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#919 : Le bal des vampires

SHERIFF MILLS TENTE DE SAUVER UNE JEUNE FILLE D'UN NID DE VAMPIRES - Shériff Mills appelle Sam et Dean, après avoir tué un vampire qui avait attaqué une prisonnière du nom d'Annie. Ils découvrent qu'Annie a été kidnappée par un nid de vampires, qui l'utilise comme appât pour attirer des humains à eux et se nourrir. Shériff Mills tente de sauver Annie de ses geôliers, mais découvre par la manière forte que la famille passe toujours en premier.


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Alex Annie Alexis Ann

Titre VF
Le bal des vampires

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Dean (Dylan Everett) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) devant un des vampire

Dean (Dylan Everett) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) devant un des vampire

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Jodie (Kim Rhodes) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Jodie (Kim Rhodes) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) menacé

Sam (Jared Padalecki) menacé

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) suivi de Connor (Reilly Dolman)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) suivi de Connor (Reilly Dolman)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Jodie (Kim Rhodes) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Jodie (Kim Rhodes) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) ligoté

Sam (Jared Padalecki) ligoté

Dean (Jensen Ackles) menaçant Dale (Greyston Holt)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) menaçant Dale (Greyston Holt)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) ligoté

Sam (Jared Padalecki) ligoté

Sam (Jared Padalecki) ligoté et Dale (Greyston Holt)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) ligoté et Dale (Greyston Holt)

Dale (Greyston Holt) mettant en joue Sam (Jared Padalecki) ligoté

Dale (Greyston Holt) mettant en joue Sam (Jared Padalecki) ligoté

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Jodie (Kim Rhodes)

Jodie (Kim Rhodes)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Jodie (Kim Rhodes) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Jodie (Kim Rhodes) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 22.04.2014 à 21:00
2.10m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Robert Berens
Réalisateur : Stefan Pleszczynski


Casting :

Kim Rhodes... Sheriff Jody Mills

Katherine Ramdeen... Alexis / Annie Jones

Ashley Crow... Mama

Reilly Dolman... Connor

Greyston Holt... Dale

Jarrett Knowles... Cody

Liam Sproule... Frère Vampire

Bill Marchant... Adjoint Frank

Alexis Kellum-Creer... Stacy Kepler

Travis McDonald... Homme au bar






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Sioux Falls, Dakota du Sud. Un officier de police emmène une jeune femme récalcitrante, nommée Alex, dans une cellule. Un peu plus tard, il est appelé à l'extérieur et se voit forcé de laisser Alex seule. La jeune femme proteste, en vain. Une fois le policier parti, un vampire, Cody, débarque, dans le but de reprendre Alex avec lui. Quand il entre dans la cellule, il ne voit pas Jody Mills qui arrive, et elle lui coupe la tête.


Sam et Dean rejoignent Jody, qui, après quelques échanges de banalités, leur montre le corps du vampire décapité dans son coffre. Elle leur parle ensuite de la jeune femme que le vampire a essayé de capturer, et d'après elle, d'autres vampires seraient en chemin dans le même but. Jody avoue être déroutée par le comportement de la jeune femme. Les boys pensent immédiatement à la présence d'un nid de vampires.

Les Winchesters tentent d'interroger Alex, mais la jeune femme reste coite. Elle reconnait immédiatement les méthodes de chasseurs. Mais même si elle ne parle pas, Sam repère quand même des marques de morsures sur son cou. Jody interrompt l'interrogatoire pour leur annoncer qu'ils ont trouvé un dossier correspondant à l'ADN d'Alex. Cette dernière se nomme en fait Annie, et elle a disparue alors qu'elle n'était qu'une petite fille. Avec les informations qu'ils ont, les boys concluent qu'Alex est en fait un esclave de sang, sur lequel les vampires se nourrissent quotidiennement sans la tuer. Et parfois, à la grande surprise de Jody, les esclaves restent loyaux à leurs geôliers.

Les boys retournent auprès d'Alex, et tentent de la convaincre que les vampires sont des monstres. Mais elle refuse de les vendre, clâmant avec force que les vampires sont sa famille, et qu'elle les a nourri volontairement. Cependant, elle a décidé de s'en aller, sans toutefois penser aux conséquences que cela pourrait provoquer. Elle refuse de nouveau de coopérer, mais cette fois par peur que sa "mère" ne la tue.

Sam retrace le parcours d'Alex, dans le but de trouver l'endroit où le nid pourrait se cacher. Les boys décident de se rendre dans le Nebraska, de là où Alex est partie, laissant cette dernière sous la protection de Jody qui, bien que peut rassurée, essaie de faire bonne figure. Les boys lui conseillent de se cacher dans un autre endroit que le commissariat, car les vampires sont de redoutables traqueurs. De plus, Sam conseille à Jody de se munir du sang d'un mort. Avec cela, Jody décide de prendre une journée pour se rendre dans une vieille cabane appartenant à sa famille, avec Alex, le temps pour les Winchesters de régler le problème.

Tandis qu'elle sort de son commerce, une jeune femme est accostée par une bande d'hommes, des vampires, dont le meneur Connor, cherche à retrouver Alex. La commerçante refuse d'avouer qu'elle a vendu des tickets de bus à Alex, et c'est alors qu'ils se mettent à la poursuivre. Mais elle ne peut aller bien loin, car elle tombe rapidement sur la mère du clan. Tandis qu'elle sent la mort approcher, elle hurle.

Jody et Alex arrivent à la cabane. Une fois à l'intérieur, Jody se retrouve face à son chagrin quand Alex pose des questions sur sa famille, après avoir trouvé un cadre photo les représentant. Malgré cela, Jody tente de dérider Alex, mais elle reste cloîtrée dans sa réserve.

Dean et Sam trouvent le nid des vampires, dans une vieille maison de campagne abandonnée. Le lieu ressemble à un endroit investi par des squatteurs, mais ils ont la confirmation qu'il s'agit bien de la tanière des monstres, quand ils trouvent l'un d'entre eux, à l'extérieur, en train de passer des corps dans une broyeuse. Ils le capturent et l'interrogent, mais le vampire se contente de répondre par des sarcasmes.

Dans le même temps, les autres vampires rendent visite au commissariat de Sioux Falls. L'interrogatoire continue. Cette fois, Dean et Sam parviennent à avoir des informations. Ils apprennent ainsi qu'Alex n'était pas seulement leur esclave de sang, que leur "mère" a refusé de transformer, mais elle leur servait aussi de leurre. Ils alternaient ainsi la chasse, et la livraison de nourriture, grâce au charme de la jeune femme. Sam se rend compte alors que Jody est seule avec Alex.

Jody rentre du bois dans la cabane, et se rend compte qu'Alex n'est plus sur le canapé. Elle la cherche, sans voir que son téléphone sonne. Elle finit par trouver Alex dans la chambre qui était celle d'Owen, son fils. Alex est endormie sur le lit. Jody s'approche, pose une couverture sur la jeune femme, et c'est alors qu'elle se réveille brusquement. Jody la rassure, puis lui annonce qu'elle lui a préparé un sandwich. Alex lui demande ce qu'il est advenu de sa grand-mère, ce à quoi Jody doit lui annoncer la mauvaise nouvelle. Mais cela ne semble pas perturber Alex, qui se rallonge.

Tandis que Dean tente de joindre Jody, Sam lui apprend que les victimes que le vampire était en train de broyer travaillaient à la gare routière. Ils comprennent alors qu'ils ont découvert où Alex s'en allait. Enfin, Jody rappelle Dean. Rapidement, il lui explique que les vampires sont en route pour Sioux Falls, et tandis qu'il essaie de lui apprendre la vérité sur Alex, Jody l'interrompt. Une voiture s'arrête à l'extérieur de la cabane. Les vampires sont là. Dean la rassure en lui disant qu'ils sont en route pour la rejoindre, et alors que Sam sort, Dean tue le vampire resté attaché dans le salon.

Les vampires attaquent la cabane. Jody fait ce qu'elle peut, mais seule, elle ne peut lutter face aux trois monstres qui pénètrent à l'intérieur. Connor capture Alex, et tandis qu'elle leur coure après, Jody se fait arrêter par un autre vampire. Il tente de la mordre, mais est rappelé au bercail par Mama, et se contente alors de la mettre KO. Ils partent avec Alex, tandis que Jody reste inconsciente sur le sol.

Les Winchesters retrouvent Jody tandis qu'elle se réveille à peine. Ils comprennent que les vampires sont repartis au nid avec Alex, et décident de s'y rendre. Jody souhaite les accompagner, mais les boys s'y opposent. Ils lui apprennent la vérité sur Alex, et essaie de la convaincre que la jeune femme ne peut être digne de confiance, que sa perception des choses est flouée du fait de son attachement à ses vampires et que par conséquent, elle ne doit pas être sauvée. Jody semble choquée, et proteste fermement. Elle semble très attachée à la jeune femme, ce qui surprend Sam. Elle ne donne aucune explication mais monte dans l'Impala, prévenant les boys de ne pas faire de mal à Alex, au risque de devoir lui passer sur le corps.

Au nid, Alex se réveille sur un lit, tandis que Mama prépare leur départ. Après le passage de chasseurs dans leur nid, il est temps pour eux de s'en trouver un autre. Alex est surprise, et effrayée, mais Mama la rassure. Tout ce qu'elle voulait, c'était récupérer Alex, mais elle n'avait pas l'intention de la tuer, malgré les problèmes qu'elle leur a causé. A sa demande, Alex explique qu'elle s'est enfuie parce qu'elle ne supportait plus le poids de la culpabilité liée aux personnes qu'elle emmenait aux vampires. Mama exprime ses propres regrets. Elle aurait dû transformer Alex il y a des années.

A l'extérieur, les Winchesters et Jody se préparent à nettoyer le nid, ce qui est leur priorité, Dean prévient Jody. Alex est secondaire. A contrecoeur, Jody acquiesce. Mama, pendant ce temps, souhaite convaincre Alex qu'il est temps pour elle de devenir l'une d'entre eux à part entière, ce qui supprimerait tout sentiment de culpabilité. Et ensuite, ils pourront former une famille.

Jody et les Winchesters investissent le nid. Les boys montent à l'étage, mais se font rapidement capturer par Connor et son frère. Restée au rez-de-chaussée, Jody entend alors des plaintes venir du sous-sol. Elle descend, pour trouver Alex en pleine transformation. Mama arrive par derrière, et met Jody K.O.

Tandis que Dean est inconscient, Connor interroge Sam pour savoir lequel des deux a tué son frère. Voyant qu'il ne parlera pas, Connor attrape un seau, et s'approche de Sam, dans le but de le saigner à blanc.

Jody se réveille attachée par les poignets à la poutre du plafond. Mama force Alex à s'approcher, dans le but qu'elle se nourrisse sur Jody afin d'achever le processus, mais Alex refuse. Mama comprend que Jody a réussi à impressionner Alex. De même qu'elle a compris que Jody utilise Alex pour reboucher un trou qui s'est formé dans son existence. Jody tente de convaincre Alex que ce n'est pas la voix à suivre, mais Mama intervient, rappelant à Alex qu'une fois la transformation achevée, les sentiments humains ne seront plus un problème.

A l'étage, tandis que Connor transfuse le sang de Sam dans le seau, il demande à son frère de faire de même avec Dean, toujours inconscient. Mais Dean faisait juste semblant, et quand le vampire s'approche, il se lève brusquement et se bat.

Jody comprend à son tour que Mama agit de la même façon qu'elle. Mama avait une fille, nommée Alex, et c'est pourquoi elle a capturé Annie étant petite, l'a renommé Alex, lorsque sa propre fille est décédée. Jody lui rappelle la douleur que la perte d'un enfant provoque, ce qui ne plait guère à Mama, qui s'approche, et commence à la frapper, encore et encore.

Dean se bat contre Connor et retourne la situation à son avantage. Il plaque Connor contre le mur, et la lame de sa machette contre la gorge du vampire. Connor détourne les yeux, mais Dean le force à le regarder alors qu'il enfonce doucement la machette dans la gorge du monstre, avant de l'achever d'un coup sec. Dean se précipite ensuite sur Sam pour le libérer, tandis que ce dernier lui rappelle la présence de Jody.

Mama s'apprête à dévorer Jody, mais Alex lui plante la seringue pleine de sang d'un mort dans le dos. Mama est choquée par le geste de sa fille adoptive. Tandis que Mama tombe à genoux, Jody en profite pour saisir la machette, et avant de porter le coup fatal, demande à Alex de ne pas regarder. Alex se retourne tandis que Dean et Sam les rejoignent, et que Jody décapite Mama.

Jody et les Winchesters sont de retour à la cabane. Sam profite que Jody soit au téléphone pour exprimer ses inquiétudes face à l'attitude de Dean, alors qu'il tuait Connor. Dean ne voit pas où est le problème de trouver du plaisir à tuer les monstres, sachant que c'est leur travail. Sam n'a pas le temps de contre-argumenter, car Jody les rejoint déjà. Elle les remercie, puis leur avoue que cette affaire a fait remonter tout le chagrin ressenti après la perte de sa famille, malgré ses efforts pour les enterrer. Elle reconnait que son jugement s'en est trouvé altéré, bien que, comme les boys le lui font remarquer, elle n'avait pas tort au sujet d'Alex. Dean la rassure ensuite sur les effets de la cure contre le vampirisme, mais propose à Jody leur présence. Jody leur assure qu'elle se débrouillera.

Jody rejoint Alex dans la chambre. La jeune femme doit lutter contre les effets désagréables du remède. Elle remercie Jody pour son soutien, et explique qu'elle a accepté de se laisser transformer parce qu'elle ne voulait pas décevoir Mama encore une fois. Elle porte toujours le poids de la culpabilité sur ses épaules, et alors qu'elle s'apprête à confesser ses fautes, Jody l'arrête, car elle sait tout. Elle propose à la jeune femme de rester auprès d'elle, si c'est ce qu'elle veut, bien que personne ne puisse comprendre ce qu'elle a traversé. Alex lui fait remarquer qu'elle, elle peut.


Ecrit par deanlove35.



[Episode opens with a long shot of a hallway in a Sheriff station. A deputy is hauling a struggling girl through the hall.]



All right, Missy, calm down!



Let me go!



Calm down!


[DEPUTY FRANK locks her up in a cell and sits down at a desk.]


GIRL [yelling]

Let me out!


[The radio on the desk crackles to life]



Hey, Frank, someone smashed the front window over at Dawson's Hardware -- possible B&E. Need you to check it out.



Yeah, copy that, but the bullpen's empty, and I got someone in holding.



Sheriff's heading to the station now. They won't be alone long.



Roger that. I'm heading out.


GIRL [from the cell]

Hey, don't leave me. Please.


[The deputy just looks at her as he heads out the door. The girl looks worried as she backs away from the cell door.]


[A little later, she is sitting on the floor of the cell. She hears a noise and she stands up to investigate. When she goes to look out the door a young man's face appears. She jumps in surprise.]






There you are, girl.



How did you find me?



Come on. You don't really need to ask that, do you?



A-are the others with you?



Everyone was off on a hunt when I'd realized you'd run away. Figured I'd do you and them a favor and come take care of this before they even know we're gone.



You can't get me in here.


CODY [holding up keys and unlocking the door]

Cop sure was in a hurry to check out that "B&E" I faked. Barely even saw me coming. I keep telling you --you can run and you can hide, but we will always find you.


[CODY opens his mouth and a set of vampire teeth descend. But before he can jump the girl, he is decapitated from behind. Blood sprays in the cell. JODY MILLS is standing there with a bloody fire axe.]







[Scene opens with the IMPALA pulling up next to a Sioux Falls Sheriff cruiser with JODY MILLS standing next to it. It is raining outside as the Winchester get out to greet the sheriff.]



You boys are a sight.



Jody. How's the shoulder?



Eh, only aches when it rains. How you boys been?






Touch and go.



I know the feeling.



So, what you got for us?


[JODY turns around and opens the truck of her car and the dead vampire lays inside next to his head. SAM looks quickly around and then bends down and presses his finger to the gum of the vampire. A vamp tooth pushes out.]



Yeah, uh, that's a vamp, all right.



I don't know, Sammy. Looks like Jody might not need our help anymore.



Oh, they grow up too fast.



Don't they?



Yeah, joke all you want. There's more where this came from.






My men brought in a runaway last night. There's no I.D. on her -- nothing on her, actually, except for a bus ticket out of Nebraska. Total Jane Doe. She won't even give me her name. Girl's basically feral. She's got zero manners, didn't even thank me for saving her. Anyhow, this thing went to plenty of trouble to get at her. And to hear him tell it, the "others" will want her at least as bad as he did.



Sounds like a nest.






Nest? I'm guessing that's not half as cute and cozy as it sounds.



Oh, I'm afraid not.


[In the jail room, SAM is doing a gum check on the girl while DEAN looks on. When he finishes, SAM steps behind her and shakes his head at DEAN in answer to their unspoken question.]



Wilson and Fisher? You two are FBI, then I'm Taylor Swift. That wasn't a dental I.D. It was a fang check. You're hunters.



And you're alive because, uh, hunters trained the sheriff. I think the first words out of your mouth should be a thank you. So, who were you to this vamp, anyway? Hmm? What's so special about you? Is there a nest?


[As DEAN is asking the questions, SAM notices some scars on the girl's neck. He goes to look closer but she sees him watching and shrugs her shirt collars higher to cover them. Then JODY opens the door and pops her head in...]



Sorry to interrupt. We got a match on her DNA.


[In the hall outside the cell room.]



Annie Jones. Reported abducted outside of Kenosha in '06. Raised by an elderly grandparent. No living kin. You think the vamps are the ones who took her?



Eight years is a long time for a human to live with vampires without getting killed or turned.



You're the experts, but there was something...familiar about the way this vamp talked to her.



Jody's right. And she had scars on her neck, feeding scars.Uh...They're layered, as if they'd been built on

for years.



So she's a blood slave. We've seen it before -- vampires keeping people as pets, human feedbags. Sometimes these slaves...



Stay loyal to their captors.









So...This girl's not talking 'cause she's got a case of...what? Vampiric Stockholm syndrome?



She's protecting the nest.


[Back in the interrogation room]



So, you feel a debt.



They gave you a home, raised you.



Annie, we get it. Loyalty is a very powerful thing.



My name is Alex.



No, it's not. Your name is Annie Jones.



Those vampires stole you. They're monsters, Annie.






And they didn't love you. They loved your blood. They fed on you.



I fed them. My choice. My brothers -- they brought me food when I was hungry. So when they struck out on a hunt, I fed them. They're my family.



Okay, you care about them, but, Alex... There's a reason you decided to run away.



It was time... to move on and get out on my own.



And how do you think that decision is gonna sit with the rest of the nest? One of them already pursued you. You think when the rest of them find out that you left that they're just gonna shrug and cut their losses?



You lived with them for years. They've tasted your blood. They have your scent down cold. I mean, how far can you run and for how long?


[A single tear runs down Alex's face]



You didn't think this out, did you? What would happen, who might get hurt -- your, uh, "brother," for one.



His name's Cody. And she killed him. [motions to JODY who is looking on]



Because of a choice you made. These are the consequences.



You got two options -- them or you. And we can help you. We can keep you safe. But you have to help us.



Where's the nest?



I can't. After what's happened...mama finds me, she'll kill me.


[ALEX is crying from fear as the Winchesters exchange looks with the sheriff.]


[Later, SAM is doing some research on the computer in the sheriff station. JODY stands by lost in thought as DEAN walks up with a fresh cup of coffee.]



Mills, you okay?



No wonder she didn't thank me. That creep was her brother. I'm fine. You know, mostly, I'm just -- I'm hung up on the name. Alex and Annie -- they're so close already. Why'd they change it?



Okay, so, we know from her ticket that Alex hopped a bus out of O'Neill, Nebraska, right?






Obviously, it'd be better to go in with a firm location, but the town ain't that big. There are no caves or other natural hiding places.



All right, so go in, canvass it cold.



Well, I worked together a short list of possible nest locations. Uh, there's an empty fire station, four or five derelict homes. Nothing we couldn't hit in a day.




[The brothers get up to leave and JODY follows them]

You sure you're all right to babysit by yourself?



Oh, well, girl's a flight risk, not exactly friendly, but I think I can handle babysitting detail.



The station's been made. It might be worth heading upwind for a while. I mean, vamps are trackers.









Well, I've got an old family cabin outside of town.



That'll work.



Okay. Well, shouldn't raise too many eyebrows, me being gone for a day.



Maybe, but you, uh, sure you don't want backup?



You want me to enlist my men in a protection detail against vampires? Frank's still in the dark about what hit him last night. The guy still has nightmares about the barn episode of "Walking Dead" They're good cops. They're not ready for this.



Jody, in your late-night reading, did you ever come across anything about Dead Man's blood?






It takes vamps down like a horse tranq.



I would not say no to some of that. I mean, not that I'll need it. You guys are gonna get the jump on these vamps and be back here before they even realize their kin's missing, right?


[The boys nod and head out]


[The scene changes to a shot of a Nebraska license plate on a pickup truck. The camera pans up to show a woman walking out of a bus station and locking up. She is on the phone.]



Well, it's not my fault. Well, Ralph didn't show up for work today. I had to pull a double shift. I'll be home soon.


[She hangs up and walks to her car. As she pulls her keys out someone steps up close behind her. She jumps a mile and swings around]



Connor, you scared the --



I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that. It's just, you haven't seen Alex around, have you?



Uh, your sister. No, I can't say I have. Sorry.



Huh. So you didn't sell her a bus ticket out of town?



Did I help your shut-in kid sister get away from her weird, scary-ass squatter family? Answer's still "no".



So you're saying Ralph lied to us? 'Cause he said...that you sold her a ticket...right before we killed him.


[The woman panics and turns and runs but doesn't get very far before another woman steps from the shadows into her path.]



You calling my family weird? Oh, honey, you have no idea.


[MOMA bares her vampire teeth and the woman screams]



[JODY and ALEX pull up to a cabin in the woods. As JODY parks, ALEX looks around without amusement.]



What? Too rustic for your taste? Well, I have a lot of great memories. Used to come up here all the time -- first as a kid with my parents and then with my...

[JODY stops and clears her throat.]

Anyhow, it's a lot nicer than it looks from the outside.

[They get out of the car and walk towards the cabin]

F.Y.I. -- The woods around here -- really easy to get lost in if you don't know your way around. Me -- I know them like the back of my hand.



I got it. "Don't try running. You won't get far".


[Inside the cabin, JODY is unpacking groceries. ALEX is walking around the living room. She takes a crucifix off the wall]



You know this doesn't work, right? On vampires? It's useless.



That's not why I have it.




[picks up a picture of JODY's family. JODY walks in from the kitchen]

This your family?






Where are they?


[JODY does say anything.]



Oh. Dead.


JODY [taking the picture back]

You know, there are about a thousand more polite ways you could say that. I'll give you a pass on account of the whole raised-by-monsters thing.



How'd they die?




You must be exhausted. I know for a fact you didn't sleep last night.



I'm fine.



It's no problem. I can make up a bed.



I'm fine!



Suit yourself.


[Scene changes to the Winchesters approaching a rundown house. They enter, searching with flashlights. The house is obviously being lived in as there are beds made on the floor with blankets and food in the kitchen.]



This place is a foreclosure, right?



Yep. It is, just like the rest of them.



Well, somebody's squatting here.



Blackout windows.


[Suddenly there is a sound of a loud machine from behind the house. The brother more to investigate. Camera pans to a woodchipper out back and a man is shoving dead bodies into the grinding jaws of the machine. DEAN approaches from behind]



Hey! Hey, you need a hand with that? Oh. [Chuckles dryly as he points to the dead hand sticking out] I guess not.


[The vampire bares its teeth and makes a move towards DEAN but hasn't gone a step before SAM jumps in and cracks him over the head with a shovel.


Camera changes to the brothers and the vampire, named DALE, in the house. He is tied up as the Winchesters try to get information out of him.]



You go out with the family, bring home a nice dinner. How did you get stuck doing the dishes?



We all have our roles to play.



Yours being destroying the evidence, yeah? Nice job. Ralph Hedges. Stacy Kepler. Any reason

you targeted them?



Yeah. Hunger.



And, so, the family's what? Out taking a nice after-dinner stroll?



Oh, I'm sure they'll be back real soon.



What I asked was...[DEAN grabs DALES hair and jerks his head so their faces are very close] Where are they?


[Scene changes to DEPUTY FRANK in the sheriff's office filling out paperwork. He jerks when a voice speaks across the counter]


CONNOR [standing there with MOMA and two other vamps]

Nice shiner.



Can I help you all with something?



As a matter of fact...I think you can.


[Back in the rundown house, DEAN throws a punch right into DALE's stomach.]



You don't want to talk. No skin off my back. 'Cause you see, a blood-sucking, body-chipping vamp -- that's bad enough, but vamps...that kidnap kids... Well, I'm going to enjoy putting you down.



Of course. Oh, I knew this was about Alexis. I warned mama that girl would screw everything up for us one day.



"Mama"? As in one vamp turned you all?



Well, all of us but little sis. She was, uh, "too good to turn". Mama couldn't bring herself to, no matter what we said, no matter how bad Alexis got.






Let me guess. You never had a teenage sister. Dragging her heels, whining, near constant, about everything, but more and more about the blood, like she's somehow above it, like she's better than us 'cause she don't feed on people.


DEAN [darkly]

She is better than you, dumbass.



Her moping? That teenage crisis-of-conscience crap? It's annoying as hell, but it's just an act. When the chips are down, she'll always choose us over humans. I mean, how do you think we stayed off your radar all these years? Pretty, young, lost-looking thing like her? Irresistible, especially to the kind of man few people would miss. I mean, sure, we hunt sometimes for sport, but it's a lot easier and a lot safer to get delivery.


[*FLASHBACK* There is a small flashback to ALEX in a bar getting hit on by a creepy man. She smiles at him and they leave the bar together. Then they are in the house and the man starts to make his move]



Come on, sweetie. Aren't you gonna give me a name?






Mm. Sweet Ann. You got any idea what I'm about to do to you?



Yeah. I do. Nothing.



What the... Is this a party?


[ALEX's brother all walk in and they start to feed on the creepy man *END FLASHBACK*]



She's your lure.



Best a vamp could ask for. And you better believe you don't get that good at it unless you enjoy it. In her own sweet way...Girl's as bloodthirsty as any vampire.


SAM [suddenly realizing]



[Back in Sioux Falls, JODY is bringing in firewood when she realizes that ALEX isn't in the living room anymore. She goes on a hunt for her in the house and finds her sleeping in JODY's sons room. She goes to pull up the covers on her but she walks up and scares both of them. ALEX apologizes.]



I made you a sandwich. It's out there if you want it.



Sheriff. My grandma?



I'm so sorry.



No, it's -- it's fine. I figured -- it's been years, and she was old.


[SAM and DEAN are both on the phone.]


SAM [finishing his call]

You got it. Thank you.


DEAN [hanging up]

She's not answering.



I just ran the victims' names through local P.D. They both worked at the O'Neill bus station.



So they killed them for Alex's location.

[DEAN's phone rings]




Dean, what's up?



Listen to me. The vamps knew that Alex went to Sioux Falls, okay? They're probably already there. We're on our way there next. But there's something else. There's something about Alex.


JODY [seeing headlights pull up to the cabin]

It can wait. They're here.






At the cabin. Now.



We're on our way.



Hurry. [hangs up]



She hung up.



We moving?



Yeah. Meet you outside.


[DEAN walks back into the room with DALE and without even missing a beat, he beheads him in one downward stroke of the machete.]


[Back in JODY's cabin, she is rushing for ALEX's room but before she gets there someone flies in through the bedroom window and slides a dresser in front of the door. JODY gets there but can't get the door open. ALEX is screaming from the inside.]



Alex? Alex, come on. We got to go. We got to go.



Jody, help!



Alex?! Alex! Alex!



Help me! Help! Let me go!


[By the time JODY busts into the room ALEX and her captor have disappeared out of the window. JODY chases them outside as they shove ALEX into a truck. MOMA is sitting in the front. CONNOR is the one who is controlling the struggling ALEX. JODY runs for them but gets clothes-lined by another vamp. As he is about to take a bite out of her neck MOMA yells from the car.]



Come on, let's go!



Move it!


[The truck peals out as JODY lays unconscious on the ground]



[The IMPALA pulls up to the cabin in the daylight and the Winchesters jump out greatly concerned about the groggy JODY who is still laying on the ground. They rush to her.]






Hey, you okay?



Whoa, whoa, whoa.


JODY [struggling to her feet with the boy's help]

Where's Alex?



You tell us.



They came and I tried to stop them.



And you got knocked out. Well, happens to the best of us.



Just lucky you're alive.



You think they went back to the nest?



Of course they did. Why wouldn't they? Question is -- what are they gonna do when they find their brother dead?



So we go back now.



Okay. I'm coming.



Uh, Jody? Hey, hey. Whoa. Hold on. You're hurt.



I'm coming.



Jody, we can handle the nest on our own.



I don't give a fig about the nest. That girl was under my protection.



Okay, that "girl" can't be trusted. She's a lure. She's a-a honey trap. She's been feeding people to those vamps!



I don't care. Whatever she did, she did because they made her.



Oh, and that's a reason?



She's a kid!



Yeah, a kid who's been playing vampire murder since before she was in braces.



Jody, he's right. A-at best her loyalties are...Screwed.



And how do you even know she wants to be saved? For the past eight years, she has been baiting the hook for an entire nest. She's got more blood on her hands than most monsters we kill.



Are you saying she's on your list?



No, we're not saying that.



Well, not yet. Look, it sucks, okay? It does. But with hunting monsters comes harsh truths. This is a clean-up mission. It's not a rescue.



What is this even really about? You barely know the girl.


JODY [glares at the boys and moves to the car]

I'm coming. And if either one of you lays so much as a hand on Alex...You'll have to go through me.


[ALEX wakes up on a bed and before she can really take in her surroundings, MOMA speaks from the other side of the room.]



Put up quite a struggle with Connor. Says you nearly took his eye out. Maybe that was just his excuse for knocking you out. You have any idea the mess you made? Hunters raided the place while we were out, tortured and killed Dale. Our home's been made. We're gonna have to move again.



Mama, I-I never meant --


MOMA [coming to the bed]

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh! We will all find our way. Things got screwy...but you're back now.



Why? After everything, I thought that you --



You thought what? That I'd hurt you? Kill you? I would never hurt you. Not my baby girl, not my sweet Alex. How could you even think that? Baby, why did you do it? Why did you run from us?



I love you, mama. I do. I just -- I couldn't take it anymore. The blood and the death, the sounds of their screams. I just... I can't do it anymore. And the way I feel afterwards, the guilt...I'd rather die than feel that way again.



It's my fault.






All of it. This is my fault. I should've turned you years ago.


[DEAN, SAM and JODY prepare to raid the run down house. They are down the road from the house]



Well, their truck's in the driveway.



So we're walking right into it.



Well, we've faced worse odds.






Jody. This is a raid, so tread lightly, stay close. Priority is clearing the nest. Alex comes second. You got it?


JODY [annoyed]

Got it.


[Back to MOMA and ALEX]



It was so selfish. I wanted to watch you grow up. I kept putting it off. Don't you see? These things you've been feeling -- all the guilt and suffering -- those are human feelings. It ain't too late. I can take the pain away. And then we can stay together, as a family. Like none of this ever happened. Wouldn't you like that?


[DEAN, SAM and JODY enter the house and clear the first floor. SAM and DEAN go upstairs and motion for JODY to stay where she is. They start to clear the second floor but JODY hears groaning from downstairs and goes to investigate. Meanwhile, upstairs SAM walks back to DEAN and as DEAN turns around he sees CONNOR has a gun on SAM. DEAN grasps his machete.]


CONNOR [pushing the rifle into SAM's back]

Drop it.


[DEAN drops the blade to the floor and then gets 2x4ed in the head by another vamp. He collapses in a heap.]


[JODY is moving down the stairs trying to find the source of the groaning. She sees ALEX laying face down on the bed. She rushes over to her.]



Alex, come on. Come on, honey. We got to go.



Go away!



We got to go!

[ALEX sits up and her eyes are ringed in a weird amber hue and her mouth is covered in blood.]

What did they do to you?



I'm sorry, Jody. I made my choice.


MOMA [stepping from the shadows and punching JODY unconscious.]

She chose me.



[In the house, DEAN is laying unconscious on the floor as SAM is tied to a chair. CONNOR is holding a gun on him as he struggles.]



No, no, no. No. Unh-unh-unh-unh. Hell of a sight to come home to... Brother lying dead on the floor.

[He rams the butt of the gun into SAM's stomach. SAM groans in agony.]

No idea it was a Winchester that had done it. So...Which one of you was it? Which one of you took off my brother's head?! Was it you? Was it him? Pretty fitting -- brother for a brother. This place has been a good home to us. But since you two had to come around and ruin it, we're gonna have to to hit the road and find a new one. And when we hit the road...we like to pack a lunch.


[CONNOR cuts some surgical tubing and picks up a bucket and moves towards SAM. SAM draws back when he figures out what CONNOR is about to do.]


[In the basement, JODY is strung up by her hands to the rafters. MOMA is going through all of JODY's weapons on the table.]



Can't say you didn't come prepared.






Hey. Don't be bothering my girl. She's going through something, a process.



What did you do to her?



Fed her my blood. She's on her way now. All that's left is to feed.



Please, mama. Let her go. I already drank from you. Let her go.



Made an impression on my girl, I see. Baby, this is the human half of you talking. After the change, this human -- she ain't nothing to you.

Clearly, Sheriff, you got issues, some hole in your life you're using my Alex to fill. I would say go and get a family of your own, but, well...you know.



Wow. That's pretty rich coming from the woman who stole Alex to begin with.



I have fed her, clothed her, loved her going on nine years. You think motherhood's just about blood? You don't know the first thing about it.



Maybe not, but I know what it isn't. And it ain't about forcing her to be like you the second she becomes inconvenient.



Don't you see what she is trying to do? This hunter cop bitch is trying to turn you against me to save her own hide. Don't believe a word she says.

[MOMA kicks the side of JODY's knee and it crunches in a sickening pop. JODY screams]

She ain't your mother.


[Back upstairs, SAM's blood is draining from his arm into a second pint jar which stands next to an already full one. He is barely conscious.]



Tapped this keg. Get the short-hair one ready. Time to finish this.


[The other vampire sends a vicious kick into DEAN's back right above his kidney. DEAN still appears to remain unconscious. The vampire pulls DEAN's head but as soon as his hand grasp his hair DEAN flings out his left hand which holds a syringe of dead man's blood. DEAN buries the needle in the vampire's heart and pushes down the plunger. DEAN grabs the machete from the floor and faces CONNOR.]


[JODY is still gasping in pain but is putting the pieces together in her mind,,,]



Alex! Was that her name? You named her after someone. Was it your daughter? I couldn't figure out why you changed her name. I thought maybe you were ashamed of your theft, but you have no shame. You said that I was using her to fill a hole in my life, and you're right. I am. You are, too.






I guess it takes one to know one. That Alex... She died a long time ago.



And it still hurts. You still feel it, the loss, the pain -- like a stone in your gut. It hurts just a little bit less whenever she's near.



You bitch.


[She leaps at JODY and starts to beat her face with her fist.]


[DEAN is facing off with CONNOR but CONNOR drives him to the wall with his machete to DEAN's throat. Suddenly DEAN's face changes and all you can see is pure anger and strength. DEAN pushes back and swings CONNOR around to the exact position. DEAN presses the machete to CONNOR's throat. DEAN's face is snarling, his eyes pure focus.]



Look at me. Look at me, bitch!


[CONNOR glares back and DEAN completely gives into the snarl as he severs CONNOR's neck with the blunt end of the machete. Before he turns back around to face SAM, DEAN tries to get his feral start under control but in his eyes we can see a flash of fear. He then rushes to SAM to remove the tubing from his arm.]






Yeah, I know. You wouldn't have done the same for me.



No. Jody.


[The brothers rush for the basement.]



Good news, lady cop. Whoever you lost... You're gonna see them again real soon.


[MOMA cuts JODY down and goes in for the kill but before she can finish it, ALEX empties a syringe of dead man's blood into her back.]


MOMA [falling to the floor]

Alex? How could you? You were my girl.



I'm sorry, mama.


[JODY quickly moves to the table and grabs her machete. She goes over to MOMA and pulls back her head.]



Don't watch this, sweetheart.


[DEAN comes down the stairs with SAM leaning heavily on his shoulder but as the reach the bottom, JODY decapitates MOMA.]



[Outside the house, SAM and DEAN are standing next to the IMPALA talking.]



Nice work back there. "Look at me, bitch"?



Well, hey, you got another snappy one-liner, I'm all ears.



What I'm saying is -- it looked to me like you were enjoying it. Maybe too much.



And? Well, sorry for not putting on a hair shirt. Killing things that need killing is kind of our job. Last I checked, taking pleasure in that is not a crime.



Right, but...


[JODY approaches]



How's things back at the station?



Well, they beat Frank up pretty bad, but at least they left him alive. He kept apologizing for spilling the beans about the cabin, but I told him that one's on me.



Well, speaking of apologies, um...We owe you a big one.



We were wrong about the girl.



No. You were right -- about me. My judgment was clouded. You know, working this case, it brought...feelings back. Feelings I've been trying to bury for years, you know, buried it under work, religion...even dating. We know how that worked out. But, you know, it was still there, you know, underneath. The grief. Don't know what that means for me, just that I've been -- I've been fooling myself to think that I could ignore it. Anyway, thank you -- for coming out, for curing Alex.



You don't need to thank us. I mean, you're the one who killed her sire, got her blood.



Sure it'll work?



Well, speaking from experience, it'll be a rough couple of days, but...She should pull through. You sure you don't want us to stay?



I'm good.



After it's done, you know what to do with her?


[JODY smiles]


[Back in JODY's cabin in Sioux Falls, she walks into ALEX's room. She is tossing and turning on the bed.]



Don't get up on account of me.



I'm -- I'm hot.



Should I grab a --



I'll just be cold again in a second. It's part of the cure, I guess.



You want something to eat?



No, I'll just throw it up. But, uh, thank you. I want you to know that... When mama offered, I just... I couldn't

disappoint her again. I had enough to be ashamed of as it is. Jody, I-I've done things.



You don't have to explain. I know. Whatever you want from me, I'll give it. If you want, I'm here. But what you've been through the last 48 alone, losing your entire family, everything you've ever known or loved -- no one can understand that.



You can.





Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (23.05.2021 à 18:32)

Toujours un immense plaisir de revoir Jody, c'est vraiment un super personnage! Sa relation avec Alex est vraiment très belle et c'est clair qu'elle sera là pour elle! Hâte de voir si on recroise ces personnages un de ces jours!


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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