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#10.23 : Ex Nihilo

 LE SEASON FINALE - Dean prend une décision surprenante concernant la marque de Cain, qui non seulement devrait changer sa vie, mais aussi celle de Sam. Pendant ce temps, Crowley et Rowena se font face et Castiel se retrouve au milieu du conflit.


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Brother's Keeper

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Ex Nihilo

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Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Rowena (Ruth Connell), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Rowena (Ruth Connell), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Rowena (Ruth Connell), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins) en pleine discussion

Rowena (Ruth Connell), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins) en pleine discussion

Rowena (Ruth Connell), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins) en pleine discussion

Rowena (Ruth Connell), Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins) en pleine discussion

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Crowley (Mark Sheppard)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Rowena (Ruth Connell) et Castiel (Misha Collins)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Rowena (Ruth Connell)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Castiel (Misha Collins)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Death (Julian Richings)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Death (Julian Richings)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Death (Julian Richings)

Death (Julian Richings)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Death (Julian Richings)

Death (Julian Richings)

Death (Julian Richings)

Death (Julian Richings)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 20.05.2015 à 21:00
1.73m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Jeremy Carver
Réalisé par : Phil Sgriccia


Casting :

Misha Collins... Castiel

Mark Sheppard... Crowley

Ruth Connell... Rowena

Julian Richings... La mort






Résumé de la saison.

Sam refait des munitions et explique à Cas', qui vient d'arriver, que Dean a désactivé le mouchard placé sur l'Impala. Il n'a aucune nouvelle de son frère depuis son départ. Il est temps que Rowena leur donne ce qu'ils ont demandé. Cas' émet des réserves sur l'utilisation du Livre. Il a peur des conséquences. Mais Sam refuse d'y penser, car personne ne sait quelles seront ces conséquences, et il ne peut pas laisser son frère se détruire sur de simples suppositions. Car la seule alternative au Livre, c'est la mort et c'est une alternative à laquelle Sam refuse également d'avoir recours. Il faut sauver Dean, point final.

Pendant ce temps, Dean se réveille sur le sol d'une chambre de motel avec le gueule de bois et en sueur. Il regarde son portable sur lequel Sam a laissé douze messages, puis finit la bière de la veille en tentant de se convaincre qu'il va bien, quand son visage laisse clairement voir le contraire.


Dean travaille sur l'affaire de la mort d'une jeune fille, nommée Rose McKenly. Affaire sur laquelle Rudy a demandé l'aide de Dean, mais ce dernier décide d'écarter Rudy de l'affaire. Tout comme avec le shériff, Dean se comporte de manière désagréable avec lui et semble complètement insensible face au cadavre mutilé de la jeune Rose. Le shériff prévient Rudy et Dean qu'il a une piste concernant une amie de Rose nommée Crystal, et il s'apprête à partir interroger les parents.

Castiel et Sam rendent visite à Rowena afin de l'obliger à leur dire quel est le sort qui guérira Dean, mais la sorcière ne se laisse guère impressionner et souhaite renégocier les termes du contrat, puisque l'opération tuer Crowley a échoué. Elle souhaite, en échange de la mise en pratique du sort, que sa liberté lui soit rendue, ainsi que le codex. Cas' tente de prévenir Sam que c'est une mauvaise idée, mais Sam est désespéré.

Dean interroge les parents de Rose. Crystal, l'amie de leur fille, est toujours portée disparue et il est possible qu'en trouvant le tueur de Rose, ils puissent retrouver Crystal. Il tente de savoir si Rose avait un petit-ami, et finit par pousser le père à bout avec ses suggestions, mais il n'obtiendra rien d'eux. En revanche, le frère de Rose le rejoint dehors pour lui apprendre qu'il a indiqué à sa soeur et à son amie l'endroit où des garçons se rejoignent pour boire et passer du temps avec des filles.

Rowena donne la liste des ingrédients nécessaires pour le sort. Si les deux premiers, le fruit défendu et le veau d'or, semblent difficiles à obtenir, le dernier l'est plus encore ; le sort nécessite en effet que Rowena sacrifie ce qu'elle aime le plus au monde, mais elle prétend ne rien aimer. Cas' décide d'en avoir le coeur net et fouille dans la tête de la sorcière. Il découvre un jeune paysan, nommé Oscar, qui était le fils de paysans ayant permi à Rowena de se cacher quand elle était traquée et affaiblie. Sam reçoit un appel qui interrompt leur discussion. C'est Rudy, qui le prévient que Dean se trouve dans le Nebraska et travaille sur son affaire de vampires. Le problème est que Dean ne se comporte pas correctement. Sam lui demande de lui envoyer tous les détails de l'affaire par sms, puis confie à Castiel le soin de s'assurer que le sort sera bien lancé.

Dean se rend dans la cabane où se trouvent les vampires. Il en tue un, entre dans la cabane et trouve Crystal attachée à un lit, tandis que Rudy est retenu par l'autre vampire. Par ses provocations, Dean finit par pousser le vampire à tuer Rudy, puis, sans remord aucun, tue le vampire avant de libérer Crystal.

Dean, de retour à sa chambre de motel, se lave les mains, quand il aperçoit tour à tour dans le miroir les visages tuméfiés et accusateurs de Castiel puis de Rudy. Soudain, il pète un câble et détruit tout dans sa chambre. Pendant ce temps, Sam se rend sur les lieux du crime, après que la police a investi les lieux et récupéré la jeune Crystal. Le shériff accueille Sam et lui explique ce qu'il s'est passé d'après la jeune fille.

Castiel invoque Crowley et lui demande son aide pour rassembler les ingrédients nécessaires au sort. Crowley, après avoir insisté pour que Cas' le supplie et l'appelle Roi, puis après avoir consulté attentitvement la liste, décide de participer. Pendant ce temps, Sam arrive dans la chambre de motel occupée par Dean. Il découvre l'état de l'endroit, puis, sur le lit, les clés de l'Impala et un mot de son frère qui lui laisse la voiture.

Dean invoque Death, afin que celui-ci le tue, pour en finir avec la marque de Cain. Death explique que la marque, qui est la Première Malédiction, ne le laissera pas faire. Il explique qu'il pourrait en revanche effacer la marque si Dean la transmet à quelqu'un d'autre. Car la marque est la clé et la serrure empêchant aux Ténèbres, la force pré-biblique que Dieu et ses archanges ont enfermé, de se répandre sur Terre. Afin de s'assurer que cela n'arriverait pas, Dieu a confié la marque à son lieutenant en qui il avait le plus confiance, Lucifer. Mais la marque s'est révélée être maudite et a commencé à corrompre le porteur. Lucifer, après avoir été banni en Enfer pour avoir exprimé sa jalousie des hommes, a transmis la marque de Cain, qui à son tour, l'a transmis à Dean. Dean, sachant cela, mais sachant aussi ce que la marque peut faire, refuse de la transmettre. Alors, Death lui propose autre chose ; l'enfermer lui dans un monde en dehors de celui-ci, quelque part dans l'Univers. Dean serait toujours en vie, mais incapable de faire du mal à qui que ce soit.

Dean appelle Sam afin de lui annoncer qu'il abandonnait le combat et qu'il souhaitait lui dire aurevoir. Pour cela, il lui demande de noter le lieu de rendez-vous. Pendant ce temps, Crowley retrouve Seth, le serveur au fameux café. Crowley sait qu'en fait il s'agit d'Oscar, le petit garçon polonais de huit ans dont les parents ont sauvé la vie de Rowena. Afin de les remercier, elle a sauvé Oscar, alors atteint d'une maladie mortelle et incurable et lui a également fait don de l'immortalité. Oscar a été le seul que Rowena a jamais aimé.

Sam rejoint Dean et découvre que Death est aussi là. Croyant que son frère souhaite se tuer, Sam tente de le raisonner, mais ce n'est pas ce que Dean a prévu. En fait, Death va l'envoyer dans un autre monde, mais afin de s'assurer que Dean n'en sortira pas, ni que la marque ne sera détruite, Sam doit mourir. Car Death est persuadé que Sam n'abandonnera jamais son frère. Sam tente de convaincre Dean que cette idée est stupide, qu'il n'est pas obligé de faire ça, mais Dean est persuadé du contraire et semble croire que c'est aussi pour le bien tous, ce que Death confirme.

Crowley ramène les ingrédients à Cas' et Rowena. Avant d'introduire le dernier, il raconte comment il s'est demandé toute sa vie pourquoi sa mère ne l'aimait pas, jusqu'à ce qu'il croit que sa mère ne pouvait aimer personne. Puis, finalement, après l'avoir revu, il a réalisé qu'en fait, elle ne l'a jamais aimé lui. Rowena prétend qu'il se trompe, qu'elle n'est pas capable d'amour et qu'il ne doit pas se flatter. Mais son regard change quand Oscar fait son entrée.

Dean tente d'expliquer à Sam que leur sens du sacrifice l'un pour l'autre a fait plus de mal que de bien autour d'eux. Leurs motivations sont égoïstes et ce n'est pas eux qui traque le mal, mais le mal qui vient à eux, peut-être parce qu'eux-mêmes sont porteurs du mal. Mais Sam refuse d'y croire. Il sait qu'ils ont commis des erreurs, mais ils ont aussi fait de grandes choses et à chaque fois, ils ont cherché toutes les solutions qui pouvaient épargner le pire au monde. Dean n'écoute pas et semble décidé à tuer son frère. Alors, Sam décide de se défendre et une bagarre s'engage entre les deux Winchester.

Tandis que Rowena doit faire face à Oscar, Dean et Sam continuent de se battre. Puis, Sam, à terre, décide d'arrêter là et dit à Dean qu'il est d'accord. Même s'il n'admettra jamais que son grand frère n'est pas un homme bon, il sait qu'il doit être stoppé afin de ne blesser personne d'autre. Death tend à Dean sa faux, afin que Dean tue Sam lui-même. Avant que Dean ne lui assène le coup fatal, Sam lui tend les photos de leur mère, afin qu'un jour, quand il reviendra, il puisse retrouver le chemin vers l'humanité. Face à ces souvenirs, face au regard de son frère qui accepte la mort, Dean hésite. Puis, il demande à Sam de le pardonner et tandis que Sam ferme les yeux en attendant le coup, Dean se retourne et plante la faux dans le corps de Death qui s'écroule en un tas de poussière.

Rowena enlace Oscar une dernière fois, avant de lui trancher la carotide pour récolter son sang. Une fois les ingrédients rassemblés, elle lance le sort. Alors que Dean et Sam tentent de réaliser ce qu'il vient de se passer, un cri se fait entendre et un éclair traverse le plafond pour frapper Dean au bras. La marque disparait. Une fois que Rowena en a fini, elle se libère, récupère le codex, ensorcèle Castiel avec un sort de rage et le lance sur Crowley, avant de partir. Crowley ne peut bouger tandis que Cas' se jette sur lui. De leur côté, Dean et Sam sortent. Sam constate que rien de particulier ne s'est produit, mais soudain, le ciel se met à rougeoyer et  des éclairs frappent le sol en plusieurs endroits. Dean rappelle que Death a appelé ça les Ténèbres. Le sol se met à trembler et une fumée épaisse et noire sort vrombissante des trous causés par les éclairs. La fumée se rassemble en une masse qui fonce droit sur les Winchester. Dean et Sam courent à la voiture et tentent de s'en aller, mais la roue arrière de l'Impala se bloque dans une flaque de boue. Les Winchester n'ont d'autre choix que de laisser la masse noire les submerger.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

(Scene opens on a laptop screen showing an email from Charlie Bradbury to Sam. The subject line is ‘911- see attached!!!!’ The message in the body of the email says ‘Sam, can’t talk now. DL this file!’ the file name is ‘FORDEAN.doc’. Underneath the file name it shows ‘symbol translator’ and ‘instant download.

The camera pans down the laptop to papers which look the symbol translations. The camera pans left and we see faded pictures on the table. One is a black & white photo of Dean as a young boy with Mary Winchester. The other is partially obscured but looks to be another of Dean, even younger and Mary perhaps holding Sam as a baby.

The view changes to a bullet being held in some sort of vise. A hand is holding a syringe over the top of the bullet and injecting a liquid into it. The image blurs and we see Castiel come into focus on the other side of the table with the bullet. It is clear that the scene is in the bunker.)



(View changes to Sam at the table with several bullets on a rack, the vice and the syringe sitting in a bottle of blue liquid.)


12 voicemails.

LoJack on the Impala has clearly been disabled.

So a big heaping scoop of nothing.

We need Rowena to hold up her end of the bargain -- now.

(Sam takes a hammer to the top of the bullet. Castiel rolls his eyes, turns away and sighs frustratingly)





It's -- it's just if she removes the Mark using "The Book of the Damned"...

What of the consequences?


Which are what?


Dean said --

SAM (loudly)

Dean guessed!

(Sam takes a breath and exhales loudly (huffs))

Cas, What are we supposed to do, huh?

Just sit on our asses, do nothing?


No. We find Dean. (raising his voice)

SAM (loudly)

And then what?!

The only thing that stopped Cain was death.

Do you want to kill Dean? Because I don't.

And the only way I know how to save my brother is to cure the Mark.

And, yes, I know there will be consequences, but not you, not Dean, not anybody can tell me what those consequences are.

So I'm not gonna let my brother d-destroy himself on a guess.

We save Dean.

(Scene changes to Dean laying on a carpeted floor, looking ragged. As truck horn blares in the background he startles awake and lifts his head off of the rug. As he starts to rise his cellphones chimes. He gets up, stumbles to sit on the hotel room bed and grabs his phone off the nightstand. The screen shows ’12 Messages from Sam’. Dean drops his head, sighs and takes a sip of a beer that was on the nightstand. He takes a bigger sip and beer spills down his chin. Breathing heavily, he rubs his hand down his face.)



I'm good.

I'm good. (looks anything but good)


(Scene opens on a hand with bruised knuckles flexing open and closed. The hand blurs and beyond it there is a girl in a short denim skirt and floral tank top lying dead on the ground. There is blood around on her neck. Dean is looking down at the girl from the top of the ditch and a Sheriff comes up alongside of him)


Rose McKinley.

Raised up about three miles from here.

Nice parents, God-fearin' folk.


Well, they let her leave the house looking like a whore.




Why don't you tell me what you really think, Agent?


Oh, I'm sorry, Sheriff. My bad.


Let me tell you how we work out here, son.

That right there could be the whore of Babylon -- wouldn't make no difference at all.

'Cause all I see is somebody's little girl.


And I feel like a real jerk suggesting otherwise, Sheriff.

My apologies. (not sounding apologetic)

(The Sheriff starts walking away)

Good luck crackin' the case with your eyes shut.

(The Sheriff turns back to look at Dean over his shoulder)


You worked some pretty dark stuff in your day, haven't you, Agent?

Must've left quite a mark.


Oh, you have no idea.

(A man walks past the Sheriff towards Dean)

SHERIFF (to man)

Your partner's a piece of work, Agent.


Yeah, ain't he, though?

Dean-o! Welcome to the party.


The hell you doing here, Rudy?


Ah, you know, (chuckling) just a thing I got for dead girls.

Just -- just workin' a gang of fang, you know?

Just like you.


Yeah, not today you're not.

I'm gonna need you to take a walk on this one.


Uh, okay, except, uh -- except I called you, so, uh, if anybody's walking, it's --


Oh, you called me? No, no. You begged me.

Just like Tuscaloosa, just like Old Lyme, we both know you're playing dress-up out here, and it's just a matter of time before you get yourself killed.

So why don't you take that walk and let the real hunters do the work?

(Dean pats Rudy on the arm and starts to walk away)

SHERIFF (yelling from across the road where his vehicle is parked)

Agents! New deal.

Rose wasn't alone when she disappeared.

Friend named Crystal Thorrson was with her, and Crystal is still AWOL.

I'm heading over to interview the parents.

How about we agree you boys sit this one out?


You know something?

Life's too short... Partner.

You know, I don't know what crawled up your ass today, but frankly, I don't care.

(Walking away) Regards to your brother.

(Dean rolls his eyes, scratches his beard and turns to look over at the dead girl)

(Scene changes to Rowena drinking tea out of s Styrofoam cup. She is at the table she has been chained to. Castiel and Sam are standing there; Sam has his gun aimed at her)


Hello, boys.

Just in time for tea --u-unless something on your mind?


Five things, actually.

(Sam raised the gun and cocks it)

Hollow tips filled with witch-killing brew.


How exciting for you.

Your NRA will be beside themselves with pride.


No more games, Rowena.

Do the spell now.


Or what exactly?

(Sam looks down at his gun)

Come on, Samuel! (standing)

You and I both know that's nothing but a bluff.

Charlie may have cracked the codex, but who's going to read it if I'm gone?

Not to mention handling the ingredients, getting the measurements just right – (raising her voice) unless, of course, either of you have spent years of your life studying with the greats, mastering the intricacies of high witchcraft?

But forgive me. Maybe you have.

I know you're upset.

We all are.

Poor Dean.

Let's just have a nice wee cup of tea... and negotiate.

SAM (uncocks gun and walks towards the table)

What do you want?


Oh, well, we know what I wanted.

Soiled the sheets on that one, didn't we?

Let's talk about what I'll take -- my freedom guaranteed and the codex.


Sam, you can't be --


Do you know which spell?


I do.



This is a mistake.

(Scene changes to the Impala parked on a residential street. Dean is inside a house talking with the girls’ parents)


Rose and Crystal were friends since... forever it seems.

Uh, you think that Crystal could still be in danger?


We do, Mrs. McKinley, and the fastest way to find Crystal is to find out who did this to Rose.

(Dean places a picture of two young girls on the coffee table)

Did you notice any change in her behavior recently -- uh, new friends, a new boyfriend, maybe a crush?


Rose was...a shy girl.

(Dean looks over Mr. McKinleys shoulder to a picture of him and Crystal)


But...you think she might know who did this to her?


In Rose's case, she not only knew the person, but, uh, she was trying to have intercourse with them.

So I'm just trying to figure out whether it was a boyfriend or whether it was just some random roll in the hay.

(MR. and MRS. McKINLEY looked surprised, upset)



Uh, there were no relations that we're aware of.

MR. McKINLEY (angrily)

No relations at all.

What the hell is this, Agent?


I'm just doing my job, Mr. McKinley.

By suggesting my daughter was a slut?


I'll admit that thought crossed my mind.

Then I came here, and I smelled the deceit and the beatings and the shame that pervade this home.


You shut your face right now.


And you know what? I don't blame Rose anymore.

No wonder she put on that skank outfit and went out there looking for validation, right into the arms of the monster that killed her.

(Dean looks at Mr. McKinley and in a very calm voice says)

Joe, who did this?

(Mr. McKinley jumps out of his chair, reaches across the coffee table and punches Dean in the mouth. As the camera pans from Joe to Dean we see a person at the end of the hallway off the kitchen. Dean remains seated)


No! Joe!

(MR. McKinley punches dean again)


Who did this?




Joe. (Dean cocks his gun and points at Joe’s stomach. Joe looks down)

Who did this?

(Joe stops his punch and looks anguished as he pushes himself away from Dean. Joe and Dean are blurred in the forefront of the scene. In the background we see a young boy standing in the doorway looking at Joe and Dean)

MR. McKINLEY (crying)

I don't know.

I don't know!

(Mrs. McKinley is seen crying behind Joe. The scene changes to Dean walking away from the McKinley House. As he walks the camera view changes from facing Dean to following him. As he nears the Impala he pulls out his gun, cocks it, turns around and points it right into the face of the boy we saw in the house.)





Crystal, she's still...




There were these guys living out by Cross Creek, said they were rehabbing a cabin out there.

(Dean puts his gun away)

Mostly, I think they just wanted a place to drink and meet girls.


And Crystal and your sister knew these guys?

But you couldn't be bothered to tell the cops that when your sister turned up dead?


I was sort of the one who brought them out there in the first place. (Scene changes to Rowena at her table reading from the Book of the Damned)


“Sumsu mimma ezebu ilu ma ikkibu Lu."

"S-something made by God, but forbidden to man."




The forbidden fruit?

SAM (huffs)


SAM (incredulously)

The actual apple is the first ingredient?

(Sam looks exasperated as he looks from Castiel to Rowena)


“Sumsu mimma ezebu Lu,"


Okay, uh, what's next?


"Something made by man, but forbidden by God."


Okay, well, God forbade false idols, right?


The Golden Calf.


Wasn't that destroyed?


"Sumsu mimma sen arramu."

SAM (sarcastically)


(clears throat)

What's the third ingredient?






The third ingredient, it's impossible.


What is it?


Loosely translated --my heart.


It's not impossible at all.


Not my literal heart, feathers.

Something I love, the spell calls for me to kill it.


A sacrifice.



The book will grant freedom from the curse, but it wants something in return.


Well, then give it.

ROWENA (voice risisng)

Bring me something I love, I'll kill it.

I want my freedom too much to make a fuss over that.

The -- the problem is, I don't love anything.


What about Crowley?


Happy to kill him. Let's not call it love.


I don't believe you.

Everyone loves something.

(Castiel walks over to Rowena and places two fingers on her forehead. The scene changes to fuzzy view of a boy and a goat in a field)




Czas Na kolacje!

(Oskar waves to the woman who is off-screen. Scene changes back to Castiel and Rowena as he pull his fingers back from her forehead.)


Polish boy. Oskar.


I'm sorry. Oskar? You saw Oskar?


Who is he?


Who was he?

Uh, a peasant boy -- his family helped me through some difficulties,

300 years ago.

(Sam’s cellphone rings. He walks away from Castiel and Rowena to answer it)


Rudy. What's up?

(Scene changes to Rudy leaning into the trunk of his car, he pulls out a gun)


Wish I could say it was good news, Sam.

I just bumped into Dean working a fang banger case in Superior.


Dean's in Nebraska, w-working a case?


Yeah, my case.

And, uh...He's not playing well with others.


Yeah, Dean's not exactly in the best place right now.

You know what? Do me a favor.

Just text me the details, would you?


All right. Whatever you need.


Okay. Thanks.

CASTIEL (approaching Sam)

What's going on?


Cass, take this.

(Sam hands Castiel a plastic bag)

It's Dean's hair. You need it for the spell.

Cass, I need you to do this for me.

Make the spell happen whatever it takes, please.

(Scene changes to the exterior of a rundown shack. A man walks out with blood on his hands. He leans over a large metal tub, pumps water into it and washes off his hands. As he’s washing he sniffs and looks up. Dean is coming at him with a machete. He snarls and bares his fangs. We see dean swing the machete and blood goes flying. From the interior of the cabin we see Dean kick open the door. He looks around and sees a man holding Rudy, whose face is beaten, around the chest with one hand and holding a knife to his neck with the other. There is a girl (Crystal) kneeling on a bed, her hands tied to a post)


Dean-o, uh, this is Reggie.

We're just gonna talk, all right?

And -- and come to an understanding.

REGGIE (pointing the knife at Dean)

Back your ass out of the room, mister, and leave the blade.

(Dean looks down at the machete)




Rudy, walk away.

RUDY (panicking)

No, D-- no, d-Dean-o, just do what he says, okay?


He's not gonna kill you.

You're his insurance, all right?

Now man the hell up and walk away.


Oh, I will kill him, friend.

You keep yappin', I will.


Do it.




Back up.

DEAN (slowly walking towards Reggie and Dean)

Do it.


D-don't test me.


Dean, stop!


You don't have the guts.

(Reggie points the knife tip over Rudy’s chest. Rudy’s eyes are wide in fear. Dean makes as if to jump at Reggie)



(Reggie plunges the knife into Rudy’s chest. Crystal screams. Dean looks annoyed. As Rudy falls forward Dean moves in and cuts Reggie’s head off with the machete. Crystal continues to scream and cry)


What did you do?!

(Dean looks down at the ground and for a brief second looks slightly confused as he looks up)


You're Crystal, right?

Yeah, well...

(Dean cuts the ropes off Crystal’s wrists)

I just rescued you.


He -- you could've talked.

You just...

(Dean turns around, stepping over Rudy’s body as he walks out of the cabin)


You're welcome.


(Scene opens on the exterior of the motel at night. ‘MOTEL’ is lighted in red letters on the outside. Cut to Dean’s hands as he washes them in the bathroom sink. He looks in the mirror and sees his reflection. When he looks again he sees Castiel, face all bloody. Dean looks away, troubled or maybe scared. He continues to wash his hands. He looks up again and sees Rudy in the mirror reflection. He washes his hands more vigorously and looks away, visibly upset. He punches the mirror, slams the phone off the wall throws the TV to the floor and proceeds top thoroughly trash the motel room. When he is done he is breathing heavy and looks anguished. The scene changes to Sam in his FBI suit crossing police tape outside the shack and walking towards an ambulance. Crystal is sitting inside, in shock, being attended to)


He just let him die.

He just let him die.

Just let him die.

(Sam walks into the shack and stands next to the Sheriff)



Maybe you can tell me what in the hell is going on here.

(Sam sees Rudy and Reggie dead on the floor of the shack. As the Sheriff is talking his voice fades to the background.


The way the girl outside tells it is one of your boys came in hot, got his partner killed, then went some kind of samurai on that son of a bitch over there.

I knew that boy...

(The camera zooms in on Sam’s face and the Reggie’s. Sam looks upset. The scene changes to the outdoors. A large bowl is on the ground. A flame flashes brightly and then burns out. Castiel is pacing and looking around. An overhead views shows he is at a crossroads. In the center he has drawn some symbols and the bowl is in the middle. Crowley approaches, sighing)


Who summons anymore?

Couldn't you call?


You're not in my contacts list.




I need your assistance to help cure Dean of the Mark.


What's the expression? I gave at the office?

Maybe I'd feel a little different if Sam Winchester hadn't just tried to bloody kill me! (raises voice in Crowley ‘signature yell’)


I'm afraid "no" is not an acceptable answer.


Or what?



(Castiel raises hid hand in front of Crowley’s face and concentrates intently)


That's right.

Burn those eyes blue.

Spread those broken wings and destroy me!

Or...Do it my way.

(Castiel lowers hid hand)


Now beg.




Blast me, or beg.





CASTIEL (annoyed)


If you --if you would -- if you would be so kind...

The three ingredients on this list.


"Forbidden fruit."

Well, for starters, it's a Quince, you dummy, not an apple.

No problem.

"Golden Calf"... Or what's left of it -- check.

"Something Rowena loves"?


I would've thought it would've been you, but...


Spare me. I've lived it.




I'm in.

(Crowley disappears. Castiel walks towards his car. Still nighttime, the scene changes to Sam (in hunter clothes) driving down a road. He looks confused/concerned when he sees the Impala parked outside the motel. He goes to the door, gun in hand, and knocks)


Dean, it's me.

(When there is no answer Sam breaks open the door and sees a broken chair by the door. He turns on the lights and takes in the rest of the trashed room. As he looks around he sees keys and a note on the bed. He picks up the keys, and then the note which reads ‘She’s all yours’.

The scene changes to the exterior of a dark building. A neon sign turns on the says ‘Juan_ _ )’s’ in red letters. Then a light goes in inside the building. Inside, Dean throws a can of spray paint into his duffle bag. He has painted a symbol (like the one Castiel painted on the ground at the crossroad) on a table and is preparing ingredients for a spell. He dumps the ingredients into a bowl in the middle of the symbol. There are lighted candles around the symbol. He takes out his knife and makes a cut on his palm. As the blood drips into the bowl he speaks in Latin. In the background we can see that the building was a bar/restaurant.)


Te nunc invoco, mortem.

Te in mea potestate defixi.

(There is rumbling in the background and lights inside start popping)

Nunc et in aeternum.

(The rumbling stops and Dean wraps his hand in a blue bandana)

DEATH (off-screen)

Don't tell me that's queso.

(Dean turns around and sees Death standing in the restaurant)


Yeah -- yes.

Queso and, uh, taquitos, tamales.

(Dean brings a tray of food over to Death)

Homemade by yours truly.

All with the bad fat.

(Death sniffs the food)

Consider it an offering.




I want you to kill me.


(Scene opens in the restaurant with Dean and Death. Death is eating a tamale. Dean is still holding the tray of food)


What I find truly fascinating, Dean... mmm. That's good.

...is that you and I both know that I've been burned by you Winchesters before, yet you still call.

(Death walks away from Dean)


Yeah, I know, but not this time, okay?

(Dean walks over to Death and puts down the tray)

No games, no second thoughts.

I know you know what this is.

(Dean holds out his forearm and Death looks down at it)

I know you know what it can do.

I've tried to fight it.

I've tried to beat it on my own.

And I-I can't.

I got no moves left -- except you.


Well, I never thought I'd see the day.

(Death sits down)

My goodness.

Dean Winchester has tipped over his king.

But I won't kill you, Dean.

(Death takes a sip of a red drink through a straw)


You're death.


And that Mark on your arm is the First Curse.

Nothing can kill you.


Okay, well, forget killing me. Can you get rid of it?


I could.




Creatio ex nihilo --

God created the earth out of nothing -- or so your Sunday-school teacher would have you believe.


What, so Genesis is a lie, eh?


DEATH (standing up)

Before there was light, before there was God and the archangels, there wasn't nothing.

There was the Darkness, a horribly destructive, amoral force that was beaten back by God and his archangels in a terrible war.

God locked the Darkness away where it could do no harm, and he created a Mark that would serve as both lock and key, which he entrusted to his most valued Lieutenant, Lucifer.

But the Mark began to assert its own will, revealed itself as a curse, and began to corrupt. Lucifer became jealous of man.

God banished Lucifer to Hell.

Lucifer passed the Mark to Cain, who passed the Mark to you, the proverbial finger in the dike.

(As he’s talking Death walks closer to Dean so that he is right I his face as he says that last line)


Well, that is just fan-friggin-tastic, isn't it?

(Dean sits down)


So I could remove the Mark, but only if you will share it with another…

(Death leans down so the he is eye to eye with Dean)

…to ensure that the lock remains unbroken and the Darkness remains banned.


I'm not doing that... not to anyone.

DEATH (walking away from Dean)

What if I told you I could relocate you somewhere far away, not even on this earth, where you would still be alive, but no longer a danger to yourself or to others?

(Scene changes to Sam walking out of the motel room. His cellphone rings. As Sam and Dean talk, the scene switches between Sam by the Impala and Dean in the restaurant)




I gave it a shot, Sammy.


Listen to me -- whatever you're doing, whatever you've done, please...


Hell, I even worked a case.

I gave everything I had to beat this thing down.


I saw. I saw Rudy.


Well, then, you saw what I did.


No, that wasn't you.


Sure as hell felt like me.

(Behind Dean, Death is sitting at a table eating)

Brother, I'm done.


No. No, you're not. Dean.


Grab a pen. It's time to say goodbye.

(Scene changes to the interior of a diner. The waiter walks over to a patron with a pot of coffee)

Get you a refill, Jimmy.

(The waiter turns his back to the counter to place the coffee pot back on the burner. There is a loud sound of glass and silverware breaking/falling. The waiter jumps and as he turns around he sees Crowley standing in the middle of the diner)


Fancy a story?

(Crowley walks towards the waiter)

WAITER (still holding the pot of coffee)


What did you do?

(Crowley flicks his hand and the waiter is pushed back and pinned against the serving counter. Crowley sits at the counter)


A long, long time ago, there once lived an evil bitch -- sorry, witch -who was forced to flee her home and her only son because she was, well, horrible.

Starving and homeless, she threw herself upon the mercy of a peasant Polish family who took her in, fed her, and nursed her back to full strength.

(The waiter looks around nervously)

This was a kindness she had never known.

She was particularly taken by their 8-year-old son who, apparently, she grew to love.

Mm. (pulling over Jimmy’s coffee cup and saucer that was on the counter next to him)


How do you know all this?


A hamster told me.

(Crowley pours sugar into the sup and stirs the contents)

Tragically...the boy was terminally ill and soon to die.

But before the witch departed, she gave the boy and his family the only thanks that made sense.

She cured the boy with one spell and cast another that would take root once he was full-grown.

That lying, manipulative whore mother of mine gave you immortality, didn't she...Oskar?

(Scene changes to the Impala pulling up the restaurant where Dean and Death are. It is daylight. Sam walks in and stops suddenly when he sees Dean standing in the middle of the restaurant with Death standing behind him))





What is this?


We need to talk.

SAM (walking towards Dean with his hand out)

Whatever you are thinking of doing, don't.

There is another way.

You don't need to go with him.

You don't need to die!

DEAN (shrugs)

Funny you say that.

Truth is, when I left, I thought the only way out was my death.

Well, I was wrong, Sam.

It's yours.

(Sam breathes heavily and looks confused)


(Scene opens in the restaurant with Sam, Dean and Death)



He's gonna... Gonna send you into outer space?


No, well, he didn't say outer space.


This is madness, Dean!


Far from it, I'm afraid.


No one's asking you.


Hear him out!


Our conundrum is simple, Sam.

Your brother cannot be killed, and the Mark cannot be destroyed, not without inciting a far greater evil than any of us have ever known.


What evil?


The Darkness.


What the hell is that?


Well, what does it sound like?

Does it sound like a good thing?


Even if I remove Dean from the playing field, we're still left with you, loyal, dogged Sam, who I suspect will never rest until he sets his brother free –

(Death walks around Dean to stand between Sam and Dean. As he gets closer to Sam, Dean walks further away. Death walks closer to Sam until he is right in his face))

will never rest until his brother is free of the Mark, which simply cannot happen, lest the Darkness be set free.

Then there was that time you stood me up.

(Sam walks away from Death and over to Dean)


You traded my life.


I'm willing to live with this thing forever, as long as I know that I and it will never hurt another living thing.


This isn't you.

This doesn't make any sense.


No, it makes perfect sense if you stop thinking about yourself for one damn minute! (raising his voice)


It's for the greater good.

Once you consider that, this makes all the sense in the world.

(Sam is breathing heavily as he stands in the middle of Death and Dean. He looks over to Death and back over to Dean.

Scene changes to Crowley walking up to Castiel and Rowena)


Why the long faces?

Oh. Let me guess.

Mother showed you her "mustn't touch it" again.


Do you have the ingredients?

(Crowley drops a small bag on the table. As Rowena goes to pick it up Castiel grabs her hand)


The Quince cost me a major I.O.U. with a Palestinian warlock.

(Castiel opens the bag and pulls out its contents and hands an object to Rowena)

The gold from the calf -- well, let's just say I'll be hanged under certain sexual-deviancy laws if I ever show my face in Jordan again.


And the third?


Ah, yes.

All my long life, I wondered what I'd done to deserve a mother who refused to show love.

I pained over it.

I built my bloody kingdom on top of it.

(ROWENA is grating the gold from the calf into a bowl)


Then one day, epiphany struck.

My mother was incapable of loving anything.

For the first time in hundreds of years, I felt free.

And then you showed up in my dungeon, we communed, and I began to realize you weren't incapable of love.

You're incapable of loving me.


Goodness, Fergus, save it for the stage, why don't you?

I mean, fabulous speech, but you put yourself on far too high a pedestal.

(Crowley walks away from Castiel and Rowena)

The fact remains I do not, will not, and have not loved anything ever.

(Crowley snaps his fingers and Oskar walks into the room)


You were saying?

(Scene changes back to the restaurant)


Remember when we were in that church, making Crowley human, about to close the Gates of Hell?

Well, you sure as hell were ready to die for the greater good then.


Yeah, and, Dean, you pulled me back.


And I was wrong.

You were right, Sam.

You knew that this world would be better without us in it.


No, no, no, wait a second.

You're twisting my words here, Dean.


Why? Because we -- we track evil and kill it?

The family business? Is that it?

Look at the tape, Sam.

Evil tracks us.

And it nukes everything in our vicinity -- our family, our friends.

It's time we put a proper name to what we really are and we deal with it.


Wait a second.

We are not evil.


We're far from perfect, but we are good.

That thing on your arm is evil, but not you, not me.

(As Dean is talking he paces, alternately walking away from Sam and then back to him)


I let Rudy die.

How was that not evil?

I know what I am, Sam.

But who were you when you --when you drove that man to sell his soul...

Or when you bullied Charlie into getting herself killed?

And to what end?

A-a good end?

A just end?

To remove the Mark no matter what the consequences?

Sam, how is that not evil?

I have this thing on my arm, and you're willing to let the Darkness into the world.


You were also willing to summon death to make sure you could never do any more harm.

You summoned me because you knew—

(Dean smirks and looks away from Sam to Death, who is waiting impatiently

--I would do anything to protect you.

That's not evil, Dean.

That's not an evil man.

That is a good man crying to be heard, searching for... some other way.

DEAN (looking down)

No, there is no other way, Sam.

(Dean looks up at Sam)

I'm sorry.

(Sam punches Dean in the face



(Dean grabs his hand with the bandana around it and pulls the bandana off))



(Dean punches Sam in the face)

(Scene changes to Crowley, Castiel and Rowena)


This is ridiculous.


Do you love this man? Rowena, is it true?


'Course it's true.

Say hello, Oskar.

(Rowena looks at Oskar with tears in her eyes)




Even for you, Fergus, this is a new low -- a cruel, shameful, disgusting low.


It's only cruel if you actually go through with it.

Though... (Oskar looks at Rowena)

...who's the cruel one then?

(Scene changes back to the restaurant. Sam and Dean are fighting)


Aah! Aah!

(Sam and Dean fight viciously for several punches. Dean throws Sam to the ground. As Sam tries to get up Dean punches him viciously in the head. Dean looks at Sam coldly and punches him two more times as Sam tries to get up.)




(Sam places his hands over his head as Dean looks at him annoyed)

That's enough.

Hey, that's enough.

(Sam remains crouched on the ground; his face is bleeding as he looks up at Dean)

You'll never, ever hear me say that you -- the real you -- is anything but good.

(Dean rolls his eyes. Sam looks away and coughs and spits on the ground. When he looks back up at Dean his eyes are wet and he talks softly)

But you're right.

Before you hurt...anyone else, you have to be stopped at any cost.

I understand.

(Sam starts crying then takes a deep breath and sighs heavily. He clears his throat and when he speaks again his voice is stronger)

Do it.

(Death walks over to Dean and hands him a large scythe that comes up to his shoulder. Dean turns away from Sam and takes the scythe from Death)



Do me the honor.

(As Dean turns back around Sam is still kneeling on the floor and he sees the scythe between them. Sam is breathing heavily, trying not to openly cry. Dean looks scared for a moment and then looks at Sam, resigned. Sam inhales deeply, looks up to Dean and gives a small nod. Dean closes his eyes and sighs)


Close your eyes.

(A tear runs down Sam’s face as he continues to look up at Dean)


Sammy, close your eyes.

(Sam hesitates)



(Sam reaches into his jacket and holds some papers in his hand)


Take these.

And one day, when you find your way back...

Let these be your guide.

And they can help you remember what it was to be good...what it was to love.

(Sam looks down and places the two pictures we saw in the opening on the floor. One of Mary Winchester and Dean as a young boy and another of Mary, Dean and Sam as an infant. Sam looks back up at Dean and dean hesitates, looking conflicted. Death is standing behind Dean)


It's for family you must proceed, Dean.

(The camera pans to the photographs on the floor and back to Dean’s face as his eyes move from one picture to the other. There is emotion on his face and in his eyes)


To be what you are, to become what you've become is a stain on their memory.

Do it. Or I will.

(Zoom in on the picture of Mary and Dean. Dean looks anguished as he looks back at Sam. Sam sighs and gives him a reassuring nod. Sam and Dean look intently at each other for several seconds)


Forgive me.

(As Dean rears back to swing the scythe, Sam slams his eyes shut. Dean swings the scythe, misses Sam and stabs Death in the chest. When Dean realizes what happened he looks horrified as Death turns to ash and crumbles into dust on the floor. Sam and Dean look at each other in shock)


(Scene opens with Crowley, Rowena, Castiel and Oskar. Rowena is smiling up at Oskar and holding his hand)


You've grown so big.

Not too big to give your old auntie Rowena a hug I hope.


Hope I haven't hurt you.

(Rowena and Oskar hug. Her voice breaks as she speaks)


Don't think about that one moment.

Everything's fine, Oskar.

(Rowena looks angrily over her shoulder at Crowley as she hugs Oskar. She’s holding a fountain pen in her hand)

Everything's fine.

Nobody's hurting anybody.

(Rowena pulls back from their embrace, places her hands on either side of Oskar’s neck and stabs him in the neck with the pen. Oskar looks shocked)

Goodbye, my sweet wee boy.

(Rowena pulls the pen out and blood spouts from Oskar’s neck. She makes an anguished cry as she grabs him and pushes him down so that the blood pours into a metal bow on the table. Rowena continues to hold him down as Oskar fights her to get up. Crowley looks on with little emotion and Castiel looks away)


Ab manu dei...

Ab manu hominis.

(Rowena throws ingredients into the bowl with the blood.

Scene changes back to the restaurant as Dean gives Sam his hand to help him up from the floor. Sam’s face is bruised and bloody)


You okay?


I'll live.




I think I just killed death.

(Scene changes back to Rowena reciting the spell over the bowl of blood and other ingredients)


Ab cruore cordis Mei adfusuro in aeternum.

(Rowena’s voice is rising with emotion and anger. Crowley is smiling slightly

Tolle maledictionem tuam ab hoc viro.

(As Rowena adds Dean’s hair to the bowl bluish smoke starts to rise and a bright light illuminates Rowena’s face as she look over the bowl. Catsiel and Crowley are starting to look worried. A blast wave erupts from the bowl knocking the three of them over. Lightning strikes from the bowl to the roof and creates a hole in the roof)

(Scene changes back to the restaurant. Dean is standing at his duffle as a shrieking sound is heard. He turns toward Sam)



That sound right to you?

(Lightning crashes through the roof and strikes Dean’s forearm. His arm and the Mark glow red and crackle until the Mark disappears. The lightning pull off Dean’s arm and goes back through the roof)




(Scene changes back to Rowena)



(Castiel and Crowley cannot move)

What is this?

This is impossible.

You're not powerful enough.


To what?

Control the likes of a bored king and a wayward angel?

Impetus bestiarum.

(Castiel bend over groaning. Rowena is free of the cuffs and has her books and papers in her arms)

I'm afraid, Fergus, that in all your long life, you've never seen what a real witch can do with real magic.

I'm terrifically pleased it's the last thing you'll ever see.

Dele malum hoc.

(Rowena points to Castiel and then to Crowley as she walks out of the room. Castiel stands upright, bleeding from his eyes)




(Castiel releases his angel blade into his hand and walks towards Crowley)


Do not.



(Castiel raises his arm and goes to stab Crowley. Before he completes his strike the scene changes to San and Dean leaving the restaurant. It is daylight)


This is good.

Dean, this is good.

The -- the Mark is off your arm.

Nothing crazy happened.

You get your baby back.

(Sam gives Dean back the keys to the Impala)

DEAN (sarcastically)


I'm sure everything's perfectly fine.

(As they walk away from the restaurant there is a loud crackling sound. They look up to the sky simultaneously)



(The sky is glowing orange and lightning strikes the ground within several feet of Sam and Dean. Lightning crackles across the sky and repeatedly strikes the ground all around Sam and Dean)


What did death call this?


The Darkness.

(The ground starts rumbling and black smoke projectiles erupt from the spots where the lightning struck. They converge on one spot into a huge rolling cloud of black smoke. The boys look stunned as the cloud starts to move towards them.


Get in the car.



Let's go, let's go!

(They run and get in the Impala. Dean backs the car away from the restaurant and gets the rear wheel stuck in a large hole. The tire spins as Dean accelerates to get out of the hole and away from the cloud. Sam is looking out the front window and taps Dean on the arm)



They watch incredulously as the cloud roars towards them for several seconds until it completely envelopes the car)



(The screen goes black)


Source : SuperWIki

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