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#10.20 : Planète Claire


CLAIRE NOVAK EST DE RETOUR - Lorsque Claire Novak trouve une piste qui pourrait la conduire à sa mère, Amelia, qui a disparu depuis plusieurs années, Castiel demande à Sam et à Dean de l'aider. Castiel se sent coupable de ce qu'il a fait subir à la famille Novak et espère pouvoir se racheter en parvenant à réunir Claire et sa mère. Toutefois, lorsqu'ils découvrent ce qui a pris Amelia, ils réalisent que Claire pourrait ne pas connaitre la fin heureuse qu'elle espère tant.




5 - 4 votes

Titre VO
Angel Heart

Titre VF
Planète Claire

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France





Photos promo

Castiel (Misha Collins) au chevet d'une malade

Castiel (Misha Collins) au chevet d'une malade

Sam (Jared Padalecki) se battant avec Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne) et Castiel (Misha Collins) derrière

Sam (Jared Padalecki) se battant avec Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne) et Castiel (Misha Collins) derrière

Claire (Kathryn Newton) faisant feu et Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey)

Claire (Kathryn Newton) faisant feu et Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey)

Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne) face à Claire (Kathryn Newton) armée

Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne) face à Claire (Kathryn Newton) armée

Claire (Kathryn Newton) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Claire (Kathryn Newton) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Claire (Kathryn Newton) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Claire (Kathryn Newton) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey) face à Claire (Kathryn Newton)

Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey) face à Claire (Kathryn Newton)

Claire (Kathryn Newton) retrouvant Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) derrière

Claire (Kathryn Newton) retrouvant Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) derrière

Castiel (Misha Collins) tenant dans ses bras Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey)

Castiel (Misha Collins) tenant dans ses bras Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey)

Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey) face à Castiel (Misha Collins)

Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey) face à Castiel (Misha Collins)

Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne) au chevet d'Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey)

Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne) au chevet d'Amelia Novak (Leisha Hailey)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne) arme à la main

Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne) arme à la main

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton) épée à la main

Claire Novak (Kathryn Newton) épée à la main

Dean (Jensen Ackles) se battant avec Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) se battant avec Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Peter Holloway (Treva Etienne)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 29.04.2015 à 21:00
1.74m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robbie Thompson
Réalisé par : Steve Boyum


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel/Jimmy Novak

Kathryn Love Newton... Claire Novak

Leisha Hailey... Amelia Novak

Treva Etienne... Tamiel






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Jimmy Novak rentre chez lui. Amelia, son épouse, descend les escaliers en trombe pour l'accueillir. Elle se jette dans ses bras, mais soudain, son bras gauche se met à saigner abondamment, sans que Jimmy semble le voir. Soudain, Amelia se réveille dans un lit spartiate. Au-dessus d'elle, un homme lui entaille le bras et se repait de l'essence vitale qui s'échappe en même temps que le sang. D'un geste de la main, il la force à se rendormir et de nouveau, Amelia revit le retour de Jimmy à la maison.


Claire se rend dans un bar et dit à la barmaid qu'elle est à la recherche d'un homme nommé Ronnie Cartwright. Après avoir empoché le billet de 50 dollars que la jeune fille lui tend, la barmaid lui indique la direction. Claire trouve Ronnie à une table et commence à l'interroger sur sa mère, qui, d'après son journal, devait le rencontrer avant de disparaitre mystérieusement. Ronnie nie la connaitre et demande à Claire de s'en aller. Puis, il se lève, sort du bar, mais Claire ne lâche pas le morceau et le suit à l'extérieur. Ronnie se trahit en disant le nom de famille d'Amelia, mais il refuse d'en discuter. Claire le tire par le bras. Sous la panique, Ronnie la pousse violemment et elle se cogne la tête contre une benne à ordures avant de tomber inconsciente. Ronnie, après avoir vérifié qu'elle était toujours vivante, appelle les secours, puis s'en va.

Castiel attend devant l'hôpital de Tulsa, que les boys arrivent afin de l'aider avec Claire. Une fois les Winchester sur place, ils rendent visite à la jeune fille qui, comme toujours ne se montre guère chaleureuse et leur demande de partir. Finalement, à la demande de Sam, elle leur explique qu'elle était partie à la recherche de sa mère, disparue il y a deux ans environ, d'après la dernière carte postale que Claire a reçu d'elle quand elle était encore chez sa grand-mère. Claire explique qu'après avoir lu son journal, elle a découvert qu'elle devait rencontrer un certain Ronnie Cartwright. Puis, la jeune fille raconte sa rencontre avec le Ronnie en question et comment il s'est souvenu du nom de famille d'Amelia. Elle pressent qu'il sait quelque chose mais il a refusé de coopérer. Quand Castiel demande pourquoi Amelia devait le rencontrer, Claire explique qu'elle était partie à la recherche de Jimmy et d'un miracle.

Castiel se sent coupable de ce qui est arrivé à Claire, mais aussi à Amelia. Dean pense qu'il pourrait y avoir une affaire pour eux si Amelia s'est mise en tête de traquer un ange. Il semble pressé de se mettre en action, ce qui ne manque pas d'interpeler Cas' et Sam. Ils décident tout de même de s'activer, car Cas' souhaite retrouver Amelia afin d'aider Claire. La première piste à suivre est celle de Ronnie. Ils décident d'aller prévenir Claire qu'ils comptent participer, mais lorsqu'ils pénètrent dans la chambre, la jeune fille a mis les voiles. Sam envoie alors Cas' et Dean au bar, tandis que lui part au motel en espérant rattraper Claire avant qu'elle ne fuie de nouveau.

Sur la route, Dean tente de faire comprendre à Cas' qu'il devrait prendre ses distances avec Claire. Cela fait longtemps que la jeune fille se débrouille seule et peut-être que c'est comme ça qu'elle a le plus de chance de s'en sortir. Cas', cependant, n'est pas convaincu par ces arguments, surtout après avoir trouvé Claire dans un hôpital. Arrivés au bar, Dean et Cas' mettent rapidement la main sur Ronnie. Après avoir été secoué par Dean, Ronnie avoue enfin avoir rencontré Amelia et il assure qu'elle est la dernière personne qu'il a mise en relation avec le guérisseur avec qui il travaillait. Il explique que le guérisseur en question lui a rendu la vue et qu'ensuite, il lui a demandé de recruter pour lui des gens seuls et perdus que personne ne rechercherait. Le guérisseur a soigné certaines de ces personnes, mais les autres, il les a entaillés sur tout le corps. Après avoir vu ça, Ronnie a décidé de ne plus travailler pour ce guérisseur. Une fois ces informations obtenues, Dean et Cas' reprennent la route.

Claire est surprise par la présence de Sam dans sa chambre de motel. Ce dernier n'a pas eu trop de mal à la trouver, grâce à la dernière carte postale d'Amelia et au fait que Claire s'est enregistrée sous son vrai nom. Claire refuse l'aide de Sam, mais avec diplomatie, ce dernier parvient à entamer une conversation avec elle. Il la félicite pour avoir rassemblé toutes les informations qu'il voit au mur, et c'est alors qu'elle lui explique que toutes ces informations ont été reconstituées à partir du journal de sa mère. Sam, pour apprivoiser la jeune fille qui s'apprête de nouveau à partir, lui propose de lui donner des astuces pour obtenir les fichiers bancaires de sa mère, notamment ses enregistrements de carte de crédit, et ensuite, elle fera ce qu'elle voudra. Claire accepte.

Pendant ce temps, après le départ de Dean et Cas', Ronnie appelle celui qu'il connait sous le nom de Peter Holloway, le fameux guérisseur. Il lui explique que les deux hommes ne sont pas du FBI, mais que ce sont des chasseurs, ce que Peter a compris. Pour punir Ronnie d'avoir parlé, Peter lui enlève la vue, puis le tue.

Sam montre à Claire comment obtenir les fichiers bancaires de façon très simple et lui promet ensuite de lui enseigner comment obtenir des cartes de crédit sous un faux nom, afin de pouvoir vivre sur les routes tranquillement. Quand Claire demande pourquoi Sam et Dean chassent les démons si ça ne paie rien, Sam explique que c'est parce qu'ils aident les gens de cette façon, qu'ils font la différence dans ce monde. Claire ne semble pas impressionnée. Dean et Cas' finissent par débarquer et racontent ce qu'ils ont obtenu de Ronnie. Ils pensent que Peter pourrait être un ange, mais le plus étrange est que celui-ci semble se nourrir sur certaines de ses victimes. Sam reçoit une alerte, qui lui indique que Ronnie vient d'être retrouvé, mort, à la sortie du bar. Claire soupçonne Dean d'y être pour quelque chose, mais Dean prétend ne pas avoir touché Ronnie d'un cheveu, ce que Cas' modère. Dean, se sentant perdant sur ce débat, décide de se rendre sur les lieux du crime. Cas' et Claire décident tous deux de l'accompagner. Sam, quand à lui, restera au motel pour faire des recherches sur Holloway. Avant que Cas' ne parte, Sam lui demande quelques explications sur l'épisode du bar. Cas' dit que l'état de Dean est en train d'empirer.

Sur la scène de crime, Dean, Cas' et Claire apprennent que Ronnie a été poignardé après avoir passé deux appels qui n'ont pu être tracés. La marque sur le corps de Ronnie pourrrait être celle causée par une lame angélique, mais la brûlure au point d'entrée n'y correspond pas. Ils retournent au motel, expliquent à Sam ce qu'ils ont vu et appris. Ils concluent que Ronnie a prévenu Peter de leur passage ce qui a causé sa mort. De son côté, Sam a découvert que Peter est propriétaire d'une ferme dans les environs, et qu'Amelia était aussi dans les parages dans les derniers temps avant sa disparition. Claire veut aller voir, mais Cas' est catégorique ; elle doit rester au motel. Tout comme Dean, qui, après l'épisode du bar, est trop sur le fil pour participer. Il proteste mais finit par céder; mais faut promettre à Cas' et à son frère d'appeler en cas de problèmes. Avant de partir, Cas' demande à Claire et à Dean de ne pas se battre.

Sur la route, après sa conversation avec Dean, Cas' demande l'avis de Sam sur ce qu'il devrait faire avec Claire une fois cette histoire terminée. Sam a un avis bien différent de celui de Dean et dit à Cas' qu'il ne doit surtout pas abandonner Claire. Même si elle prétend le contraire, elle a besoin qu'il soit présent et c'est une bonne chose. Personne, à son âge, ne devrait être laissée seule. Et puis, elle fait partie de la famille, même indirectement. Dans le même temps, Dean, qui en a assez de rester enfermé dans la chambre, emmène Claire jouer au mini-golf.

Tandis que Sam et Cas' arrivent sur place, à la ferme et commencent leur inspection des lieux, la partie de mini-golf continue. Claire interroge Dean sur la vie de chasseur. Dean admet que ce n'est pas une vie facile, mais qu'ils aident les gens et c'est ce qui compte. Claire se demande s'ils les aident autant que Cas' a aidé son père. De la même façon que Sam a tenté de réhabiliter l'image d'Amelia aux yeux de la jeune fille en lui expliquant que les derniers mots écrits par sa mère ne sont pas des mots d'abandon, Dean tente de faire comprendre à Claire qu'en se sacrifiant et en donnant son corps à Castiel, Jimmy a permis à l'ange de sauver le monde. Ce qui fait de Jimmy un héros et donne un sens à sa mort. Quand la partie se finit et que Claire fait tomber son club dans le trou, Dean a une illumination. Ils rentrent au motel et Dean confirme sa théorie. Cas' n'avait pas tout à fait tort, l'arme utilisée était bien angélique, mais ce n'était pas une simple lame, mais une épée, ce qui a causé les marques rouges sur le corps de Ronnie.

Dean et Claire découvrent que l'ange à qui ils ont affaire est un grigori. Les légendes disent qu'ils aident les gens, d'autres racontent qu'ils se nourrissent d'eux. Pendant ce temps, Castiel trouve Amelia dans la grange. Lorsqu'elle se réveille et se rend compte qu'il s'agit de l'ange qui a pris son mari, elle se débat, avant de s'effondrer dans ses bras. Sam, lui, inspecte la maison. Il reçoit un appel de Dean, mais il n'a pas le temps de répondre car la grigori arrive et l'assomme.

Cas' et Sam ne répondant pas, Dean décide d'entrer en action. A la grande surprise de Claire, il décide de l'emmener et lui offre même un pistolet. Pendant ce temps, Castiel s'excuse auprès d'Amelia pour avoir échoué à protéger leur famille. Il lui apprend que Jimmy est au Paradis. Malgré sa tristesse après cette nouvelle, Amelia dit que tout ce qui compte est que Claire soit toujours en vie, ce que Cas' lui confirme. Amelia se sent terriblement coupable de l'avoir laissée. Elle voulait retrouver Jimmy, afin de reconstituer leur famille et de repartir d'un bon pied. Elle ne voulait pas abandonner sa fille. Sam, de son côté, fait face à Tamiel, le grigori, qui l'a attaché à une chaise. Tamiel fait preuve de grand mépris envers l'espèce humaine. Les siens ont normalement été envoyés pour veiller sur les humains, mais d'après lui, ils n'en valent pas la peine. Il préfère donc se nourrir de leurs âmes, qui lui fournissent des repas pour des décennies entières. Il se sent supérieur aux autres anges. Dans le même temps, Claire et Dean arrivent sur place. Dean donne des instructions à Claire ; ils vont d'abord fouiller la grange, puis la maison. Il lui conseille de viser la poitrine si elle doit tirer. Cela ne tuera pas l'ange, mais cela devrait le ralentir.

Cas' jette un oeil sur les autres victimes allongées dans la grange, quand Claire et Dean débarquent. Claire oublie son ressentiment tandis qu'Amelia se répand en excuses, et mère et fille se jettent dans les bras l'une de l'autre. Dean et Cas' partent à la recherche de Sam. Ils le trouvent dans la maison et ils partagent leurs informations respectives. Quand Cas' apprend qu'Holloway est un grigori, il est surpris. Ces anges envoyés pour protéger la race humaine ont été détruits lorsqu'ils ont commencé à prendre les Hommes pour du bétail. Mais certains ont manifestement survécu. Ils doivent absolument le retrouver et l'éliminer.

Claire aide Amelia à se lever et à sortir de la grange, mais Tamiel intervient. Claire suit les conseils de Dean et tire dans la poitrine de l'ange qui ne se montre pas impressionné. Il s'apprête à la tuer, mais Amelia s'interpose et c'est elle qui reçoit le coup fatal. Tamiel va s'occuper de Claire, quand Dean, Cas' et Sam interviennent. Après une longue bagarre, c'est finalement Claire qui tue Tamiel. Ensuite, elle se jette au sol pour prendre sa mère dans ses bras, en la suppliant de tenir bon. Mais il est trop tard. Amelia est morte et elle est montée au Paradis pour rejoindre Jimmy, qu'elle retrouve enfin.

Sam explique à Claire qu'elle se rend chez Jody Mills, une de leurs amies, qui lui donnera un endroit où vivre jusqu'à ce qu'elle rebondisse. Dean, quand à lui, lui fait ses propres cadeaux d'anniversaire. Un dvd et un livre sur le mythe énochien. Claire prend le dvd mais refuse le livre et prétend qu'elle en a fini avec tout ça. Mais quand Dean dépose le dvd et le livre dans le sac de la jeune fille, il découvre qu'elle a conservée l'épée de Tamiel et aussi le cadeau que Cas' lui a offert ; un chat en peluche. Dean la prévient que l'espérance de vie d'un chasseur est plutôt courte. Si elle peut éviter de se lancer là-dedans, il vaut mieux qu'elle le fasse, mais si elle décide que c'est ce qu'elle veut faire, elle doit prendre soin de faire ses recherches et de ne pas partir à l'aveugle. Elle fait promettre à Dean de veiller sur Cas', puis, quand Cas' vient lui dire aurevoir, elle se jette dans ses bras. Enfin, elle monte dans le taxi qui doit l'emmener vers une nouvelle vie. Cas' demand aux boys de lui assurer qu'elle ira bien. C'est Sam qui prend la peine de le rassurer et de lui affirmer que lui aussi ira bien. Cas' observe le taxi s'éloigner.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

Scene opens on a typical living room set up. As the camera pans around the room we hear a door opening. Jimmy Novak (dressed in a grey suit and pin striped shirt) enters through the door into the entryway of the house. The camera zooms in on him.




(The camera turns to a woman at the top of the stairs the leading from the entryway)




(Amelia runs ¾ of the way down stairs)

Is it...you?


(Jimmy nods slowly)

Castiel is gone. It's me.

Sorry. I'm so sorry. I never ...

(Amelia runs down the rest of the stairs and hugs Jimmy)


I looked everywhere for you.

I thought I lost you again.


It's okay.

It's okay.

(They end the embrace and Amelia take Jimmy’s face in her hands)


(Camera pans to Amelia’s forearms resting on Jimmy’s chest. Blood starts to ooze through her shirt on her left arm)

It's okay.

I'm home now.

(Amelia looks down to her forearms, as the bloodstain grows larger)


What's happening?


How's our girl?

How's Claire?

(Jimmy seems oblivious to what is happening to Amelia, as she gets increasingly upset)



Not again! No!

(Scene changes to Amelia strapped to a cot in a dark room. She is wearing a grey tank top and looks worn and haggard. A man in a suit is sitting on the side of the cot with her. She is making whimpering noises and trying to sit up and pull away as the man hold her arm and places something against the crook of her elbow)


Shh. Shh.

(The man drags a knife across her arm and makes a small incision. Blue light and smokes comes out of the cut and the man inhales the smoke, closing his eyes as he does so)


No! No!


Shh. Shh.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh,

shh, shh, shh, shh.

(The man places his hand on Amelia’s cheek. The camera pulls back to show that they are in some type of abandoned building)

You're safe, Amelia.

(Amelia closes her eyes and appears to go to sleep)

You're home.

(We hear Jimmy’s voice while still seeing Amelia sleeping)



(Scene changes to Jimmy entering the house from the opening scene and closing the door behind him. He walks into the entryway and looks around)



(Amelia, dressed as in the first scene, comes down the stairs)



Is it...you?

(Camera turns to show Jimmy)


(music starts playing)

I'm so sorry.

(Amelia runs down the stairs and hugs Jimmy)

I'm so sorry I left.

(camera pulls back to show Jimmy and Amelia in the entryway. She is holding his face in her hands)


I looked everywhere for you.

(Scene changes to Amelia sleeping in the abandoned building as the man strokes her cheek)




(‘Tulsa, Oklahoma’ appears on the screen. Scene opens at night outside the ‘Lucky Star’ massage parlor. There are two motorcycles parked on the sidewalk. A young girl with blonde hair runs by and enters a door next to the massage parlor as sirens go off in the background. The scene changes to the interior of the bar and we see people playing pool. The camera pans towards the bar and we see the girl (Claire Novak) approach the bar)

(Music in the background)

  • gonna catch that train at midnight
  • I don't care where it goes*


The hell you think you're doing in here?


Come on, it’s my birthday tomorrow.


How old you gonna be? 12?


(Music in the background)

  • Well, I once had me a good life *

(Claire pulls money out of her pocket and holds it out towards the bartender)


More like 50.

(Claire lays a $50 dollar bill on the bar)


I'm looking for a guy named Ronnie Cartwright.

He's supposed to be a regular around here.

(Music in the background)

  • And my blues is gettin' darker

Oh, lord, I think these blues have been turned black *

(The bartender picks up the money. The scene changes to a man sitting at a table in the bar drinking a beer. Claire approaches from behind and stands alongside the table)


Ronnie Cartwright?

(Music in the background)

• Yeah, they have *

(The man looks at Claire, turns his head away and sighs)


Whatever you're selling, I ain't buyin', sweetheart.

(Claire sits across from Ronnie at the table)


I need your help, Ronnie.

I'm trying to track somebody down.

(Claire reaches into her jacket, pulls out a picture of Amelia and lays it on the table facing Ronnie)

(Music in the background)

• And if you're not one of them *

(Ronnie looks at the picture, makes a dismissive face and slides the picture back towards Claire. Claire picks up the picture and looks at it)


I ain't never seen her before in my life.


Her name's Amelia.

She's been missing for a few years, but according to her diary, she was supposed to meet up with you.


I ain't never met her.


You were gonna introduce her to some miracle worker.


Look, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I don't know that lady.

And I for damn sure don't know some miracle worker.

If I did, you think I'd be in a dump like this?

Now piss off. Go back to your Girl Scout troop.


She's my mother.


I don't care.


Can you just take another look? I mean, maybe ...


I told you, I ain't never seen her before.

Now I better never see you again.

(Ronnie takes his beer and gets up from the table. Scene changes to the outside of the bar (we see the sign say’s ‘Susie’s’). Ronnie comes out of the door and starts walking. The camera follows him from behind and a hand comes out and grabs his jacket. Ronnie spins round to see Claire standing there)


I told you to stay the hell away from me.


You were the last person to speak to my mom. I need to find her.


I don't know Amelia Novak. You got it?


I never told you her last name.

(Ronnie turns to walk/run away and Claire grabs his arm)


(Ronnie shoves his arm back to break Claire’s grip and she slams into the wall)

CLAIRE Uhh! (Claire slides to the ground unconscious. Ronnie looks distressed and reaches two fingers to Claire’s neck to feel for a pulse. Breathing heavily, he takes out his cell phone and makes a call))

RONNIE (impatiently)

Come on.


9-1-1, what is your emergency?


Um, yeah, found some girl passed out in the alley, uh, uh, by Susie's bar on Overland.


We'll send an ambulance right away, sir.

Can you tell me if she's still breathing?

(Ronnie hangs up the call and runs away)

(Scene changes to daylight, outside the Tulsa Memorial Hospital. Sirens are heard in the background as Castiel paces. He turns as ‘bad ass’ music starts playing. The Impala comes around the corner and pulls up in front of the hospital. Sam and Dean get out of the car in unison and approach Castiel)


Thanks for coming.


Yeah, of course.


Cass, look, we're always glad to help, but Claire and I aren't exactly on the best of terms. I mean, should I even be here?


I need help from both of you.

You were both troubled teens. You speak her language.

SAM (smirking)

All right. How is she?


Well, I-I haven't gone in yet. I was waiting for backup.




Mm. Huh.


Three men and a lady. Let's do this.

(Dean starts to walk to the entrance of the hospital. Scene changes to Claire in a hospital bed. She turns her head as Castiel appears in the doorway and walks into the room with Sam and Dean behind him)

CLAIRE (disdainfully)

What are you doing here? And why the hell did you bring him?

DEAN (sarcastically)



Um, the ... the police found my number in your emergency contact list.

(Sam looks around the room uncomfortably as Dean leans on a cabinet)


Yeah, well... That was a mistake.

You can go now.


Claire... Why were you at a bar?


I wasn't.

(Sam approaches the bed)


Claire, what were you doing in an alley outside of a bar?


Wrong place, wrong time. Story of my life.


Look, we're not leaving until you tell us what the hell really happened. So if you want us gone...Talk.

CLAIRE (looking towards Castiel)

I was looking for my mom. I wanna find my mom and tell her she ruined my life.


Your mom didn't ...


She left me, and so did my dad. But Jimmy's gone, right? Has it easy up in heaven. So...Mom's the only one left I can tell off.


When's the last anybody heard from your mom?



When I was living with my grandmother, she used to send me postcards.

(Claire reaches over to a table and takes a package out of her bag)

This is the last one.

(Claire pulls out a post card and hands it to Sam)

I got it just before my grandma died. Two years ago. Nobody's heard from her since. It was sent from a motel here in town.

(Camera shows the front of the card. It says ‘Curtis’ Motor Court above a picture of a rural looking motel)

That's where I've been crashing. I was at Susie's bar looking for a loser named Ronnie Cartwright. Mom's diary said she was gonna meet him around the time she disappeared. Before he knocked me down, he remembered her name. He knows something.


Why was Amelia looking for him?


She went looking for miracles. She went looking for you.

(Scene changes to Sam, Dean and Castiel in the hallway of the hospital)


This is all my fault.


You know, Cass, say it is. What can you do about it?


Find Amelia.


She did disappear trying to hunt down an angel.

(Shrugging) Might be a case.


Yeah, but we don't know that.


Close enough. Come on, give me something to punch already.

(Castiel and Sam look worriedly at Dean)

DEAN (rolling his eyes) I'm kidding. I'm fine. I'm just...I'm fine.

Why don't we go back to the bar, see if we can track down this Ronnie guy, huh?


Yeah. We should let Claire know where we're going first.



(Dean walks away. The scene changes to inside Claire’s room. Dean is holding a hospital gown and the bed is empty. Sam and Castiel walk into the room)



DEAN (tosses the gown onto a chair)

Damn it. Well... She either went looking for Ronnie again or, uh ...

SAM (holding up the postcard from the motel)

Yeah, or… she went to go grab her stuff before taking off again.


Well, she's got a concussion. Maybe that'll slow her down.


All right. I'll head to the motel. Y'all check out the bar.

(Scene changes to the Impala driving down a road at nighttime in the rain. Castiel and Dean are in the Impala)


Hey, Cass, listen, what you're doing for Claire and helping her find her mom...

It's good. It's a good thing.




Well, where does it end? I'm not trying to be a dick, but truth is, you're not her dad.

In fact, you're not anything to her expect a-a constant reminder of someone that's gone.


No, I'm...

Responsible for everything that's happened to her.


Look, I'm just saying,she's been surviving on her own for quite a while now, and ... and then partly because she doesn't have anybody to answer to.

You know, there's... There's nobody holding her back.


We just found her in a hospital. You telling me that she'd be better off on her own?


I'm saying she might be stronger on her own.

(Scene changes Dean and Castiel standing at a bar. They appear to be talking to the bartender.)

(music playing in the background)

• for all those pretty things *

(Dean and Castiel turn away from the bar and walk over to Ronnie who’s sitting at a booth with a beer. Ronnie sees them and tries to run. Dean grabs him and slides into the booth next to him)


Yeah! What's the rush, huh? Heading out to beat down another teenager?

(Castiel is sitting across the table from Ronnie)


That bitch attacked me!

(Dean grabs Ronnie by his jacket and slams his head against the table. Castiel looks worriedly around the bar. Ronnie picks his head up off the bar)


Poor choice of words, pal.

Now...Amelia Novak. Where is she?


(Dean slams Ronnie’s head against the table again)



CASTIEL (in a warning tone)



Listen, Ronnie, what do you say, huh?

(Ronnie picks his head up again)

We could do this all day, unless you wanna tell me everything you know about Amelia.


Okay. Okay.

(Dean pulls his hands off Ronnie in an exaggerated manner)

I met Amelia. But she was the last one, I swear.


Last one of what?


I worked for a faith healer.

(Dean and Castiel look at each other skeptically)

No, he was the real deal.

Hey, I was blind. He healed me.


Give us a name. (Deans slams his hand on the table) Now!


Peter Holloway.



Yeah, after he gave me my sight back, I...

Well, me made me work for him as...payment.

I-I-I recruited candidates.

Yeah, he had...A specific type.

Young but, uh...

Lost. Wouldn't be missed.


Amelia was one of these "candidates"?


Some people, he healed. But others, he, uh...

Oh, man.

Look, I saw him one night. It looked like he was, uh...

I don't know ... I don't know how to describe it, but he was...

He tied one of 'em up and... He ... he ... he was, uh... cutting on them.

Look, after that, I was done.

Okay? I quit.

I haven't heard from Holloway since.

(Scene changes to Dean and Castiel getting in the Impala outside the bar. As the Impala pulls away Ronnie comes out into the street and pulls out his cell phone)

(Scene changes to Claire opening a door into a motel room. We see her over Sam’s shoulder, who is sitting in a chair in the room)


Took you long enough.

(Claire turns, startled)


How did you...

(Sam holds up the post card)


Also, you checked in under the name "Claire Novak."

A little pro-tip? Use an alias.



(Claire opens a closet and starts to pull out some clothes)


Claire, we just wanna help.


I didn't ask for your help.

(Claire walks past Sam and he turns her way. He looks over his shoulder at a wall that is covered with maps, photos and papers)


You know, this is good. I was impressed. How did you get the information that...

(Claire tosses a book to Sam)


It's mostly empty promises and regret, but... There were enough breadcrumbs to get me here.

(Sam looks through the book as Claire packs her bags)


How did you get your mom's diary?


The motel manager sent mom's stuff to her last known address after she disappeared. It bounced around, eventually found its way to me at one of the foster homes.


You came all this way just to tell her off?


You always get along with your mom?


Never got the chance to find out. My mom died when I was a baby.


I'm ... I'm sorry. I didn't ...


Oh, no, it's okay. I-I got to know her later in life. And, yeah, I suppose we got along okay.




In this line of work, death isn't always good-bye.


This is different.

(Claire walks across the hotel room to get another bag by the sink)

My mom left me.

SAM (reading from up a piece of paper)

"Claire, I'll be home soon. We'll be home soon." Doesn't sound like somebody who wanted to abandon you.

Did you check her credit cards?


They wouldn't send me her records.


Okay, I know you need to be somewhere far away from all of us, but let me get my laptop. I'll teach you how to hack into her credit card records.

It'll help you get a lead on your mom.


Show me, but then I'm gone.

(Scene changes to Ronnie looking at his cell phone and pacing nervously outside Suzie’s bar, sirens blare in the background. His phone rings and he answers)


Hey, listen, I don't think these guys snooping around are F.B.I. You know, I-I think they're ...


…they're hunters.

RONNIE (turning around)

I-I'm sorry. I-I wanted to give you the heads up.

(the camera turns to the man that was with Amelia in the opening scenes)


Wouldn't need a heads up if you kept your mouth shut, Ronnie.

(The man puts two fingers on Ronnie’s forehead)


Hey, come on.


Don't you see that?


Come on. No. W...my eyes! Come on, man! I can't see!

(Ronnie turns around and the man stabs him though the back with a blade that looks like and angel blade.)



(He withdraws the blade and Ronnie falls forward to the ground. The man turns around and walks away.)



(Scene changes back to the hotel room with Sam and Claire. We see Sam’s hands gesturing in front of his laptop.)


There we go.

CLAIRE (walking over to Sam at the table with his laptop)

Seriously? It's that easy?


Yes. I can also show you how to set up fake credit cards. It will make life on the road a lot easier.


You guys are credit card scammers, too?


Yeah. Hunting monsters doesn't exactly pay the bills.


Then why do you do it?


To help people, make a difference.


That's it?


That's not enough?

(Knocking on the door. Claire opens the door and Castiel is there)


Are you all right?

CLAIRE (frustrated)

Yeah, I will be when nobody ever asks me that again.


You guys find Ronnie?

(Dean comes up behind Castiel and they both enter the room)



Yeah, he gave up a name ...Peter Holloway.

Said he was a faith healer.

(Claire sits on the bed and smirks. Dean sits at the table with Sam. Castiel looks on)


So...What? You thinking angel?


Maybe, but it sounded like he has healed some people, but he may have fed off others.


Yeah, that's weird.

All right, let's look into this Peter Holloway guy.

(Castiel walks over to Claire with a brightly covered gift bag in his hand. Dean is at the table in the background covering his eyes with his hand)


Claire, um...

Happy Birthday.

(Castiel hands Claire the gift bag)



(Claire pulls a plush cat out of the bag)


I got it at the Hot Topical.

(Sam and Dean raise their eyebrows at each other)



Um...Thanks, I guess.

(Claire puts the cat back in the bag and tosses it on the bed behind her)


Whoa. Just got an alert from local P.D.

Ronnie's body was just found outside of Susie's bar.


You were just supposed to talk to Ronnie.

What did you do to him?

DEAN (defensively)

I didn't lay a hand on him.


Dean, that isn't exactly true.

(Sam looks around questioningly)


I didn't kill the guy.

DEAN (standing up from the table)

All right, I'm gonna get suited up and head back over there.


I'm coming with you.


I'm coming with you, too.

DEAN (turning towards Sam)

You wanna get in on this?


No, I-I should probably stay here and research Holloway.



(Dean strides out the door and Claire follows. Sam looks to see that Dean is out of the room ands turns to Castiel)


Hey, Cass? What happened at the bar?

CASTIEL (sighing)

Dean snapped. He's getting worse.

(Castiel leaves the hotel room and Sam looks worried. Scene changes to outside Suzie’s bar where police photographers are taking pictures Ronnie’s body. Dean (in a suit), Castiel and Claire approach the scene and the female police officer)


Officer? Agents Clapton and Page.


And your little friend?


Oh. Uh...Yeah.

It's "bring your daughter to work" day at the Bureau.

Uh, vic was a, uh, person of interest in a missing persons case.

What do you got?


Stab wound. Clean through.

(The group moves closer to the body)

No sign of robbery. Wallet and everything was still on his person.


What are the red marks there on the point of entry?

(Camera turns to show Ronnie’s lower back covered in blood. There is a large triangular hole where the blade pierced his skin. Below the hole, on either side are two small, circular holes)


Burn marks, maybe. Don’t know.

(Claire grimaces and turns her head)


We pulled his cell phone records. He made two calls to the same number prior to the attack. Tried the number, but the line's dead now. Probably a burner.



(Phone ringing)


Will you excuse me?

(The officer walks away to answer her phone)




Sheriff Coltrane. Uh-huh.


The wound looks like an angel blade, but the point of entry is wider.

Can't explain those marks.

(Officers cover Ronnie’s body with a blanket as Claire looks on)


Best birthday ever.

DEAN (leading Castiel and Claire away from the scene)

Okay, all right, come here.

(Scene changes to the hotel room where Sam is writing on a note pad. Dean, Castiel and Claire walk through the door.)


Hey. I, uh, got a lead on Peter Holloway.

DEAN (leaning on the back of a chair at the table)

Oh, good, 'cause he's probably about to split town.

Ronnie made a few phone calls before he got shish kebabed.


You think to give Holloway a heads up?


If he did, that's probably what got him killed.

So...We gotta track him down before he bails.


Great. Well, according to county records, Holloway owns a farmhouse about 30 or 40 miles from here, so I, uh, cross-referenced it with Amelia's credit card receipts.

(Sam gets up from his chair and moves towards the wall with Claire’s research on it. He points to a spot on a map)

The house is about right there, and she's been hitting up Biggersons and Gas n' Sips all around the area.


Probably staking the place out.




Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.


Claire, you are not going out there.


She's my mother.


That house could be empty and it could be a trap.

It's too dangerous. I can't let anything happen to you.


Anything else you mean.


Claire, you're not going.


You're not either, Dean.

DEAN (looking surprised)



Back at the bar with Ronnie?


Oh, come on, Cass. He wasn't gonna talk. I just... Helped him talk.

SAM (walking towards Dean)

Dean, Cass is right. We need to keep the Mark in check.

And we don't know what's out there.

You know, maybe you should... Maybe you should stay here.


So you wanna bench me again?

SAM (sighing)



(Dean looks at Castiel and pauses for several seconds)

All right. Fine. I'll stay and babysit.

(Dean turns towards Sam)

But if anything happens, anything at all...

CASTIEL (wearily)

Yeah, we'll call you.

No fighting.

DEAN (scoffs)

Yeah, tell her that.

CASTIEL (sternly)

Both of you.

(Dean makes a ‘who me’ face as Castiel and Sam walk out the hotel room door. Claire smirks at him.)

(Scene changes to Dean (now in ‘hunter attire’ grabbing a beer out of a six pack on the hotel table. He pulls off the top and tosses it into the hotel sink as he sits down. Sighing, he takes a sip of his beer)


Can I have one?

Like you never had a beer before you were 21.

DEAN (rolling his eyes)

All right. You know what? If we stay cooped up in this motel room all night long, I'm gonna lose my mind.


Spoiler alert ... you already have.

DEAN (laughs sarcastically)

That's... Come on. Let's go.

(Dean and Claire leave the hotel room. Scene changes to Sam and Castiel driving in the Impala down a dark road. )


When this is over, should I... Should I leave Claire alone?


What? No, man. She's family. Well, I mean, she's not exactly family, but she's close enough.

I mean, you two have history. Simple as that.


So do you think she's better off on her own?

Cass, she just turned 18.


You were alone when you left for college at that age, weren't you?


Yeah, but that's different.


How, Sam?


Here's all I know ... going it alone, that's no way to live. You being there for her, even if she thinks she doesn't want you to be there for her, that's good for both of you.


Maybe, in the end.


In the end.

(Scene changes to Claire and Dean playing mini-golf. Dean strikes a red ball and we see the ball’s perspective as it rolls down the green, bounces off the wall and sinks into the hole.)

DEAN It's in the hole! It's in the hole!

Bill Murray? "Caddyshack."

It's a classic.


Never seen it. Not a fan.

DEAN (looking offended)

How dare you.


You done?


Yeah, I'm done.

I'm done with your whole generation.

(Claire takes the same shot and we see her ball sink right into the hole as well. Dean turns his head and looks away)


Did you ... did you see that? Did that go in the hole?

I wasn't watching. Did the ball go in the hole?


"Happy Gilmore."

Well played.

CLAIRE (taking a little bow)

Thank you. Mm.


Yep. Did that go in? Did that go in?

(Scene changes to Sam and Castiel in the Impala, looking out the front windshield at something)


It looks abandoned.

(Sam and Castiel get out of the car)


Only one way to find out.

(Scene changes back to Dean and Claire playing mini-golf. Claire takes another swing as Dean looks on)


This is what you guys do? Stay at cheap motels, steal credit cards... Play mini-golf?


Actually, we haven't played mini-golf in a while. But, uh... Yeah. That about sums it up.

(Scene changes to Sam and Castiel outside the abandoned building. They are at the back of the Impala with the trunk open. Sam is loading his gun)


You take the barn, I'll take the house.

(Sam closes the trunk and they walk towards the barn. Scene changes back to Dean and Claire playing mini-golf. Dean is taking a swing)


We help people. At least, we try to.

(Dean and Claire are walking towards the next hole, Claire behind Dean)


Like, uh, Castiel helped my dad?


Claire, what happened to your dad...I'm sorry, okay? I really am.

But, uh, there's something you gotta know.

(They stop walking and Dean turns towards Claire)

Your dad's sacrifice was not meaningless.

Yeah, he gave up his body, his ... his vessel.

And because he did that, Cass... Cass was able to save the world.

The world.

Your father's a hero. He did not die in vain.

(Claire sighs and walks past Dean to line up the next hole. She swings and the ball goes into the hole)


Last hole.



CLAIRE (Walking toward the hole)

Yeah. See? They take your ball on the last one. Drop it in the bottom like so.

(Claire turns her golf club upside down and drops it into the hole. The club falls into the hole until the club end gets stuck. Dean, staring intently at the club in the hole walks slowly towards it. He bends down and grabs the club end)


You okay? You're not stroking out, are you?

DEAN (looking up at Claire)

The red marks.


What red marks?

(Dean stands up, hands the club to Claire)


Claire, you're a genius.


Come on, let's go.

(Dean walks quickly away, Claire follows)


What? Wait. Why am I a genius?

(Scene changes to Dean and Claire sitting at the hotel table. Dean is bringing up images on the laptop and Claire is turning pages in a book)


So this is hunting? Homework?


Cass said that Ronnie's wound looked like an angel blade, but the red marks didn't match up with an angel blade.

(We see a black and white image on the laptop screen that looks like a man-like creature attacking a man in a forest)

But if it was an angel sword that would explain the size of the wound and the red marks.

(a black & white image of drawings of various swords/blades is shown on the laptop)

'Cause a sword would have a hilt on it, which could cause the ... the marks.


You got all that from a putter?

(Scene changes to Sam walking into the kitchen of the abandoned house. It’s dark and he has his gun drawn, searching for threats. He pulls an angel blade out of his coat and continues to search. Scene changes to Castiel walking through the barn. Scene changes again to Claire’s hands turning pages in a book. She stops on a color picture of an angel with a long blade. Dean looks over)


Is ... is this what you mean?



(Scene changes back to Sam walking through the house gun drawn and ready walking away from the kitchen doorway. We hear Dean say ‘The watcher angels’ as Holloway appears in the shadows of the open doorway. Scene changes back to Dean and Claire at the hotel)


So are they good or bad?


Well, some of the lore says that they, uh, they help people, and some says that they prey on people.

So...Keep digging.


(Scene changes to Castiel in the barn. He comes around a corner looking nervous/frightened. Scene changes to Amelia sleeping/unconscious on the cot. Castiel is seen out of focus on the other side of the room. He runs over to Amelia and sits beside her on the cot)



(Scene changes to Amelia running down the stairs as in the opening scene)



(Scene changes to the barn where Castiel is untying the restraints on Amelia’s wrists and then helps her sit up)



(Scene changes back to Amelia in the house. She is at the bottom of the steps looking around the entryway)



(Scene changes back to Amelia laying on the cot)



(Scene changes back to the house where a frightened Amelia is looking around the entryway)



(Scene changes back to the barn as Amelia’s eyes snap open)



(Amelia looks up and realizes that Castiel is with her. She gets angry and starts hitting at him. As she’s punching, Castiel tries to grab her wrists)


I looked everywhere for you!


It's okay.


I tried to find you!


No. Hey, hey.



You took my husband!

(Castiel embraces Amelia and holds on to her until she collapses against him and stops fighting)


Shh. Shh. It's okay.

It's okay.

(Scene changes Sam walking through the house with gun and Angel blade ready. His phone vibrates and he pulls it out of his pocket to see ‘Dean Calling’. He sighs and then hears a creak from behind him. He turns and Holloway strikes him with some sort of club.



(Sam falls to the floor, unconscious)


(Dean and Claire are at the hotel. Dean is on his cell phone)


Cass isn't answering his phone either.

(Dean grans his duffle and walks across the room)


I don't understand. Grigori angels went rogue? Started feeding on people? Why?


(checks his gun and puts it in his waistband)

Don't know, don't care.

I'm heading over to Holloway's to end that son of a bitch.


Yeah, let me guess. You want me to stay here?

(Dean turns and considers Claire for a few moments. He turns to his duffle, pulls outs a revolver and hands it to Claire)


Happy Birthday. Don't shoot me.

Let's go.

(Scene changes to the barn where Castiel has two fingers placed on Amelia’s forehead. He pulls his hand away as Amelia looks at her arms. Castiel places his hand over her forearm, which has several cuts on it, and a light glows from his hand)



I'm usually able to heal any wound. You...

AMELIA (tearfully)

I was dreaming. This whole time, I was dreaming... of finding Jimmy, of putting my family back together.

You're not him anymore. I can tell.




Where's Jimmy?


Your husband is in heaven. Amelia, I promised to protect your family, and I failed.


Not if Claire's alive. She's all that matters.


Claire is alive. She's grown up to be a very strong-willed young woman.


Oh, that's my girl. I just ... I shouldn't have ever left her.

I-I thought if I could find Jimmy, I would make everything right. But I should've never left her.

I shouldn't ... I shouldn't...

(Amelia breaks down crying and Castiel embraces her)


It's okay.

(Scene changes to the house where Sam is handcuffed to a chair, head hanging down before regaining consciousness)



(Sam looks around the kitchen as he struggles with the handcuffs. Holloway walks into the room)


You must be Holloway.

(Holloway walks across the kitchen over to Sam)


For the last 50 years or so, yes. Before that, I was a Jenkins. And before that, a Miller. My real name is Tamiel.

(Scene changes to the back of the chair and Sam’s hands in handcuffs. He is pulling a nail out of the wooden chair with his thumbs)


I'm a Grigori. A watcher angel.


Since when do angels feed on humans?


Since the dawn of man.


What are you talking about?


Your souls...

(Holloway walks behind Sam and Sam hides the nail in his hands)

Are little slices of heaven that are, if properly kept, delicious meals that can last for years, decades even.


You're not an angel. You're a monster.

(Holloway laughs and reaches out to lightly punch Sam on the shoulder)



(We see Sam’s hands using the nail to open the handcuffs)

I prefer to think of myself as a gourmand. I make heaven a place on earth. Keeps me alive and hidden from the rest of the failures that call themselves angels.


Oh, they are failures?

Yeah, 'cause you're living so large in your own life.

(Holloway turns around quickly and draws his sword on Sam so that it is pointing directly at Sam’s face)


There were hundreds of us, but now...

(Holloway raises the sword up to show an inscription on the blade)

Each of our names inscribed on our swords.

A brotherhood of perfectly crafted, engineered beings sent to protect you pathetic, bottom-feeding disasters.

(Scene changes to Dean and Claire walking outside the house and barn, guns drawn)


All right, let's stick together. First the barn, then the house.

If you have to shoot, aim for the chest.

It won't drop an angel, but it'll slow him down. Got it?



(Scene changes to inside the barn, Castiel is looking other bodies that are in the room with Amelia)


Are they...


I don't know. We will get them help.


How long have I been like this?


Two years.

(Scene changes to Dean and Claire walking through the barn on the same path as Castiel. They come to a corner and Deans turns quickly, gun drawn and aims at Castiel who has come out of the room with Amelia and the bodies. Castiel puts his hands out defensively)



(Claire runs past Castiel and into the room. She stops when she sees Amelia)



I'm so sorry. (Claire runs to Amelia and they embrace)

AMELIA (crying)

Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry!


Okay. Okay.

(Claire kneels down as Amelia sits back on the cot. Dean and Castiel walk into the room. Dean looks at the girls and then at Castiel with a confused look on his face)

DEAN (to Castiel)

Let's go find Sam.

(Dean walks over and kneels beside Claire)

Claire, hey.




Listen to me. Stay here, okay?

Do not move.

CLAIRE (crying)


Thank you. Thank you, both.

(Dean and Castiel leave the room and Claire turns back to Amelia)


Hey, Mom.


(Scene changes to a close up of the chair Sam was in, overturned on the kitchen floor, open handcuffs hanging from it. On the other side of the room, Dean walks in, gun drawn, and looks around. Castiel is behind him. Dean continues walking and stops when he sees the chair)



(Something creaks in the other room and Dean and Castiel walk towards it. As Dean turns the corner into the room Sam comes out, club raised and ready to swing. Dean gasps, pauses and rolls his eyes.)


What the hell happened?


Listen, Holloway is a...

SAM/DEAN (Simultaneously)

Grigori. Grigori.







They were some of the first angels on earth.

It was an elite unit that went bad.

But they're ... they're extinct. They were destroyed.


Well, no, some survived. And they've been hunting humans, making them create heavens in their minds and feeding off them.


Where is this abomination?


I don't know. I looked everywhere. He must've left.

(Dean looks at Castiel and runs out of the room. Castiel and Sam follow)

(Scene changes to Claire and Amelia in the barn. Claire is looking out the doorway worriedly. Behind her Amelia is collapsing on the cot. Claire turns and goes to her)


Mom. Come on.

Mom, you have to stay with me, okay? Come on. Stand up.

(Claire helps Amelia stand up, pulls her arm over her shoulders and they start walking)

Mom, it's gonna be okay.



Thank you, sweetheart.


(As they walk Holloway appears in front of them)


You know there's no fixing her, right?

(Claire drops Amelia and aims her gun at Holloway. She shoots him four times in the chest. On the fifth shot the gun clicks, as if it’s empty. Claire shoots several more times with the same result. Holloway shakes his head and walks towards Claire, Angel sword in hand)


You really think that's gonna hurt an angel of the Lord?

(Holloway moves to strike Claire and Amlia jumps in between them)


No! Aah!

(Holloway stabs Amelia straight through the chest and then pulls out the sword. Amelia falls to the ground and Claire kneels behind her, holding her up. Holloway looks on, smirking)

CLAIRE (crying)

Mom! Mom! Mom!


(Claire is holding Amelia in her arms as blood stains her shirt and drips out of her mouth. Holloway looks on with disdain and raises his sword)



(Castiel runs in and knocks Holloway to the ground. He pulls out his Angel blade and they struggle on the ground. Holloway knocks Castiel to the side and stands up as Sam runs in and grabs him from behind, locking his arms behind him. Dean runs and punches Holloway as Sam holds him. The fight continues for several seconds with Castiel’s Angel blade changing hands several times. Eventually Dean and Cas are down and Sam is thrown against a wall. Holloway raises his sword, laughs and prepares to stab Castiel. Before he can inflict the blow a blade pierces his chest from behind. White light emanates from the wound and his eyes as he screams. He falls forward and Claire is standing behind him. She throws the Angel blade to the ground and runs over to Amelia)

CLAIRE (crying and holding Amelia in her arms. Amelia is unresponsive)

Mom? Mommy, please stay with me, okay? Mom? Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Mom, I'm sorry.

(Scene changes to the front door of Amelia’s ‘dream’ house. It’s bright outside the door. Amelia walks through the door, unhurt and closes the door. Jimmy appears at the top of the stairs)

JIMMY (walking down the stairs)



(They meet each other in the entryway)


Jimmy? Is it really you?

(Jimmy and Amelia embrace)

Is this...


It's heaven.

(They pull away and look around at the house)


I...waited for you for so long. I...

How was she?

How's Claire?

AMELIA (Smiling)

Oh, Jimmy, she grew up so beautiful. She's so strong.


Like her mom.

I love you.


I love you, too.

(They embrace again and Jimmy is crying over Amelia’s shoulder)


(It’s daylight outside the hotel. Sam and Claire are leaning on the trunk of the Impala)


So, what? This is some sort of halfway house for wayward girls?


No. Not at all.

Jody Mills is good people, and she'll give you a place to crash until you get back on your feet.

It's not forever, right?

(Dean and Castiel are standing several feet away. Dean looks over his shoulder towards Sam and Claire and then back to Castiel)


What are you gonna do about Claire?


It's not up to me.


You said sometimes death isn't always good-bye, right?

So good-byes aren't always forever.


Right. Take care of yourself, Claire.

(Sam walks away and Dean walks over to the Impala. He takes a wrapped package out of the front seat and hands it to Claire)


I felt bad about taking the gun back, so...

(Claire opens the package and finds a DVD of ‘Caddy Shack’)



(Under the DVD is a large book titled ‘The Enochian Myth’)

But I don't think I'm interested in any more homework.

(She hands the book back to Dean)



(Dean kneels down, opens Claire’s duffle and pulls out the Angel sword)

Do you honestly think I didn't see you take this?

(Dean then takes out the plush cat Castiel gave Claire)


(Dean puts the book in Claire’s duffle)

I'll just put this in here.

You know, Claire... (Dean stands up)

You already got your revenge.

You go down this path ...our path...(nodding towards Sam)

It's not a long life.


I don't know. You seem pretty old.




Listen... What I did, setting you up, um...

I'm sorry. I just ... I shouldn't ...


Forget it. It's in the past.


Are you gonna be okay?



I don't know.

But I will keep fighting.

I'll keep swinging until I got nothing left.


Will you keep an eye on him?

(Dean and Claire look over at Castiel who is talking with Sam)

He's been through enough.


So have you.

Claire, do your homework before you do anything stupid, okay?

And we're here if you need us, any time.

(A cab pulls up to Dean and Claire)

I'll get you loaded up.


Um, Claire.

If you, um, if you...need anything, ever, I'm ... I'm ... just wanted you to know that...

(Claire reaches forward and hugs Castiel)

(singing as Claire walks over to the cab)

  • In the twilight glow

I seen her *

  • blue eyes crying in the rain *
  • When we kissed good-bye *

CASTIEL (looking over towards the cab)

Someone just tell me she's gonna be okay.


Yeah, Cass. Of course.

She'll be okay.

  • Meet again *

So will you.

CAB DRIVER (pulling away from the hotel)

Going home or leaving home?

  • Love is like *



(Castiel is seen standing in the background for several seconds as the cab continues to pull away)

  • a dying ember *
  • and only memories remain *
  • and through the ages

I'll remember *

  • blue eyes crying in the rain *


Source : SuperWiki

Kikavu ?

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23.12.2022 vers 01h

01.06.2022 vers 15h

05.04.2022 vers 13h

29.03.2021 vers 23h

08.02.2021 vers 12h

03.02.2021 vers 13h

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Supersympa, 25.11.2024 à 12:25

C'est l'heure de la petite finale de l'animation "Citadel recrute" sur le quartier Citadel.

Evangeline, Aujourd'hui à 19:10

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Viens chatter !