Ext. Scene: the camera pans up an old building for lease. The scene changes to a young woman walking down a hallway past a janitor mopping the floor. She enters a room to find a young man in a lab coat sitting at a computer. She approaches and hands him her file. (The audience finds out later in the episode that the young man is Eldon Styne.)
ELDON: Ah. You must be Eileen.
EILEEN: Yes. I'm here for the interview. Thank you so much for fitting me in after hours. As, um, as you can see, I'm in good health and my eyesight is 20/20, which is important, yes? Because this is a research study on eyesight?
ELDON: Mm-hmm.
EILEEN: M-my friends and I do as many of these clinical studies as we can 'cause we're all on budgets, and the money from these things really helps with college.
ELDON: Okay. Everything seems to be in order.
ELDON: Let's take a peek at these eyes.
ELDON: (holding her face and looking into her eyes) Okay. Mm-hmm. (He leans in to try and kiss her)
EILEEN: (trying to push him away) N-no! No! (the scene flashes to the hallway, where the janitor hears Eileen’s scream) No! No!
(the scene goes back to Eldon and Eileen. He pulls a small blade from his lab coat pocket and slices Eileen’s throat open. Then he proceeds to cut out her eyes. Meanwhile, the janitor has approached the door and begins knocking.)
JANITOR: Everything okay in there? What's going on?! Everything okay? (the janitor opens the door with his keys, and walks in just in time to see Eldon jump from the window.) Hey!
Int. Scene: Sam is down in the basement where he has stashed Rowena.
SAM: Nothing? You've got nothing?! Rowena, it's been days! You said the codex would crack the code.
ROWENA: I am an artist, Samuel. These things cannot be rushed. Perhaps if I weren't chained up . . . I'm really not at full strength.
SAM: Yeah, and you won’t be at full strength. No witchcraft. Look, I need the cure for my brother from the book, and if you're stalling . . .
ROWENA: Why on earth would I stall?! I want the Mark off your brother for my own protection! I want out of these chains and out of this pit, and I want you to hold up your end of the deal and kill Crowley. You do remember the deal, do you not, Samuel?
SAM: Believe me, I have no issue killing Crowley!
ROWENA: The problem is, the language Nadya used in the codex is damn near indecipherable. She was a gifted witch but a selfish pig. Once she cracked a code, she then coded its secrets for herself.
SAM: So . . . Now we need to break a code to . . . break a code?
ROWENA: Quick, aren't you?
SAM: Listen, Dean gets worse every day. Get this done.
ROWENA: You won't forget the grocery shopping, will you?
SAM: No.
Int. Scene: The camera shows a large estate that resembles a plantation house, but the scene quickly moves into what looks to be a study. The Stynes are having a family meeting.
MONROE: Astounding. Astounding and disappointing. There was a time, Eldon, when I would call you our most promising. You ask your brothers and your cousins. But clearly, you have been spoiled and overindulged, and the result is arrogance. The utter lack of judgment. You thought you'd take time for a little quickie with that girl before you harvested her.
ELDON: Sir . . .
MONROE: And you were discovered by a witness. We don't have witnesses!
ELI: And left a body behind.
MONROE: And we certainly don't leave behind bodies when we harvest. The whole key to our success all these centuries is secrecy.
ELDON: Daddy . . . I've never done anything like this before. I haven't been myself . . . ever since Jacob died.
MONROE: Oh, no. No, no, no. Don't you dare cheapen the memory of your brother by using him as an excuse for your foolishness.
ELDON: I'm filled with regret, sir.
MONROE: I doubt that. But you will be if you are cast down to the lower echelons of this family, where you will exchange your title of son and heir for lab rat.
ELDON: I made this single mistake.
MONROE: Discipline. It is all that holds our life together. If it unravels, we are done. Here's how you'll redeem yourself. First, clean up your mess in Omaha. Next, you will track down these Winchesters who murdered your brother Jacob, and who may now have in their possession The Book of the Damned.
ELDON: It will be done. (exit Eldon)
ELI: Sir? Uncle Monroe?
MONROE: Yes, Eli?
ELI: I was wondering if it was best to put such an important assignment in Eldon's hands since his . . . judgment is so questionable.
MONROE: That's very bold of you, Eli, considering your own issues.
ELI: My issues, sir?
MONROE: The mysterious redheaded girl that your cousin Jacob was tracking when he died . . . the one that stole the book . . . was that task not passed on to you? Have you located her?
ELI: I'm trying, sir. There's still no trace of her.
MONROE: Well, if the Winchesters don't have the book, she's got it. So if you're so worried that your cousin will fail, report in with Eldon and back his effort. Now get out.
Int. Scene: Sam comes descends the steps into the bunker. Dean’s sitting at a table in the library looking up the Styne family on the computer.
DEAN: Wow.
SAM: Hey.
DEAN: Well, you look like crap on toast.
SAM: I just haven't . . . really been sleeping well.
DEAN: There's a woman you haven't mentioned?
SAM: A woman?
DEAN: Well, I'm just saying. You weren't here when I went to bed last night. You've been running off on your own a lot these past couple weeks.
SAM: I do that.
DEAN: You actually don’t.
SAM: Dean, we don't always do the exact same thing at the exact same time. Remember when you went off and snuffed that vampire nest by yourself?
DEAN: Have you been snuffing vamps' nests?
SAM: No, I-I . . . What is that? What are you doing?
DEAN: So, those goons that were after the book, the, uh, the Stynes, well, the one that we killed said that he had a big family. So if there's more out there, I figure we should probably get to know as much as we can about them.
SAM: And?
DEAN: Well, that’s pretty much what we do know, that they screwed with financial markets, they helped Hitler get started, along with god knows what else . . . probably disco. But you go back to the 1800s, and the trail goes dead. There's nothing in the research, there's nothing online. It's like the family just popped up one day.
SAM: Families don't usually do that.
DEAN: No, they do not. Hasn't been a total waste of time, though. I think I caught us a case. There's a mention online of a murder in Omaha. Victim's eyes were cut out. Janitor runs in just as the killer jumps out the window.
SAM: That's it?
DEAN: Well, the window was on the third story. Look, man, I'm just trying to stay busy here, okay? Unless you have bigger fish to fry.
SAM: No, I-I'm sold. I'm in.
DEAN: All right, well, I'm gonna hit it. You probably should, too. We'll leave first thing in the a.m.
Ext. scene: A car pulls up to a rest stop in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. Charlie sits at a picnic table.
SAM: Hey, Charlie.
CHARLIE: Hey. It is you. Uh, in a . . . beat-up, prehistoric subcompact. But why are we meeting here? I could've come to the Death Star.
SAM: No, no, this is, uh . . . this is better, actually. We're not gonna be working in the bunker, so . . .
CHARLIE: Uh-huh. What is this about, again? You were kind of . . . vague.
SAM: Okay, so, here's the thing . . . Dean is not getting any better. I feel like if we don't get the Mark off his arm, it's gonna eat him up.
CHARLIE: I get it, but what are we gonna do about it?
SAM: I got ahold of a codex which is sort of a-a collection of supernatural code-breaking tools, and it should help crack The Book of the Damned.
CHARLIE: That would be awesome if the book, you know, actually existed.
SAM: It does. Uh, I, um . . . I swapped it out right before it looked like I burned it.
CHARLIE: Okay. Well, Dean wanted it burned, so is he pissed? Of course. He doesn't know. Geez! The two of you.
SAM: Charlie, he's not himself. He's not. He would try and stop me. He's given up. Look, I called in an expert to . . . to use the codex, but it turns out it's sort of . . . encoded also, so I thought you might help . . . move things along faster.
CHARLIE: Behind Dean's back. After Dean told us the stupid book would kick our asses if we mess with it. I . . . is there any part of this that doesn't reek? Did I mention you'll be working with one of the most dangerous witches in the world?
CHARLIE: I don't know, Sam.
SAM: As far as I can tell, this is . . . Our only shot at saving him. If we don't take it . . . He's gone.
ROWENA: I thought I was clear, Samuel. I requested more time, not an assistant.
SAM: And I thought I was clear, Rowena. Charlie is not your assistant. You're hers.
ROWENA: And you studied your craft where?
CHARLIE: Mostly a joint called Mas Java. It has excellent Wi-Fi.
ROWENA: I have not heard of this institution, and I know all the great global centers of witchcraft.
CHARLIE: Makes sense, 'cause I'm not a witch. I'm a nerd. And I know all the great centers of nerddom.
SAM: Rowena, are you done marking your turf? Listen, Charlie has tech chops that'll speed up cracking Nadya's codex. You will spot the ancient curses and spells, and that'll put this whole mess in context.
(Enter Cas)
CHARLIE: Cas. Are you in on this, too?
ROWENA: Hell's bells. More distractions? What are you? Witch or nerd?
ROWENA: Beg pardon?
SAM: Castiel has, uh, powers . . . spiritual muscle that'll help safeguard the work.
ROWENA: Safeguard it from what?
SAM: You. I can't be here full time to referee.
CASTIEL: Whoa, whoa. And I can?
SAM: Yes. Please. Please do this for me.
CASTIEL: Well, what are the rules? If I'm gonna referee, I should at least know them.
ROWENA: Quite literal, aren't you? Does he know that the first rule is don't tell your brother what we're doing?
CASTIEL: Wait . . . Dean doesn't know? Sam, this never ends well.
CHARLIE: That's exactly what I said.
SAM: Okay, everyone take a breath. Look, we're up against it, okay? And we've all been up against it before, and we know there are times when every choice sucks. Now, us . . . lying to Dean . . . is the choice that sucks the least. We have to make this work. Please.
CHARLIE: Okay, yeah. For Dean.
SAM: Cas?
CASTIEL: Okay. For Dean.
SAM: For Dean.
ROWENA: I Barely know the man.
Int. Scene: Crowley’s Throne Room. Crowley is throwing darts at a man’s chest when two of his minions appear.
CROWLEY: I hope this is important. I have a perfect game going.
MINION 1: T-t-there's a problem, majesty.
CROWLEY: Just for once, I wish you trolls would bring me some good news. "Sire, Missouri has boils." Something cheerful.
MINION 2: It's your majesty's mother.
CROWLEY: What about my mother?
MINION 1: Wh . . . uh, s-she's missing.
CROWLEY: What? (picks up an angel blade and kills minion 1) You've heard of killing the messenger? Don't come back without news of my mother. (To the man he’s throwing darts at) Shut up.
PRISONER: (examines the darts in his chest) Nice grouping.
Int. Scene: Sam and Dean walk down the hallway of the building where Eldon killed the college student. They enter the room with the office manager.
OFFICE MANAGER: Police told me no one was allowed in. That didn't mean the FBI, right?
DEAN: And the janitor came in right after the killing?
OFFICE MANAGER: Yeah, he heard screaming . . . maybe when her eyeballs were scooped out? Janitor saw a man jump out the window, run down the alley.
SAM: Running? After, uh . . . falling three stories?
OFFICE MANAGER: That's what it looked like.
DEAN: Security footage?
OFFICE MANAGER: Yeah, sure. Uh, but just one of them caught any action. Out in the alley. That's the guy who rented the office.
DEAN: That's pretty slick for a three-story drop.
SAM: Wait a second. Can you, uh, play it again? Yeah. Keep going. Okay, freeze there. Zoom in. (makes the zoom in motion with his hand even though he’s not holding the ipad. Twice.)
DEAN: Same ink as the Stynes.
SAM: How long was he renting here?
OFFICE MANAGER: Uh, just a month. But I only saw him a day or so. Some sort of clinical trial using student volunteers. He didn't mention eyeballs.
DEAN: Hm. Well, I guess you're gonna ask about that from now on, huh?
(Sam’s phone rings. It’s Castiel calling.)
SAM: Excuse me.
DEAN: Listen, you, uh, remember anything else, give us a call.
SAM: (waggling his phone at Dean after silencing it) Telemarketer.
Exit both Winchesters
Enter Eldon Styne
ELDON: You're quite the chatty Patty. What'd you tell those two?
OFFICE MANAGER: Hardly anything. Nothing. I-I've got nothing to say.
ELDON: I believe you.
Int. Basement with Charlie, Rowena, and Castiel. Charlie’s working hard on her computer trying to break the codex. Rowena’s sitting at her table throwing chicken bones.
CHARLIE: Damn it.
ROWENA: That miraculous machine of yours hasn't solved everything by now? (fake cough) Overrated, I'd say.
CHARLIE: I'm using the computer to find some pattern in the book's coding or any synchronicity with the symbols in Nadya's codex.
ROWENA: Oh. I'm more old-school. I read the signs nature shows me . . . the forces that ruled before there was man.
CHARLIE: Wow. Why didn't I think of that?
Enter Castiel with a plastic bag.
CASTIEL: Okay, it sounds like blood sugar is dipping in here. I got snacks. When I was human, I grew very fond of these pork rinds.
CHARLIE: What do you know about the chick who wrote The Book of the Damned?
ROWENA: Agnes was a hermit nun . . . And as mad as a hatter. Made it her business to undo curses.
CASTIEL: Like the one that caused the Mark of Cain.
ROWENA: As in any struggle between good and evil, balance is required. To cure one curse, Agnes had to know how to inflict another. They live side-by-side in the magic world. One cannot be without the other.
CHARLIE: Sure, sure. Like, uh, a binary system. So, I got to think like a hermit nun.
ROWENA: Did I mention they burned her alive?
CHARLIE: "They"?
ROWENA: A cornucopia of curses and satanic visions did not go unnoticed by the church hierarchy. These men would not abide a rogue nun.
CHARLIE: Poor Agnes. Ahead of her time.
ROWENA: Much like you and I.
CASTIEL: Well . . .
CHARLIE: I actually don't . . . see our similarities all that much.
ROWENA: Because you're young and good and I'm ancient and evil? Is that it?
CHARLIE: Wha . . . ?
ROWENA: Let me tell you about you . . . a difficult and lonely childhood. Tragedy, absent parents. Always outside the mainstream. Sexually progressive. Living in your own head for solace and direction.
CHARLIE: Yeah, but still, we are pretty different.
ROWENA: I read you the minute I saw you. And I'm sure you're learning that the line between good and evil is quite flexible. But we part company when it comes to blind devotion. Case in point . . . the Winchesters. You've made them the family you don't have. Foolish.
CHARLIE: Sam and Dean are like my brothers. I love them.
ROWENA: I know. And that steadfast loyalty will be your undoing, my girl.
Int. Impala, driving down the road.
SAM: So, why would the Stynes be actually up to the eyeballs in murder? What's the connection?
DEAN: Well, when you take a few Stynes down, more pop up. I mean, how many are there? All I can say is, I'm glad we burned that damn book. At least they can't get their mitts on that.
SAM: Yeah. Uh, what about you? How you doing?
DEAN: Oh, you mean the thing?
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: Yeah. You know, some dark thoughts, creepy visions, violent urges. Same old same old. I'm happy I got a murder to focus on, though.
(The scene closes with Eldon Styne following the Winchesters)
Int. Bunker: Dean wanders into the library where Sam’s phone is vibrating. Dean answers when he sees that it’s Castiel calling. This scene flips back and forth between Dean and Cas while they’re on the phone, and ends with Sam and Dean talking about dinner.
DEAN: Cas?
DEAN: No, it's Dean. What's up?
CASTIEL: Nothing. I'm just, uh . . . Just staying in touch. Like I do.
DEAN: Something on your mind?
CAS: No. This call is pointless. My ride's here. (Cas hangs up on Dean.)
(Dean puts Sam’s phone back on the table and doesn’t mention that Cas called.)
Enter Sam.
SAM: Hey.
DEAN: Hey.
SAM: The fridge is picked clean. Your turn to fly. I buy. (indicating the phone) That's, uh, that's mine, right?
DEAN: Hey, uh, you talk to . . . talk to Cas recently?
SAM: No. Um, not for a while. Why?
DEAN: I was just wondering what he's up to. He's got to be up to something right?
SAM: Yeah. Angel stuff or . . . I don't know.
DEAN: Yeah.
SAM: All right, I vote for pizza.
Int. Some part of Crowley’s castle in Hell. He’s talking with Olivette about Rowena.
CROWLEY; Yes. Yes, Rowena is a handful. Oh, mercy. Snakes in the bed? That would set my teeth on edge. If I owned a bed. Or slept . . . ever. Look, I get it. She's unpleasant. She's horrible. She has a messy workstation. What's the dirt?! There must be something that I don't know about her, something I could hold over her as a bargaining chip. (squeaking from Olivette) A demon lover? (more squeaking) You don't need to paint a picture. Is there anything else? (more squeaking) Really? (more squeaking) You sure? (Crowley writes something on a notepad). I need a Minion!
MINION 2: We are scouring the planet, sire, a-around the clock. We will not rest until your mother is found.
CROWLEY: I should say you aren't. And I have another mission for you.
MINION 2: Yes, sir. (he hands the minion the note he just wrote)
CROWLEY: Locate this person . . . immediately. I don't care what it takes. Fail on pain of infinite pain.
MINION 2: On it, your majesty.
CROWLEY: You're still here. (exit Minion 2) Surrounded by mediocrity. It's a wonder I stay so buoyant.
Ext. Back Alley: Dean leaves the pizza place with a pizza box. Two cars pull into the alley and block him in. He mostly looks bored. One of the Stynes gets out of the car. Eldon Styne gets out of the car behind him.
DEAN: All right, hold it right there. Hey. Hold it. I said, "hold it."
A fight ensued in which Dean kills the other Styne and ends up with Eldon at knifepoint.
Int. brewery basement with Rowena, Charlie and Cas. Rowena’s filing her nails, and Charlie and Cas are in a different room talking.
CHARLIE: I am doing my best, but with her criticizing, breathing down my neck, trying to sign me up for team witch . . . oh, oh, and moaning how the one good year for music was 1723 . . . I . . . I am going crazy. I know. No, I mean, she is evil.
CASTIEL: She is a wicked witch, so by definition . . .
CHARLIE: No, no, no, I mean something bad is gonna happen here. Castiel, man, just spring me for two hours, one hour . . . anyplace quiet. Dean is my buddy, and I cannot screw this up, but . . . but my mind is . . . is . . . it's a wad of gummy worms. Please.
Int. Dungeon in the Bunker: Eldon Styne stands in the middle of the room, one arm chained up to the ceiling. Dean talks, and Sam looks on.
DEAN: Here's how this works. You're strong. I'll give you that. But you can bleed and hurt just like the next guy, so I'm gonna ask questions, you're gonna give answers, or it's gonna get crazy real quick.
ELDON: Well, I hope you got some time. I'm not the usual breed of cat.
DEAN: Neither are we. Did you kill that girl in Omaha?
ELDON: Yeah. (noticing the Mark of Cain on Dean’s arm) So, it's true. You have the Mark of Cain. My sympathies. That’s why you wanted the book . . . to remove it.
SAM: We wanted the book because that's where your power comes from. See, our family business is putting guys like you out of business.
ELDON: Oh. It's impressive. Let me tell you about my family business. You're in way over your heads. The family is vast . . . spread over the world. And that power that you mentioned doesn't come from the book. It comes from intelligence and will. The book facilitates. Stock market dive, recession, 9/11 . . . any of them ring a bell? Arab spring. Didn't even break a sweat.
SAM: Okay. Why?
ELDON: Well, you got to be in it to win it, boys. You see, chaos breeds fear. Fear breeds panic, and panic breeds desperation, and there's always profit to be made from desperation. You make a big enough mess, has to get cleaned up. And we've been in the fix-it business for 1,000 years, and business has never been better. (Sam’s phone starts vibrating. Cas is calling) Now, for the last 80 years, we haven't had the book. With the book, we're unstoppable.
Exit Sam to answer the phone. He moves out into the hallway.
SAM: Cas, what's going on? Make it quick.
Back in the dungeon with Dean and Eldon.
DEAN: The girl you killed . . . why take her eyes?
ELDON: That whole situation . . . unfortunate. We normally never leave a body when we harvest.
DEAN: When you what?
ELDON: It's a family specialty . . . bioengineering. Surgical enhancement. And I'm not talking about nose jobs. See? (He pulls up his shirt to reveal a large surgical scar running down his chest.) Two hearts in here. Bunch of extra muscle, especially in the legs. Every man in the family's had a little something. Pretty much what you'd expect, though, given the family tree.
DEAN: The Stynes?
ELDON: The real family tree. The name was altered out of necessity. You have chanced upon a lineage with a long and proud tradition . . . And some unwanted notoriety. One of Europe's oldest families. The house of . . . Frankenstein.
Int. Brewery with Castiel, Charlie, and Rowena. Castiel and Sam are on the phone while Rowena and Charlie fight. The scene switches back and forth between Sam in the hallway at the bunker and Castiel in the brewery based on who’s talking.
CHARLIE: Let me focus.
ROWENA: The greatest witches of history have sought my counseling. Yet you spurn me when I offer myself as collaborator!
CHARLIE: Oh, my God! This is . . .
CAS: I don't think I'm making myself clear. I've got a . . . I've got a situation here.
SAM: There's no way Charlie can go off by herself. Cas, there are dangerous people looking for her.
CASTIEL: Fine. I'll go with her.
SAM: No, you . . . You can't leave Rowena alone, either.
CASTIEL: Nothing is getting done.
SAM: Then separate them, Cass. Just do the best you can.
Int. Dungeon in the Bunker: Dean and Eldon are still talking.
DEAN: Frankensteins aren't real. They're made up.
ELDON: Yeah, of course. And we never had a family acquaintance named Mary Shelley who spent a few nights in castle Frankenstein and stumbled upon our secrets, and forced us to change our name and go underground.
DEAN: So, why didn't Shelley go public?
ELDON: She wrote a book. Doesn't get more public than that.
ELDON: But no one believed it to be true, just like no one's gonna believe you.
DEAN: Well, as long as my brother and me believe, that's enough.
ELDON: Yeah, well . . . as mighty as I'm sure your little family is, mine is a juggernaut. We're not ordinary men. We're Spartans.
DEAN: But you aren't immortal.
ELDON: What we are is expendable. I go down, there's an army of replacements behind me.
DEAN: And where does this army call home, hm? Who's big daddy Frankenstein?
ELDON: Were you here when I mentioned that we're underground? There are secrets.
DEAN: Well, I'm swell at uncovering secrets.
ELDON: You give me the book, and it's conceivable that we could have a conversation.
DEAN: The book?
DEAN: Dude, we don't have the book. The book was burned.
ELDON: The book is protected by a spell. It's eternal. It cannot be destroyed.
Int. Bunker Hallway: Sam and Castiel are still on the phone. Sam turns around to go back only to be confronted by Dean.
SAM: Look, Cass, I got to get back. Handle this. I'll be there as soon as I can. (Sam hangs up the phone)
DEAN: What are you doing?
SAM: Uh . . . Something came up.
DEAN: What?
SAM: It's handled. Uh, what's going on in there? Get any more out of him?
DEAN: Yeah, an earful . . . truly. Let me ask you something.
There is a noise of a door slamming from down the hallway. Dean and Sam run down the hallway to the dungeon. There is a trail of blood running out of the room. They enter to find Eldon’s arm hanging from the chains.
DEAN: Oh, my God. He ripped it off.
Int. Brewery with Rowena, Castiel, and Charlie. Castiel is moving Rowena to a different room.
ROWENA: Alone time? Why does she need alone time? Bit of a prima Donna, if you ask me. The girl is simply out of her league. Without me, the work grinds to a halt.
CASTIEL: Rowena. She needs quiet. She's under a lot of pressure, and it doesn't help that she feels like she's betraying her friend.
ROWENA: Ohh. Betrayal. Pffft. She'll get over it. Once she has children of her own, she'll know all about betrayal.
CASTIEL: You have a child?
ROWENA: Do I have a child? The King of Hell. That's all. The King.
CASTIEL: Crowley is your son? Well, that explains a lot. I'm sure that was quite a challenge.
ROWENA: Well, back to it, eh? We're wasting time in here.
CASTIEL: I'm gonna . . . see how she's doing. (Castiel leaves the room to find Charlie gone with her computer.) Charlie?
Ext. Blackbird motel and a back alley. Eldon is in a back alley, bleeding from his arm. His cousin Eli calls him from outside the Blackbird Motel where he’s seen Charlie check in.
ELI: I know where she is. Now, I can take care of it for you, if you want. It'd be my pleasure.
ELDON: No. I need to handle this. Give me the location.
ELI: Well, you got a pencil?
ELDON: Just spill.
ELI: A dump called the Blackbird motel. Registered under the name Carrie Asimov.
Int. Library of the Bunker. Dean comes down the stairs after searching for the escaped Eldon.
SAM: Hey. Any sign of him?
DEAN: Lot of signs . . . just no him. I followed the blood trail . . . which, by the way, was like the Mississippi . . . till it ran dry.
SAM: Meaning what? He bled out?
DEAN: Meaning that the trail stopped. Vanished. Nada. He sure must have thought he was gonna win that one, 'cause, phew, was he gabby.
SAM: Well, I've been going through everything we have on the Frankensteins, and it's just like Eldon said. I mean, 1,000 years of nasty. They made a ton mopping up the black plague. They started the 100 years war.
DEAN: You know, I thought, "man, there's a lot of them Stynes." You know, it's like, uh, Alpha-male central. (Dean starts pacing behind Sam’s chair) And then I thought . . . and this is key . . . I thought, "this is bad, but it would really blow if these guys had the book. At least they don't have the damn book." SAM: Yeah. Yeah.
DEAN: At least the damn book burned. Right, Sam? But then, Eldon Frankenstein . . . he hits me with this little fun fact. He says that the book can't be destroyed. Says that it can't be sliced, diced, shredded, burned, drowned. Cannot be destroyed. Ain't that crazy? Because . . . I know I saw something burn. (Sam’s phone starts buzzing on the table) Sam, you answer that, so help me . . .
Sam answers the phone. It’s Castiel. The scene flips back and forth between Sam and Dean and Castiel in the brewery.
SAM: Hey.
CASTIEL: Sam, she's gone.
SAM: Who's gone?
CASTIEL: I've looked everywhere. Charlie is gone.
Int. Blackbird Motel, Charlie’s room: Charlie sits at the table in the motel trying to break the code.
CHARLIE: Ezekiel . . . seven letters. Seven represents the seeker. Okay. Okay. Saints represent groups of letters that represent numbers . . . that stand for concepts represented by . . . [Her computer displays that she has succeeded] Oh, wow. I might be a genius.
The Stynes approach. Eldon walks up and starts pounding on Charlie’s door.
ELDON: I know you're in here, miss Asimov. You have it. I want it.
Int. Bunker Library: Sam sits at the table, head in his hands, while Dean rages above him.
DEAN: I don't freakin' believe it! You got Charlie involved with this again, and now she's missing?!
Sam’s phone buzzes again, and it’s Charlie. The scene flips between Charlie, who has taken all her notes into the bathroom with her, and Sam and Dean in the bunker.
SAM: Charlie, where are you?
CHARLIE: Um, a . . . a motel . . . t-t-the Blackbird. Sam, someone is here. T-t-they think I have the book.
SAM: If you have the book, give it to them.
DEAN: Charlie has the damn Book of the Damned?!
CHARLIE: No, I don't have it. I just . . . I, I just . . . I have my notes.
SAM: Then give them your notes, Charlie! Give them the code . . . whatever they want!
DEAN: (Dean takes the phone away from Sam) Charlie, I don't know what the hell is going on, but you need to listen to me. Give whoever that is whatever they want. You understand? Charlie?!
CHARLIE: I can't do that, Dean. [sends her notes in an email to Sam]
Int. of the Impala: Sam and Dean are rushing to Charlie’s aid.
DEAN: So, you had the book the whole time?
SAM: Dean . . .
DEAN: . . .lied right to my face.
SAM: I thought it was our only chance to get you free of the Mark, so I grabbed it.
DEAN: I made it real clear how I felt. You ever consider that?
SAM: Dean, listen . . .
DEAN: And then you pulled Cas into it. And Charlie.
SAM: Charlie loves you, Dean. We all love you.
Int. Charlie’s bathroom in the motel. Eldon has figured out where she is after hearing her smash her computer. Charlie bravely faces him down with a knife.
ELDON: You're gonna give me what's mine. Mine and my family's.
Sam and Dean pull up to the motel. They run into the hotel room and find Charlie in the bathroom, dead in the tub.
SAM: Oh, God.
DEAN: Charlie?
Source : SuperWiki