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#13.08 : Le casse du siècle

LE GRAND CASSE - Alors qu'ils n'ont plus d'autres options, Sam et Dean acceptent de voler un camion appartenant à un démon nommé Barthamus, en échange d'un sort de localisation qui pourrait leur permettre de retrouver Jack.


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The Scorpion and the Frog

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Le casse du siècle

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Luther Strike (Richard Brake)

Luther Strike (Richard Brake)

Barthamus (David Cubbitt)

Barthamus (David Cubbitt)

Barthamus (David Cubbitt) et Smash (Christie Burke)

Barthamus (David Cubbitt) et Smash (Christie Burke)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) arme à la main

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) arme à la main

Smash (Christie Burke), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) arme à la main

Smash (Christie Burke), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) arme à la main

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 30.11.2017 à 20:00
1.74m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Écrit par : Meredith Glynn.
Réalisé par : Robert Singer.


Casting :

Matthew Kevin Anderson... Grab

Christie Burke... Smash

David Cubbitt... Barthamus

Richard Brake... Luther Strike

Pasha Ebrahimi... Démon

Charles Jarman... Garde musée

Nadja Sofi... Femme possédée

A Cambridge, en Angleterre. Une jeune femme profite de la cohue de la sortie d'un musée pour avoir accès à la partie réservée aux employés. Là, elle tente un code devant une porte fermée, mais cela ne fonctionne pas. Alors, elle use de la force. Puis, elle trouve ce qu'elle cherchait ; un vieux parchemin. Un garde fait son apparition. Le démon qui possédait la jeune femme sort de son corps et vient posséder le garde, qui s'empare des vieux documents et sort. Il retrouve un démon des carrefours, nommé Barthamus, dans une allée sombre et lui remet les parchemins. Puis, il demande ce que Asmodée offrira pour ses services. Barthamus le tue avec une épée angélique, sans avoir répondu à la question.



Au bunker, tandis que Dean nettoie son arme, Sam vient le voir pour lui dire qu'il a eu Castiel au téléphone. Malheureusement, il n'y a toujours aucune nouvelle de Jack, ni de Ketch. Après quoi, le téléphone de Dean se met à sonner. Lorsqu'il répond, il comprend qu'il a affaire à un démon, quand celui ci lui dit qu'il sait qu'ils recherchent un néphilim et qu'il pourrait avoir quelque chose d'intéressant à leur proposer. Les Winchester organisent une rencontre dans un restaurant.



Tandis qu'ils se rendent au meeting, Dean dit à Sam qu'aucun démon n'est digne de confiance et qu'après Crowley, il avait juré ne plus jamais travailler avec eux. Ils rencontrent enfin le fameux démon, Barthamus. Ce dernier explique qu'il a remplacé Crowley au poste de Roi des Carrefours, quand Crowley est devenu Roi de l'Enfer. Il tente de les acheter, en offrant une tarte à Dean et un sort permettant de retrouver un néphilim à Sam. Cependant, il ne lui donne qu'une partie du sort, et demande qu'en échange de la seconde, les Winchester l'aident à régler un problème. Dean refuse le deal immédiatement, alors Bart se tourne vers Sam et lui conseille de faire des recherches sur l'authenticité du sort qu'il vient de lui procurer.



De retour au bunker, Sam assure à Dean que le sort est véritable. Il est d'origine canéenne et fut initié par le roi Salomon pour garder un œil sur la Reine de Saba, qui était un néphilim. Dean rétorque que ce genre de contrats ne finit jamais bien, mais Sam lui assure qu'ils n'ont pas d'autres choix. Ils finissent par accepter d'aider Bart.



Bart, accompagné de deux personnes, attend patiemment. Il est sûr que les Winchester finiront par venir et ils lui donnent rapidement raison. Bart leur présente ses deux compagnons ; Smash, une jeune femme experte dans l'ouverture des coffres forts, et Grab, un démon qu'aucun verrou surnaturel ne résiste. Dean comprend qu'ils sont en train de planifier un braquage. Bart leur explique que leur cible se trouve chez Luther Shrike. Il s'agit d'une boîte contenue dans un coffre fort qui ne peut être ouvert que par un homme ayant été en Enfer et en est revenu. Puisque Dean a été en Enfer après avoir conclu un pacte, c'est son sang qu'il leur faut. Lorsque Sam demande ce qui se trouve dans son coffre de voiture, Bart refuse de répondre. Les Winchester s'apprêtent à refuser l'offre, alors Bart menace de donner le sort à Asmodée. Sam et Dean s'écartent pour en discuter. Ils concluent qu'ils n'ont pas d'autres choix que d'accepter mais s'accordent pour tuer Bart aussitôt qu'ils en auront terminé. Ils rejoignent Bart et ses deux compagnons pour planifier leur braquage.



Pendant ce temps, un démon prévient Luther de l'arrivée imminente de Bart. Il lui propose d'appeler Asmodée dès que Bart sera là. Mais Luther exorcise le démon en disant qu'il ne prend d'ordre de personne et qu'il se débrouillera seul.



Sam gare Baby près de la grille d'entrée, avec Dean et Smash à l'arrière. Dean prétend être là pour vendre une possession due à un héritage et on le laisse entrer. A l'entrée de la maison, Dean et Smash se séparent de Sam. Dean demande à Sam de ne pas mourir et tandis que Sam part distraire Luther, Dean et Smash invoquent Grab afin qu'il puisse passer les sigils protecteurs de la maison. Avant que Grab n'arrive, Dean et Smash partagent une boisson énergisante et Dean demandent à la jeune femme pourquoi elle bosse pour un démon. Grab finit par apparaître et utilise le sang de Dean dans un sortilège pour retrouver l'endroit où le coffre fort a été placé. Au départ, le sort ne semble pas fonctionner, mais soudain, le bras de Dean se met à le tirer en direction du coffre.



Pendant ce temps, Sam discute avec Luther, qui lui présente sa collection. Il impressionne l'homme quand il le corrige quant à l'origine d'une de ses pièces. Puis, il lui présente l'objet qu'il souhaite vendre ; c'est le couteau de Ruby. De son côté, Dean s'inquiète pour Sam, ce qui semble plonger Grab dans la confusion. Lorsqu'ils arrivent devant l'entrée d'un abri anti ouragan, Grab refuse d'entrer. Alors, Dean, après que Smash ait ouvert l'abri, ils entre tous les deux.



Dans le même temps, tandis que Sam tente de négocier le prix du couteau, Luther lui révèle qu'il sait qu'il sert de distraction. Il pense que Sam est un démon et une bagarre s'ensuit. Mais Sam parvient à poignarder Luther avec le couteau de Ruby, sans succès. Luther lui apprend que tant qu'il est sur sa propriété, il est immortel. Après quoi, il assomme Sam et s'en va.



Arrivé au coffre fort, Dean refuse de mettre sa main dans la bouche d'une statue, craignant la présence d'araignées. Quand enfin il se décide à le faire, il panique quand quelque chose lui attrape la main, mais tout ce qu'il subit est une petite piqûre au doigt. Le coffre s'ouvre. Smash s'apprête à y entrer mais Dean la retient de justesse, avant qu'une flèche ne vienne la frôler.



A ce moment Luther débarque, tue Grab et s'apprête à faire de même à Smash, avant que celle-ci ne parvienne à fuir. Dean tente de tuer Luther, quand Sam arrive pour le prévenir que Luther est immortel. Alors, Dean préfère l'assommer.



Luther refuse de leur donner le moyen d'éviter le piège installé dans le coffre, alors Sam a une idée un peu folle. Ils attachent Luther à une chaise et le pousse dans le coffre. Ce faisant, toutes les flèches viennent le frapper, désinstallant le piège. La voie est libre.



Pendant ce temps, Smash retourne à la grille, mais est arrêtée par Bart. Elle lui dit que c'est terminé, que tout le monde est mort à l'intérieur. Mais Bart refuse de la laisser partir. Alors, Smash rejoint les Winchester et leur offre son aide pour obtenir ce que contient le coffre. Elle leur explique qu'un pacte la lie à Bart. Quand les Winchester lui propose de l'aider à s'en libérer, elle refuse, disant qu'elle doit prendre soin d'elle même.



De retour à l'extérieur, les Winchester et Smash, alias Alice, sont poursuivis par Luther. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvent face à face, Luther leur explique qu'il avait conclu un pacte avec Bart pour sauver la vie de son fils, malade. Mais son fils a fini par mourir noyé. Il leur révèle le contenu du coffre ; ce sont les os de Bart, qu'il a capturé et s'en est servi pour négocier sa vie. Alors, Bart apparaît et décapite Luther. Puis, il félicite tout le monde et demande à ce que les os lui soient restitués, en échange de l'autre partie du sort. Les Winchester refusent, alors Bart menace la vie d'Alice. Dean et Sam n'ont pas d'autres choix que de céder les os, mais ils font signe à Alice qu'un briquet se trouve dans le coffre de la voiture. Alice s'en empare et fait brûler les os de Bart, se débarrassant du démon. Malheureusement, ils ont perdu la deuxième moitié du sort.



Les Winchester accompagnent Alice jusqu'au bus, puis retournent au bunker. Dean amène les bières et demande à Sam s'il va bien. Ce dernier répond que non, car ils ont perdu leur oppportunité de retrouver Jack et il est inquiet pour le garçon. Dean le rassure, ils feront tout pour le retrouver, car c'est leur boulot. Sam se sent soulagé de voir que Dean a retrouvé une attitude un peu plus optimiste. Ils trinquent.


Jack: I found a case.
[ Gunshots ] I've got this.
No, Jack.
I killed someone.
[ Grunts ] If I stay, I'm gonna hurt you.
I have to go.
[ All shout ] It's bad enough the Winchesters were babysitting my son.
But then they managed to lose him, with Heaven, Hell, and everything in between hunting him down?
I am Asmodeus.
I will definitely need that nephilim.
- Is that Ketch.
[ Rapid gunfire ] I'm Alexander, his twin.
What's become of your angel? [ Cocks gun ] Not sure, but I am sure about you, Arthur.
Did it ever occur to you, Dean, that I might actually be one of the good guys?
Not even once.
Jack's off the grid.
We'll find him.
Castiel: I swore I would protect this boy.
Let me do this.
[ Indistinct conversations ] [ Chime sounds ]
Woman over P.A.: Your attention, please.
The museum will close in 15 minutes.
The museum will close in 15 minutes.

[ Speaks indistinctly ] [ Keypad beeping, buzzes ] [ Beeping, buzzes ] [ Door thuds ] [ Grunts ] [ Drawer closes ]
Excuse me? Madam? You're not allowed down here.
[ Roaring ] [ Screaming ] [ Thud ] Well done.
How do you think Asmodeus will reward us? [ Screaming ] [ Thud ] [ Cellphone speed-dials ] [ Line rings ] Yeah? Dean Winchester? Who's this? I have something you might be interested in.

Supernatural 13x07 The Scorpion and the Frog

[ Clicking ] [ Thud ] I think she's clean.
[ Thud ] Anything on Ketch? No.
Checked every hospital in a 50-mile radius.
[ Sighs ] Crazy son of a bitch probably pulled the bullet out with his teeth.
What about Jack?
I talked to Cass.
He's got nothing.
It's like [ Sighs ] We gotta find something in the lore or wait for Jack to make a mistake.
Yeah, well, the "mistakes" are what I'm worried about.
[ Cellphone rings ] [ Clicks tongue ] [ Touchscreen clicks, beeps ]
Yeah? Dean Winchester?
Who's this?
I have something you might be interested in.
No, we're happy with our cable provider.
Thank you.
What about your nephilim?
Word on the street is he's gone rogue.
What street is that?
Hell Street.
Hell Avenue.
Just Hell, really.
[ Whispers ] Demon.
What if I told you I had a way to find your boy? Meet me at Smile Diner at 12:45.[ Line disconnects ]
You know, this could be a trap.
I mean he could work for Asmodeus.
Yeah, but what if he's telling the truth?
You know, after Crowley, I told myself, no more demons.
Dean, we don't even know what this guy's deal is.
Yeah, we do.
He's a freakin' demon.
Yeah, but you said it yourself, we need a miracle.
And maybe this is it.
You know what "miracles" are called from demons? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's not "miracles" How about this?
Let's hear the guy out.
All right, and after that, we kill him.
[ Siren wailing ] [ Bell dings ] The famous Winchesters.
Some random demon.
Bart's fine.
Please, sit.
I ordered cherry pie.
Well, Bart, don't know what you've heard about us, but --
I've been following your careers a long time.
You're a real pain in the pitchfork.
And the halo.
Natural disrupters.
We have that in common, you and I.
Yeah, we're twinsies.
All right.
You said you have something for us? That is a genuine nephilim tracking spell.
Yeah, and I just won the Powerball.
You don't believe me.
Ya think? Wait a second.
Even if this is real
It's real.
why would you give it to us?
I'm a crossroads demon, Sam.
After Crowley's promotion to King of Hell, the crossroads demon.
Helping people's what I do, my raison d’être.
Okay, look, we've been around long enough to know nothing's ever free.
So what's the catch?
You got me.
I do need something in return.
Call it a favor.
Yeah, but you already gave us the spell.
Half the spell.
That's half the spell.
The other half is elsewhere.
But I'll happily hand it over once we're done.
Well, see, here's the thing.
When a demon tells us to jump, we don't ask how high.
We just ice their ass.
How very "Dean" of you.
[ Chuckles ] Sam, do me a favor.
You're the smart one.
Look into that.
I'll be in touch.
[ Bell dings ] [ Door opens, closes ] Mm.
[ Footsteps approaching ] What's the verdict?
[ Sighs ] The spell [ Huffs ] I think it checks out.
I put together a rough translation.
Um, it's Canaanite.
Dates back to the time of King Solomon, who apparently commissioned it to keep tabs on the Queen of Sheba, who, according to the lore, was half-angel.
She was a nephilim? So what you're saying is that King Solomon created a spell so that she could stalk his girlfriend.
And it looks like it works.
Or it would work If we had the other half, which, without it, we got nothing.
Pretty much.
[ Sighs ] Look, whatever game Bart is playing, I-I-I don't wanna play it, but Sam, you know that these things don't usually go our way.
It doesn't matter.
Jack is out there, in the world, and he's alone and he's scared and he's dangerous.
And if this is our chance to find him [ Sighs ] we have to take it.
[ Sighs heavily ] Relax.
They'll be here.
Who are your friends?
I'm sorry.
I should've told you.
These are my associates.
This young lady is Smash.
And this is Grab.
Smash and Grab? Really?
Not our real names.
No kidding.
Smash can crack any safe built by man.
And Grab's a demon, expert in bypassing supernatural security.
Safecracking? What is this, a heist? Hold up.
Is this a heist? His name is Luther Shrike.
Lives off-grid.
Paranoid, agoraphobic.
You might call him a hoarder.
Has a rabid appetite for collecting rare supernatural objects, including something of mine.
All right, so what are we talkin'? Your favorite My Little Pony? No.
What I want is in a mahogany trunk, in a safe, locked in a vault room, hidden somewhere on Shrike's farm.
I want you to find my property and bring it back to me.
What's in the safe? Why don't you rob him yourself?
If I could, I would.
Farm's warded inside and out.
Grab can locate the vault room, but the only thing that can actually open it is the blood of a man who's been to Hell and back.
Tell me, Dean, do you know any men like that? Somebody help me! Sam! Well, here.
Why don't you just take it? Then you can give us the rest of the spell.
I'm afraid it needs to be straight from the tap.
And I don't just need your blood.
I need you.
You see, when it comes to Shrike, there's what I know and what I don't know.
Now Grab can locate the vault, Smash can crack the safe.
But there will be curveballs.
And you boys, well, you tend to hit those [ Clicks tongue ] right out of the park.
Okay, tell me.
How does Shrike get into his vault? He uses his own blood.
So he's been to Hell.
What's he, a demon?
Luther gets around, but he is human.
Not one of the good ones.
He's a sadist, a murderer who'll do anything and everything to add to his collection.
All right, seriously, what does he have of yours? It's important to me.
That's all you need to know.
That's not good enough.
Put it another way -- take the deal, or I give the spell to Asmodeus.
I made a copy of your half, obviously.
Did I neglect to mention that he's looking for your boy, too? But here's the thing -- I don't trust him.
Of course, I don't trust you either, but I trust him less, so you get dibs.
For now.
All right, well, I've seen this movie a thousand times.
Some asshat too fancy to get his hands dirty plans a job, swears it'll all go smooth, and it doesuntil bang! And everything goes screaming off the rails, and it's our asses.
Dean -- You know he's gonna screw us over the first chance he gets.
Not if we screw him over first.
Listen, we want that spell, right? I mean, we need that spell.
We definitely don't want Asmodeus getting his hands on it.
So let's do this, have him hand over the other half of the spell And then? And then, like you said we kill him.
[ Sighs ] [ Yawns ] Peace made? Yeah, you could say that.
All right, look, if we're doing this, finding the vault's gonna take time.
We need a distraction, something to keep Shrike busy.
I'm all ears.
See, boys, it's kismet, us working together.
Shrike'll never see us coming.
They're coming.
Asmodeus isn't your enemy.
He wants to use me as bait.
Barthamus is coming, Luther.
All Asmodeus asks is when he shows his traitor face, you give us a call.
I could.
Or, uh Exorcizamus Te, omnis immundus spiritus.
You're making a mistake! Adiuramus Te, cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae perditionis venenum propinare! [ Roaring ]
Tell your boss I don't take orders.
I give 'em.
If he or Barthamus -- if anyone comes near me, I'm ready.
[ Baby approaching ] [ Buzzer, ring ] It's, uh, John Dortmunder We -- we e-mailed about my [ Pats case ] family heirloom.
Hey, Winona.
The '90s called.
They'd like their shoes back.
[ Engine idling ] [ Gate whirring ] [ Clears throat ] [ Engine idling ] Clear.
[ Car door opens ] [ Sighs ] [ Car door opens ] [ Car doors close ] Dean? Yeah? Don't get dead.
You, too.
Let's go.
[ Engine revs ] [ Engine turns off ] [ Buzzes, chimes ] [ Thunder rumbling ] [ Door unlocks ] [ Creaking, thud ] [ Thunderclap ] [ Thunderclap ] I'm in here.
[ Door creaks ] [ Thunderclap, rain falling ] [ Door sliding ] [ Grunts ] [ Whispers ] Come on.
[ Tab pops ] [ Burps ] Ahh.
You're weird.
That Nerve Damage? [ Thunderclap ]
Ha! I used to live on that crap when I was a kid.
It's, like, 10 times the legal limit of caffeine, right? Didn't know they made that anymore.
[ Tab pops ] Wow.
So safe cracking.
So hunting.
You know, I probably don't have to tell you this, but working for demons is not a smart idea.
You're working for demons.
Yeah, well, I don't really have a choice.
You get in some kind of trouble or somethin'?
How long does a demon summoning spell take?
[ Thunder rumbling ] [ Whoosh ] Cool.
All right, so where's this vault room?
Don't know.
Y-- It's hidden under a cloaking spell.
Don't worry, Chief.
I got this.
Or should I say [ Clicks tongue ] you got this.
Me? Your blood, it's like a dowsing rod.
The vault wants it.
You have it.
Like attracts like, comprende?
Wait, so you're saying that I'm some sort of a vault compass?
You said he was just a pretty face.
Okay, what now?
Sanguis infernus, anima nunc.
Viam manifesta.
Sanguis inferne, viam ostende.
[ Grunts ] Ah! Dude! What Awesome.
[ Chuckles ] [ Grunts ] I guess we gotta go that way.
[ Stopper clinks ] [ Stopper clinks ] Homemade gin.
It'll blow your whistle.
Homemade? [ Sniffs ] I don't get out much.
Um [ Clears throat ] I gotta say, you have a very impressive collection.
Ever seen a "fang of the Basilisk"? [ Sets down glass ]
Actually, that's not, um S
o whoever sold you this to you had it wrong.
Uh, basilisk fangs are hollow.
This is actually a Gorgon tooth.
It's still really cool, though.
You know, I would love to see more of your collection.
Let's stick to business. What you got?
Of course.
Um, okay.
So what I brought today is very special.
It's very rare.
It's one-of-a-kind.
A knife that can kill demons.
[ Dean groans, grunts ] I hate this.
I hate this! I hate you!
No one cares.
How much longer?
Takes as long as it takes.
Okay, well, if something happens to my brother while we're out here dealing with this crap
Hey, a little respect? It took years to perfect that spell.
If your brother's too stupid to do his part, then that's on him.
What'd you say? [ Grunting ] Son of a bitch.
[ Grunts ] Oh, no lock.
Well, that's never a good sign.
[ Sighs deeply ] [ Door creaks, thuds ] Vault's gotta be down there.
Oh, I'm not going down there.
I've already done my bit.
This is on you, hand puppet.
I will kill you.
I bet you say that to all the girls.
[ Scoffs ] Hey.
All right.
This is the vault room.
Where's the safe?
Behind that door.
And I'm supposed to use my blood how?
I think you're supposed to put your paw in there.
What, are you kidding me?

So what's your price? Uh, you know, what we agreed to in the e-mail is -- is fine.
[ Drawer unlocks, opens ] Of course.
But, uh we both know you're not really here for this.
I-I don't understand.
Bart sent you.
Huh? You're here to rob me, right?
No, no, no.
You got it wrong.
I don't think so, demon.
[ Grunting ] [ Grunts ] You're the distraction, right? [ Racks shotgun ] Got your friends out there, stripping me blind as we speak.
[ Gunshot ] [ Grunts ] [ Squish ] Bart didn't tell you? As long as I'm on the property, I can't die.
[ Squish ] [ Grunts ] [ Breathing deeply ] Wh-- [ Clears throat ]

I mean, there could be anything in there.
Anything, right? There could be spiders.
There could be the spiny blade thing
- You don't even know, do you?
- Correct.
[ Blows air, huffs ] I How about this? What if I cut myself, put it on, like, a little piece of paper? We'll just wad it up and throw it in the mouth, okay? Okay.
[ Whispers ] Yeah.
[ Blows air ] Going in.
Do it.
[ Exhaling sharply ] Oh.
[ Whirs, clanks ] Gah! [ Whirring ] [ Groans ] IAah! [ Clanking ] [ Grunts ] Ah! [ Whirs ] [ High-pitched scream ] Huh! It got me!
It [ Whoosh ] [ Whirring stops, clank ] [ Gasps ] [ Door unlocks, opens ] [ Scoffs ] [ Creaking ] [ Dean grunts, exhaling sharply ]
You gonna live? Ow.
[ Click, whoosh ] Whoa! [ Dart thuds ] [ Gasps ]
What the hell was that? The curveball.
How's it goin'?
- Did Bart mention anything to you about this?
- No.
Not gonna answer? Just ignore ol' Grab.
[ Groaning ] [ Thud ]
There was supposed to be a safe, not some Dollar Store Indiana Jones crap!

Son of a bitch.
- [ Smash grunts ]
- Aah! Oh.
[ Gasps ] My brother, where is he?
Alive, far as I left him.
Thought he was a demon.
Guess Bart's got humans doing his dirty work now.
[ Cocks gun ] Well, looks like gun beats knife, so how about you hand over the safe, and then we'll all be home in time to watch "Game of Thrones."
I'm more of a book guy.
[ Gunshots ] Dean! He's immortal!
Well, good thing he's got a glass jaw.
All right, jackass, this is how it's gonna go.
You can tell us how to get past your little booby trap in here, and then you're safe, all right? [ Chuckles ] Sorry, son.
That riddle in there?
You'll never crack it.
And if you try, you'll find yourself on the business end of a thousand tiny darts, each tipped with silver and filled with arsenic, holy water, and holy oil.
Gentlemen, I wish you good fortune! [ Laughs ]
And I wish you'd shut up.
[ Low growl ] [ Panting ]
Where are you running off to?
Everything went sideways.
Grab is dead.
The Winchesters, too, probably.
And what? Job cancelled.
Game over.
Alice, just because I like you doesn't mean I'm willing to renegotiate the terms of your deal.
I'll do another job.
I'll make it up to you.
Just tell me what you want me to do.
All right, so what are we looking at here? Some sort of an ancient hoodoo disco floor?
No, I-I think it's like a -- like a giant keypad.
Like we have to walk over the tiles in a very specific order -- an order which only Shrike knows.
Yeah, well, Shrike's not talking, so I guess we wing it.
Wing it? [ Scoffs ] Dean, these -- these aren't like the lasers in "Entrapment." There are infinite possible combinations [ Sighs ] and pressure-released darts.
Did you just say "Entrapment"?
I don't know.
I mean, I don't -- I don't watch a whole lot of those kinds of movies.
Yeah, but you saw "Entrapment"? Catherine Zeta Jones.
I think I just Yeah.
I just got an idea, but it's a little crazy.
I'm good with crazy.
[ Muffled grunting ] I told you, you'd help.
Ready? On three.
One two [ Grunting ] [ Darts whooshing ] That was awesome! [ Rattles ]
All right, Shrike's all tied back up.
- Man, is he pissed.
- [ Chuckles ] Yeah, wouldn't you be? How we lookin'? Can you open it? [ Scoffs ]
Dean, I bet no one's seen a safe like that in over a hundred years.
I have.
Look who decided to show.
Why'd you cottontail? You think I wanna be here? Like I have a choice?
You made a deal.
You think?
You sold your soul.
And if I could take it back, I would.
But sorry, Charlie.
I can't.
So here I am.
And as long as I keep working for him, Bart never collects.
So you gonna let me do my thing or what? Look, it doesn't have to be that way.
You know, we could help you.
No, you can't.
I gotta take care of me.
[ Dial clicking ] How long does this usually -- Shh! [ Exhales deeply ] [ Clank ] Ta-da! Let's go?! Yeah.
[ Clears throat ] Oh, great.
Who cares? Let's blow this pop stand.
[ Car door opens, closes ] [ Engine starts ] Does this guy ever stop?
[ Engine revs, tires peal ] You wanna handle this?! On it! [ Cocks gun ] [ Tires screech ] [ Gunshots ] [ Tires screeching ] Get out of the truck! Don't try anything funny.
Get out! [ Truck door closes ] It make you feel good, whoring yourselves out to pure evil? Because that's what he is.
What he did to me, my little boy
What are you talking about?
My son.
He was sick, dying.
So I found Bart and I traded my life for his.
My boy got better, but then a few years later, he died anyway.
He drowned.
You know what Bart told me then? He said, "Accidents happen," that he "couldn't be held responsible."
So what did you do?
When the hounds came and dragged me to Hell, I negotiated a new deal.
What kind of leverage?
Look in the trunk.
[ Car door closes ] [ Grunts ] [ Trunk unlocks ] Bart's bones.
You burn them, he dies.
That's my leverage.
You're on the wrong side of this, boys.
You gotta ask yourselves if you can live with that.
[ Thud ] [ Gasps ] Luther You never should've left the house.
Trust me, he had it coming.
You let his son die.
Well, he didn't read the fine print, and I am a businessman.
Speaking of which Alice.
[ Sighs ] Little something for a job well done.
Don't be shy.
Come on.
And for you boys The spell.
You earned it.
Sam No.
Let me see if I understand.
You two do-gooding idiots are willing to welch on our deal, throw away the only chance you have at finding your boy, because I killed a 200-year-old blackmailing piece of garbage? Is that it?
Yeah, that, and we just don't like you.
Time to re-open negotiations, shall we? [ Gasps ] Give me my bones, and the girl lives.
Or try to burn them, and the moment before I die [ Grunts ] I'll snap her neck like kindling.
It's amazing what I can do in a half-second's time.
Please [ Smash crying softly ]
Slide it out, please.
[ Gasps ] My dear You're all right.
Would you mind? [ Clicking tongue ] You could've had this.
It was almost all yours.
But no, you just couldn't make it easy, could you? [ Voice breaks ]
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
You gotta take care of you.
Sweet, really.
Take care of you.
Alice, chop chop! Yeah.
[ Flames crackling ] Aah! Aah! The spell! The spell! [ Screaming ] [ Blowing air ] [ Exhaling sharply ] Thanks for the ride.
You gonna be okay? Yeah.
I'm gonna be good.
Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
What you did for me you didn't have to do that.
Thank you, seriously.
See ya around.
Hey, Alice.
Stay weird.
[ Bus door closes ] You okay?
Yeah, not really.
Not exactly the best day, you know?
Well, it's not the worst.
We did save somebody.
That felt good.
Yeah, it did.
But [ Sighs ] back to square one with Jack.
We'll figure something else out.
And if that doesn't work, then we'll move on to next, and then whatever's after that.
We just keep working, 'cause it's what we do.
It feels really good to hear you talk like that again.
I'll drink to that.
[ Bottles clink ]


Source : springfieldspringfield.co.uk

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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