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#11.11 : Le cri de la banshee

DEE WALLACE EN GUEST STAR - Sam et Dean enquêtent sur une affaire dans laquelle des gens meurent de façon violente après avoir entendu une mystérieuse chanson.


4.9 - 10 votes

Titre VO
Into The Mystic

Titre VF
Le cri de la banshee





Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek


Photos promo

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en train de lire

Sam (Jared Padalecki) en train de lire

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Elieen (Shoshannah Stern)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Elieen (Shoshannah Stern)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), arme à la main

Dean (Jensen Ackles), arme à la main

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Mildred (Dee Wallace) au soin de Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Mildred (Dee Wallace) au soin de Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Mildred (Dee Wallace)

Mildred (Dee Wallace)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Mildred (Dee Wallace) au soin de Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Mildred (Dee Wallace) au soin de Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Mildred (Dee Wallace)

Mildred (Dee Wallace)

Elieen (Shoshannah Stern) au sol

Elieen (Shoshannah Stern) au sol

Sam (Jared Padalecki) au sol

Sam (Jared Padalecki) au sol

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en alerte

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) en alerte

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Mildred (Dee Wallace)

Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Mildred (Dee Wallace)


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Lundi 03.10.2016 à 21:35

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 27.01.2016 à 21:00
1.88m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robbie Thompson
Réalisé par : John Badham


Casting :






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

County Cork, Irlande, 30 ans plus tôt. Podrick enclenche un tourne-disque, afin d'endormir sa fille, quand sa femme, Moira, rentre. Il l'invite aussitôt à danser, quand soudain, il entend un cri suraigu qui lui perce les tympans. Moira se précipite pour jeter un sort afin de sauver son mari, mais les cris redoublent d'intensité et Prodrick commence à saigner par les oreilles et par les yeux. N'en pouvant plus, il se cogne la tête contre le mur jusqu'à en mourir, quand la créature au cri perçant se jette sur lui. Moira termine le rituel à temps, alors que la créature vient de jeter son dévolu sur le bébé qui ne cesse de pleurer. Une fois la créature disparue, Moira vient rassurer sa fille, avant de s'écrouler. On peut alors voir que le bébé a une oreille qui saigne.


Sam est hanté par les paroles de Lucifer et peine à trouver le sommeil. Il finit par se lever et par s'occuper l'esprit en nettoyant ses armes. Dean le retrouve au petit matin, visiblement inquiet pour son petit frère qui préfère pourtant rester muet. Pour tenter de le remonter, Dean lui annonce qu'il leur a trouvé une possible affaire ; un vieil homme a fait une importante hémorragie cérébrale dans une maison de retraire à 15 minutes d'ici, comme s'il avait été frappé à mort, alors que toutes les issues étaient closes. Sam ne semble pas écouté et Dean tente tout pour attirer son attention. Sam finit par dire qu'il préfèrerait s'occuper d'Amara et de Cas, dont ils n'ont pas eu de nouvelles depuis un moment. Dean lui rappelle qu'ils n'ont aucune piste concernant Amara. Quant à Cas', il lui assure qu'il va bien et qu'il n'y a pas de raison de s'inquiéter.

Lucifer, dans son nouveau vaisseau, profite de sa liberté retrouvée. Il s'installe sur un banc, dans un parc, et observe les humains autour de lui. Puis, il décide d'aller faire un tour dans les bois environnants, suivi par un ange qui vient de le repérer. Une fois qu'ils sont seuls, Lucifer lui assure qu'il ne veut pas se battre et qu'il est là pour les aider à régler le problème des Ténèbres, étant donné qu'ils ont échoué. Mais l'ange ne veut rien entendre et tente sa chance. Cependant, d'un claquement de doigt, Lucifer le fait exploser et s'en va, comme si de rien n'était.

Les boys arrivent à la maison de retraite Oak Park. Sam part inspecter la chambre de la victime, Harold, tandis que Dean interroge le gérant, Arthur, qui lui explique dans quelle circonstance il a trouvé le corps et que toutes les portes et fenêtres étaient fermées et sécurisées. Lui-même, qui passe son temps ici depuis que sa femme l'a quitté, n'a rien vu de suspect ni n'a rien sentit de paranormal. Cependant, il avoue que Harold avait quelques ennemis.

Sam retrouve Dean après avoir inspecté la chambre d'Harold et les couloirs environnants. Si l'EMF a détecté trop d'interférences pour être utile, Sam a toutefois fait une découverte ; Harold volait les pilules de viagra des autres résidents. De son côté, Dean a obtenu les dossiers de tous les résidents décédés. Harold avait un ennemi en particulier ; un certain Jake, à qui il avait volé des médicaments importants. Après la mort de Jake, la famille a porté plainte contre Harold, mais il n'y a pas eu de suites. Alors, les boys pensent que Jake pourrait être l'esprit vengeur ayant tué Harold et décident de lui rendre une petite visite au cimetière.

Tandis que Dean laisse Sam creuser la tombe de Jake, il tente de faire parler son frère. Sam finit par avouer qu'avoir été proche de Lucifer a fait remonter de mauvais souvenirs, mais il n'en dira pas plus. Dean tente de le rassurer ; Lucifer ne sortira pas de sa cage, et Sam n'aura jamais à retourner en Enfer. Sam finit par atteindre le cercueil de Jake et les boys font brûler le corps. Si Dean admet aimer se changer les idées en s'occupant d'affaires comme celles-ci, Sam est pressé de rentrer au bunker.

Arthur, le soir venu, croise Mildrer, une résidente qu'il a présenté à Dean un peu plus tôt dans la journée. Soudain, il entend un cri suraigu, d'abord par intermittence, puis de plus en plus prononcés. Les lumières grésillent puis s'éteignent et la créature apparait dans les couloirs. Elle fonce sur Arthur, qui se cogne la tête contre la vitre de la fenêtre, jusqu'à ce qu'elle se brise et qu'il passe à travers, pour s'écraser quelques mètres plus bas. La créature fond sur lui, le tout sous les yeux de Mildred, qui ne sait comment réagir. Quand la créature tourne son affreux visage vers Mildred, cette dernière se met à hurler.

Les boys sont de retour à Oak Park. Ils interrogent Mildred qui leur expliquent ce qu'il s'est passé et qui leur décrit la créature qu'elle a vu, tandis que celle-ci se nourrissait sur Arthur. Sam aperçoit une jeune femme de ménage et part l'interroger. Il se rend compte que celle-ci est sourde et après l'avoir interrogé, il la remercie par le langage des signes. La jeune femme, qui apparemment se nomme Marlene, prétend ne pas avoir travaillé lors des meurtres. Elle prend congé et semble retourner à son travail, mais discrètement, elle observe les boys et lit sur leurs lèvres. Les boys concluent qu'ils n'ont pas affaire à un fantôme, mais qu'il faut trouver ce que c'est avant le prochain repas. Marlene est très attentive à ces derniers mots.

Les boys déterminent, grâce aux indices, qu'ils ont affaire à une banshee. Ces créatures se déplacent à travers la brume, et se nourrissent des plus vulnérables. Seules les victimes peuvent entendre leur cri. Cela colle parfaitement ; Harold venait de subir d'importantes opérations chirurgicales, tandis qu'Arthur s'est fait briser le coeur par sa femme. Il leur faut donc déterminer qui, dans cette maison, est vulnérable et donc la potentielle prochaine victime. Dean charge son frère de cette affaire, de son côté, il va chercher des lames dorées afin de tuer la banshee. Tandis qu'il part, Marlene l'observe.

Dean arrive au bunker. Il entend du bruit provenant de l'une des pièces d'archives. Prudemment, il s'avance, pour découvrir ce qu'il pense être Castiel en train de retourner la pièce, soit disant à la recherche d'un indice sur la façon de détruire Amara. Il avoue avoir eu la possibilité de la tuer mais n'y est pas parvenu. Dean avoue connaitre ce sentiment et Cassifer lui demande de tout lui raconter.

Sam rend visite à Mildred. Il lui avoue d'abord que son frère et lui ne sont pas de vrais agents du FBI, mais des chasseurs, ce qui ne surprend guère la vieille dame. Il lui parle alors de la banshee, que Mildred reconnait immédiatement comme étant la créature qui a tué Arthur. Sam pense que Mildred pourrait être la prochaine victime, à cause de problèmes cardiaques mentionnés dans son dossier médical. Il lui promet que Dean et lui la protégeront de la banshee et lui conseille de prendre du repos dès maintenant, car la banshee n'attaque que la nuit. Avant de partir, Sam demande à Mildred si elle connait une certaine Marlene, la femme de ménage sourde. Mildred lui dit que Marlene est en congés en ce moment, que ça ne peut donc pas être elle, mais elle aimerait beaucoup parler à la jeune femme sourde, afin de pratiquer le langage des signes.

Sam suit Marlene jusque dans la buanderie. Là, la jeune femme le piège grâce à un sigil. Elle pense avoir affaire à une banshee, mais Sam lui assure qu'il est là pour chasser la créature, tout comme elle. Grâce à l'entaille qu'elle fait dans sa main avec la lame dorée, elle comprend qu'il dit la vérité et le libère du sigil. Elle s'appelle en fait Eileen et elle est la fille du couple tué par la banshee 30 ans auparavant. Elle fut rendue sourde par les cris de la créature. Après quoi, elle a été élevée par une chasseuse qui l'a entrainée à suivre ses pas. Et son grand-père était un Men of Letters. Sam découvre alors que son frère et lui ne sont pas les seuls héritiers de cette société secrète.

Dean avoue son attirance envers Amara, quelque chose qu'il ne peut pas contrôler. Cassifer tente de le rassurer, en lui assurant qu'ils finiront par la vaincre et qu'il n'est pas seul. Puis, Dean reçoit un appel de Sam, qui lui demande de vérifier l'existence du grand-père d'Eileen. Rapidement, Dean confirme la véracité de cette histoire. Sam lui apprend qu'ils chassent la banshee responsable de la mort des parents d'Eileen. Ils n'ont pas le choix, ils doivent utiliser Mildred comme appât afin de piéger et de tuer la banshee. Pendant que Sam discute avec son frère, Mildred et Eileen parlent en langue des signes des boys et s'amusent. Puis, Dean prend congé de Cas et repart à Oak Park. Lucifer sourit après avoir appris de précieuses informations sur Dean et Amara.

En attendant Dean, Sam discute avec Eileen. Elle lui avoue qu'elle appréhende son face à face avec la banshee, mais qu'elle doit venger ses parents. Sam comprend ce sentiment mais se demande ce qu'elle fera une fois qu'elle aura eu sa vengeance. Eileen ne le sait pas encore, mais peut-être qu'elle deviendra une avocate, comme sa mère. Dean arrive enfin et Mildred l'entraine sur le canapé pour lui montrer la vue imprenable qu'elle a sur le coucher de soleil. Elle lui confie que le secret d'une vie longue et heureuse est de suivre son coeur ; le reste se résout de lui-même. Dean lui promet qu'elle vivra encore longtemps. Soudain, il entend un cri de plus en plus aigue. La banshee apparait et c'est Dean qui est la victime.

Tandis que Dean commence à se taper la tête contre un mur et que la banshee se rapproche, Eileen fait signe à Mildred d'activer le sigil. Mildred se précipite et la banshee se retrouve piégée, donnant l'occasion à Eileen de la tuer. Une fois fait, Dean tombe, blessé mais vivant. Sam remercie Eileen en langage des signes.

Sam dit aurevoir à Eileen. Elle avoue que tuer la banshee n'a pas été différent de ses autres chasses et qu'elle compte continuer à poursuivre cette route. Sam lui dit que si elle a besoin d'aide, ou qu'elle veut simplement sortir, elle peut l'appeler. Pendant ce temps, Dean est raccompagné par Mildred. Malgré ses tentatives de séduction, Mildred abandonne, elle a compris qu'une autre personne occupait le coeur de Dean. Ce dernier lui assure qu'il est célibataire et qu'il n'a pas l'intention de se caser maintenant. Mildred lui répond alors qu'il sait où la trouver. Les boys retournent vers l'Impala et tandis qu'ils tournent le dos aux filles, ces deux-là profitent de la vue.

De retour au bunker, Sam parle enfin de sa mésaventure avec Lucifer, de ce que l'archange lui a montré. Sam dit qu'il regrette terriblement de ne pas avoir cherché après son frère alors que celui-ci était enfermé au Purgatoire et qu'il s'en veut. Dean lui assure qu'il lui a pardonné et que c'est du passé. L'important est qu'ils soient ensemble désormais. Sam s'apprête à aller se coucher, puis se pose des questions : pourquoi la banshee s'en est prise à Dean, si elle est censée s'en prendre aux plus vulnérables ? Dean lui dit qu'il réfléchit trop, la banshee a senti qu'il était une menace, qu'avant de s'en prendre à Mildred, elle s'en est pris à lui, c'est tout. Sam va se coucher, cette fois, il s'endort. Mais Dean est tourmenté et c'est à son tour d'être frappé d'insomnies.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

A record is spinning on a record player. A hand reaches over and places the needle on the record. A caption on the screen says

‘Count Cork, Ireland 30 Years Ago’

[ The Shirelles' ‘Will You Love Me Tomorrow? Plays]

[The camera pulls back to show a man in the living room of a house. He’s wearing pajamas and a robe while snapping his fingers and dancing around the room to the music. Through a window we see that it’s raining outside. Behind him a woman carrying a briefcase enters the door.]

♪Tonight you're mine completely ♪


Padraic? Oh, what are you doing?

♪ You give your love so sweetly ♪

[Padraic looks across the room]


She loves this song.

[Padraic and the woman look over at a baby laying in a crib and smile]

♪ Tonight the light ♪

It's the only thing that will put her to sleep.

♪ of love is in your eyes ♪

Oh, besides...

[Padraic twirls the woman around and they start dancing]

♪ But will you love me ♪

This is our song.

♪ Tomorrow ♪


It's good to see you smiling, mo chuisle.

♪ Is this a lasting treasure? ♪


I'm trying, Maura.

I'm trying.

[ We hear crying and the camera pans to the baby crying in her crib. Alongside the crying there is a high-pitched scream. Padriac squeezes his eyes shut as if in pain.]


Ohh! Do you hear that?


[ Scoffs]

That would be our daughter.

[ Crying continues]


No. I hear...

A scream.

[ Scream intensifies]

It's [Padraic grabs his head and bends over in pain] -- ohh!

Ohh! Ohh!


Hold on, Padraic!

Just hold on!

[The woman runs across the room and grabs a tray with some bottle on it from a cupboard and puts it in a table. The man turns around and is bleeding from his eyes and nose. He is still holding his head in both hands and groaning]

[ Screaming continues]


[ Whimpering]

Get it out of my head!

[The woman grabs a bowl, drops it on the table and starts emptying the contents of some of the bottles from the tray into the bowl.


[ Groaning]

[Grunting. Padraic starts banging his head against the wall as a spirit with glowing eyes and mouth, wearing a red dress appears behind him]


Hold on!

[The spirit growls and flies towards Padraic while the woman continues mixing]



[ Padraic grunting]


[Padraic knocks himself unconscious and falls backwards onto a table. The spirit hovers with her face directly over his head, a long, thin tongue slithering towards Padraic’s face]


Get away from him!

[Snarling, the spirit looks at the woman, waves an arm and the woman flies backwards into a piece of furniture, breaking the glass doors]


[The baby cries out and the spirit raises her head from the man to look in the direction of the baby. The spirit flies over to the baby while the woman crawls across the floor towards the table. She picks up a piece of the broken glass]



[The woman makes a slice on her writ with the broken glass and hold it over the bowl. As her blood drips onto the powders in the bowl there is a flash of bright light and the spirit vaporizes and disappears. The baby stops crying an looks around. The woman, her face cut and bloodied, pulls herself up the side of the crib and looks at the baby.]



[The baby starts to cry again]

It'll be okay, sweet.

It'll be o...Kay.

[The woman collapses to the floor]


[Crying continues]



[Sam is lying in his bed, tossing and turning. Lucifer’s voice is heard off screen]


When your brother was trapped in Purgatory you were here with a girl and a dog.

You can't win this, Sam. You're just not strong enough.

You didn't even bother trying to find him.

And I know that if you're gonna beat the Darkness, you have to be ready to watch the people you love die.

[Sam opens his eyes and bolts upright. Switch to Sam, dressed in plaid, standing at a table, cleaning weapons. Dean enters the room behind him wearing his ‘dead guys’ robe and holding a newspaper.]






[Walking over to Sam]

How long you been up?


I don't know.


You okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.


Are you sure?

'Cause you haven't left the bunker in days.

[Gun clicks]

SAM [tersely, with his back to Dean]

I'm fine.


Well, good. 'Cause I think I found us a case.

[Dean looks at the paper]


Harold Miller, 65.

[The newspaper has a picture of a man with a graying moustache under the headline ‘Retiree found slain’

A resident of Oak Park, an old folks' home, was found yesterday in his room with his head bashed in.

But get this -- the doors were locked and there was no sign of break-in.

[Sam does not respond and continues to look at the gun in his hand]


Ghost? Demonic possession?

[Dean smirks, rolls his eyes and walks around to face Sam, who is still cleaning the gun]


I figure it's worth a look. What do you think?

Oh, and best part is, Oak Park is 15 minutes from here.


It's in our backyard.


And what about the Darkness?

What about Cass? We haven't heard from them.


Okay, first of all, we've got zero on Amara.

And Cass -- Cass will be fine.

He always is.

[Lucifer/Cass is standing at the edge of a lake, feeding the birds. The birds are squawking. He walks over to a bench and sits down, crossing his legs and smiling. He looks over to the playground where children are playing and sighs contentedly. A man in a gray suit walks over to another bench. He looks around nervously before sitting down. Cass/Lucifer gets up and walks towards a nature path; the man gets up and follows him.

Lucifer/Cass is walking down the path, whistling. He comes to a stop in front of a giant tree. The man in the suit comes up behind him and pulls out an angel blade]


All the parks in the world, and I pick one with an angel in it.

[He turns towards the angel]


I saw you. Couldn't believe my eyes.


[winks at the angel]

Well, believe them.

It's beautiful out here, isn't it?

It's funny.

The things you think you're not gonna miss at all, you end up missing the very, very most.

ANGEL [advancing on Cass/Lucifer]

Enjoy it while you can.

[Cass/Lucifer raises his hands as if in surrender]


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I come in peace, brother.


I am not your brother, Lucifer.

Well, I'm not looking for a fight.

In fact, I am your only hope at beating the Darkness.

I heard you, uh... Heard you kids had your big shot at the title, and you missed it. [Cass/Lucifer winces and places a hand on the angels shoulder]


You don't need to be afraid, brother.

I am out of that awful, awful cage.

And I'm here to save you all.

Lucifer ex machina.


It cannot be destroyed.

[The angel raises his blade to stab Cass/Lucifer]


But you can be!

[Cass/Lucifer rolls his eyes with a bored expression, snaps his fingers and the angel explodes, splattering Cass/Lucifer with blood]


That's the problem with you rank-and-file angels -- no vision.

[He wipes some blood off his face with his hand and then licks his fingers]



[Johnny Mathis' Wonderful! Wonderful! ‚ plays. A van with the word ‘Oak Park Retirement Living Shuttle Service pulls away and the “Oak Park Retirement Living’ building is revealed.]

♪ Sometimes we walk ♪

♪ hand in hand by the sea ♪

♪ and we breathe in the cool, salty air ♪

[The Impala drives is seen driving down the road and turns onto the road in front of the building.] ♪ ahh, ahh, ahh ♪

♪ you turn to me ♪

♪ with a kiss in your eyes ♪

♪ and my heart feels ♪

♪ a thrill beyond compare ♪

[Sam and Dean, wearing FBI suits, exit the car.]


Seriously? This place is an old folks' home?


Looks awesome.

[They walk towards the entrance to the building. At the front door there is a sign the reads ‘Oak Park Retirement Living. Early Bird Specials! Reserve your tomorrow: TODAY!]

♪ Then your lips cling to mine ♪

♪ it's wonderful, wonderful ♪

[Dean points to the sign]


Maybe we ought to make a reservation.

SAM [Chuckles]

Yeah, we should be so lucky to live long enough.

[Inside the building, Dean is walking across the lobby with a man]


As I told the police, I was walking by Harold's room, and I heard a loud banging noise. And then I heard Harold yell from inside of his suite, “Get it out of my head " so I knocked on the door and called to him.

And when he didn't reply, I used my pass key to get into his room.

[Sam opens the door to a room with yellow ‘Crime Scene’ tape across it. The man’s voice is heard off screen as Sam enters the room]]


That's when I saw him. He was on his back.

His skull was, um...

[The room is in disarray. The corner of the hearth in front of the fireplace is covered in blood. Sam’s EMF reader starts whining. The conversation continues off screen while Sam looks around the room]]


Well, there was a lot of blood.


And nobody else was in the room.



The windows and doors were locked.

[Sam pulls on the door and then walks away. The scene changes bac to Dean and the man]


I even checked the security logs. Nobody was in or out of Harold's room all night.




I don't really understand what could have happened.

[A woman walks by]


Hey, Mildred.


Oh, good morning, Arthur.


This is Mildred, one of our residents.



MILDRED [smiling brightly]

Good morning.

DEAN [looking a little uncomfortable]


[Mildred walks away]


Um, do you always work late at night?

[Dean and Arthur continue to walk across the lobby]


I've been, uh, staying here, actually. My wife left me.

Via text, if you can believe it -- a whole series of emojis.

Hi. [To someone off screen]


Wow. What did you do?


Oh, I didn't stand for that. Unh-unh. Fought fire with fire.

Sent her the poop emoji.


Well, that's one way to fly.


I should have sent the heart. I can be so stupid.

Hi. [To someone off screen]

I just wish she'd call me back.


Oh, no, no, I think you did the right thing.

Um, hey, listen -- since you've been staying here, uh, a lot, uh, have you noticed any strange... Sounds, smells, uh, cold spots?


What? Uh, no. Why?


Oh, just routine questions. Um, what about enemies? Harold have any enemies?


Actually... He had quite a few.

[Sam is walking through another room that has been disheveled. The EMF is whining. He opens a dresser drawer and pill bottles rattle.]

SAM [looking confused]

What the hell?

[Scene changes to Sam dropping several prescription pill bottles onto a folder that Dean has open on a table in the dining hall]


Turns out Harold was stealing the other residents' Viagra.


I know. A real dick move, huh?



So I got an EMF hit in his room, but I got an EMF hit on pretty much every floor in the building.

How many people died in this place?


Arthur, the, uh... heartbroken manager, he gave me access to all the residents' files. This is everyone who has passed here.

Now, uh...

[Dean picks up a folder and hands it to Sam]

This guy, Jake Townsend, had beef with Harold, but it wasn't over blue pills.

[Sam opens the folder]


Whoa. Jake filed a formal complaint against Harold?


Yeah, apparently Harold was stealing his pension checks and cashing them for himself.

Now, when Jake died, his family filed a civil suit against Harold, but it just got caught up in the courts and never went to trial.


So maybe Jake stuck around as a vengeful spirit, took matters into his own hands.

All right. So where's Jake Townsend buried?

[It’s nighttime and Sam and Dean are standing in a grave that they are digging up. Dean climbs out, sits at the edge and takes a sip of a beer]





Oh, you got this. You got it. You're doing great.

[Sam grunts as he continues to shovel]


So no retirement, huh?


Hey, you're the one who's always wanted to go out blaze of glory style preferably while the Bon Jovi song is playing.


I'm a candle in the wind.

Yeah, but the way you said it, it was like that blaze of glory was gonna happen sooner rather than later.

[Sam shovels, looking preoccupied]


Are you okay?


No, I'm not, actually. Not at all.

Being so close to Lucifer again, that... Brought stuff up. Stuff I thought I forgot about.


You want to talk about it?




Well, look.

Lucifer is never getting out of that cage, ever. And you are never going back, period. So... Case closed.

[Sam drives his shovel into the dirt, It clanks as it hit the top of the casket]


And so is this one.

[Hinges creak as Sam and Dean open the casket and pour lighter fluid/gasoline and salt on the body]


Kind of nice being back on a case, huh?

[Sam looks around the cemetery uneasily]


Get your mind off of things.


Let's burn the bones so we can go home.

[Dean looks at Sam, hesitates, and then throws lit matches into the grave. The grave ignites in a wall of flames. Sam and Dean look into the grave pensively]

[Back at the Retirement home Arthur is on the phone at the front desk.]

ARTHUR [to person on the phone]

See you then. Okay.

[Mildred walks into the area]


You up to some trouble, young lady?

MILDRED [Chuckles]

Always, Arthur.

[There is a high-pitched scream as Arthur winces and puts his fingers to his ear]


Ohh! Do you hear that?


No. Are you all right?

[The lights start to flicker]


It's okay. We've got backup generators.

[High-pitched scream again]


Ohh! Really? You can't hear that?



ARTHUR [wincing and putting his hands to his ears]

It's sounds like someone's screaming.


[Arthur looks up and sees the spirit from the opening scene at the end of the hallway. She starts to fly towards him and then vaporizes into black smoke]


What is that?


I don't see anything.

[The screaming continues and Arthur grans his head in pain]


Get it out of my head!

MILDRED [panicking]

Arthur, I-I don't hear anything!

Tell me what to do!

[Arthur is bleeding from his nose and eyes as the screaming continues]



[Arthur runs across the room and starts to bang his head against the window]


Oh, my God! Arthur!

[The window glass cracks from Arthurs head as the spirit appears behind Mildred]


[The glass breaks and Arthur falls out the window. Mildred is unaware of the spirit as it flies past her and out the window after Arthur]


[Mildred runs over to the window and looks out. The spirit is hovering over Arthurs body, it’s long tongue licking at his face. She turns her head quickly to look at Mildred and Mildred screams]


[Sam, Dean (FBI Suits) and Mildred are standing in a balcony area over the lobby of the retirement home. There are indistinct conversations in the background]

[Camera shutter clicking]


Arthur said he heard something, like a scream.


And did you hear anything?


I didn't hear a thing...

Except the sound of Arthur bashing his head through that window.

He just wanted that noise to stop. He said, “Get it out of my head”


Hmm. Did you notice anything else, a drop in temperature?


No. But the power went out.

And when I looked through the broken window, I saw something.


What did you see, exactly?


You're not gonna believe me. They certainly didn't.

But I know what I saw. This isn't my first brush with something like this.

I saw a ghost 10 years ago. Nobody believed me then, either.

DEAN [touching Mildred’s hand]

We believe you, Ms. Baker.


Oh, Agent Osbourne, thank you.

[Mildred grabs Dean’s hand in her own]

I feel so much safer knowing the FBI is looking into this.

[As Sam smirks at Dean being held captive by Mildred, something about a woman and a housekeeping cart catches his eye by]


Well, that's...

I'm just gonna need my hand back.

MILDRED [chuckling]

Oh. Okay.


Ms. Baker, what did you see?


It was a woman. Long, flowing hair, blood-red robes, sunken eyes, and -- and she was...

[Voice breaking]

Feeding on Arthur's head.


I'm so sorry. Um, excuse me one second.

[Sam walks away and Dean looks as if he will follow. Mildred grabs his hands again]


Oh! Please don't leave me, Agent Osbourne.


No, no. We're not going anywhere.

[Sam approaches the woman at the housekeeping cart. She has her back towards him]


Excuse me. Ma'am?

[the woman doesn’t turn around]


[Sam reaches out and taps her shoulder. The woman turns towards him]




[Sam reads her name tag]


Marlene, Special Agent Butler, FBI.

Do you know anything about what happened with Arthur last night?

MARLENE [speaking with a slight speech impediment]

Sorry. I wasn't working last night.

Oh. Um...

Were you working the night Harold Miller died?

[She shakes her head no]

All right. Um...

Thanks. [Sam tries to sign the word ‘thanks’]


It's, um...

[Marlene show Sam the correct way]


right, of course.

Uh, sorry. I-I only know a little.

I-I took some back in college, but that was a while ago.


Most people don't know any. I appreciate the trying.

I should probably, uh, get back.


Yes. Uh, thank you.

[Sam walks back to Dean]

DEAN [looking towards the woman]



No. Okay.

So, apparently, not a ghost.


No. No. Ghosts don't feed on busted-open heads.



[The woman is folding a towel at her cart in the hallway, looking at Sam and Dean as they talk]


All right, I'll check with the coroner, see if, uh, anything was missing from our first vic's brain.


Fingers crossed it’s zombies, and we can get our” Walking Dead” on.

[The audio cuts out as Dean talks and captions appear on the screen]


‘Well, whatever it is we’ve got to figure it out…

[the camera zooms in on Dean’s mouth as the captions continue]

…before the next feeding time’

[The woman continues to watch them, presumably reading their lips]

[Sam is talking on his cell phone as he walks into the dining hall]


Yeah, I got it Okay, thanks again.

[Cellphone beeps as Sam disconnects the call]


So, according to the coroner, part of Harold's frontal lobe was missing.

DEAN [nodding his head]

And that tracks with Banshees.


Banshees? I thought Banshees were good.


The ones tied to fairy lore are.

They cry out as a warning to a victim's impending death.

[Dean hands an iPad to Sam with a page open to ‘Ancient Origins, Banshee’]


But these guys... are malevolent Banshees -- total dick bags. They use their piercing scream to drive their prey crazy. Forces the vics to crack open their own eggs, and then the Banshees feed on the yolk.

Oh, and the only people who can hear the Banshee's scream are the vics.


Well, that would explain why Mildred didn't hear anything.


Oh, and they, uh, travel through mist, which explains how they got into Harold's locked room.

And they only prey on the vulnerable.


Harold did just have hip replacement surgery.


And Arthur's wife just left him. Broken heart.


That's a kind of vulnerable, I guess.


They hunt the same place until it's picked clean. And they only hunt at night, so that just gives us a few hours to figure out who's next.


Then how do we kill it?


Gold blade. I don't have any in the trunk, so I got to head back to the bunker and grab a couple. You stay here and figure out who in this place is vulnerable.

[Outside the retirement home, Dean walks to the Impala and gets in. As he pulls away the deaf woman from housekeeping is watching him from a second story window.

Dean arrives at the bunker and as he is walking down the stairs he hears a noise. He pauses and draws his gun. As he is walking down a long hallway he hears a clattering sound and runs towards it, gun raised. He approaches a room whose door is half open. He kicks the door fully open and aims his gun into the room]

DEAN [loudly]


Cass? What the hell are you doing, man?

[Cass is standing in the room with his back towards Dean.


Hello, Dean.


Right, yeah.

[Dean lowers his gun]

We don't hear from you for days, you show up, you start wrecking the joint.


I'm sorry.


Okay. W-what are you doing?

[Lucifer/Cass turns around. He is holding papers in both hands and looks disheveled]


Well, I'm... Looking for a spell, something to draw Amara out, but there's... There's nothing.

I had her in my sights. She was hurt. I should have ended it.

DEAN [walking towards Lucifer/Cass}

Wait. What?



Well, I don't know. But there has to be something. And how many more chances are we gonna get?


Yeah, I know.

Saying you're gonna kill is one thing, but... Actually doing it's something totally different.


What do you mean?

I've had two shots at Amara. I struck out both times.


What are you talking about?


I don't even know where to start.



Tell me everything.

[Scene changes to Mildred in her apartment making tea. There is a knock on door]


Come in.

[The door opens and Sam walks in. Mildred smiles brightly]

Oh, Agent Butler.

Well, please, do come in.




Where's that partner of yours?


Oh, he, um -- he'll be back soon.

(Sam looks over to a picture on the wall. It looks like an advertisement for a show a woman holding a guitar and various lettering]

Is this you?

MILDRED [Chuckles]

Yes, that was a long time ago.

[The poster can be seen more clearly and it says ‘A Tribute to Patsy Cline]

Before I got so good-looking.

Please, have a seat.



[Sam sits at the table with Mildred and clears throat]


Like some tea?


Uh, no, thank you.

Ms. Baker?


Mm. Please, Mildred.



I need to be honest with you.

My partner and I, we're not really FBI. We're brothers, and we hunt monsters.

MILDRED [Chuckles]

I knew it. I knew it!

I -- you two are too cute to be FBI agents.

And I knew that damn ghost I saw years ago was real.


Does this, um... [Clears throat]

Does this look familiar?

[Sam opens a page on an iPad and hands it to Mildred.]


Oh, my God, yes.

[The page is the same on Dean was looking at earlier with the Banshee on it. Mildred taps on the picture and enlarges it]

It's a Banshee?


It is.

Banshees scream at their victims, getting them to harm themselves, and then they feed on their --





Now, Banshees prey on the vulnerable, so I checked out all of the residents' medical records, and you have an atrial fibrillation, which can be treated with meds.

But it means that --


I'm vulnerable?

Am I next?


My brother and I aren't gonna let that happen.

[Mildred chuckles]


We're gonna protect you, okay?



Now, Banshees only hunt at night, so you're safe right now.

And we really need you to try and get some rest while you can.

We'll be back.

[Sam gets up from the table and goes to the door. Before he opens it he turns to face Mildred]


One more thing.

Do you know a housekeeper named Marlene? She's deaf.


I think maybe you got your names mixed up. There is one person on staff named Marlene, but she's on vacation.

Agent Butler, my granddaughter is deaf, and I could really use some practice signing.

So if there is a staff member that's deaf, I would love to talk to them.


So would I.

[Marlene is pushing the housekeeping cart down the hallway, stopping several times to look over her shoulder. At the same time Sam is walking through the hallways. He sees Marlene walking away from the cart that she has left at the the end of a hallway. Sam walks towards it and then we see him entering a dark laundry room. He closes the door behind him and turns on the light. He sees a triangular symbol painted in red on one of the machines.]



[Sam turns towards Marlene as she slides a knife across her hand and places it in the middle of a similar symbol painted on a window directly behind her. Sam is thrown back against the machine with the symbol and struggles to break free as Marlene approaches him]




Dressing up as FBI to cover up your kills?

It's almost clever.

[Marlene walks towards Sam with a gold blade in her hand]

Never met a Banshee that could blend in.


Wait. What?


I read your friend's lips.

“It's feeding time”.


[Marlene draws her hand back to slash Sam with the gold blade. Sam puts his hand out, defensively]


No, no, no, you're mixed up! You're mixed up.

W-we're not Banshees. We're hunters.

It's my brother. W-we're all hunting the same thing here, a-a Banshee.

In -- in blood red robes, right?

I swear.

Look, test me. Test me, please.

[Sam puts his hand put, palms up and Marlene slices his palm]


Ah. See?

[Marlene points the blade at Sam’s face]


Whoa. Hey.

Wait a minute. No.

[Marlene gets closer and the blade move alongside Sam’s neck…until it hits the symbol behind him. The symbol glows and Sam is released]

SAM [Breathing heavily]

Oh. Thanks.

My name is Sam Winchester.


Eileen Leahy.

The Banshee you're hunting...it killed my parents.

[Flashback to the baby (Marlene) crying in her crib as the banshee flies towards her. We here the Banshee screaming and her mother crying out and then all sound ceases]


A hunter found me in my crib, ears bleeding.

[Flashback to the baby in the crib, blood coming out of her ears]


Lillian O'Grady, this was hers.

[Sam and Marlene are looking at a hunter’s journal siting in a pile of clean sheets]

She'd been tracking the Banshee. Never found it, though.


So Lillian raised you.


More like trained me.

She died when I was 16.


On the job?




And you've been on your own ever since?


I prefer working alone.

Trust issues.


Yeah. I know.

[Sam raises his cut hand, holding a cloth to it. Eileen smiles]


So, was your mom a hunter, or a witch?


No. Her father was part of this secret organization.

It's defunct now.


The Men of Letters?


Yeah. How'd you know?


My brother and I...

We're like you. We're legacies.

[Scene changes back to Lucifer/Dean in the bunker. Dean places a wooden box on a table next to a gold blade]


I tried to kill her.


Well, the two of you are connected somehow by the Mark.


Yeah, no, it's, uh... It's more than that.



Oh, Dean.


I know.

I know. Okay?

Whatever it is,

[Dean unwraps a gold blade from a cloth]

a... Attraction, connection... I got to tell you, man, it scares me.

I don't know that I can stop it. I don't know that I can resist it.

[Lucifer/Cass places a hand on Dean’s shoulder]


Hey, it scares me, too. But we will find out what this is, I promise.

In the end, it may help draw her out. This could be a good thing.

[Dean’s cellphone ring. He walks away from Cass as he answers]




Dean, look up Edward Durbin II.


Wait. What? In the Men of Letters' files.

[Dean is in another room in the bunker. He drops a large book onto a desk and begins to read from it as Lucifer/Cass walks up behind him]


Oh, son of a bitch. She ain't lying.

[The page Dean is reading from is titled’ Record of Membership. It contains a picture of each ‘Men of Letters’ with their member #, name, date inducted, country of origin and duties]


According to the Men of Letters' records, Edward Durbin II was inducted in 1939, part of a small delegation that was sent to Europe.

SAM [with Mildred and Eileen, sitting in Mildred’s apartment. Mildred is smiling appreciatively]




[Mildred signs to Eileen ‘I got dibs on the other guy. You can have the tall one’]


Yeah, her father had just lost his job.

He had a nervous breakdown.


So, he was vulnerable.


Right. And her mom only knew some basic spells.

[Mildred giggles as she signs ‘I’m not much of a mountain climber anymore’ and laughs]


She used one to banish the Banshee, saved Eileen's life.

[Eileen signs [‘Are you sure you don’t want both?’]

Dean, the Banshee we're hunting is the same one that killed Eileen's parents.

[The scene switches between Sam and Dean as they have the following conversation]


Awesome. All right. What's the plan?


Well, we're gonna use the same Celtic spell Eileen used to trap me.

When the Banshee comes for Mildred tonight, we trap it. And we hit it with gold.


Right. I don't like using Mildred as bait.

SAM [smirking and turning away fro Mildred and Eileen, in a low voice]

Are you worried about her?

So does this mean she has a shot?

DEAN [smiling]

Well, I always did have a thing for Blanche on “Golden Girls”




Hey, don't judge what you don't understand, Sammy.


No, I'm -- I'm not judging. I-I just always had a thing for Sophia.


Yeah, I could see that.

SAM [whispering]

Look, I don't like using anyone as bait. But this is all we got.


I'm on my way.

[Dean’s cellphone beeps as he disconnects the call]


Cass, I got to get back to Sam.

Listen, about what we talked about, let's just keep that between you and me...

Till we know more, okay?


Dean, that's not --


Cass, just...trust me.


All right.

But the next time you face Amara, you won't be alone.


Thanks, Cass.

[Lucifer/Cass slowly smiles as Dean walks away]

[At the retirement home, Eileen leaves the housekeeping cart outside of an apartment. She enters the room and closes the door which has a sign that says ‘Closed for Cleaning’. Inside the room Sam is painting the Celtic symbol on opposite walls. Eileen looks at them critically]

EILEEN [Shrugging]

Not bad.


All right. I guess all we have to do now is, uh...




[Eileen walks away, wringing her and nervously and sits down on a sofa. Sam walk over and waves a hand to get her attention]



[Sam sits on a chair next to her]

You okay?


I'm nervous.

If this really is the Banshee I've been looking for...


Eileen, in my experience... Revenge is not all it's cracked up to be.

Killing this Banshee is not gonna bring your parents back.


I never met them. They're just pictures to me.

[Eileen picks up her wallet, opens it to a picture of her as a baby with her parents and hands it to Sam]




They're family.

My family.


I understand. Believe me.

[Sam hands the wallet back to Eileen]

But after you get your revenge, then what?

EILEEN [smiling]

I have no idea.

My mother was a lawyer. Be nice to follow in her footsteps.

SAM [Chuckles]

I was studying law at Stanford when my brother came and got me so we could get our revenge.


You've been hunting together ever since?


Yeah. I-I wouldn't do this without my brother. He's had my back every step of the way. Even when I let him down.

[The apartment door opens and Dean walks in.]



[Sam and Eileen stand up and turn towards the door]


Eileen, this is my brother, Dean Winchester.

Dean, this is Eileen Leahy.

DEAN [shaking hands with Eileen]

Eileen, it's good to meet you.


So you're a... a legacy, too.


I guess so, yeah.


Uh, right, well.


[Dean rummages through a small duffle bag he has over his shoulder]

Let's see here.

[He pulls out a gold blade and hands it to Sam]


There's one for you.

And I'm guessing you already have one.

Uh, guess we got an extra one for Mildred.

Where's Mildred?

[Door opens]



Oh! I'm glad you're back.

[Mildred walks over to Dean and holds onto his arm]




I feel safer already.

Um...Come here. I want to show you something.

[Mildred takes Dean by the hand and pulls him across the room. Dean looks nervously over to Sam. Mildred sits on the sofa as Dean stands next to her. Mildred chuckles and pats the empty space on the couch next to her]


Well, come on and sit down. I'm not gonna bite. Never really was my thing.

DEAN [slowly moves over to sit next to Mildred]


[From behind Dean and Mildred we see a beautiful sunset out the window in front of the couch]


I have the same view from upstairs. West-facing rooms, they cost extra. You know, you got to pay for the view.


It's not bad.


Not bad??

Honey, it's almost as gorgeous as you are.



MILDRED [Chuckles]

[Dean looks over as if looking for Sam to help him]

You know, tell me something. When's the last time you watched a sunset without waiting for something to go bump in the night?

[Dean shakes his head and smirks]


Hmm. You should try it sometime.

DEAN [rolling his eyes slightly]



I just hope this one isn't my last. I mean, does this stuff really work? A Banshee shows up and... you cut your hand and slap it on one of those things, and it gets trapped.

I mean, is this actually something that happens?



[Dean reaches into his bag and the floor and takes out two gold blades, placing the blade on the couch between him and Mildred]

And then it gets one of these.

Mildred... Everything's gonna be fine.



Tell me something.

What did you do before you retired?


[ Laughs]

I was in a Patsy Cline tribute band.




I'm deadly serious.

DEAN [Chuckles]

You ever miss life on the road?


Nah. Nah, I had my fun.

You want to know the secret to living a long and happy life?


Actually, yes, I do.

MILDRED [Placing her hand on Dean’s chest and patting it]

Follow your heart. You do that, all the rest just figures itself out.

I did that. I followed my heart.

Traveled the world, made people smile, forget about their problems for a while. And then my heart said, “Well, you're done”. I had my fill and... And I retired.

And I love it. [Mildred pats Dean’s knee for emphasis]


Hey, you know, this place isn't what I expected.


Oh, life here is great. I'd just like to enjoy it a little more.


And you will. I promise.

[hesitantly] Your hand is still on my knee.

MILDRED [smiling as she looks down towards her hand and squeezes Dean’s knee]

I could move it up.

DEAN [getting up from the couch]


[Mildred and Dean laugh as Dean walks away from the couch]

That's -- I'm gonna...

[High-pitched scream]

DEAN [stopping]

Do you hear that?


I don't hear anything. Do you?



[The screaming intensifies The lights flicker as Dean grabs his head, groans and drops to his knees. Sam runs towards Dean]




Oh, Sam, it's what happened to Arthur.


Hey, hey. Dean.

[Sam and Dean are kneeling on the floor. Dean looks over Sam’s shoulder and sees the Banshee screaming. Dean has blood dripping from his eyes]


Dean, look at me.

[Everyone turns to look where Dean is looking]



Sam, it's here!

[The Banshees howls and then vaporizes into black smoke. Dean stands up, holding his head. Everyone looks around for the Banshee. The screaming starts again and the Banshee appears behind Eileen. She whirls around and swings the gold blade at the Banshee. The Banshee flings her across the room into a bookshelf.]



[Sam runs at the Banshee, swings his gold blade and slices her arm. The cut glows as the Banshee wave her arm and throws Sam across the room. He crashes through a door and lands on the floor in the adjacent room. In the main room Dean is grunting and banging his head against a door frame. Mildred grabs him from behind. The Banshee’s screams can be heard throughout the scene]


Dean, stop!


EILEEN [from where she landed on the floor]

Mildred! [Eileen signs ‘The Symbol’ and points to her palm and then the symbol on the wall]

[Dean continues banging his head as the Banshee flies in behind him. Mildred slices her palm with the gold blade and slaps her palm in the middle of the symbol. The Banshee is flung across the room and is pinned onto the second symbol. Eileen grabs a gold blade from the floor, runs across the room and stabs the Banshee in the stomach. The wound glows and the Banshee once again vaporizes into black smoke. The screaming stops and the lights come back on]

[Dean sits up from where he was hunched over. He is bleeding from the head as Mildred runs over to him.


You okay?

[Dean roans]

SAM Hey.

[Sam looks over to Eileen, who is still be the wall where she stabbed the Banshee and signs and says ‘Thank you’. Eileen nods back]

[The next day Sam and Eileen are walking away from the retirement home]


So... How do you feel?


It felt like...

Just another kill. It didn't bring my parents back.


Nothing will.

What now? Law school?


No. This is my life.


Feel free to drop a line if you ever need anything...

Or even if you just want to hang out.

EILEEN [smiling]

You can't call me, though.

SAM [chuckling]



I mean, you could call, but I won't answer.

[Mildred and Dean walk out of the retirement home]


So you boys hitting the road, huh?


Yes, ma'am.


Well, it's for the best. It wouldn't have worked out between us anyway.

DEAN [smiling]

Why not?

MILDRED [chuckling and turning towards Dean]


If there's one thing I've learned in all my years on the road, it's when somebody's pining for somebody else.

[Dean smirks]

Oh, don't try and hide it now. Follow your heart. Remember?

[They continue walking]


I don't know who the lucky lady is, but I am damn sure jealous.


Well, I'm single, and I am ready to mingle, so...


Well, then you know where I live.

[Dean laughs]




All right. You boys stay out of trouble.


That's not gonna happen, Mildred.

[Mildred chuckles and sighs as she watches Sam and Dean walk away. She signs to Eileen ‘They look even cuter…walking away’ Then she makes a gesture as if grabbing a behind, circles her face and says ‘WOW!’]

[Sam and Dean get into Impala and drive away]



[Sam is sitting at the kitchen table in the bunker looking at his iPad. Dean walks in behind him. Sam grabs a can of beer and tosses it over his shoulder to Dean. Dean catches it and sits down across from Sam]


Is Cass gone?


Yeah, I guess so.


What was he doing here anyway?


He was looking for lore on the Darkness.

Something a little off about him, too.


Something always seems a little bit off about Cass. [Scoffs]

Yeah, you know, being so close to Lucifer probably wasn't easy for him, either.


We'll just keep an eye on him.


You were right, by the way.

Getting back on the job, it... It helped.


Wait. Say that again. The -- that part about me being right.

SAM [Chuckles]

You're an idiot.


When I was with Lucifer, he, um... He showed me things. It was like a highlight reel of my biggest failures.


Yeah, he was messing with you. That's what he does.


Give me a sec.


I should've looked for you. When you were in Purgatory, I... I should've turned over every stone.

[Dean hangs his head as he listens]

But I didn't. I stopped. And I've never forgiven myself for it.


Well... I have.

Hey. That's in the past, man. What's done is done.

All that matters now, all that's ever mattered, is that we're together.

So... Shut up and drink your beer.

[They each take a drink from their beer]


Yeah. You gonna be able to sleep tonight?


Yeah. Yeah, I think so.

What about you?


Well, I still got some ringing going in my head, but nothing some good music can't wash out.

[Sam picks up his beer and iPad and walks away from the table towards the entrance to the kitchen]


You know...

[Sam turns towards Dean]

I still can't figure that out. I mean, Banshees go after the vulnerable, right?

So why did it go after you?


You're overthinking it.

It was going after Mildred, it saw my gold blade, acted out of self-defense.



Yeah You're probably right.


I'm always right.


Yeah, yeah.



[Sam leaves the kitchen]



[Dean remains at the table, looking troubled.

Warren Zevon's “Prison Grove” starts to play]

[Sam is in his room looking into an open wooden box. There are various objects including a picture of Mary, Dean and Sam when Sam was a baby and one of Sam and Dean as kids. He adds a brochure from Oak Park Retirement Living to the box and closes it]

♪ An icy wind burns and scars ♪

♪ rushes in like a fallen star ♪

[Dean gets into bed, wincing from his injuries from their encounter with the Banshee]

♪ through the narrow space between these bars ♪

♪ looking down on prison grove ♪

[Sam gets into his bed and turn out his light]

♪ some folks have to die too hard ♪

♪ some folks have to cry too hard ♪

♪ take one last look at the prison yard ♪

♪ goodbye, prison grove ♪

♪ shine on ♪

♪ all these broken lives ♪

[Dean can’t fall asleep and sits up looking troubled. He runs his hands along the sides of his head as if he’s upset or trying to figure something out.]

♪ shine on ♪

♪ shine the light on me ♪

♪ come on ♪

♪ oooh ♪

♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪


Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (13.06.2021 à 11:42)

Hé hé les rôles sont inversés.  C'est Dean qui se fait draguer par une femme d'âge mur et c'est lui qui se fait attaquer... serait il le plus fragile finalement ? Le personnage de eileen est prometteur j'espère qu'on la reverra. Dean va tomber des nues quand il va s'apercevoir que castiel n'est plus castiel. 


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Locksley, 14.05.2024 à 19:42

Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

sossodu42, 16.05.2024 à 15:17

Des thèmes vous attendent pour être choisi pour le futur design de HPI. Merci pour vos votes

ShanInXYZ, 16.05.2024 à 16:31

Nouveau sondage sur les Guests de la nouvelle saison de Doctor Who, passez voir le Docteur pour voter

mamynicky, 16.05.2024 à 20:13

Hello la citadelle ! La 3ème saison des Bridgerton est enfin arrivée sur Netflix ! Venez nous parler des épisodes que vous avez vu.

mamynicky, 16.05.2024 à 20:16

Quant à moi je vais patienter jusqu'en juin j'ai horreur d'attendre entre les épisodes. Bon visionnage !

Viens chatter !