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#11.04 : Comme Au Bon Vieux Temps

PERSONNE NE MET BEBE DANS UN COIN - Dean et Sam partent chasser démons et monstres, le tout entièrement observé du point de vue de l'Impala.


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Comme Au Bon Vieux Temps

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Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Lily Markham (Sarah Jane Redmond) à l'arrière

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Lily Markham (Sarah Jane Redmond) à l'arrière

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) blessé

Sam (Jared Padalecki) blessé

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et  Sam (Jared Padalecki) blessés

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki) blessés

Sam (Jared Padalecki) arme à la main

Sam (Jared Padalecki) arme à la main

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Lily Markham (Sarah Jane Redmond) à l'arrière

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Lily Markham (Sarah Jane Redmond) à l'arrière

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture

Dean (Jensen Ackles) en voiture


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robbie Thompson
Réalisé par : Thomas J. Wright


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Matt Cohen... Lucifer (John Winchester jeune)

Sarah-Jane Redmond... Lily Markham

Dyanella Angel... Jessie

Teach Grant... Député Donelly






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

La caméra nous entraine dans l'Impala : nous voyons les legos et les soldats de Dean et Sam quand ils étaient enfants, leurs initiales gravées et maculées de sang et de bris de verre. Puis, nous voyons Dean, les mains menottées dans le dos, allongé et inconscient sur la banquette arrière.


Sam vient aider son frère à nettoyer Baby, tout en lui annonçant qu'ils n'ont toujours aucune piste concernant Darkness, ou Metatron. Mais au moins, Cas' reprend petit à petit du poil de la bête, même s'il a encore besoin de temps. Alors, Sam a une affaire à proposer à Dean. Dean, avide d'occupation, décide immédiatement de prendre la route. Durant le trajet, Sam explique ce qu'est l'affaire ; le shériff de Quaker Valley, dans l'Oregon a été retrouvé mort dans des circonstances affreuses et son coeur a disparu. Immédiatement, les boys pensent à un loup-garou, mais sans conviction. Les boys s'apprêtaient à se disputer à propos de la bière disparue au profit de smoothies, quand Castiel appelle. Décidé à aider, il leur apprend qu'il fait des recherches sur leur affaire, mais qu'il n'a pour le moment rien trouvé de concluant. Les boys lui demandent d'abord de se reposer et promettent d'appeler s'ils ont besoin d'aide.

Dean décide de prendre une pause à un Roadhouse où Sam et lui ont rencontré une chasseuse du nom d'Heather quelques années auparavant. Dean est bien décidé à s'amuser, mais Sam décide de trouver un restaurant où se poser et continuer à travailler sur leur affaire. Ils se séparent. Au petit matin, Dean revient à l'Impala, pour trouver son frère en bonne compagnie. Aussitôt sur la route, Dean ne peut s'empêcher de taquiner son frère, qui finit par entrer dans son jeu.

La nuit tombe et Dean et Sam évoquent encore leur rencontre d'un soir. Quand Sam évoque la possibilité d'établir des relations plus prolongées avec des femmes à qui la vie de chasseur ne serait pas étrangère, Dean réfute cette hypothèse. Pour lui, ils ne sont pas fait pour la vie domestique, adaptée à celle de chasseur ou pas. Ensuite, il propose à son frère de faire une petite sieste, après la nuit intense qu'il vient de passer.

Sam s'endort puis se réveille pour trouver la version jeune de John à la place de Dean.John exprime quelques regrets sur la vie menée par les boys mais se félicite de voir qu'ils ont grandi pour devenir des hommes bien. Intrigué par le discours tenu par son père, Sam commence à faire le lien avec sa prière et la vision qu'il a eu juste après. C'est alors que John délivre un message à Sam ; les Ténèbres se rapprochent et seuls les boys peuvent l'arrêter. Il finit par un proverbe célèbre, "aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera", puis Sam se réveille sans avoir pu percer le mystère de cette apparition. Secoué par ce rêve étrange, il décide d'en parler à Dean et de confesser son aventure à l'hôpital. Quand Sam évoque l'hypothèse que Dieu a pu répondre à sa prière, Dean se montre plus que sceptique. Pour lui, il n'y a aucune raison de croire que Dieu répondrait à leurs prières aujourd'hui, alors qu'il ne l'a jamais fait auparavant. Il dit à Sam qu'il essaie simplement de trouver un sens à ce qui leur arrive, mais la situation est bien plus simple ; les Ténèbres sont libres à cause d'eux et c'est à eux de réparer les dégâts, sans attendre l'aide de qui que ce soit. Puis, Dean parle de ses propres rêves ; lui aussi rêve souvent de son père qui lui apprendrait à conduire dans une vie normale. Sam avoue rêver souvent de leur mère, dans le cadre d'une vie normale également. Après ces confidences, les boys se disent bonne nuit et s'endorment, en sécurité au sein de l'Impala.

Les boys arrivent enfin dans l'Oregon. Après avoir débuté l'enquête chacun de leur côté, ils se rejoignent dans l'Impala pour faire le point. Dean a découvert que le corps du shériff a non seulement son coeur manquant, mais a aussi été drainé de son sang. Il semble qu'ils aient affaire à une sorte d'hybride de vampire et de loup-garou. Dean a donc demandé à Cas' de faire des recherches dans les légendes afin d'avoir une piste. De son côté, Sam a discuté avec l'adjoint Donnelly, désormais remplaçant du shériff, qui lui a remis son rapport. C'est alors qu'ils reçoivent la visite de l'adjoint. Lorsqu'il apprend que les boys comptent rester dans le coin, il leur conseille un motel proche d'ici, ainsi qu'un restaurant nommé Aunt Mel's Steakhouse. Lorsqu'ils arrivent au restaurant, ils constatent, au grand effroi de Dean, qu'un valet les attend. Dean, à contrecoeur, confie sa voiture à Jessie, qui est chargée d'aller la garer. Au lieu de quoi, Jessie va chercher une amie et elles s'amusent à faire tourner l'Impala dans tous les sens. Dean finit par rappeler pour récupérer sa voiture. Jessie dépose son amie sans lui laisser le temps de récupérer son sac à main et retourne rapidement devant le Steakhouse. Dean semble satisfait du service et laisse un pourboire à Jessie, sans se douter de ce qu'il s'est passé. Puis, les boys décident de la marche à suivre ; Sam décide d'aller parler au témoin mentionné dans le rapport de l'adjoint, une certaine Lily, tandis que Dean va inspecter la scène de crime, car les photos contenues dans le rapport lui semblent étranges.

Dean inspecte les lieux du crime, puis revient dans l'Impala pour décrocher son téléphone. C'est Cas', qui a quelques nouvelles à lui apporter. Il pense qu'ils ont affaire à un whisper, une créature proche des démons et plutôt rare. Cas' continue son exposé tandis que Dean accueille l'adjoint à qui il parle de ses doutes sur la scène, quand l'adjoint finit par lui sauter dessus. Dean se bat contre la créature, qui, d'après Cas', ne peut pas être un whisper, car les whispers ne se manifestent que lors d'éclipses solaires. Après une lutte acharnée, Dean finit par tirer sur l'adjoint. Il semble que les balles d'argent fonctionnent, mais la créature finit par bouger. Dean essaie la décapitation, mais la tête continue de grogner. Dean tire de nouveau dans le corps de l'adjoint, et si l'argent contribue à le ralentir, cela ne le tue pas. Dean finit par mettre la tête dans la glacière, prend des photos de ses crocs et les envoient à Cas' afin qu'il continue ses recherches. Puis, il raccroche pour se rendre compte que Sam a tenté de l'appeler et qu'il lui a laissé un message dans lequel il lui demande son aide. Dean rappelle Sam ; ce dernier lui explique que lui et Lily ont été attaqués chez elle par deux de ces étranges créatures. Sam les a ralenti grâce à l'argent et a pu ramener Lily à l'abri dans une maison voisine, où elle est tombée inconsciente. Sam demande à Dean de venir les chercher et lui envoie l'adresse de leur abri. Dean se met de suite en route.

Lily toujours inconsciente sur la banquette arrière, Dean et Sam reçoivent un appel de Cas', qui leur explique qu'ils ont affaire à une créature entre la goule et le vampire appelée nachzerher. Ces créatures vivent en bande et pour permettre aux autres de redevenir humain, il faut tuer le leader, l'alpha, en lui faisant avaler des pièces de cuivre puis en lui coupant la tête. Une fois ces informations à disposition, Dean et Sam s'arrêtent à une station-service. Sam va dans la boutique afin d'obtenir de la monnaie, tandis que Dean est chargé d'expliquer la situation à Lily, qui vient de se réveiller. Elle découvre la tête dans la glacière, alors Dean range la glacière dans le coffre. Puis, elle explique qu'elle a failli à sa famille et qu'elle a mérité d'être attaquée, et que maintenant elle sait comment réparer ses erreurs. Elle profite d'un moment d'inattention de Dean pour lui sauter dessus. Après une longue lutte, elle finit par avoir le dessus et se met au volant de l'Impala, puis démarre. Sam, toujours dans la boutique, sort en courant en entendant le moteur, il tire, brisant le pare-brise arrière, mais il est trop tard, la voiture s'éloigne.

Dean se réveille sur la banquette arrière, après que Lily a réparé le corps de l'alpha. Dean repère la machette sur le sol, mais l'adjoint a vu qu'il était réveillé, alors le chasseur se redresse. L'alpha avoue que Lily n'a pas respecté les conditions de leur vie de discrétion ; elle a elle-même tué son mari car il ne voulait pas les rejoindre. Mais l'alpha n'est pas en colère et il n'avait pas l'intention de la tuer. Il avoue vouloir construire une armée afin de combattre les Ténèbres. Il annonce à Dean qu'il a l'intention de recruter Sam, à qui il a envoyé un message via le portable de Dean pour le conduire dans un piège. Quand à Dean, il servira de repas pour Sam, une fois celui-ci transformé. Pendant la discussion, Dean trouve la broche laissée par Piper, la rencontre d'un soir de Sam. Il finit par se détacher et saute sur l'adjoint, qui perd le contrôle de la voiture. Celle-ci se crache dans un barrage de travaux routiers. Quelques secondes plus tard, Dean se réveille et une lutte s'engage entre lui et l'alpha, après qu'il ai neutralisé Lily. Il finit par avoir le dessus et force l'alpha à avaler des pièces trouvées dans le sac de l'amie de Jessie. Puis, avec l'une des portières de la voiture, il décapite l'alpha une bonne fois pour toute. Lily, redevenue humaine, supplie Dean de l'emmener à ses enfants, eux aussi transformés par l'alpha et en ce moment en compagnie des autres. Dean se souvient du piège dans lequel Sam s'est engagé. Il dit à Lily de monter et ils reprennent la route afin d'aller retrouver leurs familles respectives.

Lily et ses enfants se retrouvent, tout comme Sam et Dean. Ils remontent dans l'Impala et sont obligés de faire ce constat ; les monstres aussi ont peur de Darkness, ce qui, pour Dean, n'est pas forcément une mauvaise chose. Sam veut bien que Cas' le soigne à condition qu'il soigne Dean aussi. Dean accepte et les voilà repartis sur les routes. Malgré que l'Impala a pris autant de coups que les boys, elle finit tout de même par démarrer.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

The scenes in the “THEN” portion of the review are all different shots of the Impala (Baby) from the show over the past 10 years.


CHUCK: On April 21, 1967, the hundredth millionth GM vehicle rolled off the line at the plant in Janesville. Three days later, another car rolled off that same line. This 1967 Chevrolet impala would turn out to be the most important object in pretty much the whole universe.


DEAN: (To Sam after he’s just rebuilt the whole Impala) Whoo! Listen to her purr.


DEAN: (To Young!John Winchester when he’s purchasing a car) This is the car you want.


JOHN: Oh, yeah? You -- you know something about cars?


DEAN: My dad taught me everything about cars.


SAM: (praying in the church) I know it's been a long time. Dean and I, we've -- we've been through a lot of bad, but this is different. This is my fault, and I don't know how to fix it. We need your help, God. We need to know there's hope.






All of the scenes in this episode are shot from inside the Impala.


Int. Impala in the garage of the bunker. Dean is washing the car when Sam comes to help him.


SAM: Hey.


DEAN: Hey.


SAM: Dude, what's up with the shorts?


DEAN: It's a free bunker. Did you find anything?


SAM: Uh . . . Not on the Darkness. No.


DEAN: What about Metatron?


SAM: Still in the wind. No leads.


DEAN: Great. So we have an ancient evil out there somewhere, just getting stronger by the day.


SAM: Cas is getting better, so there's that. Still wants to fix your, uh --


DEAN: I'm fine. Fine. 100%.


SAM: All right, well, he's not. He still needs more time to heal.


DEAN: Well . . . Guess we got nothing to do but get better. I don't know about you,

but . . . I've got some serious cabin fever. I've washed every car in here twice.


SAM: Well, I may have found us a case. I mean, it's thin --


DEAN: Hey, thin works. Tell me on the way.


Int. Impala: Sam and Dean drive down the highway in the rain and get a phone call from Castiel.


DEAN: Figures. All right, let's hear it. What do you got?


SAM: Okay, uh, Quaker Valley, Oregon, town outside of Eugene. Dwayne Markham, the local sheriff, was found in the woods a couple days ago. His body was mauled, so they chalked it up to an animal attack, but I'm thinking --


DEAN: Werewolf.


SAM: Yeah, maybe.


DEAN: Yeah, you're right. That is thin.


SAM: Yeah. Probably nothing, right?


DEAN: Probably not. Oregon, here we come.


(Sam reaches back and gets a smoothie out of the green cooler and starts slurping)


DEAN: What is that?


SAM: It's a smoothie.


DEAN: Where's the beer?


SAM: Under the smoothies.


DEAN: Where's the rest of the beer?


SAM: (cell phone ringing) Ooh, it's Cas. We gotta -- we gotta --


DEAN: Man!


SAM: I gotta get this. Hey, Cas. Everything all right?


CASTIEL: Yeah, I'm fine. I was just reading up about the other cases in the area that you're headed to. I haven't found anything yet that matches.


DEAN: Cas, you've got one job to do and that's to heal. You understand?


CASTIEL: I can help.


SAM: Yeah, of course you can, Cas, but right now is the time for you to focus on getting better. This is just a milk run. We got it. So . . . Try and relax.


CASTIEL: All right.


SAM: Read a book, watch some Netflix.


CASTIEL: What's a “Netflix”?


SAM: Go to my room, turn on the TV. You'll figure it out.


CASTIEL: All right. Just call if you need anything.


DEAN: Got it, Cas. Thanks.


SAM: You think he's gonna be okay?


DEAN: He just needs some time, you know? We all do.


Int. Impala (night): Dean pulls up outside a sketchy looking bar called the Roadhouse.


SAM: Are you serious? Dean, it's late. I'm exhausted and -- and -- starving. And this place . . . I mean, even Swayze wouldn't come to this roadhouse.


DEAN: Okay, first of all, never use Swayze's name in vain. Okay? Ever. Second, you don't remember this place? You don't remember Heather? The hunter that we worked a wendigo case a couple years ago?


SAM: Oh, yeah.


DEAN: Yeah, exactly.


SAM: What, she's here tonight?


DEAN: I texted her. She's working a rugaru case in Texas. Actually, she never texted me back. That's not the point. The point is, is that we have a ton of driving left to do just to go to a town where there's probably not a case. But in there . . . Good times. And time heals all wounds, Sam, especially good times. What do you say?


SAM: I say, knock yourself out. I'm gonna find a diner, dig into the lore like Cas did, see if anything's ever happened where we're headed.


DEAN: Oh, man, you really gotta learn to have fun. Seriously, it's pathetic.


Int. Impala (morning): The Impala’s still parked outside the Roadhouse. Dean stumbles out the door and the neon signs turn off before he gets into Baby.


DEAN: Mistakes were made. Mm-hmm.


PIPER: Who are you?




SAM: Ah, good morning. That's, uh, my brother Dean.


DEAN: Sorry, Sam, I didn't -- I didn't realize you had company.


SAM: Yeah. Yeah, uh, could you give us a minute?


DEAN: Hi. Well, I'll just, uh . . . Just won't be here anymore. So you kids take your time.


PIPER: Have you seen my hairpin?


Int. Impala: Dean and Sam are leaving the parking lot of the Roadhouse. Dean puts in a tape.


SAM: Dean, I can explain what was going on --


DEAN: No, no, no. No.


SAM: Don't "Night Moves" me.


DEAN: Shh. Just let it wash over you.


SAM: Let . . .


DEAN: Just take it in.


Bob Seger’s “Night Moves” plays on the radio.


(Dean lip syncs)


I was a little to tall

Could’ve used a few pounds

Tight Pants point hardly reknown

She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes


SAM: This is ridiculous.


And points all her own sitting way up high


DEAN: One of the greatest rock writers of all time, Samuel.


SAM: It’s Sam.


Way up firm and high


Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy


SAM: (sings) Out in the back seat of my brother’s ’67 Chevy

Out in the back seat of my '60 Chevy

Workin' on mysteries without any clues


SAM: Yeah, you started this. You started this.


DEAN: Here we go. Come on now.


(Both brothers sing along)

Workin' on our night moves


Int. Impala: Sam and Dean are eating and laughing together. “Night Moves” plays through the scene shift.


Tryin' to make some front page drive-in news

Workin' on our night moves


SAM: Next time, I choose. Hey . . .


DEAN: Hands off the wheel.


SAM: You're not even looking at the road.


In the summertime

In the sweet summertime


Int. Impala. Sam and Dean are still driving to Oregon. It’s night now.


DEAN: "Digging into tho lore." Is that what the kids are calling it these days?


SAM: Man, I needed that.


DEAN: And hey, look at that, you're finally not a virgin anymore. But you know what? I think it was time. I respect the fact that you, uh, you know, you wanted to stay true and pure and waited.


SAM: Yeah, you know what? You -- you're an idiot.


DEAN: Even put a blanket down. Buddy, classy and thoughtful as always.


SAM: I tried to give her my number. You know what she said?


DEAN: "We got tonight. Who needs tomorrow"?


SAM: Is everything a Bob Seger song to you?


DEAN: Yes. Well . . . [ sighs ]


SAM: It was nice knowing you, Piper.


DEAN: Piper? That's awesome. Heather. One-night wonders, man. Shoot, we're lucky we still get that at all.


SAM: Really? You don't . . . Ever want something more?

DEAN: I'm sorry, have you met us? We're batting a whopping zero in domestic life, man. Goose eggs.


SAM: You don't ever think about something? Not marriage or whatever. But . . . Something? You know, with a hunter? Somebody who understands the life?


DEAN: Have you not heard a single word Bob's been singing about? You're tired. I can tell. You're exhausted. Well, I'm still wired, so I'm gonna pull over, get some gas. You hop in the back, get some Z's 'cause, buddy, you earned 'em. Proud of ya! Piper. Mmm. Man, she smelled good, too.


Int. Impala: Sam wakes up from sleeping against the window to Young John Winchester driving the car and Judy Collins’ “Someday Soon” playing on the radio.


“A good word to say

Guess it's 'cause he's just as wild

in the younger days

so blow you old blue northern

blow my love to me”


SAM: What are you listening to?


JOHN: Your mom used to love this song.


SAM: Dad?


JOHN: You okay, pal? You look a little spooked. It's nice to be back behind the wheel. Looks like Dean's taken good care of this old beast. Seems like he's taken good care of you, too.


SAM: What is this? Another vision?


JOHN: Are you having visions, son?


SAM: Don't call me that.


JOHN: What? A father can't call his --


SAM: No, my father is dead.


JOHN: When has death ever stopped a Winchester?


SAM: Look, I don't know what this is, but --


JOHN: What you said about relationships, wanting something more . . . I never wanted this for you boys. This life. Not really.


SAM: We turned out okay.


JOHN: You did, didn't you? But that was on you boys. You did that, not me.


SAM: Well, you played your part.


JOHN: I did my best, anyway, for what it was worth.


SAM: This isn't real.


JOHN: I never could fool you, could I?


SAM: I prayed when I was in that church, and I saw . . . Something. And now, here you are, whoever you are, whatever you are. What the hell is this?


JOHN: Dream. Vision. Call it what you want. The message is still the same. The Darkness is coming . . . And only you boys can stop it.


SAM: Okay, fine. How? We need help, not visions of dead people.


JOHN: God helps those who help themselves.


SAM: Who are you?


Int. Impala: Sam wakes from his dream to find Dean has pulled over and is parked.


DEAN: Welcome to the Winchester Motel. We don't have cable, but we do . . . have room service. You were singing in your sleep, that song mom loved that dad used to always play for us. I think I've actually still got the tape.


SAM: Hey, Dean, um . . . You said when you saw the Darkness, you weren't sure whether it was, uh . . . the real thing or a vision, right?


DEAN: Mm-hmm.


SAM: I think I've been having visions, too, lately. I mean, it's just images. I mean, more of a . . . feeling, really. But I just had one right now, and -- and Dad was in it. But it wasn't dad like -- like . . . The Dad that -- that I grew up with. It was Dad when he was our age. And I-I guess it wasn't even really Dad. It was someone pretending to be Dad and --


DEAN: Okay, what makes you say that?


SAM: For starters, he told me everything I wanted to hear.


DEAN: Yeah, that doesn't sound like dad.


SAM: No. Anyways, whoever it was . . . They had a message to deliver. They said the Darkness is coming, and . . . only you and I can stop it.


DEAN: Did they have him give you any helpful tips on how to do that?


SAM: He said, "God helps those who help themselves." I mean, maybe these visions are coming from God.


DEAN: Whoa. Pump the brakes.


SAM: I mean, Dean, the first one happened after I prayed.


DEAN: You prayed? When was this?


SAM: Back in the hospital.


DEAN: Why?


SAM: Because I was infected. I was infected. I'm not anymore. I-I-I never went full rabid. I . . .


DEAN: You get infected and you didn't even tell me.


SAM: Dean . . .


DEAN: What did you pray about?


SAM: I guess I was just looking for answers, you know?


DEAN: Well, I'm sure whatever is kicking around in your head right now is a side effect from the infection that you failed to tell me about.


SAM: You know, I don't think it's that simple.


DEAN: Come on, man. That quote? "God helps those who help themselves"? God didn't say that. That's not even in the Bible. That's an old proverb that dates way back to Aesop. I read. And more importantly, when was the last time God answered any one of our prayers? It's not a vision, Sam. All right? It's just some . . .Some fever dream. That's all. And as far as Dad goes, I dream about Dad all the time.


SAM: You do?


DEAN: Of course I do. It's usually the same one, too. We're all in the car. I'm sitting in the driver's seat, dad's sitting shotgun. But there aren't any shotguns. There's no monsters. There's no hunting. There's none of that. It's just . . . He's teaching me how to drive. And, uh, and I'm not little like I was when he actually taught me how to drive. I'm 16, and he's helping me get my learner's permit. Of course, you're in the backseat, just begging to take a turn. We pull up to the house -- the family house -- and I park in the driveway, and he looks over and he says, "perfect landing, son." I have that dream every couple of months. Kind of comforting, actually.


SAM: I always, uh . . . I always dream about mom. Usually the same kind of thing, though.


DEAN: Normal life?


SAM: Yeah. Normal life. But, Dean, this wasn't just a dream. I'm telling you.


DEAN: Why would somebody dress up like Dad to give you a message? I mean, Dad. You don't exactly have a history of listening to what he had to say.


SAM: But you said the Darkness is -- is sending messages to you. Maybe whatever is the opposite of the Darkness is sending messages to me.


DEAN: And you think that this thing is God? Come on. How many -- how many opportunities has God had to crack this pinata, and I don't see any candy on the floor, do you?


SAM: Okay, then maybe it's not God. But uh . . .


DEAN: I know what you're trying to do here. You're trying to find some -- some greater meaning to it all. Right? Some . . . Fate to what went down. But I'm telling you, Sam. The Darkness? It's on us. And no one's gonna help us, certainly not God, so we'll have to figure this thing out, like we always do. But until then . . . We hunt. This case for starters, course this case is . . .


SAM: It's just probably nothing.


DEAN: Yeah, probably nothing.


SAM: Goodnight, jerk.


DEAN: Night, bitch.


Int. Impala: The boys drive to the police station. Dean waits in the car for Sam.


SAM: Hey.


DEAN: The coroner showed me the sheriff's body. And, uh, it was mauled all right. And get this -- heart missing, body completely drained of blood.


SAM: So, what? We're looking at a-a werewolf/vampire hybrid?


DEAN: Say it with me -- a were-pire. Huh?


SAM: No.


DEAN: Come on.


SAM: I'm not saying that.


DEAN: Whatever. I called Cas, told him to look into the lore. What do you got?


SAM: Right, well, uh, the sheriff's replacement -- Deputy Donnelly -- he's not the brightest bulb, but I got a copy of his report. Maybe he missed something.


DONELLY: Agents.


DEAN: Deputy.


DONELLY: This must be your partner. Agent Walsh, right? Pleasure to meet you. I just want to thank you both for stoppin' by. We really appreciate your due diligence.


DEAN: Oh. Actually, uh, do you know a motel where we can crash for the night?


DONELLY: You're stayin'?


SAM: Yeah, just wanna kick all the tires.


DONELLY: Well, uh, there's a motel on Downey that'll give you a good price. And if you're looking for a decent meal, you can't beat Aunt Mel's, down by the train station. Parking is a bitch, but it's the best damn steak in the whole state.


DEAN: You had me at "steak."


Int. Impala: Sam and Dean pull up to the steakhouse and are forced to use the valet parking.


DEAN: Ohh, all right. Now we're cookin' with gas. Valet? You -- what?


SAM: Dean, people valet park all the time. Come on, live a little.


JESSIE: Welcome to Aunt Mel's, home of the --


DEAN: Yeah, listen, uh, Jessie, not a scratch, okay?


JESSIE: Spider caught a fly. I repeat, spider caught a fly.


Int. Impala: Jessie picks up a friend and they do a little joyriding in Baby.


JESSIE: Let's go! Come on!


JESSIE’S FRIEND: Okay! Hell, yeah. Let's roll!


JESSIE: Let's get this party started.


BOTH: Whoo!


“Bad Girls” by MIA plays over this scene

I'm coming in the Cherokee gasoline

There’s steam on the window screen, take it take it


JESSIE: Whoo! Whoo! Oh, my God!


Wheel's bouncing like a trampoline

when I get to where I'm going,gonna have you trembling

live fast, die young, bad girls do it well


JESSIE: Oh, my God!


Bad girls do it well

live fast, die young, bad girls do it well


JESSIE: (answering the phone) Yes, sir? We're on our way. My way.


JESSIE’S FRIEND: What did you do?


JESSIE: I'm gonna get fired.


JESSIE: Come on!




JESSIE: I gotta go. Let's go!


JESSIE’S FRIEND: Where's my purse?


JESSIE: You probably just left it in your car.




JESSIE: I gotta go! I don't wanna get fired!




Int. Impala: Jessie drives back to the steakhouse where Dean and Sam are waiting. Dean and Sam then drive away from the restaurant.


DEAN: Strong work, Jessie. Strong work.


JESSIE: Thanks.


DEAN: So what's next?


SAM: I want to, uh, talk to sheriff's widow. Lily Markham. Maybe she knows something about why her husband was out in the woods in the first place.


DEAN: All right, well, I'll drop you off. I wanna go back to the woods where they found the body. Something wasn't right about those crime scene photos.


Int. Impala: Dean is looking at the crime scene when Castiel calls him with some information on the lore. The sheriff shows up and attacks Dean.


DEAN: Cas, you okay?


CASTIEL: I'm mostly confused. I'm not sure how orange correlates with black in a way that's new.


DEAN: Step away from the Netflix.


CAS: Sorry.


DEAN: It's okay. We've all had a binge. You find anything in the lore?


CASTIEL: Well, there is a creature that feeds on hearts and blood.


DEAN: A were-pire, you might say? Come on, I know you wanna say it.


CASTIEL: In the lore, it's referred to a ‘Whisper’.


DEAN: That's lame.


CASTIEL: Silver will kill it, but you may want to decapitate it just to be sure.


DEAN: All right, sounds good. I'm at the crime scene now. It was staged. The body was dragged. There were no signs of struggle.


CASTIEL: Body was moved there to look more like an animal attack?


DEAN: Yeah, maybe. It was pretty sloppy, though. You, uh . . . What else you got on these things?


CASTIEL: Listen to this. Whispers have a fascinating history.


DEAN: Hang on.


CASTIEL: They're -- they're . . . Actually, they were once believed to be in the bloodline of werewolves, but in fact, they are more similar to demons.


DEAN: Deputy.


DONELLY: What's going on, Agent?


CASTEL: They, uh, they got their nickname from how quiet their attacks are. Because of their stealthiness, they've, uh, lived on the fringes for centuries. Although there were several that were hunted and killed during the Salem witch . . . Wait a minute. Okay, according to this, Whispers only feed during the solar eclipse. Uh, so, Dean, I-i don't believe what you're hunting is a Whisper.


DEAN: Aah!


CASTIEL: Must be another creature of some kind. Okay. Fine, I'll say it. Maybe it is your so-called "Were-pire." But to be honest, I have never heard . . . Of a creature with that name. Dean, what is that?


DEAN: Aah!


CASTIEL: Dean? Dean, are you all right? I hear gunshots. Dean! Dean? Dean!


DEAN: Ah, it turns out I did shoot the deputy.


CASTIEL: Wait, Dean, is -- is everything --


DEAN: The deputy was a Were-pire. It's all right. Silver bullets worked.


CASTIEL: No, Dean, listen . . . According to the lore, the timing is off. The next solar eclipse in North America is years away. It can't be a --


DEAN: Hang on.


CASTIEL: Dean, wait. Listen, it couldn't be . . . Dean?


DEAN: Scratch that. You gotta cut off their . . .


CASTIEL: Dean, it's not a Whisper.


DEAN: Yeah, I'm starting to get that. Give me a second. All right. Th-- All right, that . . . Okay. Smile, asshat. All right, Cas, you there?


CASTIEL: Of course. What's going on?


DEAN: Well, whatever it is, silver slows it down. I, uh, I'm sending you a picture right now . . . Of its fangs. I-I've never seen anything like it. See if there's a match in the lore, would ya?


CASTIEL: I'm on it.


Dean hangs up with Castiel and calls Sam back.


SAM: Dean, I got jumped.


DEAN: You okay?


SAM: I think . . . For now. Pretty sure we're dealing with a pack here. Uh, two of these things were attacking Mrs. Markham when I arrived. I-I filled them with silver, but it only slowed them down.


DEAN: Yeah, well, Deputy Dumbass is one of them as well. He's, uh, he's in two pieces and still alive. Where you at now?


SAM: Mrs. Markham was knocked out. I-I-I carried her to the house nearby. Here, I'll text you the address now.


DEAN: All right, sit tight. I'm on my way. Everybody's gettin' jumped.


Int. Impala: Sam and Dean drive with the unconscious Mrs. Markham in the back seat.


SAM: Door was open when I got to the house. By the time I searched through it, they'd already beaten her unconscious.


DEAN: Maybe she knew something or something about what happened to her husband.


SAM: So what, they tried to take her out while the deputy went back to the scene?


DEAN: Yeah, he went to fix it up. Found me.


SAM: Hey, Cas, tell me you got something that doesn't involve chicks in prison.


SAM: Bet you never thought you'd say that out loud.


CASTIEL: It's a Nachzehrer.


SAM: Come again?


CASTIEL: A ghoul and vampire-like creature.


DEAN: A Ghoul-pire! Right?


CASTIEL: Some breeds feed on the flesh of the dead. Others feed on the blood and hearts of the living. They run in small packs, but they usually keep an extremely low profile.


DEAN: Great. So how do we kill 'em?


CASTIEL: Well, they're already dead. So in a manner of speaking, they just need to be reminded that they're dead. You need a Charon's obol.


SAM: Of course. Yeah, in ancient Greece, uh, when a person died, some people believed you had to put an obol, or a-a coin, in their mouth so they can use it as currency to be taken across the river to the underworld.


CASTIEL: Right, you place a coin in a Nachzehrer's mouth, then sever their head, and that will kill them. And according to the lore, if you kill the pack's Alpha, everyone they've turned will revert back to human form.


DEAN: Awesome. All right, where do we find an obol?


CASTIEL: Well, according to the Men of Letters' records, you're gonna need a copper coin. They used to use pennies, so you'll need one of those.


SAM: Yeah, but one minted pre-1982. So before 1982, pennies were 95% copper. Since then, they're only copper-plated zinc.


DEAN: Wow. Your nerdiness knows no bounds.


SAM: You're welcome.


DEAN: All right, well, thanks Cas. Good work. Way to come off the bench.


CASTIEL: What bench?


SAM: Just get back to getting better, okay? Got nothing.


DEAN: Well, yeah, I mean, who carries pennies these days anyway?


SAM: I'll be right back.


DEAN: Yeah. (Mrs. Markham wakes up in the backseat) Mrs. Markham? Mrs. Markham. It's okay. I'm Dean Winchester. My -- my brother Sam and --


MRS. MARKHAM: Where am I?


DEAN: You were attacked by the same people that killed your husband.


MRS. MARKHAM: My husband.


DEAN: Now do you know something about what happened to him? Maybe that's why these people attacked you? Okay. Well, we're gonna take you someplace safe, all right? And then we're gonna kill these sons of bitches. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I could -- uh, I could explain that. Well, maybe not. Uh, it's like the thing that attacked you, okay? It's -- it's a Ghoul-pire. The point is, it can't hurt you anymore. At least, I don't think it . . . Let's . . . You know what? Let's just get rid of it. Here we go. Okay, all right. See? There we go. You okay?


MRS. MARKHAM: Your family. You do anything for them, don't you?


DEAN: Absolutely. Yeah, but not if it costs too much. [ Chuckles ]


MRS. MARKHAM: No. You do everything for them. Everything else is meaningless. But I did it wrong. Now I've ruined everything.


DEAN: This isn't your fault.


MRS. MARKHAM: I put my family at risk. They were right to attack me. But I know how to make it right.


DEAN: Uhh!


MRS. MARKHAM: Where is it?! What did you do with the maker's body?! You're gonna tell me or I will end you!


DEAN: Uhh!


Int. Impala: Mrs. Markham knocks Dean unconscious and drives away with him in the Impala. They park at the crime scene where Dean’s left the deputy’s body.


MRS. MARKHAM: See? That wasn't so hard. Now I know what to do with you. I can make this right; I can make this right; I can make this right; I can make this right; okay. See? I fixed it. You're okay.


Int. Impala: Deputy Donelly and Mrs. Markham drive with Dean in the back seat. He wakes up and has a conversation with the Deputy.


DONELLY: I know you're awake. I know you're a hunter.


DEAN: And I know you're a Nachzehrer. The maker, right? The pack Alpha?


DONELLY: Well, maybe you're not as dumb as you look.


DEAN: Thought you and yours like to keep a low profile.


DONELLY: Sadly, rookies like Lily here aren't up to snuff when it comes to keeping

their feeding quiet.


DEAN: So you killed your husband?


MRS. MARKHAM: He wouldn't join us. People who don't join are food. But I messed up, and I . . . I didn't bury him right.


DONELLY: It's my fault, really. You weren't properly trained. But everyone deserves a mulligan, don't they? That's all my people were trying to do, Lily. They weren't going to kill you. Hell, I need you. I need all the help I can get.


DEAN: Have many have you turned?


DONELLY: In the first hundred years? Three. In the last month? 16.


DEAN: What, are you trying to field a baseball team?


DONELLY: It's like I said, I need help, every strong hand I can find. And I need an army to fight the Darkness. Oh, it's comin', for all of us. There's nothing hunters or any human can do about it.


DEAN: Do you know how to stop it?


DONELLY: I don't think anything can stop it. I'm just tryin' to buy some time, so I'm turning as many strong men and women as I can. Your brother will make a fine addition to the rank and file. While you slept, I send him a text message from your phone. Oh, he's heading into a trap right now. You'd make a good soldier, too, but you cut off my head, and I can't stand for that. Don't worry. I'm an every part of the buffalo kind of guy. Your death won't go to waste. You'll be your brother's first meal.


Int. Impala: After Dean crashes the Impala, he fights with Mrs. Markham and the Deputy.




DEAN: Oh, baby, I'm so sorry.


MRS. MARKHAM: Oh, my God. What have I . . . My kids. My kids. They turned my kids. They're with the others. Please.


DEAN: Sam. Yeah, yeah. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on, baby. Yeah! There we go. Ahh. Hang on.


Int. Impala: Dean and Mrs. Markham pull up to where Sam and the others were being held.


Mom! You okay?


DEAN: Probably nothing, right? Everybody all right back there?


SAM: Uh, yeah. They all changed back. So it was deputy dumbass, huh?


DEAN: Mm. Yeah, deputy dumbass. You know, he was trying to build an army.


SAM: Yeah, I know, to fight the Darkness. Dean, even the monsters are scared.


DEAN: Well, let 'em be. You and I, we're gonna end this thing now.


SAM: Would you mind starting tomorrow?


DEAN: Deal.


SAM: Deal.


DEAN: We'll get Cas to fix you up.


SAM: Only if he fixes you up, too.


DEAN: Okay, mom. Let's go home.


SAM: You know what? We are home.


DEAN: Come on. Come on. Ahh. There's my girl.


Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (21.02.2017 à 23:00)

 J'ai  adoré cet épisode où on retrouve les fondamentaux: Sam Dean et l'impala! J'en veux encore c'était trop bien et vraiment drôle du très bon supernatural 


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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