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#11.23 : Les liens du sang


DIEU VS AMARA - Dieu prend une décision au sujet d'Amara et cette décision a des répercussions directes pour Sam et Dean.


4.86 - 7 votes

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Alpha and Omega

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Les liens du sang

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Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Amarra (Emily Swallow) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Amarra (Emily Swallow) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Amarra (Emily Swallow) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Amarra (Emily Swallow) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles), armes en main

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles), armes en main

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Billie (Lisa Berry)

Billie (Lisa Berry)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 25.05.2016 à 21:00
1.84m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Andrew Dabb
Réalisé par : Phil Sgriccia


Casting :



Résumé de la saison.

Sam s'accroupit auprès de Chuck, tandis que Dean va voir Lucifer. Mais Lucifer est parti et c'est Castiel qui lui répond. Ils rejoignent Sam auprès de Chuck. Ce dernier confirme que ce qu'Amara lui a fait est en train de le tuer. Sa lumière s'évanouit petit à petit. Amara serait la seule à pouvoir le guérir, mais cela n'arrivera pas. C'est alors que Rowena et Crowley les rejoignent. Rowena leur demande de jeter un oeil à l'extérieur. Ils sortent et regardent le ciel ; le soleil lui-même est en train de mourir.


Après qu'ils aient observé le soleil mourant, Chuck les téléporte tous au bunker. Maintenant, il s'agit de savoir ce qu'ils vont faire. Dean s'éclipse dans la cuisine et s'apprête à vider tout un pack de bières. Sam ne l'entend pas de cette oreille. Dean lui assure qu'il aimerait se battre, mais rien de ce qu'ils ont tenté contre Amara n'a fonctionné et ils n'ont pas le pouvoir de réparer le soleil. Alors, peut-être qu'ils doivent se préparer à la fin du monde, cette fois.

Londres, Angleterre. Une jeune aristocrate prénommée Toni regarde le ciel en sortant de sa voiture de luxe. Puis, elle rentre dans le manoir et est accueillie par sa gouvernante qui lui annonce que le thé est servi dans le salon. Toni s'y rend et allume la télévision. Aux informations, un scientifique explique qu'il n'y a pas à s'inquiéter de la soudaine baisse d'activité du soleil. Toni éteint la télévision. Puis, elle reçoit un appel et se rend alors dans un bureau secret, par une porte dérobée portant l'étoile des Men of Letters. Tandis qu'elle assure qu'elle va se rendre là où elle doit se rendre, elle regarde un panneau d'affichage où se trouvent diverses photos et informations sur les Winchester.

Tandis que Rowena prend soin de Chuck, Dean s'apprête à partir pour aller acheter de la bière. Il propose à Sam de venir, mais Sam n'a pas l'intention de baisser les bras et répond qu'il reste au bunker afin de trouver une solution à leur problème. Alors, Dean emmène Cas'. Ils s'apprêtent à sortir de la cuisine quand Rowena entre, à la recherche d'une théière. De son côté, Crowley prévient Chuck que Rowena l'utilise, afin de profiter de son pouvoir. Chuck lui fait remarquer que ses pouvoirs disparaissent à petit feu et que de toutes façons, ils n'ont plus d'avenir. Crowley lui rétorque qu'il n'a pas l'intention de l'appeler "papa".

Toni embrasse un petit garçon endormi dans son lit. Puis, elle descend et rencontre sa gouvernante. Toni lui demande de dire au petit garçon qu'elle sera bientôt de retour, bien que la situation soit grave. Dans le sac de voyage de Toni, la gouvernante a pris soin d'y mettre un revolver, au cas où tous ses trucs magiques ne fonctionneraient pas.

Chuck et Rowena partagent leurs souvenirs de parents tout en buvant du thé, tandis que Crowley s'enfile une bouteille de scotch. Sam arrive et voit ce triste spectacle, il décide alors de remotiver les troupes. Chuck lui dit qu'enfermer Amara maintenant ne servirait plus à rien. Puisqu'il est mourant, l'équilibre de l'Univers disparaitra avec lui. Sam prend alors une décision ; puisqu'ils ne peuvent pas l'enfermer, alors ils devront la tuer.

Sur la route, Dean profite d'être seul avec Cas' pour avoir une conversation avec lui. Castiel dit qu'accepter Lucifer était stupide, d'autant que ça n'a pas fonctionné, mais Dean n'est pas d'accord. Il fallait essayer et Cas' était le seul à pouvoir le faire. L'ange est toujours à leurs côtés et Dean lui en est reconnaissant. Même si Sam et lui ont parfois tendance à oublier ceux qui les entourent, de par tout ce qu'ils ont à gérer, Castiel reste leur meilleur ami, leur frère et il est important qu'il le sache. Castiel, visiblement touché par les mots de Dean, le remercie. Dean reçoit un appel de Sam ; ce dernier a un plan. Aussitôt, ils font demi tour afin de retourner au bunker.

De retour au bunker, Dean est un peu sceptique quand au plan de Sam. Ce dernier lui explique que puisque Chuck est mourant, il faut aussi qu'Amara meurt, afin que les deux plans de la balance soient vides. Le tout étant d'éviter le déséquilibre qui serait fatal à la vie dans l'Univers. Dean lui fait toutefois remarquer que les armes qui auraient pu fonctionné n'ont rien fait à Amara, alors comment vont-ils s'y prendre ? Chuck leur apprend que la lumière est la faiblesse de sa soeur mais que l'énergie dont ils ont besoin pour la détruire est considérable. Il parle de la puissance d'une supernova. Castiel propose alors d'utiliser les âmes ; ce sont des armes puissantes qui pourraient être utiles. Rowena assure qu'elle pourrait construire une bombe si ils lui rapportaient suffisamment d'âmes. Castiel dit qu'il ira voir au Paradis. De son côté, Crowley accepte de voir ce que l'Enfer peut fournir, malgré son incrédulité. Enfin, les boys se rendront à Waverley Hills Sanatorium, là où des centaines de personnes qui y ont trouvé la mort hantent les lieux.

Alors qu'Amara parcourt un jardin dont les plantes commencent à mourir, les boys se rendent à Waverley Hills. Armé d'un cristal magique donné par Rowena, ils prénètrent dans le sanatorium. Ils trouvent la pièce idéal et commencent à l'encercler de sel, mais les fantômes ne se montrent pas. Alors, Sam décide d'aller les taquiner. Une fois qu'il s'est éloigné, quelques fantômes apparaissent à Dean. Sam parvient ensuite à ramener les autres. Ils enferment les fantômes dans la salle entourée de sel, puis, grâce au cristal et à la formule de Rowena, ils parviennent à emprisonner les âmes dans ce bout de roche. Ils repartent, satisfaits. Dans l'ombre, Billy la faucheuse les a observés.

Les boys rentrent au bunker, mais les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes. Les anges ne veulent pas coopérer, car ils savent que Dieu est mourant. Aussi se sont-ils enfermés au Paradis et attendent la mort avec dignité. De son côté, Crowley n'a pas eu beaucoup plus de chance. Les démons se sont ralliés contre lui, alors il n'a pas pu avoir accès aux âmes. Ils n'ont que les fantômes de Waverley Hills sous la main, autant dire une broutille. C'est alors qu'ils reçoivent la visite de Billy. Elle souhaite savoir pourquoi les Winchester ont capturé des âmes au sanatorium. Ils finissent par lui expliquer pour la bombe qu'ils veulent construire afin de tuer Amara. Billy ne semble pas contrariée. Au contraire, elle souhaite aider.

Une vieille dame s'asseoit auprès d'Amara sur un banc du parc et se met à nourrir les pigeons qui se rassemblent autour d'elle. La vieille dame explique qu'elle vient les nourrir ici depuis 20 ans et qu'ils sont sa famille. Elle raconte que son mari est mort deux ans auparavant et que son fils souhaite l'envoyer en maison de retraite. Amara lui demande si elle le déteste. La vieille dame répond que oui, parfois. Mais il est sa famille et même si on déteste sa famille, on l'aime aussi toujours. Amara semble touchée par ces mots.

Billy invoque des âmes dans le cristal, puis repart. Elle promet aux Winchester de les revoir un jour. Ils ont désormais le matériel pour fabriquer leur bombe. Chuck explique qu'Amara ne cherche plus à se protéger, car elle n'en a plus besoin, il pourra donc la retrouver facilement. Puis, Castiel dit qu'ils auront besoin de quelqu'un qui soit proche d'elle pour amener la bombe jusqu'à elle. C'est donc Dean qui devra s'en charger, mais il y a un petit truc à prendre en compte. Rowena explique que Dean sera la bombe ; elle va transposer les âmes contenues dans le cristal dans le corps même de Dean. Il n'aura qu'à presser deux doigts pour la faire exploser. Sam et Dean mesurent les conséquences de ce plan, mais ils n'ont pas le choix.

Rowena infiltrent les âmes dans le corps de Dean. Le processus est douloureux, mais Dean tient bon. Rowena le prévient ; il a une heure avant que la bombe ne s'active d'elle-même. Pendant ce temps, Toni arrive aux Etats-Unis. Elle annonce au chauffeur qu'elle veut se rendre à Lebanon, dans le Kansas.

Les boys se recueillent sur la tombe de Mary tandis que Chuck, Crowley et Rowena attendent à côté de l'Impala. Sam dit à Dean qu'il n'a pas à se sacrifier. Dean lui assure qu'il le doit. Il doit juste se rapprocher d'Amara et ça, il peut le faire, ce sera facile. Dean revient en premier vers le reste du groupe. Il demande à Chuck s'il est toujours ok avec le plan. Chuck lui répond que non, car malgré tout ce qu'Amara a fait, elle reste sa soeur, sa famille, mais il comprend que cela doit se produire. Castiel prend alors Dean dans ses bras. Dean lui demande de veiller sur Sam, de faire en sorte qu'il ne fasse rien de stupide. Castiel le lui promet. Tandis que Sam revient vers eux, Dean leur demande à tous de lui donner de grandes funérailles. Et il souhaite être enterré dans le cimetière où se trouve la tombe de sa mère. Puis, il tend les clés de l'Impala à Sam et prend son frère dans ses bras. Il est prêt. Chuck l'envoie alors là où se trouve Amara.

Tandis que Crowley, Chuck, Rowena, Castiel et Sam se réfugient dans un bar déserté, Dean rencontre Amara dans le parc. Il lui dit qu'il accepte son offre, car il ne veut pas voir le monde, ses amis et sa famille mourir. Mais Amara n'est pas dupe, elle sait que Dean porte une bombe en lui, elle a senti son pouvoir. Toutefois, il n'a jamais pu la blesser alors pourquoi le ferait-il maintenant ? Dean lui dit qu'il n'a pas le choix. Amara lui explique que c'est l'agonie de son frère qui fait faiblir le soleil, pas elle. Lorsque Chuck sera mort, tout disparaitra, elle y compris.

Castiel fait remarquer à Sam que Chuck a de plus en plus mauvaise mine. Sam va le voir. Pendant ce temps, Dean tente de convaincre Amara qu'il y a une autre solution, que personne n'est obligé de mourir. Elle souhaite sa revanche, mais au fond, cela ne lui apportera rien, parce que la famille, c'est tout ce qui compte. C'est tout ce qu'ils ont. Dean est sûr qu'au fond, elle a besoin de son frère, qu'elle ne veut pas être seule, de la même façon que Dean a besoin de Sam et vice versa. Et Chuck ne souhaite pas la mort d'Amara, car c'est sa soeur, il ne souhaite rien de tout ce qui se produit. Il demande alors à Amara ce qu'elle veut vraiment.

Sam demande à Chuck de tenir bon aussi longtemps que possible. Chuck lui assure qu'il essaie. Alors que Sam part lui chercher un verre d'eau, Chuck disparait. Il se retrouve dans le jardin, avec Amara et Dean. Amara souhaite lui parler. Elle lui explique qu'elle détestait ses créations parce qu'elle l'aimait et qu'elle souffrait de ne pas être suffisante pour lui. Mais elle a réalisé que sa Création est magnifique et si elle sait qu'ils ne peuvent pas revenir en arrière, elle souhaite qu'ils redeviennent une famille. Chuck accepte et lui tend la main. Elle la prend. Une lumière émane de cette étreinte et le soleil reprend vie. Au bar, Sam, Castiel, Crowley et Rowena sortent et réalisent que, quoiqu'il se soit passé, Dean a réussi la mission. Mais pour Sam, cela signifie que son frère est mort.

Amara guérit Chuck. Puis Chuck annonce à Dean que sa soeur et elle vont partir, au moins quelques temps. Puis, il extirpe les âmes du corps de Dean. Dean lui demande ce qu'il adviendra de la Terre, après son départ. Chuck lui assure que la Terre ira bien, car après tout, elle peut compter sur Sam et Dean Winchester pour la protéger. Avant de partir, Amara le remercie de lui avoir donné ce dont elle avait le plus besoin. Elle souhaite lui offrir la même chose, bien que Dean ne sait pas ce que cela signifie. Puis, il regarde la Lumière et les Ténèbres s'envoler dans une étreinte et disparaitre. Dehors, le soleil se couche, comme si tout était normal.

Sam et Castiel rentrent au bunker. Castiel assure Sam qu'il est là pour lui s'il en a besoin. Sam hoche de la tête, quand Castiel disparait. Toni, la Femme de Lettre britannique était là pour les accueillir et a banni l'ange. Elle explique à Sam qu'elle doit le ramener avec elle et l'arrêter, car il a causé beaucoup de dommages au monde et le conseil a décidé que c'était assez, qu'il devait être mis hors d'état de nuire. Sam lui annonce que Dean est mort et il s'approche. Elle pointe une arme vers lui et il est persuadé qu'elle ne tirera pas. Soudain, elle appuie sur la détente.

Dean tente de retrouver son chemin. Soudain, il entend une voix féminine appeler à l'aide et se dirige vers elle. A sa grande surprise, il tombe nez à nez avec Mary Winchester, sa propre mère.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

[In the power plant, Cas and Chuck are unconscious on the floor as Sam and Dean awaken. Sam goes over to Dean and helps him up.]

DEAN: [Grunting]

Check on him.

SAM: [kneels next to Chuck]

Hey. Chuck?

[Dean kneels down next to Cas and puts a hand on his shoulder. Cas stirs and looks up at Dean]




Cas? Hey, is that you?

SAM: [to Chuck]

Hey, can you hear me?

[Chuck wakes up and rolls onto His back, groaning and scrunching His face in pain]


Lucifer is gone. Amara ripped him from my body.


To where?


I don't know.

DEAN: [helping Cas up]

Come on.

[Cas and Dean walk over to where Sam is kneeling next to Chuck]

SAM: [to Chuck]

Are you, uh...

H-How do you feel?


Ohh. [in pain] You know when you're driving and a bug hits your windshield?

I'm the bug.


So, what Amara said about you...


Dying. Yeah, whatever she did to me, I can feel my spark, my light fading. And when it's gone...


Okay, well, t-tell us how to fix you.


You can't.

I-I-I suppose she could, maybe, but that's never gonna happen.

[A door slams in the background followed by footsteps. Dean stands up, pulls out his gun, points it in the direction of the sounds. Chuck is hanging on to Sam as they all look expectantly at the door… and Rowena walks in]

ROWENA: [walking into the room]

So that was a gun in your pocket.


Well... that was a complete and utter dog's breakfast, wasn't it?


I didn't know dogs had breakfast.


Cas is back.


Just curious -- has anyone bothered to look outside?

[There is a siren wailing in the distance as the door to the power plant opens and Rowena, Dean, Sam, Chuck, Cas and Crowley walk outside. They are looking around as Rowena taps Dean on the shoulder, turning him around and pointing to the sky. They all look up and see the sun burning brightly. The sky around it is bright red/orange, as if it is on fire.]



What is it?


It looks like the sun is --




Why would Amara do that?


The sun is the source of all life on earth.

Without it, everything just...

just wastes away.


Let's get the hell out of here.

[Chuck snaps his fingers and they are all transported to the War Room in the Men of Letters Bunker.]




Still got a few tricks up my sleeve.

I'm not dead y...

[Chuck pulls away from Sam’s support only to collapse against him again]


Oh, whoa. Okay. I got you.


I should probably sit down.


Yeah. Come on.

[Chuck groans as Sam helps Him into a chair]

SAM: [to Chuck]

All right. Okay.


What do we do now?

[Dean pauses, strides into the kitchen and pulls a six-pack of beer out of the refrigerator. He twists the top off and it clatters on the table top as he takes a long sip of beer. Sam and Cas walk in behind him.]



DEAN: [Sighs]


[Sam shakes his head and scoffs]


What? We hit Amara with everything we got, and she walked it off.



So it's last call?

DEAN: [taking another sip of beer]

That's right.

Look, man. If you've got something for me to punch, shoot, or kill, let me know and I'll do it.

I'll do it till I die. But how are we supposed to fix the friggin' sun?

[Scene changes to a view of the Thames River in London, England with the city the behind it. The scene changes again to the outside of a house. A car pulls up and a chauffeur helps a smartly dressed woman out of the backseat.]


Thank you, Reggie.

[The woman looks up towards the sun before going into the house. Inside, she calls out.]


Hello, hello?

[An older woman walks quickly down the hall towards the woman, reaching out for her bags.]


Ah, milady. Let me.


Anna, we've had this talk. It's not "milady." It's Toni.


Of course, milady.


Where's the boss?


Down for his nap.


Tea's laid out in the study.

TONI: [Sighing]

Thank God.

[Toni walks into the parlor where tea has been set out. She turns on the television to a news program as she pours some tea.]


...astronomers at the Royal Observatory may have the answer. Dr. Nigel Pinfield explains


We have registered a 6% drop in the sun's energy output, and yes, it happened quite suddenly, but people need to understand --our sun goes through periods of high activity and low activity. While this is somewhat...unusual, there’s certainly nothing to worry abo--

TONI: [turning the television off]

If only.

[her cellphone rings]



No. I'm alone.

[She stands up and walks quickly out of the parlor and down the hall.]

What?! Really?

[She stops in front of a door with the Aquarian Star etched into it. She presses two diamond shapes on the star. There are clicking and whirring sounds as the door pops open]


The bloody sun's cracked.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

With what's happening, are you sure this is the wisest use of our resources?

[Toni has walked downstairs into a room that resembles a library. As she’s talking she turns to face a large cork board covered with information about Sam and Dean (mug shots, newspaper clippings, family tree’s etc.)]


No, I understand.

Yes, sir.

On my way.

[she hangs up the phone]


[In the kitchen in the bunker Dean slams an empty beer bottle on the table]


You know what? This isn't gonna be enough. I better make a run.


No reason to die sober, huh?

[to Sam]

You want to?

SAM: [frustrated]


[In the bunker’s library Crowley sniffs a container of liquor (scotch or whiskey most likely) and grimaces. Rowena is tending to Chuck who is sitting at the table]

ROWENA: [Crowley mocks her as she speaks]

Charles, I'll put the kettle on. My mom always said, there's nothing a nice wee cup of tea can't fix.

[In the kitchen]


Be right back.


I'll stay here, find our Plan B.


Okay. Cas, come on.

[Rowena walks in]



[Sam, Dean and Cas look dumbfounded]

[In the library]


She's using you.


It's what she does.

Find someone with power...cozies up...digs the claws in.

[As he’s talking, Crowley walks over to a cabinet, opens a door and takes out a bottle of whiskey]



Yeah, well, I'm not helping anyone right now, obviously.

She's been...nice.


For now.


Now's kind of all we got.



I'm not calling you Dad.

[In a bedroom in her house Toni leans over a sleeping boy, kisses him and walks downstairs. Anna is waiting by the door with Toni’s coat and bag.]


You don't want to say goodbye.


It's easier this way. Tell him I'll be home as soon as I can.


How bad is it?


All the way.



Packed you a little something…

[Anna opens the bag to reveal a gun and a wooded box with the Aquarian Star symbol etched in the top]

…just if all your mumbo jumbo doesn't work.

[In the library Chuck and Rowena are drinking tea. Crowley is off to the side drinking a glass of whiskey]


Now, Fergus was bright. Walked before his first birthday, but he hated pants.

Hated them.

He'd run 'round the village, his wee banger just flapping in the breeze.


Adam and Eve were the same way.

CHUCK and ROWENA: [simultaneously]

Kids. Kids.


I'm so glad the world is ending.

[Sam walks into the library; Crowley raises the bottle from his seat]




W-What are we doing?



SAM: [raising his voice]


Amara's out there eating the freaking sun, and – and we're doing nothing.


And you have a better idea?


Yes. Anything.

That's my better idea, because anything is better than this.


Sam. I get it.

Even if we could lock Amara away, it wouldn't do any good now.

I'm dying. And when I'm gone, a cosmic balance between light and dark --

it's over.

SAM: [looks around at everyone]

All right.

[Slams table]

Then if we can't cage her, we have to kill her.



[Dean and Cas are driving in the Impala]


How you doing? You good?

I mean, you know, the whole Lucifer thing.


I was just... so stupid.


No, no, no. It wasn't stupid.

You were right. You were right to let Lucifer ride shotgun.

Me and Sam wouldn't have done that.


Well, it didn't work.


No, but it was our best shot, and you stepped up.


I was just trying to help.


Well, and you do help, Cas.


You know, I --


You know, sometimes me and Sam have got so much going on that...we forget about everyone else.


Well, you do live exciting lives.

DEAN: [Chuckles]

Yeah, that's one word for it.

But you're always there, you know?

[Dean looks over at Cas]

You're the best friend we've ever had.

You're our brother, Cas. I want you to know that.


Thank you.

[Dean’s cellphone rings]


Yo. All right. We're on our way.

Sam's got something.

[The tires screech as Dean turns the Impala around to head back to the bunker]

[In the library]


Wait, so now you want to kill the Darkness?

You're cool with this? 'Cause, you know, last time...


Look, Chuck's dying.

[Chuck looks sideways at Sam]


Uh, no offense, God.


Yeah, no, I -- I'm dying.

So, we don't really have a choice.

I mean, look. Y-You've got darkness and light.

Y-You take one side away a-and –


It upsets the scales -- the whole balance of the universe.


Exactly. But you take both away, and now both sides of the scale are empty, so...

CAS: Of course. It's balanced.


Right. Yes. Okay. Uh, and look.

Hey, I'm game, but how exactly are we gonna do this?

I mean, Lucifer hit her with a-a Hand of God, and, well, we saw how that turned out.




She does seem impossible to destroy.



Is she, Chuck?

CHUCK: [Sighs]

Well, I...I mean, well...

I...I-I --






CHUCK: [Sighs]

All right. Fine.

The Darkness might –might have a weakness --

[Chuck walks over to Crowley and takes the bottle from his hand]



CROWLEY: [sarcastically]

He tells us now.


What? I-I just wanted to trap her.

I didn't want to murder her.


Okay, but now that we're trying to end her, how much light are we talking about?


I don't know. 10,000 suns set to supernova.


Well, y-you're God.

So, just God them up.


Look at me. I'm...not in the best shape right now.


Okay. Uh, that's all right.

Uh, we just need other ideas.


What about the Book of the Damned?

ROWENA: [Scoffs]

This is beyond...


Okay, Crowley?


Oh, I got nothing.


Well, what about souls? They fuel your demon deals.

Souls are living batteries.

They're full of energy. They're full of light.

Each one is as powerful as...100 suns?


H-He's not wrong.


Okay, so if we got this kind of juice, then what?


You get me enough souls...

I can build a bomb.

DEAN: [to Chuck}

Would that do the trick?




All right. Plan B.


Okay. How many souls are we talking here?


The more the better.


Even if you could get that kind of firepower...you really think it would work?


I can ask the angels. Heaven is full of souls.


Okay. Uh, what else we got?



Well, they're just souls with baggage, right?


Yeah, but we would need a whole lot of them.


Waverly Hills.

SAM: [Chuckles]

Waverly Hills Sanatorium.

Of course. Thousands died there.

[External view of the deserted Waverly Hills Sanatorium. And then back to the library]


Ton of ghosts.


This is desperate...and stupid.


Well, desperate and stupid's pretty much all we got right now, so...


Fine. [Sitting back down in his chair and putting his feet up on a table]

I'll go raid Hell and see what's left.


All right. [claps hands]

Let's get to work.

[Amara is walking through a garden, touching the tops of the flowers as she walks by them. She looks up to the sun and then turns to look at the flowers. She seems horrified when she realizes they have died and then looks at her hand. She looks back to the sun which is blistering in the sky.

Sam and Dean are outside Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Leaves are rustling in the background]


Really think this is gonna work?


Well, Rowena said it would.


Oh. Yeah.

[Speaking in a Scottish accent as Rowena]

It's a Book of the Damned spell, boyos.

Take this wee crystal. It'll suck up all the blimey ghosts.

Just say the magic word.

[Inside the Sanatorium the EMF detector is warbling. Sam and Dean look down the hallway as wind gusts through, blowing papers that were on the floor all around. A door creaks open and a ghost materializes at the end of the hall and then disappears]


Place really lives up to the hype.


Yes, it does.

[They walk further into the Sanatorium and enter a large room. Dean is carrying a gear bag and Sam has a large container of salt and a sawed-off shotgun]

DEAN: [annoyed]

Let's give the magic word a shot, because we're six.

All right. Let's bust some ghosts.

[Dean looks around the room while Sam lays salt lines around the perimeter]


Where the heck are they?


You got me.


Get your Casper asses out here!


You know what?

Why don't you finish up?

[hands Dean the salt canister]

I'll go piss them off.



[As Dean is laying down salt a ghost comes at him from behind. He turns and throws salt at her and she disappears. In the hallway, ghosts are materializing and Sam is shooting them with rock salt. As he’s shooting he’s walking back towards Dean, leading the ghosts into the large room. As he’s walking more and more ghosts are appearing.


Okay, I think it worked!


Ha ha!

[In the room they are fighting off the ghosts with guns and iron rods. Dean is trying to get the ‘bomb’ from the gear bag but the ghosts keep at him, sending the bomb sliding across the floor. A large ghost grabs Sam by the neck and starts choking him.]

SAM: [struggling]

Say the magic word!

Dean, hurry!

[Dean finally gets hold of the bomb and tosses into the air]

DEAN: [yelling]


[Sam is released from the ghost’s grip and falls to the floor. The ghosts morph into streams of light and are absorbed into the bomb which starts to glow as it is filled with more and more ghosts]

SAM: [breathing heavily]

Go magic word.




[As Sam and Dean leave the Sanatorium, Billie the Reaper is watching them go]]


[Everyone is sitting in the War Room of the bunker looking dejected]


The angels are --Heaven won't help.


They know that this is the end, right?

Of everything.




And they don't care?


No, it's not that. It's...

They know --They know God is dying and they don't think we can win this.

Souls or no souls.

They're sealing Heaven, and they're "dying with dignity".


Well, that's awesome.


All right, Crowley. What about you?


Well, I had all the souls we needed.


What do you mean "had"?


While I was indisposed, a few of my demonic pals decided to raid my stash.


Well, what we have -- it's not enough.

[Electricity buzzes and red lights go on all around the War Room]

CROWLEY: [sarcastically]

Well, that could be nothing but good news.

[Cas takes out an Angel Blade and Sam and Dean cock their guns. They all turn and aim at the door on the upper level of the War Room. Footsteps are heard and the door swings open as Billie walks in]


Nice digs.




Who's Billie?



Wants us dead.

[sarcastically] Tons of fun.

BILLIE: [to Crowley as she walks past him]



Wait a second.

H-How did yo--

What are you doing here?


I saw you boys at Waverly Hills, and call me a curious kitten, but with, you know, credits about to roll, I gotta ask -- why you boys busting ghosts?


Why do you care?


Dead folks --kind of my thing.


So... spill.


We're collecting souls to build a bomb.


To blow the Darkness to hell.

[Sam, Dean and Billie looks towards the bomb which is glowing on the table]





Uh, w-what does that mean, "okay"?


Means way things are going, I'm about an hour away from reaping God himself.

CAS: [questioning]

So you're here to help us?


Little tip --you want souls, call a reaper.

[An old woman is walking through the park feeding the pigeons that are gathering round her feet. She comes to where Amara is sitting with her hands in her lap and sits next to her on a low wall]



AMARA: [looks surprised]



Oh, I like your dress.

It's pretty fancy for the park, but at least you made an effort.


Do you want to feed them?

AMARA: [drawing her hands further into her lap]

I shouldn't.


I've been feeding these birds going on 20 years now.

They're practically family. And I know that makes me sound like a crazy old bat, but...heck.

My husband died a couple of years ago, and my son keeps slipping me these brochures for retirement communities -- a.k.a. where they send old folks to die, but not to make a fuss about it.

[Amara looks distressed as she listens to the old woman talk]


So you hate him.


Well, a little bit.


But you know family.

Even when you hate them, you still love them.

[In the bunker Billie is holding the bomb]


Well, this is exciting.

[There is a whooshing sounds as the bomb glows brighter and souls start streaming into the room and into the bomb]


How many souls are in there?


A couple hundred...thousand.

I raided The Veil.

Like I said, dead folks --kind of my thing.

BILLIE: [to Rowena]

We good?



[Rowena takes the bomb from Billie]



[Billie starts to walk out of the bunker]


See you around.


Yeah. You will. Just hope it's not today.

[over her shoulder]


[Crowley smirks at Billie’s addressing him. He turns around and looks sheepish as he sees everyone looking at him questioningly]


So, what now?


Well, now we have the bomb, so we just got to find Amara.


I can track her. She's not warded anymore.

Why would she be?

She won.


Okay, so?

ROWENA: We need somebody to get close to her, someone with a... personal connection.

[everyone looks towards Dean]


Well, what are we waiting for? How do I smuggle this thing?


We could always shove it up your --




I mean, you could.


You won't carry the bomb. You'll be the bomb.

I'm gonna take what's in there...and put it in here.

[Rowena places her hand on Dean’s chest]


Once you get close to her, you press your fingers together like so – boom.

[Dean and Sam look distressed]



[Chuck sighs]


[Rowena is saying an incantation over the bomb which is in her outstretched hand. As she finishes she pushes her other hand towards the bomb and Dean. A stream of bright, white light hits Dean in the chest for several seconds. Dean groans and hunches over in pain]




Dean, are you okay? How do you feel?


Like my insides just got flame-broiled.

Is that normal?


Sweetie, we're so far past normal.

You've got about an hour, maybe a wee bit more, then you're literally a walking ticking time bomb.

[A chauffeur is waiting by his car on an airport runway. Toni exits a small plane approaches the car. The chauffeur takes her bag and opens the car door]


Thank you.


Welcome to the States. Where we headed?


Lebanon, Kansas.

[Sam and Dean are standing at the grave site of Mary Winchester]


Dean, you know, you don't have to do this.


'Course I do. I just have to get close.

I can do that, okay?

I can do that.


You know, if this works, um, that bomb goes off.

DEAN: [turns and pats Sam on the shoulder as he walks away]

I know.

[While Dean goes back to the car, Sam remains at the grave, looking emotional. He touches his fingers to his lips and then touches them to his mother’s head stone]

DEAN: [to Chuck, who is being supported by Rowena]

You cool with this?



I -- Even after everything she's done, Amara's still my sister.

She's my family. I can't -- I don't want to see her dead, but...


...I understand.





[Cas approaches Dean and hugs him]

DEAN: [accepts the hug good-naturedly but then looks sad]



All right.


I could go with you.


No, no, no.

No, I got to do this alone.

Listen, if -- when –when this works,

Sam --he's gonna be a mess.

So look out for him, okay?

Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.


Of course.

DEAN: [places his hand on Cas’s shoulder]

Thank you for everything.

[Sam comes back to the group]


Okay, look. I want a big funeral.

All right? I'm talking epic.

Okay? Open bar, choir, Sabbath cover band, and Gary Busey reading the eulogy.




And for my ashes, I like it here.


You know, as far as eternal resting places go.

[Dean reaches into his pocket and takes out the keys to the Impala. He hesitates a moment, as if collecting himself and walks over to Sam. Sam is shaking his head with tears in his eyes]


Come on. You know the drill.

No chick-flick moments. Come on.

[Sam reaches to take the keys but pulls his hand back. He pauses a moment with his head down, clears his throat and then takes the keys]


Yeah, you love chick flicks.

DEAN: [ Chuckles]

Yeah, you're right. I do. Come here.

[Dean pulls Sam into a hug]

[Sam sniffles, pats Dean on the back pulls away. He clears his throat to collect himself]


Okay. Let's do this.

[Chuck snaps his fingers and sends Dean to the park where Amara is. Dean looks around and sees the dead flowers. He then looks up to the sky]

[Sam, Cas, Crowley and Rowena pull up in the Impala to ‘The The Lazy Shag’ bar/restaurant which has a ‘Closed’ sign on the door. A man walks by with a sign that says ‘The End Is Near’.]


He's not wrong.

[Sighs, looking at the sign on the restaurant]

One little apocalypse and they shut up shop.


[Crowley snaps his fingers and the doors swing open]


Your round, Moose.

[Amara appears on the other side of the garden behind Dean]



How did you find me?


Does it matter?

I'm here to give you what you want.



That's a change.

Well, I can't just stand by and watch the world, my friends, and my family die.

[The camera zooms in on Dean’s hand as he walks closer to Amara]


So if becoming a part of you takes me away from that, then I'm in.


You...and that bomb in your chest?

[Dean stops walking]


Do you think I can't taste the power coming off of you?


The problem is you've never been able to hurt me.

So what makes this time any different?


I don't have a choice.

What you're doing to the sun --


That's not me.

With my brother getting weaker, the scales are tipping away from light.


And into darkness.


Into nothing.

When God's gone, the universe –everything will cease to exist.

Including me.

[Sam, Crowley, Rowena and Cas are watching television in the Lazy Shag]

MAN on TV:

And while law enforcement is telling people not to panic, residents are being advised to stay in their homes as authorities are baffled by this st--

[Crowley snaps his fingers and the television turns off]



CAS: [looking at Chuck]

He looks horrible.

[In the garden}


My brother betrayed me.

He locked me away for billions of years.

He sent you to execute me.


No, no. No.

He zapped me here, yes, but he didn't want this.

This wasn't his idea.

You're family. He doesn't want you dead.

He doesn't want any of this!

[ Gerry and the Pacemakers' "Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying" plays as the sky darkens]

♪ Don't let the sun ♪

♪ Catch you crying ♪

♪ The night's the time ♪


Hey, Chuck.

♪ For all your tears ♪

How you holding up?


Oh, aces.

♪ Your heart may be broken... ♪

[In the garden}


Is this what you wanted?



I just wanted to hurt him.

I wanted to make him pay.


Yeah, that's revenge.

It'll get you out of bed in the morning, and when you get it, it feels great... for about five minutes.

I've been there.

Me and Sam --we have had our fair share of fights --more than our share -- but no matter how bad it got, we always made it right because we're family.

I need him.

He needs me.

And when everything goes to crap, that's all you've got -- family.

Now you might be a -- an all-powerful being...but I think you're human where it counts.

You simply need your brother.

AMARA: [Scoffs]

Just stop.


You don't want to be alone. Not really.

[Dean walks towards Amara]


I mean, hell. Maybe that's why you wanted me.

But deep down, you didn't really want me... 'cause I'm not him.

So maybe I can kill you.

Or maybe I can't.

Maybe if I pull this trigger, we all live happily ever after, or maybe we die bloody, or maybe it doesn't matter, because maybe there's a different way.

So I'm gonna ask you again.

Put aside the rage. Put aside the hate.

And you tell me...what do you want?

[In the Lazy Shag]


You know, we, um...we need you to try and hang in there just a little longer.

♪ But don't forget that love's a game ♪


I know. I'm trying.

♪ And it can always come again ♪


I'm gonna go get you some water.

♪ Oh, don't let the sun catch you crying ♪

♪ Don't let the sun catch you crying ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ Oh, whoa, whoa ♪

[Sam goes to get a glass of water and when he turns around Chuck is gone]



[Chucks finds himself in the garden]





CHUCK: [to Amara]

Why did you bring me here?


Brother, I...

In the beginning it was just you and me, and we were family.

I loved you, and I thought --

I knew...that you loved me.


I did.


I do.

AMARA: [tearfully]

But then you went and you made all these other things.

I hated them.

I hated you for needing something else, something that wasn't me.

And then you locked me away, and all I could think about was making you suffer.


You had your reasons.


I did.

And I thought revenge would make me happy.

But I was wrong.

What you've made...it's beautiful.

It took me a long time to see that.

I know that we can't go back to the way things were.

I don't want to, but I wish...I wish that we could just be family again.


I do too.

[Chuck reaches out his hand, Amara takes it. Their hands start to glow and the sky brightens as the sun burns again.

[At the Lazy Shag, Sam, Crowley, Rowena and Cas run outside as the sun streams in through the windows. Outside, they all look towards the sun]


He did it.


He bloody did it.


And Dean?

[Sam tries to contain his emotions as he realizes what this means]


[In the garden, Amara holds her hand over Chuck’s chest, healing him as waves of energy flow from her hand]


I think we're just gonna go away for a while and...


Hey, yeah.

Family meeting.

I get it.

[Chuck walks over to Dean and places a hand on his chest, removing the bomb]


But first...

[Dean grimaces in pain]




What about us?

What about Earth?


Earth will be fine.

It's got you...and Sam.


Dean, you gave me what I needed most. I want to do the same for you.

[Chuck and Amara hold hands and disintegrate into swirls of light and dark smoke. They travel upwards and disappear.]

[As Sam and Cas enter the bunker a hand is dripping blood out of their line of site]


Sam, I'm so sorry.

If you want to talk...I'm here if you need anything.


Hello, hello.

[Toni places her hand on a sigil on the wall and Cas disappears]



[As Sam reaches behind for his gun Toni draws on him]



Sam Winchester.

Toni Bevell.

Men of Letters, London Chapterhouse.

Oh, you won't have heard of me -- us.

We're very traditional. Keep out of the way, keep to our studies.


You, um...



They sent me to take you in.


To take me in?


Assuming the world didn't end, and -- Yay.


Look, lady --


We've been watching you, Sam.

What you've done, the damage you've caused --archangels, Leviathans, the Darkness, and now, well -- the old men have decided enough's enough.

I mean, let's face it, Sam.

You're just a jumped-up hunter playing with things you don't understand and doing more harm than good.

Now, where's Dean?



Listen, lady. I don't know who the hell you are or what the hell you want – [Sam starts to walk towards Toni]



SAM: [continuing to move forward]

Put the gun down.


I said stop.


You and I both know you're not gonna pull the trigger.

[Toni fires the gun and the shell casing clatters on the floor]

[Dean is walking through a wooded area]


Come on. Where the hell am I?

[He holds up his phone in an effort to get a signal when he hears a woman’s voice]



Help me!

[He follows the sounds and comes to a clearing. Mary Winchester is standing there in her white night gown]




Source : SuperWiki

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