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#11.21 : Donatello

LA GUERRE CONTINUE - Amara montre à Dean comment elle torture Lucifer. Inquiets pour Castiel, Dean et Sam montent un plan afin de le sauver des griffes d'Amara.



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Donatello (Keith Szarabajka) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Donatello (Keith Szarabajka) et Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Castiel (Misha Collins) blessé

Castiel (Misha Collins) blessé

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Donatello (Keith Szarabajka) face à Castiel (Misha Collins) et Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Donatello (Keith Szarabajka) face à Castiel (Misha Collins) et Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Castiel (Misha Collins), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Donatello (Keith Szarabajka)

Castiel (Misha Collins), Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Donatello (Keith Szarabajka)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Donatello (Keith Szarabajka)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Donatello (Keith Szarabajka)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Donatello (Keith Szarabajka)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Donatello (Keith Szarabajka)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Chuck (Rob Benedict)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Castiel (Misha Collins) et Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Amarra (Emily Swallow)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Castiel (Misha Collins) et Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) face à Castiel (Misha Collins) et Metatron (Curtis Armstrong)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 11.05.2016 à 21:00
1.75m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner
Réalisé par : Thomas J. Wright


Casting :



Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Les boys se retrouvent face à Chuck. Dean tient toujours la brillante amulette dans sa main. Chuck demande à ce qu'ils trouvent un espace un peu plus intime pour discuter, mais les boys se montrent réticents. Alors Chuck les téléporte au bunker, avant même que Dean n'ai terminé sa phrase. C'est alors que Kevin apparait, et il leur dit qu'ils peuvent faire confiance à Chuck. Mais la conversation est trop longue pour Chuck, qui envoie Kevin au Paradis. Les boys restent coits.


Sam ne sait tellement pas quoi dire qu'il bafouille et Dean finit par l'arrêter. Mais ce dernier n'est pas aussi enthousiaste que son frère. Il parle à Chuck de toutes les horreurs qui ont eu lieu sur Terre et il ne comprend pas qu'il ne soit jamais intervenu. Chuck lui répond qu'il est intervenu, au début et il l'a fait pendant des années et des années. Mais il a fini par comprendre qu'il devait laisser ses enfants trouver leur chemin par eux-même et qu'il fallait qu'il se retire. Dean pense au contraire que Chuck les a abandonné et qu'il essaie aujourd'hui de se justifier, ce à quoi Chuck rétorque avec douceur qu'il n'est pas John et qu'il ne faut pas que Dean le confonde avec lui.

Amara continue de torturer Lucifer, afin d'attirer l'attention de son frère. Mais Lucifer refuse d'appeler Dieu. Il provoque Amara en lui disant qu'elle peut bien le vaincre, mais qu'elle ne sera jamais Dieu.

Les boys font le point sur Amara avec Chuck. Ce dernier dit qu'il ne peut pas la trouver, car elle s'est protégée de lui. Mais il est sûr que les boys trouveront une solution. Alors qu'il se lève afin d'aller prendre une douche, Dean et Sam mentionnent Lucifer. Chuck se braque ; il n'est pas question d'impliquer Lucifer dans la bataille contre Amara. Il explique qu'il a enfermé Lucifer pour une bonne raison et qu'aussi mauvais qu'il ai pu être auparavant, son temps passé dans la cage l'a probablement rendu pire. De plus, il est fort possible, d'après lui, que Lucifer ai pu conclure un pacte avec Amara et qu'aller vers lui soit un piège. Il est donc hors de question d'évoquer Lucifer.

Amara se plaint de son frère, Lucifer lui dit d'arrêter de pleurnicher. Alors, elle le met k.o afin qu'il se taise. Puis, à travers Castiel, elle apparait à Dean dans le bunker. Elle sait que Dieu est revenu et elle espère que Dean pourra lui transmettre un message ; Lucifer est mal point, et de fait, c'est aussi le cas de Castiel. Tant que Dieu l'ignorera, il permettra aux souffrances des deux anges d'arriver et à d'autres horreurs de se produire. Après cela, elle disparait.

Lewis, Oklahoma. Un homme, prénommé Donatello, sort de chez lui. Il entend des cris dans la rue. Un épais brouillard envahit les environs et les gens qui le respirent se mettent à suffoquer. Donatello fait marche arrière mais le brouillard finit par l'atteindre.

Sam et Dean continuent leurs recherches, mais ils ne trouvent rien. Sam regrette même que Rowena ne soit pas là pour les aider. Puis, ils parlent de Dieu, qui se montre un peu envahissant. Sam est très excité à l'idée qu'il soit parmi eux, mais Dean lui demande de se calmer. Puis, il parle à Sam de la vision qu'Amara lui a envoyé et de l'état dans lequel Lucifer, et donc Cas', se trouve. La conversation est interrompue quand Chuck entre, habillé du peignoir de Dean et mangeant des donuts. Sam finit par trouver un article ; le brouillard d'Amara a envahi la ville de Lewis, dans l'Oklahoma et des milliers de personnes en sont mortes. Chuck regrette ces morts mais sait qu'Amara essaie de l'appâter. Il demande aux boys de la retrouver au plus vite.

Dans un bar, Metatron, le manuscrit de Chuck entre les mains, entend parler d'Hope Springs à la télé. Il aperçoit alors sur l'écran une image de Chuck en compagnie des Winchester. Il appelle aussitôt Dean, qui est sur la route avec Sam en direction de Lewis. Metatron leur demande de le rejoindre car il a quelque chose à leur montrer.

Dean et Sam rencontrent Donatello au poste de police. Il raconte l'arrivée du brouillard et les gens qui mouraient dans la rue, les veines de leur cou toutes noires. Puis, lorsque le brouillard est arrivé jusqu'à lui, il s'est mis à voir des images dans sa tête, son cerveau a enregistré des connaissances, comme des langues qui lui étaient inconnues auparavant. Après quoi, il a eu des visions de mort et de destruction. Les boys s'écartent un instant pour en discuter. Ils reconnaissent ces signes ; Donatello est un prophète et le brouillard d'Amara a dû activer son pouvoir. Tandis que Sam retourne auprès de Donatello et lui fait lire de l'énochien sans difficulté, Dean se fait un café. C'est alors qu'Amara lui apparait de nouveau et lui dit qu'elle doit lui parler en privé et en personne. Puis, la vision disparait.

Tandis qu'ils ramènent un Donatello paniqué avec eux, les boys lui font un résumé de la situation ; ils lui disent qu'il est un prophète et qu'il reçoit des visions divines. Ils lui parlent des Ténèbres, qu'ils doivent retrouver afin de secourir Lucifer, qui possède le vaisseau d'un ange à l'heure actuelle. Donatello tente de sortir mais les portes sont verrouillées. Puis, il se met à ressentir des vibrations étranges et émet la possibilité qu'elles proviennent de Dieu.

Les boys sont de retour au bunker. Dean entre le premier afin de prévenir Chuck qu'ils ont ramené un prophète nommé Donatello, qui est un peu secoué par les derniers événements, alors il lui demande de ne pas se montrer trop "divin". Chuck acquiesce. Sam entre avec Donatello. Ce dernier ne sait comment réagir face à Dieu. Dieu n'est pas vexé parce que Donatello était athéiste, car après tout, il a inclu le libre-arbitre dans le package. Il souhaite ensuite la bienvenue au prophète dans l'équipe.

Tandis que Donatello est laissé aux bons soins de Dieu au bunker, Dean et Sam rencontrent Metatron dans son bar. Là, il leur parle de l'autobiographie de Dieu, qu'il montre à Sam. Il leur dit qu'effectivement, Dieu a l'intention de confronter Amara, mais il n'a pas l'intention de la tuer. Il va, au contraire, se sacrifier et la laisser faire ce qu'elle veut de lui. Son autobiographie n'est en fait qu'une note de suicide.

Chuck rencontre Dean dans un parc. Dean lui dit qu'il sait ce qu'il a l'intention de faire et tente de l'en dissuader. Chuck est persuadé que c'est la meilleure solution. Il compte pactiser avec Amara ; elle l'enferme, comme il l'a enfermé auparavant, et elle laisse la Création tranquille. Et si son plan ne devait pas fonctionner, il fait confiance à l'humanité pour s'en sortir. Dean, Sam et les autres élus devront trouver une solution par eux-même. Chuck dit qu'il y a une raison pour laquelle il a sauvé Dean des années auparavant. Les Winchester sont un rempart entre les ténèbres et la vie. Mais Dean n'est pas d'accord. Il sait qu'Amara veut tuer Chuck et détruire l'univers. Il se fiche que Chuck décide de s'en aller, une fois que tout sera terminé, mais il doit détruire Amara avant qu'elle ne le fasse, sinon, il n'y aura plus rien à faire.

Après avoir insisté, Metatron a finalement accès au bunker. Dean lui donne trois minutes pour les convaincre qu'il peut les aider. Il leur rappelle qu'il a lui-même transcrit les tablettes divines et qu'il sait ce qui peut chatouiller Amara. Au bout d'un moment, Sam et Dean cèdent. Dean lui explique le plan ; il faut libérer Lucifer des griffes d'Amara. Lucifer pourra ensuite les téléporter hors de son emprise et il faudra ensuite convaincre Chuck de travailler avec l'archange. Donatello pourra les aider à la trouver. Metatron n'est pas convaincu et il souhaite savoir comment ils feront pour distraire Amara, pendant qu'ils irons libérer Lucifer.

La réponse à cette question est simple : Dean rencontre Amara dans un bois, à l'abri des regards, comme elle l'a désiré. Elle semble heureuse de le retrouver. Pendant ce temps, Sam, Donatello et Metatron arrivent là où Lucifer est gardé prisonnier. Tandis que Metatron s'atèle à le détacher, Sam veut s'assurer qu'il fera partie de l'équipe afin de détruire Amara. Lucifer répond sarcastiquement qu'il n'est pas son plus grand fan, étant donné ce qu'elle lui a fait.

Amara demande à Dean d'abandonner son humanité, ses faiblesses et le monde qui l'a fait tant souffrir, pour devenir une part d'elle. Elle lui dit que Dieu ne pourra pas l'arrêter cette fois et qu'il vaut mieux que Dean disparaisse volontairement, car il disparaitra de toutes façons.

Sam demande à Lucifer s'il est prêt à mettre ses différends de côté et à travailler avec Dieu. Lucifer acquiesce. Puis Sam demande à Metatron de se dépêcher de le libérer, avant que Dean ne puisse jouer la comédie plus longtemps.

Dean admet qu'il est attiré par Amara. Cette dernière lui dit alors qu'il ne doit pas combattre ce sentiment. Elle sera la fin de sa lutte. Elle s'approche, lui pose une main sur son visage et son sourire commence à s'effacer.

Tandis qu'Amara se rend compte que Dean s'est allié à Dieu, Metatron finit par libérer Lucifer. Mais ce dernier ne peut pas les téléporter. Donatello sent qu'Amara se rapproche. Il faut partir, alors Sam attrape Lucifer et ils s'enfuient. Mais Metatron reste, afin de retenir Amara. Tandis que Sam, Lucifer et Donatello repartent dans l'Impala, Metatron fait face à Amara. Mais son sigil n'est pas assez puissant pour la blesser. Il lui demande d'épargner l'Univers. Amara le tue alors.

L'Impala roule à vive allure, mais Amara les rattrape et les arrête. Mais avant qu'elle n'ai pu leur faire du mal, Chuck les ramène au bunker. C'est alors que Lucifer et Chuck se font face. L'atmosphère est tendue, mais Chuck guérit tout de même son archange.

Dean et Sam disent aurevoir à Donatello, avant que ce dernier n'embarque dans un taxi. Il s'attend à les revoir un jour et les salue, jusqu'à la prochaine fois. Puis, Sam demande à Dean comment son entrevue avec Amara s'est passé. Dean lui avoue qu'elle veut qu'il devienne une part d'elle, littéralement. Ce qui annihilerait son existence. Tandis que Dean repart en direction du bunker, Sam mesure les conséquences de cette possibilité.


Ecrit par deanlove35.

THEN segment….


[Sam and Dean confronting Chuck in roadway with glowing Samulet still in Dean’s hand, in ending scene from prior episode]

Dean: What the hell's going on here, exactly?

Chuck: I'm happy to... fill in the blanks, but maybe we should go somewhere where we could actually sit down.

Dean: We're not going anywhere with you. Okay, how do we even know that you're really Chuck and not just some [suddenly, Boys and Chuck are in the bunker] crazy spell or manifest...ation. [Kevin appears just behind Chuck’s shoulder]

Sam: Kevin?

Kevin: Guys! You're looking stressed. Especially you. [to Dean] I-It's cool. Trust Chuck. Whatever it is he needs you to do, he must think you can handle it. I always trusted you.

Dean: Yeah, that ended well.

Sam: How did you -- Are you okay, or - uh?

Kevin: Um... Yeah, I mean, you know, given the circumstances.

Chuck: Yeah, I don't mean to interrupt. Kind of a plateful here. And, Kevin... you've been in the Veil long enough. It's time you had an upgrade. [Chuck waves his hand and Kevin transforms into soul-light, ascending through ceiling]

Dean: Holy crap.

      • OPENING ***

Sam: Okay. So, wow, um, Chuck -- [ Chuckles ] Well, I guess we don't call you that, huh?

Chuck: I prefer it.

Sam: Okay, uh, “Chuck” it is. [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. You're gonna have to, uh, give Dean and me a moment to start to process. We didn't even know you were around. I mean, we knew about Chuck, but we just didn't know about... Chuck. I mean, I-I-I was hoping you were around. I-I-I prayed and I- but I don't know if they got, uh, lost in the spam or if -

Dean: Sam?

Sam: Yeah?

Dean: Babbling.

Sam: Okay.

Chuck: I'm getting that not everyone's totally on board.

Dean: Here's the thing, um...Chuck... And I mean no disrespect. Um... I'm guessing you came back to help with the Darkness, and that's great. That's, you know -- It's fantastic. Um, but you've been gone a -- a... long, long time. And there's so much crap that has gone down on the Earth for thousands of years. I mean, plagues and wars, slaughters. And you were, I don't know, writing books, going to fan conventions. Were you even aware, o-or did you just tune it out?

Chuck: I was aware, Dean.

Dean: But you did nothing. And, again, I-I'm not trying to piss you off. You know, I don't want to turn into a pillar of salt.

Chuck: I actually… didn't do that.

Dean: Okay. People -- People pray to you. People build churches for you. They fight wars in your name, and you did nothing.

Chuck: You're frustrated. I get it. Believe me, I was hands-on -- Real hands-on for, wow, ages. I was so sure if I kept stepping in, teaching, punishing, that these beautiful creatures that I created... would grow up. But it only stayed the same. And I saw that I needed to step away and let my baby find its way. Being overinvolved is no longer parenting. [ Sighs ] It's enabling.

Dean: But it didn't get better.

Chuck: Well, I've been mulling it over. And from where I sit, I think it has.

Dean: Well, from where I sit, it feels like you left us and you're trying to justify it.

Chuck: I know you had a complicated upbringing, Dean, but don't confuse me with your dad.


[Amara and Casifer in warehouse building, Casifer tied to railings as she blasts power at him]

[ Casifer groans ] [ Screams ] [ Panting ] [ Screaming ]

Amara: End your suffering, Lucifer. Call out to him. Beg him to save you.

Casifer: [ Laughs ] Want me to beg Daddy to come rescue his screw-up of a son? [ Chuckles ] I'm no fan of Pops, but he did make all of... you know, everything. And that's something that you could never do, because all you ever wanted was nothing. It's not too inspiring, is it? .. because all you... You're strong, Amara. You may defeat him. But you will never be him.


[At the Bunker]

Chuck: You have to understand this about the Darkness -- she's relentless, a force beyond human comprehension. It's the only reason I came off the sidelines.

Sam: Must have been great being her brother, huh?

Chuck: It was the worst. Always telling me what to do, making me do what she wanted. I mean, you guys know how that works.

Dean: So, where is she?

Chuck: No freakin' idea, fellas. She's warded herself specifically against me. What have you come up with?

Dean: Zip, and we've been at it for months.

Chuck: Well...matter of time. I've always had faith in you... ...even if you didn't return the favor. Where's the guest room? I could use a shower.

Sam: Uh, it's, um... just down the hallway -- the fourth door on the left.

Dean: [ Sighs ] Hey, Chuck. You know that she's got Lucifer, right?

Chuck: Uh-huh.

Sam: The way we heard it, um... last time when you bottled up the Darkness, it -- it took more than just you. I mean, we heard that Lucifer was involved.

Chuck: No.

Dean: No?

Chuck: Lucifer was perhaps my greatest hope and my bitterest disappointment. Do you think if I could have trusted him for a moment, I would have put him in the Cage? And I wasn't gonna mention this, but thank you so much for springing him.

Sam: That wasn't really the plan, um...

Chuck: Now, as bad as he was, after all this time in prison, he's probably worse. And by now, he could have formed an alliance with Amara. Not walking into that trap, guys. So, no. Thus spake the Lord.


Amara: Something's out there.

Casifer: Hmm, always is.

Amara: This is new. Something's changed.

Casifer: Maybe Dad picked up on your latest slaughterfest.

Amara: Spoiled brat. I needed solitude and he needed a fan club, so he made all that. Then when I complained, he stuffed me in a hole for eons -- with your help.

Casifer: Stop whining.

Amara: I don't need this. [swipes at Casifer with power, knocking him out]


[At bunker, Dean sitting at laptop at maptable]

Dean: [ Sighs ] Come on, Amara. Where are you?

[Dean is struck by a vision of Amara appearing to him]

Amara: I've missed you, Dean. It's been a while since we've spoken. I'm aware my brother has surfaced. If you should cross paths, if he should reach out to you, he should know this -- Lucifer, his favorite, isn't doing so well. [Casifer appears, tortured and beaten] To say nothing of the vessel, your friend Castiel. By choosing to ignore me, my brother is allowing this to happen. These and... other things. I thought you should know. [She fades away]

[cut to scene of weathervane blowing erratically. Man exits his home to see white fog enveloping his neighborhood]

[ Insects chirping ]

[ Tires screech, crash ]

[ Wind howls ]

[ Indistinct shouting, screaming ]

[ Coughing ]


[back to the bunker, Sam sitting at table working on laptop. Dean enters room]

Dean: Anything?

Sam: Nada. [accepting drink] Yeah, thanks.

Dean: Yeah.

Sam: You know, I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but, for once, I actually wish Rowena was here. I mean, maybe she could track down Amara. She's done it before.

Dean: Yeah, but you can bet she and the Book are gonna stay stashed until this whole thing is over. Where's Chuck?

Sam: [shrugs] Sleeping in, I guess.

Dean: Does God sleep?

Sam: I know he takes really long showers.

Dean: Right, and sings, too -- like, crappy old folk songs. I had to tell him to cool it three times.

Sam: You told God to cool it?

Dean: Yeah, I sleep.

Sam: You know, I know this is a really strange situation and all, but it's also really amazing, you know? I mean, it's God. [ Chuckles ] There's so many things I want to ask him, uh, like, uh, t-the planets, you know? Why are they round? Or ears. I always thought they were strange -

Dean: Okay, fanboy, calm down. Let's stay focused. We got to find Lucifer before it's too late.

Sam: Too late?

Dean: Amara is -- she's in my head. [Sam looks at him sharply] Hey, I didn't ask for it, okay? She just showed up. But she's showing me visions of -- of Lucifer. By Lucifer, I mean Cas, and he looks like crap -- like she's really doing a number on him.

Sam: [to Dean] Shh. [to Chuck as he enters room from hallway] Hey. Morning.

Dean: [does doubletake] Is that my robe?

Chuck: I'm telling you guys, it's a mistake to get mixed up with Lucifer. Much as it pained me, I had to walk away. Too much drama. Do you have any bacon?

Dean: You eat bacon? [grins]

Chuck: Yeah.

Sam: Hey, guys, this just came up. Looks like that fog, the, um... Amara fog, uh, hit another town.

Dean: And?

Sam: And this one wasn't as lucky as the last one. Thousands died. Uh, everybody died. But, uh, except for one man.

Dean: [to Chick, with some scorn] How'd you miss that one?

Chuck: She's baiting me. I can't respond every time. I won't be manipulated.

Dean: Yeah, but thousands of people are dead.

Chuck: Unfortunately. So find her.


[Metatron is sitting in a bar, looking at papers]

[Newscast, reporter speaking]

Reporter: We have breaking news at this hour on the most recent freak weather event. State police are now confirming that a mysterious toxic fog engulfed the town of Lewis, Oklahoma, late last night.

[Metatron as he hears the newscast; climbs over the bar and takes over the TV and focuses intently on the story]

Reporter: Reports are also confirmed there were mass fatalities. Descriptions of the event are identical to those of the fog that overwhelmed another town in the days --

[The scene from the ‘other town’ shows a shot of Sam and Dean confronting Chuck in the street as they discovered him with the Samulet]

[Sam and Dean, driving in the Impala, when Dean’s Cellphone rings – ‘scribe calling’]

Dean: [answers phone] What?

Metatron: I notice you've been in touch with Chuck. Well, I've got some... information you're gonna need to know.

Dean: Okay, say it.

Metatron: No. It's got to be in person -- something I got to show you.


[Sam and Dean enter a police station]

Dean: Professor Redfield. FBI.

Donatello: Call me Donatello. Yeah. I'm named after him. [ Chuckles ]

Dean: [slightly confused] The… Mutant Ninja Turtle?

[Sam gives Dean sharp look]

Donatello: The, uh, Renaissance sculptor.

Dean: Right, of course.

[Sam shakes head]

Donatello: The cops think I'm a terrorist. I-I teach chemistry at the university. I-I lead a quiet life. I have a cat! Had a cat.

Sam: Well, we are, uh, sorry for your loss. Just a few questions. Um, other than the fog, did you notice anything or anyone that seemed out of place on the street that night?

Donatello: It -- It all happened so fast. I, uh... It was like it came out of nowhere. We hardly ever get fog, and never like that. [ Chuckles ] It was horrible. They were clutching their throats like- like - like they were choking. And, oh. Their bodies -oh, my God- these terrible black streaks. [flashbacks of fog incident] [ Gasping ] And that's when it happened. It was like nothing I've ever felt before in my life. [ Screaming ] It was like my head was exploding, only not with pain -- with -- with -- with knowledge and -- and clarity! Things that I'd never known before. Symbols and -- and voices -- in languages I don't speak! Then... horrible...[flashback of Donatello being engulfed in light and eyes glowing] horrible visions... of destruction... and death. You think I'm crazy.

Sam: No, uh, not at all. Just, uh, you know, will you give us a moment?

[Sam and Dean walk over to refreshment table talking quietly]

Sam: I mean, you get that this is all sounding familiar, right?

Dean: Yeah. Yeah, like when Kevin found out he was a prophet. So, what, this guy's a prophet?

Sam: Yeah, but I thought Crowley rounded up all the future prophets and tried to kill them.

Dean: Yeah, but we rescued them and Donatello wasn't a part of that, but, yeah, it's possible Crowley missed a few.

Sam: And, obviously, he had no idea he was next in line after Kevin, so.

Dean: How would he? He hadn't gotten hit by the God power yet. So, Amara's fog -- could it have been Amara's God power?

Sam:It's still God power.

Dean: All right, I need a coffee.

Sam: Yeah.

[Sam goes back to table]

Donatello: Um... am -- am I under arrest?

Sam: No, just, um... want to check out a few more aspects of your story. Here we go. Would you look at this? Try and read it a little.

Donatello: Oh, I can't. I -- I don't know anything about it. [looks at paper and enochian symbols a moment] “Behold the face of God” [Looking in shock to Sam] That came right to me. Who speaks this language?

Sam: Angels.

[Dean, pouring a coffee, is stuck by a vision of Amara]

Amara: I need to see you, Dean. Events are moving swiftly and everything will change. I need to meet with you, but not like this. Somewhere alone.

[vision fades]


[Boys and Donatello driving in the Impala]

Donatello: I can't be a prophet. I'm an atheist and a chemist! I-I believe in molecules, not God.

Dean: All right, well, we're pretty sure that prophets don't even know they're in the game until they've actually been touched by God, so...

Donatello: I-I was touched by God?

Dean: Or possibly his sister, Amara.

Donatello: He has family?

Sam: Yeah. She wants him gone so she can annihilate the universe. That's the headline.

Donatello: What?

Dean: And since you might have a hotline to her, we're hoping you can help us find her.

Donatello: W-Why would you want to find her?

Sam: We got to rescue this guy she's holding.

Donatello: Who is it?

Dean: Lucifer

Sam: her nephew.

Dean: Who's possessing an angel at the moment.

Sam: Yeah.

Donatello: Oh.

[ Donatello looks spooked, tries door handle - rattles ]

Sam: It's locked.

[Donatello tries other door]

Dean: Yeah, that, too. Sometimes we keep monsters in the back.

Donatello: I -- I -- I can't do this!

Dean: Yeah, you can.

Donatello: No, I promise you I can't.

Dean: Look, we can't force you to do this. You've got to want this.

Donatello: It -- It's like asking me to believe in Santa Claus.

Dean: Oh, well, actually –

Sam: Dean, not now.

Dean: Okay, look, we -- we're not asking you to believe that this is true, just act like you do. People do it all the time.

[ Donatello stills, then shudders ]

Sam: What?

Donatello: I -- I-I don't know. I -- I think I'm sensing something. Something big.

Sam: Like Amara?

Donatello: I don't think so. Although, how would I know? [ Sighs ] Could it be... Him?


[back at the bunker, Chuck sitting at map table watching TV on laptop]

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

[legs descending staircase]

Dean: Hey, Chuck. We, uh, found someone. I think he's the next prophet.

Chuck: Neat-o.

Dean: Is that my computer?

Chuck: I've never seen so much porn. Not in one sitting.

Dean: It's -- I'm gonna... [Dean carefully closes laptop] So, uh, listen. He -- He's -- He's a little nutted out about the whole booga-booga of it all, so maybe just dial back the -- the God stuff.

[ Door opens ]

Dean: [shakes head] No pants on. [turning to staircase] Sam?

Sam: Yeah?

Dean: Yeah.

Sam: All right, you're safe. Come on. [to Donatello]

[Sam and Donatello come down stairs. Chuck stands from table]

Chuck: [ Sighs ] Donatello, good to see ya. Sorry about your cat.

Donatello: You -- You know me?

Chuck: I made you. I made all of you, even the ones who aren't born yet.

Donatello: Oh, my God. It's you. G-Good to meet you, Sir! Your -- Your celestial magnificence, your –

Chuck: Hey, hey, hey, it's okay.

Sam: He -- He just kind of goes by Chuck.

Chuck: So, we good? Y'all signed up?

Donatello: Uh...I-I-I guess you know that I was an atheist, until 10 minutes ago. Is that an issue?

Chuck: Not for me. I mean, I believe in me. But your skepticism is to be expected. I did include free will in the kit. [ Chuckles ] [ Clicks tongue ] Welcome aboard.


Metatron: Oh, uh, barkeep, dos margaritas! Top-shelf tequila please for my amigos. Their treat.

[Sam and Dean come to sit by Metatron at bar]

Sam: All right. We're here. Don't try to pull any crap.

Metatron: And what variety of crap could I possibly pull? I've lost my grace. Look at me. I got nothing.

Dean: Okay, why did you have to see us? What's so urgent?

Metatron: [ Sighs ] So, I, uh, notice you've been in touch with Chuck. A.K.A., you know who.

Sam: Yeah, yeah. Is this going anywhere? Yes, Chuck agreed to take on Amara.

Metatron: He said that? Used those words?

Sam: Pretty much.

Metatron: Huh.

Sam: So, what -- he's not confronting Amara?

Metatron: Oh, no. No, no, no. He's -- He's going to -- He's gonna...meet with her. He's just not gonna take her down. He's gonna... sacrifice himself. Let her do whatever she wants with him.

Sam: Do you really expect us to buy this?

Metatron: No. Of course not. Here. Buy this. [ Tosses manuscript onto table in front of Sam with loud Thud ] Ignore the typos, but read it. It's in his own words. It's not an autobiography. It's a suicide note.


[at a park, kids playing in sandbox and on playground]

[ Child laughing ]

[Chuck sitting on park bench] [Dean walks up]

Chuck: You wanted to talk. This seemed as good a place as any. [watching boy playing in sandbox with blocks] Look at him -- endlessly optimistic. The wind blows over his tower, he rebuilds. Always gets me.

Dean: If that's so, why are you bailing? When you see Amara, you're throwing in the towel?

Chuck: [ Sighs ] Metatron. Loose lips. But you think I'm a dick. Why do you care?

Dean: Because before you went M.I.A... you did a lot.

Chuck: Thank you. And what you call throwing in the towel, I call strategy.

Dean: How is death by your sister a strategy?

Chuck: I know her. Her beef is with me.

Dean: Yeah, but I still don't understand how -- how dying is a -- a blueprint for success.

Chuck: I won't be dying. I'll be caged. I trade myself for... everything I created. It goes on.

Dean: Okay, well, the, um, Amara that I know is... a mountain of -- of pissed off. I mean, she spent a -- a gazillion years in solitary. The only thing she's thinking is -- is it's her turn.

Chuck: And I'll give it to her, as long as she accepts the deal.

Dean: The deal? What... She's gonna eliminate you, and then she's gonna destroy everything that you've created. She's told me this personally. [ Sighs ] You started this. You started all of this, but does that give you the right to end it? You know, we're not just some toys you throw away. I think you owe us more than that.

Chuck: If my plan doesn't work, then humans will step up. You, Sam, others that are the chosen will have to find a way. It's why I saved you years ago. You're the firewall between light and darkness.

Dean: No. No, I... Look, give me a -- a vampire, and I'm good. But this -- God's sister? That is way above my pay grade. I... It... Bottom line is i-it's you who has to take her out. And look, then after that, you know, get a condo in Cancun. I don't care!


[back at the bunker, Donatello sitting at map table]

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Dean: I got you a beer. I don't know if you drink.

Donatello: I do now.

Dean: Well... [ Sighs ] I don't know... if Chuck is leaning our way.

Donatello: You don't know?

Dean: If we do get Lucifer for the added muscle, then...maybe he'll play ball.

Donatello: I thought they hated each other.

Dean: Yeah, they do.

[ Door opens – Metatron and Sam enter]

Donatello: Wow. I so miss being an atheist.

Sam: All right, Metatron. Make it quick. Don't touch anything.

Metatron: Fine. Dean! Thanks for inviting me.

Dean: Inviting you? You've been circling the building all night. You sent me 200 text messages with dumbass emojis. You got three minutes.

Metatron: Oh. Donatello! Pleasure to meet you. Metatron, scribe of God. I was there when you were designed. I wrote your name on the inside of the angels' eyelids.

Donatello: He's freaking me out.

Dean: Okay. You said you wanted to help. Besides world-class douchery, what do you have to offer?

Metatron: Oh, nothing. I just transcribed the angel tablet and know all the spells. And I know what makes Amara tick. And I had a relationship with the big guy for eons. Shall I keep going?

[Metatron picks up beer on table and starts to bring to his mouth for a drink. Sam lunges forward]

Sam: Ah! That's mine! [takes beer from Metatron] [Turning to Dean] As much as I hate to admit this... he kind of has a point.

Dean: I don't know.

Metatron: [ Scoffs ] You need all the help you can get -- even douche help.

Dean: And since when did you jump on the God wagon? You never used to give a damn.

Metatron: Well, I didn't -- at one time. Now that he's gone all kamikaze, leaving us with the Darkness, I... [ Sighs ] I was by his side since the creation. He believed in me. If there's something I can do to help save him and his creation, then... ...uh, it seems like I should.

Dean: The plan is to rescue Lucifer from Amara. Then he teleports us out of Amara's hideout and we convince Chuck to use him to fight her.

Metatron: [ Scoffs ] That's your plan? Do you even know where Amara is?

Donatello: Um, I think I might know where she is. I've been getting this vibe. Uh, it's like a ping in my cerebral cortex.

Metatron: Oh, so either Amara or a stroke. And how are we supposed to keep Amara busy while we're... liberating Lucifer?


[Dean and Amara in woods]

Amara: Thank you for reaching out to me, Dean.

Dean: You said you wanted to meet.

Amara: I missed you. And the... sensations you arouse. I know you feel the same way. So...what do we do?

Dean: There can be no us. We should just walk away.

Amara: Then why don't you?


[Sam, Metatron and Donatello in the Impala pulling up to building]

[ Engine shuts off ]

[Guys enter building, Casifer sagging, tied to railing]

[ Panting ]

Casifer: Oh, goody. Larry, Curly, Moe. Search and rescue? Oh, wow. [to Donatello] It's one of Dad's favorites. Your ticket finally got punched, huh? It's wacky, isn't it? One minute, you're...nobody. And then -- Shazam -- you're Joan of Arc. Let's, uh -- Let's hope this ends better than that.

Sam: All right, can the small talk. We're busting you out of here.

Casifer: Well, it seems fair since I wouldn't be here if you lunatics hadn't set me up to be grabbed by Amara.

Sam: You're gonna help us take her down. If you say no, we'll just leave you here in Abu Ghraib.

[Metatron chanting indistinctly]

Casifer: [ Chuckles, coughs ] Say no? You see what she's done to me? Do I look like a fan?!


[Dean and Amara in woods]

Amara: This place, this world hasn't been especially easy for you. Why not at least consider my offer?

Dean: This world is flawed. I will give you that. But I am not ready to say goodbye to it just yet.

Amara: But one way or the other, you will. It's inevitable. My brother won't stop me again, because he can't. Dean, give up your... smallness, your humanity and become boundless within me.


[Sam and team working on rescue]

Metatron: Eeroh, mahday saytah!

Casifer: Did you grab this from the steno pool?

Sam: You understand you'll be working with your father. Is that gonna be a problem?

[Metatron background chanting]

Casifer: [ Groans ] That's family. This is bigger.

Sam: So, you'll table all the old stuff?

Casifer: What happens in Heaven stays in Heaven.

Metatron: [chanting in concentration] Kahtoh, mahday, tayroh!

Sam: Metatron, are we getting any closer? Dean can't stall forever.

Metatron: I'm -- I'm -- I'm narrowing it down.


[Dean and Amara in woods]

Dean: You're right. I am drawn to you. And it bothers the hell out of me, 'cause I can't control it.

Amara: Then why fight it? What you're feeling is that I am the end of your struggle. Something stops you. Keeps you from having it all.

[Dean closes eyes, tries to turn away from her]


[Sam and team in rescue]

Metatron: Sahboh, taylah!

Casifer: Oh, oh! Yes.


[Dean and Amara in woods]

Amara: Where are your thoughts? Something's different.


[Sam and rescue team]

Sam: Hey, Lucifer, zap us out of here -- quick!

Casifer: Oh, no can do.

Sam: What do you mean you can't do it?

Casifer: Temporarily grounded. Equipment malfunction.


[Dean and Amara in woods]

Amara: [backing away from Dean] You've spoken with God. You've seen him. You betrayed me.


[Sam and rescue team]

Donatello: Guys, I'm -- I'm feeling her! She's coming!

Sam: All right, we're out of here. [lifting Casifer, arm thrown over his shoulder] Okay. Come on.

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

Sam: All right, Metatron, come on.

Metatron: It's okay, Sam. You go.

Sam: What?! Come on!

Metatron: I'm serious. I got this.

[Sam, Donatello and Casifer run from building, tumble into Impala]

[Metatron paints spell glyph in his blood]

[ Engine revs, tires screech as Sam drives away]

[Amara enters building, confronts Metatron]

Amara: The secretary. [Metatron activates spell] You were kidding with that, weren't you?

Metatron: He meant well. Spare the universe.

Amara: Spare this. [She blasts Metatron with power, and he is sucked away into portal, then gone]

[Sam and team in Impala driving down roadway]

[ Amara suddenly stands in the road]

[ Sam slams on brakes, Tires squeal ]

[ Engine revving, Sam trying to back Impala away. Amara keeps Baby from moving, tires smoking]

Amara: You really aren't worth sparing. None of you. [she raises her arms to strike]

[ Tires squealing ]

[Suddenly, Impala drops in place into bunker lower floor]

Donatello: What happened?!

[ Sam exits Baby, waving tire smoke away, coughs ]

[climbing staircase]

Donatello: Where are we?

Sam: [ entering maptable room - Scoffs ] Home.

Chuck: [ Entering room, Sighs ] Occasionally, I do answer a prayer.

[ Bottle opens ]

Chuck: [ looking at Casifer] [Sighs ] You've changed.

Casifer: You've changed.

Chuck: Well, still... I'm really pretty much the same.

[makes gesture, heals Casifer ]

[Donatello, Sam and Dean, standing outside talking]

Dean: Still twitchy, huh? Now, you've met God, Lucifer and the Darkness. You're gonna need a spa day.

Donatello: [Chuckles]

Dean: That or a pair of hookers. [bitchface from Sam, Dean smirks]

Donatello: I-I've to sort it all out to see what comes next. I don't feel much like returning to academia and... I sure as hell can't go back to being an atheist.

Dean: Yeah, I hear you.

[Car approaching]

Donatello: Thank you... I guess. And, uh... if there is a tomorrow... Given your line of work, I'll probably see you again.

Sam: Stay tuned, we may need you.

[Donatello gets in cab, drives away.]

Dean: [to Sam] So Metatron took one for the team.

Sam: Yeah.

Dean: Well, I wouldn't have called that.

Sam: [Sighs] So you won't tell me about it? [Dean looks at him in question] I mean Amara obviously figured out something was going on and... she didn’t rip your head off.

Dean: She wants me to be a part of her. Not metaphorically, I'm talking literally. Forever. So in other words…. adios. [Dean turns and walks away, Sam watching in concern, follows]



Source : SuperWiki

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