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#823 : L'arc de Cupidon

QUE DOIVENT SACRIFIER SAM, DEAN ET CASTIEL POUR FERMER A JAMAIS LES PORTES DE L'ENFER ? - Avec Crowley déterminé à détruire tout le bien que les Winchesters ont fait durant leur vie de chasseurs, Sam et Dean se retrouvent au pied du mur. Cependant, avec l'aide de Kevin, les boys tentent un dernier coup de poker contre le Roi des Enfers. Metatron met en place un plan, avec Castiel, pour se débarasser de Naomi et de la bureaucratie régnant au Paradis. Alaina Huffman et Kim Rhodes en guest stars.


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L'arc de Cupidon

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Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) prisonnier de Naomi (Amanda Tapping)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) prisonnier de Naomi (Amanda Tapping)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) prisonnier de Naomi (Amanda Tapping)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) prisonnier de Naomi (Amanda Tapping)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) malade

Sam (Jared Padalecki) malade

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 15.05.2013 à 21:00
2.31m / 1.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jeremy Carver
Réalisé par : Phil Sgriccia


Casting :

Misha Collins ... Castiel

Mark Sheppard ... Crowley

Osric Chau ... Kevin Tran

Kim Rhodes ... Shérif Jody Mills

Amanda Tapping ... Naomi

Curtis Armstrong ... Metatron

Alaina Huffman ... Abaddon

Diana Pavlovská ... Gail

Courtney Hojenski ... Nancy

Devin Pihlainen ... Nathaniel

Bruce Blain ... Dwight Charles

Mike Wasko ... Rod


Personnages mineurs :


Il se pose des questions sur Dieu et écoute Metatron. Il est rassuré d’apprendre que la prochaine épreuve pour fermer les portes du Paradis ne consiste pas en un nouveau meurtre. Il s’agit de prendre l’arc d’un cupidon. Mais Naomi débarque et enlève Metatron. Castiel demande alors à Dean de l’aider. Naomi apparait à nouveau et leur révèle que ce que veut vraiment Metatron c’est expulser les anges du Paradis pour se venger. Castiel ne la croit pas, mais elle disait la vérité et Metatron s’empare de sa grâce pour achever son plan.



Sa nouvelle victime est le shérif Mills avec qui il flirte avant de lui jeter un sort, mais les Winchester lui proposent alors un pacte. Il se présente devant eux pour récupérer la tablette des démons et tombe dans un piège. Alors que Sam essaye de le guérir il appelle à l’aide mais son message est entendu par Abaddon qui n’est pas sa plus grande fan. Heureusement Sam parvient à neutraliser Abaddon. Il semble ensuite retrouver un peu d’humanité grâce au traitement de Sam et déclare vouloir être aimé.



Kevin Tran

Il déterre la partie de la tablette des démons qu’il avait cachée et la confie aux Winchester puis va se mettre à l’abri dans le bunker. Castiel et Dean lui demandent ensuite de traduire la tablette sur les anges pour découvrir la suite des épreuves et il a du mal à faire comprendre à Castiel qu’il ne peut pas faire cela en un éclair. Quand Naomi prétend que Metatron veut expulser tous les anges du Ciel, il ne peut pas confirmer ses déclarations. Alors qu’il s’apprête à quitter le bunker les alarmes se déclenchent et une carte s’allume indiquant les activités surnaturelles tandis que les anges tombent sur Terre.


Shérif Jody Mills

Elle est à un rendez-vous avec Crowley qui utilise son prénom, Roderick. Les deux s'entendent bien et Crowley prétend avoir perdu lui aussi quelqu'un de spécial, rappelant à Jody les morts de son fils et de son mari (5.15)  et elle commence à pleurer. Jody va se calmer et se remaquiller, mais trouve un sac de sorcière et commence à étouffer. Dean et Sam proposent alors un accord à Crowley pour qu’il cesse de tuer ceux qu’ils ont pu sauver auparavant.




Elle enlève Metatron et l’emmène dans son bureau au Paradis. Metatron la reconnaît comme étant l'ange auquel il aurait dû faire son rapport après que Dieu a quitté le Ciel. Elle commence à le torturer et est horrifiée par ce qu’elle découvre. Elle part immédiatement informer Castiel que Metatron se sert de lui pour expulser tous les anges du Ciel. Castiel ne la croit pas, mais Naomi insiste. Elle révèle également à Dean que finir les épreuves pour fermer les portes de l’Enfer causera la mort de Sam. Naomi retourne au paradis où Castiel retrouvera plus tard son cadavre.



Il continue son compagnonnage avec Castiel pour soi-disant fermer les portes du Paradis. Ils surveillent un homme dont il sait qu’il va recevoir la visite d’un cupidon pour se saisir de l’arc du chérubin. Naomi fait alors son apparition et l’enlève pour le conduire dans son bureau au Paradis où elle se livre à de drôles de pratiques. Il lui dévoile son désir de vengeance puis parvient à se libérer. Et pour atteindre son véritable but qui est d’expulser les anges du Paradis il s’empare de la grâce de Castiel.




Elle fait son apparition suite à l’appel au secours de Crowley, casse le piège du diable le retenant et désarme Sam. Cependant, elle n’est pas là pour sauver Crowley. Elle est furieuse parce qu’il est devenu Roi de l’Enfer alors qu’elle se considère comme bien supérieure. Elle le frappe alors qu’il est toujours entravé et sans défense mais à ce moment Sam l’asperge d’huile sainte et allume le feu. Elle se tord de douleur et est forcée de laisser le corps de Josie Sands et de fuir en fumée.



Dwight Charles

C’est le propriétaire d’un bar qui va tomber amoureux grâce à l’intervention d’un cupidon. Castiel et Metatron, puis Castiel et Dean le surveillent pour pouvoir s’emparer de l’arc du chérubin à l’origine de son idylle.





Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Jody Mills a un rendez-vous galant avec un certain Patrick. Elle ne le sait pas, mais l'homme en question n'est autre que Crowley. Tandis qu'il commence à la séduire, et qu'elle s'isole un moment aux toilettes, il sort ses ustensiles de sorcier et active le sort sur Jody, qui commence à s'étouffer. Crowley reçoit alors un appel des Winchesters, qui accepte le marché. Ils échangent les tablettes, Sam et Dean arrêtent les épreuves et Crowley arrête de tuer. Mais le Roi n'en n'a pas assez, et exige que Dean déclare qu'ils se rendent.


Les boys rejoignent Kevin à l'endroit où il a caché la première moitié de la tablette des démons. Kevin l'avait enterrée sous un panneau représentant une caricature du diable. Kevin leur donne le morceau de pierre, et Dean lui tend la clé du bunker, afin qu'il s'y mette à l'abri.

Castiel et Metatron sont en route pour la deuxième épreuve. Il s'agit de prendre l'arc d'un cupidon, aussi les deux anges surveillent la prochaine personne que les chérubins ont sur leur liste : un homme, Dwight Charles, propriétaire d'un bar, et s'apprêtant à trouver l'amour dans les prochaines 24 heures. Castiel s'assure auprès de Metatron que l'épreuve ne consistera pas en un nouveau meurtre.

Dean et Sam retrouvent Crowley à Sioux Falls, dans l'ancienne casse de Bobby, afin de signer le contrat. Les boys font semblant de se disputer après que Crowley ait exigé que Sam signe le parchemin.

L'un des sbires de Naomi lui rend visite dans son bureau, afin de lui apprendre qu'ils ont retrouvé Castiel. Mais il déclare également que l'ange n'est pas seul, et que, d'après la description qu'on lui a faite, celui qui l'accompagne serait le scribe de Dieu.

Dean lit le contrat, mais Crowley coupe court à la lecture. Sam s'approche, soit disant pour signer le papier, mais un bref signe de tête à Dean, et ce dernier passe les menottes à Crowley. D'abord dubitatif, le démon déchante très vite. Non seulement les menottes sont gravées de sigils anti-démons, mais les boys enfoncent le clou en lui annonçant qu'il est la prochaine épreuve.

Castiel et Metatron sont assis dans le bar tenu par Dwight. Castiel est persuadé qu'aider l'homme à trouver l'amour fera venir le cupidon plus vite. Mais la mission est interrompue par Naomi et ses sbires, qui débarquent, et capturent Metatron. Naomi ordonne de tuer Castiel, mais les anges n'ont pas le temps d'agir, car Dwight a décidé de se défendre. Metatron appelle à la paix, et les anges s'en vont avec le prisonnier. Castiel se retrouve seul.

Dean et Sam emmènent Crowley dans une vieille église abandonnée, et l'enferment à l'intérieur, grâce à un piège à démons et des chaînes. Sam prépare le matériel. Il ne manque plus que la confession pour purifier son sang, et Dean lui propose quelques idées, comme avoir fréquenté Ruby ou ne pas avoir cherché après lui alors qu'il était au Purgatoire. Sam se rend ensuite au confessionnal. Pendant ce temps, alors que Dean est toujours à l'extérieur, Castiel l'interpèle. L'ange lui demande son aide : Metatron a été enlevé par Naomi, aussi Castiel doit terminer seul les épreuves pour fermer les portes du Paradis.

Naomi s'apprête à interroger Metatron. Elle cherche à savoir pourquoi il est soudainement sorti de l'ombre, après avoir passé son temps à se cacher, sachant que les anges le chercheraient. Metatron joue les sarcastiques, et Naomi commence alors à chercher les réponses sans sa tête.

Castiel vient de terminer ses explications et demande une nouvelle fois à Dean de l'aider. Si Dean approuve sa démarche, il ne souhaite pas laisser Sam seul avec Crowley. Sam surprend leur conversation, et convainc Dean qu'il peut s'en aller. Dean accepte, à contrecoeur, de suivre Castiel, mais demande à Sam d'achever l'épreuve même s'il n'est pas revenu à temps. Sam commence donc l'épreuve. Il fait une première injection à Crowley, qui est convaincu que cela ne fonctionnera pas.

Castiel et Dean se rendent au bunker, afin que Kevin traduise la tablette des anges. Kevin refuse, déclarant qu'il ne pourra pas traduire la tablette en seulement six heures, sachant qu'il a fallu plus de six mois pour une seule partie de la tablette des démons. Comme il ne veut rien entendre au discours de Dean, Castiel prend les devants, et oblige Kevin à se mettre au travail. Puis l'ange et le chasseur partent pour achever la deuxième épreuve.

Das l'église, Sam fait une nouvelle injection à Crowley. Le démon en profite pour attraper le bras de Sam, et le mordre jusqu'au sang. Sam, surpris, frappe Crowley et sort pour soigner sa blessure. Crowley recrache le sang dans sa main, et l'utiliser pour lancer un message de détresse.

Dean est au bar, et Castiel revient de sa quête pour une femme pour Dwight, bredouille. Dean demande alors à son ami si il est sûr de vouloir fermer les portes du Paradis. Castiel est conscient qu'il est fort possible qu'il n'y survive pas, de même qu'il n'y aura pas de retour possible, mais il est certain que c'est la seule chose à faire. Vient alors une livreuse. Les deux observent, tandis qu'elle discute avec Dwight, et Rod, un client. Elle pose alors une main sur l'épaule des deux hommes, puis s'en va. Castiel et Dean se rendent alors compte que Rod et Dwight viennent de tomber amoureux, et que la livreuse est le cupidon qu'ils cherchent.

Dans l'église, Crowley se moque de Sam, tandis qu'il s'affaiblit à mesure que les heures passent. Soudain, l'église tremble, le sol se fissure, jusqu'au piège à démons. Abaddon entre, et projette Sam à travers l'un des vitraux. Crowley est persuadé qu'elle vient pour le libérer, mais la raison de sa venue est toute autre. Dans le même temps, Dean et Castiel rencontrent le cupidon. De retour dans l'église. Abaddon frappe Crowley, à plusieurs reprises, et lui fait part de ses intentions de le destituer de son titre de Roi. Alors qu'elle s'apprête à l'achever, Sam revient, lui jette de l'huile sainte, et allume des allumettes. Abaddon est forcé de quitter son vaisseau, en flammes.

Castiel et Dean viennent d'explique au cupidon leurs intentions. Elle avoue ne plus être remontée au Paradis depuis longtemps, avec le chaos qui y règne. Convaincue par les arguments de Castiel, elle accepte de lui céder son arc.

Naomi a découvert des choses terrifiantes dans la tête de Metatron. Ce dernier explique que le départ de Dieu l'a rendu malade, mais le pire, c'est d'avoir été obligé de s'exiler de sa propre maison à cause des archanges et de leur arrogance. Aujourd'hui, il souhaite se venger. Naomi s'envole, sans prendre la précaution de ranger son instrument.

Sam fait une nouvelle injection à Crowley, après l'avoir remis à sa place. Crowley le supplie d'arrêter, et il clame soudain son besoin d'être aimé. Sam est perplexe, mais il comprend que l'épreuve se déroule comme prévue. Une heure plus tard, alors qu'il s'apprête à lui administrer une dernière injection, Crowley demande à Sam comment il pourra être pardonné pour ses fautes. Sam lui dit qu'il faut commencer par terminer le processus. Crowley se soumet sans condition.

Dean téléphone à Kevin pour connaitre la dernière épreuve. Le problème, c'est que Kevin n'a rien vu sur la tablette qui parle de l'arc d'un cupidon ou d'un néphilim. C'est alors que Naomi débarque, et supplie Castiel de tout arrêter. Elle dit que Metatron a menti, et que son but n'est pas d'accomplir les épreuves inscrites sur la tablette, mais de faire chuter les anges sur Terre. Elle annonce également à Dean que si Sam achève la dernière épreuve, il mourra. Avant de s'envoler, elle assure à Castiel qu'elle l'écoutera s'il veut revenir au Paradis, à condition qu'il cesse de suivre le chemin entrepris. Une fois qu'elle est partie, Dean tente de savoir auprès de Kevin si elle a menti, ce dont Castiel est persuadé. Kevin n'en sait rien. Dean ordonne à Castiel de le ramener auprès de Sam immédiatement.

Dean arrivé à l'église, n'a pas le temps de retenir Castiel qui souhaite achever les épreuves, toujours persuadé que c'est la bonne chose à faire. Il entre dans l'église, juste à temps, alors que Sam allait faire boire de son sang à Crowley, dernière étape de l'exorcisme de guérison. Castiel est remonté dans le bureau de Naomi, et la retrouve morte. Metatron l'a tué, et menace maintenant Castiel d'une épée angélique, avouant qu'il a menti.

Dean explique à Sam que Metatron a menti : si il achève l'épreuve, Sam meurt. Sam n'est pas convaincu par cet argument, au grand désespoir de Dean. Metatron explique à Castiel que ce qu'ils ont fait n'étaient pas des épreuves, mais la récolte d'ingrédients pour un sort. La dernière pièce du puzzle est la grâce d'un ange, aussi prend-il celle de Castiel. Il lui demande de ne plus se soucier du Paradis, de vivre une vie d'homme normale, puis de lui raconter son histoire une fois que son heure sera venue. Il renvoie Castiel sur Terre.

Sam, désespéré, assure à Dean qu'il doit terminer le processus, afin que d'autres gens ne meurent pas. Dean lui rétorque qu'ils en savent suffisamment maintenant pour ne pas laisser les démons prendre l'avantage. Mais le problème n'est pas là. Sam avoue qu'il est fatigué d'être une déception aux yeux de son frère, et il est convaincu qu'il n'a pas besoin de lui, qu'il n'est qu'un poids que Dean doit se trainer. Dean s'ouvre alors et lui assure que ce n'est pas vrai : il a tué Benny pour le sauver, et est prêt à laisser les démons en liberté afin de le garder auprès de lui. Il déclare qu'il n'y a rien qui puisse passer devant Sammy, et le supplie d'ouvrir les yeux sur ce fait. Sam cède alors aux supplications de son frère, mais ne sait pas comment arrêter. Dean le prend dans ses bras pour le calmer, et la lumière brillant dans les bras de Sam s'évanouit. Les deux frères pensent que c'est terminé, mais Sam est violemment frappé par la douleur. Dean l'aide à sortir, mais Sam ne peut pas rester debout et les deux sont obligés de se caler contre l'Impala.

Dean appelle Castiel à l'aide, mais celui-ci se réveille dans les bois, sans pouvoir entendre le SOS de son ami. Dans le bunker, les machines s'allument les unes après les autres, les alarmes s'affolent. Le vent souffle à l'extérieur, tandis que dans le ciel, des boules de lumière fendent l'air pour s'écraser sur terre. Dean, Sam, Castiel... Ils lèvent tous les yeux vers les cieux qui se vident de leurs habitants. Les anges, ils chutent.


Ecrit par Deanlove35.



[SHERIFF JODY MILLS sits at a booth in a nice restaurant as NANCY, a waitress, walks up behind her with a glass of red wine and sets it in front of JODY.]




On the house, Sheriff.



Oh, thanks, Nance, but I didn't order –





[NANCY quickly turns her head to see CROWLEY walking up and then back again to JODY.]


NANCY (mouths)

Good luck.



...what are we drinking?


CROWLEY sits down across from JODY.






Wow, Jody. Words cannot begin to describe the injustice that that picture does to you.



[ Chuckling ]

Come on.

[Time lapses as the two sit and talk and JODY smiles at CROWLEY.]






Look at you. The fancy career, the suit. I'm pretty much what I am -- small-town girl.



We do share something, you and I.







[JODY’S’ smile fades as she begins to think back to the time her husband and son were killed. Scenes flash showing her happy with her husband and son and then showing her husband lying in a pool of blood after her son turned into a zombie and killed him then a gunshot being heard and JODY wincing in emotional pain.]



My son and my husband. How did you know?


[JODY has her hands clasped on the table as she asks the question and CROWLEY reaches his right hand over the table and places it over her hands and gives a gentle squeeze.]



I've lost someone, too.


[JODY begins to cry then suddenly stops.]

[ Laughs ]


It's not a date till I've cried.


[JODY wipes a tear away with her right hand.]



So now you've cried.


[JODY brings her right hand down to cover over the hand that CROWLEY placed on hers.]


[The scene switches and JODY bursts into the restaurant bathroom and walks to the mirror to fix her makeup.]



Oh, this is crazy.

[ Door closes ]

This is crazy. [ Chuckles ]


[JODY digs through her purse.]



I'm crazy.


[CROWLEY is back at the table unwrapping a piece of cloth that has a red symbol on it that has a small pile of sticks with yarn wrapped around them in it and places the candle that is already lit on the table at the top of the cloth. CROWLEY smiles and the scene switches back to JODY in the bathroom who is applying lipstick.]



He's attractive, though, right? He's hot.


[CROWLEY takes out a picture of JODY with a symbol written in blood across her face and leans it against the base of the candle stick. CROWLEY looks around to see if anyone is watching then he chants over the prepared spell.]



Manu mortis accesso spiritus vitae recedit.


[As CROWLEY chants we see JODY in the bathroom looking curiously at a hex bad that she found in her purse. JODY bends over in sudden pain.]

[JODY begins to gasp, choke and retch in pain and blood begins to pour out of her mouth into the sink in front of her.]

[The scene switches to CROWLEY picking up his cell phone as it rings with a smile. (The ring tone playing “I like big butts and I cannot lie”)]



You have less than one minute before a very dear, attractive, and slightly tipsy friend of yours snuffs it.



[ Slams hand ] Call it off, Crowley.


CROWLEY [through DEANS cell phone and whose number reads 666]




Because it's over, you son of a bitch. We want to deal.



30 seconds.


[The scene switches back to JODY in the bathroom as she collapses to the floor on her side retching in pain.]



We stop the trials, and you stop the killing.



I want the Demon Tablet -- the whole Demon Tablet.



Fine, but then the Angel Tablet comes to us.



On what grounds?



On the grounds that you're a douche bag and no douche bag should have that much power. Deal or not?


[Scene switches to show JODY laying on her back on the floor of the bathroom with a bloody mouth gasping for air. We then see CROWLEY about to pinch the flame of the candle.]


First, I need to hear two little words --


[ JODY chokes ]



I surrender.


[DEAN rolls his eyes and looks off to his side without saying anything.]




[The IMPALA drives along a paved road and parks behind KEVIN TRANS’ car.]

[KEVIN is digging and he looks behind him to where the cars are parked to see DEAN and SAM get out of the IMPALA. DEAN and SAM walk across the road and over to KEVIN who continues to dig. The camera shows us the sign over the hole that KEVIN is digging and it has a picture of a devil and it has the words “Dave & Paul’s Chili Pot Restaurant” written on it. KEVIN comes out of the shallow hole holding a bag and he is taking the DEMON TABLET out of it.]



You hid the Demon Tablet underneath the devil? Seriously?



What? I was delirious.


[KEVIN places both pieces of the broken tablet together and they rebind into a complete tablet. He then hands it to SAM.]



You sure this is gonna work?



What choice do we have?


[DEAN takes out the key box that holds the KEY for the MEN OF LETTERS bunker that they use and removes the key from the box and hands it to KEVIN as he speaks.]



All right, listen, this is a secret lair. You understand me? No keggers.



I don't have any friends.



Yeah, well, just lay low. Who knows? You'll be a mathlete again before you know it.


[SAM and DEAN begin to walk away but KEVIN stops them.]



You guys? You're doing the right thing.


[SAM and DEAN look at each other and turn and walk back to their car.]


[Scene switches to a homeless guy holding a sign that reads “May God Bless You Donations Welcome”]


[Camera switches to CASTIEL'S face who is sitting next to METATRON on a covered bus stop bench.]



What was he like?



Who? Oh. God? Mm, pretty much like you'd expect. [ Sighs ] Larger-than-life, gruff, bit of a sexist.

But fair -- eminently fair. The Nephilim was a monster, Castiel.



And the next trial?



Across the street. His name is Dwight Charles. I've been listening in on the Angel radio. Cupid frequency, actually. And he is the next on their list.



Their list?



To do the horizontal mambo. Slap bellies. [ Sighs when CASTIEL looks to not understand ] To find love.



Oh. Yes.


[They watch DWIGHT sweep the front steps of the bar he works at called “Doc Marley’s Cocktails”]



Well, that. He's slotted to be dinged by Cupid's arrow within 24 hours, which is good for us, because the second trial is retrieving Cupid's bow.



No killing?



No killing.




Sioux Falls, North Dakota

[The IMPALA pulls into BOBBY'S junk yard and stops near one of the old buildings on the lot. DEAN and SAM get out of the car. DEAN and SAM walk up to BOBBY’S old car which is overrun with weeds, dirt, rust and has plants growing through the engine. As the boys stare at their old friends car a voice catches their attention]



Hello, boys.


[SAM and DEAN turn to their right and see CROWLEY standing about 50 feet away from them. DEAN looks around for anyone/thing else and he and SAM walk towards CROWLEY.]



What's that old expression? Success has many fathers. Failure is a Winchester.

[CROWLEY Laughs ]



Where's the stone?



You show us yours, and we'll show you ours.



Really, Dean? I'm trying to conduct a professional negotiation here, and you want to talk dangly bits?

The stone. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slowly.


[Sam slowly pulls the DEMON TABLET from inside his jacket.]



There she is.


CROWLEY shows that he brought the ANGEL TABLET by opening his jacket and showing that it’s inside his jacket pocket.



And the contract?


[CROWLEY pulls a scroll that he throws out to unroll in the remaining 10 feet between him and the brothers. DEAN looks down at the enormous contract.]



Yeah, I'm sure there's no hidden agendas in there.



The highlights --we swap tablets, you stand down from the trials forever.



You stop killing everyone we've ever saved.





[DEAN reaches in his jacket and pulls out a pen to sign the contract with. He uncaps the pen]





[Crowley yanks back the contract a couple of feet]



Nice try, squirrel. Moose is doing these trials. Moose signs.



No, no. He's not signing anything until I read the fine print.


[SAM yanks the pen from DEAN]



I can read it.



Hey, you wanted me here. I'm here. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him screw us even more.



What's this? Trouble in paradise, boys? [ Chuckles ]




[The angel NATHANIEL walks into NAOMI’S office and stands a few feet from her desk.]



What is it, Nathaniel?



One of our freelancers has reached out to us. He's found Castiel.






A drinking establishment in Houston, Texas. And...






He says Castiel was not alone.



Who was he with?



By the description, I-I think it was him --the scribe.





You're gonna move your lips the whole way up here, aren't you? You know why I always defeat you? It's your humanity. It's a built-in handicap. You always put emotion ahead of good, old-fashioned common sense. Let's have the big galoot sign it now, shall we?

[As CROWLEY speaks DEAN moves closer and closer to him until there is no more than a foot between them and SAM walks up as CROWLEY finishes speaking and nods at DEAN at which time DEAN, very quickly, slaps a pair of cuffs onto CROWLEY’S right wrist.]



Is this a joke? You realize all I have to do is...


[CROWLEY snaps his fingers as nothing happens and DEAN smiles.]



Unh-unh-unh. Demonic handcuffs, jackass. No flicking, no teleporting, no smoking out -- oh, and... no deal. Which pretty much means that you're our bitch.



Fine. You want to play chain gang? Let's.


[CROWLEY reaches over and punches DEAN in the face]

[ DEAN Grunts ]


You saddled yourself to the wrong bull, mate.

[DEAN punches CROWLEY in the face and then takes the ANGEL TABLET out of his pocket and hands it to SAM who is standing behind him.]

[ CROWLEY Grunts ]


[DEAN grabs a hold of the lapels and CROWLEY’S jacket and shakes him. He lets go as he continues talking.]



I can do this all day, 'cause you know what? Damn, it feels good! But sooner or later, you're gonna have to face it -- you're ours. Which means that your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick.



What's he mouthing on about?



You're the third trial, Crowley.


[Dramatic music plays as CROWLEY takes in what he was just told. CROWLEY looks a little worried.]



[CASTIEL and METATRON sit at a booth inside the tavern. CASTIEL is reading a newspaper]



What are you reading?



Personal advertisements.


[METATRON looks at CASTIEL confused]

[Country music playing ]



The faster that man finds love, the faster the Cupid will come. Trust me. I'm friends with friends who do this for a living.


[DWIGHT walks over to where CASTIEL and METATRON are sitting}



Help you gents?



Yes. Would you say that you're looking for, uh, a partner in crime... ...or, uh, someone who's into nurse role-play and light domination?



Brother, it's 10:00 a.m. on a Tuesday.



Uh, we'll have two drafts, please.



Coming up.


[DWIGHT walks away from the table to get their order]



You're not the most subtle tool in the shed, are you?


[As Metatron says his last word he is snatched up from his seat by a male angel. As Castel stands up he sees two other angels, both female, standing behind METATRON and one of them is NAOMI.]



Kill him.


[The other female angel starts to walk towards CASTIEL with a serious look of intent to follow the order on her face.]

[ Gunshot ]

[DWIGHT fires a shotgun and everyone turns to look at him and you see bullet holes in the jacket of the male angel who only holds the arm adjacent to the shoulder hit.]

[DWIGHT cocks the gun and gets ready to fire again.]



Next one won't wing you. Take it someplace else.


[Suddenly the male angel is behind DWIGHT and he grabs DWIGHT and slams his head the glass of a nearby bear cooler. DWIGHT falls to the ground in a heap.]



Let him go.



Haven't you caused enough harm already, Castiel?


[CASTIEL has his ANGEL SWORD out and he starts to walk towards the group of angels.]



Stop. Please, Castiel, don't make this any worse. Please.


[As we look at CASTIEL we hear angels wings rustling and then we see the angels have all disappeared with METATRON leaving CASTIEL standing there alone.]



[The IMPALA is seen driving up a desolate wet dirt road next to a waterway and it pulls to a stop in front of a small abandoned church.]

[ Engine shuts off. Sam and DEAN get out of the car with CROWLEY in tow and DEAN walks behind CROWLEY into the church ]

[Scene switches to inside the church where CROWLEY is chained to a chair DEAN finishes spraying a devils trap around him. CROWLEY still wears the demon handcuffs also.]

[ CROWLEY shakes his Chains a little to show his discomfort for being in them. Chains clank, rattle ]



You really think this is gonna hold me, that you're gonna cure me or whatever it is?


[DEAN, still holding the spray can, gives it one last shake then tosses it across the room and it hits a wall in the corner of the very small church. DEAN smirks at CROWLEY and walks away.]

[Can thuds ]

[ Thunder rumbles ]

[DEAN walks outside to where SAM is at the back of the IMPALA with the trunk open SAM is preparing for the next trial. SAM is pouring holy oil into a jar.]



He's primed. How you feeling?



Honestly, for the first time in a long time, it feels like we're gonna win. I'm good.

[SAM Chuckles ]



All right, well, no dancing in the end zone until we're finished. What's the good father's playbook say now?

[SAM places a lid on the jar.]



Well... Now that we got the consecrated ground, I just, uh [Clears throat] I slip Crowley one dose of blood every hour for eight hours and seal the deal with a bloody-fist sandwich. That should do it.



Your blood's supposed to be purified, isn't it? You ever, uh -- you ever done the "forgive me, father" before?



Well, once, when we were kids. Which is why I have no clue what to say now.



Well, I mean, I could give you suggestions if you want.



O-okay. Yeah, sure.



All right. Well, I'm just spit-balling here, but if I were you, uh... Ruby, killing Lilith, letting Lucifer out, losing your soul, not looking for me when I went to Purgatory,





[Frustrated with DEANS comments SAM turns away and continues to fill a bag with needed items for the trial and when he is done he picks up the bag and walks toward the church.]



for starters. Or, hey, h-how about what you did to, uh, Penny Markle in the sixth grade? Why don't you lead with that?


[SAM turns to look at DEAN.]



Well, that was you.

[DEAN appears to think SAM maybe SAM is right.]


Carry on.


[SAM looks at DEAN with disdain and then turns and walks into the church.]

[Thunder rumbling ]

[DEAN thinks about if SAM just said was true or not and by the look on his face we see that he agrees that it is most likely the truth.]

[Once inside the small church SAM walks into a confessional and kneels as he closes the door behind him. We see CROWLEY a few feet away chained to the chair his back turned to SAM]

[SAM Breathes deeply ]


Okay, um... [Clears throat ]...if anybody's listening, here goes.


[DEAN is outside fiddling with something in the trunk of the IMPALA.]

[Angels wings rustling. CASTIEL speaks to DEAN which startles him.]



Dean, I need your help.



Little busy, Cass. Take a number.



I'm afraid this can't wait. Naomi has taken Metatron.



And you know Metatron how?



I've been working with him on the Angel trials.



The what?



We're gonna shut it all down -- Heaven, Hell, all of it.



[METATRON is strapped to a chair.]

[METATRON Breathing heavily. We LOOK THROUGH METATRON'S eyes as he focuses and sees NAOMI standing in front of him.]



I know you.



We've never officially met.


[METATRON Chuckles ]




[ Sighs ]

[METATRON looks to his left and sees torture devices on a table.]



Your reputation precedes you. The Archangels --



Wanted me to debrief you after God left.



[Chuckles ] "Debrief" me. Is that what you call it?



Well, how would you know? You ran before I had the chance. But...here we are. I just have one question before we begin. You had to know that we would leap at the chance to extract all of God's secrets from that head of yours, which is why I ask myself...Why? Why did the scribe suddenly come in from the shadows? And what are you doing with Castiel?


[METATRON pauses slightly.]



"Of the blessings set before you, make your choice and be content."


[NAOMI looks confused.]



Not a big reader, are we?


[NAOMI picks the drill off the table next to METATRON and turns it on and starts moving slowly toward his face with it.]

[ Drill whirring ]



Metatron, the guy who was full-on crazy, cat-lady-hoarder angel yesterday -- now he wants to save Heaven?



Yes, he wants to.



But I'm the only one in who can. I can't fail, Dean, not on this one. I need your help.



Look, Cass, that's all well and good, okay, but you're asking me to leave Sam, and we've got Crowley in there tied and trussed. Now, if anybody needs a chaperone while doing the heavy lifting, it's Sam.



You should go.


[DEAN realizes Sam was standing behind him and rolls his eyes then turns around to look at SAM.]






Oh, what, and leave you here with the King of Hell? Come on.



I got this. And if you guys can lock the angels up, too...That's a good day.

[Thunder crashes ]



Look, I... I'm down with sending the angels back to Heaven, just 'cause they're dicks. But the Demons?

This is on us. Start the injections now. If I'm not back in eight hours, finish it, no questions, no hesitation.





[CASTIEL stares at SAM as DEAN gathers items from the trunk. Once DEAN is ready CASTIEL places a hand on his shoulder and you hear rustling as DEAN and CASTIEL disappear.]

[SAM Sighs ]

[SAM back inside the church. SAM uses a needle to draw blood from his arm.]

[SAM Groans ]

[Behind SAM, CROWLEY smirks.]



You really think injecting me with human blood is gonna make me human? Did you read that on the back of a cereal box?

[As CROWLEY speaks SAM walks towards him and injects him in the neck with his blood.]


CROWLEY [in pain]

Aah! [Groans and chuckles ]

You're miles out of your league, moose. See you in an hour.

[SAM walks away from CROWLEY and towards the altar table. As he gets closer to the table he holds out his arms in front of him. His arms begin to have that same orange glow from before and SAM winces in pain and exhales sharply.]


[KEVIN, DEAN and CASTIEL look at the ANGEL TABLET that is sitting on a table.]



Is this a joke?



No. It's the word of God.


[KEVIN looks up slightly at CASTIEL and chuckles.]






It's a tablet. All right, translate. That's what you do.


KEVIN [Chuckles]

Okay. Um, it's the Angel Tablet, which I've never laid eyes on in my life. You want a translation in like six hours when it took me six months and a dead mom to translate a piece of the Demon Tablet?

[Chuckles and pours a drink of alcohol into a small glass. ]

And according to your own words this morning... [Kevin then sits down with the glass in his hand.]

...this is not what I do. It's what I did. You told me I was out, Dean.



Yeah, well –



and if this is gonna be the "guys like us are never out" speech, save it.


[CASTIEL grabs KEVIN up by his sweater and yanks him up sharply causing his glass to crash to the floor.]



Dean's right.





[CASTIEL holds KEVIN close to his face as he speaks him.]



There is no out. Only duty.



Get the hell off me.



You are a Prophet of the Lord, always and forever... ...until the day you cease to exist, and then another Prophet takes your place. Now, are you clear as to the task before you?

[KEVIN nods]



Then do it, and let's go.


[CASTIEL and DEAN disappear from the BUNKER leaving KEVIN to do as told.]

[Angel wings rustling ]



[There is a cross on the wall that has only the hands and feet left on it.]

[The camera moves down and shows standing in front of the alter table and looking at his watch he then turns around from the alter table to face CROWLEY and walks toward him with the needle filled with his purified blood and he sticks CROWLEY in the neck with it. CROWLEY uses the opportunity to bite a big chunk of flesh from SAM’S arm. SAM grunts in pain.]



What the hell, Crowley?


[SAM punches CROWLEY hard across the face.]

Biting?! Seriously?!

[SAM walks away towards the door of the church. The door opens and closes as SAM walks outside.]

[CROWLEY has SAM’S blood in his mouth from biting him and he spits the blood out into his hand and starts chanting.]



Inferni sectatores, nunc audite regem. [CROWLEY speaks to the blood in his hand and it begins to move.]

For the love of everything, whoever is hearing this -- if anyone is hearing this -- this is your king. Send help immediately.

[CROWLEY nervously at the looks over his shoulder to see if SAM came back in.]



[DEAN is seen sitting at the bar watching a hunter on the bars TV aim his bow at the TV screen. CASTIEL walks in the door that’s behind DEAN and sits on the stool next to him.]



Anything? You've been gone long enough.



No. There was one female, but...





...I don't think she was female. Anything here?



Free drinks. Your, uh, buddy over there thinks you saved his life.



Do you really think it's wise to be drinking on the job?



What show you been watching? Talk to me. Are you sure about this? I mean, it's one thing me and Sammy slamming the gates to the pit, but you -- you're -- you're boarding up Heaven, and you're locking the door behind you.



Yeah. I know.



You did a lot of damage up there, man. You think they're just gonna let that slide?



Do you mean do I think they'll kill me? Yeah, they might.



So this is it? E.T. goes home.


[DEAN looks at CASTIEL and smiles but realizes CASS doesn’t get the joke so he rolls his eyes as he hears someone enter a door at the other end of the bar. Both CASS and DEAN look to see a woman enter and walk up with a beer delivery to give to DWIGHT.]



Hey, there. Where's Ed?



Flu. I'm Gail.



Well, okay, then.






Let me give you a hand.



Oh, thanks. Ah. You're a real gentleman.


{GAIL looks at another man sitting at the bar and smiles.]


[GAIL Chuckles ]



Holy crud, this is like the first five minutes of every porno I've ever seen.


GAIL (Hands a Pen to DWIGHT to sign for the beer.]



[DWIGHT takes the pen and signs.]

DWIGHT [introducing GAIL to the MAN at the bar.]

Gail, Rod.






Rod rides a stool here most days.


[GAIL places a hand each man’s shoulders and smiles.]



I'll be seeing you both.


[GAIL smiles and gathers her clip board and begins to leave.]



Thanks for the help.



No problem.

[GAIL leaves the bar and DEAN stares at the scene confused thinking GAIL was going to be the person DWIGHT was to have a match with.]

[DWIGHT and ROD stare at the hunter on TV as he displays the use of his bow.]


BOTH MEN [at the same time]

Damn, that's sweet.

[After the men say the same thing at the same time they stare into each other’s eyes and music plays.]

♪ Oh, it's so nice to be with you ♪ ♪ I love all the things you say and do ♪



How about the next one's on me?

♪ And it's so nice to hear you say ♪ ♪ you're gonna please me in every way ♪




[CROWLEY Chuckles ]



How we doing, Moose? Ain't it about time for the next love injection?

[CROWLEY begins to sing.]

♪ Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes ♪ turn and face the strange


[As CROWLEY sings SAM turns away from him and faces the alter table and as he does his arms begin to glow the orange glow again and SAM inhales sharply.]

♪ ch-ch-changes♪ just gonna have to be a different man ♪ ♪ time may change me, but I can't trace -- ♪

[The church begins to rumble and shake and SAM turns quickly to face CROWLEY who seems to not be alarmed by what’s happening. The floor boards begin to crack until they reach the demon trap that DEAN spray painted around CROWLEY. The crack penetrates the trap.]



Did you really think you could kidnap the King of Hell and no one was gonna notice, n patient will dumb nuts?!

[The church doors burst open as ABADDON enters.]


ABADDON Hello, boys.



That's my line. Abaddon? They told me you were dead.



So not.



And the rest of the cavalry?



Oh, no, it's just little, old, unkillable me.


[SAM reaches behind him for his gun that’s sitting on the alter table but ABADDON uses her telekinetic power to toss SAM across the room in the church wall. CROWLEY looks on and smiles. The gun fires but does not hit anyone. SAM groans in pain and moves to stand up.



Brilliant. Why send in a few grunts when you can send in a knight? Say your prayers, Moose.


[ABADDON uses her powers to toss SAM through a window that’s behind him]


CROWLEY [smiles]

That'll do. Undo these. I'll kill him myself.


[ABADDON walks from behind CROWLEY and faces him with a smirk on her face]



That was an order, was it?



I am your King.



About that...

[ABADDON punches CROWLEY in the face]




[DEAN and CASTIEL wait for GAIL outside the plant as she walks out.]



Hello, brother.


[CASTIEL pulls out his angel sword and advances towards GAIL and she steps back surprised.]



Give us your bow.






Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey.


[DEAN steps in front of CASTIEL to stop him from harming GAIL.]



Talk first, stab later.



[ABADDON punches CROWLEY in the face again.]




Do you know what I find the most shocking about time-traveling through a closet and landing in the year 2013?

[ABADDON punches CROWLEY very hard several times and the last punch hits so hard that his chair falls over and CROWLEY falls on his face.]



Somebody thought it was a good idea to make you the King of Hell.



You know what that boy's trying to do, right? He's trying to shut the Gates of Hell.



Right now you and I are gonna talk about regime change.



You little whore. [shouting] I am your k—


[ABADDON kicks CROWLEY in the face hard enough to knock him out. AS she turns around she sees SAM standing behind her and he tosses the oil that he poured into a jar earlier on her.]



I love the suit.

[SAM then quickly lights a match and tosses it on ABADDON and she bursts into flames and begins to scream as she burns. ABADDON escapes her demonic vessel in a demon black smoke and swirls out the window she threw SAM through.]





I've been afraid to go home for some time now. Orders used to come once a day, and now it's chaos. It all seems to be breaking down. And you think you can fix that?



With time, yes.



Take it, then.


[GAIL holds out her hand with her palm facing up and a cupids bow appears in the center of it like a tattoo. CASTIEL holds up his angel sword like a knife as the scene ends.]



[METATRON is still strapped to the chair in NAOMI’S office he has blood coming out of his left eye.]



You've been digging.



Why are you doing this --this? I



Do you have any idea what it would be like to be plucked from obscurity, to sit at God's feet, to be asked to write down his word? The ache I felt when he was gone, telling myself, "Father's left, but look what he's left us -- paradise." But you and your Archangels couldn't leave well enough alone. You ran me from my home. Did you really think you could do all of that to me and there'd be no payback?


[Angels wings rustle as NAOMI disappears. METATRON looks at the bloody drill on the table next to him and smiles as the scene ends.]



[SAM places CROWLEY back to an upright position in his chair.]



You did good back there, Moose. I'll deny it if you ever quote me, but I'm a proud man. I'm proud of you.


[SAM picks up the spray can and to reapply to demon trap.]






Hold on. Uh, w-what's that?



It's what it looks like.


[SAM repaints the trap.]



Are you joking? I just saved your life.



[ Laughs ] Seriously?



Seriously? Me, seriously? We just shared a foxhole, you and I. We beat back the Tet Offensive, outrun the --the Rape of Nanking together! And still you're gonna do me like this?!

[SAM walks over to CROWLEY and pulls his head to the side and then sticks the needle into the side of his neck as CROWLEY yells in pain. CROWLEY starts to talk with less of a British accent and seems to be speaking nonsense.]



Aah! Aah! "Band of Brothers"? "The Pacific"? None of this means anything to you? All those motels, you never once watched HBO, not once? "Girls"? You're my Marnie, Moose. A-and Hannah -- she just --she needs to be loved. She deserves it. Don't we all -- you, me -- we deserve to be loved. I deserve to be loved! I just want to be loved.


[SAM looks curiously at CROWLEY.]





[CROWLEY seems to be confused by what he just said.]




[SAM looks very drained and has a bandage around his arm where he has been taking the blood from. SAM begins to take more blood from his arm. He winces in pain as he does it.]



Would it be possible, Moose...I'd like...to ask you a-a favor, Sam. Earlier, when you were confessing back there...what did you say? I only ask because, given my history...it raises the question... Where do I start...to even look for forgiveness? I mean...



How about we start with this?

[SAM holds the needle out to show that’s what he means and CROWLEY tilts his head to the side to submit to taking the injection. SAM sticks the needle in CROWLEY’S neck and CROWLEY shows no pain but rather seems to be content with it.]




KEVIN [on the phone with DEAN]

I think I found the Angel trials, but I don't see anything about a Nephilim or a Cupid's bow or anything like that.

[DEAN and CASTIEL walk through a parking lot while DEAN talks on the phone with KEVIN.]



Oh, come on, Kev! We're on the one-yard line here.



Okay, a-and I should have mentioned this six months ago, but the sports metaphors -- y-you want to motivate me, "Magic" cards, "Skyrim," Aziz Ansari.


[CASTIEL hears Angels wings rustling behind him he turns and sees NAOMI.]



I'm not here to fight you, Castiel.


[DEAN, hearing NAOMI, turns around and stops talking to Kevin on the phone. KEVIN remains on the phone but DEAN drops it down to his side.]






Not anymore.






Where is Metatron?



He told you he was going to fix Heaven, didn't he? Murdering a Nephilim, cutting off a Cupid's bow -- it's a lie, all of it. I've been in his head.



You've been in all our heads. That's the problem.



No, Castiel, you're wrong.


CASTIEL [shaking his head]

This is what you do. You twist things. I'm trying to fix Heaven. Metatron is trying to fix Heaven.



Metatron isn't trying to fix anything. He's trying to break it -- an act of revenge for driving him away.

[KEVIN listens intently through the phone.]


Break it how?


CASTIEL [turns and looks at DEAN not wanting him to fall for NAOMI’S trick that CASTIEL thinks she is playing]




Expel all Angels from Heaven, just as God cast out Lucifer.



Cast you out? To where? Hell?


NAOMI [shakes her head no]

Here. Thousands of us, walking the Earth.





[CASTIEL begins to charge at NAOMI with his angel sword and DEAN grabs his arm to stop him.]






Our mission was to protect what God created. I don't know when we forgot that. I want nothing more than to see you shut the Gates of Hell, but I told you that you could trust me. If Sam completes those trials, he is going to die.



What the hell are you talking about?



I saw it in Metatron's head. It was always God's intention -- the ultimate sacrifice. As for you, Castiel, I beg of you, stop this path. Metatron has been neutralized. If you want back in, truly, I will listen.


[Angels wings rustle and NAOMI disappears.]


[DEAN starts talks to KEVIN again on the phone]



Hey, right now, talk to me. Is she lying?



I don't know.



Well, find out!



She's lying.



Take me to him.



Dean --



take me to him now!



[SAM exhales sharply as he starts to chant the words to purify CROWLEY ]



Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, hanc animam redintegra, lustra.



[SAM tosses the book he was reading the words from behind him and takes out his knife and begin to slice open his palm as the orange glow reappears. DEAN and CASTIEL appear outside the church and DEAN starts walking in when CASTIEL calls out to him.]



Dean, I'm not wrong. I'm going to fix my home.


[Angels wings rustle as CASS disappears]





[With his hand glowing orange SAM walks towards CROWLEY and is about to place his hand on him when DEAN stops him.]



Sammy, stop!



[CASTIEL appears in NAOMI’S office and sees her lying dead with her head on her desk with the drill she used on METATRON shoved into the back of her head.]


[METATRON appears behind CASTIEL as CASTIEL turns to face him METATRON holds an angel sword to his neck.]


She told you I lied, didn't she? You should've listened to the bitch.



[DEAN with his hands up walks slowly toward SAM.]



Easy there. Okay. Just take it easy. We got a slight change of plan.



What? What's going on? Where's Cass?!



Metatron lied. You finish this trial, you're dead, Sam.





[CASTIEL is strapped to the chair in Naomi’s office.]



You promised.



Shh! Castiel, I want you to stop thinking about master plans, Heaven and Angels, and all this. That doesn't concern you anymore.

[As METATRON speaks to CASTIEL he slams his head back on the head rest of the chair. METATRON pulls out an angel sword and holds it to CASTIELS neck. METATRON then cuts into CASTIELS neck and CASTIELS glowing grace seeps out through the cut.]



These were never trials, Castiel. This is a spell. And what I'm taking from you now -- your essence, your Grace -- is the last piece.

[METATRON holds a small vial to CASTIEL'S neck and CASTIEL’S grace spells into the vial. METATRON then places a hand over CASTIEL’S cut and the cut disappears as he slides his hand across it.]



And now something wonderful is going to happen, for me and for you. I want you to live this new life to the fullest. Find a wife. Make babies. And when you die and your soul comes to Heaven, find me. Tell me your story.






Now go.

[A bright light surrounds the room as METATRON places his hand on CASTIEL’S head in the scene ends.]





Look at him. Look at him! Look how close we are! Other people will die if I don't finish this!



Think about it. Think about what we know, huh? Pulling souls from hell, curing demons, hell, ganking a Hellhound! We have enough knowledge on our side to turn the tide here. But I can't do it without you.



You can barely do it with me. I mean, you think I screw up everything I try. You think I need a chaperone, remember?



Come on, man. That's not what I meant.



No, it's exactly what you meant. You want to know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let you down. I can't do that again.



Sam --



What happens when you've decided I can't be trusted again? I mean, who are you gonna turn to next time instead of me? Another angel, another -- another vampire? Do you have any idea what it feels like to watch your brother just –



Hold on, hold on! You seriously think that? Because none of it -- none of it -- is true. Listen, man, I know we've had our disagreements, okay? Hell, I know I've said some junk that set you back on your heels. But, Sammy...come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this bastard and all the sons of bitches that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you! It has never been like that, ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you.



How do I stop?

[SAM squeezes his hand as blood drips out onto the floor the orange glow is a little brighter but then starts to fade.]



Just let it go.



I can't.

It's in me, Dean. You don't know what this feels like.

[DEAN wraps a bandanna around Sam’s cut.]



Hey, listen,we will figure it out, okay, just like we always do. Come on.


[DEAN grabs SAM and pulls him in for a tight hug.]



Come on. Let it go, okay? Let it go, brother.


[The orange glow in SAMS arms starts to fade. SAM backs away from Dean to look at his arms as the orange glow fades.]



Hey, Dean.




[ SAM Breathing shakily then Sam doubles over in pain. DEAN brings SAM outside the church. ]



Sam? I got you, little brother. You're gonna be just fine.


[ Sam groans and falls next to the IMPALA in severe pain. ]



Sam, Sam?




[SAM Wheezing ]



Castiel?! Where the hell are you?


[CASTIEL is laying on the ground on some leaves. He starts to wake up.]


[KEVIN is walking upstairs with a backpack on. He looks around as machines inside the BUNKER start turning on by themselves lighting up.]

[CASTIEL is seen walking through a wooded area as he looks up to the sky.]

[The wind is howling.]

[More machines turn on inside the BUNKER and buttons light up.]




[SAM Gasping ]


[ Alarm blaring inside the liar. KEVIN looks around confused and sees a table map on the level below him that has spots on it that start to light up indicating things happening in those areas around the world.


[DEAN looks up to the sky and sees angels falling.]

[CASTIEL standing in the different location in a wooded area looks up and also sees the Angels falling.]



No, Cass.


SAM [looks up and seems the angels falling.]

What's happening?

[SAM Gasping ]

[CASTIEL stares up at the sky as more angels continue to fall.]



Angels. They're falling.




Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (19.04.2021 à 10:12)

Bon au moins on est débarassé de Naomy!

Fin de saison haute en couleurs et en émotions! L'exorcisme de Crowley est particulièrement éprouvant à la fois pour Sam qui y laisse des forces à chaque injection et pour notre démon préféré qui semble si humain et touchant à la fin...

La scène entre Dean et Sam à la fin... j'en tremble encore d'émotions! Sam passe avant tout, pour toujours, quoi qu'il arrive! Et Dean le lui dit enfin!

Et ces anges qui chutent: quelle image! C'est super bien fait, à la fois joli à voir et terifiant! Vivement la suite!


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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Mark Pellegrino - American Rust annulée après 2 saisons
La série American Rust, sauvée par Prime Video après son arrêt sur Showtime, a été finalement été...

Jeffrey Dean Morgan de retour dans la saison 2 de The Walking Dead : Dead City

Jeffrey Dean Morgan de retour dans la saison 2 de The Walking Dead : Dead City
Lors de la San Diego Comic Con, AMC a dévoilé une bande annoncé pour la saison 2 de la série The...

Jensen Ackles reprendra son rôle de Soldier Boy dans Vought Rising

Jensen Ackles reprendra son rôle de Soldier Boy dans Vought Rising
La franchise The Boys continue de s'agrandir. Lors de la San Diego Comic Con, Prime Video a annoncé...


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Supersympa, 25.11.2024 à 12:25

C'est l'heure de la petite finale de l'animation "Citadel recrute" sur le quartier Citadel.

Evangeline, Aujourd'hui à 19:10

Nouveau sondage et nouvelle PDM sur Outer Banks! Bonne soirée à tous!

Viens chatter !