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#904 : La clé d'Oz

FELICIA DAY EST DE RETOUR - SAM, DEAN ET CHARLIE RENCONTRENT DOROTHY DU MAGICIEN D'OZ - Sam et Dean découvrent que la table du bunker (celle qui s'est illuminé de toutes parts lors de la chute des anges) est reliée à un ancien ordinateur. Ils concluent que s'ils parviennent à mettre l'ordinateur en marche, ils pourront repérer la localisation des anges. Qui appeler si ce n'est la meilleure informaticienne qui soit, Charlie ? Sauf qu’ils déclenchent l'ouverture d'une large toile magique verte. Sam et Dean rencontrent alors la seule et unique Dorothy, du Magicien d'Oz. Elle s'est enfermée avec la Méchante sorcière de l’Ouest dans la toile des années auparavant. Avec le mur ouvert, un combat magique et impressionnant se déclenche, menaçant de détruire la maison des Hommes de Lettres.


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La clé d'Oz

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Sneak Peek


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Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn)

Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn) dans le garage

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn) dans le garage

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki), Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki), Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Charlie (Felicia Day) et Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Charlie (Felicia Day)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Charlie (Felicia Day)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Charlie (Felicia Day) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Charlie (Felicia Day) face à Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Charlie (Felicia Day) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Charlie (Felicia Day) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Charlie (Felicia Day)

Charlie (Felicia Day)

Charlie (Felicia Day) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Charlie (Felicia Day) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) trouvant Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn) au sol

Dean (Jensen Ackles) trouvant Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn) au sol

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dorothy (Kaniehtiio Horn)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Charlie (Felicia Day)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Charlie (Felicia Day)


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France (inédit)
Dimanche 11.09.2016 à 01:55

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 29.10.2013 à 21:00
2.19m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Robbie Thompson
Réalisateur : Robert Singer


Casting :

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Gildart Jackson... James Haggerty

Kaniehtiio Horn... Dorothy

Felicia Day... Charlie Bradbury

Andrew Jenkins... Peter Jenkins

Maya Massar... Méchante sorcière de l'Ouest

1935 - Au bunker

Deux hommes de lettres, James Haggerty et Peter Jenkins s’installent en effectuant un protocole minutieux. Si James n’est pas très excité, Paul le plus jeune semble tout heureux de la mission qu’on lui a confié. Six mois plus tard, rien de bien folichon ne s’est passé, et Paul se retrouve alors autant déconfit que James. Mais quand un jeune chasseur débarque, l’aventure qu’attendait si impatiemment Paul commence. Il s’agit de Dorothy, la fille d’un certain Frank, qui aurait fait pour elle, quelque chose qui sort de l’ordinaire. Elle apporte avec elle une méchante sorcière, et elle a besoin d’eux pour la tuer.


De nos jours

Sam rend une petite visite à Crowley, ils veulent encore et toujours des noms, mais Crowley lui veut une chambre avec vue, Sam sourit et s’en va. Le roi des enfers tente de négocier au moins une petite balade pour dégourdir ces jambes, mais il n’obtient que l’extinction des feux.

Les Winchester ont décidés de s’accorder une pause à eux et à Kevin. Le jeune homme est à Branson dans une sympathique chambre d’hôtel. Quant à eux, Dean a décidé de prendre la saison 1 de Game of Thrones, ainsi que quelques plats à emporter. Mais Sam veut d’abord qu’ils trouvent un moyen d’aider Castiel. D’ailleurs il ne comprend toujours pas pourquoi leur ami est parti du bunker, surtout avec la bande à Bart qui veut sa peau. Dean lui fait croire que c’est parce qu’il avait peur de leur causer des ennuis, et qu’il est toute ouïe pour aider leur ami. Sam explique à Dean qu’il a fouillé un peu dans le bunker pour trouver des indications sur les tableaux de contrôle, peut-être qu’ils réussiront un moyen de détecter les anges dessus. Il a suivi les câbles et à découvert encore une fois, une pièce secrète.

Ils tentent de découvrir avec quoi le gros ordinateur des années 50 de cette pièce est branché. Quand Dean réussit à ouvrir la boite il bouscule une étagère et fait tomber par inadvertance une fiole sans s’en apercevoir. En voyant l’intérieur de l’ordinateur, les deux frères comprennent qu’ils vont avoir besoin d’aide. Dean sait très bien à qui demander cette aide. En sortant de la pièce, le liquide contenu dans la fiole finit par s’échapper et se répand de partout sur le mur.


Dorothy, qui a coupé la langue à la méchante sorcière d’Oz, demande de l’aide à Paul et James pour la tuer. En effet elle a déjà tout tenté de son coté, mais en vain. Les deux hommes de lettres vont alors tout faire pour l’aider.

De nos jours

Sam est allé chercher leur invité d’honneur : Charlie. La jeune femme est ravie de les revoir. Elle leur avoue qu’elle s’est fait virer de son dernier job. Ce qui lui donne désormais plus de temps pour ces passe-temps, comme les jeux de rôles ou la chasse. Cette dernière occupation qui n’enchante guère Dean, mais elle a été prudente et n’a eu que deux affaires minimes.

Quand elle voit l’ordinateur elle est sous le charme, c’est une pièce digne d’un musée. Même si ce ne va pas être de tout repos, Charlie va s’en charger. Au bout de quelques heures, elle réussit à y rentrer. Elle va pouvoir télécharger les documents des hommes de lettres. Les Winchester sont impressionnés, mais Dean fait signe à Sam. C’est alors que le cadet des frères fait la morale à Charlie au sujet de la chasse. Charlie avoue qu’ils ont raison, et même d’après les livres de Carver Edlund, elle n’aurait pas dû. Sam aimerait vraiment qu’elle supprime tous ces livres du net. Mais selon elle une certaine Becky Winchester les protège. Dean lance un regard réprobateur à son frère, alors que Sam feint de ne pas connaitre cette personne. Charlie annonce aux frères que le téléchargement va prendre du temps et qu’ils ont donc une soirée à tuer. Sam a alors une excellente idée.

Les trois amis passent donc la soirée devant Game of Thrones. A la fin, Charlie leur demande s’ils comptent s’installer correctement pour de bon. Si pour Dean l’aménagement s’est déjà fait, pour Sam ça coince, ce que Dean ne comprend pas et il s’en va chercher des bières. Sam tente d’en savoir plus sur Charlie et la chasse. La jeune femme cherche en fait plus de magie et de quête, alors que pour Sam et Dean c’est tout le contraire. Il tente de lui faire comprendre que la magie ça craint, mais elle refuse de l’écouter.


La méchante sorcière réussit à se libérer de ces liens, et par la même occasion à contaminer Jenkins. La sorcière s’enfuit. Dorothy demande à James si il y a un laboratoire quelque part (et il s’agit de la pièce où Dean et Sam ont trouvés l’ordinateur). Elle s’y rend en attirant la sorcière avec elle. James, lui, est attaqué par Paul, et n’a pas le choix que de le tuer. Il tente de se poursuivre Dorothy dans le labo et aperçoit une lumière blanche. En ouvrant la porte …

De nos jours

Dean, Charlie et Sam entre dans la fameuse pièce. Mais suite au liquide répandu, une sorte de trou géant avec comme des toiles d’araignées autour s’est formé dans le mur. Dean découpe autour avec son couteau, et le corps de Dorothy tombe. Charlie est toute excitée. Ils découvrent que la première enquête impliquant des chasseurs avec des hommes de lettres était celle de Dorothy. Elle s’est enfermée dans cette pièce avec la méchante sorcière et n’est jamais ressortie. Sam tente d’en savoir plus en questionnant Dorothy. Cette dernière reste abasourdie en apprenant que cela fait 75 ans qu’elle est restée coincée et que le monde a beaucoup changé. Elle leur explique le sort qu’elle a pratiqué pour coincer la sorcière puisqu’elle n’arrivait pas à la tuer. Le problème c’est qu’elle a lié son âme avec la sienne. Donc si elle est réveillée la sorcière aussi.

La méchante sorcière trouve Crowley. Ce dernier est ravi de la rencontrer et lui avoue être fan. Mais ils ont du mal à communiquer étant donné qu’elle n’a plus de langue. Il lui donne du papier et un crayon.

Sam et Dean doivent découvrir ce que recherche la sorcière. Ils vont à sa recherche pendant que Charlie fait des recherches sur internet. Dorothy reste auprès d’elle. Charlie lui avoue qu’elle est une grande fan des livres, mais la chasseuse n’est pas d’accord. Elle a horreur de tous ces bouquins. Elle pense que l’auteur était juste triste et a voulu embellir l’histoire d’un père et sa fille, car oui Frank Baum était son père. Mais face à Charlie, Dorothy n’a pas le choix d’écouter. Charlie a lu son dossier. Haggerty n’a pas chômer après la disparition de Dorothy, il a même trouver un moyen de blesser la sorcière avec des coquelicots. Elles vont donc faire des balles avec ses coquelicots.

Dean et Sam recherchent la sorcière et vont voir Crowley. Ce dernier leur avoue qu’il l’a vu et qu’il sait ce qu’elle cherche. Mais pour savoir ce qu’elle veut il faudra qu’il puisse se dégourdir un peu les jambes. Les Winchester sont obligés d’accepter mais ne sont pas aussi dupes qu’il ne le croit. Ils apprennent vite que c’est une clé que la méchante sorcière recherche. Elle est partie du côté de la cuisine.

Elle a foutu un bordel pas possible de ce côté-là mais toujours aucunes traces d’elle, les frères retrouvent Charlie et Dorothy qui ont fabriqués 4 balles de coquelicots. Sam leur dit aussi pour la clé. Dorothy avoue que cette clé est le portail pour entrer au pays d’Oz. Si la méchante sorcière s’approprie cette clé c’est la fin du monde d’Oz. Quand Dean voit à quoi ressemble la clé il sait pertinemment où elle est. En effet il l’a vu quand il avait fait l’inventaire, et elle est désormais dans sa chambre.

Sam et Dorothy partent d’un côté, et alors que Dean tente de mettre en sécurité son amie Charlie. Toutefois cette dernière refuse, elle est tout simplement surexcitée par cette quête magique.

Sam et Dorothy discutent un peu et découvrent qu’ils ont des points en communs, notamment qu’ils ont du mal à avoir une maison, et que la route est pour eux plus une maison. La sorcière les interrompt et Dorothy réussit à la blesser. Mais elle finit par s’évaporer par les bouches d’aération. Ils décident de se séparer pour couvrir plus de terrain.

Dans la chambre de Dean, les deux amis mettent la main sur la fameuse clé mais la sorcière arrive par surprise et récupère la clé. Elle use de sa magie sur Dean, et Charlie se sacrifie pour son ami. Elle reçoit l’attaque à sa place. Elle est tué sur le coup. Dean réussit à blesser la sorcière mais elle s’évapore de nouveau. Il tente de réveiller son amie mais il est déjà trop tard. Sam arrive à la rescousse mais Dean demande de l’aide à Zeke. L’ange lui explique qu’il ne peut pas continuer à agir ainsi, il est encore faible, et chaque fois qu’il agit de la sorte, il s’affaiblit encore plus. Il va devoir rester encore plus à l’intérieur de Sam, ce que normalement ils ne veulent pas tous les deux. Il lui explique qu’il peut aider soit aider avec la sorcière, soit sauver Charlie. Dean lui demande de sauver Charlie. Zeke obéit, et ressuscite la jeune femme. Zeke tombe directement dans les vapes, et la seule personne se souvenant de ce qui s’est passé est Dean. Il ment de nouveau à son frère quand il reprend connaissance, et à Charlie aussi. Les deux chasseurs se relancent à la poursuite de la sorcière qui est blessée, pendant que Dorothy aide Charlie à se remettre sur pied.

Alors que Sam et Dean avancent dans les couloirs, Sam demande à Dean qui est Zeke, il a entendu ce nom quand il arrivait dans la chambre de son frère. Dean fait mine de ne pas comprendre, et prétend que Sam doit encore être dans les vapes. Mais on peut voir à son visage, qu’il se sent vraiment mal.

Charlie avoue à Dorothy qu’elle a fait un étrange rêve quand elle était dans les vapes, mais pour le chasseur, ce n’était pas un rêve, mais la mort. Charlie ne comprend pas, mais Dorothy l’a déjà vécue dans Oz, et elle sait de quoi elle parle. Charlie ne le savait pas, surtout que ce n’était pas mentionné dans les livres, mais parfois la vie réelle est plus sombre que dans la fiction.

Dean et Sam sont toujours à la recherche de la méchante sorcière, Dean demande alors à son frère pourquoi il ne veut pas emménagé correctement dans le bunker. Sam lui explique qu’il ne sait même pas ce que c’est d’avoir une vrai maison, il n’a jamais vraiment connu le bonheur d’un foyer avec son père et sa mère, il n’a aucun souvenir. En effet à chaque fois qu’il a tenté de construire quelque chose ça s’est toujours mal terminé. Dean n’est pas d’accord, le bunker ressemble vraiment le plus à une maison, et si il peut construire quelque chose c’est ici et maintenant et avec son grand frère. Sam reste songeur face à l’annonce de son frère.

Charlie de son coté, tente de réconcilier Dorothy avec les livres de son père, ce qui lui donne alors une idée de génie. Elle lui demande de l’accompagner dans le garage, Charlie est stupéfié d’apprendre qu’il y a un garage ici.

De leurs côté, les Winchester sont attaqués par la sorcière, et elle réussit à les contaminer.

Les filles se rendent au garage. Dorothy retrouve sa moto, et ces chaussures rouges à talons, qui ont encore la magie d’Oz. Avec elles ont une arme supplémentaire pour les aider à tuer la sorcière.

Mais les frères arrivent, possédés, pour les tuer. Charlie tente de les aider, mais ils n’écoutent rien. Pendant ce temps la sorcière commence son sort pour ouvrir la porte d’Oz et avec la destruction de ce merveilleux monde. Dorothy réussit une parade pour permettre à Charlie d’aller tuer la sorcière avec les chaussures rouges à talons. Dorothy se bat avec les frères pendant que la sorcière tente de faire rentrer ces armées d’Oz dans le bunker, mais Charlie arrive par surprise et réussit à la tuer avec les chaussures rouges à talons, libérant ainsi les Winchester. Elle referme la porte et sauve tout le monde.

Une fois que tout est rentré dans l’ordre Sam renferme Crowley et lui redonne du papier et un crayon.

Grace à  Dorothy Baby a maintenant un endroit de rêve pour se reposer. Sam offre un livre d’Oz à Dorothy. Elle lui dit qu’il ne sait pas à quel point c’est bizarre d’avoir une série de livre écrit sur sa propre personne. Sam rit et lui explique qu’en réalité il le sait très bien, mais qu’au bout du compte, c‘est leur histoire, donc il faut bien que ce soit écrit.

Charlie demande à Dean si elle est devenue un zombie. Il l’a rassure et lui demande d’être discrète la dessus. Elle accepte car il lui a sauvé la vie, mais il aura intérêt de lui en dire plus.

Dorothy les remercie. Elle doit retourner à Oz et demande alors à Charlie de l’accompagner. La jeune femme accepte avec grand plaisir. Si Dean n’est pas très ravi, Sam lui est enchanté pour elle. Il  lui dit que si elle a besoin de quoique ce soit qu’elle n’hésite pas.

Dorothy ouvre la porte. Les deux femmes s’en vont sur la route de briques jaunes du pays d’Oz sous les yeux ébahis des Winchester. La porte se referme. Quand Dean et Sam la rouvrent il n’y a plus rien.

Dean demande à Sam si elle va revenir, Sam lui le confirme, car pour lui, rien ne vaut la maison. Dean regarde son petit frère et semble ravi de sa réponse.


Écrit par Bibou

[Scene opens in Black & White. A pair of hands open the lock box and take out the key to the Men of Letters bunker. Two men, one young and one older walk down the stairs. Both men have briefcases handcuffed to their right wrist. Each man sits at a different desk. They unlock the handcuffs and open the cases taking out some sort of old fashioned light bulbs. They plug them to two different boards and they light up. Both men stand and walk toward each other with smiles.]



Protocol's complete. James Haggerty.



Peter Jenkins.


[They shake hands]


PETER JENKINS [starting to look concerned]

Did we do everything right? Shouldn't...


[All the lights suddenly turn on and there is a wide shot of the whole bunker]


JAMES HAGGERTY [looking around in a non-impressed manner]

Took three years to build this dump?



Dump? Dump? Are you kidding? Do you realize where we are? This -- this dump is the last true beacon of light in a world gone topsy-turvy. This dump is the epicenter of -- of the ultimate chess match between good and evil.


[Scene switches to a close up of a chess board with the tagline SIX MONTHS LATER. The camera pulls back to reveal JENKINS and HAGGERTY playing chess in the bunker.]



What a dump.

You know, when I got this assignment, I thought there'd be, I don't know, excitement, adventure.


JAMES HAGGERTY [nods in understanding]

There's nothing worse than adventure, my boy. Trust me.


[The phone rings and HAGGERTY answers.]


Extension 765.




That's not the password.

[shakes his head]

There's protocol here, young lady.

We'll be waiting.


[hangs up the phone]

We have a guest -- damn hunter.

Frank's kid.




Wow. What he did for her -- t-that was really something.



He was something, all right.


[They hear the sound of the front door opening above them and get up to greet the newcomer. A young woman hauls a large (struggling) bag towards them.]



Holy buckets. It's really you.



That's right, rookie. It's really me -- Dorothy.

Now, which one of you geniuses is gonna help me kill the wicked witch?




[Camera opens on CROWLEY sitting in the dungeon. His eyes are closed until he hears the sound of the shelved being moved. He looks up, blinking in the sudden light to see SAM coming toward him.]



Hello, Moose.


[SAM sets a piece of paper and a black crayon on the table in front of CROWLEY]



You want more demon names.

[He crumples up the piece of paper]

I want a room with a view.


[SAM just smirks and turns around to leave. CROWLEY calls after him]


We can discuss this!

I'd settle for stretching my legs!


[SAM turns off the lights and shuts the door behind him.


CROWLEY [in the dark]



[Scene switches to SAM working on the map table as DEAN walks in through the door upstairs.]



Hey. How'd it go with Kevin?



Oh, that little nerd is in a lovely warded hotel room in Branson. He's got about 48 hours of pay-per-porn

and Kenny Rogers ahead of him.



How's he feeling?


DEAN [walking down the stairs]

Well, he stared at the Angel tablet and repeated the word "falafe" for the entire ride.

Kid's cracked. I'm hoping this break will, uh, clear his head.


You know, after everything that happened, I figured we could use a little break ourselves,

[DEAN opens a plastic sack]

so I, uh, picked you up season one "Game of Thrones." Figured we'd get a little takeout.



All right. Well, first, I think I might have found a way to help Cas.


[DEAN looks up suddenly concerned]

Did you talk to him?




And, by the way, I still don't understand why he left in the first place. I mean, the bunker is the safest place for him. Bartholomew and -- and who knows how many other angels are out there, gunning for them.



Hey, look, nobody wants him here more than I do, okay? But, uh, he felt like he'd bring trouble down on us, so he had to split.

But if you got a way to help him, I'm all ears.



All right. So, Kevin said the table lit up like a Christmas tree when the angels fell, right?






So it turns out each light was where a cluster of angels fell. So I'm thinking maybe there's some way to hot-wire this, make it track angels. That way, we could help Cas steer clear of danger.



This was...your idea?


SAM [looks around slightly amused]

Do you see anybody else in here?



So, how would it work?



Oh, no idea. See, at first, I thought the table was the computer, but it's not. It turns out it's just part of it.

But I did find these cables underneath, and I followed them. You're never gonna believe what I found.


[Scene changes to a room full of electrical panels, shelves and a very large, old computer. SAM and DEAN enter.]






This is a computer?



Yeah -- or it was in 1951, when it was installed. Now, here's the crazy thing. It's not plugged in to anything. I mean, I have no idea what's making this thing work.


[The boys walk around to the other side of the computer. Dean puts his hands on the back of it.]



It's warm here.

[He looks around and finds a flat screwdriver on the shelf behind him. He inserts in under the back panel of the computer and starts to jimmy it open. He gives a giant pull and the panel pops off and sends DEAN stumbling back into the shelf behind him unknowingly knocking over a bottle with gray liquid in it.]



Got it.


SAM [looking at the back of the computers full of wires and unknown parts.]



DEAN [sarcasticly]

Well, that looks simple. Does it come with a manual?



Nothing in the archives, and I obviously couldn't find anything like it online, not to mention I'm pretty sure that the Men of Letters doesn't exactly have I.T. support anymore, either.


[While the boys are talking, behind them the gray liquid in the bottle starts to grow and move.]



I think I know somebody who could help us. Come on.


[The Winchesters stand up and leave the room, switching off the light. The bottle's lid pops off and the gray liquid spills on the floor and then starts to grow and climb on the wall.]


[Scene switches back to the bunker in the 1930's. It is in black & white. JENKINS, HAGGERTY and DOROTHY are sitting at the table looking at the WICKED WITCH.]



So, what do you have to say for yourself?



Nothing. I cut out her tongue. I've bound her, but it won't last.



Wait. You captured her all by yourself?



Yes. Despite all my lady parts, I managed to capture the wicked witch.



Your father would be very proud. I mean, did you know that he --


DOROTHY [interrupting]

Wasted my time with his words. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't do the same.

Now, I have tried cutting off her head, burning her, dousing her with holy water. All she did was laugh.

Nothing I know of can kill her. So I'm here as a last resort. I was hoping you stiffs have a way to kill someone from Oz.


[As they talk, the WICKED WITCH is working on cutting the rope binding her hands behind her with a long fingernail.]



Well, of course we do. W-we have to. This place is the last true beacon of light!



All right. Just open your damn books already.



All right, Jenkins. Let's go to work.


[The men leave the table and leave DOROTHY sitting there. The camera shot seamlessly transitions to color and DOROTHY fades and DEAN appears sitting at the far table. The front door above him opens and SAM and CHARLIE BRADBURY enter and walk down the stairs]



Here it is.


DEAN [smiling at CHARLIE as she waves at him.]

Hey. Thanks for coming.

[DEAN and CHARLIE hug]



Not a problem, especially since I got fired last week.


SAM [setting her bag on the table]

Hey, what? What happened?



Turns out the company I work for was outsourcing to child labor, so I took a big Wikileak all over that.

And, yeah. It's cool, though. It's given me more time to focus on my hobbies...

...like larping, macrame, and hunting.


DEAN [looks alarmed as SAM also looks concerned]

Excuse me?



Okay. It was just a couple little cases. I took down a teenage vampire and a ghost...

...which sounds like a Y.A. novel if you say it out loud.


SAM [still concerned]

Charlie, how'd it go?



It was, uh... It was intense. But I kind of wish hunting was more...magical, you know?


[DEAN rolls his eyes and SAM looks confused]



Never mind.

So, where is this Commodore 64 of yours?


[They are back in the computer room and CHARLIE is geeking out over the old computer.]



Sweet Ada Lovelace. This thing belongs in a museum. I mean, it's got encryption software. It seems to be powered by something magical.



Skip to the end.



It's kind of an alarm system. Global badness? It freaks. This computer is what locked this place down.



Can we use it to track angels?



All right. Let me see what I can do.


[A while later, CHARLIE has hooked up all kinds of wires and switches to her computer. She plugs the last on in.]



All right. It took some doing, but now we can download. This beast has all the Men of Letters files. Time for a little drag-and-drop.



Wow. Well, it's a start. Thank you. Um, that's -- that's great.


[DEAN signals to SAM to ask CHARLIE something]



So, you've been hunting.






I know. Not a good idea, according to the "Supernatural" books.


[Both boys look annoyed]



You really can't delete those from the Internet?



Not even I can do that. Come on!



Where do you even find them?


CHARLIE [with a cheeky grin]

A top-secret place I call Amazon. And someone uploaded all the unpublished works. I thought

it was fanfic at first, but it was clearly Edlund's work.



Who uploaded it?



I don't know. Their screen name was beckywinchester176. Ring a bell?


[DEAN looks sharply at SAM and he gets very flustered]




Uh, nobody's.

Uh, no, there are no bells.



[CHARLIE looks at SAM likes he's lost his mind and then looks back to her computer.]

Ugh, these files are encrypted. This is gonna take a while.

So, takeout, sleepover, braid each other's hair?



Got an idea.


[Scene switches to Sam's room which is covered in files and books. DEAN and CHARLIE are sitting on his bed and SAM sits on a chair beside them. They are watching Game of Thrones. The episode ends and DEAN turns off the TV.]



Wow. That Joffrey's a dick.



Oh, you have no idea. Wait until he --



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! S-spoilers. I haven't read all the books yet.



You're gonna read the books?



Yes, Dean. I like to read books -- you know, the ones without pictures.


[DEAN shoots an annoyed look at his brother.]



Man, this bed is about as comfortable as a brick. Any plans on moving in anytime soon?



I am moved in. This is just my style.



Yeah, this is his, uh, style.



Well, I'm sorry I haven't hung up the, uh, "Hang in there, kitty" poster yet, Dean. Feel free to redecorate.



So, what, our home's not good enough for the "Hang in there, kitty" poster?



This isn't our home. This is where we work.



What's the difference?


CHARLIE [looking uncomfortable with the sibling arguement]



DEAN [gets up from the bed]

All right, well, I'm gonna go get us some more beers. How about that?


[After DEAN leaves the room. SAM looks to CHARLIE]



So, Charlie, what was all that about how hunting isn't magical?



Saving people, hunting things, the family business? I am down.

But... I was raised on Tolkien, man. I mean, where is all this?

[She holds up the Game of Thrones disc]

Where are my White Walkers and my volcano and magic ring to throw in the damn thing?

Where -- where's my quest?



Magic, quests...suck. Trust me. They're all --


[Scene turns immediately to Black & White and the 1930's MOL group sitting in the bunker]



--dead ends

Nothing but dead ends.



There's got to be some way to kill this thing.


[The WICKED WITCH finally snaps the last of her bonds and jumps from the chair. JENKINS goes for her with a knife.]



Jenkins, no!


[The WICKED WITCH throws her hand to JENKINS head and his eyes flash bright green. He looks to fall under a trance.]


WICKED WITCH [talking through JENKINS]

There's something here that belongs to me. Take me to it.



What the hell's it talking about?



I have no idea. Do you have a lab?



Second floor, room 28.


[DOROTHY runs out of the room and JENKINS tries to follow her. HAGGERTY grabs him and they fight. JENKINS gets the upper hand and pushes the knife toward HAGGERTY's chest.]



Wait! Jenkins, Jenkins! I know you're in there.



Jenkins is gone.


[HAGGERTY does a move and stabs WICKED WITCH/JENKINS with his own knife. JENKINS eyes flash green again and he is out of the trance.]



Jenkins. Jenkins.


JENKINS [dying]

You were right. There's nothing worse than adventure.


[JENKINS dies and HAGGERTY runs to look for DOROTHY. He sees a bright flash of light behind a door and runs to open it. The door opens to DEAN, SAM and CHARLIE entering the computer room (the scene is back in color)]



Download should be done by now.


DEAN [noticing one of the shelves has moved]

What the hell?

Sam, give me a hand.


[SAM and DEAN move the shelf away to reveal two gray pods on the wall. SAM pulls his gun as DEAN takes out a knife and cuts part of the way through one pod. A arm falls out. DEAN cuts the rest of the way and woman falls to the ground. DEAN draws his own gun before turning the woman over. We see that it is DOROTHY. SAM, DEAN and CHARLIE exchange confused glances.]


[Scene opens with DEAN and CHARLIE reading the MOL case folder on DOROTHY.]



Holy crap! The first case investigated in this bunker involved Dorothy. She and the witch came into this room, and they never came out. This will never stop blowing my mind!



Okay, pace yourself, Toto.



Oz is this real! It's part of the fairy world.


[We see DOROTHY sitting on the floor with a blanket around her shoulders. SAM squats beside her.]



We have to find her.



No, we have to talk before anyone does anything, okay? Dorothy?



Talk? Typical Men of Letters, standing around, having a nice, little chat with your noses buried in your books while your little secretary takes notes.



We're hunters.



And who are you calling a secretary?



You're not a secretary? You're a Woman of Letters? W-- how long have I been out?



That's why we need to talk. Look, you've been gone for over 75 years. Now, according to our files, you came here to kill the wicked witch and then disappeared. What happened?



We couldn't find a way to kill her, so I did the only thing that I could.


[Scene changes to Black & White and we see DOROTHY in the computer room mixing a spell into the glass bottle. The WICKED WITCH appears.]



It's you and me forever, bitch.


[DOROTHY caps the bottle and they both disappear in a flash of light. HAGGERTY flings the door open to find nobody.]



Dorothy! Dorothy!


[back to the scene in the computer room. Present day.]



A binding spell that came at a price -- her soul with mine.



So you've been frozen with the witch for all this time?



Yes. Look, the witch cannot be killed. If I am awake, then so is she.


[Scene changes to the WICKED WITCH entering the dungeon.]



Hello, lovely.


[The WICKED WITCH tries to cross the Devil's Trap and it burns her feet.]



Sorry. This litter box is warded against everything, even wicked witches.

Big fan. Love your work.


[The WICKED WITCH hisses and her eyes glow green.]


What's the matter, darling? Cowardly lion got your tongue? Right. Enough chitchat. Must be here for a reason.


[CROWLEY wraps his crayon and paper together and throws it at her. She catches it.]


Write it down so daddy can help.


[Back to the computer room.]



Wait, if she's here, why didn't she kill you?



She can't.



You're protected by the Witch of the North's kiss. It's from the books.



Oh, forget the books! They're not important. I'm protected. You aren't. Now, the witch came here looking for something. I have no idea what it is. But we have to find her before she finds it.



All right, all right. Charlie, dig into the files. See if you can find anything that puts a dent in a witch.






Sam and I will have a look-see. Come on.



I'm helping.



Yeah, I don't doubt it. But for right now, why don't you rest up and help the smartest person in the room?


[The boys leave.]



So big fan.






Ozma of Oz --



Is a total ass.


CHARLIE [looks dejected]

You were much nicer in the books.



Those books are the ravings of a sad, old man -- my father.



Wait. Your dad was L. Frank Baum, the writer?



A Man of Letters. Another glorified librarian, you ask me.



Hey, these guys may have been sexist, but like all librarians, they were wicked smart, too. The dude who was here when you came in -- Haggerty -- he kept your case file open, worked it every day until he retired. Obviously, he never found you, but if you took five seconds to read, he did find way to fight the Wicked Witch.

Do you remember the poppy fields in the first book?



That's not actually how it happened. It was much bloodier.



Stop... ruining my childhood.

Do you remember the poppies?

[DOROTHY nods]

Good. Haggerty made a deal with a fairy and got some poppy extract. I'm gonna get some bullets from the gun range and make us some poppy bullets. So, are you coming or what?


[Scene changes to the brothers clearing the bunker with guns pulled. CROWLEY starts whistling 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'.]



Wow. If it isn't the Scarecrow and the Tin Man. Your new houseguest -- so misunderstood.

[the boys look confused]

Neither of you saw "wicked"?



What did she say to you?



Something along the lines of... [CROWLEY hisses loudly]



All right, well, I'm gonna go get some holy oil and a lighter, dick bag.



I know what she's looking for.



What does she want?



I'd be happy to tell you, as soon as I get to stretch my legs.


[DEAN unlocks the neck cuff while SAM holds a gun on him and CROWLEY stands.]



Oh. Ahh.



All right. What does the witch want?



Give me a moment. I still need to air myself out.


[DEAN pulls his guns and shoots CROWLEY square in the chest.]



I think you're aired out enough.





[He holds up the piece of paper with the word "KEY" written on it]



Key? What key?



I haven't the foggiest. Had to send her off on a merry chase before she could melt me. Told her you boys kept the keys in the kitchen. You do have a kitchen in this crap hole, don't you?


[Camera pans across the bunker's kitchen which is a complete wreak. The boys enter with guns drawn.]



Damn it, I just cleaned in here.






Looks like we got a witch here.


[CHARLIE and DOROTHY enter and the boys swing around guns drawn. When they see its the girls they put them away.]



Sorry. We raided your gun range. Made us some poppy bullets. They won't kill the witch, but they will stun the crap out of her.


DEAN [with a proud look]

That's my girl.



There was only enough for four bullets, so...make each shot count.



Now we just have to find her before she finds whatever the hell's she's looking for.



She's looking for a key.



How do you know?



Little birdie told us. Ring any bells, Dorothy?



Unfortunately. It's the key to Oz. There are magical ways into Oz -- tornado, eye of a hurricane, whirlpool -- but this key will turn any locked door into a portal to Oz. Insert key, twist, and presto, you're in Oz.



How did the Men of Letters get the key?



I have no idea, but if she finds it, she'll go back and finish what she started. She'll destroy all that is good in Oz. She's got armies of witches, flying monkeys. Many will die.



What's this key look like?


[DOROTHY pulls out her journal and shows DEAN a picture]



I've seen that key. Found it when I was doing inventory.



Where is it now?



My room. We got to get to that key. All right, Charlie and I will go look in my room. Why don't you guys buy us some time?


[SAM and DOROTHY leave]



Charlie? Safest place in this joint is the dungeon.



You have a dungeon in this place? Of course you do.



So maybe you should...



I am not hiding, especially in a dungeon. Wicked Witch, a key, a quest? Let's do this.

[She bounces away out the door]





[DOROTHY and SAM walk through the main part of the bunker.]



I can't believe I've lived here for 75 years. How long have you called this place home?



My brother calls it home. Me, I, uh -- I haven't had that much luck with homes.



Me neither. Overrated, you ask me. Yellow bricks or not, give me the open road any day.

[She turns to see the WICKED WITCH behind SAM]



[DOROTHY shoots a poppy bullet at the WICKED WITCH but misses and she disappears into a vent]



She can get anywhere from there. Split up, cover more ground?


[CHARLIE and DEAN are searching through DEAN's room. CHARLIE opens a box full of antique porn.]



You keep your porn meticulously organized, but not --



Don't judge me.

Ah! [pulls the key out of a box]



[CHARLIE turns around to see and sees the WICKED WITCH behind DEAN.]





[The WICKED WITCH grabs the key from DEAN's hand and slaps him into the wall; stunning him. She then prepares to throw green lightning at him.]


CHARLIE [throwing herself between DEAN and the green lightning bolt. She catches it all square in the chest.]



[CHARLIE falls the ground unconscious. DEAN stands up and shoot the WICKED WITCH with a poppy bullet and she disappears in a vent again.]



Charlie? Charlie?

[He bends down and shakes her. No response]


[He starts to tear up as he cradles he head in his hand]




[DEAN carries CHARLIE to his bed and lays he down.]


[He wipes the hair out of her face]


[He starts to panic]



SAM [from the hallway]



[DEAN whips around]


[SAM enters the doorway but immediately his eyes flash blue and EZEKIEL is there.]

You have to help her.



She's gone.



No. You can bring her back like you did with Cass.



I cannot keep doing that.



Why the hell not?!



I am barely back to half-strength, Dean. Every time I use my power, it weakens me, which means I will have to stay in your brother longer than you want -- longer than we both want. The witch running around your bunker is very powerful. I can help with the witch or save your friend.



Save her.



As you wish.


[He approaches CHARLIE and lays two fingers on her forehead. She gasps and sits up as EZEKIEL falls to the ground unconscious]



Merry Christmas.






Uh. Hey, I know you.



I told you to stay in the dungeon.



Bet you say that to all the girls.


SAM jolts awake







What the hell just happened?



The witch -- the witch was about to put a whammy on me, and, uh, Charlie jumped in front. She got zapped, then the witch got the drop on you.



Then why aren't we dead?



That's a good question. I, uh -- I clipped her with a -- with a poppy bullet. She got the key. I think she's gone.


DOROTHY enters

No. She's wounded. We should still have some time. She could still be in the air vents.


CHARLIE tries to get up from the bed but is still woozy.

No. No, no. She's right. We -- we have to -- we --


DEAN steadies her

Whoa, whoa, whoa.



Just go. We'll catch up.


CHARLIE gestures to SAM

M-my gun's over there. There's one bullet in it.


[SAM grabs the gun and the brothers leave.]



Can we be best friends now?


[The boys are in the hallway looking for the WICKED WITCH]



Who's Zeke?






When I came into your room, before I got zapped, I thought you said the name Zeke. Who's that?



Um... I think you're still a little punchy, man.

Just keep moving.


[Back in DEAN's room with CHARLIE and DOROTHY]



I had the weirdest dream when I was out. It was Christmas, and my parents were still alive, and --



Dream? Charlie, you died. Don't worry about it, though. You're not a real hunter until you've died and come back again.



Slow down. Why would you think I died?



Heaven -- it's your dream life. And if you were zapped by the Wicked Witch Instant death. I would know.

She killed me, too.



Okay. Let's rewind here a bit. When did you die?



In Oz. My father was obsessed with his work as a Man of Letters, and then I was born... and nothing changed. He would keep his work a secret, but I was such a curious kid. I was always looking for trouble,

looking for the next big adventure.



I know the feeling.



I stowed away on one of his cases, wound up in the emerald city, accidentally got left behind. It was terrifying.



Well, what happened?



I met up with these three freedom fighters, and they thought I was this child of destiny chosen to kill

the Wicked Witch. They protected me, and then the witch turned them into --



A scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion?



And then she hunted me down and killed me.



Yeah, that never made it to the books.



Sometimes real life is darker than fiction.


[Back to the boys combing the main room]



Why haven't you moved in?



Is now really the time for this, Dean?



Well, just asking.



Look, I never had what you had with mom and dad, okay?



What are you talking about?



I don't have any memories of home. And whenever I've tried to make a home of my own, it really hasn't ended well.



Yeah, but a lifetime of abandoned buildings and crappy motel rooms. I mean, this is about as close

to home as we're gonna get, and it's ours.


[Back to DOROTHY and CHARLIE leaving DEAN's room]



And what about the books?



Revisionist history. That's my father's way of trying to undo what had happened to me. But I knew the truth. When the witch came to our world, I became a hunter, and my father wrote those silly books.



Don't you get it? The books aren't silly. They're guidebooks filled with clues he left for you. Haggerty

pored through each one, and his research led him to uncover the poppies, so maybe there's something else from the books we can use, preferably something with a pointy end.


DOROTHY lights up as something dawns on her

You are a genius. Come on. We've got to get to the garage.



There's a garage in this place?! Oh, boy.


[Back to the boys in the main room]






I got nothing.



What do you think? Is she gone?


DEAN turns around to see the WICKED WITCH grab SAM and almost shoot green lightning at him



[DEAN rushes them and knocks all three of them over the table. Before they can recover the WICKED WITCH places her hands on their foreheads and their eyes flash green.]



Find the girls...



And kill them both.


[The scene changes to a huge beautiful garage with the girls entering.]


DOROTHY looks around and spots a motorcyle

Yes. I knew those boy scouts would keep it for me.


[The girls rush over to the bike and DOROTHY starts to take items out of the saddle bag. She holds up a mask]



Is that...?




He didn't make it.





DOROTHY keeps digging

Please be here. Please be here.


[She pulls out a pair of ruby high heels]



I don't believe it.

Did you really walk down a brick road in these?



No. I never actually wore them. Seemed kind of tacky wearing a dead woman's shoes.

Plus, I'm no good in heels, you know?



I don't suppose we could just wish her away?



Sorry. Another thing the books got wrong. But, like the poppies, these have magic from Oz -- sharp magic.



Oh. Death by shoe?



There you are.


CHARLIE turns around to see the brothers and asks with a grin

Was that your Batman voice?


[The boys eyes flash green]



That's definitely not your Batman voice.



It's her. She possessed the both of them.



I missed you, my pretty.



Killing you a second time will be just as sweet as the first.



Guys, I know you're in there. Dean, you can't let the witch do this. If she opens the door, she's going to destroy Oz.

[WICKED WITCH/DEAN grabs CHARLIE by the shoulders and smashes her into a glass window.]


[Scene changes to the WICKED WITCH climbing the stairs in the main room carrying a handful of ingredients for a spell. She sets it down in front of a door.



I have no intention of escaping to Oz. I'm going to bring my armies here.


[The WICKED WITCH mixes the spell and then inserts the key into the door's lock and pushes it open. She looks into Oz and we see a black castle with rolling red clouds in the sky. The WICKED WITCH lets out a cackling scream.]




Don't worry. You'll join Dorothy

right after you watch her die.



Sorry about the nards, Dean.


[She kicks him between the legs and he doubles over in pain]


DOROTHY throws the ruby high heels at CHARLIE

Go. I'll buy you some time.

[CHARLIE leaves and DOROTHY turns to face the possessed brothers.]

All right.

Let's see what you pencil necks are made of.


[The WICKED WITCH is calling her flying monkeys through the door. They spill out of the black castle.]


DOROTHY [all beat up and bloody]

All right, let's do this the old-fashioned way.



My body cannot hurt you, Dorothy.



But theirs can.


[WICKED WITCH/SAM grabs DOROTHY and WICKED WITCH/DEAN holds the demon knife to her throat.]


[The WICKED WITCH suddenly goes stiff and she turns. We see CHARLIE behind her and a ruby high heel is stuck in the WICKED WITCH's head.



Now heel.


[Back in the garage, the Winchester's eyes flash green and the spell is broken.]



What the hell just happened?





[CHARLIE is struggling to close the door before the flying monkeys get there. She barely makes it in time and then opens the door to make sure. It is just a empty bunker hallway now. She hears the other making their way back into the room. CHARLIE smiles down at them.]


Ding-dong, bitches.



[SAM puts CROWLEY back in neck cuffs. He also sets a new piece of paper and the crayon back on the table and turns to leave the room.]




Really, after all I did with Ms. defying gravity?

[the lights go out as the door closes behind SAM]



[SAM, DEAN, CHARLIE and DOROTHY are all in the bunker's garage. The Impala is also there.]



Baby looks good in here, huh?


SAM grins

Not bad.


CHARLIE [motions him to the side]




Dorothy, I, uh -- I found something in the archives. Pretty sure it belongs to you.

[SAM hands DOROTHY a copy of "The Wonderful World of Oz"]


DOROTHY smiles

You have no idea how odd it is having a series of books written about you.



Actually, I-I do know, uh, and it is definitely weird. But you know what? End of the day, it's our story, so we get to write it.




So, thanks for the slumber party...





CHARLIE lowers her voice

...and bringing me back from the dead.



Uh, I didn't.



Don't B.S. a B.S.er.

Am I a zombie now? Do I need to eat brains?



No, no, no. You're you. You're gonna be fine, all right? Just, um -- just keep this between us, okay?



All right, but only 'cause you raised me from the dead, which you're going to have to explain to me later.



All right.

[They rejoin SAM and DOROTHY]



Not bad for a bunch of librarians. You mind keeping an eye on my bike for me?



Yeah, yeah, as long as you don't mind me taking it for a spin once in a while.




Thank you for everything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a rebellion to finish.

[she turns to CHARLIE]

So, you coming or what?



What? With you? To Oz?



Yeah. You said you were looking for adventure. Well, here it is, Red. Come help me find my damn dog.


DEAN looking concerned

You have no idea what's in Oz. I mean, t-there's flying monkeys, armies of witches. There's all kinds of danger.


CHARLIE lights up



[She jumps to hug DEAN and then hugs SAM]



If you need anything, just, uh, tap your heels together three times, okay?



Me? What about you crazy kids? You gonna be all right without me? Take care of yourselves, boys.


[DOROTHY and CHARLIE turn and insert the key into the double doors at the end of the garage. They push it open to reveal a beautiful landscape with a yellow-brick road running through it. In the distance you can see the Emerald City. They walk into Oz and turn to wave goodbye. The doors close behind them. DEAN and SAM push the doors back open but now it is just the underground tunnel leading out of the garage.]


DEAN wistfully

Think she'll be back?



Of course. There's no place like home.





Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (25.04.2021 à 17:33)

Super Charlie est là!!! Et avec Dorothée, elle a trouvé son alter ego! seul bémol: le départ pour Oz! La reverra-t-on?

Et sinon trop cool le garage du bunker! L'impala fera vraiment bien au mileu de ces merveilles!


Merci aux 5 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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