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#910 : Union sacrée

LA MEILLEURE CHANCE DE SAUVER SAM SE TROUVE ENTRE LES MAINS DE CROWLEY - Dean est dévasté après la mort de Kevin, et il jure de retrouver l'ange qui l'a tué, non seulement pour sortir Sam de là, mais aussi pour venger le jeune prophète. Castiel arrive au bunker, et suggère de séparer l'esprit de Sam de celui de Gadreel, afin qu'ils puissent parler à Sam et lui donner l'occasion de forcer l'ange à sortir. Cependant, il y a un léger problème : le seul qui sache comment procéder est Crowley.


5 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Road Trip

Titre VF
Union sacrée

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Première diffusion en France





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Sneak Peek


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Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en pleine discussion

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en pleine discussion

Castiel (Misha Collins), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Castiel (Misha Collins), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard), Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Sam (Jared Padalecki)


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France (inédit)
Dimanche 02.10.2016 à 01:55

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 14.01.2014 à 21:00
2.21m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Andrew Dabb
Réalisateur : Robert Singer


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Curtis Armstrong... Metatron

Alaina Huffman... Abaddon

Tahmoh Penikett... Gadreel

Dan Payne... Alexander Sarver/Abner

Brenna O'Brien... Cecily

Wesley MacInnes... Corey/Thaddeus

Hannah Longworth... Delilah

Tatiana Turner... Demon avec chien

Sarah Deakins... Margey

Anson Hibbert... Demon d'Abaddon 2

Sarwan Badesha... Demon d'Abaddon 1







Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Après avoir brûlé le corps de Kevin, Dean rentre au bunker, seul, désemparé et hanté par les souvenirs laissés par le jeune prophète. Submergé par ses émotions, il passe ses nerfs sur les tables et chaises du bunker.


Gadreel rend visite à son ancien geolier, qui a choisi pour vaisseau une pop star particulièrement populaire nommée Cory, qui n'est pas sans rappeler un certain Justin Bieber. Gadreel compte bien se venger, tout comme il compte venger son ami, emprisonné en même temps que lui, Abner. Cory pense s'en sortir, mais Gadreel a été plus rapide et sans laisser le temps au geolier de se justifier, il le poignarde avec sa propre épée angélique.

Après avoir reçu un appel de Dean, Cas' se rend au bunker. Lorsqu'il découvre l'état du salon, Dean décide de tout lui expliquer. Castiel fait tout pour rebooster Dean et propose d'utiliser la méthode employée par les démons pour accéder au codex de Samandriel. Ainsi, peut-être pourront-ils parler à Sam sans que l'ange qui le possède ne puisse intervenir. Ils décident donc de rendre une petite visite à Crowley, toujours enfermé dans le donjon.

Dean propose un deal à Crowley : il leur dit comment entrer dans l'esprit d'un ange et en échange, il lui fournira du sang humain. Mais le roi refuse. Il demande d'abord un massage, de la part de Kevin et c'est alors que Cas' lui annonce que Kevin est mort. Crowley se dit désolé, mais Cas' n'y croit pas une seule seconde. Après avoir piqué Dean au vif en rappelant que les gens qui l'entourent ne vivent pas très longtemps, il leur propose d'entrer dans l'esprit d'un ange pour eux, à condition qu'ils l'emmènent prendre l'air. Dean refuse d'abord, mais il est clair qu'il y pense fortement, car, Crowley a raison, il n'a pas d'autres plans. Castiel le prévient que d'accéder aux demandes du roi de l'Enfer est une entreprise dangereuse, mais Dean n'a pas le choix ; c'est la vie de Sam qui est en jeu, ce que Crowley comprend rapidement. Dean accepte le deal. Mais comme ils n'ont pas de véhicules à disposition, Castiel propose le sien, qui se trouve à quelques kilomètres du bunker.

Tandis que Dean remet du carburant dans la voiture de Cas', Crowley ne cesse de taquiner l'ange. Ensuite, le groupe monte en voiture. Crowley et Cas' se disputent le siège passager de devant, mais Dean règle rapidement le problème en les envoyant tous deux à l'arrière. Puis, ils se mettent en route, sans voir qu'on les observe.

Gadreel rejoint Metatron dans le bar tenu par le vaisseau originel de l'ange. Metatron est satisfait de savoir que Gadreel a éliminé ses cibles comme demandé, mais il est déçu d'apprendre qu'il n'a pas saisi l'opportunité de tuer Dean Winchester en même temps. Cela dit, pour Metatron, la mort de Kevin règle le problème des prophètes, car il a éteint le système permettant de le remplacer. En plus, il est désormais en possession des deux tablettes les plus importantes. Il donne un nouveau nom à Gadreel. Celui-ci se plaint de faire le sale boulot, mais Metatron le prévient ; il va devoir prouver qu'il peut être loyala et obéissant s'il veut être son bras droit. Il peut aussi choisir de s'en aller, mais il ne pourra jamais laver sa réputation. Gadreel se sent coincé et forcé d'obéir.

Pendant ce temps, le démon qui observait Dean, Cas et Crowley envoit un message à Abaddon pour la prévenir que son rival est en route.

Dean et Cas' accompagnent Crowley dans un bâtiment investi en secret par la NSA. Ici, Crowley explique qu'il a introduit l'une de ses meilleures employées afin d'espionner à son compte en utilisant le service de surveillance américain. Il est reçu seul par cette employée, nommée Cecily, sans que Castiel puisse entendre quoique ce soit de leur conversation. Ainsi, Crowley apprend les mésaventures de Castiel et comment il a récupéré une grâce qui n'est pas la sienne. Puis, il apprend également que la majorité des démons attendent de savoir de qui entre Abaddon et Crowley ils dépendront, avant de choisir leur camp. Enfin, Cecily repère l'Impala à la demande de son boss et avoue qu'elle joue dans les deux camps. Cela n'a pas l'air de gêner Crowley. Ce dernier rejoint Dean et Cas et leur apprend que l'Impala a été repérée après avoir grillé un feu rouge à Somerset, en Pennsylvanie.

Gadreel se rend chez sa prochaine cible, un nomme dénommé Alexander Sarver. Qu'elle n'est pas sa surprise lorsqu'il découvre que le corps de l'homme a été investi par Abner, son ancien camarade de prison. Cela ne s'arrête pas là ; Alexander a un enfant, don Abner se sent désormais responsable. En effet, lorsqu'ils se retrouvent le soir, Abner explique à Gadreel qu'il a désormais une famille et qu'il est heureux ainsi. Il a un travail humain et cela lui convient, d'autant qu'Alexander n'était pas un homme bien. Contrairement à ce que Gadreel pensait, Abner n'est guère satisfait d'apprendre que leur geolier et tortionnaire est mort. Abner tente de faire comprendre à son ami que la chute est une seconde chance pour eux de faire mieux que lorsqu'ils n'étaient que des anges au Paradis, de faire quelque chose qui les rend vraiment heureux, quel que soit le prix à payer pour cela.

Dean et Cas arrivent à Somerset et repèrent rapidement l'Impala. Dean découvre Gadreel se lavant les mains après avoir tué Alexander/Abner. Gadreel donne une dernière chance à Dean de s'en aller, mais Dean refuse de laisser tomber. Gadreel le projette contre une étagère, mais il ne voit pas Castiel arriver. Cas' le met hors jeu en un coup de poing.

Cecily a prévenu Abaddon que Crowley lui a rendu visite et qu'il s'est rendu à Somerset. Sans faire attention, Cecily explique à Abaddon qu'elle joue double jeu en attendant de savoir qui va gagner. Elle tente de rattraper son erreur, mais il est trop tard. Abaddon la tue.

Gadreel se réveille, bailloné et solidement attaché à une chaise, dans un entrepôt abandonné. Dean tente de lui donner une dernière chance de partir de lui-même, au nom des combats qu'ils ont mené ensemble. Mais Gadreel, persuadé de faire ce qui doit être fait, préfère provoquer plutôt que d'accepter. Alors, Dean donne le feu vert à Crowley pour qu'il commence à creuser dans l'esprit de l'ange. Mais au bout d'un moment, Dean ne peut plus supporter les cris de son frère et préfère s'éloigner un instant. Castiel le rejoint et à la demande de Dean, qui essaie de penser à autre chose qu'à la torture subie par Sam, il lui assure que tout va bien pour lui. Castiel lui dit également qu'il comprend les choix de Dean ; après tout, lui aussi a cru faire ce qui était juste et bien avant de découvrir qu'on s'était joué de lui. Mais pour Cas', faire confiance n'est pas être idiot pour autant. Crowley les appelle alors, car il a réussi à découvrir le nom de l'ange. Lorsque Cas' découvre qu'il s'agit de Gadreel, celui qui a permis à Lucifer de pénétrer dans le jardin d'Eden et de corrompre l'humanité, il perd le contrôle et saute sur le corps inconscient de Sam pour invectiver l'ange à l'intérieur. Dean lui demande de se ressaisir, pour Sam.

Les petites expériences de Crowley ne donnent aucun résultat, si ce n'est rendre Gadreel encore plus moqueur qu'auparavant. Dean demande alors à Castiel de posséder Sam et de le prévenir de l'intérieur, mais Cas ne peut pas faire une telle chose sans avoir d'abord la permission de Sam. Crowley se propose alors. L'idée parait d'abord impensable, mais Dean n'a pas d'autres choix. Crowley promet de faire vite et de ne rien faire d'autre que de prévenir Sam, à condition que ses chaines disparaissent sans revenir par la suite. Castiel proteste quand Dean lui demande d'efface le tatouage de Sam, mais il s'exécute. Crowley pénètre alors dans le corps et l'esprit de Sam.

Tandis qu'ils attendent impatiemment, Castiel tente de prévenir Dean qu'il devra prendre certaines mesures si Crowley devait échouer, mais Dean refuse de penser à cette éventualité. Pendant ce temps, Crowley trouve Sam et l'avertir de la présence de l'ange tout en lui disant qu'il est le seul à pouvoir le virer de son propre corps. Pour aller plus vite, Crowley tire sur Sam afin de lui prouver que ce qu'il voit n'est pas réel. Sam se concentre alors et se souvient des actes commis par Gadreel, dont le meurtre de Kevin. Submergé par le sentiment de culpabilité, il se laisse aller un instant, mais Crowley tente de le rebooster. c'est alors que Gadreel intervient. Tandis qu'il s'acharne sur Crowley, Sam lui saute dessus et lutte. Le combat semble inégal, mais Sam prend rapidement le dessus et finit par obliger Gadreel à sortir. Gadreel rejoint son vaisseau originel, là où Metatron l'attend justement. Crowley lui, rejoint son propre vaisseau. Sam se réveille tandis que Dean et Cas' le détachent. Dans le même temps, Abaddon arrive sur les lieux. Crowley leur conseille de fuir et leur dit qu'il va faire diversion. Dean le prévient toutefois que cela ne règle pas leurs dettes. Puis, une fois seul, Crowley accueille Abaddon et quelques-uns de ses suiveurs, confortablement assis sur son siège de torture.

Crowley ne se laisse pas intimider par Abaddon, d'autant que les démons à la charge du chevalier n'obéissent pas lorsqu'elle leur demande de lui ramener la tête du roi. Crowley en profite pour imposer ses règles ; il ne veut pas un combat, mais une campagne électorale. Laisser les démons choisir par qui ils souhaitent être gouvernés. Après quoi, il disparait.

Tandis que Cas' soulage Sam d'un peu de sa douleur, Dean approche et tente d'avoir une explication avec son frère. Il s'attend à ce que Sam soit en colère, ce qu'il confirme. Dean a pris la décision de le sauver en le forçant à être possédé par un ange psychopathe, sans prendre en compte le fait qu'il avait décidé de mourir et qu'il y était préparé. En plus, il y a Kevin. Mais si Dean réitère être convaincu d'avoir agi pour les bonnes raisons, il sait être responsable de la mort de Kevin. Il est prêt à faire ce qu'il faut pour que Gadreel paie, mais il a décidé de prendre cette voie seul. Il est persuadé d'être comme du poison, tuant indirectement ceux qui l'entourent et il ne veut plus emporter les autres dans ses propres ténèbres. Sam le laisse partir, mais il le prévient que le problème ne se situe pas là. Dean n'aura pas plus d'explications. Il s'en va, laissant Sam aux bons soins de Cas'.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

[A black screen. The soft piano intro of 'The Famous Final Scene" by Bob Seger and Silver Bullet Band plays. The camera softly changes to a close up of flames. As it gently pulls back, it is revealed to be a Hunter's Funeral Pyre with Dean staring into the lapping flames.


Now Dean stands in the bunker silently looking at the place on the floor where Kevin died. Then he looks at the table where Kevin was working. All of his books and notes still lay open and there is a plate with a half eaten sandwich and an almost empty glass of milk. There is no sound just the music continues to play. Dean picks up Kevin's phone and when he lights up the screen we see that Kevin had a picture of himself and his mother as the background. There is nothing but pure devastation on Dean's face. He fights back tears as he touches his forehead to the phone in his hand.


Then he explodes. He throws the phone against the wall with all his strength and in almost the same movement sends everything on the table flying to the floor. He shoves the lamp off the table and slings a heavy chair across the room. The camera zooms in on his face as he leans on the table. First white anger then utter despair cross his face as he looks around realizing that he is completely alone. The last notes of the song fade out.]





[Scene opens backstage of a huge rock concert. The rock star (a boy in his early 20's, with long blond hair and glasses on inside is dressed all in leather) and his manager round the corner]


CROWD in the background

Corey! Corey! Corey! Corey! Corey! Corey!



You're on in 10. The label wants to open with "Baby, Be My Baby." Then you can roll right on into "Babycakes," and then the clean version of "Babymaker."

Oh, and, Corey?

Let's try to take it easy with the groupies tonight, huh?



Yeah, whatever.


[They reach his dressing room door and when they open it they see GADREEL (in SAM's body) sitting inside. The manager reacts quickly]



The hell -- security!



It's fine, Margey. You can go.



What? Corey --


COREY lowering his sunglasses

Bitch, did I stutter?!


[COREY enters and shuts the door behind him. GADREEL rises]



Hello, Gadreel.



Thaddeus. That's a new look, I must say.



Well, what can I say, you know? We all got booted out of the penthouse, and I just kind of figured... Why be an angel when you can be a God? [he motions to the monitor on the wall showing the raging crowd.]

How are you, old friend?



I am not your friend.



Well, I think you're being a little bit mean there, considering all the quality time we spent together.



I was imprisoned, and you tortured me.



Heaven has rules. Do the crime, do the time. That's it.



I made a mistake.



I was a guard. I was doing my job.



What you did to Abner, was that was your job?



Your boyfriend? Now, that, mnh -- that was just fun. Is that what you're here for -- the big payback? Fine. If you want to get a little bloody, uh, I have no problem kicking your ass -- again. You know, w-we'll say for old time's sa--


[THADDEUS pauses as he bends down to open his guitar case but finds it empty]


GADREEL [holding an angel blade]

Looking for this?



Gadreel...I'm sorry.


[GADREEL stabs him in the chest and he explodes in angel light]


[Scene changes to DEAN in the bunker's main room packing up every kind of weapon he owns into his duffle bag on the table.]





DEAN looks up to see CASTIEL standing there

Cas. Now, look at you, all suited up and back in the game.



I, um... I came as soon as you called. I wa--


[CASTIEL stops when he notices the broken lamp on the floor. His eyes travel to the strewn books and papers and the broken chair. He is immediately concerned for his friend.]



Dean, what happened? What's wrong?


[DEAN stops his packing and his face melts in emotion as he looks to his friend. Camera pans behind CASTIEL's back and when it comes out on his other side the men are sitting at the table and DEAN has just told CASTIEL the long, hurtful story.]



Sammy was dying. What was I supposed to do?



You let an angel possess him?



He said it was the only way, and I believed him. Now Sam's gone. Kevin's...



Dean, I'm sorry.



Yeah, well... Sorry don't pay the bills, does it? It sure as hell ain't gonna bring Kevin back. We got to find

that son of a bitch.



Dean. If the angel possessing Sam isn't Ezekiel, then who is it?



A dead man walking.



What, you're gonna destroy him?



Damn right.



You kill an angel, its vessel dies, too.



Think I don't know that? If I don't end Sam and that halo burns him out and I...

God, I was so damn stupid.



You were stupid for the right reasons.



Yeah, like that matters.



It does. Sometimes that's all that matters.



Listen to me. Sam is strong. If he knew an angel was possessing him, he could fight. He could cast the angel out.



Maybe. But as far as I know, he's in the dark. I don't know how we clue him in.



Do you remember Alfie?



The kid angel? Yeah. Why?



Before he died, he told me the demons were able to dig into his mind, access his coding. We might be able to do that here. Might be able to -- to bypass the angel and talk directly to Sam.



And you think that would work?



I don't know, but I think we should try.



Okay. Um, where do we start?


[Scene switches to DEAN and CASTIEL entering the bunker dungeon.]



Hello, boys.



Here's the deal -- you're gonna tell us how to hack an angel, and I'm gonna give you some of the good stuff. [DEAN holds up a syringe of blood]

Human blood, fresh from the tap. [pats his own arm]

Word is you're jonesing for it.



Please. I'll pass.



What do you want, then?



Well, for starters... A massage. Between the sitting and the shackles, a body gets a little stiff.



Yeah, I ain't rubbing you.



God, no. Get Kevin. His tiny fists can really work wonder--



Kevin is dead.



Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.


CASTIEL harshly

Don't pretend you care. You tried to kill him.



I told him this was gonna happen. I was the only person who tried to warn him. I told him to run.



From what?




How many times am I gonna have to say this? People in your general vicinity don't have much in the way

of a life-span.

Now, I can't teach you how to crack open an angel. It's more... art than science. But I can do it for you. All I ask in return is a little field trip. Dying for some fresh air. Chains on, naturally.






No? Of course not. Because if I'm plan "A," I'm sure you have a totally viable, much better plan "B."


CASTIEL [and DEAN pull aside]

You can't be considering this.



With the chains on, he can't do anything.



It's Crowley. He can always do something.



Looks like we need a tiebreaker. Go get moose, squirrel. [DEAN's mask slips and you can see his guilt]

Unless... Unless, of course, you can't. That's why you're here, isn't it? The poor giant baby's in trouble again, isn't he?



Are you done?



Depends. Do we have a deal?






Excellent. When do we leave?



Soon as I can scrounge up a ride.



Well, I have a vehicle. It stopped a few miles from here, inexplicably.


[Scene changes to a front yard with a dog eating out of a food bowl that reads Muffin's in pink letters. A lady picks her up and pets her as she notices CASTIEL, CROWLEY and DEAN walking down the street. CROWLEY's cuffs are covered by his jacket folded over his arms and DEAN is carrying a gas can. They approach CASTIEL's car. It is a cream colored 1978 Lincoln Continental]



Really? What are you, a pimp?



I like it.


DEAN [tries to start it]

Yeah, it's out of gas.



Riddle me this, boy wonder. Why do you need the wheels?



When you betray us, I'll be the one to carve out your heart.



Oh, Cass, such a flirt.


DEAN [finishes filling the tank]

All right. Let's go.






Uh, wrong. You're in the back.


[CASTIEL smirks at CROWLEY and steps to the front.]



Hey -- you, too. Keep an eye on him.


[CROWLEY now smirks at CASTIEL and gets in the back. CASTIEL rolls his eyes and follows.



Hey. Watch the leg.



You're on my side.


DEAN from the front

Hey! Hey! Hey!



[Scene switches to METATRON sitting in a bar drinking a martini. The bartender walks up and we see that it is GADREEL's former vessel from the hospital before he possessed SAM]



Get you anything else?



I'm good, thanks.


[GADREEL walks in and sets the backpack with the tablets on the counter for METATRON to see.]



Welcome home, sweethearts.


[GADREEL looks at his former vessel as he looks back with a foggy look as if he is trying to remember something.]



Strange seeing an old vessel, isn't it? Like looking in a funhouse mirror. But first things first -- the tasks I gave you, any hiccups?



Killing Thaddeus was easy. He had it coming.



I know all about your history. Why do you think I gave you his name? Consider it your signing bonus.

And the kid?



That was...less easy.



He was a threat, but I flipped a switch upstairs, and now that Kevin is gone, there will be no more Prophets. And what about Dean Winchester?



You never gave me his name, Metatron.



Not much for seizing the initiative, are we? Gadreel, we are writing our own epic story here. To make that work, sometimes you have to kill your darlings. It's not like you haven't done worse before.

[GADREEL gives him a very angry look]

Sorry. Sorry. Onto new business.

[METATRON slides a folded napkin over to GADREEL]

Your next target.


GADREEL spits out angrily

How many more lives do I have to take?



It's not your place to ask questions. It is your place to obey. You want to be my second in command? Prove you're ready. Prove you're loyal. Or don't. Walk away. Go back to being Gadreel the traitor, the sap, heaven's longest-running joke.


[Scene changes back to the lady with the dog named Mittens. The dog is nowhere to be seen but the bowl is filled with blood and she is chanting a spell over it to turn it into a Blood Phone]



Inferni clamavi ad te regem.


I found him.

Crowley is on the move.



[Scene opens with CASTIEL, CROWLEY and DEAN sitting in the lobby of a fancy office building that looks like a financial association.]



Your source is in here?



And she can track anything you need, even our little lost Samantha.






Well, this place isn't really...this. It's a front for an N.S.A. listening post.



What are they listening for?



Everything. The U.S. government is quite the voyeur these days. So I planted one of my best and let her go to work.



Looking for terrorists?



Looking for marks, slow boat.


[Two security guards approach]

Mr. Crowley? She'll see you now.

[CASTIEL and DEAN stand up to join him]

Uh, just Mr. Crowley.



I'll be listening to every word you say.





[CROWLEY is shown into a high tech office with a sharp looking lady behind a desk.]



Cecily. How are you?



Better than you. That was Dean Winchester, and...Castiel?



Yes, I know. Without the tie, he's barely recognizable. It's so --



...hot. I mean, human Castiel? Eh. But feathered Castiel?



Human Castiel?



You heard what happened to him, right?



I've been tied up. Pray, do tell.


[DEAN and CASTIEL are still sitting in the lobby.]



Hear anything?



No. The room Crowley's in has been warded.



Awesome. That's friggin' awesome.


[CECILY continues updating CROWLEY on the highpoints of the months he's missed.]



So captain sexy out there totally cuts another angel's throat, yoinks his Grace, and now? He's got his mojo back -- minus the broken wings.



Well, that explains the hooptie. And we know all this how?



I tuned one of our satellites to pick up angel radio.






Yeah. Not just a pretty face.



What about Hell?



No one's doing their job. I send oodles of data down there every week, but does Hell give a damn? No.



Well. Of course. With Abaddon in charge, you...?



Oh, that "b" with an "itch" ain't the boss. I mean, she's got a few of the more aggro types on her side. But most are just waiting to see who takes the belt -- you or her.



They're still afraid of me.



Probably 'cause they don't know you're in cuffs.


CROWLEY lifting his wrists

Speaking of which... Do they come off?



Not without the key.



Fine. I need you to do me a favor. Can you find this car for me? [He hands a piece of paper to her]


CECILY [reading the note]



[She turns to her computer and starts entering the IMPALA's license plate numbers]



Nice to know someone's still loyal.


CECILY [unconvincingly]




That is, of course, if you're not playing both sides?


CECILY [with a pointed look]

Wouldn't you?


[Back in the lobby, CROWLEY hands DEAN a paper with pictures of the IMPALA going through an intersection.]



Your phallus on wheels just ran a red light in Somerset, Pennsylvania, 10 minutes ago.



Let's go.



The three amigos ride again.



He's not my amigo.


[Scene changes to GADREEL getting out of the IMPALA and approaching a house with a man bending over a flower garden picking weeds. He has his back to GADREEL.]



Alexander Sarver?


MAN [turning around]


[His face lights up in recognition]



GADREEL [shocked]




I thought you were dead. W-what happened? W-what are you doing here?



I -- What are you doing here?


[A little girl runs out of the house]

Daddy! Daddy!


ABNER picks her up

Hey. Delilah, this is daddy's best friend. Can you say hi?






You have a child?



I have family, Gadreel. Look, my wife and the niblet are going to a movie. Swing back in a few hours so we can catch up. Okay?



Okay. Sure.


[Later at ABNER's house, GADREEL and ABNER sit in his livingroom]



So, um, you have a job?



Customer support -- computers mostly. It's like answering prayers, but they pay you for it.



You have changed, Abner.



Yeah, well, I was a crappy angel. I was petulant. I deserted my post. I spent 700 years in heaven's lockup. I... No. Doesn't matter. We're a long way from Thaddeus now.



I killed him, Abner. I got our revenge.



I w-- I wish you hadn't done that.



But why? He tortured us -- you most of all.



I remember. And I remember you were always there to put me back together.



We were friends.



We are friends. And the fall, it's our second chance. We can forget our old hates, who we were.



It's not that easy.



Yes, it is. Look at me. I'm happy.



And your vessel -- is he happy?



He was an abusive ass. But I love my family, and they love me. I'm not a wise man, Gadreel. But I know this. The key to happiness? It's getting the one thing you want most and never letting it go.



And what if there's a price?



There's always a price. But it's worth paying.


[Scene changes to out in front of the house. DEAN and CASTIEL walk up and as DEAN walks by the IMPALA he run his hands over the car, making sure she is okay. DEAN walks into the house alone and sees ABNER with his throat slit on the floor. He then hears the kitchen water running and we see GADREEL washing blood off his hands in the sink.]


GADREEL [without turning around]

You should not have come here, Dean.



You killed my friend, then you take my brother, and you think I'm gonna let that stand?



I allowed you to live.





[DEAN lunges for GADREEL but he uses his angel force to knock DEAN back into a bookcase; knocking him unconscious. As GADREEL goes in for the kill he hears CASTIEL behind him. As he swings around CASTIEL delivers a knockout punch and GADREEL crumbles to the floor.]



[Scene opens in CECILY's office as ABADDON paces back and forth in front of her desk]



So Crowley was here.



Yeah, um, I thought you'd want to know.



You thought right. And now? Any idea where he scampered off to?



Somerset, Pennsylvania, with Dean Winchester and the angel Castiel.



And you know this how?



They're chasing an Impala. I helped them track it.



You helped Crowley?



Yeah. I'm kind of playing both sides until someone w-- until you win.






Smart, right?



No. [stabs her with an angel blade] Sort of the opposite.


[Scene switches to GADREEL, DEAN, CROWLEY and CASTIEL in an abandoned warehouse. GADREEL is tied to a chair with warded handcuffs and is in a chin and head restraint. GADREEL regains consciousness as the scene opens.]



Welcome to the party, pal. Cas, how we lookin'?



Most of Sam's internal burns have healed. I should be able to fix the rest.

What's your name? I thought I knew every angel in heaven, but I've never seen you.



Why would I tell you anything?



Well, I don't give a damn who you are. You need to get out -- now!



And if I don't?



Then you and I will have a lovely little playdate.



Even bound, I can rip this body apart. Tell them, Castiel.



You do, you die.



You want this to end? Go ahead. Put a blade through your brother's heart.

If it makes you feel better, I have Sam locked away in a dream. As far as he knows, the two of you are

working a case right now -- something with ghouls and cheerleaders.



Why are you doing this, huh? We fought together. And I trusted you. I thought you were one of the good guys!



I am doing what I have to do.



Well, so am I.


[DEAN nods to CROWLEY who gets up and picks up a large thick needle from a tray and moves toward GADREEL.]



So am I.


[CROWLEY sticks the needle into GADREEL's temple and starts to move it around. GADREEL screams in pain. DEAN's face hardens and he checks his watch. There is a small montage as we watch CROWLEY push more needles into the front of GADREEL's forehead and into his other temple. GADREEL's pained screams and groans fill the air. It becomes more evident that DEAN is having a hard time dealing with SAM's body being tortured. He finally walks suddenly away. CASTIEL, concerned, follows after him. He catches up to DEAN and we can see that DEAN is fighting desperately not to break down in tears.]






I can't watch that anymore.



I understand. It's not Sam, but... It's still Sam.


DEAN [voice cracking with emotion]

Pretty much, yeah. How are you doing?


CASTIEL [kind of surprised]

You want to talk about me now?



I want to talk about anything that's not a demon sticking needles into my brother's brain.

[DEAN looks out a window trying to control his emotions but we see tears pooling in his eyes]

Yeah, humor me, man. How you doing?



Uh... I'm okay.



Good. Good. That's, uh... So, what, you just change the batteries out, power back up? It's that easy?



It wasn't easy, but I didn't have a choice.



Yeah. Well, that's usually how it goes.

Cas... I'm sorry.



About what?



Kickin' you out of the bunker. That's, uh... You know, not telling you about Sam.



You thought his life was at stake.



Yeah, I got played.



I thought I was saving Heaven. I got played, too.


DEAN [with a weak smile]

So you're sayin' we're both a couple of dumbasses?


CASTIEL [gently smiling back]

I prefer the word "trusting." Less dumb. Less ass.


CROWLEY [from the other room]

Laverne! Shirley! Get in here!


[DEAN and CASTIEL rush back into the room]



Pinhead's out cold, but watch this.


[CROWLEY moves two of the needles stuck in GADREEL's left temple. He sucks in a breath and starts to speak in Enochian.]



Zir noco iad Gadreel. Zir noco iad Gadreel.



What's he saying?



His name. Gadreel.



Does that mean something to you?



Well, it's why I've never seen him. He's been imprisoned since the dawn of time. Gadreel was the sentry who allowed Lucifer into the garden.



My, my. A celebrity.



Wait, the garden? Like eden? Adam and Eve? Fig-leaves garden?



It's his fault -- all of it. The corruption of man, demons, hell. God left because of him. The archangels --

the apocalypse. If he hadn't been so weak, none of it would have happened.


[CASTIEL gets white hot with anger and starts to shake the unconscious GADREEL]


You ruined the universe, you damn son of a bitch!


DEAN [grabs CASTIEL and swings him around to face him.]

Cas! Cas! Hey!



Dean, he --



I get it. But you got to chill.


[CROWLEY continues to probe needles into GADREEL's head. DEAN looks on]



What's taking so long?



Other than the fact that I'm trying to unravel a living, multidimensional knot of pure energy, not much.


[GADREEL gasps in a breath and opens his eyes. DEAN looks forward hoping it is SAM's consciousness that is speaking, but...]



It won't work. You will never find your brother. Go ahead. Poke and prod. I can sit in this chair for years and watch you fail over and over again. I've endured much worse than this, Dean. So...much...worse. And I have all the time in the world.



Shut up! All right. Plan "B." Cas, you got to possess him.






Do it now! Get in there, tell Sam what's going on, and help him kick that lying son of a bitch out!



It might work. But I can't possess a vessel without permission.


[CROWLEY clears his throat and raises his hand as a volunteer]



No. Not happening.



Don't be daft. Demons can take what they want. I can burrow into that rat's nest of a head. I can wake Sam up. Just call me plan "C."



You can't --



...you got a better idea?


What about the angel?



I'll work fast.



And if he finds you?



I'll run. I'm not dying for you lot. Of course, if I do this, you're gonna have to...



Take off the leash. Yeah, I know.



And it stays off. I save Sam, I leave here a free man. Do we have a deal?



Cas, burn off Sam's tattoo.






Do it. Do it.


[CASTIEL walks over to GADREEL and pulls down his shirt collar to reveal his warding tattoo. In a blaze of light, CASTIEL removes the tattoo.]



If you mess with Sam, if you try anything --



I keep my bargains. Besides, I don't want to be inside your brother any longer than I have to. I'm not one

for sloppy seconds.



When you find him, say "Poughkeepsie." It's our go word. It means "drop everything and run."



Fine. While I'm gone, hands off the suit.


GADREEL [glaring at CROWLEY]

I will destroy you.



Eat me.


[A cloud of red demon smoke shoots out of CROWLEY's mouth and rockets into GADREEL's mouth]



[DEAN and CASTIEL are waiting next to GADREEL's unconscious body. DEAN is pacing]



A demon and an angel walk into my brother. Sounds like a bad joke.



Dean, if this doesn't work...


DEAN [refusing to entertain the alternative]

It'll work.


[Scene changes to SAM working at the table in the bunker. He is flipping through a book trying to figure something out.]



I mean, it just doesn't make any sense. Why is this ghoul only chomping on dead cheerleaders?


DEAN [from the other room]

Hey, you want a beer?!



No, I'm fine.


CROWLEY [appearing]

Not bad.


SAM [jumping from his chair in shock]

Dean? Dean!





SAM [still on the alert but curious]

How do you know that word?



Because Dean's sent me, Bullwinkle, the real Dean. I'll make this quick -- you've been possessed by an angel. He's got you packed away in some dusty corner of your own mind, and I'm here to break you out.


SAM [not believing a word of it]




Fine. We'll do this the fun way.


[He picks up DEAN's gun from the table and shoots SAM full on in the chest. SAM shakes in shock but then realizes he is fine and not even bleeding.]



See? Not real. Like I said. I know how possession works, Sam. You've seen everything that he's seen, even if you can't remember. That's what I need you to do. I need you to remember.


[SAM closes his eyes and tries and then is bombarded with memories from when GADREEL was in control. He sees himself in the hospital bed, slicing Demon Soldier throats, talking with DEAN in the courtyard and finally burning Kevin's eyes out with his own hand. His face crumbles as he puts the pieces together.]


SAM [heartbreakingly]

Did I kill Kevin?



No, you didn't. He did. You need to take control, Sam. Blow it up and cast that punk-ass holy roller out!


[SAM looks up and sees GADREEL (in his old vessel form) standing behind CROWLEY]



What? Oh, bollocks.



Hello, Sam.



Who are you?



His name is Gadreel, the original chump.



Was a chump. And now? I'm going to be the one that leads my kind back to heaven. I'm going to be a hero. But you, demon, for all your chatter, you will always be a coward. You should be running.


[CROWLEY punches GADREEL in the face and GADREEL swings back hurling him over the table. GADREEL starts to kick him and SAM comes to his rescue only to be thrown backwards over the table himself. GADREEL straddles him and starts to strangle him.]



Give up, boy. You're not strong enough.



Take control, Sam! Cast him out!


SAM [only gets a few words out before being choked]

Get out of my --



you sure you want me to go? Maybe I'm the only thing holding you together. I leave, you might die.


SAM [does a trick move and gets the upper hand. He stands and presses his foot down on GADREEL's neck]



I said get...the hell...Out!


[Immediately, white angel smoke leaves SAM's body in the warehouse as DEAN and CASTIEL dodge the brilliant light.


METATRON still sits at the bar now having drunk about four martinis. GADREEL's old vessel is still there tending the bar. He comes over to METATRON.]



Waiting for someone?



I am, and he's late.


[The building begins to shake, all the glass breaks and a brilliant light shines through the windows.]





[The white angel smoke shoves its way down the BARTENDER's throat. METATRON looks amused.]



Let me guess. Winchester trouble?


[Red smoke flies out of SAM's mouth and into CROWLEY's body. SAM gasps and regains consciousness. DEAN and CASTIEL run to him.]



Sam! Cas?


CROWLEY [all indignant]

I'm fine. Thanks for asking.


CASTIEL [removing the needles from SAM's head]

Sam, are you okay?





[Headlights flash in the window and CASTIEL goes and checks it out as DEAN un-cuffs his brother.]


CASTIEL [looking out the window to see two stunt demons and ABADDON exit the car]

It's Abaddon.



Go. The back door. I'll handle this.



Oh, 'cause you're such a good guy?



Right now, I'm the goodest guy you got.



This don't make us square. I see you again --



I'm dead. Yes, I know. I love you, too.


[DEAN and CASTIEL each grab one of SAM's arms and help him out the back door.



Pleasure doing business with you boys, as always.


[CROWLEY sits down in the chair SAM just vacated as ABADDON and her stunt demons enter. He swivels around slowly]


Hello, darling.



[In the warehouse. CROWLEY, ABADDON and the two stunt demons]




[To her demons]

Bring me his head. [They hesitate]


CROWLEY [smirking]

See, that's the thing about demons. They're only obedient to a point. Right. Let's have a chat.



I'm not here to talk.



And I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to them, the average demon, because I feel their pain. It must have been difficult, with your loving king so cruelly taken from you. I imagine you felt all at sea. And then along came...The brute. [He motions to ABADDON] She's strong...and a knight and immortal --at the moment. So I'm not surprised that some of my more idiotic subjects bought her line. But now? Good news, fellas.

[CROWLEY stands]

Daddy's home.



Hell doesn't want you, Crowley. It's mine.



Is it? Not what I hear. Not while I'm still kicking.



Well, then, let's settle it. You and me. Right here. Winner takes the crown.



See, that's your problem, love. You think this is a fight.



It's not?



It's a campaign. Hearts and minds, that's what's important. See, the demons have a choice -- take orders from the world's angriest ginger -- and that's saying something -- or join my team, where everyone gets

a say, a virgin, and all the entrails they can eat.

So, think on this, lads. Spread the word -- vote Crowley.


[CROWLEY snaps his fingers and disappears]


[CASTIEL, SAM and DEAN are on a long dock in the pouring rain. CASTIEL slowly moves his hand over SAM's head healing all the stab wounds from the needles. SAM sways unsteadily.]



You feel better?



A little, yeah.



It'll take time to fully heal you. We'll have to do it in stages.


[SAM nods in agreement but keeps looking unsteadily at his older brother. DEAN approaches with reservation. CASTIEL backs away to a respectful distance.]



All right. Let me hear it.



What you do want me to say -- that I'm pissed? Okay. I am. I'm pissed.

You lied to me. Again.



I didn't have a choice.


SAM [emotion clouding his voice]

I was ready to die, Dean!



I know. But I wouldn't let you, because that's not in me.



So, what? You decide to trick me into being possessed by some...psycho angel?



He saved your life.



So what? I was willing to die.

And now... Kevin... [His eyes fill with guilty tears]


DEAN [strongly]

No. That is not on you. Kevin's blood is on my hands, and that ain't ever getting clean. I'll burn for that. I will. But I'll find Gadreel. And I will end that son of a bitch.

But I'll do it alone.



What's that supposed to mean?



Come on, man. Can't you see? I'm... I'm poison, Sam. People get close to me, they get killed...or worse.

You know, I tell myself that I-I -- I help more people than I hurt. And I tell myself that I'm -- I'm doing it all

for the right reasons, and I -- I believe that. But I can't -- I won't... Drag anybody through the muck with me. Not anymore.


[DEAN looks pleadingly at his brother]



Go. I'm not gonna stop you.


[DEAN's face falls in defeat and surrender and after shooting CASTIEL a glace he slowly turns to walk away.]



But don't go thinking that's the problem, 'cause it's not.


DEAN [pausing but not turning back around]

What's that supposed to mean?



Just go.


[DEAN slowly walks to the IMPALA as CASTIEL comes back to stand with SAM. DEAN unlocks the car and slowly climbs in. He drives away leaving his brother and the angel in the rain.]




Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (09.05.2021 à 18:33)

L'alliance Dean/ Castiel/ Crowley fonctionne à merveille dans cet épisode. Les scènes de "torture" de Gadreel sont dures à regarder car comme Dean c'est Sam que nous voyons se faire triturer le cerveau! Et Dean est si touchant quand il doit quitter la pièce... heureusement que Castiel est là, sa présence le réconforte quelque peu... et puis à la fin  c'est lui qui soulage Sam et c'est lui qui va devoir veiller sur lui maintenant que Dean est parti! Cet épisode est vraiment dur pour les nerfs en fait! Sam est enfin libéré mais là il va avoir du mal à pardonner quand même!


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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