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#10.19 : La boîte de Werther

DEAN POURRA-T-IL SAUVER SAM ? Sam apprend que l'ancien membre des Hommes de Lettres, Magnus, a fabriqué une boîte magique. Il se met à sa recherche en espérant que cela puisse aider Dean à guérir de la marque de Caïn. Toutefois, il n'est pas préparé à l'alarme mortelle que Magnus a fait poser sur la boîte. Lorsque Sam ouvre la boîte, il met la vie de son frère et la sienne en danger.


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The Werther Project

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La boîte de Werther

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Sneak Peek


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Dean (Jensen Ackles) dans les bois

Dean (Jensen Ackles) dans les bois

Suzie (Erika-Shaye Gair) cassant le mur

Suzie (Erika-Shaye Gair) cassant le mur

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Benny (Ty Olsson) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Benny (Ty Olsson) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Benny (Ty Olsson)

Benny (Ty Olsson)

Benny (Ty Olsson) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Benny (Ty Olsson) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) tendant une arme à Benny (Ty Olsson)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) tendant une arme à Benny (Ty Olsson)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) confectionnant un sort

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) confectionnant un sort

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) confectionnant un sort

Sam (Jared Padalecki) confectionnant un sort

Sam (Jared Padalecki) confectionnant un sort

Sam (Jared Padalecki) confectionnant un sort

Sam (Jared Padalecki) avec sa lampe torche

Sam (Jared Padalecki) avec sa lampe torche

Suzie (Erika-Shaye Gair)

Suzie (Erika-Shaye Gair)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 22.04.2015 à 21:00
1.63m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robert Berens
Réalisé par : Stefan Pleszczynski


Casting :

Ruth Connell... Rowena

Ty Olsson... Benny Lafitte

Kavan Smith... Magnus






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

St Louis, Missouri, 1973. Dans une famille américaine moyenne, un frère et une sœur se disputent. La mère vient réquisitionner les services de sa fille afin de l'aider à entretenir la maison. La jeune fille doit faire la lessive. Elle se rend au sous-sol, mais au lieu de s'occuper de la lessive, elle attrape un marteau et défonce un mur. Derrière, elle découvre un coffre-fort. Elle tente de l'ouvrir, mais elle est projetée en arrière par une onde de choc. Tandis qu'elle git, inconsciente, sur le sol, une fumée jaunâtre s'échappe du coffre et remonte dans la maison. La jeune fille reprend connaissance. Tout est très calme dans la maison. Elle recherche sa famille, trouve son père, mort, dans son bureau. Puis, c'est son frère, qu'elle retrouve pendue dans le hall. Elle se précipite alors auprès de sa mère, qui se tranche la gorge.


Sam négocie avec Rowena afin d'obtenir son aide pour déchiffrer le Livre des Damnés. Rowena accepte, à une condition ; Sam doit tuer Crowley pour elle. Puisque cela rejoint les intérêts de Sam, il ne met pas longtemps à accepter. Rowena s'en réjouit. Puis, elle lui demande de lui ramener le codex d'une sorcière appelée Nadia, détenu par les Hommes de Lettres. Elle en aura besoin pour décoder le livre. Dans le même temps, Sam reçoit un message de Dean qui le prévient qu'il chasse un nid de vampires à Tulsa et qui lui propose de se joindre à lui.

Sam rejoint Dean à Tulsa. Mais Dean s'est déjà occupé du nid à lui tout seul ; six vampires sont morts. Sam semble inquiet par le fait que son frère se soit donné à cette tuerie, sauf que Dean ne voit pas où est le problème. Il propose à Sam d'en reparler une fois qu'il se sera nettoyé et reposé. Les frères repartent au bunker.

Tandis que Dean dort à poing fermé, Sam recherche le codex. Il trouve une bande sonore d'un conseil disciplinaire durant lequel Cuthbert Sinclair a paru devant ses frères. Ce conseil a été rassemblé après que Cuthbert a enfermé le codex dans un coffre-fort ensorcelé, qui a provoqué la mort de deux Hommes de Lettres. Cuthbert refuse de donner les clés pour arrêter le projet Werther, comme il l'a appelé, car c'est le meilleur moyen de protéger le codex contre le Grand Coven. Cependant les Hommes de Lettres décident de virer Cuthbert et d'enterrer le coffre-fort à jamais. Après quoi, Sam trouve l'adresse à St Louis où le coffre se trouve toujours.

Après cela, Sam appelle Rowena. Il lui demande un sortilège qui permettrait d'arrêter celui qui protège le coffre. Rowena accepte de coopérer, mais demande à venir sur les lieux. Sam refuse et raccroche avant que Rowena n'a le temps de protester.

Sam se rend à St Louis. Il s'apprête à crocheter la serrure de la porte d'entrée mais à sa grande surprise, la maison est encore habitée. La femme qui répond derrière l'avertit qu'il vaudrait mieux qu'il parte. Sam, en joug d'un fusil, coopère et repart à sa voiture. C'est alors que Dean entre à son tour dans la voiture. Dean a trouvé l'adresse sur le papier que Sam a laissé derrière lui dans le bunker. Il sait également pour le suicide de toute une famille dans cette maison en 1973, la seule survivante étant la fille qui habite toujours dans la maison. Dean pense que Sam a voulu lui donner une leçon en s'occupant seul de cette affaire, après la chasse aux vampires qu'il s'est fait en solo, mais il pense aussi que le cas n'a pas l'air d'être mystérieux. Sam ne pouvant lui dire la vérité, il décide de lui expliquer que la maison était un endroit appartenant aux Hommes de Lettres et où Sinclair a caché un coffre-fort nommé Werther, coffre ensorcelé et protégé par un système de sécurité magique et mortel. Sam prétend que c'est de leurs responsabilités de détruire le système magique du coffre, avant qu'il ne fasse d'autres victimes. Dean décide alors de s'impliquer dans cette affaire.

Tandis que Dean joue les voisins concernés par un cambrioleur auprès de Susie, la propriétaire de la maison et seule rescapée du massacre de 1973, Sam entre en toute discrétion par la cuisine. Tandis qu'il parvient à descendre au sous-sol, Dean apprend que Susie, après la mort de sa famille a été élevée par sa tante jusqu'en 1980. C'est à cette date que sa tante est, elle aussi, descendue au sous-sol, et a été tuée par le coffre. Après avoir entendu du bruit venant du sous-sol, Susie comprend que Dean a fait diversion et que Sam et lui sont là pour le coffre. Elle ordonne à Dean de rappeler Sam en haut. Ce dernier ne parvient pas à exécuter le sortilège donné par Rowena, mais tente d'ouvrir le coffre avant de remonter. C'est là que la fumée jaunâtre s'échappe de nouveau et vient s'immiscer en Dean et en Susie. Sam remonte, pour trouver Susie paniquée. Elle se met alors à voir les membres de sa famille, morts les uns après les autres, qui l'accusent d'avoir provoqué leur mort. Dean commence aussi à avoir des visions.

Sam tente d'aider Susie, mais il est trop tard. Harcelée par les fantômes de son passé, elle se met une balle dans la tête. Soudain, Susie revient pour harceler Sam. Elle le blâme pour sa mort et pour tous les décès liés à sa recherche d'une cure pour Dean. Sam tente de se convaincre que ce n'est pas réel, mais Susie ne le lâche pas. C'est alors que Rowena apparait et fait disparaitre la vision de Sam. Pendant ce temps, Dean se retrouve au Purgatoire.

Sam craint que Dean ne voit Rowena. Néanmoins lorsqu'il retrouve son frère dans le salon, il se rend compte que celui-ci est absent, possédé par ses visions. Rowena confirme cette théorie et le fait que Dean ne soit pas en mesure de la voir. Elle explique à Sam qu'il doit détruire le sortilège à sa source pour pouvoir réveiller son frère. Sam craint que Dean ne soit poussé au suicide, comme toutes les autres victimes avant lui, et ne veut pas le laisser seul dans cet état. Rowena propose alors de l'attacher.

Au Purgatoire, Dean est attaqué par un Léviathan et secouru par Benny. Tandis que Dean tente de trouver un moyen de revenir à la réalité, il est suivi par Benny qui tente de le convaincre qu'il n'est pas en train d'halluciner. Mais si c'est vraiment une illusion de son subconscient, il n'y a pas trente-six moyens d'en sortir. Attaché à sa chaise, Dean sert les poings et tente inconsciemment de se défaire de ses liens.

Pendant ce temps, Sam emmène Rowena au sous-sol afin de lui montrer le coffre. La sorcière se montre impressionnée par le sortilège qui entoure la boîte. A l'aide d'une formule, elle révèle les inscriptions gravées sur le coffre.

Dean ne cesse de tourner en rond. Il demande de l'aide à Benny, mais ce dernier tente de lui faire comprendre que ce n'est pas un hasard si Dean se retrouve au Purgatoire ; c'est son havre de paix, l'endroit où il veut être.

Rowena et Sam déchiffrent les inscriptions sur le coffre. Il est dit que seul le sang des Hommes de Lettres peut ouvrir le coffre. Sam comprend qu'il va devoir donner du sien.

Benny tente toujours Dean avec son envie de rester au Purgatoire. Sauf que Dean refuse toujours, il veut revenir à la réalité. C'est alors que Benny lui dit qu'il y a un autre moyen ; il peut se tuer, ainsi, il ne prendra pas le risque de faire du mal à qui que ce soit et surtout pas à Castiel et à son frère, il ne prendra pas non plus le risque de laisser la besogne de le tuer à sa famille. Cela les briserait. Dean se laisse convaincre. Dans la réalité, il se défait de ses liens, attrape une bouteille et en brise le goulot.

Tandis que Sam, sous l'influence de Rowena et du coffre, se laisse se vider de son sang, Dean combat ses visions. Il est vrai qu'il a pensé à se suicider, mais il sait que la marque ne le laissera pas faire. Il tue Benny, faisant disparaitre sa vision et le projetant dans la réalité. Il se précipite au sous-sol et pousse Sammy qui ne veut pas abandonner l'ouverture du coffre. Dean s'entaille le bras à son tour et le coffre finit par s'ouvrir. Rowena, qui n'était qu'une vision, disparait. Dean prend le codex dans le coffre, puis le referme.

Dean s'est débarrassé du coffre pour être sûr, même si le coffre n'est plus protégé par un sortilège. Il s'assure que Sam va bien, puis s'excuse d'être parti seul en chasse des vampires. Sam dit qu'il n'est pas la peine qu'il s'excuse, ils sont à égalité. Dean déclare alors qu'il y a là une leçon importante pour eux qu'ils auraient dû retenir depuis longtemps ; ils sont plus forts ensemble que seuls. Dean se demande ensuite ce que peut être le livre que le coffre contenait, pour qu'il soit protégé aussi efficacement. Sam prétend qu'il n'en sait rien.

Sam donne rendez-vous à Rowena dans une brasserie désaffectée. Elle est très heureuse d'avoir le codex entre les mains. Mais Sam n'est pas dupe. Plutôt que de lui laisser une chance de le tromper, il l'enchaine et lui demande de se mettre au travail, maintenant qu'elle a le matériel nécessaire. Il promet de tuer Crowley, comme c'est prévu. Tandis qu'il part, Rowena enrage.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

St. Louis, Missouri -- 1973 [We see a white house. A paperboy rides past on his bike and tosses the newspaper. Cut to the interior of the house. A teen-aged girl (Suzie) is laying on the couch watching TV when her teen-aged brother (Brad) walks in and shuts off the TV.]




Get lost.


My show just started. You have a record player in your room.


Dad’s speakers are better.


Tough luck. [She turns the TV back on. Then her mom enters with a basket of laundry.]


I need the laundry started. The workmen have finally left for the day and I have my hands full with dinner. [She turns off the TV.] And please, none of your Betty Friedan stuff.


It’s not fair. [Her brother puts the album on the record player.] Look, I always get stuck with the hard chores just ‘cause I’m a girl.


Yeah? Well, tough luck. [Suzie carries the laundry past her Dad’s home office where he is on the phone.]


The house is great, Ted. It’s a bit of a fixer, but it’s a real beaut. It was caught in some ownership muddle for years but finally hit the market, and I leapt.

[“I Saw the Light” by Todd Rundgren begins to play. The Dad closes his office door. Suzie passes her Mom in the kitchen and goes down the basement stairs to the washer and dryer. She then walks over to a tool box and takes a sledgehammer.]


Don’t spend all day down there. [Suzie begins hammering until she has made a large hole in a wall that reveals a large box that looks like a safe. She steps through the hole and goes to the box. When she tries to open it, she is knocked backwards by some force. As Suzie is lying unconscious on the floor, green smoke comes out of the box and floats upstairs. Suzie wakes up and goes upstairs. The food is burning in a frying pan on the stove in the empty kitchen.]


Mom? [She walks to her father’s office and enters.] Dad, where’s Mom? [She sees her father laying on the floor dead. There’s a gun laying near him and a large puddle of blood coming from a gunshot wound in his head. She runs into the living room.] Mom? Brad? [She then sees her brother has hung himself in the hallway.] Aah! [She runs back into the kitchen and sees her Mom.] Mom? Mom!


Everything’s gonna be okay. [Suzie runs to her Mom and is on her knees hugging her.] Everythings… [Suzie’s Mom grabs a knife.] Gonna be just fine. [Her Mom slices her own throat.]



[Interior of a bar/restaurant. Sam and Rowena are sitting at a table.]


There’s only one thing you could possibly do for me that I can’t, at least presently, do for myself. Kill my son. He’s expecting it from me. Already has his stinking minions on high alert. And if you’re wondering how a mother can get to the point of wanting her own son –


No, I’m really not. I’ll do it. I’ll kill Crowley. First things first – can you read the book?


Of course I can. I’m likely the only witch alive who can understand such old, dark magic. Just not in its present form.


Drink’s on me. [He closes the lockbox with the book inside.]


Hey, you’re not going anywhere, pal. I’m your mortal enemy. I’ve tried to kill you and your brother – your brother as recently as last month. You wouldn’t have come to me if I wasn’t your last resort. You’re desperate. You can stop pretending you’re not. [Sam’s cell phone buzzes and he takes it out of his pocket.] So rude. [Sam reads a text message from Dean “Hitting a nest in Tulsa. Join if you want.”] Now, I can’t read the book in its present form, but there is someone who could. Nadya. Grand coven witch.


Where do I find her?


You don’t. She’s dead. Long ago. Murdered for her life’s work. Her decryption, formulas, her codex… That you can find. Bring me Nadya’s codex, and I’ll… break this text right open and give you your cure.


Where do I look?


If I were you, I’d start at home. Who do you think murdered Nadya and stoke the codex in the first place?


The Men of Letters.

[Interior of a trailer. Dean decapitates a vampire. He looks around and there are other decapitated bodies. He exits the trailer and is washing his machete in a barrel of water. He then washes his hands. He opens a refrigerator and grabs a can of beer.]


Ha ha! Jackpot. [Sam runs up to Dean with his machete.]






Hey. What happened? What is this?


I know, right? Six vamps. Solo. I think that’s gotta be a personal best.


You couldn’t have waited?


For what?


For what?


Oh, come on, man. I can handle it. I did handle it.


What if you couldn’t?


But I did. It’s done. Come on, man. It’s the only way I can take the edge off. I’m sorry. I don’t always like to wait around for you, especially with you looking at me like that all the time.


Look at you like what?


Like that. Like I’m some sort of a-a-a diseased killer puppy. You know what, man? I’m sweaty and I’m covered in vamp juice. Can we just talk about this later? I’d like to get back to the bunker, get my buzz on, and, uh, you know, pass out watching “Speed 2 – Cruise Control.” We cool?



[Interior of Dean’s bedroom in the Men of Letters bunker. He’s asleep in bed with headphones on. Sam looks in the doorway at him and walks away. He rushes to the library and begins looking in the catalogs. He takes an envelope from the files and removes an audio tape reel. He puts on headphones and listens to the tape.

VOICE ON TAPE (Markham’s voice)

Please lets come to order. Men of Letters meeting minutes – May 16, 1956. On the matter of Cuthbert Sinclair expulsion. This is hardly your first offense, Cuthbert.

[Cut to 1956 Men of Letters meeting. The Men of Letters are sitting around a table in the library while the reel-to-reel tape deck records.]


You’ve been cited for disciplinary infractions seven times in the course of your tenure. This…enchanted vault of yours, this…. Werther box. A warding so potent it achieves a theoretical rate of… in your own words, 98% lethality.


Extreme measures were warranted. The coven’s desperate to get the codex back. The Werther box works.


All too well, I’d say. Working in secret, embarking on this project without oversight… you left two fellow Men of Letters vulnerable to your most potent magics. Fletcher and Martinez were members in good standing. Fletcher chanced upon the box and died in two hours. Martinez heroically tried to shut it down. We found him dead on the floor beside the box, his wrists cut.


I already apologized for that accident. I refuse to do so again. Why are you all so small-minded? Hmm? We were brought here to do great things. To take risks, to bring the fight to the monsters of this world. And yet, to a man, you choose instead to moulder in these stacks. You are not men. You are NOT men. You’re librarians, nothing more.


Before we rule on what is to be done with you, I’m prepared to give you a chance to secure our leniency. Tell us how to shut it down. The box is still in St. Louis with the codex. It’s still a danger.


Let me tell you what you can do with your leniency, Markham. You know, I saw the writing on the wall. I knew you cowards would shut this project down, which is why I built it the way I did. There is only one way to silence the Werther for good. Let’s just say Martinez was on the right track. I doubt you lot have the guts, but you’re welcome to die trying. [Cuthbert exits with two Men of Letters following him out.]


Markham, would you have us keep trying?


The box is to be interred and guarded where it stands, in perpetuity. Bury it.

[Cut back to present with Sam shutting off the tape in the Men of Letters Library. He grabs a book off the shelf and flips to the page with the address for the Men of Letters headquarters in St. Louis. He writes the address on a notepad.]

[Cut to Rowena sleeping in a bed. A phone is ringing. She wakes up and pulls the cell phone out from under a pillow.]


It’s a bit early. [She turns over the phone and takes the call.] I’m over 300 years old. Beauty sleep isn’t optional.


[Cut to Sam in the MOL bunker.] I’ve been looking into the, uh, thing we discussed. So, I got a lead, but it’s guarded by a violent enchantment. I need a spell to…. break the spell.


[Cut to Rowena sitting up in her bed.] The Cabirian invocation. Easy to obtain. Good all-purpose disenchantment.


[Cut to Sam in MOL bunker.] Great. Thanks.


[Cut to Rowena in her bedroom.] Uh, but….It’s not recommended for amateurs. In inexperienced hands, the invocation has a way of fizzling out. I could come. You might need me.


[Cut to Sam in MOL bunker.] I’ll take my chances. Thanks. [Sam hangs up.]


[Cut to Exterior of the white house. The grounds are overgrown and the house is in disarray. Sam walks up to the front door. There’s a pile of newspapers on the porch. Sam peers in the window and takes out his lock-pick. Someone is watching him from inside. He begins to pick the lock and a shotgun is shoved out the mail slot, aimed at his crotch.]




Bad idea.


I-I can explain.


Yeah, don’t bother. You got three choices – get arrested, get your bits blown off, or get back.


Yeah, alright. I think I’ll, uh, think I’ll get back. Sorry. [Sam backs up from the door.]




Yeah. [Sam heads down the stairs and gets back in his car. He shuts his door. The passenger door opens and Dean gets in.]


Hey ya, Sammy. How’s the case?


What are you doing here?


Well it looks like I, uh, I’m here to save your sack. Look, you were right, okay? I shouldn’t have gone off solo like I did. It was stupid.




And selfish. It was a douche move. If you’re doing this case by yourself to teach me a lesson, you don’t have to, okay?


How’d you find me?


Ah. I, uh, took an etching off your notepad. Then I decided to take a crack at the St. Louis suicide house.


So you know about it?


I got the basics from Google. The family moves into a long-vacant house. Uh, one week later, three of ‘em dead by their own hands. Whole family wiped out except for the daughter, which the house is still under her name. I’m figuring she’s the one who nearly unmanned you back there. But see, here’s what I don’t get. A cold case is one thing, but…. this is subzero. I mean, there’s nothing even in our wheelhouse, unless you know something I don’t.


Yeah. Um…. That long-vacant home used to be a Men of Letters chapter house. Remember Magnus?


You mean the dickwad ex-Men of Letters that tried to make a zoo exhibit out of me? Yeah.


Before he was expelled, he built Werther, a magical box with a deadly alarm system. Werther is buried somewhere in that house. It was supposed to have been guarded, but I’m guessing that plan went out the window when Abaddon massacred the entire membership in ’58.


And then the house stayed in limbo until some lucky family bought it.


Werther’s a time bomb and it needs to be defused. Not only is this in our wheelhouse, it’s our responsibility.


Our responsibility?


We’re Men of Letters. It’s our legacy.


Well, hey, if you say this is a case, I’m in, if you’ll have me.

[Dean walks up to the front door and knocks. He looks at the mail slot and covers his crotch with his hands. Suzie opens the door aiming a gun at him.]


What did I say?


I, aah!


You’re not…. Fella tried to…. What do you want?


You saw him? Oh, tell me you did. I’m sorry, but my name is Dwight Twilley. I’m with the neighborhood watch. We’re – we’re looking into a few recent break-ins. And if you saw the guy and you – you could give a description, it would be mighty helpful. If I could – if I could just have a minute of your time? [Dean steps into the house.]


Uh, tall, white fella.


Uh, huh.


Pretty hair.



[Cut to exterior of the house. Sam picks the lock on the back door.]

[Cut to the interior of the house where Dean and Suzie are standing.]


It’s a nice house you have here, uh….




Suzie. You live alone?


Just me and Gus.


Gus? [Suzie raises up her gun. We see Sam enter the kitchen through the back door. Then the kettle begins to whistle and Suzie heads for the kitchen followed by Dean. Sam is now hiding in the hall outside the kitchen. Suzie turns off the kettle. Dean signals Sam to go and Sam begins picking the lock on the basement door.] So, all alone in this big house, huh? Must get lonely, even with, uh, Gus.


Yeah, well I’m used to alone. [She offers Dean a cup of tea.]


No, no. I’m fine, thanks. [Sam enters the basement door. He turns on his flashlight and goes down the steps. He sees a pile of furniture by a wall.]

[Cut to the kitchen]


Been alone here since…. uh, ’80? After my family died, my Aunt Pauline moved in. She took care of me, raised me for a few years. Then, well….

[Cut to the basement. Sam begins moving the furniture and makes some noise.]


[Cut to the kitchen.] So, uh, what—what happened? To your aunt?


Well…. I told her not to go in the basement. No one goes in the basement.

[Cut to the basement. Sam goes through the hole to the Werther box.]


[Cut to the kitchen.] What’s in the basement, Suzie? Ma’am you okay?

[Cut to Sam in the basement putting ingredients for a spell in a bowl.]

[Cut to the kitchen. Suzie pulls a gun on Dean.]


Oh! Whoa! Suzie!


My social skills may be rusty, but I’m no idiot. Doorbell hasn’t rung in months, and two visitors in one hour? One breaking in, and the other asking all sorts of questions about….


I told you, I was from the neighborhood watch. I –


Yeah, yeah, neighborhood watch. Right. Boy, you seen this house? There’s only one thing in here worth getting at, and it sure as hell ain’t me. You came for the box.

[Cut to the basement. The ingredients in the bowl are on fire.]


Purificare la magia.

[Cut to the kitchen.]


Whoever left that Godforsaken thing down there…. I knew someday, someone would come for it. I swore never to let that happen. He’s downstairs isn’t – isn’t he?


He’s my brother. And we’re here to help you.


You call him up here. Now! You call him up here! Now!


Sam! Sammy!

[Cut to the basement.]


Purificare la magia.

[Cut to the kitchen.]


She wants you up here, now!

[Cut to the basement. Sam turns the handle on the box.]

[Cut to the kitchen.]


No! No! Get out! Get out! Out! Out! You bastards!


[Heading toward the front door.] Okay. Okay


You let it out! [The green smoke comes up from the basement. It enters Suzie’s eyes and Dean’s eyes. Sam runs up from the basement.]


Dean! [Suzie aims her gun at Sam.] Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy.


You have any idea what you’ve done?


Put the gun down. We can talk about this, okay? [The ghost of Suzie’s brother appears behind Sam and Dean.]


What’s that?


Hey Suzie, you miss me?


Oh, my God.


What’s wrong with her?


I don’t know.


Stay back. Stay back! [She aims the gun at her brother.]


Go. [Sam and Dean run out of the room.]


Come on, Suze. That any way to treat your family? [Suzie shoots at the ghost of her brother and backs into the kitchen. She sees the ghost of her mother.]


Hello Suzie.




What are you doing, huh? You don’t have a plan. You don’t have a defense. [Suzie runs into the office and sees the ghost of her father.]


You did this to us. [The ghost of her mother appears.]


You let it out. [The ghost of her brother appears.]


We died while you slept.

[Cut to the living room where Sam and Dean are standing.]




Suzie! [He runs toward the office. Dean suddenly turns and walks the other way. He steps and it seems like he’s outdoors yet he’s still in the living room. Sam goes down the hall.] Susie? [He comes to the locked door of the office and hears her voice.]


Please! No! Stop! No! [He knocks at the door.]


Suzie! Suzie, let me in! I can help you!

[Cut to the interior of the office.]




Suzie, it’s not real!


You don’t have to be sad. And you don’t have to be alone.


Suzie, please!


Not anymore.


Suzie! Hey, let me in. I can help you, okay?


Oh, please, no.


Suzie? Dean!

[Dean takes a few steps and he’s in Purgatory.]



[Cut to office door. Sam hears a shot and the door opens.]


Suzie? [Sam enters the office and sees that Suzie has shot and killed herself.]

[Cut to Dean in Purgatory.]



[Cut to the office in Suzie’s house. Sam turns around and sees the ghost of Suzie.]


Boo. Survived 40 years in this house, keeping that thing on lockdown, and one visit from a putz like you….


I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sorry.


Lot of good “sorry” does me. Look at me. Look….at….me. [She points to her corpse.] There she is. The first casualty of your misguided mission. But what’s another human life to you? Anything’s worth it, as long as you two make it out alive. And how’s that search going? Any closer to a cure?


This isn’t real. You’re not real.


You think Dean’s the wild card, the loose cannon. But don’t you see? Making deals with witches, opening Pandora’s box down there? You’re the reckless one. You’ll do anything to keep clinging to that doomed brother of yours. How many more will die, Sammy? You know it. You have to be stopped. And the only one who can stop you is you! Do it, Sammy! End this farce once and for all! [She directs him toward the gun.]


[Rowena appears in the doorway.] Vanesce! [The ghost of Suzie disappears.] Told you you’d need me.



How did you find me?


Same way I just saved you – magic. Had a feeling you might be in over your head.


Yeah, well you can’t be here. If Dean sees you…. [Sam heads to the living room where Dean is.] Dean!


Sam! [Dean still thinks he’s in Purgatory.]


Hey, Dean. What are you doing? [Dean is walking through Purgatory and is attacked by a Leviathan. Benny appears and cuts the Leviathan’s head off.]


Hey, chief.

[Cut to Dean standing in the living room.]


No, no, it can’t be you.


Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. [Sam claps his hands.] Wake up! Dean, whatever you’re seeing, it’s not real.


[She enters the living room.] Real enough to him.


What are you doing?


He can’t see me, Sam. Yeah, he’s too far gone.


Can you wake him up?


I only brought enough dispelling magic for one. Maybe if you’d told me we’d have company…


There is no we.


Fine, take this all on by yourself. But the odds are totally stacked against you.


You’re not real.


Oh, the spell’s got its hooks in deep. If you want him woken up… You’re gonna have to rip this enchantment out by the root.


The box! If we can figure out the fail-safe, we can break the spell and get the codex. Suzie’s hallucinations drove her to suicide. Same thing happened to her family. Werther’s illusions tried to do the same thing to me.


And so?


So I can’t leave Dean alone like this.


Well then, we’ll just have to tie up the bonny lad. Could be fun.

[Cut to Purgatory.]


Come on, Dean. How long you gonna keep this up? The silent treatment for me? We got so much to catch up on.


Hey, look, it’s good to see you, okay? It is. But like I said, you ain’t Benny.


I’m not? Well, shoot.


Hey, I’m bummed out too, but you are just a figment, okay? You’re – you’re subconscious junk my brain’s throwing up to distract me from getting back to reality.


Figment? Junk? Well, I’ll try not to be offended. Why not trust me? I’ve gotten you outta here before. Besides, if all I am is your subconscious junk, well, then how can I lead you wrong? Well, how about that? A perfect circle. Don’t look at me, chief. You chose the way.

[Cut to Dean tied to a chair in Suzie’s house.]

[Cut to the basement.]


Here it is. There’s some kind of inscription.


It’s some kind of cursive, but the light source has dimmed. I know what I’ve said about your kind, but…oh, the man who came up with this? The craftsmanship of the box, the sadism of the spellwork…it’s all so… deliciously baroque.


Alright, come on.



[Cut to Purgatory. Dean and Benny are walking and they end up at the same tree again.]


Well, now that is just creepy.


Benny, whoever you are, I need to get out of here.


“Need” and “Want” are just two different things, ain’t they? It’s all a figment, right? You, me, left right. But no matter which way you turn, you keep ending up here. You gotta wonder—why this figment? Why this place?


What are you saying?


Nothing you don’t already know. This is where you wanna be – you’re happy place. And you don’t really wanna leave.

[Cut to the basement.]


Arcam confutare…


To silence the box…


Mmm. Sitim restinguere…


Slake its thirst.


Sanguine nostrum…


With…the blood of our own.


That’s it? The blood of its own…What?


The blood of our own. Men of Letters blood. Legacy blood. My blood.



[Cut to Purgatory.]


Remember what you said to me when we first met? About the purity of this place? Dean, slow down. Dean, stop. Listen. This…. This place you don’t have to go looking for a fight. All you have to do is be still for one moment, and that fight will come to you. That’s why you’re here, Dean. That’s the purity you crave – killing with no consequence.


No, Benny. I don’t wanna fight anymore. I’m tired of fighting.


The Mark ain’t. So, can’t leave, don’t wanna stay, bit of a bind ain’t it? Good thing there’s always a third way out. You can’t say you haven’t been thinking about it.


That ain’t gonna happen, ever.


Come on, Dean. I know you can see it. The purity, the honor.


There’s no honor in that.


What., you just wanna wait for the Mark to reclaim you? Go out swinging, die topside, then what? Maybe kill a few humans? Kill Cas? Kill your brother? Yeah, that’s mighty honorable!


Benny, shut up!


Oh, I-I’m sorry. I forgot… about your plan. You gonna get Sam and Cas to put you down? You really think that they’re gonna keep that agreement? Come on. Dean, let’s say they do. Do you think they will ever recover from that? It will ruin them. This little backup plan of yours, I know you’ve been thinking about it for a time, I know it’s been gnawin’ at you. You can’t leave that job to them.


You’re right. [Cut to Suzie’s house. Dean breaks the ropes binding his hands to the chair.]

[Cut to Purgatory.]


Out there? You’re sleeping. You make the right choice in here, you’ll sleep forever, and you won’t ever hurt anyone ever again. No one needs to know, Dean. What happens in Purgatory stays in Purgatory. [Benny hands Dean his Purgatory weapon.]

[Cut to Suzie’s house. Dean picks up a bottle and smashes it on a dresser.]

[Cut to the basement. Sam pulls out a knife.]


How do you know this will work?


I don’t. [He cuts his wrist with the knife and lets the blood drip into a bowl. The tumblers in the Werther box begin to turn.]


It’s working.

[Cut to Dean holding the bottle in Suzie’s house.]

[Cut to Dean in Purgatory.]


I always did love it here. It’s as good a place as any to call it a day, huh?

[Cut to Dean holding the jagged bottle in Suzie’s house.]

[Cut to the basement.]


Slow down.


Right, okay. [The tumblers in the Werther box stop.] No, no, no.


It wants more, Sam. It wants it all.


The codex… path to the cure. It's in there. If it wants more, it’ll get more. [Sam cuts his other wrist with the knife. The tumblers begin turning again.]]

[Cut to Purgatory.]


I’d do it. If I really had to, I would. But the real Benny, would never let me.


We already covered that, chief. It’s not me.


You know what else won’t let me? This thing on my arm. For better or worse, the Mark… it wants me alive. [Dean stabs Benny with the Purgatory weapon.] Thanks, pal, but no thanks. [Benny disappears. Dean turns around and he’s back in Suzie’s house. He puts down the broken bottle.]

[Cut to the basement. Sam appears to be ready to pass out from losing so much blood.]


It’s opening, Sammy! It’s nearly there. [Dean runs down the basement stairs to Sam.]


Sam! Hey! Hey, Hey. Sammy, whatever you’re seeing, it’s – it’s a trick. Okay? It’s not real!




Yeah. [Sam seems to collapse.] Hey No. [Dean slaps Sam.] No. Hey! Hey!


Get away from me! [He raises his knife. Dean take the knife from him.] No, don’t! Don’t! It’s the only way. It needs legacy blood. Enough to take a life. [Dean begins wrapping Sam’s wounds.]


Yeah, well… it doesn’t have to come from just one legacy, does it?




It needs more blood, it can have mine. [Dean take the knife and cuts his wrist. He drips his blood in the bowl and the tumblers turn and the box opens.]


Oh, well. [She turns to green smoke and disappears. Dean turns the knob and opens the box. He removes the codex book.]


[Cut to Sam in the Impala reading the codex. Dean is walking toward the car with a sledgehammer. He puts it in the trunk.]


Overkill, don’t you think? I mean, we broke the spell. The box is just a box.


Well, now it’s scrap metal. You okay?


Yeah, I’m great.


You road ready?


I’ll be fine.


That says something, doesn’t it? Werther splits us up in there. Within an hour, we’re both on the brink of death. Sorry about yesterday, going rogue on you like that.


You know what, Dean? Don’t apologize. I… I think that makes us even.


The universe is trying to tell us something we both should already know. We’re stronger together than apart.




Now what could possibly be so valuable, that it takes a spell that nasty to protect it, huh? [Dean gets in the driver’s seat of the Impala.]


No idea. But whatever it is, we’ll keep it safe. [Dean starts the Impala.]

[Interior of another room.]


Well hello, cowboy. Oh, you’ve got it. Oh! [Rowena begins turning pages of the codex book.]


Is it enough?


To what?


To translate the book? To find a cure for the Mark.


Oh, aye.


Good. [Sam’s puts handcuffs on Rowena.]


What in the hell is this?


Insurance. Comfortable?


We had an ageeement, giant.


The agreement stands. You will decrypt the Book of the Damned and find me a cure for my brother. And that is all you will get from the book. I’ll burn the book, and then I’ll kill Crowley. But until then…


I’m your slave? You can’t—you can’t just leave me here.


You want out? Hurry up. Get to work.


Ugh! You big bampot. [Sam leaves.] Ugh!


Source : SuperWiki

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