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#815 : Les familiers

DEAN N'AIME VRAIMENT PAS LES SORCIERES - Un officier de police nommé Kevin, qui s'est tourné vers la sorcellerie après avoir travaillé avec Sam et Dean sur une affaire, est hanté par des cauchemars dans lesquels il tue des gens innocents. Cependant, lorsque les meurtres deviennent réels, Sam et Dean sont appelés par le "familier" de Kevin à l'aide - mais les deux frères ne sont pas sûrs de vouloir aider un sorcier.


3.75 - 8 votes

Titre VO
Man's Best Friend With Benefits

Titre VF
Les familiers

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Première diffusion en France

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Spencer Wallis (Curtis Caravaggio)

Spencer Wallis (Curtis Caravaggio)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 20.02.2013 à 21:00
2.10m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming
Réalisé par : John Showalter


Casting :

Christian Campbell ... James Martin Frampton

Mishael Morgan ... Portia

Curtis Caravaggio ... Spencer Wallis

Serge Houde ... Ed Stoltz

Sebastian Gacki ... Phillippe LeChat

James Pizzinato ... Drexyl

Darcey Johnson ... Josh

Winson Won ... Miles

Britney Katelyn Miller ... Prostituée

Adrian Neblett ... Victime aveugle

Michael Vairo ... John


Personnages mineurs :


James Martin Frampton

C’est un policier de St. Louis qui a travaillé sur un cas impliquant le surnaturel avec Sam et Dean dans le passé. Ensuite, il est devenu un sorcier et a utilisé la magie dans son travail. Quand il est devenu sorcier il a eu une familière, Portia, dont il est tombé amoureux. Il commence à rêver qu’il assassine brutalement des gens et trouve des vêtements tachés de sang dans sa poubelle le lendemain matin. Il se demande s’il est un assassin. Les Winchester et Portia vont faire la lumière sur cette histoire.



C’est la familière de James, elle peut se transformer en chien et a une connexion psychique avec lui. Malgré les règles qui interdisent ce genre de rapports, elle a une liaison avec James. Lorsque ce dernier commence à avoir des cauchemars relatifs à des meurtres il essaie de l’empêcher de lire dans ses pensées. Inquiète, elle demande de l’aide à Dean et Sam. James et elle quitteront la ville où ils ne se sentent pas acceptés.



Spencer Wallis

C’est également un sorcier vivant à St. Louis (Missouri). Quand James a commencé son apprentissage de sorcier, Spencer lui a prêté un appui amical, mais est devenu jaloux quand Portia a voulu devenir la familière de James au lieu de la sienne. Il a alors pensé faire croire à James qu’il avait commis des meurtres en lui implantant de faux souvenirs. Il va être démasqué, et vaincu grâce à Bobby.

(NDLR : Curtis Caravaggio a joué le rôle de Mark Telesca dans l'épisode 1.19 de SPN)



Phillippe LeChat

C’est un familier qui peut se transformer en chat, il a choisi Spencer comme son maître, devenant ainsi en principe son compagnon pour toujours. Mais il va avouer que son maître est responsable du piège tendu contre James, et Spencer va lui briser le cou par télékinésie.








Résumé des épisodes précédents.

St Louis, Missouri. Un homme et une prostituée sortent d'un hôtel, une nuit. La femme est interpelée par James Frampton, un inspecteur de police. Il semble vouloir l'arrêter, mais soudain, il l'attrape par le cou et la serre si fort qu'il lui tranche la carotide. James se réveille dans son lit, après ce qui semble être un horrible cauchemar. Son chien, un doberman, sentant son trouble, vient se coucher près de lui. Le lendemain matin, James se lève, et lorsqu'il veut jeter le filtre à café dans la poubelle, il y trouve l'une de ses chemises maculées de sang.


Dean et Sam arrivent au Sleepy Lodge Motel, à St Louis, après avoir reçu un message de James les appelant à l'aide. Tandis qu'ils s'installent, Dean tente de convaincre Sam de le laisser prendre en charge les épreuves divines découvertes sur la tablette des Démons, mais Sam lui assure que tout va bien, et qu'il n'a pas à s'inquiéter. Dean cède pour le moment et sort chercher de quoi boire et manger. Alors que Sam se retrouve seul, le doberman de James vient lui rendre une petite visite. Mais lorsque Dean revient, le chien s'est transformé en une magnifique jeune femme. Elle explique aux frères médusés que James, après avoir travaillé avec eux sur une affaire, s'est pris d'intérêt pour la magie, et est devenu un sorcier à part entière. Portia, la jeune femme "doberman", est devenue son familier. Elle avoue que James a besoin d'aide, après que ses migraines se soient transformés en horribles cauchemars. Dean est réticent à aider James, mais Portia ne l'entend pas de cette oreille.

Dans un club de sorcellerie, Spencer tente de raisonner James et de lui apporter son aide. Mais James est inquiet, non seulement pour ses rêves si réels, mais aussi pour Portia, qui a disparu. Au motel, Portia explique aux boys que c'est elle qui leur a envoyé le message, sans que James ne le sache. Elle raconte que les familiers et leurs maîtres peuvent communiquer par télépathie, mais lorsque les rêves de James ont commencé, rêves dans lesquels il tue de innocents, il a bloqué l'entrée de son esprit à Portia. La jeune femme insiste auprès des Winchesters pour qu'ils l'aident.

James fait un nouveau cauchemar. Cette fois, il se voit tuer un jeune homme aveugle, de la même façon qu'il s'est vu tuer la prostituée.

Dean et Sam attendent dans le salon que James et Portia aient fini de se disputer. A contrecoeur, James vient confirmer les dires de Portia aux Winchesters, et rajoute que les personnes qu'il a tué dans ses rêves sont réellement mortes. La chemise maculée de sang qui lui appartient rend l'affaire plus complexe. Malgré un sermon, Dean promet qu'ils vont l'aider à trouver la vérité, mais avant, ils doivent s'assurer que James ne sortira pas de son lit, grâce à des chaînes. Plus tard, de retour au motel, alors que Sam s'est assuré de la véracité des crimes contés par James, Dean revient avec les ingrédients pour le sort anti-sorcière. Très vite, la conversation tourne de nouveau autour des "trials" et Sam doit de nouveau se défendre. Il dit qu'il commence à comprendre que Dean ne peut faire confiance qu'à lui-même, mais qu'il y arrivera, quoiqu'il en pense. Ils s'arrêtent d'un commun accord et Dean évoque la possibilité que James ne soit pas contrôlé par un autre sorcier, mais qu'il peut être le véritable tueur. Sam aimerait envisager de lui laisser une chance de faire marche arrière si c'est le cas, et rappelle à Dean qu'ils ont déjà laisser passer d'autres "monstres" auparavant. Dean sait qu'il parle de Benny et Kate, entre autres, mais il rappelle également à son frère que ces deux-là n'ont pas choisi ce qu'ils sont devenus, contrairement à James.

Sam se rend au commissariat et rencontre l'inspecteur responsable de l'affaire, Ed, à qui il confie un morceau de la chemise de James afin de la faire analyser. Ed n'est pas très bavare concernant l'affaire mais laisse échapper l'existence d'un témoin ayant aperçu un homme en costume. Lorsque Sam essaie d'en savoir plus, Ed stoppe la conversation. Pendant ce temps, Portia emmène Dean dans le club de sorciers où ils rencontrent Philippe LeChat, le familier de Spencer. Lorsque Spencer arrive, il dit qu'il ne sait rien de la possibilité pour un sorcier de contrôler l'esprit d'un autre sorcier. Une fois Spencer et son chat partis, Dean reçoit un appel de Sam qui lui annonce que le sang sur la chemise de James correspond à celui de la troisième victime.

Le soir venu, c'est Portia elle-même qui, à contrecoeur, attache James au lit. Il la rassure en lui disant que c'est la meilleure chose à faire. Puis, ils commencent à faire l'amour, quand Portia pénètre les pensées de James et voit les meurtres se produirent sous ses yeux. Plus tard dans la nuit, Sam et Dean viennent dans le but d'éliminer James, mais ils sont stoppés par Portia, qui leur assure que ce n'est pas le vrai responsable.

Portia explique aux boys que James et elle se sont beaucoup rapprochés et entretiennent une relation intime, bien que les familiers ne soient pas censés avoir ce genre de relations avec leurs maîtres. Elle raconte qu'elle a pu pénétrer les pensées de James et que, hormis les crimes eux-mêmes, aucun processus de préméditation n'est présent dans la tête du sorcier, ce qui suggère qu'il est bien contrôlé par quelqu'un d'autre. Devant Portia qui les supplie, Dean et Sam acceptent de reprendre les recherches. Sam se rend de nouveau au commissariat. Ed assure qu'il n'y a rien de plus à dire sur l'affaire, mais Sam repère le dossier sur James Frampton et tente de découvrir quels sont les sentiments d'Ed à l'égard du plus jeune lieutenant de la police de St Louis. Ed reste évasif, mais Sam peut percevoir une certaine jalousie. Tandis que l'inspecteur s'éloigne, Sam tente d'ouvrir la salle d'où il sortait avec son légiste, mais elle est fermée à clés.

Portia emmène Dean rencontrer un "indic" sorcier qui pourrait avoir des informations à leur donner. L'indic en question assure avoir chercher partout un sorcier capable de contrôler l'esprit d'un autre, mais est ressorti bredouille. En revanche, il raconte que la communauté soupçonne James d'être le meurtrier et que, par conséquent, il pourrait représenter un danger pour celle-ci. Dans ce cas, la communauté lui laissera deux choix : partir, ou se suicider.

Sam rejoint Dean chez James, et lui raconte que la police détient un dossier sur James Frampton, malgré ce qu'a pu en dire Ed. De son côté, Dean a trouvé un sort qui peut permettre d'implanter de faux souvenirs dans l'esprit d'un sorcier ou d'une sorcière, ce qui confirme la théorie de Portia. Les boys rejoignent ensuite James dans la chambre pour lui apporter les dernières nouvelles. Sam évoque la chambre C-110 au commissariat, celle fermée à clés. James propose de s'y rendre par projection astrale, et emmène les boys dans son voyage. Là, ils découvrent qu'Ed, qui n'a jamais évolué comme James, est bien en train de construire un dossier contre lui. Il a été aidé par le témoignage de Phillippe LeChat. James, fou de rage, assomme les boys, et renvoie Portia.

James, prêt à demander des comptes, se rend au club et essaie de soutirer des informations à Phillippe. Le familier de Spencer finit par avouer que son maître l'a obligé à témoigner, ce que James ne croit pas, jusqu'à ce que Spencer lui-même débarque et tue Phillippe. James comprend que Spencer est celui qui lui implantait ces cauchemars dans son esprit, et Spencer avoue qu'il aurait aimé que Portia le choisisse lui plutôt que James. La jalousie et la colère ont grandi d'autant plus lorsqu'il a su que James et Portia sortaient ensemble. Alors que Dean et Sam débarquent et essaient d'activer leur bombe anti-sorcier, un combat s'engage entre Spencer et James. Spencer parvient à neutraliser Sam et Dean en faisant ressortir leurs pires souvenirs liés à l'Enfer. Heureusement, Portia, sous sa forme animale, attaque Spencer, ce qui laisse le temps à Dean et Sam de réciter la formule, et de lancer leur bombe sur le sorcier, qui explose. Une fois la bataille terminée, Portia et James se retrouvent.

Exclus de la communauté de sorciers, un dossier de police montré contre James, ce dernier et Portia décident de quitter la ville et de recommencer une vie ailleurs. Les deux semblent sereins à cette idée. Ils saluent une dernière fois Sam et Dean, et s'en vont. Plus tard, sur la route, Dean avoue que Spencer a fait ressortir de mauvais souvenirs, et qu'à ce moment, il a réalisé que si son frère et lui ont pu survivre à tout ce qu'ils ont vécu, c'est parce qu'ils étaient ensemble, et unis. Il assure donc à Sam qu'il lui fait confiance, et qu'il le soutient à 100% dans les épreuves qu'il devra subir. Sam approuve silencieusement, puis se met à tousser violemment. Il se rend alors compte qu'il crache un peu de sang. Discrètement, sans que Dean ne le remarque, il essuie les traces de sa douleur.


Ecrit par Deanlove35.

'St. Louis, Missouri

Back Alley of a Hotel - Night

The streets are damp and the air is foggy.

[ Indistinct conversation ]
A MAN and a WOMAN out of the back door and into an alley of a cheap motel. The alley is dark but lit by a pink neon hotel sign.

[ Door closes ]

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

It appears someone is watching them from a car nearby.

You were great, and I want to give you a little something. The man gives the woman money and touches her arm as he starts to walk away from her smiling at her.

Here you go. Thanks.
Thank you.

The camera moves into the nearby car and we see the back of a man’s head. We see he is watching the WOMAN who is now standing alone.
The WOMAN sticks the money in her purse and zips it up.
The Woman starts to walk away. She walks away from the car where the mysterious man is sitting.
The mysterious man in the car gets out of the car.
The woman turns her head.
She sees no one but keeps walking forward while looking behind her.
The alley appears empty which seems to confuse her so she stops and turns almost all the way around to get a better look. When she decides no one is there she looks forward and begins walking again.
[ Banging in distance ]
[ WOMAN Gasps ]
This time she turns all the way around and the camera zooms fast on her face but she still sees nothing.
As she turns we see someone standing in her path. She becomes very startled to see a MAN standing there.
[ WOMAN Gasps ]
The MAN flashes his police badge.
[WOMAN Sighs ]

Guess it's not my night.

Guess not.

The POLICEMAN pulls out a pair of handcuffs and the WOMAN turns around to be cuffed. Neither of them look surprised or seem to find the situation unordinary. They both have blank expressions on their faces as they both seem to have done this before.
The POLICEMAN steps up behind her and places the cuffs on her wrists. The POLICEMAN turns her around and the WOMAN looks at him unimpressed. The POLICEMAN suddenly grabs the woman, and begins to choke her.
[ WOMAN Screams ]

The POLICEMAN is suddenly in his bed waking up from what seems like a nightmare. He appears to still behaving the nightmare as he sees himself to continue to kill the WOMAN and we see camera shots of her being killed.

The POLICEMAN looks very upset and scared after waking up and the camera pans from him on his bed to a Doberman pincher laying nearby on his right. The DOG jumps up as she notices her master waking up from this nightmare.

The dog climbs on the right side of bed with the POLICEMAN and he reaches his right hand out to caress her. The POLICEMAN calms down but the dog begins to whine as the POLICEMAN lays back down.

The DOG lays her head across her master’s lap and sniffs his hand.
[ DOG Sniffs ]
The POLICEMAN walks into his kitchen wearing a blue robe. He walks by a fireplace where you see a letter of commendation on the mantle.
The POLICEMAN grabs a coffee cup off the counter and he walks over to the coffeepot and opens the top lid where the filter basket is and he removes the filter basket.
[ Filter basket clatters ]
The POLICEMAN closes the coffeepot lid and walks over to the trashcan. As he leans over to open the round trash can we see the dirty filter filled with used coffee grounds.
The camera is looking up at the POLICEMAN from inside the trash can as he opens it and the POLICEMAN looks down inside the trashcan.
The music in the background is high pitched but low but begins to intensify.
He appears confused by what he sees in the trashcan so he sets the coffee filter basket on the counter and reaches his hand in the trash can and pulls out a bloodstained shirt.
The music intensifies even more to show the suspense of the situation.
The music becomes louder and more high-pitched as the screen flashes.

Act One

Sleepy Lodge Motel - Night
[ engine rumbles ]
We hear the engine of the Impala as we see the sign for the Sleepy Lodge Motel.
The camera pans down and we see the Impala drive through a damp parking lot and pull into a parking space.
[ Engine shuts off ]
DEAN and SAM exit the car at the same time. As DEAN gets out of the driver’s side he looks over his shoulder and continues a conversation with SAM.

Wow.You know, of all the lame-ass things you've ever said, that's got to be the lame-assiest.

They continue their argument as they gather their things from the car.

I'm sorry, but I happen to think Shemp was a funnier stooge than Curly.

Curly was a freaking genius!

They begin to walk into the hotel room still arguing.

I always found Curly's work a bit obvious.

It's supposed to be obvious, man. They’re stooges!

SAM and DEAN walk into the dark hotel room with SAM walking in first and SAM turns on the light.
[ Light switch clicks ]

So, we calling James tonight?

No. I'll just call him tomorrow. That drive was a bitch.

DEAN says the last line as he closes the hotel room door behind him.
SAM and Dean each walk to a different bed and set their bags on it.

I wonder what he wanted.

Well, his text said that he needed help. He's a cop. I figured it was work-related.

Yeah, well, we do owe him.

The guy saved our lives once,Sammy. I mean, it's not like the guy –

Saved our lives?

DEAN looks down and appears to have something else to say but says nothing.
SAM closes the zipper on one of his bags
[ Zipper closes ]

I'm gonna go for a beer run. You need anything?

No, I'm good.

You sure?


'Cause you did just gank a Hellhound, which is no slice of pie, and, uh, there is a mine field of who knows what crap ahead. Just want to make sure that you are okay.

I'm good.

'Cause, you know, we could find another devil dog. You could tag out. I could snuff the son of a bitch.

SAM starts to become visible annoyed with what DEAN is saying.

Dean, Kevin doesn't even know what the next trial is yet.So whatever it is you're worried about, stop. I'll be ready.

DEAN nods his head once in acknowledgement and walks out the hotel room door.
[ Door opens, closes ]
SAM sets his saving kit on the sink of the hotel room and begins to unpack it when he hears a scraping sound at the door.
[ Scraping ]
SAM becomes curious and walks over to the door and opens it.
[ Door hinges creak ]
On the other side of the door is the same Doberman that was in the POLICEMANS bedroom.
[ DOG Whining ]
SAM looks around for an owner and then back at the DOG inquisitively when suddenly the DOG runs into the room and jumps on DEANS bed.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

[ DOG Whines ]

Uh...No. Um...

SAM shuts the door and starts to walk into the room.
[ Door closes ]

Hey. You friendly? Friendly. Good. All right. You're a pretty dog.
[ DOG Whines ]
The DOG rolls over and wants her belly scratched and SAM obliges.

Oh, really? You want, uh -- you want a little belly scratch, huh? So, who do you belong to?Uh...

[ DOG Whines ]
Right. No tags. Uh, what are you doing here?
[ Engine rumbles, turns off ]
SAM becomes alert to the fact that DEAN just pulled in and music starts playing fast in the background.

Oh, no.
[ DOG Whines ]
SAM quickly steps outside the hotel room to greet DEAN.

Once outside SAM shuts the hotel room door behind him placing himself between DEAN and the door.
[ Door closes ]


Okay, okay, okay. Before you get pissed off, look, I-I just want you to know this isn't my fault. She just showed up at the door, okay? Didn't track in any mud. Just wanted her belly scratched. I-I figured maybe she could stay tonight, and we'd try and find her a home tomorrow.
SAM opens the door with a worried half smile on his face to show DEAN what he is talking about and DEAN looks into the room past SAM. DEAN sees a very attractive, nicely dressed, woman sitting on his bed with her back against the headboard. She is wearing the same collar the DOG had on and the DOG is no longer in the room.

She can stay the night.

SAM looks into the room and sees the woman. SAM then looks back at DEAN very confused.

Two seconds ago, she was a dog.

SAM unsheathes a knife from behind his back and quickly walks back into the room and towards the WOMAN.

All right, who the hell are you?

Not a shapeshifter, so you can stash the blade.

DEAN walks in the room and sets the items he just bought onto the hotel room table.

SAM stands at the end of the bed ready to strike.

I'm a familiar.

A what?

Companion to a witch --some witches. Split their time between human and animal form.

I get a more accurate read on people in my other persona. Approaching guys in a motel room like this --well, it gets complicated.


My name's Portia. I belong to James Frampton.

No. No, no. See, that --that doesn't work for us, 'cause that would mean that our buddy James is a witch.

[ Sarcastically ]
Wow. You're quick.

James is a freaking witch?

He wasn't when you met him, but that last case you worked on with him --

Uh, lunatic alchemist. It was nasty.

PORTIA stands up and starts to walk closer to DEAN and SAM who are standing about a foot apart.

James wanted to learn more about that world -- the black arts, witchcraft. It became the center of his life.

Wait, so you're telling me that James the cop became a witch because of us? Unh-unh. [ DEAN Laughs ]

You don't like dogs, do you?

[ DEAN Scoffs softly ]

Wait. So James isn't a cop anymore?

Sure he is. Homicide detective. His new powers make his work even better.

Then what does he need from us?

Well, something's been happening to him. It started with excruciating headaches, screaming sounds in his ears, horrible nightmares. Unable to sleep or think. He can't work. It -- it's like he's having a breakdown. Maybe you can find a way to help him.

DEAN looks at SAM.
[ DEAN Scoffs ]

Well, here's the thing. Uh, witches -- not real fans.

PORTIA steps closer to DEAN and is right in front of him when she speaks clearly and roughly.

Really? Well, James is a cop with a spotless record. He's used his skills for nothing but good. So why don't you lose the ignorant bigotry for maybe two seconds and give him a shot?

That was incredibly hot.

[ PORTIA Scoffs ]
PORTIA looks to SAM

It was pretty hot.
PORTIA shakes her head at both of them.

Outside Nightclub - Night
[ jazz music plays ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
You see a man move a chess piece with his mind and his female opponent do the same.
A waitress places a drink on the table where JAMES FRAMPTON is sitting and removes the empty glass next to it. A man walks up that is looking at JAMES.

You might want to go easy
on that.

The MAN sits in the only other chair at JAMES’ table.

God, you look awful. Not getting any better?

Worse. I don't know what's happening to me. These dreams [sniffs] they're like, um -- like torture.

You didn't mention dreams.

Dark, bloody. Spencer, they, uh -- they scare the hell out of me. They're so real. Just night after night.

Enough, James. It's time to see someone.

Who? Who do we see? There's no medicine for this.

Maybe you just need time away.

It's way beyond that.

James, it's too much -- all that you've taken on. Not just the workload, but the nature of the work. Look around. See a lot of cops, do you? Life in this realm is life on the fringe. We don't fit.
[ SPENCER Sighs ]
How do you reconcile what you are with what you do?

I don't know where Portia is.


She's gone. I think I'm pushing her away.

Sleepy Lodge Motel - Night

So, these dreams James is having -- he thinks that they're real? He thinks that he is actually killing people?

I think so. At least that's what I picked up before he started blocking me.

What does that mean, blocking you?

Familiars and their masters -- we can communicate telepathically. I can get inside of James' head anytime I want. But he shut me out.

So, what, you think maybe there's something in there he doesn't want you to see?

Possibly, yeah -- something dark, you know, that's destroying him. He can't go to the police, and he doesn't trust other witches.

But he trusts us? You do know who we are, right? We're the last people that somebody like James needs to be telling his troubles to.

This was my idea. I was the one who sent you the text under James' name. He doesn't know you're here. But...I think you're maybe all he has.

[ SAM Sighs ]

City Park - Night
[ Leaves rustling ]
A blind man is walking through the park on the sidewalk using his white cane. A man is standing off to the side in the grass . The blindman hears the person rustling around

Someone there?

JAMES is suddenly right next to the BLINDMAN and he grabs the BLINDMAN with one hand
[ BLINDMAN Gasps ]
JAMES is seen choking the man so hard that he tears through his skin and the BLINDMANS’ blood splatters allover JAMES’ face.
JAMES wakes up in his bed again terrified and shaking.
[ Breathing heavily ]

James’ House – Day
James and Portia are having an argument in a room off camera.
You had no right to do this.

I was afraid for your life!

The camera pans around the living room and you see DEAN sitting in a chair and SAM sitting on a couch and listening to the argument between JAMES and PORTIA.

My life is none of their business!

PORTIA (as a dog) walks out of the room they are arguing in and looks at the brothers. SAM cocks his head and DEAN smiles and waves casually.

[PORTIA Barks ]
PORTIA walks off camera
JAMES walks out of the room looking disheveled and stops a couple feet from where SAM and DEAN are sitting. SAM and DEAN stand up.

Sam, Dean.

Witchcraft, James? Really? What the hell are you thinking?

You come to help or pile on?

I'm just saying, you screw with that stuff, you're gonna fry your wiring.

All right. Look, why don't you tell us about these dreams? She said people were dying in them.

"Dying"? They were torn to bits. I, uh, I could feel my fingers ripping into their flesh.

But they were dreams?

Well, I, uh, woke up in my bed.

Okay, so...Dreams?

I'm not so sure.

Not helping, James.

Those people -- they died. I checked with the precinct.

All right, well, maybe you heard it, and it stuck in your head.

You're -- you don't think I-I told myself all that? You don't think I didn't say, "that wasn't me. I couldn't have done such a thing"?

JAMES steps back and reaches to a bag sitting to his left and unzips a pouch and pulls out the blood stained shirt he found in his trashcan after having the dream about killing the prostitute. SAM looks surprised and DEAN has an “I told you so” look as JAMES presents it to the brothers.

Is it yours?

JAMES shows the initials embroidered on the pocket that are JMF.

James Martin Frampton.

JAMES tosses the shirt on the coffee table and sits down in a seat across from the seat DEAN was sitting in and places his hand on his forehead.

What's happening to me?

DEAN and SAM sit back down.

Well, how about this? Um, you pissed off another witch, and he or she hexed you and forced you to...

It's possible, I suppose, but I never heard of it.

How many of these dreams have you had?

Four. The most recent one is last night. Uh, it was a blind man. I, uh... I was choking him, and, uh...

All right, James, we're gonna -- we're gonna help you figure this out, but you're gonna have to do your part.

Which is?

DEAN tosses a bag onto the table and it makes a loud clanging sound. DEAN unzips the bag and pulls out thick chains and hold them up while looking at JAMES.

You're gonna have to stay put.

DEAN lets the chains drop back into the bag.
[ Chains clank ]
House arrest, my friend.

Sleepy Lodge Motel – Day
SAM is sitting on his bed doing research on his computer about the case. On his screen you see an article about the killed prostitute. The title of the article reads “GRISLY REMAINS FOUND”
DEAN walks in the hotel room holding a plain, small paper bag.

Got the last of it.

All right. Well, I have been looking at the crime-scene reports, and they are exactly the same as James told us -- vics, dates, location. The most recent one was a blind man, just like he said.

That's not good.

DEAN looks down at the table where you see a bunch of ingredients in jars set up and ready to be used.
DEAN begins to take out the ingredients from the bag he brought in which appear to be chicken feet and some black stuff in a bag.

Also, I looked into his record on the force. He went from rookie detective to lieutenant basically overnight, and in the last four years, his solve rate's been right at about 100%.

Of course. He's got the booga-booga on his side.

DEAN looks down at the ingredients on the table.

Man, you know that we've never actually seen this witch-killing spell of Bobby's work, right? I mean, this is not a sure thing.

[ SAM Chuckles ]
Is anything we ever do a sure thing?

Well, no, but I would just like to have the odds in our favor as much as possible.


Well, I'm concerned.

Concerned about the, uh -- the witch-killing spell... ...or that I'm gonna mess these trials up?

Look, we get too far down the road with this, we can't go back,

[ SAM chuckles softly ]
And it'll be too late for me to jump in.

Who says that you're gonna have to? You know, maybe I'll actually pull this one off.

I'm just saying.

I know what you're saying, Dean. You've said it. You know, I've been going over this and over this, asking myself "why doesn't he trust me?" And it occurred to me, finally. It's not that you don't trust me.It's that you can only trust you.

Are you done?

I'm done if you're done.

DEAN walks back over to the table and picks up an empty bottle.

You know, once I get this put together, we can't hesitate. If we got to use it, we use it.

You mean if we find the witch that's doing this to James?

Or if there is no other witch.

Or… it wouldn't be the first free pass we've given, Dean.

Look, I like James as much as the next guy, but people are getting ganked here. Besides, Benny, Kate -- they were forced to be what they are. James chose this.

East St. Louis Police Department - Day
[ Siren wails ]
Sam is walking through the police station with a man in a white coat.

Vics were all torn up pretty bad.

Like someone shredded them with their bare hands.[ MAN IN WHITE COAT Laughs ] Like that could happen. Ed? Ed Stoltz. He's lead on the case. Special Agent Keith.

Josh here tells me you don't have a lot to go on.

Yeah. Isolated parts of the city, vics who meant nothing to nobody, so...

Right. Well, uh, my partner and I had a look at the crime scenes.

Things really must be slow at the Bureau. [ ED Laughs ] Locations have already been knocked down.

Well, we did manage to find this piece of fabric. Things get overlooked. It happens. Why don't you run the blood? It could be the vic. It could be the doers. Let's see if we get a match.

Sam hands the fabric to ED and ED hands the piece of fabric, which was taken from the shirt that JAMES showed DEAN and SAM, to Josh, the man in the white coat.

A witness did mention seeing a man in a suit and a white shirt leaving the area, so --

You didn't mention a witness in your report. Anything else?

No. We'll get back to you on the lab work. So if that's all –

Sure, but this witness --

That's all that was said, Agent Keith. We really don't have a lot here, okay? We'll be in touch.

ED walks away from SAM.

SAM does his usual half smile that means he isn’t happy and walks off irritated.
Witch Nightclub - Day
[ Jazz music plays ]
DEAN and PORTIA walk down a long flight of steps to the club.

Am I getting the stink eye in here or what?

They can tell you're an outsider.

Are they all witches?

And stuff. But if there's information out here about James, they'll know.

How did James find you, anyway?

Not the way it works. The familiar finds the master, and they become inseparable.

Guess a lot of people feel that way about their pets.

PORTIA turns sharply to look at DEAN.

[ PORTIA Scoffs ]

I'm not James' pet.

Well, not all the time.

PORTIA steps toward DEAN and pushes him in the chest.

Not ever. The master and the familiar -- there's an unbreakable bond, like a melding of souls. We would die for each other.

Portia.[ Snaps fingers ] Over here.

PORTIA and DEAN walk over to the man who is sitting in a chair.

Dean, meet Phillippe LeChat. Dean's a wiccan from Detroit.

Really? Well...Sit, sit.

PHILLIPPE points to the couch across from him and DEAN and PORTIA sit at the same time next to each other.

Spencer here?


[ DEAN sneezes, clears throat ]
[ DEAN Sniffles ]

That's weird. That only happens around cats.

Tell me about James. Lot of buzz out there.

All gossip. The community has a little attitude going.

[ PHILLIPPE Chuckles ]

He brings it on himself. The whole cop thing -- witch cop -- is he nuts?

I said the exact same thing.

Then there's you, babe. It isn't done, Portia, and you know it.

I'm sorry. Uh, remind me, what -- what isn't done?

SPENCER walks up.


SPENCER looks at Dean so DEAN feels the need to explain himself.

Uh, I'm a -- I'm a wiccan. I'm from Detroit.

Spencer's the man to ask.

Oh, okay. Uh... You ever heard of a-a spell where a witch can control the actions of another witch?
[DEAN Sneezes ]

No, I never heard of a thing like that. I don't think it's possible.

SPENCER looks at PORTIA with concern.

How's James?

Better. I'll tell him you asked.

Philippe, it's time we were going.

Of course.


Good night.

PHILLIPPE then looks at DEAN mockingly as his eyes change to cat eyes and his face becomes catlike .

So nice to meet you.

DEAN nods as PHILLIPPE turns completely into a black cat. Surprising DEAN.

PHILLIPPE climbs up on a table that is next to the couch he was sitting on and his master SPENCER holds out his hand while PHILLIPPE nuzzles it.
[ Meowing ]
[ Purring ]
SPENCER walks off camera with PHILLIPPE.

I knew it.

[ Deans’ Cellphone rings ]

[ Sniffles ]
Excuse me. (to PORTIA)

DEAN (speaking into cellphone)

SAM (speaking into cellphone at the hotel room)
Where are you?

Some witch bar. Why?

Listen, I just got the lab work back from the blood on James' shirt.


Not good. Blood's an exact match to victim number three.

Well, that pretty much says it all, doesn't it?


James’ bedroom- Night
PORTIA attaches shackles to JAMES’ right ankle[ Shackles click ] PORTIA then moves up and begins shackling JAMES ‘right wrist. As the camera pans up you see his left side is already shackled.

I hate doing this to you.

It's okay. Really.

We don't have to. You know, they won't find out.

Portia... If I believe I'm innocent, I have to do the right thing. And if I'm not innocent, I have to do the right thing.

PORTIA lays on the bed next to JAMES and puts her head on his shoulder.

[ Sighs ]
Tell me one day this will be over.

PORTIA lifts her head up and smiles as she looks into JAMES’ eyes.
I love you.
PORTIA and JAMES begin kissing and PORTIA moves over JAMES and straddles him while they continue to kiss. The scene continues to show them kissing and PORTIA caressing JAMES. Suddenly PORTIA has a vision and in the vision [ JAMES Grunts ] PORTIA sees everything JAMES has been seeing in his dreams and she looks terrified when she sees the different people being murdered.
[ PROSTITUTE Screaming ]

JAMES’ House - Same Night
DEAN and SAM quietly break in the front door and walk into JAMES house. DEAN walks in first. The brothers walk down the hallway that leads to the bedroom as DEAN pulls out the concoction from BOBBYS witch killing recipe that they put together at the hotel. It looks like a clear flask filled with blood and has a piece of cloth stuffed in the top of it for a cork. They slowly open JAMES’ bedroom door and DEAN walks inside first. JAMES is laying on the bed with his eyes closed but his eyes open as SAM and DEAN move closer to the bed. JAMES does not become upset even though he seems to know what is about to happen. DEAN clicks his zippo and sets the flame. He brings the flame closer to the cloth sticking out of the bottle as Portia steps out of the bathroom located in the bedroom.

No! No, Dean! You have to listen to me, please. It's not James!

Wow. [ Chuckles ] I, uh -- I didn't expect that.

We have an unusual relationship. Familiars aren't supposed to be sexually involved with their witches.

Understandable, you know, considering that you're a... ...well, and that he's... That's –

[ DEAN chuckles ] DEAN looks to SAM.

Little help here?

SAM shakes his head no.


James and I -- we hadn't made love in weeks. His agony ate him up, and he shut me out. But tonight, I saw his thoughts -- memories of the murders.

I'm sorry, is this you trying to talk us out of ganking James or --

Dean, that's all I saw -- just the kills. No preparation, no thought process, no anticipation, no motive. Just the kills without context.

No other awareness of the crimes?

No. Doesn't that at least suggest he's under another's control?

Spencer said that wasn't possible.

He said he'd never heard of it. James is chained. He's confined. At least take a shot.
[ PORTIA Sighs ]

East St. Louis Police Station- Day
Sam walks through the police station and stops at a hallway and looks to his right.
[ Door opens ]
A door opens and JOSH and ED walk out. Josh is holding a thick file in his left hand. SAM walks down the hallway to the two men.


Still investigating this crappy little case? I'm awed the Bureau has so much time on its hands.

Right. Well, we have some, uh, individual discretion to pursue cases.

As SAM is talking he looks down at the file and sees the name FRAMPTON, JAMES next to a case number typed on it.

I'll catch up later, Ed.

Yeah, but at some point, cases like this go cold, as I'm sure you're aware. Just not enough to keep them floating -- that's all.

Sure. No new leads, then?

No. And it's drifting towards the back burner, really. We just don't have the manpower.

Then it must have been tough to lose a valuable resource like Lieutenant Frampton. See, he and I -- we, uh -- we caught a case together a while back.

Well, he's not lost to me. He's -- he's on leave.

I remember he said he was the youngest guy here to ever make lieutenant. [ Chuckles ] Must have made a few waves.

Nah. This place is run like a dogsled -- no stars. Just grunts. One mutt goes lame, another one pops up and slogs through the slush. Agent.
ED walks off leaving SAM looking like he is wanting to ask more questions. Once ED rounds the corner SAM turns and tries to open the door JOSH and ED walked out of.
[ Door handle rattles ]
The door is locked.

[ Engine rumbling ]
DEAN and PORTIA, in the Impala, drive through a large garage that seems abandoned. DEAN parks the car
[ Engine shuts off ]
and they both get out [ Car doors close ] and proceed to walk around to the back of the car.

So this, uh, warlock we're meeting -- he's -- he's a snitch?

DEAN and PORTIA walk to an open garage door as they talk.

Cops have snitches all over town. James uses Drexyl when he suspects someone in the community.

I got to ask. I-I can't help but wonder --

Which came first, dog or girl?

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I'm just curious as to which one you consider yourself, mostly.

This have anything to do with what I told you about James and me last night? How you're imagining it?

What? No, that's.. .[ DEAN Chuckles ]Yes.
[ Vehicle approaches ]
Am orange gremlin with one brown stripe down each side drives through the open garage door and stops just feet from where DEAN and PORTIA are standing.
[ Engine shuts off ]
The driver opens the car door gets out and shuts the car door. He calmly walks over.

Drexyl, this is Dean.

Wiccan, Detroit. I heard. So, here's the deal -- absolutely no word on the street about any witchhexing another one.

You sure there's not any kind of spell?

Look, Detroit, I pride myself on reliable sourcing. There is, however, a lot of chatter about our James.

What kind of chatter?

That he's gone ripper.

As in Jack the --

Someone's circulating the rumor that he's set at full kill.

"Someone"? One of us?

If the cops get wind of it, arrest James, find out what he really is, that exposes the rest of us. You know that can't happen.


They're gonna give James two choices – leave or the full hara-kiri.


Witches appreciate a grand gesture.

I won't let him do that.

Well, the community might do it for him.

DREXYL walks back to his car.
[ Car door opens, closes ]

JAMES’ House - Day

[ Door opens, closes ]
Sam walks into the living room where DEAN is sitting on the couch.


So, I have been going over Bobby's data.


Uh, Portia might not be wrong. Turns out there is a spell for, uh -- for implanting images into another person's brain.


Yeah. Uh, "Creating false memories into another witch's mind."

Wow. [ SAM Chuckles ] So James could be convinced he killed those other people without ever touching them. So, then, maybe it is somebody else.

Yeah, who's going to a hell of a lot of trouble to make it look like James. What'd the cops say?

Here's the thing.um, according to Ed Stoltz, they got zip, but they got something. I saw the, uh, tech guy who's working the case, and he had a huge file folder marked "James Frampton""

Ed didn't mention that.

No, he did not. All right. [ Clears throat ] Oh, by the way, got to hand it to you. It's been 15 hours since Portia mentioned her night with James, and not one bestiality joke outta yah.
[ DEAN Chuckles ]

Portia tells me my friends in the community want me burned at the stake.

I'm not gonna lie. It's, uh -- it's getting ugly.

Yeah, the cops may have more on the case than they're saying, including a thick dossier on you.


Yeah. I get the feeling whatever they have is under lock and key at the precinct, uh, room C-110.

Then we need to break in.

Sure, yeah. A locked room in a joint crawling with cops 24/7 -- why didn't I think of that?

Dean, a witch can go to a place without having to go to a place.

What, like phone sex?

Astral projection. I can project my awareness anywhere...


...from the comfort of right here. But these have got to go.

Not gonna happen.

Irons on, no magic. No magic, no break-in.

[ DEAN Sighs ]

Okay. But only if we can go with you.

DEAN and SAM sit on either side of JAMES on the end of JAMES’ bed. PORTIA is standing in front of them.
James, are you sure you're still even able to do this?

Oh, well, that's a confidence builder. Anything else I should know before I become some disembodied thing, completely at his mercy?

Just close your eyes.

JAMES places one hand one DEANS shoulder and the other hand on SAMS shoulder.

Whatever I see, I'll pass on to you, too. Libera me occulta cognoscere veritatem.

After JAMES speaks the words in Latin the camera starts zooming though the police precinct.
[ Indistinct distorted voices ]
The images are fast and blurry as JAMES directs the vision to the room SAM said he saw ED and JOSH come out of. Once inside the room they see that a huge case is being brought against JAMES and that ED is leading it. There are pictures and case files on the walls and they see ED looking at a witness statement signed by PHILLPE LeCHAT whom is SPENCERS familiar. The vision ends suddenly
[ JAMES, DEAN and SAM Breathing heavily ]
JAMES jumps up and away from the brothers.

James, why don't you give us a little warning you're gonna snap us back like that?

Stoltz -- he's building a case against me.


Ed -- he's always wanted a breakthrough case. Nailing a renegade cop -- that would qualify.

Yeah, especially one he holds a grudge against.

My first case -- they dropped him as lead detective. They went with me.

So what is this, you think -- a payback?

He can't just arrest you. He needs evidence. He needs proof.

He's got it! He's got everything.

From who?

Phil. The cat.


[ Breathing heavily ]

SAM starts to stand up from the bed.

Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy.

James, hey.

Talk this out, buddy.

[ JAMES Grunts ]
JAMES throws a hand up and DEAN flies through the air and over the bed and into the night table on the left side of the bed.

[ JAMES Grunts ]
JAMES throws his hand up again and SAM flies through the air and hit a lamp and night stand on the right side of the bed.
[ JAMES Grunts ]

James, don't! We'll do this together.

No, we won't. It's not safe for you. Our time together is over.

Standing by you is my duty, my choice!

Portia, the ceiling is coming down on me. You still have a life.


Portia, go.

James --

JAMES pushes PORTIA and she starts to cry as she shakes her head and walks out of the room.

Witch Nightclub – Day
PHILLIPPE and another man are standing at the bar talking casually.

So, you don't think it's too late for me to wear braces?

Won't even notice them. We'll put in transparent.

JAMES comes up behind PHILLPPE and picks him up and flips him onto his back on the bar.
[ PHILLIPE Groaning ]
PHILLIPE looks very scared and confused.

James, what are you doing?

Why are you telling lies about me?

I'm not. I wouldn't.

I saw the evidence room. I saw the police sketch based on an eyewitness account.
[ Chair scrapes ]

JAMES hears a chair scrape behind him which causes him to look over his shoulder he sees the man PHILLIPPE was talking to when he grabbed PHILLIPPE.

Get lost.

The MAN puts his hands up and walks away calmly.

Please, don't.

JAMES turns his head back to continue talking to PHILLIPPE.

Tell me why.

I had no choice.

What does that mean?

My master made me.

Liar. You're a coward and a liar. Spencer's my friend.

A direct command. Please, don't hurt my face.

I'm not interested –

JAMES starts to back away as PHILLIPS neck breaks completely to one side. JAMES starts to look as if he questions whether or not he did it by looking at his own hand.

He was always spineless.

JAMES looks up and to his left to where he heard SPENCERS voice come from and sees SPENCER standing a few feet away.

Now literally.

The music becomes intense as the scene breaks.

It was you. You were behind all this?

I humbly accept credit.

You made me think I was a killer. Ed Stoltz put you up to it. He found out you were a witch, tried to blackmail you.

[ SPENCER Chuckles ]

You're not using your thinking cap, Jimmy. It was actually crucial that he didn't believe in the occult. I'd say he's built quite a solid case, don't you?

I don't understand.

Of course you don't. Neither of you ever considered my feelings.

Portia? This is about her?

Can you imagine the insult when she chose you? I wanted her as my soul mate the moment I saw her.

She was meant to be my familiar.

Oh, she's way more than familiar, isn't she? When she picked you as master,
I endured it. But when you two went all Bella and Edward, broke the code, put your passions before the community rules, well, the arrogance, the entitlement was too much. Your total ruination seemed appropriate.

[ Footsteps ]
Both SPENCER and JAMES hear footsteps approaching.

The wiccan from Detroit.

So James didn't kill those --

SPENCER throws his arm up at DEAN and SAM and they both fly into the wall several feet behind them and then crash down onto tables below them.
[ both grunt ]
SPENCER smiles and then turns to look back at JAMES as JAMES throws an energy beam at him
[ JAMES Grunts ] pushing SPENCER back but not affecting him much more than that.
SAM is on the ground trying to recover while keeping his arms around his head.
[ SAM Groans ]

Seriously, you want to take me on?

[ Energy crackles ]
SPENCER sends his own energy beam straight into JAMES and then lifts him off the ground using his power.
[ JAMES Groaning ]

SAM and DEAN use the distraction to stand up and DEAN gets the bottle out of his coat that they the originally prepared for JAMES while SAM gets out a lighter.


[ Crackling ]

While still holding JAMES in the air SPENCER turns and puts a hand up and sends a beam into DEAN and SAM causing them to freeze in place.

It's not only James' head I can get inside.

The camera zooms in on SAMS face and you see the blue energy in his eyes that SPENCER sent into his body. Then you see SAM is having a memory flashback of when he grabbed Michael/Adam as he fell into hell. Then the camera zooms in on dean and you see the blue energy in his eyes as he remembers his Mom and she is calling out to him and then she bursts into flames. Then the scene switches back to SAM burning in hell. The scene switches again to DEAN being chained in hell and calling out to SAM. Then SPENCER refocuses his attention back to JAMES who seems to be in terrible pain floating in the air. SPENCER is smiling. PORTIA is then seen running in in her dog form and she pounces on SPENCER. When SPENCER hits the ground his hold releases on everyone. SAM and DEAN then continue to get the flask with the witch killing potion inside of it as SAM recites the phrase needed to go along with the potion.
Ego voco impetu delere...

...vos caelum et infernum.

After SAM completes the phrase he lights the cloth that is in the bottle that DEAN is holding. DEAN then tosses the bottle at SPENCER and hits him directly in the stomach with it. A swirl of smoke engulfs SPENCER as he turns into blood and ash and poofs.
PORTIA, now in her human form, is lying on the ground but she starts to sit up as JAMES who was also on the ground gets up and comes over to her and cups her face in his right hand.
The camera switches back to SAM and DEAN.

Well, kids, don't try this at home.

Sleepy Lodge Motel - Night
DEAN, SAM, PORTIA and JAMES are standing outside the brothers hotel room next to their cars.

You sure you don't want to stay and fight this?

Look, we can help you.

Eh, Spencer was right. Ed Stoltz has built enough of a case against me to make life hell for a long time, and the community here wants no part of us.

We start over. We're used to it. It's the way it's always been, for all of us.
I'll miss you. (to SAM)

PORTIA looks at DEAN and smiles slyly

Maybe even you.

I like dogs.

No. You really don't.

PORTIA gets in JAMES’ car in the passenger seat as he closes the door. JAMES starts to walk to the other said and once he passes PORTIAS’ window she is a dog again.

[ PORTIA Whining ]

JAMES gets into the driver’s side of his car.
[ Car door opens, closes ]
[ Engine turns over ]
JAMES and PORTIA drive off.

Impala: Driving Down Wet Dark Road- Night

Well, it's possible I was wrong.

What, about James? Dude, we were both ready to gank the guy.

No, that's not what I meant. Back there, when Spencer had us. He screwed with my head. I saw mom... When she died... And then some other crap.

Yeah. Me, too.

You know, when I look back at what our family's been through, what everybody's been through, seeing all that pain... I realize that the only way we've made it through it all is by hanging together. I trust you, Sammy. With this deal, locking those sons of bitches up in the furnace once and for all, it's too important not to. So if you say you're good... ...then that's it. I'm with you 100%.

[ SAM Coughs ]

I'm good.
[ Coughing ]
SAM has blood on the corner of his mouth that he coughed up. He wipes it off and says nothing.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Clears throat ]
SAM looks around worried.
Scene goes to black. Credits roll.


Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (16.04.2021 à 10:13)

Ce doberman a vraiment du chien! C'est le moins qu'on puisse dire! Un épisode sympa où les sorciers ne sont pas tous forcément méchant et où l'on voit une fois encore que nos animaux de compagnie sont bien plus que ça pour nous ^^


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