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#10.15 : Le ver de Khan

COLE REND VISITE AUX WINCHESTER - Malgré la volonté de Dean d'oublier l'idée d'un remède contre la marque de Cain, Sam continue ses recherches. Dean soupçonne Sam de cacher quelque chose, mais préfère se concentrer sur un nouveau cas de mort étrange qui les conduit droit à Cole. Les trois s'associent et découvrent qu'un vers de Khan infecte des hommes, les poussant au meurtre. Malheureusement, le vers finit par infecter Cole.


5 - 4 votes

Titre VO
The Things They Carried

Titre VF
Le ver de Khan

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Photos promo

Dean (Jensen Ackles) au téléphone

Dean (Jensen Ackles) au téléphone

Dean (Jensen Ackles) électrocutant Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) électrocutant Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) s'appretant à électrocuter Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) s'appretant à électrocuter Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) avec des pinces électriques

Dean (Jensen Ackles) avec des pinces électriques

Kit Verson (Richard de Klerk) tenant par la gorge Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Kit Verson (Richard de Klerk) tenant par la gorge Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Kit Verson (Richard de Klerk) et Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Kit Verson (Richard de Klerk) et Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Kit Verson (Richard de Klerk) ligoté

Kit Verson (Richard de Klerk) ligoté

Sam (Jared Padalecki) une arme à la main, avec Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) une arme à la main, avec Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) une arme à la main, discutant avec Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) une arme à la main, discutant avec Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) discutant avec Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) discutant avec Jemma Verson (Michelle Morgan)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) surveillant Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) surveillant Cole Trenton (Travis Aaron Wade)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 18.03.2015 à 21:00
1.73m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jenny Klein
Réalisé par : John Badham


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Travis Aaron Wade... Cole Trenton

Michelle Morgan... Jemma Verson

Richard de Klerk... Kit Verson

Helena Marie... Beth Willis

Peter Anderson... Sheriff Corcoran

Ian Collins... Mark


Personnages mineurs

Cole Trenton :

Dernière apparation de la saison.

Il se retrouve sur la même enquête que Sam et Dean, et est par la suite contaminé par un vers qui boit le sang de ses victimes avant de faire mourir son hôte. Sera sauvé par Dean après plusieurs tentatives infructueuses.






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Fayetteville, Caroline du Nord. Une jeune femme est suspendue au plafond par les pieds. Elle sort de son inconscience pour constater qu'un homme, dont la peau part en lambeaux, s'approche d'elle. Il dispose un seau sous la tête de la jeune femme, sort un couteau et l'égorge. Une partie du sang coule dans le seau, l'autre dans la main de l'homme qui en récolte pour le boire.


Sam continue ses recherches sur la marque de Cain. Lorsque Dean le rejoint, il ferme son ordinateur aussitôt pour qu'il ne voit pas ce qui est inscrit sur l'écran. Dean le soupçonne alors de regarder du porno. Ensuite, il passe à un sujet plus sérieux. Il tend une tablette à Sam d'où on peut lire un article sur la jeune femme tuée à Fayetteville. Elle aurait été drainée de tous son sang. Dean décide de travailler sur cette affaire. Sam tente de protester, mais il manque d'arguments et finit par céder.

Sur la route, Sam continue ses recherches sur son téléphone portable. Dean s'en rend compte et devine l'objet des recherches de Sam. Il lui demande d'arrêter et tente de lui faire comprendre qu'il n'y a aucune solution pour se débarrasser de la marque, peu importe le nombre de recherches qu'ils entreprendront. Dean avoue ne pas aimer ce que le sort de Cain lui a appris, mais il est décidé à mener une vie de chasseur aussi normale que possible et il aimerait que son frère soit à ses côtés jusqu'à la fin. Sam ne dit rien.

Dean et Sam rendent visite au poste de police de Fayetteville. Le shériff leur apprend que l'affaire de la militaire tuée a été classée. En effet, ils ont retrouvé le tueur : Rick Willis, autre militaire. L'homme, après avoir tué sa victime, a bu de l'essence, s'en est recouvert et s'est immolé. C'est le troisième cas de suicide auquel la ville a affaire, en six mois. Le shériff leur apprend également qu'aucune trace de morsure n'a été retrouvée sur le corps de la victime. Les boys peuvent donc éliminer le rougarou, et probablement les dieux païens.

Sam et Dean rendent ensuite visite à la femme de Rick Willis. Tout en tenant son bébé dans ses bras, elle leur raconte qu'elle était habituée à ce que son mari revienne changé de ses missions à l'étranger, mais néanmoins, il restait un homme bon et sain d'esprit. Cependant, après sa dernière mission, il est revenu bien différent encore. Elle a notamment noté qu'il était tout le temps assoiffé, du genre à boire l'eau du bain, mais il semblait incapable de se réhydrater. Sa peau séchait à vue d'oeil et les listes d'attente chez la médecine militaire étaient beaucoup trop longues pour qu'il puisse voir quelqu'un à temps. Un jour, Rick a fini par ne plus parler du tout. Malheureusement, elle ne peut pas leur apprendre où Rick se trouvait pour sa dernière mission, car ces renseignements-là sont classés secret défense. Cependant, elle leur donne le nom d'une de ses amies : Gemma, femme d'un militaire nommé Kit Verson, qui faisait partie du groupe de Rick et qui, lui aussi, est revenu changé de sa dernière mission. Les boys la remercient et s'en vont.

Les boys vont voir Gemma. Elle leur raconte qu'il est normal pour Kit de revenir avec un syndrome post-traumatique et qu'il a toujours eu besoin de temps et d'espace pour s'ajuster à la vie civile, mais au final, il y parvenait toujours. Sauf que cette fois, c'est différent. Tout d'abord, Kit est parti depuis la veille et il n'est toujours pas revenu, ce qui inquiète beaucoup Gemma. Ensuite, elle confirme à Sam que Kit est tous le temps assoiffé depuis son retour.

En sortant de Gemma, les boys constatent qu'un homme est appuyé contre l'Impala : c'est Cole. Kit est un ami à lui et il est venu pour aider. Il se montre méfiant vis-à-vis des boys et ne veut pas les laisser se charger de l'affaire. Il leur propose de les accompagner. Il connait quelqu'un qui travaille pour les renseignements militaires et cette personne pourra tout leur dire sur la mission de Rick et Kit. Mais il prévient les Winchester : il n'est pas question que Kit meurt. Il veut s'assurer qu'ils le sauveront. Les boys se montrent compréhensifs, mais à leur tour, ils préviennent Cole: Kit pourrait ne plus être lui-même et dans ce cas, il devra se préparer à la possibilité que le tuer soit la seule solution.

Kit entre dans un magasin de station-service. Il attrape plusieurs bouteilles d'eau et les boit goûlument, tandis que les deux employés le regardent faire, médusés. L'un d'eux décide d'intervenir et s'approche pour prévenir Kit qu'il doit d'abord payer le produit avant de le consommer. Kit le regarde tout en continuant de boire. L'employé lui arrache la bouteille d'eau, qui tombe et s'écrase sur le sol. Kit attrape une bouteille de vin, la brise et avec le gouleau contondant, il tranche la jugulaire du jeune employé. Le sang gicle et une flaque importante s'étale sur le sol. Kit repousse l'employé agonisant et lèche la flaque de sang sur le sol. L'autre employé appelle les secours.

Tandis qu'ils se sont arrêté pour manger, les boys font le point sur l'affaire. Il n'y a aucun signe d'activité démoniaque autour de cette affaire, donc ils peuvent éliminer la possession de leur liste. Cole vient de recevoir un mail crypté de son ami militaire. Ce mail leur aprend que Rick et Kit étaient sur une mission de secours dans un cimetière irakien transformé en prison. Une vidéo attachée au mail leur montre l'avancée de Rick et Kit dans une crypte. Ils arrivent dans une salle funéraire, où un de leur collègue se trouve. Celui-ci les attaque par deux fois, mais la vidéo ne montre pas comment cela s'est terminé. L'histoire officielle veut que le militaire qui les a attaqué a été abattu par des gardes. L'histoire sent le roussi et Cole s'inquiète sérieusement pour Kit. Soudain, le portable de Sam se met à sonner. C'est une alerte locale qui lui permet de savoir si des meurtres ou autres ont eu lieu à proximité. Ainsi, il apprend ce qu'il s'est passé à la station-service.

Les boys et Cole se sont rendu à la station et malheureusement, la description du suspect correspond à Kit. Cole reçoit alors un appel de Gemma, qui lui demande si Kit est responsable de la tuerie de la station. Cole préfère lui dire qu'il ne sait pas. Elle le supplie d'aider Kit et de le sauver et lui apprend que lorsque ce dernier voulait se retrouver seul, il allait parfois dans la cabane de son père, dans les bois. Cole ne dit rien aux boys quand ils décident de traquer Kit. Ils préviennent Cole, une fois de plus, que Kit pourrait être un monstre et que dans ce cas, il ne pourra pas être sauvé.

Les boys déposent Cole devant la maison de Gemma. Il prétend vouloir rester auprès d'elle. Les boys lui promettent de le tenir au courant de l'avancée de l'affaire et lui font promettre à son tour de ne pas jouer les héros : si Kit se pointe, il doit les appeler immédiatement. Cole acquiesce et l'Impala s'éloigne. Une fois les boys hors de vue, Cole, au lieu de se rendre dans la maison, monte dans sa voiture et part pour la cabane. Mais les boys ne sont pas nés de la dernière pluie. Ils étaient restés cachés dans un coin et se mettent à suivre Cole.

Tandis que Cole entre dans la cabane, les boys arrivent sur place discrètement. Cole prévient Kit que des chasseurs sont à ses trousses. Il constate que des cadavres de rats jonchent le sol. Finalement, il retrouve son ami agenouillé près d'un lit. Il s'approche, lui pose la main sur l'épaule. Kit se retourne et lui saute dessus. Il ouvre la bouche, et un énorme ver en sort et pénètre dans la gorge de Cole. L'autre ver tombe sur le sol quand les boys interviennent et se retrouve écrasé par la chaussure de Dean. Kit, chargé d'adrénaline, réussit à s'enfuir. Cole est toujours allongé, toussant et crachant ses poumons.

Les boys font le point avec Cole sur la situation. Ils se retrouvent face à une sorte de mutation du "ver de Khan" qu'ils avaient déjà rencontré auparavant. Deux solutions s'offrent à eux : mettre une balle dans la tête de Cole pour faire sortir le vers, ou bien tenter la séance d'électrocution. Cole choisit la deuxième solution. Il pense à sa femme et à son fils qu'il aimerait bien pouvoir rejoindre en étant encore en vie. Sam laisse Dean gérer la séance et part, de son côté, à la recherche de Kit.

Tandis que Dean prépare le matériel, Cole s'excuse pour avoir tenté de le tuer. S'il avait réussi, personne n'aurait été là pour le sauver. Il se montre d'autant plus admiratif du travail des boys qu'eux ne reçoivent aucune médaille pour leurs accomplissements. La séance d'électrocution commence. Par deux fois, Cole demande à Dean de réessayer, sans grand succès. La troisième fois manque de tuer Cole et ce coup-ci, Dean refuse de recommencer. Le ver n'est toujours pas sorti.

Dean appelle Sam pour lui expliquer que l'électrocution n'a pas fonctionné, sans doute parce qu'ils ont affaire à une nouvelle espèce. Sam, de son côté, décide de se rendre chez Kit en espérant qu'il s'y trouve. Dean raccroche, se rapproche de Cole et tous deux décident de trouver la faiblesse de la créature. Ils pensent alors à la soif ressentie par les victimes, celle que Cole ressent au même moment. Le parasite aime l'eau, il draine sa victime de l'eau de son corps, l'oblige à boire encore et encore jusqu'à boire du sang. Au-delà, le corps de sa victime devient un environnement hostile et la créature sort pour trouver un autre hôte. Aussi Dean et Cole décident de tenter la déshydratation. Dean prépare un feu dans la cheminée pour accelérer le processus.

Gemma retrouve Kit dans le salon, tandis qu'il boit l'eau contenue dans un vase débarassé de ses fleurs. Gemma s'approche de lui, tente de le rassurer, mais lorsqu'elle est assez près, il lui saute dessus. Un ver commence à sortir de sa bouche, mais heureusement, Sam arrive à temps et assome Kit grâce au vase, avant que le ver n'a pu changer d'hôte.

Les boys font le point par téléphone. Dean lui raconte son idée concernant la déshydratation, et Sam songe de plus en plus au plan B. Dean lui demande de tenir bon jusqu'à ce que son plan a montré son efficacité ou le contraire. Une fois raccroché, Dean attrape une bouteille d'eau dans la glacière et boit, devant Cole, qui le regarde faire avec avidité.

Sam tente d'expliquer à Gemma qu'un monstre a pris possession du corps de Kit lors de sa dernière mission en Irak. Gemma se montre plutôt incrédule.

Dans la cabane, Cole lutte contre son besoin de boire. Il demande à Dean si ce qu'il ressent est la même chose que son père a pu ressentir avant de devenir un monstre. Dean acquiesce. Cole lui dit qu'il comprend pourquoi il a fait ce qu'il a fait et lui demande une faveur : si lui aussi devient un monstre, Dean devra le tuer. Le chasseur ne l'entend pas de cette oreille et ordonne à Cole de se battre, de toutes ses forces. Demander à mourir, c'est renoncer. Il refuse de laisser Cole en arriver là. Dean pose la bouteille d'eau sur la table. Cole lui demande de l'attacher à une chaise. Dean accepte, attrape une corde et s'apprête à le faire, mais Cole le frappe et se précipite sur la bouteille. Dean la lui arrache avant qu'il n'ai pu la boire. Cole ne se sent plus la force de lutter, tout ce à quoi il pense, c'est d'entailler les poignets de Dean et de boire son sang. Dean le supplie encore une fois de se battre.

Sam vient de tout expliquer à Gemma sur sa vie de chasseur. Gemma a du mal à se faire à cette idée. Elle ne veut pas croire que son mari soit un monstre. Sam lui rappelle que Kit a essayé de la tuer, et ensuite, il tente de la rassurer en lui disant que Cole et Dean sont en train de travailler sur une solution. Pour joindre le geste à la parole, il s'apprête à leur téléphoner, mais Kit s'est détaché de ses liens et il a disparu. Les lumières s'éteignent. Sam part inspecter le salon, quand Kit saute sur Gemma, puis sur Sam. Les deux luttent, jusqu'à ce que Sam finisse par attraper son revolver tombé sur le sol.

Dean tente de joindre Sam, mais son frère ne répond pas. Cole saute alors sur Dean et c'est alors que le ver se met à sortir. Dean s'éloigne juste à temps pour voir le corps de Cole rejeter le parasite. Une fois la créature tombée sur le plancher, Dean l'écrase. Cole reprend sa respiration. Malgré la déshydratation, il va bien. Dean appelle Sam. Cette fois, le jeune Winchester répond. Dean lui apprend que son plan a fonctionné et lui demande de ramener Kit. Malheureusement, Sam n'a pas eu le choix : Kit est mort.

A la cabane, Sam explique à Cole qu'il aurait aimé que les choses se soient passé autrement. Cole le sait, Gemma lui a tout dit. Il n'a aucune rancune envers Sam, puis il remercie Dean pour son aide. Maintenant, tout ce qu'il souhaite, c'est retrouver sa famille. Il salue les boys et espère ne plus jamais les revoir. Puis, il part. Dean demande à Sam de ne pas se flageller à cause de Kit. Sam ne peut pas s'en empêcher. Il a fait tous ce qu'il a pu, mais il n'a pas réussi à le sauver. Dean lui dit, le ton plein de sous-entendus que, parfois, malgré tous leurs efforts, le gars est destiné à mourir. Sur ces mots, il remonte dans l'Impala. Sam reste là, debout, pesant le sens de ces mots pour leur propre problème.


Ecrit par deanlove35.


Int. Scene with dripping water in an unknown location. Camera angle is upside down. Then we see hair hanging down, with a woman hanging upside down, watching a man come toward her down the hallway. The camera switches back and forth from her struggling and panicked eyes to the man coming down the hallway. He places a bucked underneath her, then slices her throat open with his bowie knife. He catches some of her blood in his hands, and we assume, drinks it.

Act I

Int. Bunker: the library. The camera opens on Sam’s computer screen, where he’s researching “Biblical and Far East Studies.” Dean enters and Sam quickly closes his computer, a bit guiltily.

DEAN: Hey, check it out.

SAM: Hey.

DEAN: Porn?

SAM: What? No. l-it's nothing.

DEAN: Hey, look, no judgement from me. Just, you know, not where we eat.

SAM: Dude, it wasn't porn.

DEAN: Okay, "erotica." Whatever. Zip it up. Check this out. (hands Sam his tablet with an article about a soldier who has died) The vic was trained in Krav Maga and jiu-jitsu. Still ended up with her organs drained, and the marrow was sucked completely out of the bones.

SAM: So...cannibalism. You thinking a Rugaru?

DEAN: Or a God, maybe. I'Il go dig up my pencil-neck suit.

SAM: Wait, wait, wait. W-what?

DEANL What, is this not weird enough for you?

SAM: Well, yeah, it's weird, but, um, l mean, we . . . we . . . I mean . . .

DEAN: Great. 10 minutes. I'Il meet you in the car.

SAM: Great.

Int. Impala: Sam and Dean are driving. Dean’s driving, and Sam’s on his cell phone.

DEAN: Sam! I know what you're doing over there, and it ain't porn. Look, man, we have checked every website, okay? We've checked it twice. Sammy, when we work a case, there's always that . . . that point . . . when we have to face the truth, right? Even if we don't like it. Well, truth is . . . (Dean holds his arm out, indicating the Mark of Cain) there's no way

around this. We saw what happened to Cain, okay? I'm not happy about it. But l got to move on. So l'm gonna keep doing what we do . . . while l still can. And l'd like you to be there with me.

Int. Fayetville police station. Dean and Sam enter through a door. A group of police officers are standing around talking and enjoying pieces of cake.

SHERRIF: Agents, l gather.

DEAN: Uh, was it the suits, or do we give off some sort of a Fed stench?

SHERRIF: I-it's the suits. What can l do for you boys?

SAM: Well, uh, we are here investigating the death of private Jackie Prescott.

SHERRIF: Shoot. You drove all the way down from D.C.?

DEAN: Mm-hmm.

SAM: Yeah, we did.

SHERRIF: Well, then sorry to waste your time, agents, but we wrapped that one up. Guy that did it was a special forces officer: Rick Willis.

DEAN: What makes you so sure it was him?

SHERRIF: (pulling out the murder file) His fingerprints were all over the storage room out on the base where he did it. He even left his dog tags by the body.

SAM: So, is he in custody?

SHERRIF: No, bastard drank a boatload of gasoline, then lit himself on fire.

DEAN: Well, that's a hell of a way to go.

SHERRIF: No kidding. Left a wife and a baby. Third suicide we seen in six months. Military town. Would you like some cake?

DEAN: Mm. Yeah.

SAM: (cutting off Dean’s access to the cake) No, uh, y-you know what? Uh, we're okay.

SHERRIF: No, it's really good. My partner made it.

SAM: It looks great, but we're . . . no, we're all right. Uh, we do have one more question. Were there any bite marks found on the body?

SHERRIF: No. Vic was killed with a Bowie.

DEAN: Well, sheriff, thank you for your time.

SAM: Yeah.

(Sam and Dean leave the police station. The rest of the conversation is held in the hallway and the way out to the Impala)

SAM: No bite marks. That rules out Rugaru. So what? A God?

DEAN: I don't like the sound of that. The guy Molotov-cocktailed himself. That's bonkers. That's like demon-possession bonkers.

Int. Beth and Rick’s house. Beth is in the kitchen with Sam and Dean sitting on the other side of the island from her.

BETH: Rick did it. I'm not trying to say that he didn't. But . . . I mean, he just got back from deployment, and we've all seen what it can do to a soldier's mind. My Rick . . . when he's home and good . . . I have to kill the spiders, you know? Rick was a kind soul. He never took more life than he had to.

SAM: Did you, um, notice anything strange, weird, like, uh . . . violent mood swings? Or weird smells?

BETH: No. But . . . Rick was . . . he was so . . . He was thirsty.

DEAN: Thirsty for what?

BETH: Water. He'd spend half the day drinking from the garden hose. And then, one night, I caught him in the tub drinking the bathwater. When l told him to stop, it was like he couldn't even hear me. And his skin, it got so dry it bled.

DEAN: Did he see a doctor?

BETH: I took him to the V.A., but he just got on a list to get on a list. And then, he stopped talking . . . And just wasn't himself. I thought maybe it was PTSD.

SAM: Uh, we're very sorry.

DEAN: You said that Rick was recently deployed. Do you have any idea where?

BETH: No, that stuff is classified. They don't even let the wives in on it.

SAM: Right. Okay, well, we'Il, um . . . We'Il leave you alone now, but if something comes up, anything at all, just give us a call.

BETH: There's one other thing. I ran into my friend Jemma at the supermarket. She's married to Kit Verson, a guy from Rick's team. She thinks Kit came back different this time. Kind of felt like we were dealing with the same thing.

SAM: Thank you.

Int. Kit and Jemma’s house. Sam and Dean are seated opposite Jemma in the living room.

JEMMA: Kit's been going through some stuff for sure. Um, you know, it takes him a while to get back to normal, but he always does. (She hands both Sam and Dean a beverage)

SAM: Thanks.

DEAN: And what about you? How are you holding up?

JEMMA: I'm okay . . . For the most part. You know, what happened to Rick and Beth, it . . . It's been hard. "There but for the grace of God," you know?

SAM: Um. . . May we speak with your husband?

JEMMA: He, um . . . He went out last night, but he should be back any minute. You know, Kit, he comes back from these deployments, and he needs his space.

DEAN: So he's been out all night?

JEMMA: Well . . . Yeah (the brothers share a look) . . . God. I can't even convince myself. Um. . . I'm worried. This isn't like him.

SAM: Has he been thirsty? Like "drink out of the dog bowl" thirsty?

JEMMA: How did you know?

Ext. Jemma and Kit’s house. As Sam and Dean leave the house, they notice Cole is leaning against their car out front.

COLE: Recognized your wheels.

DEAN: What the hell are you doing here?

COLE: Jemma called me in. I've known Kit since we were military brats raisin' hell on the same base. He's a good man.

DEAN: Well, no one's saying he's not.

COLE: Oh, really, now? So, what are you two, uh, here for, Jemma's sweet tea? You want to tell me why you're really here?

SAM: We're working a case.

COLE: Oh, Kit's case?

SAM: Honestly, we're not sure just yet, but, um, it's looking like it.

COLE: Mm. Says you.

DEAN: There's a murder-suicide in town. Your buddy Kit? Same unit as the killer. Same whacked-out antics. So . . .

SAM: Look, we're not going anywhere, all right? And if you care about your buddy, you'Il let us handle this.

COLE: Mm. Nah, l think I'm gonna be coming with you.

DEAN: Oh, the hell you are.

COLE: I got contacts. I can help.

DEAN: You really can't.

COLE: For example, a friend of mine works military intelligence . . . owes me a favor.

SAM: Would he know what Rick and Kit's mission was?

COLE: Sure. And he'd tell me all about it.

DEAN: Okay, fine.

COLE: No, it ain't. You know, l figure what's going on here . . . I stick to you two like flies on roadkill, make sure my buddy comes home in one piece. Look, l know what you two are thinking, but we are not gonna hunt my best friend, who happens to be a friggin’ war hero, by the way. We are gonna find him. And that's the difference.

DEAN: Hey, man, we're right there with you, okay? Kit's a hero, but...

SAM: But you got to prepare yourself. Kit might not be Kit anymore.

Int. Gas’n’Sip: The scene opens with a man staggering into a Gas’n’Sip, grabbing a bottle of water, guzzling part of it, then throwing it down in favor of a larger bottle in a cooler at the back of the store. The man looks extremely sick, and the clerks are unsure of what to do.

CLERK 1: (Appriaching the man guzzling water) Uh, sir? Sir, you have to pay for that first! Hey! (Knocks the water bottle out of his hand) Now, look what you ma . . .Whoa! (exclamation after the man, Kit, smashes a wine bottle and cuts the clerk with it)

We watch Kit kill the store clerk and then lick his blood up off the gas station floor.

CLERK 2: This guy just came in. Get to the store, man.

Act II


SAM: Yo. Sustenance.

DEAN: Listen, l got nothing on cattle deaths, freakish weather . . . none of it.

SAM: So . . . Probably not a demon.

COLE: So maybe it's just not your kind of thing at all.

DEAN: Well, when in doubt . . . eat.

COLE: Okay, here we go. I got an encrypted e-mail here from my friend at the M.I.

SAM: And?

COLE: Well . . . Kit and Rick were sent to rescue an American P.O.W. Being held in Iraq . . . the Najaf cemetery.

DEAN: Cemetery?

COLE: Bastards use 'em as a, uh . . . as a prison. I got some footage here from the camera on Willis' helmet during his last mission with Kit.

In the video, the camera shows two soldiers enter a mausoleum and find the soldier they were supposed to rescue, who aggressively attacks them.

VIDEO: Okay, go! Down. Get down. Clear. Major Jones?! Major Matt Jones? Hey, right here. Hey, Major Jones, is that you? Hey. Hey, I'm captain Kit Verson. We're here to bring you home, man. Oh, what the hell?! What the hell was that?!

DEAN: I'm guessing that didn't have a happy ending.

COLE: No, it did not. Mission failed. And that P.O.W. got shot by guards.

SAM: Really? That's what happened?

COLE: That's the official story.

DEAN: All right, so, Kit and Rick came back screwed-up. We know that much.

COLE: Well, and then Rick jumped the high dive. God, Kit.

DEAN: (referring Sam’s phone ringing) What was that?

SAM: I set my phone to get local alerts.

COLE: Is it bad?

SAM: It's bloody.

DEAN: All right, let's get out of here.

Ext. of the Gas’n’Sip where Kit ate the store clerk. Sam, Dean, and Cole are in the parking lot near the Impala. The conversation between Cole and Jemma flips back and forth between the parking lot of the Gas’n’Sip and Jemma’s living room where she’s on the phone.

COLE: He licked the blood off the floor?

DEAN: Yeah, the soda jockey back there seemed pretty shook up by it.

SAM: Now, the description he gave . . . medium build, brown hair . . . that sound like the Kit you know?

COLE: Yeah, it does.

SAM: Great.

DEAN: This still sound like it ain't our kind of thing?

COLE: (Answering his phone) Hey, Jem.

JEMMA: Cole, uh, the news said someone was killed at the Gas’n’Sip on Kenton.

COLE: Yeah, l know. I'm here right now.

JEMMA: You are? W-what are they saying?

COLE: Not much. Look, Jem. Um, l really can't talk right now. I'm sorry.

JEMMA: Wait. Do they think that he . . . that . . . that Kit . . . Did this?

COLE: I don't know.

JEMMA: If he did, he isn't in his right mind, and you know that, Cole. You got to save him.

COLE: I will.

JEMMA: I know. And, uh . . . And that's the only thing keeping me sane right now. I was thinking, you know, sometimes, when Kit wanted to be alone, he would head up north to his dad's old cabin. Maybe you could go check it out, and . . . and . . . and l'Il stay here

in case he comes home.

COLE: Right.

DEAN: Hey, Kung-Fu grip, you coming?

COLE: Hey, Jem, l got to go.

SAM: So, what next?

DEAN: We hit every cop shop within a 10-mile radius, put the word out, see if we can't track him down.

COLE: And if you find him, what then? Kit needs help. He doesn't need a bullet, and he doesn't need a knife.

SAM: Okay. You know what, Cole? We know you want to protect your buddy, but . . .

DEAN: If he's a monster . . . we got to put him down.

COLE: That's the way it's gonna have to be, huh?

DEAN: That's the job. So, you in or out?

Ext. Jemma’s house. Sam and Dean drop Cole off at Jemma’s house.

COLE: Thanks for the lift.

DEAN: It's better this way, all right? You keep her calm. We'Il keep you posted.

COLE: Yeah.

DEAN: Hey, Cole. He shows up, don't try and be a hero. Call us.

COLE: You got it. (Cole waits until the Winchesters drive away, and then he gets in his truck and leaves Jemma’s)

Sam and Dean hide in the Impala in the trees and watch Cole’s truck drive past. Then they pull out and follow him.

DEAN: And you bought him dinner.

Int. Kit’s father’s cabin up north. Cole pulls up to the cabin and goes inside, searching for Kit. We see the Brothers pull up outside and quietly gather their gear before following Cole inside. Cole pulls out a flashlight and searches around the cabin, following a trail of torn apart rodents.

COLE: Kit? Hey, Kit? Are you here? It's Cole. There's some real serious people

looking for you, Kit. And they won't just want to talk. It's bad, Kit. And it's either me . . . or them. (Cole sees Kit sitting in the corner, with his back to the room.) Hey, Kit. Hey. Hey, Kit.

KIT: I'm sorry. l can't stop. (Kit attacks Cole just like the soldier from the video. We see Khan worms drop out of his mouth.)

COLE: Aah! (swallowing a Khan worm from Kit)

DEAN: Wait, wait, wait! (Kit throws Dean across the room and runs out of the cabin)

COLE: Oh, god. Oh, God. Ew. Something went down my . . . throat.

SAM: All right, Cole, just try and stay calm.

COLE: Oh, God.

SAM: Cole?

COLE: Something moved. It's alive, Sammy.

SAM: All right, well, we're gonna get it out of you, okay?

COLE: How?!

SAM: We'Il figure it out. We . . .

DEAN: Man, that was a dumbass move coming here alone. You know that, right?

COLE: Oh, l'm sorry. l should have let the machete brothers cut my buddy's head off.

DEAN: Well, if you did, maybe you wouldn't be chokin’ down a damn Khan worm right now.

COLE: What's a Khan worm?

SAM: You think that's what it is?

DEAN: Or some sort of freak cousin.

COLE: Freak cousin of what?

SAM: A couple years back, Dean and l worked a case. We got stuck in a cannery with this worm. It would get into people's bodies and . . .

DEAN: It was freaking awful.

COLE: All right, so you've been to this rodeo before. How do we kill it?

DEAN: Worst case . . . headshot the person it's in. Worm crawls out, we stomp it like a bug.

COLE: Is there a version where you don't cap me?

SAM: Yeah, uh, last time, electrocution made the worm leave the body.

COLE: All right, fine. Electrocution it is. l'm game.

SAM: All right. You two get to work. I'Il go look for Kit.

COLE: Hey, hey, Sammy?

SAM: Yeah.

COLE: If we can fix me, we can save Kit, right?

SAM: That's the idea.


DEAN: You know that this is gonna hurt like a son of a bitch?

COLE: Hell, l have a wife, a kid, and an upside-down mortgage to get back to. Whatever it takes, Dean-o.

DEAN: Okay.

COLE: Mm. So, last time you saw this thing, it turned people into killers, too?

DEAN: Yeah, except that one did a mind-control number on us. (Starts putting jumper cables on a car battery.)

COLE: Damn. Day in, day out, you and Sammy saving people from things they just can't wrap their minds around . . . Hell, and nobody even notices it. Hell, at least l get a medal for my efforts. But you . . . I tried to kill your ass.

DEAN: Yeah, well, good times.

COLE: I almost took you off the map. Who would be saving me now?

DEAN: Yeah, well, let's not get too sentimental about it. All right, let's fire this puppy up.

COLE: Well, you say that like it's just another Tuesday.

DEAN: Oh, buddy, it's only Monday (snaps the jumper cables together so they spark).

(Cole puts the spoon in his mouth, leans back in the ragged recliner, and nods his head at Dean. Dean takes a deep breath, and then presses the jumper cable clamps onto Cole’s forearms.)

COLE: Anything?

DEAN: Last time, it came out of our ears.

COLE: And . . . ?

DEAN: I'm not seeing anything yet.

COLE: Do it again.

DEAN: (stops shocking Cole) All right, that sucker should have crawled out by now.

COLE: Again.

DEAN: I keep going, this is gonna kill you.

COLE: Again!

(Dean looks away while he electrocutes Cole. Cole’s eyes role back and his jaw slackens on the spoon. Dean notices and immediately stops.)

DEAN: (Starts taking Cole’s pulse, and then slapping his chest to get his heart started again.) Cole. Hey, hey. Cole! Come on. Come on. Cole! Hey.

COLE: Hey! Hey! Okay! Hey. All right. Again.

DEAN: No. No, we're done playing "Operation." I zap you again, you're toast. Just take a knee.

Ext. Sam driving the Impala. His phone rings. The scene flashes back and forth between Sam in the car and Dean at the cabin.

SAM: Dean. How did it go?

DEAN: Worm was a no-show.

SAM: That doesn't make any sense. Last time . . .

DEAN: Well, this ain't the last time. I mean, maybe this is a whole new species, you know? All I know is that sparky struck out.

SAM: Well, there's got to be something. I mean, everything has a weakness, right?

DEAN: Well, what about you? Any luck?

SAM: I'm on my way to Kit's. Thought l'd check there first.

DEAN: All right, well . . . Hurry up, man.

SAM: You got it.

Int. cabin. The scene returns to Dean and Cole in the cabin.

DEAN: You okay?

COLE: So this is what in over your head looks like.

DEAN: Just got to keep your head in the game. Okay, what do we know about this thing?

COLE: Uh, sucker dries you out. I'm thirsty already, man.

DEAN: It likes water. Then when that's not enough . . .

COLE: Blood. l don't know. Maybe lack of fluids makes the thing hostile.

DEAN: So it's like a parasite. It wrings you dry, and then it moves on.

COLE: So if l dry myself out, the son of a bitch wouldn't like that very much, now, would he?

DEAN: No, he'd want the hell out. You'd be a hostile environment . . . well, more than you already are.

COLE: Well, to be fair, you really haven't seen my chiller side.

DEAN: What do you think about rapid dehydration?

COLE: Big fan. Just make sure you squash that sucker when it goes AWOL.

DEAN: Sounds like a plan.

DEAN: All right. Nothing like a sweat lodge in the woods, huh?

(The scene flashes to an outside view of the cabin with smoke pouring from the chimney.)

Int. of Kit’s house. There are flowers and flower petals all over the floor, leading into the living room. Jemma follows the flowers and finds Kit in the living room drinking the water from the flower vase.

JEMMA: Kit? Honey. Look at me. What's happened to you? Listen. Whatever happened, whatever you . . . You did . . . We're gonna fix this, okay? We're gonna get you well. Baby.

(Kit attacks Jemma and throws her on the chair) Kit! Aah! Kit, stop! Please!

KIT: I can't . . . stop. (He leans forward and a Kahn worm starts inching its way out of Kit’s mouth towards Jemma. The flower vase smashes over Kit’s head, knocking him unconscious, and the camera pans up to who Sam standing over Jemma.

SAM: Are you okay?

Int. Kit’s cabin. Dean’s talking on the phone with Sam. The scene flashes between Dean in the cabin and Sam in Kit’s house.

SAM: You're in a . . . Sweat lodge?

DEAN: Well, you're the one who said everything has got a weakness. So l figure take a schvitz, kill a freak. Call that a good day.

SAM: Yeah, if it works.

DEAN: Well, you got a better idea?

SAM: Yeah, l do, actually, Dean. We know how to end this.

DEAN: Yeah, plan "B" for "bullet." But we're not quite there yet, so just hold tight.

SAM: All right.

DEAN: How's the wife?

SAM: She's barely holding on. How's Cole?

DEAN: He's going strong.

SAM: Good. Look, Dean, Kit is gonna come to. And when l got here, it was bad.

DEAN: We're on the clock. I get it.

SAM: Yeah.

DEAN: Just keep sweating, man. You're doing great. (Dean opens a water bottle and takes a swig. Cole eyes the water with open hunger.) Sorry.

Int. Kit and Jemma’s house. Sam and Jemma are sitting on the couch while Kit is tied up in the kitchen.

JEMMA: I don't understand.

SAM: On Kit's last mission, on his deployment with Rick, there was an incident, and something got inside Kit. I mean, h-have you seen anything?

JEMMA: I mean, y . . . I saw something okay? But it . . . it was . . .

SAM: It was a monster. It was a real-life, actual, honest-to-god monster. And your husband . . . it changed him.

JEMMA: What? Who are you?

Int. Kit’s cabin. The scene starts outside the cabin, showing more smoke pouring from the cabin chimney before moving inside to Dean and Cole talking.

COLE: My dad . . . He got something inside him, too, right? You think this is what he felt like when he turned?

DEAN: Maybe. I mean, he was human before he was . . . a monster.

COLE: I get it . . . Why you did it, Dean. My dad wasn't my dad anymore. If l go down that same road . . . I want you to do that to me, too.

DEAN: That road? That means giving up. If you think that's where you're headed, then you've got it ass-backwards. You're gonna fight harder than you ever have. You understand?

COLE: (Cole watches Dean drink some water, and something in his expression changes. He stands up and walks over to a chair.) Dean-o. Will you do me the honor of tying me to this chair?

DEAN: (Looks at his water) Yeah. (He sets his water bottle down on the table to go get some rope.)

COLE/DEAN: (As Dean starts tying Cole to the chair, Cole punches him and lunges for the water.) Aah!

COLE: (Dean slaps the water out of his hand and holds him down at gunpoint.) Come on. We both know you're not gonna do it.

DEAN: You are gonna sweat this one through.

COLE: I can't, Dean!

DEAN: Yes, you can. Listen to me. Yes, you can. Think about your family, hmm? Your wife, your kid. You hear me?

COLE: I appreciate the talk, coach. But honestly, all l can think about is slicing your wrist and drinking you like a fountain. (Dean jerks his hand away from Cole’s shoulder) Guess that makes me a monster, don't it?

Int. Kit and Jemma’s house. Sam and Jemma are still on the couch talking, and Kit is still tied in the kitchen.

JEMMA: So, you're a hunter.

SAM: Right.

JEMMA: And . . . I'm sorry. This is gonna take me a minute. It's, uh . . .

SAM: It's crazy, right? It sounds crazy? l know. But it's the truth.

JEMMA: I don't care if he's what you say he is, okay? He's my husband. (While Jemma is talking, the camera pans to Kit waking up in the kitchen.)

SAM: Jemma, he tried to kill you. Was that your husband when you looked into his eyes? Was that the Kit you know? Look . . . Dean is working on it. Dean and Cole will figure it out, okay? Let me check in with them.

JEMMA: All right. Sam. Sam. (Jemma looks into the kitchen while Sam’s getting his phone out, and she sees that Kit has gotten free and disappeared. The lights in the house go out.) Sam. (Sam puts his finger to his mouth to tell Jemma to be quiet as he stalks into the kitchen. He also tells Jemma to wait where she is. Kit sneaks up behind her, Jemma screams, and Sam jumps on Kit. A fight ensues with Sam and Kit fighting for the gun while Kit chokes Sam on the floor. Sam’s phone starts ringing.)

Int. Kit’s cabin: Dean’s on the phone calling Sam, pacing the floor.

DEAN: Come on, Sammy! Pick up! (Cole is coughing by the fire. He leaps on Dean and pins Dean on the table. Dean’s got his gun out and trained on Cole’s head.) Don't make me pull this trigger.

COLE: I already did. (Cole throws his head back and the Kahn worm can be seen moving up his throat under his skin.)

DEAN: Holy . . . (Dean throws Cole off of him, and he throws up the Kahn worm. Dean stomps on it with his boot)

DEAN: You okay?

COLE: Yeah. Oh, thank God. Thank God.

(Dean pulls out his phone and calls Sam again. The scene flashes back and forth between Sam in Kit’s house and Dean in the cabin while they’re on the phone.)

SAM: Hey.

DEAN: Sammy, we did it. Cole's all right. Get Kit over here as soon as you can.

SAM: It's too late. (Jemma’s on the floor of their kitchen, cradling Kit, who has a bullet hole in his head.)

Ext. of Kit’s cabin. Sam, Cole, and Dean are packing the cars to leave.

SAM: Hey, Cole. Listen, uh, l, uh . . . For whatever it's worth . . . I really wish it hadn't ended this way.

COLE: Yeah, me, too, Sammy boy.

SAM: I mean, Kit . . . he was gonna kill her and . . .

COLE: I know. Jemma told me everything. Solider goes crazy, attacks his wife. She had to kill him. Or at least that's the story that she's got to tell. I guess I've seen it all now.

DEAN: Some. Not all.

COLE: I just want to go home, see my family. I want to thank you, Dean-o, for keeping me standing.

DEAN: Well, all it took was a little blood, sweat, and, uh, more sweat. You take care of yourself, you hear?

COLE: All right, l will. But l still hope l don't see the two of you anymore. No offense.

SAM: None taken. (Cole gets in his Jeep and drives away.)

DEAN: Don't blame yourself for Kit, man.

SAM: I can't help it, Dean. It feels crappy.

DEAN: I know it does.

SAM: I tried. l did. I tried. l just . . . I couldn't save this one.

DEAN: You know, you can do everything right. And even still, sometimes . . . The guy still dies.

Sam and Dean share a look, then Dean gets in the car. The scene fades out on Sam’s face.


Source : SuperWiki

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