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#909 : La sainte mélodie

UNE GUERRE CELESTE COMMENCE - Après une tuerie de masse dont les victimes sont des anges, Sam et Dean arrivent sur les lieux du crime pour enquêter, et tombent, par surprise, sur Castiel. Tandis que l'enquête se poursuit, Castiel est capturé et torturé. Pendant ce temps, Dean commence à remettre en question les demandes d'Ezekiel, et il se demande s'il ne serait pas temps de dire la vérité à Sam.


4.83 - 6 votes

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Holy Terror

Titre VF
La sainte mélodie

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Sneak Peek


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Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Kevin (Osric Chau)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Kevin (Osric Chau)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Kevin (Osric Chau)

Kevin (Osric Chau)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Dimanche 02.10.2016 à 01:05

Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 03.12.2013 à 21:00
2.42m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Eugenie Ross-Lemming & Brad Buckner
Réalisateur : Thomas J.Wright


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Osric Chau... Kevin Tran

Curtis Armstrong... Metatron

Stephen Monroe Taylor... Malachi

Britt Irvin... Muriel

Lisa Durupt... Choeur chorale

Sage Brocklebank... Theo

Jessie Fraser... Ange

Greg Zach... William Edwards

Alex Heymann... Garde du corps Ange 1

James Paladino... Garde du corps Ange 2

Donald Sales... Officier de police







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Les femmes du Ministry Melody Glee Club arrivent au Round Em Up Bar. Elles entrent, pour faire face à un groupe de bikers. Il s'agit en fait de deux factions d'anges. Ils se jaugent du regard, se font face quelques secondes, se provoquent, et finissent par se battre. La lutte finit en massacre, remportée haut la main par les femmes de la chorale religieuse. Elles s'en vont, comme elles étaient venues, en chantant.


Sur la route pour Fort Collins, Dean demande à Ezekiel si la guérison de son frère prendra encore longtemps. L'ange lui assure qu'il a presque terminé, puis confie à Dean qu'il ne se sent pas à l'aise à l'idée d'enquêter sur des meurtres impliquant des anges, compte tenu du danger que cela représente. Dean dit qu'il n'a pas le choix, il ne peut ignorer ces faits, au risque de rendre Sam suspicieux. Mais Sam l'est déjà. En effet, lorsqu'Ezekiel lui laisse de nouveau la place, il se rend compte que Fort Collins n'est plus très loin, alors qu'il y a quelques minutes à peine, la ville semblait être à des centaines de kilomètres. Sam est inquiet car il a constaté qu'il était victime de nombreuses absences. Dean, mal à l'aise, lui assure que les épreuves des tablettes l'ont fortement secoué. Sam n'est pas totalement convaincu, mais accepte de croire son frère.

Les Winchesters arrivent au bar, sur la scène de crime. Là, ils trouvent l'un de leurs collègues, qui n'est autre que Castiel, déjà en train d'enquêter. Dean semble un peu trop inquiet au goût de Cas', qui semble encore plus surpris lorsque Sam exprime son inquiétude vis-à-vis de la menace angélique qui plane au-dessus de leur ami, et, qui, selon lui, est la raison pour laquelle il a quitté le bunker. Dean essaie de passer vite à autre chose, pour ne pas laisser à Castiel le temps d'exprimer sa surprise. Mais Cas' est déterminé à s'investir, puisqu'il s'agit d'anges s'entretuant. Il montre les photos des corps aux boys, qui sont bien obligés d'admettre qu'il ne peut pas seulement s'agir de Bartholomew. Tandis que Castiel s'éloigne, Ezekiel se manifeste pour montrer qu'il désapprouve sa présence.

Les deux factions ennemies se rencontrent en terrain neutre. Malachi et ses sbires d'un côté, et les anges de main de Bartholomew de l'autre. Malachi est déçu et offensé de ne pas parler à Bartholomew directement, mais celui-ci n'a même pas considéré se déplacer, alors que Malachi proposait une alliance contre Metatron. Aussi, Malachi prend l'indifférence de Bartholomew comme une déclaration de guerre, et ses sbires et lui tuent ceux de Bartholomew.

Dans un bar, Castiel, Dean et Sam partagent des bières. Castiel réitère son envie de s'investir, malgré l'insistance de Dean sur la vie qu'il pourrait avoir. Puis, ils en viennent à l'affaire en cours. Tout ce que Castiel sait, c'est que Bartholomew souhaite vaincre Metatron, pour prendre la tête du Paradis, une fois que son clan sera suffisement large pour cela. Puis Castiel s'en va commander d'autres bières, et Ezekiel en profite pour débarquer. Il demande à Dean d'éloigner Castiel, mais Dean ne l'entend pas de cette oreille, faisant remarquer à l'ange que Cas' aussi est en danger, bien plus qu'Ezekiel, pourtant lui ne recule pas devant le combat qui s'annonce. Tandis que Cas' revient avec les bières, Ezekiel s'en va, contrarié. Tandis qu'il sort, il rencontre Metatron, qui lui annonce qu'il sait qui il est, et qu'il n'est pas celui qu'il prétend être.

Tandis qu'ils sont seuls, Castiel évoque le malaise de Dean lorsque Sam a parlé de son départ du bunker. Dean prétend que Sam est trop mal en point pour qu'il puisse lui dire la vérité, mais Castiel lui fait remarquer qu'Ezekiel est censé l'avoir guéri. Dean se sent pris au piège, mais pirouette en disant que la situation est trop compliquée, et que tant que Sam n'ira pas totalement bien, il vaut mieux que son ami et lui gardent leurs distances. Il admet que c'est bon de savoir que Cas' veut aider, mais qu'il vaut mieux qu'ils ne travaillent pas ensemble. Cas' ne dit rien, mais semble peiné par ce nouveau rejet.

A l'extérieur, Metatron révèle la véritable identité de l'ange possédant Sam. Il ne s'agit pas d'Ezekiel, un ange honorable et un bon soldat, mais de Gadreel, ancien gardien du jardin d'Eden, celui qui a laissé entrer le serpent qui a corrompu l'humanité. Gadreel clâme que ce n'était pas sa faute, mais il a tout de même fini en prison durant des siècles pour cela. Metatron avoue avoir été celui qui l'a libéré, en faisant chuter les anges du Paradis. Gadreel est choqué par cette révélation. Le scribe admet s'ennuyer, maintenant qu'il n'y a plus personne là-haut, aussi propose-t-il un marché à Gadreel. Il peut regagner sa réputation en l'aidant à reconstruire le Paradis selon la vision que Dieu en avait. Seuls certains anges y auront accès, exit les Bartholomew et compagnie. Gadreel, encore sous le choc, semble réfléchir.

Au bunker, Sam exprime son inquiétude quand au départ précipité de Castiel. Dean s'embrouille dans ses explications, prétextant que Cas' n'est plus tout à fait lui-même depuis qu'il a perdu sa grâce, puis il change rapidement de sujet, revenant à la boucherie du bar sur laquelle ils enquêtent. Les recherches de Sam l'ont conduit à l'identité du chef des bikers, un homme bien sous tout rapport, de type religieux. Ils constatent que le groupe de bikers portent le nom de Boyle's Boys, du nom du révérend obéissant à Bartholomew. Les bikers faisaient donc partie de cette faction, et ils ont été massacrés par une faction bien pire.

Une ange du groupe de Malachi est en train de recruter un groupe d'étudiants, mais les anges qui les encerclent n'ont pas le temps de prendre possession de leurs vaisseaux, car les sbires de Bartholomew débarquent, et tuent tout le monde.

Metatron et Gadreel se rencontrent de nouveau. Metatron avoue qu'il ne s'est jamais habitué aux humains, qu'il trouve fascinants, mais épuisants. Gadreel approuve, évoquant le chaos régnant chez les Winchesters. Metatron promet de le libérer des chasseurs, et de toute l'humanité, s'il le rejoint. Gadreel lui demande s'il souhaite être le nouveau Dieu. Metatron prétend qu'il ne prendrait pas cette identité, même si l'idée ne semble pas lui déplaire.

Dans une chambre de motel, Castiel, ne sachant pas comment faire, se met à prier. Il pense d'abord que ses prières n'ont pas été entendues, jusqu'à ce que Muriel, un ange, arrive à sa porte. Elle remarque alors qu'il s'agit de Castiel, et apeurée, fait demi-tour, mais Castiel la retient, la convaincant de l'écouter.

Au bunker, Kevin tente toujours de déchiffrer la tablette des anges, mais Metatron semble l'avoir écrit de façon à ce qu'elle reste indéchiffrable, en partie. Sam arrive, et Dean lui parle du massacré de la religieuse et des étudiants, confirme qu'il y a un lien avec le massacre du bar. La religieuse était présente sur les deux scènes du crime, ce qui signifie que le Melofy Ministry Glee Club fait partie de la faction ennemie à celle de Bartholomew. Ce dernier a répliqué, après le meurtre des bikers, faisant de nombreuses victimes humaines au passage. Dean presse Kevin.

Castiel a tout expliqué à Muriel, qui reste sceptique, mais semble vouloir le croire. Castiel raconte qu'il a prié, espérant, étant donné sa situation, passer pour un humain ordinaire, dont les fanatiques n'auraient rien à faire. Muriel confirme que certains anges tentent de rester neutre, mais ceux qui sont pris sont torturés et tués s'ils n'acceptent pas d'entrer dans l'une des deux factions. C'est une méthode utilisée en particulier par Malachi, l'anarchiste, qui conduit la faction s'opposant à celle de Bartholomew. Les deux ont le même objectif. Reprendre le Paradis en main. La discussion s'interrompt, lorsque Theo, le bras-droit de Malachi, débarque.

Malachi a fait de Castiel et Muriel ses prisonniers, et tout les deux ont été torturés. Malachi est persuadé que Castiel a des informations clé pour arrêter Metatron, mais Castiel lui assure que ce n'est pas le cas. Malachi menace de tuer Muriel, et Castiel proteste, mais trop tard. Sur un signe de tête de son chef, Theo poignarde Muriel.

Malachi, voyant que Castiel ne parlera pas, décide de le laisser entre les mains expertes de Theo, et s'en va. Theo s'approche, et Castiel croit qu'il va mourir, mais lorsque Malachi est définitivement partie, Theo demande un service spécial à Castiel. Il demande à ce dernier qu'il parle à Metatron, pour le convaincre de faire de lui un soldat. Il pensait que Malachi détenait la solution, mais il a vu le massacre, et il sent que personne ne survivra à cette guerre. En échange, il promet de parler à Metatron pour qu'il rende sa grâce à Castiel. Castiel comprend qu'il détient là la clé qui le libérera, et décide de jouer le jeu. Il fait semblant de promettre à Theo de conclure leur arrangement, mais lorsqu'il est enfin débarassé de ses chaînes, il saisit rapidement l'épée de Theo et lui tranche la gorge, avant de récupérer sa grâce. Le voilà de nouveau ange, et pour vérifier, il pose sa main sur le vaisseau de Theo et l'achève. Un peu plus tard, Malachi revient, et constate que tous ses sbires présents ont été tués, et que Castiel a disparu.

Castiel téléphone et lui dit tout sur sa rencontre avec Malachi, sur la grâce qu'il a volé, et sur ce qu'il a appris durant sa torture, à savoir qu'Ezekiel est mort durant la chute. Dean comprend ce que cela signifie. Il va voir Kevin, et lui demande de trouver un sort qui puisse lui permettre de parler au vaisseau d'un ange, sans que celui-ci ne puisse entendre la conversation, dans le but que l'hôte puisse éjecter l'indésirable de son corps. Kevin est curieux, mais Dean ne s'étend pas sur les explications. Malgré sa suspiçion, Kevin accepte de l'aider.

Gadreel annonce à Metatron qu'il est prêt à le suivre. Metatron joue les ravis, mais explique qu'il doit s'assurer de la loyauté de Gadreel. Celui-ci a donc pour mission d'éliminer les ennemis du plan fomenté par Metatron. Il tend un premier nom à Gadreel. Celui-ci se montre tout de suite plus réticent, protestant que ce n'est pas lui. Mais il réfléchit, sous les injonctions de Metatron.

Après s'être assuré de la fiabilité du sigil, et du fait que Kevin ne posera plus de questions, Dean emmène Sam dans la salle où le sigil se trouve. Il pose sa main ensanglantée dessus, et persuadé de ne parler qu'à Sam, il lui avoue tout sur l'état dans lequel il se trouvait après les épreuves, sur l'ange qui le possède, sur le fait qu'il a dû le tromper pour qu'il accepte la présence de l'être céleste. Comme Dean s'y attendait, Sam semble en colère, mais il y  a un autre problème, et il n'a pas de temps pour cela. Ezekiel a menti, son nom n'est pas Ezekiel, et il faut maintenant que Sam l'éjecte le plus rapidement possible. Dean le supplie, mais Sam préfère s'en aller. Dean veut le rattraper, mais Sam se retourne, et lui flanque un coup de poing qui le met ko.

Sam, qui est en fait Gadreel prétendant être Sam, entre dans la salle principale et s'approche de Kevin, qui ne se doute de rien. Dean revient pour être témoin de la mort de Kevin, dont les yeux brûlent sous l'effet du contact avec l'ange. Il se précipite, mais Gadreel le projette contre la colonne et le bloque, là, le laissant impuissant, tandis que l'ange ramasse les tablettes pour les mettre dans un sac. Il explique qu'il a entendu la conversation entre Dean et Kevin, et qu'il a altéré le sigil, qui n'avait donc plus aucun effet. Il s'excuse pour Kevin, prétextant avoir fait ce qu'il devait faire, et dépose le papier sur lequel Metatron a inscrit son nom sur le corps sans vie du jeune prophète. Puis il s'en va, libérant Dean de son emprise. Dean ne cherche pas à le rattraper, plus sonné encore par les évènements que par le coup de poing reçu un peu plus tôt. Il appel Kevin, en vain, comme si le jeune homme pouvait encore se relever, puis il baisse la tête, pleurant, assailli par le chagrin et le désespoir.


Ecrit par Deanlove35.

A white bus drives in the distance of a foggy day in CARIBOU, WYOMING. In close-up, the bus has multiple Christian logos and writings on it: “MELODY MINISTRY GLEE CLUB” “Let us sing to the Lord!” “Honk if you (heart) Jesus” “Jesus saves!”

A women’s chorus is singing a popular Protestant hymn.
♪ This little light of mine ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
♪ this little light of mine ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
♪ this little light of mine ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪
♪ let it shine, let it shine, let it shine ♪

The bus pulls up to a roadhouse with a lot of motorcycles parked in front. The door opens, and a bunch of tough-looking male bikers (leather, chains, tattoos, piercings, shaved heads) look in disbelief at what walks in. In the bar, "Bad Luck" by Social Distortion is playing:

♪ you got a nasty disposition ♪
♪ no one really knows the reason why ♪
♪ you got a bad, bad reputation ♪
♪ gonna hang your head down and cry ♪
♪ you got bad, bad luck ♪
♪ bad, bad luck ♪
♪ you got bad, bad luck ♪

The bikers line up against one wall, and about a dozen women in matching white dresses and orange cardigans line up along the other wall.

BIKER You shouldn't be here.

BLONDE GLEE CLUBBER We have just as much right to be here as you do, brother.

Angel-blades snic into hands. The scene from outside the bar shows brilliant white light flashing, while screams and yells are heard and the window glass is shattered. The door is opened and the sisters walk out of the roadhouse, back to their bus; their outfits are spattered with blood.

♪ 13 is my lucky number ♪
♪ to you, it means stay inside ♪
♪ No one really knows the reason why ♪
♪ your enemies are gettin' nearer ♪
♪ gonna hang down your head and cry ♪
♪ you got bad, bad luck ♪
♪ bad, bad luck ♪

Inside the roadhouse bikers’ bodies are everywhere. Social Distortion plays in the background.

Outside by the bus:

All right, girls, everybody.

The women’s voices sing as the bus drives off.
♪ This little light of mine ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪




Supernatural 9x09 “Holy Terror”



NIGHTTIME. DEAN is driving; SAM is in the passenger seat.

So, he's better?

Yes. Sam is much improved. It shouldn't be much longer now.

Okay, you know you said the same thing to me last week, right?

As I told you when we met – this will take time.

DEAN (impatiently, frustrated)
(exhales in frustration)
Okay, well, go then. Heal. I'd like my brother back, please.

EZEKIEL-IN-SAM (stiffly)
I must say, Dean, I'm very uncomfortable with this whole trip. Investigating crimes involving angels – or anything involving angels – puts me, and therefore, Sam, at risk.

Well, family business, Zeke. Okay? If we ignore this, Sam's gonna think that something fishy's going on.

(pause) Then I trust you will be discreet.

(pause) Wait, if you know where we're going, that means you've been listening in. Are you – are you hearing everything between me and Sam?

No. Just a word here and there. I have better things to do with my time than eavesdrop, like heal your brother. (pointedly)

Okay, 'cause here's the thing—

SAM’s eyes flash blue as EZEKIEL recedes and SAM resumes.

SAM (picking up, midway through a sentence)
— you know, I was gonna say, it seems like it's getting really quiet out there, you know? Not a peep from the angels, even Buddy Boyle goes off the air and stops recruiting for them.

DEAN (adjusting to a sudden change in conversational partners)
Obviously calm before the storm.

SAM (unconvinced)
Yeah, maybe.

SAM notices something outside and stares in startlement.


That sign said "Fort Collins, 50 miles."


So, last time I looked, like, 12 seconds ago, uh, Fort Collins was a hundred miles.

DEAN (searching for something to say)
Well, hey, man, ever since that goddess got her hooks into you, you know—

SAM (getting agitated)
No, it's more than Vesta! I mean, this kind of thing's been happening to me. Like, like, there are chunks of time just … missing. Like there are times when I'm... not here.

Well, like I've said—

Yes, the trials. I know. I heard you. I heard you when you said it the last week and the week before that and the week before that.

Yeah, because ... damn straight the trials. They whacked you, man. You're not up to warp speed yet, okay? But you will be.
(Smiles at SAM.)
Would I lie?

SAM looks back at DEAN, in the dark.





Crime-scene investigation is on.

SAM and DEAN pull up in the IMPALA, get out in suits, and flash their FBI “badges” at a uniformed cop.

Ah, one of your guys is here already.

SAM and DEAN look at each other, put their ID back in their pockets, and head into the roadhouse.





SAM clears his throat. SAM and DEAN look around, spot CASTIEL, and head his way.

CASTIEL (to a cop, excusing himself)
Ah, my colleagues.

DEAN looks pointedly at CASTIEL. SAM smiles in unabashed and barely concealed pleasure, and slaps CASTIEL on the arm.

SAM (in faux FBI-colleague voice, smiling)

CASTIEL (pleased to be in on the game with the lads)

DEAN (cutting in, no fun at all)
Cas. What the hell are you doing?

Um, (sotto voce) I still have that badge you gave me.

DEAN Yeah. Uh, what the hell are you doing?

The murders were all over the news. I, I thought I might be of help.

Yeah, but Cas, you know that this is an angel situation, right? I mean, you left that night because angels were on your ass.

DEAN (uncomfortable, interjects)
Yeah, and you were living the life, you know? Early retirement, working your way up the Gas-n-Sip ladder.

If angels are slaughtering one another, I have to do what I can to help. It is a risk we should be willing to take, don't you think? (SAM shrugs in agreement, seeing the point.) Hey. Cas is back in town.

Seriously, did you – (to SAM) did he just say that?

CASTIEL (showing photos)
These angels, uh, they were butchered. Much more violence than was required.

Definitely took more than one or two killers to pull this off.

Hit squad? Bartholomew's people?

Well, Bartholomew has a faction we know about, but this could be somebody else entirely we don't know.

CASTIEL (patting both boys on their shoulders)
Well, whoever it is... We'll find them.

"We'll" find them. That's great.

SAM or EZEKIEL-IN-SAM looks disapproving. DEAN sees his disapproving look, and slinks off.




NIGHTTIME. Two cars pull up in a deserted industrial location for a rendezvous. The drivers get out and open the doors for each car.

Out of one car, steps the blonde GLEE CLUBBER, and a weedy-haired man in a leather jacket and goatee. The weedy-haired man, MALACHI, is flanked by BLONDE GLEE CLUBBER ANGEL and a very tall, butch, male angel.

Out of the other car steps BARTHOLOMEW’S ASSISTANT, a woman, flanked by two more men; all are in corporate-style suits.

Good evening, Malachi.

Where is he?

Bartholomew is quite busy tonight. With such a large following, well, the responsibilities are enormous.

I called for a top-level summit. I don't deal with hand maidens.

(smiles) I'll convey your thoughts to Bartholomew.

He'll regret the disrespect.

YOU speak of disrespect, Malachi? After the bloodbath two nights ago?

Bartholomew's naked grab for power was nothing but disrespect! (voice raises angrily) He and I ultimately want the same thing. The only way we can take Heaven back from Metatron is to unite. And if Bartholomew wants to avoid all-out warfare on Earth, he'll meet personally with me to negotiate terms.

I'm sorry. I should've mentioned earlier, Bartholomew said to tell you he doesn't negotiate with street thugs. (pause; smiles snottily) Are we done here?

Yes, we are.

MALACHI’s hench-angels throw angel-knives at BARTHOLOMEW’s two people; they die, white light streaming out of their corpses. BA screams as MALACHI rushes at her and stabs her himself.

Her body drops to the ground. MALACHI wipes his blade.

And so it begins.

MALACHI drops the blood-stained kerchief on BA’s corpse.




Interior of a bar. SAM, CASTIEL, and DEAN, are at a bar table, having a beer.

It is so good being together again. You know, this is my first beer as a human. I hope it's okay, me joining you?

Why wouldn't it be okay?

DEAN (looks alarmed at this turn of the conversation)
You know, Cas, are you sure you're ready to jump back into all this? I mean, it seemed to me like you'd actually found some peace.

Hey, you once told me that you don't choose what you do. It chooses you.


I'm a part of this. (clinks beer bottles with DEAN) Like it or not.

All right, well, then, in that case, we have to figure out, uh, who are we up against, what do they want, and how do we stop them.

Well, Bartholomew wants to reverse Metatron's spell. Presumably to – to retake Heaven once his following is large enough. That's according to April.

The reaper you banged.

Yeah, and you stabbed.

(awkward pause)
She was hot.

So hot. And very nice.

DEAN (appreciatively)

Up to the point she started torturing me.

Yeah. Well, not every hookup's perfect. (DEAN pats CASTIEL’s arm companionably.)

SAM (smiling at the exchange)
All right. I'm gonna get us another round.

Nah. I'll get it.
CASTIEL hops off his bar stool, then returns.
Mm. (swigging the last of his old beer, and setting the bottle on the table.)
You know, I've never done this before.

One beer, he's hammered.

Blue light flashes in SAM’s eyes; EZEKIEL-IN-SAM is back.

DEAN (knowing he's about to get more grief from EZEKIEL-IN-SAM)
Oh, boy.

Well? What are you going to do about this?

About Cas?

He is a beacon, Dean, pulling every angel for miles down on our heads.

All right, you know what, Zeke? Level with me. What is it that you're so afraid of?

I told you. When I chose to answer your prayers and heal Sam, I chose sides. That means I'm not in good standing with certain angels.

Okay, well, you know what? Cas isn't in good standing with any angel, all right? But here he is, ass on the line, fighting the fight. So tell me, what makes you so special?

CASTIEL (returning)
Here we go. Three brewskies.

EZEKIEL-IN-SAM (pissily)
I'm going to get something out of the car.




Outside. EZEKIEL-IN-SAM is walking. He hears something and slows ...

Well, I'm really looking forward to this.

Excuse me?

Oh, please. I know who you really are. And it isn't Ezekiel.

NOT-EZEKIEL–IN-SAM looks constipated.


DEAN and CASTIEL at the bar.

(clears throat) I, um, I noticed you look... kind of uncomfortable whenever Sam mentions my leaving. Doesn't he know that you told me to leave?

Here's the deal. When Sam was doing the trials to seal up Hell, it messed him up. Okay? The third one nearly killed him. If I'd let him finish, it would have. He's still messed up, bad.

You said the angel, Ezekiel, helped heal him.

DEAN (looks down, avoiding the question)
Look, I got to do anything I can to get him back. Now, if that means that we keep our distance from you for a little while, then... Then I don't have a choice. I don't feel good about it, but I don't have a choice. It's great to have your help, Cas. Okay, but we just can't work together.

CAS looks sad.





Outside the bar.

Relax. I'm not here to out you. But I am curious, why Ezekiel?

They say he is a good, and ... honorable angel.

Ahhhh. Everything they say you are not. I see your point... Gadreel.

NOT-EZEKIEL-IN-SAM (henceforth to be known as GADREEL-IN-SAM)
The stories about me – they are not true!

And yet you spent countless thousands of years locked in Heaven's darkest dungeon. And now you're hiding in this human, posing as Ezekiel. (shakes his head) Tragic.
It broke His heart to lock you away, you know? You were God's most trusted. That's why He chose you to protect the garden. Your one task was to keep evil from entering... from befouling His cherished creation, mankind, and you failed Him!

Not my doing.

Well, for whatever reason, the serpent entered. The Earth is cursed with evil. Someone had to be blamed.

What is it you want of me, Metatron?

(sighs) Just to be your friend. You and I go back a long way. I was actually the one who freed you.


I was the one who caused all the angels to fall. Including the imprisoned ones. You're welcome.

No angels are in Heaven? None at all?

No, and you know, at first, I thought I would love it. But it's a big place. My solitude is getting tedious.

And so?

And so ... Plan "B." Rebuild Heaven as the place God envisioned it, only with a handpicked few. No more anemic functionaries like Bartholomew. And no more stupid angels. (consideringly) Maybe some funny ones. You were His most trusted, Gadreel. You want to take back your reputation? You want to reclaim the Heaven that was? We could do this together.

GADREEL-IN-SAM looks tortured.




BUNKER. SAM is sitting on a table with a light table map, at his laptop. DEAN comes jogging in.

Any word from Cas?

Nothing yet.

And we're not ... worried about him, that he just took off like that again? I mean, it's not like he does this kind of stuff alone.

It's the way he wanted it, honestly. (looking at SAM, who looks unconvinced) Hey, look, man, he's been all over the map since he got his wings clipped. (changing the subject) What do you got? (rolls his chair over to SAM to look at his laptop) Obituaries. That one of the bikers?

Yeah. His name was Red Dawg.

Heh. Of course it was.

It's not what you think. Look, he's a family guy. Big in the PTA, he played Santa at Christmas parties.

So, what? Just one day, he up and joined a biker gang?

No, he did that years ago. Get this. This is weird. Look. (pulling up news clippings and photos) These are all the victims, right? They were all baptized together.


Yeah. They were a born-again biker gang.

Well, that is not something you hear every day.

No, it's not.

DEAN (sees something on the screen)
Wait, make that bigger. (SAM obligingly does so, and they look at a biker logo on a jacket.) "Boyle's Boys"? Boyle, as in reverend Buddy Boyle?

SAM learns forward and does some fancy fingerwork on the keyboard for a second.

Listen to this. Red Dawg's widow said he was always religious, but a week before he died, he came home from a prayer meeting and was a changed man filled with divine glory.

So, Boyle's at it again. Selling folks on being meat suits for angels.

Just what – talking to smaller groups now?

I don't know. Maybe, uh, softening up thousands at a time, he wasn't able to control what angels got let in. This way, Bartholomew's followers can jump in just as soon as Boyle does his thing.

So, Red Dawg and his guys were Bartholomew people?

Yeah, and they got slaughtered. Which means that this new group is even worse. (pause) Haven't I always said that angels are dicks?




NIGHT TIME, campfire with a bunch of adults sitting around a circle holding books (presumably Bibles). BLONDE GLEE CLUBBER ANGEL is giving an inspirational speech.

And I so appreciate the opportunity to address your Bible-study group.
I admire your passion, your energy, your devotion.
You are exactly what God and His angels have in mind for the crusade.
Now, rise.

(A bunch of white lights are streaming and swirling around above the campfire.)

Join hands, all of you.
Feel the Heavenly host reach out to embrace you.
Embrace them back!
The angels want nothing more than to feel your love.

(The white lights start heading toward their waiting vessels down below as the campers look up with open-mouthed delight and wonder.)

Welcome them into your hearts.
Let them in!
In the name of Malachi, let them in!

As she is reaching a sort of ecstatic climax of excitement, she is suddenly stabbed by someone coming from behind – her angelic white light floods from a stab wound in her chest.

Lots of screams. (No! No! Aaaggghh! Etc.)

Angels are running around, placing their hands on the humans’ foreheads; the humans fall down, their eyes burnt out as last seen in season four. BLONDE GLEE CLUBBER ANGEL lies dead, a red stain on her chest.

Crickets chirping.


Frankly, I never got used to them. I lived among them for centuries. I had to isolate myself to keep sane.

Humans do seem chaotic, Metatron.

Which makes them fascinating, but... All that emotion. Geez. And the wasted energy. It's just... exhausting.

I know. Sam Winchester... It is a mess in here. And the brother – I do not know where to start.

I can free you from them. From all of them.

You intend to be the ruler of this new Heaven, am I correct?

Uh... It is a burden I feel I must accept.

Then Metatron, does that not make you God?

Oh-ho-ho. Semantics. I don't know that I'd take on THAT name...necessarily. No. When the time comes, we'll call me... "X."


You and I ... We could have paradise again, Gadreel.




Interior hotel room; daylight outside. CASTIEL is kneeling.



(CASTIEL, kneels beside the bed, closes his eyes, and folds his hands in prayer.) I'm... unfamiliar with this end of the process. Of course, no one may be listening, um, but I – I do need assistance.

(CASTIEL sits on the bed in lotus position, legs folded, arms extended, thumb and forefinger touching.)

I have questions, and there seem to be no answers.

(kneeling prostrate on the floor) I... I wouldn't presume to ask for help if I weren't desperate, but I need help.

(standing upright, eyes closed, arms extended, palms upward) I'm lost.

(lying on the bed, legs bent, feet down, hands over his eyes)

I need your guidance.

(kneeling, hands folded, eyes closed) Please hear my prayer.


I don't know how humans do it.

Giving up for now, CASTIEL walks over to the TV, and tries to turn it on. It seems unresponsive.

WOMAN'S VOICE (muffled, from outside the room)
Try plugging it in.

CASTIEL looks to the door, and opens it up.

WOMAN (in park ranger uniform)
Surely that wasn't the answer you were seeking.

You're an angel!

Muriel (she introduces herself). I didn't pick the outfit. (She stares in sudden recognition) Castiel? (and turns away to leave)

No, wait – please, just hear me out!

It can't be known that I even spoke to you.

I just need a moment.


Please. I just need information.




BUNKER. KEVIN and DEAN are researching at tables. DEAN is at a laptop; KEVIN is looking at a tablet.

Dean, there may be nothing in here. Crowley said the spell that cast down the angels was irreversible.

Yeah, well, screw Crowley. Why would you think that anything he says is true?

This part is nearly indecipherable. Almost like, when Metatron wrote it down, he wanted to keep the words hidden, even from Prophets.

SAM (enters)

Hey. Check this out. Another angel attack.

What? Where?

Utah. A, uh, college, uh, Bible-study group and their, uh, their guest speaker – some top-shelf church lady. Insides scorched out, kids' eyes were missing, but, not the church lady's.

So, she was an angel, too?

Sounds like. Uh, and she sang soprano for the, uh, Melody Ministry Glee Club?


The club goes to its gigs on a bus, so when I checked with the Wyoming cops, they said that a witness saw the same bus leaving the biker bar not long before the bodies were found.

So, church-lady angel was at both killings?

I'm guessing that she and whoever she's running with killed Bartholomew's bikers at the bar and then Bart's boys hit her back.

When she was recruiting those students to be vessels. (sighs) Wow. It's a bunch of kids.

Kevin. Clock's ticking.




Hotel room.

Let's say you're telling the truth and Metatron tricked you. I should still turn you in.

But you won't.

Don't be so sure.

I... I think you instinctively trust me. We're similar. We both want no part of the fanatics.

And when you prayed. How did you know you wouldn't get one of them?

I'm warded, and my Grace is gone, and I was hoping that I would seem like just another desperate human that the... the militants couldn't care less about.

And you think I care?

You're here. You may know the situation. Bartholomew, he's in a blood feud with another faction.

It's madness.

Who leads the opposition?


Malachi? The anarchist.

He's become equals with Bartholomew. In some ways, worse.

But there's still those like you who want to stay out of it.

Fewer and fewer. Each side is rounding up those who try and stay neutral. Angels are being tortured and killed if they don't pledge loyalty.

(sighs) It's worse than I thought.

Each side wants to crush the other, overthrow Metatron, and rule Heaven, and... Heaven under either of them would be...


Suddenly the door is kicked in, and MALACHI's thug (THEO) and another shorter person behind him burst in. CASTIEL and MURIEL stare in horror.


A long hallway, dark with sporadic lamps. Lashing sounds and screams in the distance.

This is a bonus, Castiel. We were tracking Muriel, cowardly holdout that she is, (MURIEL is shown: She is bound, and bloody and bruised about the face.) and wonder of wonders, she led us to you. (CASTIEL is also bloody and beaten.)

Not knowingly.

I stand corrected. Not knowingly. Stupidly.

I've explained in detail. I don't know how Metatron's spell worked. Therefore, I can't assist in reversing it. I was an unwitting accomplice.

Ohhh. A dupe. The great Castiel. Valued and trusted Castiel. (MALACHI walks over to a tray of metal devices, medical or dental, with clear torture value.) Top-of-the-Christmas-tree Castiel. No more than a dupe. (pause)
Dupe or mastermind, you were inside the circle. You know where Metatron's weakness lies.

No. I don't.

(sighs) Theo.

THEO (the tall scarred thug) advances.

No! (THEO pulls his head back, and slides a silver angel knife down CASTIEL's chest) Ahhh, ahhh! (he groans in pain).

You'd suffer, even die for your beliefs. I get it.
But is Metatron, (turning to THEO) whose poll numbers have totally tanked (THEO laughs), ...worth your life? More importantly, is Metatron worth her life?

No. No, she's innocent. You leave her alone.

Hm. I have no intention of touching her.

MALACHI looks at THEO, who nods. MURIEL pants in fear.

Virtue is its own punishment.

Please, no!


THEO stabs MURIEL in the chest with a silver angel-knife.


MURIEL's body lies on the ground. CASTIEL is in cuffs.

Angels butchering angels. Is this what we've become?

Just following your example, Castiel.
How many did you kill in Heaven? How many in the Fall? (off CASTIEL's look)
Oh, you didn't know? A host of angels died when they fell – Azrael, Sophia, Ezekiel (At this last name, CASTIEL turns very thoughtful) ...
"Died" doesn't even describe it.
Devastation. Wings shredded, unspeakable agony at your hands.
So, I think you would want to provide any information you have, considering...

(pause; no response from CASTIEL)

All right.
I leave you in the hands of an artist.

(to THEO)
I don't care what's left.

Don't ask for mercy. There is none.

THEO walks and shuts the door, then returns to CASTIEL, and picks up a drill.

I'll give you one last chance for this to end.

Give me a quick death.

CASTIEL closes his eyes and holds up his face in anticipation of the blow(s).

I need you to speak to Metatron. Everyone knows you have influence.

CASTIEL now opens his eyes and looks in astonishment at THEO.

THEO (continuing)
He'll listen to you. Ask him to raise me to Heaven. You can do this, Castiel. I'll be a soldier for Metatron, do anything he wants.

You – you serve Malachi.

I thought he was the answer, but he's crazy.

You're... noticing this now? You were more than willing to do his dirty work.

I did what I had to.

When you were sure he would defeat Bartholomew.

But no one will survive this war.

So, you prefer to sit it out in Heaven.

I can talk to him about restoring your grace.

CASTIEL (calculating)
Well, it's, um, it's true. Metatron and I do have a working relationship.

THEO (smiles)
I knew it!

You're clever, Theo.

You're allies.

And he could use a skilled soldier like yourself. (CASTIEL pretends to reconsider.) Oh, but I don't know.

I-I'm a team player, Castiel.

All right. Well? (gestures at his manacles; THEO opens them up)

I'll – I'll need a moment to make contact. (THEO waits.) And you have something that I'll need.


CASTIEL grabs one of the medical implements and slices THEO in the throat, letting his white grace slip out; CASTIEL opens his mouth and swallows it.

Mm. (CASTIEL groans; the grace fills him up; his eyes turn blue; THEO stares in dazed recrimination, blood dripping from his neck. CASTIEL looks at him, then puts a hand to his forehead; THEO screams, his angelic white light bursts out of him, and he falls to the ground his eyes burned out.


MALACHI, whistling, comes back downstairs. He sees bodies everywhere. Rushes back into the cell and sees THEO's body on the ground.

Oh, no.





DEAN is heading into kitchen, as KEVIN is walking out with a sandwich.

Hey. You seen Sam?

He went out.


I don't know. You notice he's doing that a lot?

DEAN (thoughtful)

DEAN's phone rings. KEVIN walks out as DEAN is answering.

DEAN (on a payphone)

CASTIEL (on the phone)
Dean, I don't have a lot of time, so listen. The leader of the opposition is an angel named Malachi.

How do you know that?

He had me. I, uh, I was tortured. But I got away.


I... I did what I had to. I became what they've become. A barbarian.

What are you – Cas, where are you?

It's better I stay away. They're gonna want me even more now. But I'm gonna be all right. I... I got my Grace back. Well, not mine per se, but it'll do.

Wait, you're – you're back? You got your mojo?

I'm not sure. But I am an angel.

And you're okay with that?

If we're going to war, I need to be ready.


Dean. There's more.


Didn't you say Sam was healed by an angel named Ezekiel?

Uh... Yeah, why?

Ezekiel is dead.


He died when the angels fell.

DEAN's face has a very concentrated "oh this is bad" expression.




KEVIN is dozing over a book. DEAN approaches.

DEAN (urgently)
I need a spell. ASAP.

KEVIN (waking up, exhaustedly)
Everyone always needs a spell, and it's always ASAP.

All right, listen to me. An angel can't be expelled by another human. Okay, only by the host, right? But, what if there was a way to power down the angel, so that it wasn't in charge for a few seconds?


For instance, if – if hypothetically, I wanted to speak with the vessel but not have the squatter listen in.


Why? Kevin, we've got tons of possessed humans out there. You with me? And when the angels kill each other off, the humans are taking it in the teeth. So what if I wanted to clue the human in so that he, or she, could spit the angel out? That would be a good thing, right?

Uh ... yeah?

Okay. So, hit the tablet. Let's go! (DEAN turns to walk out.)


Yesterday, Cinderella!




Outside, daylight, under a large overpass.

I've been thinking this over, Metatron. I will join you as second in command.

(with an expression of great relief and pleasure)
Bravo, Gadreel! This move will erase the mark that has hounded you through the centuries. Heaven will be restored, as will your reputation as one of Its greatest heroes.

I thank you for this opportunity.

There is just one more thing.


I need to be sure of your fidelity.

You have it.

No, I mean REALLY sure. We have enemies who pose an imminent threat to our effort. They must be neutralized.


In a word.

That... That is not who I am.

(pulls a yellow card out of his pocket) Yeah. (sarcastically)

Here's the first name on your to-do list.

METATRON hands the yellow card to GADREEL-IN-SAM, who reads the name, and sighs.





All right, so this masterpiece we just painted – it's gonna work, right?

The sigils are supposed to briefly hobble the possessing angel. If the info's correct.

Wait, what?

I only had time to get a little from the tablet. The rest came from an old Men of Letters book. As soon as your blood touches the ignition sigil, the spell kicks in.
Dean, what's going on?

I told you.

You told me theoretically.
Dean, we just painted sigils in the storeroom. What the hell?

You're gonna have to trust me, okay, trust that I told you everything that I can for now. Can you do that?

I always trust you.
(DEAN nods.)
And I always end up screwed.

Oh, come on. Always? Not always.




BUNKER - SAM is shelving beers. DEAN walks in.

Hey, where you been?

Hey. Beer run.

Long beer run.
(SAM chuckles.)
Can we talk?

Yeah. Uh... Sure.

DEAN ushers SAM into the storeroom.

This sounds serious.

While SAM is walking in, before he turns around, DEAN shuts the door and pulls out a knife to slash his palm. DEAN slaps his hand against the door; a flare of light emits from the sigil, and SAM turns around, startled.

What's going on? What are you doing?

I got to tell you some stuff fast. It's gonna piss you off.


Those trials really messed you up.

Yes, I know that, Dea—

DEAN (hurriedly)
No, you don't. I mean messed you up like almost dead. No more birthdays, dust to dust. Well, that messed me up, so I made a move, okay, a tough move about you without talking it over because you were in a coma.

Wait, what? When?

You were in the hospital, okay, and they said you were gonna die.

What did you do?

(pauses, mouth working speechlessly for a moment)
I let an angel in.

In what?

In you. He said he could heal you and he is.

He's still in me? Wait. (laughs) That's impossible, Dean. That couldn't happen. I never invited him in.

I tricked you into saying yes. It seemed like the only way.

(sighs) So... Again. You thought I couldn't handle something, so you took over!

No, I did what I had to do! You would've never agreed to it, and you would've died.

Well, maybe I would've liked the choice, at least.

We can do this – later. You can – you can kick my ass all you want. Right now, we got bigger problems.


The angel lied to me. Okay? He – he's not who he said he was. He said his name was Ezekiel. Cool guy, according to Cas, but it's not Ezekiel.

Who is he?

I don't know. Apparently, Ezekiel is dead. Whoever this guy is can end you in a heartbeat if he wants to, so you have got to dump him.
Are you hearing what I'm saying? I think you're well enough now, but you got to expel him.
Sam? Sam—
(SAM walks past DEAN)

SAM turns around and swings a punch at DEAN. DEAN goes down. SAM walks out, furious.



KEVIN looks up as SAM walks towards him.

KEVIN (looks up)
Hey, Sam.

SAM stops, then continues in, slowly, calmly, and with deliberation.

Hey, do you notice anything a little bit off about Dean lately? Between you and me, I'm a little bit worried about him.

Don't worry about Dean. Dean will be fine.

GADREEL-IN-SAM looks at KEVIN for a moment then reaches out and grabs his head.

DEAN is rounding the corner into the room, as KEVIN screams. DEAN sees a white light flooding out of KEVIN through his eyes.

No! No! No! Kevin?!

DEAN runs forward, as KEVIN's body drops to the floor.

GADREEL-IN-SAM extends a hand and holds DEAN off.


There is no more Sam.

(gasps in pain)

But, I played him convincingly, I thought.

How did you...

I heard you talk with Kevin Tran tonight.


... You told me theoretically. Dean, we just painted sigils in the storeroom. What the hell?
You're gonna have to trust me, okay, and trust that I told you everything I can for now. Can you do that?

GADREEL-IN-SAM packs a bag while he talks to DEAN.

Alter a sigil... even the slightest... Alter the spell.
(He holds up his hand to show the dust of markings on his fingers.)
Sorry about Kevin, but ultimately ... it's for the best.
I did what I had to.

GADREEL-IN-SAM places the yellow card on KEVIN's chest. He turns and looks at DEAN, possibly feeling guilty, then walks out.

As he walks towards the stairs, DEAN is released; he gasps, and looks at KEVIN. KEVIN's eyes are burned out. The door to the bunker shuts.


A tear slips from DEAN's eye and he bows his head in sorrow.


Source ; SuperWiki

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schumi  (25.04.2021 à 17:44)

Vraiment sanglante cette rivalité entre factions d'anges! Et Castiel se trouve un peu au milieu de tout ça à compter les points!

Et quelle fin horrible!!! Kevin!!!!! Comment Dean pourra-t-il se pardonner ça et comment Sam réagira-t-il??? Les remords ne vont pas tarder!!!!


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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