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#11.07 : Bas les masques

SHERIFF DONNA EST DE RETOUR - Shériff Donna appelle Sam et Dean à l'aide, après qu'un meurtre avec éléments surnaturels a eu lieu dans sa ville. Sam continue d'avoir des visions et d'appeler Dieu à l'aide, ce qui frustre Dean.


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Bas les masques

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Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek


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Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum face à Michelle (Cate Sproule)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum face à Michelle (Cate Sproule)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum

Rita Johnson (Brigid Brannagh) et Max Johnson (Logan Williams)

Rita Johnson (Brigid Brannagh) et Max Johnson (Logan Williams)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Rita Johnson (Brigid Brannagh) et Max Johnson (Logan Williams)

Rita Johnson (Brigid Brannagh) et Max Johnson (Logan Williams)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) au sol

Dean (Jensen Ackles) au sol

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Rita Johnson (Brigid Brannagh) et Max Johnson (Logan Williams) dans un cercle de sel

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Rita Johnson (Brigid Brannagh) et Max Johnson (Logan Williams) dans un cercle de sel

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum face à l'officier Doug Stover (Brendan Taylor)

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum face à l'officier Doug Stover (Brendan Taylor)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Rita Johnson (Brigid Brannagh)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) face à Rita Johnson (Brigid Brannagh)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) souriants

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles) souriants

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum

Dean (Jensen Ackles), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et le shériff Donna Hanscum


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder
Réalisé par : Tim Andrew


Casting :

Brianna Buckmaster... Donna Hanscum

Brenda Taylor... Doug Stover

Adrian Glynn McMorran... Chester Johnson

Logan Williams... Max Dale

Kirt Purdy... Stan Hinkle

Victoria Bidewell... Fran Hinkle

Bruce Blain... Phil Evans





Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Une jeune femme demande à son mari, vautré devant la télévision, de sortir les poubelles. Agacée, elle finit par le faire elle-même, sans voir qu'un homme portant une tête de lapin l'observe depuis l'extérieur. Tandis qu'elle sort les poubelles, le lapin entre et tue son mari. Elle entre pour trouver l'étrange personnage au dessus du cadavre de son mari et se met à hurler.



Dean surprend Sam en train de prier Dieu et de lui demander des explications sur les visions qu'il lui envoie. Dean lui répète qu'il ne faut pas compter sur Dieu, mais Sam reste persuadé qu'il tente de les aider et que de toutes façons, ils n'ont pas grand-chose à exploiter. Cas' leur a ramené tous les parchemins qu'il a trouvé datant d'avant la Bible, mais la moitié de ces parchemins sont indéchiffrables, quand aux autres, aucun ne mentionne Amara. Soudain, Dean reçoit un appel du shériff Donna, qui lui parle d'un lapin tueur.

Ils arrivent au poste de police où Donna travaille. Elle les accueille chaleureusement et avec soulagement. Elle leur raconte toute l'histoire, et comment plusieurs officiers ont dû amener le lapin en détention, parce qu'il était trop fort. Sans être certaine que ce soit une affaire pour les Winchester, Donna a tout de même préféré les appeler, car le cas ne manque pas de bizzareries. L'officier du nom de Doug vient les saluer et ne tarit pas d'éloges sur Donna, mais celle-ci reste froide et semble gênée. Elle a bien remarqué l'approche de Doug, mais elle a déjà testé un cas similaire et refuse de s'y remettre. Enfin, elle accompagne les boys à la cellule du lapin. Elle doit ensuite les laisser seuls avec lui, après avoir été appelée pour un autre dossier. Les boys tentent d'interroger le lapin, mais il ne répond pas et ne réagit pas. Soudain, alors que Dean lui tourne le dos, il s'approche et le saisit. Sa prise est puissante et les boys ont bien du mal à s'en défaire. Finalement, le lapin finit par lâcher. Sam remarque son tatouage noté Kylie Forever et les boys décident de suivre cette piste.

Les boys rendent visite à la fameuse Kylie. Sur la photo qu'ils lui montrent, elle reconnait Mike, son petit-ami et leur raconte qu'ils sont allés dans un magasin pour acheter des costumes. Pour s'amuser et lui faire peur, Mike a enfilé cette tête de lapin, mais une fois qu'il l'avait sur lui, il a changé de comportement. Elle apprend qu'il a tué une personne et semble horrifiée.

Donna et Doug sortent Mike du poste de police à l'aide d'une chaise roulante, afin de l'emmener à l'hôpital en espérant qu'ils parviendront à lui retirer la tête de lapin. Quand Doug veut aider Donna à soulever Mike, elle devient sur la défensive et refuse qu'il l'aide. Mais ses multiples tentatives sont un échec et Doug reçoit l'ordre de l'aider. Aucun des deux ne parviendra à le lever sa chaise. Donna reçoit alors un appel de Dean. Tandis que Doug et elle lui tournent le dos, le lapin se lève. Il commence à agresser les policiers et tandis qu'il s'apprête à s'attaquer à Donna, Doug lui tire dessus et finit par le tuer. C'est alors que la tête de lapin est enfin retirée.

Donna explique aux boys qu'elle se sent triste pour le jeune Mike, qui n'était en fait qu'une victime du masque. Sam lui tend une boîte d'allumettes et lui promet que personne d'autre ne mourra de cette façon. Donna fait alors brûler la tête de lapin. Pendant ce temps, alors que le coach entraîne son quaterback, et se retire dans son bureau un instant, un personnage en costume de fou, portant un masque blanc entre, saisit un poids et commence à frapper le coach avec. Le quaterback, alerté par la soudaine baisse de température et les cris de son coach, se précipite et se jette sur le fou.

Les boys, Donna et Doug arrivent sur les lieux du crime. Le coach n'est pas mort mais dans le coma. Les boys interrogent le quaterback, Brock Buckner, qui leur raconte qu'il n'a pas pu retirer le masque. Lui s'entraînait tandis que le coach s'est fait agressé. Il explique également que la température de la salle a brusquement baissé. De retour au poste de police, face au fou assis dans la cellule, les boys expliquent à Donna qu'ils ont affaire à une possession par un fantôme. Le fantôme en question s'est attaché à des masques et quiconque porte ces masques, fini possédé à son tour. Mais les fantômes n'aiment ni le sel, ni le fer. Dean sort son fusil, tire sur le fou. Le fantôme disparait aussitôt, libérant son hôte qui est en fait une jeune fille.

Après avoir interrogé la jeune fille, ils apprennent que c'est une certaine Rita Johnson qui a donné le costume à l'école, là où elle l'a trouvé. Ils partent interroger Rita Johnson. Elle leur explique que les costumes appartenaient à son frère, Chester, qui s'est suicidé en sautant d'un pont, après un long combat contre la dépression. Chester était animateur pour enfants. Rita n'a pas voulu conserver les costumes car ils la rendaient tristes, même si son fils, très proche de son oncle, voulait les garder. Rita ne semble pas connaitre les noms de Stan ou de Phil, les dernières victimes de Chester et ce dernier a été incinéré. Il n'y a donc pas de corps à brûler, comme les boys l'expliquent à Donna. Donc, pour se débarrasser de Chester, ils doivent brûler les costumes auxquels il est rattaché. Donna a déjà envoyé Doug chercher ceux donnés à l'école. Sam lui tend une liste des autres costumes, afin que Doug aille les chercher ensuite. Pendant ce temps, Sam ira à l'hôpital rendre visite au coach, tandis que Dean part à la recherche de la veuve de Phil, afin de savoir pourquoi Chester lui en voulait.

A l'hôpital, un clown entre dans la chambre du coach. Armé d'un scalpel, il l'égorge. Quelques minutes plus tard, il se retrouve dans le même ascenseur que Sam. Ce dernier reconnait l'un des costumes de Chester et tandis que le clown le regarde d'un air menaçant, il finit par prendre son courage à deux mains et à intervenir. Il lui retire d'abord son scalpel, puis lutte contre lui. Sam attrape le morceau de fer dans sa poche et le plaque contre la peau du clown. Le fantôme se retire, laissant apparaitre un vieil homme un peu surpris mais pas bien méchant. Plus tard, Sam raconte sa mésaventure à Donna. Doug revient un peu après et a du mal à croire qu'un autre copycat soit responsable de la mort du coach. Mais Donna lui ordonne, un peu brusquement, de se remettre au travail. Sam lui fait remarquer qu'elle est dure avec lui et que cela pourrait avoir un rapport avec le fait que son ex-mari était un flic nommé Doug. Donna lui dit de se mêler de ses affaires et de s'occuper de l'enquête en cours.

Sam raconte sa rencontre avec le clown à Dean, qui lui lui explique que sa rencontre avec la veuve de Phil lui a permis d'apprendre que Chester aurait, selon Phil et le coach qui étaient amis de longue date, franchi certaines limites avec leurs enfants. Aussi, Phil et Stan se seraient mis en tête de trouver Chester eux-même, plutôt que de le livrer à la police. Lorsqu'ils se sont rendu chez lui, ils sont tombés sur Rita, puis sont partis à la recherche de Chester. Mais d'après la veuve, Chester se serait suicidé avant que Stan et Phil ne puissent s'en occuper, ce dont Dean doute.

Dean arrive chez Rita mais c'est Max qui lui ouvre et le laisse entrer. Il assure à Dean que Chester était un homme bien et que ce que Phil et Stan ont dit à son propos n'était que mensonge. Soudain, Rita, en colère, suivie par Sam, entre chez elle. Mais Dean et Sam la forcent à confronter ses peurs et leur dire la vérité. Rita renvoie Max dans sa chambre et leur dit tout ; de sa rencontre avec Stan et Phil qui lui ont mis le doute sur les intentions de son frère envers les enfants, de son aveu sur l'endroit où ils pouvaient trouver Chester et de ce qu'il s'est passé ensuite; Stan et Phil ont trouvé Chester à la sortie d'un hôpital, où il rendait visite à des enfants malades, déguisé en cerf. Après avoir déposé la tête de son costume dans sa voiture, Chester s'est fait surprendre par Phil et Stan qui l'ont emmené dans un endroit isolé. Ils l'ont suspendu au-dessus d'une rivière, sur un pont, afin de l'effrayer et de lui faire avouer ses crimes. Mais Chester s'est tellement débattu qu'ils ont fini par le lâcher. Ils ont assuré ensuite à Rita que ce n'était qu'un accident et qu'il ne fallait surtout pas en parler à la police, au risque qu'ils aillent tous en prison, elle y compris. Afin de protéger son fils, elle s'est alors emmurée dans le silence, mais n'a jamais cessé de regretter d'avoir participé à la mort de son frère. Elle regrette de ne pas lui avoir fait plus confiance et d'avoir cru ce que ces hommes lui avaient dit. Soudain, Sam reçoit un appel de Donna qui lui confirme que tous les costumes ont été brûlés. Tous, sauf la tête de cerf. C'est alors que Max, portant la fameuse tête, arrive dans le salon.

Après avoir neutralisé Sam et Dean, Max s'approche de Rita. Mais Dean se relève, touche le dos de Max avec du fer, faisant expulser le fantôme. Dean lance ensuite la tête de cerf à Sam et lui dit d'aller la brûler immédiatement. Sam sort, prépare ce dont il a besoin tandis que Dean utilise du sel pour former un cercle protecteur autour de Rita et de Max. Mais après avoir assomé Sam, Chester revient pour en découdre avec Dean. Heureusement, Sam reprend vite connaissance et brûle la tête de cerf, faisant disparaitre à jamais le fantôme de Chester Johnson.

Les boys disent aurevoir à Donna. Cette dernière, une fois les boys partis, s'excuse auprès de Doug de l'avoir un peu maltraité. Doug ne lui en veut pas et comprend. Pendant ce temps, de retour sur la route, Sam avoue à Dean que s'il prie Dieu, c'est qu'il a besoin de savoir quoi faire de ses visions. Ces visions représentent la cage de Lucifer et peut-être que Dieu lui dit que la solution pour vaincre Darkness se trouve là. Mais Dean refuse catégoriquement cette option, aussi Sam n'insiste. Cependant, il ne cesse de se poser des questions à ce sujet.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

(INT. A man sitting in his living room watching football, while his wife is in the kitchen)

Sports Announcer: This is their second drive in overtime, with both teams having possessed the ball. The next score wins.

Man: Mm.

Sports Announcer: Every play becomes...

Man: Oh!

Sports Announcer: 1st and 10 from the 32-yard line. 8:21 in O.T...

Wife: Stan! Can you take out the trash?

Sports Announcer: He is running left. Ohh! He gets...

Wife: Stinks to high heaven!

Stan: It's your cooking that stinks.

Wife: What was that, honey?

Stan: Nothing, dear.

Sports Announcer: 2nd and...

Stan: The game's in O.T., can't it wait?

(EXT. The wife in the kitchen starts gathering the trash bag to take it out, through the kitchen window you see someone standing outside in a giant plush bunny mask. Outside, while the wife is shoving the trash bag into the garbage bin she looks around but no one is there. INT. Stan is still sitting in his recliner watching the game)

Sports Announcer: …backs him into center, slowly defends...

Stan: Hey, hon, bring me another brewski.

Sports Announcer: He's flushed out of the pocket.

Stan: Hey, thanks, babe.

(Stan looks over and its the Bunny masked man holding out the beer, Bunny man precedes to break the bottle over Stan’s head and stab him with it)

Sports Announcer: He's got a man open… Throws... And it's caught by...

Stan: Uhh!

(EXT. At the same time the wife is outside trying to fit the trash bag into the garbage bin)

Wife: Don't need possum traps, huh?

(The wife comes back to see the man in the mask kneeling over Stan still holding the broken bottle into his neck)


(INT. Sam is in his room at the bunker kneeling in front of his bed with his back to his open door)

Sam: So, uh... on the off chance that you're actually listening, uh... Uh, I gotta be real honest. The visions aren't making a whole lot of sense to me. Truth is... I don't know what's what. Please. What are you trying to say?

Dean: Really? I mean, really?

Sam: You ever hear of privacy?

Dean: Hey, you want privacy, close your door.

(Sam gets up and walks out of his room and Dean starts following him)

Dean: Thought we talked about this.

Sam: Yeah, we did, Dean. But why is it so hard to believe that God could be sending me visions about the darkness?

Dean: You kidding me? He didn't feel the need to show up for the Apocalypse. Why would he give a crap now?

Sam: I don't know. Maybe because she's his sister? What do you wanna do? Sit back? Ignore him? Do nothing?

Dean: No, that's -- that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying, don't count on God. Okay? Count on us.

(Sam and Dean arrive at the command center in the bunker, the table is full of ancient books and scrolls)

Sam: Right. Oh, this is everything Cas dug up in Gaza, every last bit of prebiblical lore.

Dean: Hmm.

Sam: Half of it I couldn't read. It's in Aramaic. And the other half... Nada. Not a single mention of the darkness, so...

(Dean’s phone starts ringing)

Dean: Well, I'll be damned.

Sam: Huh?

Dean (on phone): Donna, what's shakin'?

Sam (whispering): ‘Fat sucker’ Donna?

Dean (on phone): What do you mean "Killer bunny"?

(EXT. The boys are walking into the Sherriff’s station towards Donna)

Sam: Sheriff. Hey.

Donna: Oh! You two are a sight for sore eyes!

Dean: Mmm! What, are you working all 10,000 lakes now? This isn't usually your beat.

Donna: Just Larsen County, what with the cutbacks and all. For the most part, it's been tater tots and lemon drops, except for this doozy. I mean, when you get a call about a killer Easter bunny, you don't know what to think.

Dena: Well, you think crazy.

Donna: Guy's real strong, too. Lashed out at several officers. Took a whole team just to get him into custody. But that's not the weirdest part -- bunny head won't come off.

Sam: What do you mean?

Donna: Tried everything short of a chainsaw, but it's really stuck. I mean, who knows? Could be nothing. Guy could just have a big melon like my Uncle Wally. But ever since I've seen what goes bump in the night... I'm not taking any chances.

Sam: You did the right thing, for sure.

Dean: Maybe. I'm just still not 100% sure this is our kind of case. But if, uh, you got a wild hare... See what I did there?

Donna: It's good to see you two!

Doug:' Who you got there, Sheriff?

Donna: Gentlemen, this is Officer Stover. He's lead on the case.

Sam: Agents Elliott and Savage.

Doug: Huh. Nice to meet ya. And please, call me Doug.

Donna: These two fine fellas will be helping out with the old hippity hop.

Doug: Oh. We're gonna need it. And not that Sheriff Hanscum isn't doing a bang-up job. We're lucky to have her. Well, I better get back to it.

Dean: Uh-huh.

Donna: What?

Dean: Hey, it's none of our business, but it looks like somebody might have a crush.

Donna: I was born at night, Dean. Not last night.

Sam: What's the deal? He seems nice.

Donna: He is! But he's a cop... named Doug. I mean, clearly, I have a type, but no, thank you, ma'am. Won't be once bitten, twice Doug'd.

Dean: All right, where's the wascally wabbit?

(INT. All three approaching the holding cell inside the Sheriff’s station, coming to a stop right in front of the cell’s bars)

Sam: Any witnesses?

Donna: Yeah, vic's wife -- Fran Hinkle. Poor thing thought she was next, but the bunny just up and walked out the door.

Dean: You I.D. him yet?

Donna: Nope. No wallet. No cell. Ran his prints, but no prior record. Couldn't even get our hands on him long enough to check for any identifying marks. Only thing we do know -- he's Caucasian, roughly 18 to 25. And terrifying.

(Doug knocks on the door entering the hall)

Doug: Clive's on the line. Said it's an emergency.

Donna: Just shoot a hoot if you need me.

Doug (following Donna down the hall): You need anything? Crullers?

Donna (voice getting faint): Not right now.

Dean: What's up, Doc? Be easier all around if you just talk to us.

(Dean walks even closer to the bars staring the Bunny head down)

Sam: Careful.

Dean: Yeah. So what happened, pal? Hmm. What, you dropped too much Molly? Super glue your mask to your head, get paranoid, stab a guy? Hoo. I've been there.

Sam: Let me guess, Rog. You were framed!

(Dean turns around to give Sam a look)

Sam: What? Dean!

(Dean turns and the Bunny is standing right behind him and proceeds to grab Dean by the jacket, Dean starts trying to get his hands off of him)

Dean: Ah! I-I got it. I got it. Ah!

(The masked man maneuvers Dean into a chokehold, Sam grabs a flask and pours holy water on the Bunny man’s now exposed arm)

Sam: - It's not a demon.

Dean: - He is strong. All right. Whoo.

(Sam grabs the Bunny’s arm and together the boys snake Dean out of his chokehold.)

Sam (reading a tattoo on the Bunny man’s exposed arm): “Kylie Forever." That'll work.

(EXT. Sam and Dean getting out of the Impala in front of a house, a young woman leaving the house approaching her car in the driveway)

Dean: Better be her. Last Kylie on the list.

Sam: Excuse me. Kylie Jennings?

Kylie: Yes?

Dean: You know this rabbit?

Kylie: You found him.

Sam: Who is he?

Kylie: Mike Hooks. He's my boyfriend.

Sam: Okay, well, you have any idea why your boyfriend would stab somebody?

Kylie: Wait. What?

Dean: How would Mike know Stan Hinkle?

Kylie: Who?

Sam: The victim.

Kylie: Okay, hold on. This... This makes no sense. Why would Mike stab a complete stranger? I mean... Oh, God.

Dean: What?

Kylie: I don't know. I thought it was nothing, but he was acting really weird yesterday.

Sam: Weird how?

Kylie: Well, after class, we went to this thrift shop. We needed to buy costumes for a party off-campus. And Mike found this super creepy bunny mask. I mean, it -- it grossed me out, which he just loved. But as soon as he put it on...

Dean: That's when the weird started?

Kylie: Yeah. He just... Stared at me. At first, I thought that he was just messing around, but then he walked out without paying. He left his cell at the register, so I had no way of reaching him, and... Look, Mike's, like, the sweetest, okay? But I'm telling you, as soon as he put that mask on, it's like he was a completely different person.

(INT. Donna and Doug are wheeling a handcuffed Mike in a wheelchair to the Sheriff’s cruiser)

Doug: You really think the hospital can get this puppy off?

Donna: Two words -- bone saw. Yeah, let's see here...

Doug: What?

Donna: Lady cops can't handle the heavy liftin'?

Doug: I didn't mean that... I just figured... We shot him full of tranquilizers. Dead weight. I didn't want you to hurt yourself.

Donna: ”Hurt myself"? I do crossfit. Just gotta engage the core and lift with the knees. Watch and learn. Oh! Little help would be nice!

Doug: Okay, yeah.

Donna (her phone starts ringing): Yeah. Oh, hold up.

Doug: Oh!

Donna: Those FBI boys. Hiya, Dean.

Doug: Whoa.

(Doug turns and Mike, still in the Bunny mask, stands up)

Donna: Whoa!

(Mike knocks Doug to the ground then goes after Donna, when he is about to beat Donna with a baton Doug shoots Mike. When Doug and Donna approach him they see the mask came off when he died)

Donna: Oh!

(EXT. Night time, Sam, Dean, and Donna are in a wooded area standing around the Bunny head. Sam is pouring gasoline and salt on it)

Dean: You okay?

Donna: No, not really. A 19-year-old kid is dead.

Sam: That's not on you or Doug. He was just doing his job.

Donna: I know, but... That kid was innocent. I mean, if the mask was cursed, then he was just a puppet, right? He was a victim, too.

(Sam hands Donna the Matches so she can light the mask)

Sam (as he watches her light it): No one else dies. Not like this.

(INT. An athlete is bench pressing in a gym with his coach spotting hime)

Coach: Come on. That's good. Come on, one more. Good. Nice job, Buckner. All your hard work's gonna pay off.

Buckner: You think so, Coach?

Coach: I know so. Any scout would be a damn fool not to snatch you up. Just lay off the H.G.H. You might have to pee in a cup. I'll be next door if you need another spot.

(The coach walks into his office, and Buckner, putting on headphones, walks over to the dumbbell weights looking over and seeing the coach sitting at his desk through the office window)

♪ Feels like I'm running in place, a past I can't erase, I'm breaking, breaking apart, I know they're after me ,it's like I'm fading each day, they took it all away ♪

(While Buckner is focusing on weightlifting someone in a Jester costume walks through the Gym door near the Office, picking up a 12 lb. drop weight, then walking towards the coach)

♪ Left nothing, nothing but scars, they make it hard to breathe ♪

(The Coach starts turning in his chair when he hears someone come in)

Coach: Need another spot? Aah!

(Buckner looks over seeing the Jester attacking the coach with the weight and runs in tackling the jester to the ground)

Coach: Uhh! Uhh!


(EXT.Seeing Donna and Doug standing with Sam and Dean through the office window in the Gym)

Police Radio Dispatcher: Are you over at the high school? Come in.

Policeman (over the radio): Yeah, I'm here now.

Donna: Good news -- coach is still alive. Bad news -- he's in a coma, so we're not out of the woods yet.

Doug: Two masked psychos in two days. I mean, what are the chances?

Donna: My guess? Copycat killer.

Dean: Damn social media.

Doug: Uh... Okay?

Dean: Yeah.

Sam: Yeah. You know, did you guys talk to the kid yet?

Donna: Be my guest.

Sam: Thanks.

(Sam and Dean approach Buckner who is finishing up with another policeman)

Sam: Hi. Agents Elliott and Savage.

Brock: Brock Buckner.

Dean: Well, um, Brock, what did you see?

Brock: Not much, man. I mean, I was just hammering my bi's, gettin' all swole, and next thing I know, coach Evans is getting his ass kicked by the mascot.

Sam: And who is the mascot?

Brock: Why would I know? I'm the quarterback. Besides, his mask wouldn't come off. I couldn't believe how strong he was either. I mean, for a scrawny dude, he was as strong as me, and I hold the state bench record.

Dean: Oh, yeah? What do you bench?

Brock: Four plates. On each side.

Dean: Oh. That's...

Sam: Okay, so other than the, uh, mask not coming off and the Jester hulking out, did you notice anything else unusual?

Brock: What do you mean?

Sam: Uh, power surges? Temperature fluctuations?

Brock: Uh, the weight room did get really cold.

Sam: Thanks.

(INT. Back to the holding cells in the Sheriff’s station Sam, Donna and Dean are standing in front of the Jester’s cell, Dean has the E.M.F. reader out)

Dean: Hmm. Well... Ain't a cursed object. Ghost possession.

Donna: Oh, for jeez. Ghosts can possess people?

Sam: Yeah. So, uh, Ghosts 101 -- somebody's spirit can attach itself to an object or a bunch of objects left behind. In this case, masks.

Dean: Right, so whoever possesses the object...

Sam: Gets possessed.

Donna: But if we can't get the mask, how the heck do ya unpossess someone?

Sam: Everything has a weakness, even ghosts.

Dean: They hate iron and salt. So all we gotta do is spook the spook with a little salt and, uh, maybe we could pry it off.

(Donna pulls out a salt shaker from her fanny pack)

Donna: My diet secret. One bite of dessert and then I dump salt on it. Kills the craving.

Dean: And that works?

Donna: You betcha. On everything except... salted caramel.

Dean: Well, that's cute. But I was thinking something a little bit more like this.

(Dean pulls out a sawed-off shotgun)

Donna: You said no one else was dying.

Dean: Salt pellets.

(Dean fires the shotgun and you see the ghost leave and the Jester’s mask comes off revealing a teenaged girl)

Jester: What's going on?

(EXT. The girl is handcuffed sitting next to Donna’s desk. While Sam, Dean, and Donna stand a ways away watching her)

Donna: Poor thing doesn't deserve to be locked up.

Sam: So let her go. No one saw her face, right?

Dean: Yeah, he was a drifter, overpowered you, escaped.

Donna: Well, there's some female empowerment for ya.

(All three approach the girl)

Donna: Don't worry, hon. Just gonna ask you a few questions, then you're free to go.

Jester: I am?

Donna: Scout's honor.

Dean: You remember attacking Coach Evans?

Jester: No, I swear. I went to pick up the new mascot costume, went to try it on, and the next thing I know... I'm in jail.

Sam: Did you even know him?

Jester: He was my P.E. coach last semester. I mean, he was kind of a hard-ass, but... That doesn't mean that I wanted him dead.

Dean: Michelle, where did you get the costume? Was it a thrift store?

Michelle: No, someone donated it to the school.

Dena: Do you know who?

(INT. Donna, Dean, and Sam are standing with Rita on her front porch)

Sam: Rita Johnson?

Rita: Yeah, who's askin'?

Dean: Got a few questions we want to ask you about a case in town.

Max: Who is it, Mom?

Rita: Um, Max, why don't you go back and finish your homework?

Max: Why are the police here?

Donna: Hey there, fella. You ever see a real cop car? I mean, if it's okay with your mom.

Rita: Yeah.

Donna: Yeah. You can talk on the police radio.

Max: Really?

Donna: It's pretty simple to figure out.

Dean: Mind if we come inside?

(The boys follow Rita into her house and sit at the dining room table)

Rita: The costumes belonged to my brother Chester. He was a kids' party performer before he passed.

Sam: Ah.

Dean: And, um, how did -- how did Chester die?

Rita: Uh, my brother suffered from depression. He took his own life a couple months back. Jumped off a bridge.

Sam: I’m sorry to hear that.

Rita: Max begged me to keep the costumes. He loved them. He loved his uncle. I mean, he lived with us, so they were really close. But they made me sad, so I donated them to the local high school, the theater company.

Dean: Thrift shop?

Rita: Yeah, places like that.

Sam: Can I ask where Chester's buried?

Rita: He's not. He was cremated.

Sam: Would you mind making a list of his costumes? As many as you can remember?

Rita: Sure. But what does this have to do with your case?

Sam: That's what we're trying to figure out.

Dean: Uh, one more question. Did Chester have a falling out with Stan Hinkle or Phil Evans? Um, or anyone for that matter?

Rita: What do you mean?

Dean: Did he, um, did he have any unfinished business with anyone?

Rita: No, not that I can think of. I mean, I don't even -- I don't think Chester even knew those guys.

(EXT. Donna and the boys are standing by their cars outside Rita Johnson’s home)

Donna: I remember Chester's suicide. Real sad. So now that we know he's the ghost, how do we stop him?

Dean: Well, usually you gotta burn their bones, but he was cremated.

Donna: So we're up poop's creek without a paddle?

Sam: Mm. Not exactly. I mean, looks like he's tied to the costumes, which means the only way to stop him is to burn them.

Donna: Then we're already ahead of the game. I had Doug go to the high school and collect the costumes.

Sam: Great. Here is a list of the rest. Think you and Doug can round 'em up?

Donna: Yeah. You betcha.

Dean: Now we just gotta figure out what Chester's beef was with the vics. Ghosts come back for something personal. Usually, it's revenge.

Sam: All right, drop me off at the hospital. I'll check on the coach.

Dean: I’ll see if I can find Stan's widow. Let's go.

(INT. You see a clown walk into Coach Evans’ hospital Room, he approaches Phil Evans’ hospital bed. He holds up a scalpel and proceeds to slit Phil’s throat)



(EXT. The Clown is walking to the elevator to leave. Sam is already on the elevator when the doors open for the Clown. The clown enters into the elevator. Sam fights him purging the Ghost from the body with an iron rod. INT. Donna and Sam are in Coach Evans room with the coroner rolling the body out)

Donna: You get a story out of Bozo?

Sam: Yeah, uh, name is Steve Buress. 60 years old, retired G.P. Apparently, he was playing dress-up with his grandson, and the next thing he knew, he... Doesn't even know how he got to the hospital.

Donna: He "escape," too?

Sam: Yeah.

Donna: I’m so losing my job.

(Doug now enters into the hospital room)

Doug: I was on my way to Woodbury to pick up a Woodpecker costume. Then I got the call about the coach.

Donna: Yeah. This time... Killer clown. Already put out an A.P.B.

Doug: What the heck is going on in this doggone town?

Donna: Told ya. Copycat killers.

Doug: So this is a-a copycat of a copycat?

Donna: Come on, Doug. It's not that hard to wrap your noggin around, is it?

Doug: Whatever you say, Sheriff. I'm gonna go get the Woodpecker.

Sam: What's the deal? Why don't you cut the guy a break? I mean, I wouldn't be buying what you're selling either.

Donna: I don't have time for insubordination.

Sam: Or is it maybe that you're treating new Doug like old Doug and not even giving him a chance?

Donna: You know what I think? You need to mind your own beeswax. We have a case to solve.

(EXT. Dean is at the house of Stan’s widow)

Widow: Phil and Stan were college roommates. Knew each other since they were 18. They were like brothers.

Dean: Out of all these years of friendship, did, uh, your husband or the coach ever know a guy by the name of Chester Johnson? He was a children's performer.

Widow: Yeah. They knew. Ugh. I can't even say his name. He makes me sick! I know you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but I have nothing nice to say about that man.

(INT. Dean is walking to the Impala talking on the phone with Sam who is still at the hospital)

Dean: Killer clown? You're serious?

Sam: No, Dean, I'm joking. Because clowns are really funny to me.

Dean: Did you take care of it?

Sam: Yeah. What about you? Anything?

Dean: Yeah, turns out that Stan and the coach were besties from way back who accused Chester of crossing the line with their kids.

Sam: Oh. Wow.

Dean: Yeah. But they didn't wanna go to the cops 'cause they didn't wanna embarrass their kids. So they decided to track down Chester themselves. They went to his house and got Rita instead.

Sam: So she lied? Chester did know the vics?

Dean: Apparently. So Fran said that Rita told them to screw off. And...Well, before they had a chance to confront him, he killed himself.

Sam: So suicide led to a vengeful spirit. I mean, it's not like we haven't seen it before.

Dean: Or maybe it wasn't suicide.

(EXT. It’s night time and Dean is knocking on Rita Johnson’s door)

Dean: Hey, uh, Max, right? Is, uh, is your mom home?

Max: Not yet.

Dean: Okay. Um, I just needed to ask her a few more questions. Uh... Um...

Max: I-I guess you can wait inside.

Dean: Okay.

(Dean follows Max to their living room)

Dean: Hey. Poker? I can show you a move or two.

Max: Magic trick. Something my uncle taught me.

Dean: Ah. Yeah, you were pretty close to him, huh?

Max: Yeah. He was cool. I miss him.

Dean: He sounds like a good guy.

Max: He was. What those men said about him wasn't true.

(Rita enters the house, with Sam on her heels, approaching Dean in the living room)

Rita: I don't appreciate you talking to my son when I am not home.

Dean: Hey, we were just trading some card tricks, that's all.

Rita: What are you even doing here? I told you everything I know.

(Rita exchanges looks with Dean as he looks pointedly at Max)

Rita: Okay, honey, go to your room.

Sam: Look, we know that the coach and Stan confronted you about Chester.

Rita: That is none of your damn business. It has nothing to do with any of this.

Sam: Those men were murdered. And whether or not you believe it, your brother is connected.

Rita: How? Chester is dead. Killed himself.

Dean: You sure about that?

Rita: Oh!

Sam: Look, we need to know the truth. People's lives are at stake here.

Dean: Yeah. Maybe yours. Maybe Max's.

Rita: Okay. Okay. A couple of months ago, Stan and the coach came by. They said that Chester was with their kids, did something... inappropriate. I got defensive. I mean... Chester was sweet, like a dad to Max. So I told them to get lost. If they had a problem with Chester, they could go to the cops.

Sam: But they didn't.

Rita: They didn't have any evidence. But then, I started to have my doubts. I mean, as much as I wanted to defend my brother... What they said really... Got under my skin. Chester was always a little... Off. Only got along with kids. That's why he became a party performer. I spent my whole life sticking up for my brother. But what if I couldn't see him for who he really was? And he and Max were so close. I mean... What if he was hurting him, and I didn't know? Chester was my brother, but... Max is my son.

Sam: So you wanted to protect him?

Rita: How could I look the other way? I had to suck it up and face my biggest fear. If not me, then who? But I should've talked to him. I just should've gone to him first. Instead... I called Stan back. And he said that they would take care of it.

(INT. Rita continues to talk while a flash back of the incident happens)

Rita (voice over): So one day when Chester was working, I told them where he was.

Stan: Going somewhere?

Chester: Yeah. Home.

Phil: I don't think so.

Chester: No. Hey! Hey! Help! Help!

Rita (voice over): They promised me that they weren't gonna hurt Chester.

(EXT. Switch back to Rita in the living room with Sam and Dean)

Rita: They were just gonna scare him a little bit. And I thought, you know, maybe a good scare.., maybe that's all he needed.

(INT. Stan and Phil are holding Chester by the legs over a bridge)

Chester: Stop! Stop, please! Stop! Why are you doing this?!

Phil: You know why, sicko! Leave our kids alone!

Chester: I’ve never hurt your kids or anyone's kids! I love kids!

Stan: Yeah, we know! Oh! Oh!

Chester: Let me go. Let me go!

Phil: Stop it! We're not gonna --

Chester: let me go!

Phil: Stop it! We won't --

Chester: let me go! Oh, let me go!

Phil: Stop it! Stop it!

(Chester screams as he falls into the creek)

(EXT. Rita is sitting in front of Dean and Sam who are standing by the living room entrance)

Rita: They didn't mean to kill him. They -- they said... That it was an accident. But I wasn't there, so I didn't know what to believe. And I wanted to go to the cops and explain what happened, but Stan said that we'd all go to jail. And I couldn't do that to Max. He already lost his father and his uncle. And he... He couldn't lose me, too. So I...didn't say anything. Fear cripples you. It makes you do nothing. Or worse... It makes you do something that you regret. I should've trusted my brother.

(Sam’s cellphone starts ringing)

Sam: Hi. How's it going?

(INT. Donna and Doug are standing in the wooded area in front of a bond fire of burning costumes)

Donna: Tracked down every last costume.

Sam: You didn't happen to see a-a deer head by chance, did you?

Donna: Deer head?

(Rita looks up and see Max with the Deer head mask on standing in the living room entrance)

Rita: Oh, my God.

(Switches to Donna looking at Doug for a confirmed nod)

Donna: That wasn't on the list.

(Masked Max hits Dean and he falls hard passing out)

Dean: Uhh!



(EXT. Rita is staring at Max in the Deer mask as he starts approaching, Sam puts the phone down and pulls out the iron rod)

Rita: Max? Max? Max?

Sam: Uhh! Aah!

(Max knocks Sam back before Sam can press the Iron to knock the ghost from his body, Dean wakes at the loud crash of Sam hitting the china cabinet)

Rita: Max? Max! Max. Max, no! What are you doing? M-Max!

(Dean grabs the Iron rod and presses it to Max’s exposed back before he chokes Rita to death. Causing the Deer mask to fall to the floor)

Rita: Max?

(Sam wakes and gets up)

Max: Mom, what's happening?

Rita: Oh!

Dean: Hey! Burn it now!

Sam: Yeah.

(Sam catches the Deer mask thrown to him and runs outside and starts to open the Impala’s trunk. Meanwhile Dean walks into the kitchen looking for salt, while Rita and Max watch)

Dean: Come with me.

(INT. Sam has grabbed the gasoline and is approaching the Deer mask when Chester manifests and grabs Sam throwing him against the trunk of the Impala knocking him unconscious. EXT. to Dean completing a salt circle in the Johnson’s dining room)

Dean: Okay. Whatever you do, stay inside this circle.

Rita: I don't understand.

Dean: Ghosts. You wanna know how this ties to your brother? Cause and effect. Wrongful death spawns a vengeful spirit.

Rita: Chester.

Dean: Uhh! Aah!

(Chester manifests in the dining room and pushes Dean through a glass pane door. INT. Sam is starting to wake outside. EXT. Chester is walking towards Dean on the ground)

Max: Uncle Chester, no!

(INT. Sam leans forward and sees the gasoline container by the deers head. EXT. Chester stops and seems to consider listening to Max but then appears to get angry again and grabs Dean, choking him. INT. Meanwhile Sam has poured the gasoline and is lighting the match dropping them onto the deers head lighting it ablaze. EXT. Chester lets go of Dean and staggers backs then goes up in flames as the deer head burns)



(INT. Sam and Dean are standing with Donna by the living room entrance while Doug is by the couch talking with Rita and Max)

Sam: All right, I think it's, uh, time we gotta get out of here.

Donna: Here's hoping something less murderous brings you back to Minnesota, like Prince or cheese curd fest.

Dean: You had me at "curd."

Donna: I-I don't know how you two do this, day in, day out. Figuring out who's possessed, who isn't. Your life's one big poop storm, isn't it?

Dean: Spoken like a true hunter.

Donna: Really? Hunter?

Sam: Oh, yeah. I mean, with three cases under your belt, I think you earned it.

Donna: Yay!

Sam: Okay. Yeah.

Donna: Mmm!

Dean: There we go.

Donna: Thank you. Bye.

Dean: Bye.

(Dean and Sam leave the house and Doug approaches Donna)

Doug: So... Been a crazy couple of days.

Donna: Darn tootin'. But you've been great. I really appreciate all your hard work. And, uh... Sorry if I was a little tough on ya.

Doug: You mean you treating me like a punching bag? It's okay. Really. I got baggage, too, Donna. Everyone does. You know, if it makes you feel any better, you can call me by my middle name... Lonnie.

Donna: Mnh. I think "Doug" will do just fine.

Doug: Okay.

(EXT. Sam and Dean are in the Impala driving)

Sam: I keep praying to God because if it is God -- and I know you think it isn't, but if it is -- then he's showing me something I don't know what to do with.

Dean: What?

Sam: The cage.

Dean: Lucifer's cage?

Sam: Yeah. What if he's telling me I have to go back? What if he's saying that's where the answer is to beating the Darkness?

Dean: Sam, no. No, okay. I don't know if these visions are coming from God or PBS or what. But we've been down that road. Anything having to do with that cage is -- it -- it's suicide. And you of all people know that. So, no. Just...Not gonna happen.

Sam: Okay.

Dean: Okay.


Source : SuperWiki

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