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#11.17 : Deuxième chance

ATTAQUE DE LOUPS-GAROUS ! - Sam et Dean se battent contre deux loups-garous qui ont capturé deux victimes. Alors que les frères sont sur le point de gagner, l'un des loups-garous tire sur Sam. Dean fait sortir son frère et les victimes mais apprend qu'une meute est sur leurs traces et veut les tuer tous.


4.86 - 7 votes

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Red Meat

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Deuxième chance

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Dean (Jensen Ackles) avec Michelle (Erin Way) et Corbin (Blair Penner)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) avec Michelle (Erin Way) et Corbin (Blair Penner)

Corbin (Blair Penner) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Corbin (Blair Penner) et Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Billie (Lisa Berry)

Billie (Lisa Berry)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) et Sam (Jared Padalecki)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Sam (Jared Padalecki) au sol

Dean (Jensen Ackles) devant Sam (Jared Padalecki) au sol

Dean (Jensen Ackles) avec Michelle (Erin Way) et Corbin (Blair Penner)

Dean (Jensen Ackles) avec Michelle (Erin Way) et Corbin (Blair Penner)

Sam (Jared Padalecki) blessé

Sam (Jared Padalecki) blessé


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 30.03.2016 à 21:00
1.45m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Robert Berens & Andrew Dabb
Réalisé par : Nina Lopez-Corrado


Casting :






Résumé des épisodes précédents.

Dean et Sam se battent contre des loups-garous pour sauver un jeune couple. Soudain, l'un des deux loups attrapent une arme tombée sur le sol et tire sur Sam. Touché à l'abdomen, Sam s'effondre, alors que Dean achève le loup-garou responsable.


48 heures auparavant. Dean et Sam sont toujours en recherche d'informations concernant Amara, Castiel et les mains de Dieu. Mais rien ne se profile à l'horizon. Finalement, Sam leur trouve une affaire. Elle concerne des randonneurs disparus en pleine forêt. Récemment, un corps a été retrouvé. Le coeur manquait. Dean n'a aucune envie de se lancer dans cette affaire et propose d'appeler un autre chasseur pour s'en occuper, mais Sam souhaite s'en charger. Après tout, ils n'ont rien d'autre à faire dans l'immédiat.

Retour au présent. Dean se précipite auprès de son frère et lui retire la balle. Puis, il libère les deux prisonniers, donne quelques ustensiles de soins à l'homme pour qu'il s'occupe de sa femme. Dean leur apprend qu'ils ont été attaqués par des loups-garous. Puis, Dean revient auprès de Sam, afin de l'aider à faire son pansement. Il lui faut aller jusqu'à l'Impala afin d'avoir assez de réseau pour appeler un médecin qui s'occupera de lui. Dean demande au couple de rester avec Sam, mais ils préfèrent l'accompagner. Finalement, Sam se lève et assure qu'il peut marcher. Dean l'aide et le groupe s'apprête à partir. Ils doivent faire vite, ils savent que d'autres loups-garous sont dans les parages.

Dean et Sam interrogent la barmaid, mais elle ne reconnait aucun des disparus. Ils ont interrogé tous les locaux susceptibles de savoir quelque chose, en vain. Sam décide d'arrêter pour cette nuit et pense qu'ils pourront aller rendre visite aux rangers afin de leur demander des informations, le matin venu. Finalement, la barmaid revient vers eux pour leur parler de cabanes présentes dans les bois, en leur disant que des campeurs s'installent parfois dans ces endroits pendant des semaines. Elle leur indique où elles se trouvent, après quoi, les boys repartent.

Les boys et leurs rescapés traversent les bois. Soudain, Sam s'arrête. Il ne peut aller plus loin. Heureusement, ils trouvent une cabane où s'arrêter un instant. Là, Dean tente le téléphone mais il ne fonctionne pas. Il se met à fouiller dans les meubles et trouvent deux lampes à pétrole qu'il allume. L'homme suggère alors de reprendre la route, mais sans Sam. Il pense qu'il va les ralentir et sa compagne a besoin de soins. Dean refuse catégoriquement, malgré que Sam approuve cette idée. Il ordonne au couple de rester, tandis que lui parcourra les deux kilomètres restant afin d'appeler à l'aide.

La barmaid et son garde du corps arrivent dans la première cabane et constatent les dégâts. Elle dit qu'il leur faut nettoyer les bêtises des deux morts, ensuite, ils partiront d'ici. Pendant ce temps, Dean rassemble du bois et tente de garder le contrôle et de ne pas paniquer.

Dean rassemble toujours du bois. Soudain, il aperçoit les phares d'une voiture. Pendant ce temps, dans la cabane, l'homme décide de tuer Sam. Il sait que Dean ne laissera pas son frère et que sans Dean, ils n'ont aucune chance de survivre, lui et sa femme. Alors, il étouffe Sam et ce dernier a le temps d'apercevoir la morsure que l'homme a au bras. Sam finit par fermer les yeux et cesse de bouger. Tandis que sa femme s'approche, l'homme lui confirme que Sam est mort.

Dean revient à la cabane et découvre que son frère est mort. L'homme prétend que c'est arrivé soudainement. La jeune femme entend une voiture approcher. Dean sort un couteau et se tient prêt à affronter les loups-garous. L'homme le supplie alors de les aider ; s'il reste, il va mourir et eux aussi. Il ne peut plus rien faire pour Sam. Dean se rend compte qu'il a raison mais promet tout de même à Sammy qu'il reviendra le chercher. Puis, il emmène le couple, non sans un dernier regard à son petit frère. Pendant ce temps, les loups-garous les voient s'enfuir.

Flahsback. Sam et Dean sont dans les bois. Sam repère la direction à prendre sur la carte, puis, devant le peu d'enthousiasme de son frère, lui assure que cette affaire pourrait être fun, que cela pourrait être l'occasion pour eux de faire du camping, comme ils en ont si souvent parlé. Dean n'est pas convaincu, mais ils se mettent tout de même en route.

Tandis que Dean marche devant eux, Michelle, la jeune femme, demande à son mari ce qu'il s'est passé dans la cabane. Il explique qu'il a dû faire ce qu'il a dû faire afin de la sauver, de les sauver tous les deux. Michelle commence à comprendre. Ils parviennent à un parking, bordé par une route. Dean interpelle une première voiture, mais elle est trop loin pour s'arrêter. Finalement, une seconde voiture, celle d'un officier de police, s'arrête à ses appels. Il lui confie le couple et s'apprête à repartir dans les bois, afin d'aller rechercher Sam et l'Impala, mais l'officier ne l'entend pas de cette oreille. Il insiste pour savoir ce qu'il s'est passé. Dean, pressé et peu enclin à coopérer, frappe l'officier quand celui-ci tente de le retenir. Il s'apprête ensuite à courir dans les bois, mais trop tard, il se fait taser par l'officier.

Dean se réveille à l'hôpital. Le médecin lui apprend qu'il a une commotion et des côtes cassées et lui conseille de se reposer. Pendant ce temps, le shériff interroge le jeune couple. L'homme lui explique comment Dean et Sam ont affronté les méchants et comment Sam est mort. Michelle insiste pour dire que les méchants étaient des loups-garous et que Sam et Dean les ont sauvés tous les deux. Le shériff prend congé et promet de leur apporter les informations qu'ils trouveront en fouillant les cabanes. Puis, le médecin arrive et insiste pour examiner l'homme. Il tente de cacher la morsure à son bras, mais elle finit par la découvrir. Il assure se sentir bien.

Le shériff tente de contacter son collègue ranger, mais ce dernier est mort. Pendant ce temps, Michelle rend visite à Dean, afin de savoir comment il va, et pour lui présenter ses condoléances. Elle lui dit que sa mère disait toujours que la mort ne signifiait pas la fin. Ces mots semblent trouver un écho en Dean. Dean, accompagné de Michelle, se retrouve dans la réserve. Il lui explique brièvement qu'il doit parler à un autre genre de monstre, afin de ramener son frère. Pour cela, il doit lui-même l'aider. Michelle est dubitative, mais elle accepte de l'aider.

Tandis que Sam se réveille, Dean s'apprête à avaler une multitude de médicaments. Il demande à Michelle de faire appel au médecin après quelques minutes et de lui demander de le ramener. Si elle n'y parvient pas, ce n'est pas grave, lui assure-t-il. Michelle lui demande de ne pas le faire, mais Dean lui assure qu'il n'a pas d'autres choix. Sam, de son côté, se redresse péniblement. Il appelle son frère mais se rend compte qu'il n'est pas là. Il s'approche de la fenêtre et voit alors la voiture des autres loups-garous s'arrêter devant la cabane.

Tandis que les loups-garous s'apprêtent à inspecter les environs, Dean avale ses pilules. Sam lui, part se cacher dans le sous-sol. Lorsqu'il tombe dans les escaliers, Dean s'effondre à son tour. La blessure de Sam saigne de plus belle, alors que Dean est en train de mourir. Michelle fait aussitôt appel au médecin, qui agit aussitôt lorsqu'elle aperçoit l'état dans lequel il est.

Le mari de Michelle se regarde se transformer dans le miroir. Pendant ce temps, Sam, caché dans la cave, s'est relevé et aperoit à travers le plancher le loup-garou fouiller la cabane. Dean est en train de mourir et se voit lutter, alors que le shériff est arrivé à la rescousse. Billy finit par arriver. Il tente de la convaincre par tout les moyens de faire un deal ; ramener Sam, prétendant d'abord qu'il est le seul à pouvoir sauver le monde d'Amara, puis en s'offrant à sa place. Mais Billy sait que la véritable raison pour laquelle Dean tente de ramener Sam, c'est pour lui-même. Peu importe la raison, elle ne veut pas négocier. Elle est là pour emporter Dean dans le Néant. Et avant de l'emporter, elle lui annonce que Sam est vivant. Mais avant qu'elle n'obtienne satisfaction, le médecin parvient à ramener Dean.

Avec un peu de ruse, et malgré sa blessure, Sam parvient à se débarrasser des deux loups-garous et à récupérer les clés de leur voiture.

Dean se relève. Il apprend à Michelle que Sam est vivant et demande à avoir une voiture. Mais le shériff ne compte pas le laisser partir. Il l'attache à un chariot et lorsqu'elle refuse de le sédater, il emmène le médecin dans le couloir afin de discuter avec elle. Pendant ce temps, Michelle décide de détacher Dean. Le médecin explique que dans son état, sédater Dean pourrait de nouveau le tuer. Le shériff lui demande alors de garder un oeil sur lui, pendant qu'il part chercher du renfort.

Sam parvient à l'Impala. Lorsqu'il réalise qu'il a du réseau, il appelle Dean, qui sort tout juste de l'hôpital. Le contact passe très mal, mais Sam parvient à entendre l'endroit où se trouve son frère. Malheureusement, le réseau coupe lorsque Sam tente de lui apprendre que Corbin a été mordu. Il monte rapidement dans l'Impala et démarre, malgré la douleur lancinante.

A l'hôpital, le médecin fait face à Corbin, transformé. Michelle entend ses cris et découvre la jeune femme inconsciente sur le sol. Le shériff arrive à son tour, mais Corbin le tue. Dean, heureusement, arrive à temps et saute sur Corbin. Les deux luttent, Corbin prend le dessus, mais heureusement, Sam arrive, et tue Corbin. Epuisé, Sam finit par se laisser tomber sur le sol.

Dean va voir Michelle afin de s'assurer qu'elle va bien. Michelle prend le temps de prendre des nouvelles de Sam, mais il est clair qu'elle est brisée. Plus tard, Sam et Dean sortent de l'hôpital. Sam s'est fait recoudre sa blessure et semble aller mieux. Tandis qu'ils montent dans l'Impala, Sam demande à Dean ce que ce dernier a fait lorsqu'il le croyait mort. Dean plaisante, puis assure à son frère qu'il savait qu'il n'était pas vraiment mort. Enfin, il démarre la voiture et ils s'en vont, comme si de rien n'était.


Ecrit par deanlove35.


There’s a cabin in the woods. We hear insects, an owl hooting, and other gentle sounds of nature.

INTERIOR: Inside the cabin, a body slams heavily into a table, smashing it to pieces. It is Sam. A man stands above him, growling, baring his teeth; a werewolf. Sam aims his gun, but the werewolf kicks it out of his hand and then tries to slam his boot on Sam’s chest. Just in time, Sam rolls out of harm’s way.

Dean is engaged in his own fight. Werewolf #2 takes a swing at him and Dean ducks out of the way. He lunges with a knife but werewolf #2 grabs his arm.

Sam narrowly avoids another attempt at a boot on his chest, grabbing hold of the werewolf’s foot and pushing him off balance.

Dean gets a fist in his face, but follows with a punch of his own, grunting with the exertion of it.

The werewolf bares his teeth again, challenging Sam to take him on. Sam has a silver blade, ready to lunge. He takes his shot, but misses. It is fist for fist; a tense fight.

We get a wider view of the interior of the cabin. Dean is trading punches with werewolf #2.

There are two people strung up, a man and a woman, their arms tied above their heads, their bodies hanging limply.

Sam kicks the werewolf in the chest. Werewolf #2 grabs Dean around his throat, but Dean shoves him away. Werewolf #2 retaliates by barrelling Dean into a glass cabinet.

Sam and Dean both continue to trade blows with the werewolves. Sam shoves his opponent to the ground, but the werewolf bounces back up, rounding on Sam again.

Dean lands a couple of punches, slowly getting the upper hand against werewolf #2. Sam slams his forehead into the werewolf’s head, stunning him. Dean lands a heavy punch and werewolf #2 falls to the ground. Sam stabs at the werewolf, finally hitting the mark. The werewolf is dead.

Werewolf #2 is still on the ground, but he has grabbed Sam’s dropped gun. He aims at Sam, while Dean is distracted with picking up his knife. The gun fires before Sam and Dean can do anything; the bullet hitting Sam in the stomach. He falls to his knees, as Dean kills werewolf #2.

Dean looks back at Sam, horrified, watching his brother slide to the ground. Sam’s face reflects his pain and shock, as blood oozes from the wound in his stomach.



EXTERIOR: There’s a cabin in the woods. We hear insects, an owl hooting, and other gentle sounds of nature.

INTERIOR: Inside the cabin, a body slams heavily into a table, smashing it to pieces. It is Sam. A man stands above him, growling, baring his teeth; a werewolf. Sam aims his gun, but the werewolf kicks it out of his hand and then tries to slam his boot on Sam’s chest. Just in time, Sam rolls out of harm’s way.

Dean is engaged in his own fight. Werewolf #2 takes a swing at him and Dean ducks out of the way. He lunges with a knife but werewolf #2 grabs his arm.

Sam narrowly avoids another attempt at a boot on his chest, grabbing hold of the werewolf’s foot and pushing him off balance.

Dean gets a fist in his face, but follows with a punch of his own, grunting with the exertion of it.

The werewolf bares his teeth again, challenging Sam to take him on. Sam has a silver blade, ready to lunge. He takes his shot, but misses. It is fist for fist; a tense fight.

We get a wider view of the interior of the cabin. Dean is trading punches with werewolf #2.

There are two people strung up, a man and a woman, their arms tied above their heads, their bodies hanging limply.

Sam kicks the werewolf in the chest. Werewolf #2 grabs Dean around his throat, but Dean shoves him away. Werewolf #2 retaliates by barrelling Dean into a glass cabinet.

Sam and Dean both continue to trade blows with the werewolves. Sam shoves his opponent to the ground, but the werewolf bounces back up, rounding on Sam again.

Dean lands a couple of punches, slowly getting the upper hand against werewolf #2. Sam slams his forehead into the werewolf’s head, stunning him. Dean lands a heavy punch and werewolf #2 falls to the ground. Sam stabs at the werewolf, finally hitting the mark. The werewolf is dead.

Werewolf #2 is still on the ground, but he has grabbed Sam’s dropped gun. He aims at Sam, while Dean is distracted with picking up his knife. The gun fires before Sam and Dean can do anything; the bullet hitting Sam in the stomach. He falls to his knees, as Dean kills werewolf #2.

Dean looks back at Sam, horrified, watching his brother slide to the ground. Sam’s face reflects his pain and shock, as blood oozes from the wound in his stomach.


48 Hours Earlier

INTERIOR – Sam and Dean are in the Bunker, both doing research in the library. Dean sits at the table, while Sam is sitting on a chair closer to the bookshelf. He is resting his feet on another chair.

Sam: How’s it going over there?

Dean: Same.

Sam: Hmm.

Dean: And you, anything?

Sam: Yeah, I... I think so.

Dean: Yeah? On Amara, Lucifer, Hand of God?

Sam: No, no, it's a... it's a case. Werewolves, looks like. [Sam reads from an article on his laptop.] Um... a pattern of missing campers... five in the last three months.

Dean [frustrated]: So they got lost.

Sam: Well, that's what the rangers thought, too, until a couple days ago, when they found a body...

Dean: Let me guess... minus a heart?

Sam: Yeah. Now, they're calling it an animal attack, but...

Dean: All right, well, we make a call and we put somebody on it.

Sam: Yeah, but... [He sighs, closes his laptop and looks at Dean]. We'll get him back.

Dean: How?

Sam: I... I don't know. But we'll figure it out. Meantime, we got to get out of here. Clear our heads. I mean, this is a case. Let's do what we do. Let's work it.

INTERIOR [Present day]: Sam clutches his stomach, groaning and writhing in pain. The captured girl is also in pain, groaning. Her partner is awake and panicked, but unable to do anything while still tied up.

Corbin: Baby, you still with me?

Dean [rushes to Sam, holding a first aid kit]: All right, all right.

Sam [gestures towards the couple]: Hey, Dean, they, uh...

Dean [to the couple]: Okay, just hold tight, you two, okay? [To Sam]: All right, listen, we got to get that bullet out of there, okay? [Sam grunts.] This is gonna hurt like hell.

Sam [groaning in resignation]: Oh, yeah.

Dean [gives Sam a bandage to use as a bit in his mouth]: Here, might need that.

Sam looks faint, groaning, steeling himself against the pain as Dean digs into his wound for the bullet.

Dean: Okay, okay. All right. Almost got it. Almost got it.

Sam shakes and writhes in pain. Dean closes his eyes, trying to block out Sam’s distress as he digs deeper into the wound.

Dean: Right there. Come on, come on! Okay, there we go. There we go. Look at that, huh? Hey!

Sam spits the bandage out of his mouth and grunts in a mixture of pain and relief.

Dean: Well, you know what? We got to keep that one. That one's gonna be a little memento. We'll laugh about it some other time.

Corbin: Guys? She ain't doing so good.

Sam [as Dean gives him a bandage for his wound]: I got it.

Dean: Here.

Sam: Thanks.

Dean rushes to the couple and Corbin gestures to one of the werewolf’s.

Corbin: The one he killed, he's got the key.

Dean: Good. Okay.

As Dean retrieves the key, Sam tries to put a bandage on his wound. There is so much blood and he’s in severe pain; his hands shaking from the adrenalin. He holds the dressing in place, putting pressure on his wound.

Michelle: W-What were they?

Dean: Werewolves.

Michelle: Told you they were monsters.

Corbin: That's right, baby. You called it.

Michelle: I thought werewolves needed night time, a full moon?

Sam uses his mouth to rip tape from its roll. It takes every bit of his strength as he is shaking uncontrollably.

Michelle: We've been here for days. These guys, they can change any time.

Dean [as he unlocks the cuffs to free the couple]: Yeah, that’s ‘cause they were probably purebloods. And they can change any time. Any time they want.

Sam, his face writhed in pain, manages to get some tape onto the bandage, trying to secure it in place.

Dean [to Corbin and Michelle]: Those wrists... those wrists are infected. We got to get something on them, okay?

Corbin: Okay.

Dean rushes back to Sam, who is groaning and struggling with the bandage.

Dean: How we doing? How we doing, huh? You good, you good?

Sam [panting]: Yeah.

Dean: All right, keep pressure on it. Keep pressure.

Dean [hands bandages to Corbin to put on their wrists]: Here you go. Wrap those up. Is there a landline in here?

Corbin: You don't have a cell phone?

Dean: There's no service for miles. I had a signal back at the car a couple miles back. [To Sam]: Okay, listen to me. I'm gonna go for a signal, okay? We're gonna get you to a real doctor. You're gonna be just fine.

Sam: Yeah, no, I know.

Dean: Okay.

Corbin [to Michelle]: You and me, hitching the national parks. Best honeymoon ever, right?

Michelle: Are you okay? I thought yesterday...

Corbin: Just a couple scratches.

Corbin sees Dean leaving.

Corbin: Hey, we're coming!

Dean: No, no, no, no, no.

Corbin: Oh, no, we can't stay here, not with the others still out there.

Sam: Others?

Dean: Okay, listen, my brother's been shot. He can't stay here alone.

Sam [struggling to his feet]: Yeah, I'm fine.

Dean: Sam, hey.

Sam: I'm fine.

Dean [getting Sam to lean on him]: Hey, hey, hey, let me help. Yeah, right here. Okay, guess we're going. Let's go. Go.

Sam: Whew!

EXTERIOR [a day earlier]: The impala is parked outside a bar.

INTERIOR: Sam and Dean are talking to the waitress.

Rose: You know, I used to be good with faces, but it's my age and the number of folks that come through this place. I seem to have lost the knack, so... These days, everybody under 40 looks the same to me. I'm sorry.

Dean scowls and hangs his head, and then picks up a serviette to wipe his face. He tosses the serviette into an empty bowl. He looks frustrated.

Sam: All right, look... we know we're in the right place. We've tried all the big landmarks outside of the park... the police station, the... the... the fleabag motel we're staying in, this bar.

Dean: Yeah, well, we're running out of things to interrogate, unless you want to go outside, start talking to the trees.

Sam: Right. All right, let's call it a night.

Dean: Right. [to the waitress] Grab the check?

Sam: You know, we can go to Park Services in the morning, talk to the rangers.

Rose: You know what I was thinking? You boys should check out one of the easement cabins. It's private property within the park. It's just held onto for tax purposes, so campers stumble on them and they can hole up in there for weeks. Some of your missing could be in one of them.

Sam: Do you mind, um, showing us about where they are?

Rose: Oh, yeah, sure. Right about there [she points to the location on Sam’s map].

Sam: Well, that is a big help. That's great. Thank you.

Rose: No problem.

Dean: Thanks.

Sam and Dean leave the bar. A big man stands in the doorway, armed crossed, sullen. He watches them leave, and then looks at Rose. Outside, Sam and Dean get into the impala.


EXTERIOR [Present day; in the woods]: Corbin and Michelle walk ahead of Sam and Dean. Michelle and Sam are both in pain, groaning with the effort of walking.

Corbin [as Michelle stumbles]: Careful.

Sam [to Dean]: Anything?

Dean [is holding his cell phone in the air, only to hear it beeping]: No, nothing yet. The sun's gonna be up pretty soon.

Sam doubles over in pain, panting and holding his wound.

Dean [concerned]: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on. Okay.

Sam [still doubled-over, grunting loudly]: I told you that roadhouse chilli was a bad idea.

Dean: Yeah.

Corbin: Guys, over here.

Dean shines a flashlight through the woods and they see another cabin.

Dean: Hey, look at that.

INTERIOR: Dean opens the door to the cabin and shines flashlight inside, making sure it is empty. He reaches out to Sam, helping him stumble inside. Corbin and Michelle follow.

Dean: Okay. All right, see if you can find a... a radio or a phone.

Sam stumbles again, holding his stomach, groaning. Dean quickly finds a landline phone and tries it.

Sam: Anything?

Dean: No, it's dead.

Dean sighs and slams the phone down. Sam gasps and leans heavily against the counter, watching as Dean searches through the cupboards. He finds a couple of lanterns.

Dean: I got matches over here. I'm gonna light those up.

Dean lights the lanterns. Sam continues to breathe heavily; obviously in severe pain.

Dean [looking at Sam]: Okay?

Sam: Yeah.

Dean leaves one lantern with Sam and uses the other to keep searching the cabin. Sam groans again.

Corbin [to Dean]: Hey. Hey, we got to keep moving. [He looks at Sam.] Those of us who... who can.

Dean [stands up, angry]: What did you say?

Corbin: I... look. Hey, Michelle's real sick, but she's got a chance. Him... he's slowing us down. And if they find us...

Dean: We saved you, okay? We saved both of you.

Corbin: It's three lives versus one.

Dean shoves Corbin, pointing his finger at him. Corbin puts up his hands in defence...

Corbin: Whoa... hey!

Sam: Dean, stop! Dean... he's right. You guys need to... to go. Move. Go find help, come back for me.

Dean [angrily]: No, Sam! No! I'm gonna go outside, I'm gonna find some wood, gonna build you a litter, and [to Corbin] we are going to carry him the rest of the way.

Dean glares at Corbin and then they both look at Michelle, who is whimpering in her sleep. Dean looks at Sam, anxiety written across his face.

Dean [desperately]: It's only a couple of miles.

Dean goes outside, slamming the door. Corbin looks at Sam.

INTERIOR: The waitress Rose and the big man from the bar are now in the other cabin. They are the other werewolves that Corbin talked about. They survey the damage.

Rose [looking at the dead werewolves]: I thought we trained you boys up right. I warned you they were coming, all but served them up to you on a platter.

Werewolf: Now what?

Rose: Well... we're burned here. So clean up their mess and we'll get gone.

EXTERIOR: Dean is collecting branches to make a litter for Sam. He works by torchlight, urgently piling up the wood. His jacket gets caught on a tree and he swings wildly at it; hitting the tree with another branch.

Dean: Get off me!

Dean pauses, fear and desperation written across his face, tears welling in his eyes. He takes a deep breath, calming himself.

Dean: Okay. Okay. Okay. [He continues to work.]

INTERIOR: Sam is sitting on the floor, leaning against the counter. He is in so much pain, clutching his stomach and groaning. Perspiration covers his face. He coughs weakly.

Sam [scared]: Guys? Guys? Go find Dean. Get out of here.

Corbin comes behind the counter and looks at Sam.

Sam: Hey, please. Go. You got to go.

Corbin crouches down alongside Sam, glancing towards Michelle as he does so. There is a look of desperation on his face.

Corbin: He won't leave you. And we won't last out there without him.

Sam [uncertainly]: Wait, what?

Corbin lunges for Sam, just as he realises what is about to happen. Corbin places his hand over Sam’s mouth, desperately trying to smother him. Sam struggles wildly, but he is too weak to push Corbin off. Michelle wakes and hears Sam’s muffled cries.

Outside, Dean continues to make the litter, oblivious to what is happening inside. He hears a truck and looks up, seeing the headlights in the distance. He hides the torch from view and waits a moment before heading towards the cabin.

Inside, Corbin is still on top of Sam, holding him down, covering his mouth. Sam continues to fight, squirming and struggling. Suddenly Sam gets a glimpse of Corbin’s arm. His eyes widen in the realisation that Corbin has been bitten by one of the werewolves. Corbin uses his other hand to pinch Sam’s nose and Sam can no longer breathe. His eyes widen in terror; his body thrashes in vain.

Corbin: I'm sorry.

Sam tries weakly to hit Corbin’s arms but it’s hopeless. He falls into unconsciousness. Corbin frantically feels Sam’s neck, trying to find a pulse.

Michelle [walking behind the counter]: Corbin? Is... is he...

Corbin: Dead.

Michelle looks at Corbin, the desperation still etched on his face.

Moments later, the door opens and Dean enters the cabin.

Dean: We got to go. [He sees Sam lying motionless on the floor.] Sam? Sammy?

Dean rushes to Sam’s side, looks at him in confusion, and feels for a pulse.

Dean: What happened?

Corbin: I... I... I don't know. He just went.

Dean: No. Sammy?

Dean gently shakes Sam’s body; grief-stricken, tears welling.

Dean [softly]: Sammy

There is the sound of a vehicle approaching.

Michelle: No, no, no.

Corbin [hugging Michelle]: It's them.

Dean [coldly, pulling a silver knife from its sheath]: Let 'em come.

Michelle: No. What?

Corbin: He wants to stay.

Michelle [desperately]: No, you can't!

Corbin: Hey, hey, you stay, you fight, you die. And so do we. Look...he's gone. I'm sorry, but he's gone. Help us. Please.

Dean, his eyes brimming with tears, looks at Corbin and then at Michelle. They are afraid and desperate, and he knows that he needs to save them. He looks at Sam and leans down so he is close to his brother.

Dean [voice shaking]: I'm gonna come back for you, okay? I promise. [He smiles sadly]. Okay. Okay. [He stands up.] Let's go.

Dean opens the door and Corbin and Michelle go outside. Dean stands in the doorway, looking back at Sam’s body. A single man tear falls as he heads out the door.

As they make their escape through the woods, the truck pulls up to the cabin.

Rose [gasps as she sees that they are getting away]: Damn it!

The truck reverses away from the cabin.


EXTERIOR [a day earlier]: Sam and Dean have parked the impala and are getting prepared to look for the cabins.

Sam: All right, so, I think if we head in that way, should be about a four-mile trek to the cabin. You know, we always talk about taking a break, going camping. This could be like camping. It could be fun.

Dean [grumpy]: Yeah, which part? Hmm? Freezing our nuts off in the middle of the woods on a thin lead?

Sam [laughing]: Yeah, that part. Oh, come on.

Dean [sighing]: Okay.

Sam and Dean head off on the trail, their flashlights beaming into the woods.

EXTERIOR [present day]: It is early morning and Dean, Corbin and Michelle are still walking. Dean is slightly ahead.

Michelle [softly to Corbin]: Hey, what happened back there?

Dean tries to get a signal on his cell phone, but is having no luck.

Michelle: Talk to me.

Corbin: I saved us. Look, you're hurt bad and... and I love you, Michelle. I can't lose you. I did what I had to do.

They reach a road and Dean sees a vehicle driving past.

Dean [yelling]: Oh, whoa, whoa. Hey! Hey! Wait!

The car keeps going, but Dean spots another vehicle.

Dean [yelling]: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Right here, right here! Okay. [He turns to Corbin and Michelle.] Come on, guys. Okay, here we go.

Sheriff Ben Anderson: Geez. Come on. What'd you all get into?

Dean: She needs medical attention right away.

Sheriff: Hey, hold up.

Dean: No, no, just take care of them. I got to get back to my car, back to my brother.

Sheriff: Hey, first, everyone is gonna settle down and tell me what the hell is going on.

Dean: Officer, I don't have the time.

Dean turns to walk away...

Sheriff: Hey, hey, hey! You'll make time.

The Sheriff grabs Dean by the shoulder, but Dean swings and punches him. Dean turns to walk away again, but is tasered by the Sheriff. He falls to the ground, unconscious.

Sometime later, Dean wakes up in hospital. He groans and looks around, trying to get his bearings.

Dr Kessler: Don't try to move if you can help it. You got a couple broken ribs I haven't tended to yet. That... and what is probably... [she flashes a light into his eyes] a nasty concussion.

Dean tries to sit up, groaning again.

Dr Kessler: Hey, do us both a favor. Get some rest.

Dean: Mm.

In another hospital room, Corbin and Michelle talk to the Sheriff.

Corbin: Then his brother... his brother just died. [Michelle looks at him sadly.] And we ran. The bad guys, they're still out there.

Michelle [angry]: Monsters. Werewolves.

The Sheriff looks up from writing his notes.

Corbin: We don't know what their deal was. Only what that guy told us.

Michelle: “That guy” saved us, and so did his brother.

The Sheriff smiles at Corbin, indicating that he wants to talk to him alone.

Sheriff [to Michelle]: Thank you for your time.

Sheriff [to Corbin]: Your wife's been through a lot. I'll give a call to the rangers, have them check out the cabin and the station, and I'll let you know what they find. Okay.

Corbin: Michelle... we made it.

Michelle looks at Corbin with tears in her eyes, and then turns to her side, facing away from Corbin.

Dr Kessler: Okay, your wife is stable now. Time for me to get a look at you.

Corbin: I'm fine.

Dr Kessler: I'll be the judge.

Corbin: No. Really, I'm... I'm good.

Dr Kessler [with authority]: Have a seat on the bed.

Dr Kessler notices that Corbin is holding his arm. She pushes up his sleeve to reveal a wound on his arm.

Dr Kessler: What did this? [She starts to clean the wound.] How do you feel?

Corbin: I feel, uh... good.

The Sheriff is out in the hospital hallway trying to ring the Ranger.

Sheriff: Come on, Charlie, pick up. Come on.

Inside a truck, there’s a cell phone ringing. But the Ranger can’t answer. He is dead; still sitting inside his truck, his face ripped and covered in blood. The truck is at a rangers quarters on the edge of the woods.

Back at the hospital, Dean is about to get out of bed when he sees Michelle standing in the doorway. She has stitches on her face, bandages on her wrists, and other cuts and bruises. She also has an IV drip.

Michelle [smiling]: Hi.

Dean: Hey.

Michelle [motioning to ask if she can come into the room]: Can... can I...

Dean: Sure.

Michelle: I... I just wanted to see how you were doing. And to tell you th... [Her voice shakes with emotion and she pauses.] I'm sorry. You saved our lives and... [another pause] well, my mom used to say, um... I didn't believe her then, but I... I think I do now. She used to say... death... it's not the end.

Dean looks at Michelle and nods; then has a moment of realisation...

Dean and Michelle rush into the hospital dispensary.

Michelle: Dean?

Dean [looking at the labels on pill bottles]: I, uh...

Michelle: What are you doing?

Dean: I need to... I need to talk to a... well, I wouldn't call it a friend, more like a... scary, crazy death machine. Werewolves aren't the only monsters out there.

Dean uses an oxygen cylinder to break open a lock on one of the cabinets.

Michelle: How exactly do you talk to an evil, scary death machine?

Dean: Easy. I die.

Michelle: What?

Dean: Look, if you don't... If you want to leave, I get it. But if you want to help me... I'm looking for pretty much anything with “barbital” in the name.

Michelle: Yeah. This will work?

Dean: It has to.


INTERIOR [cabin]: The camera pans slowly up Sam’s motionless body. There is blood all over him. Suddenly, Sam opens his eyes and gasps loudly, sucking oxygen into his lungs. He coughs and groans, and looks around the room.

INTERIOR [hospital]: Dean spills two types of pills onto the table. He shovels a pile of them into his hand and turns to look at Michelle.

Dean: Okay. After I do this, go get the doc and tell her to, um... Tell her to bring me back, if she can. If not... no hard feelings, okay?

Michelle [grabbing Dean’s hand]: You don't have to do this.

Dean: Yeah, I do.

Dean throws back the pills and a drink to swallow them.

INTERIOR [cabin]: Sam groans as he touches the wound in his stomach and sees how much blood he has lost. His head falls back to the ground, gasping with pain. He pants, steeling himself to sit up. It’s a monumental effort to reach the counter and pull himself up to his feet. He leans against the counter and looks around the room.

Sam: Dean?

The pain hits Sam again, forcing him to double over. He screams out and falls to his knees, gasping. Then he hears a vehicle approaching, and is alert. He crawls painstakingly to the window and sees a truck approaching.

EXTERIOR: The truck pulls up outside the cabin. Rose and the other werewolf get out and approach the cabin.

Rose: Go around that side.

INTERIOR [hospital]: Dean is waiting for the pills to take effect.

Michelle: How do you feel?

Dean is starting to look ill, but is still standing.

Michelle: Dean?

INTERIOR [cabin]: Sam is stumbling down stairs into the basement.

INTERIOR [hospital]: Dean collapses.

INTERIOR [cabin]: Sam falls heavily down the stairs, crying out in pain.

INTERIOR [hospital]: Dean is on the floor and Michelle bends down to check on him.

Michelle: Dean! Oh! Dean?

Michelle rushes out to get help, while Dean lies motionless on the floor.

INTERIOR: [cabin]: Sam gingerly checks him stomach; his hands are covered in blood as it gushes out of the wound. He groans loudly, the pain very severe. He tries to get up, but is too stunned and out of breath, so falls back, lying on the ground.

INTERIOR: [hospital]: Dean is still motionless on the ground. Michelle and Dr Kessler rush into the room.

Michelle: It's in here.

Dr Kessler [feeling for Dean’s pulse]: What did he take?

Michelle points to the empty pill bottles.

Dr Kessler: Damn it. Uh, grab me naloxone. It's the little bottle, middle shelf, and a bag of saline. We need to run a line. Damn it.

As they grab the items they need, Dean begins to shake violently. He is frothing at the mouth.

Dr Kessler [yelling]: Hold him down. Hold him!

Michelle [yelling, scared]: I'm trying!

In a hospital bathroom, Corbin stands in front of a mirror and stares sullenly at himself. His eyes turn yellow. He takes the bandage off his arm to see that the wound has healed. He takes the bandage off his chest and watches as his wounds heal in front of him. He holds his hand up, as his fingernails grow into claws. He looks afraid; his whole body shaking with adrenalin.

INTERIOR [cabin]: The werewolf kicks the door down, walking slowly into the cabin. He looks cautiously around the room. In the basement, Sam stumbles and almost falls, and then he hears the floorboards creaking above. He looks up as dust falls from the ceiling onto his face. The werewolf sniffs the air, and looks towards the basement door. He walks in that direction, and Sam, hearing the footsteps, looks frantically around for somewhere to hide. The werewolf pushes open the door, the hinges squeaking.


INTERIOR [hospital]: Dean thrashes violently on the floor, making gurgling noises as the froth continues to leak from his mouth. Dr Kessler and Michelle are struggling to hold him still.

Michelle [sees the Sheriff]: Help!

Sheriff: Holy hell.

Dr Kessler: Help us!

Dean [his spirit self removed from his body]: Put me on my back. It's easier to find a vein.

Dr Kessler: No. Roll him over.

Michelle: I got him.

Dean is choking. Michelle and the Sheriff try to hold him down. Dr Kessler is about to inject him with the naloxone when the entire scene freezes. Billie, the reaper walks into the room.

Dean’s spirit: Well, it took you long enough.

Billie: Dean Winchester.

Dean’s spirit: What's with the freeze-frame?

Billie: Just savoring this. Though I have to say of all the ways I thought you'd go... heart attack, some fang, choking on a burger while binge-watching “Charles in Charge”...

Dean’s spirit: Well, that was peak Baio.

Billie: Point is, never took you for the suicide type. Doesn't fit your whole martyr thing. So... 'sup?

Dean’s spirit: We need to talk about Sam.

Billie: What about Sam?

Dean’s spirit: I need him back.

Billie: Back?

Dean’s spirit: Stop playing. Look, you've got him, I need him. Let's make a deal.

Billie: Pass [she turns to leave].

Dean’s spirit: Really? Just like that?

Billie: Just like that.

Dean’s spirit: You know, the Darkness is out there... and the world is gonna burn. And once she gets started, that's the end of everything, including you. Now, Sam's the only one who can stop it.

Billie: Hmm. How's that?

Dean is lost for words.

Billie: That's what I thought. It's cute, though. You pretending you're trying to save Sam for the greater good, when we both know you're doing it for you. You can't lose him. But even if Sammy could win the title bout... the answer would still be “no.” The answer will always be “no.” Game's over, Dean. No more second chances. No more extra lives. Time to say bye-bye to Luigi, Mario.

Dean’s spirit [sadness and desperation in his eyes]: I'm asking you... I'm begging you, please. Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead.

Billie: I'm not here to bargain with you, kid. I'm here to reap you. And the kicker is... Sam's not dead. [Dean looks stunned] But you are. Or will be, soon enough.

Billie snaps her fingers, unfreezing the moment. Spirit Dean turns to watch, as Dr Kessler tries to save him.

Dr Kessler: Pulse is fading. Throw me that cardio tray.

Dean’s spirit [turning back to Billie, confused]: But how?

Billie: Trust me. If the big “W” bit it, I'd get a call. [The realisation that Sam is alive crosses Dean’s face, and he looks at Billie’s outstretched hand.] Come along now, Dean. It's time. The empty... it's waiting.

Dr Kessler stabs Dean in the chest with the injection. Spirit Dean turns to look, but then he is back in his body, gasping and coughing as he regains consciousness.

Dr Kessler: Turn him on his side.

Sheriff: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay.

Dean vomits, continuing to cough and splutter. Billie disappears into a white light.

INTERIOR [cabin]: The werewolf makes his way slowly down the stairs into the basement, the thud of each footstep loud. He sees the pool of Sam’s blood at the foot of the stairs and stops to smell it. He walks slowly through the basement, looking carefully for any sign of Sam.

[Upstairs] Rose has also entered the cabin. She sees the broken door and looks around.

[Downstairs] the werewolf continues his search. He comes to a tool shelf, where he thinks Sam might be hiding, and tears it down to reveal an empty space behind it.

[Upstairs] Rose hears the crash of the shelf.

[Downstairs] Too late, the werewolf turns around and Sam is right on top of him, thrusting the knife into his heart. The werewolf cries out and Sam uses all his strength to pull the knife out. He is breathing heavily with the exertion.

[Upstairs] Rose hears the fight, and heads to the basement door. She is smiling. She disappears down the stairs and we hear another scuffle; the sound of a knife entering flesh, a body falling to the ground. Moments later, we hear footsteps and see a bloody hand grab the doorway frame. It’s Sam Friggin Winchester, pulling himself up the stairs, holding the keys to Rose’s truck. He’s breathing heavily, surveying the room, intense determination and adrenalin driving him on.

INTERIOR [hospital]: Dr Kessler and Michelle help Dean to his feet, while the Sheriff looks on.

Dean [to Michelle]: He's alive.

Michelle: He? Sam? Oh, thank God.

Dean: Yeah, not so much. I need a... I need a car.

Sheriff: No. No, not a chance.

Dean: Look, pal, I'm not asking.

Sheriff [grabbing Dean to handcuff his hands behind his back]: Hey, look, psycho, I got you for stealing and consuming a felony's worth of Schedule IV drugs, plus assaulting a police officer. You ain't going nowhere. [To Dr Kessler]: Sedate him.

Dr Kessler: No.

Sheriff: Can we have a word outside, please?

Dean sighs and looks at Michelle. She gives him a knowing look, acknowledging that she will help him, before looking for some way to un-cuff him.

Dr Kessler and the Sheriff are in the hospital corridor.

Dr Kessler: More drugs is the last thing he needs. He could die... again.

Sheriff: Fine, just keep your eye on him. I'm gonna call over to White Bird, get some backup in here.

EXTERIOR [in the woods]: Sam drives the truck to the edge of the forest. He shuts the engine off, opens the door, and gets out of the truck, falling to his knees in the progress. He grabs hold of his wound and groans, before slamming the door to the truck and stumbling towards the Impala, which is parked where they left it. His hand runs across the top of the impala, and he falls heavily against the door, leaning into Baby, his home. His relief is palpable, with even a hint of a smile. He searches for his cell phone and checks the signal, laughing when he sees he has one. He dials.

EXTERIOR [outside the hospital]: Dean pulls out his phone and is looking at it when it rings. His eyes light up when he’s sees who is calling.

Dean: Sammy?

Sam: Dean, yeah.

Dean [relief palpable]: Oh, God. I... what happened?

Sam: Where are you?

Dean: I'm, uh, at the Urgent Care on 54.

Dean hears static on his phone. Sam’s voice is drowned out.

Dean: Sammy?

Sam: Is Corbin with you?

Dean: Sam?!

Sam: Dean!

The cell phone cuts out and we hear beeping. Sam looks at his phone, cursing with frustration. Dean hangs up. Sam opens the door to the Impala and cries out in pain as he tries to manoeuvre his large frame into the small interior. He grunts and groans with the exertion, swinging one foot in at a time. Sam starts the engine, the Impala roaring to life. He reaches clumsily for the door, pulling it shut in a very awkward fashion, before driving off, in a desperate hurry to get to Dean.

INTERIOR [hospital]: Dr Kessler is walking down the corridor and she hears a man yelling and groaning. She knocks on the door.

Dr Kessler: Hello? You okay?

Inside the room, Corbin approaches the door and opens it slowly. His hand creeps up the door, claws exposed. Dr Kessler gasps and backs away. She sees Corbin’s fangs and the killer look in his eyes, and she is terrified.

Corbin: I really am.

We hear Dr Kessler scream, as Michelle appears tentatively from another corridor. She spots Dr Kessler lying on the ground and runs to her.

Michelle: Are you okay?

Sheriff [running towards her]: What was that? What happened?

Michelle: I don't know.

There is the sound of a punch and flesh squelching. The Sheriff groans and his eyes bulge with pure shock. Michelle screams as she sees a bloody hand protruding from the Sheriff’s torso. The hand is pulled free, the Sheriff falls to the ground, and there is Corbin, fully transformed as a werewolf.

Michelle: Corbin?

Corbin: Hey, baby. Please, don't be scared of me. I didn't want this. Okay, any of this, but... it's happened and it feels so... you'll see. [Michelle whimpers.] We'll be together.

Michelle: No. Please.

Corbin: Forever.

Michelle: No!

Dean tackles Corbin from behind and Michelle screams.

Dean [to Michelle]: Run!

Dean turns Corbin over, but Corbin, now with extra strength, tosses him aside. He gets on top of Dean and grabs him in a neck-hold, trying to strangle him. Animalistic noises are coming from Corbin’s mouth as Dean struggles to breathe. Suddenly, a shot is fired. Corbin cries out and falls on top of Dean.

Michelle [screaming]: No! No!

Sam stands in the corridor, gun raised, left arm protecting the wound on his stomach. Dean, now out of the strangle-hold, pushes Corbin to one side and looks at SAM FRIGGIN WINCHESTER.

Dean: It took you long enough.

Sam grunts, his face screwed up in pain, as he slumps rather ungracefully onto his ass. Dean sighs with relief that the ordeal is over.

Michelle is sitting on a chair in the corridor. Dean walks up to her and sits beside her.

Dean: Hey.

Michelle: Hey.

Dean: How you doing?

Michelle doesn’t answer, struggling to hold back tears.

Michelle: How's your brother?

Dean: The doc says that, um... well, when Corbin choked him, um, Sam's body went into shock and his breathing, his heartbeat slowed down to almost nothing. So he was, uh... he was just mostly dead. But he'll be okay.

Michelle: Must be nice. That wasn't... Corbin wasn't a killer.

Dean: I know.

Michelle: He did it for me.

Dean: Michelle, this is gonna be very hard. But you will be okay. And, eventually... eventually you'll get back to normal.

Michelle [sighing]: No, I won't.

Michelle smiles gently at Dean, and then turns away, as tears spill.

Michelle: They said I could leave... [she sighs] an hour ago. But... where am I even supposed to go? After everything we survived together... [turning back to Dean] I watched the man I love die. There's no normal after that.

EXTERIOR: Sam and Dean leave the hospital.

Dean: So, that's it, huh? Two quarts O-neg, and you're good to go.

Sam [sighing as he walks gingerly down the steps]: How is she? Ooh.

Dean: She's strong. She'll be all right. Those stitches gonna hold?

Sam: Oh, yeah... uh, professional grade. Couple days of antibiotics and some bed rest, and I'm, uh, back to normal.

Sam groans and sighs as they get into the Impala.

Sam: Hey, so, what did you do? When you thought I was dead? What did you do?

Dean: Thought about redecorating your room [Sam chuckles], you know, putting in a Jacuzzi, a nice disco ball... really class up the joint.

Sam: Right, seriously.

Dean: What, I, uh... I knew you weren't dead.

Sam: Right.

Dean: I knew.

Dean starts the engine and the boys drive off in the Impala.



Source : SuperWiki

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schumi  (14.08.2017 à 10:12)

Bon alors si je devais mettre une note sur 10  à cet épisode, je crois que je mettrais 12! Peut-être même 13! J'ai tout simplement tout adoré, du début à la fin! Je me suis laissée embarquer dans l'histoire, j'ai été super tendue, super inquiète, la larme était prête à sortir... bref parfait!

C'est drôl en fait cet épisode m'a rappelé certaines des meilleures fanfictions que j'ai lues... ils s'en sont peut-être inspiré!


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode


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