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#10.18 : Le Livre des Damnés

 CHARLIE REVIENT - Charlie appelle Sam et Dean pour leur apprendre qu'elle a trouvé le Livre des Damnés qui pourrait les aider à se débarrasser de la marque de Caïn. Les Winchester accourent à sa rescousse lorsqu'elle leur dit qu'un homme nommé Jacob Styne lui a tiré dessus, après lui avoir déclaré que le livre appartient à sa famille et qu'il n'arrêtera pas avant de l'avoir récupéré. Castiel et Metatron sont en route pour retrouver la grâce de Castiel, mais ils doivent faire face à quelques obstacles le long du chemin.


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Book Of the Damned

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Le Livre des Damnés

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Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Charlie (Felicia Day)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Charlie (Felicia Day)

Castiel (Misha Collins) montrant sa plaque du FBI

Castiel (Misha Collins) montrant sa plaque du FBI

Charlie (Felicia Day) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Charlie (Felicia Day) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) avec le livre des damnés

Dean (Jensen Ackles) avec le livre des damnés

Charlie (Felicia Day)

Charlie (Felicia Day)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins) face à un homme

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins) face à un homme

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Rowena (Ruth Connell) avec le livre des damnés

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Rowena (Ruth Connell) avec le livre des damnés

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) à table

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) à table

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 15.04.2015 à 21:00
1.76m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robbie Thompson
Réalisé par : P.J Pesce


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Felicia Day... Charlie Bradbury

Ruth Connell... Rowena

Curtis Armstrong... Metatron

Jeff Branson... Jacob Styne






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Charlie est poursuivie par deux hommes. Elle les surprend en se dissimulant dans une benne à ordures. Elle en tue un et menace l’autre. Ce dernier lui dit que sa famille et lui suivent ce qu'elle a dans son sac. Elle s'enfuit mais l'homme lui tire dessus. Elle parvient tout de même à s'échapper.


Castiel est sur la route avec Metatron. Ce dernier n'arrête pas de parler, de tout, et surtout des sentiments qu'il a maintenant qu'il est humain. Castiel n'en pouvant plus, il appelle Sam afin de lui demander s'il peut le tuer. Sam lui rappelle que tant qu'il n'aura pas récupéré sa grâce il aura besoin de Metatron. Une fois cette étape franchie, il pourra faire ce qu'il veut de lui. Sam n'a rien trouvé sur la marque de Caïn mais Castiel l'encourage à persévérer. Puis Sam raccroche brutalement quand Dean fait son apparition. Metatron se moque de Castiel, ce qui lui vaut deux coups de poing.

Sam apprend à Dean qu'il n'a rien trouvé sur la marque. Dean lui explique alors tout sur sa rencontre avec Rowena, puis Crowley, et sur ce qu'il a appris à ce moment-là : la marque est un sortilège. Après quoi, Dean reçoit un appel de Charlie. Après avoir été mise sur haut-parleur, elle raconte qu'elle a trouvé le Livre des Damnés. D'après ses recherches, il permettrait de provoquer ou de détruire toute malédiction, y compris la marque de Caïn. Le problème c'est que dès qu'elle a déniché lé Livre, elle est poursuivie par des hommes appartenant à la même famille. Elle ne connait pas leur nom, mais elle a repéré un tatouage commun qui pourrait faire penser aux armoiries de la famille, voire à un culte. Charlie, paniquée et blessée par balle, demande aux frères de l'aider à se cacher, ainsi qu'à déchiffrer le Livre dont le langage est très ancien. Dean lui indique l'endroit où se trouve une cabane de chasseur appartenant à Bobby à proximité de la cabine d'où elle appelle. Il lui dit qu'ils vont la rejoindre là-bas.

Les frères se mettent en route, emportant livres et boîte magique pour dissimuler le Livre. Sur la route, Dean parait joyeux. Il se réjouit d'avoir une chance de se débarrasser de la marque sur son bras, et propose même à son petit frère de prendre de véritables vacances une fois qu'ils en auront fini avec ça. Un séjour sur une plage, le sable entre les doigts de pieds. Sam, qui ne veut pas crier victoire trop vite, finit par se prendre au jeu.

Castiel et Metatron s'arrêtent dans un restaurant. Castiel doit supporter les paroles de Metatron sur le plaisir qu'il a à manger. Il essaie de nouer un lien avec Castiel, mais ce dernier ne se montre pas réceptif. Il perd patience et demande à Metatron d'arrêter son petit jeu : cela fait trois entrepôts qu'ils visitent sans avoir trouvé la grâce. Soit Metatron l'a perdu, soit il fait exprès de les ralentir. Metatron avoue. Il essaie de gagner du temps car il sait qu'il sera mort une fois que Castiel aura récupéré sa grâce. Castiel l'avertit que rien ne pourra le sauver de son sort. Soudain, Metatron se tord. Il a trop mangé de gaufres et le voilà qui a besoin d'aller aux toilettes en urgence. Castiel soupire et l'emmène. Il ne remarque pas qu'ils sont surveillés.

Les frères rejoignent Charlie dans la cabane dans laquelle elle s'est réfugié. Elle leur montre le livre, fait de la peau et du sang d'une nonne qui l'a elle-même fabriqué, après avoir eu des visions sombres. Le livre est passé entre les mains de sectes, de covens de sorcières, etc... Il contient des sorts et des rituels pour pratiquement tout. Tandis que Charlie parle, Dean a une absence. Lorsqu'il se réveille au son de la voix de Sam, il se retrouve le livre entre les mains. Il redonne le livre à Charlie et préfère s'occuper des provisions. Une fois qu'il est dehors, Sam explique à une Charlie abasourdie que l'état de son frère empire et qu'il leur faut rapidement trouver la solution contre la marque.

Metatron et Castiel sortent du restaurant, et sont accueillis par un cupidon très en colère. Il saute sur Castiel, et contre toute attente, c'est Metatron qui le tue et sauve Castiel. Malgré cela, les sentiments de Castiel envers Metatron ne changeront pas.

Tandis que Dean recherche la famille qui est après le Livre, grâce au dessin du tatouage fait par Charlie, Sam et Charlie se mettent au travail afin de déchiffrer le bouquin. Sam a découvert que le langage dans lequel il est écrit est du sumérien, mais la traduction n'a aucun sens, ce qui conduit Charlie à penser qu'il s'agit d'un écrit crypté. Encouragés par Dean, les nerds de la bande se mettent au travail afin de décoder ces mystérieux écrits. Mais voyant le regard de Dean, Sam décide de travailler sur ses propres notes et de mettre le Livre des Damnés à l'abri dans sa boîte protégée.

Pendant ce temps, les poursuivants de Charlie se retrouvent au milieu d'une route. Soudain, le chef s'arrête, sort son compas qui ne s'arrête pas de tourner. Il comprend que Charlie a trouvé un moyen de cacher le Livre. Il décide d'envoyer ses troupes sur la route afin de retrouver des traces qui pourraient les conduire à elle.

Metatron conduit Castiel dans une bibliothèque où il prétend avoir caché la grâce de l'ange. Castiel la sent. Mais Metatron prétend ne pas savoir où elle se trouve exactement. Aussi Castiel appuie sur la blessure de sa jambe, jusqu'à ce qu'il lui apprenne qu'il l'a faite cacher par un autre ange, et qu'il lui a également demandé de dissimuler des indices dans ses livres favoris. Les deux se mettent alors sur la piste de la grâce en déchiffrant les indices. Le dernier se trouve être une énigme : quelle est la chose la plus folle qu'un homme puisse faire ? Metatron ne connait pas la réponse, mais devant l'impatience de Castiel, il lui assure qu'à deux ils pourront la trouver.

Charlie et Sam se cassent toujours la tête sur un moyen de décrypter le Livre. Cependant Dean leur demande de s'arrêter. Il a découvert que la famille qui prétend posséder le bouquin est la famille Styne, des despotes surnaturels qui remontent au moins aux années 1800. Ils ont participé à toutes sortes d'opérations malsaines, et ont utilisé le livre comme source de leur pouvoir. Charlie et Sam sont convaincus qu'il faut continuer, jusqu'à ce que Dean finit par avouer que Livre ne cesse de l'appeler et ne cesse d'appeler la marque. Il veut que Dean l'utilise à des fins maléfiques. Cette chose est trop dangereuse et il vaut mieux s'en débarrasser d'après lui. Il veut guérir de la marque, mais pas comme ça, pas en déclenchant des conséquences qui ne pourront qu'être mauvaises. Sam émet des objections. Il ne peut pas attendre que la marque transforme de nouveau Dean en démon. Il ne peut pas prendre le risque de perdre son frère. Ils n'ont pas d'autres moyens. S'il y a des conséquences, ils y feront face plus tard. Dean n'est toujours pas d'accord. Il part prendre l'air et promet de revenir avec des provisions pour Charlie. Une fois qu'il est parti, Charlie pense qu'il a peut-être raison, mais Sam ne veut pas abandonner.

Dans la bibliothèque, Castiel et Metatron cherchent toujours la réponse à leur dernière énigme, chacun d'un côté d'une étagère. Dans le même temps, Metatron continue de parler encore et encore. Metatron finit par demander à Castiel ce qu'il compte faire, une fois sa grâce récupérée. Il ne peut plus se prétendre être un ange, et s'il peut toujours finir le travail de purge des anges rebelles restés sur Terre, qu'est-ce qui arrivera après ? Le Paradis n'a pas besoin de lui depuis que Hannah l'a pris en charge. Tandis que Metatron fait diversion avec ses paroles, il dessine des sigles sur les livres de son côté. Une fois terminé le sortilège se met en place, et Castiel s'écroule, agonisant.

Charlie demande à Sam ce que Dean a voulu dire lorsqu'après que Sam lui a dit qu'il ne voulait pas le perdre, l'ainé lui a rétorqué qu'il avait changé d'avis. Sam se confie alors sur les épreuves destinées à fermer les portes de l'Enfer, sur le sacrifice qu'il était prêt à faire, mais pas Dean. La suite, Charlie le devine : Dean l'a sauvé en faisant quelque chose que Sam ne voulait pas qu'il fasse, ce qui l'a mis en colère et a provoqué des paroles blessantes. Charlie sait que c'est le lot des frères. Elle se met alors à se poser des questions sur ce qu'est devenue sa vie. Comment en est-elle arrivée à pratiquer la chasse et à simplement se réjouir d'être en vie, alors qu'elle avait d'autres projets ? Sam lui parle alors du moment où Dean est venu le chercher à Stanford, de la perte causée par la mort de Jess et de sa volonté d'arrêter la chasse après la dernière accomplie. Aujourd'hui, il réalise qu'il aime cette vie, mais il refuse de la vivre sans son frère. Charlie comprend.

Dans la bibliothèque, tandis que Castiel agonise, il résout l'énigme. Dans le même temps, Metatron est occupé à en résoudre une autre qui le conduit à trouver la tablette des démons. Il s'apprête à récupérer la grâce de Castiel, mais trop tard, ce dernier l'a déjà trouvé. Malgré tout satisfait, Metatron s'enfuie. Castiel a compris que la réponse à la question "quelle est la chose la plus folle qu'un homme puisse faire" est celle-ci : se laisser mourir. Il a ainsi trouvé sa grâce dans le livre intitulé Don Quichotte, de Cervantès. Il la récupère et son pouvoir s'insinue en lui, ses ailes, bien que très abîmées et inutilisables, réapparaissent. Castiel est de retour.

Dean s'arrête dans une boutique de station-service, là où se trouve Jacob Styne qui vient de tuer le vendeur. Jacob est celui qui est à la recherche de Charlie. Dean reconnait le tatouage sur son bras et pointe son arme sur lui. Mais il ne voit pas le sbire de Jacob qui l'immobilise. Dean prétend ne rien savoir sur une jeune femme aux cheveux roux, mais Jacob remarque la marque de Caïn et comprend que Dean veut utiliser le Livre pour s'en débarrasser. Jacob lui confirme que le Livre a ce pouvoir mais les conséquences seront bien plus terribles qu'il ne le pense. Il lui conseille de rendre le Livre. Dean parle tout bas pour l'obliger à approcher, et une fois que Jacob est assez près, il lui donne un coup de boule, avant de tuer le sbire. Jacob, lui, en profite pour s'enfuir.

Dean revient à la cabane pour prévenir que les Styne sont en chemin. Il leur faut se débarrasser du Livre et vite. Les Styne arrivent, le combat commence. Charlie et Dean se chargent d'eux tandis que Sam, à contrecœur, finit par jeter le livre au feu. Puis, après avoir été aux mains de Jacob, il finit par le tuer.

De retour au bunker. Castiel est de retour et  a tout raconté à Sam. Il s'en veut d'avoir laissé Metatron en vie, maintenant qu'il est libre et en possession de la tablette des démons. Sam le rassure : il a fait le bon choix en récupérant sa grâce. Castiel lui dit que lui aussi a fait le bon choix en détruisant le Livre des Damnés. Ils trouveront un autre moyen de guérir Dean. C'est à ce moment que Charlie et Dean sont de retour. Charlie entre la première, ravie de rencontrer Castiel pour la première fois. En signe d'amitié, Castiel la guérit de ses blessures. Puis Dean entre à son tour et accueille son ami avec joie. Il se réjouit de le savoir de retour et considère que la récupération de la grâce est une victoire. Puis ils s'installent pour le dîner.

Les frères, Charlie et Castiel partagent un moment en famille. Sam n'apprécie pas vraiment le dîner, perdu dans ses pensées. En effet, il n'a pas vraiment fait brûler le Livre des Damnés. Il a conservé celui-ci, dans sa boîte, et l'a remplacé par un livre ordinaire qu'il a jeté au feu, sans rien dire à personne. Seul Jacob a vu la supercherie, car il a prévenu Sam que sa famille continuera à chercher le Livre. Après le dîner, Sam rencontre Rowena, et lui demande son aide afin de déchiffrer le Livre. Rowena semble ravie d'aider, mais elle a des conditions.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

A dark, smoky alleyway [We see a hooded figure with a sword sticking out of their backpack enter the alleyway and duck behind a dumpster. Then two men enter looking for the hooded person. We see it’s Charlie when she slides off her hood. One of the men takes out a special compass. After it points to the direction, he puts it away, takes out his gun and points in the direction to the other man who already has his gun out. They go further into the alley and one man begins to look into the dumpsters. When he lifts the 2nd dumpster lid, Charlie stands up and stabs him in the neck with her sword. She jumps out of the dumpster and kicks him out of the way and slashes the gun hand of the first man (Jacob Styne) causing him to drop his gun. He laughs. Charlie points the sword at his chest.]


Who the hell are you? And why are you following me?


I ain’t following you. I’m following what you got in your bag there. That don’t belong to you, girl. Belongs to my family.


Yeah? Well, sorry Gambit. Finders keepers.


It’s beyond your understanding. Hell, you can’t even read it.


Are you always so condescending when someone’s pointing a blade at you?


Now you look here. You can cut me down, but my people will never stop. [He raises his hands.] And you can tiptoe through the tulips like you did in Russia, or you can stow away on the back of a train like you did in Alaska, but soon enough my kin will find you. [Charlie notices his tattoo on his wrist.] This ends with you being dead. [Jacob grabs the sword away from Charlie. As she runs away, he picks up his gun and shoots at her back.]


Aah! [She’s hit in the back but climbs through a hole in the fence and runs.]


[He runs to the fence and keeps shooting.] You can’t run forever little girl.



[Interior of Castiel’s car. Castiel is driving and Metatron is sitting in the passenger seat.]


Our flashback playback continues with a song that climbed all the way to number four on the charts. Here’s Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic.” [Castiel turns off the radio.]


Really? That song is a classic. Yeah I hear you. I do. And you’re right. Inclement weather on the day of your nuptials and the wrong cutlery at inopportune times is hardly ironic. But it sure is catchy. Yeah, fair point. Can’t argue taste. But since I became human, it’s just so….strange. All these feelings, you know? I mean, I can feel music. Like that last song, “Sussudio.” I don’t even know what it’s about and I love it. I always enjoyed lyrics, words, stories. Gives me goose bumps. And goose bumps – don’t even get me started on those. Creepy! And yet….arousing. [Castiel pulls out his cell phone and makes a call.]

[Interior of the Men of Letter’s Library. Sam is at a laptop and answers his cell phone]



CASTIEL [in his car]

Can I just kill him now?


You know I can hear you, right?


No, we need him alive for now. Look, after he gives you your Grace back, you can do whatever you want with him.


Well, I’d like to kill him slowly.


I am like two feet from you.


Anything on the Mark of Cain?


Every word – crystal clear.


No. I mean, I’ve been digging for something, for anything, but… I don’t know Cas.


There is an answer out there. We will find a cure for Dean.


I don’t know why you’d want to cure that little firecracker now. He’s finally interest…[Castiel punches Metatron in the face] Ooh!


Well, just keep digging.


[Sam looks up and Dean is entering the library.] Yeah, uh, no one here by that name. Sorry. [Sam hangs up.]




Lose reception? Or did he hang up on you? [Castiel turns and looks at Metatron. Metatron begins laughing.] He hung up on you, didn’t he? [Castiel punches Metatron in the face again.] Ooh!

[Interior Men of Letters Library]


So, I’ve been checking through everything again, double-checking and triple-checking, and…


The Mark is a curse.


Yeah, tell me about it.


No, Sam, it’s a… it’s an actual curse.


What are you talking about?


Crowley told me. Or rather, Rowena told him after she tried and failed to kill me.


What the hell happened?


The Mark protected me. Rowena doesn’t really have a beef with me. She was pissed at Crowley because she thinks he’s going soft.


She’s not wrong.


Yeah, well, after he and Mommy Dearest got into a fight…


Mommy Dearest?


Rowena is Crowley’s mother. More about that later. So, then he came and told me what she had said. The Mark is an actual curse. So, anyway, I’m sorry. I probably should’ve told you that.




Yeah. [Sam’s cell phone rings. Dean takes the phone and answers.] Winchester Accounting. How may I help you?




Charlie? What’s going on? Where are you?

[Charlie is in a phone booth.]


Uh, uh, I’m exhausted and….and I’m bleeding. And I’m in a phone booth. A phone booth. I didn’t know these things existed outside of Bill and Ted’s…


[He turns the phone on speaker.] Okay. Hey, hey. Take a deep breath, kiddo. Uh, we’re both sitting here. Tell me what happened. Why are you bleeding?


I, uh – I got shot. Did you know dental floss works great on stitches? I only passed out twice, and I’m pretty sure my wound is now minty fresh.


Charlie, you probably need to go to a hospital.


No, no, I-I’m fine. I just got to get someplace safe. These guys are still after me.


What guys? Who?


Some southern fried d-bags. They’ve been after me since I dug up “The Book of the Damned.”


You found it? Where?


After some near misses and some broken into museums, I found historical documents that led to a monastery in Spain. It burned down years ago, left for dead, but, uh, I had this hunch about it. Turned out I was right.


Okay, Charlie, what does it say about the Mark?


I have no fracking idea. The language it’s written in, I’ve never seen anything like it. I, uh, I found some research notes in the monastery crypt, though, by the Friar that buried it. “The Book of the Damned” is a spell book for creating or undoing any kind of damnation there is. We translate this thing, I think we can get the Mark of Cain off you, Dean.


Charlie, you’re a genius.


A genius fugitive. I – these dudes following me, they are well trained. One of them keeps talking about his family.


Family? Did you get a name?


No clue. I-I-I spotted a tattoo on one of them. Might be a family crest. It seemed occulty. Soon as the book was out of the ground, they were all over me. I, uh….I don’t know how much more running I got left in me. T-they’re tracking the book somehow.


Alright, then we need to get you off the grid, Charlie. Where are you right now?


Uh, just south of Des Moines.


Uh, okay, you know what? Our -- our friend, Bobby, has a whole bunch of cabins scattered all around, places for hunters to crash. You know, it’s not much, but there’s some gear and lore books, stuff to keep you busy til we get there.


Okay, bring snacks. And every Men of Letters decoder ring there is. This book is old and scary, and I’ve never seen anything like it.


[Sam is packing files in a file box in the Library. Dean walks in carrying a box.]

Hey, check it out. I found this in the storage room. It’s lead-lined and warded. If those guys are tracking this book, pretty sure this bad boy will take it off the radar. You ready?

[The Impala is driving down a road at night. “The Boys are Back in Town” by Thin Lizzy is playing. It cuts to the interior of the Impala.]




Nothing. [He shuts off the radio.] Nothing, I just haven’t seen you like this in a while, that’s all.


It’s a good song, man. Shut up.


Yeah, it’s….


Look, man, it has been one crap sandwich after another for the past few weeks, okay? You heard Charlie. We got a shot at fixing this thing, so if that don’t put gas in your tank, well…


If by “shot” you mean a spell in a book that we can’t read that’s currently being tracked…


We’re due for a win, okay? Overdue. I’ll tell you another thing, if this actually does work, we’re gonna take some time off.


What, like a vacation?


Mm-hmm. And I’m not talking just like a weekend in Vegas or sitting in some crap motel watching pay-per-porn. No, I’m talking about a beach. Drinking cervezas, go for a swim, mingle with the local wildlife. When was the last time either one of us was on a beach?




Sand between our toes, Sammy. Sand between our toes. [Dean turns the radio back on and “Boys are Back in Town” is still playing. We then see the Impala heading down the road]

[Interior of a diner. Castiel and Metatron are at a table. Metatron is eating waffles with whipped cream, strawberries, and blueberries on top.]


Mmmmmm! O…M…Me! Oh. Food. Glorious Food. Mmm. All the countless descriptions in so many books, but those are just words. Oh, the taste, the – the actual taste…. I had no idea. Oh. And the process. Goes in here [he points to his mouth]…comes out here [points toward his rear]. Sorcery. I mean, you used to be human. Don’t you miss all this?


No. I don’t miss digestion. I don’t miss indigestion.


No, no, no. Not that. I mean, don’t you miss the feeling of all this? Like the taste of these waffles. The sound of a child’s laughter. Look at us. We’re a couple of angels who’ve touched not only the divine, but the mundane. You and I have a lot in common.




What? I thought we were having a moment. Can’t we be besties?


No. Because you killed my friend.


Oh pfhht. Dean is fine, mostly. Can’t you get past that?


Never. Now we’ve hit three of your so-called safe houses, and all of them are empty. So either you’ve lost my Grace or you’re stalling.


Can you blame me? The minute I hand over your Grace, I’m dead.


You have made your bed, Metatron, and nothing is going to get you out of it. [Loud digestive noises are coming from Metatron.] What are you doing?


I think I need to use the little boys’ room. [He holds up his handcuffed hands in front of him.] Little help. [Castiel helps him get up and leads him to the bathroom. A man who looks like a trucker is sitting at the counter. He watches them go past, then opens his denim jacket to reveal an angel blade.]

[The Impala pulls up in front of a cabin by a lake. Sam and Dean enter the Cabin.]




[She was sleeping at a table and bolts up with a post-it note on her face.] Merry Christmas!




Were you followed?


No, no.


How are you feeling?


Um….I may have just passed out, but better.


Where’s the book?


Okay, here’s what I’ve learned so far. About 700 years ago, a nun locked herself away after having visions of darkness. After a few decades squirrelled away by herself, she emerged with this. [Charlie pulls the book out of her backpack.] Each page is made out of slices of her own skin written in her blood. I told you, it’s eekish. [She hands the book to Dean. He begins opening the pages and seems strangely affected by it.] According to the notes I found, it’s been owned and used by cults, covens, and the Vatican had it for a while. There’s a spell inside that thing for everything. Talking some black mass, dark magic, end-of-times nastiness. As far as what language it’s written in, I’m thinking it’s some kind of…uh…


Dean? Dean!


[He’s across the room and looks up from the book.] What? [Sam and Charlie exchange concerned glances.] I don’t think it’s a good idea that I touch this. [Dean closes the book and hands it back to Charlie.] I’ll go get the rest of our crap.


Right. [Dean exits the cabin.]


What the hell was that?


He’s not getting better. He’s trying to cover, but… We need to find that cure, fast. [Sam takes the book from Charlie.]

[Exterior of the Diner. Castiel and Metatron exit the Diner.]


Sorry about the mess. I guess I’m lactose intolerant.


Let’s never speak of it again. [The man from the Diner is leaning on Castiel’s car.]


Metatron and Castiel. This really must be my lucky day. Two birds, one blade. [He pulls his angel blade out from his denim jacket. Castiel pulls his angel blade out from his trench coat.]


Who are you?


Just a cupid. Just an angry, angry cupid.


I understand you’re upset.


You both corrupted Heaven. It’s never gonna be the same! [He tries to strike Castiel with his angel blade. They fight. He goes to stab Metatron with his blade and Castiel knocks him down and he drops his angel blade and they both fall. The Angry Cupid gets Castiel’s blade away from him and is about to stab Castiel. Metatron stabs him in the back with the angel blade he had dropped. Castiel picks up his angel blade and Metatron hands Castiel the Angry Cupid’s blade.]


I owed you that one, anyway.


[This changes nothing. [Castiel gets up and walks toward his car with both angel blades.]


You’re welcome.


[Interior of the cabin.]


Okay, I got a pretty good look at his tattoo. It’s something like this. [Charlie hands Dean a piece of paper with a drawing of the tattoo. He’s opening the box with the files.]


The douche clan. Got it. Well this is everything the Men of Letters had on occult families, so there should be something in here.


Sam, got anything?


Maybe. Uh, yeah, it’s all in an obscure Sumerian dialect. Actually found a rough match for it in this book.




I thought so, too. But I’ve been translating, but none of the translated words make any sense. It’s all just gibberish. I mean, maybe it’s in a different dialect?


No, no, no. You’re right, but I-I-I think….I think this is in code.


An entire book of unreadable text that’s also in code. Great.


And you call yourselves nerds. Come on. You got this.


He’s right. Let’s get our Alan Turing on. Decript this bitch. [Sam notices Dean staring at the book.]


You know what, Charlie? Why, uh… Um, why don’t we stick with my notes for a little bit? This book is literally making my eyes hurt. [Sam puts the book in the lockbox.]

[A truck pulls into a gas station parking lot. Jacob and a man get out. Jacob is looking around.]


What is it?


Shh. [Jacob takes out his compass, but it just spins. He closes the compass.] Damn it. She found a way to hide the book. It was here. It was on this road. She was on this road. Send the boys up and down the way. See if anybody saw her.

[Castiel and Metatron are entering a dark library.]


Oh, come on. You expect me to believe that you hid my Grace in a library?


Nobody goes to libraries anymore. It’s the safest place in the world.


[Castiel turns on the lights.] I can feel my Grace. It’s here but you’ve hidden it somehow. Where is it?


Honestly, I have no idea. [Castiel pushes Metatron into a chair and squeezes the wound from the shot on his injured leg.] Aah! Aah!


Where is it?


Oh! Gah! I don’t know, I swear! I had another angel hide it, even from me. [Castiel squeezes the leg even harder.] Aah! You know, in case someone tries to torture the information out of me! Case in point!


Where is my Grace?


I told the angel to hide some clues in some of my favorite books. [He holds up his handcuffed wrists.] Mother, may I? [He limps over to a shelf and pulls out a book. Castiel takes the book and opens it and removes a note.]


“What is the maddest thing a man can do?” It’s a riddle? What – what’s the answer?


Beats me. I’ve only been a man a day. Um, the – the answer to the riddle will lead to another book. And inside that book, you’ll find your Grace. We’re gonna work this out together, okay? Teamwork.

[Interior of the cabin.]


Okay, even the Bletchley Circle couldn’t crack this thing. I’ve tried every cryptographic algorithm there is. Goose egg. [Dean is looking through the files.]


Well maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Those people following you… Hmm? All kinds of wrong. Talking multi-generational, centuries old wrong. The Styne family. Men of Letters’ files have them dated back to the early 1800s. They used spells to create disease, to destabilize markets. Hell, they even helped the Nazis before they came into power, and they profited from all of it.


So, they’re like the supernatural Du Ponts?


Basically. All the spells they used came from a book of “unspeakable evil” which they lost nearly a hundred years ago.


Okay, so they’re bad. So what. We faced worse.


Sam, read the file. The way the book works, is when you use it, there is a negative reaction. I’m talking biblical negative. Dark magic always comes with a price. We know that. We’ve been down that road before.


Well, let’s at least translate it, see what it says.


You guys don’t understand. The book’s been calling out to me ever since I laid eyes on it, okay? Calling out to the Mark. I can hear it like it’s alive. It wants me to use it, but not for good. Look, I wanted it to be the answer too, okay? I really did. But we have got to get rid of that. Burn it, bury it, I don’t give a damn. We’ll just have to find another way to fix the Mark.


Like what?


I don’t know.


So you’re giving up?


No, I’m not giving up. Charlie, I don’t have a death wish. Okay, even if I did, I can’t die, not with this thing on my arm. What I can do is I can fight it as long as I can until….


Until what? Tell me. Until what, Dean? Until I watch you become a demon again? Until then? I can’t do that. I won’t do that.


Well, then you’ll just have to lock me up. Bind me to the bunker like you did last time.


That doesn’t solve anything.


Look, just let us translate the book, okay? If there’s a cure, we’ll do it and deal with the consequences later. I can’t lose you.




Yeah, really.


You change your mind on that, cause that’s not what you said last time.


Oh, come on, man. You know I didn’t mean that.


This is my cross to bear, Sam. Mine. And that book is not the answer. Now we got to destroy it before it falls into the wrong hands, and that includes me. I’m gonna go for a drive. Uh, Charlie, we forgot to pick up your snacks.


Dean, look…


We’ll figure out another way. And Sam, I’ll get my vacation. But not today. Not like this. [Dean leaves the cabin.]


Sam, maybe he’s right.


No, there’s a way to fix it. There has to be.

[Interior of the library]


You know, we really do make a good team. Kind of like a buddy comedy, without the comedy.


Or the buddies.


Oh now, come on. Back at the diner, that was some pretty awesome dynamic-duo action.


What we did back there was unfortunate. No more of our brothers and sisters should die.


Brothers and sisters? Listen to you. Still spitting out the company line like anyone cares. Like we’re actually a family? When what we really are – are a bunch of glowing lights filled with self-loathing or delusions of grandeur. Or both.


You shut up!


No! If I’m gonna die, I want answers. Like, who are you now? Like, you’re obviously not an angel of the Lord. And what about all of this walking the earth like Caine from “Kung Fu” crap? Cleaning up Heaven’s messes. How many more rogue angels are there out there? And, what are you gonna do once you’re done with all that? Go back to Heaven? Please. The angel formerly known as Hannah has restored order up top. Smoothest it’s run since God cut the ribbon on the pearly gates. So tell me, Castiel, truly, what is your mission now?


You shut up and keep looking. [Castiel walks away.]


Well…[Metatron touches books on the shelf with his finger and then gets blood on his finger from his wound. We then see that he’s drawn blood sigils on the books.] Cannot say I didn’t try. [He activates the sigils and walks toward Castiel in the next row. Castiel is coughing and collapses.] Poor Castiel. Swam so far just to drown in shallow waters. Isn’t it ironic? Don’t ya think?

[Interior of Cabin]


What did Dean mean? When he said you changed your mind?


So, awhile back, we had a chance to, um…close the gates of Hell. And in order to do that, I would’ve had to die. And, I was okay with that, and I am okay with that, but Dean was not. And so, he uh…


He saved you.


Yeah, he saved me.


And let me guess, in doing so, he did something you didn’t want, and that pissed you off. And you said something that hurt him?


Yeah, that sounds about right.


Brothers. You know, I haven’t been a hunter for very long, but it feels like this is the life. Mostly ends in Sophie’s choices, death, or tears. Usually, all of the above, huh? How did this become my life? I mean, I was gonna own my own start-up, marry ScarJo, invent something cool. Now I’m just….I’m just happy to be alive.


You know, when Dean came to get me at school, I-I told myself… one last job, you know? One more job. And then when – when I, um…. When I lost Jess, I, again, told myself one more job. There’s always one more job, you know? And one more job, and one more job, and then I was gonna go back to law and – and to my life.


You were the Dread Pirate Roberts of hunting.


Yeah. I guess I really understand now that….this is my life. I love it. But I can’t do it without my brother. I don’t want to do it without my brother. And if he’s gone, then I don’t….


I got it. I-I do.


[Interior of the library. Castiel is on the ground and Metatron is taking a book from the shelf.]


All right…First things first – find what I really came here for. [He takes a note out of the book and reads it.] “What two things do you need to succeed in life?” Ignorance and confidence. [Castiel looks at the note from the first book.]


They’re quotes.


So, uh…did you and samateur hour really think I wouldn’t have a back-up plan? [Metatron locates a book and opens it to reveal a tablet. Castiel is crawling down another aisle looking for a book.] Ah. Hello Demon Tablet. [Castiel grabs at “Don Quixote” by Miguel Cervantes and knocks it off the shelf. The container with his Grace falls out of the book.] The places I’ll go with this. [METATRON limps to the row Castiel is in and sees Castiel has the container with his Grace.] And your Grace. Well, one out of two ain’t bad. [Metatron hurries away.]


[Opens the container with his Grace.] What’s the maddest thing a man can do? Let himself die. [Castiel inhales his Grace. He stands up and has his full power back.]

[Interior of a “gas & sip.” Behind the counter, Jacob is standing next to the body of the clerk he killed. He’s wiping off his knife.]


God just don’t build to last, does he?

[The door rings as Dean enters.]


Afternoon, sir.


Howdy. [Dean grabs some snacks and puts them on the counter.] There we go.


That’ll be it for you?


Uh, yeah, that’s it.


Okay then, that’ll be $15.75. [Dean takes out a twenty and hands it to him. He sees Jacob’s tattoo on his wrist.] You heading home or you just passing through?


Just passing through. [Jacob puts the money in the cash register. Dean looks at the store mirror and sees the dead clerk behind the counter next to Jacob.] Must get awful lonely out here all by yourself.


Oh, I get by. [Dean pulls out his gun and points it at Jacob.]


Don’t move. Hands where I can see them.


Don’t you want your change? [He throws the change in Dean’s face and another man with him grabs Dean from behind.]


[Jacob points his knife at Dean.] Now…who might you be? [He notices the Mark on Dean.] Well, hello there. Where’d a back-road nothing like you get their hands on something like that?


What’s it to you, Mr. Styne?


My friends call me Jacob.


Well, I ain’t your friend.


Those wouldn’t happen to be treats for a redheaded little gal, now, would they? Y’all hid the book, didn’t you? Lead-lined little number, I’m betting.


I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.


You don’t? See that? That man back there, well he said the same thing as all the others at truck stops and gas stations up and down the way. Nobody had seen that redheaded girl. And then a man bearing that Mark comes in here, to me. Well, there’s coincidence, and then there’s just providence. See, “The Book of the Damnded,” it wants to be found. It wants to come home. Let me guess. You want to use it to get that gift off your arm, don’t you? Power is wasted on the weak. Now the book….can remove that Mark. But you mess around with that, you’re gonna do far more harm than good. So, why don’t you do the right thing here, boy, and tell me where that book is.


Yeah, sure, I’ll tell you. [Dean mumbles something.]


One more time. I didn’t hear you. [He leans in closer to Dean.]


I said…[Dean headbutts Jacob and knocks the man holding him off. He dives to the ground to grab his gun. He’s on the ground pointing the gun up at the man coming at him. He shoots as he pushes himself along the floor away from the man, but the man keeps coming. The man finally falls after Dean empties his clip into him. Dean reloads and stands up. Jacob is gone and Dean’s cell phone is broken.]

[Interior of the cabin – Charlie is stoking the fire as Dean comes in the door.]


What’s going on?


The Styne’s, they found me. [The Styne car races to the cabin.] Those douches are all jacked up, too.


What are you talking about?


[He throws a cup of liquid into the fire.] I emptied a full clip into one of them before the son of a bitch went down.


Dean, what are you doing with the holy oil?


[The Stynes are outside the cabin.] There is a cure for the Mark in the book. But it comes at a price. We got to destroy it.


Are you sure about this?


It’s calling to me, Sam, okay? I can hear it. It’s calling to the Mark. It wants me to take the book and run away with it. Burn it now. [They hear the Styne’s outside. Dean and Charlie pull their guns.] Sam, burn it now.

[One Styne crashes through the window grabbing Dean while another crashes through the other window and grabs Charlie. Sam takes the lockbox with the book to the fireplace. Dean and Charlie are fighting off the Stynes as Sam takes the wrapped book out of the lockbox. Jacob breaks the front door of the cabin and enters. Dean shoots Jacob who keeps heading toward Sam at the fireplace. Sam throws the wrapped book in the fire.]


You silly boy. [Dean keeps shooting Jacob. Jacob grabs Sam’s throat. Sam stabs him until Jacob finally collapses. The book is burning in the fireplace.]

[Interior of the Men of Letter’s Bunker. Castiel and Sam are sitting at the map table in the war room.]



I was foolish, selfish. Should’ve just killed him. Who knows what he’ll do with that tablet.


Well, you know what, Cas? You got your Grace back. You’re back. You did the right thing.


You did the right thing. That book needed to be destroyed. We will find another way, Sam. [The door opens and Charlie enters carrying two plastic bags. She heads down the stairs.


We’re back, bitches! [She suddenly sees Castiel.] Whoa! Is that who I think it is?


Charlie, Cas. Cas, Charlie. [Charlie hugs Cas.]


I thought you’d be shorter. [She puts the bags on the table. Sam grabs the bags.]


I’m gonna get these to the fridge.


Heard you got your mojo back.


Yes, my – my Grace, it’s – it’s been restored.


So, can’t you just – you know… cure Dean?


Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.


Oh. Never is, is it? Do you think you could do anything about my carpal tunnel? [Castiel places two fingers on Charlie’s forehead.] Is that it?


Your carpal tunnel and your bullet wound are now healed. You may want to continue wearing your wrist brace at night, though.


Did we just become best friends? [Dean comes in the front door carrying pizza boxes.]


Hey, look who decided to show. So? You’re back? 100%? How did that happen? [As Dean puts the food on the table, Sam enters the room.]


Um, it was Hannah. She managed to get the location of the remainder of my Grace out of Metatron.


Awesome. I told you we were due for a win. Good to have you back, pal.

[“Behind Blue Eyes” by The Who is playing. Dean is opening the beer bottles and they are sitting at the table eating pizza. Dean is laughing and Sam is trying to smile, but looks uncomfortable.]


I don’t trust you and… I never will. But I need help [Cut to Sam sitting at a table in a restaurant.] and this is right in your wheelhouse. [He opens the lockbox and The Book of the Damned is in it.]

[Flashback to the cabin when the Styne’s were crashing through the windows.]


Sam, burn it now! [While Dean and Charlie are fighting the Styne family members, Sam removes The Book of the Damned from the lockbox and unwraps it. Jacob Stein breaks through the door and Dean shoots him. Sam puts it back in the lockbox and grabs another book off the table. He wraps it in the cloth and throws that on the fire.


You silly boy. [Dean continues to shoot Jacob, but Jacob reaches Sam at the fireplace and grabs his throat.


My family will never stop looking for that book. [Sam looks at the other book burning in the fire.]

[Cut to interior of the restaurant. Sam is sitting at a table.]


I need the Mark of Cain off my brother. Something tells me you can crack this book and find that cure. The only question is…will you help me? [We see the person Sam is sitting across from is Rowena.]


Shall we discuss terms?


Source : SuperWiki

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