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#11.22 : L'ombre et la lumière

COMPTE A REBOURS - Sam et Dean font face à leur plus grand challenge. Rowena avance ses pions.


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We Happy Few

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L'ombre et la lumière

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Sneak Peek


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Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en pleine discussion

Castiel (Misha Collins) face à Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Castiel (Misha Collins) face à Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Castiel (Misha Collins) face à Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Castiel (Misha Collins) face à Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Castiel (Misha Collins), Rowena (Ruth Connell), Sam (Jared Padalecki), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Castiel (Misha Collins), Rowena (Ruth Connell), Sam (Jared Padalecki), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) sur son trône

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) sur son trône

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Castiel (Misha Collins), Rowena (Ruth Connell), Sam (Jared Padalecki), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Castiel (Misha Collins), Rowena (Ruth Connell), Sam (Jared Padalecki), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Chuck (Rob Benedict)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 18.05.2016 à 21:00
1.59m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robert Berens
Réalisé par : John Badham


Casting :



Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Sam et Dean rentrent au bunker et assistent à la tension qui règne entre Chuck et Lucifer. Chuck tente d'entamer le dialogue, mais Lucifer refuse d'écouter. Il reproche à Chuck d'être parti et de n'être revenu que lorsque les primates humains l'ont appelé. Dean s'offusque de cette remarque et fait remarquer à Lucifer que les primates l'ont sauvé. Lucifer tente alors de le tuer, mais Chuck les protège. Lucifer préfère s'éclipser. Les boys font face à un sacré challenge.


Lucifer s'est enfermé dans la chambre de Sam. Les boys tentent de le convaincre de sortir et de parler à Chuck, mais l'archange refuse et rétorque que si son père a quelque chose à lui dire, qu'il vienne lui-même lui parler. Les boys abandonnent.

Crowley a réuni ses démons et leur promet de rendre à l'Enfer sa gloire passée. Mais les démons rient à son discours. Après ses échecs successifs et après avoir été sous l'influence de Rowena, de Dean, d'Amara, puis de Lucifer, Crowley constate qu'il a perdu toute crédibilité. Les démons n'ont plus peur de lui, ne le croient plus et s'amusent juste d'entendre les vieux discours. De plus, ils savent qu'Amara va tout détruire, y compris l'Enfer, alors ils n'ont pas l'intention de se battre pour cet endroit. Ils partent, laissant Crowley dépité.

Dean et Sam tentent de convaincre Chuck de parler à Lucifer, mais Chuck refuse. Il explique que Lucifer attend de lui des excuses, mais il ne peut pas s'excuser d'avoir protégé l'humanité. Il dit qu'il vaut mieux attendre que Lucifer se calme de lui-même, car après tout, il souhaite la même chose qu'eux ; se débarrasser d'Amara. Dean lui fait remarquer que la fin est proche et qu'ils n'ont pas le luxe d'avoir le temps d'attendre.

Grand Isle, Louisiane. Clea, une sorcière, reçoit la visite de Rowena. Cette dernière recherche une partenaire afin de pratiquer un rituel qui pourrait leur accorder quelques siècles de vie en plus, avant qu'Amara ne détruise tout. Clea, d'abord très réticente, après ce que Rowena a fait à d'autres sorcières, finit par se laisser convaincre et elles concluent un pacte.

Dean et Sam organisent une séance de thérapie afin que Lucifer et Chuck puissent discuter. Mais les choses ne se passent pas très bien. Chuck ne s'excuse pas et réitère qu'il a eu raison d'enfermer Lucifer afin de protéger l'humanité. Il explique que la marque n'a fait qu'exacerber la personnalité de Lucifer et qu'il aurait tout de même pu poser une menace pour les humains. Mais Lucifer dit qu'il ne s'agit pas de ça ; il se sent trahi par son propre père. Les boys tentent d'intervenir et de convaincre Chuck qu'il est temps de s'excuser. Chuck en a assez de leurs interventions, alors il les éloigne. Puis, finalement, il admet à Lucifer que ce dernier a toujours été son enfant préféré. Il lui a confié la marque parce qu'il pensait que Lucifer était assez fort pour la contenir, mais il a eu tort. Et lorsqu'il a vu qu'il s'était trompé et que la marque a commencé à dévorer Lucifer, il a puni l'archange. Il lui demande pardon pour l'avoir puni. Alors, Chuck et Lucifer reviennent vers les Winchester, manifestement réconciliés. Maintenant, il s'agit de savoir ce qu'ils feront contre Amara. Chuck les prévient ; il ne peut pas la tuer car cela causerait un déséquilibre dans l'Univers qui aurait des conséquences désastreuses. Il ne peut pas non plus recréer les archanges manquant à leur équipe, car ils disposent d'une énergie différente des autres et ils demandent du temps à "construire". Il est donc temps de faire l'inventaire des armes dont ils disposent.

Puisqu'ils ne peuvent disposer des archanges et que les mains de Dieu seraient inutiles, ils décident de rassembler une armée : les anges, les démons et les sorcières, travaillant ensemble afin de vaincre Amara. Sam rend visite à Rowena, qui est toujours chez Clea. Rowena refuse d'abord, mais Clea souhaite se battre. Alors Rowena finit par accepter. Lucifer, de son côté, va voir les anges au Paradis. Ils ne souhaitent pas l'écouter alors il laisse Castiel prendre la parole. Mais pour lui non plus, ce n'est pas évident, car en acceptant Lucifer, il s'est compromis. Toutefois, Castiel leur apprend que Dieu fait partie du combat et qu'il a besoin de leur aide. Ils finissent par accepter. Enfin, Dean va voir Crowley. Il lui dit qu'il pourra récupérer ses démons s'il leur donne un espoir de vaincre, pas de sublimer son ego. Crowley finit aussi par se laisser convaincre. Le plan est simple : tour à tour, les sorcières, les anges et les démons frapperont Amara afin de l'affaiblir. Après quoi, Chuck sera en mesure de l'emprisonner de nouveau. Mais Dean est réticent à ce plan. Il raconte comment il a tué Amara et comment cela n'a pas fonctionné. Il souhaite pourtant sa mort, car il craint que son influence ne disparaisse pas. Sam lui dit que pour une fois, ils ont la possibilité de mener une mission à bien selon la volonté de Dieu lui-même. Dean n'est pas totalement convaincu, mais il accepte de suivre le plan.

Amara rend visite à Donatello et essaie de lui soutirer des informations. Il refuse de lui dire où se trouve Chuck, mais elle obtiendra l'info d'elle-même. Ainsi, elle aspire son âme. Elle se rend alors au bunker, dont les protections ne peuvent la maintenir à l'extérieur et trouve le mug de Chuck sur la table de contrôle. Elle donne un coup de pied dedans. Puis, elle parcourt les couloirs de l'endroit.

Les Winchester ont rassemblé Crowley, Lucifer et Rowena dans une usine abandonnée. La tension est palpable entre les différents ennemis, même quand Chuck apparait. Les boys les préviennent ; ils sont alliés dans ce combat, alors que tout le monde se tienne à carreau. Chuck rappelle le plan ; chaque groupe doit attaquer Amara chacun son tour, afin de l'affaiblir. Puis, ce sera au tour de Lucifer, et enfin, Chuck pourra l'emprisonner. Et c'est Sam qui s'est porté volontaire pour porter la marque. Dean n'était pas au courant et proteste ; ce devrait être lui, car il l'a déjà fait auparavant. C'est la raison pour laquelle Chuck refuse que ce soit lui. Dean demande à Sam ce qu'il se passera quand la marque prendra possession de lui ; Sam lui dit qu'il devra le mettre à l'abri, là où il ne fera de mal à personne. Sam doit le convaincre que c'est la seule solution, qu'ils sont ensemble dans ce combat. Dean est réticent, mais finit par accepter.

Rowena attire Amara à l'usine. Elle la rencontre à l'extérieur, mais Amara sait que c'est un piège. Elle s'en fiche, car elle est impatiente de confronter son frère. Soudain, Rowena l'attaque, mais cela ne lui fait rien. Puis, la sorcière est aidée par ses comparses de Louisiane et cela blesse un peu plus Amara, mais pas suffisamment. Elle retourne le sortilège contre les sorcières et elles meurent, brûlées. Seule Rowena n'est pas blessée. C'est alors que les anges attaquent Amara à leur tour, puis les démons l'encerclent, avant que Crowley ne lui assène le coup final. Très affaiblie, Amara entre dans l'usine. Là, Lucifer la transperce d'une lance. Il s'apprête à lui donner un autre coup, quand Chuck l'arrête. Amara reproche à son frère d'avoir créé d'autres créatures, afin de devenir plus grand qu'elle. Il lui concède ce fait, mais lui dit que la vie voulait être créée, qu'elle avait besoin de naître et que ces créatures ont fait tout le travail, qu'au fond, il n'y est pour rien. Il s'excuse pour tout le mal qu'il lui a fait. Amara, épuisée, s'apprête à recevoir le coup fatal et demande à ce qu'il la tue. Mais à la place, la marque commence à réapparaitre sur son épaule et Amara prend conscience qu'elle va de nouveau se retrouver emprisonnée. En même temps, la marque commence à apparaitre sur le bras de Sam, soutenu par Dean. Mais Amara refuse et se débat. Puisque Chuck ne veut pas changer, elle décide de le tuer.

Sam et Dean regardent Chuck qui git inconscient sur le sol. Ils pensent qu'il est mort, mais Amara leur assure que non. Il est en train de mourir en revanche et avant de disparaitre complètement, il verra toute sa Création devenir cendres. A l'extérieur, Rowena se lève et regarde le ciel rougeoyant d'un air inquiet. C'est la fin.


Ecrit par deanlove35.


CHUCK (to METATRON): Oh! Sorry, I always forget. People can't see me unless I want them to see me.
(With a click, the Hallelujah chorus starts playing.)
CHUCK: Just call me Chuck.

- - -

(INT. – CHURCH. AMARA is eating the priest’s soul.)
AMARA (dub): I'm looking for God.
AMARA (dub): Do you see what's happening? All your chosen. They are suffering!
AMARA (screams, arms wide): SHOW YOURSELF!

- - -

DONATELLO (shaking hands with Sam): Call me Donatello.
DEAN (to SAM): This guy's a prophet?
(Flashbacks to DONATELLO opening his door, being stuck with power, and his eyes briefly glowing.)
SAM: He had no idea he was next in line after Kevin, so—
DEAN: Huh, what’d he – He hadn't gotten hit by the God power yet.

- - -

METATRON (to CHUCK): What about Amara? She's your sister.
CHUCK: I took responsibility for her, too. Locked her away.
METATRON: So you're just gonna let Amara win.

- - -

(EXT. – PARK.)
DEAN (to CHUCK): How is death by your sister a strategy?
CHUCK: I know her.
DEAN: She’s gonna eliminate you. And then she’s gonna destroy everything that you’ve created. She’s told me this personally.

- - -

METATRON (to SAM and DEAN): You need all the help you can get.
DEAN: The plan is to rescue Lucifer from Amara. Then he teleports us out of Amara’s hideout, and we convince Chuck to use him to fight her.
METATRON: And how are we supposed to keep Amara busy while we’re liberating Lucifer?

- - -

AMARA (with her hand on DEAN’S face): Where are your thoughts? Something’s different.

- - -

SAM (carrying LUCIFER): All right, Metatron, come on!
METATRON: It’s okay, Sam, you go. I got this.

- - -

AMARA (to Metatron): The secretary.
METATRON: Spare the universe.
AMARA: Spare this.
(METATRON is folded into nothingness.)

- - -

(INT. – THE BUNKER. LUCIFER staggers in, sees CHUCK and is furious, but with a click CHUCK heals him. SAM and DONATELLO react visibly to the bright surge of power. LUCIFER still looks pissed.)



(INT. – THE BUNKER, LEBANON, KANSAS. – MAIN ROOM. A seemingly calmer LUCIFER strolls through the room with a book, flipping pages with studied nonchalance.)
LUCIFER (to Chuck, without looking up): So where were you?
CHUCK: That’s a… long story. How do you feel? I healed you.
LUCIFER: Mm. Yeah. Didn’t ask you to.
CHUCK: Son, be reasonable.
LUCIFER: One cosmic Band-Aid on my knee and what, you think we’re, we’re even now? (He looks up.) Is it time for us to go play catch in the yard?
(The sound of a door opening.)
LUCIFER (looks back to his book): Screw you.
DEAN (calls): Guys?
(SAM and DEAN enter through the front door, upstairs.)
SAM: Hey, how’s it goin’ in here?
(They head down the stairs.)
CHUCK (to Lucifer): Listen, I know I’ve been gone for awhile.
(SAM and DEAN put their bags down with quiet rustles and clinks.)
CHUCK: I’ve missed a few… million… birthdays—
LUCIFER: Yeah, and the second your apes send a distress flare, boom. Daddy’s home.
CHUCK: That’s not what happened.
DEAN: Hey, these apes saved your ass.
(LUCIFER scowls and snaps his fingers. SAM and DEAN look sick but quickly realize nothing happened.)
CHUCK (shakes his head): He can’t hurt you.
LUCIFER: Oh, so you’re controlling me now!
CHUCK: It’s just a safeguard.
(LUCIFER stares at CHUCK, incensed.)
SAM: Hey guys? Uh, Chuck? Lucifer… uh, Dean… Think we can try and focus here? Y’know, end of the world, common enemy, all that?
LUCIFER (slams the book shut, standing): Enemy of my enemy is my friend. (Stands right in front of CHUCK.) Team Amara. Go Amara.
CHUCK: You don’t mean that.
LUCIFER: You’re really not gonna say it.
(LUCIFER and CHUCK regard one another. Chuck blinks but doesn’t look away.)
SAM: He’s not gonna say what?
LUCIFER (to CHUCK). Screw you. (To SAM and DEAN.) Screw all of you.
(LUCIFER storms out between SAM and DEAN. When he’s left the room, CHUCK huffs and begins to leave as well.)
CHUCK (turning back to SAM and DEAN): Kids, huh?
(SAM and DEAN just gape and shake their heads.)


(INT. – THE BUNKER. – HALLWAY. Loud, muffled rock music plays. Camera pans to another section of hallway to reveal SAM and DEAN standing in front of a closed door. SAM bangs on it.)
SAM (yelling): Lucifer! Y’know, sometime you’re gonna have to come out and … talk to… God.
(There’s no answer. SAM throws up his hands.)
DEAN: It’s like the worst episode of Full House ever.
(The music stops.)
LUCIFER (yelling through door): If Dad has something to say to me, I’ll hear it from him! Until then, I’ll be in my room.
SAM (abortively): It—
(Music resumes, louder.)
DEAN (to LUCIFER): It’s not your room.
SAM: It’s my room.
(SAM bangs a few more times. There’s no answer.)
DEAN: Whatever.
(They walk away.)

(INT. – HELL. – MEETING ROOM. The scene begins focused on a candleabra. Camera pans up to show CROWLEY as he speaks.)
CROWLEY: We can do this. Lucifer stole the throne, but his authority weakens the longer he’s MIA.
(He’s addressing DEMONS seated at a table. They’re holding printouts of graphs.)
CROWLEY: The time is ripe for a coup. That’s why I brought you here. (He begins to circle the table.) Together, we can reclaim the throne. Together, we can make Hell great again.
(DEMONS snicker, one in particular pretty loudly.)
CROWLEY: Of course, I’ll need your help recruiting others. When the numbers are in our favor, we’ll strike, and each and every one of you will have earned a place at my side.
(GIGGLING DEMON laughs even louder.)
LEADER DEMON: Told you he’d do this.
CROWLEY: He? Do what.
LEADER DEMON: What you always do.
(CROWLEY’S eyes narrow.)
LEADER DEMON (continues): Promise a return to Hell’s former glory. Promises you never make good on. How about a run-down of your recent rule? First, you were Rowena’s bitch.
GIGGLING DEMON: Then the Winchesters’.
LEADER DEMON: Then Amara’s, then Lucifer’s.
(The other seated DEMONS exchange amused glances.)
LEADER DEMON: A few weeks ago, you were cleaning these floors (He looks up with a sneer.) with your tongue.
(DEMONS stand.)
LEADER DEMON: We could retake Hell. But why bother?
(They all begin to leave.)
LEADER DEMON: The world’s ending, and this time, Hell’s ending with it.
(CROWLEY is still standing by the table. LEADER DEMON turns back as the others leave around him.)
LEADER DEMON: Unless… you’ve got a plan to defeat the Darkness?
(CROWLEY just looks at him.)
LEADER DEMON: Then this is just more of the same. (He bows with a mocking flourish.) King Crowley’s bad dinner theatre.
CROWLEY: If that’s the way you feel, why did you show?
LEADER DEMON: We wanted to see the monkey dance. One last time.
(He leaves.)
(CROWLEY stands pensively at the table as the camera pans out.)

(INT. – THE BUNKER. – KITCHEN. Shot is focused on pancakes cooking on a griddle.)
SAM: Talk to him.
(Pan up to see CHUCK is making the pancakes, the Winchesters at the table behind him.)
CHUCK: Won’t do any good.
SAM: Why not?
CHUCK: Because I can’t give him what he wants.
DEAN: And what’s that?
CHUCK: What everyone wants. My sister, my children, you humans – an apology. A big, wet “I’m sorry.”
DEAN: Well, so give it to him. It’s not like he’s askin’ for a weapon, or for Hell, or for Heaven. He’s askin’ for words.
CHUCK: I can’t say I’m sorry if I’m not. (He places plates of pancakes in front of SAM and DEAN.) What he wants an apology for, I did it for humanity. For the world. Look, Lucifer wants what everybody wants: Amara gone. ‘kay? Let’s just give him a little time to cool off.
(CHUCK sips from a mug labeled WORLD’S GREATEST DAD.)
DEAN: Okay, well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a little time is not something that we have. The end is frickin’ nigh.

(EXT. – CABIN in GRAND ISLE, LOUISIANA. Insects hum around a cabin in the bayou. Smoke billows from its chimney.)

(INT. – CABIN. CLEA sits at a table strewn with candles and other objects, holding a deck of cards. She lays one down, her brow furrowing.)
(She flips over another card.)
(Perspective changes, blurred at the edges, like something is crawling along CLEA’S ceiling, observing her. We see the cards laid out in a tarot spread.)
(CLEA lays down a card to complete the spread and glances up over her shoulder.)
CLEA: Rowena.
(The blurred perspective turns to crawl down the wall.)
CLEA: Door not locked.
(The front door opens to reveal ROWENA, who enters.)
CLEA: What all that astral projection bull for?
ROWENA: We’re hardly on the best terms, Clea. Before barging in, I just wanted to check for hex bags, or a—
(CLEA pulls an old pistol out from under the table and levels it at ROWENA.)
ROWENA: – that.
CLEA: Whatchu want?
ROWENA: I’m working on a spell, it requires a second.
CLEA (laughs): Second. Why don’t you ask Charise, or Melody, or Thomasine? Oh yeah, you torched them all in one of your impetuous little fits.
ROWENA: The world’s ending, Clea.
(CLEA glances down at her tarot spread, which is revealed to be seven copies of the Death card.)
CLEA: Well, duh. (She gestures to the spread, decocking the pistol.)
(ROWENA gingerly sits in the chair next to her.)
CLEA: End times shouldn’t bother you though, Ro, you a rat. Find your way off any sinkin’ ship.
ROWENA: Damn right. The spell I’m working on is Book of the Damned magic, and it can get us back. We can buy ourselves a few more centuries of life. Turn back the clock for us before the world inevitably goes (sing-song) ‘bye-bye.’
CLEA: You scared.
ROWENA: Aye. I came face-to-face with the Darkness. The Apocalypse bell’s been rung a few times in our day, but when I looked inside her, I saw it. Not just the end of the world, Heaven and Hell. The end of magic.
CLEA: We cant equally. Or no deal.
ROWENA: Middle Ages. I know, not the best time to be a witch.
CLEA: Or a black woman.
ROWENA: And the Greek age was better?
CLEA: I’m a fan of the classics. I’ll make it work.

INT. – THE BUNKER. SAM, DEAN, and LUCIFER approach two chairs in the telescope room. CHUCK is already sitting in one. LUCIFER takes the other.)
SAM: One of you is gonna have to, uh, go first. You know what? Lucifer, you agreed to have a sit down if God would show, so – (He gestures to CHUCK.)
DEAN: And Chuck, you did say you’d talk.
LUCIFER: Him first. I’m the one who’s owed an explanation.
(CHUCK lets out an aggravated little sigh but says nothing.)
DEAN: Okay, let’s try ‘I feel’ statements. (To SAM) Doctor Phil.
(SAM shrugs.)
SAM: Ah, yeah. Of course.
(They go sit awkwardly on the steps to the telescope.)
CHUCK (to LUCIFER): I am… sorry? that you feel that I betrayed you. That I acted without cause.
(LUCIFER is shaking his head.)
CHUCK (continues) I’m sorry that you can’t see you gave me no choice. (to SAM and DEAN) I’m good.
LUCIFER (to SAM and DEAN): You heard that, right?
SAM (to CHUCK): We all know that you are God, but maybe could you be a little less ‘Lordly’?
CHUCK: But I am – I am the Lord.
LUCIFER: Wow. There he goes.
CHUCK: I did what I had to do! To create the world, I had to lock Amara away. And when the Mark corrupted you, and I saw you posed a threat to humankind, I did the same with you.
LUCIFER: No, you betrayed me. You gave me the Mark to lock her away, and when it changed me – when it did what the Mark inevitably does – you threw me away.
CHUCK: No, son. The Mark – (He pauses.) You always cast a jaundiced glance at humans. The Mark didn’t change you. It just made you more of what you already were.
LUCIFER: What I was, was your son. Your child.
CHUCK: Why should I put you first above all others?
LUCIFER (to SAM and DEAN): You have any idea what it’s like to argue with your father when your father is God? (to CHUCK) Everything is a tautology with you. Everything is, “Because I told you so.” Everything’s, “It had to be done.”
DEAN: Pretty sure that’s all fathers.
(SAM clears his throat in a warning. DEAN waves him off.)
LUCIFER: Okay, fine. (He sits up straighter.) Big picture, as God. You did what you had to do. But little picture? You sucked at being a dad.
CHUCK: Okay, maybe I didn’t handle everything perfectly. But tell me: could I have kept humankind safe with you on the board?
(LUCIFER stares.)
CHUCK: I know about your little bid to replace me with the angels. Okay, ‘New God,’ what would you have done about you?
LUCIFER: That is not the point.
SAM: I-I can’t believe I’m actually about to say this, but… um. Lucifer is right.
(CHUCK turns to look at SAM.)
SAM (continues): All he wants is an apology, and you’re too concerned about being right to give him one. But apologies aren’t always about being right. Sometimes they’re just about apologizing.
DEAN: Yeah, and the great thing about apologies is you don’t even have to mean ‘em. Y’know, I lie and tell Sam I’m sorry all the time.
(SAM turns and levels a look at him.)
DEAN (mutters to SAM): Sorry. (He brightens.) See? That’s. Heh.
CHUCK: Enough from the peanut gallery.
(He waves his hand. SAM and DEAN are deposited unceremoniously in two chairs, which turn out to be in the chess nook upstairs.)
(Cut back to LUCIFER and CHUCK.)
CHUCK: What? What would you have done?
LUCIFER: It doesn’t matter. You are my father and you forsook me.
CHUCK: I did. I was supposed to love all creation equally. I wasn’t supposed to have favorites. But you… You were mine. I gave you the Mark because I loved you the most, because I thought you were strong enough to bear it. And when I saw that I was wrong… When I watched my choice devour my most cherished son, I hated myself, and so I punished you. And I am so sorry.

(Cut to SAM and DEAN rising in their chairs upstairs, walking to the railing as CHUCK and LUCIFER emerge from the room downstairs. LUCIFER is grinning.)
SAM: Hey.
DEAN: So… are we good?
(LUCIFER and CHUCK nod to one another, then to the Winchesters.)
DEAN: Okay! Great.
SAM: So what now?
CHUCK: We trap Amara. Put her back in the box.
DEAN: Wait, what?
CHUCK: Yeah. Well, you were right. She needs to be destroyed. But I won’t kill her.
DEAN: Why not?
CHUCK: Amara’s been caged for billions of years, but y’know, she was always there. She had to be there. Y’know, yin and yang. Dark and light.
DEAN: English, Chuck.
(With an exasperated huff, CHUCK waves a hand and the Winchesters are downstairs.)
CHUCK: There’s a harmony, a balance, in the universe. Light needs dark. Dark needs light. If you blow one of them up, then, I mean—
LUCIFER: It wouldn’t be a good thing.
CHUCK: It’d be really not a good thing. Like ‘end of reality’ not good.
SAM: Okay, so we gift-wrap Amara. I mean, we got the team back together, so—
CHUCK: Not quite. We’re still a few members short of the original line-up.
LUCIFER: Yeah, first time it took the combined strength of me and my brothers to weaken Amara before Daddy-O finished her off.
CHUCK: Even then it was close. Now with just the two of us, we’ll lose.
DEAN: Okay, so what? We need more, uh, group therapy between you and the archangels if we wanna have a shot?
CHUCK: Well, Michael’s in no condition to fight, and it’s outside of my power to bring Gabriel and Raphael back.
SAM: But you restored Castiel.
CHUCK: Archangels are different. They’re the stuff of primordial creation. Rebuilding them, that’s – It’s time we don’t have.
SAM: So what do you need to win?
CHUCK: Whaddaya got?


(INT. – THE BUNKER. CHUCK, LUCIFER, SAM and DEAN are still having their conversation.)
CHUCK: So what do we bring to the table to make up for archangel power?
SAM: We could try and find more Hands of God.
CHUCK (holds up his hands): A little redundant.
DEAN: What about Crowley? Big demon power, former king of Hell. He was a player in his day.

(Cut to INT. – HELL. – THRONE ROOM. CROWLEY sits on his throne, drinking from a rocks glass.)
CROWLEY: Stealing my moves, Dean?
(After a moment, DEAN walks from behind a pillar.)
CROWLEY: Let me guess. You got Lucifer back in the fold. He snapped you here.
DEAN: No, it wasn't Lucifer.
(CROWLEY shrugs, goes to take a sip, but DEAN takes the glass.)
DEAN: Ah-ah-ah! It's time to sober up. You smell like a Dumpster outside the Liquor Barn.
CROWLEY: What's this? Concern for me? I appreciate your attempts at bro-mantic rekindling. But I think we both agree that ship has sailed.
DEAN: That's not what this is about. We need your help.

(cut to INT. – THE BUNKER. LUCIFER leans back in a chair.)
LUCIFER: We have the angels.

(cut to INT. – HEAVEN. HALLWAY.)
LUCIFER: And here I thought I had made real inroads with you guys.
ANGEL #2: You thought wrong, Serpent.
LUCIFER: Serpent.
ANGEL #2: We loathe you. We'll always loathe you.
LUCIFER: Welp, I came here to ask a good-faith favor of you folks, but as you are clearly less than kindly disposed, perhaps you'll, uh, lend an ear to my very own Jiminy Cricket. Hmm?
CASTIEL: Hello, brothers. Sisters.
ANGEL #1: Castiel?
CASTIEL: It's me.
ANGEL #2: Do you think we see any daylight between you and the Adversary?

(cut back to INT. – THE BUNKER.)
SAM: Rowena. I mean, she's a snake, but she's a powerful witch.

(cut to INT. – CLEA’S CABIN. ROWENA places two small skulls atop a map with other bones.)
SAM (continues in voiceover): And she's got the Book of the Damned.
ROWENA: We've got the owl feather and the yarrow root.
CLEA: Check and check.
ROWENA: Jaw of pig?
SAM: Check.
ROWENA: What are you doing here, Giant? Give it!
SAM: Not till we've talked.
ROWENA: You walked right into a powerful coven—
CLEA: Ah, takes three for a coven.
ROWENA: – witches’ den without a weapon. I'll turn you into a moose. An actual moose.
SAM: You can't.
CLEA: Read his aura. He under some potent protection. Never seen that before. (shrugs) Hear the man out.
SAM: We need you.

(cut back to INT. – THE BUNKER.)
SAM: Getting these groups to enlist and then work together, it's not gonna be easy.
DEAN: Couldn't you just compel them?
CHUCK: I invented free will for a reason.
DEAN: So we're tying our hands on principle?
CHUCK: No, you can't make an effective soldier by force. They have to choose this fight.
DEAN: But they're gonna want to know they're backing a winner.
LUCIFER (indicates CHUCK): So…

SAM: So, (cut to INT. – CLEA’S CABIN.) (to ROWENA) We're gonna play the God card.
ROWENA (laughs): God's back. You've tricked me before, Samuel. Why would I believe a word you say?
CLEA: It would explain that aura of protection. Not no regular magic.
ROWENA: Clea, dear, is this how it's going to be with us in Crete?
(CLEA rolls her eyes.)
ROWENA (to SAM): Even if God's back, why would I care? Hello, pagan here. I serve magic, not God. (She snatches the jawbone from SAM.) Sorry. Not interested.
CLEA: I am. (To ROWENA) What? I can't serve both?

(cut to INT. – HEAVEN. – HALLWAY.)
ANGEL #2: Let's hear it from Him.
CASTIEL: In good time. Do I have your support?
ANGEL #2: I can't even look at you, Castiel. You befouled yourself with the Deceiver.
CASTIEL: You know, every second that I've spent subordinating myself to Lucifer, it's been a torment. It's destroying me, it's burning through my vessel. But I would do it all over again, because through me, he and God, they will defeat the Darkness. That's my role in this fight. It's God's fight. You can play a part in that fight too, if you join me.

(cut to INT. – CLEA’S CABIN.)
CLEA: Ro, you brought me a plan to escape. This here's an opportunity to fight and win.
SAM: She's right.
ROWENA: Nobody's talking to you, big and tall.
CLEA: I can enlist others. Sister witches.
ROWENA: You're mad. We don't stand a chance against Amara!
CLEA: Rowena, honey? (Shows ROWENA the Sun card she just drew.) There is a chance.

(Cut to INT. – HELL. – THRONE ROOM.)
CROWLEY: Game of thrones. It's musical chairs. Still, I wanted it – to go out with the crown on my head!
DEAN: And that's what you offered them, a chance to stroke your ego? And you wonder why they said no. Well, we've got something better – a plan. Now, you can sit on the sidelines and watch the world die, or you can fight.
(CROWLEY considers.)
DEAN: You know, to be king again, maybe you need to remember how to be a soldier.
CROWLEY: What's the plan?

SAM: We assemble our band of brothers, hit Amara with everything we've got. Then when she's weak – (gestures to CHUCK)
CHUCK: I finish her off.
SAM: So, a page from the original playbook. This time with witches and demons subbing for archangels.
LUCIFER: Exactly.
DEAN: I still don't like it. (Everyone looks at him.) But – why trap her when you can kill her, you know? I-I mean, you got to admit, there's a lot less room for error if you shoot to kill.
CHUCK: I explained why.
DEAN: Right, but why keep her in play? So she can escape and we can go through this all over again?
SAM: Dean, what is this about?
DEAN: I – Nothing. Am I the only one thinking rational here?
LUCIFER: It's about her. Sam, it's about his girlfriend.
DEAN: Okay. Shut up.
LUCIFER: I mean, think about it. Dean Winchester meets the biggest evil in the universe, and he takes a pass? Come on. Now he wants Daddy to do what he couldn't.
SAM: Is he right?
DEAN: Oh, I'm not getting into it with him. Not gonna happen.
LUCIFER: Hey, Dean. Come on, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. We opened a vein for you two.
DEAN: I tried to kill her. (Flashback to DEAN stabbing AMARA only for the knife to shatter.) And it didn't work.
CHUCK: Maybe it didn't work because you didn't want it to work. Maybe you didn't want to kill her.
SAM: You want God to kill Amara because you don't want Amara to be killed?
DEAN: Yeah, maybe there's a part of me that just can't hurt her. But if she's already dead—
SAM: Then she's already dead. Right.
LUCIFER: Well, that got weird.
SAM: Dean… We always sweat this stuff, these choices. But, for once, we have God on our side. I mean, for once, we can actually just do things his way.
(CHUCK opens his hands.)

(cut to INT. – HEAVEN. – HALLWAY.)
ANGEL #2: That's—
ANGEL #1: That's a very simple plan.

(cut to INT. – CLEA’S CABIN.)
ROWENA: Simple bordering on insane.

(Cut to INT. – HELL. – THRONE ROOM.)
CROWLEY: It's suicide.

(cut to INT. – HEAVEN. – HALLWAY.)
CASTIEL: That's right.

(cut to INT. – CLEA’S CABIN.)
SAM (to ROWENA): Still in?

(cut to INT. – THE BUNKER.)
DEAN: Let's go.

(EXT. – DONATELLO’S HOUSE. The camera moves like a presence up to the front door and through. Screaming can be heard, growing louder.)
(AMARA throws DONATELLO across his study into a bookshelf.)
DONATELLO: No! Please! I don't know anything. I've only been a prophet for three days!
AMARA: But you know where he is.
(She kneels in front of him.)
DONATELLO: I won't tell you.
AMARA (smiling): You won't have to.
(She consumes his soul.)
AMARA: Kansas.


(INT. – THE BUNKER. – SITUATION ROOM. A low rumble builds rapidly. CHUCK’S mug rattles on the table. One by one, the wards set into the walls of the bunker flare, and fail. With a thunderclap, AMARA appears on the table. She kicks the mug off the table. It shatters offscreen.)

(Cut to INT. BUNKER. HALLWAY. AMARA is headed downstairs.)

(Cut to EXT. ABANDONED POWER PLANT. One section of windows is lit up.)

(Cut to INT. ABANDONED POWER PLANT. ROWENA enters. SAM, DEAN, CROWLEY, and LUCIFER are already there.)
CROWLEY (to LUCIFER): I don't hold grudges. Besides, that dog collar was a lovely touch, really made my eyes pop. Almost wore it here today.
LUCIFER: Oh, I'm glad you're such a good sport. (To ROWENA) Hey, Red. Looking gorgeous as ever. Hey, I think a little apology is in order.
ROWENA: You think you're the first man to try and kill me?
(CROWLEY rolls his eyes.)
ROWENA: Hello, Fergus.
CROWLEY: Mother.
(CHUCK appears in a blaze of light.)
CHUCK: Hello, my children.
CHUCK: Rowena. Crowley. It's good to finally meet you in person.
ROWENA: Sorry about, well, everything I've ever done in my life. Really, y-you can't have been a fan.
CHUCK: Oh, yeah, I've been quietly rooting against you both for some time now. Although, I can't deny you're one of my guilty pleasures.
ROWENA (giggles): Oh, God.
CROWLEY (scoffs): Oh, God.
DEAN: All right, no flirting. And no fighting.
SAM: Yeah, and no deals. No talks about who is owed what if we survive this.
DEAN: Nobody likes each other. It doesn't matter.
SAM: We only have the fight ahead.
CHUCK: Amara's looking for me. But I'm warded against her, for now. The second I drop the warding, she'll show. She'll be expecting a fight, and we'll give it to her. Shock and awe. Shock, and awe. You have your troops in position?
(ROWENA raises her hand.)
CHUCK (clears throat): Yes, Rowena?
ROWENA: Fabulous plan, God, but doesn't this strategy strike anyone as a wee bit un-strategic? Shouldn't we at least try to catch her off guard?
CROWLEY: Is that sequence set in stone? Demon, angel, witch power? Seems to me that the first response should come from the most disposable force.
LUCIFER: Right! Good argument, Doggie. Demons first, it is.
CROWLEY: The weakest should go first. Naturally, that means the witches.
SAM: Enough.
CHUCK: After that, it's Lucifer's turn. Physical attack. One-on-one.
DEAN: What about Cas?
LUCIFER: Oh, don't worry. Your pet's safety is my highest concern. (At DEAN’S glare, LUCIFER rolls his eyes.) Trust me, he's on board.
CHUCK: Once she's been weakened, I will take the Mark back from Amara and use it to seal her away. You ready?
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: Wait, what?
SAM: God and I talked about this. Someone needs to bear the Mark.
DEAN: Well, that should be me. I-I've had it before. I'm damaged goods.
CHUCK: Exactly. You've already been tainted. I can't transfer it to you. Sam volunteered.
(DEAN glances at SAM then yanks on his arm to talk with him some feet away.)
DEAN: First Cas is making kamikaze side plans, and now you? You couldn't have talked to me?
SAM: We did talk.
DEAN: And what happens when the Mark turns you psycho, then what?
SAM: You lock me up where I can't hurt anyone and you throw away the key.
DEAN: Sam, no.
SAM: Dean, you told me you couldn't beat Amara, that it would have to be me. Well, this is it – me.
LUCIFER (to CROWLEY): I'm just saying, angels can hurt her. It's worked before.
CROWLEY: If you call giving Amara a mild case of the pukes working.
ROWENA: We're trying to disorientate her as much as hurt her. You underestimate witchcraft, Fergus, always have.
CROWLEY: If anything, she's inoculated. Full-scale demon attack. That's our X-factor.
(LUCIFER laughs.)
SAM (to DEAN, quietly): We talked about this. It's time to do the smart thing.
DEAN: So, what am I supposed to do, just sit by and watch?
SAM: No. We're both in this fight. You're leading this army.
DEAN: Oh, you mean babysitting the bad guys?
(SAM huffs out a laugh.)
DEAN: Okay, Sam. Okay. God's plan.

(AMARA is rifling through DEAN’S things. She finds a framed photo of him and MARY.)
(A presence flows down the hall and in through the doorway. ROWENA’S voice emanates from seemingly nowhere.)
ROWENA (singsong): Hello, Amara.
AMARA: Hello, witch. How did you find me?
ROWENA (shown with her eyes rolled back): Been inside your head once before. Easy enough to find my way back. Take it you're still looking for God? Well, I'm with him right now.
(CHUCK looks down to find ROWENA eying him. She then leaves the power plant via a side door.)

(EXT. – ABANDONED POWER PLANT. A few old vehicles sit rusting, along with a row of generators. ROWENA peers around.)
AMARA: He's here.
ROWENA: Yes. Right inside. (She steps forward.) Our deal holds? Safe passage back in time? I went out on a limb for you – betrayed God, of all people.
AMARA: You didn't betray God. You betrayed me.
(Flashback to CHUCK smiling knowingly at ROWENA.)
AMARA: I knew this was a trap the moment you called. I didn't care. All I've ever wanted is a one-on-one with my brother. And you've just given it to me. The question is how am I going to repay you?
ROWENA (hurls magic): Attenuare!
AMARA: That (scoffs) tickles. Do you really think the power of one witch can hurt me?
ROWENA: I'm not just one witch.

(Cut to INT. – CLEA’S CABIN. CLEA and two other witches cast the same spell at a bowl containing an effigy of AMARA. Purplish flames engulf the bowl.)
ALL: Attenuare! Attenuare!
(Scenes flash between ROWENA screaming the spell and the witches chanting it, another witch off to the side beating drums.)
ALL: Attenuare! Attenuare!
ROWENA: Enough.

(She casts the spell back at ROWENA, throwing her to the ground. The spell recoils back through to the other four witches. Their eyes burn out with a purplish light. From EXT. – CLEA’S CABIN, we see the purple light fade. INT. – CLEA’S CABIN, the four corpses are shown smoking.)

AMARA (to ROWENA): Points for trying.
(Thunder rolls overhead, electricity crackling in roiling black clouds. AMARA chuckles and opens her arms wide, screaming as a bolt of energy slams down on top of her. Light washes over ROWENA on the ground. INT. – THE ABANDONED POWER PLANT, the building shakes. Everyone glances around.
From all directions DEMONS pour in, twisting smoky runnels that head straight for AMARA. Shouting, she bats at them. All the lights in the place blow out. Inside, SAM ducks when sparks rain down behind him.
The DEMONS lift AMARA into the air, surrounding her, buffeting her.)
AMARA: No! Get back! No!
(She screams in rage and the building shakes. Inside, LUCIFER looks a little worried. They’re all listening intently. CROWLEY walks outside and leaves his vessel to join the fight, crimson among black. His strike knocks AMARA from the cloud of demons and into the side of a car. She lands hard. The car is totaled.)

(INT. – ABANDONED POWER PLANT. Silence. Then AMARA staggers through the door, breathing heavily. DEAN moves toward her automatically but SAM stops him.)
AMARA: Hello, brother. (Panting) You cheated. Again. But –
(With a yell, LUCIFER charges up behind her and spears her through. AMARA cries out. LUCIFER pulls the spear out, and she falls, but before he can stab her again CHUCK shouts.)
CHUCK: Ah! Son.
(AMARA whimpers as LUCIFER backs off.)
CHUCK: I'm sorry. For this, for everything.
AMARA: An apology at last. (Breathing heavily) What's sorry to me? I spent millions of years crammed into that cage alone and afraid—
(As she speaks, DEAN has to close his eyes, shaking his head.)
AMARA: – wishing, begging for death because of you! And what was my crime, brother?
CHUCK: The world needed to be born! And you wouldn't let me! Amara, you give me no choice.
AMARA: That's your story. Not mine. The real reason you banished me, why I couldn't be allowed to exist you couldn't stand it. Yeah, we’re equals. We weren't great or powerful because we stood only in relation to each other. You think you made the archangels to bring light? No. You made them to create lesser beings, to make you large. (She struggles to her feet.) To make you Lord. It was ego! You wanted to be big!
CHUCK: That's true. (He stands.) But it isn't the whole truth. There's a value, a glory in creation that's greater and truer than my pride or my ego. Call it grace, call it being! Whatever it is, it didn't come from my hands. It was there waiting to be born. It just is, as you and I just were. Since you've been freed, I know that you've seen it. (He glances, then nods at DEAN.) Felt it.
(In growing disbelief, AMARA looks over at DEAN, who looks down.)
AMARA: It didn't have to be like this. I loved you, brother.
(CHUCK has the decency to look remorseful.)
AMARA (with a bitter laugh): Well, you've won again. (She sighs heavily.) Finish it. Kill me.
CHUCK: I'm sorry.
(AMARA looks down in shock as the Mark begins to burn away from her chest.)
AMARA: No. No! No!
(SAM grunts in pain, the Mark transferring to him.)
CHUCK (to AMARA): I'm so sorry.
AMARA: No. Not again! (She lunges forward, grabbing CHUCK by the throat and hoisting him aloft.) Not ever again! (With her power she hangs him up higher, choking him in midair.)
(Yelling, LUCIFER charges her from behind again, but AMARA flings him hard against a support pillar across the room.)
AMARA: Goodbye, nephew.
(She banishes LUCIFER. CASTIEL slumps unconscious to the floor.)
DEAN: Cas!
(He rushes AMARA, but she flings him away without effort.)
AMARA (over CHUCK’S choking sounds): I'd die a million times and murder you a million more before going back there! Tell me if you won't change, why should I?
(Black tendrils begin to rise from the floor at her feet.)
DEAN: Amara, no!
(AMARA spares him a glance but wrenches her focus back to CHUCK. The black tendrils hit him again and again, each wound a spot of brilliant light.)
AMARA: Sorry, brother.
(CHUCK shines brighter and brighter until SAM and DEAN have to look away. CHUCK’S body thuds to the floor. They look, then stare in horror. CHUCK is motionless.)


(EXT. – ABANDONED POWER PLANT. The sun is rising, tinting the scene of destruction outside a rosy hue. Just outside the blackened spot where the demons attacked, ROWENA is sprawled where AMARA threw her. A wind blows into the alley.)

DEAN (grunting): No. Amara, what have you done?
SAM: He's dead. God's dead.
AMARA: No. He's dying.
(Outside, ROWENA gasps awake.)
AMARA (continues): My brother will dim and fade away into nothing.
(Outside, ROWENA staggers to her feet. The sunlight is no longer just rosy, tinting the sky purple.)
AMARA: But not until he sees what comes next. Not until he watches this world, everything he created, everything he loves turn to ash.
(Outside, ROWENA turns, lifting a hand to shield her eyes.)
AMARA: Welcome to the end. (She disappears.)
(Outside, ROWENA slowly lowers her hand. We aren’t shown what she sees.)
(Cut back to INT. – ABANDONED POWER PLANT, the Winchesters still dumbstruck and CHUCK unconscious.)



Source : SuperWiki

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