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#11.09 : Divine comédie

AMARA ETEND SON POUVOIR SUR LE MONDE - Amara étend son pouvoir sur une petite ville tout en lançant un défi étonnant. Dean tente de mieux comprendre l'influence qu'Amara a sur lui, tandis que Sam et Crowley concoctent un plan qui pourrait avoir des conséquences désastreuses.


4.88 - 8 votes

Titre VO
O Brother Where Art Thou ?

Titre VF
Divine comédie

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Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) dans la cage

Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) dans la cage

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Les anges (Lane Edwards, Antonio Cayonne et Andres Joseph)

Les anges (Lane Edwards, Antonio Cayonne et Andres Joseph)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Amara (Emily Swallow)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Amara (Emily Swallow)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Amara (Emily Swallow)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Amara (Emily Swallow)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Amara (Emily Swallow)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Amara (Emily Swallow)

Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) dans la cage

Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) dans la cage

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)


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France (inédit)
Lundi 26.09.2016 à 21:35

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 09.12.2015 à 21:00
1.90m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner
Réalisé par : Robert Singer


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Emily Swallow... Amara

Mark Pellegrino... Lucifer

Ruth Connell.. Rowena






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Amara s'installe au milieu d'une foule qui écoute attentivement un prêcheur, dans un parc. Elle s'insinue dans la conversation et remet en question la présence de Dieu, mais le prêcheur lui dit que Dieu choisira les élus parmi ceux qu'il considère comme valeureux et pieux. Amara comprend qu'il parle des humains, mais elle décide de lui prouver que Dieu n'écoute pas. Elle change l'eau de la fontaine en mare de sang, puis fait tomber la foudre sur les membres de la foule, ainsi que sur le prêcheur, qui se retrouvent tous carbonisés. Avec un regard de défi, Amara se tourne vers le ciel.


Après une nouvelle vision où il se retrouve dans la cage, en face de Lucifer, Sam demande à Dieu s'il veut vraiment qu'il aille là-bas. En réponse, un buisson derrière lui prend soudain feu. Sam fait ensuite part de tout cela à Dean, mais ce dernier insiste ; c'est une très mauvaise idée, basée sur des assomptions dont ils ne sont même pas sûrs de la véracité. Mais Sam insiste à son tour ; si quelqu'un doit savoir comment vaincre Darkness, c'est Lucifer. Cela ne l'enchante pas, mais ils n'ont pas d'autre solution à portée de main, et peu de temps pour agir.

Dean et Sam rencontrent Crowley, afin de savoir, théoriquement, s'il est possible d'arranger une entrevue  avec Lucifer en Enfer. Sam insiste que cela doit se faire dans une cage, car, ils ne peuvent pas le laisser sortir. Crowley, d'abord réticent à cette idée, pense alors avoir une option. Dans le même temps, nous apercevons Lucifer, patientant dans sa cage et qui semble écouter.

Crowley pense qu'il est possible de transférer Lucifer dans un endroit de l'Enfer où Sam pourra lui parler tout en étant protégé, à la demande de Dean. Le soucis sera d'ouvrir la cage dans laquelle il se trouve actuellement, car c'est une prison conçue par Dieu dont il n'a évidemment pas la clé. Cependant, il pense qu'ils pourront trouver ce qu'il leur faut dans le Livre des Damnés.

Amara se rend dans une église. Elle demande au prêtre où elle peut rencontrer DIeu. Le prêtre lui conseille la prière. Elle tente sa chance, mais n'obtient aucun résultat. S'engage alors une conversation sur la nature de la foi. Amara ne comprend pas comment des millions de gens peuvent croire à une entité qu'ils ne verront que lorsqu'ils seront morts. Mais le prêtre est convaincu de savoir comment est Dieu ; c'est la lumière qui vaincra les ténèbres, ce qui offusque Amara, qui regarde la Bible entre ses mains d'un air méprisant.

Crowley fait venir Rowena tandis que les Winchesters font leur entrée. Rowena croit d'abord que Crowley va la remettre aux deux chasseurs, mais elle comprend rapidement qu'il ne s'agit pas de cela ; il s'agit de la force qui a été libérée lorsque la marque de Cain a été enlevée du bras de Dean. Elle a conscience qu'ils ont besoin de son aide, mais elle est réticente à accepter car, quid du moment où le danger sera passé ? Crowley acquiesce, personne ne peut faire confiance à personne dans cette pièce.

L'ange ayant rencontré le démon dans un bar décide de rassembler les anges et de les mener au combat contre Darkness. Les anges l'écoutent mais sont d'abord sceptiques ; après tout, c'est Dieu qui a enfermé Darkness, pas eux. C'est donc à lui de régler le problème. L'ange dont la voix s'élève n'est pas en désaccord avec cela, sauf que Dieu a disparu. Alors, c'est à eux de faire quelque chose, car ils ne peuvent pas compter sur leurs leaders pour autre chose que pour les diviser. Finalement, il parvient à convaincre les autres anges.

Rowena apprend que Darkness est la soeur de Dieu. Elle se délecte de ces informations. Crowley promet que si elle les aide à traduire les bonnes parties du Livre pour eux, il rappellera ses assassins et elle pourra partir libre et en vie, pour le moment en tout cas. Après que Dean explique ce qu'ils souhaitent -comment ouvrir la cage et comment protéger Sam- Rowena souhaite savoir ce qui se trouve dans cette fameuse cage. Elle a du mal à contenir son enthousiasme quand elle apprend qu'il s'agit de Lucifer. Elle n'hésite plus et accepte le marché.

Après avoir tué toutes les personnes qui se trouvaient dans l'église et avoir saccagé les statues sacrées, Amara avale l'âme du prêtre et le tue à son tour. Puis, elle se tourne de nouveau vers le ciel et crie à Dieu de se montrer, sinon, ses élus continueront à souffrir.

Dean s'est rendu à l'église où Amara a fait un massacre, laissant le soin à Sam de surveiller Rowena tandis qu'elle recherche les bonnes lignes dans le Livre des Damnés. Dean demande à Sam de ne rien tenter tant qu'il ne revient pas auprès de lui. Sam le lui promet. Un peu après, Rowena s'exclame. Elle vient de trouver ce qu'il leur faut.

Dean sort de l'église et semble sentir quelque chose. Il se rend dans un parc, quand son téléphone sonne. C'est Sam qui l'appelle pour le prévenir que tout est en ordre. Mais il ne répond pas et Rowena insiste que c'est le moment où jamais d'agir. Dean ne répond pas car il vient de se rendre compte qu'Amara est derrière lui. Elle lui confirme qu'il a senti sa présence, ce qui l'a conduit jusqu'ici. Elle l'emmène dans un endroit isolé.

Crowley emmène Rowena et Sam dans les profondeurs de l'Enfer, appelées les limbes. Là est disposée une cage prévue pour la rencontre. Rowena trace des symboles tout autour des fondations de la cage, puis s'apprête à lancer le sort. Les symboles s'illuminent et des flammes viennent encercler la cage. Le groupe attend désormais l'arrivée de Lucifer avec appréhension.

Amara explique à Dean qu'elle n'a pas eu d'autre choix que de tuer ces humains, dans le but d'attirer l'attention de Dieu. C'était la seule option qu'il lui restait pour tenter de le faire réagir. Car elle n'a rien contre la Création, elle en veut seulement à son frère. Dean lui dit que justement, c'est à eux deux de régler ça, ils n'ont pas à prendre des vies innocentes, ou à aspirer leurs âmes pour prouver leur point de vue. Amara lui dit qu'elle a absorbé ces âmes et qu'elles font désormais partie d'elle-même, ce qui leur confère une certaine forme de vie éternelle.

En Enfer, les flammes s'élèvent un peu plus haut tandis que Lucifer apparait dans la cage. C'est alors que l'entretien entre Sam et l'archange débute, tandis que Rowena et Crowley se tiennent à part. Sam explique la situation ; la libération de Darkness, aux visions envoyées par Dieu qui l'ont conduit jusqu'en Enfer. Cela semble grandement amuser Lucifer.

Darkness sait que Dean se méfie d'elle et ne lui en veut pas. Elle explique que les histoires lancées à son encontre par Dieu après qu'il l'eu enfermée ne sont que propagande, comme cette religion uniquement destinée à flatter son ego démesuré. Elle prétend que Dieu était jaloux de ses talents et qu'il avait peur qu'elle crée quelque chose de meilleur que sa propre création. Dean dit que cela ne change rien, désormais, cet univers appartient à Dieu et ce sont ses règles qui sont appliquées. Darkness lui dit alors que cela peut changer ; plus de peur, plus de douleur ou de prière, juste un sentiment de grâce et de paix permanent, comme ce que le chasseur peut ressentir en sa présence.

Lucifer explique que Darkness est certainement aussi puissante que Dieu, mais qu'elle manque d'expérience. Il se souvient du moment où il a dû aider son père à l'enfermer, à cause de ses caprices. Il est capable d'aider, seulement, il doit pouvoir sortir de l'Enfer. Pour cela, il a besoin d'un vaisseau et justement, il y en a un à disposition à ce même moment.

Amara explique à Dean qu'elle va prendre le contrôle de l'Univers, parce qu'elle a été le début de toute chose et qu'elle en sera aussi la fin. Cela ne fera pas d'elle Dieu, car elle est son opposée. Dean tente aors de la poignarder, mais la lame se brise au contact d'Amara. Elle ne semble pas offusquée par cette tentative. Elle comprend qu'il tente de lui résister, mais elle lui assure que c'est impossible. Elle s'approche, prend son visage entre ses mains et s'apprête à aspirer son âme. Mais elle s'arrête et préfère plutôt l'embrasser.

Sam proteste, il refuse de laisser son corps à Lucifer et de le libérer. Lucifer insiste ; après tout, si Sam a tant peur de libérer une menace, pourquoi a-t-il coopérer avec Crowley ? De plus, si Dieu l'a envoyé ici, c'est bien pour obtenir son aide et si Dieu l'a commandé, Sam ne peut pas se permettre de refuser.

Dean se retire, très surpris. Amara lui explique qu'ils sont liés par la marque. Sa libération n'était pas un accident, c'était le destin, et un jour, elle et lui seront ensemble. Dean refuse cette possibilité. Soudain, trois anges viennent chercher Amara. Dean tente de les raisonner ; s'ils essaient de la tuer maintenant, des tas de gens vont mourir. Mais l'un des anges pense qu'un sacrifice est inévitable. Ils s'apprêtent à attaquer, mais Amara réplique et tue rapidement les trois assaillants. Soudaind, des éclairs déchirent le ciel et le tonnerre gronde. Le châtiment céleste s'apprête à s'abattre sur Amara, qui pense alors qu'enfin Dieu l'écoutera peut-être. Avec des regrets dans les yeux, elle fait disparaitre Dean et le renvoie d'où elle l'a emmené. Puis elle tend les bras, prête à recevoir le châtiment. Un faisceau de lumière aveuglante s'abat alors sur elle.

Lucifer attend la réponse de Sam. Ce dernier refuse. C'est alors que les symboles s'éteignent, et les flammes disparaissent. Crowley s'apprête à aller voir, mais Rowena l'entraîne ailleurs. Pendant ce temps, Sam se retrouve dans la cage, avec Lucifer, qui lui révèle que ce n'était pas Dieu qui lui envoyait ses visions, mais lui. Après la libération de Darkness, un tremblement de terre a secoué l'Enfer et a endommagé la Cage, ce qui lui a permis de faufiler ses pouvoirs à travers les fissures. Mais Sam résiste. Ce n'est pas un problème pour Lucifer, qui s'apprête à passer du temps avec son ancien camarade de chambre. Sammy, bien que terrifié, tente de garder une bonne posture.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

EXTERIOR (in a park): There is a fountain of an angel. A man stands in front of it; people gather around him. They hold signs (GOD IS WATCHING YOU) and listen to the man as he preaches through a small megaphone. Amara is in the crowd.

Man: Repress your sins. Beg for his divine mercy. When the end comes – and come it will – only the forgiven will ascend to holy grace.

Amara is listening, her back turned to the speaker. She scowls and turns to walk towards the speaker.

Man: He’s watching. He’s waiting.

Amara: This is God you’re speaking of? Do you really think he’s watching?

Man: Deciding which of us is worthy. Only the chosen will be raised to heaven.

Amara: Oh, and that’s you? Truthfully, I don’t think he’s all that interested. He doesn’t even seem to be around. Believe me, I’ve searched.

Man: Stop right there, sister. Beg for his forgiveness or face his terrible wrath.

Amara: Really? Gets annoyed, does he?

Man: His wrath comes in many forms but only God is able to create the fiercesome plague and destruction and all on earth will bow before.

Amara: You mean something like this?

Amara points to the fountain. The water turns to blood. She raises her hand to the sky, the clouds turn dark, and there is lighting and thunder.

Man (his face with a look of awe): Is it you? Are you testing us?

Amara (laughing): God, you mean? No. But let’s just say he not the only game in town.

Amara raises both her arms skyward, compelling lightning bolts. One by one the members of the crowd are struck down; with the final lightning bolt hitting the man who had been preaching. They are all dead, completely scorched. The blood on the fountain turns back to water. The thunderstorm ends. Amara surveys her work, her gaze resting on one body, still holding a sign that says: THE END IS NEAR!

Amara: Oh, honey, you wish. [Amara gazes skyward]. Well?


Act One

INTERIOR – Sam is in complete darkness, lit only by lightning flashing around him. He looks panicked as realises he is in the Cage and turns around to face Lucifer. Lucifer walks towards Sam. He places his hand on Sam’s face and smiles. Sam looks comforted.

EXTERIOR – Sam awakes from his vision. He is outside, in a forest. It’s daylight. He looks towards the sky.

Sam: Is this really the answer? Is this what you want?

Behind him a bush bursts into flames. Sam turns slowly to look at the bush and then looks skyward again.

INTERIOR – Sam and Dean are in the Bunker.

Dean: Because it’s crazy, okay! And it’s not going to happen. How many times do I have to say that this is a horrible idea?

Sam: About as many as I have to say, okay then what else have we got? Listen, I’m all ears. Dean, ordinarily I’d agree with you, but the visions only happen when I reach out to God. I asked him for a way to beat the Darkness and the visions got more specific – and I was in the Cage.

Dean: Yeah, with Lucifer. The biggest monster ever hatched. Fan-freaking-tastic!

Sam: You know Lucifer was the biggest monster ever hatched, until you and I hatched one that’s even worse. Listen, in the vision, Lucifer touches me and I feel calm, like things will be all right. And that’s not something I would ever come up with. I mean that is the last thing that I would ever feel.

Dean: If Lucifer touched you, it would be the last thing you think. Ever.

Dean (getting up from the table to pour himself a whiskey): Why would God even ask this of you? What proof do we have that any of this is actually real?

Sam: There was a burning bush.

Dean: A burning bush?

Sam: Like in the Bible.

Dean: You were in the forest. There are bushes there and sometimes they burn!

Dean (sitting back down): You know what man? Maybe there is something to it all, maybe, and maybe there’s not.

Sam: Dean, doesn’t it make sense? I mean, Lucifer would know how God ended the Darkness. He was there.

Dean shakes his head and takes a sip of whisky.

EXTERIOR (at night) – Crowley, Sam and Dean meet under a bridge, near what appears to be a homeless camp.

Crowley (talking to Sam): So God assured you of this, did he? I’d say you’re making this up but I never think of you as imaginative.

Dean: We’re not saying it’s going to happen. We just want to know...

Sam: theoretically...

Dean: if it’s possible.

Crowley: The Cage is a can of worms you do not want to open. I believe this conversation is over... [Crowley prepares to snap his fingers].

Dean: Is it? Crowley, you know that the Darkness is going to pound on everything and that includes you.

Sam: Yeah. And you had a shot at taking her out when she was with you, but apparently you thought that sucking up was the way to go.

Dean: And that didn’t work out so well.

Crowley (speaking to Dean): Because she chose you. And you couldn’t control your girlfriend. What happened in that room? Why did she insist on sparing you?

Sam looks quizzically at Dean and then Crowley.

Crowley: What is she to you?

Dean: Wanna know what she is Crowley? How about God’s sister!

Crowley: God’s sister? He has relatives? I had that kind of leverage under my thumb and I let it slip away.

Dean: Can we focus on the big picture here okay? Can Sam meet with Lucifer or not?

Sam: In the Cage.

Dean: No, not in the Cage. That’s not going to happen.

Sam: Okay, then I don’t meet with Lucifer. Dean, we can’t let him out.

Dean (looking at Crowley): What?

Crowley: There may be a way.

INTERIOR – the Cage is suspended by chains in Hell. We see inside the Cage; Lucifer’s hand and then his face. He is smiling.

EXTERIOR – Crowley, Sam and Dean continue their conversation.

Crowley: Clearly, if Sam enters the Cage he’s gone. And yes, it’s on my bucket list, now is not the time to be selfish. Need a secure site, a way to neutralise Lucifer’s powers.

Sam: In Hell?

Crowley: Yes, in Hell! So we have a modicum of control. You think I want that abomination running amuck upstairs?

Dean: Is it possible to control the situation because if Sam’s not safe it’s not happening.

Crowley: Goodness mummy, loosen the grip. Theoretically it’s possible, with challenges. I can arrange for transit into Hell. Opening the Cage, that’s another matter.

Dean: You’re the King of the joint. Don’t you have a key?

Crowley: It was sealed by God himself. Of course I don’t have a key. The mechanisms of divine manufacturer, I believe its secrets, along with the spells for warding Sam were recorded where many such mysteries are found – the Book of the Damned.

INTERIOR - Inside a church we see people praying. The church bells ring. A priest talks to various parishioners.

Priest: Good to see you again.

Priest: Hello Mary, how are you?

Priest: Agnes, what a pleasure. Good to see you.

Priest (approaching Amara): Hello.

Amara: Are you in charge here? I’m looking for God.

Priest: Oh, of course. We all look for God in all things.

Amara: No. I need an actual meeting in a room.

Priest: Well, it’s the right place. This is his house. And the way to reach him is through prayer.

Amara (looking at the parishioners praying): Like them, you mean?

Priest: Mm. Go ahead. Take her out for a spin.

Amara (after praying): It’s not working.

Priest: Well of course it’s working. He heard you.

Amara: How do you know?

Priest: Because he promised.

Amara: Oh, so you have seen him then.

Priest: Well, no one has. At least no one alive.

Amara: Wait. So only dead people get to see him? [The Priest nods]. And this makes sense, to billions of you?

Priest: It is the nature of faith. It’s all here [he picks up a Bible]. The mercy of God, his love of the world and mankind, his perfect plan for us...

Amara: A manipulation. You only believe what he wants you to believe.

Priest: Exactly.

Amara: You don’t know what he’s like at all.

Priest: We certainly do. God is the Light, and it is the Light that vanquishes the Darkness.

The Priest hands Amara the Bible and walks away. Amara looks with disgust at the Bible.

INTERIOR – Crowley sits on his throne as two demons bring him a captive. The hood on the captive is removed to reveal Rowena.

Crowley: Mother. Good of you to stop by.

Rowena (to the two demons): Unhand me you goons.

Crowley motions for the demons to leave and they do.

Rowena (glaring at Crowley): So, Fergus. Think you’ve won? Lay a hand on me and my followers will swoop down on this tin-can palace of yours with all the power of the Book of the Damned.

Crowley: Stow it, you lying bitch. If you could do that, you’d have done it. If I wanted to kill you, I’d have done that.

Rowena: Not that you haven’t tried.

Crowley: You tried to kill me twice.

Rowena: What is it they say? Third time’s the charm.

A door opens and Sam and Dean enter the room.

Rowena: Oh, you’re not handing me over to them. It’s beneath even you. They’re your enemies as well.

Dean: All right Rowena. We get it. We all enemies, okay. But right now we’ve got bigger fish to fry. Then we can go back to killing each other.

Rowena: Ah, the chicken’s come home to roost. This ghastly force set free when the Mark was removed.

Sam: So you know?

Rowena: I’ve heard whispers. As bad as they say?

Dean: Well, let’s just say that everyone in this room might hold a piece of the puzzle to corking it back up.

Rowena: Oh, really, and what happens to me once the danger is past? How do I know that I can trust any of you?

Crowley: You don’t. None of us do. It’s a Devil’s bargain.

EXTERIOR – PJ’s Autobody shop

INTERIOR – PJ’s Autobody shop, where there is a group of angels talking.

Angel 1: This is a time for all angels to pull together, put aside our disagreements and show the big bosses how to save Heaven from being taken over; cos it’s grunts like us who’ll get kicked aside. Believe me. The Darkness has a plan for every one of God’s creations.

Angel 2 (Daniel): Take over heaven? How is that even possible?

Angel 3: Yeah, who made her God?

Angel 1: Come on Daniel. You know the stories as well as I do. All powerful. All consuming.

Angel 2 (Daniel): Her beef is with God. Not us. He locked her away. It’s on him to make this right.

Angel 1: Yeah. You tell him that. Next time you see him. Oh, oops! He’s not around. Yeah. He locked her up and you don’t think she’s going to want to get even by tearing apart anything he ever made.

Angel 3: And you’re going to lead us against her? You’ve never led anyone.

Angel 1: None of us have. How is that a bad thing? When our leaders do nothing but pit the factions against each other.

The angels nod and agree.

Angel 1: This is in our laps guys. So spread the word. We get past our differences. We stand united and we move now!

INTERIOR – return to Crowley’s throne room.

Rowena: Can this be true? His sister! In my day we’d all be burned at the stake for even thinking any of this.

Crowley: You see then Mother, the need for urgency.

Rowena: Well, if my deciphering of the Book is so pivotal, I’d like to know what’s in it for me.

Dean: You mean, other than your life?

Crowley: Speaking of which, I’ll make you a little deal Mommy. You pitch in like a good girl; I’ll call off my assassins. No more looking over your shoulder, for now.

Rowena: I’ll need the Codex, of course. And the code-breaker Charlie devised.

Sam: Yeah, you’ll get limited access. Supervised.

Dean: We need to know exactly this – how to open the Cage and how to protect Sam once it is.

Rowena: Just what’s in this cage that’s so dangerous?

Sam: Lucifer.

Rowena: Lucifer? The original Dark Prince?

Dean: Yes, an arch-angel so bad-assed that he was personally dumped into the Cage by God himself.

Rowena (barely able to contain her happiness): Well, let’s get to it then lads.

INTERIOR – back at the church with Amara. There are statues fallen over and shattered. The parishioners are all dead. Amara is holding the Priest’s face in her hands, sucking out his soul. Then she throws his body against the pulpit. Amara looks up at the stain-glass window.

Amara: Do you see what’s happening? All your favourites. All your chosen. They are suffering.

Amara (stretches her arms out and looks above, screaming, tears in her eyes): SHOW YOURSELF!!

EXTERIOR – Dean is dressed in his Fed suit and standing outside the church.

Dean (on phone): Hey Sammy. Sorry to stick you on witch duty, as hard as that sounds.

INTERIOR – Sam is in the Bunker’s dungeon with Rowena.

Sam (on phone): Every bit. But the stuff we’re looking for is definitely in the Book.

While Sam is on the phone, Rowena tries to look at a different page in the Book. Sam notices her.

Sam: Hey, hey, hey! No snooping around there. Focus.

Sam (on phone): You find anything at the church?

Dean (on phone): I just got here. The cops said that the last time the vics [victims] were seen alive, one of them, a Priest, they were talking to some mystery woman. She was not killed.

Sam (on phone): Amara?

Dean (on phone): Yeah, I bet. Apparently it’s a massacre. The place is covered in blood.

Sam (on phone): She’s upping her game. She’s going to pass the point where we can deal with her.

Dean (on phone): Listen. Are you sure that you’re okay with this whole deal?

Sam (on phone): No. Not even a little. But what choice do we have, you know?

Dean (on phone): Okay, well for the record. I hate it. Just wait for me. Don’t do anything until I get there.

Sam (on phone): Right now it’s just research, but, you got it, nothing without you.

Sam and Dean both hang up their phones.

Rowena: You talk about trust.

Sam: No I don’t.

Rowena: You and your blood-thirsty brother say we’re partners in this holy war against Amara and yet [Rowena shows Sam her chained hands], trussed like a chicken.

Sam: You’re sitting there with the Book of the Damned and the means to read every word, and you think I’m going to set you free? Do I look crazy?

Rowena: Well, you do have unresolved issues with your domineering older brother and the abandonment by your father.

Sam: Yeah, well just get back to work. All right!

Rowena laughs.

Sam: We’re running out of time here.

Rowena looks at a spell on the page, then stands up, exclaiming: Ah-ha.

Sam turns back to her, annoyed: What? What now?

Rowena: Well, I’ll need some ingredients. But you may summon Fergus. And tell him to bring a hand-cart?

Sam: A hand-cart?

Rowena: We’re going to Hell.

EXTERIOR – outside the church, Dean is talking to another Priest. He shakes the Priest’s hand and walks away. All of a sudden, Dean senses something. He looks confused. He walks to a park and is standing beside a hot-dog vendor when it happens again. He senses something and looks around.

Attendant at the hot-dog stand (talking to Dean): Hot-dog?

Dean: Yeah, one.

Dean’s phone rings. He sees it is Sam and is about to answer, but he is overcome once again as he senses something. He turns around to see Amara. The phone keeps ringing.

INTERIOR – back in the Bunker’s dungeon, Sam has his phone to his ear, waiting for Dean to answer. Rowena looks impatient.

Rowena: Sam, everything is in order. Fergus is coming.

Sam: I promised Dean I’d call.

Rowena: I promised Lincoln a fun night at the theatre. Things change. It’s now or never.

EXTERIOR – in the park with Amara and Dean.

Amara: You felt my presence. That’s why you came here.

Dean looks to be under a spell. Amara touches Dean on the arm and they are transported to a clearing. Dean looks around at the beautiful surroundings – mountains, lake and forest – before facing Amara.

Dean: You grew up.

Amara: Yes.

Dean: So this is you now?

Amara: At least for today.

INTERIOR – Crowley, Rowena and Sam are walking down a corridor, with high brick walls. Flaming torches light the path. A thunderstorm rages overhead.

Rowena: Flop sweat sonny? Dread of what’s to come?

Crowley: Can it. Your barbs may amuse your circle of hags. You have no idea what you’re tampering with; what Lucifer is capable of.

Rowena: Well dear, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of Hell.

Sam looks around nervously, uncertain of what he’s about to face.

Rowena: I must say it’s not as scenic as I’d expected.

Crowley: We are in the furthest reaches of Hell, Limbo, where I send only souls for timeout.

Sam: This is where I’m here with Lucifer?

Crowley: What it lacks in ambience it makes up for in security.

They come to an empty cage. Rowena paints spells on the cage, while the thunderstorm continues to rage.

Crowley: Makes your flesh crawl, doesn’t it Moose? I get it. I’m the King of this place. It’s still not my cup of tea.

Sam: I don’t know, Crowley. I’d say it suits you. Dark. Empty.

Crowley: Fascinating; the utter contempt, when I’m in the midst of saving the Winchester’s bacon, again.

Sam: The point of this is to save everyone’s bacon, including yours. Let’s just hope she knows what she’s doing. This’ll all go to crap if the warding is not right.

Rowena: Don’t you worry about me, Samuel. I’m a professional.

Crowley: Are you certain you can do this without actually opening the Cage?

Rowena: We are about to find out, aren’t we.

Foro dega la moray

Rowena raises her arms. The spell-work on the cage illuminates. [ma ho ta]. A fire springs to life, completely surrounded the cage.

Rowena (smiling): Now, let’s have a go at that Cage. Mah ho tah

Sam looks anxious, while Crowley looks intrigued.

Crowley: It begins.

EXTERIOR – return to Amara and Dean.

Amara: You misunderstand my purpose on earth.

Dean: What do I misunderstand the people that you butchered in the park or that church?

Amara: I had to get his attention.

Dean: His?

Amara: God. I tried praying, calling out in need. He ignored me. He forced my hand. I had no other reason to harm his chosen. My issue is with my brother, not his creation.

Dean: Whatever the deal is between you two; whoever threw the first punch, whoever was Daddy’s favourite...

Amara: There is no Daddy.

Dean: Whatever. That mess is your mess. It’s between you two. You’re taking people’s lives. You’re taking their souls.

Amara: I consumed their souls. They aren’t gone. They’re a part of me and, in that way, they live forever.

INTERIOR – back in Hell’s Limbo.

Sam, Crowley and Rowena look at the cage, which is completely surrounded by fire. The thunderstorm still rages overhead. Sam looks terrified. He moves away from Crowley, into the shadows. In the cage, we see the outline of a person. He is in shadow. His eyes glow red. As he emerges from the dark, the red eyes fade and we see Lucifer. He leans nonchalantly against the bars of the cage.

Lucifer: My old friend, Crowley.

Crowley: A mere acolyte, carrying your torch.

Lucifer: You’re too kind... to yourself.

Rowena gazes at Lucifer in apparent adoration.

Lucifer: What do you want of me?

Sam emerges from the shadows. Lucifer smirks. Sam steels himself.

Lucifer: Sam Winchester. My old roomie. Hug it out?

Lucifer: I’ve got to say, I’m a little in the dark about this meeting. Am I up for parole? Time off for bad behaviour?

Lucifer laughs, mocking Sam.

Lucifer: I don’t really get visitors.

Sam: If it weren’t for the crisis top-side, you wouldn’t be getting one now.

Lucifer: Crisis?

Crowley and Rowena are watching the conversation between Sam and Lucifer.

Rowena: He’s so alpha isn’t he? Probably not relationship material though.

Crowley: Mother, you’re drooling. Get a hold of yourself.

Sam (to Lucifer): You’re aware of the Darkness?

Lucifer (inhales sharply): Yikes, that doesn’t sound good. Um, I’m aware of what she was, but that was eons ago.

Sam: She’s been released. So now she’s somewhere or everywhere on earth.

Lucifer: How ever did that happen?

Sam (ignoring the barb): The point is... she poses a threat to all that exists, including you.

Lucifer: Mm. Oh, that leads me to my next question. Where’s the big burrito himself? Where’s God in all of this? [Lucifer makes the religious sign].

Sam: All current indications of his presence are that there are no current indications of his presence.

Lucifer: What? Caught the fun bus out of town? Figures.

Sam: But, recently, he has reached out to an interested party.

Lucifer: Who?

Sam: Me.

Lucifer (pointing at Sam): You?

Sam: He answered my prayers.

Lucifer: Did he now? And, what was Dad’s suggestion?

Sam: To seek out you.

Lucifer (laughs): Get out of town! Seriously? Who’d have thunk it!

EXTERIOR – return to Amara and Dean.

Amara: I see the wariness in your eyes, the mistrust. I don’t blame you.

Dean: Don’t you?

Amara: It’s incredible. How it endures, the propaganda. He was so threatened by me, fearful that I would make a more perfect creation than he. So, he exiled me. Virtually erased me. Passed on stories that I was a threat.

Dean: While your brother was going all Kanye, blowing his horn.

Amara: He encouraged religions as monuments to his ego, promised the fearful safety if they’d adore him. His way or the highway.

Dean: Some people find comfort in that. Golden rule. Brother’s keeper. It is his universe. His rules.

Amara: What if there were no rules? No pain. No prayer. Just bliss. That feeling that you have when you’re with me. [Amara moves closer to Dean]. For everyone. Forever.

INTERIOR – back in Hell’s Limbo.

Crowley: Can you hear what they’re saying?

Rowena: I could if you’d just shut it!

Lucifer: I completely get why you came to me. You can’t ignore God, right? God says jump, everybody says “how high”?

Sam: So, does this mean you are on board?

Lucifer: Well, I did help Dad seal up the Darkness all those years ago. She’s quite a force. Determined to take over everything, even back then. Prone to tantrums. I can see why Pop is laying low.

Crowley and Rowena watch on.

Crowley: A lot of blabber going on. Surely Sam knows better than to cut some sort of deal.

Rowena: You know Fergus, sometimes striking a deal, even a painful one, may be the only option.

Crowley: Like the hit you took out on me, for instance?

Rowena: It’s not easy being a parent; knowing when to hug your child, when to kill him.

Lucifer: Now that sis is here, God’s not the only circus in town.

Sam: Is she equal to him in power?

Lucifer: Raw power? Sure. But she’s got none of the experience. God is a master strategist. That’s why you’re here.

Sam: And why is that?

Lucifer: Oh, because God needs me to help put the cat back in the bag. [Laughing] He can’t do it by himself. Seen that movie.

Sam: And?

Lucifer: And, I need a ride out of here. I mean, I look swell in here and everything, but I’d be so much smoke top-side.

Sam: You want a vessel?

Lucifer: One who is strong enough to hold me, handy and available now. [Sam and Lucifer exchange knowing looks]. Catch my drift?

EXTERIOR – return to Amara and Dean.

Dean: What is it exactly that you want? When you make the world of bliss and peace, what’s in it for you?

Amara: What I deserve.

Dean: Which is?

Amara: Everything.

Dean: Everything?

Amara: I was the beginning and I will be the end. I will be all that there is.

Dean: So, you’re it. [Dean turns away from Amara]. That would make you God.

Amara: No, God was the Light. I’m the Dark.

Dean reaches into his jacket and pulls out a silver blade.

Dean: Then what?

Amara: That’s all you need to know for now.

Dean turns quickly and plunges the blade into Amara. The blade shatters, as it doesn’t penetrate her body. The useless broken shards fall to the ground, while Dean looks stunned.

Amara: You had to know that was pointless. I know that you’re a warrior and your instinct is to resist. But I can’t be resisted.

Amara moves closer to Dean. She takes his face in her hands and attempts to take Dean’s soul. It doesn’t work (or she changes her mind). She leans in closer and kisses Dean. He doesn’t resist, and then returns her kiss.

INTERIOR – back in Hell’s Limbo. There are skeletal remains on the ground where Sam is standing, talking to Lucifer.

Sam: Did you really expect me to agree to this?

Lucifer nods, smiling.

Sam [angry]: So, what, I just disappear while you take my body and get set loose on the world again?

Lucifer [nodding and smirking]: I know. I know Sam. It’s a lot to ask. But desperate times require desperate measures.

Sam [yelling]: That’s not desperate. That’s certifiable.

Lucifer [pointing at Sam]: Okay, hold on there a second cowboy, take a breath. You have been working with Crowley. You passed certifiable three off-ramps ago. And look, I’m no fan of the ruler of the Universe, but here I am, ready to pitch in.

Sam stares at Lucifer with a mixture of fear and contempt.

Lucifer: Sam, why do you think God sent you to me? To get my help, which I only now just offered. Sam, your visions were the Word of God. You can’t say no to that.

Sam thinks about what Lucifer has said. Lucifer waits for his decision.

EXTERIOR – return to Amara and Dean. Dean breaks away from Amara’s kiss.

Dean: What was that?

Amara: The future. The inevitable result of our first meeting. What you’ve been feeling since that moment. What we both felt. That we’re bonded. You’re the one who set me free.

Dean: No. That was an accident.

Amara: It was destiny. You bore the Mark. I am the original Mark. You and I will be together.

Dean: No. No, that’s not going to happen.

Amara: It’s so simple Dean. We will become one. Why wouldn’t you want that?

Three angels, wielding blades, appear in the clearing.

Angel 1: Amara! You’re going to surrender to us and to the judgement of Heaven.

Amara: Why ever would I submit to anything of God’s creation? Tell your master to come fetch me himself.

Angel 2 (Daniel): All of Heaven’s on high alert. If you resist, each and every angel in the skies will smite you, in a single unified blow.

Angel 1: Not even you could survive it.

Dean: Whoa, whoa, fellows, dial it down a bit, okay. Look, if you take her down, a whole bunch of people are going to die.

Angel 1: We’re at the point where sacrifice is inevitable.

Angel 1 strides forward and Amara holds up her hand, as if to ward him off. His eyes go white and his grace explodes from his body as he dies. Angel 2 (Daniel) steps forward but stops, as if he’s run into an invisible wall. Amara compels him to stab himself in the face with the angel blade and he dies. Angel 3 makes a move, as if he is about to flee, but Amara swishes her hand and he explodes in a cloud of dust. Dean looks on, horrified.

Dean (looking at Amara): What have you done?

Lightning flashes overhead, thunder claps, Dean and Amara looks skyward, as the clouds darken and swirl.

Dean: It’s coming. They will smite me.

Amara: Maybe now, he’ll hear me.

Amara looks sadly at Dean, she flicks her hand and he disappears. Amara raises her arms to the sky as a blaze of holy light envelops her and the ground explodes. She has gone.

Dean is back in the park. He looks around and up at the sky, confused, trying to understand what has happened.

INTERIOR – back in Hell’s Limbo.

Lucifer: So, have you thought about it, Sam? Do I have an invitation to look forward to?

Sam looks around at Crowley and Rowena, his expression sad.

Sam: No. I won’t do it. There has to be another way.

Lucifer looks down at the illuminated spell-work on the cage. It begins to fade. Sam turns and sees the fire around the cage is dying. Crowley looks startled, but Rowena looks intrigued.

Crowley: What the hell is going on?

The fire around the cage is completely extinguished.

Crowley [panicking]: Why did the warding fail? What’s happening?

Rowena [calmly]: Follow me Fergus.

Lucifer motions for Sam to come closer and suddenly Sam is in the cage with Lucifer.

Lucifer [to Sam]: Together again.

Sam, terrified, backs into the corner of the cage. As Lucifer approaches, he puts up his hands in a defensive motion.

Lucifer: Hey, Sam Winchester. Did you miss me? I bet you did.

Sam takes a deep breath; his terror replaced by his stoic faith.

Lucifer: I have to say, you’re extraordinarily calm given the circumstances.

Sam: Well, it’s pretty much exactly how God told me it was going to be. Guess I just have to go with it and play my hand.

Lucifer: Well, that would make so much sense if it was God that was doing the talking. You see Sam, when the Darkness descended the impact on Hell was massive. The Cage was damaged and through the fissures I was able to reach out. It wasn’t God inside your head Sam. It was me.

Lucifer turns to look at Sam, smiling, satisfied. The fear has returned to Sam’s face.

Lucifer: So you see, he’s not with you. He’s never been with you. It was always just me.

Sam shakes his head, in disbelief.

Lucifer: So I guess I am your only hope.

A tear escapes from Sam’s eye as he realises the predicament he is in.

Sam: It’s never going to happen.

Lucifer: Ah, well, settle in there buddy [smiling]. Hey, roomie... upper bunk, lower bunk or you wanna share?

Sam is in shock. He looks at Lucifer, terrified.



Source : SuperWiki

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