd be this nervous, but . . .

DALE: Hey, hey, hey. Don't worry. We'll be gentle - not!

DEB: Oh, Dale!

MARN’S HUSBAND: Anyhoo, it's your day, birthday girl. You just say go, and, heck -- we will light this candle.

DEB: (noticing the tire iron) Marn? Everything okay with the car?

CROWLEY: Oh. It's fine. Just fine.

Int. Exam room in the hospital with Dean, Sam, Jenna, and the man with the baby, Mike.

MIKE: The doc said it was gonna be a tough birth, but Janie . . . she stepped up. The twister hit, the power went out. She just kept on going. No drugs. Just pushed out this little dewdrop like she was nothing. Then Janie started bleeding. They tried, but . . . You'd think they'd know how to stop something like that.

JENNA: I'm so sorry, Mike.

DEAN: You think you could tell us what happened here?

MIKE: I went outside, after . . . t’collect myself. A truckload of 'em pulled up.

SAM: The road crew?

MIKE: They didn't say nothing. They just went off, attacking folks like they were possessed. I tore back inside to get this little one. I found that supply closet, and you know, been there since. I could hear them, though. Tearing through the halls. Doctors, nurses -- they didn't care.

SAM: You said the road crew went nuts. Did any of them come after you?

MIKE: Yeah, a few of them.

SAM: Did they cut you or bleed on you?

MIKE: They did.

JENNA: I don't understand. What are you saying?

DEAN: Saying that whatever this is, it might be transmittable.

JENNA: What? We don't even know what this is. Now you're saying it can be passed on?

MIKE: He's right. I can feel it. Inside. Something's happening.

DEAN: How long has it been since you were attacked?

MIKE: Three, four hours. The real question is, how long till I become like them?

Ext. road at night with cop cars and a big truck pull up. The camera pans back to show Castiel hiding in the trees. He gets down on his knees.

CASTIEL: Brothers, sisters . . . I know I have no right, I have no standing to ask you -- you anything, but these are desperate times, so ask I must. I confess my transgressions, and I will accept whatever punishment you dole out. Now, I . . . I ask you to help me. Please. Save me from doing worse.

Int. Exam room in the hospital. Dean, Sam, Mike, and Jenna continue their conversation.

DEAN: Well, you know where I stand.

JENNA: No, you're not . . . You can't be serious. And if he goes out there, they'll kill him.

DEAN: So, we just wait around for him to kill us? Oh, yeah, that's -- that's a plan.

SAM: Or we just wait for him to die. There was a -- whatever you want to call it -- a "rabid" attacking the closet door, and he just died. These things have a shelf life.

DEAN: I can't believe what I'm hearing here.

JENNA: No, he's right. We lock him up, we find a cure. This is a hospital.

DEAN: Yeah, well, call it a hunch, but I don't think you're gonna find this in the medical books.

MIKE: I didn't open up that closet door to find a cure.

DEAN: Look, Mike, I'm sorry, but this is untenable.

MIKE: I know. That's why I thought maybe we could make a deal. I'll go find somewhere quiet and lay low until this is over. And you save my baby girl.

DEAN: Yeah. You've got yourself a deal.

MIKE: And I thank you for that. I truly do. But I wasn't talking to you. (looks to Jenna) I know you. I've seen you in church since you were knee-high. Please. (gives the baby to Jenna)

JENNA: I don't even own a Guinea pig.

MIKE: There you go, little girl. There you go. Thank you. Thank you all. (Mike runs out of the room)

DEAN: Why do I get the feeling that that is gonna bite us in the ass? You good?

JENNA: Oh, yeah. Aces.

DEAN: All right, let's gear up.

SAM: That might be tricky. (Sam looks out the window and sees another car of rabids pull up)

JENNA: What's he doing?

SAM: Dean . . .

DEAN: We made a promise.

SAM: To do what? Charge out there, guns blazing? We don't even know how to kill them.

DEAN: She does. Chest, right? I'm guessing heart.

JENNA: This is madness.

DEAN: No. No, that is madness. This is horse sense.

JENNA: Save Mike's baby, but shoot Mike. Tell me where that makes sense.

SAM: Look, we can just wait for them to die.

DEAN: And how long is that? And when they infect others, how long is that? No, we stay here, that baby dies. We did this, Sam. Okay? We broke it, we bought it. You know there's no other way. (Dean’s phone rings) Where the hell are you, Cas?

(The scene flips between Sam and Dean at the hospital, and Castiel in the woods.)

CASTIEL: I'm...I'm okay.

DEAN: You don't sound okay.

CASTIEL: Dean, I am fine. Besides, what I have, you can't help me.

DEAN: What do you mean, what you have?

CASTIEL: Just please tell Sam -- Rowena escaped with the Book of the Damned and the codex.

DEAN: Okay, forget Rowena. Where are you?

CASTIEL: Now, you tell me -- the Mark . . .

DEAN: Oh, really? You're worried about me after everything that I’ve --

CASTIEL: Dean, is it gone?

DEAN: Yes. I'm good. I mean, I'm not great.

CASTIEL: Makes two of us. (Dean puts Cas on speakerphone) This is good news.

SAM: Hey, Cas.


DEAN: Okay, your turn. Talk to us about the darkness.

CASTIEL: Why would I talk about the darkness?

SAM: Because it's free.

CASTIEL: No, that can't be.

SAM: Removing the Mark opened some kind of lock. Dean saw her.

CASTIEL: The darkness is a woman?

DEAN: Well, that's what we're asking you. We were hoping you could tell us what kind of defcon screwed we are.

DEAN: Cas?

CASTIEL: (pauses at a sound in the woods behind him) Sam, Dean . . . Goodbye. It may be some time before we see one another again.

DEAN: Wait, Cas. Cas!

JENNA: FBI, my ass.

CASTIEL: (acknowledging the two angels standing with blades behind him) Brothers.

Int. Basement of Marn’s house. The bodies of Dale, Deb, and Marn’s husband are strewn around, and there is a large bowl of blood on the table. There is music playing, and two demon minions wait anxiously on Crowley.

MUSIC: It's not unusual to have fun with anyone but when I see you hanging about with anyone it's not unusual to see me cry I wanna die it's not unusual . . .

CROWLEY: Took you long enough.

MINION 2: We came as soon as you called s- ah . . . What do we call you?

CROWLEY: King. What about the other white meatsuit?

MINION 2: Secured. We have another team and a witch removing Rowena's immobilization spell as we speak.

CROWLEY: Hmm. Is anybody hot? I'm hot.

MINION 2: I believe that's the menopause, sir.

CROWLEY: Thank you. What!

MINION 1: Uh, it's nothing, sir.


MINION 1: It's just, you barely escaped assassination. You're arguably on the run from the most powerful witch on earth -- not to mention an angel of heaven and ah . . .

CROWLEY: And, ah . . . ?

MINION 1: Y-you didn't call for help until after the orgy?

CROWLEY: Hmp. I apologize . . . For nothing.

Int. Exam room in the hospital. Jenna soothes the baby while Sam and Dean argue.

SAM: Look, I get it. I do. We're gonna save that baby, okay? And we're gonna find Cas, and we're gonna stop the darkness.

DEAN: Okay, so what are we talking about?

SAM: The plan.

DEAN: We have a plan, okay? It's the same plan as it's always been. In order to get out, we go through.

SAM: And? How's that been working for us?

DEAN: We can't save Cas if we're stuck in some hospital, okay? Just like I can't strap on a time machine, go back, and tell Cain to shove that Mark up his ass or stop you from releasing the darkness. Now, have we made mistakes? Yes. Hell, yes. And we can analyze each and every one of them over a couple of frosties when we're old and farting sawdust and out of this room! Right now, all I can do is I can gear up, I can head out, and I can save that freaking baby, which is exactly what I'm gonna do.

SAM: When did we forget how to do this?

DEAN: What?

SAM: Dean, if we don't change -- right now -- all of our crap is just gonna keep repeating itself.

DEAN: Okay, I-I don't even -- what?

SAM: This -- this "kill first, question later." What happened to us? Hunting things -- we're good at that. Sure, we're great at that. But that's only half of the bumper sticker, man.

DEAN: Sam, I am trying to save that baby.

SAM: And what about the others out there?

DEAN: You mean the ones trying to kill us?

SAM: I mean the ones that are sick, the ones that are dying.

DEAN: Yeah, who won't rest until they've infected us all.

SAM: So we just forget about a cure?

DEAN: What cure? Jenna's cure? (holds up the shotgun)

SAM: There is always a cure. You just have to want to find it.

DEAN: Yeah, how are you gonna find it if you're dead? And around and around we go.

SAM: Saving people means all of the people, Dean. Not just that baby. Not just each other. I unleashed a force on this world that could destroy it . . . to save you.

DEAN: And I told you not to.

SAM: And I'd do it again. In a second, I would do it again. And that is what I'm talking about. This isn't on you. It is on us. We have to change.

DEAN: What are you thinking?

SAM: Get Jenna to the car. Get her and the baby somewhere safe.

DEAN: Without a shot. And what are we gonna do about those things on our tail?

SAM: They won't be on your tail.

DEAN: No way.

SAM: You said it, Dean. We broke this.

DEAN: Yeah, we broke this, okay? We did.

SAM: I heard it in your voice when you agreed to take that child. I get it. You do what you do. But you've got to let me do what I do, too.

Int. Another hallway in the hospital. Sam looks over the railing into the stairwell and calls to the rabids at the bottom.

SAM: Hey! (the rabids run up the stairs and chase Sam) Over here!

DEAN: Come on. (Dean and Jenna sneak out the other way)

SAM: Come and get me, you sons of bitches! (Sam locks himself in a supply closet. The rabids outside start pounding on the door. He turns around, to find he’s locked himself in with one; she attacks Sam. Sam slits her throat, gets her blood all over his face. The other rabids break down the door and pin him.) Don't do this. Let me help you. (They smell him, and then leave him alone.)

Int. the front desk of the hospital. Jenna and Dean have almost made it out of the hospital when they are stopped by Mike.

DEAN: Come on.

MIKE: The baby.


MIKE: The baby.

DEAN: No. We're not gonna hurt you, Mike. As long as you leave that baby alone. Mike.

MIKE: Amara.

JENNA: What?

MIKE: Her name . . . is Amara. (Mike keels over and dies; Jenna and Dean leave the hospital)

Int. the building where Crowley’s other meatsuit is. We see Crowley smoke back in and address his minions.

CROWLEY: Ahh. Daddy's home. What?

MINION 2: Sir . . . There are rumors from Hell.

CROWLEY: Rumors?

MINION 2The Darkness has been released.

CROWLEY: The Darkness? Please. Myth. It's a bedtime story. Something that daddy demons threaten toddler demons with to get them to eat their vegetables. Even if it was true, what's the concern? Darkness, King of Hell -- natural allies.

MINION 1: It's just -- something happened, sir . . . In the cage.


MINION Uh, they said it sounded like a frightened animal. All of hell heard -- like someone was going crazy. The rumor is that Michael or Lucifer -- one of them is trying to warn us.

CROWLEY: About the darkness. Ridiculous.

MINION 2: Except . . . Half of Hell is sort of freaking out, sir. What do we do?

Int. dungeon-like room. The two angels who picked up Castiel lead him in in chains. One of the angels speaks to him.

ANGEL: After Metatron escaped, we moved the door to heaven.

CASTIEL: Yeah, smart.

ANGEL: You know, to prevent further incidents.

CASTIEL: Of course. I would have done the same thing. Before we go back, we need to find a witch or someone who knows spellcraft to remove the . . . (the angel hangs Castiel’s chains from the ceiling) Ugh! I don't understand. You're not taking me to heaven.

OTHER ANGEL: No. We're not. (they cover his head with a hood)

Ext. Dean and Jenna pull into a gas station.

DEAN: Oh, you good?

JENNA: Yeah. Baby. Poop. What could go wrong?

DEAN: Godspeed.

JENNA: I have no idea what I'm doing.

DEAN: Right. Listen, I know things might seem dark right now -- hell, call it pitch-black. And you may not be able to see it, but your way back is right there. You and her. You're gonna help each other.

JENNA: Joy comes in the morning. My grandma leads a Bible study.

DEAN: Ah. Well, let's go with that.

(Dean pulls out his phone and calls Sam. The scene flips back and forth between the gas station and the supply closet where Sam’s still sitting.)

SAM: Hey, you good?

DEAN: Yeah, about 40 miles outside of town. As far as I can tell, it's isolated to Superior.

SAM: Well, that's something.

DEAN: How about you? You okay?

SAM: What'd you expect? Like it or not, I'm gonna find a cure.

DEAN: Yeah, I know you are. Man, things are screwy right now. I know we don't have any answers, but at least we got one win, you know?

SAM: I hear you.

DEAN: All right, I'm gonna run Jenna up to her grandmother's. Shouldn't be more than a few hours. Then we clean up that town. We find the Darkness, and we kick her ass.

SAM: Yeah, that's great, Dean. That um . . . sounds like a plan.

Ext. Dean is back in the cloud with the Darkness, remembering more of their conversation.

DEAN: If you're as bad as they say you are, why haven't you hurt me?

DARKNESS: For the same reason that you'll never hurt me. (She pulls aside her dress to show the Mark of Cain on her collarbone) We're bound, Dean. We'll always be bound. You helped me. I helped you. No matter where I am, who I am . . . We will always help each other.

Int. supply closet at the hospital. Sam get up and goes to look in the mirror. He pulls aside his shirt, and he has the same black marks starting on his chest that the rabids do.

Int. bathroom at the gas station. Jenna is changing Amara’s diaper. When she takes Amara’s onesie off, Amara has the Mark of Cain on her collarbone.


Source : SuperWiki

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Bonsoir ! Qui dit nouveau mois sur HypnoClap, dit nouveau film du Ciné-Emojis à découvrir !

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Hello, calendriers + sondages + actualisations forums chez Star Trek, Roue du temps, Caméléon et X-Files !

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