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#13.06 : Règlement de compte à OK Corral

 ALLEZ-Y ... FAITES MA JOURNÉE - Castiel est réuni avec Jack et ensemble, avec Sam et Dean, ils se dirigent vers une vieille ville endormie de l'Ouest pour enquêter sur un meurtre. Dean arrive à vivre son fantasme d'enfance quand il se retrouve face à face avec un célèbre pistolier hors-la-loi. 


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Règlement de compte à OK Corral

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Initiation part 1 / A holiday gift / A supernatural Xmas

Initiation part 1 / A holiday gift / A supernatural Xmas


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Sergent Joe Phillips (Eric Schweig) face à Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sergent Joe Phillips (Eric Schweig) face à Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sergent Joe Phillips (Eric Schweig) et une collègue

Sergent Joe Phillips (Eric Schweig) et une collègue

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Jack (Alexander Calvert) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) en pleine discussion dans un cimetière

Jack (Alexander Calvert) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) en pleine discussion dans un cimetière

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Jack (Alexander Calvert) et Castiel (Misha Collins) se retrouvant et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Jack (Alexander Calvert) et Castiel (Misha Collins) se retrouvant et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Jack (Alexander Calvert)

Jack (Alexander Calvert)


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Plus de détails

Écrit par : Davy Perez.
Réalisé par : Nina Lopez-Corrado.


Casting :

Alexander Calvert... Jack

Misha Collins... Castiel

Sarah Troyer... Athena

Jonathan Cherry... Dave Mather

Paul C.Grenier... Officier Carl Phillips

Eric Schweig... Sergent "Sarge" Joe Phillips

Jason Asuncion... Lenny

Hana Kinani... Shawnte

Dean et Sam, après la surprise de retrouver Castiel à une cabine téléphonique, le prennent dans leurs bras à tour de rôle. Lorsqu'ils demandent des explications, Cas' dit juste qu'il a ennuyé une entité cosmique, à tel point qu'elle l'a renvoyé sur Terre, alors qu'il se trouvait dans le Néant.



Au bunker, Jack peut enfin rencontrer Castiel. Il est très heureux de le voir, mais nie y être pour quelque chose dans sa résurrection. Ensuite, il montre au trio avec excitation qu'il peut désormais faire léviter un crayon. De plus, il a trouvé une affaire qui pourrait impliquer des zombies et des pilleurs de tombes à Dodge City, au Kansas. Dean se montre hyper enthousiaste à l'idée de se rendre à Dodge City et les quatre chasseurs se rendent sur les lieux.



Au motel, Dean dit qu'il leur a réservé la meilleure des chambres ; la suite Wild Bill. Lorsqu'ils rentrent dans la chambre, ils découvrent un endroit décoré sur le thème du Far West, avec des photos de cowboys célèbres sur les murs. Dean évoque toutes les anecdotes qu'il connait sur chacun d'eux et tandis qu'il parle encore et encore, Sam dit à Cas' et à Jack qu'ils commenceront leur enquête dès le lendemain.



Plus tard, cette même nuit, l'officier Carl Phillips arrête un pickup sur le bord de la route et relève sa plaque d'immatriculation. Lorsque la porte du passager s'ouvre, l'officier sort son arme et s'approche, mais il n'y a personne à l'intérieur. Il entend alors un bruit et tourne son attention vers le champ d'à côté. Alors, la porte du pickup se ferme et avant que l'officier ne puisse s'en rendre, il se retrouve sous les roues de ce dernier.



Pendant que Sam et Dean dorment, Jack et Castiel discutent de Kelly et de ce que Jack se souvient d'avant sa naissance. Leur conversation est interrompue, lorsqu'un message sur le scanner de la police apparaît et indique la mort d'un officier. Jack court avertir Dean. Castiel tente de le stopper, mais Jack est déjà sur Dean. Ce dernier se réveille en sursaut et pointe son arme sur Jack. Lorsqu'il se rend compte que tout va bien, il range son arme et réclame du café. Une fois que Sam et Dean sont réveillés, Jack leur parle de Phillips et des marques de morsures sur son corps, qu'il pense pouvoir attribuer à un zombie. Ils ne sont pas sûrs de savoir à quoi ils ont affaire, alors ils décident de se séparer. Dean et Castiel iront sur la scène de crime, tandis que Sam et Jack se rendront au cimetière afin d'en savoir plus sur les pillages.



Juste avant de se rendre sur la scène de crime, Dean explique à Cas' qu'ils vont devoir s'intégrer, car il pense que la police locale n'appréciera pas des gars de la ville empiéter sur leur terrain. Alors, ils se font passer pour des Texas Rangers et rencontrent le sergent Phillips, chargé de l'affaire. Il explique que la victime était son neveu. Puis, il veut savoir pourquoi des Texas Rangers sont intéressés par l'affaire. Dean dit qu'un cas similaire s'est produit au Texas. Le sergent Phillips leur laisse volontiers enquêter, mais il les prévient que s'il est le premier à tomber sur le responsable, il ne restera pas grand chose de ce dernier.



Sam et Jack se rendent à la morgue. La médecin légiste, Athena Lopez, ne les voit pas arriver et s'occupe d'un corps tout en dansant au son de son casque. Ils finissent par obtenir son attention. Surprise, elle leur demande qui ils sont. Sam les présente comme des agents du FBI. Lui est l'agent Elliott, tandis que Jack est l'agent Paxton. Jack observe les lieux et demande à Athena si elle a remarqué des choses étranges, comme des zones froides ou des odeurs nauséabondes. Elle leur dit qu'elle n'était pas présente lors des pillages et les invite à enquêter dans le cimetière. Tandis qu'ils s'y rendent, Jack sort son EMF et enregistre des tas de signaux. Sam lui explique que l'EMF est inutile dans un cimetière, car c'est toujours un lieu hanté. Ils examinent une tombe pillée. Lorsque Sam regarde le cercueil, il constate qu'il y a un énorme trou sur la porte du cercueil. La police pense que c'est le travail des rats, mais Sam explique que le trou est trop large pour cette explication. A l'intérieur, il trouve un os pelvien à moitié rongé. Alors, Sam pense qu'ils ont affaire à une goule.



De retour au motel, le quatuor partage leurs découvertes respectives. Une fois la théorie de la goule acceptée, ils pensent d'abord à Athena comme étant la coupable. Mais cette hypothèse est écartée, car en tant que croque-mort, Athena n'aurait pas besoin de creuser les tombes pour avoir ce qu'elle souhaite. Alors, ils examinent les caméras de surveillance de la ville afin de trouver le chauffeur du véhicule incriminé. Lorsqu'ils le trouvent, Dean constate qu'il s'agit de Dave Mather, un célèbre pistolera, censé être mort depuis 1886.



Athena s'est remise au travail, son casque sur les oreilles. Soudain, quelqu'un lui frappe les fesses. Elle se retourne pour voir Dave, son petit ami, qui lui tend une lettre. Elle l'ouvre et découvre qu'elle a été acceptée dans une école spécialisée dans les maquillages et effets spéciaux pour le cinéma, en Californie. Elle est ecstatique. Dave l'est moins. Il lui dit que cela coûterait trop cher de s'installer là bas et qu'ils ont déjà tout ce dont ils ont besoin ici, à Dodge City. Agacée, elle lui répond qu'elle a besoin de travailler. Avant que Dave ne puisse protester plus avant, elle lui parle de la visite de deux agents du FBI qui ont posé d'étranges questions sur des odeurs bizarres et des zones froides.



Jack réalise que Dave est en fait le petit ami d'Athena, car il se souvient avoir vu une photo des deux ensemble au funerarium. Ils se rendent donc là bas pour poser quelques questions à Athena, qui leur dit que Dave se trouve à la banque.



A la banque, Lenny, le gardien, laisse sortir le dernier client avant la fermeture. C'est alors que Dave apparaît et commet son braquage. Juste après, Dean arrive pour confronter Dave, mais ce dernier parvient à s'enfuir. Une fusillade éclate, opposant Dave à Dean et Sam. Castiel se couvre et tente d'éloigner Jack pour le surveiller. Toutefois, Jack, voulant aider, s'approche de Dave. Dave lui tire dessus à plusieurs reprises, mais les blessures n'affectent pas Jack, ce qui plonge Dave dans la confusion. Jack sourit. Ravi d'avoir l'avantage, Jack envoie une vague d'ondes célestes vers Dave pour le neutraliser. Malheureusement, c'est à ce moment que le gardien sort. Il est aussi touché par la vague d'ondes envoyée par Jack et sa tête vient heurter une colonne de pierre. Il s'écroule sur le sol, inconscient. Tandis que Dean part à la poursuite de Dave, qui en a profité pour prendre la fuite, Jack prie Castiel de guérir le gardien. Malheureusement, malgré ses tentatives, Castiel ne parvient pas à honorer Jack. Le gardien est mort.



De retour au motel, les boys et Castiel discutent de ce qui vient de se passer. Ils décident qu'il vaut mieux que Jack retourne au bunker, car il risque d'être reconnu s'il reste dans les parages. Dean décide de partir seul à la poursuite de la goule et demande à Sam de ramener Castiel et Jack chez eux.



Au funérarium, Dave vient retrouver Athena. Elle remarque qu'il a été blessé par balle et veut savoir ce qu'il s'est passé. Il lui avoue qu'il vient de braquer une banque pour elle, ce qui la bouleverse. Elle comprend que Dave est aussi le pilleur de tombes, quand il lui dit qu'il a mis des bijoux en gage.



Lorsque Dean arrive au cimetière, il retrouve le sergent Phillips, lui aussi à la recherche de Dave, qui a été reconnu par un témoin. Il sait que Dave est lié au pillage et donc à la mort de son neveu. Lorsque Dean lui demande où est passé son badge, Phillips lui répond que c'est une affaire personnelle. Dean le prévient que s'il tombe sur Dave le premier, ce dernier ne s'en sortira pas vivant. Phillips répond qu'il a les mêmes intentions que Dean. Les deux partent donc à la recherche de la goule et Dean conseille à Phillips de viser la tête. Tandis qu'ils fouillent le cimetière, ils entendent des bruits et Dean s'éloigne un instant pour voir ce que c'est. A ce moment, Phillips est tiré à travers le sol. Dean doit donc pénétrer dans le trou et dans le système de tunnels creusé par Dave.



Sam, Castiel et Jack retournent au bunker, comme il en a été décidé. Cas' et Sam tentent tous deux de remonter le moral de Jack, qui est très abattu après la mort du gardien. Mais leurs tentatives sont vaines.



Dean suit les tunnels qui finissent par le conduire tout droit dans le funérarium. Là, il trouve Athena, attachée et baillonnée à une chaise. Dean lui retire son baillon et elle demande ce qu'il se passe. Dean lui révèle que son petit ami n'est en fait pas humain. Puis, le chasseur entend un grognement derrière lui et trouve, sur le sol, le sergent Phillips, blessé. Dean s'approche, quand Phillips lui indique que la goule se trouve derrière lui. Dean se retourne et voit Dave, qui pointe une arme sur lui. Dave lui ordonne de mettre les mains en l'air. Puis, il se moque de Dean pour ne pas avoir emmené de flingue, mais lui dit que de toutes façons, cela ne changeait rien, car Dean n'est pas suffisamment rapide. Dean avoue qu'il a raison, mais qu'il y a quelqu'un d'autre qui est rapide ; le sergent Phillips. Dean s'écarte pour laisser apparaître Phillips, armé. Avant que Dave ne puisse réagir, Phillips tire et atteint la tête de la goule.



Le lendemain matin, Dean et le sergent Phillips discutent des événements dans le cimetière. Quand Phillips demande des explications à Dean, ce dernier lui dit que les choses se sont déroulées ainsi : un homme nommé Dave a tué son adjoint, ainsi que le gardien de la banque et a tenté de le tuer lui. Dean, quant à lui, n'a jamais été là.



De retour au bunker, Dean annonce à Sam que l'affaire est close. Y compris au sujet du gardien. Jack est en colère et veut savoir si Lenny avait une famille. Jack se demande s'il n'est pas vraiment un monstre finalement, mais Dean lui dit qu'ils ont tous fait des erreurs et qu'ils ont tous du sang sur les mains, mais cela ne fait pas d'eux des monstres. Ce n'est pas plus le cas pour Jack. Mais le discours de Dean ne convainc pas Jack qui dit que même quand il essaie d'aider, quelqu'un se retrouve toujours blessé. Il continue en disant qu'il ne peut pas sauver le monde ainsi et que s'il reste, il finira par leur faire du mal aussi. Hors, il ne peut pas laisser cela arriver, car ils sont tout ce qu'il lui reste. Quand ils essaient de l'arrêter, Jack leur envoie une vague d'ondes qui les envoie voler à travers la pièce. Il leur dit qu'il est désolé, puis disparaît. Lorsqu'ils se relèvent, il est déjà trop tard.

Jack: I can't control
Clark: Mom! whatever this is.
Sam: Jack is a nephilim.
He's Lucifer's son.
- I'm sorry.
- What? Will you tell them that I'm sorry?
Sam: Jack is not evil.
He's just a kid.
We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers.
Jack: So I don't hurt anyone anymore.
[ Electricity zaps ] Oh! [ Grunts ]
Sam: See this pencil? I want you to move it with your mind.
I can't.
I can't do the one good thing you want me to.
I must be evil.
No! It doesn't matter what you are.
[ Gunshot ] It matters what you do.
[ Grunts ] You did good today.
Dean: There are zombies here [ Grunts ] which means head shot.
People come back? [ Gasps ] No! Dean: What gets burned stays dead.
- Goodbye, Cass.
- Castiel.
What is this place? Angels and demons, you all come here when you die.
What are you? Oh, I'm just your friendly neighborhood cosmic entity.
Having you awake, it's like a gnat.
If having me awake causes you pain, send me back to Earth.
Pretty smart.

What? [ Train whistle blowing in distance ] [ Owl hoots, insects chirp ] [ Train whistle continues blowing ] [ Rustling ] What the hell? Come on.
[ Owl hoots ] Where'd he go? [ Rustling ] He's messin' with us.
He's too damn fast.
[ Rustling ] Not faster than bullets.
[ Rustling ] All right, you wait here.
I'm-a flush him out.
[ Owl hoots ] [ Rumbling ] Aah! Sarge? Aw, hell.

Supernatural 13x06 Tombstone
[ Siren wailing in distance ] Cass, is that really you? No.
You're -- you're dead.
Yeah, I was.
But then I annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back.
I don't even know what to say.
I do.
Welcome home, pal.
How long was I gone? Too damn long.
Where were you? In Heaven? No.
No, I was in the Empty.
Really? Apparently, it's where angels and demons go when they die.
What was it like?
Castiel: Well, it's dark and nothing.
[ Whoosh ] It's like nothing.
I was sleeping, and then I heard a voice that said my name, and I woke up.
I thought you had done something.
No, we we didn't even think we could bring you back.
So who was it? Chuck -- uh, God? No.
No, he has no power in the Empty.
Well, then, who does? Jack.
[ Footsteps approaching ] How'd it go? Well
Sam: Jack, um What's wrong?
Hello, Jack.
Castiel? [ Sighs ] Yeah, it's me.
We burned your body, and what's burned stays dead.
How Well, that's the question we've been askin'.
Jack did you, uh Did you bring Cass back?
I don't know.
I wanted him back.
I begged for him to come back, but
Well, here he is.
Because of me?
We don't know.
We don't know, Jack.
But we -- we -- we think maybe.
Thank you, Jack.
I missed you so much.
Sam and Dean tell me you're doing well.
I am.
I… Watch this - [ Jack chuckles ] -
Sam: Wow.
I can move the pencil.
And I found a case.
Hunter's case.
What kind of a -- Zombies.
[ Whispers ] I know what zombies are now.
[ Normal voice ] You see? Wait.
Where'd you learn to do that? By watching you.
And Sam.
Three days ago, a vintage pocket watch with a personal inscription was sold at a pawn shop.
But when they went to authenticate it, they found out that it'd been buried with its owner 20 years ago.
And when they checked out the grave, it was empty.
Which means [ Taps key ] the dead are rising in Dodge City, Kansas.
O-or maybe it's a-a grave robbery, but Oh.
Yeah, but we should probably check it out.
Yeah, we've done more on less.
Besides Dodge City's kind of, uh, kind of awesome.
All right, well two salty hunters, one half-angel kid, and a dude who just came back from the dead.
Team Free Will 2.0.
Here we go.

Dean: All right, this is supposed to be the best room in the joint.
[ Switch clicks ] Oh, ho! The Wild Bill suite.
[ Laughing ] Wow.
[ Door closes ] Pretty cool, right? Dude! Check it out, check it out, check it out.
Clay Allison -- gun fighter extraordinaire, right? And, uh, Curly Bill Brocius, which -- now, now, now, little fun fact here -- was killed by Wyatt Earp himself.
Not kidding.
[ Laughs ] Johnny Ringo, Billy the Kid.
Oh, look!
He really likes cowboys.
Hey, big guy.
How you doin'? That's What's going on, Calamity Jane? Yes.
Yes, he does.
[ Laughs ] Doc Holliday! Hey-oh! This is awesome.
All right, I say quick shower, steak dinner, and then tomorrow, we hit up the cemetery.
Sounds like a plan.
[ Saloon doors creak ]
Dean: Oh, yes! Stirrup hangers!
You can have the couch if you want.[ Dean speaks indistinctly ] I don't sleep much.
I don't sleep at all.
Sam: Still can't believe you brought your own hat.
Well, I can't believe you didn't.
You're in a good mood, huh? [ Unzips bag ] Yeah.
No, no, I-I-I just, uh you've been having a rough go, so it's it's good to see you smile.
Well, I said I needed a big win.
We got Cass back.
That's a pretty damn big win.
Fair enough.
[ Static crackles ] Run that plate, would you, Sophie? Copy, Carl.
Will do.
Let's see who this pile of junk belongs to.
[ Door opens ] [ Static crackles ] Carl, we got a match on that plate.
Looks like the truck was stolen.
[ Rustling ] [ Gasps ] [ Truck door slams ] [ Gasps ] [ Rustling ] [ Breathing heavily ] Aah! [ Screaming ] [ Crunch ] Carl? Carl? Is everything all right? Carl, do you copy? [ Static crackles ] [ Snoring loudly ]
And then there were these angels and they tried to kill me, but I thought angels were good? Well, in Heaven, « €œgood’s »€ a relative turn.
What's it like?
Heaven? Well, that depends.
But it's nice?
It can be.
That's good. My mother's in Heaven.
Yeah, I know she is.
Kelly was She was a very brave woman.
She left me a message.
She said I had an angel watching over me.
[ Sighs ] Jack, I'm so sorry. I-I should've been here for you.
It's okay.
It's just I understand why she trusted you.
Why I trusted you.
You remember that? I remember feeling safe.
Jack, your mother, she believed that you would do amazing things.
She said that you would change the world for the better.
And now, looking at you, talking to you, I know that she was right, that we were right.
Kelly would be so proud of you.
[ Beeps ] [ Typing ] [ Beeping ] Oh, wow.
I'll go tell them.
Jack! [ Loud snoring continues ] Dean? Dean?
Jack, I wouldn't do that! Aah! [ Gun cocks ]
No, no, no! Dean, it's me.
It's me.
[ Saloon door rattles ] Ah, hey.
Who's making me coffee? [ Clears throat ] [ Sniffs ] [ Slurps coffee ] [ Groans ] I told you.
He's an angry sleeper.
Like a bear.
Okay, so « €œcode three » means an officer down.
Looks like the victim was -- Covered in bite marks.
Like from a zombie.
Or anything else that has teeth.
Sam: All right, change of plans.
Jack and I will hit the graveyard.
You and Cass hit up the crime scene.
Dean: Works for me.
[ Slurps ] Ahh.
[ Engine revving ] [ Engine turns off ] All right, listen, these Dodge City cops aren't likely to trust big city folks, so we're gonna have to blend.
Which is why you're making me wear this absurd hat.
It's not that bad.
Well, actually, yeah, it kind of is.
Hang on.
All right.
That's better.
Is it? [ Sighs ]
Look, just act like you're from « Tombstone »€ okay?
The city?
The movie.
With Kurt Russell? I made you watch it.
Yeah, yeah.
The one with the guns and tuberculosis.
€œI'm your Huckleberry.
[ Police radio chatter ] Yeah, exactly.
Well, it's good to have you back, Cass.
All right, follow my lead.
We'll fit right in.
[ Steve Miller's « Space Cowboy »€ playing ] I told you 'bout living in the U.S of A
Don't you know that I'm a gangster of love? I'm a space cowboy
Bet you weren't ready for that
Howdy, pardner.
Who's in charge here?
Castiel: Much obliged.
I'm sure you know where it's at Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sheriff Phillips? [ Record needle scratches ] It's Sarge.
Sergeant Joe Phillips.
Sheriff's on vacation.
Well, I'm Agent Russell.
This here is my associate.
[ Indistinct conversations ] Uh, Kilmer.
My name is Val Kilmer.
Yeah, okay.
What do you want?
Well, we heard about the attack over the wire last night.
Wondering what you can tell us about the victim.
His name was Carl Phillips.
Deputy Carl Phillips.
He’s was my nephew.
Some psycho slit his throat and left the body out for the coyotes to chew on.
I knew that boy since he was a day old.
Well, we're deeply sorry for your loss.
[ Clears throat ] Anyway, what the hell's the Texas Rangers even doing up here?
Well, actually, we're FB-- Rangers.
That's right.
Texas Rangers.
We've been tracking a fugitive who skipped across state lines.
He's a real mean son of a gun.
He's been robbing graves.
We got us one of them.
Carl was the one looking in on it.
You think there's a connection?
Could be.
Well, you boys are more than welcome to poke around, but I catch up with your runner first, there ain't gonna be much left of him to take back to Texas.
- You can count on it.
- Dean: Mm.
[ Messer Chups' « They Call Me Zombie »€ playing ] They call me zombie, I don't know why They call me zombie [ Speaks indistinctly ] They call me zombie, I don't know why Dude! What the hell? Sorry.
Sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare -- Um, there was no one upstairs.
[ Machine beeps ] Yeah, it's just me.
And you are [ Switch clicks ] Athena Lopez, undertaker.
And you are? Agent Elliot.
That's Agent Paxton.
He's an FBI agent? [ Scoffs ] Did his parents sign a permission slip?
He's a trainee.
Top of his class.
Anyway, we're here about the grave robbery.
Uh, you live on the premises, right?
All my life.
But according to the police report, you didn't see anyone that night.
I was out.
Amanda Palmer concert.
Amanda Palmer? What about anything weird? Cold spots? Strange smells? [ Clears throat ]
I just said, I wasn't here.
[ Chuckles ] Right.
We're just trying to figure out what happened.
That's all.
You and me both.
Look, if you guys wanna check out the grave, the cops have it roped off, over on the west plot.
Again, sorry.
There's something here.
[ EMF warbling ] No, wait.
[ Chuckles ] Jack, put that away.
We're in a graveyard.
There's gonna be EMF everywhere.
[ Switch clicks ] [ Birds chirping ] The police report said something about rats damaging the coffin.
That's one big rat.
All right.
[ Sighs ] Here goes nothin'.
[ Sighs, mutters ] What's that? I think it's Dean: Leftovers.
Yeah, bite marks.
Looks like a ghoul.
Oh, a ghoul is a monster that feeds on the dead.
They can take the form of whomever they've eaten.
Decapitation kills them.
Yeah, or bashing their brains in.
So like a zombie shape-shifter?
Pretty much, yeah.
And he could have tunnels all over that graveyard.
But if it could be anyone, how do we find it? [ Thaddeus Rose & The Thorns' « Hot Rod Rockin’ » playing ] I'm gonna rock [ Bottle cap clatters ]
Can I just say I'm getting real sick and tired of fighting things that look like other things?
Maybe the ghoul is this Athena.
A-a ghoul who owns a mortuary.
That's smart, but No.
She's got access to the bodies before they're ever in the ground.
Anything she wants, she would just take.
She doesn't have to dig 'em back up.
I think I found something.
I tracked the plates on the stolen truck from the crime scene, and I went through the city's traffic camera footage, and look.
This is it.
From yesterday, before the deputy was killed.
Well, then, who's drivin'? [ Taps key ] [ Exhales sharply ] Holy crap.
That's Dave Mather.
Sam and Castiel: Who? Dave Mather.
Dave! Not cool.
What? It's your own fault, bent over all sexy.
I don't like when you do that.
You do like it.
One of the Dodge City gang.
Come here.
[ Bell tolls ] He was one of the greatest gunfights ever.
I mean, he died in 1886, which makes this a little weird, but [ Laughs ] Mysterious Dave Mather.
I'm gonna get my boots on.
One of the best gunslingers ever! Whoo!

You got a letter, and it's from that makeup school.
Thought you said you weren't gonna apply.
Changed my mind.
And it's not €œthat makeup school.
€It's the Ben Carruth Makeup and Special Effects Program.
It's the best.
The Carruth Program.
Got it.
€œ- Dear Ms.Lopez, after reviewing your portfolio, we've decided to accept you into our fall semester.
Babe, I got in.
Don't get too excited.
No, I I think it's great that you got in that.
But it's in Los Angeles, and we're not exactly swimming in cash here.
City living, it's expensive.
Yeah, and they've got loans.
I could sell this place if I needed to.
Athena, don't you think we have a good thing here? Why do you wanna go mess it up? Whatever.
I have to work.
Two FBI agents came by today.
What for? It was about the grave robbery, but they asked these weird questions about cold spots, strange smells.
So our ghoul ate some Old West gunfighter and stole his face? That's what it looks like.

[ Rifle cocks ] I think I've seen him before.
There was a picture at the mortuary.
He's Athena's boyfriend.
[ Engine turns off ] All right.
So what do we tell Athena?
Well, we keep it simple, tell her the guy she's banging eats dead people, and we're here to kill him.
Or we could lie.
Yeah, we definitely lie.
Athena? What the hell are you doing in my house? Again.
Look, I-I'm a I know who you are.
Answer the question.
Okay, my -- my associate and I, we're -- we're looking for your boyfriend.
Why? Is this about the grave robbery? And a murder.
A what? Sheriff's deputy was killed last night.
We just wanna talk to him.
That's all.
Sodo you know where he is?
He said he had to go to the bank.
Have a good night, ma'am.

[ Bell dings ] [ Exhales ] Hey, Shawnte.
Locking up.
Okay, sounds good.
[ Bell dings ] Howdy, pardner.
You hit that alarm, you die.
You hand me that funny wad of cash with the dye pack in it, you die.
You try and play hero, big boy, you die.
You got me? [ Bell dings ] Dave Mather.
Robbing a bank.
That's a bold move.
You must be the Hunter.
And you must like to play cowboy.
It's my favorite suit.
You know, I like to keep a little piece of old Dave on me just to gnaw on.
[ Gun cocks ] [ Laughs ] Let's make it two, three, four Hunters! Whoo! [ Sniffs ] Must be my birthday.
Look, why don't you come with us someplace else? We can do this quick and quiet.
[ Gunshots, glass shatters ] [ Grunts ] Are you all right? Yeah.
Whoo! [ Gunshots ] Okay, you stay here.
No, it's okay.
I've got this.
No, Jack.
Jack! Stay here.
Jack! Jack! Hey! [ Gunshots ] What the hell? [ Thud, crack ] [ Grunts ] [ Grunts ] No.
Check the guard.
No! No.
No, no, no, no.
[ Tires screech, horn honks ] Cass, I-I didn't mean to.
Castiel, you have to heal him.
[ High-pitched ringing ] [ Thunder rumbling ] I can't.
Why -- why not? He's dead.
[ Thunder rumbling ] Is this the first time he's hurt anyone? No.
No, but it is the first time he's hurt someone that didn't get back up.
All right, you two should get Jack back to the bunker.
What? The cops are gonna be on their way.
We gotta get him out of town.
Okay, but what -- what about the ghoul?
I can stay here.
No, I'll handle it.
Besides, you need to be with the kid in case hey you know.
[ Sighs heavily ] Okay.
All right.
[ Grunts ] Ha.
[ Inhales deeply, exhales sharply ] Hey, baby.
Dave, what happened?
Uh, I got shot.
Oh, my God.
Ow! [ Laughs ] It's not a big deal.
Hey, I robbed a bank for you.
What are you talking about? [ Grunts ] [ Bag thuds ]
I-I I changed my mind.
You can go to that school, and I'm gonna come with you.
Okay? But we gotta leave now.
So big city, here we come.
Are you insane? No, look, I can pawn jewelry for stuff like concert tickets.
But if we're skipping down, digging up a few bodies just ain't gonna cut it.
You're the grave robber? But that would mean - That cop that got killed? - That -- that pissant Deputy Carl, he was tailing me.
I had no choice.
I had to do it.
I had to do it.
You killed someone.
Who had it coming.
But it doesn't matter now anyways.
Baby [ Breathing heavily ] We need to leave.
Don't touch me.
Hey! I'm the one that's giving you everything that you ever wanted.
So how 'bout you stop being a bitch, okay? Athena [ Gasps ] you're with me, and I will always take care of you and I will always protect you.
But we need to get the hell out of Dodge now.
Just get away from me.
Baby! [ Gasps ] [ Vehicle approaching ] Damn.
[ Engine turns off ] [ Owl hooting ] Y'all looking for someone? 'Cause I am.
Bank in town just got robbed.
Turned into a real O.K.Corral type of deal.
Big old shootout.
I heard about that.
Shawnte, the clerk, recognized the perp's voice.
She said he sounded just like the fella that's been dating Athena.
That so? And we got prints back from the murder.
They matched prints from the bank.
That boy's been busy.
I already checked his place.
It's cleaned out, but I figure he ain't goin' nowhere without his best girl.
So that's why I'm here.
Why are you here?
Same thing.
Trying to get the bad guy.
Where's your badge?
I don't need one.
This is family business.
Well, I should tell you I'm not taking him alive.
Neither am I.
All right, then.
Uh, aim for the head.
[ Rustling ] What the hell? Come on.
[ Rustling ] All right, you wait here.
I'm-a flush him out.
[ Owl hoots ] [ Rumbling ] Aah! Sarge? Aw, hell.
[ Grunting ] Mnh-mnh! No, I don't wanna -- Okay.
[ Groans, grunts ] [ Thud ] [ Grunting ] Ugh.
[ Grunting ] [ Shotgun thuds] [ Grunts ] [ Grunts ] Uhh! Perfect.
[ Sputters ] Yeah.

Come to Dodge City.
We'll have some laughs.
[ Grunts ] [ Thunderclap ] [ Rain falling ] Jack, you, uh you okay? Jack, I've killed people who didn't deserve it my friends -- I've killed people I loved.
I wish I could tell you that it -- that it gets easier, that with time, it hurts less, but that would be a lie because it -- it never gets easier.
And those moments, they never stop hurting.
But that doesn't mean that you should stop fighting.
Doesn't mean that just because you made a mistake -- and that's what this is, Jack.
It's a mistake.
That doesn't mean that you can't -- can't be better, do better.
I believe that.
I have to believe that.
And we still believe in you, Jack.
We, uh --- Stop.
Just Please stop.
[ Insects chirping ]
[ Loud metallic clank, creaking ] Aah!
[ Thud ] [ Panting ] [ Muffled crying ] [ Whispers ]
[ Grunts ] You okay?
[ Crying ] No.
What the hell is going on?
Okay, well, your boyfriend, uh, is not exactly human.
What? [ Groaning ] Hey.
Hey, Sarge.
Hey, hey.
Hey, you okay? Still kickin'.
[ Groans ] Okay.
Just barely.
That sumbitch dragged me down here, tossed me around like I was a damn rag doll.
You got any idea where he is?
A little bit.
[ Gun cocks ] Hands up.
Oh, I think you heard me.
Raise 'em! High! Attaboy.
Dave? Don't.
It's okay.
I'm doing this for us, baby.
There is no €œus.
Breakups can be a bitch.
Shut up.
Or what? Or I'm gonna put a bullet right between your eyes.
I mean, what'd you think was gonna happen here? You come down with no gun.
[ Laughs ] Like it matters anyway.
You ain't fast enough.
No, but he is.
[ Gunshot ] [ Gasps ] [ Thud ] [ Exhales sharply ] Happy trails, cowboy.
[ Birds squawking ] [ Sighs ] So, you mind telling me exactly what went on back there?
Guy named Dave killed your deputy.
He tried to kill you, and you shot him dead.
And I was never here.
Fair enough.
And the, uh, security guard at the bank, Dave killed him, too.
[ Door opens, closes ] Hey.
Dean: Hey.
How'd it go?
Killed the bad guy, saved the girl.
[ Object thuds ] What about the, uh
Took care of it.
Good? How is that good? I killed someone.
What was his name? The guard? Did he have a family?
Jack, don't do this to yourself.
No, did he? Yes, he did.
Jack, look, this life, what we do, it's it's not easy.
And we've all done things we regret.
Just don't.
You're afraid of me.
Jack, no.
No, maybe you're right.
Maybe I'm just another monster.
No, you're not.
I thought you were.
I did.
But Like Sam said, we've all done bad.
We all have blood on our hands.
So if you're a monster, we're all monsters.
No, you don't
Every time I try and do something good, people get hurt.
I thought I was getting better.
I'm not I don't know what I am, but I know I can't make the world a better place, not like this.
I can't even do one good thing.
And I know that if I stay, I'm gonna hurt you.
All of you.
And I can't.
You're all I have.
Jack, listen
I have to go.
No, Jack.
I'm sorry.
[ All shout, grunt ] I'm so sorry.
[ Whoosh ] Jack.
[ Grunts ] [ Breathing heavily ] Jack!
He's gone.


Source : Springfieldspringfield.co.uk



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