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#917 : Le couvent des âmes

MISHA COLLINS FAIT SES DEBUTS DE REALISATEUR - Dean lutte contre les effets secondaires de la Marque de Cain. Pendant ce temps, Sam entend parler d'une affaire dans laquelle des gens prudes se transforment en de violents meurtriers. Sam soupçonne des cas de possession, et il demande à Dean qu'ils aillent enquêter, mais Dean lui dit de s'en occuper sans lui. Tandis qu'il interroge les habitants de la ville, Sam rencontre une femme âgée, Julia, qui lui raconte que les Men of Letters sont venus dans les environs, en 1958. Julia raconte à Sam l'histoire d'un jeune homme prénommé Henry Winchester, et de sa partenaire, Josie Sands. Pendant que Sam est loin, Crowley teste Dean.


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Mother's Little Helper

Titre VF
Le couvent des âmes

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Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek


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Photo de l'épisode #9.17

Josie Sands / Abaddon (Alaina Huffman)

Josie Sands / Abaddon (Alaina Huffman)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Julia Wilkinson (Gabrielle Giraud) au bar

Julia Wilkinson (Gabrielle Giraud) au bar

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Henry Winchester (Gil McKinney)

Henry Winchester (Gil McKinney)

Josie Sands / Abaddon (Alaina Huffman)

Josie Sands / Abaddon (Alaina Huffman)

Josie Sands / Abaddon (Alaina Huffman) et Henry Winchester (Gil McKinney)

Josie Sands / Abaddon (Alaina Huffman) et Henry Winchester (Gil McKinney)

Mère Supérieure (Marilyn Norry)

Mère Supérieure (Marilyn Norry)

Josie Sands / Abaddon (Alaina Huffman) et Henry Winchester (Gil McKinney)

Josie Sands / Abaddon (Alaina Huffman) et Henry Winchester (Gil McKinney)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 25.03.2014 à 21:00
2.25m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Adam Glass
Réalisateur : Misha Collins


Casting :

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Gil McKinney... Henry Winchester

Alaina Huffman... Josie Sands  / Abaddon

Jenny O'Hara... Julia Wilkinson

Patricia Harras... Soeur Agnès

Marilyn Norry... Mère Supérieure

Kurt Max Runte... Sheriff

Andrew Dunbar... Jake

Gabrielle Giraud... Julia Wilkinson jeune

Christine Bortolin... Nonne démon

Stevie Jackson... Nonne démon

Allen Sawkins... Sheriff Lee

Matthew McLellan... Officier

Ella May... Serveuse

Kurt Ostlund... Billy

Devin Johnston... Homme 1

SteveOatway... Homme 2

Carri Toivanen... Femme 1

Michelle Martin... Karen jeune

Tommy Campbell... Ric jeune

Madelyn Grace... Femme 2







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Milton, Illinois. Une institutrice rentre chez elle après avoir fait les courses. Lorsque son mari, affalé dans un fauteuil devant la télévision, lui demande ce qu'ils mangent pour le dîner, elle répond "meatloaf", ce qui semble ne pas lui plaire. Elle s'approche, se plaint des critiques incessantes de son mari, attrape un chandelier massif et le frappe encore et encore au visage, sans une once de remords.


Au bunker, Sam annonce le cas de l'institutrice à Dean et pense à un cas de possession. Mais Dean ne semble pas intéressé, et reste plongé dans ses recherches. Sam exprime son inquiétude sur ce qui semble être devenu une obsession pour Dean, mais Dean rétorque qu'il fait juste son boulot, à savoir trouver Abaddon au plus vite, pour se débarasser d'elle, puis de Crowley. Puis il assure qu'il va bien, et Sam s'en va seul pour chasser. Tandis que Sam sort, Dean prend la bouteille qu'il avait caché et boit à son goulot.

Sam se rend à Milton. Il parle au shériff qui fut le premier sur les lieux du crime, mais celui-ci n'a rien remarqué d'anormal. Pas de présence de soufre, et pas de changement de couleur des yeux de Karen, l'institutrice. Le shériff amène Sam voir Karen, mais lorsqu'ils arrivent à sa cellule, ils constatent avec horreur qu'elle s'est pendu, et que les murs sont recouverts de messages écrits avec du sang. Tandis que le corps est emmené à la morgue, le shériff, choqué et confus, avoue ne rien comprendre à ce qu'il s'est passé. De plus, rien dans les déplacements de Karen avant le meurtre n'indique quelque chose sortant de l'ordinaire.

Sam piétine, et appelle Dean pour lui faire un rapport sur l'affaire, mais Dean se montre distant. Il n'a pas plus avancé dans ses propres recherches, perdu dans ses pensées, et dans les souvenirs liés aux effets que la Lame associée à la marque lui ont procuré. Il compose un autre numéro, avant de rapidement raccrocher, puis décide de sortir.

Le soir venu, un jeune homme, au téléphone avec sa petite amie, marche sur le trottoir. Lorsqu'une camionnette passe près de lui, il lève le pouce. La camionnette s'arrête et le jeune homme reconnait immédiatement le conducteur. Il monte, heureux de pouvoir se mettre au chaud. Mais le vieil homme l'attaque, et tandis que la caméra nous montre l'arrière de la camionnette, où sont inscrits les mots St Bonaventure, nous voyons une vive lumière bleutée provenant de l'intérieur du véhicule.

Billy, le jeune homme, arrive dans le restaurant où Sam prend un bon dîner et un café. La serveuse promet à Billy de le servir rapidement, mais il n'attend guère qu'elle s'occupe de lui. Il saisit une poignée dans l'assiette à côté de lui et la dévore. La serveuse le sermonne, ce à quoi Billy rétorque méchamment qu'elle ne doit pas lui parler comme cela. Sam lui demande de se calmer. La serveuse, diplomate, essaie de rassurer Billy, qui semble enragé, en lui annonçant qu'elle va appeler sa mère. C'est alors que Billy saisit un couteau et le plante dans la main de la serveuse, alors qu'elle est posée sur le comptoir. La serveuse hurle de douleur, tandis que Sam intervient et assome Billy.

Plus tard, Sam retrouve le shériff tandis que Billy a été enfermé dans une cellule. Plusieurs autres personnes présentant le même comportement agressif sont enfermées également. L'une chantonne un air effrayant, l'autre écrit des messages de sang sur les murs, enfin un autre se tape inlassablement la tête contre les barreaux de sa cellule. Ces gens n'ont rien en commun, et tout ce que le shériff peut apprendre à Sam, c'est que Billy est monté dans une camionnette dans la soirée. Sam profite de l'absence du shériff pour jeter de l'eau bénite sur Billy. Cela ne lui fait rien, si ce n'est le mettre en colère. Il dit à Sam qu'il se sent libéré de toutes contraintes, et qu'il a fait ce qu'il a fait simplement parce qu'il le pouvait.

Tandis que le shériff lui amène les photos des caméras de surveillance de l'épicerie du coin, Sam appelle Dean pour lui donner les dernières nouvelles, et lui demander son avis. Tandis qu'il explique le comportement des gens, il se rend compte qu'ils agissent comme lui alors qu'il était privé de son âme. Dean suggère un démon des carrefours, mais Sam n'a rien vu de concret à ce niveau-là. Dean ne se montre guère coopératif, se montrant toujours aussi distant, et mentant allègrement en prétextant travailler, et en prétendant se rapprocher de son but, laissant Sam seul se débrouiller. Ils raccrochent, et on voit qu'en vérité Dean est dans un bar. Il est alors rejoint par Crowley.

Alors qu'il examine les photos, Sam entend la voix d'une vieille dame clâmer le retour des démons. Il prend le relais d'un jeune officier visiblement agacé, et prend la vieille dame à part pour qu'elle lui raconte l'histoire des fameux démons. Elle s'appelle Julia, et semble surprise que Sam soit avide d'entendre des histoires de démons. Elle lui demande alors s'il ne serait pas un des Men of Letters, annonçant que deux d'entre eux étaient venus à Milton, en 1958. C'est au tour de Sam d'être surpris. Il lui demande de tout lui raconter.

1958, Couvent Saint Bonaventure, Milton, Illinois. On frappe à la porte du couvent. Soeur Julia est sommée par la Mère Supérieur d'ouvrir aux visiteurs, un prêtre, et une nonne. Le prête n'est autre que Henry Winchester, et la nonne, Josie Sands. Ils prétendent être envoyé par le bureau de l'Inquisition.

Au bar, tandis que Dean joue au billard, Crowley tente une discussion. On apprend que c'est lui que Dean a essayé d'appeler avant de subitement raccrocher. Crowley essaie de savoir pourquoi Dean joue les girouettes, puis il émet une hypothèse : Dean s'est senti particulièrement puissant lorsqu'il a eu la Lame entre les mains, mais ce pouvoir, aussi attirant qu'il est, l'effraie. Dean ne nie pas.

Sam apprend de la part de Julia que son grand-père et Josie étaient ensemble pour enquêter. Mais enquêter sur quoi ? Julia explique que l'une des nonnes, Soeur Mary-Catherine, a tué deux personnes avant de se jeter du haut du clocher.

Flashback, 1958. Tandis que la Mère Supérieure examine de près la lettre d'autorisatioin qu'Henry lui a tendu, le petit groupe reste silencieux. Puis, elle tend la lettre à Soeur Agnès, qui leur souhaite la bienvenue, avant de les confier à Soeur Julia. La jeune femme leur demande, une fois à l'extérieur, où ils veulent commencer la visite, et ils répondent par la chambre de Soeur Mary-Catherine. Tandis qu'elle marche devant eux, Josie se tourne vers Henry pour lui indiquer son déplaisir à cotoyer des nonnes. Puis, elle s'inquiète de la mauvaise humeur d'Henry, qui lui confie alors ses craintes. Cette enquête est leur dernière étape avant la cérémonie d'initiation des Men of Letters, et le jeune père se demande si ce n'est pas égoïste de sa part de s'investir dans une telle mission. Que se passera-t-il pour Millie son épouse, et John, son jeune fils, s'il lui arrivait quelque chose ? Josie lui assure qu'ils seraient fiers de lui, mais Henry proteste vivement, allant jusqu'à assurer à Josie qu'elle ne peut comprendre parce qu'elle n'a pas de famille. Voyant sa partenaire visiblement blessée par la remarque, il s'excuse et lui assure que ce n'était pas ce qu'il voulait dire. Josie le rassure, et la conversation s'achève alors qu'ils pénètrent dans la chambre. Bien que les nonnes aient essayé de nettoyer les murs, des traces de sang sont toujours visibles, ainsi qu'un symbole étrange qui y est gravé. Josie et Henry sont d'accord pour dire qu'ils ont affaire à une possession démoniaque. Puis Josie examine le symbole, écrit en pré-énochien, et lit "Chevaliers de l'Enfer". Ce qui, visiblement, inquiète Henry.

Tandis que Soeur Julia entend des bruits dans le couloir du couvent, elle sort, et se fait capturer par Soeur Agnès. Elle se retrouve au sous-sol, attachée solidement à une chaise, tandis que l'une après l'autre, les personnes capturées sont emmenées dans une pièce où on leur enlève leur âme. Il ne reste plus que Julia quand Josie et Henry entrent, exorcisant deux démons. Mais Henry échoue à exorciser le démon qui possède la Mère Supérieure, et elle le met K.O. Elle croit avoir affaire à des chasseurs mais apprend par Josie que ce sont des Men of Letters. Elle décide d'étudier ce groupe en possédant Henry, mais Josie se livre à elle. C'est alors qu'Abaddon, le démon en question, comprend que Josie se sacrifie pour Henry parce qu'elle est amoureuse de lui. Elle entre dans le corps de Josie, ordonne à Soeur Agnès de continuer son travail, puis de jouer les morts. Elle se met ensuite dans la peau de Josie et réveille Henry pour lui apprendre qu'ils ont réussi à chasser les démons. Pendant tout ce temps, Soeur Julia, cachée derrière une grille, a tout vu.

Retour au présent. Sam apprend que le nom du couvent est Saint Bonaventure, le nom inscrit sur la camionnette que l'on peut voir sur les photos de la caméra de surveillance, et demande où il se trouve. Julia est surprise. Le couvent est fermé depuis des années.

Au bar. Crowley essaie de convaincre Dean que la marque de Cain et sa ressemblance avec ce dernier n'est pas une malédiction, mais un don. Dean ne veut rien entendre, niant toutes les assomptions de Crowley. Ce dernier prétend ensuite devoir aller aux toilettes. Tandis que Dean se remémore une fois de plus, la première fois qu'il a eu la lame entre les mains, il remarque un homme, non loin de lui, qui tient un chapelet. Puis il le voit prendre un poignard et se diriger vers les toilettes, où se trouve Crowley. Dean soupire, puis le suit.

Dean arrête le chasseur, Jake, avant que celui-ci n'entre dans les toilettes. Il lui assure qu'il n'a aucune chance de gagner contre un démon avec un simple poignard, et quand bien même il s'en sortait, il jetterait une malédiction sur toute sa famille, et sur toutes les personnes qu'il a jamais aimé. Finalement, Jake décide de renoncer, et remercie Dean avant de s'en aller. Puis Dean prévient Crowley qu'il faut partir.

Tandis que Sam arrive au couvent, Crowley rejoint Dean à l'extérieur du bar. Crowley avoue s'être drogué quand Dean l'accuse, bien qu'il semble tout à fait en paix avec son addiction. Il explique alors qu'il a décidé de l'accepter, et demande à Dean de faire de même. Il sent que Dean a envie d'avoir la Lame. Dean nie toujours, mais admet qu'il veut tuer Abaddon à tout prix, peu importe les conséquences que la marque aura sur lui. Sur ce, il s'en va. Jake, le chasseur, qui s'avère en fait être un démon, rejoint Crowley. Le but était en fait que Dean sauve Crowley, ce qu'il a fait. Maintenant, le roi de l'Enfer a la preuve qu'il voulait : Dean est prêt.

Sam arrive dans le sous-sol, et trouve des bocaux contenant des âmes posés sur une étagère. Il est attaqué par un démon, le tue, mais se retrouve surpris par Soeur Agnès. Il apprend alors qu'Abaddon a décidé, plutôt que de convaincre les démons de plaider allégeance, de fabriquer sa propre armée. Elle transforme les âmes volées en démons loyaux et dociles, et plusieurs autres "usines" sont disséminées dans le pays. Agnès décide de recruter Sam, mais il se défend en commençant la récitation d'un exorcisme. Elle commence à l'étrangler, mais Sam sort son téléphone portable, et met l'enregistrement de l'exorcisme en route. Agnès est obligée de le lâcher pour pouvoir arrêter l'enregistrement, et Sam en profite pour l'achever. Puis, il libère les âmes, qui se rendent directement à leurs propriétaires. Les hommes et femmes victimes des démons se réveillent comme après un long cauchemar, traumatisés.

Une fois l'affaire terminée, Sam demande à Julia pourquoi elle n'a pas prévenu Henry à propos d'Abaddon. Julia avoue qu'elle n'était pas préparée à devoir faire face au mal absolu, et qu'elle était terrifiée que parler pourrait provoquer plus de mal, surtout après les menaces d'Abaddon. Après cela, Julia a quitté le couvent, car elle avait honte d'être restée silencieuse. Sam lui offre la rédemption : en partageant son expérience avec lui, elle a pu sauver des vies. Puis il s'en va.

Flashback, 1958. Tandis qu'Heny et Josie/Abaddon s'apprêtent à partir, Henry avoue qu'il se sent particulièrement grisé par le fait d'avoir sauvé des vies. Cela a renforcé son envie de s'engager, effaçant ses hésitations. Tandis que la voiture démarre, Abaddon a un dernier regard pour Julia.

De retour au bunker, Sam retrouve Dean là où il était lors de son départ : attablé devant des tas de documents. Sam prend une pile de fichiers et se met aux recherches également, annonçant à Dean ce qu'Abaddon prépare. Cela se lit dans le regard des boys : il y a urgence.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

[The episode opens up with an outside shot of a house with a car pulling into the garage. The tagline reads "Milton, Illinois." Inside, a man is eating popcorn in front of a television as his wife walks in the door with a bundle of flowers in her hand and a bag of groceries. She sets them down on the kitchen counter and sighs like she has had a hard day.]



What's on the menu tonight?






Really? Again?


WIFE [slightly annoyed]

I wish you wouldn't say that. You know how hard I work all day, and yet you criticize me.


[The husband rolls his eyes as behind him the wife picks up a large candle holder. Without hesitation she smashes him in the face with it, twice.]



So, yes. [Smash] We're having meatloaf.[Smash] With potatoes...[smash] and broccoli...[smash]...and lots of good things.


[Blood splatters on the television and the camera pans to a note from a child on the fridge which reads "Mrs. Young is the best."]





[Scene opens in the Bunker. DEAN is sets a large, red book on the table and starts to leaf through it. SAM enters.]





DEAN [barely glancing up]




You catch any shut-eye last night?






Guess I'm driving, then.



Driving where?



Caught wind of a case online. A 1st-grade teacher came home and killed her husband.



Well, maybe she snapped. Ankle biters can do that to you.



Dude, she pounded him, into ground chuck.


DEAN [still reading out of the book and not really paying attention]

So, what are you thinking?



Best guess -- possession.



Why don't you go?


[DEAN turns his back on SAM and walks over to a file folder and starts to look through it.]



Dean, look. I want to find Abaddon, too, but we've been combing through this stuff for days.



Well, maybe we missed something.



And maybe there are better ways to spend our time than just spin our --


DEAN [shouts, interrupting his brother]

Maybe we don't have time!



What's up with you?


DEAN [pulls a paper out of the folder and starts to read it silently]



SAM [walking over to DEAN]

Yeah? See, because ever since you killed Magnus, you've been acting... sort of...obsessed.


DEAN [finally turning around to face SAM]

Well, maybe because I want an end to all this. Maybe because if we find Abaddon, then Crowley ponies up the First Blade, and we kill her and him both. So, what you call being "obsessed," I call doing my job.



Okay, um... I get it, Dean. I'm just checking in.



I'm fine.


SAM [nods but looks unconvinced]

All right. Hit me up if you find anything.


[SAM leaves the room. DEAN closes his eyes and then opens them and pulls a large bottle of whiskey out of his bag. He takes a long drink.]


[SAM (dressed in FBI attire) is walking through the Milton, IL police station talking to the SHERIFF]



It says here in your report that you were the first on the scene?



Yes, sir. I found Mrs. Young sitting next to her husband covered in his blood.



Now, was her husband abusive?



Ric? Oh, no. Not at all. I mean, he could be a stubborn S.O.B., but can't we all?



Ah. Anything else, uh, weird that maybe you felt was too odd to include?






Like, did you smell sulfur?



Why would I smell sulfur?



Of course. Uh, thank you. What about Karen's eyes? You notice anything strange?



Actually, agent, they, uh, pretty much looked like eyes.


[They round the corner into the cell block and the SHERIFF stops in his tracks.]



Oh, lord.


[KAREN YOUNG has hung herself in her cell but not before she has wrote and drawn across the walls in her own blood.]


[Next scene the coroner is taking KAREN's body out of the station which the SHERIFF is talking to SAM]



I don't get this. Karen and Ric were two of the most ordinary people you'd ever meet.



Did she go anywhere on the day of the murder?



It was Saturday. Uh... A quick trip to the grocery store. That's about it.


[Scene changes to DEAN still pouring over letters, files, books and film scattered across the table in the Bunker. His cell phone rings and the caller ID says SAM is calling. DEAN picks it up and hesitates before answering. He finally does but puts it on speaker.]



How's Mrs. Manson doing?



Dead. Hung herself in her cell.



Lovely. The demon smoke out?



If it was a demon. I mean, there was no sulfur, no EMF anywhere. And everyone who saw her just before she gutted her husband said she was totally fine.



What are you still doing there? This sounds like a case of the crazies to me.



Well, if nothing kicks up by morning, I'm out of here. How's the research going?



It's going. All right. Well, uh...Good luck.


[DEAN hangs up on SAM. He sets his phone on the table and stares at his empty bottle of whiskey with far away eyes...we hear CAIN's voice as DEAN remembers.]



I can give you the Mark, Dean, if it's what you truly want.



Can I use it to kill that bitch?



Yes. But you have to know with the Mark comes a great burden.


[There is a flashback and we see the Mark being transferred from CAIN's arm to DEAN's, then a shot of DEAN decapitating MAGNUS. After MAGNUS falls to the floor we see DEAN's right hand shaking with the power of the First Blade. Back in the bunker DEAN's left hand is grasping the table but shaking with the memory of the First Blade. DEAN suddenly jerk back to reality and lifts his still trembling hand to look at it. He picks up his phone and dials, but as it is ringing he changes his mind and hangs up. DEAN quickly grabs his coat and leaves.]


[Scene changes to a young man, BILLY, walking down the road in the middle of the night. He is on the phone.]





No. I know. I'm sorry.

No, I'll make it up to you.

Look, I'm trying to get there, babe, but I got into a fight with my mom.

[A van pulls up to the side of the ride after BILLY thumbs it for a ride]

Oh, I think I got a bite.

Yeah, a van is pulling up. Let me roll.

I love you. Bye.


[BILLY rushes to the passenger door and then smiles as he recognizes the driver]


Oh, hey! I didn't know this was your ride, Mr. Richie.



Let's get you out of the cold.


BILLY [as he gets in]

Thanks. It's freezing out there.


[From a shot outside the van, BILLY starts to yell and there is a flash of blue light.]



Hey, what -- what are you doing?! Get off me! No!



[The scene opens in a diner.]



Order up. Here you go.



Thanks, R.J.


[The WAITRESS takes the plate and turns around and sets it in front of SAM.]



Can I get you anything else, honey?



Uh, this is great. Thank you.



Order up.


[BILLY enters]



Be with you in a minute, Bill.


[BILLY sits down at the counter and grabs mashed potatoes from the plate next to him and starts stuffing them into his mouth.]


WAITRESS [aghast]

Billy, what are you doing? Your mother raise you in a barn?


BILLY [shouting]

Don't talk to me like that!



Hey. Take it easy. She's working hard.


WAITRESS [approaching BILLY]

What's eating you?


BILLY [pushing a glass off the counter and shattering it on the floor]

You. My mom.

Him. [gesturing at SAM]



Buddy...Give it a rest.


[SAM and BILLY have a staredown until the WAITRESS gets his attention]



Billy? Billy. I'm gonna call your mom, have her come fetch you.



No, you're not.


[BILLY grabs a table knife from the counter and stabs it into the WAITRESS' hand, pinning it to the counter. She screams and SAM flies from his seat and quickly disarms BILLY and knocks him unconscious.]


[Back at the Milton Sheriff's Department, SAM is walking through the cell block with the sheriff. With BILLY, there are about 3 or 4 other people who are writing on the walls with their own blood, humming to themselves or banging their head against the cell door.]



So, tell me what's happening here.



I was hoping you'd tell me. You're the one that mentioned weird.



Now, where did they all come from?



Oh, they're all locals. Four of the straightest arrows you'd ever meet. Apparently, they've been acting like this for days.



Do they share anything in common? Church? School? Uh, book club?



Not of my knowledge. Oh, I met the kid's girlfriend. She said he was hitching a ride when a van picked him up, and that's the last she heard of him. Whatever that's worth.


[The SHERIFF is called away and SAM walks back to BILLY's cell and shakes holy water on him. Nothing happens]



What are you, Billy?












Why are you doing this?



You think there's a "why"? No. It's because I want to. And I can.


[SAM is sitting in the police station still reading through case files. He dials his phone and while it is ringing, the SHERIFF hands him some pictures.]



Grocery store surveillance pics.



Great. Thank you.


[After about 5 rings, DEAN finally picks up. We can see he is drinking a beer at a bar.]






Well, that took forever.



Uh, well, I'm working. You got anything?



Not sure. But, um, a handful of other people have started acting out, too.



Acting out how?



Well, same as the woman -- aggressive, violent, impulsive.



Sounds like you're in a Gold's gym.



Yeah. Except it's less steroid-induced, and more...basic instinct. It's like the littlest things can set them off.

[You can see SAM start to put the pieces together...]

Kind of like me.






Yeah, uh, soulless me. Remember that?


DEAN [snorts]

Yeah, how could I forget? But you weren't out of control like these people.



Yeah, well, maybe everyone has a different reaction to losing their soul.



Possible. So, what? A crossroads demon making deals and taking people's souls?



No, I don't think so. I mean, it's not as if these people are winning the lotto.



Okay. Uh, well, that was my best swing.



I hope not, Dean. I-I could really use your help down here.




Yeah, no, I -- I heard you. I just, uh...I'm getting close, Sam. I can't drop the ball on Abaddon right now.



All right. Be safe.


[DEAN hangs up and starts to drink his second beer. Suddenly CROWLEY appears in the booth behind him.]



You're lying to Sam like he's your wife, which kind of makes me your mistress.


[SAM is studying the surveillance pictures from the grocery store. He notices that there is a van in the parking lot of the store with the words St. Bonaventure on the side. He then hears an older lady at the police desk talking to the officer on duty.]



Now, listen to me, young man. Those demons are back. I'm telling you, it's happening all over again.






Yes! Demons. Are you deaf?



Yes, ma'am. You know what? We're gonna take care of those demons right away. Now, do you need a ride home or something?



Don't patronize me, you little turd.


[SAM walks up]



Hey, you know what? I can take it from here. Um, agent Leiter. [flashes his badge]

[SAM motions for her to join him at the table] Please.


[A few minutes later, SAM hands her a cup of warm tea.]



Here you are.



Thank you.



Sure. Now, why don't you tell me all about these demons, Ms. Wilkinson?



Please, call me Julia. It's very simple, Agent. They...they came to Milton.





JULIA [pausing]

I say "demons," and you don't bat an eye, when everyone else around here thinks I'm nuts on toast.



Maybe I'm just a bit more open-minded than most.



Maybe. You're one of them, aren't you?



Sorry. One of who?



Men of Letters.


[SAM is shocked]


They came here in 1958.



Men of Letters... came here?



Oh, yes. It was different then. I was different. They were a lovely couple.


[The scene changes to a young nun who is dusting a hallway table. The tagline reads "1958." There is a knock on the door. A voice calls from the other room]


Sister Julia, please answer the door.



Yes, Mother Superior.


[She answers the door and on the doorstep stands HENRY WINCHESTER and JOSIE SANDS. HENRY hands a letter to JULIA.]



Good evening, sister. We're here from the Office of the Inquisition.



[Scene opens in the bar with DEAN raking up a queue of pool balls on the pool table with his arms. CROWLEY stands by.]



What do you want?



You tell me, romeo. You rang. Let me guess -- you butt-dialed me?



Whatever the hell that is. Either way, we done here?



Actually, long as I'm here, last time we chitchatted, we agreed that you were gonna line up Carrot Top.


DEAN [putting the balls in a triangle and arranges them in the correct order. He pushes them up the table and takes the triangle off]

Yep, well...I'm on it.



Unless Abaddon likes 10-cent wings, stale beer, and the clap, I doubt that she's here.



Go to hell.



Oh, if only. What's going on with you, huh? You call me, you hang up. You want Abaddon, you don't want Abaddon. You want the Blade, you don't want the Blade. If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you're stalling.


[DEAN sights up his pool stick and breaks.]



Just between us girls, how did you feel when you sunk the First Blade into Magnus' head?


DEAN [looking up from sighting his next shot]

Not half as good as I'm gonna feel when it's yours.



Love it when you talk dirty. You know what I think? I think you felt powerful...Virile...And afraid.


DEAN [scoffs]




Don't scam a scam artist, darling. You're stalling 'cause you're scared.


[Back at the police station, JULIA continues her story to SAM.]



They gave false names, but later I learned that the man's name was Henry.



Henry Winchester?



Never got a last name.



Okay, um, and the woman?



Josie. Did you know them?



Yes, uh... Sort of. It's complicated.



I'm an ex-nun, sweetie. Complicated is my middle name.



Now, what were they here to investigate?



Sister Mary Catherine. She killed two people before jumping from the bell tower. So I took them to see Mother Superior and sister Agnes.


[Scene changes back to 1958 and the MOTHER SUPERIOR is reading the letter painstakingly slow.]



Time is of the essence, Mother...Superior. The cardinal is meeting with the holy father first thing in the morning,

and he wants a report.


[MOTHER SUPERIOR finally finishes the letter and hands it to SISTER AGNES.]



Our beloved abbey is open to you, Father. Sister Julia here will be your guide.


[They step out into the hall]



Where would you like to begin?



Sister Mary Catherine's sleeping quarters, please.


[JULIA looks to HENRY for the answer. He uncomfortably repeats JOSIE'S words.]



Sister Mary Catherine's room it is.


JOSIE [aside to HENRY as they climb the stairs]

I hate nuns.



Why, because she answered me and not you?



No, because I went to Catholic school and I have a lot of pent-up anger.



We have no time for such pettiness.



What's got your boxers all in a bundle?



This. Why are we out in the field?



It's called learning on the job. And you know damn well this is the last assignment before we are full members.



Therein lies the problem. As our initiation grows closer, I... I worry that this might be a selfish endeavor on my part.



Selfish. How?



If anything were to happen to me, what of John? Millie?



They'd be proud to know that you answered the call.



No. My wife would be a widow, and my son fatherless. I don't expect you to understand. You don't have a fam--

[he pauses]

I'm sorry, Josie. I didn't mean it that way.



I know, Henry. You're a good man. Millie is lucky to have you.


[They reach an open door]



Here we are. The...blood wouldn't come off.


[JOSIE and HENRY inspect the room. There is random drawing and writing on the walls.]



So, we're assuming demonic possession here, correct?



Or a linguist gone mad.



It looks ancient. Zapoqra or Sanskrit?



No. It -- it's pre-Enochian. A crest of some sort. Kni-- "Knights of Hell"? What is that?





[Back at the police station]



Knights of Hell? What were they doing there?



I'm not sure of anything I saw that night. We couldn't leave our room after 10:00. Mother Superior forbade it.


[Back in 1958, JULIA is in bed but hears footsteps in the hall. She goes to investigate and sees the MOTHER SUPERIOR dragging a struggle girl down the steps. When the MOTHER looks up her eyes are black. JULIA gasps in fright and goes to flee but SISTER AGNES is there and knocks her out.]



I woke up in a dark place, tied to a chair. There were others. They were taken.


[SISTER AGNES strides in and unties one of the girls and drags her out the door. There is a flash of blue light. One by one each person is taken out, until only JULIA is left]



I was so scared. I prayed and prayed, but God didn't answer my prayers. Henry and Josie did.


[HENRY and JOSIE burst into the barn where JULIA is being untied to be taken out. They start to exorcise the demons.]



Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus...



Ergo, Draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te. Et secta diabolica!



Ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!


[Both demons smoke out of the nuns bodies. HENRY and JOSIE exchange relieved glances. But then the MOTHER SUPERIOR enters with her eyes black]



Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio!


[The MOTHER SUPERIOR flicks HENRY into the wall and he falls unconcious.]






You hunters are always sticking your noses in where they don't belong.



Hunters? Please.



Then what are you? Quickly, dear, before this one pays for your stubborness!



We are preceptors... Beholders, chroniclers of all that which man does not understand.



A woman amongst the Men of Letters?






Well, ain't that a blast.



You do know what we're capable of, demon?



Yes. I know what you think you're capable of, but perhaps I should see for myself.



Wait. What are you doing?



I'm trading up from this bag of bones to Mr. Dreamy here. [motioning to HENRY] Then I can study your kind real close.



Don't, or I'll --



or what?



Take me, not him.



You're joking.



I could be more useful to you. People underestimate a woman.



No. That's not it. You love him. He loves you, too, you know. Like a sister.



Please... Spare him. Take me. You have my permission.



You've been very entertaining, my dear. But I don't need your permission. Abaddon takes what she wants. And right now, she wants everything.


[ABADDON smokes out of MOTHER SUPERIOR's body and into JOSIE.]



You're going to study the Men of Letters?



For a moment. And then I'll destroy them.



And what of all this?



Keep it going until I return. Now play dead.


[SISTER AGNES collapses on the ground and ABADDON in JOSIE's body rushes for HENRY]



Henry! Are you okay?


[HENRY regains consciousness]



We did it. We stopped the demons.


[Back in the police station, JULIA finishes her story]



Abaddon. Did you ever see exactly what she was doing down there?



No, but whatever it was she was doing at St. Bonaventure, it seems to be happening again.



The convent's name was St. Bonaventure?






Where is it?



On the outskirts of town. It's been closed for years.


[Scene changes back to CROWLEY and DEAN in the bar. They are sitting at the bar and CROWLEY whistles for a drink.]



I love this. I really do. Couple of cold ones, a kind jukebox... Good and evil, bro-in down.



Shut your pie hole, Crowley.



Yeah, you said that already. Look, I merely suggested you might be a bit scared.



Yeah. No, I heard you the first time. You still don't know what the hell you're talking about.



I know that Cain gave you his Mark for a reason. And I know that rather than embracing it, rather than looking at it as the gift that it is, you're sulking like you lost your knuffle bunny. Why are you fighting what you really are?



I'm a hunter.



Who's a chip off the old Mark of Cain.



No. When I kill, I kill for a reason. I'm nothing like Cain.



Nothing like -- who are you talking to? I know you're not talking to me.



Eat me.



I saw you. I saw the two of you together. Nothing like Cain? What's in that bottle? Delusion? I'm really starting to worry about you, Dean.



Yeah, well, why don't you worry about yourself?



I will. 'Cause like it or not, we're in this together. Your problems, my problems... Our problems.


[CROWLEY gets up and walks toward the back]



Where you going now?



I'm going to go water the lily. Care to cross streams?

[DEAN rolls he eyes]

So serious.


[DEAN suddenly grasps his right forearm where the Mark is. MAGNUS' voice echoes in his head]



That's it. Good. You'll get used to the feelings, even welcome them.


[DEAN continues to hold his arm as he looks toward where CROWLEY disappeared. Suddenly he notices a guy further down the bar how is holding a rosary and looking like he is prepping for a fight. He removes a knife from his belt and goes after CROWLEY.



[Before JAKE can get to the bathroom door, DEAN is there.]



Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Easy. I know what you're thinking.



I'm thinking I'd like to take a leak, so move.



I'm Dean Winchester. And I know a hunter when I see one. You don't want to do what you're about to do.



And why's that?



Because you're packing a knife to a demon fight, and you don't stand a chance.



Then I'll go down swinging.



Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. Any other day, I'd be right there with you, brother. I would, okay? But you got to trust me on this one.



Or you could grow a pair and come with.



You ever taken on a demon before? Yeah. Well, trust me when I say that when he's done with you, he's gonna go after your family. He's gonna go after your friends. Hell, he'll go after your prom date. So, if you want to do that, if you want to damn anyone and everyone you've ever loved in the slightest chance that you could win, then by all means, pal. You go right ahead.



I got a kid sister. She don't deserve that.



What's your name?






Good to meet you, Jake.






I'll see you around.


[JAKE leaves and DEAN bangs on the bathroom door]



Come on. We got to go.


[Scene changes to SAM pulling up to the ruins of the St. Bonaventure convent in the IMPALA.]


[Back outside the bar (which is called The Milton) DEAN waits for CROWLEY. CROWLEY walks out the front door.]



Demons don't take leaks. Next time you want to shoot up, why don't you find a better excuse?



Guilty as charged.



What happened? I thought you were cleaning up your act.



Well, I was going to, but then after very little soul-searching, I decided to embrace my addiction. What about you? Takes a junkie to know a junkie. You just want to touch that precious again, don't you?



I want to kill Abaddon. That's what I want. So, whatever happens with the Blade, I can't worry about that.



Sure. Whatever you got to tell yourself so you can sleep better at night.



Look, what I want, what I fear, none of that means squat. Because this is the one chance that we have to kill Abaddon. So, I'm all in, no matter what the consequences.



So the plan remains the same?



I find her, you bring the Blade.



It's a date.


[DEAN walks off down the street with his back to CROWLEY. JAKE walks up.]



For a second there, I thought he made me.



He has other things on his mind.



But he did do exactly what you said he would. He saved you.



Of course he saved me. We're besties. And now he's ready.


[Back at St. Bonaventure, SAM is searching the grounds. He opens a door into a hallway and searches along it. He discovers stairs and walks down. There, on a shelf, are five bottles full of brilliant blue light. Before SAM can pick one up he is thrown back into a pile of boxes by SISTER AGNES.]



Souls are a very precious and fragile thing. Break one of those, and them little buggers fly right back home. We can't have that, now can we?


SAM [gasping in pain and trying to stand up again]

So, after all these years, you're still doing Abaddon's dirty work, huh, Agnes?



Would you believe it's gotten even dirtier? Used to be folks believed in the church. Heck, the way they would come strolling in here, looking for God. It was like fish in a barrel, really. But times change. You can blame your perverts for that. Now I'm riding shotgun in some smelly van with a handyman and tricking any half-wit I can lay my hands on. But it's worth it.



Because... Stealing souls is so noble.



Stealing souls is winning!



Winning what?



Hell's crown, nimrod. You think Abaddon is just gonna sit there while those pantywaisted demons refuse to pick a side?! And so she made a plan -- if you can't convince 'em, make 'em.



She's turning souls into demons?



Hmm. A demon army, unbeatable, loyal only to her.



Well, uh... At this rate... Should only take a couple million years. Have fun with that.



You think I'm the only one doing this? We have factories spread throughout. Worry not, though. Victory is nigh. And we'd like you to be on our team. Recruitment is easy. I just have to rip your soul out of your body.


[SAM gives he an 'over my dead body' look and starts to exorcise her]



Regna terrae, cantate deo --


SISTER ANGES [rushing to SAM and starting to choke him with her hands. He gasps to a stop]



[But SAM pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts to play a recorded exorcism. He throws it from them onto the floor.]



Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, Draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te. Cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae perditionis venenum propinare. Vade, satana, inventor et Magister omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis. Humiliare sub potenti manu dei --


[SISTER AGNES falls to the floor and crawls toward the phone trying to get there before the exorcism is complete. She gets there and smashes SAM's phone to bits. But before she can recover, SAM stabs her with the demon knife. She flashes and dies. SAM gently releases all the souls in the glass jars and they all fly back to the people sitting in the cells. They all look around shocked at where they are.]




[SAM and JULIA walk back to her car in front of the police station]



You know, um, can I ask you something?



If it's for a date, I'm sorry. I never see anyone under 65. Too much drama.

[SAM chuckles and JULIA smiles]

Spit it out.



After witnessing what you did, why didn't you warn Henry about Abaddon? I became a nun because I wanted to help people. Make a difference. But they never prepare you. They never tell you how to act in the face of true evil.


[Back in 1958, HENRY and ABADDON/JOSIE say goodbye to the nuns]



Thank you, sister.



For the safety of all those involved, it's important that we keep what happened here today...quiet.



Of course.



Soon after, I left the order.





JULIA [getting choked up]

Because I was ashamed. I had betrayed our flock, God, myself. It was and still is my greatest shame.



Well, what you shared with me saved lives. And I couldn't have done that without you. Take care.



You too, Sam.


[In 1958, HENRY and ABADDON/JOSIE get in their car.]



You okay, Henry?



Better. We saved lives today. We made a difference.






This -- our work... It's a noble calling, isn't it? I mean, yes, there's risk, but, gosh. I feel the fool for doubting it for even a second.






And you, Josie?



Me? Well, I feel like a whole new person.


[Scene changes back to DEAN sitting at the table in the bunker. SAM enters]



Still plugging away?



Like a dog with a bone. You?


[SAM grabs some files from DEAN's table and goes to sit at the other table. He starts to read the top file.]



You were right.



About what?



Finding Abaddon ASAP. She's mining souls.


DEAN [very concerned]




To create an army.




Source : SuperWiki

Kikavu ?

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schumi  (22.05.2021 à 19:48)

Oh la la ça va de mal en pis pour Dean! Il est vraiment sur le point de basculer je crois!

Abaddon était donc une femme de lettres avant de se faire posséder! Contente de revoir grand papa Winchester au passage!


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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