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#10.17 : L'échappée Belle


  DEAN ET ROWENA S'AFFRONTENT - Sam et Castiel suivent une piste concernant la marque de Cain. Dean et Rowena se rencontrent.


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Inside Man

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L'échappée Belle

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Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman) en pleine séance de spiritisme

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman) en pleine séance de spiritisme

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman) en pleine séance de spiritisme

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman) en pleine séance de spiritisme

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman) en pleine séance de spiritisme

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Oliver Pryce (Richard Newman) en pleine séance de spiritisme

Rowena (Ruth Connell) un verre à la main

Rowena (Ruth Connell) un verre à la main

Rowena (Ruth Connell) montrant ses bras

Rowena (Ruth Connell) montrant ses bras

Dean (Jensen Ackles) tenant Ty (Chris McNally)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) tenant Ty (Chris McNally)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 01.04.2015 à 21:00
1.70m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Andrew Dabb
Réalisé par : Rashaad Ernesto Green


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Ruth Connell... Rowena

Curtis Armstrong... Metatron







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Sam et Castiel rendent visite à un médium qui les fait participer à une séance de spiritisme. Pendant ce temps, au Paradis, Bobby est confortablement installé dans son salon, un verre de scotch à la main, l'autre tenant l'autobiographie de Tori Spelling. La radio diffuse la chanson de Kenny Rogers intitulée The Gambler, quand une voix se fait entendre. A la grande surprise de Bobby, c'est Sam qui l'appelle à l'aide.


24 heures plus tôt. Dans la nuit, Sam est réveillé en sursaut par l'appel désespéré de Dean. Sans hésitation, il court jusqu'à la chambre de son frère, pour le trouver endormi et troublé par un violent cauchemar. Dans son sommeil, Dean revit les meurtres et les tortures qu'il a perpétrées. Puis, le cauchemar s'arrête et Dean redevient paisible. Le matin suivant, Sam fait des recherches sur son ordinateur et raccroche le téléphone mais il annonce à Dean qu'il n'a rien trouvé à chasser, hormis un kitsune dont Rudy s'occupe déjà. Ce sera donc jour de repos pour les Winchester. Sam propose à Dean d'aller voir un film, mais lorsque Dean entend ce dont quoi le film parle, il préfère refuser, laissant son petit frère y aller seul.

Au lieu de film, Sam rejoint Castiel sur le bord d'une route. Il explique à l'ange que l'état de Dean empire, et qu'ils sont à cours d'option. Castiel hésite à mettre en pratique leur dernier recours, mais il sait que Sam a raison. Aussi, ils se mettent en route.

Dean profite de l'absence de Sam pour mettre le foutoir dans sa chambre. Tandis qu'il s'adonne à son plan machiavélique, qui s'achève par un frottement de brosse à dents sous les aisselles, il tente de savoir auprès de Rudy si celui-ci a besoin d'aide pour son enquête. Manifestement, ce n'est pas le cas. Et si Dean prétend que tout va bien, le reflet du miroir le renvoie à son mensonge.

Arrivés aux portes du Paradis, Castiel et Sam sont confrontés au gardien qui leur annonce que Castiel n'est pas autorisé à accéder au domaine. Après quoi, la porte s'ouvre pour laisser sortir un ange qui emprunte le vaisseau du gardien. L'ange n'est autre que Hannah, qui devine la raison de la venue de Castiel. Mais elle refuse de laisser sortir Metatron, en sachant que celui-ci ne leur accordera son aide que s'il est libre. Elle ne peut pas prendre ce risque. Hannah s'excuse, mais Castiel est en colère. Soudain, trois autres anges sortent des fourrés à proximité. Sam emmène Castiel, et lui apprend qu'ils doivent changer de plan. Ils ne peuvent pas affronter quatre anges à eux deux et faire sortir Metatron de cette façon. A la place, ils vont le faire évader.

Rowena met l'un des sbires de Crowley à contribution, afin de retrouver l'endroit où se trouve le bunker des Hommes de Lettres. Malheureusement, lorsque le démon tente de retracer un appel provenant de l'endroit, il fait face à des interférences qui l'empêche d'être précis. Il propose à Rowena une localisation moins précise proche de l'endroit. Elle accepte.

Dans un bar de Lebanon, Dean retrouve le barman, Donny. Visiblement habitué de l'endroit, il commande son repas et sa boisson habituelle. Au billard, un groupe d'étudiants joue bruyamment. Dean décide de jouer à son tour. Il prend sa bière, fait semblant d'être saoul, et propose aux jeunes de prendre les paris. Ils acceptent.

Sam et Castiel rendent visite à Oliver Price, un medium télépathe que les Hommes de Lettres ont aidé dans le contrôle de son pouvoir. Oliver Price leur ouvre la porte et sait immédiatement qui est Sam Winchester. En revanche, il se heurte à un mur lorsqu'il s'agit de pénétrer l'esprit de Castiel, et voit sa croyance d'athéiste tomber en morceau lorsqu'il découvre qu'il est face à un ange. Après quoi, Sam et Castiel leur explique qu'ils ont besoin de joindre quelqu'un au Paradis, afin que celui-ci les aide à faire sortir un prisonnier des prisons du Paradis. D'abord sur le point de refuser, Oliver Price change vite d'avis lorsqu'il lit les pensées de Sam.

Au bar de Lebanon, Dean fait en sorte de perdre sa partie, afin de faire monter les enchères. Il réussit à extorquer près de 300 dollars au groupe d'étudiants, ainsi que la montre de luxe de l'un d'entre eux. La nouvelle partie commence.

Pendant ce temps, la séance de spiritisme commence. Afin de prendre contact avec le défunt, le médium demande à ce qu'un objet lui ayant appartenu soit posé sur la table. Sam sort la casquette de Bobby. Le contact s'établie. Nous revoyons le moment où Bobby entend la voix de Sam à travers la radio.

Dean écrase littéralement ses concurrents au billard. Ils comprennent qu'ils se sont fait avoir, mais il est trop tard. Dean empoche le pactole et part se rafraichir dans les toilettes. Pendant ce temps, Rowena rencontre les étudiants. Dans les toilettes, lorsque Dean se relève, il aperçoit furtivement ses yeux devenir noirs. Il s'essuie le visage, en se demandant si ce n'était qu'une illusion, ou pas.

Sam vient de raconter à Bobby ce qu'il s'est passé. Bobby comprend qu'ils doivent trouver un moyen d'enlever la marque du bras de Dean, afin que celui-ci ne redevienne pas un démon. Sam avoue que Dean n'est pas avec eux et qu'il ne sait rien de ce qu'ils font. Après quoi, Castiel explique quel est le plan : Bobby doit sortir de son Paradis pour trouver et ouvrir les portes du domaine donnant sur Terre. Après quoi, l'ange le rejoindra afin qu'ils aillent tous les deux libérer le scribe de Dieu de sa cellule. Castiel prévient Bobby ; les anges ne vont pas aimer qu'une âme se balade librement et ils iront à sa recherche. Bobby se sent rouillé, malgré les encouragements de Sam, mais il accepte.

Dean sort des toilettes pour tomber sur Rowena. Tandis qu'il se bat contre les étudiants qu'elle a ensorcelé, il s'arrête avant de tuer leur leader, en repensant au mal perpétré auparavant. Pendant ce temps, Rowena enlève sa cape et s'apprête à lancer son sort sur Dean, mais ce sort ne fonctionne pas. Ce qui permet à Dean de prendre le dessus. Il apprend alors que Rowena est la mère de Crowley, et que celle-ci cherchait à tuer Dean à cause de l'influence qu'il a sur le roi de l'Enfer. Puis, elle lui assure qu'il ne va pas la tuer, car elle est la seule à pouvoir libérer les étudiants du sort jeté avant que celui-ci ne les tue. Elle sait que Dean est un héros et qu'il ne souhaite pas la mort d'innocents.

Castiel guide Bobby : pour pouvoir sortir de son Paradis, il doit trouver quelque chose qui ne devrait pas être là. Il découvre un fil qui sort du tapis et tire dessus, ce qui ouvre la Porte. Il pénètre dans un couloir d'un blanc froid et immaculé. Plusieurs portes longent le couloir, toutes appartenant à des Bobby. Soudain, une alarme se déclenche.

Furieuse, Rowena repart en Enfer. Elle s'automutile et part voir Crowley, en prétendant que c'est Dean Winchester qui lui a fait cela. Crowley lu dit qu'elle est stupide d'avoir essayé de le tuer et qu'elle n'a eu que ce qu'elle méritait. De plus, il lui apprend que Dean est protégé par la marque de Cain. Rowena rétorque que la marque n'est qu'un sortilège et que, comme tout sortilège, il peut être défait. Quant à Dean, elle prétend qu'elle essayait simplement de protéger Crowley. Crowley prétend lui, qu'il a exactement Sam et Dean là où il veut qu'ils soient. Rowena commence à perdre son sang-froid et prévient Crowley : si il ne fait rien, il passera pour un faible.

Tandis que Castiel et Sam attendent, dissimulés derrière un buisson près des portes du Paradis, Bobby crée une véritable pagaille en haut, en faisant sortir tous les Bobbys de leur antichambre. Tandis que les âmes se révoltent contre les anges, Bobby en profite pour se faufiler.

Dans le même temps, Crowley rencontre Dean dans le bar.

Bobby trouve la porte 42 et l'ouvre. Sam se précipite sur l'ange chargé de surveiller la porte, tandis que Castiel saute à travers le portail. Suivi par Bobby, ils partent en direction des prisons. Bobby souhaite savoir ce qu'il en est de Dean. Castiel lui explique qu'il ne sait rien de ce qu'ils font, parce qu'il a abandonné. Ce qui n'est pas le cas de Sam et Castiel.

Crowley et Dean conversent autour d'un verre. Dean assure à Crowley que s'il avait envie de tuer Rowena, il ne l'a pas touché d'un cheveu. Crowley, à son tour, lui parle de ce que Rowena a dit sur la marque. Mais pas de miracles, elle ne sait pas comment l'enlever. Puis, le roi de l'Enfer se confie : Rowena prétend qu'il est devenu trop doux. Dean confirme. Le simple fait qu'ils conversent au lieu de se battre le prouve. Mais lui aussi a changé, le fait qu'il accepte de converser en est la preuve. Crowley résume en disant qu'ils sont devenus vieux. Puis, Dean lui demande pourquoi il laisse Rowena avoir tant de contrôle sur les affaires de l'Enfer. Crowley répond qu'elle est sa famille, son sang. Dean rétorque que ce n'est pas la même chose : la famille ne se résume pas au sang. La famille est là dans les plus durs comme dans les meilleurs moments. Elle ne reste pas auprès de vous par intérêt, elle reste pour vous, elle assure vos arrières. Ce n'est pas la description qui correspondrait à Rowena. Crowley semble le réaliser.

Bobby et Castiel se retrouvent devant la cellule de Metatron. Ce dernier refuse de venir avec eux, de peur que Dean ne le prenne encore pour son punching-ball personnel. Castiel le rassure, Dean n'est pas impliqué. Aussi, Metatron, intrigué par la situation, indique à Castiel où sont les clés. Castiel confirme à Bobby que malheureusement, Metatron est leur seule option.

Castiel rejoint Sam sur Terre avec Metatron. Ce dernier fait le fanfaron, il croit avoir les cartes en main pour prendre les rênes, mais il ne s'attend pas à la suite : Castiel lui vole sa grâce et Sam lui tire dans la cuisse. Metatron est mortel, et ce sont Sam et Castiel qui ont le pouvoir désormais. Metatron avoue qu'il ne sait rien sur la marque, qu'il a tout inventé sur la rivière finissant à la source. La marque est issue d'une magie de niveau divin, seul Dieu, ou Lucifer, savent vraiment comment s'en débarrasser. Cette révélation rend Metatron inutile, alors Castiel demande à Sam de le tuer. Sam s'apprête à tirer quand Metatron assure qu'en revanche, il peut toujours redonner la grâce de Castiel. Sam laisse la décision à son ami.

Crowley retrouve Rowena en Enfer. Celle-ci déchante lorsque son fils la vire de son domaine. C'est sa façon de reprendre son rang de roi, en décidant de se débarrasser de l'influence d'une mère qui ne l'a jamais aimé, jusqu'à ce qu'il obtienne le pouvoir. Rowena joue les mères éplorées, mais Crowley ne se laisse pas attendrir. Rowena lui promet que son monde brûlera.

Sam rentre au bunker. Il échange rapidement avec Dean qui mange des céréales, puis part dans sa chambre. Là, il lit la lettre de Bobby que Castiel lui a remis avant de partir de son côté avec Metatron. La lettre de Bobby demande à Sam de continuer le combat, mais de ne pas le cacher à Dean. Il lui rappelle que les meilleures intentions ont parfois des conséquences inattendues. Puis, il le félicite, lui dit combien c'est un homme bien et qu'il est fier de lui. Il sait que Sam fera le bon choix. Il lui avoue également qu'il n'a jamais été aussi heureux, depuis qu'il est au Paradis, que lorsqu'il a entendu sa voix. En parallèle, nous voyons Dean, Rowena quittant l'Enfer, Castiel prenant la route avec Metatron, Crowley sur son trône, puis Bobby, que les anges sont venus chercher. La scène et l'épisode s'arrêtent sur Sam, très ému par la lettre.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

Int. Scene - Sam and Cas are sitting at a table with an older, balding gentleman with glasses. They are holding hands, and the unknown man is chanting. The audience can probably assume he’s some type of psychic. The lights flicker, the table shakes, and the candles start shooting flames.

PSYCHIC: Amate spiritus obscure, Te quaerimus. Te oramus, nobiscum colloquere, apud nos circita.

Int. living room with a recliner, many full bookshelves, and a radio playing “The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers. As the camera pans up the recliner, Bobby Singer takes a sip of his drink.

SONG: “Know when to hold 'em,

know when to fold 'em,

know when to walk away

and know when to run

you never count your money

when you're sitting at the table

there'll be time enough for counting

when the dealing's done.”

SAM: Bobby? (Sam’s voice comes through, static-y on the radio, with Kenny Rogers cutting in and out) Bobby, can you hear me?

SONG: “ . . . Ing at the table

SAM: Bobby, we need your help.

SONG: there will be time enough for counting


SONG: when the dealing's . . . ”


Int. Bunker: Sam’s bedroom. Sam is awakened by Dean screaming for him.

DEAN: Sam!

(Sam runs, barefoot and armed through the hall and bursts into Dean’s room. Dean’s having a nightmare.)

DEAN: No. No! No! No. No!

In Dean’s Head - his nightmare - he sees himself killing Lester again, and revisits his fight with Cain.


CAIN: (Cain’s words echo through Dean’s head in his dream.) My story began when I killed my brother, and that's where your story inevitably will end.

Int. Bunker - Sam sits at the library table on the phone, laptop open, when Dean enters, drinking some coffee.

SAM: Yeah. Yeah, okay, just, um . . . just be there. Yeah. Gotta go. (Sam hangs up his phone and addresses Dean) Hey. How did you sleep?

DEAN: Like a drunk baby. What do we got?

SAM: Uh, nothing.

DEAN: Really?

SAM: Yeah, I mean, uh, no weird deaths, no demon signs. There's a Kitsune working some truck stops outside of Boise, but Rudy's on it, so . . .

DEAN: All right. So, uh, snow day. I say we get drunk and shoot crap.

SAM: Yeah, except we do that every day. Actually, I was thinking about seeing a movie.

DEAN: Yeah, that could be cool.

SAM: It's a French movie.

DEAN: You mean like nudie French?

SAM: Even better. It's about a mime that's secretly a cockroach.

DEAN: I-I don't get it.

SAM: Dude, The New York Times said -

DEAN: Who cares?

SAM: All right, well . . . It's playing in Wichita, so I might not be back till morning.

DEAN: Well, I trust you. Make good choices.

SAM: Right. You know, I mean . . . I don't have to go alone . . .

DEAN: It's fine. Besides, I could use a little "me" time.

SAM: All right. Stay out of my room.

DEAN: Totally.

Ext. Sam parks his truck by the side of the road, behind Castiel and his ride

SAM: Thanks for coming, Cas.

CASTIEL: Of course. Where's Dean?

SAM: This is about Dean.

CASTIEL: Is he . . . ?

SAM: He's getting worse. Cas, we've gone through every other option possible. We got to talk about -

CASTIEL: Don't say it.

SAM: Do you think I want this? I'm not a fan of it, either. But if we want to get rid of the Mark . . . I'm just saying Charlie's gone radio silent; everything else we've tried has been a dead end. So . . .

CASTIEL: So I'll drive.

Int. Rowena’s room in Hell. She is painting occult symbols on herself, standing in front of a mirror, naked.


ROWENA: Please. It's nothing you haven't seen before.

CROWLEY: You're my mother. I don't want to see anything. I've been to hell, thanks.

ROWENA: Next time, knock.

CROWLEY: This is my domain. I don't knock.

ROWENA: Did you want something, Fergus?

CROWLEY: It's Crow . . . forget it. What are you doing?

ROWENA: What do you mean?

CROWLEY: I mean you've been nattering constantly at me for weeks, and now you haven't annoyed me for days. You're up to something.

ROWENA: You're right. I'm seeing someone. I'm a woman. I have desires, needs, and Trent is . . .

CROWLEY: Trent? You're dating a . . . Trent?

ROWENA: He's an assistant manager at Biggerson's. He's not the brightest bulb, but he's so . . . firm.

CROWLEY: Please stop talking.

ROWENA: You asked.

CROWLEY: Just put some clothes on.

Int. Sam’s Bedroom. Dean’s causing mischief while he’s on the phone.

DEAN: Rudy. Rudy! Hey, look. I know you can handle it, okay? I'm just saying that, uh, you know, if you needed a little assist, I could, uh, you know . . . all right. All right, all right, all right. Chill out. Sorry I asked. All right. Heh heh heh (chuckling to himself about his pranks on Sam) Ha. You know me. I'm always good. Hey, I'm fan-damn-tastic.

Ext. The playground where the doorway to Heaven is located. Sam and Cas approach the door and its guard.

GUARD: That's far enough, Castiel.

CASTIEL: Excuse me?

GUARD: I have orders. You aren't allowed upstairs.

SAM: Says who?

GUARD: Hold, please. (The angel currently in the vessel leaves, while the door opens a crack and another angel comes out and enters the vessel.

HANNAH: Hello, Castiel.

CASTIEL: Hannah.

HANNAH: I swore I'd never occupy another vessel, but . . . we need to have this conversation face-to-face.

CASTIEL: What conversation?

HANNAH: What do you want in Heaven?

CASTIEL: Metatron.

HANNAH: Why? Is this about your Grace? Are you fading?

CASTIEL: I'm fine for now.

SAM: This is about my brother.

HANNAH: Because you think Metatron might have information about the Mark of Cain?

CASTIEL: No. We know he does.

HANNAH: So he says. But Metatron lies.

SAM: Hannah, we just want to talk with him.

HANNAH: No, you want his help. But we both know the only way Metatron helps you is if he's free. And I can't let the scribe out of his cell. Not again. He's too dangerous.

CASTIEL: We won't . . .

HANNAH: Yes, you will. Because you're desperate.

CASTIEL: After all I've done for heaven . . . after all I've done for you.

HANNAH: I'm sorry.

CASTIEL: You should be.

SAM: Cas, let's go.

CASTIEL: What? We're leaving?

SAM: Yeah, we can't fight off four angels.

CASTIEL: So . . . so what? You just want to give up on Metatron?

SAM: No, we need him. Time for plan "B". We break him out.


Int. Rowena’s bedroom in Hell. She’s talking with an unknown demon.

ROWENA: I'm told you run Hell's switchboard. Tough job.

NEBBISHY DEMON: It's not so bad. I'm just happy to do my part.

ROWENA: You sure you're a demon?

NEBBISHY DEMON: Y-you can be damned and a conscientious worker.

ROWENA: Oh. Well, last year, my son . . . Crowley, was taken by the Winchesters. I need to know where they were holding him, and I'm told he made a call. I was hoping you could trace it for me.

NEBBISHY DEMON: O-of course. Y-you are the queen mother.


NEBBISHY DEMON: H-h-he did call, but t-there was some I-interference. I-I can't get the exact location. W-would a 10-mile radius work?

ROWENA: I'll make do.

Int. Bar with pool tables. Some young men are playing pool and slapping high fives. Dean enters and sits down at the bar, greeting the bartender by name.

DEAN: Hey, Donnie.

DONNIE: Hey, man.

DEAN: I'll do the, uh, HervÈ Villechaize.

DONNIE: You bet.

DEAN: Thanks.

TY: (one of the boys playing pool, just beat his friend) Boom! Money. Now. Loser!

DEAN: Gracias.

TY: Give me your cash. Now. Right now.

DENA: What's up with the Abercrombie rejects?

DONNIE: College kids "slumming it."

DEAN: Slumming? What are you talking about? This is a nice joint, huh? You got those custom urinal pucks.

TY: Come on, bitches. Who's next? 20 bucks a game. 20 bucks.

DEAN: (Dean scruffs his hair up and walks drunkenly over to the pool table) Yo! Yeah, I'll, uh . . . I'll play.

TY: What, seriously?

TY’S FRIEND: Dude, he's blitzed.

DEAN: No. No, no, no, no. I'm . . . I'm . . . I'm fine, man. I'm good to go. Hmm? Good to go.

TY: He's fine. Grab a stick.

Ext. Sam and Cas walk down a dark street toward a house.

SAM: So, back in the '50s, Oliver Pryce was a kid psychic. He performed everywhere . . . carnivals, Atlantic City . . . you name it. He was the real deal. Now, the Men of Letters were teaching him how to control his powers when they got . . . you know.

CASTIEL: Brutally slaughtered?

SAM: The point is, he's one of the good guys. He might be happy to see us.

CASTIEL: (upon seeing all of the “no trespassing” signs on the Pryce fence) Or not.

SAM: (pounds on the door) Mr. Pryce? Oliver Pryce!

CASTIEL: I'll break it down.

SAM: Dude, dude, dude. Chill.

CASTIEL: What? I'm helping.

SAM: Just follow my lead. Mr. Pryce? This is Sam -

PRYCE: Winchester. You're Sam Winchester, Man of Letters.

SAM: Yeah. H-how did you, uh . . .

PRYCE: Mind reader, remember? And you're . . . What are you?

CASTIEL: I'm an Angel.

PRYCE: That . . . No, you can't be.

CASTIEL: Why not?

PRYCE: Because I'm an atheist.

SAM: Not anymore. (Castiel and Sam enter the house, and the party retreats to Pryce’s living room/dining room)

CASTIEL: That's you?

PRYCE: Was me. I don't do the psychic stuff no more. Being around people, it's kind of . . . Hell. All those brains yapping all the time drives a guy bananas. Because you can hear everyone's thoughts. Well, not yours. All I'm getting from you is . . . colors. But the hippie over here? I'm seeing some creep-ass hobbit-lookin' fella, a prison cell?

CASTIEL: That's heaven's jail.

PRYCE: Heaven's got a freakin' jail?

SAM: Yeah. Yeah, it does. And we're looking to break someone out of it.

PRYCE: Okay.

CASTIEL: We have an inside man, but we need your help to talk to him.

PRYCE: And if I say no?

SAM: You're the mind reader.

PRYCE: I'll get my crap.

Int. Bar where Dean is still playing pool, drunkenly, with the Ty and his gang.

DEAN: I'll get it. I'll get it.

TY: There it is. Corner pocket. The king is here.

DEAN: Okay, all right. Again?

TY: Sure. Say $100 this time.

DEAN: Yeah. Make it $300.

Background Music from the jukebox plays during the exchange

“I ain't going back

ain't going back no more”

I ain't going back

I ain't going back

ain't going back no more”

DEAN: What do you say?

TY: Uh . . . Give me your cash.

DEAN: (looking at the money on the table) I think you're a little short there. Why don't you toss in the watch? Good to go.

TY: My dad gave me this watch.

DEAN: I'm sure it's a very touching story. Got a little tear in my eye. Come on. We gonna play or not? (Ty takes off his watch and adds it to the pile. Dean sobers instantly) Rack 'em.

“I ain't going back

ain't going back no more

I ain't go . . .”

Int. Pryce’s house - this is the scene from the beginning. Sam, Castiel, and Pryce sit around a table with candles on it.

PRYCE: You got anything that belonged to the deceased?

SAM: Yes. Right here. (He reverently pulls Bobby’s hat out of his bag and places it on the table)

PRYCE: Good. Now shut up and hold hands. Amate spiritus obscure,Te quaerimus. Te oramus, nobiscum colloquere, apud nos circita.

Int. Bobby’s Heaven - the living room, recliner, drink, and radio

SONG: “Every gambler knows -”

SAM: (coming through the radio) Bobby?

SONG: “You never count your money”

SAM: Bobby, can you hear me?

SONG: “when you're sitting at the table”

SAM: Bobby, we need your help.

SONG: “there will be time enough for counting


SONG: “when the dealing's . . .”

Int. Bar - Dean’s pounding Ty at pool now

DEAN: (indicating which pocket the 8-ball will go in) That one.

TY: You hustled me.

DEAN: Well, you're pretty quick for a guy who's all hair gel and body spray. (Dean picks up his coat, the money and Ty’s watch, and heads off to the bathroom)

DEAN: Thanks, fellas.

TY’S FRIEND: Forget it, dude. He's an ass.

ROWENA: Hello, boys.

Int. Pryce’s house and Int. of Bobby’s heaven. The scene switches back and forth while they are talking.

SAM: And, uh, that's what's been happening . . . the short version of it, anyway. You still there, Bobby?

BOBBY: Yeah, Sam. It's just . . . Real good to hear your voice.

SAM: Yeah, you, too.

BOBBY: Okay. If, uh, I'm understanding right, you got to figure a way to get the Mark of Cain off Dean before it turns him back into a demon?

SAM: Pretty much, yeah.

BOBBY: So, just another day at the office for you boys, huh? Put Dean on the line.

SAM: Dean's not here.

BOBBY: Why not?

SAM: We . . . Dean's, um . . . He's not in a good place right now, Bobby.

BOBBY: So what's the play?

CASTIEL: Each soul in heaven is locked in its own private paradise. That's where you are now. You need to escape. You need to find the gate to earth and open it. Then you and I will find Metatron, the scribe of God.

BOBBY: Hey, Sam, you remember when this job was just chopping up some fang and tossing back a cold one?

SAM: I miss that.

BOBBY: Ditto. So, while I'm playing Steve McQueen, anyone gonna be looking for me?

CASTIEL: Everyone. The Angels will not like a soul wandering free.

BOBBY: We got a way to slow them down?

SAM: Not exactly. But, um, you'll . . . you'll figure something out, Bobby. You always do.

BOBBY: Listen, I appreciate the warm fuzzy, but I ain't exactly playing on the big leagues these days. I'm mostly drinking and reading the classics. Truth is, I'm rusty. And maybe there's somebody better out there.

SAM: There isn't, Bobby. And w-with Dean the way he is . . . This is all we got.

BOBBY: Hell, I'm already dead. What's the worst that could happen?


Int. Bar. Dean comes out of the bathroom to find the bar deserted and Rowena drinking a glass of red wine.


DEAN: Rowena. What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? I'm sorry. Did I say "nice girl"? I meant "evil skank""

ROWENA: You say that like it's an insult. But nice girls, they're pathetic. Here's to evil skanks.

DEAN: Whoa, fellas. What did she do to you? (Dean gets attacked by the Ty and his gang, whom Rowena has turned into animals with a spell. He wins, and stops himself from killing any of them.)

ROWENA: Someone's tougher than he looks.

DEAN: You have no idea.

ROWENA: A spioradÌ an tsaoil, ÈistigÌ liom! DÛighigÌ an fear seo! DÛighigÌ go luaithreach È!

(Rowena’s spell shot light at Dean, but it just brushed past him and didn’t do anything.) Not possible.

DEAN: (grabs Rowena, and knife to neck, pushes her down on the bar) What the hell

are you doing here?

ROWENA: Saving my son.

DEAN: Your son?

ROWENA: Crowley.

DEAN: Crowley Crowley?

ROWENA: My son is a king, a god . . . or he would be if you didn't . . . you snap your fingers, and he comes running like a wee lapdog.

DEAN: Lady, I don't know what you're talking about.

ROWENA: You're a good influence on him. That's why you need to die.

DEAN: Well, sorry your little light show didn't work.

ROWENA: Oh, I'll try again.

DEAN: What, you think I'm just gonna let you walk out of here?

DEAN: I think you're a hero. You could have killed those men, but you didn't because they're innocent. 'Cause you're the good guy, and you want them to live. But the spell I cast will devour them from the inside out like it did that girl.

[Flashback to Season 10, Episode 7 “Girls Girls Girls” where Rowena cursed that young prostitute in the hotel hallway to become an animal and attack Dean and Sam.

ROWENA: Impetus bestiarum.

DEAN: What did you do to her?

Flashback also shows the girl dying because she couldn’t physically handle the spell.]

ROWENA: I'm the only one that can save them. What's it going to be . . . Hero?

Int. Bobby’s heaven and Pryce’s house - the scene again switches back and forth between Bobby and Sam and Castiel.

BOBBY: So, where do we start?

CASTIEL: You need to find your heaven's escape hatch. Look for something that shouldn't be there, and that's your way out. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. (Bobby finds his escape hatch, and walks out into the hallways of Heaven. An alarm starts sounding) Balls!

Int. Rowena’s room in Hell. Rowena comes back, livid, from her encounter with Dean. She throws her cloak off and stalks into the room, fuming and looking in the mirror. Then she picks up a knife and turns back to the mirror.

Int. Crowley’s throne room. Crowley sits on his throne, doing paperwork, when an apparently bloodied and beaten Rowena walks in.

CROWLEY: Rough date, mother?

ROWENA: Dean Winchester did this to me.

CROWLEY: (to his minions) Get out.

MINION: Yes, sir.

CROWLEY: (turning back to Rowena) Why were you anywhere near Dean Winchester?

ROWENA: I was trying to kill him.

CROWLEY: Been there. Never seems to work out quite the way you want.

ROWENA: The spell I cast should have ripped him apart, but . . .

CROWLEY: It was like Dean was protected from on high. It's the Mark of Cain. It never lets its host die easy.

ROWENA: The Mark? It's just a curse. T-the first curse. But still, it can be removed.


ROWENA: I'll find a way.

CROWLEY: You do that. I assume you had a reason for this little suicide run of yours.

ROWENA: The best reason . . . you. Those tumshies have you on a leash. I thought I-if they were gone, you . . .

CROWLEY: I know what you thought. And I know that you were wrong. I have Sam and Dean exactly where I want them. What do they say? Friends close, enemies closer.

ROWENA: Maybe they were your enemies once. But now? Please. Do you even care that Dean Winchester mutilated your mother?!

CROWLEY: Because you were stupid.

ROWENA: Because I love you. Well, if my suffering's not enough, you know how much demons gossip. Right now, word's already spreading about all this. If you do nothing, you'll look weak. Your subjects will start to doubt you, mock you. Then it's just a matter of time before you have a revolt on your hands, before you lose your throne.

CROWLEY: You're playing a dangerous game.

ROWENA: And it's your move. So you can't kill Dean. Fine. Take him, throw him in some dank cell, let him rot. But do something! No more stalling. No more excuses. Show them how strong you really are. Be a bloody king!

Ext. Sam and Castiel sit in the car, staking out the playground where the door to Heaven is.

CASTIEL: You sure he can handle this?

SAM: He's Bobby. He can handle anything.

Int. The Halls of Heaven. Bobby is running around letting all of the souls out of their heavens. Everyone is randomly milling around the hallway. Several angels come around the corner.

ANGEL: What? Find out how this happened. Excuse me, gentlemen. Gentlemen...and lady, I need you to return to your heavens in a calm, orderly manner.

BOBBY: Oh, yeah? Well, who made you boss?


OTHER SOUL: Who the hell you think do you are?

ANGEL: Let's go. Hold off, gentlemen and lady. (The souls all start pushing and shoving to try and get past the angels) Gentlemen, easy. Please! (Bobby slips past and goes down another hallway.)

Int. Bar where Dean’s drinking.

DEAN: Been waiting on you.

CROWLEY: Squirrel.

DEAN: Borris. Where's Natasha?

CROWLEY: Would it make a difference?

DEAN: Not really. So, we gonna do this?

Int. The Halls of Heaven. A random angel stands guard. Suddenly an all-call comes over angel radio.

ANGEL RADIO: The Bobbys are fighting back. All hands. We need all hands. They're surly. I repeat, the Bobbys are surly.

BOBBY: (Remembering his conversation with Castiel during the seance) If I find a way out, then what?

CASTIEL: The gate is behind door number . . .

BOBBY: 42. (He finds the door marked “42” and opens it.)

Ext. Sam and Cas in the car. They see the door to heaven open, and they get out of the car and run.

SAM: Go. Go! (shouting to Cas as they get out of the car)

Int. The Halls of Heaven. Castiel slides into the halls through the door.

BOBBY: Welcome to the party.

CASTIEL: The prison, it's, uh . . . it's close.

BOBBY: Uh-huh. Cas, where's Dean?


BOBBY: You heard me.

CASTIEL: Dean's, uh . . . he's resting. He's . . . sick, and . . .

BOBBY: Try again.

CASTIEL: Dean doesn't know we're doing this.

BOBBY: Well, that's a page right out of the Winchester playbook, ain't it?

CASTIEL: Dean has given up.

BOBBY: And you idjits haven't.

CASTIEL: Would you?

BOBBY: Hell, no.


Int. The bar: Dean and Crowley sit at the bar, enjoying their drinks.

DEAN: Look, I'm not saying that I didn't want to slice and dice the witch. I'm just saying that that's not how it went down.

CROWLEY: So she's a liar.

DEAN: Must run in the family.

CROWLEY: Mother says that Mark is just a curse, can be removed. Of course, she doesn't know how.

DEAN: Figures. But I'm good, thanks.

CROWLEY: Who's the liar now? She says I've gone soft.

DEAN: You have. What? Yeah, maybe it's all the human blood that Sammy pumped into you, you know? Maybe it's, uh . . . I don't know. I don't know. But the old Crowley, he would have come in here with hellhounds and demons, and he would have blown the roof off the joint. Now? You didn't want to fight. You wanted to talk. And maybe I've changed, too. Here I am playing Dr. Phil to the King of Hell. Never saw that coming.

CROWLEY: Maybe we're getting old.

DEAN: Never saw that coming, either. What is it, huh? Why you letting mommy dearest tie you into knots?

CROWLEY: Because . . . We're family. Blood.

DEAN: That's not the same thing. A wise man once told me, "family don't end in blood," but it doesn't start there, either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family's there through the good, bad . . . all of it. They got your back . . . even when it hurts. That's family. That sound like your mother?

Int. Heaven’s prison: Castiel and Bobby stand outside Metatron’s cell.

METATRON: Well, howdy, fellas.

BOBBY: This is the scribe of God? He looks like a Fraggle.

METATRON: I'm gonna take that as a compliment. That was an excellent program.

CASTIEL: Metatron, we are here -

METATRON: I know why you're here,"Asstiel," and I'm not interested. I told you I would rather die than let Dean Winchester use me as his personal punching bag again.

CASTIEL: Don't worry. Dean's not involved. You're gonna be my punching bag.

METATRON: Ah. The "B" team, huh?


METATRON: Interesting. Keys are over there. Chop chop!

BOBBY: Are you sure this is the only way?

CASTIEL: Unfortunately.

Ext. Playground outside Heaven’s door.

METATRON: Sam-tastic! Miss me? Oh, smell that? That smells like freedom. Well, let's go. I call shotgun!

CASTIEL: You don't get to make demands, Metatron. You're not in charge here.

METATRON: Oh, I'm afraid I am. I know about the Mark. I have your Grace. I make the rules. It's called leverage, boys. Learn it, live it, love it.

(Castiel looks to Sam, who nods. Castiel pulls out his angel blade, slices Metatron’s throat open, and takes his grace in a little glass jar. Then Sam shoots Metatron in the leg.)


CASTIEL: We have your Grace, Metatron. You're mortal now. So you will answer our questions, or Sam will, um . . . What's the phrase? Blow your fricking brains out. It's called leverage, Metatron.

SAM: Learn it, live it, love it. How do we get rid of the Mark?

METATRON: I-I don't know. I don't know! No, I-it's old magic . . . God-level magic. Or Lucifer level, but you can't ask him, exactly, can you?

CASTIEL: What about the tablets?

METATRON: No, Th-there's . . . there's nothing in them about the Mark.

SAM: So when you said "The river ends at the source," that was-

METATRON: I was just making up crap, trying to buy time till I could screw you over.

SAM: No.

METATRON: What?! It worked before.

CASTIEL: He's telling the truth.

SAM: What?

CASTIEL: Shoot him.

METATRON: No, no! No. your Grace. I wasn't lying about that. There's still some left. I'll take you to it.

SAM: It's your call, Cas.

Int. Rowena’s room in Hell. Crowley enters.

ROWENA: Is it done?

CROWLEY: We're done. Get your things and get out.

ROWENA: You aren't serious.

CROWLEY: Deadly.

ROWENA: But I'm your mother.

CROWLEY: You may have brought me into this world, but you were never my mother.

ROWENA: So you're choosing the Winchesters.

CROWLEY: I'm choosing me. I put up with your lies, your sad little schemes because . . . no. Because maybe you were right. Maybe I did lose my edge. But that ends now. Tell me, Rowena, if I were not the King of Hell, would you have ever bothered to pretend to care about me?

ROWENA: You . . . you can't.

CROWLEY: I can. I'm bloody Crowley! I'm the King of Hell. I do what I want, when I want. And I don't take orders from you.

ROWENA: Everything you have, I will watch it burn!

CROWLEY: I'll give you five minutes. After that, pray I don't see you again.

Int. Bunker library. Dean sits at the table eating a bowl of cereal.

SAM: Hey.

DEAN Hey. How was the movie?

SAM: French. What about you? What did you do last night?

DEAN: Played some pool. It was kind of boring.

SAM: All right. I'm gonna clean up.

DEAN: Yeah.

Int. Sam’s bedroom in the bunker. He pulls out a piece of folded paper. He remember Castiel giving it to him as they hustled Metatron into Castiel’s car.

CASTIEL: Sam. Bobby asked me to give you this.

Sam unfolds the paper. It’s a letter from Bobby. Sam sits on his bed and reads.

BOBBY’S VOICE: “Sam . . . So . . . this is weird, huh? Look, I just wanted to say that Cas told me what you're doing for Dean. And I'm not asking you to stop, but maybe going behind his back ain't the best idea. Your brother, he can be stubborn. But I think he'd understand. And I know it's the life . . . doing a little bad so you can do a lot of good. But sometimes the bad's real bad and the good . . . it can come at one hell of a price. I ain't there on the ground, and whatever you do, I know you'll make the right choice. You're a good man, Sam Winchester . . . one of the best. And I'm damn proud of you, son. I was content up here. But getting the call from you, it's the happiest I've been in forever, no matter what it costs. (Int. scene in Bobby’s heaven, where he’s looking at a picture of him and Sam and Dean, when the door opens and a troop of angels come in and stand behind him.) So stay safe, keep fighting, and kick it in the ass. Bobby.

The scene closes on Sam’s face as he thinks about Bobby’s letter, tears streaking his face.


Source : SuperWiki

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