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#11.05 : Sans Etat d'Ame

JARED GERTNER EN GUEST STAR - Sam et Dean enquêtent sur une série de meurtres se produisant dans un B&B local, qui n'est autre que l'ancienne maison de Lizzie Borden. Lorsqu'un habitant du coin leur dit qu'il a vu une petite fille dans les environs au moment des meurtres, les Winchester réalisent qu'Amara pourrait être responsable de ces événements.


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Thin Lizzie

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Sans Etat d'Ame

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Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) en voiture

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) en voiture

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et le détective Malden (Claude Knowlton). Sam  (Jared Padalecki) et Jordie Pinsky (Finn Wolfhard) en arrière plan.

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et le détective Malden (Claude Knowlton). Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Jordie Pinsky (Finn Wolfhard) en arrière plan.

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et un agent emmenant Jordie Pinsky (Finn Wolfhard)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et un agent emmenant Jordie Pinsky (Finn Wolfhard)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et le détective Malden (Claude Knowlton)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et le détective Malden (Claude Knowlton)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) ouvrant une porte et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) ouvrant une porte et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Baby, au bord de l'eau

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Baby, au bord de l'eau

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Baby

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Baby

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) parlant à Len Fletcher (Jared Gertner)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) parlant à Len Fletcher (Jared Gertner)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) en voiture

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) en voiture

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Len Fletcher (Jared Gertner) en voiture.

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Len Fletcher (Jared Gertner) en voiture.


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Nancy Won
Réalisé par : Rashaad Ernesto Green


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Yasmeene Ball... Amara

Tess Atkins... Sydney

Jared Gertner... Len





Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Au Lizzie Borden B&B, un jeune couple a loué la chambre qui appartenait à la célèbre Lizzie Borden. Les deux jeunes gens espèrent rencontrer des phénomènes paranormaux car le B&B est réputé hanté. Pour se mettre dans l'ambiance, le jeune homme met en route un très vieux sonographe. Soudain, les lumières grésillent puis s'éteignent. L'homme en profite pour se rapprocher de la fille, quand la porte de la chambre s'ouvre toute seule. L'homme va voir, mais il n'y a personne derrière. Il se retourne et constate qu'une ombre tenant une hachette se tient derrière sa copine. La jeune femme n'a pas le temps de réagir, et la hachette vient se planter dans son dos. L'agresseur s'attaque ensuite au jeune homme, qui n'aura pas le temps de fuir.


Sam apprend à Dean qu'il n'a trouvé aucune piste concernant Amara, donc il s'est rabattu sur l'affaire du Lizzie Borden B&B Museum, où un jeune couple a été sauvagement assassiné. Dean soupçonne Sam de ne vouloir s'y rendre que parce que la maison a appartenu à Lizzie Borden, mais Sam insiste sur la possibilité d'une affaire pour eux. Dean finit par céder et ils se mettent en route.

Les boys arrivent au B&B. Après avoir insisté pour louer la chambre où le jeune couple est mort et après avoir assisté à la dispute entre le gérant et sa mère, les boys obtiennent quelques informations. Le jeune couple n'avait rien de particulier, si ce n'est que le jeune homme était l'un des descendants des Borden. Les boys rejoignent leur chambre, qui, à la grande joie de Sam et au grand dam de Dean, n'est autre que la chambre de Lizzie. C'est aussi là que se produisent les plus importants phénomènes paranormaux, d'après les témoignages de clients. L'EMF semble être sur le point d'exploser, sauf dans le placard de la chambre et Dean également ; écoeuré par l'odeur de lavande et le décor trop floral à son goût, il décide d'aller faire un tour dans le bâtiment.

Dean se rend dans le hall d'accueil, où se trouvent les produits dérivés à l'effigie de Lizzie et la fameuse hachette encadrée au mur. Soudain, les lumières se mettent à clignoter. Dean saisit une chaise, monte et tapote sur les abats-jours du lustre. Les lumières cessent alors de clignoter. Mais Dean est surpris par des flashs venant de l'extérieur. Il constate qu'un homme prend des photos du lieu avec un très vieil appareil. Lorsque Dean tape contre la vitre et l'interpelle, l'homme saisit son appareil et prend ses jambes à son cou. De son côté, Sam est guidé par les signaux de l'EMF jusque dans le grenier, où il constate la présence d'un émetteur de signaux électromagnétiques. Une fois l'appareil éteint, l'EMF cesse de sonner. Il rejoint Dean dans la chambre pour lui faire part de sa découverte. Dean en a également fait quelques-unes ; les lumières se mettent à clignoter grâce à un minuteur qui active le système. Des enregistreurs ont également été implantés dans des murs pour diffuser des pleurs de femme, entre autre bruits étranges. Dean fait remarquer à Sam qu'il avait prédit que ce lieu n'était qu'un hoax. Sam lui fait à son tour remarquer qu'ils ne savent toujours pas comment le tueur a pu faire son oeuvre. Peu importe pour Dean, il est temps de partir de ce B&B.

La mère du gérant éteint les lumières et verrouillent les portes. Puis, elle rejoint sa chambre. Soudain, une hachette s'abat sur elle. Quelques instants plus tard, la police, ainsi que Sam et Dean, sont venus constater le crime. Sam rejoint l'inspecteur Madsen et le gérant. Il se présente comme un agent du FBI sous couverture. Il apprend que les portes venaient d'être verrouillées quand le meurtre a eu lieu et que le gérant a découvert le corps de sa mère. Dean, qui inspectait le corps, inspecte également la chambre à coup d'EMF, mais il n'obtient aucun signal. Il rejoint Sam et l'inspecteur Madsen de qui il apprend que l'apprenti photographe qu'il a aperçu est un dénommé Len ; un jeune homme obsédé par les fantômes mais inoffensif. Les boys décident de lui rendre visite.

Sur la route, les boys font le point ; il n'y a rien qui suggère qu'un fantôme soit impliqué, pourtant, ils continuent tout de même leur enquête. Sam reçoit un appel de l'inspecteur Madsen qui lui apprend qu'une nouvelle victime a trouvé la mort dans les mêmes circonstances, mais à des kilomètres du B&B. Sam décide de s'y rendre et laisse à Dean le soin d'interroger Len.

Sam rejoint l'inspecteur Madsen qui lui apprend que c'est la baby-sitter, Sydney, qui a découvert le corps. Sam va l'interroger. Elle raconte qu'elle a entendu un bruit sourd et est allé voir dans le garage. Là, elle a d'abord vu le sang avant le corps. En revanche, elle n'a rien constaté d'étrange durant la soirée. La mère de Jordy, dont Sydney était responsable, rentre. Jordy se jette dans ses bras. Sam tente de l'interroger mais elle lui ordonne de partir.

Dean interroge Len, qui se trouve être un très grand fan de Lizzie Borden. Il possède toute une collection qui la concerne. Il finit par avouer à Dean qu'il tentait de photographier le fantôme de Lizzie, qu'il est persuadé d'avoir vu à plusieurs reprises sans jamais réussir à capturer son image. Quand Dean lui demande pourquoi il ne photographiait pas de l'intérieur, Len est forcé d'admettre que la justice l'a interdit d'approcher du B&B, après qu'il eu passé plusieurs semaines dans la cave de la maison sans que les gérants ne le sachent.

Sam fait part de ses soupçons quand à la réaction étrange, presque indifférente, de la mère de Jordy à la mort de son mari. L'inspecteur Madsen pense simplement qu'elle est sous le choc, mais Sam n'est pas convaincu.

Dean découvre, sur le bureau de Len, un dessin représentant la marque de Cain. Après avoir insisté, Dean finit par arracher des réponses à Len, qui avoue avoir rencontré Amara  un soir, devant la maison de Lizzie. Elle avait l'apparence d'une enfant de 12 ans, d'après Len. Lorsque Dean refuse de lui en dire plus sur Amara, Len perd son sang-froid. Il raconte qu'Amara lui a fait quelque chose de terrible, au point qu'il n'est plus capable de ressentir quoique ce soit et que depuis, il est forcé de jouer la comédie pour sauver les apparences. Il ne le sait pas encore, mais Dean le sait ; Amara lui a pris son âme.

Dean appelle Sam pour lui faire part de ce qu'il a appris. Sam le rejoint rapidement devant chez Len, où ils font le point ; Len n'est probablement pas le seul être humain qu'Amara a laissé sans âme et ils doivent s'en occuper. Dean est prêt à les tuer si nécessaire, mais Sam lui rappelle que leur but est de sauver les gens. Dean lui suggère alors de parler à Len et de lui apprendre qu'il n'a pas d'âme, mais Sam refuse, ce n'est pas le moment. Ils doivent donc emmener Len avec eux afin de s'assurer qu'il ne fera rien de stupide. Au moins, ils savent qu'il n'est pas le meurtrier à la hachette. Toutefois, Sam pense qu'il connait l'une des autres victimes d'Amara : la mère de Jordy. Son attitude lui fait penser qu'elle n'a plus d'âme. Les boys décident donc d'aller la voir.

Ils constatent l'absence de Mme Pinsky. Sam appelle Sydney, qui lui confie l'existence d'une maison de campagne appartenant à la famille. Les boys, accompagnés de Len, s'y rendent. Agacé par ce moulin à paroles et après l'avoir attaché à la voiture avec des menottes, Dean lui apprend sans ménagement qu'il n'a plus d'âme. Malheureusement pour lui, Sam à son tour lui dit qu'il ne pourra pas la récupérer. Etrangement, Len semble soulagé de savoir cela. Les boys se rendent ensuite à la maison. Ils constatent le désordre dans le salon et la présence de la voiture de Mme Pinsky dans l'allée. Ils entrent et se séparent. Dean va à la cave, où il découvre les corps du couple Pinsky. Il se fait alors surprendre et assommé par le tueur. Sam, de son côté, aperçoit du mouvement provenant du placard. Il ouvre pour découvrir Jordy, attaché et baillonné. Sam s'accroupit pour le délivrer quand le garçon hurle. Sam se retourne et découvre Sydney, tenant un fusil.

Sam se retrouve à la cave, attaché comme son frère. Sydney leur dit qu'elle compte les offrir à Amara. Elle raconte comment elle a rencontré la fillette, sur le parking d'un vieux bar mal famé, comment Amara l'a soulagé de sa douleur rien qu'en lui prenant les mains et comment elle l'a libéré de tout fardeau après lui avoir pris son âme. Elle est persuadée qu'Amara peut entendre ses prières et elle peut sentir sa présence se rapprocher. Mais finalement, la tueuse à la hachette va rencontrer son sort quand Len arrive par derrière et lui plante son arme dans le dos. Avant de mourir, Sydney murmure que les Ténèbres arrivent.

Tandis que Sam s'occupe de Jordy, Dean écoute Len raconter comment il s'est cassé le pouce simplement pour voir s'il pouvait le faire. Il sait désormais qu'il est capable de tuer et qu'il ne ressent rien en le faisant et qu'en conséquence, il tuera à nouveau. Puisque Dean refuse de le tuer, Len décide de se rendre à la police et d'avouer tous les meurtres, afin de s'assurer qu'il restera enfermé.

Sam et Dean font le point sur ce qu'ils savent désormais d'Amara. Sam avoue qu'il ne se sent pas à l'aise lorsqu'il pense à elle. Il demande à Dean s'il a ressenti quelque chose de similaire à ce que Len ou Sydney a ressenti lorsqu'il a rencontré Amara. Dean assure que non, mais il semble tout de même pensif. Ils partent, décidés à suivre la piste des humains sans âme pour retrouver Amara. Pendant ce temps, Amara sort de derrière des buissons et regarde l'Impala s'éloigner, en promettant à Dean qu'ils se reverront bientôt.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

[The Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast is in Fall River, Massachusetts. The first thing we see is the moon from a window of the B&B. A young girl is looking at herself in a mirror. ]


This place is way creepier in person.


Hell, yeah, it is. Ghostfacers can’t capture the ... rage vibes.


You think we’ll see anything?


You know why I got this room? It’s supposed to get the heavier paranormal action.

[The boy lowers the needle on an antique phonograph (aka record player). Daisy, Daisy starts to play.]


And, now we’re in The Shining.

[The lights start to flicker and electricy starts crackling. The lights go out.]


Oh, crap.

[The boy chuckles and the song keeps playing.]

Daisy, Daisy Planted one day by a glancing heart Planted by Daisy Bell Whether she loves me...


Ooh. She’s coming to get you.


Shut up!


Don’t worry. I’m here. It’s what we came here for, right?

[The song keeps playing.]

A beautiful Daisy bell Daisy, Daisy Give me your answer do I’m half crazy over the love of you It won’t be a stylish marriage I can’t afford a carriage

[A door slowly creaks open. The boy walks over to the door with his fist ready to punch someone.]


Huh. The hinges are falling ...

[A dark figure rises behind the girl. The girl looks at his face.]



[The boy can only watch as the dark figure swings down with an ax and the girl is dead. The boy gasps then screams repeatedly as he tries to get out of the room. But to no avail. He is struck down by the shadowy figure with the same ax.]

The boys are in the bunker. SAM is sitting at the table as DEAN walks in.]


Yo. Don’t suppose you’ve got a 20 on the darkness.


Uh. Well, I thought I had something earlier. Half a town flipped their gourds and started attacking people. But it turns out they’d eaten rabid possum meat.


Okay, they do realize that possum is a giant rat, right?


It’s a marsupial.




Not the point. Check this out.

(SAM turns the laptop around so DEAN can see a web page.)


Um, a couple was ax murdered in Fall Rivers, Massachusetts at ... wait for it ... the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast museum.


A B&B and a museum. Yeah. That doesn’t sound like a tourist trap at all.


I mean the thing is the inn was Lizzie Borden’s actual house. In 1892 she hacked up her mom and stepdad there. Or allegedly hacked them up. She was acquitted and spent the rest of her days in Fall Rivers hounded and persecuted by the townspeople.


So you’re thinking revenge killing.

[SAM shrugs.]


Why now? It was probably some psycho fan who’s seen to many slasher flicks.


Could be, but the inn was locked up. No signs of entry or exit. Half a dozen guests. None of whom saw or heard any intruders.


Well, maybe the murderer was actually competent. Wait a minute. I know what this is. This has something to do with your freaky fetish for serial killers.


It’s not a fetish.


You’ve always wanted to see that house!


Dean, two people are dead. In Lizzie Borden’s home. We got no leads on Amara. I say we check this out.

[SAM closes his laptop and rises.]


Besides, the entire Borden clan are buried in Fall Rivers. Including Lizzie.


What do you want to do about Cas?


Oh, he’s knee deep binge watching The Wire. Just started Season 2.


Oh, he’s not coming out any time soon. All right.

[Baby pulls up to the B&B. SAM and DEAN walk into the museum.]


So I guess now Lizzie Borden has her own doll.


Yeah, went a little overboard on the crazy eyes.

[MASON, the innkeeper, is on the phone.]


No, it’s absolutely not a crime scene anymore. The room’s been cleaned and you’re not even on the same floor. There’s no reason to cancel!

[The person on other end hangs up. MASON sighs.]


People still freaked out about the murders, huh?


Some find it exciting. Can I help you boys?


Yeah. We’d read about the tragedy and I’m a bit of a history buff. I just wanted to ask. Do you think the killings had anything to do with Lizzie Borden? I mean her ghost, or whatever?


Probably some crazed fan broke in, right?


These are great questions, guys. Ones we usually answer for our paying guests.



[SAM clears his throat as he pulls out his wallet. At that moment, MASON’S mother, MRS. KEMPER, enters the room yelling at MASON.]


Mason! You forgot to cancel the bakery order!


Mom! I’m with customers?


$200 worth of danish and no guests to eat it!

MASON These guys can put away a few.

[SAM nods yes.]


This is coming out of your paycheck!

[MASON sighs.]


Of course it is.


Whew! Working with family can be tough.

[SAM gives DEAN a funny look.]


Twenty years. You’ll have your pick of rooms.


We’ll take the one the couple was in.


The deceased couple?


Uh, huh. We came a long way to see ghosts. We figured there’s the most unrest there.


Uh, we’re not renting that room right now. Out of respect.

[DEAN hands over some more cash to MASON.]


But, you gotta get back on that horse some time.


Lucky. We redid the room.


Great. And now that we’re paying guests ... Did you hear or see anything unusual that night?


Not til we heard the screams. I told mom to stay downstairs and I ran up there. Oh, God. Blood.


And who was the couple?


Local kids. Nothing special about the girl. But the guy. He was a descendant of the original Bordens.


Hm. Thanks.

[SAM and DEAN enter the room where the two local kids were murdered.]


I don’t know where to put my eyes. I think I’m gonna to throw up.


We’re surrounded by doilies. They’re everywhere.


Okay, you think the innkeeper might have mentioned this before he ripped us off.


Well, I guess you’re gonna have to get yourself another room because this was Lizzie’s original room and I’m not giving it up.


What are you, four?

[SAM turns on the EMF detector. It starts it’s usual high pitched warble.]


Look at that. That jives with what people online have been saying about the upstairs. Crying in empty rooms. Footsteps. Buzzing lights.

[The EMF warbling continues then suddenly stops as SAM enters a closet. He stares at it quizzically.)


Hmm. No secret panels or passageways in the closet.

[DEAN steps out of the bathroom.]


Well, the world’s smallest bathroom is clean. What is that smell?


I think it’s this. It’s like a lavender toilet water.

[SAM squeezes the perfume sprayer.]


Bottled toilet water? Why do you keep spraying it?


I just wanted to see of the squeezy thing worked.




I think it was supposed to be a perfume or something.


Alright. I think I’m gonna go check the rest of the inn ‘cause now I’ve got grandma all over me. So ...

[DEAN exits room and we see him go down the stairs. SAM leaves the room, too. He is using the EMF detector. Strangely, it stops when he is a few steps away from the door of their room.

SAM walks down hallways of hotel. The EMF detector starts and stops as he walks. But it maxes out at a STAFF ONLY door.

SAM tries the doorknob. It’s locked. He picks it and the door creaks open. It’s dark in the room so SAM turns on his flashlight.]

[DEAN walks into a museum room and looks around at the various artifacts including a framed and mounted ax. He scoffs at the Lizzie Borden house t-shirt. As he is looking at an information brochure the electricity starts crackling and the lights blink.

DEAN moves a chair to stand on it and begins to tap a blinking light bulb. He notices a strange flash of light from a window. After he gets down he looks out of that window. A bright flash blinds him. He bangs on the window.]


Hey! Hey!


Ooh! Ah!

[LEN is startled by DEAN and runs away clumsily with his antique camera and tripod.]

[SAM is in the attic. The EMF warbling continues. He turns it off and pockets the EMF detector so he can grab a large stick he found in the attic. There is the sound of electrical humming. He pulls a cover off of an EMF generator that is making the sound.]

[SAM and DEAN are back in their room.]


Yeah. No Lizzie in the attic. But, I did find a homemade EMF generator. Turned that beast off and what do you know? No more signal.


Shocker. The, uh, flickering lights? Wired to timers buried in the walls.

(DEAN holds up a timer he pulled out of the wall, wires dangling.)


Come on!


Oh, and check out this baby.

[DEAN takes a picture of Lizzie Borden off of the wall.]


Eh? Covering up our very own sound system. I, uh, fished this out of the wall.

[DEAN shows SAM a tape recorder and presses play. A crying, moaning sound plays on the tape. SAM scoffs.]


Crying in empty rooms.


And there’s more. Running footsteps. Uh. Creepy whispers you can’t make out. One flushing toilet. Not sure what that’s about. The whole place is a hoax, man. It’s a tourist trap just like I said.


Yeah. But we still don’t know how that couple got axed. I mean, how did the killer get in and out?


I don’t know. Why don’t we Sherlock that over a beer or something and a lobster roll. I got to get out of this doily coffin.

[In the Lizzie Borden house MASON’s mother, MRS. KEMPER, walks around turning off lights and making sure all the outside doors are locked. We see her walk into her bedroom. But as her shadow crosses her bed another shadow attacks her and she struggles.]


Ah! Oh!

[We can only hear the ax as it kills MRS. KEMPER.]

[DEAN is looking at the body of the victim, MRS. KEMPER. He helps a police officer replace the cover the face of the corpse. DEAN’s face is grim and thoughtful.]




Detective Madsen? Agent Collins.

[MASON is sitting in a chair.]


You weren’t Feds earlier!


Well, um. My partner and I were undercover. Investigating the original murders.


Where the hell were you when my mom was being ... oh.

[MASON begins to cry.]


I’m so very sorry, Mr. Kemper.


We’re gonna find the son of bitch who is doing this.

[DEAN uses the EMF detector secretly. There are no readings. It is silent. DEAN scowls and puts it away.]


He had just finished locking up. No one was inside but him and Mrs. Kemper. Staff went home hours ago.


And no suspects for the first murders either?

[DETECTIVE MADSEN nods his head no. DEAN introduces himself.]


Hi, um, I’m Agent Gabriel. Listen, I saw a guy hanging around earlier snapping some photos and he ran away when I tried to make contact.


Let me guess. Short. Chunky. Baby faced?


Yeah, that’s him.


Huh. Yeah, that’s Len. Total teddy bear. I went to high school with him. Obsessed with ghosts but harmless.


Ghosts? Hm. Is that a real issue around here?


According to the Chamber of Commerce, absolutely.


All right.


I’ll send an officer to Len, get a statement from him.


You know what? You guys got your hands full. We’ll, uh. We’ll drop by.





You betcha.

[SAM and DEAN are in Baby driving down the road towards LEN’s house.]


Well, so far we got squat that says ghost. Or anything remotely us.


So maybe its not our usual kind of gig? Maybe we’re dealing with a serial killer?


Oh. Yeah. You’d love that wouldn’t you?

[SAM’s cell phone rings and he answers it.]


Agent Collins.


This is Detective Madsen. There’s been another victim.




Accident in the next county. I’m there now.


No, thanks for letting us know.


You’re welcome.

[SAM ends the cell phone call.]


Another ax vic. This one miles from the B&B.


Lizzie left home.




All right. I’ll take the crime scene. You take Len.

[SAM enters the Pensky home where the murder took place. We can hear a siren wail in the distance.]


Who found the body?


Babysitter was home with the kid. Found the dad in the driveway.


Geez. Thanks.


I heard Jeordi’s dad pull up outside and then there was this shout. I went to look and I saw the blood before I saw him. I thought someone had spilled paint.


And what about before? I mean, did you notice anything out of order? Uh, a sound? Smell? There’s no detail too small.


No. It was like any other night.

[JEORDI’s mother walks into the scene.)




Jeordi, are you alright?

[JEORDI’s mom looks at SYDNEY.]


Did he see anything?


No. He was inside the whole time.


Ma’am? Agent Collins, with the FBI. I understand this is a terrible time, but, if you could manage, I’d like to ask you a few ...


You need to get out of my house. That’s what you need to do.


Of course. Uh, we can do this tomorrow.


Get out!

[SAM clears his throat and leaves.]

[Meanwhile, in LEN’s mobile home we see DEAN talking to LEN.]


Well, I didn’t expect to see her here.


Well, gotta live your bliss.


Heh. Boy, you are a Lizzie Borden ... I don’t think fan covers it.


That’s superfan. And curator.


Hm. And is that what you were doing that night at the B&B? Uh, curating?


Oh, I - I, uh.


Len, it’s best just to go with truth here.


I was trying to get a picture of Lizzie’s ghost.


And is that what I saw you with?

[DEAN points at an antique camera.]


Yeah. It’s a .... It’s what the victorians used for spirit photography.


Uh, huh. And have you captured any Casper’s on that thing?


Well, I’ve seen Lizzie at her house. She’s this wispy, gray shadow. But she never shows up on film. Maybe I should go high-def.


Why not go inside?


I’m not exactly allowed at the inn anymore. There’s a minor restraining order. And there’s a gag order not to talk about the restraining order. But you’re a Federal agent.


Buried the lead there a little, Len. Why don’t you tell me about the restraining order?


It was Lizzie’s 155th birthday and I couldn’t get Lizzie’s room so I stayed in the basement. For a couple days. Weeks! I wasn’t bothering anybody.


So it’s safe to say that you know the inn pretty well. Let me ask you, did anything about tonight strike you as weird?


Just you banging on the window.

[LEN’s computer beeps and says “You’re chat room is open.”]


Oh God, no. I’m supposed to lead a live chat about the ax murders in Fall Rivers. I’m not Lizzie CNN.


Yeah, I don’t know why anyone would think that.


I’ll close it down. Be right back.



[SAM is talking to DETECTIVE MADSEN outside the Pensky house.]


Four ax murders in two days and no leads. The whole town’s panicking like it’s the purge.


Yeah, not the whole town. Mrs. Pensky doesn’t seem too broken up over the fact that her husband was butchered in her driveway.


You saw the body. She’s in shock.




People have freaky ass reactions to loss.

[Back in LEN’s mobile home, DEAN is looking around and notices a drawing of the Mark of Cain on a piece of paper on LEN’s coffee table. He picks it up and shows it to LEN.]


Where did you see this?


Uh, a site about ghosts? The paranormal?


Len, you might be the worst liar I’ve ever met. Tell me where you’ve seen this symbol. I’d take you down to the station and ask you there. But then we’d have to involve the local police, your restraining order.


Okay. Okay, uh ... I was outside Lizzie’s house a couple nights ago trying to catch a picture of her.

[LEN starts telling DEAN the story of how he met AMARA outside the Lizzie Borden house. LEN has his camera and sees a little girl looking in a window.]


Oh, for a second I thought you were ... Never mind. Are you lost or staying at the inn?


I wish I were. I want to see where Lizzie axed her folks.


Oh, well, uh. You were looking at it. Half of it. That’s where they found Andrew Borden slumped over the couch in the sitting room. I’m sorry. How old are you?


Poor Lizzie. I’ve been reading up on her. Her parents sucked.


I totally agree! Lizzie has been so misunderstood by history. It’s pretty obvious her uncle had the stronger motive and opportunity.


Oh, no. Lizzie definitely hacked them. You can see it in her eyes. Serial killer eyes.

[Back in LEN’s mobile home, he continues explaining to DEAN where he saw the MOC symbol.)


I ditched her quick after that.


And you didn’t tell the police.


“A” Restraining order? “B” what am I supposed to say? I was hanging out talking murder with a little twelve-year-old girl in the middle of the night?


Where does the symbol come in?


She had it on her shoulder. I don’t know if it was a scar or a birthmark.


What did this girl look like?


Um. A girl. Amara. That’s what she said her name was. You know her?


You said she was 12?


Maybe a little younger or older. Who is she?


She’s a runaway. Do you know where Amara is now? Is she still in town?


I don’t know. Why are you looking for her?


I’m not at liberty to discuss that.


You have to tell me. Please. I need to find her!




You won’t believe me.

[LEN continues his story. He is still standing outside the Lizzie Borden house talking to AMARA.)


Okay. Well, uh. Enjoy your Lizzie fest. Oh, hey. Uh. No touching. I - I never touched you!

[AMARA puts her hands on LEN’s face and sucks out his soul. He staggers backwards but is still alive.]

[Back in LEN’s trailer, DEAN and LEN are still talking.]


I don’t know what that girl did to me. But I haven’t been right since. I can’t eat. Or sleep. I don’t dream. And all the things I used to love. My Lizzie blog. The ghost conventions. They leave me cold. I put this whole collection on ebay last night. Now it belongs to some machinist in Ohio.


Well, what about superfan, curator living the bliss?


Just playing the part of what I used to be. You know. Fake it til you make it. Or feel it.


So is that what you were doing at the inn tonight? Faking it?


No. I was looking for Amara. I want her to put me back. I’ve always been odd. And quirky. But I had a life. Friends. And now. I remember how to talk to people. What to say. But I feel like I’m acting. Going through the motions. I’m like a robot puppet man.

[DEAN talking to SAM on a cell phone.]


Wait? Amara was here? How?


Oh, and the real crazy? Apparently she’s like 12.


What? How’s that even possible?


It ain’t Wheaties she’s eating, I can tell you that much.




Len. He ain’t doing so hot. I think Amara sucked out his soul.


So, Amara’s growing like a radioactive weed?


Yeah. By stuffing her face with souls.


Does that mean she’s getting more power too? And for what?


I don’t know. That tsunami’s gonna hit us sooner or later. We’ll deal with what we can deal with. All these spent shells Amara’s leaving behind.


You don’t think Len’s our Lizzie Borden, do you?


No. I talked to his neighbors. And except for me seeing him at the B&B he’s been here all night. So, we can’t kill him because he hasn’t done anything yet.


Dean, we don’t want to kill him. We want to save people. Remember?

[DEAN snaps his fingers.]


Right. The new rules. Why hasn’t he offed anybody? I mean, it took Jenna all of walking downstairs to slit her grandmother’s throat.


I don’t know. Maybe not everybody that gets their soul sucked out turns into a killer.


Or maybe he just hasn’t got around to it yet. All right. Well. I think the best thing is we stick close until we figure out how to help him out. Which starts by you telling him he’s got no soul.






Why do I have to do it?


Well, because you’ve been there. You speak the language. He doesn’t even know he’s been hoovered yet.


Well, yeah. But you have a better relationship with him than I do.


Yeah, but you’re better with that whole sensitive verbal massage.


There is no sensitive way to tell somebody their soul’s been sucked out by a prehistoric tween!


Shh, shh, shh, shh.


And even if Len does believe us, is that supposed to make him feel better?


Fine. Probably couldn’t handle the truth right now anyways. He’s a little fragile right now. Okay. Well, great. Looks like we’re babysitting a 30-year old man.


There may be someone else Amara got to as well.


Our hatchet man.


Yeah. So the murders started right around the time Len saw Amara, right? Well, the wife of the last victim, Donna Pensky, had this bizarre reaction to hearing her husband ... like she couldn’t care less. It was kind of the way I felt the whole time I was soul-less.


Oh, yeah. You were one chilly droid.


Anyways, the detective thinks it’s shock. But I think it may be mom lost her soul and picked up an ax.

[DEAN nods in agreement.]

[SAM rings the doorbell at the Pensky house. DEAN is sitting in Baby with LEN in the back seat. DEAN looks at SAM and SAM shrugs because no one answers the door. So SAM calls SYDNEY, the babysitter, on his cell phone.)




Sydney. This is Agent Collins. I’m trying to find Mrs. Pensky. Do you have any idea where she might be?

[SAM starts walking back to Baby.]


Um. No. She, um, didn’t mention anything. Dawn didn’t want me to come over today.


Sydney. You are a part of a Federal murder investigation. You do not want to hold anything back from us.


Okay. There might be one place where she might be. Dawn has a friend, Nate. A special friend.


Yeah, I’m reading your mail.


Look, I’m not trying to get Dawn in trouble.


You have an address?

[LEN is babbling endlessly in the backseat of Baby.]


Kitten videos, checkin and waffles, eucalyptus scent. I don’t care for it anymore. Used to swoon for dark, curly hair. Now, not so much. Do you think I had a stroke? Or maybe it’s a brain tumor. What’s really freaky is all the stuff that used to make my skin crawl now seems ... eh.

[DEAN and SAM pull up to the address given by SYDNEY. After DEAN turns off Baby he silently mouths “Shut up the hell up” silently to SAM as they look at each other and LEN continues babbling.]


I couldn’t shake a guy’s hand before. God, that wetness. Now I could lick the sweat off a stranger’s ...




Yeah. Any body part. I’m serious. I feel weird, man.


Weird, how?


Like, something’s hatching inside of me. Something dark. With wings.

[LEN sees DEAN looking at SAM knowingly.]






But you looked at Sam like you guys know what’s wrong with me!

[DEAN gets out of Baby. He reaches back in to grab one of LEN’s hands then handcuffs him to Baby.]




You don’t have a soul. All right? Amara sucked it out.




Dean! You wanna be a little more blunt?


How - how is that even possible?


Look. This is just so you don’t get in trouble. All right, we’ll be right back and then we’ll figure out what to do with you.


Well, how do I get it back? My soul.


Generally, you don’t.


Wh - uh.

[LEN sits back in the seat resignedly.]


It feels good to finally know.

[DEAN and SAM approach MRS. PENSKY’s house. DEAN rings the doorbell and SAM knocks on the door.]



[DEAN looks through a front window. He sees furniture in disarray.]


Well, something happened in there.


The blue car is the mom’s. I saw it last night.

[DEAN picks the lock. They enter the house and with guns drawn split up to search.

DEAN opens the door to the basement. He goes down the stairs. The light does not work. He turns on his flashlight.

He notices something behind a rollaway bed. He knocks it to the side. There are two dead bodies. One is Nate, the man SYDNEY said MRS. PENSKY was having an affair with and the woman is MRS. PENSKY.

DEAN turns around and someone hits him across the face. He’s knocked unconscious.]

[SAM goes through a doorway upstairs. At the end of a hallway he sees a closet door moving. He approaches it slowly while pointing his gun at it. When he is close enough to open the door he does it quickly. He finds JEORDI bound and gagged on the floor of the closet.]


Jeordi? Hey buddy.

[SAM kneels and helps JEORDI sit upright.]


You all right? Give me a sec.

[As SAM begins to untie him, JEORDI sees someone behind SAM.]



[SAM turns when JORDIE screams and SYDNEY cocks a shotgun cock behind him. SYDNEY points it directly at SAM.]

[In the basement, DEAN wakes up with blurry vision. He is tied to a chair.]


Oh, thank God. I thought you were dead. Huh. I can’t believe that I bagged both of you guys.


Yeah, so it’s Sydney, the killer babysitter. Not the mom. So what’s the story? You gonna hack us up like the others?


I’m past that. You two are an offering to my new friend.


Let me guess. Is your new bestie Amara?


You know her?


Oh, yeah. We’re tight. How’d you two meet?


A couple of nights ago I got pretty sloshed. This, uh, smug, little trust fund dirt-bag had just dumped me.

[SYDNEY recounts how she met AMARA. SYDNEY is walking through the parking lot of a bar.]


Excuse me. Drunk girl? You shouldn’t be driving. You could put your head through a window.


Uh, where are your parents? They bring you to this dump on a school night? My parents used to do that.


I found this place on my own. I like dark places.


You’re here alone? Okay, let’s uh, let’s get you inside. I’m Sydney, by the way.


I’m going to help you Sydney.


You think I need help? Well, I, maybe you’re right. Tonight, anyway.

[AMARA holds one of SYDNEY’s hands in hers. SYDNEY suddenly smiles and laughs at AMARA’s mere touch.]


How did - how did you do that? Oh, I feel like ecstasy-orgasm chocolate cake! You’re an angel!

[At the mention she might be an angel AMARA’s face turns angry.]


Do I look like a whiney-wing suck up?


Well, then, what are you?

[AMARA puts her hands on the sides of SYDNEY’s head and sucks out her soul.]

[In the Pensky’s basement.]


Have you guys ever seen the iced tea commercial? Where the lady is lying along the inflatable raft and she’s just drifting along a sparkling pool? That’s what it was like! Being with Amara. Bliss. No hurting. No sadness. No memories.


So you don’t want memories?


Did you have nice parents, Sam? Because my folks treated me and my sister like human ash trays.

[SYDNEY pulls up her shirt to show cigarette burn scars on her stomach.]


I used to have to drink myself blind to even look at these. Let alone show anybody. And now I don’t know what Amara did to me but it’s just skin.


Right. Well, that’s really ... Good for you.


No more waking up screaming from nightmares. No more flashbacks. Amara took away the pain. She lightened something in me.


Except now you’re an ax murderer.


I’m free. Before there was always this constant voice in my head, “You can’t do that. It’s wrong. What if you get caught.” And now it’s quiet. It’s just me and what I want. And when you can do whatever you want you don’t have to get caught. And then you can really fly.


Were you flying when you diced up that couple at the inn?


Oh. When I’d found out that that ... puss-hole was taking another girl to the B&B that’s his deal closing move. I didn’t have to sit at home and cry about it.


And what about the innkeeper;s mom?


That piece of jerky. She screwed me out of two weeks pay. I used to fantasize about killing her and now I’m living the dream.


So that’s how you got in and out. You worked there.


Just for one summer.


What about Jeordi’s parents? Huh? What? Did they screw you over, too?


Not me. Jeordi. Where to start. Meth dealing dad. Slut mom. No, I saved Jeordi. And I’m going to take better care of him than they ever did.


Well, you said that we were, uh, we were an offering. Well, how do you plan on bringing Amara here? Don’t tell me that girl’s got a cell phone.


I’ve been praying. And I know that she can hear me. I can feel it. She’s close. She hasn’t left me.


Well, bring her on out. We’ve been hunting that bitch for weeks.

[SYDNEY hits DEAN with the butt end of the shotgun.]


She is a goddess!

[SAM uses the opportunity to suddenly reveal he is loose. He jumps up to attack SYDNEY. She fires the shotgun at SAM but misses. Then she suddenly drops to the floor. LEN is standing behind SYDNEY with a bloody ax.]


Holy crap. I just did that.


Hey. Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Take this away.

[As SYDNEY is laying on the floor of the basement bleeding to death she speaks.]


The darkness is coming. It’s so peaceful. It’s coming for all of us.

[Outside of the Pensky house SAM walks down the stairs of the front porch to sit beside JEORDI.]


Jeordi, you have any, uh, family you can stay with?

[JEORDI doesn’t respond.]


When I was six months old my mom died and my dad was ... was never really around much. I realize that’s not really close to what you’ve lost but you’re gonna survive this. People are gonna help you.


There’s Aunt Kathy. She comes at Christmas.

[SAM nods and sighs.]

[Back in the Pensky house LEN is talking to DEAN. He shows DEAN his bandaged hand.]


First of all, I ripped my hand out of the cuff.


Well, you saved us, Len.


Yeah, that’s not why I mauled myself. I wanted to see if I could do it. It hurt. Like a mother. But it didn’t wig me out. At all. I picked up my thumb like it was a mini-hot dog.


I’m not gonna lie. That’s worrisome.


And that girl. My brain said I should help you but I didn’t really feel anything. For you or her. What kind of person can murder and feel nothing?


Len. Whatever darkness you have inside you, if there is a shred of conscience then there might be hope.


No. Sam said once your soul is gone you can’t get it back. And I know for sure now if I’m not stopped there will be another kill. I can feel it. Like a bubble rising up.


So, what do you want to do?


You could kill me.


No, I can’t. Naw. I don’t want to do that.


Then there’s only one thing. I’m gonna turn myself in. I’ll confess to all the murders. That way I can’t get out.


Huh. Well, there’s not too many soul-less killers that would give themselves up.


I remember what it was like to do the right thing. So, I’m going through the motions. For as long as I can.

[SAM and DEAN are leaning on Baby and eating some fast food while looking out at a harbor.]


Still can’t believe Len turned himself in.


I mean, it kinda makes sense. You know. People having different reactions to losing their souls. I did. Everyone’s got their own history, right?


Len loses his heart. Sydney loses her head. What are we? Looking for the cowardly lion next?


You know I get like this pit in my stomach any time I think of her. The Darkness. Like we only know the tip of what she is. What she does to people. You know Len was freaked out by her. But Sydney. Sydney couldn’t get enough. The bliss she was talking about, you know? What was it like for you? Did you feel like that with Amara?


No. No, I mean it was quiet. Until, uh, she started hatching killers and rallying monsters to raise armies.


So that’s how we have to find her. Follow the bodies.


You got a better idea? We could follow the crazy you’ve been seeing. Look, at the rate Amara’s growing, sucking souls and getting stronger. She may not be that hard to find. Come on.

[SAM and DEAN get into Baby and drive away. Behind them, AMARA sees them drive off as she emerges from the tree line.]


Bye, Dean. I’ll see you soon.



Source : SuperWiki

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